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“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                   SU TOAST CLUB
                                 Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                   District 65 of Toastmasters International

    1. Toastmaster
      “Role: Toastmaster is the emcee for the meeting. It is the Toastmaster’s task to
       introduce each speaker and form a bridge between the various parts of the meeting!”
               Before the Meeting
                 Obtain speaker’ full/brief biographies.
                 Obtain speaker’s speech title, speech project, and speech manual.
                 Double-check that the assigned participants on duty roster are aware of their responsibilities.
                 Double-check that the assigned participants on duty roster bring both Competent Communication
                  manual and Competent Leadership manual.
                 Should any role on duty roster not filled up yet, assign it.
                 Welcome each guest and member.
               During the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Briefly explain the role of Toastmaster.
                 Introduce each participant to serve a role on duty roster.
                 Introduce each prepared speaker’s bio with brief/full length.
                 Facilitate the whole portion of meeting, focusing on the smooth transition among the roles as well
                  as on mindfulness of time elapsed; can control certain portion of meeting as needs by shortening it
                  a bit or extending it a bit.
               After the Meeting
                 Hear about guests’ feedbacks.
                 Encourage the guests to come again.

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                                                                                                               Page 1
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                  SU TOAST CLUB
                                Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                  District 65 of Toastmasters International

    2. W.A.G. Master (“Short for Word master, Ah counter, and Grammarian!”)
       Word master [2 minutes top]
            “Role: Word master presents a new or little known word for us to learn and records
            the number of times each person uses it during the meeting. This role serves to
            increase everybody’s vocabulary power. At the end of the meeting, the Word master
            reports on the frequency of word of the day usage.”
               Before the Meeting
                 Pick a new or little known word for us to be incorporated easily into everyday conversation and
                  also to increase everybody’s vocabulary.
                 Adjectives and adverbs are preferred; however, free to select your own special word.
                 Print out the word, its single definition, and its usage with example sentence in PRINT LETTER in A4
                  size multiples; bring it with you at the meeting.
                 Tape multiple copies of the word on the wall and/or the white board in meeting room enough for
                  the audience to identify clearly the word, its definition, and its usage.
                 Print out the attached named “WAG Master Recording Sheet” and bring it with you at the meeting.”
                 Be ready to record on the recording sheet each usage of word of the day from participants.
                 Welcome each guest and member.
               During the Meeting
                 When introduced by general evaluator, briefly explain the role of Word master.
                 Present the word of the day.
                 Record the number of times each person uses it.
                 When introduced by general evaluator, report the word-of-the-day usage.

       Ah counter [1 minute top]
            “Role: Ah counter counts the number of times each participant uses filler words such
            as ‘ah’ and ‘um.’ ”
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                                                                                                               Page 2
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                   SU TOAST CLUB
                                Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                  District 65 of Toastmasters International

               Before the Meeting
                 Get the WAG Master Recording Sheet and be ready to count filler words.
                 Examples of filler words (or “Crutch Words”): Um, Ah, Uh, and/so/but, you know, long pause,
                  repeated words/sentences.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Ah counter.
                 Counts the number of filler words used by each participants.
                  (i) Do NOT count the use of “and/so/but” when the speaker has used it to show purposeful transition!
                  (ii) Do NOT count the use of “repeated words/sentences” when the speaker has used them to emphasize
                     certain idea in his speech content!

       Grammarian [2 minutes top]
            “Role: Grammarian records grammatical errors and reports these at the end of the
               Before the Meeting
                 Get the WAG Master Recording Sheet and be ready to catch incorrect usage of English grammar.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Grammarian.
                  (i) Focus on catching the CREATIVE/INTERESTING usage of the language, rather than pointing out incorrect
                     usage of it and report each
                  (ii) If found a grammatical error, make a note on the WAG Master Recording Sheet of whom made an error
                     and suggests him of alternative/correct usage of it.
               After the Meeting
                 Encourage the guests to come again.
             Give the WAG Master Recording Sheet to Master Listener for bookkeeping purpose.

    3. Invocator [1-to-2 minutes; shorter is preferred.]
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                                                                                                                     Page 3
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                  SU TOAST CLUB
                                 Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                   District 65 of Toastmasters International

        “Role: Invocator offers an inspirational or motivational statement to set a positive
        tone for the meeting!”
               Before the Meeting
                 Find an inspiring quotation that sets the tone for the day’s meeting.
                 Could come up with your short own reflecting or motivational statements.
                 Welcome each guest and member.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Invocator.
                 Deliver your invocation.
               After the Meeting
             Encourage the guests to come again.

    4. Humorist [2 minutes top; shorter is preferred.]
        “Role: Humorist lightens up the meeting by telling a joke, sharing a funny story,
        anecdote, quote, or any other kind of humor; this gives presenter the opportunity to
        practice delivering comic relief!”
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Google joke.
                 Could make use of the joke you found by googling then tweak a bit.
                 Or could craft up your own joke.
                 Write it down on paper.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Humorist.
                 Present your joke (If possible, NOT read).
               After the Meeting

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                                                                                             Page 4
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                    SU TOAST CLUB
                                  Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                    District 65 of Toastmasters International

             Encourage the guests to come again.

    5. Table Topics Master [Manage this session within 15 minutes; 1-to-2 minutes for each
        Table Topics speaker.]
        “Role: Table Topics Master challenges attendees to “think on their feet” by raising
        challenging and/or interesting questions. Then the attendees become Table Topics
        speakers and answer to Table Topics Master’s questions within 1-to-2 minutes.
        Volunteering to Table Topics speaker is beneficial for attendees who are eager increase
        extemporaneous (or “impromptu”) speaking skills. Each Table Topics speaker thinks up
        his answer within 1-to-2 minutes to answer to the Table Topics Master’s questions.
        Same holds true for attendees who want to become well-prepared interviewee. To
        prepare well, you need to first think up various potential questions that the interviewer
        will bug you during the course of interview.”
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Choose the Table Topics theme(s): Choice 1 (Career-Development), Choice 2 (Academic Study Skills
                  and/or Management Kills), or Choice 3.
                  - Choice 1
                  Tips or questions for job search on-line or off-line
                  Tips or questions for job interview via face-to-face/phone/Skype
                  Tips of questions for an informational interview and/or behavioral interview
                  90-second Elevator Speech
                  You Name It!
                  - Choice 2
                  Tips or questions for effective note-taking skills
                  Tips or questions for effective time management skills

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                                                                                                           Page 5
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                    SU TOAST CLUB
                                  Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                    District 65 of Toastmasters International

                  Tips or questions for conflict resolution
                  You Name It!
                  - Choice 3
                    Anything other than ones in Choice 1 & Choice 2
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Table Topics Master.
                 Ask the attendees to volunteer to Table Topics Speakers.
                - First, ask the members; then asks the guests.
                  (i) In general, you don’t ask prepared speakers to volunteer to Table Topics speech.
                  (ii) Do NOT force the guests to volunteer.
                  (iii) For the Table Topics Speakers, note for the time eligibility condition for your delivery.

                     (See the timer eligibility report for more details.)
               After the Meeting
                 Encourage the guests to come again.

    6. Prepared Speakers
        [Time requirement varies, depending upon which project in which manual.]
        “Role: Prepared Speakers present prepared speeches. Toastmasters International’s
        basic speech manual, “Competent Communication manual” provides structure and
        guidance to improve skills such as speech organization, vocabulary usage, vocal variety,
        and body language, etc!”
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Send your short/full biographies to the Toastmaster or VP Education, “Sung-Jin” on that day via
                 If you haven’t sent your bio via email, print it out and give it to the Toastmaster.

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                                                                                                                    Page 6
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                   SU TOAST CLUB
                                Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                  District 65 of Toastmasters International

                 Give your speech manual (i.e., CC manual) to your speech evaluator.
                 Could mention your specific concern regarding your speech deliberation/content and ask your
                  evaluator to monitor it.
               During the Meeting
                 Deliver the speech within allotted time based on your speech manual.
                 Give your best pitch!
                 Note for the time eligibility condition for your delivery.
                  (See the timer eligibility report for more details.)
               After the Meeting
                 Encourage the guests to come again.
                 Get your speech evaluation note and/or your speech manual from your speech evaluator that you
                  handed out to.

    7. Speech Evaluators [2-to3 minutes]
        “Role: Evaluators provide constructive, heartfelt, supportive feedback in oral and
        written form for the prepared speakers. Toastmasters Club’s evaluations are highly
        encouraging and provide a positive learning experience for all.”
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Review the speech manual that the speakers are working at; i.e., go through the objectives of the
                  speech project in speech manual, evaluation notes, etc.
                 Have some thoughtful preparation at least one day before the meeting; if you can, write up a
                  customized evaluation note based on evaluation criteria in the speech project and print it out, then
                  bring it with you.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Speech Evaluator.

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                                                                                                              Page 7
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                  SU TOAST CLUB
                                Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                  District 65 of Toastmasters International

                 Be ready to write down your evaluation ON the customized note you brought with you and/or ON
                  the evaluation note page in speech manual.
                 Note for the time eligibility condition for your delivery.
                  (See the timer eligibility report for more details.)
               After the Meeting
                 Ask the speaker if there is any question about your evaluation note.
             Encourage the guests to come again.

    8. General Evaluator [3 minutes top]
        “Role: General evaluator evaluates the conduct of whole portion of the meeting,
        including Toastmaster’s performance and Table Topics Master’s and Table Topics
        Speaker’s; however, top priority of the evaluation should be the speech evaluators’
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Double-check who are in evaluation team: W.A.G. Master, Timer, and Speech Evaluators.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of General Evaluator.
                 Briefly mention who serves today’s W.A.G. Master, Timer, and Speech Evaluators, respectively.
                 Introduce Speech Evaluators.
                 Calls for reports from W.A.G. Master and Timer.
               After the Meeting
                 Encourage the guests to come again.

Check out our club website at

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                                                                                                            Page 8
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                               SU TOAST CLUB
                             Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                               District 65 of Toastmasters International

    9. Timer
        “Role: Timer records the length of each person’s speech at the same time that he
        provides a visual sign (i.e., flip cards / hand cues) to participants that allotted time is
        about to expire. When introduced by the Toastmaster…, based on your time
        accumulated records, you mention who met the time eligibility condition. Later on,
        when introduced by General Evaluator, you present precise timing reports for the
        following participants; Invocator, Humorist, W.A.G. Master, Table Topics Speakers,
        Prepared Speakers, Speech Evaluators, and General Evaluator.
        Toastmasters speeches are carefully planned to fit specific time periods!”

         Before the Meeting
           Print out the attached named by “Timers Report Sheet” and bring it with you at the meeting, then
               be ready to time speeches.
           You time the speeches from the following participants: Invocator, Humorist, W.A.G Master, Table
               Topics Speakers, Prepared Speakers, Speech Evaluators, and General Evaluator.
           Know ahead how to set the stopwatch on your cell phone.
           If you want to use the TimeToaster software program running on the laptop, click at
               download on your laptop the TimeToaster program to install it, run it, and play with it.

         During the Meeting
           Set stopwatch mode.
           Record each attendee’s elapsed times on “Timers Report Recording Sheet.”
           Record time using the TimeToaster software tool installed in your laptop.
              When introduced by today’s Toastmaster for time eligibility report, you briefly mention who met
               the time requirement by explaining Time Eligibility Report Rule (See page 11.).

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                                                                                                          Page 9
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                   SU TOAST CLUB
                                 Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                   District 65 of Toastmasters International

           When introduced by general evaluator for general time report, briefly explain the role of timer
               and explain how you used your timing device as follows:
                       How to use “green-yellow-red” flip cards?
               -       For 1-to-2 minutes speeches: i.e., Invocator, Humorist, and Table Topics Speaker.
                       Raise Green card when 1 minute is up!
                       Raise Yellow card when 1 minute and 30 seconds is up!
                       Raise Red card when 2 minutes is up!
                       If the speech overpasses the 2 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant.
               -       For 2-to-3 minutes speeches: i.e., Speech Evaluator and General Evaluator.
                       Raise Green card when 2 minutes is up!
                       Raise Yellow card when 2 minutes and 30 seconds is up!
                       Raise Red card when 3 minutes is up!
                       If the speech overpasses the 3 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant.
               -       For 4-to-5 minutes speeches: i.e., prepared speaker (“Ice Breaker” speech in C.C. manual.)
                        Raise Green card when 4 minutes is up!
                        Raise Yellow card when 5 minutes is up!
                        Raise Red card when 6 minutes is up!
                        If the speech overpasses the 6 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant.
               -       For 5-to-7 minutes speeches: i.e., prepared speaker
                        Raise Green card when 5 minutes is up!
                        Raise Yellow card when 6 minutes and 30 seconds is up!
                        Raise Red card when 7 minutes is up!
                        If the speech overpasses the 7 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant.
               -       For 8-to-10 minutes speeches: i.e., prepared speaker
                        Raise Green card when 8 minutes is up!
                        Raise Yellow card when 9 minute is up!
                        Raise Red card when 10 minutes is up!
                        If the speech overpasses the 10 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant.

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                                                                                                                       Page 10
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                               SU TOAST CLUB
                             Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                               District 65 of Toastmasters International

                    Time Eligibility Report Rule?
               -   Reports who did NOT meet the time requirement based on the following participants:
                    [For 1-to2 minutes "Table Topics Speech"]
                    If the speech took 15 seconds OVER/UNDER time, the speaker has not satisfied the allotted
                    time; thus, he is excluded from candidate for the Best Table Topics Speaker; e.g., if the speech
                    took EITHER less than 45 seconds OR more than 2 minutes and 15 seconds, she/he has not
                    met the time requirement!

                    [For 2-to-3 minutes "Speech Evaluator's Speech"] (No Time Eligibility Condition for the
                    "General Evaluator's Speech!")
                    If the speech took 30 seconds OVER/UNDER time, the speaker has not satisfied the allotted
                    time; thus, he is excluded from candidate for the Best Evaluator;
                    e.g., if the speech took EITHER less than 1 minutes and 30 seconds OR more than 2 minutes
                    and 30 seconds, she/he has not met the time requirement!

                    [For 5-to-7 minutes Prepared Speaker's Speech]
                    If the speech took 30 seconds OVER/UNDER time, the speaker has not satisfied the allotted
                    time; thus, he is excluded from candidate for the Best Speaker;
                    e.g., if the speech took EITHER less than 1 minutes and 30 seconds OR more than
                    2 minutes and 30 seconds, she/he has not met the time requirement!
         After the Meeting
              Hand your report sheet to Master Listener.
              In case that you used a timing software called TimeToaster to record, click on the "T-Report" button
               on TimeToaster window and copy all the attendees' recorded times onto the timer report sheet.
               (Before you start recording, make sure that you check the box named "Record Times" first so that
               you can see the accumulated timing records from each attendee when you copy the time recorded
               onto the timer report sheet.)

Check out our club website at

Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International

                                                                                                           Page 11
“In-Depth View of Meeting Structure”

                                      SU TOAST CLUB
                                 Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division,
                                   District 65 of Toastmasters International

    10. Master Listener [2 minutes top]
     “Role: Master Listener listens attentively to everything during the course of the meeting
        and pops the quiz to the audience at the end of the meeting!”
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
                 Get a blank paper to make an intensive note.
                 Sit in front row.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Master Listener.
                 Try to listen carefully and attentively to every content that the participants spoke to the audience.
               After the Meeting
                 Pop the quiz; the number of quiz is up to you.
             Encourage the guests to come again.
    11. Ballot Counter [1 minute top]
        “Role: Ballot Counter tallies (or “counts”) votes for Best improved Prepared Speaker,
        Best Evaluator, and Best Table Topics Speaker and makes an announcement for the
        winner accordingly!”
               Before the Meeting
                 Welcome each guest and member.
               During the Meeting
                 Briefly explain the role of Ballot Counter.
                 Gather all ballots from the audience and count them; then, announce the winner;
                  i.e., make the best table topics winner first followed by the best speaker and best evaluator.
               After the Meeting
             Encourage the guests to come again.

Check out our club website at

Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International

                                                                                                               Page 12

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SU Toast Toastmasters' Details in Meeting Roles

  • 1. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International 1. Toastmaster “Role: Toastmaster is the emcee for the meeting. It is the Toastmaster’s task to introduce each speaker and form a bridge between the various parts of the meeting!”  Before the Meeting  Obtain speaker’ full/brief biographies.  Obtain speaker’s speech title, speech project, and speech manual.  Double-check that the assigned participants on duty roster are aware of their responsibilities.  Double-check that the assigned participants on duty roster bring both Competent Communication manual and Competent Leadership manual.  Should any role on duty roster not filled up yet, assign it.  Welcome each guest and member.  During the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Briefly explain the role of Toastmaster.  Introduce each participant to serve a role on duty roster.  Introduce each prepared speaker’s bio with brief/full length.  Facilitate the whole portion of meeting, focusing on the smooth transition among the roles as well as on mindfulness of time elapsed; can control certain portion of meeting as needs by shortening it a bit or extending it a bit.  After the Meeting  Hear about guests’ feedbacks.  Encourage the guests to come again. Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 1
  • 2. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International 2. W.A.G. Master (“Short for Word master, Ah counter, and Grammarian!”)  Word master [2 minutes top] “Role: Word master presents a new or little known word for us to learn and records the number of times each person uses it during the meeting. This role serves to increase everybody’s vocabulary power. At the end of the meeting, the Word master reports on the frequency of word of the day usage.”  Before the Meeting  Pick a new or little known word for us to be incorporated easily into everyday conversation and also to increase everybody’s vocabulary.  Adjectives and adverbs are preferred; however, free to select your own special word.  Print out the word, its single definition, and its usage with example sentence in PRINT LETTER in A4 size multiples; bring it with you at the meeting.  Tape multiple copies of the word on the wall and/or the white board in meeting room enough for the audience to identify clearly the word, its definition, and its usage.  Print out the attached named “WAG Master Recording Sheet” and bring it with you at the meeting.”  Be ready to record on the recording sheet each usage of word of the day from participants.  Welcome each guest and member.  During the Meeting  When introduced by general evaluator, briefly explain the role of Word master.  Present the word of the day.  Record the number of times each person uses it.  When introduced by general evaluator, report the word-of-the-day usage.  Ah counter [1 minute top] “Role: Ah counter counts the number of times each participant uses filler words such as ‘ah’ and ‘um.’ ” Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 2
  • 3. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International  Before the Meeting  Get the WAG Master Recording Sheet and be ready to count filler words.  Examples of filler words (or “Crutch Words”): Um, Ah, Uh, and/so/but, you know, long pause, repeated words/sentences.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Ah counter.  Counts the number of filler words used by each participants. Note: (i) Do NOT count the use of “and/so/but” when the speaker has used it to show purposeful transition! (ii) Do NOT count the use of “repeated words/sentences” when the speaker has used them to emphasize certain idea in his speech content!  Grammarian [2 minutes top] “Role: Grammarian records grammatical errors and reports these at the end of the meeting!”  Before the Meeting  Get the WAG Master Recording Sheet and be ready to catch incorrect usage of English grammar.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Grammarian. Note: (i) Focus on catching the CREATIVE/INTERESTING usage of the language, rather than pointing out incorrect usage of it and report each (ii) If found a grammatical error, make a note on the WAG Master Recording Sheet of whom made an error and suggests him of alternative/correct usage of it.  After the Meeting  Encourage the guests to come again.  Give the WAG Master Recording Sheet to Master Listener for bookkeeping purpose. 3. Invocator [1-to-2 minutes; shorter is preferred.] Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 3
  • 4. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International “Role: Invocator offers an inspirational or motivational statement to set a positive tone for the meeting!”  Before the Meeting  Find an inspiring quotation that sets the tone for the day’s meeting.  Could come up with your short own reflecting or motivational statements.  Welcome each guest and member.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Invocator.  Deliver your invocation.  After the Meeting  Encourage the guests to come again. 4. Humorist [2 minutes top; shorter is preferred.] “Role: Humorist lightens up the meeting by telling a joke, sharing a funny story, anecdote, quote, or any other kind of humor; this gives presenter the opportunity to practice delivering comic relief!”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Google joke.  Could make use of the joke you found by googling then tweak a bit.  Or could craft up your own joke.  Write it down on paper.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Humorist.  Present your joke (If possible, NOT read).  After the Meeting Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 4
  • 5. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International  Encourage the guests to come again. 5. Table Topics Master [Manage this session within 15 minutes; 1-to-2 minutes for each Table Topics speaker.] “Role: Table Topics Master challenges attendees to “think on their feet” by raising challenging and/or interesting questions. Then the attendees become Table Topics speakers and answer to Table Topics Master’s questions within 1-to-2 minutes. Volunteering to Table Topics speaker is beneficial for attendees who are eager increase extemporaneous (or “impromptu”) speaking skills. Each Table Topics speaker thinks up his answer within 1-to-2 minutes to answer to the Table Topics Master’s questions. Same holds true for attendees who want to become well-prepared interviewee. To prepare well, you need to first think up various potential questions that the interviewer will bug you during the course of interview.”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Choose the Table Topics theme(s): Choice 1 (Career-Development), Choice 2 (Academic Study Skills and/or Management Kills), or Choice 3. - Choice 1 Tips or questions for job search on-line or off-line Tips or questions for job interview via face-to-face/phone/Skype Tips of questions for an informational interview and/or behavioral interview 90-second Elevator Speech You Name It! - Choice 2 Tips or questions for effective note-taking skills Tips or questions for effective time management skills Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 5
  • 6. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International Tips or questions for conflict resolution You Name It! - Choice 3 Anything other than ones in Choice 1 & Choice 2  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Table Topics Master.  Ask the attendees to volunteer to Table Topics Speakers. - First, ask the members; then asks the guests. Note: (i) In general, you don’t ask prepared speakers to volunteer to Table Topics speech. (ii) Do NOT force the guests to volunteer. (iii) For the Table Topics Speakers, note for the time eligibility condition for your delivery. (See the timer eligibility report for more details.)  After the Meeting  Encourage the guests to come again. 6. Prepared Speakers [Time requirement varies, depending upon which project in which manual.] “Role: Prepared Speakers present prepared speeches. Toastmasters International’s basic speech manual, “Competent Communication manual” provides structure and guidance to improve skills such as speech organization, vocabulary usage, vocal variety, and body language, etc!”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Send your short/full biographies to the Toastmaster or VP Education, “Sung-Jin” on that day via email.  If you haven’t sent your bio via email, print it out and give it to the Toastmaster. Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 6
  • 7. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International  Give your speech manual (i.e., CC manual) to your speech evaluator.  Could mention your specific concern regarding your speech deliberation/content and ask your evaluator to monitor it.  During the Meeting  Deliver the speech within allotted time based on your speech manual.  Give your best pitch!  Note for the time eligibility condition for your delivery. (See the timer eligibility report for more details.)  After the Meeting  Encourage the guests to come again.  Get your speech evaluation note and/or your speech manual from your speech evaluator that you handed out to. 7. Speech Evaluators [2-to3 minutes] “Role: Evaluators provide constructive, heartfelt, supportive feedback in oral and written form for the prepared speakers. Toastmasters Club’s evaluations are highly encouraging and provide a positive learning experience for all.”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Review the speech manual that the speakers are working at; i.e., go through the objectives of the speech project in speech manual, evaluation notes, etc.  Have some thoughtful preparation at least one day before the meeting; if you can, write up a customized evaluation note based on evaluation criteria in the speech project and print it out, then bring it with you.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Speech Evaluator. Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 7
  • 8. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International  Be ready to write down your evaluation ON the customized note you brought with you and/or ON the evaluation note page in speech manual.  Note for the time eligibility condition for your delivery. (See the timer eligibility report for more details.)  After the Meeting  Ask the speaker if there is any question about your evaluation note.  Encourage the guests to come again. 8. General Evaluator [3 minutes top] “Role: General evaluator evaluates the conduct of whole portion of the meeting, including Toastmaster’s performance and Table Topics Master’s and Table Topics Speaker’s; however, top priority of the evaluation should be the speech evaluators’ performance.”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Double-check who are in evaluation team: W.A.G. Master, Timer, and Speech Evaluators.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of General Evaluator.  Briefly mention who serves today’s W.A.G. Master, Timer, and Speech Evaluators, respectively.  Introduce Speech Evaluators.  Calls for reports from W.A.G. Master and Timer.  After the Meeting  Encourage the guests to come again. Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 8
  • 9. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International 9. Timer “Role: Timer records the length of each person’s speech at the same time that he provides a visual sign (i.e., flip cards / hand cues) to participants that allotted time is about to expire. When introduced by the Toastmaster…, based on your time accumulated records, you mention who met the time eligibility condition. Later on, when introduced by General Evaluator, you present precise timing reports for the following participants; Invocator, Humorist, W.A.G. Master, Table Topics Speakers, Prepared Speakers, Speech Evaluators, and General Evaluator. Toastmasters speeches are carefully planned to fit specific time periods!”  Before the Meeting  Print out the attached named by “Timers Report Sheet” and bring it with you at the meeting, then be ready to time speeches.  You time the speeches from the following participants: Invocator, Humorist, W.A.G Master, Table Topics Speakers, Prepared Speakers, Speech Evaluators, and General Evaluator.  Know ahead how to set the stopwatch on your cell phone.  If you want to use the TimeToaster software program running on the laptop, click at; download on your laptop the TimeToaster program to install it, run it, and play with it.  During the Meeting  Set stopwatch mode.  Record each attendee’s elapsed times on “Timers Report Recording Sheet.”  Record time using the TimeToaster software tool installed in your laptop.  When introduced by today’s Toastmaster for time eligibility report, you briefly mention who met the time requirement by explaining Time Eligibility Report Rule (See page 11.). Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 9
  • 10. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International  When introduced by general evaluator for general time report, briefly explain the role of timer and explain how you used your timing device as follows: How to use “green-yellow-red” flip cards? - For 1-to-2 minutes speeches: i.e., Invocator, Humorist, and Table Topics Speaker.  Raise Green card when 1 minute is up!  Raise Yellow card when 1 minute and 30 seconds is up!  Raise Red card when 2 minutes is up!  If the speech overpasses the 2 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant. - For 2-to-3 minutes speeches: i.e., Speech Evaluator and General Evaluator.  Raise Green card when 2 minutes is up!  Raise Yellow card when 2 minutes and 30 seconds is up!  Raise Red card when 3 minutes is up!  If the speech overpasses the 3 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant. - For 4-to-5 minutes speeches: i.e., prepared speaker (“Ice Breaker” speech in C.C. manual.)  Raise Green card when 4 minutes is up!  Raise Yellow card when 5 minutes is up!  Raise Red card when 6 minutes is up!  If the speech overpasses the 6 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant. - For 5-to-7 minutes speeches: i.e., prepared speaker  Raise Green card when 5 minutes is up!  Raise Yellow card when 6 minutes and 30 seconds is up!  Raise Red card when 7 minutes is up!  If the speech overpasses the 7 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant. - For 8-to-10 minutes speeches: i.e., prepared speaker  Raise Green card when 8 minutes is up!  Raise Yellow card when 9 minute is up!  Raise Red card when 10 minutes is up!  If the speech overpasses the 10 minutes, don’ need to raise the cards and to wave at participant. Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 10
  • 11. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International Time Eligibility Report Rule? - Reports who did NOT meet the time requirement based on the following participants: [For 1-to2 minutes "Table Topics Speech"] If the speech took 15 seconds OVER/UNDER time, the speaker has not satisfied the allotted time; thus, he is excluded from candidate for the Best Table Topics Speaker; e.g., if the speech took EITHER less than 45 seconds OR more than 2 minutes and 15 seconds, she/he has not met the time requirement! [For 2-to-3 minutes "Speech Evaluator's Speech"] (No Time Eligibility Condition for the "General Evaluator's Speech!") If the speech took 30 seconds OVER/UNDER time, the speaker has not satisfied the allotted time; thus, he is excluded from candidate for the Best Evaluator; e.g., if the speech took EITHER less than 1 minutes and 30 seconds OR more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, she/he has not met the time requirement! [For 5-to-7 minutes Prepared Speaker's Speech] If the speech took 30 seconds OVER/UNDER time, the speaker has not satisfied the allotted time; thus, he is excluded from candidate for the Best Speaker; e.g., if the speech took EITHER less than 1 minutes and 30 seconds OR more than 2 minutes and 30 seconds, she/he has not met the time requirement!  After the Meeting  Hand your report sheet to Master Listener.  In case that you used a timing software called TimeToaster to record, click on the "T-Report" button on TimeToaster window and copy all the attendees' recorded times onto the timer report sheet. (Before you start recording, make sure that you check the box named "Record Times" first so that you can see the accumulated timing records from each attendee when you copy the time recorded onto the timer report sheet.) Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 11
  • 12. “In-Depth View of Meeting Structure” SU TOAST CLUB Club No. 1268304, Area 18, Eastern Division, District 65 of Toastmasters International 10. Master Listener [2 minutes top]  “Role: Master Listener listens attentively to everything during the course of the meeting and pops the quiz to the audience at the end of the meeting!”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  Get a blank paper to make an intensive note.  Sit in front row.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Master Listener.  Try to listen carefully and attentively to every content that the participants spoke to the audience.  After the Meeting  Pop the quiz; the number of quiz is up to you.  Encourage the guests to come again. 11. Ballot Counter [1 minute top] “Role: Ballot Counter tallies (or “counts”) votes for Best improved Prepared Speaker, Best Evaluator, and Best Table Topics Speaker and makes an announcement for the winner accordingly!”  Before the Meeting  Welcome each guest and member.  During the Meeting  Briefly explain the role of Ballot Counter.  Gather all ballots from the audience and count them; then, announce the winner; i.e., make the best table topics winner first followed by the best speaker and best evaluator.  After the Meeting  Encourage the guests to come again. Check out our club website at Search our club name on Facebook: SU-Toast Chapter of Toastmasters International Page 12