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The Development Of Self-Discipline In Children
The Young Child is constantly withheld from many of their desires by physical limitations. We use
baby gates, fences, locks on doorways and cabinets (restricted areas ), cribs, playpens, leashes, and
brief commands ("NO!" "yes !"). We carefully watch the young child; monitoring what he or she sees,
where he will go, and with whom he affiliates. These barriers are primarily for the purpose of
protecting the child through himself - from their own desire to seek his own may prior to an age when
he has knowledge, self-discipline, anxiety when the Lord, or help from the actual Holy Spirit to avoid
that which is harmful to him.
The School-Age Child is still in bondage under the aspects of the world. Gal. 4:three Foolishness is
bound down the middle of a child. Prov. 22 :15a Having foolishness in his heart, he is likely to behave
the part of a fool - a fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. Prov.
18:2 he or she constantly desires to venture into the actual "department store" of the flesh. There is
nothing more dangerous than permitting a child to "discover himself " at this age. The heart is
deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who are able to know it? Jer. Seventeen :9 Being
at the beginning of their "formal training" in self-discipline, he is relatively helpless at controlling his
own desires; and the fleshly nature is thought to be a fascinating friend rather than observed to
contain no good thing. Rom. 7:18 As a parent, you must safeguard him from his own most detrimental
enemy - his skin, and two other predatory enemies -- the world and the demon. Childhood is the time
to train your child in preparation for a life of self-denial (Mt. 16:24). As a parent, you must become an
outer boundary that restricts the fleshly nature of the child until the time that he has established inner
boundaries and has inner help from the Lord. The outside obstacles must remain well beyond the
crib-stage; the barriers now becoming more directed at the speech and actions (that arise from the
thoughts). Growing up gets older, curiosity about the external world and his body's wishes increases,
and the pull from the inner fleshly nature becomes more demanding.
There is every indication in the Bible that God expects total mental (2 Cor. 10:five ) and physical (1
Cor. 9:27a) self-discipline; the kind of discipline that leads one to existing his body as a residing
sacrifice (Rom. 12:one ) and to take a determined are a symbol of Jesus Christ (as do Daniel,
Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Moses, Paul, Christian martyrs (Heb. 11:32-38), etc.).
The traditional school setting has some advantages, although in many Christian schools the
disadvantages (peer influence, poor discipline, poor spiritual environment, and so on.) outweigh the
advantages. The advantages are those that greatly help to build mental and physical self-discipline,
and should be seriously considered by homeschool parents. Self-discipline in a school is learned
1. The necessity of planning ahead to deliver books, homework, long-term assignments, etc. To
school complete and on time.
2. The delay of the physical gratification/needs associated with walking about, bathroom break, water,
3. The actual delay of the physical satisfaction of eating (only at lunch).
4. The denial of the desire to speak in order to concentrate on work.
5. The denial of the desire to speak so as to help others function.
6. The delay of the desire to speak to cooperate during group work.
7. Assignments totally dictated by the teacher.
8. The denial of comfort to one's body (sitting upright on hard chairs).
9. A clean work environment (versus. Clutter, toys available, and so on.).
10. A day scheduled into definite, fixed time slots with limited time in between classes.
The Teenage Years Rules - the outward barriers to speech and behavior, should, by the adolescent
years, have become a schoolmaster to bring [your child] on to Christ (Gal. 3:twenty-four ); not only in
the sense of Salvation secured, but visiting Jesus Christ for assist with self-discipline. Correction from
his parents has, by this time, trained him that he is a sinner in need of Jesus Christ to save him from
eternal death in Hell. Prov. Twenty three :13,14 Later within the teenage years, he has recognized
that outward control (still some barriers and self-discipline, but much more guidance) combined with
his own emerging self-discipline nevertheless fails to keep his flesh under control. He must eventually
recognize that by himself he can't "hang on" and do right - especially in regard in order to emotions
and sexual desires. He is coming to the understanding of for I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,)
dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but wait, how to perform that which is good we
find not. Romans seven :18
Trust in his parents to assist "keep" him controlled within speech, thoughts, and measures must now
be directed toward one who is able to help from within his heart. If, having achieved this during the
teenage years, he can now say i will do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil. 4:13
For thou hast been a shelter personally, and a strong tower from the enemy. Psalms 61:three The
LORD is my strength and my protect ; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped : therefore my heart
greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Psalms 28:7 As he as soon as trusted in his
parents, a teenager should now place their trust in the Lord. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not
dismayed; for I am thy lord : I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea,I will uphold thee using
the right hand of my personal righteousness. Isaiah 41:10
Training in Self-Discipline
Your child "trusts in [his parents] with all of [his] heart; and [must not] lean not unto [his] own
understanding." Prov. 3:5 As a mother or father, you are his guide, his protector (from the world, their
flesh, and the devil), and his external barrier to that that he desires to do that might develop poor
habits as well as, consequently, poor character. Unlearned and not foreseeing the future, a child
generally lives for today as a slave to their flesh. Parents must continuously be alert for possibilities to
direct the mind toward a structured, Biblically-based, inner control of ideas, speech, and actions.
Outward Discipline to Establish Inner Thoughts
1. Protect your child from an understanding of sin. I maybe have you wise unto that which is nice,
and simple concerning evil. Romans 16:19
2. Protect your son or daughter from excessive thoughts about or interest in the things of this
globe. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have
had opportunity to have returned. Hebrews 11:15 Keep thy heart with all diligence ; for out of it are
the issues of life. Prov. Four :23 "Keeping" a kid's heart is the parents' obligation !
3. Reconstruct verbalized ideas when they reflect desires of the flesh. For because he thinketh in
his heart, so is he. Prov. 23 :7
4. Indoctrinate in the Scriptural basis and practical application of self-discipline. Deut. 6:6,7 Is.
5. Point out good examples leading to success and failure - from the bible and from life. Now all
these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, on whom
the ends around the globe are come. 1 Cor. 10:11 1 kings 1:5,6 judges 14:3
Mental Self-Discipline
1. Expect mental effort - considering, reasoning; and memorization of verses, facts from subjects,
poems, songs, etc. Your child's education should always have a measure of difficulty. Fun in training
has its place, but persistent work should be the main activity. Thou therefore endure solidity, as a
good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3 Good training, by necessity, will involve turmoil with the
fleshly nature of your child.
2. Train your son or daughter to be subservient to another's will, while at the same time
instruction him to be cautious about choosing people to follow (strangers, etc.). Obey them that have
the rule over you, and submit yourselves. Heb. 13:17a Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary
the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8
3. Train your child to have a pleasant attitude in all things. Work as faithfully on attitude as you
do on the training of physical discipline. Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and
princes, because an excellent spirit was in him. Dan 6:3a And Jesus increased in wisdom and
stature, and in favour with God and man. (He was 12 at the time.) Luke 2:52
Physical Self-Discipline
1. Erect firm, consistent barriers to unwanted actions. NEed desired actions when told the first
time! It is poor instruction to allow your child the "pleasurable sin" of delayed behavior training (calling
several times, counting to ten, etc.). Ep. 6:2
2. Impose discipline for repeated infractions and encouragement for success (without inflating self-
esteem). Ec. 8:11
3. Indoctrinate in the Biblical basis for physical self-discipline and teach the practical application of
physical self-discipline. 1 Cor.9:27
The Urgent Task
The time is short, and the days are evil! Ep. Five :16 You have a brief opportunity (which is sharply
reduced in the arrival of the teenage many years ) to instill the psychological "operating system" that
will guide your child for a lifetime. There is no time to "appreciate " the antics of a child with little self-
discipline. If you laugh and think that junior's undisciplined habits are "cute," you and he will pay a
dear price - a kid left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. Prov. 29:15 a child is not an adult, nor
can he be expected to have the self-discipline of an adult, but childhood is the time to train the future
adult. View all training as preparation for future support for the Lord. Train a young child to become a
useful servant from the Lord- strong in faith and in character! This is the parents' responsibility, and is
not to be delegated to the church or a christian school. Homeschool parents possess a great
advantage in character building, but many, due to weariness or perceived inability, are ignoring
character building while focusing on child-centered academics.
It is going to be difficult to place a hurdle around your child's fleshly character. Each child will be
different; some will put up more of a "fight " in defense of fleshly desires. Those who do are, perhaps,
being prepared for a more difficult life of service for that Lord. Do not fail these types of children in
their preparation by utilizing excuses (hyperactivity, physical handicap, middle child, etc.).
A constant example must be set by the "trainers." While you might need to let down your guard as
well as indulge in poor character, remember that you must be able to say be ye followers of me, even
as I also am of Christ. 1 Cor. Eleven :1
Training children in self-discipline takes much repetition of teaching and consistency in correction and
discipline. Train up a child in the way he should go : and when he is old, he'll not depart from it. Prov.
22:6 the actual rewards of careful attendance to character building are wonderful ! The "yield" is the
peaceable fruit of righteousness! Heb. 12:11 it is possible to produce a delightful teenager!
General Goals
1. To build an inner restraint against the wishes of the flesh - by providing consistent outer
restraints as well as expecting habitual conformity. But I keep under my body, and bring it into
subjection. 1 Cor. 9:27a
2. To instill a fear of the actual Lord (which greatly stands for inner restraint); and to teach to obey
as viewing him who is invisible. Heb. 11:27b Come, ye children, hearken unto me : I will teach you the
fear of the LORD. Ps. 34:eleven The fear of the LORD may be the beginning of knowledge: but fools
despise wisdom and instruction. Prov. 1:7
3. To encourage a total trust in the Lord for power and direction (recognizing that help with restraint
is necessary). Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not really unto thine own understanding
. Prov. 3:5 to LORD, I know that the way of man is not in themself : it is not in man that walketh to
direct his steps. Jer. 10:23
Specific Goals
Self-Discipline is needed:
1. To become accountable for the use of time. One Peter 4:2
2. To understand to wait to speak. James 1 :19
3. To speak when shyness or fear inhibits. 1 Thes. 2:4
4. To learn to weigh thoughts very carefully before speaking. Ps. Thirty four :13 Prov. 13:3 ; 21:23
5. To be able to carry out unpleasant tasks without stress. 2 Tim. 2:3
6. To be able to use the mind to memorize required material. Prov. 10:14 Ps. 119:11
7. To be able to endure difficult trials. James 1:two,3
8. To learn to perform unpleasant habits.
9. To have bodily self-restraint. 1 Cor. NIne :27
10. To keep thyself real. 1 Tim. 2:twenty two Phil 4:8
11. To keep rule over his own spirit (emotions). Prov. 25:28
12. To complete a project from inception to completion. Ec. 10:18
13. To deny the lust of the flesh (unavailable/wrong material or bodily desires). Luke 9:23
14. To delay legitimate self-gratification; to be content with withheld desires. Phil. 4:11,12
15 to work with no expectation of instant reward. Gal. 6:9
16. To joyfully submit to another rather than to seek one's own will. Ps. 40:8
17. To eat what is set prior to him with contentment. Phil. 4:11
18. To rely upon the LORD with all thine coronary heart ; and lean not on to thine own understanding.
Prov. 3:5
19. To refuse feelings and choose to do what is right. 1 Kings 18 :21
20. To give up a liberty so as not to offend another person. 1 Cor.8:13
21. To build up mental discipline (Disciplined thoughts Disciplined body). Two Cor. 10:5
22. To continue in work despite personal physical rebellion. Lam. 3 :27
23. To be a servant instead of a master. Mt. 23:11
24. To be accountable for one's personal name and family name (testimony). Prov. 22:1
26. To receive correction and discipline with a good attitude. Prov. 3 :11; 15:10
27. To cooperate with the needs of others - to acknowledge his needs for the benefit of a group. Ps.
28. To maintain a Godly value system that directs every day decisions. Gen. 24:thirty-three Col. 3:2
29. In order to submit to an unpleasant master. 1 Peter 2:18
30. To build up a mental alertness. One Peter 5:8
31. In order to refuse negative peer pressure. Former mate. 23:2
Daily Plan
Consistent Example Be ye followers of me, even as I also 'm of Christ. 1 Cor. 11:1
Consistent Teaching The proverbs of Solomon the actual son of David, full of Israel; To know
wisdom and instruction; to see the words of understanding; to get the instruction of knowledge,
justice, and judgment, as well as equity; To give subtilty towards the simple, to the young man
knowledge and discretion. Prov. 1 :1-4
Consistent Training and Maintenance Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he's old,
he will not go away from it. Prov. Twenty two :6 Because sentence towards an evil work is not
executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is actually fully set in them to do evil. Ec.
8:11 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Prov.
23:13 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of those things, though ye
know them, and be established in our truth. Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to
stir you upward by putting you in remembrance. 2 Peter one :12,13
Implementing Goals
For each goal that you desire to be satisfied in your child, make a specific, long-range plan to see
your objective accomplished. Follow the design of:
SAMPLE: Goal #1: self-discipline is needed to be accountable for using time.
Example: Be conscious of time in your own life. Show a concern for your own use of time. Be on time
to church, appointments, class, etc. Do not waste time! Ep. 5:16
Teaching: Expect household jobs to be done without stopping to play or to talk to others. Anticipate
schoolwork to be done with out wasting time (playing with pencils, walking around, talking,
daydreaming, etc.) As your children get older (of sufficient age to easily tell the time as well as own a
watch), expect these phones be ready for church on time (without having to be told), get up on time
(with the use of an alarm clock), plan ahead to be prepared for a specific bedtime, set the actual table
prior to an appointed time, be in from outside play at a certain time, etc. Teach your child the value of
time - how to use it sensibly, how to plan ahead, and how to work to meet deadlines and schedules
(long and short-range). Get him to memorize verses having to do with time, laziness, slothfulness,
sluggishness, disloyality, etc. (Prov. 24:38-30-34; 18:9; 26:fourteen )
Training: Discipline in some manner when a responsibility to a particular time is avoided, ignored, or
forgotten. Let your child know that excuses such as "we forgot" will not be accepted! discipline for
wasted time when he is expected to be working (take time off from free/recess time, and so on.)
Maintaining Boundaries
1. Physical self-discipline, when necessary. He which spareth his rod hateth his son: but he or she
that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Prov. 13 :24 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but
the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Prov. 22:15
2. Withdrawing a normal privilege-a withdrawn benefit due to a failure in the obligation to do that
which was taught. Whenever self-discipline fails, the old character will be reinforced/encouraged-
because the pleasures of sin were allowed without any unpleasant consequences. If unpleasant
consequences are not arranged by parents now, the unpleasant consequences will come when the
child becomes an adult. (Ec. 8:11)
3. Natural consequences - those regrettable things that happen as a result of disobedience
(perhaps disobedience that is not immediately discovered by a parent). Attributed to God, we would
also make reference to this as "learning hard way-by experience." Being assured of this very thing,
that he that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:6 for it
is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Phil. Two :13

Jeremiah 29

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The Development Of Self-Discipline In Children (134)

  • 1. The Development Of Self-Discipline In Children The Young Child is constantly withheld from many of their desires by physical limitations. We use baby gates, fences, locks on doorways and cabinets (restricted areas ), cribs, playpens, leashes, and brief commands ("NO!" "yes !"). We carefully watch the young child; monitoring what he or she sees, where he will go, and with whom he affiliates. These barriers are primarily for the purpose of protecting the child through himself - from their own desire to seek his own may prior to an age when he has knowledge, self-discipline, anxiety when the Lord, or help from the actual Holy Spirit to avoid that which is harmful to him. The School-Age Child is still in bondage under the aspects of the world. Gal. 4:three Foolishness is bound down the middle of a child. Prov. 22 :15a Having foolishness in his heart, he is likely to behave the part of a fool - a fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself. Prov. 18:2 he or she constantly desires to venture into the actual "department store" of the flesh. There is nothing more dangerous than permitting a child to "discover himself " at this age. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who are able to know it? Jer. Seventeen :9 Being at the beginning of their "formal training" in self-discipline, he is relatively helpless at controlling his own desires; and the fleshly nature is thought to be a fascinating friend rather than observed to contain no good thing. Rom. 7:18 As a parent, you must safeguard him from his own most detrimental enemy - his skin, and two other predatory enemies -- the world and the demon. Childhood is the time to train your child in preparation for a life of self-denial (Mt. 16:24). As a parent, you must become an outer boundary that restricts the fleshly nature of the child until the time that he has established inner boundaries and has inner help from the Lord. The outside obstacles must remain well beyond the crib-stage; the barriers now becoming more directed at the speech and actions (that arise from the thoughts). Growing up gets older, curiosity about the external world and his body's wishes increases, and the pull from the inner fleshly nature becomes more demanding. There is every indication in the Bible that God expects total mental (2 Cor. 10:five ) and physical (1 Cor. 9:27a) self-discipline; the kind of discipline that leads one to existing his body as a residing sacrifice (Rom. 12:one ) and to take a determined are a symbol of Jesus Christ (as do Daniel, Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Moses, Paul, Christian martyrs (Heb. 11:32-38), etc.). The traditional school setting has some advantages, although in many Christian schools the disadvantages (peer influence, poor discipline, poor spiritual environment, and so on.) outweigh the advantages. The advantages are those that greatly help to build mental and physical self-discipline, and should be seriously considered by homeschool parents. Self-discipline in a school is learned through: 1. The necessity of planning ahead to deliver books, homework, long-term assignments, etc. To school complete and on time. 2. The delay of the physical gratification/needs associated with walking about, bathroom break, water, etc. 3. The actual delay of the physical satisfaction of eating (only at lunch).
  • 2. 4. The denial of the desire to speak in order to concentrate on work. 5. The denial of the desire to speak so as to help others function. 6. The delay of the desire to speak to cooperate during group work. 7. Assignments totally dictated by the teacher. 8. The denial of comfort to one's body (sitting upright on hard chairs). 9. A clean work environment (versus. Clutter, toys available, and so on.). 10. A day scheduled into definite, fixed time slots with limited time in between classes. The Teenage Years Rules - the outward barriers to speech and behavior, should, by the adolescent years, have become a schoolmaster to bring [your child] on to Christ (Gal. 3:twenty-four ); not only in the sense of Salvation secured, but visiting Jesus Christ for assist with self-discipline. Correction from his parents has, by this time, trained him that he is a sinner in need of Jesus Christ to save him from eternal death in Hell. Prov. Twenty three :13,14 Later within the teenage years, he has recognized that outward control (still some barriers and self-discipline, but much more guidance) combined with his own emerging self-discipline nevertheless fails to keep his flesh under control. He must eventually recognize that by himself he can't "hang on" and do right - especially in regard in order to emotions and sexual desires. He is coming to the understanding of for I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but wait, how to perform that which is good we find not. Romans seven :18 Trust in his parents to assist "keep" him controlled within speech, thoughts, and measures must now be directed toward one who is able to help from within his heart. If, having achieved this during the teenage years, he can now say i will do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil. 4:13 For thou hast been a shelter personally, and a strong tower from the enemy. Psalms 61:three The LORD is my strength and my protect ; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped : therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him. Psalms 28:7 As he as soon as trusted in his parents, a teenager should now place their trust in the Lord. Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy lord : I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea,I will uphold thee using the right hand of my personal righteousness. Isaiah 41:10 Training in Self-Discipline Your child "trusts in [his parents] with all of [his] heart; and [must not] lean not unto [his] own understanding." Prov. 3:5 As a mother or father, you are his guide, his protector (from the world, their flesh, and the devil), and his external barrier to that that he desires to do that might develop poor habits as well as, consequently, poor character. Unlearned and not foreseeing the future, a child generally lives for today as a slave to their flesh. Parents must continuously be alert for possibilities to direct the mind toward a structured, Biblically-based, inner control of ideas, speech, and actions. Outward Discipline to Establish Inner Thoughts 1. Protect your child from an understanding of sin. I maybe have you wise unto that which is nice, and simple concerning evil. Romans 16:19 2. Protect your son or daughter from excessive thoughts about or interest in the things of this globe. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have
  • 3. had opportunity to have returned. Hebrews 11:15 Keep thy heart with all diligence ; for out of it are the issues of life. Prov. Four :23 "Keeping" a kid's heart is the parents' obligation ! 3. Reconstruct verbalized ideas when they reflect desires of the flesh. For because he thinketh in his heart, so is he. Prov. 23 :7 4. Indoctrinate in the Scriptural basis and practical application of self-discipline. Deut. 6:6,7 Is. 30:twenty,21 5. Point out good examples leading to success and failure - from the bible and from life. Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, on whom the ends around the globe are come. 1 Cor. 10:11 1 kings 1:5,6 judges 14:3 Mental Self-Discipline 1. Expect mental effort - considering, reasoning; and memorization of verses, facts from subjects, poems, songs, etc. Your child's education should always have a measure of difficulty. Fun in training has its place, but persistent work should be the main activity. Thou therefore endure solidity, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2:3 Good training, by necessity, will involve turmoil with the fleshly nature of your child. 2. Train your son or daughter to be subservient to another's will, while at the same time instruction him to be cautious about choosing people to follow (strangers, etc.). Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves. Heb. 13:17a Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8 3. Train your child to have a pleasant attitude in all things. Work as faithfully on attitude as you do on the training of physical discipline. Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him. Dan 6:3a And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. (He was 12 at the time.) Luke 2:52 Physical Self-Discipline 1. Erect firm, consistent barriers to unwanted actions. NEed desired actions when told the first time! It is poor instruction to allow your child the "pleasurable sin" of delayed behavior training (calling several times, counting to ten, etc.). Ep. 6:2 2. Impose discipline for repeated infractions and encouragement for success (without inflating self- esteem). Ec. 8:11 3. Indoctrinate in the Biblical basis for physical self-discipline and teach the practical application of physical self-discipline. 1 Cor.9:27 The Urgent Task The time is short, and the days are evil! Ep. Five :16 You have a brief opportunity (which is sharply reduced in the arrival of the teenage many years ) to instill the psychological "operating system" that will guide your child for a lifetime. There is no time to "appreciate " the antics of a child with little self- discipline. If you laugh and think that junior's undisciplined habits are "cute," you and he will pay a dear price - a kid left to himself bringeth his mother to shame. Prov. 29:15 a child is not an adult, nor can he be expected to have the self-discipline of an adult, but childhood is the time to train the future adult. View all training as preparation for future support for the Lord. Train a young child to become a
  • 4. useful servant from the Lord- strong in faith and in character! This is the parents' responsibility, and is not to be delegated to the church or a christian school. Homeschool parents possess a great advantage in character building, but many, due to weariness or perceived inability, are ignoring character building while focusing on child-centered academics. It is going to be difficult to place a hurdle around your child's fleshly character. Each child will be different; some will put up more of a "fight " in defense of fleshly desires. Those who do are, perhaps, being prepared for a more difficult life of service for that Lord. Do not fail these types of children in their preparation by utilizing excuses (hyperactivity, physical handicap, middle child, etc.). A constant example must be set by the "trainers." While you might need to let down your guard as well as indulge in poor character, remember that you must be able to say be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. 1 Cor. Eleven :1 Training children in self-discipline takes much repetition of teaching and consistency in correction and discipline. Train up a child in the way he should go : and when he is old, he'll not depart from it. Prov. 22:6 the actual rewards of careful attendance to character building are wonderful ! The "yield" is the peaceable fruit of righteousness! Heb. 12:11 it is possible to produce a delightful teenager! General Goals 1. To build an inner restraint against the wishes of the flesh - by providing consistent outer restraints as well as expecting habitual conformity. But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection. 1 Cor. 9:27a 2. To instill a fear of the actual Lord (which greatly stands for inner restraint); and to teach to obey as viewing him who is invisible. Heb. 11:27b Come, ye children, hearken unto me : I will teach you the fear of the LORD. Ps. 34:eleven The fear of the LORD may be the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Prov. 1:7 3. To encourage a total trust in the Lord for power and direction (recognizing that help with restraint is necessary). Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not really unto thine own understanding . Prov. 3:5 to LORD, I know that the way of man is not in themself : it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Jer. 10:23 Specific Goals Self-Discipline is needed: 1. To become accountable for the use of time. One Peter 4:2 2. To understand to wait to speak. James 1 :19 3. To speak when shyness or fear inhibits. 1 Thes. 2:4 4. To learn to weigh thoughts very carefully before speaking. Ps. Thirty four :13 Prov. 13:3 ; 21:23 5. To be able to carry out unpleasant tasks without stress. 2 Tim. 2:3 6. To be able to use the mind to memorize required material. Prov. 10:14 Ps. 119:11 7. To be able to endure difficult trials. James 1:two,3 8. To learn to perform unpleasant habits. 9. To have bodily self-restraint. 1 Cor. NIne :27 10. To keep thyself real. 1 Tim. 2:twenty two Phil 4:8
  • 5. 11. To keep rule over his own spirit (emotions). Prov. 25:28 12. To complete a project from inception to completion. Ec. 10:18 13. To deny the lust of the flesh (unavailable/wrong material or bodily desires). Luke 9:23 14. To delay legitimate self-gratification; to be content with withheld desires. Phil. 4:11,12 15 to work with no expectation of instant reward. Gal. 6:9 16. To joyfully submit to another rather than to seek one's own will. Ps. 40:8 17. To eat what is set prior to him with contentment. Phil. 4:11 18. To rely upon the LORD with all thine coronary heart ; and lean not on to thine own understanding. Prov. 3:5 19. To refuse feelings and choose to do what is right. 1 Kings 18 :21 20. To give up a liberty so as not to offend another person. 1 Cor.8:13 21. To build up mental discipline (Disciplined thoughts Disciplined body). Two Cor. 10:5 22. To continue in work despite personal physical rebellion. Lam. 3 :27 23. To be a servant instead of a master. Mt. 23:11 24. To be accountable for one's personal name and family name (testimony). Prov. 22:1 26. To receive correction and discipline with a good attitude. Prov. 3 :11; 15:10 27. To cooperate with the needs of others - to acknowledge his needs for the benefit of a group. Ps. 133:1 28. To maintain a Godly value system that directs every day decisions. Gen. 24:thirty-three Col. 3:2 29. In order to submit to an unpleasant master. 1 Peter 2:18 30. To build up a mental alertness. One Peter 5:8 31. In order to refuse negative peer pressure. Former mate. 23:2 Daily Plan Consistent Example Be ye followers of me, even as I also 'm of Christ. 1 Cor. 11:1 Consistent Teaching The proverbs of Solomon the actual son of David, full of Israel; To know wisdom and instruction; to see the words of understanding; to get the instruction of knowledge, justice, and judgment, as well as equity; To give subtilty towards the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. Prov. 1 :1-4 Consistent Training and Maintenance Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he's old, he will not go away from it. Prov. Twenty two :6 Because sentence towards an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is actually fully set in them to do evil. Ec. 8:11 Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Prov. 23:13 Wherefore I will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of those things, though ye know them, and be established in our truth. Yea, I think it meet, as long as I am in this tabernacle, to stir you upward by putting you in remembrance. 2 Peter one :12,13 Implementing Goals For each goal that you desire to be satisfied in your child, make a specific, long-range plan to see your objective accomplished. Follow the design of: EXAMPLE --TEACHING--TRAINING.
  • 6. SAMPLE: Goal #1: self-discipline is needed to be accountable for using time. Example: Be conscious of time in your own life. Show a concern for your own use of time. Be on time to church, appointments, class, etc. Do not waste time! Ep. 5:16 Teaching: Expect household jobs to be done without stopping to play or to talk to others. Anticipate schoolwork to be done with out wasting time (playing with pencils, walking around, talking, daydreaming, etc.) As your children get older (of sufficient age to easily tell the time as well as own a watch), expect these phones be ready for church on time (without having to be told), get up on time (with the use of an alarm clock), plan ahead to be prepared for a specific bedtime, set the actual table prior to an appointed time, be in from outside play at a certain time, etc. Teach your child the value of time - how to use it sensibly, how to plan ahead, and how to work to meet deadlines and schedules (long and short-range). Get him to memorize verses having to do with time, laziness, slothfulness, sluggishness, disloyality, etc. (Prov. 24:38-30-34; 18:9; 26:fourteen ) Training: Discipline in some manner when a responsibility to a particular time is avoided, ignored, or forgotten. Let your child know that excuses such as "we forgot" will not be accepted! discipline for wasted time when he is expected to be working (take time off from free/recess time, and so on.) Maintaining Boundaries 1. Physical self-discipline, when necessary. He which spareth his rod hateth his son: but he or she that loveth him chasteneth him betimes. Prov. 13 :24 Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Prov. 22:15 2. Withdrawing a normal privilege-a withdrawn benefit due to a failure in the obligation to do that which was taught. Whenever self-discipline fails, the old character will be reinforced/encouraged- because the pleasures of sin were allowed without any unpleasant consequences. If unpleasant consequences are not arranged by parents now, the unpleasant consequences will come when the child becomes an adult. (Ec. 8:11) 3. Natural consequences - those regrettable things that happen as a result of disobedience (perhaps disobedience that is not immediately discovered by a parent). Attributed to God, we would also make reference to this as "learning hard way-by experience." Being assured of this very thing, that he that hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:6 for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Phil. Two :13 Jeremiah 29