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                                    Edition 5


 You are called by God to operate in
 healing and creative miracles, too!
           Find out how!
Celebration service at King Jesus International Ministry in Miami, FL

                         There is a powerful movement of the glory of God that is embracing the earth, and the church                                Credits
                         of Jesus Christ is experiencing a very special time. This is a season in which the supernatural
                         power of God becomes more evident amongst His people. We thank God and give Him the glory
                                                                                                                                               Supernaturalist Magazine
                                                                                                                                       No. 5 - Year 1 - September/October 2012
                         for allowing our ministry to be one of the spearheads of the movement of His glory for these end
                                                                                                                                          ERJ Publicaciones Director:              Testimonies From King Jesus Church in Miami, FL	                                    3
                         times. Jesus gave us all a mandate: go into all the world and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom                           Addilena Torres
                         with signs, miracles, wonders, and other demonstrations of His power. This is precisely why we              General Editor Supernaturalist Magazine:      Supernatural Encounter: Durban, South Africa	                                       5
                         rejoice when we see that creative miracles take place in our church during regular services and                          Jackie Delgado
                         on mission trips to the nations of the earth. However, we rejoice even more when we see that the                                                          Supernatural Encounter: East London, South Africa	7
                                                                                                                                              Art & Graphic Design:
                         people we train in our ministry—many of them leaders of Houses of Peace or mentors—are doing                               Danielle Cruz                  Most Recent Book: “The Glory of God”	                                              11
                         the same wherever they go; in their “ethnos,” in their territory, or amongst their peers. This proves                     Photography:                    Supernatural Encounter: Chile	13
                         that God is not limited to the four walls of any building or a certain type of individual but that we can            ERJ Photography Team
                         all move in the same power, as long as we are aligned to His will because “God is no respecter of                         Copy Editors:                   Inauguration of USM	                                                               15
                         persons” (Galatians 2:6).                                                                                                Adriana Cardona
                                                                                                                                                  Jackie Delgado                   New Releases	                                                                      16

                         You might be thinking, “But I don’t have time or the possibility to go and evangelize in other                               Printing:                    Itinerary and upcoming main events this year	                                      18
                                                                                                                                                Original Impressions
                         nations” or maybe you are already an evangelist, pastor, or teacher but would like to do much                                                             Kingdom Expansion Partners	                                                        19
                         more for the Kingdom. It is for people like yourself that we have created the program, “Kingdom
                                                                                                                                          King Jesus International Ministry
                                                                                                                                        14100 SW 144 Ave - Miami, FL 33186
                         Expansion Partners.” Your monthly support can “send” someone to sow a seed of faith to the                     305-382-3171 /
                         people who most need to hear about Jesus. Today I invite you to sow in the Kingdom. Put to work
                         the resources that God has entrusted to you! Become a Kingdom Expansion Partner! I want to see
                         you and share with you in the activities that we have prepared exclusively for partners. May God                                                                305-233-3325 /
                                                                                                                                                Called to bring the Supernatural

                                                                                                                                                   of God to this generation
1                        continue to bless you!                                                                                                                                                 SUPERNATURALIST MAGAZINE IS A PRODUCT OF ERJ PUBLICACIONES.
                                                                                                                                                                                            ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART.          2
TESTIMONIes from king jesus
    church in miami, fl

    Ivonne testified that her husband,
    Roberto, suffered a stroke that left him
    in a comma. (She brought a picture of her
    husband which shows when he was still
    intubated.) The doctors told Ivonne that
    if her husband did not wake up within
    24 hours, he would certainly die. At that
    instant, Ivonne remembered Apostle
    Maldonado’s teaching about the power of
    Jesus’ resurrection, she appropriated this
    teaching and began to declare life over
    him, decreeing that Roberto would wake
    up without brain damage. God responded
    to her faith because a few hours later,
    Roberto woke up completely healed!

                                                 Rosario affirms that she gave birth to a son who was born with the intestines outside of his body. The
                                                 doctors performed emergency surgery on the child but six hours later, while still in the operating room,
                                                 the baby died. In her desperation, Rosario called her House of Peace leader and asked her to pray for
                                                 her son. The leader began to cast out the spirit of death and to declare the power of the resurrection
                                                 over him; and suddenly, the baby resurrected! Even though the doctors were amazed, they told Rosario
                                                 that it would take the baby about six months to recover from the surgery. Rosario testified that God
                                                 accelerated her son’s healing supernaturally because only twenty days later, the child was totally
3                                                healed and was released from the hospital and taken home!                                                  5

    Encounter :
    South Africa         This man testified that he and his wife were unable to conceive.
    (July 19-20, 2012)   Last year, Apostle Maldonado prayed to break every curse of
                         infertility and declared healing over both of their bodies. The    This pastor testified that after reading Apostle
                         man, now the father of this healthy and beautiful baby girl,       Maldonado’s book “How to Walk in the Supernatural
                         returned to testify of God’s goodness!                             Power of God,” he received the revelation of the
                                                                                            supernatural and was ignited with fire for God.
                                                                                            He testified that after implementing the Biblical
                                                                                            teachings in his church, an explosion of all types of
                                                                                            miracles took place, and the people responded with
                                                                                            greater hunger for the presence of God!

                                                                                            Ministering the love of the Heavenly Father.

                                          This lady testified that the power of
                                          God healed her from kidney stones as
                                          she watched our television program
                                          “Time for Change.”

5                                                                                                                                                   6

    Encounter :
    East London,
    South Africa
    (July 22-25, 2012)

                                                                                                                                               This man testifies that for years he
                                                                                                                                               had been unable to hear from his right
                                                                                                                                               ear but that the power of God healed
                                                                                                                                               him, and now he can hear perfectly
                                                                                                                                               out of both ears!
                                             Blessing the African people with free books.

Hundreds of African pastors receiving a fresh                                               Apostle Maldonado speaking to millions of people
anointing for ministry and for boldness and being                                           through TBN Africa along with its CEO, Pastor
activated in God’s supernatural power to not only                                           Andre Roebert and his wife, Jenny.
preach and teach but also to cast out demons and
to manifest healing and creative miracles.

7                                                                                                                                                                                  8

This pastor testifies that after he was activated to move in the supernatural power of God, the people in his church—
specially the youth—are evangelizing their city with signs of God’s supernatural power that follow them wherever they go.

                                                                                                                            The people joyfully praising God with all their might!

                                                                                  This woman testifies that after                                                                    This man testifies that his
                                                                                                                              Praying and anointing cloths
                                                                                  reading “How to Walk in the                 with oil so people can use them                        daughter was diagnosed with
                                                                                  Supernatural Power of God” by               with faith, not as lucky charms                        uterine cancer, but when he
                                                                                  Apostle Maldonado, she began to             but as a point of contact for the                      placed a piece of anointed
                                                                                                                              healing of others.                                     cloth on her and prayed with
                                                                                  visit hospitals and pray for the sick,
                                                                                                                                                                                     faith, believing in the power
                                                                                  and amazing miracles began to take
                                                                                                                                                                                     of God, she was healed
                                                                                  place. She declares that a woman                                                                   of cancer. God healed her
                                                                                  at a hospital, while waiting for a                                                                 instantly! And her recovery
                                                                                  kidney transplant, was healed by                                                                   was confirmed two weeks
                                                                                  God after she prayed for her. The                                                                  later. His daughter was so
                                                                                  doctors confirmed that she was                                                                     deeply touched that she
                                                                                                                                                                                     received Jesus as her Lord
                                                                                  healed! She also prayed for a man
                                                                                                                                                                                     and Savior.
                                                                                  who had been diagnosed with
                                                                                  cancer, and he was also healed
                                                                                  by God!

 9                                                                                                                                                                                                           10
God, who at various times and in various    Jesus is the highest expression of God      “Show Me Your Glory”
                                              ways spoke in time past to the fathers      to mankind, the complete revelation and
                                              by the prophets, has in these last days     manifestation of the glory of the Father.   While I believe, teach, and practice
                                              spoken to us by His Son, whom He                                                        healthy biblical doctrine, I also know
                                              has appointed heir of all things, through   After Jesus ascended to heaven, the         that the glory of God is more than
                                              whom also He made the worlds; who           apostle John was given a revelation of      doctrine—it is a reality that we can
                                              being the brightness of His glory and       God’s glory similar to Isaiah’s revela-     experience. It is what Moses, David,
                                              the express image of His person, and        tion. It demonstrated that God is pow-      and other patriarchs longed to experi-
                                              upholding all things by the word of His     erful and everlasting (see Revelation       ence and what each believer today is a
                                              power, when He had by Himself purged        4:8), and it also revealed the majesty      candidate to experience.
                                              our sins, sat down at the right hand of     of Jesus (see Revelation 1:13–16).          And [Moses] said,
                                              the Majesty on high.	 (Hebrews 1:1–3)
                                                                                          God Manifests His Glory                     “Please, show me Your glory.”	
                                              Jesus spoke the Word of God and He          to Us Today                                 (Exodus 33:18)
                                              is the Word of God. (See John 1:1.) He
     God Manifested His                       said the following: “I and My Father are    Yet the glory of God was not just man-
     Glory Through His                        one” (John 10:30). “The Father is in Me     ifested in biblical times.
     Son Jesus                                and I in Him” (John 10:38). “He who
                                              has seen Me has seen the Father....         We need to understand that a move,
     The ultimate expression of the man-      The Father who dwells in Me does the        revival, or outpouring of the Holy
     ifestation of God’s glory in the world   works” (John 14:9–10). Jesus led us to      Spirit does not rest upon any particular
     was when He sent Jesus Christ to         know the Father through His character,      person but only upon the revelation
     earth to be                              virtues, and behavior. To see Him was       of God’s glory that an individual holds
     our Savior.                              to see the splendor and image of the        and imparts (communicates) to God’s
                                              Father. His substance (essence) was His     people, who receive it in faith.
                                              glory, and to hear Him was the same as
                                              hearing the Father.

11                                                                                                                                                                             12

     (August 17-18, 2012)

                            Pastor Mario, from Concepción, testified that through a video of Apostle     The doctors diagnosed this little girl with Down Syndrome when she was still in her mother’s womb. The doctor
                            Guillermo Maldonado, he received the impartation on how to walk in the       gave them a second appointment to confirm the diagnosis, but instead the father asked for prayer for his daughter.
                            supernatural power of God. As he implemented the biblical teachings, his     At the appointment, the doctors were baffled because the baby was normal. A few months later—while still in her
                            church exploded with all types of miracles! He testified that people were    mother’s womb and during a routine examination—the doctors realized that the baby did not have a pulse, but the
                            healed of cancer and the lame were able to rise from their wheelchairs and   father still refused to accept this situation and began to declare the power of Jesus’ resurrection over his daughter.
                            walk thanks to the supernatural power of God.                                As soon as he declared the Word of God, the baby resurrected! As you see in this picture, the baby girl was born
                                                                                                         and is perfectly healed!

                                            Elizabeth testified that the doctors had diagnosed
                                            her with congenital astigmatism; a condition that
                                            did not allow her to see clearly and the reason she
                                            had to wear glasses. However, when she felt the
                                            power of God, in an act of faith, she removed her
                                            glasses and was able to see perfectly!                       Caupolican Theater in Santiago, Chile
                                                                                                         Full house with thousands of people yearning for a supernatural encounter with the presence of God.
13                                                                                                                                                                                                                                14

     Inauguration of USM                                                        of
                                                                                           S U PE R N AT



     University of the Supernatural Ministry (September 9, 2012)




                                                                                DO                         •G
                                                                                       M • P OW E R

15                                                                                                                         16
For more information visit: •
17                                                     18

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Supernaturalist october 2012 (1)

  • 1. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2012 Edition 5 SUPERNATURALIST MAGAZINE You are called by God to operate in healing and creative miracles, too! Find out how! 1
  • 2. Celebration service at King Jesus International Ministry in Miami, FL There is a powerful movement of the glory of God that is embracing the earth, and the church Credits of Jesus Christ is experiencing a very special time. This is a season in which the supernatural power of God becomes more evident amongst His people. We thank God and give Him the glory Supernaturalist Magazine No. 5 - Year 1 - September/October 2012 Contents Page for allowing our ministry to be one of the spearheads of the movement of His glory for these end ERJ Publicaciones Director: Testimonies From King Jesus Church in Miami, FL 3 times. Jesus gave us all a mandate: go into all the world and preach the Gospel of the Kingdom Addilena Torres with signs, miracles, wonders, and other demonstrations of His power. This is precisely why we General Editor Supernaturalist Magazine: Supernatural Encounter: Durban, South Africa 5 rejoice when we see that creative miracles take place in our church during regular services and Jackie Delgado on mission trips to the nations of the earth. However, we rejoice even more when we see that the Supernatural Encounter: East London, South Africa 7 Art & Graphic Design: people we train in our ministry—many of them leaders of Houses of Peace or mentors—are doing Danielle Cruz Most Recent Book: “The Glory of God” 11 the same wherever they go; in their “ethnos,” in their territory, or amongst their peers. This proves Photography: Supernatural Encounter: Chile 13 that God is not limited to the four walls of any building or a certain type of individual but that we can ERJ Photography Team all move in the same power, as long as we are aligned to His will because “God is no respecter of Copy Editors: Inauguration of USM 15 persons” (Galatians 2:6). Adriana Cardona Jackie Delgado New Releases 16 You might be thinking, “But I don’t have time or the possibility to go and evangelize in other Printing: Itinerary and upcoming main events this year 18 Original Impressions nations” or maybe you are already an evangelist, pastor, or teacher but would like to do much Kingdom Expansion Partners 19 more for the Kingdom. It is for people like yourself that we have created the program, “Kingdom King Jesus International Ministry 14100 SW 144 Ave - Miami, FL 33186 Expansion Partners.” Your monthly support can “send” someone to sow a seed of faith to the 305-382-3171 / people who most need to hear about Jesus. Today I invite you to sow in the Kingdom. Put to work the resources that God has entrusted to you! Become a Kingdom Expansion Partner! I want to see you and share with you in the activities that we have prepared exclusively for partners. May God 305-233-3325 / Called to bring the Supernatural of God to this generation 1 continue to bless you! SUPERNATURALIST MAGAZINE IS A PRODUCT OF ERJ PUBLICACIONES. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IS PROHIBITED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART. 2
  • 3. TESTIMONIes from king jesus church in miami, fl Ivonne testified that her husband, Roberto, suffered a stroke that left him in a comma. (She brought a picture of her husband which shows when he was still intubated.) The doctors told Ivonne that if her husband did not wake up within 24 hours, he would certainly die. At that instant, Ivonne remembered Apostle Maldonado’s teaching about the power of Jesus’ resurrection, she appropriated this teaching and began to declare life over him, decreeing that Roberto would wake up without brain damage. God responded to her faith because a few hours later, Roberto woke up completely healed! Rosario affirms that she gave birth to a son who was born with the intestines outside of his body. The doctors performed emergency surgery on the child but six hours later, while still in the operating room, the baby died. In her desperation, Rosario called her House of Peace leader and asked her to pray for her son. The leader began to cast out the spirit of death and to declare the power of the resurrection over him; and suddenly, the baby resurrected! Even though the doctors were amazed, they told Rosario that it would take the baby about six months to recover from the surgery. Rosario testified that God accelerated her son’s healing supernaturally because only twenty days later, the child was totally 4 3 healed and was released from the hospital and taken home! 5 4
  • 4. EVENTs Supernatural Encounter : Durban, South Africa This man testified that he and his wife were unable to conceive. (July 19-20, 2012) Last year, Apostle Maldonado prayed to break every curse of infertility and declared healing over both of their bodies. The This pastor testified that after reading Apostle man, now the father of this healthy and beautiful baby girl, Maldonado’s book “How to Walk in the Supernatural returned to testify of God’s goodness! Power of God,” he received the revelation of the supernatural and was ignited with fire for God. He testified that after implementing the Biblical teachings in his church, an explosion of all types of miracles took place, and the people responded with greater hunger for the presence of God! Ministering the love of the Heavenly Father. This lady testified that the power of God healed her from kidney stones as she watched our television program “Time for Change.” 5 6
  • 5. EVENTs Supernatural Encounter : East London, South Africa (July 22-25, 2012) This man testifies that for years he had been unable to hear from his right ear but that the power of God healed him, and now he can hear perfectly out of both ears! Blessing the African people with free books. Hundreds of African pastors receiving a fresh Apostle Maldonado speaking to millions of people anointing for ministry and for boldness and being through TBN Africa along with its CEO, Pastor activated in God’s supernatural power to not only Andre Roebert and his wife, Jenny. preach and teach but also to cast out demons and to manifest healing and creative miracles. 7 8
  • 6. EVENTs This pastor testifies that after he was activated to move in the supernatural power of God, the people in his church— specially the youth—are evangelizing their city with signs of God’s supernatural power that follow them wherever they go. The people joyfully praising God with all their might! This woman testifies that after This man testifies that his Praying and anointing cloths reading “How to Walk in the with oil so people can use them daughter was diagnosed with Supernatural Power of God” by with faith, not as lucky charms uterine cancer, but when he Apostle Maldonado, she began to but as a point of contact for the placed a piece of anointed healing of others. cloth on her and prayed with visit hospitals and pray for the sick, faith, believing in the power and amazing miracles began to take of God, she was healed place. She declares that a woman of cancer. God healed her at a hospital, while waiting for a instantly! And her recovery kidney transplant, was healed by was confirmed two weeks God after she prayed for her. The later. His daughter was so doctors confirmed that she was deeply touched that she received Jesus as her Lord healed! She also prayed for a man and Savior. who had been diagnosed with cancer, and he was also healed by God! 9 10
  • 7. God, who at various times and in various Jesus is the highest expression of God “Show Me Your Glory” ways spoke in time past to the fathers to mankind, the complete revelation and by the prophets, has in these last days manifestation of the glory of the Father. While I believe, teach, and practice spoken to us by His Son, whom He healthy biblical doctrine, I also know has appointed heir of all things, through After Jesus ascended to heaven, the that the glory of God is more than whom also He made the worlds; who apostle John was given a revelation of doctrine—it is a reality that we can being the brightness of His glory and God’s glory similar to Isaiah’s revela- experience. It is what Moses, David, the express image of His person, and tion. It demonstrated that God is pow- and other patriarchs longed to experi- upholding all things by the word of His erful and everlasting (see Revelation ence and what each believer today is a power, when He had by Himself purged 4:8), and it also revealed the majesty candidate to experience. our sins, sat down at the right hand of of Jesus (see Revelation 1:13–16). And [Moses] said, the Majesty on high. (Hebrews 1:1–3) God Manifests His Glory “Please, show me Your glory.” Jesus spoke the Word of God and He to Us Today (Exodus 33:18) is the Word of God. (See John 1:1.) He God Manifested His said the following: “I and My Father are Yet the glory of God was not just man- Glory Through His one” (John 10:30). “The Father is in Me ifested in biblical times. Son Jesus and I in Him” (John 10:38). “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.... We need to understand that a move, The ultimate expression of the man- The Father who dwells in Me does the revival, or outpouring of the Holy ifestation of God’s glory in the world works” (John 14:9–10). Jesus led us to Spirit does not rest upon any particular was when He sent Jesus Christ to know the Father through His character, person but only upon the revelation earth to be virtues, and behavior. To see Him was of God’s glory that an individual holds our Savior. to see the splendor and image of the and imparts (communicates) to God’s Father. His substance (essence) was His people, who receive it in faith. glory, and to hear Him was the same as hearing the Father. 11 12
  • 8. EVENTs Supernatural Encounter: Chile (August 17-18, 2012) Pastor Mario, from Concepción, testified that through a video of Apostle The doctors diagnosed this little girl with Down Syndrome when she was still in her mother’s womb. The doctor Guillermo Maldonado, he received the impartation on how to walk in the gave them a second appointment to confirm the diagnosis, but instead the father asked for prayer for his daughter. supernatural power of God. As he implemented the biblical teachings, his At the appointment, the doctors were baffled because the baby was normal. A few months later—while still in her church exploded with all types of miracles! He testified that people were mother’s womb and during a routine examination—the doctors realized that the baby did not have a pulse, but the healed of cancer and the lame were able to rise from their wheelchairs and father still refused to accept this situation and began to declare the power of Jesus’ resurrection over his daughter. walk thanks to the supernatural power of God. As soon as he declared the Word of God, the baby resurrected! As you see in this picture, the baby girl was born and is perfectly healed! Elizabeth testified that the doctors had diagnosed her with congenital astigmatism; a condition that did not allow her to see clearly and the reason she had to wear glasses. However, when she felt the power of God, in an act of faith, she removed her glasses and was able to see perfectly! Caupolican Theater in Santiago, Chile Full house with thousands of people yearning for a supernatural encounter with the presence of God. 13 14
  • 9. EVENTS Inauguration of USM of the S U PE R N AT UR A Y L SIT MI University of the Supernatural Ministry (September 9, 2012) UNIVER NIST RY RY KI LO G N DO •G M • P OW E R 15 15 16 16
  • 10. For more information visit: • 17 18
  • 11. 20