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Extending and Leveraging
the Power of the CLI.
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Introduction to the Console
Redondant and
tedious tasks.

CRON jobs and
batch processing.
Code generation.
Interactive setup tools.
Cache clearing / warming.
Improve your
productivity and effiency.
Be proud to
be lazy J
Creating new command
line tools in bundles
The Command folder
Bootstrapping a new command
namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleCommand;

use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand;

class GameHangmanCommand extends Command
    protected function configure()
            ->setDescription('Play the famous hangman game from the CLI')
Adding usage manual
protected function configure()
The <info>game:hangman</info> command starts a new game of the
famous hangman game:

<info>game:hangman 8</info>

Try to guess the hidden <comment>word</comment> whose length is
<comment>8</comment> before you reach the maximum number of

You can also configure the maximum number of attempts
with the <info>--max-attempts</info> option:

<info>game:hangman 8 --max-attempts=5</info>
Adding arguments & options

    new InputArgument('length',
InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The length of the word to

     new InputOption('max-attempts', null,
InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Max number of
attempts', 10),

$ php app/console help game:hangman
Executing a command
protected function execute(
    InputInterface $input,
    OutputInterface $output)

    // the business logic goes here...

namespace SymfonyComponentConsoleInput;

interface InputInterface
    function getFirstArgument();
    function hasParameterOption($values);
    function getParameterOption($values, $default = false);
    function bind(InputDefinition $definition);
    function validate();
    function isInteractive();

    function   getArguments();
    function   getArgument($name);
    function   getOptions();
    function   getOption($name);
interface OutputInterface
    function write($messages, $newline, $type);
    function writeln($messages, $type = 0);

    function   setVerbosity($level);
    function   getVerbosity();
    function   setDecorated($decorated);
    function   isDecorated();
    function   setFormatter($formatter);
    function   getFormatter();
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    $dictionary = array(
        7 => array('program', 'speaker', 'symfony'),
        8 => array('business', 'software', 'hardware'),
        9 => array('algorithm', 'framework', 'developer')

    // Read the input
    $length = $input->getArgument('length');
    $attempts = $input->getOption('max-attempts');

    // Find a word to guess
    $words = $dictionary[$length];
    $word = $words[array_rand($words)];

    // Write the output
    $output->writeln(sprintf('The word to guess is %s.', $word));
    $output->writeln(sprintf('Max number of attempts is %u.', $attempts));
Validating the input
arguments and options.
Validating input parameters
// Read the input
$length = $input->getArgument('length');
$attempts = $input->getOption('max-attempts');
$lengths = array_keys($dictionary);

if (!in_array($length, $lengths)) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The length "%s" must be
an integer between %u and %u.', $length, min($lengths), max($lengths)));

if ($attempts < 1) {
    throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The attempts "%s" must
be a valid integer greater than or equal than 1.', $attempts));
$ php app/console game:hangman foo

$ php app/console game:hangman 8 --max-attempts=bar
Formatting the output.
The formatter helper

class FormatterHelper extends Helper
    public function formatSection($section, $message, $style);

    public function formatBlock($messages, $style, $large);
$formatter->formatBlock('A green information', 'info');

$formatter->formatBlock('A yellow comment', 'comment');

$formatter->formatBlock('A red error', 'error');

$formatter->formatBlock('A custom style', 'bg=blue;fg=white');
// Get the formatter helper
$formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter');

// Write the output
    $formatter->formatBlock('Welcome in the Hangman Game',
'bg=blue;fg=white', true),

    $formatter->formatSection('Info', sprintf('You have %u
attempts to guess the hidden word.', $attempts), 'info', true),
Make the command
interact with the end user.
Dialog Helper
class DialogHelper extends Helper
    public function ask(...);

    public function askConfirmation(...);

    public function askAndValidate(...);
class Command
    // ...

    protected function interact(
        InputInterface $input,
        OutputInterface $output
        $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');

        $answer = $dialog->ask($output, 'Do you enjoy
your Symfony Day 2011?');
$dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');

$won = false;
$currentAttempt = 1;

do {

    $letter = $dialog->ask(
        $output, 'Type a letter or a word... '


} while (!$won && $currentAttempt <= $attempts);
Asking and validating the answer
do {

    $answer = $dialog->askAndValidate(
        'Type a letter or a word... ',
        array($this, 'validateLetter')


} while ($currentAttempt <= $attempts);
Asking and validating the answer
public function validateLetter($letter)
    $ascii = ord(mb_strtolower($letter));

    if ($ascii < 97 || $ascii > 122) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentException('The expected
letter must be a single character between A and Z.');

    return $letter;
Asking and validating the answer
Refactoring your code is
good for your command.
Think your commands as
Request <-> Response
  Input <-> Output
The Dictionary class
namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleGame;

class Dictionary implements Countable
    private $words;

      public function addWord($word);

      public function count();

      public function getRandomWord($length);
The Game class
namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleGame;

class Game
    public   function   __construct($word, $maxAttempts);
    public   function   getWord();
    public   function   getHiddenWord();
    public   function   getAttempts();
    public   function   tryWord($word);
    public   function   tryLetter($letter);
    public   function   isOver();
    public   function   isWon();
Command class refactoring
protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    $length = $input->getArgument('length');
    $attempts = $input->getOption('max-attempts');

    $this->dictionary = new Dictionary();

    $word = $dictionary->getRandomWord($length);
    $this->game = new Game($word, $attempts);
    $this->writeIntro($output, 'Welcome in the Hangman Game');
    $this->writeInfo($output, sprintf('%u attempts to guess the word.', $attempts));
    $this->writeInfo($output, implode(' ', $this->game->getHiddenWord()));
Command class refactoring
protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    // ...
    $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog');

     do {
         if ($letter = $dialog->ask($output, 'Type a letter... ')) {
             $this->writeInfo($output, implode(' ', $this->game->getHiddenWord()));

         if (!$letter && $word = $dialog->ask($output, 'Try a word... ')) {
     } while (!$this->game->isOver());
Unit testing console
Unit testing is
about testing
your model
Unit testing the Game class
namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleTestsGame;

use SensioBundleHangmanBundleGameGame;

class GameTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    public function testGameIsWon()
        $game = new Game('foo', 10);

         $this->assertEquals(array('f', 'o', 'o'), $game->getHiddenWord());
Functional testing console
Run the command and
check the output.
The SayHello command
namespace SensioBundleDemoBundleCommand;

class HelloWorldCommand extends Command
    // ...

     protected function execute($input, $output)
         $name = $input->getOption('name');

         $output->writeln('Your name is <info>'. $name .'</info>');
class SayHelloCommandTest extends CommandTester
    public function testSayHello()
        $input = new ArrayInput(array('name' => 'Hugo'));

        $output = new StreamOutput();

        $command = new SayHelloCommand();
        $command->run($input, $output);

            'Your name is <info>Hugo</info>',
namespace SymfonyComponentConsoleTester;

class CommandTester
    public function __construct(Command $command);

    public function execute($input, $options);

    public function getDisplay();

    public function getInput();

    public function getOutput();
class SayHelloCommandTest extends CommandTester
    public function testSayHello()
        $tester = new CommandTester(new SayHelloCommand());

        $tester->execute(array('name' => 'Hugo'), array(
            'interactive' => false

            'Your name is <info>Hugo</info>',
Being the God of the
command line J
namespace SymfonyComponentDependencyInjection;

interface ContainerAwareInterface
     * Sets the Container.
     * @param ContainerInterface $container
     * @api
    function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null);
namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleCommand;

class GameHangmanCommand extends Command implements ContainerAwareInterface
    // ...
    private $container;

    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)
        $this->container = $container;

    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $service = $this->container->get('my_service');
namespace SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleCommand;

use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerInterface;
use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerAwareInterface;

abstract class ContainerAwareCommand extends Command implements
    private $container;

    protected function getContainer()
        if (null === $this->container) {
            $this->container = $this->getApplication()->getKernel()->getContainer();

        return $this->container;

    public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null)
        $this->container = $container;
Reading the con guration

$container = $this->getContainer();

$max = $container->getParameter('hangman.max_attempts');
Accessing the Doctrine registry
$container = $this->getContainer();

$doctrine = $container->get('doctrine');
$em = $doctrine->getEntityManager('default');

$score = new Score();

Rendering Twig templates

$container = $this->getContainer();

$templating = $container->get('templating'):

$content = $templating->render(
    array('game' => $this->game)
Generating urls
$container = $this->getContainer();

$router = $container->get('router'):

$url = $router->generate(
    array('user' => 'hhamon'),
Translating messages
$container = $this->getContainer();

$translator = $container->get('translator'):

$content = $translator->trans(
    'Hello %user%!',
    array('user' => 'hhamon'),
Writing logs

$container = $this->getContainer();

$logger = $container->get('logger');

$logger->info('Game finished!');
Dealing with the lesystem

$container = $this->getContainer();

$fs = $container->get('filesystem');

Questions & Answers

 Ask a (little) ninja J
•  Calling	
•  Calling	
•  Sending	

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Symfony2 - extending the console component

  • 1. Extending and Leveraging the Power of the CLI.
  • 2. Who’s talking? Hugo Hamon
  • 3. Follow me on Twitter… @hhamon
  • 4. Introduction to the Console Component
  • 5. Redondant and tedious tasks. CRON jobs and batch processing.
  • 6. Code generation. Interactive setup tools. Cache clearing / warming. …
  • 8. Be proud to be lazy J
  • 9. Creating new command line tools in bundles
  • 12. Bootstrapping a new command namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleCommand; use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand; class GameHangmanCommand extends Command { protected function configure() { $this ->setName('game:hangman') ->setDescription('Play the famous hangman game from the CLI') ; } }
  • 14. protected function configure() { $this->setHelp(<<<EOF The <info>game:hangman</info> command starts a new game of the famous hangman game: <info>game:hangman 8</info> Try to guess the hidden <comment>word</comment> whose length is <comment>8</comment> before you reach the maximum number of <comment>attempts</comment>. You can also configure the maximum number of attempts with the <info>--max-attempts</info> option: <info>game:hangman 8 --max-attempts=5</info> EOF); }
  • 15. Adding arguments & options $this->setDefinition(array( new InputArgument('length', InputArgument::REQUIRED, 'The length of the word to guess'), new InputOption('max-attempts', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Max number of attempts', 10), ));
  • 16. $ php app/console help game:hangman
  • 17. Executing a command protected function execute( InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { // the business logic goes here... }
  • 19. namespace SymfonyComponentConsoleInput; interface InputInterface { function getFirstArgument(); function hasParameterOption($values); function getParameterOption($values, $default = false); function bind(InputDefinition $definition); function validate(); function isInteractive(); function getArguments(); function getArgument($name); function getOptions(); function getOption($name); }
  • 21. interface OutputInterface { function write($messages, $newline, $type); function writeln($messages, $type = 0); function setVerbosity($level); function getVerbosity(); function setDecorated($decorated); function isDecorated(); function setFormatter($formatter); function getFormatter(); }
  • 22. protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $dictionary = array( 7 => array('program', 'speaker', 'symfony'), 8 => array('business', 'software', 'hardware'), 9 => array('algorithm', 'framework', 'developer') ); // Read the input $length = $input->getArgument('length'); $attempts = $input->getOption('max-attempts'); // Find a word to guess $words = $dictionary[$length]; $word = $words[array_rand($words)]; // Write the output $output->writeln(sprintf('The word to guess is %s.', $word)); $output->writeln(sprintf('Max number of attempts is %u.', $attempts)); }
  • 24. Validating input parameters // Read the input $length = $input->getArgument('length'); $attempts = $input->getOption('max-attempts'); $lengths = array_keys($dictionary); if (!in_array($length, $lengths)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The length "%s" must be an integer between %u and %u.', $length, min($lengths), max($lengths))); } if ($attempts < 1) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The attempts "%s" must be a valid integer greater than or equal than 1.', $attempts)); }
  • 25. $ php app/console game:hangman foo $ php app/console game:hangman 8 --max-attempts=bar
  • 27. The formatter helper class FormatterHelper extends Helper { public function formatSection($section, $message, $style); public function formatBlock($messages, $style, $large); }
  • 28. $formatter->formatBlock('A green information', 'info'); $formatter->formatBlock('A yellow comment', 'comment'); $formatter->formatBlock('A red error', 'error'); $formatter->formatBlock('A custom style', 'bg=blue;fg=white');
  • 29. // Get the formatter helper $formatter = $this->getHelperSet()->get('formatter'); // Write the output $output->writeln(array( '', $formatter->formatBlock('Welcome in the Hangman Game', 'bg=blue;fg=white', true), '', )); $output->writeln(array( $formatter->formatSection('Info', sprintf('You have %u attempts to guess the hidden word.', $attempts), 'info', true), '', ));
  • 30.
  • 31. Make the command interact with the end user.
  • 33. class DialogHelper extends Helper { public function ask(...); public function askConfirmation(...); public function askAndValidate(...); }
  • 34. class Command { // ... protected function interact( InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output ) { $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $answer = $dialog->ask($output, 'Do you enjoy your Symfony Day 2011?'); } }
  • 35. $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); $won = false; $currentAttempt = 1; do { $letter = $dialog->ask( $output, 'Type a letter or a word... ' ); $currentAttempt++; } while (!$won && $currentAttempt <= $attempts);
  • 36. Asking and validating the answer do { $answer = $dialog->askAndValidate( $output, 'Type a letter or a word... ', array($this, 'validateLetter') ); $currentAttempt++; } while ($currentAttempt <= $attempts);
  • 37. Asking and validating the answer public function validateLetter($letter) { $ascii = ord(mb_strtolower($letter)); if ($ascii < 97 || $ascii > 122) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('The expected letter must be a single character between A and Z.'); } return $letter; }
  • 38. Asking and validating the answer
  • 39. Refactoring your code is good for your command.
  • 40. Think your commands as controllers.
  • 41. Request <-> Response Input <-> Output
  • 42. The Dictionary class namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleGame; class Dictionary implements Countable { private $words; public function addWord($word); public function count(); public function getRandomWord($length); }
  • 43. The Game class namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleGame; class Game { public function __construct($word, $maxAttempts); public function getWord(); public function getHiddenWord(); public function getAttempts(); public function tryWord($word); public function tryLetter($letter); public function isOver(); public function isWon(); }
  • 44. Command class refactoring protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $length = $input->getArgument('length'); $attempts = $input->getOption('max-attempts'); $this->dictionary = new Dictionary(); $this->dictionary ->addWord('program') ... ; $word = $dictionary->getRandomWord($length); $this->game = new Game($word, $attempts); $this->writeIntro($output, 'Welcome in the Hangman Game'); $this->writeInfo($output, sprintf('%u attempts to guess the word.', $attempts)); $this->writeInfo($output, implode(' ', $this->game->getHiddenWord())); }
  • 45. Command class refactoring protected function interact(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { // ... $dialog = $this->getHelperSet()->get('dialog'); do { if ($letter = $dialog->ask($output, 'Type a letter... ')) { $this->game->tryLetter($letter); $this->writeInfo($output, implode(' ', $this->game->getHiddenWord())); } if (!$letter && $word = $dialog->ask($output, 'Try a word... ')) { $this->game->tryWord($word); } } while (!$this->game->isOver()); }
  • 46.
  • 48. Unit testing is about testing your model classes.
  • 49. Unit testing the Game class namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleTestsGame; use SensioBundleHangmanBundleGameGame; class GameTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testGameIsWon() { $game = new Game('foo', 10); $game->tryLetter('o'); $game->tryLetter('f'); $this->assertEquals(array('f', 'o', 'o'), $game->getHiddenWord()); $this->assertTrue($game->isWon()); } }
  • 51. Run the command and check the output.
  • 52. The SayHello command namespace SensioBundleDemoBundleCommand; class HelloWorldCommand extends Command { // ... protected function execute($input, $output) { $name = $input->getOption('name'); $output->writeln('Your name is <info>'. $name .'</info>'); } }
  • 54. class SayHelloCommandTest extends CommandTester { public function testSayHello() { $input = new ArrayInput(array('name' => 'Hugo')); $input->setInteractive(false); $output = new StreamOutput(); $command = new SayHelloCommand(); $command->run($input, $output); $this->assertEquals( 'Your name is <info>Hugo</info>', $output->getStream() ); } }
  • 55.
  • 57. namespace SymfonyComponentConsoleTester; class CommandTester { public function __construct(Command $command); public function execute($input, $options); public function getDisplay(); public function getInput(); public function getOutput(); }
  • 58. class SayHelloCommandTest extends CommandTester { public function testSayHello() { $tester = new CommandTester(new SayHelloCommand()); $tester->execute(array('name' => 'Hugo'), array( 'interactive' => false )); $this->assertEquals( 'Your name is <info>Hugo</info>', $tester->getDisplay() ); } }
  • 59.
  • 60. Being the God of the command line J
  • 63. namespace SymfonyComponentDependencyInjection; interface ContainerAwareInterface { /** * Sets the Container. * * @param ContainerInterface $container * * @api */ function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null); }
  • 64. namespace SensioBundleHangmanBundleCommand; //... class GameHangmanCommand extends Command implements ContainerAwareInterface { // ... private $container; public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null) { $this->container = $container; } protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $service = $this->container->get('my_service'); } }
  • 66. namespace SymfonyBundleFrameworkBundleCommand; use SymfonyComponentConsoleCommandCommand; use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerInterface; use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionContainerAwareInterface; abstract class ContainerAwareCommand extends Command implements ContainerAwareInterface { private $container; protected function getContainer() { if (null === $this->container) { $this->container = $this->getApplication()->getKernel()->getContainer(); } return $this->container; } public function setContainer(ContainerInterface $container = null) { $this->container = $container; } }
  • 67. Reading the con guration $container = $this->getContainer(); $max = $container->getParameter('hangman.max_attempts');
  • 68. Accessing the Doctrine registry $container = $this->getContainer(); $doctrine = $container->get('doctrine'); $em = $doctrine->getEntityManager('default'); $score = new Score(); $score->setScore(10); $score->setPlayer('hhamon'); $em->persist($score); $em->flush();
  • 69. Rendering Twig templates $container = $this->getContainer(); $templating = $container->get('templating'): $content = $templating->render( 'SensioHangmanBundle:Game:finish.txt.twig', array('game' => $this->game) );
  • 70. Generating urls $container = $this->getContainer(); $router = $container->get('router'): $url = $router->generate( 'game_finish', array('user' => 'hhamon'), true );
  • 71. Translating messages $container = $this->getContainer(); $translator = $container->get('translator'): $content = $translator->trans( 'Hello %user%!', array('user' => 'hhamon'), null, 'fr' );
  • 72. Writing logs $container = $this->getContainer(); $logger = $container->get('logger'); $logger->info('Game finished!');
  • 73. Dealing with the lesystem $container = $this->getContainer(); $fs = $container->get('filesystem'); $fs->touch('/path/to/toto.txt');
  • 75. Questions & Answers Ask a (little) ninja J
  • 76. •  Calling  a  command  from  a  command   •  Calling  a  command  in  a  command   •  Sending  an  email