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    Published in the interest of Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Soldiers and their Families

     Interrogating border cargo
                                                                                          Page 10

540th MCT helps Afghan drivers
                                                                                            Page 7
Volume5                                                                         Sustainer                                                October2012

On the inside ...                                                                      From the editor:
Commander’s Corner                                                                     	       Welcome to the fifth edition of Sustainer mag-
                                                                                       azine - a monthly publication by the Joint Sustain-
                                                                       Page 3          ment Command - Afghanistan Public Affairs Office.

The Chaplain’s Office                                                                  	      This magazine is for you - Soldiers and Fami-
                                                                       Page 3 lies of the JSC-A. We’d like to get your feedback on
                                                                                       the content and anything you’d like to see in future
CSM’s Corner                                                                           issues, so send me an e-mail, or write on our Face-
                                                                       Page 4          book wall (

Night-time operations                                                                  	       I want to remind everyone that the deadlines
                                                                                       for submitting absentee ballot requests are coming
                                                                       Page 5          up soon. It is extremely important that every Soldier
                                                                                       and Family member takes the time to vote - it is a
Working with Germans                                                                   right we defend, so we need to take the time to exer-
                                                                       Page 6          cise that right.

Helping Afghan drivers                                                                 	      Each state has different deadlines and re-
                                                                       Page 7          quirements, so head on over to to find the
                                                                                       exact details for your home state, and as always, if
Third Army CG visits Bagram                                                            you have any questions, or need any help, please let
                                                                                       me know.
                                                                       Page 9
Interrogating border cargo                                                             	      As always, be sure to keep informed through
                                                                                       the 3d ESC and FRG Facebook pages for the latest on
                                                                      Page 10          events and information.	

Hispanic Heritage Month                                                                                          Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain
                                                                      Page 11                                             Sustainer Editor

From the PMO
                                                                      Page 11
Walk Aware and Walk Away
                                                                      Page 12
And much more ...

   The Sustainer magazine is an authorized publication for members of the DOD.
    Contents of Sustainer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by,
  the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of this
  publication is the responsibility of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)
                                  Public Affairs Office.

             Brig. Gen. Kristin French, Commanding General, 3d ESC

                        Maj. Jim Bono, Public Affairs Officer

                    Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain, Sustainer Editor

                  Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin, Sustainer Staff Writer
                  Sgt. Candice L. Funchess, Sustainer Staff Writer

                                 Contributing Writers:
             Sgt. Gregory Williams, 2nd Lt. Henry Chan, Spc. Alicia Smith

   The Sustainer staff can be reached by email at, by
  phone: (502) 624-8523, or by mail to 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary),
             ATTN: PAO, 1747 Old Ironsides Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121.

 ON THE COVER: Sgt. Robert A. Hamilton, a movement noncommissioned officer with the 276th Transportation Detachment (Automated Cargo Docu-
 mentation), works on a radio frequency identification interrogator system, Sept. 21, 2012, at the Afghanistan-Uzbekistan border. The interrogator
 provides in-transit visibility of cargo that crosses over the Afghan border. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams)

                                                                                                                                              Page   2
Volume5                                              Sustainer                                            October2012

          Commander’s Corner - Afghanistan
          Joint Sustainment Command
                     Brig. Gen. Kristin French
Sustainer Families and friends,                                               and brigades, 3d ESC/JSC-A HQs
                                                                              took some cuts.
	      I am fortunate to regularly
observe the magnificent perfor-                                               	      We have had to make some
mances displayed daily by JSC-A                                               tough decisions, but I’m confident
personnel in Afghanistan. Every-                                              we can and will continue to ac-
one is making a powerful impact.                                              complish all our required mis-
	      Despite the hardships of
being in a difficult, unforgiving                                             	      As we enter the final
environment, the Warfighters we                                               ninety-plus days of deployment, we
support have not wanted for any-                                              must make the most of the time
thing.                                                                        we have left here, make our hard
                                                                              work count and finish strong.
	        It’s because of the incred-
ible work our team of logisticians                                            	        Whether here in Afghani-
and support personnel are doing                                               stan or serving back at home sta-
as they plan and execute missions.                                            tion, let the pride of your sacrifice
It is an honor for me to serve with                                           give you strength to endure.
all our Sustainers!
                                        decreased the U.S. footprint from     	      We have all worked very
	       JSC-A has made several          91K U.S. Forces serving in country    hard and need to ensure that all
changes over the past thirty days.      to 68K. Every major organization      missions continue smoothly.
Last year the President of the          took cuts.
United States directed that NLT                                               	      To all Sustainers and their
October 1st, 2012, there would          	        After a thorough review of   Families and friends, thank you
be a force cap of 68K U.S. service      all our subordinate units’ capa-      for your sacrifices and service to
members deployed/assigned in            bilities and requirements, we off-    our Nation. I am proud to be serv-
Afghanistan.                            ramped over 500 JSC-A personnel       ing alongside you.
                                        and relocated other Soldiers to
	     Therefore, over the last          alternate sites outside of Afghani-   Sustaining the Line!
nine months, the military has           stan. Along with our battalions       Brig. Gen. Kristin K. French
                                                                              Sustainer 6

          The Chaplain’s Command - Afghanistan
           Joint Sustainment Office
                         Chaplain Collie Foster
Facing the Challenges of Life           “chadah” which means to make          Scriptures teach us that positive
                                        glad, joined together, sharpened,     influence should come from parent
	       Have you ever tried to use      grow. So to be sharpened as an        to children, friend to friend, older
a knife only to find that it wouldn’t   individual is to be ready, useful,    men to younger men, older women
cut? It was probably frustrat-          and productive in life and society.   to younger women, teacher to stu-
ing – the problem: It needed to be      It means to be joined with others     dent.
sharpened! King Solomon once            and growing to meet the challeng-
wrote, “As iron sharpens iron, so       es that life will throw your way.     	       Just as you tried to cut
one man sharpens another.” So,                                                something and found that your
what can we learn about this wise       	       So what does that mean for    knife was dull. You sharpen the
saying and the principle of how we      Families of deployed Soldiers? It     knife and think to yourself – Wow,
can be sharpened.                       means that you must be intention-     why didn’t I get this done earlier –
                                        al in developing relationships with   this is GREAT!
	       Just as a knife that isn’t      individuals that you can influence
sharp isn’t productive, useful,         and that can influence you in a       	       Remember, it is never too
or helpful the same goes for an         positive way. I would not be a good   late to get started.
individual. The Hebrew word used        chaplain if I didn’t give you some
in this proverb for sharpen is          scriptural principles to follow.                         Chaplain Foster

Volume5                                           Sustainer                                            October2012

           Command Sgt. Command - Afghanistan
           Joint Sustainment Maj.’s Corner
           Command Sgt. Maj. Karl Roberts
Greetings from Kandahar Air-                                                safe.” We have to remember that
field,                                                                      everyone is a safety officer, no
                                                                            matter the rank.
	         Wow, Sustainers!
                                                                            	       I would much rather a low-
	       It’s really hard to fathom                                          er ranking Soldier tell me that I’m
that we’re now past the halfway                                             committing an unsafe act, than to
mark in our deployment, but we                                              continue the act and possibly lose
are. And what I want you to be                                              my life as a result.
proud of most is that we’ve accom-
plished so much, in such a short                                            	       So, what I’m asking is that
period of time. We, the Soldiers                                            we look out for one another to en-
of the 3d ESC and JSC-A, have                                               sure that we take home every Sol-
performed difficult tasks and mis-                                          dier that we took to Afghanistan.
sions at an efficiency that’s been                                          As a team, if we work together, we
unbelievable.                                                               can and will accomplish this goal.

	       Now that we’re getting                                              	      Thanks again for keeping
short, as it is so commonly re-                                             us in your thoughts and prayers,
ferred to, we have to understand                                            and we look forward to joining
that this period is also the time                                           you, our family and friends, soon.
that most accidents or incidents
occur during a deployment.                                                               Sustaining the Line!
                                                                                         CSM Karl A. Roberts
	       As the senior enlisted        boggling, these things are prevent-                        Sustainer 7
leader, I’ve seen so many incidents   able.
happen because of complacency
or Soldiers just not being focused,   	       What I want us to focus
it’s mind boggling. But keep in       on during this time is “doing the
mind that even though it’s mind       right thing and keeping each other

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Volume5                                                              Sustainer                                                          October2012

Soldiers transport cargo during nighttime operations
                         Sgt. Gregory Williams

	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Sol-
diers with the 25th Transportation Company trans-
ported cargo and multi-class items to Forward Oper-
ating Base Pasab, Afghanistan on August 30, 2012.

	       The 25th TC sustains Soldiers in the field
serving under the Joint Sustainment Command -
Afghanistan by delivering mail, supplies, multi class
items, ammunition and military vehicles during
night time tactical operations.

	      The Soldiers prepared for the mission by
conducting various battlefield drills varying from
reaction to small arms fire, to vehicular breakdown
                                                                            Sgt. Jesus A. Alvarez, a truck commander with the 25th Transportation
                                                                            Company, escorts a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protective vehicle to an am-
	       “We have to learn how to think ahead and                            munition point on August 30, 2012 at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The
how to anticipate delays we may face out on the                             25th TC uses the MRAP to provide security for their convoy during night
                                                                            time tactical operations. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams)
road,” said Staff Sgt. Steven P. Maui, a convoy com-
mander with the 25th TC. “It’s a collective effort                          	       After a two-hour trip, the convoy headed to
to make sure the mission is complete because the                            the CRSP yard to offload its cargo, which consisted of
routes and terrain is tough out here.”                                      six loads of multi-class items and mail. Maui said it’s
                                                                            important to get mail to troops because hearing from
	      Maui said even though he’s been deployed to                          a loved one can raise morale and help Soldiers focus
both Iraq and Afghanistan, he considers Afghanistan                         out in the battlefield.
to be more difficult because routes are considerably
more dangerous.                                                             	       “Being a truck driver, I understand both sides
                                                                            of the coin because I used to be in field artillery so I
	      Spc. Jonae T. Blackwell, a truck driver with                         know how important stuff like mail is.” Maui said, “I
the 25th TC, said it’s very important for Soldiers to                       remember that great feeling of seeing the transporta-
pay extra attention to their surrounding environment                        tion people during my eight years in artillery.”
during the night.
                                                                            	       After unloading its cargo, the 25th TC picked
	       “We all have to be more alert at night, espe-                       up two battle damaged vehicles and other retrograde
cially the gunners, because it’s their job to look for                      equipment, which would be returned to the United
shadows so they can get positive identification on                          States for reset.
whatever’s out there,” Blackwell said. “We don’t want
to cause any unnecessary damage so attention to                             	      The RESET process takes used vehicles, in-
detail is critical to the mission success.”                                 spects them and replaces any defective parts, refur-
                                                                            bishing the equipment to like-new condition.

                                                                            	       To work more efficiently, Soldiers paired off
                                                                            into teams of two’s as one Soldier would hold a flash-
                                                                            light while the other would secure the cargo straps.
                                                                            After the group finished securing its load, the convoy
                                                                            moved out and finished its mission two hours ahead
                                                                            of schedule.

                                                                            	       Blackwell said after completing more than 70
                                                                            convoy missions, she takes pride in helping sustain
                                                                            troops in the field who don’t have the same amenities
                                                                            as those who stay on a base.

                                                                            	      “I would say this mission has been a big
                                                                            wakeup call, helping me to learn and live all the
                                                                            Army values,” Blackwell said. “The Army is one big
Spc. Walter G. Abad Yarleque, a truck driver with the 25th Transportation   family and we don’t mind going out of our way to help
Company, straps down cargo on the back of an M-915 heavy truck on Au-
gust 30, 2012 at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The 25th TC transports     and supply other units.”
cargo to forward operating bases during nighttime tactical operations.
(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams)

                                                                                                                                             Page 5
Volume5                                                           Sustainer                                                    October2012

Reserve Soldiers, German counterparts
sustain fight in northern Afghanistan
           Sgt. Gregory Williams                 counterparts have processed more                  years ago we used to print out
                                                 than 200,000 ISAF customers                       their paperwork for them for the
	       MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Af-                      through the terminal.                             rotary section, but now they have
ghanistan - Three years ago, an                                                                    access to both the CJ-1 command
all-German staff was in charge                   	       “When you can speak and                   and Centrix systems,” explained
of the Camp Marmal fixed wing                    understand each other then you                    Rademacher. “Now sometimes the
passenger terminal. The Interna-                 can solve problems,” said German                  Americans have more informa-
tional Security Force then decided               1st Sgt. Christian Rademacher, a                  tion than us, which helps us work
to move Joint Sustainment Com-                   passenger terminal chief with the                 together better.”
mand - Afghanistan Soldiers into                 Air Transport Wing 62.
the terminal to run the rotary op-                                                                 	       The Centrix system is a se-
erations. What soon followed was                 	      Customers fly out of the                   cure web-based system that allows
the beginning of a joint operation               Camp Marmal PAX terminal from                     air operators to view online reser-
mission between countries sepa-                  Mazar-e-Sharif to other destina-                  vations and flight information in
rated by the North Atlantic Ocean                tions within Afghanistan.                         real time. The U.S. military uses
back home.                                                                                         the system to track contractor
                                                 	       Soldiers and contractors                  helicopter flights, reservations and
	      The 540th Movement                        book flights either through the                   cancellations. Even though the
Control Detachment, known as an                  CJ-1 command or Airlift Passenger                 system is secure like all computer
MCT, an Army Reserve unit from                   Reservation System. It was only                   programs, it can encounter glitch-
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, works                    three years ago that Joint Sus-                   es due to information overload.
with German soldiers to move                     tainment Command - Afghanistan
more than 1,000 passengers, or                   Soldiers could only help rotary                   	       “If our system went down
PAX, through the passenger termi-                passengers, but now they are in-                  we have a back-up through the
nal every day.                                   volved in the fixed wing operation                German tower log system, which
                                                 as well.                                          gives the terminal an outline of all
	     Since December 2011, the                                                                     that day’s flights,” said Sgt. Justin
540th MCT and their German                       	         “When I was here three                  L. McCubbin, a passenger termi-
                                                                                                   nal noncommissioned officer with
                                                                                                   the 540th MCT. “This is truly a
                                                                                                   coalition effort that helps us share
                                                                                                   vital information with each other.”

                                                                                                   	       McCubbin said commu-
                                                                                                   nication and sharing informa-
                                                                                                   tion are key to mission success
                                                                                                   because in some cases Soldiers
                                                                                                   are mission-essential person-
                                                                                                   nel. Whether it’s a general officer,
                                                                                                   chaplain or an enlisted Soldier,
                                                                                                   everyone has a mission that needs
                                                                                                   to be completed.

                                                                                                   	       “Helping a customer to fly
                                                                                                   out is critical because, in a way,
                                                                                                   their mission becomes my mission,
                                                                                                   and it’s good that most Germans
                                                                                                   here speak three languages so
                                                                                                   they still can help out the Soldier,”
                                                                                                   McCubbin said. “We help Soldiers
                                                                                                   get to other forward operating
                                                                                                   bases and even redeploy unit’s out
                                                                                                   of here as well.”
Sgt. Maurice L. Daniels, a passenger terminal noncommissioned officer with the 540th Movement
Control Detachment, and German Spc. Patrick Peter, a passenger terminal specialist with the High   	      The Soldiers behind the
Flight Staff 255th, work side by side at the Camp Marmal Passenger Terminal in northern Afghani-
stan, Sept. 9, 2012. The 540th Movement Control Detachment and German forces average more than
600 customers a day at the flight terminal.                                                            See GERMANS, next page
Volume5                                                      Sustainer                                                             October2012

GERMANS, from previous
terminal desk interact with hun-
dreds of passengers everyday,
which forces them to deal with
a slew of different personalities.
Rademacher said even though it’s
impossible to make every custom-
er happy, whoever is behind the
counter will try to help the cus-
tomers as best they can.

	       “I remember one time there
was a Soldier who had to go on
emergency leave and I got on the
phone with terminals in Manas
(Kyrgyzstan), Alaska and Iowa,”
McCubbin said. “Ultimately he got
home in two days and it’s mo-
ments like that, which makes do-            Soldiers prepare to board a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, Sept. 9, 2012, at Camp Marmal, Afghanistan.
ing this job worth while.”                  The helicopter is used to transport passengers between various destinations throughout Afghani-
                                            stan, and its main cabin can hold up to 33 Soldiers.

	       Even though the Soldiers            and when it’s slow we all share                   have shown that it doesn’t matter
are miles apart from there respec-          photos, play table football and talk              what uniform a Soldier wears. In a
tive loved ones, the Americans and          about life,” Rademacher said. “We                 war zone, all it takes is a common
Germans have grown close to one             treat each other like we’re one big               goal to bring everyone together.
another.                                    family.”

	      “We’re here every day sit-           	      Together the 540th MCT
ting next to each other for hours           and their German counterparts

540th MCT helps Afghan drivers
                    Sgt. Gregory Williams

	      MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Afghanistan - For Soldiers
at an entry control point at Camp Marmal, it is very
important to get Afghan drivers escorted onto the
base as soon as possible.

	      Not only do the Afghans transport vital mili-
tary cargo from location to location, but they must
meet mission deadlines as well.

	      If a driver is not escorted onto the base within
72 hours of their arrival, the U.S. government must
pay them an additional $140 in demurrage costs.

	      Imagine how much money is wasted if hun-                      Spc. Ryan M. Sweeney, a transportation coordinator with the 540th Move-
dreds of drivers cannot get their cargo to the proper                ment Control Detachment, gathers a group of Afghan drivers in order
                                                                     to get them in contact with their escorts on September 9, 2012 at Camp
destination.                                                         Marmal. The 540th MCT direct drivers to the correct drop off point when
                                                                     cargo needs to be delivered to the camp. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory
	       If the cargo doesn’t get on base, everyone from
the driver to the Soldiers suffer, so for the Louisiana              sure the drivers link up with the carrier, but we also
reservists there is no time to waste.                                have to make sure they get a memo to get paid,” said
                                                                     Sgt. Jamion J. Anderson, a national afghan trucking
	      The 540th Movement Control Detachment                         coordinator with the 540th MCT.
processes paperwork for Afghan drivers at Camp

	         “Our unit is not only responsible for making                                              See DRIVERS, next page
Volume5                                                           Sustainer                                                            October2012

DRIVERS, from previous                                                    if we’re trying to provide the best customer service to
                                                                          the drivers, they know the universal sign language
	       “We have usually dealt with over 100 cases                        for ‘pay me.’”
a month where drivers are missing paperwork and
can’t get paid.”                                                          	       The Soldiers understand the hardships driv-
                                                                          ers may have to endure, which is why the government
	       The Soldiers must act as the middleman,                           compensates them. Hayner said drivers have shared
making sure both the driver and carriers communi-                         stories of paying off Taliban fighters at make-shift
cate to ensure the readiness of future convoy opera-                      check points in order to get to the base.
                                                                          	      Once a driver arrives, they have to spend ad-
	      “Even a mistake in paperwork can delay a                           ditional money on food while they wait for an escort,
truck getting on base, which can affect everyone on                       which can sometimes take more than three days.
base from the Post Exchange to the dining facilities,”
Anderson said. “We don’t want any mistakes on our                         	       “Doing this job has given me a new perspec-
end causing a missed meal.”                                               tive on the war because I’m starting to see that most
                                                                          of these drivers aren’t combatants,” Hayner said. “We
	       Not only do Soldiers on the base rely on the                      try to make the drivers feel comfortable enough to
cargo that is on the back of the truck, but the Afghan                    come back and do more convoys for us, which is a
drivers depend on the cargo being delivered in order                      part of the counter insurgency doctrine.”
to get paid.
                                                                          	        As surrounding forward operating bases start
	        Staff Sgt. Anthony J. Hayner, an entry control                   to shut down due to U.S. Forces pulling out, there are
point noncommissioned officer with the 540th MCT,                         still Soldiers out in the field who depend on convoys
said it’s funny how communication isn’t the problem                       to get valuable supplies.
between the Soldiers and Afghans, but it’s tracking
down the carrier who has to pick up the load that’s                       	       “Our mission is to help sustain the warfighter
the hard part.                                                            and cargo can’t make it from camp to camp if we
                                                                          don’t do our jobs,” Anderson said. “Anything we can
	      “Our interpreters taught us phrases that help                      do to make sure that the drivers don’t lose money
us do our job, but hunting down the carriers is the                       and the government doesn’t spend more money, we’re
hardest part because most of the time we’ll have                          going to do.”
phone numbers that don’t work,” Hayner said. “Even

Soldiers with the 540th Movement Control Detachment take cargo straps off of a pallet on September 9, 2012 at Camp Marmal. The 540th MCT builds
pallets, which are transported by Afghan drivers to other bases. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams)

                                                                                                                                           Page   8
Volume5                                                              Sustainer                                                             October2012

Third Army commander visits Bagram Retrosort Yard
 2nd Lt. Henry Chan and Spc. Alicia Smith
Afghanistan -- Third Army Com-
manding General, Lt. Gen. Vincent
Brooks, visited the Soldiers of the
Bagram Airfield Retrosort Yard,
Sept. 16, 2012.

	       The Soldiers of the Bagram
Airfield Retrosort Yard, BAF RSY,
is operated along with two other
retrosort yards in Afghanistan un-
der the 18th Combat Sustainment
Support Battalion, or CSSB.

	       The success of the BAF
RSY is contributed to the effort
of Soldiers from the 18th CSSB
from Grafenwoehr, Germany, the
10th Sustainment Brigade of Fort
Drum, N.Y., the 427th Brigade
Support Battalion of the New York                   Lt. Col. Michelle Letcher and Sgt. 1st Class Edward Dowd brief Lt. Gen. Vincent Brooks, Third Army
National Guard and the 1462nd                       commander, on how the Retrosort Yard at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, is operated and its capabili-
                                                    ties on Sept. 16, 2012. (U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt. Henry Chan, 18th Combat Sustainment Support
Transportation Company of the                       Battalion)
Michigan National Guard.
                                                    the month of August, the BAF RSY                   	      As the visit drew to an end,
	        After a warm welcome, the                  produced more than 400 TEUs                        Brooks recognized five Soldiers for
18th CSSB senior leadership led                     (Twenty Foot Shipping Container                    their hard work and dedication
Brooks to the main processing                       Equivalent Units), far exceeding all               in running the facility. Staff Sgt.
tent to provide an overview of the                  historical productions.                            Daniel Scroggins, Sgt. Kevin Root,
Retrosort Yard, or RSY, and how                                                                        Spc. Justin Fivecoat, Pvt. Anthony
it ties into the other CENTCOM                      	      With high spirits, the group                Klenk and Cpl. Jennifer Malone all
Materiel Retrograde Elements.                       proceeded to tour other areas of                   received coins from the three-star-
                                                    the RSY.                                           general.
	       The Retrosort Yard is a
vital facility in the reduction of                  	       Sgt. 1st Class Edward                      	        “My first general [visiting
the amount of excess materiel in                    Dowd led Brooks to view recently                   our yard], my first coin,” Fivecoat
Afghanistan. Between the three                      opened shipping containers full of                 said. “It was exciting and new. He
main Retrosort Yards in the Af-                     used tires, vehicle parts and even                 left an impression.”
ghan Theater, the Bagram Yard is                    the cab of a 5-ton military trans-
the highest producing facility. In                  port truck.                                        	      Malone was pleased to have
                                                                                                       the General visit the yard to see
                                                    	        Staff Sgt. Barry Ruger and                how operations were run.
                                                    Spc. Brian King introduced the
                                                    newly built “Virtual Warehouse”                    	      “It was great to see the
                                                    to the General. The Virtual Ware-                  general and for him to see how the
                                                    house is a successful program                      yard works,” she said.
                                                    devised by the Soldiers of the BAF
                                                    RSY to re-distribute high demand                   	      Brooks ended his trip by
                                                    items back to units with a higher                  speaking with all of the Soldiers at
                                                    level of customer service.                         the RSY.

Spc. Brian King (right) explains to Lt. Gen.        	       Office supplies, computer                  	      “We needed [the mission]
Vincent Brooks, Third Army commander, how
                                                    cables, “Chem-lights” (disposable                  to be done,” Brooks said. “We
the Virtual Warehouse operates to re-circulate
highly-demanded items to local units in the         chemical light sticks) or similar                  gave the mission to the 1st TSC
battlefield. This program effectively saves the     items collected from the process-                  (Theater Sustainment Command),
U.S. taxpayer money in supplying Office sup-                                                           and they gave the mission to you,
plies, computer cables, “Chem-lights” (disposable   ing area are gathered here for
chemical light sticks) or similar surplus items     issue to local units with no charge                because we knew that you’d get it
to units in-need. (U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt.
                                                    to the unit.                                       done.”
Henry Chan, 18th Combat Sustainment Support

                                                                                                                                                Page 9
Volume5                                             Sustainer                                                              October2012

Sustainers use ‘interrogator’ to track cargo at
Afghanistan-Uzbekistan border
                   Sgt. Gregory Williams

	       HAIRATAN, Afghanistan - With the drawdown
of U.S. Forces already in full swing, the importance
of cargo movement throughout Afghanistan is at
an all time high. Units redeploying to the U.S. must
be able to track their cargo, whether it’s in or out of

	      At the Uzbekistan-Afghanistan border, one
Army unit is working to prove how effective the
northern distribution system could be.

	     This system could possibly give the Army
more options during the redeployment process.
                                                          Soldiers with the 276th Transportation Detachment (Automated Cargo
                                                          Documentation), provide security around the Afghanistan-Uzbekistan
	       The 276th Transportation Detachment (Auto-        border, Sept. 21, 2012. The unit provides security for field representatives,
mated Cargo Documentation) uses a radio-frequency         VIP’s and other Soldiers who visit the border. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt.
                                                          Gregory Williams)
identification interrogator system to track cargo
within the northern Afghanistan area.                     good because a unit won’t have to waste unnecessary
                                                          manpower,” Mannis said. “All the Soldiers need to do
	      The interrogator provides in-transit visibility    is set up a pole, boot up the system and plug it into a
of cargo and is used to formulate daily transportation    power source.”
reports to Joint Sustainment Command - Afghani-
stan.                                                     	       Mannis said maintaining the interrogators’
                                                          operational readiness doesn’t take much effort and
	       Sgt. Robert A. Hamilton, a movement non-          even if it did, the unit would do whatever it took to
commissioned officer with the 276th ACDD, said            keep the system running because they know other
transportation Soldiers are usually confined to of-       units depend on the data it collects.
fices and he’s happy his unit was given this unique
mission.                                                  	      “It’s important that we keep track of contain-
                                                          ers coming in the country through the Uzbekistan
	        “One of the most rewarding parts of the mis-     border because we help other units save time when
sion is to have the opportunity to get Soldiers out on    they do inventory,” Mannis said. “Cargo is moving all
the road and out of the office,” Hamilton said. “Most     the time so we can see if it came through this check-
transportation coordinators work out of an office so      point or not.”
it’s a good to give these Soldiers road experience.”
                                                          	      As the Afghan National Army guards the
	      Soldiers with the 276th ACDD not only gain         checkpoint and interrogator, Hamilton said the 276th
experience outside the wire, but have the opportunity     ACDD expects to collect more data from the system
to show there are more redeployment options besides       as the drawdown continues.
the Pakistan Ground Lines of Communication, or
GLOC.                                                     	       “Once the larger elements start to drawdown
                                                          we expect to track more cargo,” Hamilton said. “In
	       “There is a lot of potential at Hairatan border   the future we also hope to facilitate the movement of
that could help with the redeployment process and         frustrated cargo as well so the busier we are, the bet-
drawdown,” Hamilton said. “The interrogator by the        ter because it will make the Soldiers happier.”
border is mission critical, so it’s important for Sol-
diers to make sure it’s always operational.”              	       The 276th ACDD is hoping to show the Army
                                                          there is a golden opportunity to the north of Afghani-
	       Spc. Joseph D. Mannis, a transportation           stan.
coordinator with the 276th ACDD, has worked with
interrogators in the past and said the system is not      	       Hamilton said an opportunity that if it is re-
only an important asset to transportation missions,       vised could be more than tracking cargo, but moving
but is also easy to set up.                               it out at a faster rate, which would help everyone go
                                                          home just a little bit quicker.
	      “Setting up the system can take two to three
Soldiers if they know what they’re doing, which is

Volume5                                             Sustainer                                           October2012

2012 National Hispanic Heritage Month
      JSC-A Equal Opportunity Office                                         celebrate their Independence Day
                                                                             on 15 September.
	       This year’s National Theme
is “Diversity United, Building                                               	       Mexico on 16 September
America’s Future Today”.                                                     (not on 5 May/”Cinco de Mayo”).

	       The Theme refers to the                                              	       Chile on 18 September.
vital role Hispanics play in the                                             Columbus Day, “Día de la Raza”,
moments that shape our country,                                              is also celebrated during Hispanic
and during Hispanic American                                                 Heritage Month.
Heritage Month, the U.S. Army
recognizes the achievements and        1988.                                 	       For years, the Army has
contributions of these individuals.                                          forged relationships with Hispanic
                                       	       The celebration heightens     associations, and will continue to
	       America’s diversity is a       our attention to diversity and the    support and sponsor professional
source of strength, and Hispanic       many contributions Hispanics          development forums.
Americans have not hesitated to        have made to enrich the United
defend and show their allegiance       States.                               	       Through these relation-
to this nation in many ways, but                                             ships, the Army further increases
especially through military ser-       	      The observance com-            awareness among key Hispanic
vice.                                  mences on 15 September to co-         audiences of the educational and
                                       incide with the day several Latin     career opportunities available in
	      Originally a week-long          American countries celebrate their    the Army.
celebration approved by Presi-         Independence Day.
dent Johnson, National Hispanic
Heritage Month (15 September – 15      	     Costa Rica, El Salvador,
October) was enacted into law in       Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua

A word from the Provost Marshall
	      The month of October marks seven months            	       Don‘t leave items lying around unsecured just
that we have been here.                                   inviting someone to walk off with your stuff.

	      Now is not the time to get complacent about        	      Don‘t leave valuables inside of a vehicle,
securing not only government equipment but person-        locked or not.
al possessions as well.
                                                          	        Take the time to secure government and per-
	      Theft is on the rise and many of the incidents     sonal property; don‘t let your stuff become someone
are crimes of opportunity. Remember to lock your          else‘s treat and a trick on you.
door when you leave your room.

Volume5                                            Sustainer                          October2012

Complacency Can Kill:
    Walk Aware & Walk Away
            JSC-A Safety Office       tem to mitigate this hazard.	         Safety!
	       A dictionary defines com-
placency as “self-satisfaction        	       CSM Roberts (3rd ESC/
especially when accompanied by        JSC-A) states; It’s very important
unawareness of actual dangers or      that we stay on course- Thing
deficiencies”.                        called complacency- if you allow
                                      complacency to set in, you have
	      During combat deploy-          now slipped on your “A” game and
ments the mid-tour and last 100       become a victim. You must remain
days service members can lose         situational aware at all times.
focus on the mission.
                                      	        Enhancing situational
	      The results can lead to        awareness allows troops to better
more injuries, equipment damage       plan and mitigates the risks of the
or worse - loss of life.              mission. They are able to make de-
                                      cisions at any given moment that
	       In order to protect our-      reflect the current environment,
selves from accidental losses we      rather than making a decision
must perform to standard, be          based on a static picture taken
disciplined in our actions, avoid     prior to the start of the mission.
unnecessary risks, and stay situ-
ationaly aware of our surround-       	       Keep situational awareness
ings.                                 of your mission and don’t allow
                                      complacency to end the mission.
	         Use the battle buddy sys-   Stay alert, Stay Alive! Sustainer

Volume5                                             Sustainer                                                  October2012

   Surgeon Cell takes care of Soldiers health needs
                JSC-A Command Surgeon Cell

	      Since arriving in theater, the Surgeon Cell
has been committed to ensuring all JSC-A Soldiers
throughout the Combined Joint Operations Area -
Afghanistan maintain access to medical care and
health support during the Troop drawdown.

	       The section’s missions have included: work-
ing to continue Role 1 coverage for Soldiers at Camp
Marmal, Phoenix, Pasab, Dedahdi and Shindand;
planning and executing theater-wide vaccine admin-
istrators; aiding in medical equipment retrograde;
screening Soldiers for the walking blood bank; and
visiting our higher, lateral and subordinate leaders      future, organize volunteer support for the Warrior
and medical staff.                                        Recovery Center, and exercise the first ever JSC-A
                                                          MASCAL plan.
	       In all of the actions, the JSC-A Surgeon
Cell has assured the medical needs of all Sustain-        	      The Surgeon Cell serves as the senior medical
ers across the CJOA-A have been met, which allows         advisors for the JSC-A. The cell oversees the Army
them to continue their important sustainment and          Health Support (AHS) and Force Health Protection
retrograde missions. Additionally, the Surgeon Cell       (FHP) of over 4,500 JSC-A Soldiers located through-
has successfully initiated plans to maintain the cur-     out Afghanistan.
rent levels of medical providers in the JSC-A in the

      JSC-A EO and SHARP reinforce awareness
          JSC-A EO and SHARP

                                        at Bagram and Kandahar Airfield.    	      The Sexual Harrassment
                                        Students attending the SHARP        and Assault Response Prevention
                                        MTT received training that is       program reinforces the Army’s
                                        designed to prepare Soldiers and    commitment to eliminate inci-
                                        Department of the Army civilians    dents of sexual asault through a
                                        to serve as victim advocates and    comprehensive policy that centers
                                        Sexual Assault Response Coordi-     on awareness and prevention,
                                        nators.                             training and education, victim
                                                                            advocacy, response, reporting and
                                        	      The SHARP program is a       accountability.
                                        comprehensive integration and
                                        transformation of the Army’s        	       Army policy promotes sen-
	      The Joint Sustainment            Sexual Assault Prevention and       sitive care and confidential report-
Command - Afghanistan’s Equal           Response (SAPR) Program and         ing for victims of sexual assault.
Opportunity and Sexual Harass-          Prevention of Sexual Harassment
ment and Assault Response Pre-          (POSH) efforts.
vention Offices has been tasked by
the commander to ensure that all        	       The SHARP program re-
commands minimize discrimina-           inforces the Army’s commitment
tory practices and sexual harass-       to eliminate incidents of sexual
ment/assault incidents.                 harassment and sexual assault
                                        through awareness and preven-
	       All Soldiers within the         tion, training, victim advocacy,
JSC-A should be able to report in-      reporting and accountability.
cidents without the fear of reprisal
in an effort to maximize human          	       During the training at
potention and ensure fair treat-        Bagram and Kandahar Airfield, 35    The Joint Sustainment Command - Afghani-
ment for all.                           Soldiers from JSC-A units gradu-    stan Sexual Harassment and Assault Response
                                                                            Prevention coordinator, Sgt. 1st Class Loretha
                                        ated and started their new duties   Alexander, conducts training to Headquarters
	      During the month of Sep-         to serve as victim advocates and    and Headquarters Company, 3d Sustainment
tember, two SHARP Mobile Train-         Sexual Assault Response Coordi-     Command (Expeditionary) Soldiers. (U.S. Army
                                                                            photos by Master Sgt. Adam Eckstein)
ing Teams (MTT) were conducted 	        nators.
Volume5                                                              Sustainer                                                              October2012

MRB supports maintenance efforts
     JSC - A Materiel Readiness Branch

	       The Support Operation’s                     MRAP-Recovery Vehicle, and                          average Operational Readiness
Materiel Readiness Branch pro-                     Heavy Equipment Transporter                         rate of 93% for ground equipment
vides theater wide oversight of sys-               fielding.                                           and 83% for aviation fleets. 	
tematic maintenance trends and
analysis for the Joint Sustainment                 	       The section has also pro-
Command - Afghanistan.                             vided g	uidance to internal and
                                                   external units on maintainance
	        The JSC-A MRB supports                    procedures, resulting in an 	
the Combined Joint Operations
Area - Afghanistan by coordinat-
ing all maintenance efforts of
lateral and subordinate units, co-
alition and joint forces in conjunc-
tion with the Army Field Support
Brigade and contract maintenance
activities and other strategic part-

	      The MRB has monitored
and assisted with the Security
Forces Assistance and Advisory
Teams, Operational Reserve Force, 	

    Religious support team provides spiritual guidance
                   JSC - A Religious Support Team

                                                                              spread throughout the CJOA-A. Care for Soldiers, ci-
                                                                             vilians and contractors is important and takes place
                                                                             in all regions of Afghanistan.

                                                                             	       Religious support is provided from members
                                                                             of the JSC-A, brigade and battalion RST’s to reach
                                                                             the hearts and souls of those we came to serve.

Support behind the scenes. Can you find Chaplain Collie Foster in the pho-
to above? He is running right beside Chaplain David Vanderjagt. The way
the photo was shot, he is hidden by the runner, with the exception of his
right foot. Much of what the Religious Support Teams do is hidden “behind
the scenes.” (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Candice L. Funchess)

	       Spiritual resiliency is built by many un-
seen ministries. Last month, there were 606 min-
istry events across the CJOA-A. In all, these events
touched the lives of 13,741 personnel. These events
included convoy prayers, Bible studies, chapel min-
istry, hospital visits, training events and many other
                                                                             The Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Religious Support Team
spiritual ministries.                                                        is comprised of Master Sgt. Wyman Loveless, Chaplain David Vanderjagt,
                                                                             Staff Sgt. Florence Thornton, Staff Sgt. Daniel Letters and Chaplain Collie
	       The JSC-A RST’s are bringing God to Sol-                             Foster. (Courtesy Photo)
diers, and Soldiers to God.

	         Chaplains and chaplain assistants are 	


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Sustainer - October 2012

  • 1. October2012 Sustainer Published in the interest of Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Soldiers and their Families Interrogating border cargo Page 10 540th MCT helps Afghan drivers Page 7
  • 2. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 On the inside ... From the editor: Commander’s Corner Welcome to the fifth edition of Sustainer mag- azine - a monthly publication by the Joint Sustain- Page 3 ment Command - Afghanistan Public Affairs Office. The Chaplain’s Office This magazine is for you - Soldiers and Fami- Page 3 lies of the JSC-A. We’d like to get your feedback on the content and anything you’d like to see in future CSM’s Corner issues, so send me an e-mail, or write on our Face- Page 4 book wall ( Night-time operations I want to remind everyone that the deadlines for submitting absentee ballot requests are coming Page 5 up soon. It is extremely important that every Soldier and Family member takes the time to vote - it is a Working with Germans right we defend, so we need to take the time to exer- Page 6 cise that right. Helping Afghan drivers Each state has different deadlines and re- Page 7 quirements, so head on over to to find the exact details for your home state, and as always, if Third Army CG visits Bagram you have any questions, or need any help, please let me know. Page 9 Interrogating border cargo As always, be sure to keep informed through the 3d ESC and FRG Facebook pages for the latest on Page 10 events and information. Hispanic Heritage Month Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain Page 11 Sustainer Editor From the PMO Page 11 Walk Aware and Walk Away Page 12 And much more ... The Sustainer magazine is an authorized publication for members of the DOD. Contents of Sustainer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Public Affairs Office. Brig. Gen. Kristin French, Commanding General, 3d ESC Maj. Jim Bono, Public Affairs Officer Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain, Sustainer Editor Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin, Sustainer Staff Writer Sgt. Candice L. Funchess, Sustainer Staff Writer Contributing Writers: Sgt. Gregory Williams, 2nd Lt. Henry Chan, Spc. Alicia Smith The Sustainer staff can be reached by email at, by phone: (502) 624-8523, or by mail to 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), ATTN: PAO, 1747 Old Ironsides Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121. ON THE COVER: Sgt. Robert A. Hamilton, a movement noncommissioned officer with the 276th Transportation Detachment (Automated Cargo Docu- mentation), works on a radio frequency identification interrogator system, Sept. 21, 2012, at the Afghanistan-Uzbekistan border. The interrogator provides in-transit visibility of cargo that crosses over the Afghan border. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) Page 2
  • 3. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Commander’s Corner - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Command Brig. Gen. Kristin French Sustainer Families and friends, and brigades, 3d ESC/JSC-A HQs took some cuts. I am fortunate to regularly observe the magnificent perfor- We have had to make some mances displayed daily by JSC-A tough decisions, but I’m confident personnel in Afghanistan. Every- we can and will continue to ac- one is making a powerful impact. complish all our required mis- sions. Despite the hardships of being in a difficult, unforgiving As we enter the final environment, the Warfighters we ninety-plus days of deployment, we support have not wanted for any- must make the most of the time thing. we have left here, make our hard work count and finish strong. It’s because of the incred- ible work our team of logisticians Whether here in Afghani- and support personnel are doing stan or serving back at home sta- as they plan and execute missions. tion, let the pride of your sacrifice It is an honor for me to serve with give you strength to endure. all our Sustainers! decreased the U.S. footprint from We have all worked very JSC-A has made several 91K U.S. Forces serving in country hard and need to ensure that all changes over the past thirty days. to 68K. Every major organization missions continue smoothly. Last year the President of the took cuts. United States directed that NLT To all Sustainers and their October 1st, 2012, there would After a thorough review of Families and friends, thank you be a force cap of 68K U.S. service all our subordinate units’ capa- for your sacrifices and service to members deployed/assigned in bilities and requirements, we off- our Nation. I am proud to be serv- Afghanistan. ramped over 500 JSC-A personnel ing alongside you. and relocated other Soldiers to Therefore, over the last alternate sites outside of Afghani- Sustaining the Line! nine months, the military has stan. Along with our battalions Brig. Gen. Kristin K. French Sustainer 6 The Chaplain’s Command - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Office Chaplain Collie Foster Facing the Challenges of Life “chadah” which means to make Scriptures teach us that positive glad, joined together, sharpened, influence should come from parent Have you ever tried to use grow. So to be sharpened as an to children, friend to friend, older a knife only to find that it wouldn’t individual is to be ready, useful, men to younger men, older women cut? It was probably frustrat- and productive in life and society. to younger women, teacher to stu- ing – the problem: It needed to be It means to be joined with others dent. sharpened! King Solomon once and growing to meet the challeng- wrote, “As iron sharpens iron, so es that life will throw your way. Just as you tried to cut one man sharpens another.” So, something and found that your what can we learn about this wise So what does that mean for knife was dull. You sharpen the saying and the principle of how we Families of deployed Soldiers? It knife and think to yourself – Wow, can be sharpened. means that you must be intention- why didn’t I get this done earlier – al in developing relationships with this is GREAT! Just as a knife that isn’t individuals that you can influence sharp isn’t productive, useful, and that can influence you in a Remember, it is never too or helpful the same goes for an positive way. I would not be a good late to get started. individual. The Hebrew word used chaplain if I didn’t give you some in this proverb for sharpen is scriptural principles to follow. Chaplain Foster Page3
  • 4. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Command Sgt. Command - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Maj.’s Corner Command Sgt. Maj. Karl Roberts Greetings from Kandahar Air- safe.” We have to remember that field, everyone is a safety officer, no matter the rank. Wow, Sustainers! I would much rather a low- It’s really hard to fathom er ranking Soldier tell me that I’m that we’re now past the halfway committing an unsafe act, than to mark in our deployment, but we continue the act and possibly lose are. And what I want you to be my life as a result. proud of most is that we’ve accom- plished so much, in such a short So, what I’m asking is that period of time. We, the Soldiers we look out for one another to en- of the 3d ESC and JSC-A, have sure that we take home every Sol- performed difficult tasks and mis- dier that we took to Afghanistan. sions at an efficiency that’s been As a team, if we work together, we unbelievable. can and will accomplish this goal. Now that we’re getting Thanks again for keeping short, as it is so commonly re- us in your thoughts and prayers, ferred to, we have to understand and we look forward to joining that this period is also the time you, our family and friends, soon. that most accidents or incidents occur during a deployment. Sustaining the Line! CSM Karl A. Roberts As the senior enlisted boggling, these things are prevent- Sustainer 7 leader, I’ve seen so many incidents able. happen because of complacency or Soldiers just not being focused, What I want us to focus it’s mind boggling. But keep in on during this time is “doing the mind that even though it’s mind right thing and keeping each other Find something that worked - or didn’t work? Let CALL know CALL Lessons Learned NIPR website: Army Professional Forums: CALL SIPRNET Homepage: CALL SIPRNET OEF Current Operations: The Center for Army Lessons Learned rapidly collects, analyzes, disseminates and archives OIL, TTP and op- erational records in order to facilitate rapid adapation initiatives and conduct focused knowledge sharing and transfer that informs the Army and enables operationally based decision making, integration, and innovation throughout the Army and within the JIIM environment. Page4
  • 5. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Soldiers transport cargo during nighttime operations Sgt. Gregory Williams KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Sol- diers with the 25th Transportation Company trans- ported cargo and multi-class items to Forward Oper- ating Base Pasab, Afghanistan on August 30, 2012. The 25th TC sustains Soldiers in the field serving under the Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan by delivering mail, supplies, multi class items, ammunition and military vehicles during night time tactical operations. The Soldiers prepared for the mission by conducting various battlefield drills varying from reaction to small arms fire, to vehicular breakdown procedures. Sgt. Jesus A. Alvarez, a truck commander with the 25th Transportation Company, escorts a Mine-Resistant Ambush Protective vehicle to an am- “We have to learn how to think ahead and munition point on August 30, 2012 at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The how to anticipate delays we may face out on the 25th TC uses the MRAP to provide security for their convoy during night time tactical operations. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) road,” said Staff Sgt. Steven P. Maui, a convoy com- mander with the 25th TC. “It’s a collective effort After a two-hour trip, the convoy headed to to make sure the mission is complete because the the CRSP yard to offload its cargo, which consisted of routes and terrain is tough out here.” six loads of multi-class items and mail. Maui said it’s important to get mail to troops because hearing from Maui said even though he’s been deployed to a loved one can raise morale and help Soldiers focus both Iraq and Afghanistan, he considers Afghanistan out in the battlefield. to be more difficult because routes are considerably more dangerous. “Being a truck driver, I understand both sides of the coin because I used to be in field artillery so I Spc. Jonae T. Blackwell, a truck driver with know how important stuff like mail is.” Maui said, “I the 25th TC, said it’s very important for Soldiers to remember that great feeling of seeing the transporta- pay extra attention to their surrounding environment tion people during my eight years in artillery.” during the night. After unloading its cargo, the 25th TC picked “We all have to be more alert at night, espe- up two battle damaged vehicles and other retrograde cially the gunners, because it’s their job to look for equipment, which would be returned to the United shadows so they can get positive identification on States for reset. whatever’s out there,” Blackwell said. “We don’t want to cause any unnecessary damage so attention to The RESET process takes used vehicles, in- detail is critical to the mission success.” spects them and replaces any defective parts, refur- bishing the equipment to like-new condition. To work more efficiently, Soldiers paired off into teams of two’s as one Soldier would hold a flash- light while the other would secure the cargo straps. After the group finished securing its load, the convoy moved out and finished its mission two hours ahead of schedule. Blackwell said after completing more than 70 convoy missions, she takes pride in helping sustain troops in the field who don’t have the same amenities as those who stay on a base. “I would say this mission has been a big wakeup call, helping me to learn and live all the Army values,” Blackwell said. “The Army is one big Spc. Walter G. Abad Yarleque, a truck driver with the 25th Transportation family and we don’t mind going out of our way to help Company, straps down cargo on the back of an M-915 heavy truck on Au- gust 30, 2012 at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The 25th TC transports and supply other units.” cargo to forward operating bases during nighttime tactical operations. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) Page 5
  • 6. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Reserve Soldiers, German counterparts sustain fight in northern Afghanistan Sgt. Gregory Williams counterparts have processed more years ago we used to print out than 200,000 ISAF customers their paperwork for them for the MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Af- through the terminal. rotary section, but now they have ghanistan - Three years ago, an access to both the CJ-1 command all-German staff was in charge “When you can speak and and Centrix systems,” explained of the Camp Marmal fixed wing understand each other then you Rademacher. “Now sometimes the passenger terminal. The Interna- can solve problems,” said German Americans have more informa- tional Security Force then decided 1st Sgt. Christian Rademacher, a tion than us, which helps us work to move Joint Sustainment Com- passenger terminal chief with the together better.” mand - Afghanistan Soldiers into Air Transport Wing 62. the terminal to run the rotary op- The Centrix system is a se- erations. What soon followed was Customers fly out of the cure web-based system that allows the beginning of a joint operation Camp Marmal PAX terminal from air operators to view online reser- mission between countries sepa- Mazar-e-Sharif to other destina- vations and flight information in rated by the North Atlantic Ocean tions within Afghanistan. real time. The U.S. military uses back home. the system to track contractor Soldiers and contractors helicopter flights, reservations and The 540th Movement book flights either through the cancellations. Even though the Control Detachment, known as an CJ-1 command or Airlift Passenger system is secure like all computer MCT, an Army Reserve unit from Reservation System. It was only programs, it can encounter glitch- Baton Rouge, Louisiana, works three years ago that Joint Sus- es due to information overload. with German soldiers to move tainment Command - Afghanistan more than 1,000 passengers, or Soldiers could only help rotary “If our system went down PAX, through the passenger termi- passengers, but now they are in- we have a back-up through the nal every day. volved in the fixed wing operation German tower log system, which as well. gives the terminal an outline of all Since December 2011, the that day’s flights,” said Sgt. Justin 540th MCT and their German “When I was here three L. McCubbin, a passenger termi- nal noncommissioned officer with the 540th MCT. “This is truly a coalition effort that helps us share vital information with each other.” McCubbin said commu- nication and sharing informa- tion are key to mission success because in some cases Soldiers are mission-essential person- nel. Whether it’s a general officer, chaplain or an enlisted Soldier, everyone has a mission that needs to be completed. “Helping a customer to fly out is critical because, in a way, their mission becomes my mission, and it’s good that most Germans here speak three languages so they still can help out the Soldier,” McCubbin said. “We help Soldiers get to other forward operating bases and even redeploy unit’s out of here as well.” Sgt. Maurice L. Daniels, a passenger terminal noncommissioned officer with the 540th Movement Control Detachment, and German Spc. Patrick Peter, a passenger terminal specialist with the High The Soldiers behind the Flight Staff 255th, work side by side at the Camp Marmal Passenger Terminal in northern Afghani- stan, Sept. 9, 2012. The 540th Movement Control Detachment and German forces average more than 600 customers a day at the flight terminal. See GERMANS, next page Page6
  • 7. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 GERMANS, from previous terminal desk interact with hun- dreds of passengers everyday, which forces them to deal with a slew of different personalities. Rademacher said even though it’s impossible to make every custom- er happy, whoever is behind the counter will try to help the cus- tomers as best they can. “I remember one time there was a Soldier who had to go on emergency leave and I got on the phone with terminals in Manas (Kyrgyzstan), Alaska and Iowa,” McCubbin said. “Ultimately he got home in two days and it’s mo- ments like that, which makes do- Soldiers prepare to board a CH-47 Chinook helicopter, Sept. 9, 2012, at Camp Marmal, Afghanistan. ing this job worth while.” The helicopter is used to transport passengers between various destinations throughout Afghani- stan, and its main cabin can hold up to 33 Soldiers. Even though the Soldiers and when it’s slow we all share have shown that it doesn’t matter are miles apart from there respec- photos, play table football and talk what uniform a Soldier wears. In a tive loved ones, the Americans and about life,” Rademacher said. “We war zone, all it takes is a common Germans have grown close to one treat each other like we’re one big goal to bring everyone together. another. family.” “We’re here every day sit- Together the 540th MCT ting next to each other for hours and their German counterparts 540th MCT helps Afghan drivers Sgt. Gregory Williams MAZAR-E-SHARIF, Afghanistan - For Soldiers at an entry control point at Camp Marmal, it is very important to get Afghan drivers escorted onto the base as soon as possible. Not only do the Afghans transport vital mili- tary cargo from location to location, but they must meet mission deadlines as well. If a driver is not escorted onto the base within 72 hours of their arrival, the U.S. government must pay them an additional $140 in demurrage costs. Imagine how much money is wasted if hun- Spc. Ryan M. Sweeney, a transportation coordinator with the 540th Move- dreds of drivers cannot get their cargo to the proper ment Control Detachment, gathers a group of Afghan drivers in order to get them in contact with their escorts on September 9, 2012 at Camp destination. Marmal. The 540th MCT direct drivers to the correct drop off point when cargo needs to be delivered to the camp. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) If the cargo doesn’t get on base, everyone from the driver to the Soldiers suffer, so for the Louisiana sure the drivers link up with the carrier, but we also reservists there is no time to waste. have to make sure they get a memo to get paid,” said Sgt. Jamion J. Anderson, a national afghan trucking The 540th Movement Control Detachment coordinator with the 540th MCT. processes paperwork for Afghan drivers at Camp Marmal. “Our unit is not only responsible for making See DRIVERS, next page Page7
  • 8. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 DRIVERS, from previous if we’re trying to provide the best customer service to the drivers, they know the universal sign language “We have usually dealt with over 100 cases for ‘pay me.’” a month where drivers are missing paperwork and can’t get paid.” The Soldiers understand the hardships driv- ers may have to endure, which is why the government The Soldiers must act as the middleman, compensates them. Hayner said drivers have shared making sure both the driver and carriers communi- stories of paying off Taliban fighters at make-shift cate to ensure the readiness of future convoy opera- check points in order to get to the base. tions. Once a driver arrives, they have to spend ad- “Even a mistake in paperwork can delay a ditional money on food while they wait for an escort, truck getting on base, which can affect everyone on which can sometimes take more than three days. base from the Post Exchange to the dining facilities,” Anderson said. “We don’t want any mistakes on our “Doing this job has given me a new perspec- end causing a missed meal.” tive on the war because I’m starting to see that most of these drivers aren’t combatants,” Hayner said. “We Not only do Soldiers on the base rely on the try to make the drivers feel comfortable enough to cargo that is on the back of the truck, but the Afghan come back and do more convoys for us, which is a drivers depend on the cargo being delivered in order part of the counter insurgency doctrine.” to get paid. As surrounding forward operating bases start Staff Sgt. Anthony J. Hayner, an entry control to shut down due to U.S. Forces pulling out, there are point noncommissioned officer with the 540th MCT, still Soldiers out in the field who depend on convoys said it’s funny how communication isn’t the problem to get valuable supplies. between the Soldiers and Afghans, but it’s tracking down the carrier who has to pick up the load that’s “Our mission is to help sustain the warfighter the hard part. and cargo can’t make it from camp to camp if we don’t do our jobs,” Anderson said. “Anything we can “Our interpreters taught us phrases that help do to make sure that the drivers don’t lose money us do our job, but hunting down the carriers is the and the government doesn’t spend more money, we’re hardest part because most of the time we’ll have going to do.” phone numbers that don’t work,” Hayner said. “Even Soldiers with the 540th Movement Control Detachment take cargo straps off of a pallet on September 9, 2012 at Camp Marmal. The 540th MCT builds pallets, which are transported by Afghan drivers to other bases. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) Page 8
  • 9. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Third Army commander visits Bagram Retrosort Yard 2nd Lt. Henry Chan and Spc. Alicia Smith BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan -- Third Army Com- manding General, Lt. Gen. Vincent Brooks, visited the Soldiers of the Bagram Airfield Retrosort Yard, Sept. 16, 2012. The Soldiers of the Bagram Airfield Retrosort Yard, BAF RSY, is operated along with two other retrosort yards in Afghanistan un- der the 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, or CSSB. The success of the BAF RSY is contributed to the effort of Soldiers from the 18th CSSB from Grafenwoehr, Germany, the 10th Sustainment Brigade of Fort Drum, N.Y., the 427th Brigade Support Battalion of the New York Lt. Col. Michelle Letcher and Sgt. 1st Class Edward Dowd brief Lt. Gen. Vincent Brooks, Third Army National Guard and the 1462nd commander, on how the Retrosort Yard at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, is operated and its capabili- ties on Sept. 16, 2012. (U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt. Henry Chan, 18th Combat Sustainment Support Transportation Company of the Battalion) Michigan National Guard. the month of August, the BAF RSY As the visit drew to an end, After a warm welcome, the produced more than 400 TEUs Brooks recognized five Soldiers for 18th CSSB senior leadership led (Twenty Foot Shipping Container their hard work and dedication Brooks to the main processing Equivalent Units), far exceeding all in running the facility. Staff Sgt. tent to provide an overview of the historical productions. Daniel Scroggins, Sgt. Kevin Root, Retrosort Yard, or RSY, and how Spc. Justin Fivecoat, Pvt. Anthony it ties into the other CENTCOM With high spirits, the group Klenk and Cpl. Jennifer Malone all Materiel Retrograde Elements. proceeded to tour other areas of received coins from the three-star- the RSY. general. The Retrosort Yard is a vital facility in the reduction of Sgt. 1st Class Edward “My first general [visiting the amount of excess materiel in Dowd led Brooks to view recently our yard], my first coin,” Fivecoat Afghanistan. Between the three opened shipping containers full of said. “It was exciting and new. He main Retrosort Yards in the Af- used tires, vehicle parts and even left an impression.” ghan Theater, the Bagram Yard is the cab of a 5-ton military trans- the highest producing facility. In port truck. Malone was pleased to have the General visit the yard to see Staff Sgt. Barry Ruger and how operations were run. Spc. Brian King introduced the newly built “Virtual Warehouse” “It was great to see the to the General. The Virtual Ware- general and for him to see how the house is a successful program yard works,” she said. devised by the Soldiers of the BAF RSY to re-distribute high demand Brooks ended his trip by items back to units with a higher speaking with all of the Soldiers at level of customer service. the RSY. Spc. Brian King (right) explains to Lt. Gen. Office supplies, computer “We needed [the mission] Vincent Brooks, Third Army commander, how cables, “Chem-lights” (disposable to be done,” Brooks said. “We the Virtual Warehouse operates to re-circulate highly-demanded items to local units in the chemical light sticks) or similar gave the mission to the 1st TSC battlefield. This program effectively saves the items collected from the process- (Theater Sustainment Command), U.S. taxpayer money in supplying Office sup- and they gave the mission to you, plies, computer cables, “Chem-lights” (disposable ing area are gathered here for chemical light sticks) or similar surplus items issue to local units with no charge because we knew that you’d get it to units in-need. (U.S. Army photo by 2nd Lt. to the unit. done.” Henry Chan, 18th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion) Page 9
  • 10. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Sustainers use ‘interrogator’ to track cargo at Afghanistan-Uzbekistan border Sgt. Gregory Williams HAIRATAN, Afghanistan - With the drawdown of U.S. Forces already in full swing, the importance of cargo movement throughout Afghanistan is at an all time high. Units redeploying to the U.S. must be able to track their cargo, whether it’s in or out of country. At the Uzbekistan-Afghanistan border, one Army unit is working to prove how effective the northern distribution system could be. This system could possibly give the Army more options during the redeployment process. Soldiers with the 276th Transportation Detachment (Automated Cargo Documentation), provide security around the Afghanistan-Uzbekistan The 276th Transportation Detachment (Auto- border, Sept. 21, 2012. The unit provides security for field representatives, mated Cargo Documentation) uses a radio-frequency VIP’s and other Soldiers who visit the border. (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) identification interrogator system to track cargo within the northern Afghanistan area. good because a unit won’t have to waste unnecessary manpower,” Mannis said. “All the Soldiers need to do The interrogator provides in-transit visibility is set up a pole, boot up the system and plug it into a of cargo and is used to formulate daily transportation power source.” reports to Joint Sustainment Command - Afghani- stan. Mannis said maintaining the interrogators’ operational readiness doesn’t take much effort and Sgt. Robert A. Hamilton, a movement non- even if it did, the unit would do whatever it took to commissioned officer with the 276th ACDD, said keep the system running because they know other transportation Soldiers are usually confined to of- units depend on the data it collects. fices and he’s happy his unit was given this unique mission. “It’s important that we keep track of contain- ers coming in the country through the Uzbekistan “One of the most rewarding parts of the mis- border because we help other units save time when sion is to have the opportunity to get Soldiers out on they do inventory,” Mannis said. “Cargo is moving all the road and out of the office,” Hamilton said. “Most the time so we can see if it came through this check- transportation coordinators work out of an office so point or not.” it’s a good to give these Soldiers road experience.” As the Afghan National Army guards the Soldiers with the 276th ACDD not only gain checkpoint and interrogator, Hamilton said the 276th experience outside the wire, but have the opportunity ACDD expects to collect more data from the system to show there are more redeployment options besides as the drawdown continues. the Pakistan Ground Lines of Communication, or GLOC. “Once the larger elements start to drawdown we expect to track more cargo,” Hamilton said. “In “There is a lot of potential at Hairatan border the future we also hope to facilitate the movement of that could help with the redeployment process and frustrated cargo as well so the busier we are, the bet- drawdown,” Hamilton said. “The interrogator by the ter because it will make the Soldiers happier.” border is mission critical, so it’s important for Sol- diers to make sure it’s always operational.” The 276th ACDD is hoping to show the Army there is a golden opportunity to the north of Afghani- Spc. Joseph D. Mannis, a transportation stan. coordinator with the 276th ACDD, has worked with interrogators in the past and said the system is not Hamilton said an opportunity that if it is re- only an important asset to transportation missions, vised could be more than tracking cargo, but moving but is also easy to set up. it out at a faster rate, which would help everyone go home just a little bit quicker. “Setting up the system can take two to three Soldiers if they know what they’re doing, which is Page10
  • 11. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 2012 National Hispanic Heritage Month JSC-A Equal Opportunity Office celebrate their Independence Day on 15 September. This year’s National Theme is “Diversity United, Building Mexico on 16 September America’s Future Today”. (not on 5 May/”Cinco de Mayo”). The Theme refers to the Chile on 18 September. vital role Hispanics play in the Columbus Day, “Día de la Raza”, moments that shape our country, is also celebrated during Hispanic and during Hispanic American Heritage Month. Heritage Month, the U.S. Army recognizes the achievements and 1988. For years, the Army has contributions of these individuals. forged relationships with Hispanic The celebration heightens associations, and will continue to America’s diversity is a our attention to diversity and the support and sponsor professional source of strength, and Hispanic many contributions Hispanics development forums. Americans have not hesitated to have made to enrich the United defend and show their allegiance States. Through these relation- to this nation in many ways, but ships, the Army further increases especially through military ser- The observance com- awareness among key Hispanic vice. mences on 15 September to co- audiences of the educational and incide with the day several Latin career opportunities available in Originally a week-long American countries celebrate their the Army. celebration approved by Presi- Independence Day. dent Johnson, National Hispanic Heritage Month (15 September – 15 Costa Rica, El Salvador, October) was enacted into law in Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua A word from the Provost Marshall The month of October marks seven months Don‘t leave items lying around unsecured just that we have been here. inviting someone to walk off with your stuff. Now is not the time to get complacent about Don‘t leave valuables inside of a vehicle, securing not only government equipment but person- locked or not. al possessions as well. Take the time to secure government and per- Theft is on the rise and many of the incidents sonal property; don‘t let your stuff become someone are crimes of opportunity. Remember to lock your else‘s treat and a trick on you. door when you leave your room. 1 Page1
  • 12. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Complacency Can Kill: Walk Aware & Walk Away JSC-A Safety Office tem to mitigate this hazard. Safety! A dictionary defines com- placency as “self-satisfaction CSM Roberts (3rd ESC/ especially when accompanied by JSC-A) states; It’s very important unawareness of actual dangers or that we stay on course- Thing deficiencies”. called complacency- if you allow complacency to set in, you have During combat deploy- now slipped on your “A” game and ments the mid-tour and last 100 become a victim. You must remain days service members can lose situational aware at all times. focus on the mission. Enhancing situational The results can lead to awareness allows troops to better more injuries, equipment damage plan and mitigates the risks of the or worse - loss of life. mission. They are able to make de- cisions at any given moment that In order to protect our- reflect the current environment, selves from accidental losses we rather than making a decision must perform to standard, be based on a static picture taken disciplined in our actions, avoid prior to the start of the mission. unnecessary risks, and stay situ- ationaly aware of our surround- Keep situational awareness ings. of your mission and don’t allow complacency to end the mission. Use the battle buddy sys- Stay alert, Stay Alive! Sustainer Page12
  • 13. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 Surgeon Cell takes care of Soldiers health needs JSC-A Command Surgeon Cell Since arriving in theater, the Surgeon Cell has been committed to ensuring all JSC-A Soldiers throughout the Combined Joint Operations Area - Afghanistan maintain access to medical care and health support during the Troop drawdown. The section’s missions have included: work- ing to continue Role 1 coverage for Soldiers at Camp Marmal, Phoenix, Pasab, Dedahdi and Shindand; planning and executing theater-wide vaccine admin- istrators; aiding in medical equipment retrograde; screening Soldiers for the walking blood bank; and visiting our higher, lateral and subordinate leaders future, organize volunteer support for the Warrior and medical staff. Recovery Center, and exercise the first ever JSC-A MASCAL plan. In all of the actions, the JSC-A Surgeon Cell has assured the medical needs of all Sustain- The Surgeon Cell serves as the senior medical ers across the CJOA-A have been met, which allows advisors for the JSC-A. The cell oversees the Army them to continue their important sustainment and Health Support (AHS) and Force Health Protection retrograde missions. Additionally, the Surgeon Cell (FHP) of over 4,500 JSC-A Soldiers located through- has successfully initiated plans to maintain the cur- out Afghanistan. rent levels of medical providers in the JSC-A in the JSC-A EO and SHARP reinforce awareness JSC-A EO and SHARP at Bagram and Kandahar Airfield. The Sexual Harrassment Students attending the SHARP and Assault Response Prevention MTT received training that is program reinforces the Army’s designed to prepare Soldiers and commitment to eliminate inci- Department of the Army civilians dents of sexual asault through a to serve as victim advocates and comprehensive policy that centers Sexual Assault Response Coordi- on awareness and prevention, nators. training and education, victim advocacy, response, reporting and The SHARP program is a accountability. comprehensive integration and transformation of the Army’s Army policy promotes sen- The Joint Sustainment Sexual Assault Prevention and sitive care and confidential report- Command - Afghanistan’s Equal Response (SAPR) Program and ing for victims of sexual assault. Opportunity and Sexual Harass- Prevention of Sexual Harassment ment and Assault Response Pre- (POSH) efforts. vention Offices has been tasked by the commander to ensure that all The SHARP program re- commands minimize discrimina- inforces the Army’s commitment tory practices and sexual harass- to eliminate incidents of sexual ment/assault incidents. harassment and sexual assault through awareness and preven- All Soldiers within the tion, training, victim advocacy, JSC-A should be able to report in- reporting and accountability. cidents without the fear of reprisal in an effort to maximize human During the training at potention and ensure fair treat- Bagram and Kandahar Airfield, 35 The Joint Sustainment Command - Afghani- ment for all. Soldiers from JSC-A units gradu- stan Sexual Harassment and Assault Response Prevention coordinator, Sgt. 1st Class Loretha ated and started their new duties Alexander, conducts training to Headquarters During the month of Sep- to serve as victim advocates and and Headquarters Company, 3d Sustainment tember, two SHARP Mobile Train- Sexual Assault Response Coordi- Command (Expeditionary) Soldiers. (U.S. Army photos by Master Sgt. Adam Eckstein) ing Teams (MTT) were conducted nators. Page13
  • 14. Volume5 Sustainer October2012 MRB supports maintenance efforts JSC - A Materiel Readiness Branch The Support Operation’s MRAP-Recovery Vehicle, and average Operational Readiness Materiel Readiness Branch pro- Heavy Equipment Transporter rate of 93% for ground equipment vides theater wide oversight of sys- fielding. and 83% for aviation fleets. tematic maintenance trends and analysis for the Joint Sustainment The section has also pro- Command - Afghanistan. vided g uidance to internal and external units on maintainance The JSC-A MRB supports procedures, resulting in an the Combined Joint Operations Area - Afghanistan by coordinat- ing all maintenance efforts of lateral and subordinate units, co- alition and joint forces in conjunc- tion with the Army Field Support Brigade and contract maintenance activities and other strategic part- ners. The MRB has monitored and assisted with the Security Forces Assistance and Advisory Teams, Operational Reserve Force, Religious support team provides spiritual guidance JSC - A Religious Support Team spread throughout the CJOA-A. Care for Soldiers, ci- vilians and contractors is important and takes place in all regions of Afghanistan. Religious support is provided from members of the JSC-A, brigade and battalion RST’s to reach the hearts and souls of those we came to serve. Support behind the scenes. Can you find Chaplain Collie Foster in the pho- to above? He is running right beside Chaplain David Vanderjagt. The way the photo was shot, he is hidden by the runner, with the exception of his right foot. Much of what the Religious Support Teams do is hidden “behind the scenes.” (U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Candice L. Funchess) Spiritual resiliency is built by many un- seen ministries. Last month, there were 606 min- istry events across the CJOA-A. In all, these events touched the lives of 13,741 personnel. These events included convoy prayers, Bible studies, chapel min- istry, hospital visits, training events and many other The Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Religious Support Team spiritual ministries. is comprised of Master Sgt. Wyman Loveless, Chaplain David Vanderjagt, Staff Sgt. Florence Thornton, Staff Sgt. Daniel Letters and Chaplain Collie The JSC-A RST’s are bringing God to Sol- Foster. (Courtesy Photo) diers, and Soldiers to God. Chaplains and chaplain assistants are Page14