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Course: Nursing English II
Course index: EN202
Credit hours: 2
Professor: L.Altantuya
Tests on knowledge
I. Choose the correct answer.
1. People with ……… blood are universal donors.
a. type O b. type A and type B c. type AB
2. It’s difficult to distinguish between a cold and the flu because the symptoms of both are
a. mild b. severe c. similar
3. ……… data is health information that only a patient is aware of.
a. Objective b. Subjective c. Demographic
4. A person’s blood type is determined by what’s on their ………
a. platelets b. red blood cells c. white blood cells
5. ……… is one of the two lower chambers of the heart.
a. An atrium b. A ventricle c. A valve
6. ……… is not a sign of a cold.
a. Sneezing b. Coughing c. High fever
7. Anne is having trouble breathing because of her ………
a. sore throat b. stuffy nose c. headache
8. A nurse who is listening to a patient’s body is performing ………
a. palpation b. percussion c. auscultation
9. ……… blood has both the A and B antigens on its red blood cells.
a. Type AB b. Type A c. Type B
10. ……… is a special container that stores harmful biological substances.
a. Oxygen tank b. Syringe c. Biohazard waste container
11. ……… is a sore on the body caused by lying down in the same position for too long.
a. Bedsore b. Sore throat c. Inflammation
12. A stabbing pain might also be described as a ……… pain.
a. throbbing b. shooting c. sharp
13. It is possible to have a slight ……… to help you relax.
a. stimulant b. laxative c. sedative
14. The most important LPN responsibility is ………
a. administrative tasks b. lab sample deliveries c. bedside care
15. A ……… is a substance given to patients to prevent future illnesses.
a. vaccine b. injection c. medication
16. ……… must hold advanced degrees.
a. LPNs b. RNs c. NPs
17. ……… is a set of rules that defines which tasks a nurse may or may not perform.
a. Nurse Practice Act b. Licensure exam c. Nursing degree program
18. NPs do not ………
a. perform surgery b. diagnose illnesses c. offer counseling
19. ……… pain is a severe pain that starts in one place then quickly moves to another.
a. Shooting b. Sharp c. Burning
20. Burns can range in ……… from slightly to incredibly painful.
a. impact b. intensity c. quality
21. An ……… is a drug that lifts a person’s mood.
a. antidepressant b. antihistamine c. antibiotic
22. An ……… is a type of drug used to fight allergic reactions.
a. antihistamine b. anti-inflammatory c. stimulant
23. ……… is a nurse who cares for sick and injured people under the direction of registered
nurses and physicians.
a. Nurse practitioner b. Unlicensed nurse c. Licensed practical nurse
24. An ……… is a degree granted to people who have completed two years of coursework.
a. associate’s degree b. bachelor’s degree c. master’s of science in nursing
25. ……… defines the scope of practice specific to a registered nurse, a licensed practical
nurse and a nurse practitioner.
a. The licensure exam b. The state board of nursing c. The Nurse Practice Act
26. ……… acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent heart disease.
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin D
27. ……… is a source of vitamin D and omega-3.
a. Fish b. Poultry c. Beef
28. ……… has been linked to obesity in many studies.
a. Carbohydrate b. Fat c. Sugar substitute
29. ………makes hand washing more effective.
a. Antimicrobial soap b. Regular soap c. Disinfectant
30. ……… is an effective part of wound care.
a. Wearing a facemask b. Hand washing c. The use of antibiotic ointment
31. ……… are tiny, one-celled forms of life that cause many diseases and infections.
a. Bacteria b. Virus c. Microbe
32. Zinc and B-vitamins are found in ………
a. vegetables b. poultry c. beef
33. He may get a pill or an injection. The doctor did not specify the ………
a. dose b. time c. route
34. Nurses must confirm patients’ ……… before providing medication.
a. room numbers b. identification bracelet c. prescription
35. A time check is important to avoid ………
a. overdose b. side effects c. upset stomach
36. ……… medications are only available with a prescription.
a. Over-the-counter b. High risk c. Prescription
37. The patient’s ……… history shows that his father and grandfather had heart problems.
a. psychosocial b. medical c. family
38. ……… introduction is painful, but requires smaller doses than pills.
a. Oral b. Rectal c. Intramuscular
39. These ……… are easier to swallow with a glass of water.
a. tablets b. shots c. suppositories
40. Brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of good dental ………
a. disease b. hygiene c. infection
41. Early retirement ……… stress on the current workforce.
a. increases b. reduces c. threatens
42. ……… is something that motivates people.
a. Incentive b. Overtime pay c. Budget
43. Hospitals are not hiring new nurses for ……… .
a. high demand b. financial reasons c. heavy workload
44. Exhaustion can ……… affect job performance and put patients at risk.
a. positively b. constantly c. negatively
45. The results of the Post survey reveal that the majority of nurses work ……… shifts.
a. short b. long c. eight-hour
46. Frowning is a type of communication that is ……… .
a. verbal b. non-verbal c. therapeutic
47. Nurses should limit their use of ………, because this might confuse the patient.
a. jargon b. open-ended questions c. empathy
48. ……… communication is vital to providing the best care possible.
a. Poor b. Verbal c. Clear
49. Chronic bronchitis can lead to ……… .
a. pneumonia b. stroke c. hypertension
50. Osteoporosis is a ……… medical condition.
a. acute b. chronic c. pre-existing
51. ……… is a person who prepares drugs and medicine.
a. Pharmacist b. Radiologist c. Surgeon
52. ……… is a person who uses imaging technology.
a. Lab technician b. Radiologist c. Surgeon
53. ……… is a heart specialist.
a. Surgeon b. Radiologist c. Cardiologist
54. ……… is a person who analyzes samples.
a. Lab technician b. Radiologist c. Surgeon
55. ……… is a person who cuts open the body in operations.
a. Lab technician b. Surgeon c. Radiologist
56. ……… is a person who prevents patients from feeling pain.
a. Anesthesiologist b. Radiologist c. Surgeon
57. ……… is a person who welcomes visitors and answers phones.
a. Lab technician b. Radiologist c. Receptionist
58. An ……… observes and treats pregnant women until they give birth.
a. Pediatrician b. General practitioner c. Obstetrician
59. Parents often take a long time to choose their child’s ……… .
a. pediatrician b. general practitioner c. obstetrician
60. For small problems like a cold, see a ……… instead of a specialist.
a. pediatrician b. general practitioner c. obstetrician
61. ……… is a container shaped like a tube that is used to draw or push liquid out of or into
a. Oxygen tank b. Biohazard waste container c. Syringe
62. ……… is a mattress that helps to prevent sores by keeping pressure off of certain areas of
the body.
a. Oxygen tank b. Syringe c. Alternating pressure mattress
63. ……… are gloves made of a flexible material that doctors often wear.
a. Oxygen tank b. Latex gloves c. Syringe
64. ……… is a container that holds pure oxygen.
a. Oxygen tank b. Latex gloves c. Syringe
65. The nurse uses a syringe and then puts it into a ……… .
a. oxygen tank b. sharps container c. syringe
66. Amy is in the hospital. She has on a ……… .
a. gown b. wheelchair c. sharps container
67. Bob needs a nurse. He summons her using the ……… .
a. wheelchair b. call button c. syringe
68. Ellen can’t walk. She uses a ……… to move around.
a. oxygen tank b. wheelchair c. syringe
69. Jack’s arm is bleeding. The nurse wraps it is a ……… .
a. gown b. gauze c. syringe
70. The oxygen tank should be more than ……… full.
a. half b. 80% c. 20%
71. ……… are the body parts located below the waist that people stand on.
a. Wrist b. Arms c. Legs
72. ……… is the end of the arm that grabs and holds things.
a. Wrist b. Hand c. Legs
73. ……… are parts of the body furthest from the center.
a. Extremities b. Arms c. Legs
74. ……… are the body parts extending from the shoulders.
a. Wrist b. Arms c. Legs
75. ……… the body part that connects the hand to the arm.
a. Wrist b. Arms c. Legs
76. In cases of swelling, ……… the legs above the heart.
a. pulse b. elevate c. bone
77. A patient with a neck injury should not move his or her ……… .
a. head b. elevate c. bone
78. Check for a ……… in the unresponsive patients.
a. pulse b. elevate c. head
79. The longest and hardest ……… in the body is the thigh.
a. pulse b. bone c. head
80. The longest and hardest bone in the body is the ……… .
a. thigh b. femur c. ulna
Tests on skill
II. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. Foods made from grains are full of nutrients that provide energy.
c _ _ _ o _ _ d _ _ t _ _
2. A diet that is high in organic compounds that store excess nutrients can lead to a variety
of healthy problems.
_ a _ s
3. Most sodas are considered unhealthy largely of how much sugar substitute they contain.
_ i _ _ f _ _ _ t _ _ e _ _ r _ s _ _ u _
4. Poor intake and use of food is factor in dozens of health conditions.
_ u _ _ i _ _ _ n
5. Fish contain a nutrient that contributes to tissue, bone, muscle, skin and blood health.
_ r _ _ e _ n
6. A medical condition in which people have a dangerous amount of body fat is caused by
poor diet and can significantly impair a person’s mobility and health.
o _ _ s _ _ y
7. Andrew’s son is sick, so he takes him to the department that deal with the care of children.
_ _ d _ _ t _ _ c _
8. The patient needs medicine so he goes to the place where pharmacists distribute
pharmaceutical drugs. p _ _ r _ _ c _
9. Employees in the department that studies and diagnoses diseases must wear gloves and
goggles. _ a _ _ olo _ _
10. Doctors in a medical field that uses instruments to operate on patients need very steady
hands. s _ _ g _ _ y
11. Saul works on an ambulance, so he sees plenty of situations in which someone’s life is in
danger. _ _ e _ g _ _ c _ _ s
III. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).
1. Vitamin A
2. Vitamin C
3. Vitamin D
4. B-vitamins
5. omega-3
6. zinc
7. poultry
a. contributes to central nervous system health
b. helps prevent cancer
c. acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent heart disease
d. benefits the eyes
e. aids the creation of healthy bones
f. promotes skin and muscle
g. meat that comes from birds such as chicken and turkey
IV. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).
1. antibiotic
2. bacteria
3. disinfectant
4. isolate
5. transmit
6. infection
7. hygiene
a. a substance used to clean an object and kill any microorganisms on it
b. used to kill or prevent the growth of unicellular microorganisms
c. to pass something from one place to another
d. unicellular microorganisms that are capable of infecting a host organism
e. a colonization of a host organism by a microorganism
f. to put a person or animal in isolation to prevent the spread of a disease
g. the practice of keeping oneself clean
V. Check the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly.
1. a. It’s important to use a good infection when you’re cleaning your kitchen.
b. The man contracted a virus and was so ill that he could not go to work.
2. a. Mr. Kim was transmitted to avoid making the other patients sick.
b. Jerry uses antimicrobial soap because if kills more viruses than regular soap.
3. a. Wear a facemask when with sick people.
b. To prevent infection, the nurse applied bacteria to the patient’s injuries.
I. a. Ralph is at the cardiology department because his heart is beating abnormally.
b. Doctors in the pathology department respond to emergency situations.
II. a. Francesca is going to the surgery department to pick up her prescription.
b. Wendy has a broken leg so she’s going to the orthopedics department.
III. a. The pregnant woman is in the obstetrics department.
b. Doctors who work in the pathology department only care for children.
IV. a. Doctors usually perform surgery in the pharmacy.
b. Gregory takes x-rays in the radiology department.
V. a. The pediatrics department is where doctors inspect organs to diagnose diseases.
b. Joe is at the dermatology department to get his rash examined.
VI. a. People without family history often can't afford to see a doctor.
b. Hospitals use patient’s biographic data to identify who is in their hospital.
VII. a. A complete medical history provides doctors with patient’s past injuries.
b. The patient stated that her insurance was a sharp pain in her side.
VIII. a. Mrs. Jenkins was hospitalized when her injuries were fully healed.
b. Contact the patient’s next of kin to inform them about the patient’s status.
IX. a. Patients give advance directives to choose what treatments they receive.
b. Over-the-counter medications are only available with a prescription.
VI. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks.
1. rescue breathing/chest compressions
……… helps, when someone stops breathing.
……… can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped.
2. blisters/shock
We elevated Meg’s feet because she was in ………
Tyler has a lot of ……… on his foot because his shoes are too small for him.
3. responsiveness/third-degree burns
Only doctors can effectively treat a serious medical condition like ………
It’s important to check for ……… in accident victims to see if CPR is needed.
VII. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. Mr. Robert’s heart rate measurement was dangerously high.
b _ _ t _ _ _ r m _ _ u _ _
2. The device designed to measure blood pressure finds the systolic and diastolic.
_ n _ _ o _ d m _ n _ _ o _
3. Nurses regularly take measurements of important medical statistics for every patient in
the hospital.
v _ _ a _ s _ g _ _
4. The new digital devices used to measure temperature are faster than the old ones.
_ h _ _ m _ m _ _ _ r _
5. The doctor was called in to help the patient whose breathing had become irregular.
_ _ s _ _ r _ t _ o _
VIII. Check the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly.
1. a. Nurse Daniels suspects that her patient has maceration because his skin is so pale and
b. Quite a bit of wound has flowed into Jonathan’s inflamed tissue since last night.
2. a. The inflamed skin on Rebecca’s arm looks like it is caused by cellulitis.
b. The doctor put quite a few tissues in the wound after the operation.
3. a. A patient with a leaking slough most likely has maceration.
b. The dry skin on his arm was the result of desiccation.
4. a. A doctor found eschars in Sarah’s bandage.
b. The tissue in Mr. Robert’s leg is showing signs of debridement.
5. a. The woman received a serious suture and requires surgery.
b. Doctors were surprised to find necrosis in Mrs. Smith’s wound and they don’t know
why the tissue is dying.
Tests on usage
IX. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).
1. defibrillator
2. CPR
3. sterilize
4. paramedic
5. morphine
6. bandage
a. making something unable to transmit disease
b. a device which delivers an electric shock to the heart in an effort to reset it
c. a procedure designed to be used on people in cardiac and/or pulmonary arrest
d. a piece of cloth used to cover a wound
e. a person trained to respond to emergency situations and provide medical assistance
f. a drug used as a pain reliever
X. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).
1. renal
2. pathology report
3. creatinine
4. urine
5. kidney
6. blood pressure
7. biopsy
8. BUN test
a. a report that discusses exam result
b. one of two organs that removes waste
c. relating to the kidneys
d. a waste product in the blood
e. a liquid waste product
f. a measure of the pressure with which blood moves through the body
g. a test that determines the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood
h. a procedure in which tissue is removed and examined
XI. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).
1. tissue
2. surgeon
3. inflammation
4. wound
5. exudate
6. debridement
7. slough
8. dress
a. an injury that usually involves the rupture of the skin
b. a response in which tissue swells or becomes red
c. a stitch used to join the edges of a wound
d. a procedure whereby dead tissue is removed
e. to apply medication or a bandage to an injury
f. a grouping of cells with a specific purpose
g. extra matter that has flowed into tissue
h. a mass of dead tissue
XII. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1. existing services
2. metered dose inhaler
3. aids
4. transportation
5. discharge
6. asthma attack
a. the medical equipment that a hospital uses
b. a problem in which a person’s airways tighten
c. hospital services that a patient is receiving
d. the release of a patient
e. the movement of a person or thing
f. a device that allows people to inhale medication when pressed
XIII. Place a check next to the response that answers the question.
1. Are you familiar with CKD?
a. Yes, it’s a yellow liquid waste product.
b. Yes, it’s a condition in which a person gradually loses kidney function.
2. What does a GFR test do?
a. It measures blood pressure.
b. It helps to determine how much kidney function a person has.
3. Can you tell me what albumin is?
a. Yes, it’s a protein found in the body.
b. Yes, it’s a waste product in the blood.
4. Why would you perform a urinalysis?
a. To test for albumen.
b. To measure blood pressure.
XIV. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).
1. labor
2. bloody show
3. contraction
4. pregnancy
5. discharge
6. water breaks
7. Braxton-Hicks contraction
a. light-colored mucus that the body releases in the later stages of pregnancy
b. the bloody substance that the body sometimes releases in the later stages of pregnancy
c. when the sac around the fetus ruptures
d. contractions that are strong, but that do not become longer like labor contraction
e. a natural childbirth process in which a women’s uterus contracts in preparation to
deliver the baby
f. a tensing of the uterus during labor
g. a state in which a women carries a developing child inside her body
XV. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. Dave receives treatment to help regain movement for his old injury.
p _ _ s _ _ _ l t _ e _ a _ _
2. Cindy uses a machine that converts medicine into a mist for her asthma.
_ _ b _l _ _ e _
3. The amount of medical bills that an insurance company will pay for my care is 100%.
_ o _ e _ a _ _
4. Tony scheduled a visit following a procedure after his surgery.
f _ _ l _ _ - u _
XVI. Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple or present continuous. Then,
mark the statements as true (T) or false (F).
Construction Notice
St. Sebastian’s Hospital 1……… (want) to give its patients the best care possible. In order to
do this, we 2……… (need) to update our facilities from time to time. As a result, we 3
……… (start) some construction projects today. Some departments 4………
(temporarily/move) during construction. The cardiology department 5……… (be) now in the
basement across from the radiology and pathology departments. Obstetrics 6……… (be) on
the second floor next to pediatrics. Access to other departments 7……… (be) limited. The
entrance to orthopedics 8……… (be) now through the dermatology department. The surgery
wing of the hospital 9……… (be) only accessible through the lobby elevators. The
emergency room and the pharmacy 10……… (be) unaffected.
11. The hospital is beginning construction to repair damages.
12. The radiology department is on the same floor as the cardiology department.
13. Patients have to go through the pathology department to get to orthopedics.
14. The emergency of the hospital is only accessible through the lobby elevators.
15. Pediatrics is now on the second floor.
XVII. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank. Then, choose the
correct answers.
Position available
Mercy Heart Hospital needs a talented and certified Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). This
position requires both a degree and a 1……… from an accredited school. LPNs are
responsible for creating smooth and efficient 2……… . Along with helping 3……… , they
provide routine 4……… for our 5……… . This includes, but is not limited to, feeding
patients, giving injections and 6……… and checking for bedsores. They also collect and
deliver 7……… for labs. LPNs are required to complete administrative tasks. Experience
using and organizing 8……… is vital. Additionally, LPNs complete weekly 9……… for
Word bank: vaccines, samples, license, patient flow, bedside care, doctors, electronic health
records, re-orders, patients
10. What is the posting about?
a. a position as an LPN
b. a position training LPNs
c. a position managing LPNs
d. a position certifying LPNs
11. What administrative tasks does an LPN have to complete?
a. Improving vaccine delivery
b. Ensuring that there are enough supplies
c. Increasing the speed of lab sample deliveries
d. Converting health records from paper to electronic
12. What can you infer about LPNs at Mercy Heart?
a. They work on computers.
b. They are paid by the hour.
c. They rarely work alongside doctors.
d. They need to have either a license or a degree.
I. 1.a; 2.c; 3.b; 4.b; 5.b; 6.c; 7.b; 8.c; 9.a; 10.c; 11.a; 12.c; 13.c; 14.c; 15.a; 16.c; 17.a; 18.a;
19.a; 20b; 21.a; 22.a; 23.c; 24.a; 25.c; 25.c; 26.b; 27.a; 28.a; 29.a; 30.c; 31.a; 32.b; 33.c;
34.b; 35.a; 36.c; 37.c; 38.c; 39.a; 40.b; 41.a; 42.a; 43.b; 44.c; 45.b; 46.b; 47.a; 48.c; 49.a;
50.b; 51.a; 52.b; 53.c; 54.a; 55.b; 56.a; 57.c; 58.c; 59.a; 60.b; 61.a; 62.c; 63.b; 64.a; 65.b;
66.a; 67.b; 68.b; 69.b; 70.b; 71.c; 72.b; 73.a; 74.b; 75.a; 76.b; 77.a; 78.a; 79.b; 80.a
II. 1.carbohydrates; 2.fats; 3.high fructose corn syrup; 4.nutrition; 5.protein; 6.obesity;
7.pediatrics; 8.pharmacist; 9.pathology;; 11.emergencies
III. 1.d; 2.c; 3.e; 4.f; 5.b; 6.a; 7.g
IV. 1.b; 2.d; 3.a; 4.f; 5.c; 6.e; 7.g
V. 1.b; 2.b; 3.a; 4.a; 5.b; 6.a; 7.b; 8.b; 9.b; 10.a; 11.b; 12.b
VI. 1.Rescue breathing, Chest compressions; 2.shock, blisters; 3.third-degree burns,
VII. per minute; 2.aneroid monitor; 3.vital signs; 4.thermometers; 5.respiration
VIII. 1.a; 2.a; 3.b; 4.a; 5.b
IX. 1.b; 2.c; 3.a; 4.e; 5.f; 6.d
X. 1.c; 2.a; 3.d; 4.e; 5.b; 6.f; 7.h; 8.g
XI. 1.f; 2.c; 3.b; 4.a; 5.g; 6.d; 7.h; 8.e
XII. 1.c; 2.f; 3.a; 4.e; 5.d; 6.b
XIII. 1.b; 2.b; 3.a; 4.a
XIV. 1.e; 2.b; 3.f; 4.g; 5.a; 6.c; 7.d
XV. 1.physical therapy; 2.nebulizer; 3.coverage; 4.follow-up
XVI. 1.wants; 2.need; 3.are starting; 4.are temporarily moving;;; 7.are;;;
10.are; 11.F; 12.T; 13.F; 14.F; 15.T
XVII. 1.license; 2.patient flow; 3.doctors; 4.bedside care; 5.patients; 6.vaccines; 7.samples;
8.electronic health records;; 10.a; 11.b; 12.a

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Antibiotic Stewardship by Anushri Srivastava.pptx

Tests of Nursing English II

  • 1. Course: Nursing English II Course index: EN202 Credit hours: 2 Professor: L.Altantuya Tests on knowledge I. Choose the correct answer. 1. People with ……… blood are universal donors. a. type O b. type A and type B c. type AB 2. It’s difficult to distinguish between a cold and the flu because the symptoms of both are ……… a. mild b. severe c. similar 3. ……… data is health information that only a patient is aware of. a. Objective b. Subjective c. Demographic 4. A person’s blood type is determined by what’s on their ……… a. platelets b. red blood cells c. white blood cells 5. ……… is one of the two lower chambers of the heart. a. An atrium b. A ventricle c. A valve 6. ……… is not a sign of a cold. a. Sneezing b. Coughing c. High fever 7. Anne is having trouble breathing because of her ……… a. sore throat b. stuffy nose c. headache 8. A nurse who is listening to a patient’s body is performing ……… a. palpation b. percussion c. auscultation 9. ……… blood has both the A and B antigens on its red blood cells. a. Type AB b. Type A c. Type B 10. ……… is a special container that stores harmful biological substances. a. Oxygen tank b. Syringe c. Biohazard waste container 11. ……… is a sore on the body caused by lying down in the same position for too long. a. Bedsore b. Sore throat c. Inflammation 12. A stabbing pain might also be described as a ……… pain. a. throbbing b. shooting c. sharp 13. It is possible to have a slight ……… to help you relax. a. stimulant b. laxative c. sedative 14. The most important LPN responsibility is ……… a. administrative tasks b. lab sample deliveries c. bedside care 15. A ……… is a substance given to patients to prevent future illnesses. a. vaccine b. injection c. medication 16. ……… must hold advanced degrees. a. LPNs b. RNs c. NPs 17. ……… is a set of rules that defines which tasks a nurse may or may not perform. a. Nurse Practice Act b. Licensure exam c. Nursing degree program 18. NPs do not ……… a. perform surgery b. diagnose illnesses c. offer counseling 19. ……… pain is a severe pain that starts in one place then quickly moves to another. a. Shooting b. Sharp c. Burning 20. Burns can range in ……… from slightly to incredibly painful. a. impact b. intensity c. quality 21. An ……… is a drug that lifts a person’s mood.
  • 2. a. antidepressant b. antihistamine c. antibiotic 22. An ……… is a type of drug used to fight allergic reactions. a. antihistamine b. anti-inflammatory c. stimulant 23. ……… is a nurse who cares for sick and injured people under the direction of registered nurses and physicians. a. Nurse practitioner b. Unlicensed nurse c. Licensed practical nurse 24. An ……… is a degree granted to people who have completed two years of coursework. a. associate’s degree b. bachelor’s degree c. master’s of science in nursing 25. ……… defines the scope of practice specific to a registered nurse, a licensed practical nurse and a nurse practitioner. a. The licensure exam b. The state board of nursing c. The Nurse Practice Act 26. ……… acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent heart disease. a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin C c. Vitamin D 27. ……… is a source of vitamin D and omega-3. a. Fish b. Poultry c. Beef 28. ……… has been linked to obesity in many studies. a. Carbohydrate b. Fat c. Sugar substitute 29. ………makes hand washing more effective. a. Antimicrobial soap b. Regular soap c. Disinfectant 30. ……… is an effective part of wound care. a. Wearing a facemask b. Hand washing c. The use of antibiotic ointment 31. ……… are tiny, one-celled forms of life that cause many diseases and infections. a. Bacteria b. Virus c. Microbe 32. Zinc and B-vitamins are found in ……… a. vegetables b. poultry c. beef 33. He may get a pill or an injection. The doctor did not specify the ……… a. dose b. time c. route 34. Nurses must confirm patients’ ……… before providing medication. a. room numbers b. identification bracelet c. prescription 35. A time check is important to avoid ……… a. overdose b. side effects c. upset stomach 36. ……… medications are only available with a prescription. a. Over-the-counter b. High risk c. Prescription 37. The patient’s ……… history shows that his father and grandfather had heart problems. a. psychosocial b. medical c. family 38. ……… introduction is painful, but requires smaller doses than pills. a. Oral b. Rectal c. Intramuscular 39. These ……… are easier to swallow with a glass of water. a. tablets b. shots c. suppositories 40. Brushing your teeth regularly is an important part of good dental ……… a. disease b. hygiene c. infection 41. Early retirement ……… stress on the current workforce. a. increases b. reduces c. threatens 42. ……… is something that motivates people. a. Incentive b. Overtime pay c. Budget 43. Hospitals are not hiring new nurses for ……… . a. high demand b. financial reasons c. heavy workload 44. Exhaustion can ……… affect job performance and put patients at risk. a. positively b. constantly c. negatively 45. The results of the Post survey reveal that the majority of nurses work ……… shifts.
  • 3. a. short b. long c. eight-hour 46. Frowning is a type of communication that is ……… . a. verbal b. non-verbal c. therapeutic 47. Nurses should limit their use of ………, because this might confuse the patient. a. jargon b. open-ended questions c. empathy 48. ……… communication is vital to providing the best care possible. a. Poor b. Verbal c. Clear 49. Chronic bronchitis can lead to ……… . a. pneumonia b. stroke c. hypertension 50. Osteoporosis is a ……… medical condition. a. acute b. chronic c. pre-existing 51. ……… is a person who prepares drugs and medicine. a. Pharmacist b. Radiologist c. Surgeon 52. ……… is a person who uses imaging technology. a. Lab technician b. Radiologist c. Surgeon 53. ……… is a heart specialist. a. Surgeon b. Radiologist c. Cardiologist 54. ……… is a person who analyzes samples. a. Lab technician b. Radiologist c. Surgeon 55. ……… is a person who cuts open the body in operations. a. Lab technician b. Surgeon c. Radiologist 56. ……… is a person who prevents patients from feeling pain. a. Anesthesiologist b. Radiologist c. Surgeon 57. ……… is a person who welcomes visitors and answers phones. a. Lab technician b. Radiologist c. Receptionist 58. An ……… observes and treats pregnant women until they give birth. a. Pediatrician b. General practitioner c. Obstetrician 59. Parents often take a long time to choose their child’s ……… . a. pediatrician b. general practitioner c. obstetrician 60. For small problems like a cold, see a ……… instead of a specialist. a. pediatrician b. general practitioner c. obstetrician 61. ……… is a container shaped like a tube that is used to draw or push liquid out of or into something. a. Oxygen tank b. Biohazard waste container c. Syringe 62. ……… is a mattress that helps to prevent sores by keeping pressure off of certain areas of the body. a. Oxygen tank b. Syringe c. Alternating pressure mattress 63. ……… are gloves made of a flexible material that doctors often wear. a. Oxygen tank b. Latex gloves c. Syringe 64. ……… is a container that holds pure oxygen. a. Oxygen tank b. Latex gloves c. Syringe 65. The nurse uses a syringe and then puts it into a ……… . a. oxygen tank b. sharps container c. syringe 66. Amy is in the hospital. She has on a ……… . a. gown b. wheelchair c. sharps container 67. Bob needs a nurse. He summons her using the ……… . a. wheelchair b. call button c. syringe 68. Ellen can’t walk. She uses a ……… to move around. a. oxygen tank b. wheelchair c. syringe 69. Jack’s arm is bleeding. The nurse wraps it is a ……… .
  • 4. a. gown b. gauze c. syringe 70. The oxygen tank should be more than ……… full. a. half b. 80% c. 20% 71. ……… are the body parts located below the waist that people stand on. a. Wrist b. Arms c. Legs 72. ……… is the end of the arm that grabs and holds things. a. Wrist b. Hand c. Legs 73. ……… are parts of the body furthest from the center. a. Extremities b. Arms c. Legs 74. ……… are the body parts extending from the shoulders. a. Wrist b. Arms c. Legs 75. ……… the body part that connects the hand to the arm. a. Wrist b. Arms c. Legs 76. In cases of swelling, ……… the legs above the heart. a. pulse b. elevate c. bone 77. A patient with a neck injury should not move his or her ……… . a. head b. elevate c. bone 78. Check for a ……… in the unresponsive patients. a. pulse b. elevate c. head 79. The longest and hardest ……… in the body is the thigh. a. pulse b. bone c. head 80. The longest and hardest bone in the body is the ……… . a. thigh b. femur c. ulna Tests on skill II. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Foods made from grains are full of nutrients that provide energy. c _ _ _ o _ _ d _ _ t _ _ 2. A diet that is high in organic compounds that store excess nutrients can lead to a variety of healthy problems. _ a _ s 3. Most sodas are considered unhealthy largely of how much sugar substitute they contain. _ i _ _ f _ _ _ t _ _ e _ _ r _ s _ _ u _ 4. Poor intake and use of food is factor in dozens of health conditions. _ u _ _ i _ _ _ n 5. Fish contain a nutrient that contributes to tissue, bone, muscle, skin and blood health. _ r _ _ e _ n 6. A medical condition in which people have a dangerous amount of body fat is caused by poor diet and can significantly impair a person’s mobility and health. o _ _ s _ _ y 7. Andrew’s son is sick, so he takes him to the department that deal with the care of children. _ _ d _ _ t _ _ c _ 8. The patient needs medicine so he goes to the place where pharmacists distribute pharmaceutical drugs. p _ _ r _ _ c _ 9. Employees in the department that studies and diagnoses diseases must wear gloves and goggles. _ a _ _ olo _ _ 10. Doctors in a medical field that uses instruments to operate on patients need very steady hands. s _ _ g _ _ y
  • 5. 11. Saul works on an ambulance, so he sees plenty of situations in which someone’s life is in danger. _ _ e _ g _ _ c _ _ s III. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G). 1. Vitamin A 2. Vitamin C 3. Vitamin D 4. B-vitamins 5. omega-3 6. zinc 7. poultry a. contributes to central nervous system health b. helps prevent cancer c. acts as an anti-oxidant and helps prevent heart disease d. benefits the eyes e. aids the creation of healthy bones f. promotes skin and muscle g. meat that comes from birds such as chicken and turkey IV. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G). 1. antibiotic 2. bacteria 3. disinfectant 4. isolate 5. transmit 6. infection 7. hygiene a. a substance used to clean an object and kill any microorganisms on it b. used to kill or prevent the growth of unicellular microorganisms c. to pass something from one place to another d. unicellular microorganisms that are capable of infecting a host organism e. a colonization of a host organism by a microorganism f. to put a person or animal in isolation to prevent the spread of a disease g. the practice of keeping oneself clean V. Check the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly. 1. a. It’s important to use a good infection when you’re cleaning your kitchen. b. The man contracted a virus and was so ill that he could not go to work. 2. a. Mr. Kim was transmitted to avoid making the other patients sick. b. Jerry uses antimicrobial soap because if kills more viruses than regular soap. 3. a. Wear a facemask when with sick people. b. To prevent infection, the nurse applied bacteria to the patient’s injuries. I. a. Ralph is at the cardiology department because his heart is beating abnormally. b. Doctors in the pathology department respond to emergency situations. II. a. Francesca is going to the surgery department to pick up her prescription. b. Wendy has a broken leg so she’s going to the orthopedics department. III. a. The pregnant woman is in the obstetrics department. b. Doctors who work in the pathology department only care for children. IV. a. Doctors usually perform surgery in the pharmacy. b. Gregory takes x-rays in the radiology department. V. a. The pediatrics department is where doctors inspect organs to diagnose diseases. b. Joe is at the dermatology department to get his rash examined.
  • 6. VI. a. People without family history often can't afford to see a doctor. b. Hospitals use patient’s biographic data to identify who is in their hospital. VII. a. A complete medical history provides doctors with patient’s past injuries. b. The patient stated that her insurance was a sharp pain in her side. VIII. a. Mrs. Jenkins was hospitalized when her injuries were fully healed. b. Contact the patient’s next of kin to inform them about the patient’s status. IX. a. Patients give advance directives to choose what treatments they receive. b. Over-the-counter medications are only available with a prescription. VI. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best fit the blanks. 1. rescue breathing/chest compressions ……… helps, when someone stops breathing. ……… can save the life of someone whose heart has stopped. 2. blisters/shock We elevated Meg’s feet because she was in ……… Tyler has a lot of ……… on his foot because his shoes are too small for him. 3. responsiveness/third-degree burns Only doctors can effectively treat a serious medical condition like ……… It’s important to check for ……… in accident victims to see if CPR is needed. VII. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Mr. Robert’s heart rate measurement was dangerously high. b _ _ t _ _ _ r m _ _ u _ _ 2. The device designed to measure blood pressure finds the systolic and diastolic. _ n _ _ o _ d m _ n _ _ o _ 3. Nurses regularly take measurements of important medical statistics for every patient in the hospital. v _ _ a _ s _ g _ _ 4. The new digital devices used to measure temperature are faster than the old ones. _ h _ _ m _ m _ _ _ r _ 5. The doctor was called in to help the patient whose breathing had become irregular. _ _ s _ _ r _ t _ o _ VIII. Check the sentence that uses the underlined part correctly. 1. a. Nurse Daniels suspects that her patient has maceration because his skin is so pale and soft. b. Quite a bit of wound has flowed into Jonathan’s inflamed tissue since last night. 2. a. The inflamed skin on Rebecca’s arm looks like it is caused by cellulitis. b. The doctor put quite a few tissues in the wound after the operation. 3. a. A patient with a leaking slough most likely has maceration. b. The dry skin on his arm was the result of desiccation. 4. a. A doctor found eschars in Sarah’s bandage. b. The tissue in Mr. Robert’s leg is showing signs of debridement. 5. a. The woman received a serious suture and requires surgery. b. Doctors were surprised to find necrosis in Mrs. Smith’s wound and they don’t know why the tissue is dying. Tests on usage IX. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1. defibrillator 2. CPR
  • 7. 3. sterilize 4. paramedic 5. morphine 6. bandage a. making something unable to transmit disease b. a device which delivers an electric shock to the heart in an effort to reset it c. a procedure designed to be used on people in cardiac and/or pulmonary arrest d. a piece of cloth used to cover a wound e. a person trained to respond to emergency situations and provide medical assistance f. a drug used as a pain reliever X. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1. renal 2. pathology report 3. creatinine 4. urine 5. kidney 6. blood pressure 7. biopsy 8. BUN test a. a report that discusses exam result b. one of two organs that removes waste c. relating to the kidneys d. a waste product in the blood e. a liquid waste product f. a measure of the pressure with which blood moves through the body g. a test that determines the amount of urea nitrogen in the blood h. a procedure in which tissue is removed and examined XI. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H). 1. tissue 2. surgeon 3. inflammation 4. wound 5. exudate 6. debridement 7. slough 8. dress a. an injury that usually involves the rupture of the skin b. a response in which tissue swells or becomes red c. a stitch used to join the edges of a wound d. a procedure whereby dead tissue is removed e. to apply medication or a bandage to an injury f. a grouping of cells with a specific purpose g. extra matter that has flowed into tissue h. a mass of dead tissue XII. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F). 1. existing services 2. metered dose inhaler 3. aids 4. transportation 5. discharge
  • 8. 6. asthma attack a. the medical equipment that a hospital uses b. a problem in which a person’s airways tighten c. hospital services that a patient is receiving d. the release of a patient e. the movement of a person or thing f. a device that allows people to inhale medication when pressed XIII. Place a check next to the response that answers the question. 1. Are you familiar with CKD? a. Yes, it’s a yellow liquid waste product. b. Yes, it’s a condition in which a person gradually loses kidney function. 2. What does a GFR test do? a. It measures blood pressure. b. It helps to determine how much kidney function a person has. 3. Can you tell me what albumin is? a. Yes, it’s a protein found in the body. b. Yes, it’s a waste product in the blood. 4. Why would you perform a urinalysis? a. To test for albumen. b. To measure blood pressure. XIV. Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G). 1. labor 2. bloody show 3. contraction 4. pregnancy 5. discharge 6. water breaks 7. Braxton-Hicks contraction a. light-colored mucus that the body releases in the later stages of pregnancy b. the bloody substance that the body sometimes releases in the later stages of pregnancy c. when the sac around the fetus ruptures d. contractions that are strong, but that do not become longer like labor contraction e. a natural childbirth process in which a women’s uterus contracts in preparation to deliver the baby f. a tensing of the uterus during labor g. a state in which a women carries a developing child inside her body XV. Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined part. 1. Dave receives treatment to help regain movement for his old injury. p _ _ s _ _ _ l t _ e _ a _ _ 2. Cindy uses a machine that converts medicine into a mist for her asthma. _ _ b _l _ _ e _ 3. The amount of medical bills that an insurance company will pay for my care is 100%. _ o _ e _ a _ _ 4. Tony scheduled a visit following a procedure after his surgery. f _ _ l _ _ - u _
  • 9. XVI. Put the verbs in the brackets into the present simple or present continuous. Then, mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). Construction Notice St. Sebastian’s Hospital 1……… (want) to give its patients the best care possible. In order to do this, we 2……… (need) to update our facilities from time to time. As a result, we 3 ……… (start) some construction projects today. Some departments 4……… (temporarily/move) during construction. The cardiology department 5……… (be) now in the basement across from the radiology and pathology departments. Obstetrics 6……… (be) on the second floor next to pediatrics. Access to other departments 7……… (be) limited. The entrance to orthopedics 8……… (be) now through the dermatology department. The surgery wing of the hospital 9……… (be) only accessible through the lobby elevators. The emergency room and the pharmacy 10……… (be) unaffected. 11. The hospital is beginning construction to repair damages. 12. The radiology department is on the same floor as the cardiology department. 13. Patients have to go through the pathology department to get to orthopedics. 14. The emergency of the hospital is only accessible through the lobby elevators. 15. Pediatrics is now on the second floor. XVII. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the word bank. Then, choose the correct answers. Position available Mercy Heart Hospital needs a talented and certified Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN). This position requires both a degree and a 1……… from an accredited school. LPNs are responsible for creating smooth and efficient 2……… . Along with helping 3……… , they provide routine 4……… for our 5……… . This includes, but is not limited to, feeding patients, giving injections and 6……… and checking for bedsores. They also collect and deliver 7……… for labs. LPNs are required to complete administrative tasks. Experience using and organizing 8……… is vital. Additionally, LPNs complete weekly 9……… for supplies. Word bank: vaccines, samples, license, patient flow, bedside care, doctors, electronic health records, re-orders, patients 10. What is the posting about? a. a position as an LPN b. a position training LPNs c. a position managing LPNs d. a position certifying LPNs 11. What administrative tasks does an LPN have to complete? a. Improving vaccine delivery b. Ensuring that there are enough supplies c. Increasing the speed of lab sample deliveries d. Converting health records from paper to electronic 12. What can you infer about LPNs at Mercy Heart? a. They work on computers. b. They are paid by the hour. c. They rarely work alongside doctors. d. They need to have either a license or a degree.
  • 10. ANSWER KEY I. 1.a; 2.c; 3.b; 4.b; 5.b; 6.c; 7.b; 8.c; 9.a; 10.c; 11.a; 12.c; 13.c; 14.c; 15.a; 16.c; 17.a; 18.a; 19.a; 20b; 21.a; 22.a; 23.c; 24.a; 25.c; 25.c; 26.b; 27.a; 28.a; 29.a; 30.c; 31.a; 32.b; 33.c; 34.b; 35.a; 36.c; 37.c; 38.c; 39.a; 40.b; 41.a; 42.a; 43.b; 44.c; 45.b; 46.b; 47.a; 48.c; 49.a; 50.b; 51.a; 52.b; 53.c; 54.a; 55.b; 56.a; 57.c; 58.c; 59.a; 60.b; 61.a; 62.c; 63.b; 64.a; 65.b; 66.a; 67.b; 68.b; 69.b; 70.b; 71.c; 72.b; 73.a; 74.b; 75.a; 76.b; 77.a; 78.a; 79.b; 80.a II. 1.carbohydrates; 2.fats; 3.high fructose corn syrup; 4.nutrition; 5.protein; 6.obesity; 7.pediatrics; 8.pharmacist; 9.pathology;; 11.emergencies III. 1.d; 2.c; 3.e; 4.f; 5.b; 6.a; 7.g IV. 1.b; 2.d; 3.a; 4.f; 5.c; 6.e; 7.g V. 1.b; 2.b; 3.a; 4.a; 5.b; 6.a; 7.b; 8.b; 9.b; 10.a; 11.b; 12.b VI. 1.Rescue breathing, Chest compressions; 2.shock, blisters; 3.third-degree burns, responsiveness VII. per minute; 2.aneroid monitor; 3.vital signs; 4.thermometers; 5.respiration VIII. 1.a; 2.a; 3.b; 4.a; 5.b IX. 1.b; 2.c; 3.a; 4.e; 5.f; 6.d X. 1.c; 2.a; 3.d; 4.e; 5.b; 6.f; 7.h; 8.g XI. 1.f; 2.c; 3.b; 4.a; 5.g; 6.d; 7.h; 8.e XII. 1.c; 2.f; 3.a; 4.e; 5.d; 6.b XIII. 1.b; 2.b; 3.a; 4.a XIV. 1.e; 2.b; 3.f; 4.g; 5.a; 6.c; 7.d XV. 1.physical therapy; 2.nebulizer; 3.coverage; 4.follow-up XVI. 1.wants; 2.need; 3.are starting; 4.are temporarily moving;;; 7.are;;; 10.are; 11.F; 12.T; 13.F; 14.F; 15.T XVII. 1.license; 2.patient flow; 3.doctors; 4.bedside care; 5.patients; 6.vaccines; 7.samples; 8.electronic health records;; 10.a; 11.b; 12.a