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Symbolism of a lion and understanding of ancient history
What Does A Lion Symbolize.
To answer the question of what does a lion symbolize I have
covered ancient history, spiritual implications and the main
characteristics of a lion.
The lion symbolizes a positive time in life, this fierce animal is
connected to our inner urges in most ancient and biblical texts.
The power, desire, control and possession of a lion is often seen
as a positive attribute.
The lion symbolizes the following: courage, justice, power,
strength, wisdom, pride, dignity, dominating, authority,
material wealth and riches. As I am sure you are aware the lion
itself is predominantly associated with strength. As the lion
is nocturnal can also indicate that we are connected to our own
conscious thoughts. .additionally, the lioness is referred to as
what an animal of the moon (lunar). Lyons often connect to
how we balance things in life. In regards to the spiritual
message, the lion brings with it the need to stop overstretching
ourselves but try to balance matters and remain strong.
As I am sure you know lions are all around us. There are lions
on statutes, banking and on logos, I have seen many countries
and organizations use the lion as a brand image. Why? The lion
is strong it overcomes competition and has a fighting spirit.
Turning again to symbolism the lion can often be connected to
counseling, and understanding how we will be if we are
stripped of modern life.
The lion can imply that we need to fight for what we believe in.
The lion, unicorn, Phoenix, and Dragon are groups of mammals
which are found in numerical patterns and also outlined in the
Bible. I will discuss the biblical symbolism of the lion bit later
on, but for now, I wanted to talk about the fact the lion in many
religious texts is connected to a supporting shield.
What does the lion symbolize in psychology? Turning to
psychology, Carl Jung observed in his books that the
counterbalancing of the lion stands for the inner stress and
power we process. Britain has a lion as it’s coat of arms. In this
sense, it is like balancing the female and male counterparts. If
we think of the phrase known as “the lion share” this means
that because the lion hunts in a group, they divide the prey into
parts, and I am sure you are aware that the male lion often gets
more food. Therefore, this term is connected to how we can
overpower outcomes and possess material possessions in life.
Lion symbols have been in use for a long time. We only have
to look at ancient Egypt and the goddesses known as Sekhmet
is represented by a lioness figure, which I will explain further
on. This wonderful goddess was used to protect people -
especially the rulers. When the formation of cities, kingdoms,
and countries the lion symbol gained a larger presence and to
date, the lion maintains a symbolic role in various nations. For
example, in Singapore, the lion’s head is a distinctive and
recognized as a nationalfeature. In Trafalgar Square in London,
a set of four bronze lions each weighing seven tonnes reside as
an emblem of power.
What is the lion symbol in the tarot deck? The lion is further
featured in the tarot waite pack as the card “strength” from all
this it is clear that the lion is connected to our own internal
uncurious mind. The lion symbolism is also connected to our
own lives and has affected human beings since the dark ages.
Symbolism is often be used by communities in order to
communicate certain aspects in life. To this end, the Lion
symbol is prominent and universally accepted. I’m going to
spend a bit of time providing an overview of the lion from a
symbolism in various contexts.
What does the lion symbolize in astrology? As a symbol, the
lion is known as the sun. This is due to the astral sign Leo, the
fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The process and
predominate of fire signs is unique in that they are high grades
of gifts that God provides to man. The fire signs give human
beings development and growth in life. This ties into zodiac
symbols, basically the lion brings light to darkness. Secondly,
fire cannot be contained in one source. The fire itself is
uncontrollable, unpredictable and volatile. This describes the
people born under the “sun” sign. One thought that might help
is that fire signs per say indicate all the opportunities we
explore in life. The lion has been used in much mythology and
cultures for thousands of years. There is much symbolism of
worshipping gods connected to a lion. The lion is the zodiac
sign of Leo. In astrology, the sign of Leo also symbolizes
similar traits as in heraldic art such as loyalty, self-esteem,
intuition, fiery, passion, loyalty, control, and generosity. People
born under the sun sign Leo are most likely confident, dominant
and independent. A Leo person tends to expose creativity and
influential force. People born in this sign have internal power
to apply positive or negative changes in their own lives and the
life of others who surround them. They’re loyal and protective
around friends and family. The Leo’s personality is often strong
and serious. In fact, people born in this sign are more focused
and easy-going when entering the later stages of life. Leo’s I
like to say (as I know quite a few) are social and prideful around
people like themselves. They also have a strong sense of
What does the lion symbolize in banking and
currency? Many times the lion is seen on currency and a
representation of banking logos. Also, lions are seen on many
sculptures, statues, and ornaments. This led me to ask: is there
a hidden meaning? The lion is a sign of the sun and Leo in
astrology is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Leo is one of three fire
signs including Sagittarius and Aries. The lion is also seen in
the tarot cards of the Major Arcana, and temperance. In this
card, the lion represents air and strength. The lion is also used
in masonic circles and in alchemy represents the symbol of
What does the lion mean in Egyptian theology? If we turn to
Egyptian theology the lion is seen as the Sekhmet goddesses
head. The sekhment was seen as the lioness and she was a
feared by the Egyptians. She was worshipped to protect against
wars. This goddess was known as for being fierce. There are
many statues in Egypt such as the Sekmet which is found in the
temple of Mud at Luxor. The lion in this respect is a sacred
animal to the Egyptians - and Sekmet was considered the
mother of miysis. It was forbidden to hunt the lion on feast
days. In Tibetan art the culture around lions is symbolized as a
white lion. This is known as the snow-lion. Lions are one of
the most powerful animals in the animal kingdom and in Egypt
this was no exception. As I have already discussed the lion is
the king of all animals out there. And it’s no surprise that lions
have a symbolic meaning associated with strength. The fact that
they’re nocturnal creatures means that the lions symbolize
authority and command over the unconscious mind. Egyptian
people see the lion as a representation of the sun and this is due
to the fact that the lion is on the Egyptian goddess also known
as the Eye of Ra. It’s believed that she protects the good and
kills the wicked and evil. I hope this provides an overview of
what the lion means in Egyptian terms.
What is the symbolic messages that lions offer? One of the
reasons I began this article is because I keep seeing lions
everywhere. If you too are experiencing this then know that the
lions indicates you need to have the courage and have faith in
yourself. Stand up for yourself and use your natural powers in
life. There is a message here: try to keep your head above water
when times get hard. Conduct yourself with dignity and never
give up. Protect what’s yours with everything you have. Show
authority in order to earn people’s respect. Lead others with a
loving heart and compassion. Lions often indicate personality
and destiny.
What is the general symbolism and meaning of
lions? Another interesting fact about lions is that they’re
considered as solar animal symbols. Connected to the sun.
However, they’re primarily nocturnal creatures conducting
their hunting activity mostly during the night. Also, lions are
considered to be lunar animals. In most cultures, lions
symbolize balance and sound judgment. They share the world
of night and day and bear a message of prudence to us. In
simpler words, lions ask us to not overdo in specific areas of
our lives but rather keep a clear mind and overall balance in our
everyday activities. But besides symbolizing strength, lions are
also the symbol of wisdom, power, courage, dignity,
domination, ferocity and authority. In some ways, Lions might
also denote an authority that can feel overpowering or some
conflicting relationship with authority and power. Lions are
considered a solar being, in ancient history and at times
signifies external power, authority, and forces that command
some parts of your life. Alternatively, a lion that enters your life
can often appear when you must deal with some annoying
person such as your boss at work or a troubled partner.
What does the lion symbolize in ancient Greek
mythology? Lions can be seen in many myths and also the head
of monsters in various Greek mythologies, for example,
Nemean lion is the only Greek monster. This lion was
eventually killed by Heracles because he took a women hostage
in a cave near a place called Nemean. Another interesting fact,
that in Greek mythology there are paintings where lions drew
chariots of the following gods and goddesses: Dionysus,
Cybele, Phoebus, and Artemis. In ancient Greece, the symbolic
meaning of lions is associated mostly with protection. People
believe that lions are the guardians of the dead, thrones,
palaces, shrines, and doorways. It’s also believed they protect
the heart and home.
What does the lion symbolize in Hinduism and
Buddhism? The lion is the personification of Vishnu while in
Buddhism, lions represent strength, wisdom, and consistency.
Lions have symbolic meaning in alchemy too. It’s associated
with the highly idealistic and prized features of gold.
What does the lion symbol mean in England? In England,
the symbolism of the Lion is often seen in heraldic art and
symbolizes honor, loyalty, courage, strength, leadership. The
lion is the common token of English sovereigns because of the
power traits. A famous king of England known as Richard the
1st was called the lionhearted due to how brave he was in
fighting wars. Lions have in England represented strength and
can be found on the English coat of arms and on the currency.
What is the spiritual meaning of lions? As I have already
covered the spiritual meaning of lions is associated with
strength, courage, and ability to overcome challenges. The
lion’s presence might also symbolize wilderness and the
inability to control one's natural instincts, or in other words, the
inability to tame the wild side of ones personality. Also, lions
symbolize the intense emotions that are difficult to control such
as anger, fear, and aggression. As a spirit animal or totem, a
lion represents the following: Personal power, strength,
assertiveness. Domination – predatory feeling such as
aggression. The personal issues and struggles to deal with
feelings. The ability to sense danger and threatening situation.
What famous icons have lions on them? Lions have been
known to be the most iconic creature in history with their
behaviors being important to the human race since time
immemorial. Some of the animals species have even
transcended the notoriety of their species to make a mark in the
human culture. Here are some of the famous icons that have
lions on them. Leo, The MGM Lion: MGM, a Hollywood film
studio used a lion since 1917 as its mascot with Leo being the
most dominant of them all over the years which has been used
since 1957.
Bibi the Marsh Lion: Bibi was a lion at Masai Mara in Kenya,
who was, in 2015 found dead from poisoning. He was a
member of the Marsh pride which featured for over a decade
on a BBC popular show, Big Cat Diary.
Chauvet Cave lions: Its painting was discovered in 1994 in
Southern France as part of the largest collection of prehistoric
artwork. The lions were larger the current lions available in
today’s world. They were extinct more than 25,000 years ago.
Aslan: Aslan is the Turkish word for lion and is an allegory for
Christ. According to the book “Chronicles of Narnia by
C.S.Lewis” Aslan is the magical talking lion that hides in a
secret land, if you have not seen the movie then I urge you to
watch as it is associated with how the lion builds strength.
What does lions mean in dreams? In dreams, a lion
symbolizes how we feel at the moment. For example, if you
dream of a lion, it implies that you’re feeling powerful and able
to defend yourself from enemies. To dream of lions might also
symbolize your wish to get more familiar with how your feel
exactly and tame your intense feelings, needs, and wilderness
if necessary. Only recently I watched a nature program on lions,
observing lions in their natural environment it is clear that their
natural dignity and strength is shown in the lion pack. In fact,
lions are connected with being strong and powerful, meaning
their power is only natural. When the lion comes to you as an
animal totem or in some form such as the fact you keep seeing
the lion signs - it’s an emblem for you to step into your natural
birthright of strength and absolute power. The lion appears in
one’s life in order to remind us of our natural strong natural
Lions in dreams are a common symbol. To dream of being
chased by a lion denotes the inner struggle you’re having. And
also reveals your hidden rage and aggression. To dream about
your lion spirit animal might point to rage you’re feeling for
someone or aggression that’s pointed back at you. Lion is the
symbol of courage and personal strength and power: As a spirit
animal, the lion is mostly associated with courage and
representation of our personal strength and power. If the lion
seems powerful to you, its presence as a spirit guide may be
interpreted as a positive representation of your personal power
and self-confidence. The lion also portrays some of your best
qualities such as courage, smartness, strength, and
As you might know, the lion dominates over other animals in
the animal kingdom. Remember the expression: “The lion is
the king of the jungle”? This quote was probably inspired by
the intimidating presence and roar of the lion. Meaning, if a lion
appears in spiritual form to you, it reveals your natural
leadership attitude and strong character. As a spiritual animal,
the lion is the recipient of the award for the most persistent
fighter in the face of obstacles and life challenges.
Lions in dreams warn you of possible danger and new
challenges in life: A spirit animal such as the lion might warn
you of possible danger in life or warn you of a difficult situation
coming. The lion, for example, can warn you of new challenges
and obstacles. If a lion appears to you it’s probably trying to
guide your way and boost your courage.
In summary, Lions have been used as symbols for many years
in cultures across Africa, Asia, and Europe. They were initially
depicted using graphic representation as organized hunters with
strategies and in y research represent great strength, power, and
skills. The lion symbolizes in dreams or in spiritual terms
personal issues and struggles and hidden anger. To see a lion
spirit guide (such as a totem) could represent a need to control
anger or hidden emotions and overarching aggressive impulses.
Alternatively, if you keep seeing the lion ”symbol” it is advised
to pay attention to what people say or how they act before you
accuse or strike them of something. You might also need to
express your suppressed feelings (about others) and
communicate more openly about how you feel in order to
reduce your inner frustration.

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Symbolism of a lion and understanding of ancient history

  • 1. Symbolism of a lion and understanding of ancient history What Does A Lion Symbolize. To answer the question of what does a lion symbolize I have covered ancient history, spiritual implications and the main characteristics of a lion. The lion symbolizes a positive time in life, this fierce animal is connected to our inner urges in most ancient and biblical texts.
  • 2. The power, desire, control and possession of a lion is often seen as a positive attribute. The lion symbolizes the following: courage, justice, power, strength, wisdom, pride, dignity, dominating, authority, material wealth and riches. As I am sure you are aware the lion itself is predominantly associated with strength. As the lion is nocturnal can also indicate that we are connected to our own conscious thoughts. .additionally, the lioness is referred to as what an animal of the moon (lunar). Lyons often connect to how we balance things in life. In regards to the spiritual message, the lion brings with it the need to stop overstretching ourselves but try to balance matters and remain strong. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// As I am sure you know lions are all around us. There are lions on statutes, banking and on logos, I have seen many countries and organizations use the lion as a brand image. Why? The lion is strong it overcomes competition and has a fighting spirit. Turning again to symbolism the lion can often be connected to
  • 3. counseling, and understanding how we will be if we are stripped of modern life. The lion can imply that we need to fight for what we believe in. The lion, unicorn, Phoenix, and Dragon are groups of mammals which are found in numerical patterns and also outlined in the Bible. I will discuss the biblical symbolism of the lion bit later on, but for now, I wanted to talk about the fact the lion in many religious texts is connected to a supporting shield. What does the lion symbolize in psychology? Turning to psychology, Carl Jung observed in his books that the counterbalancing of the lion stands for the inner stress and power we process. Britain has a lion as it’s coat of arms. In this sense, it is like balancing the female and male counterparts. If we think of the phrase known as “the lion share” this means that because the lion hunts in a group, they divide the prey into parts, and I am sure you are aware that the male lion often gets more food. Therefore, this term is connected to how we can overpower outcomes and possess material possessions in life. Lion symbols have been in use for a long time. We only have to look at ancient Egypt and the goddesses known as Sekhmet is represented by a lioness figure, which I will explain further on. This wonderful goddess was used to protect people - especially the rulers. When the formation of cities, kingdoms, and countries the lion symbol gained a larger presence and to date, the lion maintains a symbolic role in various nations. For example, in Singapore, the lion’s head is a distinctive and
  • 4. recognized as a nationalfeature. In Trafalgar Square in London, a set of four bronze lions each weighing seven tonnes reside as an emblem of power. What is the lion symbol in the tarot deck? The lion is further featured in the tarot waite pack as the card “strength” from all this it is clear that the lion is connected to our own internal uncurious mind. The lion symbolism is also connected to our own lives and has affected human beings since the dark ages. Symbolism is often be used by communities in order to communicate certain aspects in life. To this end, the Lion symbol is prominent and universally accepted. I’m going to spend a bit of time providing an overview of the lion from a symbolism in various contexts. What does the lion symbolize in astrology? As a symbol, the lion is known as the sun. This is due to the astral sign Leo, the fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The process and predominate of fire signs is unique in that they are high grades of gifts that God provides to man. The fire signs give human beings development and growth in life. This ties into zodiac symbols, basically the lion brings light to darkness. Secondly, fire cannot be contained in one source. The fire itself is uncontrollable, unpredictable and volatile. This describes the people born under the “sun” sign. One thought that might help is that fire signs per say indicate all the opportunities we explore in life. The lion has been used in much mythology and cultures for thousands of years. There is much symbolism of worshipping gods connected to a lion. The lion is the zodiac
  • 5. sign of Leo. In astrology, the sign of Leo also symbolizes similar traits as in heraldic art such as loyalty, self-esteem, intuition, fiery, passion, loyalty, control, and generosity. People born under the sun sign Leo are most likely confident, dominant and independent. A Leo person tends to expose creativity and influential force. People born in this sign have internal power to apply positive or negative changes in their own lives and the life of others who surround them. They’re loyal and protective around friends and family. The Leo’s personality is often strong and serious. In fact, people born in this sign are more focused and easy-going when entering the later stages of life. Leo’s I like to say (as I know quite a few) are social and prideful around people like themselves. They also have a strong sense of identity. What does the lion symbolize in banking and currency? Many times the lion is seen on currency and a representation of banking logos. Also, lions are seen on many sculptures, statues, and ornaments. This led me to ask: is there a hidden meaning? The lion is a sign of the sun and Leo in astrology is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Leo is one of three fire signs including Sagittarius and Aries. The lion is also seen in the tarot cards of the Major Arcana, and temperance. In this card, the lion represents air and strength. The lion is also used in masonic circles and in alchemy represents the symbol of sulfur.
  • 6. What does the lion mean in Egyptian theology? If we turn to Egyptian theology the lion is seen as the Sekhmet goddesses head. The sekhment was seen as the lioness and she was a feared by the Egyptians. She was worshipped to protect against wars. This goddess was known as for being fierce. There are many statues in Egypt such as the Sekmet which is found in the temple of Mud at Luxor. The lion in this respect is a sacred animal to the Egyptians - and Sekmet was considered the mother of miysis. It was forbidden to hunt the lion on feast days. In Tibetan art the culture around lions is symbolized as a white lion. This is known as the snow-lion. Lions are one of the most powerful animals in the animal kingdom and in Egypt this was no exception. As I have already discussed the lion is the king of all animals out there. And it’s no surprise that lions have a symbolic meaning associated with strength. The fact that they’re nocturnal creatures means that the lions symbolize authority and command over the unconscious mind. Egyptian people see the lion as a representation of the sun and this is due to the fact that the lion is on the Egyptian goddess also known as the Eye of Ra. It’s believed that she protects the good and kills the wicked and evil. I hope this provides an overview of what the lion means in Egyptian terms. What is the symbolic messages that lions offer? One of the reasons I began this article is because I keep seeing lions everywhere. If you too are experiencing this then know that the lions indicates you need to have the courage and have faith in yourself. Stand up for yourself and use your natural powers in life. There is a message here: try to keep your head above water
  • 7. when times get hard. Conduct yourself with dignity and never give up. Protect what’s yours with everything you have. Show authority in order to earn people’s respect. Lead others with a loving heart and compassion. Lions often indicate personality and destiny. What is the general symbolism and meaning of lions? Another interesting fact about lions is that they’re considered as solar animal symbols. Connected to the sun. However, they’re primarily nocturnal creatures conducting their hunting activity mostly during the night. Also, lions are considered to be lunar animals. In most cultures, lions symbolize balance and sound judgment. They share the world of night and day and bear a message of prudence to us. In simpler words, lions ask us to not overdo in specific areas of our lives but rather keep a clear mind and overall balance in our everyday activities. But besides symbolizing strength, lions are also the symbol of wisdom, power, courage, dignity, domination, ferocity and authority. In some ways, Lions might also denote an authority that can feel overpowering or some conflicting relationship with authority and power. Lions are considered a solar being, in ancient history and at times signifies external power, authority, and forces that command some parts of your life. Alternatively, a lion that enters your life can often appear when you must deal with some annoying person such as your boss at work or a troubled partner. What does the lion symbolize in ancient Greek mythology? Lions can be seen in many myths and also the head
  • 8. of monsters in various Greek mythologies, for example, Nemean lion is the only Greek monster. This lion was eventually killed by Heracles because he took a women hostage in a cave near a place called Nemean. Another interesting fact, that in Greek mythology there are paintings where lions drew chariots of the following gods and goddesses: Dionysus, Cybele, Phoebus, and Artemis. In ancient Greece, the symbolic meaning of lions is associated mostly with protection. People believe that lions are the guardians of the dead, thrones, palaces, shrines, and doorways. It’s also believed they protect the heart and home. What does the lion symbolize in Hinduism and Buddhism? The lion is the personification of Vishnu while in Buddhism, lions represent strength, wisdom, and consistency. Lions have symbolic meaning in alchemy too. It’s associated with the highly idealistic and prized features of gold. What does the lion symbol mean in England? In England, the symbolism of the Lion is often seen in heraldic art and symbolizes honor, loyalty, courage, strength, leadership. The lion is the common token of English sovereigns because of the power traits. A famous king of England known as Richard the 1st was called the lionhearted due to how brave he was in fighting wars. Lions have in England represented strength and can be found on the English coat of arms and on the currency. What is the spiritual meaning of lions? As I have already covered the spiritual meaning of lions is associated with
  • 9. strength, courage, and ability to overcome challenges. The lion’s presence might also symbolize wilderness and the inability to control one's natural instincts, or in other words, the inability to tame the wild side of ones personality. Also, lions symbolize the intense emotions that are difficult to control such as anger, fear, and aggression. As a spirit animal or totem, a lion represents the following: Personal power, strength, assertiveness. Domination – predatory feeling such as aggression. The personal issues and struggles to deal with feelings. The ability to sense danger and threatening situation. What famous icons have lions on them? Lions have been known to be the most iconic creature in history with their behaviors being important to the human race since time immemorial. Some of the animals species have even transcended the notoriety of their species to make a mark in the human culture. Here are some of the famous icons that have lions on them. Leo, The MGM Lion: MGM, a Hollywood film studio used a lion since 1917 as its mascot with Leo being the most dominant of them all over the years which has been used since 1957. Bibi the Marsh Lion: Bibi was a lion at Masai Mara in Kenya, who was, in 2015 found dead from poisoning. He was a
  • 10. member of the Marsh pride which featured for over a decade on a BBC popular show, Big Cat Diary. Chauvet Cave lions: Its painting was discovered in 1994 in Southern France as part of the largest collection of prehistoric artwork. The lions were larger the current lions available in today’s world. They were extinct more than 25,000 years ago. Aslan: Aslan is the Turkish word for lion and is an allegory for Christ. According to the book “Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis” Aslan is the magical talking lion that hides in a secret land, if you have not seen the movie then I urge you to watch as it is associated with how the lion builds strength. What does lions mean in dreams? In dreams, a lion symbolizes how we feel at the moment. For example, if you dream of a lion, it implies that you’re feeling powerful and able to defend yourself from enemies. To dream of lions might also symbolize your wish to get more familiar with how your feel exactly and tame your intense feelings, needs, and wilderness if necessary. Only recently I watched a nature program on lions, observing lions in their natural environment it is clear that their natural dignity and strength is shown in the lion pack. In fact, lions are connected with being strong and powerful, meaning their power is only natural. When the lion comes to you as an animal totem or in some form such as the fact you keep seeing the lion signs - it’s an emblem for you to step into your natural birthright of strength and absolute power. The lion appears in
  • 11. one’s life in order to remind us of our natural strong natural features. Lions in dreams are a common symbol. To dream of being chased by a lion denotes the inner struggle you’re having. And also reveals your hidden rage and aggression. To dream about your lion spirit animal might point to rage you’re feeling for someone or aggression that’s pointed back at you. Lion is the symbol of courage and personal strength and power: As a spirit animal, the lion is mostly associated with courage and representation of our personal strength and power. If the lion seems powerful to you, its presence as a spirit guide may be interpreted as a positive representation of your personal power and self-confidence. The lion also portrays some of your best qualities such as courage, smartness, strength, and assertiveness. As you might know, the lion dominates over other animals in the animal kingdom. Remember the expression: “The lion is the king of the jungle”? This quote was probably inspired by the intimidating presence and roar of the lion. Meaning, if a lion appears in spiritual form to you, it reveals your natural leadership attitude and strong character. As a spiritual animal, the lion is the recipient of the award for the most persistent fighter in the face of obstacles and life challenges. Lions in dreams warn you of possible danger and new challenges in life: A spirit animal such as the lion might warn
  • 12. you of possible danger in life or warn you of a difficult situation coming. The lion, for example, can warn you of new challenges and obstacles. If a lion appears to you it’s probably trying to guide your way and boost your courage. In summary, Lions have been used as symbols for many years in cultures across Africa, Asia, and Europe. They were initially depicted using graphic representation as organized hunters with strategies and in y research represent great strength, power, and skills. The lion symbolizes in dreams or in spiritual terms personal issues and struggles and hidden anger. To see a lion spirit guide (such as a totem) could represent a need to control anger or hidden emotions and overarching aggressive impulses. Alternatively, if you keep seeing the lion ”symbol” it is advised to pay attention to what people say or how they act before you accuse or strike them of something. You might also need to express your suppressed feelings (about others) and communicate more openly about how you feel in order to reduce your inner frustration.