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“High quality speakers, presenting new topics and         Register and pay by 1st July to save up to £300
                                   giving a good overview of new approaches”

Announces the 4th annual

Talent Management
Summit 2011
Conference: 28th – 29th September 2011, Pre-Conference Workshops: 27th September 2011, DoubleTree by Hilton West End, London, UK

Drive change in your talent management programme to deliver top
talent to the right parts of the business to improve overall performance
Recruit, retain and develop top talent in line with your business goals                        World First!
at a time when the war on talent is at it’s height, with the very latest
insights including:                                                                            Interactive Workshop
• Taking a strategic approach to people management and talent development to                   Expert led workshop on how to
   empower HR professionals to identify the top talent and improve workforce
   planning, discuss with Amanda Cusdin, Director HR, Corporate Finance,                       make the most of social media
   Legal and Strategy, Invensys                                                                to acquire the right candidates
• Enhancing the flexibility of your talent management strategy across the organisation         and make the best use of your
   to ensure the right people are in the right roles with Cheryl Melrose,                      recruitment resources from
   Performance, Leadership and Talent Management, British Airways
                                                                                               Matt Alder, award winning digital
• Employing tried and tested solutions to improve employee engagement
   and develop long term retention strategies, led by Caroline Curtis,                         strategist, futurist and
   Head of Talent Development and Perfomance, Santander                                        founder of Metashift
• Developing and implementing robust learning and development and executive                                                    Plus!
   coaching strategies to maximise performance with Katrine Smith, Senior                                                    Gain 15 CPD
   Manager, Talent Management Team, Panasonic                                                                                  Points!
                                  International senior level speaker panel includes:
erica Briody, Talent                             amanda Cusdin, Director                         andy Hill, Vice President
Acquisition Director for                         HR, Corporate Finance,                          of Resourcing, Invensys
Europe, ge energy                                Legal and Strategy, Invensys

Bill Wilson, Executive Development               thomas atterstam, Group Head                    graham White,
Director, Cranfield School                       of Talent and Senior Management                 Director of HR, City of
of management                                    Development, Prudential                         Westminster Council

andrew tanner, Head of                           Katrine Smith, Senior Manager,                  Steve Page, Talent
Leadership and People                            Talent Management Team,                         Director, Kantar group
Potential, Hutchison 3g                          Panasonic

Caroline Curtis, Head of                         gary Franklin,                                  ryan Campbell, Talent Acquisition
Talent Development and                           Head of Recruitment,                            Director EMEA & APAC, Hitachi
Performance, Santander                           aviva                                           Data Systems

nick Kemsley, Co-Director Centre for             Lucy grainger, Head of Talent                   Perry timms, Head of Talent and
HR Excellence,                                   Services, Siemens                               Organisational Development, Big
Henley Business School                                                                           Lottery Fund

Patrick mcmaster, Director of                    Cheryl melrose, Performance                     Exclusive cross sector speaker panel
Learning and Talent Management –                 Management Consultant, Leadership               comprising Hr and talent management
EMEA, research in motion                         and Talent, British airways                     leaders as well as insights from two top
                                                                                                 business schools

           TEL: +44 (0)20 7368 9300                   FAX: +44 (0)20 7368 9301                EMAIL:

                    W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
Pre-Conference Workshop Tuesday 27 September 2011

 Workshop A: 10am – 1pm
 Putting Theory into Practice: Effectively Implementing Talent Management Strategies to Maximise Success
 Ensuring the success of any talent development management strategy requires buy-in from stakeholders across an organisa-
 tion and a clear set of objectives in terms or identifying, acquiring and nurturing talent. This interactive workshop will focus on
 macro level challenges which determine the chances of achieving these objectives.
 The topics that will be explored include:
 •	 Talent spotting and determining the type of candidates you need at different levels within the organisation
 • Developing a cohesive talent strategy from acquisition, development, succession planning and senior level
    leadership development
 • Internal relationship management between HR and non-HR professionals to support development throughout
    the organisation
 • Develop the abilities of leaders and talent to lead and putting robust succession processes in place
 For more information on how to facilitate or sponsor this workshop please contact
 Luke Dash at

 Workshop B: 2pm – 5pm
 Harnessing Digital and Mobile Tools to Enhance your Talent Acquisition Model
 In a competitive environment for top talent, utilising social and digital media enables companies to identify and recruit the right
 people by making the most of tools such as Linkedin, Twitter and online blogs but it is not without challenges. Getting your
 message across in a crowded online environment is the key to not missing out on qualified talent. As a business tool social
 networks can help you build your brand and connect with a wider universe of key individuals and potential candidates.
 Delegates participating in this master class can expect to examine the following challenges:
 •	 Uncovering qualified candidates through social networks to get the right fit for your organisation
 • Delivering your recruitment message more quickly and efficiently using mobile web-enabled platforms
 • Real time, instant communication with recruiters and targeted candidates
 • How to tap into online networks to target professionals with the right profile and skill sets
 • How to utilise mobile tools as part of your recruitment process and talent search
 • Maximising the return on your time and resources when utilising social media recruitment
 Led by: matt alder, Founder, metashift

 Why Now?
 It is no secret that in order to for any organisation to succeed, irrespective of sector, industry or business area, having the
 right people in place is crucial. However achieving this simple goal involves overcoming numerous challenges in order to
 identify, secure and nurture top talent in the face of great competition for the very best.
 Following the economic crisis and the impact on workforces around the world a recent survey* noted that out of 1200
 CEO’s questioned globally, 83% plan to change their Talent Management Strategy over the next 12 months. The challenge
 is on for HR professionals to make the most of human capital resources and tap into internal and external talent pools to
 help organisations develop and grow.
 Human Resources IQs European Talent Management Summit provides an opportunity to generate new ideas and share
 proven strategies for HR, Recruitment, Learning and Development and Talent Management professionals to improve the
 way we identify, attract, manage, develop and retain the people who can shape and drive forward organisations and help
 meet the current and future workforce needs of our businesses.
 * 14th PwC Global CEO survey, 2011

                                 “A very well run, first class operation. Topics and speakers were
                                        engaging & provided very practical information”
                                 Senior Training Director, Deposity Trust & Clearing Corporation

                    W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
Conference Day One Wednesday 28 September 2011
08:30 Registration                                                                        • Building a clear picture of sector demand for skills now and in the future
09:00 Human Resources IQ Welcome and Chairperson’s                                        • Understanding the supply of available talent
      Opening Address                                                                     amanda Cusdin, Director HR, Corporate Finance, Legal and
      Chairperson: Bill Wilson, Executive Development Director,                           Strategy, Invensys
      Cranfield School of management                                                      andy Hill, Vice President of Resourcing, Invensys
       Labour Market Outlook and the Search for Talent                                    Aligning Talent Management with
                                                                                          Organisational Objectives
09:10 Assessing Talent Acquisition in an Evolving
      and Increasingly Competitive Environment                                     14:40 Communicating Organisational Vision, Strategy
      Finding and selecting talented individuals who possess the                         and Objectives
      competencies to succeed in an organisation requires an                             Translating talent development and succession planning processes
      understanding of the needs of the business. Erica will focus on:                   into successful outcomes requires a clear strategic context. Nick will
      • Employee mobility and demographic workforce challenges                           outline practical ideas on ensuring that talent strategies are allied
      • Implications for talent sourcing in the current market and                       with the needs of the business:
        capitalising on opportunities                                                    • Understanding organisational goals, culture and the impact on
      • Developing talent acquisition strategies to meet long term expectations            talent development strategies
      erica Briody, Talent Acquisition Director for Europe, ge energy                    • Open and transparent communication to improve engagement
                                                                                         • Matching individual talent progression targets with strategic goals
       Effectively Recruiting a Talent Rich Workforce                                    • Establishing information flows and key operational messages
09:50 Sourcing Strategies and Building and Maintaining                                   nick Kemsley, Co-Director Centre for HR Excellence
      a Talent Pipeline: Is it Possible?                                                 Henley Business School
      Getting the balance right between recruiting for today and preparing         15:20 Networking Coffee Break
      for tomorrow. Gary will share his experience of managing
      this challenge:                                                                    Break Out Roundtable Discussions
      • Securing the right talent at the right time: having a talent plan that           Attendees will be able to share their own experiences, hear those
        is in sync with business needs                                                   of others, exchange ideas and get answers to specific questions.
      • Managing the resourcing processes to minimise costs and                          Participants should come armed and ready to share their own
        maximise reach                                                                   experiences. Participants will be able to take part in one discussion
      • Collaboration between HR and internal partners                                   group from each round. Each discussion will last for 30 minutes
      gary Franklin, Head of Recruitment, aviva                                    15:50 Roundtable Discussions Round One
10:30 Networking Coffee Break                                                            Roundtable A
                                                                                         Implementing Performance Management and
11:00 Flexible Recruitment Approaches to Keep Ahead in                                   Feedback Processes to Improve Employee
      the Race for Talent                                                                Development and Operational Efficiency
      As organisational needs change, so must the processes in place                     This discussion will explore practical steps to improve employee
      for recruiting the right people. Graham will share his expertise on:               development through enhancing communication
      • The competitive landscape: understanding how your organisation                   Bill Wilson, Executive Development Director, Cranfield School
        compares to others                                                               of management
      • Ensuring recruitment teams are involved in the decision                          Roundtable B
        making processes                                                                 Creating an Environment of Opportunity: Balancing
      • Reacting to new opportunities                                                    Employee Autonomy with Organisational Goals to
      • Recruitment processes that can cope with future pressures                        Develop Desirable Workplaces
      • Efficient talent assessment for more consistent outcomes                         This focuses on how to improve retention rates through enabling
      graham White, Director of HR, City of Westminster Council                          employees to achieve career development goals within the scope
       Leveraging Digital Technology in Your                                             of an organisations needs
       Talent Search                                                                     Patrick mcmaster, Director of Learning and Talent Management
                                                                                         – EMEA, research in motion
11:40 Utilising Social Media Technologies to Expand                                      Roundtable C
      Recruitment Pools and Deliver Top Talent to                                        Retaining Core Values During Organisational
      Your Door                                                                          Transformation and Change
      The effective use of electronic media is imperative if you want to                 As businesses evolve, an employer’s identity and brand can shift
      deliver your recruitment message quickly and efficiently to the right              significantly. This discussion focuses on how to maintain a
      target market. Steve will share his experience:                                    consistent set of values and principles in order to retain and
      • Tapping communications networks                                                  attract talented people
      • Uncovering potential candidates and targeting the right talent                   Katrine Smith, Senior Manager, Talent Management Team,
      • Networking on different platforms and getting the strength of your brand         Panasonic
      • Measuring the benefits of investing in recruitment using social media
      Steve Page, Talent Director, Kantar group                                    16:20 Roundtable Discussions Round Two
                                                                                         Roundtable D
       Right People, Right Place, Right Role                                             The Challenge of Recruitment and Retention in a
12:20 Appropriate Talent Deployment to Maximise                                          Global Market for Talent
      Performance and Engagement                                                         This is an opportunity to share ideas on ways organisations looking
      What happens when you have found the right person for your                         for talent across geographical boundaries and operational units
      organisation? If they aren’t applied within the right role you run the             can attract the right people for the right roles in a fragmented and
      risk of having a disaffected employee. Caroline will look at:                      competitive environment
      • Identifying the talent and understanding aspirations                             erica Briody, Talent Acquisition Director for Europe, ge energy
      • Balancing employee goals and aspirations with business needs                     Roundtable E
      • Capitalising on existing strengths and building employee capabilities            Creating Value Through Diversity and Inclusion in
      • Designing processes that match candidates’ skills with roles                     the Talent Stream: Building a Stronger Workforce
      Caroline Curtis, Head of Talent Development and Performance,                       This discussion is an opportunity to share ideas on how to attract,
      Santander                                                                          develop and retain a workforce of all the talents in an inclusive and
                                                                                         meritocratic way which reflects social diversity
13:00 Networking Lunch Break                                                             gary Franklin, Head of Recruitment, aviva
       Implementing a New Talent Strategy                                                Roundtable F
14:00 Maintaining Workforce Motivation and Organisational                                Identifying Leadership Behaviour: Creating
      Efficiency                                                                         a Pipeline for Now and the Future
      There is a demonstrable relationship between better talent                         Focusing on the implementation of leadership development
      management and employee motivation which leads to better                           programmes, this discussion will provide an overview of how to
      business performance. This session explores:                                       manage the challenge of developing internal leadership potential
      • Talent management as a means to facilitate robust forward planning               andrew tanner, Head of Leadership and People Potential,
      • Seeking to maximise potential across the board or targeting                      Hutchison 3g
        star performers?                                                           16:50 Chairperson's Remarks and Close of Day One
      • Translating strategies into action

                    W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
Conference Day Two Thursday 29 September 2011
08:30 Registration                                                                 13:00 Networking Lunch Break
09:00 Human Resources IQ Welcome and Chairperson’s                                        Building a Talent and Leadership Pipeline
      Opening Address
      Chairperson: Caroline Curtis, Head of Talent Development and                 14:00 Developing Leaders and Promoting a Sustainable
      Performance, Santander                                                             Talent Culture
                                                                                         As more and more senior executives near retirement, where will
       Talent Spotting to Meet Current and Future                                        the next generation of business leaders be found? Thomas’s
       Business Needs                                                                    session will outline how an investment into developing leaders can
                                                                                         pay huge dividends:
09:10 Effectively Identifying Potential and High Performers                              • Building leadership capability and creating a self-sustaining
      Differentiating between high performing and high potential                           talent culture
      candidates and selecting the right applicants is an art rather than                • Promoting internal talent networks to identify and nurture potential
      a science and Ryan will share his insights into making the right decision:           leaders
      • Recognising individuals with the potential and key competencies                  • Experimental approaches to leadership development
        to help develop your organisation                                                thomas atterstam, Group Head of Talent and Senior
      • Defining and quantifying talent within your organisation                         Management Development, Prudential
      • Ascertaining personal and professional attributes as a signifier
        of potential                                                                      Employee Retention and Succession Planning
      • Tools and strategies to unearth high calibre individuals – using
        a talent matrix, monitoring, data gathering and talent scouts              14:40 Talent Retention: Understanding Employee
      ryan Campbell, Talent Acquisition Director EMEA and APAC,                          Motivations and Aspirations
      Hitachi Data Systems                                                               A fully realised talent strategy should embrace a holistic approach
                                                                                         through engaging employees and providing development
09:50 Utilising Performance Management Techniques to                                     opportunities. Patrick will focus on:
      Generate a Talent Pool                                                             • Challenging high performers to maintain a competitive and
      Once you have secured the services of a coveted candidate.                           rewarding work environment
      How do you enable them to develop within their role and the                        • Assessing workforce attitudes to match business goals with
      organisation. Cheryl will share her ideas on:                                        employee expectations
      • Making the most of performance appraisals to assess employee                     • Influencing factors in employee decision making
        development and potential                                                        • Balancing financial benefits with wider employee benefits
      • Matching individual progression goals with organisation needs                    Patrick mcmaster, Director of Learning and Talent Management,
      • Coaching, learning and development aids to suit individual and                   EMEA, research in motion
        business needs
      Cheryl melrose, Performance Management Consultant,                           15:20 Networking Coffee Break
      Leadership and Talent, British airways                                       15:50 Maintaining Organisational Development Capabilities
10:30 Networking Coffee Break                                                            Through Robust Succession Planning
                                                                                         Preparing for the future requires a settled workforce with the
11:00 Knowing the Talent Supply Across the Organisation                                  potential for career advancement. Andrew will focus on how to
      Having a clear picture of your in-house talent enables you to direct               ensure your business is prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow:
      resources accordingly. Lucy will examine this process:                             • Integrated leadership development and succession
      • Assessing the current makeup of your workforce, key                                planning processes
        performance and future development factors                                       • Identifying key roles to be monitored for succession and identifying
      • Understanding your workforce data: your proposition versus the                     suitable candidates
        competition, turnover, numbers applying for roles, offer rejection               • Developing candidates for key positions: balancing current
        rates and key obstacles in filling roles                                           performance and future potential
      • Workforce segmentation and identifying current and long term                     andrew tanner, Head of Leadership and People Potential,
        critical job functions                                                           Hutchison 3g
      Lucy grainger, Head of Talent Services, Siemens
                                                                                          Assessing the Return on your Talent Investment
       Training and Development Case Studies
                                                                                   16:30 Panel Discussion: Measuring Practice: Evaluating
11:40 Developing and Implementing Robust Training and                                    Learning and Talent Development
      Coaching Models to Maximise Performance                                      	     •	 ow do you know your talent management programme is
      How do you translate talent strategies into learning and                             effective and what is a reliable indicator of success?
      development actions? Achieving this is crucial to building a skilled               • Performance analysis at the individual level and across talent pools
      workforce ready to achieve your business goals. Katrine will                       • Exploring how individuals achieve objectives and their potential for
      focus on:                                                                            moving forward in the business
      • Maximising internal human resource capital and leveraging
        capabilities to strengthen your talent pool                                17:10 Chairperson's Remarks and Close of Conference
      • Distinguishing between generic and specific training
      • Monitoring project progress to identify further improvements
      Katrine Smith, Senior Manager, Talent Management Team,
      Panasonic                                                                      Key Reasons to Attend
12:20 Improving Talent Development and Retention Through                             • Align talent acquisition, development and
      Coaching and Mentoring                                                           succession planning strategies with the overall aims
	     •	 istinguishing between generic and specific coaching needs and
        between job content and job process coaching                                   and goals of your business
      • Increasing employee engagement, trust and performance and                    • Assess how to make the most of social media to
        decreasing development costs                                                   engage top candidates and recruit from the widest
      • Real time monitoring of progress to achieve an in-built flexibility in
        your talent development strategies
                                                                                       talent pool for your industry and sector
      Perry timms, Head of Talent and Organisational Development,                    • Translate your talent strategy into practical learning
      Big Lottery Fund                                                                 and development goals to support ongoing
                                                                                       employee engagement and aid retention in a
                                                                                       competitive talent market
                                                                                     • maximise the value of your human capital to build
                                                                                       a talent pipeline and ensure you have the right
                                                                                       people in the right roles while retaining
                                                                                       employee flexibility

                    W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
Sponsors and Exhibitors

  Maximise Your Involvement: Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities
  Human Resources IQs European Talent Management Summit is attended by senior officials and
  decision-makers from industry, bringing together buyers and suppliers in one location.
  Focused and high-level, the event will be an excellent platform to initiate new business relationships.
  With tailored networking, sponsors can achieve the face-to-face contact that overcrowded trade shows
  cannot deliver.
  Exhibiting and Sponsorship options are extensive, and packages can be tailor-made to suit your individual
  company's needs. Most packages include complimentary entry passes, targeted marketing to industry
  officials and executives, and bespoke networking opportunities.
  Other features of sponsorship include:
  • Prominent exhibition space in the main conference networking area
  • Participation in comprehensive pre-event marketing campaigns
  • tailored marketing strategies to suit your organisation’s size, capabilities and individual requirement
  For more information and to discuss the right opportunity,
  contact Luke Dash on +44 (0)207 368 9300 or

 About Human Resources IQ                                     Who will attend?
                                                              Vice Presidents, Directors, Heads of Department
                                                              and Managers with responsibility for the following
                                                              functional areas:
                                                              • Human Resources
                                                              • Recruitment and Talent Acquisition
                                                              • Talent Management
 Human resources IQ: is a forum for sharing
                                                              • Learning and Development
 ideas, best practices and solutions within the
 business community. Simply put, you can interact,            • Compensation & Benefits
 share solutions to your business problems with               • Succession Planning
 an incredible network of authoritative sources and           • Executive Coaching
 practicing professionals. It's easy. It's fast. It's free.   • Employee Reward Programmes
 Human Resources IQ enables you to find from
 your peers a method, a solution, a proven best
 practice that solves your specific problems when
 you need it solved. We offer a steady stream of
 front-line content that is timely, relevant, practical
 and has been validated by practitioners.                     Networking at the Event
 By becoming a member of Human Resources                      – who will you meet?
 IQ you will receive complimentary access to                  Gain unparalleled networking opportunities, with
 resources that will keep you at the forefront of             a large number of senior decision makers through
 industry change. You will receive access to our              informal discussion sessions, extended breaks,
 growing library of multi-media presentations from            case study presentations and latest research into
 industry leaders, an email newsletter updating you           talent acquisition, development, retention and
 on new content that has been added, and special              succession planning best practice. Among your
 member only discounts on events.                             fellow attendees you will meet industry leads from
 Join today at                       a wide range of sectors representing blue chip
                                                              companies and large scale employers.

              W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
                                                                                                                                                                         Freephone: 0800 652 2363 or
                                                                                                                                      28th – 29th September 2011                    +44 (0)20 7368 9300
                                                                                                                                     Pre-Conference Workshops:
                                                                                                                                           27th September 2011           Fax:       +44 (0)20 7368 9301
                                                                                                                                DoubleTree by Hilton West End,
                                                                                                                                                   London, UK            Post:      your booking form to
                                                                                                                                                                                    IQPC Ltd.
                            To speed registration, please provide the priority code located on the mailing label or in the box below.
                                                                                                                                                                                    129 Wilton Road, Victoria,
                                                                                                                                                                                    London SW1V 1JZ
                            My registration code is                PDFW
                            Please contact our database manager on +44(0) 207 368 9300 or at quoting the registration
                            code above to inform us of any changes or to remove your details.                                                                            Email:
                                END USERS
                                                                                                                                Register and
                                                                            Register and pay           Register and pay
                                                                  ✔          before 1st July           before 5th August
                                                                                                                               pay before 2nd        Standard Price
                                                                               SAVE £300                   SAVE £250            SAVE £200
                                Conference + 2 Workshops                                                                                               £1597+VAT
                                                                               £1297+VAT                   £1347+VAT            £1397+VAT
                                                                               SAVE £250                   SAVE £200            SAVE £150
                                                                                                                                                                      Team Discounts
                                Conference + 1 Workshop**                                                                                              £1298+VAT
                                                                               £1048+VAT                   £1098+VAT            £1148+VAT                             IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Groups of 3 or
                                Conference Only
                                                                               SAVE £200                   SAVE £150             SAVE £100
                                                                                                                                                                      more booking at the same time from the same company receive a
                                                                               £799+VAT                    £849+VAT              £899+VAT                             10% discount. 5 or more receive a 15% discount. 7 receive a 20%
                                SOLUTION PROVIDERS                                                                                                                    discount. Only one discount available per person.
                                                                               SAVE £400                   SAVE £300            SAVE £200
                                Conference + 2 Workshops
                                                                               £2697+VAT                   £2797+VAT            £2897+VAT
                                                                                                                                                                      Venue & Accommodation
                                                                               SAVE £300                   SAVE £200            SAVE £100                             VENUE:
                                Conference + 1 Workshop**                                                                                              £2598+VAT
                                                                               £2298+VAT                   £2398+VAT            £2498+VAT
                                                                                                                                                                      DoubleTree by Hilton West End, 92 Southampton Row, London
                                Conference Only
                                                                               SAVE £200                   SAVE £100
                                                                                                                                £2099+VAT              £2099+VAT      WC1B 4BH, Tel: +44-207-2422828, Fax: +44-207-8319170
                                                                               £1899+VAT                   £1999+VAT
                                                                                                                                                                      ACCOMMODATION: Travel and accommodation are not included
                            *   To qualify for discounts, payments must be received by the early bird registration deadline.
                                                                                                                                                                      in the conference fee, however we have put together a HotelMap
                                Early booking discounts are not valid in conjunction with any other offer.                                                            that displays discounted accommodation for hotels in the area
                            ** Please choose choice of workshop A B                                                                                                   to the DoubleTree by Hilton West End. The map displays live
                            UK VAT is charged at 20%. VAT Registration #: GB 799 2259 67                                                                              availability and allows you to book directly with each hotel: www.
                                                                                                                                                             M55L4. Alternatively, if you would like to book
                                                                                                                                                                      your accommodation by phone, you can call Daniel Spinner, our
                                                                                                                                                                      dedicated London concierge, on 020 7292 2335 (if outside UK
                                                                                                                                                                      +44 20 7292 2335) quoting Special Reference Code M55L4.
                                                                                                                                                                      He will be happy to help you with your hotel booking and provide
                                                                                                                                                                      assistance organising your time in London.

                                Delegate Details                                                                                                                      Free Online Resources
                            Please photocopy for each additional delegate                                                                                             To claim a variety of articles, podcasts and other free resources
                            6 Mr 6 Mrs 6 Miss 6 Ms 6 Dr 6 Other                                                                                                       please visit
                            First Name                                                Family Name
                            Job Title                                                                                                                                 Digital Conference On CD-ROM
                            Tel No.                                                                                                                                   A digital version of the conference proceedings, including all
                            Email                                                                                                                                     presentations, is available to buy.
                            6 Yes I would like to receive information about products and services via email                                                                I cannot attend the event, please send me the CD Rom priced
                            Organisation                                                                                                                                   at £599 plus VAT
                            Nature of business                                                                                                                        Recent digital conferences available - £599 plus VAT each
                            Address                                                                                                                                        Nordic HR Summit - March 2011
                            Postcode Country                                                                                                                               Shared Services HR Transformation - Oct 2011
                            Telephone                                                                Fax                                                                   Please send me conference materials indicated above.
                            Approving Manager                                                                                                                              I have filled out credit card details below
                            Name of person completing form if different from delegate:                                                                                For further information
                                                                                                                                                                      Please call: 0207 368 9300 or email:
                            I agree to IQPC’s cancellation, substitution and payment terms
                            Special dietary requirements: 6 Vegetarian 6 Non-dairy 6 Other (please specify)                                                           Terms and Conditions
                            Please indicate if you have already registered by Phone 6 Fax 6 Email 6 Web 6                                                             Please read the information listed below as each booking is subject to IQPC Ltd standard terms and
                            Please note: if you have not received an acknowledgement before the conference, please call us to confirm your booking.                   conditions. PAYMENT TERMS Upon completion and return of the registration form full payment is required
                                                                                                                                                                      no later than 5 business days from the date of invoice. Payment of invoices by means other than by credit
                                                                                                                                                                      card, or purchase order (UK Plc and government bodies only) will be subject to a £49 (plus VAT) per delegate
                                                                                                                                                                      processing fee. Payment must be received prior to the conference date. We reserve the right to refuse
                                Payment Method                                                                                                                        admission to the conference if payment has not been received. IQPC CANCELLATION, POSTPONEMENT
                                                                                                                                                                      AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY: You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable advance
                                                                                                                                                                      notice to IQPC. For any cancellations received in writing not less than eight (8) days prior to the conference,
                            Total price for your Organisation: (Add total of all individuals attending):                                                              you will receive a 90% credit to be used at another IQPC conference which must occur within one year from
                                                                                                                                                                      the date of issuance of such credit. An administration fee of 10% of the contract fee will be retained by
                            Card Number: VISA              6       MASTERCARD 6                   AMERICAN EXPRESS 6                                                  IQPC for all permitted cancellations. No credit will be issued for any cancellations occurring within seven (7)
                                                                                                                                                                      days (inclusive) of the conference. In the event that IQPC cancels an event for any reason, you will receive
                            6666666666666666                                                                                                                          a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another IQPC event to be mutually
                                                                                                                                                                      agreed with IQPC, which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation. In the event that IQPC
                            Exp. Date: 6 6 6 6 Sec: 6 6 6 6                                                                                                           postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend in on the rescheduled
Conference code 20201.001

                                                                                                                                                                      date, you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another IQPC
                                                                                                                                                                      event to be mutually agreed with IQPC, which must occur within one year from the date of postponement.
                            Name On Card:                                                                      Signature:                                             Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations. There are no refunds given under any
                                                                                                                                                                      circumstances. IQPC is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or
                                                                                                                                                                      cancellation/postponement of an event. IQPC shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event this confer-
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European Talent Management Summit Conference

  • 1. “High quality speakers, presenting new topics and Register and pay by 1st July to save up to £300 giving a good overview of new approaches” Tractabel Announces the 4th annual European Talent Management Summit 2011 Conference: 28th – 29th September 2011, Pre-Conference Workshops: 27th September 2011, DoubleTree by Hilton West End, London, UK Drive change in your talent management programme to deliver top talent to the right parts of the business to improve overall performance Recruit, retain and develop top talent in line with your business goals World First! at a time when the war on talent is at it’s height, with the very latest insights including: Interactive Workshop • Taking a strategic approach to people management and talent development to Expert led workshop on how to empower HR professionals to identify the top talent and improve workforce planning, discuss with Amanda Cusdin, Director HR, Corporate Finance, make the most of social media Legal and Strategy, Invensys to acquire the right candidates • Enhancing the flexibility of your talent management strategy across the organisation and make the best use of your to ensure the right people are in the right roles with Cheryl Melrose, recruitment resources from Performance, Leadership and Talent Management, British Airways Matt Alder, award winning digital • Employing tried and tested solutions to improve employee engagement and develop long term retention strategies, led by Caroline Curtis, strategist, futurist and Head of Talent Development and Perfomance, Santander founder of Metashift • Developing and implementing robust learning and development and executive Plus! coaching strategies to maximise performance with Katrine Smith, Senior Gain 15 CPD Manager, Talent Management Team, Panasonic Points! International senior level speaker panel includes: erica Briody, Talent amanda Cusdin, Director andy Hill, Vice President Acquisition Director for HR, Corporate Finance, of Resourcing, Invensys Europe, ge energy Legal and Strategy, Invensys Bill Wilson, Executive Development thomas atterstam, Group Head graham White, Director, Cranfield School of Talent and Senior Management Director of HR, City of of management Development, Prudential Westminster Council andrew tanner, Head of Katrine Smith, Senior Manager, Steve Page, Talent Leadership and People Talent Management Team, Director, Kantar group Potential, Hutchison 3g Panasonic Caroline Curtis, Head of gary Franklin, ryan Campbell, Talent Acquisition Talent Development and Head of Recruitment, Director EMEA & APAC, Hitachi Performance, Santander aviva Data Systems nick Kemsley, Co-Director Centre for Lucy grainger, Head of Talent Perry timms, Head of Talent and HR Excellence, Services, Siemens Organisational Development, Big Henley Business School Lottery Fund Patrick mcmaster, Director of Cheryl melrose, Performance Exclusive cross sector speaker panel Learning and Talent Management – Management Consultant, Leadership comprising Hr and talent management EMEA, research in motion and Talent, British airways leaders as well as insights from two top business schools TEL: +44 (0)20 7368 9300 FAX: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 EMAIL: W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
  • 2. Pre-Conference Workshop Tuesday 27 September 2011 Workshop A: 10am – 1pm Putting Theory into Practice: Effectively Implementing Talent Management Strategies to Maximise Success Ensuring the success of any talent development management strategy requires buy-in from stakeholders across an organisa- tion and a clear set of objectives in terms or identifying, acquiring and nurturing talent. This interactive workshop will focus on macro level challenges which determine the chances of achieving these objectives. The topics that will be explored include: • Talent spotting and determining the type of candidates you need at different levels within the organisation • Developing a cohesive talent strategy from acquisition, development, succession planning and senior level leadership development • Internal relationship management between HR and non-HR professionals to support development throughout the organisation • Develop the abilities of leaders and talent to lead and putting robust succession processes in place For more information on how to facilitate or sponsor this workshop please contact Luke Dash at Workshop B: 2pm – 5pm Harnessing Digital and Mobile Tools to Enhance your Talent Acquisition Model In a competitive environment for top talent, utilising social and digital media enables companies to identify and recruit the right people by making the most of tools such as Linkedin, Twitter and online blogs but it is not without challenges. Getting your message across in a crowded online environment is the key to not missing out on qualified talent. As a business tool social networks can help you build your brand and connect with a wider universe of key individuals and potential candidates. Delegates participating in this master class can expect to examine the following challenges: • Uncovering qualified candidates through social networks to get the right fit for your organisation • Delivering your recruitment message more quickly and efficiently using mobile web-enabled platforms • Real time, instant communication with recruiters and targeted candidates • How to tap into online networks to target professionals with the right profile and skill sets • How to utilise mobile tools as part of your recruitment process and talent search • Maximising the return on your time and resources when utilising social media recruitment Led by: matt alder, Founder, metashift Why Now? It is no secret that in order to for any organisation to succeed, irrespective of sector, industry or business area, having the right people in place is crucial. However achieving this simple goal involves overcoming numerous challenges in order to identify, secure and nurture top talent in the face of great competition for the very best. Following the economic crisis and the impact on workforces around the world a recent survey* noted that out of 1200 CEO’s questioned globally, 83% plan to change their Talent Management Strategy over the next 12 months. The challenge is on for HR professionals to make the most of human capital resources and tap into internal and external talent pools to help organisations develop and grow. Human Resources IQs European Talent Management Summit provides an opportunity to generate new ideas and share proven strategies for HR, Recruitment, Learning and Development and Talent Management professionals to improve the way we identify, attract, manage, develop and retain the people who can shape and drive forward organisations and help meet the current and future workforce needs of our businesses. * 14th PwC Global CEO survey, 2011 “A very well run, first class operation. Topics and speakers were engaging & provided very practical information” Senior Training Director, Deposity Trust & Clearing Corporation W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
  • 3. Conference Day One Wednesday 28 September 2011 08:30 Registration • Building a clear picture of sector demand for skills now and in the future 09:00 Human Resources IQ Welcome and Chairperson’s • Understanding the supply of available talent Opening Address amanda Cusdin, Director HR, Corporate Finance, Legal and Chairperson: Bill Wilson, Executive Development Director, Strategy, Invensys Cranfield School of management andy Hill, Vice President of Resourcing, Invensys Labour Market Outlook and the Search for Talent Aligning Talent Management with Organisational Objectives 09:10 Assessing Talent Acquisition in an Evolving and Increasingly Competitive Environment 14:40 Communicating Organisational Vision, Strategy Finding and selecting talented individuals who possess the and Objectives competencies to succeed in an organisation requires an Translating talent development and succession planning processes understanding of the needs of the business. Erica will focus on: into successful outcomes requires a clear strategic context. Nick will • Employee mobility and demographic workforce challenges outline practical ideas on ensuring that talent strategies are allied • Implications for talent sourcing in the current market and with the needs of the business: capitalising on opportunities • Understanding organisational goals, culture and the impact on • Developing talent acquisition strategies to meet long term expectations talent development strategies erica Briody, Talent Acquisition Director for Europe, ge energy • Open and transparent communication to improve engagement • Matching individual talent progression targets with strategic goals Effectively Recruiting a Talent Rich Workforce • Establishing information flows and key operational messages 09:50 Sourcing Strategies and Building and Maintaining nick Kemsley, Co-Director Centre for HR Excellence a Talent Pipeline: Is it Possible? Henley Business School Getting the balance right between recruiting for today and preparing 15:20 Networking Coffee Break for tomorrow. Gary will share his experience of managing this challenge: Break Out Roundtable Discussions • Securing the right talent at the right time: having a talent plan that Attendees will be able to share their own experiences, hear those is in sync with business needs of others, exchange ideas and get answers to specific questions. • Managing the resourcing processes to minimise costs and Participants should come armed and ready to share their own maximise reach experiences. Participants will be able to take part in one discussion • Collaboration between HR and internal partners group from each round. Each discussion will last for 30 minutes gary Franklin, Head of Recruitment, aviva 15:50 Roundtable Discussions Round One 10:30 Networking Coffee Break Roundtable A Implementing Performance Management and 11:00 Flexible Recruitment Approaches to Keep Ahead in Feedback Processes to Improve Employee the Race for Talent Development and Operational Efficiency As organisational needs change, so must the processes in place This discussion will explore practical steps to improve employee for recruiting the right people. Graham will share his expertise on: development through enhancing communication • The competitive landscape: understanding how your organisation Bill Wilson, Executive Development Director, Cranfield School compares to others of management • Ensuring recruitment teams are involved in the decision Roundtable B making processes Creating an Environment of Opportunity: Balancing • Reacting to new opportunities Employee Autonomy with Organisational Goals to • Recruitment processes that can cope with future pressures Develop Desirable Workplaces • Efficient talent assessment for more consistent outcomes This focuses on how to improve retention rates through enabling graham White, Director of HR, City of Westminster Council employees to achieve career development goals within the scope Leveraging Digital Technology in Your of an organisations needs Talent Search Patrick mcmaster, Director of Learning and Talent Management – EMEA, research in motion 11:40 Utilising Social Media Technologies to Expand Roundtable C Recruitment Pools and Deliver Top Talent to Retaining Core Values During Organisational Your Door Transformation and Change The effective use of electronic media is imperative if you want to As businesses evolve, an employer’s identity and brand can shift deliver your recruitment message quickly and efficiently to the right significantly. This discussion focuses on how to maintain a target market. Steve will share his experience: consistent set of values and principles in order to retain and • Tapping communications networks attract talented people • Uncovering potential candidates and targeting the right talent Katrine Smith, Senior Manager, Talent Management Team, • Networking on different platforms and getting the strength of your brand Panasonic • Measuring the benefits of investing in recruitment using social media Steve Page, Talent Director, Kantar group 16:20 Roundtable Discussions Round Two Roundtable D Right People, Right Place, Right Role The Challenge of Recruitment and Retention in a 12:20 Appropriate Talent Deployment to Maximise Global Market for Talent Performance and Engagement This is an opportunity to share ideas on ways organisations looking What happens when you have found the right person for your for talent across geographical boundaries and operational units organisation? If they aren’t applied within the right role you run the can attract the right people for the right roles in a fragmented and risk of having a disaffected employee. Caroline will look at: competitive environment • Identifying the talent and understanding aspirations erica Briody, Talent Acquisition Director for Europe, ge energy • Balancing employee goals and aspirations with business needs Roundtable E • Capitalising on existing strengths and building employee capabilities Creating Value Through Diversity and Inclusion in • Designing processes that match candidates’ skills with roles the Talent Stream: Building a Stronger Workforce Caroline Curtis, Head of Talent Development and Performance, This discussion is an opportunity to share ideas on how to attract, Santander develop and retain a workforce of all the talents in an inclusive and meritocratic way which reflects social diversity 13:00 Networking Lunch Break gary Franklin, Head of Recruitment, aviva Implementing a New Talent Strategy Roundtable F 14:00 Maintaining Workforce Motivation and Organisational Identifying Leadership Behaviour: Creating Efficiency a Pipeline for Now and the Future There is a demonstrable relationship between better talent Focusing on the implementation of leadership development management and employee motivation which leads to better programmes, this discussion will provide an overview of how to business performance. This session explores: manage the challenge of developing internal leadership potential • Talent management as a means to facilitate robust forward planning andrew tanner, Head of Leadership and People Potential, • Seeking to maximise potential across the board or targeting Hutchison 3g star performers? 16:50 Chairperson's Remarks and Close of Day One • Translating strategies into action W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
  • 4. Conference Day Two Thursday 29 September 2011 08:30 Registration 13:00 Networking Lunch Break 09:00 Human Resources IQ Welcome and Chairperson’s Building a Talent and Leadership Pipeline Opening Address Chairperson: Caroline Curtis, Head of Talent Development and 14:00 Developing Leaders and Promoting a Sustainable Performance, Santander Talent Culture As more and more senior executives near retirement, where will Talent Spotting to Meet Current and Future the next generation of business leaders be found? Thomas’s Business Needs session will outline how an investment into developing leaders can pay huge dividends: 09:10 Effectively Identifying Potential and High Performers • Building leadership capability and creating a self-sustaining Differentiating between high performing and high potential talent culture candidates and selecting the right applicants is an art rather than • Promoting internal talent networks to identify and nurture potential a science and Ryan will share his insights into making the right decision: leaders • Recognising individuals with the potential and key competencies • Experimental approaches to leadership development to help develop your organisation thomas atterstam, Group Head of Talent and Senior • Defining and quantifying talent within your organisation Management Development, Prudential • Ascertaining personal and professional attributes as a signifier of potential Employee Retention and Succession Planning • Tools and strategies to unearth high calibre individuals – using a talent matrix, monitoring, data gathering and talent scouts 14:40 Talent Retention: Understanding Employee ryan Campbell, Talent Acquisition Director EMEA and APAC, Motivations and Aspirations Hitachi Data Systems A fully realised talent strategy should embrace a holistic approach through engaging employees and providing development 09:50 Utilising Performance Management Techniques to opportunities. Patrick will focus on: Generate a Talent Pool • Challenging high performers to maintain a competitive and Once you have secured the services of a coveted candidate. rewarding work environment How do you enable them to develop within their role and the • Assessing workforce attitudes to match business goals with organisation. Cheryl will share her ideas on: employee expectations • Making the most of performance appraisals to assess employee • Influencing factors in employee decision making development and potential • Balancing financial benefits with wider employee benefits • Matching individual progression goals with organisation needs Patrick mcmaster, Director of Learning and Talent Management, • Coaching, learning and development aids to suit individual and EMEA, research in motion business needs Cheryl melrose, Performance Management Consultant, 15:20 Networking Coffee Break Leadership and Talent, British airways 15:50 Maintaining Organisational Development Capabilities 10:30 Networking Coffee Break Through Robust Succession Planning Preparing for the future requires a settled workforce with the 11:00 Knowing the Talent Supply Across the Organisation potential for career advancement. Andrew will focus on how to Having a clear picture of your in-house talent enables you to direct ensure your business is prepared to meet the challenges of tomorrow: resources accordingly. Lucy will examine this process: • Integrated leadership development and succession • Assessing the current makeup of your workforce, key planning processes performance and future development factors • Identifying key roles to be monitored for succession and identifying • Understanding your workforce data: your proposition versus the suitable candidates competition, turnover, numbers applying for roles, offer rejection • Developing candidates for key positions: balancing current rates and key obstacles in filling roles performance and future potential • Workforce segmentation and identifying current and long term andrew tanner, Head of Leadership and People Potential, critical job functions Hutchison 3g Lucy grainger, Head of Talent Services, Siemens Assessing the Return on your Talent Investment Training and Development Case Studies 16:30 Panel Discussion: Measuring Practice: Evaluating 11:40 Developing and Implementing Robust Training and Learning and Talent Development Coaching Models to Maximise Performance • ow do you know your talent management programme is H How do you translate talent strategies into learning and effective and what is a reliable indicator of success? development actions? Achieving this is crucial to building a skilled • Performance analysis at the individual level and across talent pools workforce ready to achieve your business goals. Katrine will • Exploring how individuals achieve objectives and their potential for focus on: moving forward in the business • Maximising internal human resource capital and leveraging capabilities to strengthen your talent pool 17:10 Chairperson's Remarks and Close of Conference • Distinguishing between generic and specific training • Monitoring project progress to identify further improvements Katrine Smith, Senior Manager, Talent Management Team, Panasonic Key Reasons to Attend 12:20 Improving Talent Development and Retention Through • Align talent acquisition, development and Coaching and Mentoring succession planning strategies with the overall aims • istinguishing between generic and specific coaching needs and D between job content and job process coaching and goals of your business • Increasing employee engagement, trust and performance and • Assess how to make the most of social media to decreasing development costs engage top candidates and recruit from the widest • Real time monitoring of progress to achieve an in-built flexibility in your talent development strategies talent pool for your industry and sector Perry timms, Head of Talent and Organisational Development, • Translate your talent strategy into practical learning Big Lottery Fund and development goals to support ongoing employee engagement and aid retention in a competitive talent market • maximise the value of your human capital to build a talent pipeline and ensure you have the right people in the right roles while retaining employee flexibility W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
  • 5. Sponsors and Exhibitors Maximise Your Involvement: Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities Human Resources IQs European Talent Management Summit is attended by senior officials and decision-makers from industry, bringing together buyers and suppliers in one location. Focused and high-level, the event will be an excellent platform to initiate new business relationships. With tailored networking, sponsors can achieve the face-to-face contact that overcrowded trade shows cannot deliver. Exhibiting and Sponsorship options are extensive, and packages can be tailor-made to suit your individual company's needs. Most packages include complimentary entry passes, targeted marketing to industry officials and executives, and bespoke networking opportunities. Other features of sponsorship include: • Prominent exhibition space in the main conference networking area • Participation in comprehensive pre-event marketing campaigns • tailored marketing strategies to suit your organisation’s size, capabilities and individual requirement For more information and to discuss the right opportunity, contact Luke Dash on +44 (0)207 368 9300 or About Human Resources IQ Who will attend? Vice Presidents, Directors, Heads of Department and Managers with responsibility for the following functional areas: • Human Resources • Recruitment and Talent Acquisition • Talent Management Human resources IQ: is a forum for sharing • Learning and Development ideas, best practices and solutions within the business community. Simply put, you can interact, • Compensation & Benefits share solutions to your business problems with • Succession Planning an incredible network of authoritative sources and • Executive Coaching practicing professionals. It's easy. It's fast. It's free. • Employee Reward Programmes Human Resources IQ enables you to find from your peers a method, a solution, a proven best practice that solves your specific problems when you need it solved. We offer a steady stream of front-line content that is timely, relevant, practical and has been validated by practitioners. Networking at the Event By becoming a member of Human Resources – who will you meet? IQ you will receive complimentary access to Gain unparalleled networking opportunities, with resources that will keep you at the forefront of a large number of senior decision makers through industry change. You will receive access to our informal discussion sessions, extended breaks, growing library of multi-media presentations from case study presentations and latest research into industry leaders, an email newsletter updating you talent acquisition, development, retention and on new content that has been added, and special succession planning best practice. Among your member only discounts on events. fellow attendees you will meet industry leads from Join today at a wide range of sectors representing blue chip companies and large scale employers. W W W .ta L e n t m a n a g e m e n t e U r o P e . C o m
  • 6. 5 WAYS TO REGISTER Conference: Freephone: 0800 652 2363 or 28th – 29th September 2011 +44 (0)20 7368 9300 Pre-Conference Workshops: 27th September 2011 Fax: +44 (0)20 7368 9301 DoubleTree by Hilton West End, London, UK Post: your booking form to IQPC Ltd. To speed registration, please provide the priority code located on the mailing label or in the box below. 129 Wilton Road, Victoria, London SW1V 1JZ My registration code is PDFW Please contact our database manager on +44(0) 207 368 9300 or at quoting the registration code above to inform us of any changes or to remove your details. Email: END USERS Register and Register and pay Register and pay ✔ before 1st July before 5th August pay before 2nd Standard Price September SAVE £300 SAVE £250 SAVE £200 Conference + 2 Workshops £1597+VAT £1297+VAT £1347+VAT £1397+VAT SAVE £250 SAVE £200 SAVE £150 Team Discounts Conference + 1 Workshop** £1298+VAT £1048+VAT £1098+VAT £1148+VAT IQPC recognises the value of learning in teams. Groups of 3 or Conference Only SAVE £200 SAVE £150 SAVE £100 £999+VAT more booking at the same time from the same company receive a £799+VAT £849+VAT £899+VAT 10% discount. 5 or more receive a 15% discount. 7 receive a 20% SOLUTION PROVIDERS discount. Only one discount available per person. SAVE £400 SAVE £300 SAVE £200 Conference + 2 Workshops £2697+VAT £2797+VAT £2897+VAT £3097+VAT Venue & Accommodation SAVE £300 SAVE £200 SAVE £100 VENUE: Conference + 1 Workshop** £2598+VAT £2298+VAT £2398+VAT £2498+VAT DoubleTree by Hilton West End, 92 Southampton Row, London Conference Only SAVE £200 SAVE £100 £2099+VAT £2099+VAT WC1B 4BH, Tel: +44-207-2422828, Fax: +44-207-8319170 £1899+VAT £1999+VAT ACCOMMODATION: Travel and accommodation are not included * To qualify for discounts, payments must be received by the early bird registration deadline. in the conference fee, however we have put together a HotelMap Early booking discounts are not valid in conjunction with any other offer. that displays discounted accommodation for hotels in the area ** Please choose choice of workshop A B to the DoubleTree by Hilton West End. The map displays live UK VAT is charged at 20%. VAT Registration #: GB 799 2259 67 availability and allows you to book directly with each hotel: www. M55L4. Alternatively, if you would like to book your accommodation by phone, you can call Daniel Spinner, our dedicated London concierge, on 020 7292 2335 (if outside UK +44 20 7292 2335) quoting Special Reference Code M55L4. He will be happy to help you with your hotel booking and provide assistance organising your time in London. Delegate Details Free Online Resources Please photocopy for each additional delegate To claim a variety of articles, podcasts and other free resources 6 Mr 6 Mrs 6 Miss 6 Ms 6 Dr 6 Other please visit First Name Family Name Job Title Digital Conference On CD-ROM Tel No. A digital version of the conference proceedings, including all Email presentations, is available to buy. 6 Yes I would like to receive information about products and services via email I cannot attend the event, please send me the CD Rom priced Organisation at £599 plus VAT Nature of business Recent digital conferences available - £599 plus VAT each Address Nordic HR Summit - March 2011 Postcode Country Shared Services HR Transformation - Oct 2011 Telephone Fax Please send me conference materials indicated above. Approving Manager I have filled out credit card details below Name of person completing form if different from delegate: For further information Please call: 0207 368 9300 or email: Signature I agree to IQPC’s cancellation, substitution and payment terms Special dietary requirements: 6 Vegetarian 6 Non-dairy 6 Other (please specify) Terms and Conditions Please indicate if you have already registered by Phone 6 Fax 6 Email 6 Web 6 Please read the information listed below as each booking is subject to IQPC Ltd standard terms and Please note: if you have not received an acknowledgement before the conference, please call us to confirm your booking. conditions. PAYMENT TERMS Upon completion and return of the registration form full payment is required no later than 5 business days from the date of invoice. Payment of invoices by means other than by credit card, or purchase order (UK Plc and government bodies only) will be subject to a £49 (plus VAT) per delegate processing fee. Payment must be received prior to the conference date. We reserve the right to refuse Payment Method admission to the conference if payment has not been received. IQPC CANCELLATION, POSTPONEMENT AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY: You may substitute delegates at any time by providing reasonable advance notice to IQPC. For any cancellations received in writing not less than eight (8) days prior to the conference, Total price for your Organisation: (Add total of all individuals attending): you will receive a 90% credit to be used at another IQPC conference which must occur within one year from the date of issuance of such credit. An administration fee of 10% of the contract fee will be retained by Card Number: VISA 6 MASTERCARD 6 AMERICAN EXPRESS 6 IQPC for all permitted cancellations. No credit will be issued for any cancellations occurring within seven (7) days (inclusive) of the conference. In the event that IQPC cancels an event for any reason, you will receive 6666666666666666 a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another IQPC event to be mutually agreed with IQPC, which must occur within one year from the date of cancellation. In the event that IQPC Exp. Date: 6 6 6 6 Sec: 6 6 6 6 postpones an event for any reason and the delegate is unable or unwilling to attend in on the rescheduled Conference code 20201.001 date, you will receive a credit for 100% of the contract fee paid. You may use this credit for another IQPC event to be mutually agreed with IQPC, which must occur within one year from the date of postponement. Name On Card: Signature: Except as specified above, no credits will be issued for cancellations. There are no refunds given under any circumstances. IQPC is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of a substitution, alteration or cancellation/postponement of an event. IQPC shall assume no liability whatsoever in the event this confer- Billing Address (if different from below): ence is cancelled, rescheduled or postponed due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unforeseen occurrence or any other event that renders performance of this conference impracticable, illegal or impossible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, labour strike, extreme City/County/Postcode Cheque enclosed for: £ (Made payable to IQPC Ltd.) weather or other emergency. Please note that while speakers and topics were confirmed at the time of publishing, circumstances beyond the control of the organizers may necessitate substitutions, alterations or By Direct Transfer: (Please quote 20201.001 with remittance advice) IQPC Bank details: HSBC Bank Plc, cancellations of the speakers and/or topics. As such, IQPC reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability to you whatsoever. Any substitutions or alterations 67 George Street, Richmond, Surrey, TW9 1HG Account No: 51304143 Sort Code: 40 38 18 will be updated on our web page as soon as possible. DISCOUNTS: All ‘Early Bird’ Discounts require pay- IBAN Code: GB59 MIDL 4038 1851 3041 43 Swift Code: MIDLGB2112V ment at time of registration and before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount. Any other discounts offered by IQPC (including team discounts) require payment at time of registration. Discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer. 6 Please do not pass my information to any third party PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED PRIOR TO THE CONFERENCE