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The Concept Of Multiculturalism
The development of idea of multiculturalism can be traced into the concepts of cultural pluralism that is important for the formation of philosophical
and social humanism to help build a better, more egalitarian society. Multiculture in its simplest form refers to the existence of many cultures in a place
within specific socio–cultural, economic and political context in time. (Parekh ko definition rakhne) Under the multicultural conditions it is argued that
social cohesion is difficult (if not impossible). There is an implicit opposition between social cohesion and multiculturalism. In this usage it represents
heterogeneity as opposed to homogeneity, diversity as a counterpoint to unity. From the literature it appears more content...
This has led to the fundamental problem arising from the lack of theoretical clarity about what we mean by multiculturalism. All the discourse of
multiculturalism thus tries to dwell upon the nuances of difference, incorporation (integration), and solidarity in contemporary western nation states.
Out of various approaches with regard to this, social cohesion, which asks what, is the social and cultural bases for social cohesion in the context of
diversity. In its basic descriptive term it connotes, "the undeniable varieties of cultures both inter– and international Goldberg (1994:7). " Here he refers
to inherent type of multiculturalism both as de facto and de jure.
3.2Forms of Multiculturalism in Political Context
In political theory, given the myriads of theoretical orientations regarding multiculturalism, it is rather overwhelming to have a comprehensive
understanding of the common concepts used. My reading of multiculturalism, in sea of literature, is thus based on understanding the basic common
concepts used in dealing with the societal reality of cultural diversity. The literature study indicates that all multicultural debates, in a way focuses on
achieving the social cohesions amidst the cultural differences between different
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Essay On Multicultural Experience
In sixteen years of life, I have received an opportunity to experience different cultures, learning styles, and languages. To start of, I am an American
since I was born here, but the reality is that I was raised in India. My parents' main motivation for moving back to India was because they wanted us to
embrace our traditions, and most importantly, value our family relationships. We relocated back to the US at the start of 9th grade. This transition was
a huge factor for transforming me as a person. I am cognizant of the two systems, cherish both, and realize that these multicultural experiences have
encouraged me to grow and mature beyond my years. Relocating from a place is not as easy as one can imagine. When compared to the US, India more content...
Next, science is the light that keeps us out of the dark ages. If science did not evolve, we would have many unanswered questions related to real life,
die with terrifying diseases, and starve without hygiene and nutritious food. Because science has an impact on every aspect of our lives, I am eager in
exploring this immense field of study and improve society through healthcare. When it comes to STEM field and school, on top of maintaining good
GPA and grades, I devote my time well to my extracurriculars. Starting 7th grade, my passion for opting the medical field has strengthened due to my
influential pediatrician. This enhanced drastically as I started gaining many volunteering and shadowing experiences throughout high school. As a
freshman, I started taking advantage of majority of the opportunities around me like joining HOSA (Health Occupations Students Of America),
Steminism, NHS, UPMC Passavant, Senior Living Facility. Covering a wide range of areas in healthcare–– volunteering/shadowing a geriatrician,
pharmacist, nurse, surgeon and more–– solidified my aspiration. However, when I think about the medical field, clinical is not the only side. Research
plays a huge role in medicine because without this, we would have inadequate knowledge about science and also would not have access to all these
sophisticated treatments. Bayer School Scholars Program is a great opportunity for students like me to
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Multiculturalism Essay
According to Carl R. Rogers, "The only way to understand another culture is to assume the frame of reference of that culture," a statement that could
not be further from the truth, since it is something constantly expressed through centuries of multicultural works. Multiculturalism is all about
featuring characters and themes from countries around the world. In terms of literature, writers of all kinds of different ethnic backgrounds such as
David Henry Hwang, Luis Valdez, and Harriet Jacobs express their ideas and values through these methods in their works to get readers to examine
them in detail and get a feel of the experience of what it truly means to be a part of that specific culture throughout history from the perspectives of those more content...
Benjamin visits New York City to pay homage to his recently deceased father and his birth house. When the two meet, misunderstandings occur and
tempers flare, resulting in Ronnie throwing stereotypes at Benjamin because he only sees him as a white man who constantly suppresses the Asian race,
despite both sharing similar heritages. Benjamin points out, "you can't judge my race by my genetic heritage alone," (Hwang). Ronnie cannot see past
Benjamin's skin color and fails to understand why Benjamin is ethnically Chinese without being racially Chinese, since he does not acknowledge
Benjamin's frame of reference. Though Ronnie is racially Chinese, he knows little about the history of his culture and denies the culture of Chinatown
by saying "those places don't tell...a thing about who [he] [is]," (Hwang). Benjamin has studied Asian American history and expresses his love for the
culture (despite he himself not being of Asian decent). Even though Benjamin may be correct in his assumption that Ronnie wants to ignore his
background, he honestly does not know enough about Ronnie to truly understand him. Overall, both fail to see things from each other's
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Essay about Multiculturalism In Canada
Is multiculturalism a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society?
In terms of education, multiculturalism is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus
regarding education on a weekly basis. It's becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all issues in recent years stem from the debate of whether
to centralize or decentralize our current system of education. Proponents of centralization argue that a standard national system of education will
provide all people with access to the same quality of education. On the other hand, proponent's of decentralization claim that individual educational
institutions will provide a level of education that is sensitive more content...
Also the provincial government is taking steps to standardize the level of education received by students in Ontario. Programs like standardized testing
for teachers and students as well as the standardization of the curriculum were implemented. These programs are intended to provide all students
regardless of race or economic standing in any area of the province and equal opportunity to succeed. These initiatives are part and parcel of increased
demand by the Federal government to have Canadian students rise to "levels equivalent to those achieved by students in Asia and Europe."
(Lightbody, pg. 265) These steps however pay little heed to other cultures in the education system. All courses on history or culture at thehigh school
level are aimed to familiarize students with the traditions, philosophy, literature and history of the western world. Proponents argue that this action is
appropriate since our country is based on a democracy founded in European ideals of government. It is also claimed that there would not be enough
time in the current school year to educate students on every culture that has contributed to the construction of our society. Proponents for centralization
seem to prefer the "middle of the road approach" when making decisions on curriculum. It is argued that trying to push the subject of
multiculturalism too far would actually be a hindrance. Over emphasis of multiculturalism may interfere with a student's
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Conclusion Of Multiculturalism
Multiculturalism is the solution to cultural conflict. According to the text, multiculturalism is the view that cultural diversity in a country is something
good and desirable. It takes its cue from the theory of cultural relativism, and assumes that each group has something to offer and learn from the others.
Cultural conflict, on the other hand, refers to the issues that arise from diversity, such as racism, terrorism and ethnocentrism.
The history of multiculturalism spans across different cultures. There are many different forms of it, but multiculturalism has its basis in the need for
equality. It arose from a need to reduce discrimination against people on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, or physical condition, as well as a need
to reduce disadvantages of an external condition, such as the burdens of class, which includes a nexus of property, skill and political more
Additionally, it established entitlement to non–discriminatory benefits, as well as provided additional measures to help disadvantaged sectors.
The Canadian law guaranteed equality and fairness to all, regardless of race or ethnicity. As a result, an increasing majority of Canadians believe that
multiculturalism is important. In a Focus Canada survey conducted in 2015, it was shown that more than 50% felt that felt that multiculturalism is
important to the Canadian identity.
Additionally, multiculturalism is seen as a boon to the Canadian economy, boosting development and stimulating employment, as well as increasing tax
revenues and contributing to the public welfare. It was reported in 2008 that that visible minorities represented 48% of the total consumer market in
Toronto, 39% in Vancouver, and 20% in Montreal.
Multiculturalism is propelled by advancements in
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Essay on Multicultural Competency
Multicultural Competency
Arnold Miller
April 4, 2011
Patricia Perez, PhD
Multicultural Competency
In this paper I shall try to explain myself on how I feel on the different topics of perceptions, attitudes, biases, and beliefs of culturally different groups
to include other areas of my reactions to knowledge about values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from me. What
biases, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs might you hold about culturally different groups? In every work environment there are different cultures of
people working together for a common purpose of supporting themselves or a family, and as always there is a different in work ethnic among workers more content...
Many say keep the same culture separate on the job, but that is not fair, I just have to deal with being the foreigner in America. Many times while at
work when the different cultures get together to talk, I try to sit near to get an understanding of what they might be saying, but the results are the
same, so I just venture off to doing something to occupy my time at work to help time go by. Many times at work I keep telling myself that I am
bigger than them. How knowledgeable are you about the values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from yourself?
Explain your answer. As long as I have been in the working field the thought of knowingthe culture, valves and practices of those from other culture
never cross my mind. I always believe that through conversation one could learn about another person just by being there and watching how someone
deals with the different portions of life, some in a good way, some in a not so good way. People are hard to understand, especially those from a
different culture, many culture are still practice here in the United States the same if it they were in their own country. Many have said that many forget
about their culture once they move to another country, this is true but is false as well. Many come to the United States and learn the
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Multicultural Identity: A Short Story
What is it that makes a person multicultural? My story is about Daniella a young student at Roger Williams University who has been exposing herself
to cultural space in Roger. It all begins with communication and her courage to socialize with different cultures. Intercultural relationships has been the
key for her multicultural identity as mention in the book Intercultural Communications Globalization and Social Justice. Intercultural Relationships is
the "human interaction with people from different religion, nationality or ethnicity". (112) in my story I focus how she is been interacting in different
cultural spaces. For example "Dia de los Muertos" a Mexican tradition. The event had verbal and non–verbal cultural communication. The behavior,
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Essay On Multiculturalism
Is a multicultural society good for the world and for different countries? Does multiculturalism renewal different countries, or does it make their own
basic national culture disappear? Should the government support multiculturalism? There are many different views around those questions. There are
also many other questions about multiculturalism, which are up in the light today.
Many people think that multiculturalism is helping countries because it gives them a bigger and varied culture. Just imagine our country without pizza,
different varieties of burgers, Chinese food or tacos. In Great Britain we would not have salsa, reggae or other great music genres. Different sports like
Ping–Pong or volleyball would not have been able to see more content...
Is it not our culture that makes us proud of our country? If we take away the things that make us the people we are many people would think that the
world will be too monotonous. We will just take the good things from different cultures and make them our own. Maybe our culture soon will be gone
if we let it renew with no system at all?
Multiculturalism allows different peoples from different countries, religions and cultures express themselves. Many peoples believe this is really
good because we all should be proud of who and what we are. We are all unique in our special way, so why don't let the world see us as whom we
really are? The society should not decide it. It is the difference in people who makes the beautiful diversity of our earth. It is a human right to be
But at the same time multiculturalism can make it difficult for some people. We hear a lot of immigrants complaining about the conditions in the
country who they escaped to. Many of them have a dream of traveling back to their homeland. It might be difficult to settle down in a new country,
and many immigrants are being bullied for their background. The feeling of being different is common by immigrants. They go to a school where
almost everyone has a different sight on life than them. This is actually really difficult for some
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Essay on Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism
Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism
In the United States, the people rule, but in order for the people to rule with the best interest in the whole of society in mind they must have an
understanding of all cultural elements of society. Many people believe that if multiculturalism is incorporated into the curriculum, future voters will
have a better foundation from which to govern. But multiculturalism is a topic that has sparked serious debate. Many people believe that it is necessary
for the betterment of Americans in our fight for a more culturally accepting society. Many others stand firm in the belief that it will do no more than
make cultural differences more evident and harmful. Advocates believe more content...
Considering the fact that it is the responsibility of American people to govern each other, advocates for the multicultural movement believe that it is
necessary to educate Americans about all cultures and aspects of diversity in the United State s. According to Bensimon, demographic changes in the
United States will make it even more necessary for the people to understand other cultures (42). Those in opposition to the multicultural movement do
not believe that citizens need to be further educa ted on aspects of other societies in order to better govern in the United States. They say that the current
mode of governing is already as fair as possible. Many issues that are presented when multiculturalism is discussed are a result of wanting to im prove
our democratic society.
One issue that is usually raised when multiculturalism is debated is whether or not majority groups will have a better understanding of minority groups.
Proponents of multiculturalism believe that learning more about other cultures will open every one's mind thus allowing minority groups to expand
their horizons of expression. They believe that it will be effective in opening minds because it will give people more knowledge and with this further
knowledge should come a more accepting people. Prop onents also believe that as more is
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Importance Of Multiculturalism Essay
Why is Multiculturalism Important?
Culture is a way of life. There are several different ways to live one's life so, in turn there are several different cultures. These cultures have different
languages, religions, customs and values. It is important to learn about other cultures because they can give one a deeper sense of one's culture and it
can show one things about oneself that was unknown to one before. Multiculturalism is important when it comes to the consideration of what other
cultures mean to you and what your culture means to you. Multiculturalism has been called a "salad bowl". The idea promotes the distinctiveness of
cultures but also encouraging the integration. This would allow cultures to live in peace with one more content...
This goes for things such as alcoholic beverages. If the Muslim is not aware that anything forbidden is being given to them, then they are not
responsible for it. One thing that I can appreciate is the respect that the men have for the women and the respect the women have for themselves. I
love how the women do not allow any men to see their bodies or their hair unless they are married. I feel like it ensures that a man loves one for
who one is and not what one looks like. One's true beauty is saved to be revealed to the person who loved one before they knew one's beauty. From the
Indian culture, I can adore the way the mothers put their entire family before themselves. The mother makes sure everyone eats before she does and
she puts her life on hold to make sure her family is taken care of. This is like Ruma's mother. Her mother took care of her family. She never worked
and never built a life that expressed her individuality. However, I dislike this as well because I do not believe that the mother should feel like she
has to give up on her dreams or her independency. Mothers can still be great and still follow their dreams. Ruma was a great mother. She didn't need
to give up on her career. But, due to the culture and the customs she followed the same path her mother took. Native Americans have a real sense of
unity about them. I appreciate this because having unity and knowing that one has a real system of
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Essay on Multiculturalism in Canada
Multiculturalism" is the existence of a culturally diversified society where people from different backgrounds and races come and live together.
However an insight of this integrated society reveals that everyone seems to have a different opinion on the issue of how this diverse community
should operate. One of the countries of North America called "the mosaic" is Canada. It has earned this distinct name because of the mix of races,
cultures and ethnicities residing in it. Canada's geographical features and its harsh climate became a disadvantage to its population growth many years
ago. Compared to its size, the population of Canada was not sufficient a few decades ago. However, when immigrants wandered about searching for a more content...
which unfortunately due to the differences we often fail to do.
The government of Canada decided that the country could be a mosaic of cultures where people from different countries could keep their nationalities
and still be called canadian therefore allowing an influx of different cultures. The royal commission came up with the idea of "cultural pluralism" and
encouraged the government to reflect this in their policies. Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the prime minster in 1917 accepted this policy called the
multiculturalism policy. In 1988, the governement of Canada also imposed the "Multiculturalism Act" . The factors influencing these two policies/acts
were quite similiar to one another. In mid–1960s, the troubled English–French realtions in Canada desperately needed a solution. They preferred the
idea of a cultural mosaic. After establishing this policy racism reduced significantly as every ethnic group was to be treated the same way, allowing
canada to be a cultural hub. In the context of theory so far everything seems to be working smoothly but the real question that we need to ask ourself
is whether multiculturalism is working in our society or not ? Do we feel comfortable living amogst all the different kinds of people and are content
with our lifestyle? Take education for an example. A university in North America called Stanford had a program in which the curriculum was designed
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What Is Multiculturalism Essay
MULTICULTURALISM: Multiculturalism is the system of thought used to address the cultural differences and diversities that exist in our world. It
has been need more than insufficient for people to merely tolerate these cultural differences. The true sense of multiculturalism is the identification,
recognition and accommodation of these cultural differences. This is the modern understanding of multiculturalism as understood by various
philosophers around the world. Essentially it means that the idea of multiculturalism exists to not only identify diversity but to protect it in a
world were specific cultures dominate others. There are even more features of multiculturalism which further grouping of cultural diversities in
society. The primary one I'll be addressing here, as it is relevant to my analysis of these two books, is diaspora. Diaspora dictionary definition is the
scattering of people of similar origin over a geographic area but when we approach this from a philosophical aspect as these books have we realize
the deeper meaning of diaspora. The existence of people in various parts of the world regardless of their origin is given rise to multiculturalism. When
we created a global society, we in turn created societies where people of different origins, with strong more content...
Naipul is a similar story to that of the Namesake but on a much smaller geographic scale. It is also a story that is based on the protagonist
attempting to find his place in society through the physical manifestation of a house that he can call his own. As a child he is thrown around various
environments which affects his development into an adult very adversely. He is later married into a hateful family and tries to make a place of his
own for him and his family. He continues to bounce from place to place as he attempts t save enough money to accomplish his dream of building a
house which eventually becomes as reality albeit not the perfect result of his
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Essay On Ethnicity And Multiculturalism
The meaning of music and its value has evolved over the years of its birth. In the present world, music is now interpreted and taken as one can imagine
it. The idea and worth of music to an individual or group can mean anything to them. There is no consistent meaning of music because anyone can
create their own meaning rather than following another's. Ethnicity on the other hand has a solid definition. From the Oxford Concise Dictionary of
Sociology, "Ethnicity defines individuals who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to share common characteristics which differentiate
them from the other collectives in a society within which they develop distinct cultural behavior." (Marshall, 1994) Ethnicity in a sense is the idea and more content...
I felt like there was no diversity when it came to the repertoire that the ensembles performed. I bring this up because I grew up in an environment that is
filled to the brim with different cultures and backgrounds, but the music that the children learn only represents one group. I feel like the town's music
program could have been so much more but it fell stuck to traditions. By doing this, children immediately become uninterested in music and dislike
taking music classes and only a handful of children stay within the program. Their only reason to take the class is to fill the requirement then
afterwards never take a music class again. In the end, the students have more trouble finding their own identity, ethnically and musically. They had to
explore the music for themselves and find what they like.
I believe it is important to showcase all of the distinct genres and styles of music in a music classroom because they are all important to whoever is
listening and it helps show the students that they should be proud of what they identify themselves as. It is disappointing to see such a great and well
funded music program such as South Brunswick Township to fall under traditions and norms, and not further explore other music that can help students
find themselves. It is vital to show children different composers and artists that are like them and are more invested into and better represent them
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Multicultural Literature Essay
Multicultural literature is a way of increasing cultural awareness. Through multicultural books many young readers are able to make a connection with
their own culture or better yet, further explore another culture. Authors use different themes such as culture, politics, and even personal barriers to
show different cultures. At times though, this genre will often reveal the "ugly roots for even the greatest literature" (Multicultural).
The phrase "ugly roots" emphasizes that what readers may not want to hear about a culture, including their own, will be told. Nothing is held back in
this type of reading, everything is told– there are no secrets. The writing is a source of information that helps readers to better understand
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When they were younger, their mother would buy them all the same things but each in their own color, and all the clothes she made for them was even
color coordinated.
Sandra was known as the artistic daughter, who was always very imaginative. She always wanted to be an artist, but after coming to America, things
begin to change
(Contemporary). She feels as if she was not good enough and began to put a lot of pressure on herself. A major event that later led to her
submitting herself into a mental home was when she saw a woman kiss her father. She was very young, and seeing a "white lady" kiss her father
caused her to wonder why life would allow this to happen to her. She never told anyone what she saw, because she was not even sure if it was
something bad and if it was who would believe her. With the lack of being able to express her feelings, she began to make herself go crazy by
thinking she was moving backwards in evolution. Sandra started to think she saw her features changing and was turning into an ugly monkey. This
symbolized herself growing apart from the world. The evolution theory of hers showed how she felt apart from the world and was slowly growing
apart in her own way.
Yolanda, the third daughter has the most trouble with finding herself. It all starts in her childhood when she had still lived in theDominican Republic.
She was known as the tomboy in the family and did not understand why
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In 1970, the emergence of multiculturalism began, first in Canada and Australia, and then in the United States as well as others. Multiculturalism is the
diversity of two or more cultures in a region or country. According to Bhikhn Parekh, the author or Rethinking Multiculturalism, best understands
multiculturalism as a "perspective on or a way of viewing life." Bhikhu Parekh in his novel, Rethinking Multiculturalism, argues for a pluralist view on
cultural diversity. He brings upon many explanations on why a pluralistic society should be allowed to thrive in a single society. In his reading Parekh,
explains in depth the reasons behind why cultural differences should be respected and tolerated. The main point of Parekh's essay is how multicultural
societies are bound to create situations of disagreement between communities and create crisis. Parekh's essay involves weighing in on particular
cultural traditions against the values of the larger multicultural society, that is, the balancing of diverse forms of "thick" and "thin" considerations.
Parekh, suggests that much the the "acimony could have been avoided if the parties had, had access to a public forum where perceptions and emotions
could have been tried and mutually tested." This paper will focus on the Muslim religion and provide information of the misunderstanding of the
religion. More importantly, this paper will explain Parekh's conceived theory of multiculturalism and the challenges that politics, religion and
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Multiculturalism is a term used within a number of different contexts and thus can greatly vary in terms of its meaning. In the context of Australian
political history however, 'Multiculturalism' can be viewed as a national ideology– a policy and framework that has guided and strengthened the
cultural development of a unique Island Nation. Designed to embrace and promote unity amongst diversity, AustralianMulticulturalism seeks to ensure
that all Australians are simultaneously assured the right to maintain their culture, whilst committing to their responsibilities of accepting others and
obeying the Australian law.
Therefore, Australian Multiculturalism is a unique, strategic construction of a rhetoric that illustrates the more content...
The unwavering commitment to economic growth has seen an agreement, a continued bipartisan consensus on the topics of immigration and national
security. Essentially all parties have remained committed to necessary population expansion whilst believing that judicial power and governmental
control over the acceptance or entrance of new peoples must remain to ensure that the country and it peoples welfare is 'secure'. Despite this consensus
however, all parties have repeatedly used political arguments and tactics to make it appear that another party is failing where they could succeed.
A great example of this is the current 'border protection' debate. Within this debate Labour is seen as pro–immigration, with a humanitarian need to
balance strict national security with humane justice and treatment. In an article accessed on the National Labor Government website it is stated that:
"Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced new steps to strengthen Australia's border protection arrangements and to manage irregular arrivals...she
initiated steps to develop a sustainable framework involving the establishment of a...processing centre...(that) would ensure...consistent, fair assessment
processes...If re–elected...will pursue...changes to further strengthen penalties...taking a serious long term approach to the challenge of...immigration"
(Gillard, 2010, p. 1).
Interestingly, the Coalitions stance on this issue is portrayed as one in
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How many times has the world seen efforts to prove the value of uniformity. I suppose Hitler's racial purity campaigns could be considered one of the
most recent and visible examples. And some might say that, due to the ease of transport in this shrinking world, it won't be too many more generations
before the world does see one homogeneous race on this planet. It is likely to come about just through cross breeding.
There are other examples of this philosophy in less grandiose forms. Take companies that onlyhire from within their own industry. Or religious
movements that claim only one true view of the universe.
We can see it all around us, in political systems, marketing strategies, education methodologies and so on. So more content...
When any of the stable assumptions, within which uniformity flourishes, change dramatically, then those that have relied on a blandly consistent
approach will suffer, fail and die.
Take the dinosaurs that relied on a stable, warm climate in which to wantonly follow a "big is beautiful" paradigm. I bet they had some regrets when
the weather changed and little furry mammals showed them a better way to live. How about IBM, following the same path in the 70's, big is better.
Relying on the computing dollars being firmly in the control of large corporate I.T. departments. Isn't it a pity that they were blind to the possibility of
private users. Or let's look at modern religions, that ignore a world straining under the weight of our population, promulgating laws that prevent birth
control, simply so as to maintain the rigidity of a two thousand year old moral code.
The greatest teacher of them all, mother nature, has shown us that diversity rather than uniformity, is the best insurance against change.
If a biosphere or even a single species has enough variety amongst its members, then when their environment changes, there will be a much better
chance of survivors. This doesn't mean that none will die, just that some will live. It's like hedging your bets at the track, common sense.
So, lets all be a little more tolerant of those people and cultures that do things differently to
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Multiculturalism In Canada Essay
In 1971, Canada became the first country in the world to create an official policy of multiculturalism. The Multiculturalism Policy of Canada, as it was
known at the time, affirmed the equality of all Canadians regardless of their ethnic background, culture, religion, or language. Moreover, it recognized
the value of combining cultures to create a unique Canadian identity. Cultural expression was encouraged, with multicultural activities such as festivals
and heritage classes taking place across the nation. This policy achieved its goal of preventing racism by overriding a history of assimilation and
instead encouraging Canadians to celebrate their unique heritage.
This event deserves the rating of +2 because it introduced a period of prosperity for Canada, as encouraged an atmosphere of acceptance within Canada.
This event also caused profound, widespread, and long lasting change. The change brought on by this policy signaled a profound change in Canada's
views on multiculturalism, with attempts at assimilation finally being pushed aside and the benefits of a multicultural society more
In 1973 changes were made to this act. Some believed that the right of someone facing deportation to appeal the decision was inefficient, as it allowed
the person to stay in the country until their case was heard, which could take years. In order to combat this issue, the Canadian government repealed the
universal right to appeal, deciding that of those those facing deportation, only landed immigrants, those who had been issued a visa overseas, and
"bona–fide" refugees had the right to appeal their deportation. Therefore, many people who faced deportation were unable to plead their case and were
instead automatically removed from the
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The Concept Of Multiculturalism

  • 1. The Concept Of Multiculturalism 3.1Multiculturalism The development of idea of multiculturalism can be traced into the concepts of cultural pluralism that is important for the formation of philosophical and social humanism to help build a better, more egalitarian society. Multiculture in its simplest form refers to the existence of many cultures in a place within specific socio–cultural, economic and political context in time. (Parekh ko definition rakhne) Under the multicultural conditions it is argued that social cohesion is difficult (if not impossible). There is an implicit opposition between social cohesion and multiculturalism. In this usage it represents heterogeneity as opposed to homogeneity, diversity as a counterpoint to unity. From the literature it appears more content... This has led to the fundamental problem arising from the lack of theoretical clarity about what we mean by multiculturalism. All the discourse of multiculturalism thus tries to dwell upon the nuances of difference, incorporation (integration), and solidarity in contemporary western nation states. Out of various approaches with regard to this, social cohesion, which asks what, is the social and cultural bases for social cohesion in the context of diversity. In its basic descriptive term it connotes, "the undeniable varieties of cultures both inter– and international Goldberg (1994:7). " Here he refers to inherent type of multiculturalism both as de facto and de jure. 3.2Forms of Multiculturalism in Political Context In political theory, given the myriads of theoretical orientations regarding multiculturalism, it is rather overwhelming to have a comprehensive understanding of the common concepts used. My reading of multiculturalism, in sea of literature, is thus based on understanding the basic common concepts used in dealing with the societal reality of cultural diversity. The literature study indicates that all multicultural debates, in a way focuses on achieving the social cohesions amidst the cultural differences between different Get more content on
  • 2. Essay On Multicultural Experience In sixteen years of life, I have received an opportunity to experience different cultures, learning styles, and languages. To start of, I am an American since I was born here, but the reality is that I was raised in India. My parents' main motivation for moving back to India was because they wanted us to embrace our traditions, and most importantly, value our family relationships. We relocated back to the US at the start of 9th grade. This transition was a huge factor for transforming me as a person. I am cognizant of the two systems, cherish both, and realize that these multicultural experiences have encouraged me to grow and mature beyond my years. Relocating from a place is not as easy as one can imagine. When compared to the US, India more content... Next, science is the light that keeps us out of the dark ages. If science did not evolve, we would have many unanswered questions related to real life, die with terrifying diseases, and starve without hygiene and nutritious food. Because science has an impact on every aspect of our lives, I am eager in exploring this immense field of study and improve society through healthcare. When it comes to STEM field and school, on top of maintaining good GPA and grades, I devote my time well to my extracurriculars. Starting 7th grade, my passion for opting the medical field has strengthened due to my influential pediatrician. This enhanced drastically as I started gaining many volunteering and shadowing experiences throughout high school. As a freshman, I started taking advantage of majority of the opportunities around me like joining HOSA (Health Occupations Students Of America), Steminism, NHS, UPMC Passavant, Senior Living Facility. Covering a wide range of areas in healthcare–– volunteering/shadowing a geriatrician, pharmacist, nurse, surgeon and more–– solidified my aspiration. However, when I think about the medical field, clinical is not the only side. Research plays a huge role in medicine because without this, we would have inadequate knowledge about science and also would not have access to all these sophisticated treatments. Bayer School Scholars Program is a great opportunity for students like me to Get more content on
  • 3. Multiculturalism Essay According to Carl R. Rogers, "The only way to understand another culture is to assume the frame of reference of that culture," a statement that could not be further from the truth, since it is something constantly expressed through centuries of multicultural works. Multiculturalism is all about featuring characters and themes from countries around the world. In terms of literature, writers of all kinds of different ethnic backgrounds such as David Henry Hwang, Luis Valdez, and Harriet Jacobs express their ideas and values through these methods in their works to get readers to examine them in detail and get a feel of the experience of what it truly means to be a part of that specific culture throughout history from the perspectives of those more content... Benjamin visits New York City to pay homage to his recently deceased father and his birth house. When the two meet, misunderstandings occur and tempers flare, resulting in Ronnie throwing stereotypes at Benjamin because he only sees him as a white man who constantly suppresses the Asian race, despite both sharing similar heritages. Benjamin points out, "you can't judge my race by my genetic heritage alone," (Hwang). Ronnie cannot see past Benjamin's skin color and fails to understand why Benjamin is ethnically Chinese without being racially Chinese, since he does not acknowledge Benjamin's frame of reference. Though Ronnie is racially Chinese, he knows little about the history of his culture and denies the culture of Chinatown by saying "those places don't tell...a thing about who [he] [is]," (Hwang). Benjamin has studied Asian American history and expresses his love for the culture (despite he himself not being of Asian decent). Even though Benjamin may be correct in his assumption that Ronnie wants to ignore his background, he honestly does not know enough about Ronnie to truly understand him. Overall, both fail to see things from each other's Get more content on
  • 4. Essay about Multiculturalism In Canada Is multiculturalism a disruptive or an integrative force in Canadian society? In terms of education, multiculturalism is becoming increasingly disruptive in Canadian society. It seems that there is a new issue in the media focus regarding education on a weekly basis. It's becoming increasingly apparent that most, if not all issues in recent years stem from the debate of whether to centralize or decentralize our current system of education. Proponents of centralization argue that a standard national system of education will provide all people with access to the same quality of education. On the other hand, proponent's of decentralization claim that individual educational institutions will provide a level of education that is sensitive more content... Also the provincial government is taking steps to standardize the level of education received by students in Ontario. Programs like standardized testing for teachers and students as well as the standardization of the curriculum were implemented. These programs are intended to provide all students regardless of race or economic standing in any area of the province and equal opportunity to succeed. These initiatives are part and parcel of increased demand by the Federal government to have Canadian students rise to "levels equivalent to those achieved by students in Asia and Europe." (Lightbody, pg. 265) These steps however pay little heed to other cultures in the education system. All courses on history or culture at thehigh school level are aimed to familiarize students with the traditions, philosophy, literature and history of the western world. Proponents argue that this action is appropriate since our country is based on a democracy founded in European ideals of government. It is also claimed that there would not be enough time in the current school year to educate students on every culture that has contributed to the construction of our society. Proponents for centralization seem to prefer the "middle of the road approach" when making decisions on curriculum. It is argued that trying to push the subject of multiculturalism too far would actually be a hindrance. Over emphasis of multiculturalism may interfere with a student's Get more content on
  • 5. Conclusion Of Multiculturalism Multiculturalism is the solution to cultural conflict. According to the text, multiculturalism is the view that cultural diversity in a country is something good and desirable. It takes its cue from the theory of cultural relativism, and assumes that each group has something to offer and learn from the others. Cultural conflict, on the other hand, refers to the issues that arise from diversity, such as racism, terrorism and ethnocentrism. The history of multiculturalism spans across different cultures. There are many different forms of it, but multiculturalism has its basis in the need for equality. It arose from a need to reduce discrimination against people on the grounds of race, ethnicity, gender, or physical condition, as well as a need to reduce disadvantages of an external condition, such as the burdens of class, which includes a nexus of property, skill and political more content... Additionally, it established entitlement to non–discriminatory benefits, as well as provided additional measures to help disadvantaged sectors. The Canadian law guaranteed equality and fairness to all, regardless of race or ethnicity. As a result, an increasing majority of Canadians believe that multiculturalism is important. In a Focus Canada survey conducted in 2015, it was shown that more than 50% felt that felt that multiculturalism is important to the Canadian identity. Additionally, multiculturalism is seen as a boon to the Canadian economy, boosting development and stimulating employment, as well as increasing tax revenues and contributing to the public welfare. It was reported in 2008 that that visible minorities represented 48% of the total consumer market in Toronto, 39% in Vancouver, and 20% in Montreal. Multiculturalism is propelled by advancements in Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Multicultural Competency Multicultural Competency Arnold Miller PSYCH 535 April 4, 2011 Patricia Perez, PhD Multicultural Competency Introduction In this paper I shall try to explain myself on how I feel on the different topics of perceptions, attitudes, biases, and beliefs of culturally different groups to include other areas of my reactions to knowledge about values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from me. What biases, perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs might you hold about culturally different groups? In every work environment there are different cultures of people working together for a common purpose of supporting themselves or a family, and as always there is a different in work ethnic among workers more content... Many say keep the same culture separate on the job, but that is not fair, I just have to deal with being the foreigner in America. Many times while at work when the different cultures get together to talk, I try to sit near to get an understanding of what they might be saying, but the results are the same, so I just venture off to doing something to occupy my time at work to help time go by. Many times at work I keep telling myself that I am bigger than them. How knowledgeable are you about the values, practices, and experiences of individuals who are culturally different from yourself? Explain your answer. As long as I have been in the working field the thought of knowingthe culture, valves and practices of those from other culture never cross my mind. I always believe that through conversation one could learn about another person just by being there and watching how someone deals with the different portions of life, some in a good way, some in a not so good way. People are hard to understand, especially those from a different culture, many culture are still practice here in the United States the same if it they were in their own country. Many have said that many forget about their culture once they move to another country, this is true but is false as well. Many come to the United States and learn the Get more content on
  • 7. Multicultural Identity: A Short Story What is it that makes a person multicultural? My story is about Daniella a young student at Roger Williams University who has been exposing herself to cultural space in Roger. It all begins with communication and her courage to socialize with different cultures. Intercultural relationships has been the key for her multicultural identity as mention in the book Intercultural Communications Globalization and Social Justice. Intercultural Relationships is the "human interaction with people from different religion, nationality or ethnicity". (112) in my story I focus how she is been interacting in different cultural spaces. For example "Dia de los Muertos" a Mexican tradition. The event had verbal and non–verbal cultural communication. The behavior, Get more content on
  • 8. Essay On Multiculturalism Is a multicultural society good for the world and for different countries? Does multiculturalism renewal different countries, or does it make their own basic national culture disappear? Should the government support multiculturalism? There are many different views around those questions. There are also many other questions about multiculturalism, which are up in the light today. Many people think that multiculturalism is helping countries because it gives them a bigger and varied culture. Just imagine our country without pizza, different varieties of burgers, Chinese food or tacos. In Great Britain we would not have salsa, reggae or other great music genres. Different sports like Ping–Pong or volleyball would not have been able to see more content... Is it not our culture that makes us proud of our country? If we take away the things that make us the people we are many people would think that the world will be too monotonous. We will just take the good things from different cultures and make them our own. Maybe our culture soon will be gone if we let it renew with no system at all? Multiculturalism allows different peoples from different countries, religions and cultures express themselves. Many peoples believe this is really good because we all should be proud of who and what we are. We are all unique in our special way, so why don't let the world see us as whom we really are? The society should not decide it. It is the difference in people who makes the beautiful diversity of our earth. It is a human right to be different. But at the same time multiculturalism can make it difficult for some people. We hear a lot of immigrants complaining about the conditions in the country who they escaped to. Many of them have a dream of traveling back to their homeland. It might be difficult to settle down in a new country, and many immigrants are being bullied for their background. The feeling of being different is common by immigrants. They go to a school where almost everyone has a different sight on life than them. This is actually really difficult for some Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism Pros and Cons of Multiculturalism In the United States, the people rule, but in order for the people to rule with the best interest in the whole of society in mind they must have an understanding of all cultural elements of society. Many people believe that if multiculturalism is incorporated into the curriculum, future voters will have a better foundation from which to govern. But multiculturalism is a topic that has sparked serious debate. Many people believe that it is necessary for the betterment of Americans in our fight for a more culturally accepting society. Many others stand firm in the belief that it will do no more than make cultural differences more evident and harmful. Advocates believe more content... Considering the fact that it is the responsibility of American people to govern each other, advocates for the multicultural movement believe that it is necessary to educate Americans about all cultures and aspects of diversity in the United State s. According to Bensimon, demographic changes in the United States will make it even more necessary for the people to understand other cultures (42). Those in opposition to the multicultural movement do not believe that citizens need to be further educa ted on aspects of other societies in order to better govern in the United States. They say that the current mode of governing is already as fair as possible. Many issues that are presented when multiculturalism is discussed are a result of wanting to im prove our democratic society. One issue that is usually raised when multiculturalism is debated is whether or not majority groups will have a better understanding of minority groups. Proponents of multiculturalism believe that learning more about other cultures will open every one's mind thus allowing minority groups to expand their horizons of expression. They believe that it will be effective in opening minds because it will give people more knowledge and with this further knowledge should come a more accepting people. Prop onents also believe that as more is Get more content on
  • 10. Importance Of Multiculturalism Essay Why is Multiculturalism Important? Culture is a way of life. There are several different ways to live one's life so, in turn there are several different cultures. These cultures have different languages, religions, customs and values. It is important to learn about other cultures because they can give one a deeper sense of one's culture and it can show one things about oneself that was unknown to one before. Multiculturalism is important when it comes to the consideration of what other cultures mean to you and what your culture means to you. Multiculturalism has been called a "salad bowl". The idea promotes the distinctiveness of cultures but also encouraging the integration. This would allow cultures to live in peace with one more content... This goes for things such as alcoholic beverages. If the Muslim is not aware that anything forbidden is being given to them, then they are not responsible for it. One thing that I can appreciate is the respect that the men have for the women and the respect the women have for themselves. I love how the women do not allow any men to see their bodies or their hair unless they are married. I feel like it ensures that a man loves one for who one is and not what one looks like. One's true beauty is saved to be revealed to the person who loved one before they knew one's beauty. From the Indian culture, I can adore the way the mothers put their entire family before themselves. The mother makes sure everyone eats before she does and she puts her life on hold to make sure her family is taken care of. This is like Ruma's mother. Her mother took care of her family. She never worked and never built a life that expressed her individuality. However, I dislike this as well because I do not believe that the mother should feel like she has to give up on her dreams or her independency. Mothers can still be great and still follow their dreams. Ruma was a great mother. She didn't need to give up on her career. But, due to the culture and the customs she followed the same path her mother took. Native Americans have a real sense of unity about them. I appreciate this because having unity and knowing that one has a real system of Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Multiculturalism in Canada Multiculturalism" is the existence of a culturally diversified society where people from different backgrounds and races come and live together. However an insight of this integrated society reveals that everyone seems to have a different opinion on the issue of how this diverse community should operate. One of the countries of North America called "the mosaic" is Canada. It has earned this distinct name because of the mix of races, cultures and ethnicities residing in it. Canada's geographical features and its harsh climate became a disadvantage to its population growth many years ago. Compared to its size, the population of Canada was not sufficient a few decades ago. However, when immigrants wandered about searching for a more content... which unfortunately due to the differences we often fail to do. The government of Canada decided that the country could be a mosaic of cultures where people from different countries could keep their nationalities and still be called canadian therefore allowing an influx of different cultures. The royal commission came up with the idea of "cultural pluralism" and encouraged the government to reflect this in their policies. Pierre Elliot Trudeau, the prime minster in 1917 accepted this policy called the multiculturalism policy. In 1988, the governement of Canada also imposed the "Multiculturalism Act" . The factors influencing these two policies/acts were quite similiar to one another. In mid–1960s, the troubled English–French realtions in Canada desperately needed a solution. They preferred the idea of a cultural mosaic. After establishing this policy racism reduced significantly as every ethnic group was to be treated the same way, allowing canada to be a cultural hub. In the context of theory so far everything seems to be working smoothly but the real question that we need to ask ourself is whether multiculturalism is working in our society or not ? Do we feel comfortable living amogst all the different kinds of people and are content with our lifestyle? Take education for an example. A university in North America called Stanford had a program in which the curriculum was designed Get more content on
  • 12. What Is Multiculturalism Essay MULTICULTURALISM: Multiculturalism is the system of thought used to address the cultural differences and diversities that exist in our world. It has been need more than insufficient for people to merely tolerate these cultural differences. The true sense of multiculturalism is the identification, recognition and accommodation of these cultural differences. This is the modern understanding of multiculturalism as understood by various philosophers around the world. Essentially it means that the idea of multiculturalism exists to not only identify diversity but to protect it in a world were specific cultures dominate others. There are even more features of multiculturalism which further grouping of cultural diversities in society. The primary one I'll be addressing here, as it is relevant to my analysis of these two books, is diaspora. Diaspora dictionary definition is the scattering of people of similar origin over a geographic area but when we approach this from a philosophical aspect as these books have we realize the deeper meaning of diaspora. The existence of people in various parts of the world regardless of their origin is given rise to multiculturalism. When we created a global society, we in turn created societies where people of different origins, with strong more content... Naipul is a similar story to that of the Namesake but on a much smaller geographic scale. It is also a story that is based on the protagonist attempting to find his place in society through the physical manifestation of a house that he can call his own. As a child he is thrown around various environments which affects his development into an adult very adversely. He is later married into a hateful family and tries to make a place of his own for him and his family. He continues to bounce from place to place as he attempts t save enough money to accomplish his dream of building a house which eventually becomes as reality albeit not the perfect result of his Get more content on
  • 13. Essay On Ethnicity And Multiculturalism The meaning of music and its value has evolved over the years of its birth. In the present world, music is now interpreted and taken as one can imagine it. The idea and worth of music to an individual or group can mean anything to them. There is no consistent meaning of music because anyone can create their own meaning rather than following another's. Ethnicity on the other hand has a solid definition. From the Oxford Concise Dictionary of Sociology, "Ethnicity defines individuals who consider themselves, or are considered by others, to share common characteristics which differentiate them from the other collectives in a society within which they develop distinct cultural behavior." (Marshall, 1994) Ethnicity in a sense is the idea and more content... I felt like there was no diversity when it came to the repertoire that the ensembles performed. I bring this up because I grew up in an environment that is filled to the brim with different cultures and backgrounds, but the music that the children learn only represents one group. I feel like the town's music program could have been so much more but it fell stuck to traditions. By doing this, children immediately become uninterested in music and dislike taking music classes and only a handful of children stay within the program. Their only reason to take the class is to fill the requirement then afterwards never take a music class again. In the end, the students have more trouble finding their own identity, ethnically and musically. They had to explore the music for themselves and find what they like. I believe it is important to showcase all of the distinct genres and styles of music in a music classroom because they are all important to whoever is listening and it helps show the students that they should be proud of what they identify themselves as. It is disappointing to see such a great and well funded music program such as South Brunswick Township to fall under traditions and norms, and not further explore other music that can help students find themselves. It is vital to show children different composers and artists that are like them and are more invested into and better represent them Get more content on
  • 14. Multicultural Literature Essay Multicultural literature is a way of increasing cultural awareness. Through multicultural books many young readers are able to make a connection with their own culture or better yet, further explore another culture. Authors use different themes such as culture, politics, and even personal barriers to show different cultures. At times though, this genre will often reveal the "ugly roots for even the greatest literature" (Multicultural). The phrase "ugly roots" emphasizes that what readers may not want to hear about a culture, including their own, will be told. Nothing is held back in this type of reading, everything is told– there are no secrets. The writing is a source of information that helps readers to better understand more content... When they were younger, their mother would buy them all the same things but each in their own color, and all the clothes she made for them was even color coordinated. Sandra was known as the artistic daughter, who was always very imaginative. She always wanted to be an artist, but after coming to America, things begin to change (Contemporary). She feels as if she was not good enough and began to put a lot of pressure on herself. A major event that later led to her submitting herself into a mental home was when she saw a woman kiss her father. She was very young, and seeing a "white lady" kiss her father caused her to wonder why life would allow this to happen to her. She never told anyone what she saw, because she was not even sure if it was something bad and if it was who would believe her. With the lack of being able to express her feelings, she began to make herself go crazy by thinking she was moving backwards in evolution. Sandra started to think she saw her features changing and was turning into an ugly monkey. This symbolized herself growing apart from the world. The evolution theory of hers showed how she felt apart from the world and was slowly growing apart in her own way. Yolanda, the third daughter has the most trouble with finding herself. It all starts in her childhood when she had still lived in theDominican Republic. She was known as the tomboy in the family and did not understand why Get more content on
  • 15. In 1970, the emergence of multiculturalism began, first in Canada and Australia, and then in the United States as well as others. Multiculturalism is the diversity of two or more cultures in a region or country. According to Bhikhn Parekh, the author or Rethinking Multiculturalism, best understands multiculturalism as a "perspective on or a way of viewing life." Bhikhu Parekh in his novel, Rethinking Multiculturalism, argues for a pluralist view on cultural diversity. He brings upon many explanations on why a pluralistic society should be allowed to thrive in a single society. In his reading Parekh, explains in depth the reasons behind why cultural differences should be respected and tolerated. The main point of Parekh's essay is how multicultural societies are bound to create situations of disagreement between communities and create crisis. Parekh's essay involves weighing in on particular cultural traditions against the values of the larger multicultural society, that is, the balancing of diverse forms of "thick" and "thin" considerations. Parekh, suggests that much the the "acimony could have been avoided if the parties had, had access to a public forum where perceptions and emotions could have been tried and mutually tested." This paper will focus on the Muslim religion and provide information of the misunderstanding of the religion. More importantly, this paper will explain Parekh's conceived theory of multiculturalism and the challenges that politics, religion and Get more content on
  • 16. Multiculturalism is a term used within a number of different contexts and thus can greatly vary in terms of its meaning. In the context of Australian political history however, 'Multiculturalism' can be viewed as a national ideology– a policy and framework that has guided and strengthened the cultural development of a unique Island Nation. Designed to embrace and promote unity amongst diversity, AustralianMulticulturalism seeks to ensure that all Australians are simultaneously assured the right to maintain their culture, whilst committing to their responsibilities of accepting others and obeying the Australian law. Therefore, Australian Multiculturalism is a unique, strategic construction of a rhetoric that illustrates the more content... The unwavering commitment to economic growth has seen an agreement, a continued bipartisan consensus on the topics of immigration and national security. Essentially all parties have remained committed to necessary population expansion whilst believing that judicial power and governmental control over the acceptance or entrance of new peoples must remain to ensure that the country and it peoples welfare is 'secure'. Despite this consensus however, all parties have repeatedly used political arguments and tactics to make it appear that another party is failing where they could succeed. A great example of this is the current 'border protection' debate. Within this debate Labour is seen as pro–immigration, with a humanitarian need to balance strict national security with humane justice and treatment. In an article accessed on the National Labor Government website it is stated that: "Prime Minister Julia Gillard today announced new steps to strengthen Australia's border protection arrangements and to manage irregular arrivals...she initiated steps to develop a sustainable framework involving the establishment of a...processing centre...(that) would ensure...consistent, fair assessment processes...If re–elected...will pursue...changes to further strengthen penalties...taking a serious long term approach to the challenge of...immigration" (Gillard, 2010, p. 1). Interestingly, the Coalitions stance on this issue is portrayed as one in Get more content on
  • 17. How many times has the world seen efforts to prove the value of uniformity. I suppose Hitler's racial purity campaigns could be considered one of the most recent and visible examples. And some might say that, due to the ease of transport in this shrinking world, it won't be too many more generations before the world does see one homogeneous race on this planet. It is likely to come about just through cross breeding. There are other examples of this philosophy in less grandiose forms. Take companies that onlyhire from within their own industry. Or religious movements that claim only one true view of the universe. We can see it all around us, in political systems, marketing strategies, education methodologies and so on. So more content... When any of the stable assumptions, within which uniformity flourishes, change dramatically, then those that have relied on a blandly consistent approach will suffer, fail and die. Take the dinosaurs that relied on a stable, warm climate in which to wantonly follow a "big is beautiful" paradigm. I bet they had some regrets when the weather changed and little furry mammals showed them a better way to live. How about IBM, following the same path in the 70's, big is better. Relying on the computing dollars being firmly in the control of large corporate I.T. departments. Isn't it a pity that they were blind to the possibility of private users. Or let's look at modern religions, that ignore a world straining under the weight of our population, promulgating laws that prevent birth control, simply so as to maintain the rigidity of a two thousand year old moral code. The greatest teacher of them all, mother nature, has shown us that diversity rather than uniformity, is the best insurance against change. If a biosphere or even a single species has enough variety amongst its members, then when their environment changes, there will be a much better chance of survivors. This doesn't mean that none will die, just that some will live. It's like hedging your bets at the track, common sense.
  • 18. So, lets all be a little more tolerant of those people and cultures that do things differently to Get more content on
  • 19. Multiculturalism In Canada Essay In 1971, Canada became the first country in the world to create an official policy of multiculturalism. The Multiculturalism Policy of Canada, as it was known at the time, affirmed the equality of all Canadians regardless of their ethnic background, culture, religion, or language. Moreover, it recognized the value of combining cultures to create a unique Canadian identity. Cultural expression was encouraged, with multicultural activities such as festivals and heritage classes taking place across the nation. This policy achieved its goal of preventing racism by overriding a history of assimilation and instead encouraging Canadians to celebrate their unique heritage. This event deserves the rating of +2 because it introduced a period of prosperity for Canada, as encouraged an atmosphere of acceptance within Canada. This event also caused profound, widespread, and long lasting change. The change brought on by this policy signaled a profound change in Canada's views on multiculturalism, with attempts at assimilation finally being pushed aside and the benefits of a multicultural society more content... In 1973 changes were made to this act. Some believed that the right of someone facing deportation to appeal the decision was inefficient, as it allowed the person to stay in the country until their case was heard, which could take years. In order to combat this issue, the Canadian government repealed the universal right to appeal, deciding that of those those facing deportation, only landed immigrants, those who had been issued a visa overseas, and "bona–fide" refugees had the right to appeal their deportation. Therefore, many people who faced deportation were unable to plead their case and were instead automatically removed from the Get more content on