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System Analysis & DesignIntroduction
You will conduct a systems analysis project by performing 3
phases of SDLC (planning, analysis and design) for a small
(real or imaginary) organization. The actual project
implementation is not required (i.e. No coding required.) You
need to apply what you have learned in the class and to
participate in the team project work.
This project should follow the main steps of the first three
phases of the SDLC (phase 1, 2 and 3). Details description and
diagrams should be included in each phase.
Part 1: Planning Phase
Under this section, include the following
1. Adopt an SDLC development methodology (0.5 mark)
1. Develop a work plan (Gantt chart) (0.5 mark)
Insert your diagrams inside this text box to manage the report
Part 2: Analysis phase
In this section, you are required to determine the main business
requirements; consequently, the following must be included:
1. Create Use Cases (0.5 mark)
1. Model Processes (Data Flow Diagramming) (0.5 mark)
1. Model data (ER modeling) (0.5 mark)
Insert your diagrams inside this text box to manage the report
Part 3: Design phase
Under this section, include the following:
1. Select an architecture design (0.5 mark)
1. Screens Design (create the User Interface Structure Design),
and sample system screens. No need to be in HTML, they can be
just drawing of how the screen will appear. (0.5 mark)
1. Class Design Diagram (0.5 mark)
Insert your diagrams inside this text box to manage the report
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Providing Feedback
When providing feedback in an online course, where others
cannot see your body
language, it is important that your feedback is critical and
The following six recommendations are intended to guide your
feedback to others. Prior
to providing your colleagues with feedback, please review the
1. Start your feedback with an affirmative or positive comment
and include
something you genuinely appreciated about your colleague’s
Example: “Toni, it seems you spent a great deal of time on this
Assignment. I
really appreciate your attention to detail!”
2. Ask clarifying questions rather than jumping to conclusions.
Example: “I notice that you wrote ‘I think Lincoln was the
worst American
President ever,’ and I was wondering if you could clarify your
3. Use your “I” statements and focus your feedback on your
thoughts rather
than interspersing your feedback with words such as “you” and
which might seem like a personal attack.
Example: “In reading your Assignment, I find that I do not
agree with this stance
on abortion. Let me explain my thoughts.”
4. If you fear that your response might be misunderstood, revise
it before
submitting it.
5. Conclude your feedback on a positive note so the last
comment your
colleague reads from you is supportive.
Example: “Though it seems we are in disagreement on a few
points, I think your
Assignment was done exceptionally well with a great deal of
6. Before submitting your feedback, read what you wrote out
loud and make
sure it is both critical and supportive.
Case Study Overview
What Is a Case Study?
Are you more interested in abstract concepts that have little
application to your own life
or real-life scenarios that could happen to you or to someone
you know? The answer is
almost surely the latter, and that is why this course is built
around case studies. Case
studies are relevant situations that might never happen to you
but that you could easily
imagine happening to you. You work through a case study of
some kind every day in
your work or family life, even if you don’t realize it. A case
study is a group of related
factors that come together to form a problem or a circumstance
that you are called on to
resolve. Often there are several choices to be considered and
different possible
outcomes based on each of the choices.
You might have a case study situation at your job based on the
fact that you have two
major projects due at the same time—both of equal importance
to your company—and
there is simply not enough time for you to handle both of the
projects with the high
degree of attention they need. You could work on both projects
and hope for the best.
You could ask your boss to reassign one of the projects to
another team member. You
could ask a colleague to help you. Each of these choices is
likely to yield a different
result. You are called on to:
Often you don’t know for sure whether you are making the best
choice. Sometimes we
don’t know that until later—when we see the results down the
road. Case studies can
happen at work, in families, in school or community settings, or
even if are volunteering
to help a friend. As you can see, you are probably a pro, by
now, at working with case
studies, even if you never thought of your daily life in those
Case Studies as the Basis for This Course
We are now going to present you with five case studies that
could easily occur in the
daily lives of many people. During Weeks 1 and 2, you will
work briefly with each case
study to become acquainted with the full range of options.
Then, at the end of Week 2,
you will choose your case study and devote your full energy for
the rest of the course to
thinking and writing in response to it.
We deliberately created case studies that reflect a wide range of
interests and could
relate to a number of academic majors and career paths. We also
kept them fairly short
and simple but we challenge you to develop and enhance them
in any way you choose
based on the readings for this course, other research you will
do, Discussions with your
Instructor and colleagues, and your own life experience. Keep
in mind that, by definition,
case studies approximate real-life situations. It is entirely
possible that, in designing
realistic case studies, we might bring up topics that are
personally difficult for you
because of similar situations in your own life. When you choose
the case study that will
be your major project for the course, be sure to choose
something which interests you
but is not going to be too personal for you to read and write
about and to discuss with
your colleagues.
Case Study 1: Ethics
Your spouse died unexpectedly in a motor vehicle accident. You
know it was his or her
wish to be an organ donor. Your spouse had officially registered
as an organ donor and
discussed it with you many times. You don’t have strong
feelings one way or the other
about organ donation. The parents of your spouse are strongly
opposed to it, though,
and ask you not to go through with it. Hospital staff tell you
that you don’t have much
time to make up your mind, and obviously it is a very difficult
time in your life to make
major decisions. Do you follow your spouse’s wishes? Do you
follow the feelings of his
or her parents, thinking that your spouse would not want to
cause them any additional
suffering? Do you weigh the potential value to the people who
would receive the organs
and to their families against what might be temporary feelings
of the parents? What do
you do?
Case Study 2: Social Media and Privacy
When should we get involved, and when is it not our business or
our problem? You are
“friends” on Facebook with a coworker. He routinely posts
information, on his personal
Facebook page, related to your workplace. Sometimes, he makes
negative statements
about your boss and about the company. You are concerned that
his statements might
create problems for your company by depicting it publicly in a
negative way. You
suspect he is making some of these posts during work hours and
perhaps using
company equipment, although you do not use Facebook on your
company computer or
during work hours. Do you “unfriend” your coworker and tell
him why you did it, or do
you just “unfriend” him without explanation? Is it your
responsibility to call the situation
to the attention of your boss and risk getting your coworker into
trouble? Is there any
way that this could make you look bad or cause you problems at
work? Do you just
ignore the situation and hope it goes away? What do you do?
Case Study 3: American Education
The public schools in the area where you live have been low-
performing for a long time.
A new superintendent came in 2 years ago and promised to
make some big changes.
The local newspaper just published a series of articles about
how much the
standardized test scores have improved in your district. Your
district has moved from a
state rating of “D” to a state rating of “B” in only 2 years. You
know that the state rating
will increase property values in your neighborhood, and the
rating might help your child
get into college—if the reputation of her school improves. Your
daughter and her friends
have been telling you and other parents, however, that they
were given the correct
answers for the standardized tests by some of their teachers and
they saw some of the
school staff checking answers on the test papers before they
were submitted to the
state. You are very concerned that widespread cheating has
occurred at your child’s
school. You aren’t sure whether to ignore the situation
altogether; to trust your child and
take action; to assume your child is wrong and take no action;
to call it to the attention of
the new superintendent (who might or might not be involved);
or to call it to the attention
of the newspaper or State Department of Education. What do
you do?
Case Study 4: Mental Health
You think that one of your son’s best friends might be suffering
from clinical depression.
The youth is 15 years old and used to spend a lot of time in your
home and with your
family. Lately, though, he has become more withdrawn, and you
seldom see him. He
told your son that he has considered suicide. Your son didn’t
know how to handle the
situation, came to you for advice, but he asked you not to tell
anyone—especially the
parents of his friend. You know the friend’s parents pretty well
through school functions,
although you are not close friends. Do you respect your son’s
wishes and do nothing?
Do you decide to speak to his friend yourself to better assess
the situation? Do you
determine that maintaining your son’s confidence is not as
important as intervening on
behalf of his friend, and so you tell his parents what is going
on? What do you do?
Case Study 5: Multiple Consciousness
For one day, choose to walk (figuratively) in the shoes of
another person. Of course,
such a transformation cannot happen completely, because you
can’t just decide to
change your gender or your race and expect that to happen. You
can, though, spend
the day actively considering how it would feel to be a person of
a different gender, race,
sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, or other
such characteristic. In every
choice you make (e.g., the way you relate to other people, the
way you assess how
other people relate to you, how you react to each situation that
occurs), remember that
you are not “you” today. You are going through your day as if
you are an entirely
different person—someone whose reality, daily struggles, joys,
and limitations might be
quite different than yours. At the end of the day, how did you
find that your own life is
different and similar to that of the other person? How might
your own behaviors and
thought patterns change based on this experiment? What did you
Translating Case Studies Into Academic Writing
Throughout the course, you will interact with your colleagues in
Discussions about the
case studies—sharing your views, considering opposing points
of views, and locating
and citing sources that reinforce or challenge the arguments put
forth in the
Discussions. In Weeks 1 and 2, you will also use the case
studies as the basis for your
main writing Assignment. In Week 3, you transition to more
academic writing that is
based loosely on the topic of the case study you choose as your
primary focus. In other
words, you use the case study as the foundation, the inspiration,
the jumping-off place
for a more academic treatment of a related subject. In academic
writing, you transition
from first person to third person and are expected to reinforce
your point of view with
outside source materials. “In my opinion” becomes insufficient
and is replaced by
“According to a 2012 national poll on this subject…” You start
working directly on your
Final Project in Week 3, and the Final Project is a persuasive
essay that follows the
rules of academic writing.
For each of the case studies, here is an example of how you
might transition from
personal to academic writing for your Final Project:
If you choose “Case Study 1: Ethics,” you might write about
one of these topics:
1. Religious objections to organ donation and organ transplants
2. Spousal versus parental legal claims in estates
If you choose “Case Study 2: Social Media and Privacy,” you
might write about one of
these topics:
1. Corporate human resources policies versus employee privacy
2. Conflicts between the public (national) and private interests
of individuals related
to social media
If you choose “Case Study 3: American Education,” you might
write about one of these
1. National versus state and local control of public education
2. Cultural bias in standardized educational testing
If you choose “Case Study 4: Mental Health,” you might write
about one of these topics:
1. Individual legal and ethical responsibility to help access
mental health services
for those in need
2. How mental illness affects productivity in the workplace
If you choose “Case Study 5: Multiple Consciousness,” you
might write about one of
these topics:
1. Perpetuating the gender-based glass ceiling in the workplace
2. Gay marriage
There are literally hundreds of topics directly or indirectly
related to each case study,
and those suggested here are provided only as examples. While
you might choose one
of them, you are encouraged to select an original topic of
special interest to you and to
discuss it with your Instructor before you pursue it for your
Final Project.
Case Study 4 on Mental Health
Rough Draft
Gabriella Wyman
Walden University
Case Study 4 on Mental Health
The brain is one of the most important and sensitive body
organs and used even without one's consciousness that it is
being used. The reason is that the brain is used for various
purposes which include sensation and perception and in most
cases; people get worried or are happy of the end results of their
decisions and actions and grants little or no attention to the
original source of the thought, decision, and eventually action.
The brain like any other part of the body is faced with different
challenges that can easily compromise its operation. The
challenge is that most issues and ailments affecting the brain
are not granted attention until weird and unexpected things start
to take place. That is the time the friends and society close to
the affected person takes the initiative of seeking medical
attention to have the mental abilities and wellness of the person
checked. Surprisingly, the brain is a part that requires constant
consideration and medical checkup to ensure that its health is
perfect and that cases of instability are addressed before they
can become chronic. This persuasive essay shall focus on
placing emphasis on mental health and why it is important for
people to seek medical checkup constantly as a way of
promoting mental health.
Mental health is important for proper brain functioning and it
helps in preventing a lot of adverse consequences that emanate
from mental instability. When the brain is healthy, it is able to
receive the right sensations and interpret them accordingly thus
leading to the making of quality decisions and taking of the
right decisions (Manderscheid, et al., 2010). Mental illness is
challenging by itself and people affected directly or indirectly
face the massive stigma that automatically lowers their quality
of life. The reason is that the actions that one does when
mentally ill and absurd, awkward, and weird and one does not
realize until he/she is treated and gets to know about them
(Chekroud, Loho, & Krystal, 2017). Moreover, the society, in
general, has never been kind to mentally challenged persons and
it is for this reason people should take care of their minds so as
to remain safe and lead a health and quality life.
Mental health helps one to live a longer life because the
decisions and actions that one takes are determined by mental
stability. For instance, being mentally challenged makes one
make moves that place one's life at a greater risk (Tomlinson, &
Lund, 2012). For instance, mentally challenged people
contemplates ideas that place their lives at risk, for instance,
committing suicide as they tend to feel that life is no longer
important. Others are pushed to do things that cannot be
reversed for instance committing murder and other capital
offenses like rape (Manderscheid, et al., 2010). Apart by being
attacked by members of the community through mob justice
after committing such crimes, they also increase their condition
due to the guilt and stress that comes with committing such
crimes. Moreover, it is sad to feel that one can allow things to
get desperate while as there is a simple way out which is to get
tested often to remain conscious of one's mental health or be
advised on things to do and those to avoid to build and maintain
a quality mental health.
According to Henderson, Evans-Lacko, & Thornicroft, (2013);
there are so many things that people have to live with and face
constantly that compromises the mental state of a person. To
start with daily life stress is one of the things, unhealthy living
conditions, and abuse for instance family violence and sexual
abuse are things that affect the mental ability. Traumatic and
painful experiences like accidents where the head is hit or
experience murder taking place are things that affect the normal
mental operation. Sadly, some of these things cannot be avoided
and this means that one has to face and live with situations that
can make one have mental instability (Henderson, Evans-Lacko,
& Thornicroft, 2013). However, it is possible to remain safe
from all these by seeking medical attention to determine the
mental stability levels that one is in. this is especially important
when a person undergoes traumatizing, stressing, depressing,
and painful situations so as early signs of mental illness can be
detected and treated.
There are also ailments that affect the brain for instant stroke
which kills some of the brain cells causing the brain not to
function normally. When suffering such ailments may not be
avoidable, it is important to realize that mental treatment should
also be considered to rule out the possibility that one is
mentally affected. Moreover, Chopin, (1899); claims that when
mental instability is left untreated for long can get to the
chronic stages which are irreversible. This means delay when it
comes to mental health can have long-lasting consequences that
the victim, close family members, and friends would live to
regret (Tomlinson, & Lund, 2012). It is wise to take the best
option out of the problem which is taking interest in learning
the various signs of developing a mental disorder and seek early
treatment. The more reasons are that some signs are clear and
easy to note and such actions would go a long way in saving the
The society, family, and friends have a role to play in
promoting mental health. The reason is that society has
developed a negative attitude towards mentally challenged
people thereby making them feel stigmatized and also to suffer
from low esteem even after seeking medical attention
(Chekroud, Loho, & Krystal, 2017). The manner in which a
person is treated by the society and closely related after
recovering from mental illness determines how well the patient
will sustain the mental health and keep away from situation and
events that would trigger the ailment. It also determines how
courageously such people would come out and become mental
health ambassadors to avoid future cases of mental health.
Mental health is vital but situations that threaten it are
enormous and at times hard for people not to experience a
moment of mental instability. There are some signs and
symptoms of mental instability and with proper attention to
these signs; one can easily know when it’s time to seek medical
attention. Early treatment helps in avoiding the situation from
getting worse and getting to situations like contemplating
suicide or capital offense. Again, the society and family
members have a role to play of ensuring that mentally unstable
people are treated with respected and those that have recovered
are treated like any other member of the society. Having a
different way of treating such people negatively affects their
mental health and also increases their levels of life discomfort.
In overall, the state of mental health that one has and intends to
keep is a personal decision until the situation gets out of hand
forcing family, friends, and society to take charge.
Chekroud, A. M., Loho, H., & Krystal, J. H. (2017). Mental
illness and mental health. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(4), 276-277.
Chopin, K. (1899). The awakening. Chicago, IL: Herbert S.
Stone & Company.
Henderson, C., Evans-Lacko, S., & Thornicroft, G. (2013).
Mental illness stigma, help-seeking, and public health
programs. American journal of public health, 103(5), 777-780.
Manderscheid, R. W., Ryff, C. D., Freeman, E. J., McKnight-
Eily, L. R., Dhingra, S., & Strine, T. W. (2010). Peer-reviewed:
Evolving definitions of mental illness and wellness. Preventing
chronic disease, 7(1).
Tomlinson, M., & Lund, C. (2012). Why does mental health not
get the attention it deserves? An application of the Shiffman
and Smith framework. PLoS medicine, 9(2), e1001178.
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  • 1. System Analysis & DesignIntroduction You will conduct a systems analysis project by performing 3 phases of SDLC (planning, analysis and design) for a small (real or imaginary) organization. The actual project implementation is not required (i.e. No coding required.) You need to apply what you have learned in the class and to participate in the team project work. Deliverables This project should follow the main steps of the first three phases of the SDLC (phase 1, 2 and 3). Details description and diagrams should be included in each phase. Part 1: Planning Phase Under this section, include the following 1. Adopt an SDLC development methodology (0.5 mark) 1. Develop a work plan (Gantt chart) (0.5 mark) Answer: Insert your diagrams inside this text box to manage the report layout Part 2: Analysis phase In this section, you are required to determine the main business requirements; consequently, the following must be included: 1. Create Use Cases (0.5 mark) 1. Model Processes (Data Flow Diagramming) (0.5 mark)
  • 2. 1. Model data (ER modeling) (0.5 mark) Answer: Insert your diagrams inside this text box to manage the report layout Part 3: Design phase Under this section, include the following: 1. Select an architecture design (0.5 mark) 1. Screens Design (create the User Interface Structure Design), and sample system screens. No need to be in HTML, they can be just drawing of how the screen will appear. (0.5 mark) 1. Class Design Diagram (0.5 mark) Answer: Insert your diagrams inside this text box to manage the report layout © 2015 Laureate Education, Inc. Page 1 of 1
  • 3. Providing Feedback When providing feedback in an online course, where others cannot see your body language, it is important that your feedback is critical and supportive. The following six recommendations are intended to guide your feedback to others. Prior to providing your colleagues with feedback, please review the following: 1. Start your feedback with an affirmative or positive comment and include something you genuinely appreciated about your colleague’s Assignment. Example: “Toni, it seems you spent a great deal of time on this Assignment. I really appreciate your attention to detail!” 2. Ask clarifying questions rather than jumping to conclusions. Example: “I notice that you wrote ‘I think Lincoln was the worst American President ever,’ and I was wondering if you could clarify your thinking.” 3. Use your “I” statements and focus your feedback on your thoughts rather
  • 4. than interspersing your feedback with words such as “you” and “your,” which might seem like a personal attack. Example: “In reading your Assignment, I find that I do not agree with this stance on abortion. Let me explain my thoughts.” 4. If you fear that your response might be misunderstood, revise it before submitting it. 5. Conclude your feedback on a positive note so the last comment your colleague reads from you is supportive. Example: “Though it seems we are in disagreement on a few points, I think your Assignment was done exceptionally well with a great deal of detail.” 6. Before submitting your feedback, read what you wrote out loud and make sure it is both critical and supportive.
  • 5. Case Study Overview What Is a Case Study? Are you more interested in abstract concepts that have little application to your own life or real-life scenarios that could happen to you or to someone you know? The answer is almost surely the latter, and that is why this course is built around case studies. Case studies are relevant situations that might never happen to you but that you could easily imagine happening to you. You work through a case study of some kind every day in your work or family life, even if you don’t realize it. A case study is a group of related factors that come together to form a problem or a circumstance that you are called on to resolve. Often there are several choices to be considered and different possible outcomes based on each of the choices. You might have a case study situation at your job based on the fact that you have two major projects due at the same time—both of equal importance to your company—and there is simply not enough time for you to handle both of the projects with the high degree of attention they need. You could work on both projects and hope for the best. You could ask your boss to reassign one of the projects to another team member. You could ask a colleague to help you. Each of these choices is likely to yield a different
  • 6. result. You are called on to: lly. Often you don’t know for sure whether you are making the best choice. Sometimes we don’t know that until later—when we see the results down the road. Case studies can happen at work, in families, in school or community settings, or even if are volunteering to help a friend. As you can see, you are probably a pro, by now, at working with case studies, even if you never thought of your daily life in those terms. Case Studies as the Basis for This Course We are now going to present you with five case studies that could easily occur in the daily lives of many people. During Weeks 1 and 2, you will work briefly with each case study to become acquainted with the full range of options. Then, at the end of Week 2, you will choose your case study and devote your full energy for the rest of the course to thinking and writing in response to it.
  • 7. We deliberately created case studies that reflect a wide range of interests and could relate to a number of academic majors and career paths. We also kept them fairly short and simple but we challenge you to develop and enhance them in any way you choose based on the readings for this course, other research you will do, Discussions with your Instructor and colleagues, and your own life experience. Keep in mind that, by definition, case studies approximate real-life situations. It is entirely possible that, in designing realistic case studies, we might bring up topics that are personally difficult for you because of similar situations in your own life. When you choose the case study that will be your major project for the course, be sure to choose something which interests you but is not going to be too personal for you to read and write about and to discuss with your colleagues. Case Study 1: Ethics Your spouse died unexpectedly in a motor vehicle accident. You know it was his or her wish to be an organ donor. Your spouse had officially registered as an organ donor and discussed it with you many times. You don’t have strong feelings one way or the other about organ donation. The parents of your spouse are strongly
  • 8. opposed to it, though, and ask you not to go through with it. Hospital staff tell you that you don’t have much time to make up your mind, and obviously it is a very difficult time in your life to make major decisions. Do you follow your spouse’s wishes? Do you follow the feelings of his or her parents, thinking that your spouse would not want to cause them any additional suffering? Do you weigh the potential value to the people who would receive the organs and to their families against what might be temporary feelings of the parents? What do you do? Case Study 2: Social Media and Privacy When should we get involved, and when is it not our business or our problem? You are “friends” on Facebook with a coworker. He routinely posts information, on his personal Facebook page, related to your workplace. Sometimes, he makes negative statements about your boss and about the company. You are concerned that his statements might create problems for your company by depicting it publicly in a negative way. You suspect he is making some of these posts during work hours and perhaps using company equipment, although you do not use Facebook on your company computer or during work hours. Do you “unfriend” your coworker and tell him why you did it, or do you just “unfriend” him without explanation? Is it your responsibility to call the situation
  • 9. to the attention of your boss and risk getting your coworker into trouble? Is there any way that this could make you look bad or cause you problems at work? Do you just ignore the situation and hope it goes away? What do you do? Case Study 3: American Education The public schools in the area where you live have been low- performing for a long time. A new superintendent came in 2 years ago and promised to make some big changes. The local newspaper just published a series of articles about how much the standardized test scores have improved in your district. Your district has moved from a state rating of “D” to a state rating of “B” in only 2 years. You know that the state rating will increase property values in your neighborhood, and the rating might help your child get into college—if the reputation of her school improves. Your daughter and her friends have been telling you and other parents, however, that they were given the correct answers for the standardized tests by some of their teachers and they saw some of the school staff checking answers on the test papers before they were submitted to the state. You are very concerned that widespread cheating has occurred at your child’s school. You aren’t sure whether to ignore the situation altogether; to trust your child and
  • 10. take action; to assume your child is wrong and take no action; to call it to the attention of the new superintendent (who might or might not be involved); or to call it to the attention of the newspaper or State Department of Education. What do you do? Case Study 4: Mental Health You think that one of your son’s best friends might be suffering from clinical depression. The youth is 15 years old and used to spend a lot of time in your home and with your family. Lately, though, he has become more withdrawn, and you seldom see him. He told your son that he has considered suicide. Your son didn’t know how to handle the situation, came to you for advice, but he asked you not to tell anyone—especially the parents of his friend. You know the friend’s parents pretty well through school functions, although you are not close friends. Do you respect your son’s wishes and do nothing? Do you decide to speak to his friend yourself to better assess the situation? Do you determine that maintaining your son’s confidence is not as important as intervening on behalf of his friend, and so you tell his parents what is going on? What do you do? Case Study 5: Multiple Consciousness For one day, choose to walk (figuratively) in the shoes of another person. Of course,
  • 11. such a transformation cannot happen completely, because you can’t just decide to change your gender or your race and expect that to happen. You can, though, spend the day actively considering how it would feel to be a person of a different gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, or other such characteristic. In every choice you make (e.g., the way you relate to other people, the way you assess how other people relate to you, how you react to each situation that occurs), remember that you are not “you” today. You are going through your day as if you are an entirely different person—someone whose reality, daily struggles, joys, and limitations might be quite different than yours. At the end of the day, how did you find that your own life is different and similar to that of the other person? How might your own behaviors and thought patterns change based on this experiment? What did you learn? Translating Case Studies Into Academic Writing Throughout the course, you will interact with your colleagues in Discussions about the case studies—sharing your views, considering opposing points of views, and locating and citing sources that reinforce or challenge the arguments put forth in the Discussions. In Weeks 1 and 2, you will also use the case studies as the basis for your main writing Assignment. In Week 3, you transition to more academic writing that is
  • 12. based loosely on the topic of the case study you choose as your primary focus. In other words, you use the case study as the foundation, the inspiration, the jumping-off place for a more academic treatment of a related subject. In academic writing, you transition from first person to third person and are expected to reinforce your point of view with outside source materials. “In my opinion” becomes insufficient and is replaced by “According to a 2012 national poll on this subject…” You start working directly on your Final Project in Week 3, and the Final Project is a persuasive essay that follows the rules of academic writing. For each of the case studies, here is an example of how you might transition from personal to academic writing for your Final Project: If you choose “Case Study 1: Ethics,” you might write about one of these topics: 1. Religious objections to organ donation and organ transplants 2. Spousal versus parental legal claims in estates If you choose “Case Study 2: Social Media and Privacy,” you might write about one of these topics:
  • 13. 1. Corporate human resources policies versus employee privacy 2. Conflicts between the public (national) and private interests of individuals related to social media If you choose “Case Study 3: American Education,” you might write about one of these topics: 1. National versus state and local control of public education 2. Cultural bias in standardized educational testing If you choose “Case Study 4: Mental Health,” you might write about one of these topics: 1. Individual legal and ethical responsibility to help access mental health services for those in need 2. How mental illness affects productivity in the workplace If you choose “Case Study 5: Multiple Consciousness,” you might write about one of these topics: 1. Perpetuating the gender-based glass ceiling in the workplace 2. Gay marriage There are literally hundreds of topics directly or indirectly related to each case study,
  • 14. and those suggested here are provided only as examples. While you might choose one of them, you are encouraged to select an original topic of special interest to you and to discuss it with your Instructor before you pursue it for your Final Project. Running head: CASE STUDY 4 ON MENTAL HEALTH 1 CASE STUDY 4 ON MENTAL HEALTH 6 Case Study 4 on Mental Health Rough Draft Gabriella Wyman Walden University Case Study 4 on Mental Health Introduction The brain is one of the most important and sensitive body organs and used even without one's consciousness that it is being used. The reason is that the brain is used for various purposes which include sensation and perception and in most
  • 15. cases; people get worried or are happy of the end results of their decisions and actions and grants little or no attention to the original source of the thought, decision, and eventually action. The brain like any other part of the body is faced with different challenges that can easily compromise its operation. The challenge is that most issues and ailments affecting the brain are not granted attention until weird and unexpected things start to take place. That is the time the friends and society close to the affected person takes the initiative of seeking medical attention to have the mental abilities and wellness of the person checked. Surprisingly, the brain is a part that requires constant consideration and medical checkup to ensure that its health is perfect and that cases of instability are addressed before they can become chronic. This persuasive essay shall focus on placing emphasis on mental health and why it is important for people to seek medical checkup constantly as a way of promoting mental health. Discussion Mental health is important for proper brain functioning and it helps in preventing a lot of adverse consequences that emanate from mental instability. When the brain is healthy, it is able to receive the right sensations and interpret them accordingly thus leading to the making of quality decisions and taking of the right decisions (Manderscheid, et al., 2010). Mental illness is challenging by itself and people affected directly or indirectly face the massive stigma that automatically lowers their quality of life. The reason is that the actions that one does when mentally ill and absurd, awkward, and weird and one does not realize until he/she is treated and gets to know about them (Chekroud, Loho, & Krystal, 2017). Moreover, the society, in general, has never been kind to mentally challenged persons and it is for this reason people should take care of their minds so as to remain safe and lead a health and quality life. Mental health helps one to live a longer life because the decisions and actions that one takes are determined by mental stability. For instance, being mentally challenged makes one
  • 16. make moves that place one's life at a greater risk (Tomlinson, & Lund, 2012). For instance, mentally challenged people contemplates ideas that place their lives at risk, for instance, committing suicide as they tend to feel that life is no longer important. Others are pushed to do things that cannot be reversed for instance committing murder and other capital offenses like rape (Manderscheid, et al., 2010). Apart by being attacked by members of the community through mob justice after committing such crimes, they also increase their condition due to the guilt and stress that comes with committing such crimes. Moreover, it is sad to feel that one can allow things to get desperate while as there is a simple way out which is to get tested often to remain conscious of one's mental health or be advised on things to do and those to avoid to build and maintain a quality mental health. According to Henderson, Evans-Lacko, & Thornicroft, (2013); there are so many things that people have to live with and face constantly that compromises the mental state of a person. To start with daily life stress is one of the things, unhealthy living conditions, and abuse for instance family violence and sexual abuse are things that affect the mental ability. Traumatic and painful experiences like accidents where the head is hit or experience murder taking place are things that affect the normal mental operation. Sadly, some of these things cannot be avoided and this means that one has to face and live with situations that can make one have mental instability (Henderson, Evans-Lacko, & Thornicroft, 2013). However, it is possible to remain safe from all these by seeking medical attention to determine the mental stability levels that one is in. this is especially important when a person undergoes traumatizing, stressing, depressing, and painful situations so as early signs of mental illness can be detected and treated. There are also ailments that affect the brain for instant stroke which kills some of the brain cells causing the brain not to function normally. When suffering such ailments may not be avoidable, it is important to realize that mental treatment should
  • 17. also be considered to rule out the possibility that one is mentally affected. Moreover, Chopin, (1899); claims that when mental instability is left untreated for long can get to the chronic stages which are irreversible. This means delay when it comes to mental health can have long-lasting consequences that the victim, close family members, and friends would live to regret (Tomlinson, & Lund, 2012). It is wise to take the best option out of the problem which is taking interest in learning the various signs of developing a mental disorder and seek early treatment. The more reasons are that some signs are clear and easy to note and such actions would go a long way in saving the situation. The society, family, and friends have a role to play in promoting mental health. The reason is that society has developed a negative attitude towards mentally challenged people thereby making them feel stigmatized and also to suffer from low esteem even after seeking medical attention (Chekroud, Loho, & Krystal, 2017). The manner in which a person is treated by the society and closely related after recovering from mental illness determines how well the patient will sustain the mental health and keep away from situation and events that would trigger the ailment. It also determines how courageously such people would come out and become mental health ambassadors to avoid future cases of mental health. Conclusion Mental health is vital but situations that threaten it are enormous and at times hard for people not to experience a moment of mental instability. There are some signs and symptoms of mental instability and with proper attention to these signs; one can easily know when it’s time to seek medical attention. Early treatment helps in avoiding the situation from getting worse and getting to situations like contemplating suicide or capital offense. Again, the society and family members have a role to play of ensuring that mentally unstable people are treated with respected and those that have recovered are treated like any other member of the society. Having a
  • 18. different way of treating such people negatively affects their mental health and also increases their levels of life discomfort. In overall, the state of mental health that one has and intends to keep is a personal decision until the situation gets out of hand forcing family, friends, and society to take charge. References Chekroud, A. M., Loho, H., & Krystal, J. H. (2017). Mental illness and mental health. The Lancet Psychiatry, 4(4), 276-277. Chopin, K. (1899). The awakening. Chicago, IL: Herbert S. Stone & Company. Henderson, C., Evans-Lacko, S., & Thornicroft, G. (2013). Mental illness stigma, help-seeking, and public health programs. American journal of public health, 103(5), 777-780. Manderscheid, R. W., Ryff, C. D., Freeman, E. J., McKnight- Eily, L. R., Dhingra, S., & Strine, T. W. (2010). Peer-reviewed: Evolving definitions of mental illness and wellness. Preventing chronic disease, 7(1). Tomlinson, M., & Lund, C. (2012). Why does mental health not get the attention it deserves? An application of the Shiffman and Smith framework. PLoS medicine, 9(2), e1001178.