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                                         JANUARY 2013
                                                        THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH
                                                          AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED
                                                            MAGAZINE IN THE UAE

                                                                   PG 12


04 notes & cyberchatter
05 uspace
06 what’s hot
                                                                    12                                                        This past year has been chockfull of events
                                                                                                                              and happenings, both locally, regionally and
07 hello 2013!                                                                                                                internationally. At Tempo we focused on reaching
08 tempo’s top 10 songs / on my ipod                                                                                          out as never before, presenting real stories about
10 city bites                                                                                                                 real people; inspiring members of our community
                                                                                                                              engaged in creative projects,setting up businesses,
12 cover story – fast and furious
                                                                                                                              and working on social initiatives that helped
14 youth talk                                                                                                                 others. We also promoted conservation and
15 game hedz / tech talk                                                                                                      sustainability, and on the personal level the
16 my blueprint                                                                                                               importance of personal initiative, integrity, and
                                                                                                                              international citizenry. We talked about 'us', a
17 viewpoint
                                                                                                                              huge colourful patchwork of nationalities living
18 baby downtime                                                                                                              in this generous country; and we celebrated the
19 people calendar                                                                                                            wonderful attributes that we all share as citizens
21 doc in the house / remixing rumi                                                                                           of this amazing planet.
22 planetarians                                                                                                               For 2013 we leave you with prayers that I hope
24 media                                                                                                                      translate well from Arabic: may you have a long
25 Tamakkan                                                                                                                   life, filled with happiness, health and properity...
                                                                                                                              with children who are principled and God
27 discovering the tree of life
                                                                                                                              fearing. May your parents live long to see their
29 horoscope                                                                                                                  grandchildren's children, and may all obstacles
30 just a thought                                                                                                             melt away in your path. It sounds far more elegant
                                                                                                                              in Arabic :)

                                                                                                                              Happy new year UAE, kul amm wa antum bkhair.

18                                                                   27
                                                                                                                              Sana Bagersh
                                                                                                                              Managing Editor

                                                                                                                              MANAGING EDITOR                      EDITORIAL
                                                                                                                              Sana Bagersh                      CONTRIBUTORS

                                                                                                                              FEATURES WRITER                Manisha R. Manikuttan
                                                                                                                              Dr. Alma Kadragic                     Manar Al Hinai
                                                                                                                                                                          Ian Mason
                                                                                                                              COORDINATOR                              Azza El Masri
                                                                                                                              Ajir Shujahi                                 Saniya Ali
                                                                                                                                                                       Ahmed Samir
                                                                                                                              DIRECTOR                             Emma Kirkman
                                                                                                                              Manjul Abhishek                               Blakniss

30                                                                                                                            DESIGN & LAYOUT
                                                                                                                              Mark De Castro
                                                                                                                                                                        Shahid Saeed
                                                                                                                                                                            Dr. DMS
                                                                                                                                                              Dorian ‘Paul D’ Rogers
                                                                                                                                                             Samarpan Chakraborty
                                                                                                                              Angeli Castillo
                                                                                                                                                                      Justin Thomas
                                                                                                                              DISTRIBUTION                            Amnah Qasim
                                                                                                                                                                    Sanah Chauhan
                                                                                                                              Melaku Muluneh

                                                                                                                              DESIGN BY }

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MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295
                                                                                                                               TO ADVERTISE IN TEMPO, CALL: 02 491 8624
                                                                                                                                                                                                     By Azza El Masri

    POST YOUR VIEWS AND COMMENTS ON OUR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER PAGES                                                                                                                                                                MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE:
                                                                                                                            WELCOME 2013:                                                                                         INCARNATE
                                                                                                                            WITH THE SECRET OF SUCCESS!                                                                           by Jodi Meadows
                                                                                                                            By Manisha Manikuttan                                                                                 2012

                                                                                                                            As the year 2013 begins, a critical question     difficult to concentrate on what we need              The world
                                                                                                                            that we will all be thinking about is, how       to do. Being able to concentrate on a task is         is a never-
                                                    Tweet@abudhabitempo                                                     can I have a more successful life?               an important life skill. Another important            ending cycle:
                                                     Like us on Facebook
                                                                                            RESULT OF LAST                                                                   principle of successful life is to stay motivated.    with every
                                                                                                                            Let’s think about the fundamentals               Success consists of going from failure to failure     birth, there
     Farrukh Naeem @                                                                        MONTH’S VOTE:                   of successful… What do you need to be            without the loss of enthusiasm. You have to take      is a death;
     Farrukhnaeem                                                                                                           successful, and what are the skills that we      lessons from the experiences of wrong decisions       and with
     - @ AbuDhabiTempo Thank you                                                                                            can learn to achieve success? But before         and make new steps toward towards life.               every death,
                                                                                                                            we ponder all these questions let me tell                                                              a new life is
     for one of the most inspiring,       Tempo is an amazing                                                               you a story: A young man stopped an              Often false beliefs act as obstacles on the path      breathed into
     provoking and refreshing                                                                                                                                                                                                      a new soul.
     sessions for writers, artists and    magazine which is                                                                 elderly man at an intersection and asked
                                                                                                                            him: “where does this road take me?’’ The
                                                                                                                                                                             of success. Thomas Edison once said “I have
                                                                                                                                                                             not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that          But what if I told you that you
     caretakers in Abu Dhabi.             crowded with stuff                                         Tempo asked,           elderly man asked him: ‘‘where do you
                                                                                                                            want to go?’’ The man replied: “I don’t
                                                                                                                                                                             won’t work”. Be confident in the tasks you
                                                                                                                                                                             perform, and in your own efforts. Try to get
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   are reincarnated over, and over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   again? You die, yet you live to
                                          for youth and more                                     how do you go to work?     know”. The elderly man said: “then take          over depression, mood swings and bad moods.           experience a fresh start, time
     UAE News @UAENews                                                                                                      any road. What difference does it make?”         If you want to increase your chances of being a       and time again.
     - UAE is world's 4th most            of local happenings                              30.0%              MY OWN CAR                                                     successfulperson, then you must develop your
     attractive location for                                                                                                Similarly all of us can wander aimlessly         self-confidence.                                      Welcome to the world of Incarnate, also
                                          -Tariq Badarudeen                                                                 through life unless we know where we are                                                               known as Range. There are dragons,
     infrastructure investment
     #UAE #Business                                                                        25.0%                     BUS    going. Indeed, goals are necessary to move       Fear is another obstacle of success as it prevents    sylphs, mysterious temples, and a pulsing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   city (literally). Come set foot into this
                                                                                                                            forward towards success. They help us to         you from trying. Don’t get me wrong, the
                                                                                                                            focus on our talent and create ideas. If we      road to success will be full of pain, hard work,      mystical world: it begs to be explored!
     The National @                       FUN FACT:                                        25.0%                     TAXI   don’t use the power of concentration, we         disappointment, but believe me, the journey of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Jodi Meadows creates a mystifying world
     TheNationalUAE                       DID YOU KNOW...?                                                                  cannot achieve our target, whether it is
                                                                                                                            studying or building a business.
                                                                                                                                                                             trying will be worth it.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   where a million souls that have been
     - #UAE makes it compulsory for       By Suzy Page                                     15.0%                 CAR POOL                                                    Overcome your weaknesses and embrace the              reincarnated since the dawn of time see
     women to be on every company                                                                                                                                                                                                  the birth of a ‘newsoul’, and the death of
                                                                                                                            The problem is that there are so many            habits of successful people. Happy New Year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   one of their own.
     or government board, as              Did you know that                                5.0%                    OTHER
                                                                                                                            distractions around us that it is often          everyone– I wish you all great success in 2013!
     Cabinet rules.                       all these seven words                                                                                                                                                                    We are introduced to this land through
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the eyes of the ‘newsoul’ Ana, an
                                          have one thing in                                                                 MY QUESTIONS                                                                                           apprentice that seeks to understand, just
     Grace @Sandierpastures -
     @ Abudhabitempo knows a              common!                                            THIS MONTH’S                   By Samarpan Chakraborty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   like us. However, some fear Ana – even
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   her own mother has kept her away from
     great shawarma shop in                                                                   QUESTION:                     Are you the strange calm when I stare at the bright sun?                                               society - thinking that she is a bad omen,
     Abu Dhabi.                           1.	    Banana                                                                     Are you the bliss of the wind when I run?                                                              a ‘nosoul’, that explains the dragon and

                                          2.	    Dresser                                          HOW DID YOU               Are you the one who holds my being beyond imagination?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   sylph attacks.

     Bahareh Amidi @                      3.	    Grammar                                          WELCOME THE               The celestial one, the creator of all infinite creation                                                As Ana breaks away from her mother’s
     BaharehAmidi                                                                                  NEW YEAR?                He looked back to see a child, smile and run                                                           hold, and ventures into the city of Heart
     - What is a poem? It's when you
                                          4.	    Potato                                                                     Never wiping away that smile brighter than the sun                                                     with Sam, he is the only one who believes
     don't have to write all the way to   5.	    Revive                                    1.	   With friends
                                                                                                                            Looking at his youth, he then saw a frown
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   that her birth is a good sign, and is the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   only one to stand up for her. As their
     the side of the page :)              6.	    Uneven                                    2.	   With family                The life in him had suddenly drowned                                                                   relationship evolves and blooms, the
                                          7.	    Assess                                    3.	   By yourself                The old man now wondering where those years had gone by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   question of the mysterious disappearance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the soul still nags on Ana’s mind and
                                                                                           4.	   Being at work              How his smile was became a faint memory
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   she is determined to find an answer.
                                                                                                                            I ask you this now
       DO YOU HAVE A BIZ SUCH AS                                                                                                                                                                                                   A beautiful story that raises a thought-
       A COFFEE SHOP, CAFÉ, HOTEL               backwards, it will be the same word!                                        Where is the child in you who lived in glee?                                                           provoking question, Incarnate will surely
       ETC THAT CATERS TO THE                   the word, and then spell the word                                           Why isn’t there a smile that pure living in you and me?                                                satisfy your appetite for mystery and
       18-35, UPWARDLY MOBILE
                                                the first letter, place it at the end of
                                                                                                                            Have we all become the victims of our own dream?                                                       intrigue….at least until the release of its
                                                In all of the words listed, if you take
                                                                                            TO VOTE                         Is it not better learning from a child than teaching them anything?                                    sequel, Asunder (which will be out soon).
       MAY QUALIFY FOR A TEMPO                  Answer:
                                                                                             GO TO                                                                                                                                 Surrender to the mystery of this new
       STAND. CALL US ON 02 491 8624                                                                                        To me my friends, they are those beings who are closer to life than you and me                         world, for it’s a world you would never
       TO FIND OUT MORE!                                                                           Closer to that state of euphoria that we all wanted to be                                              have encountered before. An enchanting
                                                                                                                            So let go of them in an open field                                                                     read, Jodi Meadow’s debut novel succeeds
                                                                                                                            Only then to you shall the joy of life be once again revealed.                                         to both fascinate and put you on the edge
    TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624                                                                                                                       of your seat.

04 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                   | 05
HELLO 2013!                                                                                        WHAT
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ARE YOUR
                                                                                                                             AS WE SAY GOODBYE TO A YEAR FULL OF MUCH HUMAN, ECONOMIC AND
                                                                                                                                                          SOCIAL DRAMA, WE WELCOME A NEW YEAR WITH GREAT HOPE FOR A                                          WISHES
                                                                                                                                                          BETTER WORLD. TEMPO CHATTED WITH SOME OF OUR READERS TO GET
                                                                                                                                                          THEIR THOUGHTS…                                                                                    FOR 2013?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             By Amnah Qasim

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “I would like the situation in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Egypt to become more stable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and to graduate from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             university with good grades.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -HALAABU SAYED

DSF 2013                                WORLD FUTURE ENERGY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “To get above 3.6 in my studies
January 3 – February 3                  SUMMIT                                                                                                                SAKINA ABDUALLAH                                  MOHAMMED RASHID                              and to get a new car because it
                                                                                                                                                                   UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                                        INDIA
Dubai                                   January 15 – 17                       ECOSCAPE: AN ART AND                                                                                                                                                           would make my life easier.”
                                        ADNEC, Abu Dhabi                      SCIENCE EXPERIMENT
Dubai Shopping Festival 2013, an                                              January 16                            AL AIN MOTOR SHOW                     WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT                          WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT                             -AYMAN QASIM
internationally acclaimed festival      The World Future Energy               Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi            (MOTEX)                               OF 2012?                                        OF 2012?
and a big annual tourism draw for       Summit (WFES) 2013 will bring                                               January 17 – 20                       Getting my driver’s license.                    The highlight has to be my wedding which took      “My biggest wish for 2013 is to
the emirate, will mark its 18th         together global leaders in policy,    Ecoscape is a new exhibit for         Al Ain Convention Centre                                                              place on 01.01.2012.
year with the upcoming event.           technology and business to discuss    children and audiences of all ages.                                         WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             cut down my weight.”
Between January 3 and February          the state of the world, develop new   It features a variety of hands-on     The Al Ain Motor Show (MOTEX          IN 2013?                                        WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR                               -ALIA AWAD
3, the 32-day extravaganza will         ways of thinking and shape the        craft and art-making workshops,       2013) will showcase the latest        Personally – I wish to graduate with honors     IN 2013?
paint the city with a festive           future of renewable energy.           interactive demonstrations that       models of cars including spare        Globally – I hope that poor people get better   Personally – To be able to spend more time         “To live peacefully and to be a
mood through its broad range of                                               inspire the imagination, as well as   parts, car accessories and other      life and live in peace.                         with family.
family entertainment combining          For more details see Tempo’s          live performances that explore the    related products. Definitely worth                                                    Globally - I hope all the problems all over the    better Muslim.”
shopping and entertainment.             special Planetarians feature on       fascinating ecological themes of      a visit for car enthusiasts and       WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S                         world are resolved without any more bloodshed.     -AMAL HARB
                                        the event and visit                   Eco Future.                           weekend mechanics.                    RESOLUTION?
For more details, visit                                                                                          To focus on my major so that I graduate with    WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S                                             For more details, visit               For more details, visit               high grades.                                    RESOLUTION?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “To get married.”
                                                                                                                                          Honestly I don’t make any New Year resolutions     -KHADIJAH ABDUALLAH
                                                                                                                                                                                                          because every day is new - so I welcome each day
                                                                                                                                                                                                          with a smile and live each day as it comes.        “To have a nice and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             comfortable life with my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             husband and to start a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             family soon.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             -AMAL HIJAZI

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Peace in the Arab region
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             primarily. Success academically
ABU DHABI HSBC GOLF                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          and trying to help others.”
CHAMPIONSHIP 2013                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            -ZAINAB AL BASHARI
January 17 – 20
Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Sas Al Nakhil      STANDARD CHARTERED
                                        DUBAI MARATHON                                                                                                            PIERRE HOUSSIN                                       SOFFIA DIOP                           “Going to an empty island and
The giants of golf return to the        January 25                                                                                                                          FRENCH                                           SENEGAL                         simply live another year!”
capital at the Abu Dhabi Golf           The Pavilion Downtown, Dubai                                                                                                                                                                                         -LINA JADALLAH
Club. Join the off course action
                                                                                                                                                          WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT                          WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT
at the championship village,            The Standard Chartered Dubai          THE BRIDE SHOW 2013                                                         OF 2012?                                        OF 2012?
which features a fantastic              Marathon and Dubai Half               January 30
                                                                                                                                                          Gangnam style!!!                                Changing jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             “Start up of my own business”
range of attractions including          Marathon have always been a           ADNEC Halls (7,8,9)                                                                                                                                                            -RANEEN
prizes, games, competitions,            popular event on Dubai’s sports
live performances and family-                                                                                                                             WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR                            WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR
                                        calendar. Organised in the city       The annual Bridal Abu Dhabi hosts a glamorous catwalk of dresses
friendly fun. And if you want           since the year 2000, it is open to                                                                                IN 2013?                                        IN 2013?                                           “Wish to walk on the red carpet
                                                                              from some of the biggest names in bridal and evening wear. With
to try your hand, there’s also          anyone with a yen for running                                                                                     Personally - Still be with my one and only.     Personally - to travel more
                                                                              dedicated wedding dress sections from elegant modern designs to the                                                                                                            and to get as many signatures
the HSBC interactive zone               in January’s beautiful cooler         more extravagant traditional styles, Bride Abu Dhabi is a wedding dress     Globally - Make people understand that          Globally – that there is less gossip and more
putting area.                           temperatures.                         emporium that caters for everything a bride needs as she prepares for her   saving the environment is an everyday           action with regards to global/environmental        as possible I can from all
                                                                              big day.                                                                    thought.                                        issues.                                            the celebrities”
For more details, visit                 For more details, visit                                                                                                                                                                                              -MURAD                 For more details, visit                      WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S                         WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S
                                                                                                                                                          RESOLUTION?                                     RESOLUTION?
                                                                                                                                                          My resolution is no resolution!!                To do more volunteer work.
06 |            TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624                                                                                                                         | 07

                                                                                                                             View the #1 song in the UAE

                                                    TEMPO’S MUSIC CHART LETS YOU DISCOVER THE LATEST TOP 10 SONGS
                                                    IN THE EMIRATE, WHILE KEEPING EYE ON YOUR FAVOURITE ARTISTS.

LITTLE THINGS                                            1
                                                                                              FARHEEN FEROZ is a 19 year old student who
TAYLOR SWIFT                                             2                                    finds her peace in music and loves dancing in
                                                                                              her head.
                                                                                                   1.	 Beneath your beautiful– Labrinth feat.
TROUBLEMAKER                                             3                                              Emeli Sande
OLLY MURS FEATURING FLO RIDA                                                                       2.	 Little things –One Direction
                                                                                                   3.	 Chasing cars –Snow Patrol
                                                         4                                         4.	 Superhuman- Chris Brown feat. Keri Hilson
                                                                                                   5.	 Wipe your eyes –Maroon 5
                                                                                                   6.	 Save the world- Swedish House Mafia
DRINKING FROM THE BOTTLE                                                                           7.	 Here without you –Three Doors Down
CALVIN HARRIS FEAT. TINIE TEMPAH                         5                                         8.	 Changed the way you kiss me -Example
                                                                                                   9.	 So far away - Staind
                                                                                                   10.	 Your guardian angel –Red Jumpsuit
DNA                                                      6                                              Apparatus

DIAMONDS                                                 8

BEAUTY & A BEAT                                          9

SHINE YA LIGHT                                          10

1.	   The Power of Love – Gabrielle Aplin                              1.	   Impossible – James Arthur
2.	   Locked Out Of Heaven- Bruno Mars                                 2.	   Scream & Shout feat. Britney Spears –
3.	   Troublemaker- Olly Murs feat. Flo Rida                           3.	   Locked Out of Heaven – Bruno Mars
4.	   Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth feat. Emeli Sande              4.	   The Power of Love - Gabrielle Aplin
5.	   Diamonds – Rihanna                                               5.	   Troublemaker- Olly Murs feat. Flo Rida
6.	   Little Things – One Direction                                    6.	   Diamonds – Rihanna
7.	   Die Young – Kesha                                                7.	   Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth feat. Emeli Sande
8.	   Try – Pink                                                       8.	   Stay Featuring Mikky Ekko – Rihanna
9.	   Gangnam Style – PSY                                              9.	   Little Things – One Direction
10.	 Girl On Fire – Alicia Keys feat. Nicki Minaj                      10.	 Kiss You – One Direction


   By Saniya Ali
   Tempo went fishing to review some of the most well-known seafood bistros in town. And here’s the catch.

   WHERE: RED LOBSTER                                                         WHERE: FINZ SEAFOOD RESTAURANT
   WHAT: Ultimate Feast                                                       WHAT: Pink Peppercorn Crusted Sako Tuna Steak
   BUILD: Tender split Maine lobster tail, steamed snow crab legs, garlic     BUILD: Pink Peppercorn, Tuna steak, lime coconut sauce,
   shrimp scampi, Walt’s favorite shrimp.                                     parsnip mousseline
   COMMENT: Located in busy Dubai Mall, this seafood restaurant               COMMENT: Romantic yet pretty pricey; with beachy ambience
   receives a lot of attention and for very good reason too.                  and a breathtaking view. Located inside Beach Rotana, we asked to
                                                                              be seated outdoors on the beachfront balcony. The waitresses were
   To start with, as soon as you’re seated you get served a basket of their   very helpful in recommending and helping us decide on our meal for
   trademark cheddar bay biscuits, which taste so good you’ll forget your     the evening and soon I had set my heart set on the pink peppercorn
   mom’s food! When it came time to place my order I was torn between         Tuna steak. My steak arrived on a sleek white platter artistically
   the Ultimate feast and the Garlic Grilled Jumbo shrimp. I eventually       embellished with rich sauces. I took a bite and the tuna disintegrated
   settled for the Ultimate feast because of the variety in the dish. When    deliciously in my mouth. The pink peppercorn was sweet yet came
   my food arrived, it’s safe to say I wasn’t disappointed. I thoroughly      with a spicy kick. The tuna’s texture was smooth and the food was
   enjoyed my meal and was pretty full by the end of the night.               way beyond excellent.
   RECOMMENDATION: Amazing variety in seafood. Would love to                  RECOMMENDATION: Definitely worth the money.
   go back for more!                                                          (Full wallet please).

   RATING:                                                                    RATING:

   WHERE: FISH WORLD                                                          WHERE: LONDON FISH AND CHIPS
   WHAT: Captain Abou Hammour                                                 WHAT: Mayfair
   BUILD: Breaded fried local hammour filet with a choice of chips or         BUILD: Fresh battered Tiger shrimps.
   rice, salad                                                                COMMENT: This chain of seafood restaurants doesn’t have the
   Comment: This somewhat underrated restaurant is located in                 biggest variety but it has enough to satisfy any serious seafood
   Khalidiya mall, perhaps because of their branding and the names            lover’s craving! I visited the Al Wahda Mall outlet and ordered
   they give their dishes. Fish World not only serves fish, but also squid,   the Mayfair, which consists of 12 pieces of Tiger shrimp. My meal
   shrimps and mussels. With a separate menu for the kids, the entire         arrived in a matter of minutes, and as I sat down to eat the smell
   family can enjoy a decent range of underwater treats. I chose the          of the fresh shrimp smacked my nose and my mouth watered in
   Captain Abou Hammour and my order was served to me in a mere 20            great anticipation. The crisp exterior worked well with the soft juicy
   minutes. The crispy hammour filet was fresh and the lemon juice I          shrimp inside. Cooked to perfection and generous portions.
   squeezed over it only enhanced the salty, well-cooked fish. The meal       RECOMMENDATION: The best tiger shrimps in town! Can’t
   was filling and my appetite was satiated.                                  wait to go back.
   RECOMMENDATION: Really good food for an amazing price.

10 |
for the Spain rally! And in the Portugal rally,
                                                                                                                                                                                we placed first and second. That was by far
                                                                                                                                                                                our greatest achievement. We owe it all to
                                                                                                                                                                                the brilliant team we had that year, everyone
                                                                                                                                                                                from the racers, their co- drivers and even the
                                                                                                                                                                                mechanics who worked together so efficiently.

                                                                                                                                                                                Then in 2011, we upgraded to a Subaru, a turbo
                                                                                                                                                                                charged four-wheel drive, which is faster and
                                                                                                                                                                                more powerful than the Fiesta. That wasn’t easy
                                                                                                                                                                                for us as we were used to the smaller Fiesta, but
                                                                                                                                                                                we managed somehow. We will be continuing
                                                                                                                                                                                with the Subaru in 2013 – as practice makes

       FAST AND FURIOUS:                                                                                                   BADER AL JABRI: “I am 28 years old
                                                                                                                           and currently work with Abu Dhabi Tourism
                                                                                                                                                                                MAJED: “Finland and Spain are my favourite
                                                                                                                                                                                so far. Finland is like the grand prix of rallying.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sport. A small stone on the road can cause
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the driver to lose control of the vehicle and
       UAE RALLY DRIVERS BADER AL JABRI AND MAJED AL SHAMSI                                                                Authority. I’m also studying at Al Hosn
                                                                                                                           University and will graduate with a degree
                                                                                                                                                                                Bader is the tarmac specialist, I prefer gravel.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      go off- track. I dislocated my arm thrice in
                                                                                                                                                                                BADER: “...which is why I prefer Wales.”              the same place at the Dubai rally but still
       By Sanah Chauhan                                                                                                    in Industrial Engineering in January 2013. I                                                               continued the race.
                                                                                                                           started racing for fun, but it has now become my     BADER: “We’re open to all sports, we don’t
                                                                                                                           passion. I live with my parents and five sisters.    mind anything”                                        Some people, once they crash quit rallying
                                                                                                                           My family has been extremely supportive from                                                               due to shock or fear. Others are determined
       Rally racing is a motor sport which takes place in all terrains including snow, gravel, asphalt, (and yes, desert   the beginning. My mother (who can’t help but be                                                            to continue. Fortunately, I’m one of those
                                                                                                                                                                                MAJED: (Laughing) “Yes, anything with a
       sand), and under all weather conditions. The cars used are specially modified or produced and each racer            concerned about her only son) makes me smile         steering wheel!”                                      who choose to continue.”
       takes along a co-driver to help him or her navigate. Drivers win purely through speed, so the sport requires        every time she asks me to “Take care and drive
                                                                                                                           slowly” before every race!”                          Tempo aside: Be sure to check out the                 MAJED: “I too injured my back in a rally
       not just excellent driving skills, but smart decision-making and top-notch navigation skills as well. Though                                                                                                                   in 2011 and till today it hasn’t completely
                                                                                                                                                                                Playstation game WRC 2, where both young
       rallying is a well-established motorsport worldwide, it is relatively new to the UAE.                               MAJED AL SHAMSI: “I’m 32 years old. I                racers are featured and gamers get a chance to        healed. When you’re passionate about
                                                                                                                           reside in Dubai with my wife and two daughters.      drive for Team Abu Dhabi.                             something like rallying, injuries are bound
                                                                                                                           I have a degree in Naval Science and served in the                                                         to occur but they should only make you
       Bader Al Jabri and Majed Al Shamsi are two Emirati emerging rally stars, who drive together for the same            navy for 10 years before I started rally racing.                                                           stronger and more determined.”
                                                                                                                                                                                BADER: I started playing video games only
       team. Introduced to the world of rally racing in 2004, they started racing in 2008 and have been representing       My family too is very supportive, especially my      after this game was launched. Seeing our names
       Abu Dhabi in various rallies all over the world ever since. Tempo caught up and chatted with the two racers         two girls who love that their father is a racer”.    on- screen made us so proud!”                         MAJED: “Support from the government
                                                                                                                           Bader: “My sisters and Majed’s family came to                                                              is huge. They have been very generous in
       ahead of their big race, The Qatar International Rally which takes place from 24-26 January.                        support us during one of our rallies in Australia.                                                         terms of participation in events. But there is
                                                                                                                                                                                BADER: “Rallying is an extremely risky
                                                                                                                           That was the first time they saw us in action”.                                                            a limit to how much they can support us. In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      most rallies, drivers are way ahead of us in
                                                                                                                           MAJED: “That really meant a lot to both of us.                                                             terms of participation and experience.
                                                                                                                           We hope that they will be able to see us in more
                                                                                                                           events and to cheer us on in the future”.                                                                  Lack of practice affects our progress. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      need more sponsors so that we get all the
                                                                                                                           BADER: “We started in 2008 with the                                                                        support we need and are able to practice and
                                                                                                                           Middle Eastern Rally with a Ford Fiesta and                                                                reach World Rally standards and represent
                                                                                                                           then went on to the World Rally in 2009 where                                                              our country. That is our dream! ”
                                                                                                                           we competed in the Fiesta Sporting Trophy
                                                                                                                           International. There I finished third and Majed                                                            BADER: “We are both extremely grateful
                                                                                                                           came sixth in the standings.”                                                                              to the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Abu Dhabi Racing for their support. For
                                                                                                                           MAJED: “I would say 2010 was our most                                                                      aspiring racers we offer this advice: find a
                                                                                                                           successful year. We made it to the top five                                                                sponsor or forget about it!”

12 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 13
game hedz                                                                           tech talk
                                 Blakniss | Original game head from Atari to XBox!                                   Shahid Saeed | Talker for the Non-Techies

                                                                                                                                                                      TEENAGE PHILOSOPHER:
                                                                                                                          LG OPTIMUS L7
                                                                                                                          LG Optimus L7 is a handsome entry-
                                                                                                                          level android 4.0 smartphone, and the
                                                                                                                          largest smartphone in LG range. It has
                                                                                                                          1GHz Cortex A5 CPU, 512 MB Ram,             LETTER TO MYSELF
  FIVE TOP GAMES FOR 2013!                                                                                                4.3” WVGA IPS display and only 8.7mm
                                                                                                                          thick. Optimus L7 is running on Android     By Ahmed Samir
                                                                                                                          4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich along with LG’s
                                                                                                                          new UI 3.0. It has up to 4 GB Internal
If you’re reading this then the Zombie/Mayan apocalypse has not wiped us all out                                          memory and a Micro SD Slot for up to
                                                                                                                          32GB memory card and also includes a
                                                                                                                                                                      Dear future me,
and we can continue to game away in 2013! Either that or you’re one of the lucky
few survivors - so might as well get your game on. Here are the top five games to                                         5 mega pixel camera, FM Radio, Wi-Fi        As another year wraps up and another
look out for this year:                                                                                                   (b,g,n)+Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 3.0, NFC,   begins, I realise that I have gotten a
                                                                                                                          Assisted GPS, Accelerometer and a 1700      bit older. I don’t know you yet, but I
FEBRUARY 5 & 8: DEAD SPACE 3- is released in the US and Europe                                                            mAh battery. It is available for sale at    imagine you will be a lot like current
respectively. This is going to be pretty awesome with customisable weapons,                                               Carrefour UAE, priced at Dh 999 (with
drop in/drop out two person co-op and the conclusion to Isaac Clarke's horrific                                           Dh 100 voucher).
                                                                                                                                                                      me, although I cannot render an
Necromorph slicing journey. More action oriented than the first two installments,                                                                                     accurate image of you if it were to
you get cool new combats moves, new enemies and hopefully, some answers to all             SAMSUNG GALAXY S DUOS [DUAL SIM]                                           save my life - or grant me the riches
the deadness in space. (Horror Survival, XBox, PS3)                                        This is yet another midrange smartphone with remarkable hardware.          of the world (though I use that phrase
                                                                                           The Galaxy S Duos a sleek and stylish phone has 1 GHz Cortex A5            with abject hesitation, because riches
MARCH 12: GOD OF WAR- Ascension. Kratos is still an angry demi-god
                                                                                           Processor, Adreno 200 GPU, a 4” 16-M colour TFT LCD capacitive
and continues to mete out some serious butt whooping. Seeking freedom and
                                                                                           touchscreen, 768 MB of RAM, 4GB Internal Memory and Micro SD Slot
                                                                                                                                                                      don’t interest me). You see, I can’t
revenge for all the things that were ultimately his own fault...he will kill a lot of...                                                                              know what you will be like, but I
things, so you know it will rock. (Hack and Slash, PS3)                                    for up to 32GB memory card. The device is running on Android 4.0 Ice
                                                                                                                                   Cream Sandwich with TouchWiz       certainly have hopes for you (me, that
MARCH 19: GEARS OF WAR- Judgment. The welcome prequel to the                                                                       4.0 UI and has a 5 mega pixel      is). My expectation may be inherently
Gears of War trilogy features Damon Baird's journey, along with Augustus                                                           camera with LED flash and a        faulty, and given the complexity of
'Cole' Train, shortly after monstrous creatures emerge from below the ground;                                                      front facing VGA camera. It
                                                                                                                                   also includes FM Radio with
                                                                                                                                                                      life, happenstance, coincidence and
Emergence Day we call it. It comes with a campaign and multiplayer, and lots as
shooting and killing. Oh yeah ! (TPS, XBox)                                                                                        RDS, Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi,         occurrence, whatever approximation
                                                                                                                                   GPS with A-GPS connectivity,       of your character and likeness I
MARCH 26: BIOSHOCK INFINITE- Making it a trilogy, a new dystopian                                                                  digital compass, accelerometer,    can construct may be inaccurate or
adventure sees Booker trying to find, save and return (to whom we don’t know)                                                      proximity sensor and 1500          erroneous to the point of complete
the mysterious Elizabeth who is kept captive by a giant terrifying bird (a finch                                                   mAh battery that supports up to
perhaps). It all happens in the floating city of Columbia and promises to have that                                                470 hours stand by and 8 hours     falsehood.
disturbing combination of good wholesome values and maniacal insanity that                                                         talk time. This is a very good
make the Bioshock series so awesome. (FPS, Xbox, PS3)                                      midrange device for geeks who want to keep one phone but two numbers.      But that won’t discourage me. I’m writing             (and it never fails to so it very likely has),       disappoint you. Even if it doesn’t take the
                                                                                           Available at Carrefour UAE, priced Dh 1099.                                you (me) because, as subtly insidious as it           I’ll remind you –                                    course you imagined or hoped would be
MAY 7: THE LAST OF US- I have this PS3 exclusive as one of 2013’s most                                                                                                might be, I have hopes for you. I wish things                                                              taken (which is likely).
anticipated games, and think it has potential for Game of the Year if it lives up to                                                                                  upon you, because eventually these will be            There are feelings, far from momentary, that
the trailers and game play demos seen thus far. Grizzled Joel must take young Ellie         NEWS & GOSSIP                                                             upon me. If I don’t join the ranks of those           are completely distinct and immediately              I hope that you are continually and
across a USA destroyed by a plague that turns people into zombie-like creatures                                                                                                                                                                                                  mercilessly proved wrong by life, because
                                                                                                                                                                      who die young, I’ll become you.                       recognizable, like sadness and happiness and
(again with the zombies!) But the most dangerous enemies are other human                                                                                                                                                                                                         that will better your understanding of
                                                                                           HACKTIVISTS GHOST SHELL DUMP 1.6M LOG-IN                                                                                         fear. The quintessential quality of happiness is
survivors. The story, game play and the characters look top class. (Survival, PS3)                                                                                                                                                                                               things. Those who spend their lives clinging
                                                                                           DETAILS ON WEB                                                             Are you taller? And if baldness really is             that overpowering lightness it brings the mind,
                                                                                           According to BBC, log-in details from 1.6 million accounts have been       genetic, I hope the gene skipped a generation         and that of fear is its shocking immediacy. That     to the knowledge they acquired in their
We are well aware that there are a bunch of other worthy games, including Tomb
Raider (March, Xbox/PS3), Beyond: Two Souls (Q2, PS3), Metal Gear Rising...                posted on the web by hacktivist group Ghost Shell. The group gathered      like it did with your cousins. If not, fret little,   of sadness is that slumping of the mind, and         youth also cling to gross naivety and are
we could go on, but that’s what February is for.                                           the data during a series of attacks on Nasa, the FBI, the European         you can always shave yourself completely              confusion, like those aforementioned and it          crudely simpleminded. Always realize that
                                                                                           Space Agency and many other government agencies and contractors.           bald. (The shiny-head look is de rigueur).            feels like screaming disorientation. I couldn’t      you might be at fault.
Happy New Year and Happy Gaming!                                                           Included in the dump were log-in names, passwords, email addresses         I wonder if you’ll ever gain weight, too,             hope more than that has ended for you.
                                                                                           and CVs, plus the contents of online databases. The group said it had                                                                                                                 I hope you grow to become deftly discerning
                                                                                                                                                                      but that’s a small concern, because you’ve                                                                 and logical, insusceptible to fallacies of
                                                                                           sent messages to security bosses about 150 insecure servers that it had
  MY FAV APP } JOLYWIN RODIL                                                               targeted in the attacks.
                                                                                                                                                                      always had the metabolism of a Russian                I hope you continue trying to figure out             logic and mental misconduct, and that you
                                                                                                                                                                      weightlifter, and you’ve always eaten like            everything in life, and fail you may still           continue to value your mind as your greatest
                                                                                                                                                                      it was your last day of life and you’ve never         unequivocally every time you try. I don’t say this   asset. Speaking of your mind, I hope you
    DOORS & ROOMS                                                                          POLICE WARNED ABOUT APPLE MAPS
                                                                                           Inaccuracies in Apple Maps application, which is poorly designed,          grown heavier than your spindly thinness.
                                                                                                                                                                      Everyone’s quick to tell you to “eat!” and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            out of masochism, but to feed that inquisitive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            nature that I’d hate for you lose. Though you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 continue to feed it relentlessly.
                                                                                           could be life-threatening to motorists in Australia, according to a BBC
                         Have you ever found yourself struck some place                    report. Officers in Mildura, Victoria says they found many drivers         ask “do they ever feed you at home?” and              might not find the answers you seek (often           About being wrong, maybe upon reading
                         trying to figure out how to escape? Doors & Rooms                 stranded after following software’s directions. Some of the drivers        you’re always quick to reply that you do, and         because there weren’t any), the road of your         this you’ll realize that this set of hopes is
                         is a puzzle game with some scary elements. The                    were without food or water                                                 they do. It runs in the family, that excellent        failed attempts is rewarding, and hopefully          plagued by the same youthful ignorance
                         game is largely about escape, though why you're                                                                                              metabolism, but of course you always knew             flings you towards areas interesting and             that I warned you about earlier. It may be
                                                                                           for 24 hours. Apple’s software
                         locked away is never made clear. Some levels feature
                         things like bombs, which can kill you and end the                 was also heavily criticized by                                             that.                                                 thoroughly worth the visit. I hope you continue      just another attempt at intellectualism and
                         game. The game's focus is squarely on the puzzles,                users when it was released in                                                                                                    to see the beauty of life, despite the all too       amateur philosophy that pretended it was
                         but it's largely a fun game that will make you stop               September, TIM Cook Apple’s                                                I hope you’re less confused than current me.          obvious disparity of the ugliness that blemishes     something great but was ultimately nothing
                         and think. While some puzzles seem a bit unfair                   CEO admitted Apple had                                                     You will have had plenty of time to efface            its face.                                            more than puerile intimation.
     (hint: keep notes about the keys on Level 1), others are quite logical --             “screwed up” and was working                                               out all the inconsistencies, and to arrive at
     and the game's learning curve is very gentle. Available for free download             to improve the software.                Follow me on
                                                                                                                                  @shahidaasi                         a coherent sense of self. Do you remember             Out of some sense of self-love that I don’t          In which case, disregard everything I just
     on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android and Kindle Fire.
                                                                                                                                                                      your confusion? If time has done its job              think is wholly outrageous, I hope life doesn’t      said, and just be yourself.

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TEMPO Magazine January 2013 Issue
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TEMPO Magazine January 2013 Issue

  • 2. 04 notes & cyberchatter 05 uspace 06 what’s hot 12 This past year has been chockfull of events and happenings, both locally, regionally and 07 hello 2013! internationally. At Tempo we focused on reaching 08 tempo’s top 10 songs / on my ipod out as never before, presenting real stories about 10 city bites real people; inspiring members of our community engaged in creative projects,setting up businesses, 12 cover story – fast and furious and working on social initiatives that helped 14 youth talk others. We also promoted conservation and 15 game hedz / tech talk sustainability, and on the personal level the 16 my blueprint importance of personal initiative, integrity, and international citizenry. We talked about 'us', a 17 viewpoint huge colourful patchwork of nationalities living 18 baby downtime in this generous country; and we celebrated the 19 people calendar wonderful attributes that we all share as citizens 21 doc in the house / remixing rumi of this amazing planet. 22 planetarians For 2013 we leave you with prayers that I hope 24 media translate well from Arabic: may you have a long 25 Tamakkan life, filled with happiness, health and properity... with children who are principled and God 27 discovering the tree of life fearing. May your parents live long to see their 29 horoscope grandchildren's children, and may all obstacles 30 just a thought melt away in your path. It sounds far more elegant in Arabic :) Happy new year UAE, kul amm wa antum bkhair. 18 27 Sana Bagersh Managing Editor MANAGING EDITOR EDITORIAL Sana Bagersh CONTRIBUTORS FEATURES WRITER Manisha R. Manikuttan Dr. Alma Kadragic Manar Al Hinai Ian Mason EDITORIAL COORDINATOR Azza El Masri Ajir Shujahi Saniya Ali Ahmed Samir MARKETING DIRECTOR Emma Kirkman Manjul Abhishek Blakniss 30 DESIGN & LAYOUT Mark De Castro Shahid Saeed Dr. DMS Dorian ‘Paul D’ Rogers PHOTOGRAPHER Samarpan Chakraborty Angeli Castillo Justin Thomas DISTRIBUTION Amnah Qasim COORDINATOR Sanah Chauhan Melaku Muluneh DESIGN BY } download to your smart phone ADDRESS run application To reach editorial at Abu Dhabi Tempo email: If you need to find out where you can pick up your click on tag beside each article to copy call: 02 491 8624/25 or check out the list of Tempo distribution points on our website. have fun with online content, videos & cool tags! NOTE TO ADVERTISERS Advertisers can request brand tagging with all advertisements. To reach advertising call: 02 491 8624/25, fax: 02 491 8626 email: Scan the QR CODE using your smart phone DISCLAIMER for Blackberry this is done through Tempo Magazine does its best to ensure the authenticity and accuracy of its contents, the publisher cannot accept any BBM responsibility for errors, mistakes and inaccuracies. The publisher reserves the rights of this product and no part of this for iPhone download BeeTag or Neo Reader publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publisher. MEDIA LICENCE NO. 1/105866/24295 TO ADVERTISE IN TEMPO, CALL: 02 491 8624
  • 3. TALKING BOOKS By Azza El Masri POST YOUR VIEWS AND COMMENTS ON OUR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER PAGES MYSTERY AND INTRIGUE: WELCOME 2013: INCARNATE WITH THE SECRET OF SUCCESS! by Jodi Meadows By Manisha Manikuttan 2012 As the year 2013 begins, a critical question difficult to concentrate on what we need The world that we will all be thinking about is, how to do. Being able to concentrate on a task is is a never- Tweet@abudhabitempo can I have a more successful life? an important life skill. Another important ending cycle: Like us on Facebook RESULT OF LAST principle of successful life is to stay motivated. with every Let’s think about the fundamentals Success consists of going from failure to failure birth, there Farrukh Naeem @ MONTH’S VOTE: of successful… What do you need to be without the loss of enthusiasm. You have to take is a death; Farrukhnaeem successful, and what are the skills that we lessons from the experiences of wrong decisions and with - @ AbuDhabiTempo Thank you can learn to achieve success? But before and make new steps toward towards life. every death, we ponder all these questions let me tell a new life is for one of the most inspiring, Tempo is an amazing you a story: A young man stopped an Often false beliefs act as obstacles on the path breathed into provoking and refreshing a new soul. sessions for writers, artists and magazine which is elderly man at an intersection and asked him: “where does this road take me?’’ The of success. Thomas Edison once said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that But what if I told you that you caretakers in Abu Dhabi. crowded with stuff Tempo asked, elderly man asked him: ‘‘where do you want to go?’’ The man replied: “I don’t won’t work”. Be confident in the tasks you perform, and in your own efforts. Try to get are reincarnated over, and over again? You die, yet you live to for youth and more how do you go to work? know”. The elderly man said: “then take over depression, mood swings and bad moods. experience a fresh start, time UAE News @UAENews any road. What difference does it make?” If you want to increase your chances of being a and time again. - UAE is world's 4th most of local happenings 30.0% MY OWN CAR successfulperson, then you must develop your attractive location for Similarly all of us can wander aimlessly self-confidence. Welcome to the world of Incarnate, also -Tariq Badarudeen through life unless we know where we are known as Range. There are dragons, infrastructure investment #UAE #Business 25.0% BUS going. Indeed, goals are necessary to move Fear is another obstacle of success as it prevents sylphs, mysterious temples, and a pulsing city (literally). Come set foot into this forward towards success. They help us to you from trying. Don’t get me wrong, the focus on our talent and create ideas. If we road to success will be full of pain, hard work, mystical world: it begs to be explored! The National @ FUN FACT: 25.0% TAXI don’t use the power of concentration, we disappointment, but believe me, the journey of Jodi Meadows creates a mystifying world TheNationalUAE DID YOU KNOW...? cannot achieve our target, whether it is studying or building a business. trying will be worth it. where a million souls that have been - #UAE makes it compulsory for By Suzy Page 15.0% CAR POOL Overcome your weaknesses and embrace the reincarnated since the dawn of time see women to be on every company the birth of a ‘newsoul’, and the death of The problem is that there are so many habits of successful people. Happy New Year one of their own. or government board, as Did you know that 5.0% OTHER distractions around us that it is often everyone– I wish you all great success in 2013! Cabinet rules. all these seven words We are introduced to this land through the eyes of the ‘newsoul’ Ana, an have one thing in MY QUESTIONS apprentice that seeks to understand, just Grace @Sandierpastures - @ Abudhabitempo knows a common! THIS MONTH’S By Samarpan Chakraborty like us. However, some fear Ana – even her own mother has kept her away from great shawarma shop in QUESTION: Are you the strange calm when I stare at the bright sun? society - thinking that she is a bad omen, Abu Dhabi. 1. Banana Are you the bliss of the wind when I run? a ‘nosoul’, that explains the dragon and 2. Dresser HOW DID YOU Are you the one who holds my being beyond imagination? sylph attacks. Bahareh Amidi @ 3. Grammar WELCOME THE The celestial one, the creator of all infinite creation As Ana breaks away from her mother’s BaharehAmidi NEW YEAR? He looked back to see a child, smile and run hold, and ventures into the city of Heart - What is a poem? It's when you 4. Potato Never wiping away that smile brighter than the sun with Sam, he is the only one who believes don't have to write all the way to 5. Revive 1. With friends Looking at his youth, he then saw a frown that her birth is a good sign, and is the only one to stand up for her. As their the side of the page :) 6. Uneven 2. With family The life in him had suddenly drowned relationship evolves and blooms, the 7. Assess 3. By yourself The old man now wondering where those years had gone by question of the mysterious disappearance of the soul still nags on Ana’s mind and 4. Being at work How his smile was became a faint memory she is determined to find an answer. I ask you this now DO YOU HAVE A BIZ SUCH AS A beautiful story that raises a thought- A COFFEE SHOP, CAFÉ, HOTEL backwards, it will be the same word! Where is the child in you who lived in glee? provoking question, Incarnate will surely ETC THAT CATERS TO THE the word, and then spell the word Why isn’t there a smile that pure living in you and me? satisfy your appetite for mystery and TEMPO CROWD (THE COOL 18-35, UPWARDLY MOBILE the first letter, place it at the end of Have we all become the victims of our own dream? intrigue….at least until the release of its DEMOGRAPHIC)? IF SO, YOU In all of the words listed, if you take TO VOTE Is it not better learning from a child than teaching them anything? sequel, Asunder (which will be out soon). MAY QUALIFY FOR A TEMPO Answer: GO TO Surrender to the mystery of this new STAND. CALL US ON 02 491 8624 To me my friends, they are those beings who are closer to life than you and me world, for it’s a world you would never TO FIND OUT MORE! Closer to that state of euphoria that we all wanted to be have encountered before. An enchanting So let go of them in an open field read, Jodi Meadow’s debut novel succeeds Only then to you shall the joy of life be once again revealed. to both fascinate and put you on the edge TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624 of your seat. 04 | | 05
  • 4. HELLO 2013! WHAT ARE YOUR YOUR GUIDE TO THIS MONTHS’ HOTTEST EVENTS AS WE SAY GOODBYE TO A YEAR FULL OF MUCH HUMAN, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DRAMA, WE WELCOME A NEW YEAR WITH GREAT HOPE FOR A WISHES BETTER WORLD. TEMPO CHATTED WITH SOME OF OUR READERS TO GET THEIR THOUGHTS… FOR 2013? By Amnah Qasim “I would like the situation in Egypt to become more stable and to graduate from the university with good grades.” -HALAABU SAYED DSF 2013 WORLD FUTURE ENERGY “To get above 3.6 in my studies January 3 – February 3 SUMMIT SAKINA ABDUALLAH MOHAMMED RASHID and to get a new car because it UNITED ARAB EMIRATES INDIA Dubai January 15 – 17 ECOSCAPE: AN ART AND would make my life easier.” ADNEC, Abu Dhabi SCIENCE EXPERIMENT Dubai Shopping Festival 2013, an January 16 AL AIN MOTOR SHOW WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT -AYMAN QASIM internationally acclaimed festival The World Future Energy Saadiyat Island, Abu Dhabi (MOTEX) OF 2012? OF 2012? and a big annual tourism draw for Summit (WFES) 2013 will bring January 17 – 20 Getting my driver’s license. The highlight has to be my wedding which took “My biggest wish for 2013 is to the emirate, will mark its 18th together global leaders in policy, Ecoscape is a new exhibit for Al Ain Convention Centre place on 01.01.2012. year with the upcoming event. technology and business to discuss children and audiences of all ages. WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR cut down my weight.” Between January 3 and February the state of the world, develop new It features a variety of hands-on The Al Ain Motor Show (MOTEX IN 2013? WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR -ALIA AWAD 3, the 32-day extravaganza will ways of thinking and shape the craft and art-making workshops, 2013) will showcase the latest Personally – I wish to graduate with honors IN 2013? paint the city with a festive future of renewable energy. interactive demonstrations that models of cars including spare Globally – I hope that poor people get better Personally – To be able to spend more time “To live peacefully and to be a mood through its broad range of inspire the imagination, as well as parts, car accessories and other life and live in peace. with family. family entertainment combining For more details see Tempo’s live performances that explore the related products. Definitely worth Globally - I hope all the problems all over the better Muslim.” shopping and entertainment. special Planetarians feature on fascinating ecological themes of a visit for car enthusiasts and WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S world are resolved without any more bloodshed. -AMAL HARB the event and visit Eco Future. weekend mechanics. RESOLUTION? For more details, visit To focus on my major so that I graduate with WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S For more details, visit For more details, visit high grades. RESOLUTION? “To get married.” Honestly I don’t make any New Year resolutions -KHADIJAH ABDUALLAH because every day is new - so I welcome each day with a smile and live each day as it comes. “To have a nice and comfortable life with my husband and to start a family soon.” -AMAL HIJAZI “Peace in the Arab region primarily. Success academically ABU DHABI HSBC GOLF and trying to help others.” CHAMPIONSHIP 2013 -ZAINAB AL BASHARI January 17 – 20 Abu Dhabi Golf Club, Sas Al Nakhil STANDARD CHARTERED DUBAI MARATHON PIERRE HOUSSIN SOFFIA DIOP “Going to an empty island and The giants of golf return to the January 25 FRENCH SENEGAL simply live another year!” capital at the Abu Dhabi Golf The Pavilion Downtown, Dubai -LINA JADALLAH Club. Join the off course action WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT WHAT WAS THE HIGHLIGHT at the championship village, The Standard Chartered Dubai THE BRIDE SHOW 2013 OF 2012? OF 2012? which features a fantastic Marathon and Dubai Half January 30 Gangnam style!!! Changing jobs. “Start up of my own business” range of attractions including Marathon have always been a ADNEC Halls (7,8,9) -RANEEN prizes, games, competitions, popular event on Dubai’s sports live performances and family- WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR WHAT DO YOU HOPE FOR calendar. Organised in the city The annual Bridal Abu Dhabi hosts a glamorous catwalk of dresses friendly fun. And if you want since the year 2000, it is open to IN 2013? IN 2013? “Wish to walk on the red carpet from some of the biggest names in bridal and evening wear. With to try your hand, there’s also anyone with a yen for running Personally - Still be with my one and only. Personally - to travel more dedicated wedding dress sections from elegant modern designs to the and to get as many signatures the HSBC interactive zone in January’s beautiful cooler more extravagant traditional styles, Bride Abu Dhabi is a wedding dress Globally - Make people understand that Globally – that there is less gossip and more putting area. temperatures. emporium that caters for everything a bride needs as she prepares for her saving the environment is an everyday action with regards to global/environmental as possible I can from all big day. thought. issues. the celebrities” For more details, visit For more details, visit -MURAD For more details, visit WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S WHAT IS YOUR NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION? RESOLUTION? My resolution is no resolution!! To do more volunteer work. 06 | TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624 | 07
  • 5. MUSIC View the #1 song in the UAE TEMPO’S MUSIC CHART LETS YOU DISCOVER THE LATEST TOP 10 SONGS IN THE EMIRATE, WHILE KEEPING EYE ON YOUR FAVOURITE ARTISTS. LITTLE THINGS 1 ONE DIRECTION FARHEEN FEROZ is a 19 year old student who I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE TAYLOR SWIFT 2 finds her peace in music and loves dancing in her head. 1. Beneath your beautiful– Labrinth feat. TROUBLEMAKER 3 Emeli Sande OLLY MURS FEATURING FLO RIDA 2. Little things –One Direction 3. Chasing cars –Snow Patrol LOCKED OUT OF HEAVEN BRUNO MARS 4 4. Superhuman- Chris Brown feat. Keri Hilson 5. Wipe your eyes –Maroon 5 6. Save the world- Swedish House Mafia DRINKING FROM THE BOTTLE 7. Here without you –Three Doors Down CALVIN HARRIS FEAT. TINIE TEMPAH 5 8. Changed the way you kiss me -Example 9. So far away - Staind 10. Your guardian angel –Red Jumpsuit DNA 6 Apparatus LITTLE MIX SCREAM & SHOUT FEAT. BRITNEY SPEARS WILL.I.AM 7 DIAMONDS 8 RIHANNA BEAUTY & A BEAT 9 JUSTIN BIEBER FEAT. NICKI MINAJ SHINE YA LIGHT 10 RITA ORA 1. The Power of Love – Gabrielle Aplin 1. Impossible – James Arthur 2. Locked Out Of Heaven- Bruno Mars 2. Scream & Shout feat. Britney Spears – 3. Troublemaker- Olly Murs feat. Flo Rida 3. Locked Out of Heaven – Bruno Mars 4. Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth feat. Emeli Sande 4. The Power of Love - Gabrielle Aplin 5. Diamonds – Rihanna 5. Troublemaker- Olly Murs feat. Flo Rida 6. Little Things – One Direction 6. Diamonds – Rihanna 7. Die Young – Kesha 7. Beneath Your Beautiful – Labrinth feat. Emeli Sande 8. Try – Pink 8. Stay Featuring Mikky Ekko – Rihanna 9. Gangnam Style – PSY 9. Little Things – One Direction 10. Girl On Fire – Alicia Keys feat. Nicki Minaj 10. Kiss You – One Direction 08 | TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624
  • 6. PRESENTS GO FISH: FISHY FARE ABOUT TOWN By Saniya Ali Tempo went fishing to review some of the most well-known seafood bistros in town. And here’s the catch. WHERE: RED LOBSTER WHERE: FINZ SEAFOOD RESTAURANT WHAT: Ultimate Feast WHAT: Pink Peppercorn Crusted Sako Tuna Steak BUILD: Tender split Maine lobster tail, steamed snow crab legs, garlic BUILD: Pink Peppercorn, Tuna steak, lime coconut sauce, shrimp scampi, Walt’s favorite shrimp. parsnip mousseline COMMENT: Located in busy Dubai Mall, this seafood restaurant COMMENT: Romantic yet pretty pricey; with beachy ambience receives a lot of attention and for very good reason too. and a breathtaking view. Located inside Beach Rotana, we asked to be seated outdoors on the beachfront balcony. The waitresses were To start with, as soon as you’re seated you get served a basket of their very helpful in recommending and helping us decide on our meal for trademark cheddar bay biscuits, which taste so good you’ll forget your the evening and soon I had set my heart set on the pink peppercorn mom’s food! When it came time to place my order I was torn between Tuna steak. My steak arrived on a sleek white platter artistically the Ultimate feast and the Garlic Grilled Jumbo shrimp. I eventually embellished with rich sauces. I took a bite and the tuna disintegrated settled for the Ultimate feast because of the variety in the dish. When deliciously in my mouth. The pink peppercorn was sweet yet came my food arrived, it’s safe to say I wasn’t disappointed. I thoroughly with a spicy kick. The tuna’s texture was smooth and the food was enjoyed my meal and was pretty full by the end of the night. way beyond excellent. RECOMMENDATION: Amazing variety in seafood. Would love to RECOMMENDATION: Definitely worth the money. go back for more! (Full wallet please). RATING: RATING: WHERE: FISH WORLD WHERE: LONDON FISH AND CHIPS WHAT: Captain Abou Hammour WHAT: Mayfair BUILD: Breaded fried local hammour filet with a choice of chips or BUILD: Fresh battered Tiger shrimps. rice, salad COMMENT: This chain of seafood restaurants doesn’t have the Comment: This somewhat underrated restaurant is located in biggest variety but it has enough to satisfy any serious seafood Khalidiya mall, perhaps because of their branding and the names lover’s craving! I visited the Al Wahda Mall outlet and ordered they give their dishes. Fish World not only serves fish, but also squid, the Mayfair, which consists of 12 pieces of Tiger shrimp. My meal shrimps and mussels. With a separate menu for the kids, the entire arrived in a matter of minutes, and as I sat down to eat the smell family can enjoy a decent range of underwater treats. I chose the of the fresh shrimp smacked my nose and my mouth watered in Captain Abou Hammour and my order was served to me in a mere 20 great anticipation. The crisp exterior worked well with the soft juicy minutes. The crispy hammour filet was fresh and the lemon juice I shrimp inside. Cooked to perfection and generous portions. squeezed over it only enhanced the salty, well-cooked fish. The meal RECOMMENDATION: The best tiger shrimps in town! Can’t was filling and my appetite was satiated. wait to go back. RECOMMENDATION: Really good food for an amazing price. RATING: RATING: 10 |
  • 7. for the Spain rally! And in the Portugal rally, we placed first and second. That was by far our greatest achievement. We owe it all to the brilliant team we had that year, everyone from the racers, their co- drivers and even the mechanics who worked together so efficiently. Then in 2011, we upgraded to a Subaru, a turbo charged four-wheel drive, which is faster and more powerful than the Fiesta. That wasn’t easy for us as we were used to the smaller Fiesta, but we managed somehow. We will be continuing with the Subaru in 2013 – as practice makes perfect!” FAST AND FURIOUS: BADER AL JABRI: “I am 28 years old and currently work with Abu Dhabi Tourism MAJED: “Finland and Spain are my favourite so far. Finland is like the grand prix of rallying. sport. A small stone on the road can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle and UAE RALLY DRIVERS BADER AL JABRI AND MAJED AL SHAMSI Authority. I’m also studying at Al Hosn University and will graduate with a degree Bader is the tarmac specialist, I prefer gravel.” go off- track. I dislocated my arm thrice in BADER: “...which is why I prefer Wales.” the same place at the Dubai rally but still By Sanah Chauhan in Industrial Engineering in January 2013. I continued the race. started racing for fun, but it has now become my BADER: “We’re open to all sports, we don’t passion. I live with my parents and five sisters. mind anything” Some people, once they crash quit rallying My family has been extremely supportive from due to shock or fear. Others are determined Rally racing is a motor sport which takes place in all terrains including snow, gravel, asphalt, (and yes, desert the beginning. My mother (who can’t help but be to continue. Fortunately, I’m one of those MAJED: (Laughing) “Yes, anything with a sand), and under all weather conditions. The cars used are specially modified or produced and each racer concerned about her only son) makes me smile steering wheel!” who choose to continue.” takes along a co-driver to help him or her navigate. Drivers win purely through speed, so the sport requires every time she asks me to “Take care and drive slowly” before every race!” Tempo aside: Be sure to check out the MAJED: “I too injured my back in a rally not just excellent driving skills, but smart decision-making and top-notch navigation skills as well. Though in 2011 and till today it hasn’t completely Playstation game WRC 2, where both young rallying is a well-established motorsport worldwide, it is relatively new to the UAE. MAJED AL SHAMSI: “I’m 32 years old. I racers are featured and gamers get a chance to healed. When you’re passionate about reside in Dubai with my wife and two daughters. drive for Team Abu Dhabi. something like rallying, injuries are bound I have a degree in Naval Science and served in the to occur but they should only make you Bader Al Jabri and Majed Al Shamsi are two Emirati emerging rally stars, who drive together for the same navy for 10 years before I started rally racing. stronger and more determined.” BADER: I started playing video games only team. Introduced to the world of rally racing in 2004, they started racing in 2008 and have been representing My family too is very supportive, especially my after this game was launched. Seeing our names Abu Dhabi in various rallies all over the world ever since. Tempo caught up and chatted with the two racers two girls who love that their father is a racer”. on- screen made us so proud!” MAJED: “Support from the government Bader: “My sisters and Majed’s family came to is huge. They have been very generous in ahead of their big race, The Qatar International Rally which takes place from 24-26 January. support us during one of our rallies in Australia. terms of participation in events. But there is BADER: “Rallying is an extremely risky That was the first time they saw us in action”. a limit to how much they can support us. In most rallies, drivers are way ahead of us in MAJED: “That really meant a lot to both of us. terms of participation and experience. We hope that they will be able to see us in more events and to cheer us on in the future”. Lack of practice affects our progress. We need more sponsors so that we get all the BADER: “We started in 2008 with the support we need and are able to practice and Middle Eastern Rally with a Ford Fiesta and reach World Rally standards and represent then went on to the World Rally in 2009 where our country. That is our dream! ” we competed in the Fiesta Sporting Trophy International. There I finished third and Majed BADER: “We are both extremely grateful came sixth in the standings.” to the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority and Abu Dhabi Racing for their support. For MAJED: “I would say 2010 was our most aspiring racers we offer this advice: find a successful year. We made it to the top five sponsor or forget about it!” 12 | | 13
  • 8. game hedz tech talk Blakniss | Original game head from Atari to XBox! Shahid Saeed | Talker for the Non-Techies TEENAGE PHILOSOPHER: LG OPTIMUS L7 LG Optimus L7 is a handsome entry- level android 4.0 smartphone, and the NEW YEAR, NEW GAMES largest smartphone in LG range. It has 1GHz Cortex A5 CPU, 512 MB Ram, LETTER TO MYSELF FIVE TOP GAMES FOR 2013! 4.3” WVGA IPS display and only 8.7mm thick. Optimus L7 is running on Android By Ahmed Samir 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich along with LG’s new UI 3.0. It has up to 4 GB Internal If you’re reading this then the Zombie/Mayan apocalypse has not wiped us all out memory and a Micro SD Slot for up to 32GB memory card and also includes a Dear future me, and we can continue to game away in 2013! Either that or you’re one of the lucky few survivors - so might as well get your game on. Here are the top five games to 5 mega pixel camera, FM Radio, Wi-Fi As another year wraps up and another look out for this year: (b,g,n)+Wi-Fi Direct, Bluetooth 3.0, NFC, begins, I realise that I have gotten a Assisted GPS, Accelerometer and a 1700 bit older. I don’t know you yet, but I FEBRUARY 5 & 8: DEAD SPACE 3- is released in the US and Europe mAh battery. It is available for sale at imagine you will be a lot like current respectively. This is going to be pretty awesome with customisable weapons, Carrefour UAE, priced at Dh 999 (with drop in/drop out two person co-op and the conclusion to Isaac Clarke's horrific Dh 100 voucher). me, although I cannot render an Necromorph slicing journey. More action oriented than the first two installments, accurate image of you if it were to you get cool new combats moves, new enemies and hopefully, some answers to all SAMSUNG GALAXY S DUOS [DUAL SIM] save my life - or grant me the riches the deadness in space. (Horror Survival, XBox, PS3) This is yet another midrange smartphone with remarkable hardware. of the world (though I use that phrase The Galaxy S Duos a sleek and stylish phone has 1 GHz Cortex A5 with abject hesitation, because riches MARCH 12: GOD OF WAR- Ascension. Kratos is still an angry demi-god Processor, Adreno 200 GPU, a 4” 16-M colour TFT LCD capacitive and continues to mete out some serious butt whooping. Seeking freedom and touchscreen, 768 MB of RAM, 4GB Internal Memory and Micro SD Slot don’t interest me). You see, I can’t revenge for all the things that were ultimately his own fault...he will kill a lot of... know what you will be like, but I things, so you know it will rock. (Hack and Slash, PS3) for up to 32GB memory card. The device is running on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich with TouchWiz certainly have hopes for you (me, that MARCH 19: GEARS OF WAR- Judgment. The welcome prequel to the 4.0 UI and has a 5 mega pixel is). My expectation may be inherently Gears of War trilogy features Damon Baird's journey, along with Augustus camera with LED flash and a faulty, and given the complexity of 'Cole' Train, shortly after monstrous creatures emerge from below the ground; front facing VGA camera. It also includes FM Radio with life, happenstance, coincidence and Emergence Day we call it. It comes with a campaign and multiplayer, and lots as shooting and killing. Oh yeah ! (TPS, XBox) RDS, Bluetooth 3.0, Wi-Fi, occurrence, whatever approximation GPS with A-GPS connectivity, of your character and likeness I MARCH 26: BIOSHOCK INFINITE- Making it a trilogy, a new dystopian digital compass, accelerometer, can construct may be inaccurate or adventure sees Booker trying to find, save and return (to whom we don’t know) proximity sensor and 1500 erroneous to the point of complete the mysterious Elizabeth who is kept captive by a giant terrifying bird (a finch mAh battery that supports up to perhaps). It all happens in the floating city of Columbia and promises to have that 470 hours stand by and 8 hours falsehood. disturbing combination of good wholesome values and maniacal insanity that talk time. This is a very good make the Bioshock series so awesome. (FPS, Xbox, PS3) midrange device for geeks who want to keep one phone but two numbers. But that won’t discourage me. I’m writing (and it never fails to so it very likely has), disappoint you. Even if it doesn’t take the Available at Carrefour UAE, priced Dh 1099. you (me) because, as subtly insidious as it I’ll remind you – course you imagined or hoped would be MAY 7: THE LAST OF US- I have this PS3 exclusive as one of 2013’s most might be, I have hopes for you. I wish things taken (which is likely). anticipated games, and think it has potential for Game of the Year if it lives up to upon you, because eventually these will be There are feelings, far from momentary, that the trailers and game play demos seen thus far. Grizzled Joel must take young Ellie NEWS & GOSSIP upon me. If I don’t join the ranks of those are completely distinct and immediately I hope that you are continually and across a USA destroyed by a plague that turns people into zombie-like creatures mercilessly proved wrong by life, because who die young, I’ll become you. recognizable, like sadness and happiness and (again with the zombies!) But the most dangerous enemies are other human that will better your understanding of HACKTIVISTS GHOST SHELL DUMP 1.6M LOG-IN fear. The quintessential quality of happiness is survivors. The story, game play and the characters look top class. (Survival, PS3) things. Those who spend their lives clinging DETAILS ON WEB Are you taller? And if baldness really is that overpowering lightness it brings the mind, According to BBC, log-in details from 1.6 million accounts have been genetic, I hope the gene skipped a generation and that of fear is its shocking immediacy. That to the knowledge they acquired in their We are well aware that there are a bunch of other worthy games, including Tomb Raider (March, Xbox/PS3), Beyond: Two Souls (Q2, PS3), Metal Gear Rising... posted on the web by hacktivist group Ghost Shell. The group gathered like it did with your cousins. If not, fret little, of sadness is that slumping of the mind, and youth also cling to gross naivety and are we could go on, but that’s what February is for. the data during a series of attacks on Nasa, the FBI, the European you can always shave yourself completely confusion, like those aforementioned and it crudely simpleminded. Always realize that Space Agency and many other government agencies and contractors. bald. (The shiny-head look is de rigueur). feels like screaming disorientation. I couldn’t you might be at fault. Happy New Year and Happy Gaming! Included in the dump were log-in names, passwords, email addresses I wonder if you’ll ever gain weight, too, hope more than that has ended for you. and CVs, plus the contents of online databases. The group said it had I hope you grow to become deftly discerning but that’s a small concern, because you’ve and logical, insusceptible to fallacies of sent messages to security bosses about 150 insecure servers that it had MY FAV APP } JOLYWIN RODIL targeted in the attacks. always had the metabolism of a Russian I hope you continue trying to figure out logic and mental misconduct, and that you weightlifter, and you’ve always eaten like everything in life, and fail you may still continue to value your mind as your greatest it was your last day of life and you’ve never unequivocally every time you try. I don’t say this asset. Speaking of your mind, I hope you DOORS & ROOMS POLICE WARNED ABOUT APPLE MAPS Inaccuracies in Apple Maps application, which is poorly designed, grown heavier than your spindly thinness. Everyone’s quick to tell you to “eat!” and out of masochism, but to feed that inquisitive nature that I’d hate for you lose. Though you continue to feed it relentlessly. could be life-threatening to motorists in Australia, according to a BBC Have you ever found yourself struck some place report. Officers in Mildura, Victoria says they found many drivers ask “do they ever feed you at home?” and might not find the answers you seek (often About being wrong, maybe upon reading trying to figure out how to escape? Doors & Rooms stranded after following software’s directions. Some of the drivers you’re always quick to reply that you do, and because there weren’t any), the road of your this you’ll realize that this set of hopes is is a puzzle game with some scary elements. The were without food or water they do. It runs in the family, that excellent failed attempts is rewarding, and hopefully plagued by the same youthful ignorance game is largely about escape, though why you're metabolism, but of course you always knew flings you towards areas interesting and that I warned you about earlier. It may be for 24 hours. Apple’s software locked away is never made clear. Some levels feature things like bombs, which can kill you and end the was also heavily criticized by that. thoroughly worth the visit. I hope you continue just another attempt at intellectualism and game. The game's focus is squarely on the puzzles, users when it was released in to see the beauty of life, despite the all too amateur philosophy that pretended it was but it's largely a fun game that will make you stop September, TIM Cook Apple’s I hope you’re less confused than current me. obvious disparity of the ugliness that blemishes something great but was ultimately nothing and think. While some puzzles seem a bit unfair CEO admitted Apple had You will have had plenty of time to efface its face. more than puerile intimation. (hint: keep notes about the keys on Level 1), others are quite logical -- “screwed up” and was working out all the inconsistencies, and to arrive at and the game's learning curve is very gentle. Available for free download to improve the software. Follow me on @shahidaasi a coherent sense of self. Do you remember Out of some sense of self-love that I don’t In which case, disregard everything I just on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Android and Kindle Fire. your confusion? If time has done its job think is wholly outrageous, I hope life doesn’t said, and just be yourself. 14 | TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624 TO ADVERTISE IN THE WIDEST CIRCULATED YOUTH AND COMMUNITY FOCUSED MAGAZINE IN THE UAE, CALL: 02 491 8624 | 15