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ex p os ur e    “Attack on Iran would cause World War III”—Iranian Chief of Staff

     endtime magazine         january / february 2009   vol 19   no 1    $3.00

                   2            0 8             2           0 9
     P ro p h e t i c
     2 0 0 8
     w h at t o
     expect in
     2 0 0 9
     h e l’s o r iona l
     i s ra e
              b r gi n
     c a p i ta l
vol 19/no1

             editorial 4
           World reVieW 6
       letterS and feedback 8

          bible StudieS 19                                   features
         Shop endtime 31
        radio broadcaSt 32                                   10 Cover Story:
                                                             Prophetic Fufillments
                                                             of 2008
                                                             Ten major prophecies are in process of
                                                             fulfillment right now. It will shock you to
                                                             realize how rapidly the fulfillments progressed
                                                             in 2008. Irvin Baxter explains, one by one, what
                                                             happened in 2008 concerning each prophecy.
                                                             by irvin baxter

                                                             20 Cover Story:

     Contents                                                What to Expect in 2009r
                                                             Which will come first? The signing of the Middle
                                                             East peace agreement that begins the final
                                                             seven years or the war that destroys one-third
                                                             of mankind? In this article, you will receive new
                                                             insight into this very important question.
                                                             by irvin baxter
          cover story

10                                             20            24 Hebron: Israel’s
                                                             Original Capital
                                                             Abraham purchased the cave of Machpelah
                                                             at Hebron when his wife Sarah died. Later,
                                                             Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were all buried
                                                             there, and their remains are there till this
                                                             day. Even as Isaac and Ishmael struggled here
                                                             4,000 years ago, Jews and Arabs continue to
                                                             strive against one another to this day.
                                                             by Craig treadwell

24                                                                             Politics&REligion
                                                                               ProPhecy talk PrograM

                                                                              listen Daily
                                                                              anywh ere
                                                                                         in the world
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                                             1 Cover
            Al-Aqsa Mosque - Model of Third Jewish Temple.
                        Copyright 2009 -        endtime magazine | January / February 2009        3
                                                                                                    m a g a z i n e
                                                                                                                     Irvin Baxter, Jr.
                                                                                                                 managing Editor
                                                                                                                    Craig Treadwell
                                                                                                               Editorial assistants
                                                                                                                       Judy Baxter
                                                             IrvinBaxter                                           Ginger Boerkircher
                                                                                                                      Deb Bowman
                                                                                                                   Julie Cunningham

                               What to do?
                                                                                                                    Dana Grohman
                                                                                                                       Julie Kidwell
                                                                                                                      Karina Mason
                                                                                                                      Kara McPeak

                               Their finest hour!
                                                                                                                   Candace Mendoza
                                                                                                                      Gail Simmons
                                                                                                                   Melissa Treadwell
                                                                                                                PartnEr rElations
     irvin baxter
                                                                                                                      Jana Robbins
                                                                                                             ConfErEnCE dirECtor
                                                                                                                    Vickie Ward
                                As we make our way into the year 2009, the world is in a                            intErnEt
                            state of utter chaos. The world’s economy is in a steep dive                            David Novick
                          with no end in sight. Israel’s recent elections were inconclu-                       CrEativE dirECtor
    sive, leaving all of us to wonder whether the Middle East is headed for peace or                                Doug White
    nuclear war with Iran.                                                                                   art dirECtor & layout
       At the same time, the world’s leading power has a new and very inexperi-                                     Robert Agee
    enced president, facing challenges that would overwhelm even the most expe-
    rienced world leader.                                                                            statement of faith
       Banks are collapsing. Life savings are being wiped out. And the death of                      We believe that the Bible is the inspired
    capitalism, as we have known it, is being gleefully announced by the closeted                    Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the
    socialists among us.                                                                             Savior of the world, and that He will
                                                                                                     come again to establish a kingdom
                                                                                                     that shall never be destroyed (Daniel
       what do we do? where do we hide?                                                              2:44). Those who are born again (John
       First of all, we don’t hide. For we know that “…all things work together for                  3:3–5) will have eternal life and rule as
    good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur-                     kings and priests with Christ forever.
    pose” (Romans 8:28). The time just ahead will be the church’s finest hour. As                    what is endtime?
    faith in materialism is being shattered and shown to be the empty hope that it is,               In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered
    we must discover once again that Jesus Christ is the world’s ONLY ANSWER!                        the United States and other modern
    True Christianity offers peace regardless of the circumstances of life that we                   nations in the Bible. He also found the
    might face.                                                                                      Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one
       Daniel 11:32-33 prophesied of the times just ahead: “And such as do wick-                     day it was to be torn down, re-uniting
                                                                                                     Germany, and that event would be
    edly against the covenant shall he (the Antichrist) corrupt by flatteries: but the
                                                                                                     the catalyst to spark an international
    people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that                    movement called the “New World
    understand among the people shall instruct many.”                                                Order.” These things have now come
       Jesus confirmed this scenario when He prophesied concerning these end-                        to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal
    times in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in                     minister, began Endtime Ministries in
    all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”                      1986 when he wrote A Message For
       This is not time for true Christians to quiver with fear in our foxholes of                   The President, a book explaining the
                                                                                                     major prophecies of the Bible which
    unbelief. This is time for total mobilization! We must not buy into Satan’s pro-                 he had been teaching since 1968. After
    paganda. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to be that church that Jesus                  the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic
    said the gates of hell would not be able to prevail against!                                     fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The
       Please be praying daily for Endtime Ministries. Within the next 30 days, we                   decision was made to launch Endtime
    will be launching “End of the Age”, a worldwide television program designed to                   magazine. The purpose of the
    prove that the end of the age is just ahead and the promised second coming of                    magazine is to explain the prophecies
                                                                                                     of the Bible and to show that they are
    Jesus Christ will soon occur. This is not time to be timid or afraid. This is time
                                                                                                     now being fulfilled in intricate detail.
    to fulfill the great commission of our Lord and Savior just before he returns to                 Articles focus on the soon return of
    this earth.                                                                                      Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and

       Join with us in this great endeavor. Together, we can do it! One thousand                     the need for salvation. Endtime does
    years from now when people look back at the church of this time, they will say,                  not deal with doctrinal controversies,
    “It was their finest hour!”                                                                      as valid as they may be. This will be
                                                                                                     left to other publications.
                                                                                                     Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 2701 E George
                                                                                                     Bush Turnpike Suite 100, Plano TX, 75074. Subscription price
                                                                                                     is $29 for 12 issues. © 2009 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved.
                                                                                                     Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is
                                                                                                     prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO
                                                                                                     Box 940729, Plano, TX 75094-0729. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/
                                                                                                     day, 7 days/week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-442-
                                                                                                     0857 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central).

4   endtime magazine | January / February 2009                                             SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|

                            REVELATION 16:16                      ZECHARIAH 14:2

Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years
    prior to the Battle of Armageddon. By examining these prophecies,
          we can get a sense of how close we are to Armageddon.

1                                                 6
    The final seven years will begin when the         The Temple Mount will be placed under the
    Antichrist and the international commu-           supervision of the world community, and
    nity give their support to Israel’s right         the leader of the world community, which
    to exist in the land promised to Abraham          will at that time be the Antichrist, will
    by God. This is called the confirmation           stand on the Temple Mount claiming to be
    of the covenant (Daniel 9:27 & Genesis            God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Ehud Barak,
    15:18). Israel’s Prime Minister has openly        Israeli Prime Minister in the year 2000,
    stated that the number one goal of his ad-        suggested placing the Temple Mount under UN
    ministration is to obtain the support of          control in order to make a sharing of the
    the international community for Israel’s          Temple Mount possible. When the UN takes
    final borders.                                    control of the Temple Mount, the leader of
                                                      the world government will feel justified in

    A war will begin from the vicinity of             claiming ultimate authority there.
    the Euphrates River (Revelation 9:13-16).
    Most of the Euphrates River is in Iraq.
    The United States has 140,000 troops sta-
    tioned along the Euphrates at this time.
                                                  7   A world government will dominate the world
                                                      for three and one-half years prior to Ar-
                                                      mageddon (Daniel 7:23 & Revelation 13:7).
    The conflict between the U.S. and Islamic         The nations of the world are increasingly
    Fundamentalism is not diminishing, but            recognizing the authority of international
    increasing around the world.                      law. We now have the World Bank, the World
                                                      Trade Organization, the World Health Orga-

3   The West Bank (Judea) in Israel will be-
    come a place of great tribulation (Mat-
    thew 24:15-21). Ehud Olmert has openly
                                                      nization and the World Court—just to name
                                                      a few. We have a World Court to adjudicate
                                                      the international laws of the emerging
    stated that he will withdraw from the             world government.
    West Bank (Judea). When Israel withdraws,
    the Hamas terrorist state will take over
    in Judea, precipitating a bloodbath.          8   Each person on earth will be required to
                                                      have a mark or a number in order to buy
                                                      or sell (Revelation 13:16-18). On May 11,

4   The Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be
    placed under a sharing arrangement between
    Jew and Gentile (Revelation 11:1-2). Pres-
                                                      2005, President Bush signed the Real ID
                                                      Act. The law requires that every American
                                                      must have a national ID card. Without this
    ident Clinton suggested the sharing of the        card, a person will not be able to hold a
    Temple Mount in July of 2000. It is gen-          job or open a bank account. Without a job
    erally believed this is the only possible         or a bank account, how much buying and
    solution to the Temple Mount dispute when-        selling will an individual be able to do?
    ever the issue is finally resolved.               Oh, by the way, you can’t get your card
                                                      without giving your number…your social

    The Jewish temple will be built on the            security number.
    Temple Mount (Revelation 11:1-2 & 2 Thes-
    salonians 2:3-4). All the furniture for
    Israel’s Third Temple is now complete;
    Israel has her long-sought-for red heifer,
                                                  9   The world community, led by Russia and
                                                      Iran, will invade the nation of Israel
                                                      (Zechariah 14:2-4 & Ezekiel 38 & 39) Iran
    which is needed before the re-establishment       (Persia) and Russia (Meshech—root word for

    of temple worship; and in June of 2005,           Moscovi or Moscow) are now in alliance.
    the newly re-born Sanhedrin announced they        Iran is the leading advocate of “wiping
    were proceeding with building the temple.         Israel off the map.”

                                                               endtime magazine | January / February 2009   5
J     a       N        u a            r Y /                 f      e      B r            u a            r Y

                                         World Review
                            —world events through the eyes of bible prophecy—
                                                    BY GiNGer BoerkirCher

[ 6th trumpet watCh ]                                                                          through government control to buy influ-
                                                                                               ence. In a recent example, a government
isRaeL: iRan CoULd attaCK U.s. with                                                            sovereign wealth fund agreed to use the
nUCLeaR BomB                                                                                   reserves to loan money to Costa Rica in re-
Ehud Barak, the Israeli defense minister,                                                      turn for dropping diplomatic recognition of
is appealing to world leaders to act now to                                                    Taiwan. Meanwhile, it has built up its army
prevent Iran from continuing its nuclear                                                       of cyber-spies so that it can launch attacks
program. Mr. Barak said, “If it built even                                                     “anywhere in the world at any time”. At-
a primitive nuclear weapon like the type                                                       tacks on U.S. government defense compa-
that destroyed Hiroshima, Iran would not                                                       nies and businesses had risen in 2007 to
hesitate to load it on a ship, arm it with                                                     43,880 incidents, with some being so so-
a detonator operated by GPS and sail it                                                        phisticated that they might be impossible
into a vital port on the east coast of North                                                   to counteract. The current report comes
America.” These comments come as a Rus-                                                        amid a great American unease that China
sian news agency reported that the Krem-                                                       will benefit from the global financial crisis
lin had confirmed that it will deliver a new                                                   to cut into its economic, political and even
air defense system to Iran.                                                                    military dominance.

                                                                                               [ holy roman empire watCh ]

                                                                                               CZeCh Pm Raises new LisBon hURdLe
                                                                                               Tony Blair has made more than $19 million
   “If it built even a                                                                         since stepping down as British premier
                                                                                               over a year ago. The sum amounts to more
primitive nuclear weapon                        RUssia to Raise nUCLeaR missiLe oUtPUt         than six times his entire life earnings up
like the type that destroyed                    foURfoLd, whiLe safetY UndeRCUt                to his departure from office. Blair is now
                                                A senior government official in Moscow         thought to be the world’s highest-grossing
Hiroshima, Iran would not                       announced that Russia’s military would         speaker, having made more from speeches
                                                commission 70 strategic missiles over the      in the past 12 months than Bill Clinton
hesitate to load it on a ship,                  next three years, as part of a massive rear-   did in his first year after leaving the White
arm it with a detonator                         mament program which will also include         House.
                                                short-range missiles, 300 tanks, 14 war-
operated by GPS and sail it                     ships and 50 planes. The news came at a        GanLeY: iRish LisBon ReRUn a ‘done
                                                time when the safety of Russia’s nuclear
into a vital port on the east                   industry is being negatively affected by the
                                                                                               Libertas leader and anti-Lisbon campaigner
coast of North America.”                        country’s economic crisis. Ongoing job         Declan Ganley says that an Irish-French
                                                cuts at nuclear facilities include the per-    deal has been done on a rerun of the
                          —EHUD BARAK,          sonnel directly responsible for safety con-    Lisbon Treaty, which he calls a “betrayal of
                  Israeli Defense Minister      trol. Vladimir Slivyak, a Russian nuclear      the Irish people.” French President Nicolas
                                                watchdog, says that without a plan for         Sarkozy informed a number of people that
iRan test-fiRes new missiLe - isRaeL            prevention of nuclear proliferation, Russia    he reached a deal with Irish Taoiseach
within ReaCh                                    may return to the dark days of the 1990s       Brian Cowen. EU leaders are meeting to
Iran said it test-fired a new generation of     when unemployed nuclear scientists and         hear more from Cowen on his “roadmap”
surface-to-surface missiles and that the        technical specialists offered services to      for a solution to the impasse created by
Islamic Republic was ready to defend it-        anyone able to pay.                            the Irish no vote. It is expected that the
self against any attacker. Iran’s latest mis-                                                  Irish will be given a number of concessions
sile test followed persistent speculation of    China ‘UsinG CYBeRwaRfaRe               to     to sweeten the electorate for a second
possible U.S. or Israeli strikes against its    ChaLLenGe U.s. PoweR’                          referendum. Once the Lisbon Treaty is
nuclear facilities. Barack Obama, like out-     According to a congressional report, China     passed by all twenty seven EU nations,
going President George W. Bush, has not         is using cyberwarfare to challenge Ameri-      it will provide Europe with her first ever
ruled out military action. Washington said      can power and distorting economic pol-         constitution and permanent president.
the test highlighted the need for a missile     icy to exert political influence over other    Tony Blair has once again been placed on
defense system it plans to base in Poland       countries. The report accuses China of us-     the short list of potential candidates.
and the Czech Republic.                         ing its foreign exchange reserves, built up

6   endtime magazine | January / February 2009                                         SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
[ mark of the beast watCh ]                       underestimated Israel’s readiness to launch          U.S. must provide leadership to continue
                                                  a military campaign in response to an esca-          the global effort to build a stronger and
Janet naPoLitano PRomises BUsiness                lation of Palestinian rocket fire. By striking       more just international order.
as UsUaL at homeLand seCURitY                     Gaza now, Israel has pushed the conflict
Janet Napolitano, the governor of Arizona,        with the Palestinians to the top of the pri-         [ world religion ]
has been tapped as the new head of                orities facing the Obama Administration.
Homeland Security replacing Michael                                                                    LiCense foR fRee sPeeCh?
Chertoff. Napolitano says her support of the      oLmeRt: ‘the time has Come to saY                    A thorny First Amendment issue is playing
Real ID Act is contingent upon adequate           these thinGs’                                        out in Vermont in regard to personalized
federal funding. Napolitano signed                Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said              license plates. A three-judge panel of the
legislation to stop the program in her home       in an interview, “The decision we have               U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit
state of Arizona, but she was also one of         to make is the decision we’ve spent forty            heard arguments in the case of Shawn
the first promoters of a new state driver’s       years refusing to look at with our eyes              Byrne, a used-car dealer who wishes to af-
license that would comply with Real ID. At        open. We must reach an agreement with                fix to his pickup truck a personalized plate
least 11 states have passed bills that bar        the Palestinians, meaning a withdrawal               reading “JN36TN.” This stands for John
Real ID which Congress passed in 2005.            from nearly all of the occupied territories.         3:16, a familiar passage from the Bible.
DHS officials granted states extensions to        This includes Jerusalem—with special ar-             The state of Vermont has denied Byrne’s
the original compliance deadline of May           rangements made for the Temple Mount                 request, ruling that it runs afoul of statu-
2008, saying they must begin the transition       and the holy sites.”                                 tory rules that ban the use of any combina-
by Dec. 31, 2009.                                                                                      tion of letters or numbers on personalized
                                                  idf PRePaRinG oPtions foR stRiKe                     plates that refer in any language “to a race,
BRitain BeGins nationaL id PLan                   at iRan withoUt U.s. assent                          religion, color, deity, ethnic heritage, gen-
The British government has begun an               According to the Jerusalem Post, the IDF             der, sexual orientation, disability status or
identity card program for foreign nationals.      is drawing up options for a strike on Ira-           political affiliation.”
The plan comes six years after heated             nian nuclear facilities that do not include
debate over whether the costly program is         coordination with the United States. De-             histoRiC CathoLiC-mUsLim              foRUm
an effective tool against terrorism, identity     fense officials have said Israel is preparing        oPens at VatiCan
theft and welfare fraud. Government               a wide range of options for the operation.           The Holy See’s first-ever Catholic-Muslim
officials say the cards should provide a way      Israeli officials say it would be difficult, but     forum opened “a new chapter in the long
to determine a person’s identity and if they      not impossible, to launch a strike against           history” of dialogue between Catholics
are eligible to work in Britain. The cards will   Iran without receiving codes from the U.S.           and Muslims. The Vatican seminar was
contain a computer chip with fingerprint          Air Force, which controls Iraqi airspace.            organized in response to a Muslim call for
information and other data. It is predicted                                                            dialogue issued in 2006. The call, titled “A
that Britons will generally accept the new        [ world government ]                                 Common World,” was signed by 138 Mus-
cards until their use becomes compulsory                                                               lim religious figures and scholars.
for everyone.                                     2008 was the YeaR man-made GLoBaL
                                                  waRminG was disPRoVed                                emeRGent ChURCh LeadeR saYs ‘GaY’
sinGLe GLoBaL CURRenCY                            One of the most important stories of                 Can Be BiBLiCaL LifestYLe
The Single Global Currency Association is         2008 was the evidence suggesting that it             Dr. Tony Jones, national coordinator of
urging the G20 to initiate research and plan-     may be looked back on as the year when               Emergent Village church movement, opened
ning for a single global currency. The asso-      there was a turning point in the great               an internet discussion with the bold procla-
ciation’s president wrote to IMF Managing         worldwide panic over man-made global                 mation that he believes “gay, lesbian, bisex-

Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, to urge          warming. Just when politicians in Europe             ual, transsexual and queer” individuals can
such a step in order to “achieve the primary      and America were adopting the most                   and should live out their sexuality in – and
goal of the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference         costly and damaging measures to combat               blessed by – the Christian church.
and of the IMF: stable currency around the        the supposed menace, the tide turned. All
world.” The association supports the calls        over the world, temperatures have been
by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown            dropping in a way wholly unpredicted by
and French President Nicolas Sarkozy for a        all the computer models. 2008 was also
restructuring of the global financial system.     the year a supposed “scientific consensus”
Benefits of a single global currency would        in favor of man-made global warming
include the elimination of $400 billion in        collapsed. As the world plunged into its             “gay, lesbian, bisexual,
annual foreign exchange costs and fluctua-        worst recession for decades, politicians
tions. It would also eliminate the need for       woke up to the fact that nations can no              transsexual and queer”
reserves, now totaling more than $3 trillion      longer afford all those quixotic schemes
around the world.                                 for “combating climate change”.
                                                                                                       individuals can and should
                                                                                                       live out their sexuality
[ middle east watCh ]                             UK’s BRown: now is the time to
                                                  BUiLd GLoBaL soCietY                                 in – and blessed by – the
the stRateGiC PRiCe of isRaeL GaZa
                             ’s                   According to British Prime Minister
assaULt                                           Gordon Brown, the international financial
                                                                                                       Christian church.
According to Time magazine, Israel has            crisis has given world leaders a unique
engaged in the deadliest bloodbath since          opportunity to create a truly global society.                             —DR. TONY JONES,
1967. The radical Palestinian movement of         The United States and Europe are keys to                     National Coordinator of Emergent
Hamas that governs Gaza appears to have           forging a new world order. Europe and the                           Village Church Movement

                                                                                                     endtime magazine | January / February 2009   7
J     a       N       u a             r Y /                f      e      B r            u a             r Y

                            Letters & Feedback
Comment: BeLieVinG sCRiPtURe is a                                                             However, there is a city on earth that
ChaRaCteR fLaw                                                                                meets every one of these clues.
Regarding the article, “Daniel’s Equations,”
I am unable to take seriously the                                                             1. Rome is a city.
interpretations by Christians of a Jewish                                                     2. Rome does rule over a vast interna-
book. One person believes the prophecies                                                      tional system, claiming authority over in
can be disproven; yet I go further. I think                                                   excess of 1 billion people.
that those who believe in prophecies have                                                     3. Rome is famous as the “City of Seven
a fundamental character flaw. There is a                                                      Hills.”
noticeable desire in wanting the dreadful                                                     4. The Roman Catholic Church has two
things that are to appear at Christ’s second                                                  ruling bodies: The College of Cardinals
coming to teach and punish the wretched                                                       and the College of Bishops. The Cardinals
sinner. For frightening the wits out of                                                       wear red. The bishops wear purple.
people such indulgent philosophy should                                                       5. During the time of the Inquisition and
be exposed to ridicule. I, for one, do not                                                    the Crusades, millions were killed by the
intend to tolerate it.                                                                        Roman Church for the crime of heresy.
                              – Anonymous                                                     6. When the Protestants broke off from the
                                                                                              “Mother Church”, they were referred to as
reply | The prophecies of which you                                                           daughters. At the time of Vatican Coun-
speak are found in the Bible. It appears                                                      cil II, the Roman Church invited all the
you are saying that anyone who believes                                                       “daughters” to return home.
the Bible has a fundamental character                                                         As you can see, the Roman Catholic
flaw. That’s quite an assertion!                                                              Church fulfills every one of the clues giv-
                                               We have to ask the question: Does New          en in Revelation 17.
It was also insinuated that those who          York City match all of these clues?
believe the prophecies want dreadful                                                          Comment: deCLaRation of indePen-
things to happen to people. On the             1. Is New York City a city? Yes                denCe PRoPhesied
contrary, the very purpose of teaching         2. Does New York City preside over a vast      The prophecy in Daniel 7 refers to the lion
the prophecies is to help people avoid the     international system? Since the UN is          with eagle’s wings. The eagle’s wings were
things that are foretold in scripture. What    there, we probably should answer yes.          plucked depicting the United States declar-
could be wrong with that?                      3. Does New York City sit on seven hills?      ing its independence from Great Britain.
                                               No                                             This prophecy is found in Daniel 7:4. A
QUestion: ReVeLation 17 & 18 – new             4. Is New York City arrayed in purple and      recent discovery has revealed a parallel re-
YoRK CitY?                                     scarlet? No                                    lationship between this scripture’s chapter
Do you think that Revelation 17 and 18 are     5. Has New York City ever been drunk           and verse and the date of the Declaration of
related to 9/11 and New York City? One of      with the blood of the saints? No               Independence! This indeed gives reinforce-
the strongest connections is “In one hour      6. Could it be said that New York City has     ment to the meaning of this scripture and
your doom has come.” The Twin Towers           daughters? No                                  will also help a person to remember where
collapsed in 57 minutes.                                                                      this prophecy is located in the Bible.
                     – Thank you, Michael      We can see from this analysis that New                                       – Thanks, Bill
                                               York City only meets two of the clues of
reply The subject of Revelation 17-18          the identity of the great harlot. Conse-       reply| As you point out, the prophecy of
is the judgment of the great whore. In         quently, she is not possibly the harlot that   the Declaration of Independence is given
chapter 17, we are given six clues as to       is to receive judgment.                        in Daniel 7:4. The Declaration of Inde-
her identity.                                                                                 pendence occurred on 7/4/1776. Is this by
                                                                                              divine providence or a mere coincidence?
1. The woman is a city–Verse 18                                                               I don’t know, but it certainly is interest-
2. The city presides over a vast                                                              ing!
international system–Verse 15
3. The city (woman) sits on seven hills–
Verse 9                                                                                       QUestion: CastinG of the CenseR
4. The woman is arrayed in purple and                                                         Revelation has never made sense to me
red–Verse 4                                                                                   until I found Endtime Ministries. The first
5. The woman was drunk with the blood                                                         video I watched was the Seven Trumpets,
of the saints and with the martyrs of
Jesus–Verse 6                                                                                 and I just about fell out of my chair. I could
6. The woman was the “Mother” of                                                              not believe what I was watching. After
Harlots. This indicates that she has                                                          watching a few more videos over the next
daughters–Verse 5                                                                             few days, I felt like God was telling me to

8   endtime magazine | January / February 2009                                       SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
share this information with my Church. I                                                                          ratus operating outside the control of the
soon started teaching your information to                                                                         White House whose sole purpose is to re-
a small group at my church. I just finished                                                                       duce the world’s population by 2 billion
a lesson on the Seven Seals and someone                                                                           people through war, famine, disease and any
asked me a question about the Golden                                                                              other means necessary.”
Censer, which is grouped with the Seventh        “Investigations by EIR                                                                  – Thank you, Mary
Seal. In my mind I understand the timeline       have uncovered a plan-
you created, and I am trying to figure out                                                                        reply | Through the years, I have heard of
how the Golden Censer fits in. It seems to       ning apparatus operating                                         certain organizations that supposedly say
be a prelude for the Trumpets and the only                                                                        we must reduce the world’s population
thing I could figure is that it burns during     outside the control of the                                       by two billion. I have never documented
the Trumpets and is cast down to Earth           White House whose sole                                           these reports so I would not want to com-
by the angel at Armageddon (because it                                                                            ment on them irresponsibly.
too has lightning, rumbling, and an earth-       purpose is to reduce the                                         However, I can answer your question as
quake). Am I close?                                                                                               to whether a program of this nature will
            – Thank you very much, James         world’s population by 2 bil-                                     be responsible for the two billion that the
                                                 lion people through war,                                         Bible says will die. The cause of the two
reply | As you mentioned, the timing of                                                                           billion dying will be war. Revelation 9:13-
the casting of the censer to the earth is giv-   famine, disease and any                                          16 describes an army of 200 million that
en by the description of lightnings, thun-                                                                        will fight in this war. Furthermore, the
derings, voices and a great earthquake.          other means necessary.”                                          war will begin from the area of the Eu-
This description is used several times                                                                            phrates River.
throughout the book of Revelation. Every                                 —THE CLUB OF ROME,
mention is referring to the same time.                                          Haig-Kissinger                    Comment: fBi: instant wiRetaPs of
                                                 Comment: RedUCe the woRLd’s PoP-                                 CiViLian aCtiVities
In Revelation 6:12-14, it happens at the         ULation BY two BiLLion                                           I was awarded a USDOJ federal grant to
sixth seal when the heavens depart like a        I have been following                            develop a data mining system for inmate
scroll for the second coming to occur.           ever since I heard Irvin Baxter on the radio                     telephone calls here in the DFW area, and
                                                 program, “Coast to Coast” in April 2008.                         did so. These calls announce to the call-
In Revelation 8:5, it happens at the time        Since then I have bought 5 DVD’s and lis-                        ers that they are being recorded. I don’t
of the seventh seal, which is simply a con-      tened to the available teaching videos on                        believe that every telephone call in the
tinuation of the sixth seal above.
                                                 your site. I am very thankful and somewhat                       country is recorded. That would be more
                                                 amazed at the interpretation of Revelation.                      disk space to store these calls than is man-
In Revelation 11:19, the exact same things
                                                                                                                  ufactured today, and there is no database
are recorded at the sounding of the seventh
                                                 On a recent program of C2C, I heard a                            search engine big enough for these records.
trumpet when the kingdoms of this world
                                                 phrase, “depopulating Africa”. I wondered                        Can selective lines and areas be recorded?
become the kingdoms of our Lord and His
                                                 if this might be what would lead to 2 billion                    Probably. The government has paid our
Christ. This also depicts the second coming.
                                                 people dying. Then I searched the phrase                         telephone companies hundreds of millions
Revelation 16:16-18 describes the Battle of      on Google and found the following site:                          of dollars to develop software so the FBI
Armageddon. Again we are told that there                                                                          can have ready access to instant wiretaps
were voices, lightnings, thunderings and         w w w. d e v e l o p m e n t c ro s s i n g . c o m / x n /      of certain civilian activities in many of our
a great earthquake. We know the second           detail/1018705:BlogPost:20157                                    telephone central offices. It is not an easy
coming happens at Armageddon.                                                                                     thing to request a wiretap somewhere in

                                                 This statement was in the first sentence of                      the country and have the info sent imme-
So what is the significance of the censer        a report from The Club of Rome by Haig-                          diately back to the FBI in Virginia, but it is
being cast into the earth? I had not given       Kissinger in March 1981: “Investigations                         now possible.
this much thought until I received your          by EIR have uncovered a planning appa-                                                      – Thank you, John
question. In Numbers 16:46-50, Moses
commanded Aaron to take a censer and
make atonement for the people. The pas-
sage states that Aaron stood between the
living and the dead.

The time of Armageddon is going to be
eternal life to the saved and eternal dam-
nation to those who are lost. Revelation
14:14-20 even records two harvests at this
time. The harvest of the saved is described
first, and then the harvest of the wicked to
cast them into the winepress of the Battle
of Armageddon.

It appears to me that the censer containing
the prayers of the saints will work salvation
to the righteous and wrath to the ungodly.

                                                                                                               endtime magazine | January / February 2009     9
The Bible has given us many prophecies that will come to pass just before the second
coming of Jesus. Most of these prophecies are in the process of fulfillment right now.
So that we can understand the prophetic fulfillments that occurred in 2008, let’s list
some of the prophecies that have been given to us by God for this endtime.

     1. One-world government
     2. One-world religion
     3. One-world economy
     4. A peace agreement in the Middle East
     5. Every person on earth will be given a number
     6. The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire
     8. A war that will kill 1/3 of mankind
     9. A dramatic increase in homosexuality
     10. The battle of Armageddon

Many significant developments occurred           Organization, the World Court, the World            of the Global Nation,” Time, July 20, 1992).
toward the fulfillment of each of these prophe-     Health Organization, the Global Poverty Act,        Shortly after making these statements, Talbott
cies in 2008. To demonstrate that this is true,     the Global Commons, and on and on and on.           was elevated to the White House by President
we will briefly explain the world events that          But what does all of this mean? It simply        Clinton, where he served as Deputy Secretary
occurred this past year, which had direct bear-     means that we are right now being engulfed          of State for the next seven years. Hmm… ap-
ing upon the fulfillment of each prophecy.          in the emerging endtime world government            parently, Clinton agreed with Talbott about the
                                                    prophesied in the Bible.                            coming world government!
                                                                                                           After the end of the Clinton presidency, Tal-
                                                    Globalization                                       bott accepted the position of president of the
The prophecy                                           Over the past ten years, an interesting term     Brookings Institute, one of the leading think
   Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the      has entered mankind’s vocabulary—globaliza-         tanks in the world. This provided the perfect
fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be           tion. That’s a big word that we hear almost         platform from which to continue the promo-
diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour         every day on the news, but very few of us can       tion of Talbott’s one-world government vi-
the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and       really give a good definition of the term. What     sion.
break it in pieces.                                 is globalization?                                      It’s interesting that, in 2002, a lady by the
                    –Daniel 7:23                       Globalization: The process of transitioning      name of Susan Rice came to work with Talbott
                                                    the world system of governance from a system        as a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy and
  And it was given unto him to make war                                                                 Global Economy and Development program at
with the saints, and to overcome them: and                                                              Brookings. Rice is currently on leave from the
power was given him over all kindreds, and                                                              Brookings Institution, having served as a se-
tongues, and nations.                                                                                   nior foreign policy advisor to Senator Barack
                    –Revelation 13:7                                                                    Obama in his 2008 presidential campaign.
                                                                                                           On December 1, 2008, she was nominated
   In both of these prophecies, one from the                                                            by President-elect Obama to be the U.S. Am-
Old Testament and one from the New Testa-                                                               bassador to the United Nations, a position,
ment, the subject is the Antichrist and his                                                             which he upgraded to cabinet level. Now con-
world government. In both prophecies, it spe-                                                           firmed, Rice is perfectly positioned to preach
cifically states that he will have power over all                                                       the gospel of globalization at the UN that she
the earth.                                                                                              promoted along side Strobe Talbott at Brook-
                                                                                                        ings. Now she can promote world government
The fulfillment                                                                                         on behalf of the United States at the very seat
   Our world is so consumed with the march                                                              of world government.
into world government that we are hardly
aware of the beat of the drum to which we are                                                           Global tax–coming soon!
marching. World government terms have so                                                                   Those who advocate a system of one-world
permeated our vocabulary that we say them                                                               government have chaffed for many years be-
and are not even aware of what we are saying                                                            neath the lack of financial independence un-
or what the terms we are using actually mean.                                                           der which the UN has been forced to operate.
   For example, we continually hear the term                                                            The globalists have proposed different forms
“world community”, but it seems to not even                                                             of global taxation, but they have always been
register in our psyche what we are saying.                                                              rejected by the major powers that have desired
What is the world community? It’s the major-                                                            to retain financial control of the world body.
ity of the world’s nations walking in lock step.                                                           The latest proposal for global taxation was
It’s the nations of the world coming together                                                           made when the member states of the UN ad-
and acting in unison. The world community                                                               opted the Millennium Development Goals
is, in fact, a virtual one-world government                                                             (MDGs) in the year 2000. Amongst other
speaking with a single voice. And that voice                                                            things, the developed nations were urged to
emanates from the United Nations, the orga-                                                             donate a percentage of their GDP, gross do-
nization designed to enact and enforce inter-                                                           mestic product, to the United Nations for the
national law.                                                                                           purpose of eradicating global poverty. The esti-
                                                                                                        mated assessment for the United States was .7
International law                                                                                       percent of our GDP. When you consider .7 per-
   Now there’s a good world government term                                                             cent of the total production of the U.S. econ-
for you—international law. What is interna-                                                             omy, you are speaking of $845 billion over the
tional law?                                         of nation-states to a structure of global govern-   next 13 years. This would be over and above
   There is a vast body of international laws       ment. That’s what the world is presently going      the foreign aid we are already distributing.
that has been formulated through inter-lock-        through. We are in the process of moving from
ing international treaties. Once treaties are ad-   a world made up of sovereign states to a world      Obama’s Global Poverty Act
opted by nations, the provisions and commit-        ruled by one-world government. This process            As an advocate of world government, in
ments of those treaties become the supreme          of globalization is moving us very rapidly into     2007 Senator Barack Obama sponsored the
law of the land.                                    the one-world government over which the An-         Global Poverty Act. This bill provided for re-
   International law by its very definition de-     tichrist will soon rule.                            quiring the president of the United States to
mands an international government to enforce           Bill Clinton’s roommate, while attending         implement the necessary steps to meet the
that international law. If you don’t have the       Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar, was a        Millennium Development Goals as set by the
means of enforcing international law, it be-        man named Strobe Talbott. Talbott described         UN. If approved, the Global Poverty Act will
comes a meaningless charade. The means of           globalization best in an article he wrote for       be the largest step of wealth redistribution
enforcing international law is called interna-      Time magazine in 1992. He said that national        ever taken by the United States.
tional government or world government. Con-         sovereignty, as we have known it, will cease to        Once we have world law, a world court, a
sequently, we now find ourselves comfortably        exist in the 21st century; that we will all an-     world tax, a world economy, a world police (I
speaking of the World Bank, the World Trade         swer to a single global authority (“The Birth       didn’t tell you about that), and world “peace-

                                                                                                    endtime magazine | January / February 2009       11
keeping” forces to enforce the decisions of the     years now. They began by launching the ecu-        what I believe.”
world government, we will have world gov-           menical movement in earnest back in the early         Now a resolution has been proposed at the
ernment whether you call it the world com-          1960s. Pope John 23rd called Vatican Council       United Nations that anyone speaking against
munity, the international community or the          II, inviting all the Protestant “daughters” of     or critically of any other religion is guilty of a
United Nations. It is world government, and         the Roman Catholic Church to return home to        hate crime. It hasn’t passed yet, but it will.
it is the world government prophesied in Dan-       “mother”. It seemed like mission impossible           The prophecy states that every person will
iel 7:23 and Revelation 13:7.                       at the time. But, faster than most of us could     be forced to bow the knee to the one-world
                                                    believe, the doctrinal difference that had sepa-   government system and the leader of that
                                                    rated Protestants from Catholics began to fade     world government. If a person refuses, he or
                                                    away. Soon, Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics       she will become a target of persecution and
The prophecy                                        and even some Pentecostals, were swapping          possibly even death.
   And he exerciseth all the power of the first     pulpits and declaring that the body of Christ         Could such a state of belief ever gain trac-
beast before him, and causeth the earth and         would soon be one.                                 tion in our world? The fact is, it is happen-
them which dwell therein to worship the first          But that was only step one. How do we get       ing right now! In many nations, speaking
beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And           Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Zoroastrians,      against homosexuality is considered a hate
he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh           Wiccans and all the rest to drop their religious   crime, meriting fines and even jail terms.
fire come down from heaven on the earth in          exclusiveness and to entertain the possibility     In Germany, homeschooling your children
the sight of men, And deceiveth them that           that we all really serve the same God—even         results in having them taken from you and
dwell on the earth by the means of those mir-       though we may call him by different names? It      charges of criminal negligence being filed by
acles which he had power to do in the sight         seemed like a re-education process that might      the state. They are supposedly being deprived
of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the      be accomplished over hundreds of years, but        of the opportunity to learn the culture of the
earth, that they should make an image to the        in our lifetimes? I hardly think so.               German nation and of developing a healthy
beast, which had the wound by a sword, and             I was so incredulous when privileged to at-     belief system.
did live. And he had power to give life unto        tend the constitution signing for the United          During 2008, Catholics and Muslims be-
the image of the beast, that the image of the       Religions Initiative in Pittsburg, Pennsylva-      gan meeting together in order to create un-
beast should both speak, and cause that as          nia. It was held on June 26, 2000; exactly 55      derstanding through dialogue.
many as would not worship the image of the          years to the day after the constitution for the       In 2008, Tony Blair resigned from being
beast should be killed.                             United Nations had been signed.                    prime minister of Great Britain. He an-
                      –Revelation 13:12-15             I watched as the Indigenous People opened       nounced that he would be a guest lecturer at

Interfaithism                                       the ceremonies with dancing and drums. That        Yale University on the subject of “Faith and
   The logic goes something like this. Most         was followed by a Hindu lady praying, seated       Globalization”. He also launched the Tony
wars on earth have been caused by conflicts         in the lotus position. Toward the end of her       Blair Foundation, designed to foster inter-
over three principal things: politics, econom-      prayer, she quietly intoned…OHM (Oneness           faith understanding and the harmonization
ics and religion. So the theory goes that, if we    Healing Meditation). I thought I heard the         of politics and religion. We’re talking about
had a one world political system, a one-world       congregation quietly refrain… OHM. Then            Tony Blair, one of the world’s leading states-
economic system and some kind of a global           the Hindu leader repeated louder… OHM.             men, devoting his life to the concept that all
belief system, we would see the birth of a new      Then the congregation…then the leader, and         religions are equally valid and should be mu-
world order where peace and harmony would           so on. Soon the entire auditorium was filled       tually respected. Blair sees Interfaithism as an
finally prevail.                                    with Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindus, In-     indispensible element for world peace.
   The most difficult pillar of this three-legged   digenous, Zoroastrians and Wiccans, all uni-          Blair’s last lecture of his first semester at
world government stool is the one-world be-         fied together in interfaith prayer. The hair on    Yale was concluded with a major December
lief system. How could we possibly eliminate        the back of my neck began to stand on end!         address that laid out significant expansion
religious conflict—making it illegal, and finally      President George W. Bush summarized In-         plans for the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.
have peace on earth, good will toward men?          terfaithism. He was asked if he believed that         The University’s Faith & Globalization ini-
   The one-world dreamers have been work-           Jews, Muslims and Christians all worship           tiative — a partnership between the School
ing on the concept of Interfaithism for many        the same God. He boldly answered, “That’s          of Management, the Divinity School and

12    endtime magazine | January / February 2009                                              SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
Blair’s foundation — will grow over the next        had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the      gration is a problem. But we should note that
two years to become a major University-wide         number of his name.                                 this problem has been caused by our govern-
effort, Blair and Yale officials pledged Decem-                         –Revelation 13:16-17            ment’s refusal to enforce our borders.
ber 11, 2008.
   In that time, the University will work with      The key to total control                            E-Verify
the London-based foundation to publish a ma-           If I can control whether you can eat or not,        Because there has been such fierce opposi-
jor book on the subject of faith and globaliza-     I can control you. If I can control whether you     tion to the national ID card known as Real ID,
tion and establish student internships at the       are permitted to work or not, I can control         the government is now attempting a different
foundation’s London offices. Meanwhile, Blair       whether you can eat or live.                        tactic to control every person who holds a job
said his foundation will base staff on campus          The prophecy states that every person on         in America, and consequently every person’s
and make Yale the headquarters of its United        earth will be forced into political and religious   ability to buy or sell.
States operations.                                  conformity by controlling his or her ability to        Again, under the guise of stopping illegal im-
   The Faith & Globalization initiative, to be      “buy or sell.”                                      migrants from holding jobs, Homeland Securi-
spearheaded by the Yale Center for Faith and           A global system is being established right       ty has launched a program called E-Verify. This
Culture, will also expand course offerings on       now that will control whether a person can          program is presently voluntary, but is projected
the subject of faith and sponsor discussions        buy or sell because it will control whether that    to become mandatory. Recently, it became
encouraging Christian-Muslim dialogue, in-          person is permitted to hold a job.                  mandatory for all employers who are working
cluding two forums to be held at Yale in 2010          This system is being set up at the request       for government contractors. Some individual
and 2012.                                           of the United Nations. The UN’s International       states have recently made it mandatory.
   The role of Interfaithism in the recent presi-   Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has asked           E-Verify requires the employer to check all
dential campaign and inauguration demon-            all nations to establish standardized identi-       employees against the databases of Homeland
strates just how far we have travelled down         fication cards for every citizen by 2010. Out       Security and Social Security. If they are not in
the road toward religious amalgamation. The         of 192 nations on earth, 186 of them plan to        the database, then Homeland Security will do
Democratic National Convention was opened           comply with this request by 2010.                   further background checks to determine the
by an interfaith service. Then, during the pres-       President Bush explained that he was con-        legal status of the person. If the person is not a
idential inaugural activities, President-elect      forming to the UN’s request by signing the          legal citizen, he cannot be employed.
Obama chose a gay Episcopalian bishop, a            Real ID Act on May 11, 2005. The Real ID               Is this a good thing? Most Americans feel
Muslim, Jewish rabbis and an evangelical min-       Act mandated that all drivers’ licenses and

ister to offer prayers.                             ID cards must conform to global standards           like individuals should only be in America le-
   When we consider all of these develop-           by May 11, 2008. These ID documents will            gally and should certainly be legal in order to
ments, it becomes obvious that the one-world        be required to fly on a commercial airline,         work. However, if the government can refuse
religious system that will captivate the world      enter a federal building, and for many other        the right to work for one reason, they also
during the reign of the Antichrist is much fur-     essential activities.                               could deny the right to work for other reasons
ther advanced than most of us have realized.           Ultimately, Homeland Security wants to           that they might deem important. For example,
   Is it possible that the one-world religion of    make these ID cards essential for holding a job.    if a person were considered “dangerous” for
the Antichrist will actually be Interfaithism?      The Immigration Bill that went down to defeat       extreme political or religious views, his right
                                                    in 2008 was defeated because it required every      to work could be suspended, once this level of
                                                    person holding or applying for a job to have        control is in the hands of Homeland Security.
                                                    the national ID card and to be in the national         Could this ever happen? Not only could it
                                                    database established by Homeland Security.          happen, the Bible says that it will.
The prophecy                                           Why shouldn’t the government be able to
   And he causeth all, both small and great,        control whether you can work or not? Many           Toward a cashless society
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark     people contend that this is the only way to            The Independent from the United Kingdom
in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And     weed out those who are working within our           reported on March 11, 2007, a prediction by
that no man might buy or sell, save he that         borders illegally. We all know that illegal immi-   Visa chief executive Peter Ayliffe. He said that
                                                                                                                                     [ c o n t i n u e d o n p g 16 ]

                                                                                                   endtime magazine | January / February 2009              13
Location                             Date/Time             Speaker          Host             Contact

ColumbuS, oHio                       2/27/2009 @ 7:30pm    Irvin Baxter     Pastor W. L.     614-272-6256
The Church Triumphant                                                       Sciscoe
1001 Vera Place - 43204

AtHenS, texAS                        2/27/2009 @ 7:00pm    Craig            Pastor Johnny 903-675-1244
United Pentecostal Church            2/28/2009 @ 6:00pm    Treadwell        Grissom
101 McArthur – 75751                 3/1/2009 @ 6:00pm

menASHA (Appleton), Wi               3/6/2009 @ 7:00pm     Craig            Pastor Dan       920-734-5588
The Pentecostals of the Fox Cities   3/7/2009 @ 6:00pm     Treadwell        Sharp
1445 Midway Road - 54952             3/8/2009 @ 10:00am

nigeriA, AfriCA                      3/10/2009 thru        Irvin Baxter     The Agreement www.agreement-
Location to be announced             3/15/2009                              Prayer Minis-
                                                                            tries, Int’l  conference.html

Slidell, louiSiAnA                   3/15/2009 @           Craig            Pastor Donald 985-643-8760
First Pentecostal Church             10:00am & 6:00pm      Treadwell        Bryan
384 Robert Blvd - 70458

dAllAS, texAS                        3/22/2009 @ 10:30am   Craig            Pastors Bo       214-862-5222
The Life Church                                            Treadwell        Baker & Arlen
10727 Midway Road – 75229                                                   Guidroz

dAllAS (Arlington), tx               3/27/2009 @ 7:30pm    Irvin Baxter     Endtime          972-422-0857
Arlington Convention Center                                                 Ministries
1200 Ballpark Way - 76011

Vidor, texAS                         3/29/2009 @           Craig            Pastor           409.769.6437
Eastgate United Pentecostal Church   10:00am & 6:30pm      Treadwell        G.R. Bobby
290 South Street – 77670                                                    Edwards

HAzen, ArkAnSAS                      4/3/2009 @ 7:30pm     Irvin Baxter     Pastor Teddy     870-255-9177
Apostolic Tabernacle                                                        Walker
3201 Hwy 70 East - 72064

gAineSVille, texAS                   4/3/2009 @ 7:00pm     Craig            Pastor Floyd     940-665-9741
First Pentecostal Church             4/4/2009 @ 6:00pm     Treadwell        Flowers
5760 East Highway 82 – 76241         4/5/2009 @ 10am & 6pm

gun bArrel City, texAS               4/12/2009 @ 6:00pm    Craig            Pastor Tim       903-887-5926
Main Street Pentecostal Church                             Treadwell        Weatheread
1623 West Main Street – 75147

Hugo, oklAHomA                       4/17/2009 @ 7:00pm    Craig            Pastor David     580-326-6000
Apostolic Tabernacle UPC             4/18/2009 @ 6:00pm    Treadwell        Cahill
238 Bearden Springs Road – 74743     4/19/2009 @ 10:00am

bAltimore, mArylAnd                  4/23/2009 @ 7:30pm    Irvin Baxter     Pastor David     410-866-1086
Abundant Life Church                 4/24/2009 @ 7:30pm                     Reever
7302 Pulaski Hwy - 21237

tulSA, oklAHomA                      5/1/2009 @ 7:30pm     Irvin Baxter     Pastor Don       918-446-7121
1st Pentecostal Church                                                      Martin
3029 S. 57th West Avenue - 74107

                                                                    endtime magazine | January / February 2009   15
paying for goods with notes and coins could        on those who are on probation or other con-          The Middle East peace process
be consigned to history within five years. Ay-     ditional release. By including a satellite uplink       The Roadmap for Peace formulated by the
liffe said that, by 2012, using credit and debit   system in the chip, police would be able to use      world community in 2003 contains all the ele-
cards should be cheaper and more convenient        global positioning system (GPS) technology           ments of the Daniel 9:27 prophecy. The Road-
than cash. Some retailers could soon start         to track subjects’ exact locations at all times.     map calls for establishing the final borders of
surcharging customers if they choose to buy        According to advocates of such a measure,            Israel and for determining the final status of
products with cash because of the greater cost     this could help keep sex offenders away from         the Temple Mount.
of processing these payments, he warned.           “forbidden” zones like schools.                         Negotiations concerning the final borders
                                                   (David Gutierrez Natural News June 23, 2008)         of Israel and the Temple Mount have been

                                                                                                        ongoing throughout 2008. U.S. Secretary of
  Finger scanning to be lunch card in St.                                                               State Condoleezza Rice travelled to the Mid-
Louis                                                                                                   dle East every month of 2008 except for July.
   In Rockwood, a suburb of St. Louis, Mis-                                                             That’s when the Israeli and Palestinian nego-
souri, students have begun paying for lunch        The prophecy                                         tiators travelled to Washington, D.C., meeting
without coins, bills or plastic.                      And he shall confirm the covenant with            with her there.
   On January 6, the school district switched      many for one week: and in the midst of the              Both Tony Blair, special envoy to the
to a biometric system that allows students to      week he shall cause the sacrifice and the            Middle East from the world community, and
access their lunch account with a finger scan.     oblation to cease, and for the overspreading         Ehud Olmert, Israel’s prime minister, have
   The system is now being used in many            of abominations he shall make it desolate,           stated that an agreement on all core issues
schools around the nation.                         even until the consummation, and that de-            was virtually complete. They indicated that
(St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/30/08)                 termined shall be poured upon the desolate.          the agreement could not be implemented be-
                                                                       –Daniel 9:27                     cause Olmert’s government was only a care-
U.K. will begin microchipping prisoners                                                                 taker government due to Olmert’s resigna-
    The British government is developing a         A brief explanation of the prophecy                  tion. Both leaders stated that the two parties
plan to track current and former prisoners            The “he” in this prophecy is the Antichrist.      were closer to a complete and comprehensive
by means of microchips implanted under the         The covenant that he will confirm is the Abra-       peace agreement than they have ever been.
skin, drawing intense criticism from proba-        hamic Covenant, which God made with Abra-               If the work of Blair, Rice, Olmert, Livni and
tion officers and civil rights groups.             ham in Genesis 15:18. It simply states that Is-      Abbas results in a final peace agreement in the
    As a way to reduce prison crowding, many       rael has a God-given right to exist as a nation      near future, then 2008 will be remembered as
British prisoners are currently released under     in the Holy Land.                                    a year of extreme prophetic significance.
electronic monitoring, carried out by means           “One week” refers to a week of years or a
of an ankle bracelet that transmits signals like   seven-year period. It will be the final seven-
those used by mobile phones.                       year period immediately preceding the battle
    Now the Ministry of Justice is exploring       of Armageddon and the second coming of Je-           The prophecy
the possibility of injecting prisoners in the      sus Christ.                                             And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes,
back of the arm with a radio frequency iden-          The stopping of sacrifices will be ordered        part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the king-
tification (RFID) chip that contains informa-      by the Antichrist. These sacrifices will have        dom shall be divided; but there shall be in it
tion such as their name, address and criminal      been resumed after the completion of Israel’s        of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou
record. Such chips, which contain a built-in       temple on the Temple Mount.                          sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And
antenna, could be scanned by special readers.         The abomination of desolation is when the         as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and
The implantation of RFID chips in luggage,         Antichrist will stand on the Temple Mount in         part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly
pets and livestock has become increasingly         Jerusalem claiming to be Messiah and God. This       strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou
popular in recent years.                           event occurs half way through the final seven        sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall
    In addition to monitoring incarcerated         years and marks the beginning of the three and       mingle themselves with the seed of men: but
prisoners, the ministry hopes to use the chips     one-half year period called the great tribulation.   they shall not cleave one to another, even as

16     endtime magazine | January / February 2009                                              SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days           The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire has        A brief explanation of the prophecy
of these kings will the God of heaven set up a      been in progress since the creation of the Eu-        The prophecy simply states there will be a
kingdom that will never pass away.                  ropean Common Market in 1957 by the Treaty         war that emanates from the Euphrates River
                      –Daniel 2:41-44               of Rome. Since that time, the Common Market        and eventually results in the killing of one-
                                                    has become the European Union and consists         third of mankind.
Feet of iron mingled with clay                      of 27 states with over 500 million inhabitants.       War has been raging along the Euphrates
  Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2:31-45          Most of the member states have now adopted         since the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the U.S.
prophesies all the empires that will achieve        a common currency, the euro, and are on the        The conflict has continued and appears to be
world government status between 600 BC and          brink of adopting a European constitution. The     expanding to Afghanistan. It also threatens to

                                                    constitution, known as the Lisbon Treaty, was      spread to Pakistan.
the second coming of Jesus to earth.                signed by the heads of all 27 member-states on         President Obama says that America will be
   The head of gold represents the empire of        December 13, 2007. Once the constitution is        out of Iraq within the next 18 months. But will
Babylon, which came to an end in 539 BC.            ratified by each individual government, Europe     we? We continue to have 146,000 troops sta-
   The arms and breasts of silver depict the        will then elect its own president and will have    tioned along the Euphrates River.
Media-Persia Empire (539-331 BC).                   its own foreign minister.                              In the meantime, Iran continues to enrich ura-
   The belly and thighs of brass symbolize the         Twenty-five states ratified the Lisbon Treaty   nium in defiance of the world community. The
Grecian empire of Alexander the Great (331-         in 2008. The people of Ireland voted “no” on       UN Security Council has already imposed three
197 BC).                                            the treaty, and the Czech Republic has yet to      levels of economic sanctions against Iran for not
   The legs of iron represent the Roman Em-         vote on ratification. The member states have       complying with UN edicts. Both Israel and the
pire (197 BC-297 AD).                               passed some adjustments to the Treaty of Lis-      United States have openly stated that Iran will
   The feet of iron mingled with clay symbol-       bon in an effort to facilitate adoption by Ire-    not be permitted to possess nuclear weapons.
ize the Holy Roman Empire, which was estab-         land when it takes a second vote later on in           The latest intelligence reports are saying
lished in 800 AD and will continue until the        2009. If Ireland and the Czech Republic do         that Iran will likely have built a nuclear bomb
second coming of Jesus Christ.                      ratify as is expected, the European Union will     by the end of 2009. Many analysts agree that
   The prophecy states that, in the days of the     become a virtual United States of Europe in        an attack on Iran by either the U.S. or Israel
feet of iron and clay, the God of heaven will       2009. Europe would then elect its own Presi-       could trigger World War III.
establish His eternal kingdom.                      dent of Europe in 2010.                                How will this awesome prophecy foretelling
                                                       All of this is extremely important pro-         the death of 2.2 billion human beings be ful-
The Holy Roman Empire                               phetically since the Antichrist and the False      filled? We may not know exactly how the war
   The Holy Roman Empire was born on                Prophet will emerge from the reborn Holy           will be triggered, but, be assured, the prophecy
Christmas Day, 800 AD. Pope Leo III placed          Roman Empire.                                      will be fulfilled.
a crown on the head of Charlemagne and pro-
nounced, “I hereby crown you emperor of the
Holy Roman Empire.”
   For the next 1,000 years, the Holy Roman         The prophecy                                       The prophecy
Empire rose and fell several times. It was al-         And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard           Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot…
ways ruled by Europe’s strongest political          a voice from the four horns of the golden al-      Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son
leader of the time and the pope of the Roman        tar which is before God, Saying to the sixth       of man is revealed.
Catholic Church. It has always been a union of      angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four                             –Luke 17:28-30
                                                    angels which are bound in the great river
church and state.
                                                    Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed,            Lot resided in Sodom and Gomorrah. The
   The Bible prophesies one last revival of the
                                                    which were prepared for an hour, and a day,        distinguishing sin of Sodom was sodomy—
Holy Roman Empire right before the second           and a month, and a year, for to slay the third
coming of Jesus Christ. Once again, it will be                                                         homosexuality. Homosexual activity was ram-
                                                    part of men. And the number of the army of         pant and blatant. The prophecy states that ho-
a union of church and state presided over by a      the horsemen were two hundred thousand             mosexuality will again be rampant and blatant
political leader, the Antichrist, and a spiritual   thousand: and I heard the number of them.          at the time of the second coming of Jesus. Well,
leader, the False Prophet.                                              –Revelation 9:13-16            it’s happening now!

                                                                                                   endtime magazine | January / February 2009         17
Temple Mount Sharing Arrangment  -  Jan-Feb - 2009
Temple Mount Sharing Arrangment  -  Jan-Feb - 2009
Temple Mount Sharing Arrangment  -  Jan-Feb - 2009
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Temple Mount Sharing Arrangment - Jan-Feb - 2009

  • 1. exc lu s iv e ex p os ur e “Attack on Iran would cause World War III”—Iranian Chief of Staff endtime magazine january / february 2009 vol 19 no 1 $3.00 2 0 8 2 0 9 P ro p h e t i c FULFILLMENTS of 2 0 0 8 w h at t o expect in 2 0 0 9 h e l’s o r iona l i s ra e b r gi n c a p i ta l
  • 2.
  • 3. vol 19/no1 departments editorial 4 World reVieW 6 letterS and feedback 8 bible StudieS 19 features Shop endtime 31 radio broadcaSt 32 10 Cover Story: Prophetic Fufillments of 2008 Ten major prophecies are in process of fulfillment right now. It will shock you to realize how rapidly the fulfillments progressed in 2008. Irvin Baxter explains, one by one, what happened in 2008 concerning each prophecy. by irvin baxter 20 Cover Story: Contents What to Expect in 2009r Which will come first? The signing of the Middle East peace agreement that begins the final seven years or the war that destroys one-third of mankind? In this article, you will receive new insight into this very important question. by irvin baxter cover story 10 20 24 Hebron: Israel’s Original Capital Abraham purchased the cave of Machpelah at Hebron when his wife Sarah died. Later, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were all buried there, and their remains are there till this day. Even as Isaac and Ishmael struggled here 4,000 years ago, Jews and Arabs continue to strive against one another to this day. by Craig treadwell 24 Politics&REligion ProPhecy talk PrograM listen Daily anywh ere in the world 1. Go to 2. click on the “radio” tab 3. click on “click here to listen” or “Play” or “download” listen at the live time or at your convenience! 1 Cover Al-Aqsa Mosque - Model of Third Jewish Temple. Copyright 2009 - endtime magazine | January / February 2009 3
  • 4. Editorial m a g a z i n e Editor-in-ChiEf Irvin Baxter, Jr. managing Editor Craig Treadwell Editorial assistants Judy Baxter IrvinBaxter Ginger Boerkircher Deb Bowman Julie Cunningham What to do? Dana Grohman Julie Kidwell Karina Mason Kara McPeak Their finest hour! Candace Mendoza Gail Simmons Melissa Treadwell PartnEr rElations irvin baxter Jana Robbins ConfErEnCE dirECtor Vickie Ward As we make our way into the year 2009, the world is in a intErnEt state of utter chaos. The world’s economy is in a steep dive David Novick with no end in sight. Israel’s recent elections were inconclu- CrEativE dirECtor sive, leaving all of us to wonder whether the Middle East is headed for peace or Doug White nuclear war with Iran. art dirECtor & layout At the same time, the world’s leading power has a new and very inexperi- Robert Agee enced president, facing challenges that would overwhelm even the most expe- rienced world leader. statement of faith Banks are collapsing. Life savings are being wiped out. And the death of We believe that the Bible is the inspired capitalism, as we have known it, is being gleefully announced by the closeted Word of God, that Jesus Christ is the socialists among us. Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be destroyed (Daniel what do we do? where do we hide? 2:44). Those who are born again (John First of all, we don’t hide. For we know that “…all things work together for 3:3–5) will have eternal life and rule as good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur- kings and priests with Christ forever. pose” (Romans 8:28). The time just ahead will be the church’s finest hour. As what is endtime? faith in materialism is being shattered and shown to be the empty hope that it is, In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered we must discover once again that Jesus Christ is the world’s ONLY ANSWER! the United States and other modern True Christianity offers peace regardless of the circumstances of life that we nations in the Bible. He also found the might face. Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one Daniel 11:32-33 prophesied of the times just ahead: “And such as do wick- day it was to be torn down, re-uniting Germany, and that event would be edly against the covenant shall he (the Antichrist) corrupt by flatteries: but the the catalyst to spark an international people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits. And they that movement called the “New World understand among the people shall instruct many.” Order.” These things have now come Jesus confirmed this scenario when He prophesied concerning these end- to pass. Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal times in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in minister, began Endtime Ministries in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” 1986 when he wrote A Message For This is not time for true Christians to quiver with fear in our foxholes of The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which unbelief. This is time for total mobilization! We must not buy into Satan’s pro- he had been teaching since 1968. After paganda. It is time for the church of Jesus Christ to be that church that Jesus the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic said the gates of hell would not be able to prevail against! fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The Please be praying daily for Endtime Ministries. Within the next 30 days, we decision was made to launch Endtime will be launching “End of the Age”, a worldwide television program designed to magazine. The purpose of the prove that the end of the age is just ahead and the promised second coming of magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to show that they are Jesus Christ will soon occur. This is not time to be timid or afraid. This is time now being fulfilled in intricate detail. to fulfill the great commission of our Lord and Savior just before he returns to Articles focus on the soon return of this earth. Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and e Join with us in this great endeavor. Together, we can do it! One thousand the need for salvation. Endtime does years from now when people look back at the church of this time, they will say, not deal with doctrinal controversies, “It was their finest hour!” as valid as they may be. This will be left to other publications. Endtime is published bi-monthly by Endtime, Inc., 2701 E George Bush Turnpike Suite 100, Plano TX, 75074. Subscription price is $29 for 12 issues. © 2009 Endtime, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Endtime, PO Box 940729, Plano, TX 75094-0729. For subscriptions call 24 hrs/ day, 7 days/week 1-800-Endtime. Other inquiries call 1-972-442- 0857 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Central). 4 endtime magazine | January / February 2009 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
  • 5. ARE WE APPROACHING REVELATION 16:16 ZECHARIAH 14:2 Nine specific prophecies in the Bible will occur within the final seven years prior to the Battle of Armageddon. By examining these prophecies, we can get a sense of how close we are to Armageddon. 1 6 The final seven years will begin when the The Temple Mount will be placed under the Antichrist and the international commu- supervision of the world community, and nity give their support to Israel’s right the leader of the world community, which to exist in the land promised to Abraham will at that time be the Antichrist, will by God. This is called the confirmation stand on the Temple Mount claiming to be of the covenant (Daniel 9:27 & Genesis God (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4). Ehud Barak, 15:18). Israel’s Prime Minister has openly Israeli Prime Minister in the year 2000, stated that the number one goal of his ad- suggested placing the Temple Mount under UN ministration is to obtain the support of control in order to make a sharing of the the international community for Israel’s Temple Mount possible. When the UN takes final borders. control of the Temple Mount, the leader of the world government will feel justified in 2 A war will begin from the vicinity of claiming ultimate authority there. the Euphrates River (Revelation 9:13-16). Most of the Euphrates River is in Iraq. The United States has 140,000 troops sta- tioned along the Euphrates at this time. 7 A world government will dominate the world for three and one-half years prior to Ar- mageddon (Daniel 7:23 & Revelation 13:7). The conflict between the U.S. and Islamic The nations of the world are increasingly Fundamentalism is not diminishing, but recognizing the authority of international increasing around the world. law. We now have the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the World Health Orga- 3 The West Bank (Judea) in Israel will be- come a place of great tribulation (Mat- thew 24:15-21). Ehud Olmert has openly nization and the World Court—just to name a few. We have a World Court to adjudicate the international laws of the emerging stated that he will withdraw from the world government. West Bank (Judea). When Israel withdraws, the Hamas terrorist state will take over in Judea, precipitating a bloodbath. 8 Each person on earth will be required to have a mark or a number in order to buy or sell (Revelation 13:16-18). On May 11, 4 The Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be placed under a sharing arrangement between Jew and Gentile (Revelation 11:1-2). Pres- 2005, President Bush signed the Real ID Act. The law requires that every American must have a national ID card. Without this ident Clinton suggested the sharing of the card, a person will not be able to hold a Temple Mount in July of 2000. It is gen- job or open a bank account. Without a job erally believed this is the only possible or a bank account, how much buying and solution to the Temple Mount dispute when- selling will an individual be able to do? ever the issue is finally resolved. Oh, by the way, you can’t get your card without giving your number…your social 5 The Jewish temple will be built on the security number. Temple Mount (Revelation 11:1-2 & 2 Thes- salonians 2:3-4). All the furniture for Israel’s Third Temple is now complete; Israel has her long-sought-for red heifer, 9 The world community, led by Russia and Iran, will invade the nation of Israel (Zechariah 14:2-4 & Ezekiel 38 & 39) Iran which is needed before the re-establishment (Persia) and Russia (Meshech—root word for e of temple worship; and in June of 2005, Moscovi or Moscow) are now in alliance. the newly re-born Sanhedrin announced they Iran is the leading advocate of “wiping were proceeding with building the temple. Israel off the map.” endtime magazine | January / February 2009 5
  • 6. J a N u a r Y / f e B r u a r Y World Review —world events through the eyes of bible prophecy— BY GiNGer BoerkirCher [ 6th trumpet watCh ] through government control to buy influ- ence. In a recent example, a government isRaeL: iRan CoULd attaCK U.s. with sovereign wealth fund agreed to use the nUCLeaR BomB reserves to loan money to Costa Rica in re- Ehud Barak, the Israeli defense minister, turn for dropping diplomatic recognition of is appealing to world leaders to act now to Taiwan. Meanwhile, it has built up its army prevent Iran from continuing its nuclear of cyber-spies so that it can launch attacks program. Mr. Barak said, “If it built even “anywhere in the world at any time”. At- a primitive nuclear weapon like the type tacks on U.S. government defense compa- that destroyed Hiroshima, Iran would not nies and businesses had risen in 2007 to hesitate to load it on a ship, arm it with 43,880 incidents, with some being so so- a detonator operated by GPS and sail it phisticated that they might be impossible into a vital port on the east coast of North to counteract. The current report comes America.” These comments come as a Rus- amid a great American unease that China sian news agency reported that the Krem- will benefit from the global financial crisis lin had confirmed that it will deliver a new to cut into its economic, political and even air defense system to Iran. military dominance. [ holy roman empire watCh ] CZeCh Pm Raises new LisBon hURdLe Tony Blair has made more than $19 million “If it built even a since stepping down as British premier over a year ago. The sum amounts to more primitive nuclear weapon RUssia to Raise nUCLeaR missiLe oUtPUt than six times his entire life earnings up like the type that destroyed foURfoLd, whiLe safetY UndeRCUt to his departure from office. Blair is now A senior government official in Moscow thought to be the world’s highest-grossing Hiroshima, Iran would not announced that Russia’s military would speaker, having made more from speeches commission 70 strategic missiles over the in the past 12 months than Bill Clinton hesitate to load it on a ship, next three years, as part of a massive rear- did in his first year after leaving the White arm it with a detonator mament program which will also include House. short-range missiles, 300 tanks, 14 war- operated by GPS and sail it ships and 50 planes. The news came at a GanLeY: iRish LisBon ReRUn a ‘done time when the safety of Russia’s nuclear into a vital port on the east industry is being negatively affected by the deaL’ Libertas leader and anti-Lisbon campaigner coast of North America.” country’s economic crisis. Ongoing job Declan Ganley says that an Irish-French cuts at nuclear facilities include the per- deal has been done on a rerun of the —EHUD BARAK, sonnel directly responsible for safety con- Lisbon Treaty, which he calls a “betrayal of Israeli Defense Minister trol. Vladimir Slivyak, a Russian nuclear the Irish people.” French President Nicolas watchdog, says that without a plan for Sarkozy informed a number of people that iRan test-fiRes new missiLe - isRaeL prevention of nuclear proliferation, Russia he reached a deal with Irish Taoiseach within ReaCh may return to the dark days of the 1990s Brian Cowen. EU leaders are meeting to Iran said it test-fired a new generation of when unemployed nuclear scientists and hear more from Cowen on his “roadmap” surface-to-surface missiles and that the technical specialists offered services to for a solution to the impasse created by Islamic Republic was ready to defend it- anyone able to pay. the Irish no vote. It is expected that the self against any attacker. Iran’s latest mis- Irish will be given a number of concessions sile test followed persistent speculation of China ‘UsinG CYBeRwaRfaRe to to sweeten the electorate for a second possible U.S. or Israeli strikes against its ChaLLenGe U.s. PoweR’ referendum. Once the Lisbon Treaty is nuclear facilities. Barack Obama, like out- According to a congressional report, China passed by all twenty seven EU nations, going President George W. Bush, has not is using cyberwarfare to challenge Ameri- it will provide Europe with her first ever ruled out military action. Washington said can power and distorting economic pol- constitution and permanent president. the test highlighted the need for a missile icy to exert political influence over other Tony Blair has once again been placed on defense system it plans to base in Poland countries. The report accuses China of us- the short list of potential candidates. and the Czech Republic. ing its foreign exchange reserves, built up 6 endtime magazine | January / February 2009 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
  • 7. [ mark of the beast watCh ] underestimated Israel’s readiness to launch U.S. must provide leadership to continue a military campaign in response to an esca- the global effort to build a stronger and Janet naPoLitano PRomises BUsiness lation of Palestinian rocket fire. By striking more just international order. as UsUaL at homeLand seCURitY Gaza now, Israel has pushed the conflict Janet Napolitano, the governor of Arizona, with the Palestinians to the top of the pri- [ world religion ] has been tapped as the new head of orities facing the Obama Administration. Homeland Security replacing Michael LiCense foR fRee sPeeCh? Chertoff. Napolitano says her support of the oLmeRt: ‘the time has Come to saY A thorny First Amendment issue is playing Real ID Act is contingent upon adequate these thinGs’ out in Vermont in regard to personalized federal funding. Napolitano signed Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said license plates. A three-judge panel of the legislation to stop the program in her home in an interview, “The decision we have U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit state of Arizona, but she was also one of to make is the decision we’ve spent forty heard arguments in the case of Shawn the first promoters of a new state driver’s years refusing to look at with our eyes Byrne, a used-car dealer who wishes to af- license that would comply with Real ID. At open. We must reach an agreement with fix to his pickup truck a personalized plate least 11 states have passed bills that bar the Palestinians, meaning a withdrawal reading “JN36TN.” This stands for John Real ID which Congress passed in 2005. from nearly all of the occupied territories. 3:16, a familiar passage from the Bible. DHS officials granted states extensions to This includes Jerusalem—with special ar- The state of Vermont has denied Byrne’s the original compliance deadline of May rangements made for the Temple Mount request, ruling that it runs afoul of statu- 2008, saying they must begin the transition and the holy sites.” tory rules that ban the use of any combina- by Dec. 31, 2009. tion of letters or numbers on personalized idf PRePaRinG oPtions foR stRiKe plates that refer in any language “to a race, BRitain BeGins nationaL id PLan at iRan withoUt U.s. assent religion, color, deity, ethnic heritage, gen- The British government has begun an According to the Jerusalem Post, the IDF der, sexual orientation, disability status or identity card program for foreign nationals. is drawing up options for a strike on Ira- political affiliation.” The plan comes six years after heated nian nuclear facilities that do not include debate over whether the costly program is coordination with the United States. De- histoRiC CathoLiC-mUsLim foRUm an effective tool against terrorism, identity fense officials have said Israel is preparing oPens at VatiCan theft and welfare fraud. Government a wide range of options for the operation. The Holy See’s first-ever Catholic-Muslim officials say the cards should provide a way Israeli officials say it would be difficult, but forum opened “a new chapter in the long to determine a person’s identity and if they not impossible, to launch a strike against history” of dialogue between Catholics are eligible to work in Britain. The cards will Iran without receiving codes from the U.S. and Muslims. The Vatican seminar was contain a computer chip with fingerprint Air Force, which controls Iraqi airspace. organized in response to a Muslim call for information and other data. It is predicted dialogue issued in 2006. The call, titled “A that Britons will generally accept the new [ world government ] Common World,” was signed by 138 Mus- cards until their use becomes compulsory lim religious figures and scholars. for everyone. 2008 was the YeaR man-made GLoBaL waRminG was disPRoVed emeRGent ChURCh LeadeR saYs ‘GaY’ sinGLe GLoBaL CURRenCY One of the most important stories of Can Be BiBLiCaL LifestYLe The Single Global Currency Association is 2008 was the evidence suggesting that it Dr. Tony Jones, national coordinator of urging the G20 to initiate research and plan- may be looked back on as the year when Emergent Village church movement, opened ning for a single global currency. The asso- there was a turning point in the great an internet discussion with the bold procla- ciation’s president wrote to IMF Managing worldwide panic over man-made global mation that he believes “gay, lesbian, bisex- e Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn, to urge warming. Just when politicians in Europe ual, transsexual and queer” individuals can such a step in order to “achieve the primary and America were adopting the most and should live out their sexuality in – and goal of the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference costly and damaging measures to combat blessed by – the Christian church. and of the IMF: stable currency around the the supposed menace, the tide turned. All world.” The association supports the calls over the world, temperatures have been by British Prime Minister Gordon Brown dropping in a way wholly unpredicted by and French President Nicolas Sarkozy for a all the computer models. 2008 was also restructuring of the global financial system. the year a supposed “scientific consensus” Benefits of a single global currency would in favor of man-made global warming include the elimination of $400 billion in collapsed. As the world plunged into its “gay, lesbian, bisexual, annual foreign exchange costs and fluctua- worst recession for decades, politicians tions. It would also eliminate the need for woke up to the fact that nations can no transsexual and queer” reserves, now totaling more than $3 trillion longer afford all those quixotic schemes around the world. for “combating climate change”. individuals can and should live out their sexuality [ middle east watCh ] UK’s BRown: now is the time to BUiLd GLoBaL soCietY in – and blessed by – the the stRateGiC PRiCe of isRaeL GaZa ’s According to British Prime Minister assaULt Gordon Brown, the international financial Christian church. According to Time magazine, Israel has crisis has given world leaders a unique engaged in the deadliest bloodbath since opportunity to create a truly global society. —DR. TONY JONES, 1967. The radical Palestinian movement of The United States and Europe are keys to National Coordinator of Emergent Hamas that governs Gaza appears to have forging a new world order. Europe and the Village Church Movement endtime magazine | January / February 2009 7
  • 8. J a N u a r Y / f e B r u a r Y Letters & Feedback Comment: BeLieVinG sCRiPtURe is a However, there is a city on earth that ChaRaCteR fLaw meets every one of these clues. Regarding the article, “Daniel’s Equations,” I am unable to take seriously the 1. Rome is a city. interpretations by Christians of a Jewish 2. Rome does rule over a vast interna- book. One person believes the prophecies tional system, claiming authority over in can be disproven; yet I go further. I think excess of 1 billion people. that those who believe in prophecies have 3. Rome is famous as the “City of Seven a fundamental character flaw. There is a Hills.” noticeable desire in wanting the dreadful 4. The Roman Catholic Church has two things that are to appear at Christ’s second ruling bodies: The College of Cardinals coming to teach and punish the wretched and the College of Bishops. The Cardinals sinner. For frightening the wits out of wear red. The bishops wear purple. people such indulgent philosophy should 5. During the time of the Inquisition and be exposed to ridicule. I, for one, do not the Crusades, millions were killed by the intend to tolerate it. Roman Church for the crime of heresy. – Anonymous 6. When the Protestants broke off from the “Mother Church”, they were referred to as reply | The prophecies of which you daughters. At the time of Vatican Coun- speak are found in the Bible. It appears cil II, the Roman Church invited all the you are saying that anyone who believes “daughters” to return home. the Bible has a fundamental character As you can see, the Roman Catholic flaw. That’s quite an assertion! Church fulfills every one of the clues giv- We have to ask the question: Does New en in Revelation 17. It was also insinuated that those who York City match all of these clues? believe the prophecies want dreadful Comment: deCLaRation of indePen- things to happen to people. On the 1. Is New York City a city? Yes denCe PRoPhesied contrary, the very purpose of teaching 2. Does New York City preside over a vast The prophecy in Daniel 7 refers to the lion the prophecies is to help people avoid the international system? Since the UN is with eagle’s wings. The eagle’s wings were things that are foretold in scripture. What there, we probably should answer yes. plucked depicting the United States declar- could be wrong with that? 3. Does New York City sit on seven hills? ing its independence from Great Britain. No This prophecy is found in Daniel 7:4. A QUestion: ReVeLation 17 & 18 – new 4. Is New York City arrayed in purple and recent discovery has revealed a parallel re- YoRK CitY? scarlet? No lationship between this scripture’s chapter Do you think that Revelation 17 and 18 are 5. Has New York City ever been drunk and verse and the date of the Declaration of related to 9/11 and New York City? One of with the blood of the saints? No Independence! This indeed gives reinforce- the strongest connections is “In one hour 6. Could it be said that New York City has ment to the meaning of this scripture and your doom has come.” The Twin Towers daughters? No will also help a person to remember where collapsed in 57 minutes. this prophecy is located in the Bible. – Thank you, Michael We can see from this analysis that New – Thanks, Bill York City only meets two of the clues of | reply The subject of Revelation 17-18 the identity of the great harlot. Conse- reply| As you point out, the prophecy of is the judgment of the great whore. In quently, she is not possibly the harlot that the Declaration of Independence is given chapter 17, we are given six clues as to is to receive judgment. in Daniel 7:4. The Declaration of Inde- her identity. pendence occurred on 7/4/1776. Is this by divine providence or a mere coincidence? 1. The woman is a city–Verse 18 I don’t know, but it certainly is interest- 2. The city presides over a vast ing! international system–Verse 15 3. The city (woman) sits on seven hills– Verse 9 QUestion: CastinG of the CenseR 4. The woman is arrayed in purple and Revelation has never made sense to me red–Verse 4 until I found Endtime Ministries. The first 5. The woman was drunk with the blood video I watched was the Seven Trumpets, of the saints and with the martyrs of Jesus–Verse 6 and I just about fell out of my chair. I could 6. The woman was the “Mother” of not believe what I was watching. After Harlots. This indicates that she has watching a few more videos over the next daughters–Verse 5 few days, I felt like God was telling me to 8 endtime magazine | January / February 2009 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
  • 9. share this information with my Church. I ratus operating outside the control of the soon started teaching your information to White House whose sole purpose is to re- a small group at my church. I just finished duce the world’s population by 2 billion a lesson on the Seven Seals and someone people through war, famine, disease and any asked me a question about the Golden other means necessary.” Censer, which is grouped with the Seventh “Investigations by EIR – Thank you, Mary Seal. In my mind I understand the timeline have uncovered a plan- you created, and I am trying to figure out reply | Through the years, I have heard of how the Golden Censer fits in. It seems to ning apparatus operating certain organizations that supposedly say be a prelude for the Trumpets and the only we must reduce the world’s population thing I could figure is that it burns during outside the control of the by two billion. I have never documented the Trumpets and is cast down to Earth White House whose sole these reports so I would not want to com- by the angel at Armageddon (because it ment on them irresponsibly. too has lightning, rumbling, and an earth- purpose is to reduce the However, I can answer your question as quake). Am I close? to whether a program of this nature will – Thank you very much, James world’s population by 2 bil- be responsible for the two billion that the lion people through war, Bible says will die. The cause of the two reply | As you mentioned, the timing of billion dying will be war. Revelation 9:13- the casting of the censer to the earth is giv- famine, disease and any 16 describes an army of 200 million that en by the description of lightnings, thun- will fight in this war. Furthermore, the derings, voices and a great earthquake. other means necessary.” war will begin from the area of the Eu- This description is used several times phrates River. throughout the book of Revelation. Every —THE CLUB OF ROME, mention is referring to the same time. Haig-Kissinger Comment: fBi: instant wiRetaPs of Comment: RedUCe the woRLd’s PoP- CiViLian aCtiVities In Revelation 6:12-14, it happens at the ULation BY two BiLLion I was awarded a USDOJ federal grant to sixth seal when the heavens depart like a I have been following develop a data mining system for inmate scroll for the second coming to occur. ever since I heard Irvin Baxter on the radio telephone calls here in the DFW area, and program, “Coast to Coast” in April 2008. did so. These calls announce to the call- In Revelation 8:5, it happens at the time Since then I have bought 5 DVD’s and lis- ers that they are being recorded. I don’t of the seventh seal, which is simply a con- tened to the available teaching videos on believe that every telephone call in the tinuation of the sixth seal above. your site. I am very thankful and somewhat country is recorded. That would be more amazed at the interpretation of Revelation. disk space to store these calls than is man- In Revelation 11:19, the exact same things ufactured today, and there is no database are recorded at the sounding of the seventh On a recent program of C2C, I heard a search engine big enough for these records. trumpet when the kingdoms of this world phrase, “depopulating Africa”. I wondered Can selective lines and areas be recorded? become the kingdoms of our Lord and His if this might be what would lead to 2 billion Probably. The government has paid our Christ. This also depicts the second coming. people dying. Then I searched the phrase telephone companies hundreds of millions Revelation 16:16-18 describes the Battle of on Google and found the following site: of dollars to develop software so the FBI Armageddon. Again we are told that there can have ready access to instant wiretaps were voices, lightnings, thunderings and w w w. d e v e l o p m e n t c ro s s i n g . c o m / x n / of certain civilian activities in many of our a great earthquake. We know the second detail/1018705:BlogPost:20157 telephone central offices. It is not an easy coming happens at Armageddon. thing to request a wiretap somewhere in e This statement was in the first sentence of the country and have the info sent imme- So what is the significance of the censer a report from The Club of Rome by Haig- diately back to the FBI in Virginia, but it is being cast into the earth? I had not given Kissinger in March 1981: “Investigations now possible. this much thought until I received your by EIR have uncovered a planning appa- – Thank you, John question. In Numbers 16:46-50, Moses commanded Aaron to take a censer and make atonement for the people. The pas- sage states that Aaron stood between the living and the dead. The time of Armageddon is going to be eternal life to the saved and eternal dam- nation to those who are lost. Revelation 14:14-20 even records two harvests at this time. The harvest of the saved is described first, and then the harvest of the wicked to cast them into the winepress of the Battle of Armageddon. It appears to me that the censer containing the prayers of the saints will work salvation to the righteous and wrath to the ungodly. endtime magazine | January / February 2009 9
  • 10. The Bible has given us many prophecies that will come to pass just before the second coming of Jesus. Most of these prophecies are in the process of fulfillment right now. So that we can understand the prophetic fulfillments that occurred in 2008, let’s list some of the prophecies that have been given to us by God for this endtime. 1. One-world government 2. One-world religion 3. One-world economy 4. A peace agreement in the Middle East 5. Every person on earth will be given a number 6. The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire 8. A war that will kill 1/3 of mankind 9. A dramatic increase in homosexuality 10. The battle of Armageddon PROPHETIC FULFILLMENTS OF
  • 11. Many significant developments occurred Organization, the World Court, the World of the Global Nation,” Time, July 20, 1992). toward the fulfillment of each of these prophe- Health Organization, the Global Poverty Act, Shortly after making these statements, Talbott cies in 2008. To demonstrate that this is true, the Global Commons, and on and on and on. was elevated to the White House by President we will briefly explain the world events that But what does all of this mean? It simply Clinton, where he served as Deputy Secretary occurred this past year, which had direct bear- means that we are right now being engulfed of State for the next seven years. Hmm… ap- ing upon the fulfillment of each prophecy. in the emerging endtime world government parently, Clinton agreed with Talbott about the prophesied in the Bible. coming world government! After the end of the Clinton presidency, Tal- Globalization bott accepted the position of president of the The prophecy Over the past ten years, an interesting term Brookings Institute, one of the leading think Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the has entered mankind’s vocabulary—globaliza- tanks in the world. This provided the perfect fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be tion. That’s a big word that we hear almost platform from which to continue the promo- diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour every day on the news, but very few of us can tion of Talbott’s one-world government vi- the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and really give a good definition of the term. What sion. break it in pieces. is globalization? It’s interesting that, in 2002, a lady by the –Daniel 7:23 Globalization: The process of transitioning name of Susan Rice came to work with Talbott the world system of governance from a system as a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy and And it was given unto him to make war Global Economy and Development program at with the saints, and to overcome them: and Brookings. Rice is currently on leave from the power was given him over all kindreds, and Brookings Institution, having served as a se- tongues, and nations. nior foreign policy advisor to Senator Barack –Revelation 13:7 Obama in his 2008 presidential campaign. On December 1, 2008, she was nominated In both of these prophecies, one from the by President-elect Obama to be the U.S. Am- Old Testament and one from the New Testa- bassador to the United Nations, a position, ment, the subject is the Antichrist and his which he upgraded to cabinet level. Now con- world government. In both prophecies, it spe- firmed, Rice is perfectly positioned to preach cifically states that he will have power over all the gospel of globalization at the UN that she the earth. promoted along side Strobe Talbott at Brook- ings. Now she can promote world government The fulfillment on behalf of the United States at the very seat Our world is so consumed with the march of world government. into world government that we are hardly aware of the beat of the drum to which we are Global tax–coming soon! marching. World government terms have so Those who advocate a system of one-world permeated our vocabulary that we say them government have chaffed for many years be- and are not even aware of what we are saying neath the lack of financial independence un- or what the terms we are using actually mean. der which the UN has been forced to operate. For example, we continually hear the term The globalists have proposed different forms “world community”, but it seems to not even of global taxation, but they have always been register in our psyche what we are saying. rejected by the major powers that have desired What is the world community? It’s the major- to retain financial control of the world body. ity of the world’s nations walking in lock step. The latest proposal for global taxation was It’s the nations of the world coming together made when the member states of the UN ad- and acting in unison. The world community opted the Millennium Development Goals is, in fact, a virtual one-world government (MDGs) in the year 2000. Amongst other speaking with a single voice. And that voice things, the developed nations were urged to emanates from the United Nations, the orga- donate a percentage of their GDP, gross do- nization designed to enact and enforce inter- mestic product, to the United Nations for the national law. purpose of eradicating global poverty. The esti- mated assessment for the United States was .7 International law percent of our GDP. When you consider .7 per- Now there’s a good world government term cent of the total production of the U.S. econ- for you—international law. What is interna- omy, you are speaking of $845 billion over the tional law? of nation-states to a structure of global govern- next 13 years. This would be over and above There is a vast body of international laws ment. That’s what the world is presently going the foreign aid we are already distributing. that has been formulated through inter-lock- through. We are in the process of moving from ing international treaties. Once treaties are ad- a world made up of sovereign states to a world Obama’s Global Poverty Act opted by nations, the provisions and commit- ruled by one-world government. This process As an advocate of world government, in ments of those treaties become the supreme of globalization is moving us very rapidly into 2007 Senator Barack Obama sponsored the law of the land. the one-world government over which the An- Global Poverty Act. This bill provided for re- International law by its very definition de- tichrist will soon rule. quiring the president of the United States to mands an international government to enforce Bill Clinton’s roommate, while attending implement the necessary steps to meet the that international law. If you don’t have the Oxford University as a Rhodes scholar, was a Millennium Development Goals as set by the means of enforcing international law, it be- man named Strobe Talbott. Talbott described UN. If approved, the Global Poverty Act will comes a meaningless charade. The means of globalization best in an article he wrote for be the largest step of wealth redistribution enforcing international law is called interna- Time magazine in 1992. He said that national ever taken by the United States. tional government or world government. Con- sovereignty, as we have known it, will cease to Once we have world law, a world court, a sequently, we now find ourselves comfortably exist in the 21st century; that we will all an- world tax, a world economy, a world police (I speaking of the World Bank, the World Trade swer to a single global authority (“The Birth didn’t tell you about that), and world “peace- endtime magazine | January / February 2009 11
  • 12. keeping” forces to enforce the decisions of the years now. They began by launching the ecu- what I believe.” world government, we will have world gov- menical movement in earnest back in the early Now a resolution has been proposed at the ernment whether you call it the world com- 1960s. Pope John 23rd called Vatican Council United Nations that anyone speaking against munity, the international community or the II, inviting all the Protestant “daughters” of or critically of any other religion is guilty of a United Nations. It is world government, and the Roman Catholic Church to return home to hate crime. It hasn’t passed yet, but it will. it is the world government prophesied in Dan- “mother”. It seemed like mission impossible The prophecy states that every person will iel 7:23 and Revelation 13:7. at the time. But, faster than most of us could be forced to bow the knee to the one-world believe, the doctrinal difference that had sepa- government system and the leader of that rated Protestants from Catholics began to fade world government. If a person refuses, he or away. Soon, Lutherans, Methodists, Catholics she will become a target of persecution and The prophecy and even some Pentecostals, were swapping possibly even death. And he exerciseth all the power of the first pulpits and declaring that the body of Christ Could such a state of belief ever gain trac- beast before him, and causeth the earth and would soon be one. tion in our world? The fact is, it is happen- them which dwell therein to worship the first But that was only step one. How do we get ing right now! In many nations, speaking beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Zoroastrians, against homosexuality is considered a hate he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh Wiccans and all the rest to drop their religious crime, meriting fines and even jail terms. fire come down from heaven on the earth in exclusiveness and to entertain the possibility In Germany, homeschooling your children the sight of men, And deceiveth them that that we all really serve the same God—even results in having them taken from you and dwell on the earth by the means of those mir- though we may call him by different names? It charges of criminal negligence being filed by acles which he had power to do in the sight seemed like a re-education process that might the state. They are supposedly being deprived of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the be accomplished over hundreds of years, but of the opportunity to learn the culture of the earth, that they should make an image to the in our lifetimes? I hardly think so. German nation and of developing a healthy beast, which had the wound by a sword, and I was so incredulous when privileged to at- belief system. did live. And he had power to give life unto tend the constitution signing for the United During 2008, Catholics and Muslims be- the image of the beast, that the image of the Religions Initiative in Pittsburg, Pennsylva- gan meeting together in order to create un- beast should both speak, and cause that as nia. It was held on June 26, 2000; exactly 55 derstanding through dialogue. many as would not worship the image of the years to the day after the constitution for the In 2008, Tony Blair resigned from being beast should be killed. United Nations had been signed. prime minister of Great Britain. He an- –Revelation 13:12-15 I watched as the Indigenous People opened nounced that he would be a guest lecturer at Interfaithism the ceremonies with dancing and drums. That Yale University on the subject of “Faith and The logic goes something like this. Most was followed by a Hindu lady praying, seated Globalization”. He also launched the Tony wars on earth have been caused by conflicts in the lotus position. Toward the end of her Blair Foundation, designed to foster inter- over three principal things: politics, econom- prayer, she quietly intoned…OHM (Oneness faith understanding and the harmonization ics and religion. So the theory goes that, if we Healing Meditation). I thought I heard the of politics and religion. We’re talking about had a one world political system, a one-world congregation quietly refrain… OHM. Then Tony Blair, one of the world’s leading states- economic system and some kind of a global the Hindu leader repeated louder… OHM. men, devoting his life to the concept that all belief system, we would see the birth of a new Then the congregation…then the leader, and religions are equally valid and should be mu- world order where peace and harmony would so on. Soon the entire auditorium was filled tually respected. Blair sees Interfaithism as an finally prevail. with Catholics, Protestants, Jews, Hindus, In- indispensible element for world peace. The most difficult pillar of this three-legged digenous, Zoroastrians and Wiccans, all uni- Blair’s last lecture of his first semester at world government stool is the one-world be- fied together in interfaith prayer. The hair on Yale was concluded with a major December lief system. How could we possibly eliminate the back of my neck began to stand on end! address that laid out significant expansion religious conflict—making it illegal, and finally President George W. Bush summarized In- plans for the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. have peace on earth, good will toward men? terfaithism. He was asked if he believed that The University’s Faith & Globalization ini- The one-world dreamers have been work- Jews, Muslims and Christians all worship tiative — a partnership between the School ing on the concept of Interfaithism for many the same God. He boldly answered, “That’s of Management, the Divinity School and 12 endtime magazine | January / February 2009 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
  • 13. Blair’s foundation — will grow over the next had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the gration is a problem. But we should note that two years to become a major University-wide number of his name. this problem has been caused by our govern- effort, Blair and Yale officials pledged Decem- –Revelation 13:16-17 ment’s refusal to enforce our borders. ber 11, 2008. In that time, the University will work with The key to total control E-Verify the London-based foundation to publish a ma- If I can control whether you can eat or not, Because there has been such fierce opposi- jor book on the subject of faith and globaliza- I can control you. If I can control whether you tion to the national ID card known as Real ID, tion and establish student internships at the are permitted to work or not, I can control the government is now attempting a different foundation’s London offices. Meanwhile, Blair whether you can eat or live. tactic to control every person who holds a job said his foundation will base staff on campus The prophecy states that every person on in America, and consequently every person’s and make Yale the headquarters of its United earth will be forced into political and religious ability to buy or sell. States operations. conformity by controlling his or her ability to Again, under the guise of stopping illegal im- The Faith & Globalization initiative, to be “buy or sell.” migrants from holding jobs, Homeland Securi- spearheaded by the Yale Center for Faith and A global system is being established right ty has launched a program called E-Verify. This Culture, will also expand course offerings on now that will control whether a person can program is presently voluntary, but is projected the subject of faith and sponsor discussions buy or sell because it will control whether that to become mandatory. Recently, it became encouraging Christian-Muslim dialogue, in- person is permitted to hold a job. mandatory for all employers who are working cluding two forums to be held at Yale in 2010 This system is being set up at the request for government contractors. Some individual and 2012. of the United Nations. The UN’s International states have recently made it mandatory. The role of Interfaithism in the recent presi- Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has asked E-Verify requires the employer to check all dential campaign and inauguration demon- all nations to establish standardized identi- employees against the databases of Homeland strates just how far we have travelled down fication cards for every citizen by 2010. Out Security and Social Security. If they are not in the road toward religious amalgamation. The of 192 nations on earth, 186 of them plan to the database, then Homeland Security will do Democratic National Convention was opened comply with this request by 2010. further background checks to determine the by an interfaith service. Then, during the pres- President Bush explained that he was con- legal status of the person. If the person is not a idential inaugural activities, President-elect forming to the UN’s request by signing the legal citizen, he cannot be employed. Obama chose a gay Episcopalian bishop, a Real ID Act on May 11, 2005. The Real ID Is this a good thing? Most Americans feel Muslim, Jewish rabbis and an evangelical min- Act mandated that all drivers’ licenses and ister to offer prayers. ID cards must conform to global standards like individuals should only be in America le- When we consider all of these develop- by May 11, 2008. These ID documents will gally and should certainly be legal in order to ments, it becomes obvious that the one-world be required to fly on a commercial airline, work. However, if the government can refuse religious system that will captivate the world enter a federal building, and for many other the right to work for one reason, they also during the reign of the Antichrist is much fur- essential activities. could deny the right to work for other reasons ther advanced than most of us have realized. Ultimately, Homeland Security wants to that they might deem important. For example, Is it possible that the one-world religion of make these ID cards essential for holding a job. if a person were considered “dangerous” for the Antichrist will actually be Interfaithism? The Immigration Bill that went down to defeat extreme political or religious views, his right in 2008 was defeated because it required every to work could be suspended, once this level of person holding or applying for a job to have control is in the hands of Homeland Security. the national ID card and to be in the national Could this ever happen? Not only could it database established by Homeland Security. happen, the Bible says that it will. The prophecy Why shouldn’t the government be able to And he causeth all, both small and great, control whether you can work or not? Many Toward a cashless society rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark people contend that this is the only way to The Independent from the United Kingdom in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And weed out those who are working within our reported on March 11, 2007, a prediction by that no man might buy or sell, save he that borders illegally. We all know that illegal immi- Visa chief executive Peter Ayliffe. He said that [ c o n t i n u e d o n p g 16 ] endtime magazine | January / February 2009 13
  • 14.
  • 15. Location Date/Time Speaker Host Contact ColumbuS, oHio 2/27/2009 @ 7:30pm Irvin Baxter Pastor W. L. 614-272-6256 The Church Triumphant Sciscoe 1001 Vera Place - 43204 AtHenS, texAS 2/27/2009 @ 7:00pm Craig Pastor Johnny 903-675-1244 United Pentecostal Church 2/28/2009 @ 6:00pm Treadwell Grissom 101 McArthur – 75751 3/1/2009 @ 6:00pm menASHA (Appleton), Wi 3/6/2009 @ 7:00pm Craig Pastor Dan 920-734-5588 The Pentecostals of the Fox Cities 3/7/2009 @ 6:00pm Treadwell Sharp 1445 Midway Road - 54952 3/8/2009 @ 10:00am nigeriA, AfriCA 3/10/2009 thru Irvin Baxter The Agreement www.agreement- Location to be announced 3/15/2009 Prayer Minis- tries, Int’l conference.html Slidell, louiSiAnA 3/15/2009 @ Craig Pastor Donald 985-643-8760 First Pentecostal Church 10:00am & 6:00pm Treadwell Bryan 384 Robert Blvd - 70458 dAllAS, texAS 3/22/2009 @ 10:30am Craig Pastors Bo 214-862-5222 The Life Church Treadwell Baker & Arlen 10727 Midway Road – 75229 Guidroz dAllAS (Arlington), tx 3/27/2009 @ 7:30pm Irvin Baxter Endtime 972-422-0857 Arlington Convention Center Ministries 1200 Ballpark Way - 76011 Vidor, texAS 3/29/2009 @ Craig Pastor 409.769.6437 Eastgate United Pentecostal Church 10:00am & 6:30pm Treadwell G.R. Bobby 290 South Street – 77670 Edwards HAzen, ArkAnSAS 4/3/2009 @ 7:30pm Irvin Baxter Pastor Teddy 870-255-9177 Apostolic Tabernacle Walker 3201 Hwy 70 East - 72064 gAineSVille, texAS 4/3/2009 @ 7:00pm Craig Pastor Floyd 940-665-9741 First Pentecostal Church 4/4/2009 @ 6:00pm Treadwell Flowers 5760 East Highway 82 – 76241 4/5/2009 @ 10am & 6pm gun bArrel City, texAS 4/12/2009 @ 6:00pm Craig Pastor Tim 903-887-5926 Main Street Pentecostal Church Treadwell Weatheread 1623 West Main Street – 75147 Hugo, oklAHomA 4/17/2009 @ 7:00pm Craig Pastor David 580-326-6000 Apostolic Tabernacle UPC 4/18/2009 @ 6:00pm Treadwell Cahill 238 Bearden Springs Road – 74743 4/19/2009 @ 10:00am bAltimore, mArylAnd 4/23/2009 @ 7:30pm Irvin Baxter Pastor David 410-866-1086 Abundant Life Church 4/24/2009 @ 7:30pm Reever 7302 Pulaski Hwy - 21237 tulSA, oklAHomA 5/1/2009 @ 7:30pm Irvin Baxter Pastor Don 918-446-7121 1st Pentecostal Church Martin 3029 S. 57th West Avenue - 74107 endtime magazine | January / February 2009 15
  • 16. paying for goods with notes and coins could on those who are on probation or other con- The Middle East peace process be consigned to history within five years. Ay- ditional release. By including a satellite uplink The Roadmap for Peace formulated by the liffe said that, by 2012, using credit and debit system in the chip, police would be able to use world community in 2003 contains all the ele- cards should be cheaper and more convenient global positioning system (GPS) technology ments of the Daniel 9:27 prophecy. The Road- than cash. Some retailers could soon start to track subjects’ exact locations at all times. map calls for establishing the final borders of surcharging customers if they choose to buy According to advocates of such a measure, Israel and for determining the final status of products with cash because of the greater cost this could help keep sex offenders away from the Temple Mount. of processing these payments, he warned. “forbidden” zones like schools. Negotiations concerning the final borders (David Gutierrez Natural News June 23, 2008) of Israel and the Temple Mount have been ongoing throughout 2008. U.S. Secretary of Finger scanning to be lunch card in St. State Condoleezza Rice travelled to the Mid- Louis dle East every month of 2008 except for July. In Rockwood, a suburb of St. Louis, Mis- That’s when the Israeli and Palestinian nego- souri, students have begun paying for lunch The prophecy tiators travelled to Washington, D.C., meeting without coins, bills or plastic. And he shall confirm the covenant with with her there. On January 6, the school district switched many for one week: and in the midst of the Both Tony Blair, special envoy to the to a biometric system that allows students to week he shall cause the sacrifice and the Middle East from the world community, and access their lunch account with a finger scan. oblation to cease, and for the overspreading Ehud Olmert, Israel’s prime minister, have The system is now being used in many of abominations he shall make it desolate, stated that an agreement on all core issues schools around the nation. even until the consummation, and that de- was virtually complete. They indicated that (St. Louis Post-Dispatch 12/30/08) termined shall be poured upon the desolate. the agreement could not be implemented be- –Daniel 9:27 cause Olmert’s government was only a care- U.K. will begin microchipping prisoners taker government due to Olmert’s resigna- The British government is developing a A brief explanation of the prophecy tion. Both leaders stated that the two parties plan to track current and former prisoners The “he” in this prophecy is the Antichrist. were closer to a complete and comprehensive by means of microchips implanted under the The covenant that he will confirm is the Abra- peace agreement than they have ever been. skin, drawing intense criticism from proba- hamic Covenant, which God made with Abra- If the work of Blair, Rice, Olmert, Livni and tion officers and civil rights groups. ham in Genesis 15:18. It simply states that Is- Abbas results in a final peace agreement in the As a way to reduce prison crowding, many rael has a God-given right to exist as a nation near future, then 2008 will be remembered as British prisoners are currently released under in the Holy Land. a year of extreme prophetic significance. electronic monitoring, carried out by means “One week” refers to a week of years or a of an ankle bracelet that transmits signals like seven-year period. It will be the final seven- those used by mobile phones. year period immediately preceding the battle Now the Ministry of Justice is exploring of Armageddon and the second coming of Je- The prophecy the possibility of injecting prisoners in the sus Christ. And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, back of the arm with a radio frequency iden- The stopping of sacrifices will be ordered part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the king- tification (RFID) chip that contains informa- by the Antichrist. These sacrifices will have dom shall be divided; but there shall be in it tion such as their name, address and criminal been resumed after the completion of Israel’s of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou record. Such chips, which contain a built-in temple on the Temple Mount. sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And antenna, could be scanned by special readers. The abomination of desolation is when the as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and The implantation of RFID chips in luggage, Antichrist will stand on the Temple Mount in part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly pets and livestock has become increasingly Jerusalem claiming to be Messiah and God. This strong, and partly broken. And whereas thou popular in recent years. event occurs half way through the final seven sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall In addition to monitoring incarcerated years and marks the beginning of the three and mingle themselves with the seed of men: but prisoners, the ministry hopes to use the chips one-half year period called the great tribulation. they shall not cleave one to another, even as 16 endtime magazine | January / February 2009 SubscribeNow| Call 1.800.Endtime|
  • 17. iron is not mixed with clay. And in the days The rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire has A brief explanation of the prophecy of these kings will the God of heaven set up a been in progress since the creation of the Eu- The prophecy simply states there will be a kingdom that will never pass away. ropean Common Market in 1957 by the Treaty war that emanates from the Euphrates River –Daniel 2:41-44 of Rome. Since that time, the Common Market and eventually results in the killing of one- has become the European Union and consists third of mankind. Feet of iron mingled with clay of 27 states with over 500 million inhabitants. War has been raging along the Euphrates Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel 2:31-45 Most of the member states have now adopted since the 2003 invasion of Iraq by the U.S. prophesies all the empires that will achieve a common currency, the euro, and are on the The conflict has continued and appears to be world government status between 600 BC and brink of adopting a European constitution. The expanding to Afghanistan. It also threatens to constitution, known as the Lisbon Treaty, was spread to Pakistan. the second coming of Jesus to earth. signed by the heads of all 27 member-states on President Obama says that America will be The head of gold represents the empire of December 13, 2007. Once the constitution is out of Iraq within the next 18 months. But will Babylon, which came to an end in 539 BC. ratified by each individual government, Europe we? We continue to have 146,000 troops sta- The arms and breasts of silver depict the will then elect its own president and will have tioned along the Euphrates River. Media-Persia Empire (539-331 BC). its own foreign minister. In the meantime, Iran continues to enrich ura- The belly and thighs of brass symbolize the Twenty-five states ratified the Lisbon Treaty nium in defiance of the world community. The Grecian empire of Alexander the Great (331- in 2008. The people of Ireland voted “no” on UN Security Council has already imposed three 197 BC). the treaty, and the Czech Republic has yet to levels of economic sanctions against Iran for not The legs of iron represent the Roman Em- vote on ratification. The member states have complying with UN edicts. Both Israel and the pire (197 BC-297 AD). passed some adjustments to the Treaty of Lis- United States have openly stated that Iran will The feet of iron mingled with clay symbol- bon in an effort to facilitate adoption by Ire- not be permitted to possess nuclear weapons. ize the Holy Roman Empire, which was estab- land when it takes a second vote later on in The latest intelligence reports are saying lished in 800 AD and will continue until the 2009. If Ireland and the Czech Republic do that Iran will likely have built a nuclear bomb second coming of Jesus Christ. ratify as is expected, the European Union will by the end of 2009. Many analysts agree that The prophecy states that, in the days of the become a virtual United States of Europe in an attack on Iran by either the U.S. or Israel feet of iron and clay, the God of heaven will 2009. Europe would then elect its own Presi- could trigger World War III. establish His eternal kingdom. dent of Europe in 2010. How will this awesome prophecy foretelling All of this is extremely important pro- the death of 2.2 billion human beings be ful- The Holy Roman Empire phetically since the Antichrist and the False filled? We may not know exactly how the war The Holy Roman Empire was born on Prophet will emerge from the reborn Holy will be triggered, but, be assured, the prophecy Christmas Day, 800 AD. Pope Leo III placed Roman Empire. will be fulfilled. a crown on the head of Charlemagne and pro- nounced, “I hereby crown you emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.” For the next 1,000 years, the Holy Roman The prophecy The prophecy Empire rose and fell several times. It was al- And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot… ways ruled by Europe’s strongest political a voice from the four horns of the golden al- Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son leader of the time and the pope of the Roman tar which is before God, Saying to the sixth of man is revealed. Catholic Church. It has always been a union of angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four –Luke 17:28-30 angels which are bound in the great river church and state. Euphrates. And the four angels were loosed, Lot resided in Sodom and Gomorrah. The The Bible prophesies one last revival of the which were prepared for an hour, and a day, distinguishing sin of Sodom was sodomy— Holy Roman Empire right before the second and a month, and a year, for to slay the third coming of Jesus Christ. Once again, it will be homosexuality. Homosexual activity was ram- part of men. And the number of the army of pant and blatant. The prophecy states that ho- a union of church and state presided over by a the horsemen were two hundred thousand mosexuality will again be rampant and blatant political leader, the Antichrist, and a spiritual thousand: and I heard the number of them. at the time of the second coming of Jesus. Well, leader, the False Prophet. –Revelation 9:13-16 it’s happening now! endtime magazine | January / February 2009 17