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2019 Customer Service Planning Guide
 Using Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, 
 Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
State of Customer Experience
Great Expectations 3
The Experience Gap 4
Live Chat, Bots Introduce Both Automation and Frustration 5
Texting Isn’t Just For Friends and Family
Why Brands Should Be Texting Throughout the Customer Journey 6
Are Brands Getting the Message? A Few Stats 8
Text and Mobile Messaging:
The Fastest Growing Channel to Communicate with Customers 9
Today’s Customer Experience Trends
In-Store Experiences 10
Friction-Free Commerce 11
Conversational Commerce 12
Personalization 13
Texting and Mobile Messaging in Practice
Use Cases for Messaging 14
How to Get Started 16
Introducing Teckst 20
How Brands are Texting and Messaging Today 21
Teckst 31
Citations 32
2 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
State of Customer Experience
Great Expectations
Today’s consumers are more more savvy than ever before, which means they have high expectations of brands. They come to your
locations or website having done detailed online research about features and pricing. They have almost unlimited options at their disposal
thanks to globalization and online commerce. They may reach out to your company on social media, knowing they will get a quicker
response than calling a 1-800 number or sending an email. Furthermore, advancing technologies like mobile apps, artificial intelligence,
data science, and virtual reality are only increasing customer expectations. Customers want brands to use these technologies to provide
personalized, convenient, and friction-free experiences. The most successful brands are figuring out how to use innovative technologies to
delight customers while controlling costs.
3 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
The Experience Gap
A 2018 PWC study found that more than half (54%) of US consumers say the
customer experience at most companies needs improvement, and that one in three
consumers will walk away from a brand they love after a single bad experience.1
However, many brands are still providing a poor experience by:
· Forcing customers to contact them on channels that may be
inconsistent with the product or service being supported
· Failing to let customers get in touch with them
on their own time and their own terms
· Losing track of the customer and failing to personalize the experience, with
disconnects between different channels (online, in-person, phone support)
· Removing the human element from service and support and replacing
it with cost-cutting technology that frustrates the customer
· Making in-store shopping a hassle, with little value
added by employees or technology
Sixty five percent of consumers report that a positive experience with a brand is
more influential than advertising.1
The most successful companies today have
figured this out. They understand that support is not a cost center, but a revenue
generator. They are looking at replacing traditional reactive contact center models
with proactive approaches that engage customers at every step in their journey.
They have realized a simple fact: customer care is the new marketing.
of US consumers say the customer experience
at most companies needs improvement
of US consumers will walk away from a brand
they love after a single bad experience
of consumers report that a positive experience
with a brand is more influential than advertising
4 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Live Chat, Bots Introduce Both Automation and Frustration
While most customer service managers are trying to improve customer satisfaction scores, they are also charged with cost-cutting.
These two goals are often at odds with each other, as increased automation can frustrate customers and lead to a negative experience.
Many companies have turned to live chat in an attempt to cut down on the number of agents needed to staff their contact centers while
handling increasing numbers of inquiries. However, managers are often surprised to learn that web chat does not increase the volume
agents can handle by the factor they expect. The average agent will only be able to handle two to three web chat windows at a time, with a
maximum of two yielding the highest net promoter scores.2
On the customer side, web chat can be inconvenient and disjointed. Customers must provide all their information to the chat agent, as
there is usually no way to identify themselves otherwise. They must then sit in front of their computer or device without closing the chat
window until they receive a response, which may be a few minutes if the chat agent is handling multiple customers. If the customer is
using a mobile device, chat becomes even more cumbersome, as few people have only one browser session or app open at a time.
If the agent is unable to resolve the issue or the customer accidentally closes the window, all that time is lost and the customer must
initiate a new chat or call. There is no graceful way for the agent to transfer the customer to the phone if needed, and there is no history of
the conversation that can be referenced.
Bots are another increasingly popular solution that can help cut down on agent staffing needs. While bots can be effective for simple,
routine inquiries such as checking on an order status, they can frustrate customers who have more complex questions or simply want
human interaction. Accenture found that 73% of customers still prefer to deal with a human to solve service issues vs. 58% who prefer
the same for quick questions.3
1 2 3 4 5
of customers still
prefer to deal with a
human to solve
service issues
The average agent will only be able to handle two
to three web chat windows at a time
5 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Texting Isn’t Just For
Friends and Family
Why Brands Should Be Texting Throughout the 
Customer Journey
Texting with customers can solve for many of the issues created by the
shortcomings of live chat, whether with a human or a bot. Texting is the most
widely and frequently used app on a smartphone, with 97% of Americans using it
at least once a day.4
Not only that, 90% of all text messages are read by recipients
within 3 minutes.5
Taking interactions between brands and customers to the text
channel transforms them from tickets, incidents, or downright complaints into a
continuous conversation. What brand doesn’t want a constant and open line of
communication with their customers?
6 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
In addition:
Texting allows the customer to message with the brand on their
own time, yet still receive a nearly instant response, making it
the most customer-centric channel.
The average agent can text with anywhere from 6-8 customers
at once because the conventions of texting allow for a minute or
two of lag time on the brand side.
As long as the customer’s mobile number is logged in the
company’s CRM, there is no need for the agent to ask the
customer to provide account information or other personal data.
By having a “continuous conversation” you are creating a
message history that can be referred to in later interactions
between the customer and the brand.
Texting allows for the human element to remain intact, which
allows the agent to match the conversational tone of the
customer and speak in the brand’s voice. It also allows for
resolution of more complex issues that might be out of
scope for a bot.
× 6to
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Are Brands Getting the Message? A Few Stats
Although most brands understand that customers prefer digital channels, businesses seem to be slow in adopting the technologies people
use in their daily lives to improve the customer experience.
44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online
purchase is one of the most important features a brand can offer.
of customer care
itneractions were digital
care channels (such as web chat,
social media, and email) in 2015
By 2020, that share is
expected to rise to
largely due to the growing
number of “digital natives”
who grew up communicating
over the internet.
43% of this rising generation of consumers report using messaging apps to research
products prior to purchasing online.
SMS open and response rates are
around 98% and 45%, respectively
Email open and response rates are
around 20% and 6%, respectively
Heads up, sales and
marketing professionals!
of people surveyed in a 2016 Nielsen study would rather message
business than call customer service.
expected to message businesses even more over the next two years. 75% of customers will use multiple
channels to contact companies.
Within 10 years
10 8
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Text and Mobile Messaging: The Fastest Growing 
Channel to Communicate with Customers
Messaging has become bigger than social. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger
alone have over 1 billion users each, per month.11
Customers have a wide array of
choices today when looking to communicate with brands without picking up the
phone, writing an email, or sending a Twitter message.
SMS: SMS has been around since the 1990’s and continues to be the most
popular form of messaging, with around six billion texts sent every day.
Apple Business Chat: Business Chat lets Apple customers
communicate with businesses directly from their iPhones. It’s integrated
with iMessage, the Safari browser, Spotlight search, Siri, and Apple Maps.
Google RCS: RCS, or rich communication services, is a mobile
specification that’s been in development for 20 years. It could replace text
messaging in mobile devices if more carriers and device manufacturers
get on board. Google Assistant would be the driver behind this service.
Facebook: Facebook has four of the biggest social networks
and messaging services: Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and
Instagram. Business currently use all these apps to communicate with
customers, which now include the new WhatsApp Business App.
Customers want to be able to reach out to businesses using their app of choice, so
it’s best for businesses to implement an omnichannel two-way
conversational strategy.
I don’t know anyone who likes calling a
business. And no one wants to have to
install a new app for every business or
service that they interact with. We
think you should be able to message a
business in the same way you would
message a friend.
– Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
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Today’s Customer Experience Trends
How Do Texting and Mobile Messaging Fit In?
In-Store Experiences 
While it might seem like online shopping is killing brick and mortar stores, three times as many Gen Z’ers still prefer to shop in stores vs.
In order to thrive, brick and mortar retailers must provide an experience that motivates shoppers to come in. To this end, more
and more retailers are offering in-store restaurants and services that help transform stores into destinations to meet evolving customer
demands around convenience, entertainment, and community.
In addition to providing pleasurable and differentiated experiences, stores must also meet the basic demands of consumers, with
knowledgeable and friendly store associates and enough information to help them make purchase decisions. Currently many
companies are falling short in this area, with 34% of shoppers saying they’ve researched a product online using a mobile device
while in a physical store.7
How Messaging Can Help: Give shoppers the option of reaching out to your brand via text with in-store signage and website prompts.
Agents should be prepared to provide answers to product questions, in-stock information, and details of brand-specific promotions.
To make the purchase process as easy as possible, they can send the customer a link to a shopping cart to complete the purchase
they were trying to make in-store. Eventually messaging platforms and brands will advance to the point where customers can shop
entirely via message.
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Friction-Free Commerce
Friction-free commerce refers to customer-centric shopping experiences that
are free of constraints imposed by a company’s processes or technology. User-
friendly websites and apps, free shipping, easy returns, and a seamless experience
across channels are all expected parts of today’s consumer experience. However,
according to Accenture, only 48% of people find it easy to make a purchase on
their mobile devices.13
How Messaging Can Help: Providing a “text us” prompt in several places on your
website (particularly on mobile) is a great way to prevent shoppers from getting
frustrated and abandoning their search or their cart. Agents should be prepared to
provide advice, answer questions, and even suggest upsells where appropriate.
If the messaging platform is integrated with the CRM, agents should be able to see
purchase history to give context to the current conversation – for example, “Last
time you booked a flight with us you departed at 6am. Do you want to leave
around that time again?”
Customers may also receive proactive order updates, shipping notifications,
and check-ins after delivery to see if a return or exchange is necessary. These
messages should be reply-enabled to prevent the customer from needing start a
new message or switch to another channel to ask a question or report a problem. 34%of shoppers say they’ve researched a product online
using a mobile device while in a physical store.
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Conversational Commerce
Twenty one percent of people use voice or text agents like Alexa and Siri to shop,
pay bills, bank online or send money, according to a report from Mastercard and
Mercator Advisory Group. Increasing numbers of websites are also employing
chatbots to guide customers through the purchase process in a conversational way.
While chatbots and voice assistants are getting more advanced every day, they
are still a ways off from being truly empathetic and effectively emulating the
experience of talking with a person. Businesses must find a way to offer this
conversational experience in a cost-effective manner without frustrating customers.
How Messaging Can Help: Brands can implement conversational shopping
assistance through messaging; for example: “Hey Burton- can you help me find a
women’s rain jacket in blue?” Agents should have visibility via CRM into a returning
customers order history and preferences, as well as saved payment information
to make the process frictionless. They can match the conversational tone of the
customer while efficiently gathering the information needed to complete the order.
12 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Customers expect brands to use technology to make products, services, and
processes easier or more relevant for the them. The ability to collect and analyze
huge amounts of data is allowing companies to shift from engagement focused on
broad demographics to ones that match new offerings with a customer’s behavior
and expectations. This trend, coupled with conversational commerce technology,
allows customers and retailers to interact in increasingly personal ways.
More and more customers now expect a concierge-like experience with
personalized offerings.
How Messaging Can Help: Unlike web chat or even most in-store interactions,
text or mobile messaging integrated with CRM can be highly personalized. Agents
have past orders, preferences, and other customer information at their fingertips
to provide context for the current situation. They can engage the customer in
conversation to figure out their needs and wants and upsell in the moment, or go
back to the customer at a future date with a better offer.
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Texting and Mobile Messaging in Practice
Use Cases for Messaging
Texting and mobile messaging can be used in a variety of industries, including retail, travel, sports and events, and subscription services.
It can be used throughout the entire customer journey, from sales and marketing to customer support. It can also be reactive
(responding to inquiries) or proactive.
Drive Store and Website Traffic: Keep in touch with customers
on their most used messaging apps to notify them of promotions,
new product offerings, store openings, etc.
Improve the Shopping Experience: Provide customers with
answers quickly while they’re browsing on-site or in-store, including
product specs or in-stock information.
Hey Melissa- We just opened up a
new store in your neighborhood!
Come by on Saturday for a glass
of wine and some great deals. :-)
Wed, Jul 12, 10:56 AM
11:01 AMCarrier
Messages Details Brand
Sat, Jul 16, 2:17 PM
2:17 PMCarrier
Messages Details
Do you have the size 12 skinny
jeans in dark denim in another
store nearby?
14 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Hey Jason- Just letting you know that your new sneakers
will be there on Saturday. Here is the tracking link. Enjoy!
Last time you stayed with us you requested an ocean view
suite--would you like the same for your upcoming trip?
Hey Devin- How did you like the game? Let us know if we
could have done anything better!
Hi Jen- Just confirming that we have a meeting to discuss
your season tickets for next year on Saturday at 10am. Let
me know if you need to reschedule.
We just had a seat open up in first class- would you like to
take it for an additional $100?
Hi Devin- Your dinner order #45987 is on its way! Please
reply to this message if you have not received your food
within 30 minutes or with any other questions.
Deflect Calls: Send notifications for issues like shipping delays and provide
quick answers to frequently asked questions.
Gather Information: Record important data about customer behavior and
use it to build stronger relationships.
Send Surveys: Get customer satisfaction feedback without sending
customers to a URL.
Generate Revenue: Use messaging in your sales process to recap
conversations, confirm appointments, and facilitate renewals.
Delight Customers: Send customers helpful updates on everything from
weather delays for travel and events to upgrade offers for travel without
inconveniencing them with unwanted phone calls.
Reply-Enable Notifications: Keep your customers from frustrating
channel pivots for routine inquiries such as WISMO by sending reply-enabled
notifications for order status, tracking information, etc.
15 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
How to Get Started 
Incorporating text and mobile messaging into your current contact center or sales department takes some planning, but the ROI is well
worth the up front investment. Below are the main considerations you’ll need to take into account before you start texting with
customers and prospects:
Picking a Platform
When you start to look into messaging for your business, you’ll find a range of providers, from full enterprise platforms, to CRM’s that have
texting add-ons, to messaging providers with minimal features and functionality. For brands that have a team of engineers available to
create custom software and IT teams with bandwidth to maintain and support it, partnering directly with a messaging provider may be
adequate. Companies that have in-house support for their CRM may also be able to get by with a CRM add-on solution and the minimal
service that comes with it. For those looking for an end-to-end solution, a full-service platform that integrates with CRM while offering
enterprise service and support will be the way to go.
Changing Customer Behavior
Customers love texting because it’s quick and immediate. Those very same adjectives strike fear in the hearts of many customer service
leaders because promising “immediate” help is difficult and they imagine angry texts flooding their inboxes if their teams can’t keep up.
However, the opposite is usually true. Because customers can send in a text and go about their day without being forced to stare at a
web chat or listen to hold music, their standards for immediacy are actually reduced. There is also no real abandonment, as the customer
cannot hang up a phone or close a chat window to leave the conversation.
16 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
There are two approaches to staffing for text and mobile messaging. The first is
somewhat of a generalist approach where every agent is trained in texting. Agents
can text alongside other channels like email and phone, or to augment other
channels. For example, an agent assigned to phone calls can use texting to send
photos, videos, and links to create a better experience for the customer.
With the second approach, specific agents can be trained to handle the text and
mobile messaging channel. Typically, the addition of texting as a channel reduces
demand for phone, email, web chat, and social, and several agents will need to
move to the text messaging channel. On average, 25% to 35% of phone agents will
leave the channel as texting increases and calls decrease. Web chat deflection
is closer to 10% for companies with no mobile web chat, and around 50% for
companies with mobile web chat.
Managing Agents
You’ll want to choose a two-way messaging platform that allows you to manage
agents by directing messages to the appropriate queues, providing suggestions,
and supervising their interactions, at minimum. It’s also important to monitor
analytics to ensure that agents are meeting SLA’s.
On average
25-35%of phone agents will leave the channel as
texting increases and calls decrease
17 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
CRM Integration
Integrating text and mobile messaging into your CRM makes for the best
experience for both the agent and the customer. Agents don’t have to toggle back
and forth between two systems, and customers will enjoy the personalized and
friction-free experience that becomes possible when agents have access to their
past orders, preferences, and history of communications with the brand. Be sure
that any platform you choose has experience integrating with your CRM of choice
and that the integration allows your agents to continue within the same workflow
no matter the channel.
Metrics and Reporting
Customer service teams are highly metrics-driven, but texting may introduce some
new considerations in the way you measure your team’s performance. While you
might train your agents to respond immediately to texts, the customer might not
be on your timetable. For example, if a customer is texting to find out about the
status of a clothing purchase, she might not text the agent back immediately with
requested information, because it’s simply not urgent for her. However, if that
customer is trying to track down her pizza, she’ll likely get back to the agent within
seconds. In the first case, a traditional call center SLA like Time to Resolution is no
longer applicable, because the agent is operating on the customer’s timeline. Once
you implement texting, you’ll want to focus on metrics like Texts per Conversation,
Text Cases per Agent per Day, Deflections from Other Channels and Dedicated
Agent Time, which measures the amount of time an agent spends
on an individual conversation.
18 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Placement for Messaging Prompts
It’s one thing to turn on the texting channel, but if no one knows it’s active, your
customers won’t realize they can message you. It’s important to have a partner
who can advise you on best practices for communications and placement of
messaging prompts, which will be different for each company based on the type of
business and customer behavior. You might use social media to promote your new
texting capabilities, or take advantage of built-in features like Instagram’s contact
button, which can be programmed to open up an SMS text. Shipping notifications,
FAQ pages, emails (both marketing and operational), and of course your website
and mobile app are also ideal places to place texting prompts. Printed collateral like
shipping inserts or brochures are also an opportunity for cross-channel promotion.
Legal Considerations
Whether you’re using messaging for marketing or support, it’s important to work
with a provider who understands compliance with regulations like TCPA and GDPR.
TCPA, or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, governs messaging consent,
while GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) gives individuals more power over
the collection and usage of their personal data and aims for more transparency
around how it’s being used. It’s easy to safely message with customers when your
vendor builds in the necessary features and processes.
11:01 AMCarrier
19 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Introducing Teckst
Teckst empowers enterprises to build one-on-one relationships with their
customers by facilitating real-time human-to-human messaging. We text-enable a
business’s current phone numbers and pull the SMS messages along with those
from other chat providers directly into the CRM, where reps and agents can respond
quickly and efficiently. The Teckst platform integrates seamlessly with Salesforce,
Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, Zendesk, FreshDesk, and more, with a dashboard that
puts analytics and controls at the fingertips of management.
Who uses Teckst?
Teckst works with customers across industries such as
retail, travel, sports and events, and subscriptions. Some
of our customers include:
20 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
How Brands are Texting and Messaging Today
Subscription Services
ESPN is a mobile-first company. If a fan is watching a live event and encounters
an issue, ESPN considers it a missed opportunity because that fan likely won’t go
back and watch a recorded version. Customer support needs to live on the platform
they are using. However, the company had not seen great success with in-app chat
solutions because fans didn’t enjoy using them. ESPN fans span all generations,
and the company found that older fans were not as comfortable interacting via a
tiny chat window inside an app that’s already on a small screen. Moreover, given
that 99% of smartphone users in the US have unlimited SMS plans, everyone from
baby boomers to Millennials to Gen Z is comfortable texting.
Doug Kramon, Senior Director of Customer Operations and Fan Support, knows
that sports fans have more viewing options than ever before, and ESPN needs to
follow the trends. However, while most other providers are pushing in-app support
and bots, he remains a staunch believer in SMS. He commented, “People are already
familiar with it, and the screen is biggest in a native SMS world. If you’re doing in-app
support, then it becomes more like chat, and they’re going to act like a chat customer.
That makes your seat more expensive!”
Very few people record live sports and
watch later. So we need to be where the
fans are, in the moment.
– Doug Kramon, Director of Customer
Operations and Fan Support
21 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
ESPN invests quite a bit to staff its omni-channel contact centers with care
reps who can support all channels (phone, chat, texting, social, etc.) in order to
ensure that fans will have a cohesive experience and not be passed around the
organization to get their issues resolved. Their goal is to maximize the productivity
of each representative without letting customer satisfaction (CSAT) suffer. Once
they implemented Teckst, an enterprise two-way messaging platform, they
found that fans contacted support via the SMS channel in numbers that quickly
exceeded the phone channel because it was available directly in the app. As a
result, satisfaction scores increased. Doug commented, “What we found is that with
SMS the fan doesn’t have to get back to us immediately, but they know we’re still there.
They can take an average of 5-8 minutes to respond to us, but that’s still real time,
because it’s on their terms. They’re not saying ‘Are you still there?’ This method fits our
fan base.”
According to Doug, each ESPN support representative can handle an average of
17-20 cases at once, with CSAT ratings as good as phone or chat. This incredible
efficiency is due to both the asynchronous nature of texting and the tools within
the Teckst platform that allow for the monitoring of multiple conversations on a
single screen.
When ESPN implemented Zendesk CRM, Teckst integrated into the platform quickly
and easily, with no third parties, extra expense, or channel downtime. The Teckst
team collaborated with ESPN to match their Zendesk workflows, ensuring that the
ESPN support representatives can handle
17-20cases at once
Users take an average
5-8minutes to respond – on their time
22 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
integration was intuitive for the ESPN representatives. Teckst now lived inside Zendesk, so they could see all conversations with the fan,
whether phone, email, chat, etc. in the same place.
Teckst trained ESPN representatives on texting best practices, and managers were given access to useful tools like a sandbox, supervisor
shadowing, and analytics. The agents immediately embraced texting as a channel because it gave them a little extra time to get the right
answer for the customer vs. live chat, where an immediate response is expected. With texting, the end user was able to continue living
their life while the ESPN representative was troubleshooting their issue.
For ESPN, SMS isn’t about call deflection. It’s actually the fastest growing contact model they have, exceeding both live chat and phone. In
fact, the addition of the SMS channel has taken phone from the most popular channel to last place. This is great news for the organization,
because phone support is far more expensive than any other channel. Although ESPN does not measure phone calls by minute as a KPI,
Doug estimates that a phone call costs about $1.50 per minute, per agent. Messaging takes this number down to 9-15 cents per minute,
per agent – all with no decline in CSAT scores. In fact, ESPN’s CSAT is charting 2% over the industry average of 93%, at 95%.
For Doug and his organization, it’s important to keep customer service human. “When it comes to SMS, we can make sure it’s not a bot and
get them directed to the right department. You’d be surprised how many great ratings our agents get. Even if the fan doesn’t like a particular
policy, they feel heard. The agent provides that human element that we like to call ‘collaborative compassion.’”
23 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Tesloop uses a fleet of Tesla’s state-of-the-art electric cars to offer a more
environmentally friendly option for regional mass transit on the west coast. Right
from the company’s inception, Tesloop provided its riders text notifications about
the status of their vehicle as well as customer satisfaction surveys. They planned
to migrate to push notifications with the eventual launch of a mobile app, but used
Google Voice to test the idea initially. While customers loved the text notifications,
it was clunky for Tesloop agents to toggle between their CRM (Freshdesk) and
Google’s platform. They were looking for a way to streamline these important
customer communications when they came across Teckst, which is Freshdesk’s
only integrated text messaging partner.
Teckst seamlessly integrated with Freshdesk, allowing agents to see all
communications in one place, whether phone call, email, or text message. They
could stay in a continuous conversation with the customer from start to finish:
before they booked, during their ride, and after they dropped the car off and took
their satisfaction survey.
Tesloop agents found that not only did customers enjoy getting text notifications,
but that they would often respond with enthusiastic affirmations as well as
24 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
important questions. This opened up a running dialogue between the company and
its customers in the channel they clearly preferred.
Agent Efficiency: Tesloop was wasting agent time by having them text
customers on one platform and manage emails and phone calls on another. Once
they implemented Teckst, agents could stay in one screen within their CRM for
each customer and be able to see their entire history, which resulted in faster issue
resolution and better service.
Fewer Customer Communication Issues: Because of the prior inefficiency of
using multiple platforms, cases would often get lost in translation, or incorrectly
marked as closed when the customer was still waiting for a response in another
channel. Tesloop saw an approximate 50% reduction in instances where their
customer didn’t get a timely resolution to an issue after the Teckst implementation
and integration with Freshdesk.
Customer Satisfaction: Tesloop’s stated performance goal is that 95% of all
customers give them a five-star rating, and they have consistently met this goal.
However, once they implemented Teckst as their channel for sending satisfaction
surveys, they actually saw a reduction in the percentage of customers who filled
out the survey. While this wasn’t their goal, Tesloop also discovered that fewer
customers fill out the form if they have had a positive experience. They attribute
this change to the improved communication facilitated by Teckst as well as
learnings and improvements made to their Freshdesk configuration along the way
to correctly identify urgent and open tickets.
More consistent positive
experiences from
improved communication
facilitated by Teckst
screens needed
per customer
in issue
resolution time50%
25 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Staffing: Because of the asynchronous nature of texting, one agent could handle
several cases at once, vs. phone where a single agent can be tied up for several
minutes. When Tesloop added its solo ride service, it expected to increase agents
by 17% to accommodate the increased volume. However, they did not have to hire
a single new agent. Because of the efficiencies Teckst introduced to their customer
care team, they were able to expand their offering at their existing staffing levels.
Freshdesk Flexibility: Tesloop has been able to optimize their Freshdesk
configuration along the way to improve service and support. They are able to fix
issues by using automations and configuring rules and triggers to ensure that
tickets are addressed in a timely manner. Brian Skipworth, co-founder and VP of
Digital Product says, “We didn’t have that flexibility when we had to go to our software
developers and have them code it. We’ve put a lot more power in the hands of the
people actually using the tool.”
In a world where many companies have turned to chatbots to manage large
volumes of customer inquiries, Tesloop is committed to sticking with the human
element as long as possible. In fact, many of their customers have a hard time
believing that they are texting with a human, so Brian says they are becoming more
proactive about asking for responses during text conversations. In some cases
texting has led to opportunities to surprise and delight their customers.
Avoided a
17%increase in agents
26 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Feedback from Delighted Tesloop Riders
“What a cool concept... and the awesome addition of
text messages from their concierge making sure you
“board” on time made the 2 hour drive fly by!”
– Nathan J. on Yelp
“Two words: frickin’ awesome! I got a text 45 minutes
before my ride arrived (confirming pickup), got a text
on arrival (5 minutes early - love the promptness) and
had the most comfortable and amazing ride ever…”
– Allison C. on Yelp
“...Tesloop really strives for good customer service, and
as a growing company, they have admitted when they
have made mistakes or there were problems with a
trip. They seem to value loyalty and always send a text
with ‘Welcome back Julie.’”
– Julie S. on Yelp
“All communication and driving was superb. I received
a text 30 minutes prior to trip starting from concierge
that let me know timing expectations. I asked for
clarification of pick up location and was texted back
– Esther M. on Yelp
27 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
An up-and-coming Detroit-based lifestyle product brand selling finely crafted
watches, bicycles, notebooks, and more was focused on providing an exceptional
experience throughout the customer journey. They approached Teckst to integrate
texting directly with their Zendesk platform, train their agents, and help their Net
Promoter Scores on mobile customer service channels.
Considering their customer base averaged 24-35 years old and were avid
smartphone users, text and mobile messaging made sense for the brand. Their
customer service team had just begun exploring the space, and Teckst delivered a
treasure trove of metrics, best practices, and even a full roadmap for
a rollout of texting.
Teckst walked the company through every aspect of implementation, providing a
list of all the locations texting should be promoted, the timeline to get it there, and
the expected impact on satisfaction. Stakeholders from digital product, marketing,
customer service, and accounting were all part of the implementation,
which was seamless.
The company saw a Net Promoter Score improvement of 5% as customers moved
over to the text channel, sending 5,000 texts per month.
An improvement of
5%in Net Promoter Score
30 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
Ready to start texting? Teckst empowers enterprises to build one-on-one
relationships with their customers by facilitating real-time human-to-human
messaging. The Teckst platform integrates seamlessly with Zendesk, Salesforce,
Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, FreshDesk, and more, with a dashboard that puts
analytics and controls at the fingertips of management.
Let’s talk (or text) and see if Teckst is right for 
your company!
Learn more:
Text/call us:
Connect with us on social:
31 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
1 Experience is everything:Here’s how to get it right. PWC. March 2018.
2 Dr. Jodie Monger. “How Many Chat Sessions Can Agents Handle?” Customer Relationship Metrics. September 2016.
3 Tom Jacobson, Tiago Salvador, and Tiffany Gilbert. Digital Disconnect in Customer Engagement. The High Price of Obsession. Has Digital Reached its Tipping
Point? 2016.
4 Aaron Smith. “U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015.” Pew Research Center. April 2015.
5 “Why businesses can’t ignore SMS (Hint: 90% of people read a text message within the first 3 minutes)” VentureBeat. March 2015.
6 Nicolas Cole. “The Power Of Live Chat: 5 Surprising Statistics That Show How Consumers Want Their Questions Answered” Inc. April 2017.
7 Salesforce 2017 Connected Shoppers Report. Salesforce. 2017.
8 Jeff Berg, Keith Gilson, and Greg Phalin. “Winning the Expectations Game in Customer Care.” McKinsey & Company. September 2016.
9 Chris Pemberton. “Tap into the Marketing Power of SMS.” Gartner. November 2016.
10 “More Than a Message” Messaging Means Business.” Facebook IQ. December 1, 2016.
11 Mickey Dogra. “Why Messaging Apps are the Next Big Thing in Social Media.” Mambo. February 2017.
12 “What Do Gen Z Shoppers Really Want?” National Retail Federation. 2018.
13 Retail Consumer Research 2016. Accenture. 2016.
32 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction

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Teckst 2019 Customer Service Planning Guide

  • 1. 2019 Customer Service Planning Guide  Using Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency,   Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 2. Contents State of Customer Experience Great Expectations 3 The Experience Gap 4 Live Chat, Bots Introduce Both Automation and Frustration 5 Texting Isn’t Just For Friends and Family Why Brands Should Be Texting Throughout the Customer Journey 6 Are Brands Getting the Message? A Few Stats 8 Text and Mobile Messaging: The Fastest Growing Channel to Communicate with Customers 9 Today’s Customer Experience Trends In-Store Experiences 10 Friction-Free Commerce 11 Conversational Commerce 12 Personalization 13 Texting and Mobile Messaging in Practice Use Cases for Messaging 14 How to Get Started 16 Introducing Teckst 20 How Brands are Texting and Messaging Today 21 Teckst 31 Citations 32 2 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 3. State of Customer Experience Great Expectations Today’s consumers are more more savvy than ever before, which means they have high expectations of brands. They come to your locations or website having done detailed online research about features and pricing. They have almost unlimited options at their disposal thanks to globalization and online commerce. They may reach out to your company on social media, knowing they will get a quicker response than calling a 1-800 number or sending an email. Furthermore, advancing technologies like mobile apps, artificial intelligence, data science, and virtual reality are only increasing customer expectations. Customers want brands to use these technologies to provide personalized, convenient, and friction-free experiences. The most successful brands are figuring out how to use innovative technologies to delight customers while controlling costs. 3 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 4. The Experience Gap A 2018 PWC study found that more than half (54%) of US consumers say the customer experience at most companies needs improvement, and that one in three consumers will walk away from a brand they love after a single bad experience.1 However, many brands are still providing a poor experience by: · Forcing customers to contact them on channels that may be inconsistent with the product or service being supported · Failing to let customers get in touch with them on their own time and their own terms · Losing track of the customer and failing to personalize the experience, with disconnects between different channels (online, in-person, phone support) · Removing the human element from service and support and replacing it with cost-cutting technology that frustrates the customer · Making in-store shopping a hassle, with little value added by employees or technology Sixty five percent of consumers report that a positive experience with a brand is more influential than advertising.1 The most successful companies today have figured this out. They understand that support is not a cost center, but a revenue generator. They are looking at replacing traditional reactive contact center models with proactive approaches that engage customers at every step in their journey. They have realized a simple fact: customer care is the new marketing. 54%54%54% of US consumers say the customer experience at most companies needs improvement 1/31/31/3 of US consumers will walk away from a brand they love after a single bad experience 65%65%65% of consumers report that a positive experience with a brand is more influential than advertising 4 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 5. Live Chat, Bots Introduce Both Automation and Frustration While most customer service managers are trying to improve customer satisfaction scores, they are also charged with cost-cutting. These two goals are often at odds with each other, as increased automation can frustrate customers and lead to a negative experience. Many companies have turned to live chat in an attempt to cut down on the number of agents needed to staff their contact centers while handling increasing numbers of inquiries. However, managers are often surprised to learn that web chat does not increase the volume agents can handle by the factor they expect. The average agent will only be able to handle two to three web chat windows at a time, with a maximum of two yielding the highest net promoter scores.2 On the customer side, web chat can be inconvenient and disjointed. Customers must provide all their information to the chat agent, as there is usually no way to identify themselves otherwise. They must then sit in front of their computer or device without closing the chat window until they receive a response, which may be a few minutes if the chat agent is handling multiple customers. If the customer is using a mobile device, chat becomes even more cumbersome, as few people have only one browser session or app open at a time. If the agent is unable to resolve the issue or the customer accidentally closes the window, all that time is lost and the customer must initiate a new chat or call. There is no graceful way for the agent to transfer the customer to the phone if needed, and there is no history of the conversation that can be referenced. Bots are another increasingly popular solution that can help cut down on agent staffing needs. While bots can be effective for simple, routine inquiries such as checking on an order status, they can frustrate customers who have more complex questions or simply want human interaction. Accenture found that 73% of customers still prefer to deal with a human to solve service issues vs. 58% who prefer the same for quick questions.3 1 2 3 4 5 of customers still prefer to deal with a human to solve service issues The average agent will only be able to handle two to three web chat windows at a time 5 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 6. Texting Isn’t Just For Friends and Family Why Brands Should Be Texting Throughout the  Customer Journey Texting with customers can solve for many of the issues created by the shortcomings of live chat, whether with a human or a bot. Texting is the most widely and frequently used app on a smartphone, with 97% of Americans using it at least once a day.4 Not only that, 90% of all text messages are read by recipients within 3 minutes.5 Taking interactions between brands and customers to the text channel transforms them from tickets, incidents, or downright complaints into a continuous conversation. What brand doesn’t want a constant and open line of communication with their customers? 97% ! 3min 9 0% 6 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 7. In addition: Texting allows the customer to message with the brand on their own time, yet still receive a nearly instant response, making it the most customer-centric channel. The average agent can text with anywhere from 6-8 customers at once because the conventions of texting allow for a minute or two of lag time on the brand side. As long as the customer’s mobile number is logged in the company’s CRM, there is no need for the agent to ask the customer to provide account information or other personal data. By having a “continuous conversation” you are creating a message history that can be referred to in later interactions between the customer and the brand. Texting allows for the human element to remain intact, which allows the agent to match the conversational tone of the customer and speak in the brand’s voice. It also allows for resolution of more complex issues that might be out of scope for a bot. × 6to 8 # 7 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 8. Are Brands Getting the Message? A Few Stats Although most brands understand that customers prefer digital channels, businesses seem to be slow in adopting the technologies people use in their daily lives to improve the customer experience. 44% of online consumers say that having questions answered by a live person while in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a brand can offer. CUSTOMERS WANT TO TALK TO PEOPLE ? of customer care itneractions were digital care channels (such as web chat, social media, and email) in 2015 By 2020, that share is expected to rise to largely due to the growing number of “digital natives” who grew up communicating over the internet. CUSTOMERS ARE INCREASINGLY GOING DIGITAL 43% of this rising generation of consumers report using messaging apps to research products prior to purchasing online. CUSTOMERS ARE COMING PREPARED SMS open and response rates are around 98% and 45%, respectively Email open and response rates are around 20% and 6%, respectively CUSTOMERS READ TEXTS Heads up, sales and marketing professionals! @sms CUSTOMERS DON’T WANT TO CALL YOU CUSTOMERS WANT OPTIONS 56% 67% of people surveyed in a 2016 Nielsen study would rather message business than call customer service. expected to message businesses even more over the next two years. 75% of customers will use multiple channels to contact companies. Within 10 years 6 7 8 9 10 8 8 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 9. Text and Mobile Messaging: The Fastest Growing  Channel to Communicate with Customers Messaging has become bigger than social. WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger alone have over 1 billion users each, per month.11 Customers have a wide array of choices today when looking to communicate with brands without picking up the phone, writing an email, or sending a Twitter message. SMS: SMS has been around since the 1990’s and continues to be the most popular form of messaging, with around six billion texts sent every day. Apple Business Chat: Business Chat lets Apple customers communicate with businesses directly from their iPhones. It’s integrated with iMessage, the Safari browser, Spotlight search, Siri, and Apple Maps. Google RCS: RCS, or rich communication services, is a mobile specification that’s been in development for 20 years. It could replace text messaging in mobile devices if more carriers and device manufacturers get on board. Google Assistant would be the driver behind this service. Facebook: Facebook has four of the biggest social networks and messaging services: Facebook, Messenger, WhatsApp and Instagram. Business currently use all these apps to communicate with customers, which now include the new WhatsApp Business App. Customers want to be able to reach out to businesses using their app of choice, so it’s best for businesses to implement an omnichannel two-way conversational strategy. I don’t know anyone who likes calling a business. And no one wants to have to install a new app for every business or service that they interact with. We think you should be able to message a business in the same way you would message a friend. – Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook 9 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 10. Today’s Customer Experience Trends How Do Texting and Mobile Messaging Fit In? In-Store Experiences  While it might seem like online shopping is killing brick and mortar stores, three times as many Gen Z’ers still prefer to shop in stores vs. online.12 In order to thrive, brick and mortar retailers must provide an experience that motivates shoppers to come in. To this end, more and more retailers are offering in-store restaurants and services that help transform stores into destinations to meet evolving customer demands around convenience, entertainment, and community. In addition to providing pleasurable and differentiated experiences, stores must also meet the basic demands of consumers, with knowledgeable and friendly store associates and enough information to help them make purchase decisions. Currently many companies are falling short in this area, with 34% of shoppers saying they’ve researched a product online using a mobile device while in a physical store.7 How Messaging Can Help: Give shoppers the option of reaching out to your brand via text with in-store signage and website prompts. Agents should be prepared to provide answers to product questions, in-stock information, and details of brand-specific promotions. To make the purchase process as easy as possible, they can send the customer a link to a shopping cart to complete the purchase they were trying to make in-store. Eventually messaging platforms and brands will advance to the point where customers can shop entirely via message. 10 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 11. Friction-Free Commerce Friction-free commerce refers to customer-centric shopping experiences that are free of constraints imposed by a company’s processes or technology. User- friendly websites and apps, free shipping, easy returns, and a seamless experience across channels are all expected parts of today’s consumer experience. However, according to Accenture, only 48% of people find it easy to make a purchase on their mobile devices.13 How Messaging Can Help: Providing a “text us” prompt in several places on your website (particularly on mobile) is a great way to prevent shoppers from getting frustrated and abandoning their search or their cart. Agents should be prepared to provide advice, answer questions, and even suggest upsells where appropriate. If the messaging platform is integrated with the CRM, agents should be able to see purchase history to give context to the current conversation – for example, “Last time you booked a flight with us you departed at 6am. Do you want to leave around that time again?” Customers may also receive proactive order updates, shipping notifications, and check-ins after delivery to see if a return or exchange is necessary. These messages should be reply-enabled to prevent the customer from needing start a new message or switch to another channel to ask a question or report a problem. 34%of shoppers say they’ve researched a product online using a mobile device while in a physical store. 11 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 12. Conversational Commerce Twenty one percent of people use voice or text agents like Alexa and Siri to shop, pay bills, bank online or send money, according to a report from Mastercard and Mercator Advisory Group. Increasing numbers of websites are also employing chatbots to guide customers through the purchase process in a conversational way. While chatbots and voice assistants are getting more advanced every day, they are still a ways off from being truly empathetic and effectively emulating the experience of talking with a person. Businesses must find a way to offer this conversational experience in a cost-effective manner without frustrating customers. How Messaging Can Help: Brands can implement conversational shopping assistance through messaging; for example: “Hey Burton- can you help me find a women’s rain jacket in blue?” Agents should have visibility via CRM into a returning customers order history and preferences, as well as saved payment information to make the process frictionless. They can match the conversational tone of the customer while efficiently gathering the information needed to complete the order. 12 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 13. Personalization Customers expect brands to use technology to make products, services, and processes easier or more relevant for the them. The ability to collect and analyze huge amounts of data is allowing companies to shift from engagement focused on broad demographics to ones that match new offerings with a customer’s behavior and expectations. This trend, coupled with conversational commerce technology, allows customers and retailers to interact in increasingly personal ways. More and more customers now expect a concierge-like experience with personalized offerings. How Messaging Can Help: Unlike web chat or even most in-store interactions, text or mobile messaging integrated with CRM can be highly personalized. Agents have past orders, preferences, and other customer information at their fingertips to provide context for the current situation. They can engage the customer in conversation to figure out their needs and wants and upsell in the moment, or go back to the customer at a future date with a better offer. 13 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 14. Texting and Mobile Messaging in Practice Use Cases for Messaging Texting and mobile messaging can be used in a variety of industries, including retail, travel, sports and events, and subscription services. It can be used throughout the entire customer journey, from sales and marketing to customer support. It can also be reactive (responding to inquiries) or proactive. Drive Store and Website Traffic: Keep in touch with customers on their most used messaging apps to notify them of promotions, new product offerings, store openings, etc. Improve the Shopping Experience: Provide customers with answers quickly while they’re browsing on-site or in-store, including product specs or in-stock information. Hey Melissa- We just opened up a new store in your neighborhood! Come by on Saturday for a glass of wine and some great deals. :-) Brand Wed, Jul 12, 10:56 AM 11:01 AMCarrier Messages Details Brand Sat, Jul 16, 2:17 PM 2:17 PMCarrier Messages Details Do you have the size 12 skinny jeans in dark denim in another store nearby? 14 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 15. Hey Jason- Just letting you know that your new sneakers will be there on Saturday. Here is the tracking link. Enjoy! Last time you stayed with us you requested an ocean view suite--would you like the same for your upcoming trip? Hey Devin- How did you like the game? Let us know if we could have done anything better! Hi Jen- Just confirming that we have a meeting to discuss your season tickets for next year on Saturday at 10am. Let me know if you need to reschedule. We just had a seat open up in first class- would you like to take it for an additional $100? Hi Devin- Your dinner order #45987 is on its way! Please reply to this message if you have not received your food within 30 minutes or with any other questions. Deflect Calls: Send notifications for issues like shipping delays and provide quick answers to frequently asked questions. Gather Information: Record important data about customer behavior and use it to build stronger relationships. Send Surveys: Get customer satisfaction feedback without sending customers to a URL. Generate Revenue: Use messaging in your sales process to recap conversations, confirm appointments, and facilitate renewals. Delight Customers: Send customers helpful updates on everything from weather delays for travel and events to upgrade offers for travel without inconveniencing them with unwanted phone calls. Reply-Enable Notifications: Keep your customers from frustrating channel pivots for routine inquiries such as WISMO by sending reply-enabled notifications for order status, tracking information, etc. 15 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 16. How to Get Started  Incorporating text and mobile messaging into your current contact center or sales department takes some planning, but the ROI is well worth the up front investment. Below are the main considerations you’ll need to take into account before you start texting with customers and prospects: Picking a Platform When you start to look into messaging for your business, you’ll find a range of providers, from full enterprise platforms, to CRM’s that have texting add-ons, to messaging providers with minimal features and functionality. For brands that have a team of engineers available to create custom software and IT teams with bandwidth to maintain and support it, partnering directly with a messaging provider may be adequate. Companies that have in-house support for their CRM may also be able to get by with a CRM add-on solution and the minimal service that comes with it. For those looking for an end-to-end solution, a full-service platform that integrates with CRM while offering enterprise service and support will be the way to go. Changing Customer Behavior Customers love texting because it’s quick and immediate. Those very same adjectives strike fear in the hearts of many customer service leaders because promising “immediate” help is difficult and they imagine angry texts flooding their inboxes if their teams can’t keep up. However, the opposite is usually true. Because customers can send in a text and go about their day without being forced to stare at a web chat or listen to hold music, their standards for immediacy are actually reduced. There is also no real abandonment, as the customer cannot hang up a phone or close a chat window to leave the conversation. 16 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 17. Staffing There are two approaches to staffing for text and mobile messaging. The first is somewhat of a generalist approach where every agent is trained in texting. Agents can text alongside other channels like email and phone, or to augment other channels. For example, an agent assigned to phone calls can use texting to send photos, videos, and links to create a better experience for the customer. With the second approach, specific agents can be trained to handle the text and mobile messaging channel. Typically, the addition of texting as a channel reduces demand for phone, email, web chat, and social, and several agents will need to move to the text messaging channel. On average, 25% to 35% of phone agents will leave the channel as texting increases and calls decrease. Web chat deflection is closer to 10% for companies with no mobile web chat, and around 50% for companies with mobile web chat. Managing Agents You’ll want to choose a two-way messaging platform that allows you to manage agents by directing messages to the appropriate queues, providing suggestions, and supervising their interactions, at minimum. It’s also important to monitor analytics to ensure that agents are meeting SLA’s. On average 25-35%of phone agents will leave the channel as texting increases and calls decrease 17 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 18. CRM Integration Integrating text and mobile messaging into your CRM makes for the best experience for both the agent and the customer. Agents don’t have to toggle back and forth between two systems, and customers will enjoy the personalized and friction-free experience that becomes possible when agents have access to their past orders, preferences, and history of communications with the brand. Be sure that any platform you choose has experience integrating with your CRM of choice and that the integration allows your agents to continue within the same workflow no matter the channel. Metrics and Reporting Customer service teams are highly metrics-driven, but texting may introduce some new considerations in the way you measure your team’s performance. While you might train your agents to respond immediately to texts, the customer might not be on your timetable. For example, if a customer is texting to find out about the status of a clothing purchase, she might not text the agent back immediately with requested information, because it’s simply not urgent for her. However, if that customer is trying to track down her pizza, she’ll likely get back to the agent within seconds. In the first case, a traditional call center SLA like Time to Resolution is no longer applicable, because the agent is operating on the customer’s timeline. Once you implement texting, you’ll want to focus on metrics like Texts per Conversation, Text Cases per Agent per Day, Deflections from Other Channels and Dedicated Agent Time, which measures the amount of time an agent spends on an individual conversation. 18 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 19. Placement for Messaging Prompts It’s one thing to turn on the texting channel, but if no one knows it’s active, your customers won’t realize they can message you. It’s important to have a partner who can advise you on best practices for communications and placement of messaging prompts, which will be different for each company based on the type of business and customer behavior. You might use social media to promote your new texting capabilities, or take advantage of built-in features like Instagram’s contact button, which can be programmed to open up an SMS text. Shipping notifications, FAQ pages, emails (both marketing and operational), and of course your website and mobile app are also ideal places to place texting prompts. Printed collateral like shipping inserts or brochures are also an opportunity for cross-channel promotion. Legal Considerations Whether you’re using messaging for marketing or support, it’s important to work with a provider who understands compliance with regulations like TCPA and GDPR. TCPA, or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, governs messaging consent, while GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) gives individuals more power over the collection and usage of their personal data and aims for more transparency around how it’s being used. It’s easy to safely message with customers when your vendor builds in the necessary features and processes. 11:01 AMCarrier 19 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 20. Introducing Teckst Teckst empowers enterprises to build one-on-one relationships with their customers by facilitating real-time human-to-human messaging. We text-enable a business’s current phone numbers and pull the SMS messages along with those from other chat providers directly into the CRM, where reps and agents can respond quickly and efficiently. The Teckst platform integrates seamlessly with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, Oracle, Zendesk, FreshDesk, and more, with a dashboard that puts analytics and controls at the fingertips of management. Who uses Teckst? Teckst works with customers across industries such as retail, travel, sports and events, and subscriptions. Some of our customers include: 20 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 21. How Brands are Texting and Messaging Today Subscription Services ESPN KEEPS FANS WATCHING (AND PLAYING) WITH MOBILE MESSAGING SUPPORT ESPN is a mobile-first company. If a fan is watching a live event and encounters an issue, ESPN considers it a missed opportunity because that fan likely won’t go back and watch a recorded version. Customer support needs to live on the platform they are using. However, the company had not seen great success with in-app chat solutions because fans didn’t enjoy using them. ESPN fans span all generations, and the company found that older fans were not as comfortable interacting via a tiny chat window inside an app that’s already on a small screen. Moreover, given that 99% of smartphone users in the US have unlimited SMS plans, everyone from baby boomers to Millennials to Gen Z is comfortable texting. Doug Kramon, Senior Director of Customer Operations and Fan Support, knows that sports fans have more viewing options than ever before, and ESPN needs to follow the trends. However, while most other providers are pushing in-app support and bots, he remains a staunch believer in SMS. He commented, “People are already familiar with it, and the screen is biggest in a native SMS world. If you’re doing in-app support, then it becomes more like chat, and they’re going to act like a chat customer. That makes your seat more expensive!” Very few people record live sports and watch later. So we need to be where the fans are, in the moment. – Doug Kramon, Director of Customer Operations and Fan Support 21 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 22. ESPN invests quite a bit to staff its omni-channel contact centers with care reps who can support all channels (phone, chat, texting, social, etc.) in order to ensure that fans will have a cohesive experience and not be passed around the organization to get their issues resolved. Their goal is to maximize the productivity of each representative without letting customer satisfaction (CSAT) suffer. Once they implemented Teckst, an enterprise two-way messaging platform, they found that fans contacted support via the SMS channel in numbers that quickly exceeded the phone channel because it was available directly in the app. As a result, satisfaction scores increased. Doug commented, “What we found is that with SMS the fan doesn’t have to get back to us immediately, but they know we’re still there. They can take an average of 5-8 minutes to respond to us, but that’s still real time, because it’s on their terms. They’re not saying ‘Are you still there?’ This method fits our fan base.” According to Doug, each ESPN support representative can handle an average of 17-20 cases at once, with CSAT ratings as good as phone or chat. This incredible efficiency is due to both the asynchronous nature of texting and the tools within the Teckst platform that allow for the monitoring of multiple conversations on a single screen. SMOOTH IMPLEMENTATION AND INTEGRATION When ESPN implemented Zendesk CRM, Teckst integrated into the platform quickly and easily, with no third parties, extra expense, or channel downtime. The Teckst team collaborated with ESPN to match their Zendesk workflows, ensuring that the ESPN support representatives can handle 17-20cases at once Users take an average 5-8minutes to respond – on their time 22 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 23. integration was intuitive for the ESPN representatives. Teckst now lived inside Zendesk, so they could see all conversations with the fan, whether phone, email, chat, etc. in the same place. Teckst trained ESPN representatives on texting best practices, and managers were given access to useful tools like a sandbox, supervisor shadowing, and analytics. The agents immediately embraced texting as a channel because it gave them a little extra time to get the right answer for the customer vs. live chat, where an immediate response is expected. With texting, the end user was able to continue living their life while the ESPN representative was troubleshooting their issue. RESULTS For ESPN, SMS isn’t about call deflection. It’s actually the fastest growing contact model they have, exceeding both live chat and phone. In fact, the addition of the SMS channel has taken phone from the most popular channel to last place. This is great news for the organization, because phone support is far more expensive than any other channel. Although ESPN does not measure phone calls by minute as a KPI, Doug estimates that a phone call costs about $1.50 per minute, per agent. Messaging takes this number down to 9-15 cents per minute, per agent – all with no decline in CSAT scores. In fact, ESPN’s CSAT is charting 2% over the industry average of 93%, at 95%. For Doug and his organization, it’s important to keep customer service human. “When it comes to SMS, we can make sure it’s not a bot and get them directed to the right department. You’d be surprised how many great ratings our agents get. Even if the fan doesn’t like a particular policy, they feel heard. The agent provides that human element that we like to call ‘collaborative compassion.’” $1.50PER MINUTE 9-15¢PER MINUTE 23 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 24. Travel TESLOOP USES MESSAGING TO SUPERCHARGE CUSTOMER COMMUNICATIONS TESLOOP DISCOVERS TECKST Tesloop uses a fleet of Tesla’s state-of-the-art electric cars to offer a more environmentally friendly option for regional mass transit on the west coast. Right from the company’s inception, Tesloop provided its riders text notifications about the status of their vehicle as well as customer satisfaction surveys. They planned to migrate to push notifications with the eventual launch of a mobile app, but used Google Voice to test the idea initially. While customers loved the text notifications, it was clunky for Tesloop agents to toggle between their CRM (Freshdesk) and Google’s platform. They were looking for a way to streamline these important customer communications when they came across Teckst, which is Freshdesk’s only integrated text messaging partner. Teckst seamlessly integrated with Freshdesk, allowing agents to see all communications in one place, whether phone call, email, or text message. They could stay in a continuous conversation with the customer from start to finish: before they booked, during their ride, and after they dropped the car off and took their satisfaction survey. Tesloop agents found that not only did customers enjoy getting text notifications, but that they would often respond with enthusiastic affirmations as well as 24 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 25. important questions. This opened up a running dialogue between the company and its customers in the channel they clearly preferred. RESULTS Agent Efficiency: Tesloop was wasting agent time by having them text customers on one platform and manage emails and phone calls on another. Once they implemented Teckst, agents could stay in one screen within their CRM for each customer and be able to see their entire history, which resulted in faster issue resolution and better service. Fewer Customer Communication Issues: Because of the prior inefficiency of using multiple platforms, cases would often get lost in translation, or incorrectly marked as closed when the customer was still waiting for a response in another channel. Tesloop saw an approximate 50% reduction in instances where their customer didn’t get a timely resolution to an issue after the Teckst implementation and integration with Freshdesk. Customer Satisfaction: Tesloop’s stated performance goal is that 95% of all customers give them a five-star rating, and they have consistently met this goal. However, once they implemented Teckst as their channel for sending satisfaction surveys, they actually saw a reduction in the percentage of customers who filled out the survey. While this wasn’t their goal, Tesloop also discovered that fewer customers fill out the form if they have had a positive experience. They attribute this change to the improved communication facilitated by Teckst as well as learnings and improvements made to their Freshdesk configuration along the way to correctly identify urgent and open tickets. More consistent positive experiences from improved communication facilitated by Teckst screens needed per customer 1x improvement in issue resolution time50% 25 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 26. Staffing: Because of the asynchronous nature of texting, one agent could handle several cases at once, vs. phone where a single agent can be tied up for several minutes. When Tesloop added its solo ride service, it expected to increase agents by 17% to accommodate the increased volume. However, they did not have to hire a single new agent. Because of the efficiencies Teckst introduced to their customer care team, they were able to expand their offering at their existing staffing levels. Freshdesk Flexibility: Tesloop has been able to optimize their Freshdesk configuration along the way to improve service and support. They are able to fix issues by using automations and configuring rules and triggers to ensure that tickets are addressed in a timely manner. Brian Skipworth, co-founder and VP of Digital Product says, “We didn’t have that flexibility when we had to go to our software developers and have them code it. We’ve put a lot more power in the hands of the people actually using the tool.” TEXTING DOWN THE ROAD In a world where many companies have turned to chatbots to manage large volumes of customer inquiries, Tesloop is committed to sticking with the human element as long as possible. In fact, many of their customers have a hard time believing that they are texting with a human, so Brian says they are becoming more proactive about asking for responses during text conversations. In some cases texting has led to opportunities to surprise and delight their customers. Avoided a 17%increase in agents 26 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 27. Feedback from Delighted Tesloop Riders “What a cool concept... and the awesome addition of text messages from their concierge making sure you “board” on time made the 2 hour drive fly by!” – Nathan J. on Yelp “Two words: frickin’ awesome! I got a text 45 minutes before my ride arrived (confirming pickup), got a text on arrival (5 minutes early - love the promptness) and had the most comfortable and amazing ride ever…” – Allison C. on Yelp “...Tesloop really strives for good customer service, and as a growing company, they have admitted when they have made mistakes or there were problems with a trip. They seem to value loyalty and always send a text with ‘Welcome back Julie.’” – Julie S. on Yelp “All communication and driving was superb. I received a text 30 minutes prior to trip starting from concierge that let me know timing expectations. I asked for clarification of pick up location and was texted back instantly...” – Esther M. on Yelp 27 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 28. Retail AN OMNICHANNEL CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE LEADS TO IMPROVED CUSTOMER SATISFACTION An up-and-coming Detroit-based lifestyle product brand selling finely crafted watches, bicycles, notebooks, and more was focused on providing an exceptional experience throughout the customer journey. They approached Teckst to integrate texting directly with their Zendesk platform, train their agents, and help their Net Promoter Scores on mobile customer service channels. Considering their customer base averaged 24-35 years old and were avid smartphone users, text and mobile messaging made sense for the brand. Their customer service team had just begun exploring the space, and Teckst delivered a treasure trove of metrics, best practices, and even a full roadmap for a rollout of texting. Teckst walked the company through every aspect of implementation, providing a list of all the locations texting should be promoted, the timeline to get it there, and the expected impact on satisfaction. Stakeholders from digital product, marketing, customer service, and accounting were all part of the implementation, which was seamless. RESULTS The company saw a Net Promoter Score improvement of 5% as customers moved over to the text channel, sending 5,000 texts per month. An improvement of 5%in Net Promoter Score 30 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 29. Teckst Ready to start texting? Teckst empowers enterprises to build one-on-one relationships with their customers by facilitating real-time human-to-human messaging. The Teckst platform integrates seamlessly with Zendesk, Salesforce, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics, FreshDesk, and more, with a dashboard that puts analytics and controls at the fingertips of management. Let’s talk (or text) and see if Teckst is right for  your company! Learn more: Text/call us: 1-855-980-6848 Connect with us on social: 31 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction
  • 30. Citations 1 Experience is everything:Here’s how to get it right. PWC. March 2018. 2 Dr. Jodie Monger. “How Many Chat Sessions Can Agents Handle?” Customer Relationship Metrics. September 2016. 3 Tom Jacobson, Tiago Salvador, and Tiffany Gilbert. Digital Disconnect in Customer Engagement. The High Price of Obsession. Has Digital Reached its Tipping Point? 2016. 4 Aaron Smith. “U.S. Smartphone Use in 2015.” Pew Research Center. April 2015. 5 “Why businesses can’t ignore SMS (Hint: 90% of people read a text message within the first 3 minutes)” VentureBeat. March 2015. 6 Nicolas Cole. “The Power Of Live Chat: 5 Surprising Statistics That Show How Consumers Want Their Questions Answered” Inc. April 2017. 7 Salesforce 2017 Connected Shoppers Report. Salesforce. 2017. 8 Jeff Berg, Keith Gilson, and Greg Phalin. “Winning the Expectations Game in Customer Care.” McKinsey & Company. September 2016. 9 Chris Pemberton. “Tap into the Marketing Power of SMS.” Gartner. November 2016. 10 “More Than a Message” Messaging Means Business.” Facebook IQ. December 1, 2016. 11 Mickey Dogra. “Why Messaging Apps are the Next Big Thing in Social Media.” Mambo. February 2017. 12 “What Do Gen Z Shoppers Really Want?” National Retail Federation. 2018. 13 Retail Consumer Research 2016. Accenture. 2016. 32 sing Messaging to Increase Agent Efficiency, Deflect Calls, and Improve Customer Satisfaction