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The first people who lived in Australia were Aborigines. They gave the koala its name. The Aborigi nes saw 
that koalas drank very little water. The word "koala" means no drink. 
Koalas live in trees called gum trees. They like to e at the leaves of the gum tree. These leaves have a little 
bit of juice in them. Koalas get the water they need from these leaves. 
Koalas like to sleep. They can sleep for 18 hours a day. Koalas wake up at night and eat. They like to live 
near other koalas. 
When a koala baby is born, it climbs into a furry pouch (pocket) on the front of its mother's body. The baby 
stays in the warm pouch, drinking milk and sleeping, until it is quite big. 
2-Charlie Chaplin: 
Charles Spencer Chaplin was an English comic actor, director and composer during the silent film era. Chaplin 
was born in 1889 in London, England. At age 14, Chaplin landed a small role in the movie Sherlock Holmes. He 
first toured the U.S in 1910 and was shortly after hired by the Keystone Film Company. Chaplin’s first major 
role was in The Tramp and gained instant success. He played the role in about a dozen of short films and some 
other productions. In 1939, Chaplin co-founded the United Artist film distribution company. His two final 
productions were made in London. In 1972, Chaplin received an Honorary Oscar. In 1999, the American Film 
Institute ranked Chaplin the 10th greatest male screen legend of all time. 
3-Bob Marley: 
Nesta Robert Marley was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician. Marley was born in Saint-Ann parish in 
Jamaica in 1945. His father was a white Jamaican of English descent and his mother was Afro-Jamaican. He 
totally accepted his racial identity. Marley left school at age 14 and started jamming with local musicians. 
Shortly after, he became captivated by the Rastafarian movement of the 60’s. In 1963, Marley met a bunch of 
musicians with whom he would form the music band The Wailers. He would record five albums before the band 
was dismantled in 1974. Marley continued to the name during his solo career. His most notable hits are One 
Love, I Shot the Sherriff, Jamming and No woman No Cry. 
3Che Guevara: 
Che Guevara commonly known as El che was an Argentinean Marxist revolutionary, physician and military 
theorist. Ernesto Guevara was born in 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. He excelled as an athlete and played rugby for the 
Buenos Aires University. Guevara was also an intellectual and avid reader. He read on a wide range of subjects 
including authors such as Sartre, Kipling and even Freud. After graduation, he decided to explore the world and visited 
many Latin American countries. He was appalled by the level of poverty and working conditions caused by capitalism. 
In 1955, he met Raul and Fidel Castro and decided to help them set up the Cuban Revolution. He was captured and 
executed by the Bolivian troops in 1967. 
4-Winston Churchill: 
Winston Churchill was British politician and statesman. He was born in 1874 into the aristocratic family of the 
dukes of Marlborough. He spent his early years in Dublin and was considered a rebellious and independent 
child. Churchill did poorly in school but earned high marks in English and History. He also was the school’s 
fencing champion. Churchill traveled extensively in his youth and visited successively Cuba, India, Sudan and 
South Africa. He became Prime Minister shortly after the beginning of WWII. He was defeated in 1945 but won 
again in 1951. Starting in the early 50’s, Churchill suffered from a series of stroke which would lead to his 
death in 1965. A prolific writer, he received the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1953. 
5-Coca cola: 
Coca-Cola is the world’s most popular soft drink. Sold in more than 200 countries, it is produced by The Coca- 
Cola Company and is often simply referred as Coke. 
Coca-Cola touches the lives of millions of people each and every day. From special occasions to exceptional 
moments in everyday life, Coca-Cola is there. The brand has become a special part of people's lives. 
In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton (1831-1888) otherwise known as "Doc." , a 
pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. John Pemberton fought in the Civil War (1861-1865), and at the end of the 
war he decided he wanted to invent something that would bring him commercial success. 
John Pemberton was a man with one great obsession: he wanted to invent the ultimate medicine and the perfect 
drink all rolled into one. He concocted the Coca Cola formula in his backyard. 
Pemberton was wildly excited by reports of the virtues of the coca plant. The coca plant had been chewed by the 
natives of Peru and Bolivia for over 2,000 years and was reputed to act as a stimulant, aid to digestion, 
aphrodisiac and life-extender. 
The soft drink was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. 
Coke did not do so well in its first year. 
In 1887, another Atlanta pharmacist and businessman, Asa Griggs Candler bought the formula for Coca Cola 
from inventor John Pemberton for $2,300. Doc Pemberton died in August 1888, meaning he would never see the 
commercial success he had been seeking. 
In 1891, Asa Candler was the sole owner of Coca-Cola and rescued the business.
The Coca Cola Company increased syrup sales by over 4000% between 1890 and 1900 
By the late 1890s, Coca Cola was one of America's most popular fountain drinks. 
The famous 1916’s curved-vessel bottle called the “contour bottle”, better known to many as the “hobble skirt” 
Advertising was an important factor in John Pemberton and Asa Candler's success and by the turn of the 
century, the drink was sold across the United States and Canada. 
6-Christopher Columbus: 
Cristopher Colombo was an Italian explorer, colonizer and navigator. He was born in 1451 in Genoa, a part of 
Modern Italy. In his early teens, Columbus began his apprenticeship as business agent and successively docked 
in Britain, Ireland and Iceland. After two years of lobbying at the Spanish court, Columbus is successfully back 
up by King Ferdinand. Between 1492 and 1503, he will do four round-trip voyages between Spain and the 
Americas. Columbus always considered the conversion of non-believers as one reason for his exploration. He 
died in 1506 and his remains are now in Seville, Spain. Columbus always generated mixed feelings especially 
among the native communities. Columbus Day is observed on October 12 by the Americas except Canada. 
7- Leonardo Da Vinci: 
Leonardo di ser Pietro Da Vinci was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and mathematician. He is considered 
the most diverse person that ever lived. Da Vinci was born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, Tuscany. Little is 
known about Da Vinci’s youth. In 1466, Leonardo became the apprentice of famous artist Verrochio in Florence 
where he was taught chemistry, carpentry, painting and sculpting. Da Vinci’s personal life is virtually unknown 
but his feelings for his pupils were known as loving and considerate. Leonardo’s exquisite painting work 
includes Annunciation, Vatican and the most famous Mona Lisa. Fascinated with the phenomenon of flight, he 
designed many flying machines. Da Vinci was admired by his contemporaries and his still a legend today. 
8-Charles Darwin: 
Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who is best known for his scientific theory of natural selection. 
Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. His father, Robert Darwin, was a wealthy society doctor and 
financier. He enrolled at the University of Edinburgh Medical School but found the classes boring and got more 
interested in beetle collecting. In 1831, he made a five year trip called Voyage to the Beagal where he studied numerous 
species including those of the Galapagos Island. His book, The Origins of Species hit the shelves in 1859 and received 
international interest but also a lot of criticism and mixed reviews. One of Darwin’s legacies is to have convinced most 
scientists that the evolution as descent with modification was correct. 
9- Dolphins: 
Did you know that dolphins are mammals? They give birth to live young and nurse them with milk. A dolphin 
breathes through the blowhole on top of its head. They have to come up to the surface to breathe. Most dolphins 
surface every few minutes, but they can stay under water for up to 15 minutes. 
The colours of dolphins vary but they are generally gray with darker backs than the rest of their bodies. Dolphins 
have a thick layer of fat beneath their skin. This layer of fat is called blubber. As dolphins have no fur, they need 
the blubber to keep warm. 
Dolphins live in families which are usually led by a female dolphin. The dolphins in a family help each other, for 
example when raising their young. When travelling or hunting, several families might join together to make a 
larger group, also known as a school of dolphins. Most dolphin species have a long lifespan. In the wild, dolphins 
can live to be 50 years old, although the average age is 17 years. 
Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and to find food - fish. Dolphins send out clicks that are returned from 
other objects in the water (just like an echo). This way a dolphin can locate food, other dolphins, predators or 
Dolphins live in seawater but there are some species that live in fresh water: the river dolphins. Unfortunately, 
river dolphins are critically endangered and it is even feared that one species, the baiji, has already died out. 
Did you know that other dolphins are endangered, too? Humans are the greatest threat to dolphins: 
environmental pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing are the main reasons why so many dolphin species 
are endangered. Lots of dolphins get stuck in fishing nets and in some countries, dolphins are deliberately killed 
because they eat the fish that the fishermen want to catch. 
10-Eat helthy or die early: 
It's important for people to eat as much as they need to give them energy. If they eat too little food or the 
wrong food they won't have enough energy. If they eat too much, they will need to make more exercise; otherwise 
they will put on weight. When we eat the correct quantity of food for the exercise we take, we call this the energy 
Fat is very high in calories, and so is no help at all in keeping energy balance. Fat has also been linked with 
heart disease, and many experts believe that eating less would help to reduce it. 
Sugar isn't good for the energy balance either. The only value of the diet is to provide energy, and you can get 
that from other foods. There's no doubt that too much sugar makes you fat and it doesn't do your teeth much 
good either. 
Fibre, on the other hand is something that we eat too little of. One of the simplest ways of eating more fibre is 
to eat more bread, particularly whole meal, granary, or high fibre bread .It's a good, cheap source of fibre and 
nutrients without too many calories .Potatoes are good, too. Like bread, they are underrated, but they're 
excellent for filling you up without making you fat, especially if you don't cover them with butter or fry them in 
So eat less fatty food (sweets, chocolate, cakes pudding, jam) and eat more fibre foods (bread, potatoes, pasta, 
fresh fruit and vegetables). 
11- Eating out in Britain: 
Britain has numerous restaurants of all types, some of which are rather fancy and expensive. But you can 
eat very well quite cheaply if you know where. For example, you can often buy cheap, satisfying, tasty meals at 
pubs, inns or Fish & Chips shops throughout Britain. 
Pubs are friendly places which open at lunchtime and in the evening. They serve beer and many other drinks, 
but no one under 18 can drink alcohol. They serve food as well, which 
is generally good value for money. That’s why most pubs are full at lunchtime. Besides eating and drinking, you 
can also play darts or billiards and have a good time chatting with friends while listening to music. 
Fish and Chips is a kind of fast food and it is the favourite British “take away”. Its history goes back to the 
time of the Industrial Revolution when factory workers were so busy that they had no time to cook. So they 
bought this kind of food in the street and took it home to their families. The dish is very simple: fried fish dipped 
in a batter made from eggs, flour and water, and chips, all wrapped in paper and sprinkled with vinegar. 
12-Education in the U.S.A: 
American children are required to be in full time education until the age of 16. Most children start school at the 
age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school or secondary school.. The 
money for free public schools comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its educational system. State 
legislatures set the educational requirements but leave the management of schools in the hand of the local 
communities. Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 
years according to the laws of the individual states. The federal government contributes funds to the states for 
additional school services. 
After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two-year college, a four-year 
college, a university, or a specialized professional school either public or private. Most colleges admit students on 
the basis of their high- school records. The cost of a college education is expensive in private universities, but it is 
much less in those supported by states and cities. Many students receive scholarships from the schools, the 
government, or private foundations and organizations. More than 50% of the college students work to help pay 
their college expenses. Only a few Americans cannot read and write. 
We all need food and we can’t live without it because it gives us energy and keeps us fine and strong. But, where 
does our food come from ? 
There are two basic kinds of food. One comes from animals and the other from plants. Meat comes from 
animals. We get mutton from sheep, beef from cows and chicken from hens.Fish is meat, too. We also get other 
products from animals such as: eggs from hens and ducks, honey from bees, milk from cows, and from milk 
people get butter and cheese. From plants, we get fruit, vegetables and cereals. A lot of fruit grow on trees such 
as oranges. Some kinds of vegetables grow under the ground, the potato is an example.Cereals give us food, 
too.Millions of people in the world eat rice and make flour or semolina from wheat. But you must buy good food 
for a healthy life. Do you eat the right food ? 
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a Hindu religious thinker, political leader and ideological father of the 
Indian independence movement. Ghandi was born in 1869 during British India. Gandhi is often referred to as 
‘‘Mahatma’’ which means great soul. He is most known for being the leader of the Indian movement against 
British rule with the use of non-violent resistance through mass civil disobedience. Gandhi also spent many 
years in South Africa where he experienced discrimination and fought for equal rights and the blacks. Gandhi’s 
greatest victory was when full power was transferred to Indian hands in 1943. British actor Ben Kingsley 
portrayed the Indian in the 1982 movie Gandhi which won an Oscar for best picture. 
15-The Great Wall of China: 
The Great Wall of China is consists of many fortifications made of stone, brick, wood and other materials. It was 
built east to west on the borders to protect China. The early walls were built in the 3rd century during the 
establishment of the Qin dynasty. It subsequently helped the Ming Dynasty against the Manchu invasion during 
the 14th century. Many watchtowers helped for communication purposes and to call for reinforcement. First 
sightings of the Great Wall by Europeans occurred during the 16th century. An archeological survey concluded
that it measures 8850 km including the actual wall, the trenches and the barriers. Even though it’s been 
extensively renovated, part of the wall might disappear due to erosion in the next 20 years. 
16-Isaac Newton: 
Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician and astronomer and philosopher. He was born on 
Christmas Day in 1642 in the county of Lincolnshire. In his late teens, his mother tried to make a farmer out of 
him but he hated it. In 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College where he discovered and read about philosopher 
Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus and Galileo. Newton first did work in mathematics where he is 
credited for the binominal theorem and got appointed as a professor. He also did work in optics where he studied 
the refraction of light. However, Newton is mostly known for his famous three laws of motion. It is believed that 
Newton might have suffered from the Asperger syndrome 
17-Martin Luther King: 
Martin Luther King was a pastor, activist and leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. King was 
born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia and his father was a Reverend. In 1939, King sang with his choir at the 
premiere of the movie Gone with the Wind. A precocious student, King graduated from Morehouse College with 
a degree in sociology at age 19. King became a pastor in 1954 and visited Gandhi’s birthplace in India in 1959. 
The March of Washington in 1963 is one of King’s highlights and is also where he did his most famous speech I 
Have a Dream which electrified the crowd. A quarter million people had attended the march. King also opposed 
the Vietnam War and supported poor people. Unfortunately, King was assassinated in 1968. 
18-Michael Jackson: 
Michael Jackson was a music artist and entertainer who was often referred to as the King of Pop. Jackson was 
born in 1958 in Indiana and was the eighth of ten children. Michael started his musical career in the 60’s as a 
back vocalist for the Jackson Five and later became a lead vocal. Although, they had success in the 70’s the band 
started to fade. Michael started his solo career in 1980 but would only reach real fame with the album Thriller 
in 1982. To this day, Thriller remains the most successful album of all time with estimated 110 million copies so 
far and was the first album to get seven Billboard Hot 100 top ten singles. Michael was an incredible dancer 
and is mostly known for his famous ‘‘moonwalk’’. Sadly Jackson died in 2009, at the age of 50. 
19-Nelson Mandela: 
Rolhilahla Mandela is an anti-apartheid activist and served as the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. 
Mandela was born in 1918 in the small village of Mvezo and while he attended school as a youth was given the 
English name ‘‘Nelson’’ by his teacher. After studies at the Fort Hare University, he relocated in Johannesburg 
where he found a job as a guard in a mine. Mandela began is political activity in 1948 opposing the segregation 
of black people known as ‘‘apartheid’’. He was arrested first in 1962 and then accused of treason in 1963 which 
led him to spend 27 years in prison. Shortly after his release, Mandela became the first black president in 1994. 
Mandela’s approach to apartheid is known to have been influenced by Ghandi’s non-violence philosophy. 
20- Our school trip: 
Hello! My name is Joseph and I’m a 12-years-old schoolboy from Manchester. 
Last weekend I took part on a school trip with my classmates from our primary school. We visited a large farm 
near Manchester. I must admit it was awesome! Since I am a ‘city-boy’ I have never seen such wonderful 
I saw sheep eating grass in the pasture. The kind farmers allowed us to milk the cows and stroke the calves and 
goats. Furthermore we could pick up the eggs from the henhouse. 
But the most fantastic experience was horse-riding! Trying it out was one of my oldest dreams. When I was 
sitting on the horseback I decided that I will be a professional rider at all costs. 
At the end of the day we were invited for a traditional farm dinner which contained fresh pork chop, beefsteak 
with egg and milk. 
I can say undoubtedly that this day was the best day of my life. 
Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor and print maker. He was born in Malaga in 1881. According to 
his mother, his first words were ‘‘piz,piz’’ which is short for pencil in English. Picasso began his training in 
drawing and oil painting with his father at age seven. He was later sent to the Royal Academy of San Fernando 
an in Madrid. He made his first trip to Paris in 1900 where he spent most of his life and learned the language. 
In 1911, Picasso was suspected of having stolen the Mona Lisa from the Louvre. Picasso kept painting during 
both world wars and even wrote poetry. As of 2004, Picasso remains the top ranking artist with more work
stolen than anybody else. Picasso was portrayed in 1996 by actor Anthony Hopkins in the movie Surviving 
22-Sally’s every day life: 
I’m Sally and I’m a schoolgirl. I go to school at weekdays from 8:00 in the morning to 2:30 in the 
afternoon. Every day I get up at 7o’clock. Then I have breakfast and after that I wash my face, brush 
my teeth, comb my hair, put on my clothes, get my schoolbag and leave home at a quarter to eight. I 
go to school on foot because it’s really close to my house. I don’t have lunch at school; I only have a 
snack at around 12:00o’clock. I get back home at a quarter to three and then I eat my lunch. After 
that I watch TV from half past three to a quarter past four and then I do my homework. I usually 
have a lot of homework so I spend about two hours doing it. On Mondays and Thursdays I have 
English lessons from half past six to 8o’clock. On Tuesdays I play tennis from 7 to 8. On Wednesdays I 
have piano lessons from 6:30 to 7:30. As you see all my days are full with activities and I finish 
everything at around 8 in the evening every day. I have dinner with my family at 8:30 and then I 
take a shower, brush my teeth, put on my pajamas and go to bed at around 9o’clock. I always read a 
few pages of a book before I go to sleep. I am usually tired but satisfied at the end of the day. 
23-Taj Mahal: 
The Taj Mahal is white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India and is recognised has as the jewel of Muslim 
art. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife. Construction began in 1632 
and was completed in 1653. The tomb is the central focus of the entire complex of the Taj Mahal. The marble 
dome that surrounds the tomb is the most impressive feature and stands 35 metres looking like a cylindrical 
drum which earned it the nickname ‘‘onion dome’’. The interior walls are about 25 metres high and each room 
are highly decorated with refined calligraphy panels. The garden is a large 300 metres and was inspired by the 
Persian. The Taj Mahal attracts between 2 and 4 million visitors annually. 
24-Thomas Edison: 
Thomas Edison was an American inventor and business man. He was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847. Edison 
official schooling lasted only three months and was considered a confused child. Most of his education came from 
the textbook School of Natural Philosophy. Edison first started as a telegraph operator before moving to 
Louisville where he became Western Union employee. He began is inventor career in New Jersey and gained 
notice with the phonograph in 1871. The quadruplex telegraph was Edison’s first commercial success which 
enabled him to create the first industrial research lab. He also developed the motion picture camera and the 
light bulb. Edison is the fourth most prolific U.S inventor holding an impressive 1093 patents in his name. 
25-Tom’s family: 
Hello! My name is Tom Scott. I am thirteen years old. I live with my parents in a house in the Highlands of 
Scotland. My father’s name is Adam and he is 41 years old. My mother’s name is Rose and she is two years 
younger than my father. I have a younger brother. His name is Ben. He is twelve years old. He goes to the same 
school as I. We both learn in the Primary School of Newmark. I learn in the 4th class and Ben in the 2nd class. 
My parents have a petrol station. It doesn’t belong to them, they have leased it. They sell 
petrol, oil, car batteries and spare parts. But even newspapers and snacks are sold there. 
My brother and I sometimes help my parents after school. We wash the windscreens of 
the cars or help the customers to fill up their cars with petrol. 
Our bitch got five puppies. We don’t have so much space for so many dogs. That’s why 
we give theam away. 
26-Vincent Van Gogh: 
Vincent Willem Van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter known for his paintings’ rough beauty and 
bold colours. He was born in 1853 in the province of North Brabant, Netherlands. The name Vincent was 
common and often reused in the van Gogh family. Van Gogh began drawing at an early age and quickly realised 
that he wanted to become an artist. At age 20, he got a position with an art dealer and was sent to London. He 
then studied theology without success before entering the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels to study 
anatomy. In 1886, van Gogh moved to Paris where he remained until his death in 1890. In his lifetime, he 
produced more than 2100 artworks consisting of 860 oil paints and 1300 drawings, watercolors and sketches. 
27-Victor Hugo: 
Victor Hugo was a French poet, novelist, visual artist and human rights activist. He was born in Besançon, 
Franche-Comté in 1802 and was an illegitimate child. Hugo grew up in a period a national political turmoil during the 
Napoleon era. He married Adèle Foucher in 1822 who gave him five children. Hugo was devastated when his oldest 
daughter, Léopoldine drowned at age 19 shortly after her marriage. He got elected to the Académie Française in 1841 
and became more involved in French politics. Hugo lived in exile in Brussels and Normandy from 1851 until 1970 when 
Napoleon came to power. Among his most famous works are Les Misérables and Les Châtiments. As a casual hobby, 
Hugo produced more than 4000 drawings but kept it out of public eye. 
28-John’s life:
Hi, my name is John. I am twelve years old and I live in The United States so I am American. I live with 
my family they are, my father, mother, a brother and a little sister. We live in a small cottage near the 
sea. I have got two dogs that love water. My favorite food is roasted meat with mashed potato .My 
birthday is on November 8th and my zodiac sign is Scorpio. I can play tennis and baseball; I can also play 
the guitar. I have got brown curly hair and I like wearing shorts and trainers. I always get up at half past 
nine and I go to school by bike and I finish lessons at four o’clock. My favourite subjects are English and 
Sports, but I don’t like Arts. My brother‘s name is Peter and my sister is Katy who attends Kindergarten. 
My mother is called Mary and she is a teacher and my father’s name is Charles and he is a dentist. We 
usually go to the mountains on holidays. 
29-A letter from Canada: 
Bison's Leap Ranch, 
June 17th 
Hi! I'm Keri and I live in a place called Okotoks in Alberta, Canada. We live on a farm. It's called Bison's 
Leap Ranch, and it's enormous. We grow wheat here. We've got three hundred cows, about a hundred sheep. Lots 
of hens, three dogs, two cats and five horses. 
The busiest time on our farm is September -that's harvest time. We don't see my dad for weeks - except 
when he runs into the kitchen for some food, and then runs out again! 
Our summers are short, but really hot. The autumn (we call it the fall) is beautiful. The sky is blue and the 
trees are red and gold. In the winter, we have snow for five or six months. We do lots of winter sports - skiing, ice 
hockey, skating and tobogganing. 
Canada is the second biggest country in the world. My uncle Ed and Aunt Sandra live in Vancouver on 
the west coast and their daughter (my cousin) Sally lives in New Brunswick on the east coast. When they visit her 
they drive for seven days! 
Alberta is a cool place to live. You should come and visit us one day. From my bedroom window, you can 
see the Rockies. 
I'm going to ride over to my friend Victoria's place now. That's the ranch next to ours. 
I'll write again soon. 
30-A true story: 
King Louis the Eleventh was the king of France about 500 years ago. One day a young man said to the king, "I 
can see the future." This was not true, but the king believed him. The young man was pleased and he hoped to get 
an important job. But King Louis thought, "This man knows the future, so he knows more than I know. He is 
dangerous, and I must kill him." 
The king said to his servants, "I'm going to invite that man to eat with me. When he comes, watch my hand. 
When I lift up my hand, throw him out of the window." 
That evening the man came to the king's room in the palace. The king had a smile on his face, but it was not a 
friendly smile. He said to the man, "You know the future, so tell me your future. When are you going to die?" 
Then the young man understood his mistake. He thought quickly before he answered the king's question. "I'm 
going to die three days before you," he said. 
The king stopped smiling. The servants watched the king's hand, but it didn't move. The young man was safe, but 
he never told another lie after that. 
31-A wonderful school trip: 
It was a wonderful school trip! I'm Marah and I'm in the 7th Grade. Yesterday our history teacher Mrs. Yamada 
took us on a field trip to one of the most beautiful places in Jordan. It is one of the new seven wonders. I have 
heard a lot about it but it was my first visit. We walked through a long opening in the mountains to reach it. 
After an hour, I saw what a great job the Nabateans did in building it. The treasury was curved in the 
mountains. Mrs. Yamada told us about the Nabateans who built it and why they built between mountains. Next 
she took us to see the royal tombs and the temple. 
It was a hot day so we had lunch in the shade of the mountains. We bought souvenirs; stuffed camels, Jordanian 
Hatta and bottles filled with colored sand. I even got a small model of the treasury. 
Unfortunately, it took us 3 hours to reach Amman so we had to leave early. I'll never forget that day. We sang 
and danced in the bus. Mrs. Yamada Made us a quiz show about what we learnt, she also gave presents for the 
students who answered correctly. 
I was so tired when I got back home but I couldn't stop telling people how great fun I had!! 
32-A year out: 
When I finish university, I’d like to go to traveling before I find a job. I’d like to study computing and I think I’ll 
get a good job as a computer engineer, but I’d like to have a break and do something different after three years at 
university. I think I’ll go to South America for about nine months because I speak a little Spanish and my friend 
Finn has some family there. Finn’s brother went on a trip to Chile, Argentina and Peru last year and it sounded 
brilliant. The video he made was fantastic. 
I think it’s important to do something like this before you get a job or get married because maybe I won’t 
have time later. In Britain, a lot of people do something like this and it’s called a ‘Year Out’. They often travel or 
work in another country.
I think a ‘Year Out’ is important for young people because they have time to see the world outside their 
own country. A lot of friends would prefer to get a job quickly because they want money. You never know what 
will happen, but this is something I’d love to do. My best friend, Finn, thinks so too. 
33-Abraham Lincoln: 
Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S president who was first elected in 1860 and again in 1864. His name is often 
associated with the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery. After a quiet childhood, Lincoln decides to become 
a lawyer and successfully complete his studies in 1836. In 1954, Lincoln is elected congressman while still 
practising law. April 12th marks the beginning of the Civil War which takes roots in a dispute regarding the 
condition of slavery in the U.S. Shortly after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes 
Booths. Sadly, he will never get the chance to finish is second term. Lincoln is one of the four faces carved in 
Mount Rushmore. Standing 1.93 metres; Lincoln is known to be the tallest of all U.S President. 
34-Adventure in the desert: 
Last weakened it was cool and cloudy. My family decided to go camping in the desert for two days. We packed 
our luggage and went by our new car. We travelled for two hours until we reached an oasis near a mountain. As 
we arrived there, my father put up the tent and my mother took out a small stove to heat our lunch. I played 
some soccer with my brother. After we ate our meal, we all got asleep for two hours. Suddenly we got up on my 
little sister’s scream. She was crying too loud. There was a snake moving around her leg. My father asked her not 
to move, and then it went away. In fact, we all got scared and my mother decided to go back home immediately. 
When we rode our car and began to move, it was sunset. In the middle of the way back, the car stopped 
suddenly; it ran out of petrol. My father forgot to have a full tank at the beginning of the trip. He tried to contact 
anyone he knew, but his mobile phone didn’t work. We had to stay all night in the car in the dark cold desert. 
About five o’clock a.m. we saw a tractor coming towards us. My father told its driver our story and he gave us a 
gallon of petrol. My father drove quickly and finally we got 
back home very scared and tired. I never forget such adventure. 
35-Aghata Cristie: 
Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie is possibly the world's most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 
novels and several plays. Her sales outnumber those of William Shakespeare. However, behind her 4,680,000 words 
was a painfully shy woman whose life was often lonely and unhappy. 
She was born in 1890 in Devon, the third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller, and grew into a beautiful 
and sensitive girl with waist-length golden hair. She didn't go to school but was educated at home by her mother. 
Her father died when she was 11 and both she and her mother were grief-stricken. 
During World War 1, while she was working in a hospital dispensary, she learned about chemicals and 
poisons, which proved to be very useful to her in her later career. She wrote her first detective novel, The 
Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920- In it she introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared in 
many subsequent novels. Her other main detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple. 
36-Albert Einstein: 
Albert Einstein is one of the most gifted scientists of all time. He is best known for his theory of relativity, which 
he developed when he was only twenty-six and which changed the way scientists looked at space and time. 
Einstein was born on 14th March 1874, in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany. He studied Mathematics and Physics at 
Zurich University and continued to live in Switzerland after finishing his studies. He worked in an office, but 
spent his spare time doing scientific research and experiments. 
He became professor at Zurich University in 1909, but even before that his research had made him an important 
force in the world of Physics. In 1921, he won the Noble Prize in Physics. 
Einstein's genius changed the course of history, since it was the central to the development of atomic energy. 
Einstein was an outspoken believer in world peace; however, he was deeply saddened when he realized the 
outcome of his research would be an atom bomb. He said at the time, "if only I had known, I'd have become a 
In 1933, Einstein accepted a position for life at Princeton University. He lived there, dedicated to the study of 
Physics, until his death in 1955. 
37-Alexander Graham Bell: 
Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March the 3rd of 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor who changed 
American life forever. At the age of 23, Bell moved to Canada and then to U.S. a year later. He lived from the 
years 1847-1922. He is best remembered for inventing the telephone. Before he invented the telephone, he taught 
speech to deaf students and was a professor at Boston University. Bell’s interest in speech led him to experiment 
with transmitting speech electronically. So, at night, he worked on experiments using a telegraph. Once, when 
the metal in the telegraph stuck, Bell’s assistant Watson plucked the metal to loosen it. Bell, who was in another 
room, heard the sound in his receiver. Because of that, he thought that sound-wave vibrations could be converted
into electric currents at one end of a wire. Then the current could be reconverted into identical sound-waves on 
the receiving end of the wire. He continued to work on that idea. 
On March 7, 1876, the U.S. Patent Office issued a patent to Bell for his idea of the telephone. March 10, 
1876, was the first time Alexander Graham Bell successfully spoke words over a telephone line. He was about to 
test a new transmitter spilled some battery acid on his clothes. He cried out to his assistant who was in another 
room, “Mr. Watson, come here! I want you!” Watson heard every word clearly on the phone and rushed into the 
On July 9, 1877, the first telephone company, Bell Telephone Company, was opened to business. 
Throughout his life, Bell continued to work on different inventions and he continued to find ways to help deaf 
38-An unlucky day: 
Yesterday was not a good day. First of all I woke up late because I didn’t hear my alarm clock. When I got out of 
bed I put my foot on a teacup that was standing by the bed. I spilled all the tea on the carpet, I cleaned it and got 
dressed as quickly as I could. There wasn’t much time because I was going to London for a job interview, and my 
train left at a quarter past eight., and it was already twenty five to eight. Then, I couldn’t find my keys to open 
the door. I looked everywhere. 
Finally , I decided there was only one thing to do. I opened a window and I started climbing out. This was not 
difficult, because my flat is on the second floor, and I am still quite young and athletic- I play tennis every 
Saturday afternoon, and I do a lot of swimming on holiday. But just as I stood up somebody called me. 
_ Excuse me, sir, a voice said. I turned round and saw that it was a policeman. It was now ten to eight., so I 
didn’t really have time for conversation. 
_Good morning, officer I said. _ 
_I’d like to talk to you, but I’m afraid I can’t stop, because my train leaves in fifteen minutes and I’m going to 
miss it. 
_ I’m sure you have, sir he said. I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you a few questions first. 
I spent an hour and a half at the police station. I missed my train and when I finally got to London they said It 
was too late for the interview. The next train home was at three in the evening. I had to spend the day in 
London, It rained all day and I had no umbrella. 
Finally, I got home exhausted and wet. 
It was the worst day of my life. 
39-Annie Grey: 
Annie Grey is twelve years old. She is a student in a small town in Great Britain. 
Annie is tall and slim. She has got brown hair and green eyes. Her favourite activities are singing and 
dancing. But she also likes going to school. She has good marks and she wants to become a doctor one day. 
Annie has got two sisters and a brother. Their names are Kate, Angie and Mark. Kate is seventeen, Angie is 
eight and Mark is two. Kate, Angie and Annie are at the same school. They go to school from Monday to Friday. 
Their school day starts at nine o’clock and ends in the afternoon. 
Their parents are very proud of them all 
40-At the airport: 
Checking in at the Check in Counter 
Clerk: Good morning. May I have your passport and ticket, please? 
Customer: Here you go. 
Clerk: Oh, you have an e-ticket. You can print out your boarding pass at the kiosk. 
Customer: I already printed out my boarding pass at home. Here it is. 
Clerk: Good. How many bags are you checking? 
Customer: Two. 
Clerk: Please put them on the scale. Oh, this one is too heavy. You have to pay an overweight fee or take out 
some items. 
Customer: I will pay the overweight fee. How much is it? 
Clerk: It is $50. If you pre-pay over the web it is cheaper. 
Customer: OK. Thanks. Good to know 
41-At the airport 2: 
Clerk: Your seat is 22F. The flight leaves from Terminal A, Gate 14 at 2:15. 
Customer: OK Thanks. Could you point me in the direction of Gate 14? 
Clerk: Straight ahead and to the left. Follow the signs. 
Customer: Thanks. Is there any place to buy something to drink after the security check point?. 
Clerk: Yes. There are kiosks that sell coffee and drinks. 
Customer: Is there a duty free shop? 
Clerk: Yes. 
Customer: Thank you very much. 
Clerk: May I help the next customer? 
Next Customer: Hello...
42-At the bank: 
Teller: Hi. How may I help you? 
Customer: I would like to apply for a mortgage. 
Teller: You’ll have to see one of the managers for that. 
Customer: Where can I find a manager? 
Teller: They are in the Financial Advice Department. You can take a seat in the waiting area over there. Is there 
anything else I can help you with? 
Customer: I would like to cash this check. 
Teller: Do you have a checking account with our bank? 
Customer: No. 
Teller: We only cash checks for customers of our bank. Would you like to open an account when you apply for 
your mortgage? 
Customer: Yes, I would. Thank you very much. 
43-At the circus: 
Last week I visited the circus with my little son, Ben. It was an amazing day! We 
arrived to the huge tent at three o’clock. There were many performers, equipments and many caravans and 
wagons behind the tent. When we got inside, there were many seats for the public round one ring in the middle, 
in which performance took place. There were also lots of people eating pop corn, drinking soda and talking 
together. After a few minutes the show started .The show was a spectacle in which animals acted and artists at 
the circus were busy performing for the public. The first show was performed by a couple of clowns, who are the 
children’s favourite attraction. Ben enjoyed watching them and the magician, too. It was great and funny. After 
that, we watched a tamer with some wild animals that were acting. How courageous! Next, there were the 
acrobats who were fabulous, too. They were swinging and performing dangerous acts. There were many other 
animals like horses, seals, elephants, bears…The last show was performed by some jugglers on bicycles. It was 
great. We were very tired but we enjoyed the show very much. 
Australia is a country in the Southern hemisphere comprising the mainland, the Tasmania Island and numerous 
other small islands in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Before European settlement in the 18th century, it was 
inhabited by indigenous tribes. Over the years, the indigenous population has substantially decreased. In 1901, 
the six colonies became a federation and the commonwealth of Australia was formed. The capital is Canberra 
and English is de facto the official language. Most Australians consider themselves Christians. Australia is 
notorious for its wine and offers 60 distinct productions. Australia has also produced many successful actors and 
actresses such as Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman and Naomie Watts 
45-Barack Obama: 
Barack Obama is the current and 44th U.S president. He is the first black president in the U.S, history. Obama 
was elected in 2008 winning against John McCain. Obama is of mixed heritage, his mother, Stanlen Ann 
Duhman, was Caucasian and his father, Obama Sr., was a black student from Kenya. After her mother’s 
divorce, Obama spent most of his childhood in Indonesia before returning to Hawaii to live with his maternal 
grand-parents in 1971. He is a Colombia University graduate with a degree in political sciences. In 1988, he 
entered Harvard Law School and graduated in 1991. He served as a state senator from 1997 to 2004 before 
becoming U.S senator in 2005. Obama wrote a book, ‘‘Dreams from My Father’’ in which he talks about his roots 
46-Ben and his family: 
Hello there! My name is Ben. I’m thirteen years old and I’m from Bristol in England. 
I’m a student at a public school: Clifton High School. It is an amazing school and I 
love going there. 
I live in a flat with my parents and two brothers, Jim and Harry. 
My parents’ names are Adele and Alan. My mum is a dentist and she works at King Richard’s Clinic. She is 
thirty-five years. My dad, Alan, is thirty-nine and works with computers. He’s an engineer. My brothers are 
fifteen and nineteen respectively and are students. My older brother, Harry, is at college and only comes home at 
My mother hasn’t got any brothers or sisters, but my father has got two sisters, Susan and Joan. They aren’t 
married, so I still don’t have any cousins. My mum’s parents are Bruce and Emma Thompson. They live in a big
farm in the countryside, where I go in the summer. I just love visiting them, because it’s very calm and beautiful. 
I always take Rufus, my dog, with me and we have lots of fun! I don’t see my dad’s parents very often, because 
they live in another city, far away from us. 
When my family gets together, we love playing baseball, going to concerts, watching TV shows and travelling. 
We visit a lot of places when we are in holidays and it’s always fun. 
My family is the best and I am a very happy young boy! 
47-Big Ben: 
Big Ben is the nickname given for the big clock of the Palace of Westminster in London. Big Ben is historically 
referred to as St-Stephen’s Tower. The clock tower became part of the new Palace of Westminster which was 
destroyed by fire in 1834 but rebuild afterwards in a Gothic style. The clock and dials were designed by 
Augustus Pugin. Big Ben is 93.6 metres (316 ft) high and is founded below ground level. The hour hand is 2.7 
metres long and the minute hand is 4.2 metres long. Even though Big Ben is the most world’s most popular 
attraction, it is not open to the public. In 1941, a German bombing damaged two of the clock’s dials. The current 
bell weights about 13.7 tonne. Big Ben is considered the most popular landmark of the U.K. 
48-British schools: 
In England, schools for 11 to 18-year-olds are called secondary schools. Over 90% of English children go to 
government state schools. Only 7% go to private schools. 
The most exclusive private schools are called “public” schools. For example, Prince William went to Eton, a top 
public school for the elite. These schools are very expensive – the school fees can cost up to 40,000euros per year ! 
Private or “public” schools are often in historical buildings, and many traditions have survived. They are not 
“mixed”, like state schools, and extra time is given to sports and other competitive activities. 
In English schools, the week goes from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. There is no school on Saturday. There is 
a break in the morning and at lunch time. Do you know a famous cafeteria ? Oxford College’s cafeteria where 
Harry Potter had lunch ! Most pupils prefer bringing their lunch in a lunch box. In some schools, the whole 
school meets for assembly in the morning. 
Traditionally, assembly included hymns, prayers and news about the school. Today, because of England’s 
cultural diversity, the hymns have been replaced in most schools by a talk on different subjects, like ecology, 
Can you imagine never wearing your jeans to school ? Well this is the reality for most British school kids. In 
state schools the uniform can be very simple : skirt or trousers, a shirt with a tie, a blazer or sweatshirt with 
the school logo… It is one of the traditions that makes school life in England so different but there are many 
49-Buckingham Palace: 
Buckingham Palace is south-west of the London Eye. It is the official London residence of the 
sovereign, and was first opened to the public in 1993. It was originally built in 1703 for the Duke of 
Buckingham (hence its name). Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace in 
Today Buckingham Palace is used not only as the home of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, but 
also for the administrative work for the monarchy. Here the Queen receives and entertains guests 
invited to the Palace. You know when she is there because you can see her flag flying on the roof. 
The Changing of the Guard takes place at the front of the Palace every day at 11.30 a.m. 
During the summer, visitors can tour the nineteen State Rooms, which form the heart of the Palace. These 
magnificent rooms are decorated with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection, including 
paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto and sculpture by Canova 
Canada is the second largest country in the world—after Russia. Its name comes from the St-Lawrence 
Iroquoian word Kanata which means village. In 2010, Canada’s population was estimated around 34 million 
inhabitants. The country consists of ten provinces and three territories. Canada is a federation governed by a 
parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. The two official languages are English and French. The 
province of Québec is the only province with French has the official language. Canada is one of the greatest 
exporters of energy including oil and electricity. It also supplies agricultural products and other natural 
resources such zinc, gold, aluminum and nickel. Hockey is the national sport and most Canadians enjoy playing 
it in winter. 
51-My favourite holiday: 
My favourite holiday place is the seaside. You can do many fun things at the seaside. This summer my 
family and I are going to the seaside. We are going to spend a week there in August at a hotel. It is the 
best month because it is hot and sunny.
My brother and I are going to make sand castles, he is going to go windsurfing and I am going to play 
games in water. My father is going to go fishing on the rocks or in a boat. My mother is going to read a 
book or she is going to do crosswords under the beach umbrella; she is also going to watch us play. 
It is going to be very funny! 
Lisbon, one of the oldest capitals in Europe, is situated on the west coast of Portugal. Its rich history, colourful 
traditions and more modern attractions make it a fascinating city. 
Anyone lucky enough to visit Lisbon will find plenty to see and do. For a start, the magnificent Castle of Saint 
George is a must. The castle, which is built on a hill, offers a fantastic view over the city. Directly below is 
Alfama, the oldest part of Lisbon. Visitors can walk along its narrow streets where they can see fish sellers 
carrying baskets on their heads. In Belém, the city’s port, tourists can visit the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, a 
beautiful monastery built in the 16th century. Baixa, the busy shopping area of the city, offers a great variety of 
handmade souvenirs and elegant designer clothes. 
Lisbon’s nightlife is exciting and varied. Visitors can have a coffee in Bairro Alto, the ancient port of the city, 
where fado – traditional Portuguese music – fills the air with its sad, romantic sounds. They can also enjoy 
delicious seafood at first-class restaurants. For those who like to dance the night away, there are many trendy 
clubs in the area. 
Lisbon is a wonderful city. If you want to experience the beauty and fascination of a great European capital, it 
would be the perfect holiday destination for you. 
53-My drem job: 
I think that I would like to be an archaeologist because knowing how people used to live fascinates 
me. I love learning about history and ancient societies so this job would probably be very good for me. 
I also like to travel and an archaeologist goes to many places like Egypt, Mexico, China, etc to do his 
work. The only bad thing about this is that I would spend long periods of time away from my family 
and friends but despite this; I still think that it would be worth it. 
To be an archaeologist, you need to go University to study about people, ancient history and 
cultures. I believe that you have to have very good marks since it is such a difficult and laborious job 
with a lot of guess work, you have to use your imagination to understand how things might have 
worked back in those times 
54-My best friend: 
Allan is my best friend. I have known him for many years.We do a lot of things together because we 
have similar interests.We both love bands like “Snow Patrol” and “Yellow Card. He loves cheese and 
bacon pizza and so do I. We even like the same films – “The Matrix”, “Quantum of Solace” and “The 
Dark Knight.” The only thing, we disagree on is actresses – I like Keira Knightly but he doesn’t, he 
thinks Kirsten Dunst is much better and prettier. 
Allan and I first met when I was eight years old. My family had just moved to Halifax from 
Toronto and he was the first person to say “Hello” to me on my first day at school. Ever since then, we have 
been best friends. He has a great sense of humour and he can make people laugh. He is also very intelligent, 
kind and a good person. In short, Allan is the best friend a person could ever have 
55-Disney world: 
Disney World resort is the most-visited entertainment resort in the world and is located near Orlando in 
Florida. It opened in 1971 and now includes four theme parks—Epcot Center, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and 
Animal Kingdom and two water parks—Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard beach. There are five golf courses on Disney’s 
property as well as 33 hotels and resorts. It also includes a campground, two health spas and a physical fitness centers. 
Disney World employs 66 000 people, including many students and offers the latter the opportunity to live nearby so 
they can work at the resort. According to the AECOM report, close to ten million people visited the parks in 2010. Walt 
Disney died in 1966 and never got to see his vision realised. 
Mary is a doctor. She lives in London. She is 35 years old. She is married and has two kids. Her daughter Kim 
is 4 years old and her son Dan is 8.Mary is very busy. She works in a big hospital. In the morning she drives Kim to the 
kindergarten and Dan to school. She usually starts work at 8:30 in the morning and finishes at 5:30 in the evening. But 
today is different. It is 8 o’clock in the evening and Mary works tonight. Right now, some people in the hospital are 
reading in bed. Mary is talking to an old woman and is helping her get ready for bed. Mary loves her work. Mary wants 
to be home tomorrow because it is Kim’s birthday. Mary and her husband decided to buy a great gift for Kim. It is a cute 
puppy. Mary knows that Kim will be happy to have a puppy. 
Egypt is a country in North Africa with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. It is thus a 
transcontinental country and is also bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. A unified kingdom was founded in 
around 3150 BC by King Menes and lead to many dynasties that ruled Egypt for the next three millennia. In AD 
639, Egypt was absorbed into the Islamic Empire by Muslim Arabs. The official language is the Standard Arabic 
and both French and English are often taught as foreign languages. Egypt is famous for its monuments such as 
the Giza pyramid complex and the Sphinx. The economy is the most diversified of the Middle East and includes 
tourism and agriculture. Football is the national sport of the country. 
58-Elvis Presly: 
Hi everyone. Peter is speaking to you from Radio California. We are going to speak about the king of Rock; Elvis 
Presley. He was born in 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi and he lived in a very poor family. Twelve years later, his 
family moved to Memphis where he lived for the rest of his life. The date on which they moved was also the date
on which he sang his first song in public. He loved music so much and he was first influenced by black singers 
that he heard on the radio and he sang in a choir at the church. His first record “Heartbreak Hotel” took place in 
1956 . This was also the title of his first film, too. During his short life he acted in 33 films and he got 45 gold 
records. Two years later he was in the American army so, he 
spent two years in Germany. In 1960, when he came back he was the most famous singer in the world and 
newspapers said he was the “King of Rock”. 
He got married to Priscilla at the age of 32 and he had one child called Lisa. 
Ten years later Elvis Presley died but he still got a very big fan Club. He sold 600 million records when he was 
still alive . Millions of people are still enjoying listening to them, now. 
Here is one of his famous songs: “Love me Tender”. Let’s listen to it then we will be back to speak more about 
today’s Rock Star; Elvis Presley. 
England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and also includes 100 of other small islands. England’s 
estimated population is 51 million inhabitants concentrated largely in London, Yorkshire, both North East and 
West and the Midlands. England is constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Rail transport in 
England is the oldest in the world and has been operating since 1825. English architecture includes Big Ben 
and the famous 2500 BC monument Stonehenge. England is also known for its rich folklore including creatures 
such as elves, trolls, goblins and dwarves. It also has produced the great writers Shakespeare and Chaucer. 
Interestingly, England is recognised by FIFA has the birthplace of modern football. 
60-English tea: 
The English people are the greatest tea-drinkers in the world. They drink tea several times a day. At 
offices and factories there is a tea break at eleven and in the middle of the afternoon. And so tea is Britain’s 
favourite drink. 
The English know how to make tea and what it is does for you. In England making tea is a very serious 
matter. Fresh water is boiled in a kettle and when the water is hot, a little is put in the teapot to warm it. The 
pot is then dried and the tea is put in – one spoonful for each person and “one for the pot”. When the water is 
quite boiling, it is poured on to the tea and the tea must be left four or five minutes before it is at its best. 
Tea must be poured in cups as carefully, as it is made. Before you pour tea you should ask each person 
which he or she prefers: with milk or without, with sugar or without it. Tea is part of the prose of British life, as 
necessary as potatoes and bread. It is drunk with or without sugar but almost always with milk. The milk is 
usually cold. When the English have tea they prefer to pour milk into the cup first and then tea, but not the 
other way round. The taste is different. No self-respecting Briton would drink a cup of tea which has not been 
made in a teapot; he would certainly never accept a cup with a tea bag. 
Afternoon tea or 5 o’clock tea one can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of things, as friends often 
come in for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. 
Tea with lemon is called “Russian tea”. Firstly, tea concentrate is prepared: a quantity of dry tea 
sufficient for several persons is brewed in a small teapot. Then, each person pours some quantity of this 
concentrate into the cup and mix it with hot water; thus, one can make one's tea as strong as one wants, 
according to one's taste. Sugar, lemon, honey or jam can then be added freely. 
But in Scotland people prefer more substantial meal and call it “high tea”. They have it between 5 and 6 
o’clock. They eat ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or tinned salmon, or sausages, with good strong tea, 
plenty of bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricots or pineapple with cream and pastries and 
a good cake. And that’s what they call a good tea. 
61-Family and Friends: 
Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to 
school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to 
eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror! 
My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when 
she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books 
and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, 
play board games or read books together. 
My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants 
them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are 
My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and 
thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is 
great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble. 
I really like my family and friends very much! 
62-My first day at school: 
My parents were very excited on my first day at school and so was I. My father gave me his father’s old fountain 
pen. He loved that pen so I was proud to have it with me that day. Mom straightened my clothes and then she 
handed me my lunch bag. 
I kissed my mother goodbye and waited my father in the garden. Hand in hand Dad and I soon arrived at school. 
He didn’t stay long. I was on my own. I didn’t know anyone so I decided to join the other kids in the playground. 
It wasn’t difficult for me to make new friends that day.
There were many children in the first grade class and all of them were nice but two of them were special. They 
were sisters and they were twins. It was amazing, you couldn’t say the difference between them. 
“Did your mother prepare anything for your lunch?” one of them asked as I opened my lunch bag. 
“Yes, she did.” I answered. “Would you like to have some cheese?” 
“Sure, thanks!” the other girl replied. “Have some of our fruit two.” 
We shared our food, played together in the playground and invented nicknames for each other. It was a 
memorable day for Lisa (Little Miss), Annie (Star) and me (Shorty). 
Football is a sport of two teams of eleven players with the objective of scoring a goal in the other team’s end zone. 
It is often confused with European Football which is called Soccer in North America. In the U.S there are three 
forms: high school football, collegiate football and professional football. Each form is played with slightly 
different rules. The history of North American football can be traced back to early forms of rugby football. A 
standard game consists of four 15-minute quarters. A touchdown is worth 6 points, a field goal is worth 3 points 
and a safety goal is worth 2 points. The major professional league is called the National Football League (NFL) 
and consists of 32 teams. Football is a collision sport which can lead to several injuries. 
France is a Western Europe country often referred to as the hexagon because of its geometric shape. France has 
colonised many parts of the world including North America and South Asia and has built the second largest 
empire of the past four centuries. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic and the main ideals are 
expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of the man and the Citizen. France is a founding member of the 
United Nations. The Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles are the most popular tourist destinations in 
France. Interestingly, French is the second most learned foreign language behind English. France is also 
renowned for its fine cuisine and its fashion industry. The Tour de France is the most prestigious sport event in 
65-George Washington: 
Georges Washington was the first U.S President from 1789 to 1797. He was a dominant political and military 
and is considered by many scholars has the Father of his country. George spent his childhood on a farm and a plantation 
in Mount Vernon he inherited when his father passed away. He successfully led hit troops through the French and 
Indian War. Between the wars, Washington would return to Mount Vernon to spend time with his wife. He loved to 
play cards, backgammon and billiards. He became commander in chief during the American Revolution War. In 1787, 
he presided the writing of the constitution. Shortly after, he became president with a 100 percent of the electoral vote, a 
feast that has never been achieved by another president. 
66-Healthy lifestyle: 
Did you know that exercise can help you feel good? I fact, exercise is one of the most important parts 
of keeping your body and mind healthy. Madonna still looks great, but she’s around 50 years old! 
Madonna has lived a healthy lifestyle for many years. She does lots of exercise and eats healthy food. 
I’m sure you know of famous people who take drugs or drink too much. They are a terrible 
example to their fans, but it also has an effect on their bodies. Robbie Williams is one of the most 
popular musicians in the world today. But he has had lots of problems since his days with “Take 
That”. He left the group in 1995 and then he put on a lot of weight! Many of his songs talk about the 
problems he has had with drugs and alcohol. 
If you want to look great, you should do what sportsmen and women do. Eat the right foods 
and take exercise to shape your muscles and make you stronger. Don’t smoke or eat lots of junk food. 
Take care of your body – it has to last a lifetime! 
67-Healthy living: 
The best way to stay fit is to a healthy diet and do a lot of exercise. People who are overweight –or underweight-should 
visit their doctor and ask for advice. 
Do you play enough sport? Experts say we should exercise three times a week. Remember that walking is better 
for you than going by bus or car. People who don’t like team sports should try a more relaxing activity like yoga. 
Do you prefer something more adventurous? Try climbing or kayaking. 
Think about your diet. Do you eat enough fresh food? We need to eat fruit and vegetables because they contain a 
lot of vitamins and fibre. Try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Fish and seafood are also very 
healthy. Tuna, for example, contains a lot of protein but not much fat. 
Do you eat too much fast food? You shouldn’t eat too much fast food? You shouldn’t eat too many chips and 
hamburgers because there’s a lot of salt and fat in them. Too much salt is bad for your heart. Be careful with 
sweets and chocolates too! They contain a lot of sugar and they’re bad for your teeth. When you want a snack, it’s 
healthier to eat a banana or an orange. 
68-In Paris: 
Hi Janet! 
How are you? How is London? I’m spending two weeks in Paris with my family. We are having a 
great time and we are enjoying our holiday. Paris is a beautiful place with so much to see and do. It’s 
Sunday afternoon and the weather is great.
Right now, Mum and Dad are relaxing in their hotel room and my brother, Patrick, is visiting the 
Eiffel Tower with our cousin James. Grandma and Grandpa are walking around the Champs Elysées 
and I am eating a snack in the hotel’s restaurant… and writing this letter to you, of course. 
Well, I have to go now. See you next week! 
Your friend, 
Italy is a country located south-central Europe and shares borders with France, Switzerland, Austria and 
Slovenia. Rome, the capital of Italy, was for numerous centuries the centre of Western Civilisation as capital of 
the Roman Empire. Modern Italy is a democratic republic. Interesting fact, Italy became the birthplace of the 
Renaissance, an intellectual movement that moulded European thought between the 13th and 16th centuries. 
Italy’s most popular tourist attractions are the Coliseum and the Pompeii ruins. Italy is widely known for being 
the birthplace of opera and for having produced scientists and artists such as Galileo Galilei and Leonardo 
DaVinci. Italy is the second most successful football team in the world after Brazil with four FIFA World Cup 
70-John’s hobby: 
I’m John and I’m five years old. I can do many things and I like learning new things. I like playing computer 
games and basketball. When I am with my friends we play board games. My favourite hobby is cooking. I want to 
be a great cook when I grow up. I help my mum when she cooks and because she knows how much I love cooking 
she bought me my very own kitchen. It has got everything. There’s a sink between the fridge and the cooker. 
There’s a microwave oven next to the fridge and a cupboard under the sink. Next to the microwave oven there’s a 
shelf where I put my plates. My kitchen set has got baking trays, a frying pan, spoons, forks, knives and a 
spatula. I love playing with my fantastic kitchen. 
71-Keeping fit: 
To be fit is very important to obtain happiness and good health. If you think carefully about your routine and the 
food you eat, you will find out why you have a bunch of extra flesh around your waist and down you thighs!! 
The second the alarm clock goes off, you lazily drag your feet to the kitchen. Breakfast consists of a considerable 
number of pancakes topped with jam, honey, chocolate and butter. You can't push that down without a gallon of 
coffee. You get ready to go to work in your car. Your office is only on the second floor but you take the lift. Once 
you sit on your chair behind your desk, the whole world won't move you. If you need a snack or a drink, there is 
the secretary to bring you those!! 
Twelve o'clock! Lunch is finally here. The diner around the corner is specialized in making the most fattening, 
cheesiest ad greasiest sandwiches in town. Having swallowed a jumbo- size sandwich from there, you stretch 
your back, on the same chair, for a nap. 
Finally you get home dreaming of dinner. You have been working hard all day, so you think you deserve a big 
dinner. You're at the dinner table; your plate is loaded with fried chicken, mashed potato, gravy, pastries… 
It doesn't stop here, there's dessert after that and maybe few cigarettes… 
It's not too late. You can change that. Wake up early and go for a walk or a jog. For breakfast, cereal and juice is 
enough. Walk to work once a week and take the stairs instead of the lift. 
Pack a salad for lunch. At dinner, a bowl of soap is quite enough. Make sweets and chocolate a reward when you 
lose weight. And you know what! Your college clothes fit again and people think that Jessica is your sister not 
72-Lara’s pets: 
Some people have cats as pets. Others have dogs. Lara is not like those people. Her three pets are chickens. The 
three of them are girl birds, or hens. One is named Lulu and the others are Molly and Kayla. 
The chickens live in a coop in Lara’s backyard. They eat special chicken food bought at the pet shop. When the 
hens are outside, they love to eat bugs they catch in the yard. Lulu, Molly and Kayla even like to eat worms they 
pull out of the ground. 
Lara’s pets give her eggs to eat. Dogs and cats do not do that. Lulu, Molly and Kayla are special pets. 
73-Last Friday: 
Last Friday Lucas decided to visit his best friend Jimmy. It was a sunny day and there was no 
cloud in the sky. He took his new bike, rode it down the main street, then turned left to Jimmy’s 
house. He was whistling, thinking about the week end and the way he was going to spend it with his 
friends. But he stopped when he suddenly heard a strange noise. It was something like a laughter. 
But there was nobody in the street. He looked around carefully but saw no one. He continued riding 
his bike, then had to stop again, because he could hear that laughter one more time, and even 
louder. The whole situation became strange and Lucas felt a little afraid. He hurried up to Jimmy’s 
house and told him about the mysterious laughter. Jimmy knew nothing about it either. 
74-Lee’s school:
Lee goes to a “Junior High School” near Portland, in the North East of the United States. The school has 
1100 students between 12 and 15 years old. Lee goes to school from Monday to Friday, from 8:00am. until 
Lee’s day begins in his “home class”. This is the room that his group uses most of the time. Here his 
teacher checks that everybody is there. They listen to announcements from the loudspeaker. 
After that, he has three lessons. At about 11:00am he has a long break for lunch until about 12:00. There 
is a canteen where he buys his lunch. The meals in the school are cheap. He has a hot meal everyday at school. 
After his meal, there are lots of activities in the school that he can do. Lee likes playing in the school 
band at lunch time. His lessons begin again at about 12:00. 
Lee has five lessons everyday except Wednesday. Lee does sport in the afternoon. He likes playing 
American football, basketball and baseball. Lee’s favourite subjects are Science and Maths. On Thursday he has 
“Shop”. In Shop he enjoys making things in wood and metal. Lee has short tests or “Quizzes” every week in each 
subject. He doesn’t usually have any homework. Instead, he is always learning things for the quizzes. He hates 
75-likes and Dislikes: 
Jane Adams is ten years old and she goes to St. Peter’s School in London. She is in the 5th year, in 
class 7. Her best friend is Tom Jones. He is eleven years old and he is in the 6th year. They are good 
friends but they have got a lot of differences. Her favourite school subject is Portuguese. She likes 
reading and writing, but Tom doesn’t. His favourite subject is Science. He likes doing experiments 
and reading books on animals. He is a sporty boy. He likes playing football and basketball. Jane also 
likes playing volleyball and handball, but she doesn’t like playing football. They both like listening 
to music and watching TV. 
76-Lipton Tea: 
A Scotsman Sir Thomas Lipton was a small tea merchant. Once he thought of a cunning thing. 
Three vans stopped in Piccadilly Circus in London. Each van had on board a hundred two-months old rosy pigs. 
Each of the 300 rosy pigs had words printed on it in green paint- “ DRINK LIPTON TEA”. 
When they were let out it created a traffic jam. Policemen were trying to catch them and photographers were 
working for an hour. Every large newspaper had the photographs of the traffic jam and the rosy piglets. 
Thomas Lipton was fined £ 10 but it brought him more. 
It’s an interesting story, isn’t it? 
77-MC Donald’s: 
Mc Donald’s Corporation is the largest chain of fast-food restaurants in the world. It has its headquarters in the 
U.S but serves customers in 119 countries. The most famous of its burgers is the Big Mac but it also serves fries, 
soft drinks and desserts. The restaurant was opened in 1940 by brothers Maurice and Richard Mc Donald in 
California. The logo is called the Golden Arches and is formed of two overlapping arches creating the letter M. 
McDonald’s operates more than 31 000 restaurants worldwide and employs about 1.5 million people. Mc 
Donald’s offers both counter and drive-through services. The chain has been criticised a lot for its environmental 
record and for being conducive to obesity. 
78-Planning a week: 
Hello I’m Jeremy. Today it's Sunday and I need to plan my next week. Mum and Dad want to know 
what I am planning for the coming week. Here's what I'm going to do. 
On Monday I'm going to go shopping. I have to get a couple of things for school - copybooks, books, 
pencils. I think, Mum will go with me because she has to pay for it all! We could buy some clothes, too. 
I need a new pair of jeans. 
On Tuesday I'm not doing anything in particular. I'm staying at home. Most probably, I will do my 
homework and maybe read a book, watch the Discovery Channel or play some computer games. 
On Wednesday I'm going to the cinema with my cousin, Paul. We bought the tickets online last 
week. It's going to be an adventure film. 
I have an appointment with a dentist on Thursday. Ugh! I hate going to a dentist. 
On Friday? What am I doing on Friday? I think I'm going to my friend's birthday party. I won't be 
staying there long. 
On Saturday morning Dad is taking us to our country house. He says we are going to explore the 
neighbourhood, try to find the ruins of an old castle and take some great photos. We are going to stay 
there until Sunday afternoon. We're coming back on Sunday after lunch. 
I think it's going to be an interesting week! 
79-Statue of Liberty: 
The Statue of Liberty is a colossal statue on Liberty Island in New York harbour. It is a robed female 
representing the Roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. The statue was given in 1887 by the French to celebrate the 100th 
anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It was built by French architect Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The 
statue is generally seen as a symbol representing freedom from oppression. It is often the first vision of the U.S for 
many immigrants who have crossed the Atlantic Ocean. The torch is made of steel and covered with golden leaves. The 
statue is about 44 metres high and used to be a lighthouse between 1886 and 1902. The Liberty Weekend in 1986 
celebrated the 100th anniversary of the statue and was hosted by President Reagan 
Since ancient times there had been what was called a word square. In a word square, the same words are spelt 
horizontally and vertically. In contrast, the crossword is built on a pattern of black and white squares, with 
different words interlocking across and down. There are numbered definitions given as clues to the words. 
The first crossword puzzle was created by a British man called Arthur Wynne. It first appeared in a Sunday 
supplement of the New York World on December 21st, 1913. It remained as a feature of this publication for some 
time, and several improvements were made in its form. Yet, crossword puzzles were far from being popular. 
This changed in 1924, when the first book of crossword puzzles appeared. All of a sudden, the crossword puzzle 
became a nationwide and then a worldwide craze. 
Other newspapers began printing them. The New York World started to print one a day. Then the Herald- 
Tribune did the same thing. Pretty soon most papers began to publish crossword puzzles regularly. 
As for the British, they took them up in 1925. At first they imported American books, but they soon developed 
their own.

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  • 1. 1-koalas The first people who lived in Australia were Aborigines. They gave the koala its name. The Aborigi nes saw that koalas drank very little water. The word "koala" means no drink. Koalas live in trees called gum trees. They like to e at the leaves of the gum tree. These leaves have a little bit of juice in them. Koalas get the water they need from these leaves. Koalas like to sleep. They can sleep for 18 hours a day. Koalas wake up at night and eat. They like to live near other koalas. When a koala baby is born, it climbs into a furry pouch (pocket) on the front of its mother's body. The baby stays in the warm pouch, drinking milk and sleeping, until it is quite big. 2-Charlie Chaplin: Charles Spencer Chaplin was an English comic actor, director and composer during the silent film era. Chaplin was born in 1889 in London, England. At age 14, Chaplin landed a small role in the movie Sherlock Holmes. He first toured the U.S in 1910 and was shortly after hired by the Keystone Film Company. Chaplin’s first major role was in The Tramp and gained instant success. He played the role in about a dozen of short films and some other productions. In 1939, Chaplin co-founded the United Artist film distribution company. His two final productions were made in London. In 1972, Chaplin received an Honorary Oscar. In 1999, the American Film Institute ranked Chaplin the 10th greatest male screen legend of all time. 3-Bob Marley: Nesta Robert Marley was a Jamaican singer-songwriter and musician. Marley was born in Saint-Ann parish in Jamaica in 1945. His father was a white Jamaican of English descent and his mother was Afro-Jamaican. He totally accepted his racial identity. Marley left school at age 14 and started jamming with local musicians. Shortly after, he became captivated by the Rastafarian movement of the 60’s. In 1963, Marley met a bunch of musicians with whom he would form the music band The Wailers. He would record five albums before the band was dismantled in 1974. Marley continued to the name during his solo career. His most notable hits are One Love, I Shot the Sherriff, Jamming and No woman No Cry. 3Che Guevara: Che Guevara commonly known as El che was an Argentinean Marxist revolutionary, physician and military theorist. Ernesto Guevara was born in 1928 in Rosario, Argentina. He excelled as an athlete and played rugby for the Buenos Aires University. Guevara was also an intellectual and avid reader. He read on a wide range of subjects including authors such as Sartre, Kipling and even Freud. After graduation, he decided to explore the world and visited many Latin American countries. He was appalled by the level of poverty and working conditions caused by capitalism. In 1955, he met Raul and Fidel Castro and decided to help them set up the Cuban Revolution. He was captured and executed by the Bolivian troops in 1967. 4-Winston Churchill: Winston Churchill was British politician and statesman. He was born in 1874 into the aristocratic family of the dukes of Marlborough. He spent his early years in Dublin and was considered a rebellious and independent child. Churchill did poorly in school but earned high marks in English and History. He also was the school’s fencing champion. Churchill traveled extensively in his youth and visited successively Cuba, India, Sudan and South Africa. He became Prime Minister shortly after the beginning of WWII. He was defeated in 1945 but won again in 1951. Starting in the early 50’s, Churchill suffered from a series of stroke which would lead to his death in 1965. A prolific writer, he received the Nobel Prize of Literature in 1953. 5-Coca cola: Coca-Cola is the world’s most popular soft drink. Sold in more than 200 countries, it is produced by The Coca- Cola Company and is often simply referred as Coke. Coca-Cola touches the lives of millions of people each and every day. From special occasions to exceptional moments in everyday life, Coca-Cola is there. The brand has become a special part of people's lives. In May, 1886, Coca Cola was invented by Doctor John Pemberton (1831-1888) otherwise known as "Doc." , a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia. John Pemberton fought in the Civil War (1861-1865), and at the end of the war he decided he wanted to invent something that would bring him commercial success. John Pemberton was a man with one great obsession: he wanted to invent the ultimate medicine and the perfect drink all rolled into one. He concocted the Coca Cola formula in his backyard. Pemberton was wildly excited by reports of the virtues of the coca plant. The coca plant had been chewed by the natives of Peru and Bolivia for over 2,000 years and was reputed to act as a stimulant, aid to digestion, aphrodisiac and life-extender. The soft drink was first sold to the public at the soda fountain in Jacob's Pharmacy in Atlanta on May 8, 1886. Coke did not do so well in its first year. In 1887, another Atlanta pharmacist and businessman, Asa Griggs Candler bought the formula for Coca Cola from inventor John Pemberton for $2,300. Doc Pemberton died in August 1888, meaning he would never see the commercial success he had been seeking. In 1891, Asa Candler was the sole owner of Coca-Cola and rescued the business.
  • 2. The Coca Cola Company increased syrup sales by over 4000% between 1890 and 1900 By the late 1890s, Coca Cola was one of America's most popular fountain drinks. The famous 1916’s curved-vessel bottle called the “contour bottle”, better known to many as the “hobble skirt” bottle. Advertising was an important factor in John Pemberton and Asa Candler's success and by the turn of the century, the drink was sold across the United States and Canada. 6-Christopher Columbus: Cristopher Colombo was an Italian explorer, colonizer and navigator. He was born in 1451 in Genoa, a part of Modern Italy. In his early teens, Columbus began his apprenticeship as business agent and successively docked in Britain, Ireland and Iceland. After two years of lobbying at the Spanish court, Columbus is successfully back up by King Ferdinand. Between 1492 and 1503, he will do four round-trip voyages between Spain and the Americas. Columbus always considered the conversion of non-believers as one reason for his exploration. He died in 1506 and his remains are now in Seville, Spain. Columbus always generated mixed feelings especially among the native communities. Columbus Day is observed on October 12 by the Americas except Canada. 7- Leonardo Da Vinci: Leonardo di ser Pietro Da Vinci was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect and mathematician. He is considered the most diverse person that ever lived. Da Vinci was born in 1452 in the small town of Vinci, Tuscany. Little is known about Da Vinci’s youth. In 1466, Leonardo became the apprentice of famous artist Verrochio in Florence where he was taught chemistry, carpentry, painting and sculpting. Da Vinci’s personal life is virtually unknown but his feelings for his pupils were known as loving and considerate. Leonardo’s exquisite painting work includes Annunciation, Vatican and the most famous Mona Lisa. Fascinated with the phenomenon of flight, he designed many flying machines. Da Vinci was admired by his contemporaries and his still a legend today. 8-Charles Darwin: Charles Darwin was an English naturalist who is best known for his scientific theory of natural selection. Darwin was born in 1809 in Shrewsbury, England. His father, Robert Darwin, was a wealthy society doctor and financier. He enrolled at the University of Edinburgh Medical School but found the classes boring and got more interested in beetle collecting. In 1831, he made a five year trip called Voyage to the Beagal where he studied numerous species including those of the Galapagos Island. His book, The Origins of Species hit the shelves in 1859 and received international interest but also a lot of criticism and mixed reviews. One of Darwin’s legacies is to have convinced most scientists that the evolution as descent with modification was correct. 9- Dolphins: Did you know that dolphins are mammals? They give birth to live young and nurse them with milk. A dolphin breathes through the blowhole on top of its head. They have to come up to the surface to breathe. Most dolphins surface every few minutes, but they can stay under water for up to 15 minutes. The colours of dolphins vary but they are generally gray with darker backs than the rest of their bodies. Dolphins have a thick layer of fat beneath their skin. This layer of fat is called blubber. As dolphins have no fur, they need the blubber to keep warm. Dolphins live in families which are usually led by a female dolphin. The dolphins in a family help each other, for example when raising their young. When travelling or hunting, several families might join together to make a larger group, also known as a school of dolphins. Most dolphin species have a long lifespan. In the wild, dolphins can live to be 50 years old, although the average age is 17 years. Dolphins use echolocation to navigate and to find food - fish. Dolphins send out clicks that are returned from other objects in the water (just like an echo). This way a dolphin can locate food, other dolphins, predators or rocks. Dolphins live in seawater but there are some species that live in fresh water: the river dolphins. Unfortunately, river dolphins are critically endangered and it is even feared that one species, the baiji, has already died out. Did you know that other dolphins are endangered, too? Humans are the greatest threat to dolphins: environmental pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing are the main reasons why so many dolphin species are endangered. Lots of dolphins get stuck in fishing nets and in some countries, dolphins are deliberately killed because they eat the fish that the fishermen want to catch. 10-Eat helthy or die early: It's important for people to eat as much as they need to give them energy. If they eat too little food or the wrong food they won't have enough energy. If they eat too much, they will need to make more exercise; otherwise they will put on weight. When we eat the correct quantity of food for the exercise we take, we call this the energy balance. Fat is very high in calories, and so is no help at all in keeping energy balance. Fat has also been linked with heart disease, and many experts believe that eating less would help to reduce it. Sugar isn't good for the energy balance either. The only value of the diet is to provide energy, and you can get that from other foods. There's no doubt that too much sugar makes you fat and it doesn't do your teeth much good either. Fibre, on the other hand is something that we eat too little of. One of the simplest ways of eating more fibre is to eat more bread, particularly whole meal, granary, or high fibre bread .It's a good, cheap source of fibre and nutrients without too many calories .Potatoes are good, too. Like bread, they are underrated, but they're excellent for filling you up without making you fat, especially if you don't cover them with butter or fry them in fat.
  • 3. So eat less fatty food (sweets, chocolate, cakes pudding, jam) and eat more fibre foods (bread, potatoes, pasta, fresh fruit and vegetables). 11- Eating out in Britain: Britain has numerous restaurants of all types, some of which are rather fancy and expensive. But you can eat very well quite cheaply if you know where. For example, you can often buy cheap, satisfying, tasty meals at pubs, inns or Fish & Chips shops throughout Britain. Pubs are friendly places which open at lunchtime and in the evening. They serve beer and many other drinks, but no one under 18 can drink alcohol. They serve food as well, which is generally good value for money. That’s why most pubs are full at lunchtime. Besides eating and drinking, you can also play darts or billiards and have a good time chatting with friends while listening to music. Fish and Chips is a kind of fast food and it is the favourite British “take away”. Its history goes back to the time of the Industrial Revolution when factory workers were so busy that they had no time to cook. So they bought this kind of food in the street and took it home to their families. The dish is very simple: fried fish dipped in a batter made from eggs, flour and water, and chips, all wrapped in paper and sprinkled with vinegar. 12-Education in the U.S.A: American children are required to be in full time education until the age of 16. Most children start school at the age of six. They attend eight years of elementary school and four years of high school or secondary school.. The money for free public schools comes from taxes, and each state is responsible for its educational system. State legislatures set the educational requirements but leave the management of schools in the hand of the local communities. Most states require their children to go to school until a certain age. This age varies from 16 to 18 years according to the laws of the individual states. The federal government contributes funds to the states for additional school services. After graduation from high school, a student can start his higher education in a two-year college, a four-year college, a university, or a specialized professional school either public or private. Most colleges admit students on the basis of their high- school records. The cost of a college education is expensive in private universities, but it is much less in those supported by states and cities. Many students receive scholarships from the schools, the government, or private foundations and organizations. More than 50% of the college students work to help pay their college expenses. Only a few Americans cannot read and write. 13-Food: We all need food and we can’t live without it because it gives us energy and keeps us fine and strong. But, where does our food come from ? There are two basic kinds of food. One comes from animals and the other from plants. Meat comes from animals. We get mutton from sheep, beef from cows and chicken from hens.Fish is meat, too. We also get other products from animals such as: eggs from hens and ducks, honey from bees, milk from cows, and from milk people get butter and cheese. From plants, we get fruit, vegetables and cereals. A lot of fruit grow on trees such as oranges. Some kinds of vegetables grow under the ground, the potato is an example.Cereals give us food, too.Millions of people in the world eat rice and make flour or semolina from wheat. But you must buy good food for a healthy life. Do you eat the right food ? 14-Gandi: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was a Hindu religious thinker, political leader and ideological father of the Indian independence movement. Ghandi was born in 1869 during British India. Gandhi is often referred to as ‘‘Mahatma’’ which means great soul. He is most known for being the leader of the Indian movement against British rule with the use of non-violent resistance through mass civil disobedience. Gandhi also spent many years in South Africa where he experienced discrimination and fought for equal rights and the blacks. Gandhi’s greatest victory was when full power was transferred to Indian hands in 1943. British actor Ben Kingsley portrayed the Indian in the 1982 movie Gandhi which won an Oscar for best picture. 15-The Great Wall of China: The Great Wall of China is consists of many fortifications made of stone, brick, wood and other materials. It was built east to west on the borders to protect China. The early walls were built in the 3rd century during the establishment of the Qin dynasty. It subsequently helped the Ming Dynasty against the Manchu invasion during the 14th century. Many watchtowers helped for communication purposes and to call for reinforcement. First sightings of the Great Wall by Europeans occurred during the 16th century. An archeological survey concluded
  • 4. that it measures 8850 km including the actual wall, the trenches and the barriers. Even though it’s been extensively renovated, part of the wall might disappear due to erosion in the next 20 years. 16-Isaac Newton: Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician and astronomer and philosopher. He was born on Christmas Day in 1642 in the county of Lincolnshire. In his late teens, his mother tried to make a farmer out of him but he hated it. In 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College where he discovered and read about philosopher Descartes and astronomers such as Copernicus and Galileo. Newton first did work in mathematics where he is credited for the binominal theorem and got appointed as a professor. He also did work in optics where he studied the refraction of light. However, Newton is mostly known for his famous three laws of motion. It is believed that Newton might have suffered from the Asperger syndrome 17-Martin Luther King: Martin Luther King was a pastor, activist and leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. King was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia and his father was a Reverend. In 1939, King sang with his choir at the premiere of the movie Gone with the Wind. A precocious student, King graduated from Morehouse College with a degree in sociology at age 19. King became a pastor in 1954 and visited Gandhi’s birthplace in India in 1959. The March of Washington in 1963 is one of King’s highlights and is also where he did his most famous speech I Have a Dream which electrified the crowd. A quarter million people had attended the march. King also opposed the Vietnam War and supported poor people. Unfortunately, King was assassinated in 1968. 18-Michael Jackson: Michael Jackson was a music artist and entertainer who was often referred to as the King of Pop. Jackson was born in 1958 in Indiana and was the eighth of ten children. Michael started his musical career in the 60’s as a back vocalist for the Jackson Five and later became a lead vocal. Although, they had success in the 70’s the band started to fade. Michael started his solo career in 1980 but would only reach real fame with the album Thriller in 1982. To this day, Thriller remains the most successful album of all time with estimated 110 million copies so far and was the first album to get seven Billboard Hot 100 top ten singles. Michael was an incredible dancer and is mostly known for his famous ‘‘moonwalk’’. Sadly Jackson died in 2009, at the age of 50. 19-Nelson Mandela: Rolhilahla Mandela is an anti-apartheid activist and served as the president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. Mandela was born in 1918 in the small village of Mvezo and while he attended school as a youth was given the English name ‘‘Nelson’’ by his teacher. After studies at the Fort Hare University, he relocated in Johannesburg where he found a job as a guard in a mine. Mandela began is political activity in 1948 opposing the segregation of black people known as ‘‘apartheid’’. He was arrested first in 1962 and then accused of treason in 1963 which led him to spend 27 years in prison. Shortly after his release, Mandela became the first black president in 1994. Mandela’s approach to apartheid is known to have been influenced by Ghandi’s non-violence philosophy. 20- Our school trip: Hello! My name is Joseph and I’m a 12-years-old schoolboy from Manchester. Last weekend I took part on a school trip with my classmates from our primary school. We visited a large farm near Manchester. I must admit it was awesome! Since I am a ‘city-boy’ I have never seen such wonderful animals. I saw sheep eating grass in the pasture. The kind farmers allowed us to milk the cows and stroke the calves and goats. Furthermore we could pick up the eggs from the henhouse. But the most fantastic experience was horse-riding! Trying it out was one of my oldest dreams. When I was sitting on the horseback I decided that I will be a professional rider at all costs. At the end of the day we were invited for a traditional farm dinner which contained fresh pork chop, beefsteak with egg and milk. I can say undoubtedly that this day was the best day of my life. 21-Picasso: Pablo Picasso was a Spanish painter, sculptor and print maker. He was born in Malaga in 1881. According to his mother, his first words were ‘‘piz,piz’’ which is short for pencil in English. Picasso began his training in drawing and oil painting with his father at age seven. He was later sent to the Royal Academy of San Fernando an in Madrid. He made his first trip to Paris in 1900 where he spent most of his life and learned the language. In 1911, Picasso was suspected of having stolen the Mona Lisa from the Louvre. Picasso kept painting during both world wars and even wrote poetry. As of 2004, Picasso remains the top ranking artist with more work
  • 5. stolen than anybody else. Picasso was portrayed in 1996 by actor Anthony Hopkins in the movie Surviving Picasso. 22-Sally’s every day life: I’m Sally and I’m a schoolgirl. I go to school at weekdays from 8:00 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon. Every day I get up at 7o’clock. Then I have breakfast and after that I wash my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair, put on my clothes, get my schoolbag and leave home at a quarter to eight. I go to school on foot because it’s really close to my house. I don’t have lunch at school; I only have a snack at around 12:00o’clock. I get back home at a quarter to three and then I eat my lunch. After that I watch TV from half past three to a quarter past four and then I do my homework. I usually have a lot of homework so I spend about two hours doing it. On Mondays and Thursdays I have English lessons from half past six to 8o’clock. On Tuesdays I play tennis from 7 to 8. On Wednesdays I have piano lessons from 6:30 to 7:30. As you see all my days are full with activities and I finish everything at around 8 in the evening every day. I have dinner with my family at 8:30 and then I take a shower, brush my teeth, put on my pajamas and go to bed at around 9o’clock. I always read a few pages of a book before I go to sleep. I am usually tired but satisfied at the end of the day. 23-Taj Mahal: The Taj Mahal is white Marble mausoleum located in Agra, India and is recognised has as the jewel of Muslim art. The structure was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife. Construction began in 1632 and was completed in 1653. The tomb is the central focus of the entire complex of the Taj Mahal. The marble dome that surrounds the tomb is the most impressive feature and stands 35 metres looking like a cylindrical drum which earned it the nickname ‘‘onion dome’’. The interior walls are about 25 metres high and each room are highly decorated with refined calligraphy panels. The garden is a large 300 metres and was inspired by the Persian. The Taj Mahal attracts between 2 and 4 million visitors annually. 24-Thomas Edison: Thomas Edison was an American inventor and business man. He was born in Milan, Ohio in 1847. Edison official schooling lasted only three months and was considered a confused child. Most of his education came from the textbook School of Natural Philosophy. Edison first started as a telegraph operator before moving to Louisville where he became Western Union employee. He began is inventor career in New Jersey and gained notice with the phonograph in 1871. The quadruplex telegraph was Edison’s first commercial success which enabled him to create the first industrial research lab. He also developed the motion picture camera and the light bulb. Edison is the fourth most prolific U.S inventor holding an impressive 1093 patents in his name. 25-Tom’s family: Hello! My name is Tom Scott. I am thirteen years old. I live with my parents in a house in the Highlands of Scotland. My father’s name is Adam and he is 41 years old. My mother’s name is Rose and she is two years younger than my father. I have a younger brother. His name is Ben. He is twelve years old. He goes to the same school as I. We both learn in the Primary School of Newmark. I learn in the 4th class and Ben in the 2nd class. My parents have a petrol station. It doesn’t belong to them, they have leased it. They sell petrol, oil, car batteries and spare parts. But even newspapers and snacks are sold there. My brother and I sometimes help my parents after school. We wash the windscreens of the cars or help the customers to fill up their cars with petrol. Our bitch got five puppies. We don’t have so much space for so many dogs. That’s why we give theam away. 26-Vincent Van Gogh: Vincent Willem Van Gogh was a Dutch post-impressionist painter known for his paintings’ rough beauty and bold colours. He was born in 1853 in the province of North Brabant, Netherlands. The name Vincent was common and often reused in the van Gogh family. Van Gogh began drawing at an early age and quickly realised that he wanted to become an artist. At age 20, he got a position with an art dealer and was sent to London. He then studied theology without success before entering the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels to study anatomy. In 1886, van Gogh moved to Paris where he remained until his death in 1890. In his lifetime, he produced more than 2100 artworks consisting of 860 oil paints and 1300 drawings, watercolors and sketches. 27-Victor Hugo: Victor Hugo was a French poet, novelist, visual artist and human rights activist. He was born in Besançon, Franche-Comté in 1802 and was an illegitimate child. Hugo grew up in a period a national political turmoil during the Napoleon era. He married Adèle Foucher in 1822 who gave him five children. Hugo was devastated when his oldest daughter, Léopoldine drowned at age 19 shortly after her marriage. He got elected to the Académie Française in 1841 and became more involved in French politics. Hugo lived in exile in Brussels and Normandy from 1851 until 1970 when Napoleon came to power. Among his most famous works are Les Misérables and Les Châtiments. As a casual hobby, Hugo produced more than 4000 drawings but kept it out of public eye. 28-John’s life:
  • 6. Hi, my name is John. I am twelve years old and I live in The United States so I am American. I live with my family they are, my father, mother, a brother and a little sister. We live in a small cottage near the sea. I have got two dogs that love water. My favorite food is roasted meat with mashed potato .My birthday is on November 8th and my zodiac sign is Scorpio. I can play tennis and baseball; I can also play the guitar. I have got brown curly hair and I like wearing shorts and trainers. I always get up at half past nine and I go to school by bike and I finish lessons at four o’clock. My favourite subjects are English and Sports, but I don’t like Arts. My brother‘s name is Peter and my sister is Katy who attends Kindergarten. My mother is called Mary and she is a teacher and my father’s name is Charles and he is a dentist. We usually go to the mountains on holidays. 29-A letter from Canada: Bison's Leap Ranch, Okotoks, Alberta, Canada. June 17th Hi! I'm Keri and I live in a place called Okotoks in Alberta, Canada. We live on a farm. It's called Bison's Leap Ranch, and it's enormous. We grow wheat here. We've got three hundred cows, about a hundred sheep. Lots of hens, three dogs, two cats and five horses. The busiest time on our farm is September -that's harvest time. We don't see my dad for weeks - except when he runs into the kitchen for some food, and then runs out again! Our summers are short, but really hot. The autumn (we call it the fall) is beautiful. The sky is blue and the trees are red and gold. In the winter, we have snow for five or six months. We do lots of winter sports - skiing, ice hockey, skating and tobogganing. Canada is the second biggest country in the world. My uncle Ed and Aunt Sandra live in Vancouver on the west coast and their daughter (my cousin) Sally lives in New Brunswick on the east coast. When they visit her they drive for seven days! Alberta is a cool place to live. You should come and visit us one day. From my bedroom window, you can see the Rockies. I'm going to ride over to my friend Victoria's place now. That's the ranch next to ours. I'll write again soon. Keri 30-A true story: King Louis the Eleventh was the king of France about 500 years ago. One day a young man said to the king, "I can see the future." This was not true, but the king believed him. The young man was pleased and he hoped to get an important job. But King Louis thought, "This man knows the future, so he knows more than I know. He is dangerous, and I must kill him." The king said to his servants, "I'm going to invite that man to eat with me. When he comes, watch my hand. When I lift up my hand, throw him out of the window." That evening the man came to the king's room in the palace. The king had a smile on his face, but it was not a friendly smile. He said to the man, "You know the future, so tell me your future. When are you going to die?" Then the young man understood his mistake. He thought quickly before he answered the king's question. "I'm going to die three days before you," he said. The king stopped smiling. The servants watched the king's hand, but it didn't move. The young man was safe, but he never told another lie after that. 31-A wonderful school trip: It was a wonderful school trip! I'm Marah and I'm in the 7th Grade. Yesterday our history teacher Mrs. Yamada took us on a field trip to one of the most beautiful places in Jordan. It is one of the new seven wonders. I have heard a lot about it but it was my first visit. We walked through a long opening in the mountains to reach it. After an hour, I saw what a great job the Nabateans did in building it. The treasury was curved in the mountains. Mrs. Yamada told us about the Nabateans who built it and why they built between mountains. Next she took us to see the royal tombs and the temple. It was a hot day so we had lunch in the shade of the mountains. We bought souvenirs; stuffed camels, Jordanian Hatta and bottles filled with colored sand. I even got a small model of the treasury. Unfortunately, it took us 3 hours to reach Amman so we had to leave early. I'll never forget that day. We sang and danced in the bus. Mrs. Yamada Made us a quiz show about what we learnt, she also gave presents for the students who answered correctly. I was so tired when I got back home but I couldn't stop telling people how great fun I had!! 32-A year out: When I finish university, I’d like to go to traveling before I find a job. I’d like to study computing and I think I’ll get a good job as a computer engineer, but I’d like to have a break and do something different after three years at university. I think I’ll go to South America for about nine months because I speak a little Spanish and my friend Finn has some family there. Finn’s brother went on a trip to Chile, Argentina and Peru last year and it sounded brilliant. The video he made was fantastic. I think it’s important to do something like this before you get a job or get married because maybe I won’t have time later. In Britain, a lot of people do something like this and it’s called a ‘Year Out’. They often travel or work in another country.
  • 7. I think a ‘Year Out’ is important for young people because they have time to see the world outside their own country. A lot of friends would prefer to get a job quickly because they want money. You never know what will happen, but this is something I’d love to do. My best friend, Finn, thinks so too. 33-Abraham Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln was the 16th U.S president who was first elected in 1860 and again in 1864. His name is often associated with the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery. After a quiet childhood, Lincoln decides to become a lawyer and successfully complete his studies in 1836. In 1954, Lincoln is elected congressman while still practising law. April 12th marks the beginning of the Civil War which takes roots in a dispute regarding the condition of slavery in the U.S. Shortly after the end of the Civil War, Lincoln is assassinated by John Wilkes Booths. Sadly, he will never get the chance to finish is second term. Lincoln is one of the four faces carved in Mount Rushmore. Standing 1.93 metres; Lincoln is known to be the tallest of all U.S President. 34-Adventure in the desert: Last weakened it was cool and cloudy. My family decided to go camping in the desert for two days. We packed our luggage and went by our new car. We travelled for two hours until we reached an oasis near a mountain. As we arrived there, my father put up the tent and my mother took out a small stove to heat our lunch. I played some soccer with my brother. After we ate our meal, we all got asleep for two hours. Suddenly we got up on my little sister’s scream. She was crying too loud. There was a snake moving around her leg. My father asked her not to move, and then it went away. In fact, we all got scared and my mother decided to go back home immediately. When we rode our car and began to move, it was sunset. In the middle of the way back, the car stopped suddenly; it ran out of petrol. My father forgot to have a full tank at the beginning of the trip. He tried to contact anyone he knew, but his mobile phone didn’t work. We had to stay all night in the car in the dark cold desert. About five o’clock a.m. we saw a tractor coming towards us. My father told its driver our story and he gave us a gallon of petrol. My father drove quickly and finally we got back home very scared and tired. I never forget such adventure. 35-Aghata Cristie: Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie is possibly the world's most famous detective story writer. She wrote 79 novels and several plays. Her sales outnumber those of William Shakespeare. However, behind her 4,680,000 words was a painfully shy woman whose life was often lonely and unhappy. She was born in 1890 in Devon, the third child of Clarissa and Frederick Miller, and grew into a beautiful and sensitive girl with waist-length golden hair. She didn't go to school but was educated at home by her mother. Her father died when she was 11 and both she and her mother were grief-stricken. During World War 1, while she was working in a hospital dispensary, she learned about chemicals and poisons, which proved to be very useful to her in her later career. She wrote her first detective novel, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, in 1920- In it she introduced Hercule Poirot, the Belgian detective who appeared in many subsequent novels. Her other main detective was an elderly spinster called Miss Marple. 36-Albert Einstein: Albert Einstein is one of the most gifted scientists of all time. He is best known for his theory of relativity, which he developed when he was only twenty-six and which changed the way scientists looked at space and time. Einstein was born on 14th March 1874, in Ulm, Wurttemberg, Germany. He studied Mathematics and Physics at Zurich University and continued to live in Switzerland after finishing his studies. He worked in an office, but spent his spare time doing scientific research and experiments. He became professor at Zurich University in 1909, but even before that his research had made him an important force in the world of Physics. In 1921, he won the Noble Prize in Physics. Einstein's genius changed the course of history, since it was the central to the development of atomic energy. Einstein was an outspoken believer in world peace; however, he was deeply saddened when he realized the outcome of his research would be an atom bomb. He said at the time, "if only I had known, I'd have become a watchmaker". In 1933, Einstein accepted a position for life at Princeton University. He lived there, dedicated to the study of Physics, until his death in 1955. 37-Alexander Graham Bell: Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March the 3rd of 1847, Alexander Graham Bell was an inventor who changed American life forever. At the age of 23, Bell moved to Canada and then to U.S. a year later. He lived from the years 1847-1922. He is best remembered for inventing the telephone. Before he invented the telephone, he taught speech to deaf students and was a professor at Boston University. Bell’s interest in speech led him to experiment with transmitting speech electronically. So, at night, he worked on experiments using a telegraph. Once, when the metal in the telegraph stuck, Bell’s assistant Watson plucked the metal to loosen it. Bell, who was in another room, heard the sound in his receiver. Because of that, he thought that sound-wave vibrations could be converted
  • 8. into electric currents at one end of a wire. Then the current could be reconverted into identical sound-waves on the receiving end of the wire. He continued to work on that idea. On March 7, 1876, the U.S. Patent Office issued a patent to Bell for his idea of the telephone. March 10, 1876, was the first time Alexander Graham Bell successfully spoke words over a telephone line. He was about to test a new transmitter spilled some battery acid on his clothes. He cried out to his assistant who was in another room, “Mr. Watson, come here! I want you!” Watson heard every word clearly on the phone and rushed into the room. On July 9, 1877, the first telephone company, Bell Telephone Company, was opened to business. Throughout his life, Bell continued to work on different inventions and he continued to find ways to help deaf people. 38-An unlucky day: Yesterday was not a good day. First of all I woke up late because I didn’t hear my alarm clock. When I got out of bed I put my foot on a teacup that was standing by the bed. I spilled all the tea on the carpet, I cleaned it and got dressed as quickly as I could. There wasn’t much time because I was going to London for a job interview, and my train left at a quarter past eight., and it was already twenty five to eight. Then, I couldn’t find my keys to open the door. I looked everywhere. Finally , I decided there was only one thing to do. I opened a window and I started climbing out. This was not difficult, because my flat is on the second floor, and I am still quite young and athletic- I play tennis every Saturday afternoon, and I do a lot of swimming on holiday. But just as I stood up somebody called me. _ Excuse me, sir, a voice said. I turned round and saw that it was a policeman. It was now ten to eight., so I didn’t really have time for conversation. _Good morning, officer I said. _ _I’d like to talk to you, but I’m afraid I can’t stop, because my train leaves in fifteen minutes and I’m going to miss it. _ I’m sure you have, sir he said. I’m afraid I’ll have to ask you a few questions first. I spent an hour and a half at the police station. I missed my train and when I finally got to London they said It was too late for the interview. The next train home was at three in the evening. I had to spend the day in London, It rained all day and I had no umbrella. Finally, I got home exhausted and wet. It was the worst day of my life. 39-Annie Grey: Annie Grey is twelve years old. She is a student in a small town in Great Britain. Annie is tall and slim. She has got brown hair and green eyes. Her favourite activities are singing and dancing. But she also likes going to school. She has good marks and she wants to become a doctor one day. Annie has got two sisters and a brother. Their names are Kate, Angie and Mark. Kate is seventeen, Angie is eight and Mark is two. Kate, Angie and Annie are at the same school. They go to school from Monday to Friday. Their school day starts at nine o’clock and ends in the afternoon. Their parents are very proud of them all 40-At the airport: Checking in at the Check in Counter Clerk: Good morning. May I have your passport and ticket, please? Customer: Here you go. Clerk: Oh, you have an e-ticket. You can print out your boarding pass at the kiosk. Customer: I already printed out my boarding pass at home. Here it is. Clerk: Good. How many bags are you checking? Customer: Two. Clerk: Please put them on the scale. Oh, this one is too heavy. You have to pay an overweight fee or take out some items. Customer: I will pay the overweight fee. How much is it? Clerk: It is $50. If you pre-pay over the web it is cheaper. Customer: OK. Thanks. Good to know 41-At the airport 2: Clerk: Your seat is 22F. The flight leaves from Terminal A, Gate 14 at 2:15. Customer: OK Thanks. Could you point me in the direction of Gate 14? Clerk: Straight ahead and to the left. Follow the signs. Customer: Thanks. Is there any place to buy something to drink after the security check point?. Clerk: Yes. There are kiosks that sell coffee and drinks. Customer: Is there a duty free shop? Clerk: Yes. Customer: Thank you very much. Clerk: May I help the next customer? Next Customer: Hello...
  • 9. 42-At the bank: Teller: Hi. How may I help you? Customer: I would like to apply for a mortgage. Teller: You’ll have to see one of the managers for that. Customer: Where can I find a manager? Teller: They are in the Financial Advice Department. You can take a seat in the waiting area over there. Is there anything else I can help you with? Customer: I would like to cash this check. Teller: Do you have a checking account with our bank? Customer: No. Teller: We only cash checks for customers of our bank. Would you like to open an account when you apply for your mortgage? Customer: Yes, I would. Thank you very much. 43-At the circus: Last week I visited the circus with my little son, Ben. It was an amazing day! We arrived to the huge tent at three o’clock. There were many performers, equipments and many caravans and wagons behind the tent. When we got inside, there were many seats for the public round one ring in the middle, in which performance took place. There were also lots of people eating pop corn, drinking soda and talking together. After a few minutes the show started .The show was a spectacle in which animals acted and artists at the circus were busy performing for the public. The first show was performed by a couple of clowns, who are the children’s favourite attraction. Ben enjoyed watching them and the magician, too. It was great and funny. After that, we watched a tamer with some wild animals that were acting. How courageous! Next, there were the acrobats who were fabulous, too. They were swinging and performing dangerous acts. There were many other animals like horses, seals, elephants, bears…The last show was performed by some jugglers on bicycles. It was great. We were very tired but we enjoyed the show very much. 44-Australia: Australia is a country in the Southern hemisphere comprising the mainland, the Tasmania Island and numerous other small islands in the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Before European settlement in the 18th century, it was inhabited by indigenous tribes. Over the years, the indigenous population has substantially decreased. In 1901, the six colonies became a federation and the commonwealth of Australia was formed. The capital is Canberra and English is de facto the official language. Most Australians consider themselves Christians. Australia is notorious for its wine and offers 60 distinct productions. Australia has also produced many successful actors and actresses such as Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman and Naomie Watts 45-Barack Obama: Barack Obama is the current and 44th U.S president. He is the first black president in the U.S, history. Obama was elected in 2008 winning against John McCain. Obama is of mixed heritage, his mother, Stanlen Ann Duhman, was Caucasian and his father, Obama Sr., was a black student from Kenya. After her mother’s divorce, Obama spent most of his childhood in Indonesia before returning to Hawaii to live with his maternal grand-parents in 1971. He is a Colombia University graduate with a degree in political sciences. In 1988, he entered Harvard Law School and graduated in 1991. He served as a state senator from 1997 to 2004 before becoming U.S senator in 2005. Obama wrote a book, ‘‘Dreams from My Father’’ in which he talks about his roots 46-Ben and his family: Hello there! My name is Ben. I’m thirteen years old and I’m from Bristol in England. I’m a student at a public school: Clifton High School. It is an amazing school and I love going there. I live in a flat with my parents and two brothers, Jim and Harry. My parents’ names are Adele and Alan. My mum is a dentist and she works at King Richard’s Clinic. She is thirty-five years. My dad, Alan, is thirty-nine and works with computers. He’s an engineer. My brothers are fifteen and nineteen respectively and are students. My older brother, Harry, is at college and only comes home at weekends. My mother hasn’t got any brothers or sisters, but my father has got two sisters, Susan and Joan. They aren’t married, so I still don’t have any cousins. My mum’s parents are Bruce and Emma Thompson. They live in a big
  • 10. farm in the countryside, where I go in the summer. I just love visiting them, because it’s very calm and beautiful. I always take Rufus, my dog, with me and we have lots of fun! I don’t see my dad’s parents very often, because they live in another city, far away from us. When my family gets together, we love playing baseball, going to concerts, watching TV shows and travelling. We visit a lot of places when we are in holidays and it’s always fun. My family is the best and I am a very happy young boy! 47-Big Ben: Big Ben is the nickname given for the big clock of the Palace of Westminster in London. Big Ben is historically referred to as St-Stephen’s Tower. The clock tower became part of the new Palace of Westminster which was destroyed by fire in 1834 but rebuild afterwards in a Gothic style. The clock and dials were designed by Augustus Pugin. Big Ben is 93.6 metres (316 ft) high and is founded below ground level. The hour hand is 2.7 metres long and the minute hand is 4.2 metres long. Even though Big Ben is the most world’s most popular attraction, it is not open to the public. In 1941, a German bombing damaged two of the clock’s dials. The current bell weights about 13.7 tonne. Big Ben is considered the most popular landmark of the U.K. 48-British schools: In England, schools for 11 to 18-year-olds are called secondary schools. Over 90% of English children go to government state schools. Only 7% go to private schools. The most exclusive private schools are called “public” schools. For example, Prince William went to Eton, a top public school for the elite. These schools are very expensive – the school fees can cost up to 40,000euros per year ! Private or “public” schools are often in historical buildings, and many traditions have survived. They are not “mixed”, like state schools, and extra time is given to sports and other competitive activities. THE SCHOOL WEEK In English schools, the week goes from 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. There is no school on Saturday. There is a break in the morning and at lunch time. Do you know a famous cafeteria ? Oxford College’s cafeteria where Harry Potter had lunch ! Most pupils prefer bringing their lunch in a lunch box. In some schools, the whole school meets for assembly in the morning. Traditionally, assembly included hymns, prayers and news about the school. Today, because of England’s cultural diversity, the hymns have been replaced in most schools by a talk on different subjects, like ecology, etc… Can you imagine never wearing your jeans to school ? Well this is the reality for most British school kids. In state schools the uniform can be very simple : skirt or trousers, a shirt with a tie, a blazer or sweatshirt with the school logo… It is one of the traditions that makes school life in England so different but there are many others… 49-Buckingham Palace: Buckingham Palace is south-west of the London Eye. It is the official London residence of the sovereign, and was first opened to the public in 1993. It was originally built in 1703 for the Duke of Buckingham (hence its name). Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live in Buckingham Palace in 1837. Today Buckingham Palace is used not only as the home of The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh, but also for the administrative work for the monarchy. Here the Queen receives and entertains guests invited to the Palace. You know when she is there because you can see her flag flying on the roof. The Changing of the Guard takes place at the front of the Palace every day at 11.30 a.m. During the summer, visitors can tour the nineteen State Rooms, which form the heart of the Palace. These magnificent rooms are decorated with some of the greatest treasures from the Royal Collection, including paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and Canaletto and sculpture by Canova 50-Canada: Canada is the second largest country in the world—after Russia. Its name comes from the St-Lawrence Iroquoian word Kanata which means village. In 2010, Canada’s population was estimated around 34 million inhabitants. The country consists of ten provinces and three territories. Canada is a federation governed by a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy. The two official languages are English and French. The province of Québec is the only province with French has the official language. Canada is one of the greatest exporters of energy including oil and electricity. It also supplies agricultural products and other natural resources such zinc, gold, aluminum and nickel. Hockey is the national sport and most Canadians enjoy playing it in winter. 51-My favourite holiday: My favourite holiday place is the seaside. You can do many fun things at the seaside. This summer my family and I are going to the seaside. We are going to spend a week there in August at a hotel. It is the best month because it is hot and sunny.
  • 11. My brother and I are going to make sand castles, he is going to go windsurfing and I am going to play games in water. My father is going to go fishing on the rocks or in a boat. My mother is going to read a book or she is going to do crosswords under the beach umbrella; she is also going to watch us play. It is going to be very funny! 52-Lisbone: Lisbon, one of the oldest capitals in Europe, is situated on the west coast of Portugal. Its rich history, colourful traditions and more modern attractions make it a fascinating city. Anyone lucky enough to visit Lisbon will find plenty to see and do. For a start, the magnificent Castle of Saint George is a must. The castle, which is built on a hill, offers a fantastic view over the city. Directly below is Alfama, the oldest part of Lisbon. Visitors can walk along its narrow streets where they can see fish sellers carrying baskets on their heads. In Belém, the city’s port, tourists can visit the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, a beautiful monastery built in the 16th century. Baixa, the busy shopping area of the city, offers a great variety of handmade souvenirs and elegant designer clothes. Lisbon’s nightlife is exciting and varied. Visitors can have a coffee in Bairro Alto, the ancient port of the city, where fado – traditional Portuguese music – fills the air with its sad, romantic sounds. They can also enjoy delicious seafood at first-class restaurants. For those who like to dance the night away, there are many trendy clubs in the area. Lisbon is a wonderful city. If you want to experience the beauty and fascination of a great European capital, it would be the perfect holiday destination for you. 53-My drem job: I think that I would like to be an archaeologist because knowing how people used to live fascinates me. I love learning about history and ancient societies so this job would probably be very good for me. I also like to travel and an archaeologist goes to many places like Egypt, Mexico, China, etc to do his work. The only bad thing about this is that I would spend long periods of time away from my family and friends but despite this; I still think that it would be worth it. To be an archaeologist, you need to go University to study about people, ancient history and cultures. I believe that you have to have very good marks since it is such a difficult and laborious job with a lot of guess work, you have to use your imagination to understand how things might have worked back in those times 54-My best friend: Allan is my best friend. I have known him for many years.We do a lot of things together because we have similar interests.We both love bands like “Snow Patrol” and “Yellow Card. He loves cheese and bacon pizza and so do I. We even like the same films – “The Matrix”, “Quantum of Solace” and “The Dark Knight.” The only thing, we disagree on is actresses – I like Keira Knightly but he doesn’t, he thinks Kirsten Dunst is much better and prettier. Allan and I first met when I was eight years old. My family had just moved to Halifax from Toronto and he was the first person to say “Hello” to me on my first day at school. Ever since then, we have been best friends. He has a great sense of humour and he can make people laugh. He is also very intelligent, kind and a good person. In short, Allan is the best friend a person could ever have 55-Disney world: Disney World resort is the most-visited entertainment resort in the world and is located near Orlando in Florida. It opened in 1971 and now includes four theme parks—Epcot Center, Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom and two water parks—Typhoon Lagoon and Blizzard beach. There are five golf courses on Disney’s property as well as 33 hotels and resorts. It also includes a campground, two health spas and a physical fitness centers. Disney World employs 66 000 people, including many students and offers the latter the opportunity to live nearby so they can work at the resort. According to the AECOM report, close to ten million people visited the parks in 2010. Walt Disney died in 1966 and never got to see his vision realised. 56-Dr.Mary: Mary is a doctor. She lives in London. She is 35 years old. She is married and has two kids. Her daughter Kim is 4 years old and her son Dan is 8.Mary is very busy. She works in a big hospital. In the morning she drives Kim to the kindergarten and Dan to school. She usually starts work at 8:30 in the morning and finishes at 5:30 in the evening. But today is different. It is 8 o’clock in the evening and Mary works tonight. Right now, some people in the hospital are reading in bed. Mary is talking to an old woman and is helping her get ready for bed. Mary loves her work. Mary wants to be home tomorrow because it is Kim’s birthday. Mary and her husband decided to buy a great gift for Kim. It is a cute puppy. Mary knows that Kim will be happy to have a puppy. 57-Egypt: Egypt is a country in North Africa with the Sinai Peninsula forming a land bridge in Southwest Asia. It is thus a transcontinental country and is also bordered by the Mediterranean Sea. A unified kingdom was founded in around 3150 BC by King Menes and lead to many dynasties that ruled Egypt for the next three millennia. In AD 639, Egypt was absorbed into the Islamic Empire by Muslim Arabs. The official language is the Standard Arabic and both French and English are often taught as foreign languages. Egypt is famous for its monuments such as the Giza pyramid complex and the Sphinx. The economy is the most diversified of the Middle East and includes tourism and agriculture. Football is the national sport of the country. 58-Elvis Presly: Hi everyone. Peter is speaking to you from Radio California. We are going to speak about the king of Rock; Elvis Presley. He was born in 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi and he lived in a very poor family. Twelve years later, his family moved to Memphis where he lived for the rest of his life. The date on which they moved was also the date
  • 12. on which he sang his first song in public. He loved music so much and he was first influenced by black singers that he heard on the radio and he sang in a choir at the church. His first record “Heartbreak Hotel” took place in 1956 . This was also the title of his first film, too. During his short life he acted in 33 films and he got 45 gold records. Two years later he was in the American army so, he spent two years in Germany. In 1960, when he came back he was the most famous singer in the world and newspapers said he was the “King of Rock”. He got married to Priscilla at the age of 32 and he had one child called Lisa. Ten years later Elvis Presley died but he still got a very big fan Club. He sold 600 million records when he was still alive . Millions of people are still enjoying listening to them, now. Here is one of his famous songs: “Love me Tender”. Let’s listen to it then we will be back to speak more about today’s Rock Star; Elvis Presley. 59-England: England is a country that is part of the United Kingdom and also includes 100 of other small islands. England’s estimated population is 51 million inhabitants concentrated largely in London, Yorkshire, both North East and West and the Midlands. England is constitutional monarchy and parliamentary system. Rail transport in England is the oldest in the world and has been operating since 1825. English architecture includes Big Ben and the famous 2500 BC monument Stonehenge. England is also known for its rich folklore including creatures such as elves, trolls, goblins and dwarves. It also has produced the great writers Shakespeare and Chaucer. Interestingly, England is recognised by FIFA has the birthplace of modern football. 60-English tea: The English people are the greatest tea-drinkers in the world. They drink tea several times a day. At offices and factories there is a tea break at eleven and in the middle of the afternoon. And so tea is Britain’s favourite drink. The English know how to make tea and what it is does for you. In England making tea is a very serious matter. Fresh water is boiled in a kettle and when the water is hot, a little is put in the teapot to warm it. The pot is then dried and the tea is put in – one spoonful for each person and “one for the pot”. When the water is quite boiling, it is poured on to the tea and the tea must be left four or five minutes before it is at its best. Tea must be poured in cups as carefully, as it is made. Before you pour tea you should ask each person which he or she prefers: with milk or without, with sugar or without it. Tea is part of the prose of British life, as necessary as potatoes and bread. It is drunk with or without sugar but almost always with milk. The milk is usually cold. When the English have tea they prefer to pour milk into the cup first and then tea, but not the other way round. The taste is different. No self-respecting Briton would drink a cup of tea which has not been made in a teapot; he would certainly never accept a cup with a tea bag. Afternoon tea or 5 o’clock tea one can hardly call a meal, but it is a sociable sort of things, as friends often come in for a chat while they have their cup of tea, cake or biscuit. Tea with lemon is called “Russian tea”. Firstly, tea concentrate is prepared: a quantity of dry tea sufficient for several persons is brewed in a small teapot. Then, each person pours some quantity of this concentrate into the cup and mix it with hot water; thus, one can make one's tea as strong as one wants, according to one's taste. Sugar, lemon, honey or jam can then be added freely. But in Scotland people prefer more substantial meal and call it “high tea”. They have it between 5 and 6 o’clock. They eat ham or tongue and tomatoes and salad, or tinned salmon, or sausages, with good strong tea, plenty of bread and butter, then stewed fruit, or a tin of pears, apricots or pineapple with cream and pastries and a good cake. And that’s what they call a good tea. 61-Family and Friends: Hi. My name's Luke. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge and I go to school there. I have a sister, her name is Dora. She's 2. She is very noisy. She gets up first, wants to eat first, always cries when she sees I've got something new. Oh, it's a horror! My Mum, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora but she also works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My Mum is a translator. She translates books and articles from German into English. When she has a break she comes to my room and we talk, play board games or read books together. My Dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what he wants them to do. It's hard work but it's fun. He travels all over the world because the machines are everywhere. My best friends are Harry and Noreen. We go to the same school together. Harry is tall and thin and wears glasses. He is a very good pupil and my best classmate. Noreen has blonde hair and is great at Maths. She always helps me with my homework when I'm in trouble. I really like my family and friends very much! 62-My first day at school: My parents were very excited on my first day at school and so was I. My father gave me his father’s old fountain pen. He loved that pen so I was proud to have it with me that day. Mom straightened my clothes and then she handed me my lunch bag. I kissed my mother goodbye and waited my father in the garden. Hand in hand Dad and I soon arrived at school. He didn’t stay long. I was on my own. I didn’t know anyone so I decided to join the other kids in the playground. It wasn’t difficult for me to make new friends that day.
  • 13. There were many children in the first grade class and all of them were nice but two of them were special. They were sisters and they were twins. It was amazing, you couldn’t say the difference between them. “Did your mother prepare anything for your lunch?” one of them asked as I opened my lunch bag. “Yes, she did.” I answered. “Would you like to have some cheese?” “Sure, thanks!” the other girl replied. “Have some of our fruit two.” We shared our food, played together in the playground and invented nicknames for each other. It was a memorable day for Lisa (Little Miss), Annie (Star) and me (Shorty). 63-Football: Football is a sport of two teams of eleven players with the objective of scoring a goal in the other team’s end zone. It is often confused with European Football which is called Soccer in North America. In the U.S there are three forms: high school football, collegiate football and professional football. Each form is played with slightly different rules. The history of North American football can be traced back to early forms of rugby football. A standard game consists of four 15-minute quarters. A touchdown is worth 6 points, a field goal is worth 3 points and a safety goal is worth 2 points. The major professional league is called the National Football League (NFL) and consists of 32 teams. Football is a collision sport which can lead to several injuries. 64-France: France is a Western Europe country often referred to as the hexagon because of its geometric shape. France has colonised many parts of the world including North America and South Asia and has built the second largest empire of the past four centuries. France is a unitary semi-presidential republic and the main ideals are expressed in the Declaration of the Rights of the man and the Citizen. France is a founding member of the United Nations. The Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles are the most popular tourist destinations in France. Interestingly, French is the second most learned foreign language behind English. France is also renowned for its fine cuisine and its fashion industry. The Tour de France is the most prestigious sport event in France. 65-George Washington: Georges Washington was the first U.S President from 1789 to 1797. He was a dominant political and military and is considered by many scholars has the Father of his country. George spent his childhood on a farm and a plantation in Mount Vernon he inherited when his father passed away. He successfully led hit troops through the French and Indian War. Between the wars, Washington would return to Mount Vernon to spend time with his wife. He loved to play cards, backgammon and billiards. He became commander in chief during the American Revolution War. In 1787, he presided the writing of the constitution. Shortly after, he became president with a 100 percent of the electoral vote, a feast that has never been achieved by another president. 66-Healthy lifestyle: Did you know that exercise can help you feel good? I fact, exercise is one of the most important parts of keeping your body and mind healthy. Madonna still looks great, but she’s around 50 years old! Madonna has lived a healthy lifestyle for many years. She does lots of exercise and eats healthy food. I’m sure you know of famous people who take drugs or drink too much. They are a terrible example to their fans, but it also has an effect on their bodies. Robbie Williams is one of the most popular musicians in the world today. But he has had lots of problems since his days with “Take That”. He left the group in 1995 and then he put on a lot of weight! Many of his songs talk about the problems he has had with drugs and alcohol. If you want to look great, you should do what sportsmen and women do. Eat the right foods and take exercise to shape your muscles and make you stronger. Don’t smoke or eat lots of junk food. Take care of your body – it has to last a lifetime! 67-Healthy living: The best way to stay fit is to a healthy diet and do a lot of exercise. People who are overweight –or underweight-should visit their doctor and ask for advice. Do you play enough sport? Experts say we should exercise three times a week. Remember that walking is better for you than going by bus or car. People who don’t like team sports should try a more relaxing activity like yoga. Do you prefer something more adventurous? Try climbing or kayaking. Think about your diet. Do you eat enough fresh food? We need to eat fruit and vegetables because they contain a lot of vitamins and fibre. Try to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Fish and seafood are also very healthy. Tuna, for example, contains a lot of protein but not much fat. Do you eat too much fast food? You shouldn’t eat too much fast food? You shouldn’t eat too many chips and hamburgers because there’s a lot of salt and fat in them. Too much salt is bad for your heart. Be careful with sweets and chocolates too! They contain a lot of sugar and they’re bad for your teeth. When you want a snack, it’s healthier to eat a banana or an orange. 68-In Paris: Hi Janet! How are you? How is London? I’m spending two weeks in Paris with my family. We are having a great time and we are enjoying our holiday. Paris is a beautiful place with so much to see and do. It’s Sunday afternoon and the weather is great.
  • 14. Right now, Mum and Dad are relaxing in their hotel room and my brother, Patrick, is visiting the Eiffel Tower with our cousin James. Grandma and Grandpa are walking around the Champs Elysées and I am eating a snack in the hotel’s restaurant… and writing this letter to you, of course. Well, I have to go now. See you next week! Your friend, Margaret 69-Italy: Italy is a country located south-central Europe and shares borders with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. Rome, the capital of Italy, was for numerous centuries the centre of Western Civilisation as capital of the Roman Empire. Modern Italy is a democratic republic. Interesting fact, Italy became the birthplace of the Renaissance, an intellectual movement that moulded European thought between the 13th and 16th centuries. Italy’s most popular tourist attractions are the Coliseum and the Pompeii ruins. Italy is widely known for being the birthplace of opera and for having produced scientists and artists such as Galileo Galilei and Leonardo DaVinci. Italy is the second most successful football team in the world after Brazil with four FIFA World Cup wins. 70-John’s hobby: I’m John and I’m five years old. I can do many things and I like learning new things. I like playing computer games and basketball. When I am with my friends we play board games. My favourite hobby is cooking. I want to be a great cook when I grow up. I help my mum when she cooks and because she knows how much I love cooking she bought me my very own kitchen. It has got everything. There’s a sink between the fridge and the cooker. There’s a microwave oven next to the fridge and a cupboard under the sink. Next to the microwave oven there’s a shelf where I put my plates. My kitchen set has got baking trays, a frying pan, spoons, forks, knives and a spatula. I love playing with my fantastic kitchen. 71-Keeping fit: To be fit is very important to obtain happiness and good health. If you think carefully about your routine and the food you eat, you will find out why you have a bunch of extra flesh around your waist and down you thighs!! The second the alarm clock goes off, you lazily drag your feet to the kitchen. Breakfast consists of a considerable number of pancakes topped with jam, honey, chocolate and butter. You can't push that down without a gallon of coffee. You get ready to go to work in your car. Your office is only on the second floor but you take the lift. Once you sit on your chair behind your desk, the whole world won't move you. If you need a snack or a drink, there is the secretary to bring you those!! Twelve o'clock! Lunch is finally here. The diner around the corner is specialized in making the most fattening, cheesiest ad greasiest sandwiches in town. Having swallowed a jumbo- size sandwich from there, you stretch your back, on the same chair, for a nap. Finally you get home dreaming of dinner. You have been working hard all day, so you think you deserve a big dinner. You're at the dinner table; your plate is loaded with fried chicken, mashed potato, gravy, pastries… It doesn't stop here, there's dessert after that and maybe few cigarettes… It's not too late. You can change that. Wake up early and go for a walk or a jog. For breakfast, cereal and juice is enough. Walk to work once a week and take the stairs instead of the lift. Pack a salad for lunch. At dinner, a bowl of soap is quite enough. Make sweets and chocolate a reward when you lose weight. And you know what! Your college clothes fit again and people think that Jessica is your sister not daughter!!! 72-Lara’s pets: Some people have cats as pets. Others have dogs. Lara is not like those people. Her three pets are chickens. The three of them are girl birds, or hens. One is named Lulu and the others are Molly and Kayla. The chickens live in a coop in Lara’s backyard. They eat special chicken food bought at the pet shop. When the hens are outside, they love to eat bugs they catch in the yard. Lulu, Molly and Kayla even like to eat worms they pull out of the ground. Lara’s pets give her eggs to eat. Dogs and cats do not do that. Lulu, Molly and Kayla are special pets. 73-Last Friday: Last Friday Lucas decided to visit his best friend Jimmy. It was a sunny day and there was no cloud in the sky. He took his new bike, rode it down the main street, then turned left to Jimmy’s house. He was whistling, thinking about the week end and the way he was going to spend it with his friends. But he stopped when he suddenly heard a strange noise. It was something like a laughter. But there was nobody in the street. He looked around carefully but saw no one. He continued riding his bike, then had to stop again, because he could hear that laughter one more time, and even louder. The whole situation became strange and Lucas felt a little afraid. He hurried up to Jimmy’s house and told him about the mysterious laughter. Jimmy knew nothing about it either. 74-Lee’s school:
  • 15. Lee goes to a “Junior High School” near Portland, in the North East of the United States. The school has 1100 students between 12 and 15 years old. Lee goes to school from Monday to Friday, from 8:00am. until 2:00pm. Lee’s day begins in his “home class”. This is the room that his group uses most of the time. Here his teacher checks that everybody is there. They listen to announcements from the loudspeaker. After that, he has three lessons. At about 11:00am he has a long break for lunch until about 12:00. There is a canteen where he buys his lunch. The meals in the school are cheap. He has a hot meal everyday at school. After his meal, there are lots of activities in the school that he can do. Lee likes playing in the school band at lunch time. His lessons begin again at about 12:00. Lee has five lessons everyday except Wednesday. Lee does sport in the afternoon. He likes playing American football, basketball and baseball. Lee’s favourite subjects are Science and Maths. On Thursday he has “Shop”. In Shop he enjoys making things in wood and metal. Lee has short tests or “Quizzes” every week in each subject. He doesn’t usually have any homework. Instead, he is always learning things for the quizzes. He hates them! 75-likes and Dislikes: Jane Adams is ten years old and she goes to St. Peter’s School in London. She is in the 5th year, in class 7. Her best friend is Tom Jones. He is eleven years old and he is in the 6th year. They are good friends but they have got a lot of differences. Her favourite school subject is Portuguese. She likes reading and writing, but Tom doesn’t. His favourite subject is Science. He likes doing experiments and reading books on animals. He is a sporty boy. He likes playing football and basketball. Jane also likes playing volleyball and handball, but she doesn’t like playing football. They both like listening to music and watching TV. 76-Lipton Tea: A Scotsman Sir Thomas Lipton was a small tea merchant. Once he thought of a cunning thing. Three vans stopped in Piccadilly Circus in London. Each van had on board a hundred two-months old rosy pigs. Each of the 300 rosy pigs had words printed on it in green paint- “ DRINK LIPTON TEA”. When they were let out it created a traffic jam. Policemen were trying to catch them and photographers were working for an hour. Every large newspaper had the photographs of the traffic jam and the rosy piglets. Thomas Lipton was fined £ 10 but it brought him more. It’s an interesting story, isn’t it? 77-MC Donald’s: Mc Donald’s Corporation is the largest chain of fast-food restaurants in the world. It has its headquarters in the U.S but serves customers in 119 countries. The most famous of its burgers is the Big Mac but it also serves fries, soft drinks and desserts. The restaurant was opened in 1940 by brothers Maurice and Richard Mc Donald in California. The logo is called the Golden Arches and is formed of two overlapping arches creating the letter M. McDonald’s operates more than 31 000 restaurants worldwide and employs about 1.5 million people. Mc Donald’s offers both counter and drive-through services. The chain has been criticised a lot for its environmental record and for being conducive to obesity. 78-Planning a week: Hello I’m Jeremy. Today it's Sunday and I need to plan my next week. Mum and Dad want to know what I am planning for the coming week. Here's what I'm going to do. On Monday I'm going to go shopping. I have to get a couple of things for school - copybooks, books, pencils. I think, Mum will go with me because she has to pay for it all! We could buy some clothes, too. I need a new pair of jeans. On Tuesday I'm not doing anything in particular. I'm staying at home. Most probably, I will do my homework and maybe read a book, watch the Discovery Channel or play some computer games. On Wednesday I'm going to the cinema with my cousin, Paul. We bought the tickets online last week. It's going to be an adventure film. I have an appointment with a dentist on Thursday. Ugh! I hate going to a dentist. On Friday? What am I doing on Friday? I think I'm going to my friend's birthday party. I won't be staying there long. On Saturday morning Dad is taking us to our country house. He says we are going to explore the neighbourhood, try to find the ruins of an old castle and take some great photos. We are going to stay there until Sunday afternoon. We're coming back on Sunday after lunch. I think it's going to be an interesting week! 79-Statue of Liberty: The Statue of Liberty is a colossal statue on Liberty Island in New York harbour. It is a robed female representing the Roman goddess of freedom, Libertas. The statue was given in 1887 by the French to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. It was built by French architect Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. The statue is generally seen as a symbol representing freedom from oppression. It is often the first vision of the U.S for many immigrants who have crossed the Atlantic Ocean. The torch is made of steel and covered with golden leaves. The statue is about 44 metres high and used to be a lighthouse between 1886 and 1902. The Liberty Weekend in 1986 celebrated the 100th anniversary of the statue and was hosted by President Reagan 80-Crosswords:
  • 16. Since ancient times there had been what was called a word square. In a word square, the same words are spelt horizontally and vertically. In contrast, the crossword is built on a pattern of black and white squares, with different words interlocking across and down. There are numbered definitions given as clues to the words. The first crossword puzzle was created by a British man called Arthur Wynne. It first appeared in a Sunday supplement of the New York World on December 21st, 1913. It remained as a feature of this publication for some time, and several improvements were made in its form. Yet, crossword puzzles were far from being popular. This changed in 1924, when the first book of crossword puzzles appeared. All of a sudden, the crossword puzzle became a nationwide and then a worldwide craze. Other newspapers began printing them. The New York World started to print one a day. Then the Herald- Tribune did the same thing. Pretty soon most papers began to publish crossword puzzles regularly. As for the British, they took them up in 1925. At first they imported American books, but they soon developed their own.