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   Published in the interest of Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Soldiers and their Families

         JSC-A opens MWR facility
                                                                                           Page 6

Trans Soldiers man checkpoints
                                                                                           Page 5
Volume6                                                          Sustainer                                                                       November2012

On the inside ...                                                        From the editor:
Commander’s Corner                                                       	     Welcome to the sixth edition of Sustainer
                                                                         magazine - a monthly publication by the Joint Sus-
                                                          Page 3         tainment Command - Afghanistan Public Affairs Of-
The Chaplain’s Office
                                                          Page 3 	                This magazine is for you - Soldiers and Fami-
                                                                         lies of the JSC-A. We’d like to get your feedback on
CSM’s Corner                                                             the content and anything you’d like to see in future
                                                          Page 4         issues, so send me an e-mail, or write on our Face-
                                                                         book wall (
Manning checkpoints                                                      	           As always, be sure to keep informed through
                                                          Page 5 the 3d ESC and FRG Facebook pages for the latest on
                                                                         events and information.	
A new MWR facility
                                                          Page 6                                                     Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain
                                                                                                                              Sustainer Editor
822nd ends their mission
                                                          Page 7
                                                          Page 8
Dodgeball!                                                                    The Sustainer magazine is an authorized publication for members of the DOD.
                                                          Page 9               Contents of Sustainer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by,
                                                                             the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of this
                                                                             publication is the responsibility of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary)

Combatives                                                                                                   Public Affairs Office.

                                                        Page 10                         Brig. Gen. Kristin French, Commanding General, 3d ESC

                                                                                                   Maj. Jim Bono, Public Affairs Officer

EO and JAG                                                                                     Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain, Sustainer Editor
                                                                                                  Sgt. Justin Silvers, Assistant Editor
                                                        Page 11
                                                                                             Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin, Sustainer Staff Writer

Safety: Winter Driving                                                                       Sgt. Candice L. Funchess, Sustainer Staff Writer
                                                                                                           Contributing Writers:
                                                                                                           Sgt. Gregory Williams
                                                        Page 12
                                                                              The Sustainer staff can be reached by email at, by

And much more ...                                                            phone: (502) 624-8523, or by mail to 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary),
                                                                                        ATTN: PAO, 1747 Old Ironsides Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121.

 ON THE COVER: Soldiers from Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan cut a ribbon in celebration of the new Moral, Welfare and Recreation Fa-
 cility opening on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, September 26, 2012.

                                                                                                                                                         Page   2
Volume6                                             Sustainer                                         November2012

            Commander’s Corner - Afghanistan
            Joint Sustainment Command
                       Brig. Gen. Kristin French
Sustainer Families and friends,                                             	        Along with the mission
                                                                            support, the previous month was
	       The Joint Sustainment                                               full of great events in Afghanistan
Command -Afghanistan continues                                              and in the United States. Those
to stay extremely busy as we head                                           of us in Afghanistan held a very
into the last couple of months of                                           successful JSC-A Commanders/
our deployment. As I journey out                                            CSMs Symposium where over 40
on battlefield circulation, I see                                           logistics leaders met to discuss
our Soldiers supporting multiple                                            relevant issues. And 3d ESC HQs
missions, conducting retrograde                                             completed our semi-annual physi-
operations and preparing for rede-                                          cal fitness test. The team back
ployment. Of note, CSM Roberts                                              at Fort Knox supported 3d ESC’s
and I recently had the opportunity                                          popular “Trunk or Treat” Hal-
to travel to Al Udied Airbase in                                            loween celebration and closed out
Qatar to visit some of our JSC-A                                            the Fall sports seasons. Everyone
personnel. The Officers and Sol-                                            kept up with family and friends
diers deployed there are all doing a                                        via email, phone and Skype. All
fantastic job!                                                              in all, October went by quickly
                                                                            and I am sure November will too.
	        All JSC-A Sustainers con-
tinue to exceed my expectations.       continue to prepare the operation-   	       So, we must continue to
Each week our subordinate units        al bases for the upcoming winter     be flexible and vigilant in the
conduct multiple combat logistics      months by prepositioning stocks      months ahead. Our units remain
patrols (ie; convoys), process and     and forward positioning sup-         immersed in operations and our
distribute thousands of pounds         plies. We continue to transition     focus on success and mission ac-
of mail (to include absentee bal-      in/out our subordinate units as      complishment must not falter. We
lots), and receive, store and issue    they mark nine months deployed.      will be in the end zone before we
thousands of repair parts, numer-      And we have started to assist in     know it! Thanks to all for your
ous short tons of ammunition,          the training of our successor unit   continued support.
and thousands of gallons of fuel.      as they prepare for arrival into
But even with all our successes        Afghanistan.                                     Sustaining the Line!
to date, there is more to do. We                                                Brig. Gen. Kristin K. French

            The Chaplain’s Command - Afghanistan
             Joint Sustainment Office
                                                                                                 Sustainer 6

                           Chaplain Collie Foster
Thanksgiving Can Change                efits of being a grateful person.    more attractive to others, and
Your Life	                                                                  they will want to be around us
                                       	      By being a grateful person    more. Being a grateful person will
	       On the fourth Thursday         we can increase our personal hap-    also enhance our relationships.
of this month we will all be gath-     piness. We’ve been taught that our   There is one thing I have noticed
ering together with our families       happiness is somehow dependent       about some married couples. After
or at least our military family, if    on how well things go for us. But    a while, many of them become
deployed, and hopefully we will        happiness is really determined       ungrateful and take each other
remember to do more than eat a         by our perspective in life, not by   for granted. We need to let our
meal and watch football or make        circumstances. If we learn to be     spouses know how grateful we are
a mad dash for the mall. The           grateful people, despite circum-     to have them in our lives.
Thanksgiving Holiday gives us the      stances, that will greatly improve
perfect opportunity to transform       our happiness.                       	      I hope this Thanksgiving
our lives from those of grumbling                                           Holiday brings many wonderful
and complaining to lives of joy and    	      Being a grateful person       changes in your life and the life of
gratitude.                             can also improve how others see      your family.
                                       us. Having a look of gratitude
	         Let’s look at several ben-   and joy will certainly make us                         Chaplain Foster

Volume6                                            Sustainer                                         November2012

          Command Sgt. Command - Afghanistan
          Joint Sustainment Maj.’s Corner
          Command Sgt. Maj. Karl Roberts
Greetings from Kandahar Air-                                               battlefield promotions have been
field,                                                                     a popular method of promotion,
                                                                           but I warn that it is not for every-
	       Greetings Sustainers, fami-                                        one. Only our brightest and most
lies and friends of the 3d Sustain-                                        qualified will receive these promo-
ment Command (Expeditionary).                                              tions, so for our Soldiers, please
We have now closed the chapter on                                          don’t stop doing what you need to
another month for this deployment                                          be promoted through our normal
and are now even closer to com-                                            systems.
ing home to you. Once again, your
Soldiers have performed admirably                                          	        Well, as I mentioned ear-
in their duties and I am extremely                                         lier, we have now closed another
proud of all they’ve accomplished.                                         chapter of this deployment and
                                                                           are getting closer to coming home.
	       With the deployments end                                           With this edition of the Sustainer,
drawing near, I just wanted to take                                        I really wanted to remind our Sol-
the time to remind our Soldiers                                            diers that they’re many opportuni-
that even though you’re on the                                             ties available for them and I really
battlefield, there are many oppor-                                         advise them to take advantage.
tunities available to you.
                                                                           	      As always I would like to
	       For our Soldiers currently                                         thank everyone for their support
deployed to Afghanistan, the op-                                           as we look forward to reuniting
portunities available include being                                        with our families and friends upon
able to take college courses, attend   Center offers several college and   our return to Fort Knox.
noncommissioned officer educa-         educational options with schools
tion system schools and receive        via the internet, and in some                    Sustaining the Line!
battlefield promotions, to name a      cases, on-post.                                  CSM Karl A. Roberts
few. As a convenience to Soldiers,                                                              Sustainer 7
the Kandahar Airfield Education        	      Since we’ve deployed,

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Volume6                                              Sustainer                                                        November2012

Transportation Soldiers man checkpoint, track deliveries
                   Sgt. Gregory Williams
	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - As U.S.
Forces continue to drawdown, Kandahar Airfield
remains one of the central hubs for the redeployment
process. Cargo from surrounding forward operating
bases can take weeks or months to arrive.

	       Upon arrival, Afghan drivers are processed
into a biometric security system and wait in a hold-
ing area ran by Soldiers with the transportation unit.
Sharing security duties with Belgian forces, the unit
deals with hundreds of Afghans on a weekly basis.

	       As the Sustainers make sure drivers are
picked up by their escorts, the unit knows that each
vehicle means more cargo leaving the country.
                                                           Pfc. Jessica D. Williams, a movement specialist with the 612th Movement
                                                           Control Detachment, works on a host nation trucking report Oct. 11, 2012
	      The 612th Movement Control Team                     at Kandahar Airfield.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams)
tracks deliveries at an entry control point on Kanda-
har Airfield.                                              	      The report details how many trucks have
                                                           completed their deliveries and gives Joint Sustain-
	       “Our system works well because our Soldiers        ment Command - Afghanistan an idea of how many
know the mission inside and out,” said Sgt. Nikita V.      host nation trucks are completing their missions.
Lewis, an entry control noncommissioned officer with
the 612th MCT. “We have great force protection and         	       “The report is so important because it com-
interpreters, so as the drawdown continues I’m sure        bines all the information for entry control points and
we’ll have no problems as more trucks arrive to the        the KAF tracking yard, which makes sure all num-
base.”                                                     bers match up,” Sievers said. “What we do in this
                                                           office makes sure contractors, commands, and our
	      Lewis said that without the unit’s effort, driv-    Soldiers are on the same page.”
ers would be waiting for their escorts for days and
the goal is to try to get as many drivers in on a daily    	       The unit does encounter challenges when
basis.                                                     drivers aren’t able to complete deliveries to the base,
                                                           which affects their daily report.
	      “We try not to keep the drivers more than 72
hours and the great part about our mission is that         	       “Getting in contact with customers is an is-
we’re able to send them straight to the CRSP yard,”        sue that we constantly face because a majority of
Lewis said. “Our mission is to help make sure stuff        them will provide us with the wrong point of contact,”
gets out of KAF.”                                          Lewis said. “If we can’t get the drivers in we’ll give
                                                           them a gate pass so they can rest for the day until we
	       As the transportation Soldiers tackle the ECP,     get their escort. Slowly though this is becoming less
their counterparts provide customer service to carri-      of a problem.”
ers and commanders trying to track incoming deliv-
eries.                                                     	       For the past six months, the 612th MCT has
                                                           processed more than 21,000 drivers through its ECP
	       Spc. Dawnie M. Sievers, a movement control         and Sievers said when their replacements arrive they
specialist with the 612th MCT, said her job is impor-      will learn how the mission contributes to the draw-
tant because customers rely on the information she         down process.
gives in order to see if their shipment has arrived.
                                                           	        “Nothing happens till something moves, which
	       “I deal with a lot of customers, especially if     is what we make possible,” Sievers said. “When we
the cargo is mission essential and it hasn’t come in       first got here our unit picked up the mission very
because this affects a lot of people on base,” Sievers     quickly.
said. “My job is a good way for carriers to make sure
deliveries are made.”                                      	      Our unit really works well together and when
                                                           we go home we’ll leave knowing that we did a great
	       Cargo coming from the surrounding FOBs             job”
and the Kandahar tracking yard are put onto the
unit’s report and can be tracked on the ground area
regulation site, which is all tracked by the unit’s bat-
Volume6                                                 Sustainer                                                             November2012

JSC-A opens MWR facility
          Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin

Afghanistan - The Joint Sustain-
ment Command - Afghanistan
recently opened its own Morale,
Welfare and Recreation facility at
Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan.

	        The command held an of-
ficial ribbon cutting ceremony for
the facility on Sept. 26, 2012, and
it has been in heavy use since its
doors opened to Soldiers and civil-
ians of the 3d Sustainment Com-
mand (Expeditionary) and JSC-A.

	       According to the JSC-A’s
leadership, the facility was opened
to afford their Soldiers the oppor-
tunity to have a MWR facility of
their own within their compound.
                                       Spc. Truman Claytor, a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear specialist with the 3d Sustain-
                                       ment Command (Expeditionary) and Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan, checks out the
	       “It’s been a long time com-    new MWR facility during its grand opening on Sept. 26. The new MWR facility will afford soldiers and
ing but I wanted to make sure our      civilians of the JSC-A and 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) an opportunity to take care of
Soldiers have something to call        their communications needs without leaving their compound.

their own here,” said Command          the new MWR facility arrived and                    municate with family and friends
Sgt. Maj. Karl A. Roberts, the 3d      was constructed into what it is                     or relax during downtime.
ESC and JSC-A’s senior enlisted        today.
leader. “The building of this facil-                                                       	       “The ability to go some-
ity was planned by our Soldiers,       	       “After getting rid of the                   where within the compound to en-
for our Soldiers.”                     old facility, the command decided                   joy something fun and be able to
                                       to design a MWR that everyone                       relax is a good situation to have,”
	       When the 3d ESC arrived        would actually want to use,” said                   said Late.
at Kandahar Airfield in April, the     Staff Sgt. David Late, a satellite
JSC-A compound included an             communication systems opera-                        	        While Kandahar Airfield’s
MWR facility that was essentially      tor maintainer and Newington,                       USO and MWR facilities are all
a tent designed as a gym in order      Conn. native with the JSC-A. “Not                   within walking distance, JSC-A
for personnel to be able to work       long after, the J-6 got involved                    personnel will be able to take care
out during the work day.               and decided that instead of get-                    of all their communication needs
                                       ting weights and ping pong tables,                  without leaving their compound.
	       While this may sound like      go the technology route and get
a nice setup, the actual condition     SPAWAR, which uses communica-                       	       With a total of 10 computer
of the facility was far worse than     tions technology through satellite                  stations and five phones, the JSC-
could be imagined. The previous        to provide internet and telephone                   A MWR is considered to be one
MWR was subject to the constant        service.”                                           of the nicest and well equipped
wear and tear associated with                                                              in theater, according to the com-
being in Afghanistan and was a         	       After coordinating with                     mand’s leadership.
main attraction for rodents looking    the U.S. Navy Space and Naval
for shelter.                           Warfare Systems (SPAWAR) to set                     	        “Our Soldiers did an excel-
                                       up the necessary wiring, servers                    lent job in making sure we had ev-
	        Within days of taking over    and antenna needed for service,                     erything we needed to build what
as the senior logisticians in coun-    the JSC-A’s Army Chief Informa-                     I consider to be one of the nicest
try and becoming responsible for       tion section began to emplace the                   MWR facilities in Afghanistan,”
all logistics operations in Afghani-   hardware needed to create the facil-                said Roberts. “While not as big as
stan, the 3d ESC tore down the         ity.                                                some of the others in theater, this
previous facility and began the                                                            facility is better pound for pound
planning process for a new MWR.        	        Since its grand opening,                   than most of the others I’ve seen
                                       the JSC-A MWR has been a popu-                      and I’m proud that we could put
	         After months of planning,    lar site for Soldiers looking to com-               our stamp on it.”

Volume6                                           Sustainer                                                           November2012

822nd MCT ends mission in Afghanistan
                 Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin
                                                        	      Having deployed to Kandahar Airfield in De-
	      KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The
                                                        cember 2011, the 822nd MCT hit the ground running
822nd Movement Control Team officially ended its
                                                        and was responsible for the movement of more than
mission in Afghanistan during a transfer of authority
                                                        250,000 passengers and 200,000,000 pounds of
ceremony at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, Satur-
day, Oct. 20.
                                                        	       During its time in Afghanistan, the 822nd
	      The 822nd MCT, a U.S. Army Reserve unit
                                                        MCT was responsible for the redeployment planning of
from Boston, Mass., transferred its mission of per-
                                                          more than 200 individual units in regional com-
forming movement control functions for the move-
                                                        mands south, southwest and west.
ment of units, cargo and personnel in and through-
out an assigned area of operations to the 576th MCT,    	      Capt. Donald Buda, the commander of the
an Army Reserve unit from Panama City, Fla.             822nd MCT, said he was amazed at his soldiers ac-
                                                        complishments and that they should be proud of
	      While in Afghanistan, the 822nd MCT con-
                                                        everything they’ve done.
tributed to the biggest air lift operation since the
Cold War, moving more than 17.2 million pounds of       	       “When I’ve asked you guys to do the impos-
equipment in a five-month period.                       sible, you did,” Buda said to his soldiers. “I cannot
                                                        tell you how proud I am of you.”
	      During his speech, Maj. Kevin Ward, the
executive officer for the 49th Joint Movement Control   	       Although they’re new to the Afghanistan the-
Battalion, thanked the soldiers of the 822nd MCT for    ater of operations, the 576th MCT is no stranger to
their hard work and dedication to the mission.          deployments, having last deployed to Iraq in 2008 in
                                                        support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
	       “Capt. Buda, you and your soldiers have done
an outstanding job here the past 12 months,” Ward       	      Capt. Ronald Myers, the 576th MCT com-
said to the 822nd MCT’s commander. “You and your        mander, said that he looks forward to his upcoming
soldiers have never given up, and only pushed for-      deployment and that his soldiers are ready to take on
ward to improve the mission you were given.”            the redeployment mission.

                                                                        	      “I’m really proud of my unit
                                                                        because we worked really hard to
                                                                        get to this point,” said Myers. “We all
                                                                        know what we have been through to
                                                                        get here, so we are looking forward
                                                                        to working hard and make America
                                                                        proud of us.”

                                                                        ‘You and your Soldiers
                                                                        have never given up,
                                                                        and only pushed
                                                                        forward to improve the
                                                                        mission you were
                                                                        --Maj. Kevin Ward

                                                                        Capt. Ronald Myers, the commander of the 576th Movement
                                                                        Control Team, and Staff Sgt. James Smith, the 576th MCT’s
                                                                        detachment sergeant, uncase their unit’s colors during a trans-
                                                                        fer of authority ceremony on October 20, at Kandahar Airfield,

                                                                                                                               Page 7
Volume6                                                             Sustainer                                                          November2012

JSC-A S.A.M.C. sponsors TAPS 5K

Master Sgt. Wyman Loveless (center), the religious support senior enlisted advisor and president of the Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan
chapter of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, gets runners started during the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors 5K on October 19. The 5K was
sponsored by the JSC-A chapter of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club and raised nearly $10,000 for TAPS. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin)
                      Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin                             help other organizations,” said Sgt. Anthony Mc-
                                                                            caskill, a construction equipment repairer with the
	       KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The
                                                                            45th Sustainment Brigade and vice-president of the
Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan chapter
                                                                            JSC-A chapter of the S.A.M.C. “It starts with us se-
of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club sponsored a 5K
                                                                            lecting a charity and goes from there. This time, the
run/walk at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan on Fri-
                                                                            charity we selected is TAPS.”
day, October 19.
                                                                            	      According to Mccaskill, the S.AM.C. sold
	       Headquartered by Fort Knox’s 3d Sustain-
                                                                            anywhere from 800-900 t-shirts for the 5K. Within
ment Command (Expeditionary), the JSC-A S.A.M.C.
                                                                            4-days, he said they were sold out, as many were
raised nearly $10,000 to be donated to the Tragedy
                                                                            purchased just in support of TAPS.
Assistance Program for Survivors, a not-for-profit
organization that provides peer-based emotional                             	      Mccaskill said that the success of the event
support, grief and trauma resources, casework as-                           could be credited to the JSC-A’s S.A.M.C. members
sistance, and connections to community-based care                           and prospective candidates, who were involved in
for those grieving the death of a loved one in military                     both the planning and execution process.
service to America.
                                                                            	       “I feel that the 5K was very well received, as
	      To date, TAPS has assisted more than 35,000                          evident by the support we got,” said Mccaskill. “It
surviving family members, casualty officers and                             makes you proud because not only do you get sup-
caregivers. Nearly 600 runners participated in the                          port from members of the club, but also from Soldiers
event and showed support to the cause.                                      who’re inspired by the leaders and want to be a part
                                                                            of it.”
	       “As members of the Sgt. Audie Murphy Club,
we’re a non-profit organization that always seeks to                                                            See SAMC, next page
Volume6                                                           Sustainer                                                           November2012

SAMC, from previous
                                                                         	       Since organizing at Kandahar Airfield, the
                                                                         JSC-A has sponsored many events in support of oth-
                                                                         er organizations. But regardless of the event, many
                                                                         members and participants were proud to just be part
                                                                         of a good cause.

                                                                         	       “Since our deployment began, I’ve been a big
                                                                         supporter of events like this, which are for a worthy
                                                                         cause,” said Delveto Johns, an automated logistical
                                                                         specialist with the 3d ESC and JSC-A who partici-
                                                                         pated in the 5K. “I’m always proud to participate in
                                                                         events that are bigger than myself, and which seek to
                                                                         help others.”

                                                                         	       The Sgt. Audie Murphy Club is a private U.S.
                                                                         Army organization for enlisted noncommissioned
Chief Warrant Officer Aaron Bryant of the Joint Sustainment Command -
                                                                         officers only. Members must... “...exemplify leader-
Afghanistan and 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), signs a chair    ship characterized by personal concern for the needs,
to be donated to Kandahar Airfield’s Wounded Warrior center during the   training, development, and welfare of Soldiers and
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors 5K on October 19. The 5K was
sponsored by the JSC-A chapter of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club and     concern for Families of Soldiers.”
raised nearly $10,000 for TAPS. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael

	       Recently the Officers of the
J2, J3, and Support Operations
(SPO) challenged the officers of the
remaining primary and special
staff to a game of combat dodge
ball. After a few days of trash
talking and each side telling the
other side what the outcome of the
match would be, the two teams
came together on October 3 to
settle the dispute.

	       The result was a slaughter
as the primary and special staff
officers quickly disassembled any
sort of attack brought on by the
J2/J3 and SPO team. The pri-
mary and special staffs’ rapid and               Officers from the J2/J3 and Support Operations sections of JSC-A particpate in a game of dodge-
                                                 ball on October 3. Photo by Support Operations section.

                                                                              accurate return fire proved deadly as they quick-
                                                                              ly eliminated what small threat appeared on the
                                                                              court by the numerically superior J2/J3 and SPO

                                                                              	     After the match, Col. Rich Parker, the J3,
                                                                              was overheard saying “It was scary out there,
                                                                              and I wish I hadn’t started this.” Needless to say
                                                                              the primary and special staff routed the other
                                                                              team by a score of 4-1. Fun was had by all.

                                                                                                                                             Page  9
Volume6                                                           Sustainer                                                        November2012

JSC-A South keeps Soldiers busy
	        There are ten different sections that make up                    contemporary service praise team supporting Victory
JSC-A Detachment South to include J-staff, special                        Chapel for the past five months as one of only two
staff, and Support Operations (SPO) branches for a                        Army Soldiers that volunteer with the Air Force.
total of 40 personnel. In addition to providing mis-
sion support to JSC-A in Afghanistan, DET South is                        	       DET South has conducted a total of five
actively engaged in the local area in a variety of ways.                  re-enlistment ceremonies at various locations in
                                                                          the area with the most recent being Staff Sgt. Woz-
	      DET South put together a basketball team                           niak.	
to compete in the Labor Day Invitational Basketball
Tournament.                                                               	      Capt. Tonya Jackson, Chief Warrant Officer
                                                                          Litrena Gordon, and Sgt. 1st Class Eric Nelson have
	       Team members included Maj. Brian Hawkins,                         coordinated, on more than one occasion, cookouts for
Sgt. 1st Class Steven Barthmaier, Sgt. Jose Valentin,                     all DET South members to enjoy.
Spc. Ronald Harvey, Spc. Joseph Mayhew, and one
Navy service member.                                                      	     DET South participated in the Transient
                                                                          Wounded Warrior Food and Clothes Drive, donating
	      Sgt. 1st Class Steven Barthmaier from the                          many care packages to the cause.
JSC-A SPO Human Resources Operations Branch
(HROB), recently coordinated and instructed a level 1                     	       Master Sgt. McManus Suzuki and Sgt. 1st
combatives class for members of DET South and U.S.                        Class Eric Nelson were formally invited into the En-
Forces - Afghnistan Reach Back cell.                                      listed Top 3 club that influences policy in the area.

	     A total of 10 service members attended and                          	       DET South is very actively engaged in the
graduated the course.                                                     local area in a variety of ways to help pass the time
                                                                          and give back to Soldiers and the community.
	         Capt. Matthew Otto has participated in the

Sgt. 1st Class Steven Barthmaier, from the JSC-A SPO Human Resources Operations Branch, teaches a class on combatives to members of the JSC-A
detachment south. (Courtesy photo)

Volume6                                              Sustainer                                             November2012

2012 American Indian Heritage Month
      JSC-A Equal Opportunity Office

	      After nearly a century
of advocacy, National American
Indian Heritage Month was recog-
nized through joint resolution by
Congress in 1990.

	       National American Indian
Heritage month-most commonly
known as Native-American Heri-
tage month- emphasizes the sig-
nificant contributions of American
Indians to our country and our
                                       	      The celebration of Ameri-         ber which they unselfishly offered
	       American Indians have          can Indian Month emphasizes the          as a benefit to our nation and
served and are currently serving       tremendous diversity of culture          Army.
in the United States Armed Forces      and rich heritage of the Indians.
with great distinction and honor
                                       	      As of today, 24 National
by defending the security of our
                                       American Indians have earned the
nation with their ultimate sacri-
                                       Medal of Honor for their courage
                                       and devotion to our nation.
	       The Army believes that
                                       	      We salute the American
there is strength in diversity.
                                       Indians’ contributions as a Soldier,
                                       veteran, civilian and family mem-

Judge Advocate General: Know the rules
	        Some Soldiers destroy promising careers, and       or saying essentially, “Don’t tell them it was me."
it’s not always because they are caught stealing, us-       	       -- Soliciting another to commit an offense.
ing drugs or misusing their government computer.            	       -- Disloyal statements: watch what you post
Having served as a prosecutor, defense attorney, and        on social media websites.
military magistrate, I’ve seen people lose their ca-        	       -- False or unauthorized pass offenses: this
reers (and their liberty) for many reasons: from voy-       offense also applies to altering your identification
eurism to disloyal statements, to graft and sedition,       card, loaning your ID to someone or having an unau-
and even wrongful cohabitation. Often-times, the            thorized ID card.
Soldier knows that what he or she is doing is wrong;        	       -- Voyeurism (obtaining sexual gratification
however, in a number of cases Soldiers got into trouble     from observing unsuspecting individuals who are
because they failed to know the rules.                      partly un-dressed or naked) this is now found under
                                                            Article 120 as “indecent conduct."
	       The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ)         	       -- Graft: compensation for services performed
not only prohibits “normal” crimes we think of such         in an official manner when no compensation is due.
as murder, assault, and theft, but it also criminalizes     	       -- Sedition: think “mutiny,” but in the over-
certain conduct which would not be prohibited the ci-       throw of civil authority sense versus military author-
vilian sector. The following is a list of several Uniform   ity.
Code of Military Justice offenses people may not have
encountered:                                                	      In addition to offenses listed in the UCMJ,
                                                            the Joint Sustainment Command has published its
	       -- Fleeing the scene of an accident: both the       General Order Number 1, prohibiting certain types of
driver and the senior ranking passenger can be              conduct while Soldiers are deployed to the Afghani-
charged with an offense.                                    stan Area of Operations.
	       -- Drunk and disorderly: you can violate this
provision by being drunk, disorderly or both.               	       It‘s the responsibility of every Soldier in the
	       -- Misprision of a serious offense: concealing a    command to have read and to understand the con-
serious offense committed by another.                       tents of GO #1. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
	       -- Obstructing justice: intimidating a witness

Volume6                                             Sustainer                                             November2012

The cold is coming:
			 Safe Winter Driving
            JSC-A Safety Office       	       Have On Hand: flashlight,
	      Winter driving can be          jumper cables, abrasive material
hazardous and scary, especially in    (sand, kitty litter, even floor mats),
northern regions that get a lot of    shovel, snow brush and ice scrap-
snow and ice.                         er, warning devices (like flares)
                                      and blankets. For long trips, add
	      Additional preparations        food and water, medication and
can help make a trip safer, or help   cell phone.
motorists deal with an emergency.                                              will do: stomp on antilock brakes,
                                      	       Stopped or Stalled? Stay         pump on non-antilock brakes.
	      This sheet provides safety     in your car, don’t overexert, put        	       * Stopping distances are
information to your residents to      bright markers on antenna or win-        longer on water-covered ice and
help prevent motor vehicle injuries   dows and shine dome light, and,          ice.
due to winter storms.                 if you run your car, clear exhaust       	       * Don’t idle for a long time
                                      pipe and run it just enough to stay      with the windows up or in an en-
	      The three Ps of Safe Winter    warm.                                    closed space.
                                      	       Plan Your route: Allow           	       PROTECT YOURSELF
	         PREPARE for the trip;       plenty of time (check the weather
	         PROTECT yourself; and       and leave early if necessary), be        	       * Buckle up and use child
	         PREVENT crashes on the      familiar with the maps/ direc-           safety seats properly.
road.                                 tions, and let others know your          	       * Never place a rear-facing
                                      route and arrival time.                  infant seat in front of an air bag.
	PREPARE:                                                                      	       * Children 12 and under
                                      	      Practice Cold Weather             are much safer in the back seat.
	       Maintain Your Car: Check      Driving!
battery, tire tread (all season or                                             	       PREVENT CRASHES
winter), and windshield wipers,       	      * During the daylight, re-
keep your windows clear, put no-      hearse maneuvers slowly on ice or        	       * Drugs and alcohol never
freeze fluid in the washer reser-     snow in an empty lot.                    mix with driving.
voir, and check your antifreeze.      	      * Steer into a skid.              	       * Slow down and increase
                                      	      * Know what your brakes           distances between cars.
                                                                               	       * Keep your eyes open for
                                                                               pedestrians walking in the road.
                                                                               	       * Avoid fatigue – Get plenty
                                                                               of rest before the trip, stop at least
                                                                               every three hours, and rotate driv-
                                                                               ers if possible.
                                                                               	       * If you are planning to
                                                                               drink, designate a sober driver.

                                                                               	      Follow the three Ps and
                                                                               stay safe this winter.

Volume6   Sustainer   November2012


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Sustainer Novemver

  • 1. November2012 Sustainer Published in the interest of Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan Soldiers and their Families JSC-A opens MWR facility Page 6 Trans Soldiers man checkpoints Page 5
  • 2. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 On the inside ... From the editor: Commander’s Corner Welcome to the sixth edition of Sustainer magazine - a monthly publication by the Joint Sus- Page 3 tainment Command - Afghanistan Public Affairs Of- fice. The Chaplain’s Office Page 3 This magazine is for you - Soldiers and Fami- lies of the JSC-A. We’d like to get your feedback on CSM’s Corner the content and anything you’d like to see in future Page 4 issues, so send me an e-mail, or write on our Face- book wall ( Manning checkpoints As always, be sure to keep informed through Page 5 the 3d ESC and FRG Facebook pages for the latest on events and information. A new MWR facility Page 6 Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain Sustainer Editor 822nd ends their mission Page 7 JSC-A SAMC 5K Page 8 Dodgeball! The Sustainer magazine is an authorized publication for members of the DOD. Page 9 Contents of Sustainer are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or the Department of the Army. The editorial content of this publication is the responsibility of the 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) Combatives Public Affairs Office. Page 10 Brig. Gen. Kristin French, Commanding General, 3d ESC Maj. Jim Bono, Public Affairs Officer EO and JAG Sgt. 1st Class Rob Strain, Sustainer Editor Sgt. Justin Silvers, Assistant Editor Page 11 Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin, Sustainer Staff Writer Safety: Winter Driving Sgt. Candice L. Funchess, Sustainer Staff Writer Contributing Writers: Sgt. Gregory Williams Page 12 The Sustainer staff can be reached by email at, by And much more ... phone: (502) 624-8523, or by mail to 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), ATTN: PAO, 1747 Old Ironsides Ave, Fort Knox, KY 40121. ON THE COVER: Soldiers from Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan cut a ribbon in celebration of the new Moral, Welfare and Recreation Fa- cility opening on Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, September 26, 2012. Page 2
  • 3. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 Commander’s Corner - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Command Brig. Gen. Kristin French Sustainer Families and friends, Along with the mission support, the previous month was The Joint Sustainment full of great events in Afghanistan Command -Afghanistan continues and in the United States. Those to stay extremely busy as we head of us in Afghanistan held a very into the last couple of months of successful JSC-A Commanders/ our deployment. As I journey out CSMs Symposium where over 40 on battlefield circulation, I see logistics leaders met to discuss our Soldiers supporting multiple relevant issues. And 3d ESC HQs missions, conducting retrograde completed our semi-annual physi- operations and preparing for rede- cal fitness test. The team back ployment. Of note, CSM Roberts at Fort Knox supported 3d ESC’s and I recently had the opportunity popular “Trunk or Treat” Hal- to travel to Al Udied Airbase in loween celebration and closed out Qatar to visit some of our JSC-A the Fall sports seasons. Everyone personnel. The Officers and Sol- kept up with family and friends diers deployed there are all doing a via email, phone and Skype. All fantastic job! in all, October went by quickly and I am sure November will too. All JSC-A Sustainers con- tinue to exceed my expectations. continue to prepare the operation- So, we must continue to Each week our subordinate units al bases for the upcoming winter be flexible and vigilant in the conduct multiple combat logistics months by prepositioning stocks months ahead. Our units remain patrols (ie; convoys), process and and forward positioning sup- immersed in operations and our distribute thousands of pounds plies. We continue to transition focus on success and mission ac- of mail (to include absentee bal- in/out our subordinate units as complishment must not falter. We lots), and receive, store and issue they mark nine months deployed. will be in the end zone before we thousands of repair parts, numer- And we have started to assist in know it! Thanks to all for your ous short tons of ammunition, the training of our successor unit continued support. and thousands of gallons of fuel. as they prepare for arrival into But even with all our successes Afghanistan. Sustaining the Line! to date, there is more to do. We Brig. Gen. Kristin K. French The Chaplain’s Command - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Office Sustainer 6 Chaplain Collie Foster Thanksgiving Can Change efits of being a grateful person. more attractive to others, and Your Life they will want to be around us By being a grateful person more. Being a grateful person will On the fourth Thursday we can increase our personal hap- also enhance our relationships. of this month we will all be gath- piness. We’ve been taught that our There is one thing I have noticed ering together with our families happiness is somehow dependent about some married couples. After or at least our military family, if on how well things go for us. But a while, many of them become deployed, and hopefully we will happiness is really determined ungrateful and take each other remember to do more than eat a by our perspective in life, not by for granted. We need to let our meal and watch football or make circumstances. If we learn to be spouses know how grateful we are a mad dash for the mall. The grateful people, despite circum- to have them in our lives. Thanksgiving Holiday gives us the stances, that will greatly improve perfect opportunity to transform our happiness. I hope this Thanksgiving our lives from those of grumbling Holiday brings many wonderful and complaining to lives of joy and Being a grateful person changes in your life and the life of gratitude. can also improve how others see your family. us. Having a look of gratitude Let’s look at several ben- and joy will certainly make us Chaplain Foster 3 Page
  • 4. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 Command Sgt. Command - Afghanistan Joint Sustainment Maj.’s Corner Command Sgt. Maj. Karl Roberts Greetings from Kandahar Air- battlefield promotions have been field, a popular method of promotion, but I warn that it is not for every- Greetings Sustainers, fami- one. Only our brightest and most lies and friends of the 3d Sustain- qualified will receive these promo- ment Command (Expeditionary). tions, so for our Soldiers, please We have now closed the chapter on don’t stop doing what you need to another month for this deployment be promoted through our normal and are now even closer to com- systems. ing home to you. Once again, your Soldiers have performed admirably Well, as I mentioned ear- in their duties and I am extremely lier, we have now closed another proud of all they’ve accomplished. chapter of this deployment and are getting closer to coming home. With the deployments end With this edition of the Sustainer, drawing near, I just wanted to take I really wanted to remind our Sol- the time to remind our Soldiers diers that they’re many opportuni- that even though you’re on the ties available for them and I really battlefield, there are many oppor- advise them to take advantage. tunities available to you. As always I would like to For our Soldiers currently thank everyone for their support deployed to Afghanistan, the op- as we look forward to reuniting portunities available include being with our families and friends upon able to take college courses, attend Center offers several college and our return to Fort Knox. noncommissioned officer educa- educational options with schools tion system schools and receive via the internet, and in some Sustaining the Line! battlefield promotions, to name a cases, on-post. CSM Karl A. Roberts few. As a convenience to Soldiers, Sustainer 7 the Kandahar Airfield Education Since we’ve deployed, Find something that worked - or didn’t work? Let CALL know CALL Lessons Learned NIPR website: Army Professional Forums: CALL SIPRNET Homepage: CALL SIPRNET OEF Current Operations: The Center for Army Lessons Learned rapidly collects, analyzes, disseminates and archives OIL, TTP and op- erational records in order to facilitate rapid adapation initiatives and conduct focused knowledge sharing and transfer that informs the Army and enables operationally based decision making, integration, and innovation throughout the Army and within the JIIM environment. 4 Page
  • 5. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 Transportation Soldiers man checkpoint, track deliveries Sgt. Gregory Williams KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - As U.S. Forces continue to drawdown, Kandahar Airfield remains one of the central hubs for the redeployment process. Cargo from surrounding forward operating bases can take weeks or months to arrive. Upon arrival, Afghan drivers are processed into a biometric security system and wait in a hold- ing area ran by Soldiers with the transportation unit. Sharing security duties with Belgian forces, the unit deals with hundreds of Afghans on a weekly basis. As the Sustainers make sure drivers are picked up by their escorts, the unit knows that each vehicle means more cargo leaving the country. Pfc. Jessica D. Williams, a movement specialist with the 612th Movement Control Detachment, works on a host nation trucking report Oct. 11, 2012 The 612th Movement Control Team at Kandahar Airfield.(U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Gregory Williams) tracks deliveries at an entry control point on Kanda- har Airfield. The report details how many trucks have completed their deliveries and gives Joint Sustain- “Our system works well because our Soldiers ment Command - Afghanistan an idea of how many know the mission inside and out,” said Sgt. Nikita V. host nation trucks are completing their missions. Lewis, an entry control noncommissioned officer with the 612th MCT. “We have great force protection and “The report is so important because it com- interpreters, so as the drawdown continues I’m sure bines all the information for entry control points and we’ll have no problems as more trucks arrive to the the KAF tracking yard, which makes sure all num- base.” bers match up,” Sievers said. “What we do in this office makes sure contractors, commands, and our Lewis said that without the unit’s effort, driv- Soldiers are on the same page.” ers would be waiting for their escorts for days and the goal is to try to get as many drivers in on a daily The unit does encounter challenges when basis. drivers aren’t able to complete deliveries to the base, which affects their daily report. “We try not to keep the drivers more than 72 hours and the great part about our mission is that “Getting in contact with customers is an is- we’re able to send them straight to the CRSP yard,” sue that we constantly face because a majority of Lewis said. “Our mission is to help make sure stuff them will provide us with the wrong point of contact,” gets out of KAF.” Lewis said. “If we can’t get the drivers in we’ll give them a gate pass so they can rest for the day until we As the transportation Soldiers tackle the ECP, get their escort. Slowly though this is becoming less their counterparts provide customer service to carri- of a problem.” ers and commanders trying to track incoming deliv- eries. For the past six months, the 612th MCT has processed more than 21,000 drivers through its ECP Spc. Dawnie M. Sievers, a movement control and Sievers said when their replacements arrive they specialist with the 612th MCT, said her job is impor- will learn how the mission contributes to the draw- tant because customers rely on the information she down process. gives in order to see if their shipment has arrived. “Nothing happens till something moves, which “I deal with a lot of customers, especially if is what we make possible,” Sievers said. “When we the cargo is mission essential and it hasn’t come in first got here our unit picked up the mission very because this affects a lot of people on base,” Sievers quickly. said. “My job is a good way for carriers to make sure deliveries are made.” Our unit really works well together and when we go home we’ll leave knowing that we did a great Cargo coming from the surrounding FOBs job” and the Kandahar tracking yard are put onto the unit’s report and can be tracked on the ground area regulation site, which is all tracked by the unit’s bat- talion. Page5
  • 6. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 JSC-A opens MWR facility Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The Joint Sustain- ment Command - Afghanistan recently opened its own Morale, Welfare and Recreation facility at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan. The command held an of- ficial ribbon cutting ceremony for the facility on Sept. 26, 2012, and it has been in heavy use since its doors opened to Soldiers and civil- ians of the 3d Sustainment Com- mand (Expeditionary) and JSC-A. According to the JSC-A’s leadership, the facility was opened to afford their Soldiers the oppor- tunity to have a MWR facility of their own within their compound. Spc. Truman Claytor, a chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear specialist with the 3d Sustain- ment Command (Expeditionary) and Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan, checks out the “It’s been a long time com- new MWR facility during its grand opening on Sept. 26. The new MWR facility will afford soldiers and ing but I wanted to make sure our civilians of the JSC-A and 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary) an opportunity to take care of Soldiers have something to call their communications needs without leaving their compound. their own here,” said Command the new MWR facility arrived and municate with family and friends Sgt. Maj. Karl A. Roberts, the 3d was constructed into what it is or relax during downtime. ESC and JSC-A’s senior enlisted today. leader. “The building of this facil- “The ability to go some- ity was planned by our Soldiers, “After getting rid of the where within the compound to en- for our Soldiers.” old facility, the command decided joy something fun and be able to to design a MWR that everyone relax is a good situation to have,” When the 3d ESC arrived would actually want to use,” said said Late. at Kandahar Airfield in April, the Staff Sgt. David Late, a satellite JSC-A compound included an communication systems opera- While Kandahar Airfield’s MWR facility that was essentially tor maintainer and Newington, USO and MWR facilities are all a tent designed as a gym in order Conn. native with the JSC-A. “Not within walking distance, JSC-A for personnel to be able to work long after, the J-6 got involved personnel will be able to take care out during the work day. and decided that instead of get- of all their communication needs ting weights and ping pong tables, without leaving their compound. While this may sound like go the technology route and get a nice setup, the actual condition SPAWAR, which uses communica- With a total of 10 computer of the facility was far worse than tions technology through satellite stations and five phones, the JSC- could be imagined. The previous to provide internet and telephone A MWR is considered to be one MWR was subject to the constant service.” of the nicest and well equipped wear and tear associated with in theater, according to the com- being in Afghanistan and was a After coordinating with mand’s leadership. main attraction for rodents looking the U.S. Navy Space and Naval for shelter. Warfare Systems (SPAWAR) to set “Our Soldiers did an excel- up the necessary wiring, servers lent job in making sure we had ev- Within days of taking over and antenna needed for service, erything we needed to build what as the senior logisticians in coun- the JSC-A’s Army Chief Informa- I consider to be one of the nicest try and becoming responsible for tion section began to emplace the MWR facilities in Afghanistan,” all logistics operations in Afghani- hardware needed to create the facil- said Roberts. “While not as big as stan, the 3d ESC tore down the ity. some of the others in theater, this previous facility and began the facility is better pound for pound planning process for a new MWR. Since its grand opening, than most of the others I’ve seen the JSC-A MWR has been a popu- and I’m proud that we could put After months of planning, lar site for Soldiers looking to com- our stamp on it.” Page6
  • 7. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 822nd MCT ends mission in Afghanistan Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin Having deployed to Kandahar Airfield in De- KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The cember 2011, the 822nd MCT hit the ground running 822nd Movement Control Team officially ended its and was responsible for the movement of more than mission in Afghanistan during a transfer of authority 250,000 passengers and 200,000,000 pounds of ceremony at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, Satur- cargo. day, Oct. 20. During its time in Afghanistan, the 822nd The 822nd MCT, a U.S. Army Reserve unit MCT was responsible for the redeployment planning of from Boston, Mass., transferred its mission of per- more than 200 individual units in regional com- forming movement control functions for the move- mands south, southwest and west. ment of units, cargo and personnel in and through- out an assigned area of operations to the 576th MCT, Capt. Donald Buda, the commander of the an Army Reserve unit from Panama City, Fla. 822nd MCT, said he was amazed at his soldiers ac- complishments and that they should be proud of While in Afghanistan, the 822nd MCT con- everything they’ve done. tributed to the biggest air lift operation since the Cold War, moving more than 17.2 million pounds of “When I’ve asked you guys to do the impos- equipment in a five-month period. sible, you did,” Buda said to his soldiers. “I cannot tell you how proud I am of you.” During his speech, Maj. Kevin Ward, the executive officer for the 49th Joint Movement Control Although they’re new to the Afghanistan the- Battalion, thanked the soldiers of the 822nd MCT for ater of operations, the 576th MCT is no stranger to their hard work and dedication to the mission. deployments, having last deployed to Iraq in 2008 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. “Capt. Buda, you and your soldiers have done an outstanding job here the past 12 months,” Ward Capt. Ronald Myers, the 576th MCT com- said to the 822nd MCT’s commander. “You and your mander, said that he looks forward to his upcoming soldiers have never given up, and only pushed for- deployment and that his soldiers are ready to take on ward to improve the mission you were given.” the redeployment mission. “I’m really proud of my unit because we worked really hard to get to this point,” said Myers. “We all know what we have been through to get here, so we are looking forward to working hard and make America proud of us.” ‘You and your Soldiers have never given up, and only pushed forward to improve the mission you were given’ --Maj. Kevin Ward Capt. Ronald Myers, the commander of the 576th Movement Control Team, and Staff Sgt. James Smith, the 576th MCT’s detachment sergeant, uncase their unit’s colors during a trans- fer of authority ceremony on October 20, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan Page 7
  • 8. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 JSC-A S.A.M.C. sponsors TAPS 5K Master Sgt. Wyman Loveless (center), the religious support senior enlisted advisor and president of the Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan chapter of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club, gets runners started during the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors 5K on October 19. The 5K was sponsored by the JSC-A chapter of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club and raised nearly $10,000 for TAPS. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin help other organizations,” said Sgt. Anthony Mc- caskill, a construction equipment repairer with the KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - The 45th Sustainment Brigade and vice-president of the Joint Sustainment Command - Afghanistan chapter JSC-A chapter of the S.A.M.C. “It starts with us se- of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club sponsored a 5K lecting a charity and goes from there. This time, the run/walk at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan on Fri- charity we selected is TAPS.” day, October 19. According to Mccaskill, the S.AM.C. sold Headquartered by Fort Knox’s 3d Sustain- anywhere from 800-900 t-shirts for the 5K. Within ment Command (Expeditionary), the JSC-A S.A.M.C. 4-days, he said they were sold out, as many were raised nearly $10,000 to be donated to the Tragedy purchased just in support of TAPS. Assistance Program for Survivors, a not-for-profit organization that provides peer-based emotional Mccaskill said that the success of the event support, grief and trauma resources, casework as- could be credited to the JSC-A’s S.A.M.C. members sistance, and connections to community-based care and prospective candidates, who were involved in for those grieving the death of a loved one in military both the planning and execution process. service to America. “I feel that the 5K was very well received, as To date, TAPS has assisted more than 35,000 evident by the support we got,” said Mccaskill. “It surviving family members, casualty officers and makes you proud because not only do you get sup- caregivers. Nearly 600 runners participated in the port from members of the club, but also from Soldiers event and showed support to the cause. who’re inspired by the leaders and want to be a part of it.” “As members of the Sgt. Audie Murphy Club, we’re a non-profit organization that always seeks to See SAMC, next page Page8
  • 9. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 SAMC, from previous Since organizing at Kandahar Airfield, the JSC-A has sponsored many events in support of oth- er organizations. But regardless of the event, many members and participants were proud to just be part of a good cause. “Since our deployment began, I’ve been a big supporter of events like this, which are for a worthy cause,” said Delveto Johns, an automated logistical specialist with the 3d ESC and JSC-A who partici- pated in the 5K. “I’m always proud to participate in events that are bigger than myself, and which seek to help others.” The Sgt. Audie Murphy Club is a private U.S. Army organization for enlisted noncommissioned Chief Warrant Officer Aaron Bryant of the Joint Sustainment Command - officers only. Members must... “...exemplify leader- Afghanistan and 3d Sustainment Command (Expeditionary), signs a chair ship characterized by personal concern for the needs, to be donated to Kandahar Airfield’s Wounded Warrior center during the training, development, and welfare of Soldiers and Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors 5K on October 19. The 5K was sponsored by the JSC-A chapter of the Sergeant Audie Murphy Club and concern for Families of Soldiers.” raised nearly $10,000 for TAPS. (U.S. Army photo by Staff Sgt. Michael Behlin) Dodgeball Recently the Officers of the J2, J3, and Support Operations (SPO) challenged the officers of the remaining primary and special staff to a game of combat dodge ball. After a few days of trash talking and each side telling the other side what the outcome of the match would be, the two teams came together on October 3 to settle the dispute. The result was a slaughter as the primary and special staff officers quickly disassembled any sort of attack brought on by the J2/J3 and SPO team. The pri- mary and special staffs’ rapid and Officers from the J2/J3 and Support Operations sections of JSC-A particpate in a game of dodge- ball on October 3. Photo by Support Operations section. accurate return fire proved deadly as they quick- ly eliminated what small threat appeared on the court by the numerically superior J2/J3 and SPO team. After the match, Col. Rich Parker, the J3, was overheard saying “It was scary out there, and I wish I hadn’t started this.” Needless to say the primary and special staff routed the other team by a score of 4-1. Fun was had by all. Page 9
  • 10. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 JSC-A South keeps Soldiers busy There are ten different sections that make up contemporary service praise team supporting Victory JSC-A Detachment South to include J-staff, special Chapel for the past five months as one of only two staff, and Support Operations (SPO) branches for a Army Soldiers that volunteer with the Air Force. total of 40 personnel. In addition to providing mis- sion support to JSC-A in Afghanistan, DET South is DET South has conducted a total of five actively engaged in the local area in a variety of ways. re-enlistment ceremonies at various locations in the area with the most recent being Staff Sgt. Woz- DET South put together a basketball team niak. to compete in the Labor Day Invitational Basketball Tournament. Capt. Tonya Jackson, Chief Warrant Officer Litrena Gordon, and Sgt. 1st Class Eric Nelson have Team members included Maj. Brian Hawkins, coordinated, on more than one occasion, cookouts for Sgt. 1st Class Steven Barthmaier, Sgt. Jose Valentin, all DET South members to enjoy. Spc. Ronald Harvey, Spc. Joseph Mayhew, and one Navy service member. DET South participated in the Transient Wounded Warrior Food and Clothes Drive, donating Sgt. 1st Class Steven Barthmaier from the many care packages to the cause. JSC-A SPO Human Resources Operations Branch (HROB), recently coordinated and instructed a level 1 Master Sgt. McManus Suzuki and Sgt. 1st combatives class for members of DET South and U.S. Class Eric Nelson were formally invited into the En- Forces - Afghnistan Reach Back cell. listed Top 3 club that influences policy in the area. A total of 10 service members attended and DET South is very actively engaged in the graduated the course. local area in a variety of ways to help pass the time and give back to Soldiers and the community. Capt. Matthew Otto has participated in the Sgt. 1st Class Steven Barthmaier, from the JSC-A SPO Human Resources Operations Branch, teaches a class on combatives to members of the JSC-A detachment south. (Courtesy photo) Page10
  • 11. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 2012 American Indian Heritage Month JSC-A Equal Opportunity Office After nearly a century of advocacy, National American Indian Heritage Month was recog- nized through joint resolution by Congress in 1990. National American Indian Heritage month-most commonly known as Native-American Heri- tage month- emphasizes the sig- nificant contributions of American Indians to our country and our heritage. The celebration of Ameri- ber which they unselfishly offered American Indians have can Indian Month emphasizes the as a benefit to our nation and served and are currently serving tremendous diversity of culture Army. in the United States Armed Forces and rich heritage of the Indians. with great distinction and honor As of today, 24 National by defending the security of our American Indians have earned the nation with their ultimate sacri- Medal of Honor for their courage fice. and devotion to our nation. The Army believes that We salute the American there is strength in diversity. Indians’ contributions as a Soldier, veteran, civilian and family mem- Judge Advocate General: Know the rules Some Soldiers destroy promising careers, and or saying essentially, “Don’t tell them it was me." it’s not always because they are caught stealing, us- -- Soliciting another to commit an offense. ing drugs or misusing their government computer. -- Disloyal statements: watch what you post Having served as a prosecutor, defense attorney, and on social media websites. military magistrate, I’ve seen people lose their ca- -- False or unauthorized pass offenses: this reers (and their liberty) for many reasons: from voy- offense also applies to altering your identification eurism to disloyal statements, to graft and sedition, card, loaning your ID to someone or having an unau- and even wrongful cohabitation. Often-times, the thorized ID card. Soldier knows that what he or she is doing is wrong; -- Voyeurism (obtaining sexual gratification however, in a number of cases Soldiers got into trouble from observing unsuspecting individuals who are because they failed to know the rules. partly un-dressed or naked) this is now found under Article 120 as “indecent conduct." The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) -- Graft: compensation for services performed not only prohibits “normal” crimes we think of such in an official manner when no compensation is due. as murder, assault, and theft, but it also criminalizes -- Sedition: think “mutiny,” but in the over- certain conduct which would not be prohibited the ci- throw of civil authority sense versus military author- vilian sector. The following is a list of several Uniform ity. Code of Military Justice offenses people may not have encountered: In addition to offenses listed in the UCMJ, the Joint Sustainment Command has published its -- Fleeing the scene of an accident: both the General Order Number 1, prohibiting certain types of driver and the senior ranking passenger can be conduct while Soldiers are deployed to the Afghani- charged with an offense. stan Area of Operations. -- Drunk and disorderly: you can violate this provision by being drunk, disorderly or both. It‘s the responsibility of every Soldier in the -- Misprision of a serious offense: concealing a command to have read and to understand the con- serious offense committed by another. tents of GO #1. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. -- Obstructing justice: intimidating a witness 1 Page1
  • 12. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 The cold is coming: Safe Winter Driving JSC-A Safety Office Have On Hand: flashlight, Winter driving can be jumper cables, abrasive material hazardous and scary, especially in (sand, kitty litter, even floor mats), northern regions that get a lot of shovel, snow brush and ice scrap- snow and ice. er, warning devices (like flares) and blankets. For long trips, add Additional preparations food and water, medication and can help make a trip safer, or help cell phone. motorists deal with an emergency. will do: stomp on antilock brakes, Stopped or Stalled? Stay pump on non-antilock brakes. This sheet provides safety in your car, don’t overexert, put * Stopping distances are information to your residents to bright markers on antenna or win- longer on water-covered ice and help prevent motor vehicle injuries dows and shine dome light, and, ice. due to winter storms. if you run your car, clear exhaust * Don’t idle for a long time pipe and run it just enough to stay with the windows up or in an en- The three Ps of Safe Winter warm. closed space. Driving: Plan Your route: Allow PROTECT YOURSELF PREPARE for the trip; plenty of time (check the weather PROTECT yourself; and and leave early if necessary), be * Buckle up and use child PREVENT crashes on the familiar with the maps/ direc- safety seats properly. road. tions, and let others know your * Never place a rear-facing route and arrival time. infant seat in front of an air bag. PREPARE: * Children 12 and under Practice Cold Weather are much safer in the back seat. Maintain Your Car: Check Driving! battery, tire tread (all season or PREVENT CRASHES winter), and windshield wipers, * During the daylight, re- keep your windows clear, put no- hearse maneuvers slowly on ice or * Drugs and alcohol never freeze fluid in the washer reser- snow in an empty lot. mix with driving. voir, and check your antifreeze. * Steer into a skid. * Slow down and increase * Know what your brakes distances between cars. * Keep your eyes open for pedestrians walking in the road. * Avoid fatigue – Get plenty of rest before the trip, stop at least every three hours, and rotate driv- ers if possible. * If you are planning to drink, designate a sober driver. Follow the three Ps and stay safe this winter. Page12
  • 13. Volume6 Sustainer November2012 Page13