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STUDENT´S NAME: ________________________________
Read the following text and select from the vocabulary below (FROM 1 to 10) the appropriate words that best fit in each paragraph to make the
text coherent. (10 POINTS)
How many planets are there in our galaxy? That´s a tricky question to answer. Are there other planets that
______(1)life? That´s exactly what the Kepler mission hopes to discover.
NASA _______(2) the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in 2009. So far it has
discovered five new Earth-sized planets ______(3)our solar system. These planets are hotter that the Earth’s
sun – much too hot for life as we know it. The Kepler team _____(4) that they will need at least three years (and
possibly longer) to find an Earth-like planet.
The simplest _________(5)for a planet to have life (carbon-based life like on Earth) is for there to be liquid
water (not frozen or gas) so the distance from the planet’s sun and therefore temperature_____(6) important. There also needs to be the correct
amount of air. If a planet is as small as Mars (half the _____(7) of Earth) its weak gravity means that it can’t hold on to air molecules. If a planet is
Neptune sized (four times ______(8) than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too much air. So size matters too.
The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to observe until 2013 _____(9) this could be extended. Will we
be sad if we discover we are alone in our galaxy or happy if we find that we _____(10) it with other life forms?
Read the following text about BILL GATES and answer some specific and general information questions (11 to 20). (10 points)
William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He is one of the world's richest people and
perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and
turned it into the world’s largest software company. He is the best-known entrepreneur of the PC
revolution. He has also written two best-selling books and started his own charity with his wife.
Gates was fascinated with electronics from a young age. In 1975 he read about a small technology
company. He contacted them to see if they were interested in a computer programme he had written.
This led to the creation of Microsoft. Gates later struck a deal with IBM that put Microsoft's Windows
on IBM computers. This deal made Microsoft a major player in the IT industry.
Gates was in charge at Microsoft from 1975 until 2006. He was an active software developer at the
beginning. He had a vision that computers could change everyone’s life. He helped make this vision come true and developed many products that
are now part of modern life. His management style has been studied and copied around the world.
1. A. has B. support C. live
2. A discovered B. looked C. launched
3. A at B. on C. beyond
4. A predict B. asked C. discussion
5. A explanation B. advise C. requirement
6. A is B. are C. will
7. A design B. amount C. size
8. A bigger B. small C. large
9. A never B. but C. so
10. A. have B. share C. see
Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO in June 2008. He now spends his time with his wife, Melinda, focusing on their charitable foundation. They
provide funds for global problems that are ignored by governments and other organizations. ‘Time’ magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest
influences of the 20th Century. Scientists named the Bill Gates flower fly after him.
Retrieved from
11. When was Bill Gates born? 12. Which are the three occupations the text mention about
Bill gates?
a. He was born in 1975 a. rich man, businessman, entrepreneur.
b. she was born in 1955 b. Microsoft co-founder, entrepreneur, writer
c. he was born in 1955 c. Microsoft co-founder, entrepreneur, electronics fan
13. When did he get fascinated with electronics? 14. How many years was bill Gates in charge at Microsoft?
a.When he was 25 years old a.26 years
b.When he was 20 years old. b.21 years
c.When he was a teenager. c.31 years
15. What was Bill Gates’ vision? 16. What does Bill gates do nowadays?
a. He developed many products that are part of modern life. a. He is focused on his company Microsoft CEO.
b.He was an active software developer b. He is focused on the charitable foundation that he has with his
c. Computers could change everyone´s life c. He now works for the ‘Time’ magazine.
17. Why was Bill gates considered one of the biggest influences of the
20th century?
18. What does the message in the picture mean?
a. Because he is an excellent scientist. a. Poor people can´t change their destiny.
b. Because he gives financial support for global problems that are ignored by
b. Poor people can change their social condition.
c. Because he gives money to poor people. c. Poor people can die if they don´t change their conditions.
19. The underlined word developedmeans: 20. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
a. finished a. Explaining the problems Bill Gates had in the past.
b. started b. Proving the theory of a famous scientist.
c. Elaborated c. Describing the life of one of the world´s richest people in the
Read the Miley Cyrus’s biography written by a fan posted in a blog and answer some general and specific information questions (from 21 to 26).
(6 points)
Miley Cyrus is the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife Tish. She has 5 siblings - two half-brothers, a half-sister and a younger
brother and sister. Her birth name is Destiny Hope, given to her by her parents who hoped she would achieve greatness. Her childhood nickname was
Smiley, as she had a cheerful disposition which was eventually shortened to Miley.
Cyrus was initially educated at Heritage Elementary School in Tennessee. When she turned eight, her family moved to Toronto, Canada where
Cyrus' father Billy Ray took a role in the TV series Doc (2001). It was around this time that Cyrus decided she wanted to act too. Her first role came
alongside her father in Doc (2001). She also scored a small role in Tim Burton's El gran pez (2003).
In 2005, Cyrus was cast as the lead in the Disney series Hannah Montana (2006), about a teen leading a double life as a pop star. Again her father
acted alongside her. The show was a smash and hit records, sell-out tours and merchandising deals soon followed. Cyrus became a teen superstar.
Following the success of Hannah Montana (2006), Cyrus made the move into other roles - including playing Ronnie Miller in La ultimacanción
(2010) and Lola in LOL (2012) alongside Demi Moore.
- IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous .Retrieved from
21. What is the general idea of the text? 22. What is the occupation of Miley Cyrus’ father?
a. The text is describing the life of a famous artist. a. He is a famous manager.
b. The text in explaining the daily routine of Miley Cyrus. b. He is a famous teacher.
c. The texts is describing her famous concerts. c. He is a famous singer of country singer.
23. What is the real name of Miley Cyrus? 24. In which company did Miley Cyrus work in 2005?
a. Hannah Montana a. With Universal studios company
b. Demi More b. With Disney Channel company
c. Destiny Hope c. With Discovery channel company
25. The underlined word “ Tennessee” refers to: 26. What is the fan trying to do in this text?
a. A TV series a. He is describing the life of a celebrity.
b. A state in the USA b. He is giving his opinion about this celebrity.
c. A hospital c. He is criticizing this celebrity.
Read this hypothetical situation and follow the instructions:
The last week a friend from the school told you that MATE.COM is a good website where you can meet people from around the world and you are
very interested since you would like to meet someone interesting from Italywhich is a country that you like a lot. However, if you want to sign in,
you will need to fill out the following information in order to be accepted:
ORIGINS (3 sentences):
INTERESTS (3 sentences):
ACHIEVEMENTS (2 sentences):
FUTURE GOALS (2 sentences):
Reading or writing messages while you are ____(1) is dangerous. A new study says it is more dangerous than texting
while driving. The study is from the University of Buffalo in the USA. _____(2) found that there are more injuries per
kilometer to texting pedestrians than there are to texting motorists. Their report ____(3) walking is not as easy as we
think it is. We need to ____(4) on many things at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The research team said
that people ____(5) how to walk properly, so dangerous things happen to them. They bump into walls and other
people, walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into ____(6) or down stairs.
A University of Buffalo professor said walking is a complex action. He said there are several _____(7) why texting stops people from walking safely.
One reason is that they cannot see the path ahead of them. Another is that they are focused on their fingers on their mobile phone ____(8) instead
of their feet on the street. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else and not on thinking about walking from A to B properly. The
professor said over 6,000 people visited his hospital last year because they were ____(9) while texting. He said the worst cases are head injuries.
When a pedestrian is tossed into the air after being hit by a car, he/she has nothing to protect the head, and the ____(10) can be serious.
Retrieved from
Trash, garbage, rubbish. People produce enormous amounts of it. For example, in the U.S, every person makes
about six pounds of trash every day.
What is trash? Well, it´s made of solid wastes like bottles, paper, cans and plastic. It is also made up of food
waste (garbage). Getting rid of all that trash has been a big problem. Luckily, new uses have been found for
both solid waste and garbage.
At the beginning of the 1970’s the city of St. Louis, Missouri, began using solid waste to generate energy. First, machines cut the trash into small
pieces. Then, a big magnet pulled out metal parts. Glass was carried on a moving band. The paper that remained was burned with coal to heat giant
boilers. The steam from boilers turned large machines that produce energy. Large parts of the city run on power generated by burning trash.
Other cities are also looking differently at garbage. Decaying garbage in dumps produce methane gas. This gas is being stored in tanks and burned
to produce energy too. Garbage can also be used to make gasoline for cars.
At first, people laughed at ideas like this. But after seeing how the garbage problem turned into a solution for energy problems, they aren´t
laughing anymore. Today´s trash can be tomorrow’s fuel!
Retrieved from Champions 9 Book
11. What´s the big problem the U.S is facing nowadays? 12. Trash is NOT made of one of these elements
a.People are contaminating the environment a.Fruits waste
b.The large amount of garbage that people are producing b.Water
c.American people don´t know what to do with the garbage. c. Alcohol
13. What are people producing with solid waste? 14.The underlined word it refers to
a.Metals a.Paper
b.Garbage b.Plastic
c.Energy c.Trash
1. A. knocking B. talking C. walking
2. A research B. researchers C. researches
3. A said B. says C. say
4. A focus B. Focus on C. foxes
5. A forgot B. forgets C. forget
6. A calls B. holes C. falls
7. A seasons B. reason C. reasons
8. A board B. blackboard C. keyboard
9. A injure B. injured C. injuries
10. A. damage B. sewage C. garbage
15.The underlined word trash means 16. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
a.Garbage a. Explain what some cities are doing with garbage
b.Food waste b. Inform about the environmental problems that garbage is producing
c.Fuel c.Explain how garbage can be useful to produce energy
17. According to the text we can infer that 18. What`s the advice the author says at the end of the text?
a.Trash has different uses that can help people to solve future energy
a.Garbage can be the solution for environmental problems
b. People produce enormous amounts of trash b.Garbage will be a big problem in the future
c.Trash is a big problem that won´t have a solution c.The garbage that we have nowadays can be used as fuel in the future
Read the following interview and answer some specific information questions (19 to 23).
INTERVIEWER: What will happen to Earth if we continue damaging the world we live in?
DR. JONES: First of all, if we don´t plant new trees, rainforests will disappear and if they disappear and we won´t
have wild life. Besides, we won´t have enough water supplies if we go on polluting our rivers, lakes and oceans.
Air pollution is another serious problem because there are many cars and if we don´t reduce the number of vehicles
in our cities, we won´t be able to breath pure air.
Industrialization in our cities is causing another kind of harm to our environment because factories use chemicals that are affecting the ozone layer.
If they don´t control the production of these chemicals, acid rain will destroy our planet.
19. What will happen to earth if rainforests disappear?______________________________________________
20. What will happen if we continue polluting lakes, rivers and oceans?_________________________________
21. What´s another serious problem?_____________________________________________________________
22. What damage is industrialization causing nowadays?_____________________________________________
23. What will destroy our planet?________________________________________________________________
Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of
soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations.
Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth
hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with
synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled
“organic,” a government- approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the
farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards.
Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.
Is organic food better for you and your family? USDA makes no claims that organically produced food is safer or more nutritious than
conventionally produced food. Organic food differs from conventionally produced food in the way it is grown, handled and processed.
When you go to the supermarket, how can you identify organically produced food from conventionally produced food? You must look at package
labels and watch for signs in the supermarket. Along with the national organic standards, USDA developed strict labelling rules to help consumers
know the exact organic content of the food they buy. The USDA Organic Seal also tells you that a product is at least 95 percent organic.
Retrieved from New Generation for Teenagers Book. Page, 18.
1. What is the main reason for producing organic food? 2. How organic food is produced?
a. to use the renewable resources a.without synthetic ingredients
b. To improve the environmental conditions for our descendants b. with pesticides and fertilizers
c. to preserve soil and water c. with animals that are given antibiotics
3. the underlined word it refers to 4. Why does the organic food need to be examined before it is sold
in the supermarkets?
a.companies make sure the farmer didn´t use pesticides
b.government order to know if the farmer followed the USDA standards. food c. in order to certify the farm
5.The underlined word safer means: 6. How does organic food differ from conventionally produced
a. less dangerous a. it is more nutritious
b.defend b. it is processed in a different way
c. healthier c. it is safer and more nutritious
7. What is the writer trying to do in this text? 8. according to the text, we can infer that
a. explain the importance of producing organic food a. organic food doesn´t need synthetic ingredients
b. explain what organic food is b. the production of organic food contributes to a better environment
c. recommend the use of organic food c. organic food is better for human beings
Reading or writing messages while you are ____(1) is dangerous. A new study says it is more dangerous than texting
while driving. The study is from the University of Buffalo in the USA. _____(2) found that there are more injuries per
kilometer to texting pedestrians than there are to texting motorists. Their report ____(3) walking is not as easy as we
think it is. We need to ____(4) on many things at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The research team said
that people ____(5) how to walk properly, so dangerous things happen to them. They bump into walls and other
people, walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into ____(6) or down stairs.
A University of Buffalo professor said walking is a complex action. He said there are several _____(7) why texting stops people from walking safely.
One reason is that they cannot see the path ahead of them. Another is that they are focused on their fingers on their mobile phone ____(8) instead
of their feet on the street. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else and not on thinking about walking from A to B properly. The
professor said over 6,000 people visited his hospital last year because they were ____(9) while texting. He said the worst cases are head injuries.
When a pedestrian is tossed into the air after being hit by a car, he/she has nothing to protect the head, and the ____(10) can be serious.
Retrieved from
1. A. knocking B. talking C. walking
2. A research B. researchers C. researches
3. A said B. says C. say
4. A focus B. Focus on C. foxes
5. A forgot B. forgets C. forget
6. A calls B. holes C. falls
7. A seasons B. reason C. reasons
8. A board B. blackboard C. keyboard
9. A injure B. injured C. injuries
10. A. damage B. sewage C. garbage
Trash, garbage, rubbish. People produce enormous amounts of it. For example, in the U.S, every person makes
about six pounds of trash every day.
What is trash? Well, it´s made of solid wastes like bottles, paper, cans and plastic. It is also made up of food waste
(garbage). Getting rid of all that trash has been a big problem. Luckily, new uses have been found for both solid
waste and garbage.
At the beginning of the 1970’s the city of St. Louis, Missouri, began using solid waste to generate energy. First,
machines cut the trash into small pieces. Then, a big magnet pulled out metal parts. Glass was carried on a moving band. The paper that remained
was burned with coal to heat giant boilers. The steam from boilers turned large machines that produce energy. Large parts of the city run on power
generated by burning trash.
Other cities are also looking differently at garbage. Decaying garbage in dumps produce methane gas. This gas is being stored in tanks and burned
to produce energy too. Garbage can also be used to make gasoline for cars.
At first, people laughed at ideas like this. But after seeing how the garbage problem turned into a solution for energy problems, they aren´t
laughing anymore. Today´s trash can be tomorrow’s fuel!
Retrieved from Champions 9 Book
11. What´s the big problem the U.S is facing nowadays? 12. Trash is NOT made of one of these elements
a.People are contaminating the environment a.Fruits waste
b.The large amount of garbage that people are producing b.Water
c.American people don´t know what to do with the garbage. c. Alcohol
13. What are people producing with solid waste? 14.The underlined word it refers to
a.Metals a.Paper
b.Garbage b.Plastic
c.Energy c.Trash
15.The underlined word trash means 16. What is the writer trying to do in this text?
a.Garbage a. Explain what some cities are doing with garbage
b.Food waste b. Inform about the environmental problems that garbage is producing
c.Fuel c.Explain how garbage can be useful to produce energy
17. According to the text we can infer that 18. What`s the advice the author says at the end of the text?
a.Trash has different uses that can help people to solve future energy
a.Garbage can be the solution for environmental problems
b. People produce enormous amounts of trash b.Garbage will be a big problem in the future
c.Trash is a big problem that won´t have a solution c.The garbage that we have nowadays can be used as fuel in the future
Read the following interview and answer some specific information questions (19 to 23).
INTERVIEWER: What will happen to Earth if we continue damaging the world we live in?
DR. JONES: First of all, if we don´t plant new trees, rainforests will disappear and if they disappear and
we won´t have wild life. Besides, we won´t have enough water supplies if we go on polluting our rivers,
lakes and oceans.
Air pollution is another serious problem because there are many cars and if we don´t reduce the number
of vehicles in our cities, we won´t be able to breath pure air.
Industrialization in our cities is causing another kind of harm to our environment because factories use
chemicals that are affecting the ozone layer. If they don´t control the production of these chemicals, acid rain will destroy our planet.
19. What will happen to earth if rainforests disappear?______________________________________________
20. What will happen if we continue polluting lakes, rivers and oceans?_________________________________
21. What´s another serious problem?_____________________________________________________________
22. What damage is industrialization causing nowadays?_____________________________________________
23. What will destroy our planet?________________________________________________________________
What _____(11)happen to the women ____(12) all the men in the world disappeared? What would happen to
the men if there were no women? Philip Wiley´s 1951 science fiction novel, The Disappearance, addresses
these intriguing questions.
According to Wiley, if men and women _____(13) in different worlds, the results would ___(14) catastrophic.
Wiley thinks that men are ____(15) aggressive to survive on their own. If women ____(16) control them, men
would start more wars. He also believes that women wouldn´t ____(17) the technological skills to survive in
their own world. If men weren`t there to pump gas and run the businesses, women wouldn´t be able to
Many people disagree with Wiley`s visions. In fact, they _____(18) the book is sexist. They don´t think men are more warlike than women, and they
don´t believe that women are more helpless than men. I think if men and women learned to cooperate more, the world would be a much better
11. a. will b. would c. did
12. a. where b. when c. if
13. a. lived b. live c. was
14. a. were b. be c. is
15. a. much b. but c. too
16. a. Don’t b. Didn´t c. Wouldn’t
17. a. give b. had c. have
18. a. Would think b. think c. Will think
Come to San Francisco for your next vacation! Come and bring your whole family!
There is always something for everyone in the Bay City. Naturally, there is the Golden Gate, which joins San
Francisco to Marin County. Naturally, there are the cable cars which take you “halfway to the stars”. Of course,
there is Candlestick Park, home of both the baseball Giants and the five-time Super Bowl Football Champions, the
But there is also a symphony orchestra; there is a ballet company, and there are plenty of museums and art
galleries. And there are restaurants…….and restaurants……and restaurants.
There are over 2,000 restaurants in San Francisco. You can eat specialties from the four corners of the globe,
including American-style seafood (try unique, unforgettable Fisherman’s Wharf) and the best Chinese food there is.
Where do you get Chinese food? There is a very large Chinese community in San Francisco which has been there since the beginning of the century.
Chinatown (between Bush Street and Grand Avenue) is certainly worth a visit. In addition to the wonderful Chinese restaurants and grocery stores,
there are pagodas, Buddhist temples, and beautiful shops which sell Chinese arts and crafts.
And there is still more in San Francisco! There is Telegraph Hill, there is Nob Hill, there is entertainment (there are hundreds and hundreds of
nightclubs and theaters), there is Golden Gate Park and, more than anything, there are the wonderful people of San Francisco.
19. How is San Francisco called or recognized? ____________________________________________________________________
20. Which football team has won the Super Bowl more than once? ___________________________________________________
21. What is the seafood restaurant that the writer recommends?_____________________________________________________
22. what`s the name of the community that the writer mentions and where is it located? _________________________________
23. According to the author, what are people from San Francisco like? _________________________________________________
24. Do you consider that San Francisco is an interesting place to visit? Explain. ___________________________________________
Imagine that you met an American friend on the net and he is very interested in visiting Colombia. Write an email to him where you recommend a
city that he should visit. Take into account the following questions:
 What´s the city like?
 What´s the weather like?
 What should visitors see and do there?
 What´s the nightlife like?
Subject: _______________________________________
Talleres de recuperaciòn 10-2016

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  • 1. STUDENT´S NAME: ________________________________ TEACHER`S NAME: KARLE A. OSPINA GARCÍA VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR Read the following text and select from the vocabulary below (FROM 1 to 10) the appropriate words that best fit in each paragraph to make the text coherent. (10 POINTS) THE KEPLER MISSION How many planets are there in our galaxy? That´s a tricky question to answer. Are there other planets that ______(1)life? That´s exactly what the Kepler mission hopes to discover. NASA _______(2) the Kepler space telescope, designed to find habitable planets, in 2009. So far it has discovered five new Earth-sized planets ______(3)our solar system. These planets are hotter that the Earth’s sun – much too hot for life as we know it. The Kepler team _____(4) that they will need at least three years (and possibly longer) to find an Earth-like planet. The simplest _________(5)for a planet to have life (carbon-based life like on Earth) is for there to be liquid water (not frozen or gas) so the distance from the planet’s sun and therefore temperature_____(6) important. There also needs to be the correct amount of air. If a planet is as small as Mars (half the _____(7) of Earth) its weak gravity means that it can’t hold on to air molecules. If a planet is Neptune sized (four times ______(8) than Earth) it has very strong gravity and too much air. So size matters too. The cost of the mission is approximately six hundred million dollars. It is scheduled to observe until 2013 _____(9) this could be extended. Will we be sad if we discover we are alone in our galaxy or happy if we find that we _____(10) it with other life forms? READING COMPREHENSION: FIRST PART Read the following text about BILL GATES and answer some specific and general information questions (11 to 20). (10 points) William Henry Gates III was born on October 28, 1955. He is one of the world's richest people and perhaps the most successful businessman ever. He co-founded the software giant Microsoft and turned it into the world’s largest software company. He is the best-known entrepreneur of the PC revolution. He has also written two best-selling books and started his own charity with his wife. Gates was fascinated with electronics from a young age. In 1975 he read about a small technology company. He contacted them to see if they were interested in a computer programme he had written. This led to the creation of Microsoft. Gates later struck a deal with IBM that put Microsoft's Windows on IBM computers. This deal made Microsoft a major player in the IT industry. Gates was in charge at Microsoft from 1975 until 2006. He was an active software developer at the beginning. He had a vision that computers could change everyone’s life. He helped make this vision come true and developed many products that are now part of modern life. His management style has been studied and copied around the world. INSTITUCIÓN EDUCATIVA TERESITA MONTES ARMENIA-QUINDÍO NIVELACIÓN DE INGLÉS DÉCIMO 2016 1. A. has B. support C. live 2. A discovered B. looked C. launched 3. A at B. on C. beyond 4. A predict B. asked C. discussion 5. A explanation B. advise C. requirement 6. A is B. are C. will 7. A design B. amount C. size 8. A bigger B. small C. large 9. A never B. but C. so 10. A. have B. share C. see
  • 2. READING COMPREHENSION: 2 PART Gates stepped down as Microsoft CEO in June 2008. He now spends his time with his wife, Melinda, focusing on their charitable foundation. They provide funds for global problems that are ignored by governments and other organizations. ‘Time’ magazine voted Gates as one of the biggest influences of the 20th Century. Scientists named the Bill Gates flower fly after him. Retrieved from 11. When was Bill Gates born? 12. Which are the three occupations the text mention about Bill gates? a. He was born in 1975 a. rich man, businessman, entrepreneur. b. she was born in 1955 b. Microsoft co-founder, entrepreneur, writer c. he was born in 1955 c. Microsoft co-founder, entrepreneur, electronics fan 13. When did he get fascinated with electronics? 14. How many years was bill Gates in charge at Microsoft? a.When he was 25 years old a.26 years b.When he was 20 years old. b.21 years c.When he was a teenager. c.31 years 15. What was Bill Gates’ vision? 16. What does Bill gates do nowadays? a. He developed many products that are part of modern life. a. He is focused on his company Microsoft CEO. b.He was an active software developer b. He is focused on the charitable foundation that he has with his wife. c. Computers could change everyone´s life c. He now works for the ‘Time’ magazine. 17. Why was Bill gates considered one of the biggest influences of the 20th century? 18. What does the message in the picture mean? a. Because he is an excellent scientist. a. Poor people can´t change their destiny. b. Because he gives financial support for global problems that are ignored by governments. b. Poor people can change their social condition. c. Because he gives money to poor people. c. Poor people can die if they don´t change their conditions. 19. The underlined word developedmeans: 20. What is the writer trying to do in this text? a. finished a. Explaining the problems Bill Gates had in the past. b. started b. Proving the theory of a famous scientist. c. Elaborated c. Describing the life of one of the world´s richest people in the world. READING COMPREHENSION: SECOND PART Read the Miley Cyrus’s biography written by a fan posted in a blog and answer some general and specific information questions (from 21 to 26). (6 points) Miley Cyrus is the daughter of country singer Billy Ray Cyrus and his wife Tish. She has 5 siblings - two half-brothers, a half-sister and a younger brother and sister. Her birth name is Destiny Hope, given to her by her parents who hoped she would achieve greatness. Her childhood nickname was Smiley, as she had a cheerful disposition which was eventually shortened to Miley. Cyrus was initially educated at Heritage Elementary School in Tennessee. When she turned eight, her family moved to Toronto, Canada where Cyrus' father Billy Ray took a role in the TV series Doc (2001). It was around this time that Cyrus decided she wanted to act too. Her first role came alongside her father in Doc (2001). She also scored a small role in Tim Burton's El gran pez (2003). In 2005, Cyrus was cast as the lead in the Disney series Hannah Montana (2006), about a teen leading a double life as a pop star. Again her father acted alongside her. The show was a smash and hit records, sell-out tours and merchandising deals soon followed. Cyrus became a teen superstar.
  • 3. Following the success of Hannah Montana (2006), Cyrus made the move into other roles - including playing Ronnie Miller in La ultimacanción (2010) and Lola in LOL (2012) alongside Demi Moore. - IMDb Mini Biography By: Anonymous .Retrieved from 21. What is the general idea of the text? 22. What is the occupation of Miley Cyrus’ father? a. The text is describing the life of a famous artist. a. He is a famous manager. b. The text in explaining the daily routine of Miley Cyrus. b. He is a famous teacher. c. The texts is describing her famous concerts. c. He is a famous singer of country singer. 23. What is the real name of Miley Cyrus? 24. In which company did Miley Cyrus work in 2005? a. Hannah Montana a. With Universal studios company b. Demi More b. With Disney Channel company c. Destiny Hope c. With Discovery channel company 25. The underlined word “ Tennessee” refers to: 26. What is the fan trying to do in this text? a. A TV series a. He is describing the life of a celebrity. b. A state in the USA b. He is giving his opinion about this celebrity. c. A hospital c. He is criticizing this celebrity. WRITING TASK Read this hypothetical situation and follow the instructions: The last week a friend from the school told you that MATE.COM is a good website where you can meet people from around the world and you are very interested since you would like to meet someone interesting from Italywhich is a country that you like a lot. However, if you want to sign in, you will need to fill out the following information in order to be accepted: ORIGINS (3 sentences): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ INTERESTS (3 sentences): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ ACHIEVEMENTS (2 sentences): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ FUTURE GOALS (2 sentences): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________
  • 4. READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE AND CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE WORD FROM THE VOCABULARY BELOW (1 to 10) IN EVERY GAP. Reading or writing messages while you are ____(1) is dangerous. A new study says it is more dangerous than texting while driving. The study is from the University of Buffalo in the USA. _____(2) found that there are more injuries per kilometer to texting pedestrians than there are to texting motorists. Their report ____(3) walking is not as easy as we think it is. We need to ____(4) on many things at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The research team said that people ____(5) how to walk properly, so dangerous things happen to them. They bump into walls and other people, walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into ____(6) or down stairs. A University of Buffalo professor said walking is a complex action. He said there are several _____(7) why texting stops people from walking safely. One reason is that they cannot see the path ahead of them. Another is that they are focused on their fingers on their mobile phone ____(8) instead of their feet on the street. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else and not on thinking about walking from A to B properly. The professor said over 6,000 people visited his hospital last year because they were ____(9) while texting. He said the worst cases are head injuries. When a pedestrian is tossed into the air after being hit by a car, he/she has nothing to protect the head, and the ____(10) can be serious. Retrieved from CAN THIS HAPPEN? CAN A CITY RUN ON TRASH? Trash, garbage, rubbish. People produce enormous amounts of it. For example, in the U.S, every person makes about six pounds of trash every day. What is trash? Well, it´s made of solid wastes like bottles, paper, cans and plastic. It is also made up of food waste (garbage). Getting rid of all that trash has been a big problem. Luckily, new uses have been found for both solid waste and garbage. At the beginning of the 1970’s the city of St. Louis, Missouri, began using solid waste to generate energy. First, machines cut the trash into small pieces. Then, a big magnet pulled out metal parts. Glass was carried on a moving band. The paper that remained was burned with coal to heat giant boilers. The steam from boilers turned large machines that produce energy. Large parts of the city run on power generated by burning trash. Other cities are also looking differently at garbage. Decaying garbage in dumps produce methane gas. This gas is being stored in tanks and burned to produce energy too. Garbage can also be used to make gasoline for cars. At first, people laughed at ideas like this. But after seeing how the garbage problem turned into a solution for energy problems, they aren´t laughing anymore. Today´s trash can be tomorrow’s fuel! Retrieved from Champions 9 Book 11. What´s the big problem the U.S is facing nowadays? 12. Trash is NOT made of one of these elements a.People are contaminating the environment a.Fruits waste b.The large amount of garbage that people are producing b.Water c.American people don´t know what to do with the garbage. c. Alcohol 13. What are people producing with solid waste? 14.The underlined word it refers to a.Metals a.Paper b.Garbage b.Plastic c.Energy c.Trash 1. A. knocking B. talking C. walking 2. A research B. researchers C. researches 3. A said B. says C. say 4. A focus B. Focus on C. foxes 5. A forgot B. forgets C. forget 6. A calls B. holes C. falls 7. A seasons B. reason C. reasons 8. A board B. blackboard C. keyboard 9. A injure B. injured C. injuries 10. A. damage B. sewage C. garbage
  • 5. 15.The underlined word trash means 16. What is the writer trying to do in this text? a.Garbage a. Explain what some cities are doing with garbage b.Food waste b. Inform about the environmental problems that garbage is producing c.Fuel c.Explain how garbage can be useful to produce energy 17. According to the text we can infer that 18. What`s the advice the author says at the end of the text? a.Trash has different uses that can help people to solve future energy problems a.Garbage can be the solution for environmental problems b. People produce enormous amounts of trash b.Garbage will be a big problem in the future c.Trash is a big problem that won´t have a solution c.The garbage that we have nowadays can be used as fuel in the future READING COMPREHENSION: SECOND PART Read the following interview and answer some specific information questions (19 to 23). INTERVIEWER: What will happen to Earth if we continue damaging the world we live in? DR. JONES: First of all, if we don´t plant new trees, rainforests will disappear and if they disappear and we won´t have wild life. Besides, we won´t have enough water supplies if we go on polluting our rivers, lakes and oceans. Air pollution is another serious problem because there are many cars and if we don´t reduce the number of vehicles in our cities, we won´t be able to breath pure air. Industrialization in our cities is causing another kind of harm to our environment because factories use chemicals that are affecting the ozone layer. If they don´t control the production of these chemicals, acid rain will destroy our planet. 19. What will happen to earth if rainforests disappear?______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 20. What will happen if we continue polluting lakes, rivers and oceans?_________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 21. What´s another serious problem?_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 22. What damage is industrialization causing nowadays?_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 23. What will destroy our planet?________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT IS ORGANIC FOOD? Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides, fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge, bioengineering, or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled “organic,” a government- approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too. Is organic food better for you and your family? USDA makes no claims that organically produced food is safer or more nutritious than conventionally produced food. Organic food differs from conventionally produced food in the way it is grown, handled and processed. When you go to the supermarket, how can you identify organically produced food from conventionally produced food? You must look at package labels and watch for signs in the supermarket. Along with the national organic standards, USDA developed strict labelling rules to help consumers know the exact organic content of the food they buy. The USDA Organic Seal also tells you that a product is at least 95 percent organic.
  • 6. Retrieved from New Generation for Teenagers Book. Page, 18. 1. What is the main reason for producing organic food? 2. How organic food is produced? a. to use the renewable resources a.without synthetic ingredients b. To improve the environmental conditions for our descendants b. with pesticides and fertilizers c. to preserve soil and water c. with animals that are given antibiotics 3. the underlined word it refers to 4. Why does the organic food need to be examined before it is sold in the supermarkets? a.companies make sure the farmer didn´t use pesticides b.government order to know if the farmer followed the USDA standards. food c. in order to certify the farm 5.The underlined word safer means: 6. How does organic food differ from conventionally produced food? a. less dangerous a. it is more nutritious b.defend b. it is processed in a different way c. healthier c. it is safer and more nutritious 7. What is the writer trying to do in this text? 8. according to the text, we can infer that a. explain the importance of producing organic food a. organic food doesn´t need synthetic ingredients b. explain what organic food is b. the production of organic food contributes to a better environment quality. c. recommend the use of organic food c. organic food is better for human beings READ THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE AND CHOOSE THE APPROPRIATE WORD FROM THE VOCABULARY BELOW (1 to 10) IN EVERY GAP. Reading or writing messages while you are ____(1) is dangerous. A new study says it is more dangerous than texting while driving. The study is from the University of Buffalo in the USA. _____(2) found that there are more injuries per kilometer to texting pedestrians than there are to texting motorists. Their report ____(3) walking is not as easy as we think it is. We need to ____(4) on many things at the same time to walk safely in a straight line. The research team said that people ____(5) how to walk properly, so dangerous things happen to them. They bump into walls and other people, walk into cars, fall over things in the street, and even fall into ____(6) or down stairs. A University of Buffalo professor said walking is a complex action. He said there are several _____(7) why texting stops people from walking safely. One reason is that they cannot see the path ahead of them. Another is that they are focused on their fingers on their mobile phone ____(8) instead of their feet on the street. A final reason is that their minds are somewhere else and not on thinking about walking from A to B properly. The professor said over 6,000 people visited his hospital last year because they were ____(9) while texting. He said the worst cases are head injuries. When a pedestrian is tossed into the air after being hit by a car, he/she has nothing to protect the head, and the ____(10) can be serious. Retrieved from 1. A. knocking B. talking C. walking 2. A research B. researchers C. researches 3. A said B. says C. say 4. A focus B. Focus on C. foxes 5. A forgot B. forgets C. forget 6. A calls B. holes C. falls 7. A seasons B. reason C. reasons 8. A board B. blackboard C. keyboard 9. A injure B. injured C. injuries 10. A. damage B. sewage C. garbage
  • 7. CAN THIS HAPPEN? CAN A CITY RUN ON TRASH? Trash, garbage, rubbish. People produce enormous amounts of it. For example, in the U.S, every person makes about six pounds of trash every day. What is trash? Well, it´s made of solid wastes like bottles, paper, cans and plastic. It is also made up of food waste (garbage). Getting rid of all that trash has been a big problem. Luckily, new uses have been found for both solid waste and garbage. At the beginning of the 1970’s the city of St. Louis, Missouri, began using solid waste to generate energy. First, machines cut the trash into small pieces. Then, a big magnet pulled out metal parts. Glass was carried on a moving band. The paper that remained was burned with coal to heat giant boilers. The steam from boilers turned large machines that produce energy. Large parts of the city run on power generated by burning trash. Other cities are also looking differently at garbage. Decaying garbage in dumps produce methane gas. This gas is being stored in tanks and burned to produce energy too. Garbage can also be used to make gasoline for cars. At first, people laughed at ideas like this. But after seeing how the garbage problem turned into a solution for energy problems, they aren´t laughing anymore. Today´s trash can be tomorrow’s fuel! Retrieved from Champions 9 Book 11. What´s the big problem the U.S is facing nowadays? 12. Trash is NOT made of one of these elements a.People are contaminating the environment a.Fruits waste b.The large amount of garbage that people are producing b.Water c.American people don´t know what to do with the garbage. c. Alcohol 13. What are people producing with solid waste? 14.The underlined word it refers to a.Metals a.Paper b.Garbage b.Plastic c.Energy c.Trash 15.The underlined word trash means 16. What is the writer trying to do in this text? a.Garbage a. Explain what some cities are doing with garbage b.Food waste b. Inform about the environmental problems that garbage is producing c.Fuel c.Explain how garbage can be useful to produce energy 17. According to the text we can infer that 18. What`s the advice the author says at the end of the text? a.Trash has different uses that can help people to solve future energy problems a.Garbage can be the solution for environmental problems b. People produce enormous amounts of trash b.Garbage will be a big problem in the future c.Trash is a big problem that won´t have a solution c.The garbage that we have nowadays can be used as fuel in the future READING COMPREHENSION: SECOND PART Read the following interview and answer some specific information questions (19 to 23). INTERVIEWER: What will happen to Earth if we continue damaging the world we live in? DR. JONES: First of all, if we don´t plant new trees, rainforests will disappear and if they disappear and we won´t have wild life. Besides, we won´t have enough water supplies if we go on polluting our rivers, lakes and oceans. Air pollution is another serious problem because there are many cars and if we don´t reduce the number of vehicles in our cities, we won´t be able to breath pure air. Industrialization in our cities is causing another kind of harm to our environment because factories use chemicals that are affecting the ozone layer. If they don´t control the production of these chemicals, acid rain will destroy our planet.
  • 8. 19. What will happen to earth if rainforests disappear?______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 20. What will happen if we continue polluting lakes, rivers and oceans?_________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 21. What´s another serious problem?_____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 22. What damage is industrialization causing nowadays?_____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 23. What will destroy our planet?________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ INCOMPLETE TEXT: VOCABULARY READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND SELECT FROM THE VOCABULARY BELOW (FROM 11 TO 18) THE APPROPRIATE WORDS THAT BEST FIT IN EACH PARAGRAPH TO MAKE THE TEXT COHERENT. (8 POINTS). THE DISAPPEARANCE What _____(11)happen to the women ____(12) all the men in the world disappeared? What would happen to the men if there were no women? Philip Wiley´s 1951 science fiction novel, The Disappearance, addresses these intriguing questions. According to Wiley, if men and women _____(13) in different worlds, the results would ___(14) catastrophic. Wiley thinks that men are ____(15) aggressive to survive on their own. If women ____(16) control them, men would start more wars. He also believes that women wouldn´t ____(17) the technological skills to survive in their own world. If men weren`t there to pump gas and run the businesses, women wouldn´t be able to manage. Many people disagree with Wiley`s visions. In fact, they _____(18) the book is sexist. They don´t think men are more warlike than women, and they don´t believe that women are more helpless than men. I think if men and women learned to cooperate more, the world would be a much better place. 11. a. will b. would c. did 12. a. where b. when c. if 13. a. lived b. live c. was 14. a. were b. be c. is 15. a. much b. but c. too 16. a. Don’t b. Didn´t c. Wouldn’t 17. a. give b. had c. have 18. a. Would think b. think c. Will think READ THE FOLLOWING TEXT AND ANSWER SOME SPECIFIC INFORMATION QUESTIONS (19-24). (6 POINTS) SAN FRANCISCO: THE CITY ON THE BAY Come to San Francisco for your next vacation! Come and bring your whole family! There is always something for everyone in the Bay City. Naturally, there is the Golden Gate, which joins San Francisco to Marin County. Naturally, there are the cable cars which take you “halfway to the stars”. Of course, there is Candlestick Park, home of both the baseball Giants and the five-time Super Bowl Football Champions, the Forty-niners. But there is also a symphony orchestra; there is a ballet company, and there are plenty of museums and art galleries. And there are restaurants…….and restaurants……and restaurants. There are over 2,000 restaurants in San Francisco. You can eat specialties from the four corners of the globe, including American-style seafood (try unique, unforgettable Fisherman’s Wharf) and the best Chinese food there is. READING COMPREHENSION: SECOND PART
  • 9. Where do you get Chinese food? There is a very large Chinese community in San Francisco which has been there since the beginning of the century. Chinatown (between Bush Street and Grand Avenue) is certainly worth a visit. In addition to the wonderful Chinese restaurants and grocery stores, there are pagodas, Buddhist temples, and beautiful shops which sell Chinese arts and crafts. And there is still more in San Francisco! There is Telegraph Hill, there is Nob Hill, there is entertainment (there are hundreds and hundreds of nightclubs and theaters), there is Golden Gate Park and, more than anything, there are the wonderful people of San Francisco. 19. How is San Francisco called or recognized? ____________________________________________________________________ 20. Which football team has won the Super Bowl more than once? ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21. What is the seafood restaurant that the writer recommends?_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 22. what`s the name of the community that the writer mentions and where is it located? _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 23. According to the author, what are people from San Francisco like? _________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 24. Do you consider that San Francisco is an interesting place to visit? Explain. ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ WRITING TASK Imagine that you met an American friend on the net and he is very interested in visiting Colombia. Write an email to him where you recommend a city that he should visit. Take into account the following questions:  What´s the city like?  What´s the weather like?  What should visitors see and do there?  What´s the nightlife like? WRITTEN PRODUCTION From:__________________________ To:___________________________ Subject: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________