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Signs of the Timings:
Predicting Time of Completion in
   Multiphase Survival Trials

             Dennis Sweitzer
              Ali Falahati

          Delaware Chapter of the ASA
               September, 2006
Study Flowchart
The Protocols
•  Time to Randomized Relapse
Open Label Phase
  –  Up to 36 weeks
  –  Patients must be stable for 12 weeks before randomization
  –  High withdrawal rate (30-70%)
  –  Assumed 50% randomize
Randomized Phase
  –  Up to 104 weeks
  –  High withdrawal rate
  –  Assumed 30% Relapse rate
  –  Trial could not end until last Patient randomized >28 weeks
Sensitivity to Relapse & Discontinuation rates (1)

   Low Discontinuation
    relative to Relapse

Cumulative Patient statuses
   as trial progresses
   100 Relapse ~Sep

 Wrong assumptions, wait
Sensitivity to Relapse & Discontinuation rates (2)

 Higher event rates
deplete patient pool
Plan to stop enrollment as soon as
      certain of reaching 100
               ~ July

    Higher Discontinuation Rate,
        Lower relapse Rate
           Large delays
       May never reach goal
Stopping Enrollment
Stopping Criteria
   • At least 227 Relapses
   • All patients still in Randomized Phase complete at least 28
   weeks of treatment

•  227th Relapses occurs shortly after:
     • All patients randomized >28 wks (Per Protocol)
• Randomization closed when:
     • All enrolled patients randomize or discontinue

28 week Requirement later dropped (Protocol Amendment)
Presentation: use 200 Relapses
The Problems
Long Lead times
•  Up to 36 weeks before randomization
•  Plus 28 weeks Minimum randomization
Ideally: Stop enrollment 64 weeks before target
Must account for
•  Enrollment D/C        (30%-70%)
•  Randomized D/C         (D/C Rate ≈ Relapse Rate)
•  Relapse Rates vary    (Higher Relapse Rate Early)
•  Competing Relapses (D/C vs Relapse)
•  Sensitivity to rates  (Close Rates High Variability)
Stopping Enrollment: Issues
Too Early:           Too Late:
Fewer Patients       Higher certainty of
Fewer randomized      reaching Goal
 Longer wait for    Patients possibly in
  target #Relapse.     Open Label at End
May never reach     Excessive #Relapses at
  target #Relapses     end of study
                     Ethics of Randomizing
                       Excess # pts
Many Management Questions
  When do we stop enrollment while being sure of
       eventually getting target # Relapses?
   When can we stop randomization & ensure reaching the
     Whats the earliest and latest we can expect to reach the target?
              When will all pts be randomized >28wks?
When can the trial be halted (required # Relapses & all pts randomized >28 wks)
                         Estimated Randomization Rate?
                             Estimated Relapse Rate?
                       How many active patients at the end?
                   How well does the outcome match our assumptions
Simulation Solution
•  Make a stochastic model of the trial
•  Monthly:
   –  Base model parameters on blinded data observed to date
   –  Incorporate assumptions where data insufficient
   –  Incorporate uncertainty of parameters
   –  Execute 1000’s of simulations of the trial
   –  Compute statistics from the collection of simulated trials
   –  Repeat with new data
•  Modeling assumptions can be:
       Specified -- Graphed -- Debated

Data Driven
•  New Data updates the model
•  Existing Active Patients are simulated to end
•  Assumptions become less important as data
Vision of Output

•  Simulation reports varied according to changing
   team needs (how many open label patients on June 1? When will we
  reach 150 Relapses? How many randomized patients at time of 200th Relapse?   If we stop randomizing on May 15, how many open
  lable patiestin will there be?……………………………………………….
Stochastic Modeling Approach
     1.  Make a cartoon model of a patients
         progress through the trial
     2.  What final outcomes are possible?
     3.  What could happen to the patient?
     4.  Identify States through which a patient
     5.  Identify Random Processes which take
         patients between states
Stochastic Model
                                  Patients (Open
                                   Label Phase)    Discontinued
                     Open Label                    (Randomized
        Enrolling                                     Phase)
        Patients      Patients


Continuous Time Markov Chain
Markov States: the Bubbles          Transitions: the Arrows
      Transition Probabilities change with time in state
                                     Patients (Open Label
                                                             Discontinued Patients

     Enrolling   ) Open Label
                                                            )(Randomized Phase)

     Patients       Patients
                                   Randomized Patients

                                                             )    Relapses

2 Transitory Markov States:
  Open Label Phase
 Randomized Phase
3 Terminal Markov States:
  Discontinued from Open Label Phase
 Discontinued from Randomized Phase
 Randomized Relapses
Transition Processes
                                        Discontinued Patients

                                 )      (Open Label Phase)
                                                                     Discontinued Patients
                                                                     (Randomized Phase)
                    Open Label
                     Patients                                   )
                                      Randomized Patients

5 Random Transition Processes:
1.    Trial Enrollment (Start Open Label)
2.    Discontinuation from Open Label Phase
3.    Randomization (from Open Label Phase)
4.    Discontinuation from Randomized Phase
5.    Randomized Relapses
Trial Enrollment
          Enrolling     Open Label
           Patients      Patients

For each simulated patient, generate a random length of
   time since the last patient
•  Pick an enrollment rate λ (Based on history & judgment)
•  Assume:      #pts/mo ~ Poisson process with mean λ	

•  Time between patients ~ Exponential(1/λ)
Can expand enrollment model to evaluate management
•  Incorporate mixture of site performances
•  Adding/changing sites during the trial
Markov Process
                        )      Discontinuation

                               Relapse (or

    Probability of
 transitioning from
   state i to state j
between times s and t
Aalen-Johansen estimator of Transition Probabilities

•  Aalen-Johansen estimator of the transition probability matrices
                      For         and

          # obs. Direct transitions from states h to j, visits 1 to t
          # pts in state h, just prior to visit t
Aalen-Johansen & Kaplan-Meier

•  Generalization of Kaplan-Meier Estimation
   to Non-homogeneous Markov Chains
•  K-M Estimators easier:
  –  To program (already in SAS)
  –  To understand (Intuitive)
  –  To Explain (Familiar)
•  Enrollment: Poisson Process
•  Open Label Phase: Competing Risk Model

                                 0= Still in OL Phase
                                 1= Randomized
                                 2= Discontinue fr OL phase

•  Ramdomized Phase: Competing Risk Model

                                 0= Still in Rand Phase
                                 1= Manic event
                                 2= Depressed event
                                 3= Discontinue fr Rand phase
Competing Risk Model
Mutually exclusive events
   (e.g., Relapse vs Discontinuation, …)
2 Approaches (Pintilie, 2006)
•  Jointly distributed Random Variables
•  Latent failure times
   –  Assume both events eventually occur
   –  But we only observe the first
   –  Use only marginal distributions
   –  Assuming independence (between events)
   –  But cannot test for independence, if only observing 1st
   –  Independence:
          Face validity      & Simplest Assumption
Kaplan-Meier Simulation
•  Assume event are independent
•  Model Each process separately using Kaplan-
   Meier Estimators
•  Censor on other event, current time in trial
•  Simulate each event separately
•  Earliest of the 2 simulated processes is taken as
   simulated outcome
•  Caveat: Assumes Independent processes

    Intuitive, easy to understand, easy to explain
Open Label Transitions
                                            Discontinued Patients
                                     )      (Open Label Phase)
2 Competing         Open Label
   Processes:                         )   Randomized Patients

 Discontinuation                Randomization

1.  Generate Random Discontinuation time
2.  Generate Random Randomization time
3.  Use the earliest event
Randomized Phase Processes
                                     Discontinued Patients (Randomized
                           )                      Phase)

     Randomized Patients


2 Competing Processes:
     Discontinuation *       * Relapse
Choose event as previously described.
•  Current Open Label Patients are simulated to
    randomization or discontinuation
•  If simulated randomization, then simulate
    Randomized Discontinuation or Relapse
Generic Transition Process
    Q: When to make the transition?                  State
    A: First: estimate random transition   "A"        "B"
    1.  Generate K-M Survival Functions from data
       (censoring on all other events)
    2.  Make assumptions about Survival beyond last event


                                                       ?
Simulated Patients
  State             State                          (p, t)
   "A"               "B"         p

Q: When to make
the transition?                                    t

A: Second: Simulate Trials
For Each Simulated Trial:
•  For each simulated patient within a trial
   –    Pick a random p∈(0,1)	

   –    Interpolate t from the graph, so that (p, t) is on graph
Simulating Active Patients
  State             State
                                q               (q, s)
   "A"               "B"
                                                              (q*p, t)

For each simulated trial              s           t

•  For each observed patient within state “A” for time s
   –    Interpolate q∈(0,1) from the graph, so that (q, s) is on graph
   –    Pick a random p∈(0,1)	

   –    Interpolate t from the graph, so that (q*p, t) is on graph
Incorporating Parameter Uncertainty
   State            State
    "A"              "B"

 For each simulated trial
 • Pick a random quantile r∈                              r

 • Simulate all patients using
 the r%-tile confidence level                         t
 of the Kaplan-Meier Curve

Simulates: combinations of high & low estimates of Event and D/
C Survival curves
Requires representative data from all phases
•  K-M estimates only through last event
•  Assumptions must be made about hazard rate after last
   available event(s)
   –  If assumptions correct, point estimates should be stable while
      confidence intervals narrow
•  Up to date data
   –  Special reporting of Relapses (faxes with follow up,
   –  IVRS, EDC, monitoring reports
•  Heterogeneity:
   –  Earliest sites may not be representative of all sites
   –  Procedures may change (hopefully improve) over time
   –  Regional differences (standards of care, patient attitudes, etc)
Why Not a Parametric Model?
Trial Structure:
•  Events tend to occur
   on visits
    granularity
    ✭ Continuous
•  Visits vary in
    ✭ Discrete
•  Active Tx
    mixture model
   Changing Hazard
   over time
•  Must make & defend
Diagnostic: Does It Fit?

Survival curves of:
           Observed data              vs. Simulated Data
  (Censored Observed, Active OL Pts, Active Rand. Pts, Entirely simulated Pts)

   Plot K-M curves for each event, time in each phase
•  Review assumptions (long term behavior)
•  Identify data anomalies
•  Identify simulation problems
Example: Regional Heterogeneity
Regional modeling (Trials A & B):
 Parameters varied by region more than by trial
   –  Estimate parameters within regions
   –  Simulate patients with Trial and Region
   –  Summarize results by Trial
In addition to simulations which ignored region

Survival curves
   followed 2
  patterns by
 region & trial
Reporting the Simulations
For each simulated Trial:
•  Sort Patient Events by occurrence date (enrollment,
   randomization, relapse, etc)
For each scenario
•  Summarize over Event records which fit scenario
•  Summarize over all patients enrolled before a potential
   enrollment cutoff date.
•  … over all patients randomized before a cutoff date
•  Summarize with and without a subset of sites
Changing Questions
•  Early in Trial
   –  Are the protocol assumptions accurate?
   –  When to stop enrollment?
   –  Expected # patients (enrolled, randomized, etc)
         Identify problems       &       Evaluate fixes
•  Mid-Trial
   –  When to stop randomizing patients?
   –  Are the revised assumptions accurate?
   –  Were changes effective?
•  Late Trial
   –  When will the last Relapse occur?
   –  How many patients will be active in various phases?
            Plan for Closeout & Database lock
Early Trial
For each Enrollment Cutoff Date
•  Summarize each trial for all patients enrolled
   before that date
•  Compute statistics over simulated trials
Some trial outcomes:
•  Dates of: last Relapse; All patients randomized>28 week;
   PP Completion (>target & >28 weeks)
•  Event & patient counts at each of above milestones
•  % of Simulations with ≥200, 190, 180,… Relapses at milestones
•  # active patients (open label or randomized) at given dates &
Pick a cutoff date accordingly (e.g., minimize resource with
  least risk of running late)
Trial Completion (1)
           ≥227 Relapses & All Active Patients Randomized 28wks

• 75% Certainty:
2 August Cutoff for
Nov 2006
• 90% Certainty:
1 Sep Cutoff for
Dec 2006
Trial Completion (2)
        ≥227 Relapses Events & All Active Patients Randomized 28wks

• 75% Certainty:
~1775 Enrolled for
Nov 2006
• 90% Certainty:
~1850 Enrolled for
Dec 2006
29 Oct prediction from: 528 Enrolled, 272 Rand., & 58 Relapses
On 26 June: ~1950 Enrolled, 620 Randomized, 200 Relapses
Highly uncertain: 3 Relapses, 2 Randomized D/C, 73 Randomized
1 Month Later: 16 Relapses, 7 Rand.D/Cs, 182 Randomized
Slowed Enrollment: 29 Relapses, 22 Rand. D/C, 272 Rand
Example: Will a trial end?
Study E:
•  Endpoint: 300 type 1, 300 type 2 events
•  Slower & Fewer than expected
•  Simulation predicted:
  –  10% chance of 300 of each
  –  87% chance of 600 total
•  Interim Analysis
  –  Supported by simulation
  –  300 total expected April 25
Mid-Trial Output
For each Randomization Cutoff Date
•  Summarize each trial for all patients
   randomized before that date
•  Compute statistics over simulated trials
•  Generates same statistics per trial
•  Summarize for each randomization cutoff date

Essentially, replace “enrollment” with
  “randomization” & execute as before
•  Conclusion: nothing to be gained by
   randomizing beyond mid June
Late-Trial Output
Refine estimates of last Relapse, etc.
For Milestones & Calendar Dates
•  Estimate #patients in each stage (e.g., how many
   patients will be active at the end?)
•  Corrected (or just collected) data may change
•  Old, unreported Relapses may be discovered
•  Predict time between milestone to end
•  Add prediction to best guess milestone
Bottom line: How accurate?
Not bad:
• Actual Date of 200th Relapse covered by
predicted 80% C.I.
• Width of C.I.s narrowed over time
Value Added
Early Refinement of Protocol Assumptions
•  Protocol: 50% randomized, 30% Relapse rates
•  Trial A: 33%, 37%         Trial B: 55%, 41%
Early Identification of problems
Quick Response to problems
•  Changed procedures to improve retention in Trial A
•  Added sites to Trial B after delays in starting up sites
Better allocation of resources
Trials C, D
Mid trial: Regulators requested analysis of late
•  Enrollment had already ended for Trial C
  –  Enough patients to reach 88 late Relapses?
•  Enrollment was still ongoing for Trial D
  –  Extend enrollment how long? Add sites?

•  How would this affect time lines?
Data problem:
Unreported Relapses
Dirty Data Problems
•  Some known Relapses are not usable due to missing data
   (e.g., unknown randomization date)
•  Corrected (or lately collected) data may change estimates
•  Old, unreported Relapses may be discovered
•  Data may be collected or corrected irregularly
   –  Separate data sources (e.g., Relapse log + IVRS)
   –  Drift & shift over time
   –  End of trial data clean up
•  Estimate time between milestones
   –  Anchor to a known, early milestone
Future solutions:
•  Estimate missing data effects
   –  Use time between Relapse occurrence and Relapse reporting
   –  Estimate number of missing Relapses from times in past
Some Feedback
•  “… the simulations are very valuable
   and the only way we have to plan our
   timelines. As it has turned out, your
   simulations seems to be pretty accurate
   as we have increased the mood event
   rate significantly … as predicted...”
•  ... We would have been guessing and
   spinning our wheels without them.”
•  Could you simulate trials xyz & uvw?
Extra Slides
Diagnostics: Cohort Analysis
•  By month enrolled
•  By month Randomized
      Calculate randomization & Relapse rates

 Easy to understand
  Multiple Estimates which must be reconciled
  Doesn’t Provide Time to Relapses
  Useful reality check on Simulation
Point Estimates insufficient: need C.I.s
Cohorts by Randomization Month

Actual counts of patients by status by month
Cohorts by Month Randomized (Cumulative Count)

Height is # patients randomized in or before month
Cohorts by Month Randomized (Cumulative Percentage)

•  >40% randomized eventually have Relapse
 <N/0.40 randomized to get N
Open Label Cohorts
   (Current Status)
Open Label Cohorts          (Cumulative Statuses)

• ~ 64% eventually Randomize & >40% Relapse Rate
•  # open label pt < N/(0.64*0.40)
Crude Relapse Rates of all Patients in Phase
Mixture of patients:
•  Relapse & D/C rates change with exposure
•  Mixture of Pt. Exposures changes with time
Cohorts: Track Relapses over Time
 Easy to understand
  Multiple Estimates which must be reconciled
  Doesn’t Provide Time to Relapses
  Useful reality check on Simulation
Point Estimates insufficient: need C.I.s
Clinical Trial Management
Planning Trials (future)
•  Is a trial feasible?
•  Sensitivity to assumptions?
•  Costs: # Pts, # Pt-mos, #visits, #Sites, #Site-mos
Trial Execution (current)
•  Anticipate delays
•  No information on outcome
•  Could be added to simulation
Program Planning (future)
•  Replace “Trial Phases” with “Toll Gates”
•  Enhance modeling of Trial Enrollment process
Example: Adding Site
          Sites                   Discontinued

         New                        Relapses

•  Drop OL Phase, expand enrollment process
•  Simulate time to start up new site, pts/mo at a new
   site, etc
•  Report by #Additional Sites instead of cutoff dates
Sweitzer,Simulating Multi Phase Studies
Sweitzer,Simulating Multi Phase Studies

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Sweitzer,Simulating Multi Phase Studies

  • 1. Signs of the Timings: Predicting Time of Completion in Multiphase Survival Trials Dennis Sweitzer Ali Falahati Delaware Chapter of the ASA September, 2006
  • 3. The Protocols Outcome: •  Time to Randomized Relapse Open Label Phase –  Up to 36 weeks –  Patients must be stable for 12 weeks before randomization –  High withdrawal rate (30-70%) –  Assumed 50% randomize Randomized Phase –  Up to 104 weeks –  High withdrawal rate –  Assumed 30% Relapse rate –  Trial could not end until last Patient randomized >28 weeks
  • 4. Sensitivity to Relapse & Discontinuation rates (1) Low Discontinuation relative to Relapse Cumulative Patient statuses as trial progresses 100 Relapse ~Sep Wrong assumptions, wait longer
  • 5. Sensitivity to Relapse & Discontinuation rates (2) Higher event rates deplete patient pool Plan to stop enrollment as soon as certain of reaching 100 ~ July Higher Discontinuation Rate, Lower relapse Rate Large delays May never reach goal
  • 6. Stopping Enrollment Stopping Criteria • At least 227 Relapses • All patients still in Randomized Phase complete at least 28 weeks of treatment Ideally: •  227th Relapses occurs shortly after: • All patients randomized >28 wks (Per Protocol) • Randomization closed when: • All enrolled patients randomize or discontinue 28 week Requirement later dropped (Protocol Amendment) Presentation: use 200 Relapses
  • 7. The Problems Long Lead times •  Up to 36 weeks before randomization •  Plus 28 weeks Minimum randomization Ideally: Stop enrollment 64 weeks before target #Relapses Must account for •  Enrollment D/C (30%-70%) •  Randomized D/C (D/C Rate ≈ Relapse Rate) •  Relapse Rates vary (Higher Relapse Rate Early) •  Competing Relapses (D/C vs Relapse) •  Sensitivity to rates (Close Rates High Variability)
  • 8. Stopping Enrollment: Issues Too Early: Too Late: Fewer Patients  Higher certainty of Fewer randomized reaching Goal  Longer wait for Patients possibly in target #Relapse. Open Label at End May never reach Excessive #Relapses at target #Relapses end of study Ethics of Randomizing Excess # pts
  • 9. Many Management Questions When do we stop enrollment while being sure of eventually getting target # Relapses? When can we stop randomization & ensure reaching the target? Whats the earliest and latest we can expect to reach the target? When will all pts be randomized >28wks? When can the trial be halted (required # Relapses & all pts randomized >28 wks) Estimated Randomization Rate? Estimated Relapse Rate? How many active patients at the end? How well does the outcome match our assumptions etc etc
  • 10. Simulation Solution •  Make a stochastic model of the trial •  Monthly: –  Base model parameters on blinded data observed to date –  Incorporate assumptions where data insufficient –  Incorporate uncertainty of parameters –  Execute 1000’s of simulations of the trial –  Compute statistics from the collection of simulated trials –  Repeat with new data
  • 11. Advantages Transparency •  Modeling assumptions can be: Specified -- Graphed -- Debated Data Driven •  New Data updates the model •  Existing Active Patients are simulated to end •  Assumptions become less important as data accumulates
  • 12. Vision of Output •  Simulation reports varied according to changing team needs (how many open label patients on June 1? When will we reach 150 Relapses? How many randomized patients at time of 200th Relapse? If we stop randomizing on May 15, how many open lable patiestin will there be?……………………………………………….
  • 13. Stochastic Modeling Approach 1.  Make a cartoon model of a patients progress through the trial 2.  What final outcomes are possible? 3.  What could happen to the patient? 4.  Identify States through which a patient passes 5.  Identify Random Processes which take patients between states
  • 14. Stochastic Model Discontinued Patients (Open Label Phase) Discontinued Patients Open Label (Randomized Enrolling Phase) Patients Patients Randomized Patients Relapses Continuous Time Markov Chain Markov States: the Bubbles Transitions: the Arrows Transition Probabilities change with time in state
  • 15. States Discontinued ) Patients (Open Label Phase) Discontinued Patients Enrolling ) Open Label )(Randomized Phase) Patients Patients Randomized Patients ) ) Relapses 2 Transitory Markov States: Open Label Phase  Randomized Phase 3 Terminal Markov States: Discontinued from Open Label Phase  Discontinued from Randomized Phase  Randomized Relapses
  • 16. Transition Processes Discontinued Patients ) ) (Open Label Phase) Discontinued Patients (Randomized Phase) Enrolling Patients Open Label Patients ) Randomized Patients ) Relapses ) 5 Random Transition Processes: 1.  Trial Enrollment (Start Open Label) 2.  Discontinuation from Open Label Phase 3.  Randomization (from Open Label Phase) 4.  Discontinuation from Randomized Phase 5.  Randomized Relapses
  • 17. Trial Enrollment ) Enrolling Open Label Patients Patients For each simulated patient, generate a random length of time since the last patient •  Pick an enrollment rate λ (Based on history & judgment) •  Assume: #pts/mo ~ Poisson process with mean λ •  Time between patients ~ Exponential(1/λ) Can expand enrollment model to evaluate management options: •  Incorporate mixture of site performances •  Adding/changing sites during the trial
  • 18. Markov Process ) Discontinuation Continuing ) Relapse (or Randomization) Probability of transitioning from state i to state j between times s and t
  • 19. Aalen-Johansen estimator of Transition Probabilities •  Aalen-Johansen estimator of the transition probability matrices For and # obs. Direct transitions from states h to j, visits 1 to t # pts in state h, just prior to visit t
  • 20. Aalen-Johansen & Kaplan-Meier •  Generalization of Kaplan-Meier Estimation to Non-homogeneous Markov Chains •  K-M Estimators easier: –  To program (already in SAS) –  To understand (Intuitive) –  To Explain (Familiar)
  • 21. Models •  Enrollment: Poisson Process •  Open Label Phase: Competing Risk Model 0= Still in OL Phase 1= Randomized 2= Discontinue fr OL phase •  Ramdomized Phase: Competing Risk Model 0= Still in Rand Phase 1= Manic event 2= Depressed event 3= Discontinue fr Rand phase
  • 22. Competing Risk Model Mutually exclusive events (e.g., Relapse vs Discontinuation, …) 2 Approaches (Pintilie, 2006) •  Jointly distributed Random Variables •  Latent failure times –  Assume both events eventually occur –  But we only observe the first –  Use only marginal distributions –  Assuming independence (between events) –  But cannot test for independence, if only observing 1st –  Independence: Face validity & Simplest Assumption
  • 23. Kaplan-Meier Simulation •  Assume event are independent •  Model Each process separately using Kaplan- Meier Estimators •  Censor on other event, current time in trial •  Simulate each event separately •  Earliest of the 2 simulated processes is taken as simulated outcome •  Caveat: Assumes Independent processes Intuitive, easy to understand, easy to explain
  • 24. Open Label Transitions Discontinued Patients ) (Open Label Phase) 2 Competing Open Label Patients Processes: ) Randomized Patients  Discontinuation Randomization 1.  Generate Random Discontinuation time 2.  Generate Random Randomization time 3.  Use the earliest event
  • 25. Randomized Phase Processes Discontinued Patients (Randomized ) Phase) Randomized Patients Relapses ) 2 Competing Processes:  Discontinuation * * Relapse Choose event as previously described. •  Current Open Label Patients are simulated to randomization or discontinuation •  If simulated randomization, then simulate Randomized Discontinuation or Relapse
  • 26. Generic Transition Process Q: When to make the transition? State State A: First: estimate random transition "A" "B" function 1.  Generate K-M Survival Functions from data (censoring on all other events) 2.  Make assumptions about Survival beyond last event   ? 
  • 27. Simulated Patients State State (p, t) "A" "B" p Q: When to make the transition? t A: Second: Simulate Trials For Each Simulated Trial: •  For each simulated patient within a trial –  Pick a random p∈(0,1) –  Interpolate t from the graph, so that (p, t) is on graph
  • 28. Simulating Active Patients State State q (q, s) "A" "B" (q*p, t) q*p For each simulated trial s t •  For each observed patient within state “A” for time s –  Interpolate q∈(0,1) from the graph, so that (q, s) is on graph –  Pick a random p∈(0,1) –  Interpolate t from the graph, so that (q*p, t) is on graph
  • 29. Incorporating Parameter Uncertainty State State "A" "B" For each simulated trial q • Pick a random quantile r∈ r (0,1) • Simulate all patients using the r%-tile confidence level t of the Kaplan-Meier Curve Simulates: combinations of high & low estimates of Event and D/ C Survival curves
  • 30. Limitations Requires representative data from all phases •  K-M estimates only through last event •  Assumptions must be made about hazard rate after last available event(s) –  If assumptions correct, point estimates should be stable while confidence intervals narrow •  Up to date data –  Special reporting of Relapses (faxes with follow up, monitoring) –  IVRS, EDC, monitoring reports •  Heterogeneity: –  Earliest sites may not be representative of all sites –  Procedures may change (hopefully improve) over time –  Regional differences (standards of care, patient attitudes, etc)
  • 31. Why Not a Parametric Model? Trial Structure: •  Events tend to occur on visits  granularity  ✭ Continuous •  Visits vary in spacing  ✭ Discrete •  Active Tx  mixture model Changing Hazard over time •  Must make & defend simplifying assumptions
  • 32. Diagnostic: Does It Fit? Survival curves of: Observed data vs. Simulated Data (Censored Observed, Active OL Pts, Active Rand. Pts, Entirely simulated Pts)
  • 33. Diagnostics Plot K-M curves for each event, time in each phase •  Review assumptions (long term behavior) •  Identify data anomalies •  Identify simulation problems
  • 34. Example: Regional Heterogeneity Regional modeling (Trials A & B): Parameters varied by region more than by trial –  Estimate parameters within regions –  Simulate patients with Trial and Region –  Summarize results by Trial In addition to simulations which ignored region Survival curves followed 2 patterns by region & trial
  • 35. Reporting the Simulations For each simulated Trial: •  Sort Patient Events by occurrence date (enrollment, randomization, relapse, etc) For each scenario •  Summarize over Event records which fit scenario Examples: •  Summarize over all patients enrolled before a potential enrollment cutoff date. •  … over all patients randomized before a cutoff date •  Summarize with and without a subset of sites
  • 36. Changing Questions •  Early in Trial –  Are the protocol assumptions accurate? –  When to stop enrollment? –  Expected # patients (enrolled, randomized, etc) Identify problems & Evaluate fixes •  Mid-Trial –  When to stop randomizing patients? –  Are the revised assumptions accurate? –  Were changes effective? •  Late Trial –  When will the last Relapse occur? –  How many patients will be active in various phases? Plan for Closeout & Database lock
  • 37. Early Trial For each Enrollment Cutoff Date •  Summarize each trial for all patients enrolled before that date •  Compute statistics over simulated trials Some trial outcomes: •  Dates of: last Relapse; All patients randomized>28 week; PP Completion (>target & >28 weeks) •  Event & patient counts at each of above milestones •  % of Simulations with ≥200, 190, 180,… Relapses at milestones •  # active patients (open label or randomized) at given dates & milestones Pick a cutoff date accordingly (e.g., minimize resource with least risk of running late)
  • 38. Trial Completion (1) ≥227 Relapses & All Active Patients Randomized 28wks Earliest Completion: • 75% Certainty: 2 August Cutoff for Nov 2006 Completion • 90% Certainty: 1 Sep Cutoff for Dec 2006 Completion
  • 39. Trial Completion (2) ≥227 Relapses Events & All Active Patients Randomized 28wks Earliest Completion: • 75% Certainty: ~1775 Enrolled for Nov 2006 Completion • 90% Certainty: ~1850 Enrolled for Dec 2006 Completion
  • 40. 29 Oct prediction from: 528 Enrolled, 272 Rand., & 58 Relapses On 26 June: ~1950 Enrolled, 620 Randomized, 200 Relapses
  • 41. Highly uncertain: 3 Relapses, 2 Randomized D/C, 73 Randomized
  • 42.
  • 43. 1 Month Later: 16 Relapses, 7 Rand.D/Cs, 182 Randomized
  • 44. Slowed Enrollment: 29 Relapses, 22 Rand. D/C, 272 Rand
  • 45. Example: Will a trial end? Study E: •  Endpoint: 300 type 1, 300 type 2 events •  Slower & Fewer than expected •  Simulation predicted: –  10% chance of 300 of each –  87% chance of 600 total •  Interim Analysis –  Supported by simulation –  300 total expected April 25
  • 46. Mid-Trial Output For each Randomization Cutoff Date •  Summarize each trial for all patients randomized before that date •  Compute statistics over simulated trials •  Generates same statistics per trial •  Summarize for each randomization cutoff date Essentially, replace “enrollment” with “randomization” & execute as before
  • 47. •  Conclusion: nothing to be gained by randomizing beyond mid June
  • 48. Late-Trial Output Refine estimates of last Relapse, etc. For Milestones & Calendar Dates •  Estimate #patients in each stage (e.g., how many patients will be active at the end?) Caveats: •  Corrected (or just collected) data may change estimates •  Old, unreported Relapses may be discovered Useful: •  Predict time between milestone to end •  Add prediction to best guess milestone
  • 49. Bottom line: How accurate? Not bad: • Actual Date of 200th Relapse covered by predicted 80% C.I. • Width of C.I.s narrowed over time
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. Value Added Early Refinement of Protocol Assumptions •  Protocol: 50% randomized, 30% Relapse rates •  Trial A: 33%, 37% Trial B: 55%, 41% Early Identification of problems Quick Response to problems •  Changed procedures to improve retention in Trial A •  Added sites to Trial B after delays in starting up sites Better allocation of resources
  • 54. Trials C, D Mid trial: Regulators requested analysis of late Relapses •  Enrollment had already ended for Trial C –  Enough patients to reach 88 late Relapses? •  Enrollment was still ongoing for Trial D –  Extend enrollment how long? Add sites? •  How would this affect time lines?
  • 56.
  • 57. Dirty Data Problems •  Some known Relapses are not usable due to missing data (e.g., unknown randomization date) •  Corrected (or lately collected) data may change estimates •  Old, unreported Relapses may be discovered •  Data may be collected or corrected irregularly –  Separate data sources (e.g., Relapse log + IVRS) –  Drift & shift over time –  End of trial data clean up Solutions: •  Estimate time between milestones –  Anchor to a known, early milestone Future solutions: •  Estimate missing data effects –  Use time between Relapse occurrence and Relapse reporting –  Estimate number of missing Relapses from times in past
  • 58. Some Feedback •  “… the simulations are very valuable and the only way we have to plan our timelines. As it has turned out, your simulations seems to be pretty accurate as we have increased the mood event rate significantly … as predicted...” •  ... We would have been guessing and spinning our wheels without them.” •  Could you simulate trials xyz & uvw?
  • 60. Diagnostics: Cohort Analysis Cohorts: •  By month enrolled •  By month Randomized Calculate randomization & Relapse rates  Easy to understand   Multiple Estimates which must be reconciled   Doesn’t Provide Time to Relapses   Useful reality check on Simulation Point Estimates insufficient: need C.I.s
  • 61. Cohorts by Randomization Month Actual counts of patients by status by month
  • 62. Cohorts by Month Randomized (Cumulative Count) Height is # patients randomized in or before month
  • 63. Cohorts by Month Randomized (Cumulative Percentage) •  >40% randomized eventually have Relapse  <N/0.40 randomized to get N
  • 64. Open Label Cohorts (Current Status)
  • 65. Open Label Cohorts (Cumulative Statuses) • ~ 64% eventually Randomize & >40% Relapse Rate •  # open label pt < N/(0.64*0.40)
  • 66. Solutions? Crude Relapse Rates of all Patients in Phase Mixture of patients: •  Relapse & D/C rates change with exposure •  Mixture of Pt. Exposures changes with time Cohorts: Track Relapses over Time  Easy to understand   Multiple Estimates which must be reconciled   Doesn’t Provide Time to Relapses   Useful reality check on Simulation Point Estimates insufficient: need C.I.s
  • 67. Clinical Trial Management Planning Trials (future) •  Is a trial feasible? •  Sensitivity to assumptions? •  Costs: # Pts, # Pt-mos, #visits, #Sites, #Site-mos Trial Execution (current) •  Anticipate delays •  No information on outcome •  Could be added to simulation Program Planning (future) •  Replace “Trial Phases” with “Toll Gates” •  Enhance modeling of Trial Enrollment process
  • 68. Example: Adding Site Sites Discontinued Patients Randomized Patients New Relapses Sites •  Drop OL Phase, expand enrollment process •  Simulate time to start up new site, pts/mo at a new site, etc •  Report by #Additional Sites instead of cutoff dates