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1@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Streaming Apps and Poison Pills:
handle the unexpected with Kafka Streams
28 Jul. 2020 - Online Kafka Meetup
2@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Software Engineer
Technical Officer @PubSapientEng
3@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Streaming Apps and Poison Pills
San Francisco, CA - October 2019
Ratatouille: handle the unexpected with Kafka Streams
4@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 4@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
> println(sommaire)
Incoming records may be corrupted, or cannot be
handled by the serializer / deserializer. These
records are referred to as “poison pills”
1. Log and Crash
2. Skip the Corrupted
3. Sentinel Value Pattern
4. Dead Letter Queue Pattern
5@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Ratatouille app, a delicious use case
6@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Ratatouille app, a delicious use case
7@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 7@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Streaming App Poison Pills
1. Log and Crash - Breakfast
2. Skip the Corrupted - Lunch
3. Sentinel Value Pattern - Drink
4. Dead Letter Queue Pattern - Dinner
8@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Apache Kafka Brokers / Clients
9@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Log and Crash
Exercise #1 - breakfast
10@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Really old systems receive raw bytes
directly from message queues
Exercise #1 - breakfast
11@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Really old systems receive raw bytes
directly from message queues
With Kafka (Connect and Streams)
we’d like to continuously transform
these messages
Kafka Connect
Kafka Brokers
Exercise #1 - breakfast
12@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Really old systems receive raw bytes
directly from message queues
With Kafka (Connect and Streams)
we’d like to continuously transform
these messages
But we need a deserializer with
special decoder to understand each
What happens if we get a buggy
implementation of the deserializer?
Kafka Connect
Kafka Brokers
Kafka Streams
Exercise #1 - breakfast
13@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
The Tooling Team
They will provide an appropriate deserializer
14@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #1: Breakfast
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Breakfast(lang: Lang,
fruit: Fruit,
liquid: Liquid,
pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder
15@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #1: Breakfast
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Breakfast(lang: Lang,
fruit: Fruit,
liquid: Liquid,
pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder
implicit lazy val BreakfastCodec: Codec[Breakfast] = new Codec[Breakfast] = ???
16@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #1: Breakfast
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Breakfast(lang: Lang,
fruit: Fruit,
liquid: Liquid,
pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder
implicit lazy val BreakfastCodec: Codec[Breakfast] = new Codec[Breakfast] = ???
class FoodOrderSerializer extends Serializer[FoodOrder] = ???
class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ???
17@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #1: Breakfast
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Breakfast(lang: Lang,
fruit: Fruit,
liquid: Liquid,
pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder
implicit lazy val BreakfastCodec: Codec[Breakfast] = new Codec[Breakfast] = ???
class FoodOrderSerializer extends Serializer[FoodOrder] = ???
class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ???
18@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
19@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Log and Crash
2019-04-17 03:43:12 macbook-de-lolo [ERROR] ( - Exception caught during
Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: input-food-order, partition: 0, offset: 109
Exception in thread "answer-one-breakfast-0d808ce7-0ef1-44c6-808a-f594bc7fceae-StreamThread-1"
org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Deserialization exception handler is set to fail upon a
deserialization error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline continue after a deserialization error, please
set the default.deserialization.exception.handler appropriately.
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordQueue.addRawRecords(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.PartitionGroup.addRawRecords(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.addRecords(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dishes: Insufficient number of elements: decoded 0 but should have
decoded 268435712
at scodec.Attempt$Failure.require(Attempt.scala:108)
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:22)
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15)
at org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer.deserialize(
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.deserializeValue(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
20@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Log and Crash
2019-04-17 03:43:12 macbook-de-lolo [ERROR] ( - Exception caught during
Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: exercise-breakfast, partition: 0, offset: 109
Exception in thread "answer-one-breakfast-0d808ce7-0ef1-44c6-808a-f594bc7fceae-StreamThread-1"
org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Deserialization exception handler is set to fail upon a
deserialization error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline continue after a deserialization error, please
set the default.deserialization.exception.handler appropriately.
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordQueue.addRawRecords(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.PartitionGroup.addRawRecords(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.addRecords(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dishes: Insufficient number of
elements: decoded 0 but should have decoded 268435712
at scodec.Attempt$Failure.require(Attempt.scala:108)
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:22)
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15)
at org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer.deserialize(
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.deserializeValue(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
21@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
|val frame1: Array[Byte] = Array(0x33, 0xd4, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa5)
|val frame2: Array[Byte] = Array(0x44, 0xd2, 0xfe, 0x10, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01)
22@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
|val frame1: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd4, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa5)
|val frame2: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd2, 0xfe, 0x10, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01)
23@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
|val frame1: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd4, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa5)
|val frame2: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd2, 0xfe, 0x10, x2, 0x03, 0x01)
|case class Meat(sausages: Int, bacons: Int, . . . )
24@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
▼ Change consumer group
▼ Manually update my offsets
▼ Reset my streaming app and set my auto reset to
▽ $ kafka-streams-application-reset ...
▼ Destroy the topic, no message = no poison pill
▽ $ kafka-topics --delete --topic ...
▼ My favourite <3
▽ $ confluent destroy && confluent start
Don’t Do
▼ Fill an issue and suggest a fix to the tooling team
25@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
26@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 26@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Log and Crash
Like all consumers, Kafka Streams applications
deserialize messages from the broker.
The deserialization process can fail. It raises an
exception that cannot be caught by our code.
Buggy deserializers have to be fixed before the
application restarts, by default ...
27@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Skip the Corrupted
Exercise #2 - lunch
28@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #2: Lunch
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Lunch(name: String, price: Double, `type`: LunchType) extends FoodOrder
29@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #2: Lunch
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Lunch(name: String, price: Double, `type`: LunchType) extends FoodOrder
● starter
● main
● dessert
30@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
31@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Skip the Corrupted
2019-04-17 03:43:12 macbook-de-lolo [ERROR] ( - Exception caught during
Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: exercise-breakfast, partition: 0, offset: 109
Exception in thread "answer-one-breakfast-0d808ce7-0ef1-44c6-808a-f594bc7fceae-StreamThread-1"
org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Deserialization exception handler is set to fail upon a
deserialization error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline continue after a
deserialization error, please set the default.deserialization.exception.handler
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordQueue.addRawRecords(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.PartitionGroup.addRawRecords(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.addRecords(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ... decoded 0 but should have decoded 268435712
at scodec.Attempt$Failure.require(Attempt.scala:108)
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:22)
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15)
at org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer.deserialize(
at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15)
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.deserializeValue(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
32@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 32@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
public class LogAndFailExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler
/* ... */
public class LogAndContinueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler
/* ... */
33@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
public class LogAndFailExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler
/* ... */
public class LogAndContinueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler
/* ... */
public interface DeserializationExceptionHandler extends Configurable {
DeserializationHandlerResponse handle(final ProcessorContext context,
final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record,
final Exception exception);
enum DeserializationHandlerResponse {
FAIL(1, "FAIL");
/* ... */
34@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
public class LogAndFailExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler
/* ... */
public class LogAndContinueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler
/* ... */
public interface DeserializationExceptionHandler extends Configurable {
DeserializationHandlerResponse handle(final ProcessorContext context,
final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record,
final Exception exception);
enum DeserializationHandlerResponse {
FAIL(1, "FAIL");
/* ... */
35@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
36@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 36@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
The Exception Handler in the call stack
Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞
37@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 37@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞
The Exception Handler in the call stack
38@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 38@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞
The Exception Handler in the call stack
39@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 39@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞
The Exception Handler in the call stack
40@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 40@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Skip the Corrupted
All exceptions thrown by deserializers are caught by
a DeserializationExceptionHandler
A handler returns Fail or Continue
You can implement your own Handler
But the two handlers provided by the library are
really basic… let’s explore other methods
41@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 41@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
All exceptions thrown by deserializers are caught by
a DeserializationExceptionHandler
A handler returns Fail or Continue
You can implement your own Handler
But the two handlers provided by the library are
really basic… let’s explore other methods
Skip the Corrupted
42@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Sentinel Value Pattern
Exercise #3 - drinks
43@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #3: Drink
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Drink(name: String,
quantity: Int,
`type`: DrinkType,
alcohol: Option[Double]) extends FoodOrder
44@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #3: Drink
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Drink(name: String,
quantity: Int,
`type`: DrinkType,
alcohol: Option[Double]) extends FoodOrder
● wine
● rhum
● beer
● champagne
● ...
45@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
We need to turn the deserialization process into a
pure transformation that cannot crash
To do so, we will replace corrupted message by a
sentinel value. It’s a special-purpose record (e.g: null,
None, Json.Null, etc ...)
Sentinel Value Pattern
f: G → H
46@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
We need to turn the deserialization process into a
pure transformation that cannot crash
To do so, we will replace corrupted message by a
sentinel value. It’s a special-purpose record (e.g: null,
None, Json.Null, etc ...)
This allows downstream processors to recognize and
handle such sentinel values
Sentinel Value Pattern
f: G → H
47@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
We need to turn the deserialization process into a
pure transformation that cannot crash
To do so, we will replace corrupted message by a
sentinel value. It’s a special-purpose record (e.g: null,
None, Json.Null, etc ...)
This allows downstream processors to recognize and
handle such sentinel values
With Kafka Streams this can be achieved by
implementing a Deserializer
Sentinel Value Pattern
f: G → H
48@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
case object FoodOrderError extends FoodOrder
class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ???
49@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
case object FoodOrderError extends FoodOrder
class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ???
class SentinelValueDeserializer extends FoodOrderDeserializer {
override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): FoodOrder =
Try(super.deserialize(topic, data)).getOrElse(FoodOrderErr)
50@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
51@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class FoodOrderSentinelValueProcessor extends ValueTransformer[FoodOrder, Unit] {
var sensor: Sensor = _
var context: ProcessorContext = _
def metricName(stat: String): MetricName = ???
override def init(context: ProcessorContext): Unit = {
this.context = context
this.sensor = this.context.metrics.addSensor("sentinel-value", INFO)
sensor.add(metricName("total"), new Total())
sensor.add(metricName("rate"), new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS, new Count()))
override def transform(value: FoodOrder): Unit = sensor.record()
52@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
53@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
54@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 54@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Sentinel Value Pattern
By implementing a custom serde we can create a safe
Downstreams now receive a sentinel value
indicating a deserialization error.
Errors can then be treated correctly, example:
monitoring the number of deserialization
errors with a custom metric
But we lost a lot of information about the error…
let’s see a last method
55@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 55@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Sentinel Value Pattern
By implementing a custom serde we can create a safe
Downstreams now receive a sentinel value
indicating a deserialization error.
Errors can then be treated correctly, example:
monitoring the number of deserialization
errors with a custom metric
But we lost a lot of information about the error…
let’s see a last method
56@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Dead Letter Queue Pattern
Exercise #4 - dinner
57@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
// Exercise #4: Dinner
sealed trait FoodOrder
case class Dinner(dish: Command,
zone: String,
moment: Moment,
maybeClient: Option[Client]) extends FoodOrder
58@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Dead Letter Queue Pattern
In this method we will let the deserializer fail.
For each failure we will send a message to a topic
containing corrupted messages.
Each message will have the original content of the
input message (for reprocessing) and additional
meta data about the failure.
With Kafka Streams this can be achieved by
implementing a DeserializationExceptionHandler
dead letter queue
input topic output topic
59@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler {
override def handle(context: ProcessorContext,
record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = {
60@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler {
override def handle(context: ProcessorContext,
record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = {
val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava)
producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ )
61@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler {
var topic: String = _
var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ???
override def handle(context: ProcessorContext,
record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = {
val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava)
producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ )
62@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler {
var topic: String = _
var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ???
override def handle(context: ProcessorContext,
record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = {
val headers = record.headers().toArray ++ Array[Header](
new RecordHeader("processing-time", ???),
new RecordHeader("hexa-datetime", ???),
new RecordHeader("error-message", ???),
val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava)
producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ )
63@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Fill the headers with some meta data
Value message to hexa
Event date and time
Food order category
64@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler {
var topic: String = _
var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ???
override def handle(context: ProcessorContext,
record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = {
val headers = record.headers().toArray ++ Array[Header](
new RecordHeader("processing-time", ???),
new RecordHeader("hexa-datetime", ???),
new RecordHeader("error-message", ???),
val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava)
producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ )
65@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler {
var topic: String = _
var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _
override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ???
override def handle(context: ProcessorContext,
record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]],
exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = {
val headers = record.headers().toArray ++ Array[Header](
new RecordHeader("processing-time", ???),
new RecordHeader("hexa-datetime", ???),
new RecordHeader("error-message", ???),
val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava)
producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ )
66@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
67@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
68@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
69@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 69@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Dead Letter Queue Pattern
You can provide your own implementation of
This lets you use the Producer API to write a
corrupted record directly to a quarantine topic.
Then you can manually analyse your corrupted
⚠Warning: This approach have side effects that are
invisible to the Kafka Streams runtime.
70@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 70@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Dead Letter Queue Pattern
You can provide your own implementation of
This lets you use the Producer API to write a
corrupted record directly to a quarantine topic.
Then you can manually analyse your corrupted
⚠Warning: This approach have side effects that are
invisible to the Kafka Streams runtime.
71@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Exercise #NaN - take aways
72@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 72@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
73@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 73@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Related Post
Kafka Connect Deep Dive – Error Handling and
Dead Letter Queues - by Robin Moffatt
Building Reliable Reprocessing and Dead Letter
Queues with Apache Kafka - by Ning Xia
Handling bad messages using Kafka's Streams API -
answer by Matthias J. Sax
74@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 74@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
When using Kafka, deserialization is the
responsibility of the clients.
These internal errors are not easy to catch
When it’s possible, use Avro + Schema Registry
When it’s not possible, Kafka Streams applies
techniques to deal with serde errors:
- DLQ: By extending a ExceptionHandler
- Sentinel Value: By extending a Deserializer
75@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
(Thank you)
76@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 76@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash
Photo by João Marcelo Martins on Unsplash
Photo by Jordane Mathieu on Unsplash
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash
Photo by Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash
Photo by Aneta Pawlik on Unsplash
77@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 77@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
With special thanks to
Robin M.
Sylvain L.
Giulia B.
78@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
How the generator works?
79@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng
Akka Http Server
Akka Actor System
Kafka Topic
Me, clicking
Akka Stream

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Streaming Apps and Poison Pills: handle the unexpected with Kafka Streams

  • 1. 1@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Streaming Apps and Poison Pills: handle the unexpected with Kafka Streams 28 Jul. 2020 - Online Kafka Meetup
  • 2. 2@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Loïc DIVAD Software Engineer @loicmdivad Technical Officer @PubSapientEng
  • 3. 3@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Streaming Apps and Poison Pills San Francisco, CA - October 2019 Ratatouille: handle the unexpected with Kafka Streams
  • 4. 4@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 4@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng > println(sommaire) Incoming records may be corrupted, or cannot be handled by the serializer / deserializer. These records are referred to as “poison pills” 1. Log and Crash 2. Skip the Corrupted 3. Sentinel Value Pattern 4. Dead Letter Queue Pattern
  • 5. 5@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Ratatouille app, a delicious use case Streaming APP
  • 6. 6@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Ratatouille app, a delicious use case Streaming APP
  • 7. 7@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 7@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Streaming App Poison Pills 1. Log and Crash - Breakfast 2. Skip the Corrupted - Lunch 3. Sentinel Value Pattern - Drink 4. Dead Letter Queue Pattern - Dinner
  • 9. 9@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Log and Crash Exercise #1 - breakfast
  • 10. 10@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Really old systems receive raw bytes directly from message queues 10100110111010101 Exercise #1 - breakfast
  • 11. 11@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Really old systems receive raw bytes directly from message queues With Kafka (Connect and Streams) we’d like to continuously transform these messages 10100110111010101 Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers Exercise #1 - breakfast
  • 12. 12@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Really old systems receive raw bytes directly from message queues With Kafka (Connect and Streams) we’d like to continuously transform these messages But we need a deserializer with special decoder to understand each event What happens if we get a buggy implementation of the deserializer? 10100110111010101 Kafka Connect Kafka Brokers Kafka Streams Exercise #1 - breakfast
  • 13. 13@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng The Tooling Team They will provide an appropriate deserializer
  • 14. 14@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #1: Breakfast sealed trait FoodOrder case class Breakfast(lang: Lang, fruit: Fruit, liquid: Liquid, pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder
  • 15. 15@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #1: Breakfast sealed trait FoodOrder case class Breakfast(lang: Lang, fruit: Fruit, liquid: Liquid, pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder implicit lazy val BreakfastCodec: Codec[Breakfast] = new Codec[Breakfast] = ???
  • 16. 16@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #1: Breakfast sealed trait FoodOrder case class Breakfast(lang: Lang, fruit: Fruit, liquid: Liquid, pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder implicit lazy val BreakfastCodec: Codec[Breakfast] = new Codec[Breakfast] = ??? class FoodOrderSerializer extends Serializer[FoodOrder] = ??? class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ???
  • 17. 17@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #1: Breakfast sealed trait FoodOrder case class Breakfast(lang: Lang, fruit: Fruit, liquid: Liquid, pastries: Vector[Pastry] = Vector.empty) extends FoodOrder implicit lazy val BreakfastCodec: Codec[Breakfast] = new Codec[Breakfast] = ??? class FoodOrderSerializer extends Serializer[FoodOrder] = ??? class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ??? org.apache.kafka.common.serialization Take Away
  • 19. 19@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Log and Crash 2019-04-17 03:43:12 macbook-de-lolo [ERROR] ( - Exception caught during Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: input-food-order, partition: 0, offset: 109 Exception in thread "answer-one-breakfast-0d808ce7-0ef1-44c6-808a-f594bc7fceae-StreamThread-1" org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Deserialization exception handler is set to fail upon a deserialization error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline continue after a deserialization error, please set the default.deserialization.exception.handler appropriately. at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordQueue.addRawRecords( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.PartitionGroup.addRawRecords( ... at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.addRecords( at Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dishes: Insufficient number of elements: decoded 0 but should have decoded 268435712 at scodec.Attempt$Failure.require(Attempt.scala:108) at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:22) at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15) at org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer.deserialize( at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15) at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.deserializeValue( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
  • 20. 20@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Log and Crash 2019-04-17 03:43:12 macbook-de-lolo [ERROR] ( - Exception caught during Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: exercise-breakfast, partition: 0, offset: 109 Exception in thread "answer-one-breakfast-0d808ce7-0ef1-44c6-808a-f594bc7fceae-StreamThread-1" org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Deserialization exception handler is set to fail upon a deserialization error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline continue after a deserialization error, please set the default.deserialization.exception.handler appropriately. at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordQueue.addRawRecords( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.PartitionGroup.addRawRecords( ... at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.addRecords( at Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: dishes: Insufficient number of elements: decoded 0 but should have decoded 268435712 at scodec.Attempt$Failure.require(Attempt.scala:108) at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:22) at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15) at org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer.deserialize( at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15) at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.deserializeValue( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
  • 21. 21@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng |val frame1: Array[Byte] = Array(0x33, 0xd4, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa5) |val frame2: Array[Byte] = Array(0x44, 0xd2, 0xfe, 0x10, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01)
  • 22. 22@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng |val frame1: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd4, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa5) |val frame2: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd2, 0xfe, 0x10, 0x02, 0x03, 0x01)
  • 23. 23@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng |val frame1: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd4, 0xfc, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xa5) |val frame2: Array[Byte] = Array( , 0xd2, 0xfe, 0x10, x2, 0x03, 0x01) |case class Meat(sausages: Int, bacons: Int, . . . )
  • 24. 24@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng ▼ Change consumer group ▼ Manually update my offsets ▼ Reset my streaming app and set my auto reset to LATEST ▽ $ kafka-streams-application-reset ... ▼ Destroy the topic, no message = no poison pill ▽ $ kafka-topics --delete --topic ... ▼ My favourite <3 ▽ $ confluent destroy && confluent start Don’t Do ▼ Fill an issue and suggest a fix to the tooling team
  • 26. 26@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 26@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Log and Crash Like all consumers, Kafka Streams applications deserialize messages from the broker. The deserialization process can fail. It raises an exception that cannot be caught by our code. Buggy deserializers have to be fixed before the application restarts, by default ...
  • 27. 27@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Skip the Corrupted Exercise #2 - lunch
  • 28. 28@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #2: Lunch sealed trait FoodOrder case class Lunch(name: String, price: Double, `type`: LunchType) extends FoodOrder
  • 29. 29@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #2: Lunch sealed trait FoodOrder case class Lunch(name: String, price: Double, `type`: LunchType) extends FoodOrder ● starter ● main ● dessert
  • 31. 31@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Skip the Corrupted 2019-04-17 03:43:12 macbook-de-lolo [ERROR] ( - Exception caught during Deserialization, taskId: 0_0, topic: exercise-breakfast, partition: 0, offset: 109 Exception in thread "answer-one-breakfast-0d808ce7-0ef1-44c6-808a-f594bc7fceae-StreamThread-1" org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Deserialization exception handler is set to fail upon a deserialization error. If you would rather have the streaming pipeline continue after a deserialization error, please set the default.deserialization.exception.handler appropriately. at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordQueue.addRawRecords( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.PartitionGroup.addRawRecords( ... at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamTask.addRecords( at Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: ... decoded 0 but should have decoded 268435712 at scodec.Attempt$Failure.require(Attempt.scala:108) at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:22) at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15) at org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Deserializer.deserialize( at fr.xebia.ldi.ratatouille.serde.BreakfastDeserializer.deserialize(BreakfastDeserializer.scala:15) at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.SourceNode.deserializeValue( at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.RecordDeserializer.deserialize(
  • 32. 32@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 32@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng public class LogAndFailExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler /* ... */ public class LogAndContinueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler /* ... */
  • 33. 33@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng public class LogAndFailExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler /* ... */ public class LogAndContinueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler /* ... */ public interface DeserializationExceptionHandler extends Configurable { DeserializationHandlerResponse handle(final ProcessorContext context, final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record, final Exception exception); enum DeserializationHandlerResponse { CONTINUE(0, "CONTINUE"), FAIL(1, "FAIL"); /* ... */ } } }
  • 34. 34@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng public class LogAndFailExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler /* ... */ public class LogAndContinueExceptionHandler implements DeserializationExceptionHandler /* ... */ public interface DeserializationExceptionHandler extends Configurable { DeserializationHandlerResponse handle(final ProcessorContext context, final ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]> record, final Exception exception); enum DeserializationHandlerResponse { CONTINUE(0, "CONTINUE"), FAIL(1, "FAIL"); /* ... */ } } } Take Away
  • 36. 36@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 36@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng The Exception Handler in the call stack Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞
  • 37. 37@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 37@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞ The Exception Handler in the call stack
  • 38. 38@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 38@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞ The Exception Handler in the call stack
  • 39. 39@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 39@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Powered by the Flow intelliJ plugin ➞ The Exception Handler in the call stack
  • 40. 40@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 40@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Skip the Corrupted All exceptions thrown by deserializers are caught by a DeserializationExceptionHandler A handler returns Fail or Continue You can implement your own Handler But the two handlers provided by the library are really basic… let’s explore other methods
  • 41. 41@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 41@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng All exceptions thrown by deserializers are caught by a DeserializationExceptionHandler A handler returns Fail or Continue You can implement your own Handler But the two handlers provided by the library are really basic… let’s explore other methods Skip the Corrupted Take Away
  • 42. 42@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Sentinel Value Pattern Exercise #3 - drinks
  • 43. 43@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #3: Drink sealed trait FoodOrder case class Drink(name: String, quantity: Int, `type`: DrinkType, alcohol: Option[Double]) extends FoodOrder
  • 44. 44@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #3: Drink sealed trait FoodOrder case class Drink(name: String, quantity: Int, `type`: DrinkType, alcohol: Option[Double]) extends FoodOrder ● wine ● rhum ● beer ● champagne ● ...
  • 45. 45@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng We need to turn the deserialization process into a pure transformation that cannot crash To do so, we will replace corrupted message by a sentinel value. It’s a special-purpose record (e.g: null, None, Json.Null, etc ...) Sentinel Value Pattern f: G → H G H
  • 46. 46@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng We need to turn the deserialization process into a pure transformation that cannot crash To do so, we will replace corrupted message by a sentinel value. It’s a special-purpose record (e.g: null, None, Json.Null, etc ...) This allows downstream processors to recognize and handle such sentinel values Sentinel Value Pattern f: G → H G H G H
  • 47. 47@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng We need to turn the deserialization process into a pure transformation that cannot crash To do so, we will replace corrupted message by a sentinel value. It’s a special-purpose record (e.g: null, None, Json.Null, etc ...) This allows downstream processors to recognize and handle such sentinel values With Kafka Streams this can be achieved by implementing a Deserializer Sentinel Value Pattern f: G → H G H G H null
  • 48. 48@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng case object FoodOrderError extends FoodOrder class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ???
  • 49. 49@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng case object FoodOrderError extends FoodOrder class FoodOrderDeserializer extends Deserializer[FoodOrder] = ??? class SentinelValueDeserializer extends FoodOrderDeserializer { override def deserialize(topic: String, data: Array[Byte]): FoodOrder = Try(super.deserialize(topic, data)).getOrElse(FoodOrderErr) }
  • 51. 51@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class FoodOrderSentinelValueProcessor extends ValueTransformer[FoodOrder, Unit] { var sensor: Sensor = _ var context: ProcessorContext = _ def metricName(stat: String): MetricName = ??? override def init(context: ProcessorContext): Unit = { this.context = context this.sensor = this.context.metrics.addSensor("sentinel-value", INFO) sensor.add(metricName("total"), new Total()) sensor.add(metricName("rate"), new Rate(TimeUnit.SECONDS, new Count())) } override def transform(value: FoodOrder): Unit = sensor.record() }
  • 54. 54@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 54@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Sentinel Value Pattern By implementing a custom serde we can create a safe Deserializer. Downstreams now receive a sentinel value indicating a deserialization error. Errors can then be treated correctly, example: monitoring the number of deserialization errors with a custom metric But we lost a lot of information about the error… let’s see a last method
  • 55. 55@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 55@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Sentinel Value Pattern By implementing a custom serde we can create a safe Deserializer. Downstreams now receive a sentinel value indicating a deserialization error. Errors can then be treated correctly, example: monitoring the number of deserialization errors with a custom metric But we lost a lot of information about the error… let’s see a last method Take Away
  • 56. 56@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Dead Letter Queue Pattern Exercise #4 - dinner
  • 57. 57@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng // Exercise #4: Dinner sealed trait FoodOrder case class Dinner(dish: Command, zone: String, moment: Moment, maybeClient: Option[Client]) extends FoodOrder
  • 58. 58@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Dead Letter Queue Pattern In this method we will let the deserializer fail. For each failure we will send a message to a topic containing corrupted messages. Each message will have the original content of the input message (for reprocessing) and additional meta data about the failure. With Kafka Streams this can be achieved by implementing a DeserializationExceptionHandler Streaming APP dead letter queue input topic output topic
  • 59. 59@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler { override def handle(context: ProcessorContext, record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = { }
  • 60. 60@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler { override def handle(context: ProcessorContext, record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = { val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava) producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ ) DeserializationHandlerResponse.CONTINUE }
  • 61. 61@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler { var topic: String = _ var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ??? override def handle(context: ProcessorContext, record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = { val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava) producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ ) DeserializationHandlerResponse.CONTINUE }
  • 62. 62@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler { var topic: String = _ var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ??? override def handle(context: ProcessorContext, record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = { val headers = record.headers().toArray ++ Array[Header]( new RecordHeader("processing-time", ???), new RecordHeader("hexa-datetime", ???), new RecordHeader("error-message", ???), ... ) val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava) producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ ) DeserializationHandlerResponse.CONTINUE }
  • 63. 63@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Fill the headers with some meta data 01061696e0016536f6d6500000005736f6d65206f Value message to hexa Restaurant description Event date and time Food order category
  • 64. 64@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler { var topic: String = _ var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ??? override def handle(context: ProcessorContext, record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = { val headers = record.headers().toArray ++ Array[Header]( new RecordHeader("processing-time", ???), new RecordHeader("hexa-datetime", ???), new RecordHeader("error-message", ???), ... ) val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava) producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ ) DeserializationHandlerResponse.CONTINUE }
  • 65. 65@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng class DeadLetterQueueFoodExceptionHandler() extends DeserializationExceptionHandler { var topic: String = _ var producer: KafkaProducer[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = _ override def configure(configs: util.Map[String, _]): Unit = ??? override def handle(context: ProcessorContext, record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], exception: Exception): DeserializationHandlerResponse = { val headers = record.headers().toArray ++ Array[Header]( new RecordHeader("processing-time", ???), new RecordHeader("hexa-datetime", ???), new RecordHeader("error-message", ???), ... ) val producerRecord = new ProducerRecord(topic, /*same key, value and ts,*/ headers.asJava) producer.send(producerRecord, /* Producer Callback */ ) DeserializationHandlerResponse.CONTINUE } Take Away
  • 69. 69@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 69@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Dead Letter Queue Pattern You can provide your own implementation of DeserializationExceptionHandler. This lets you use the Producer API to write a corrupted record directly to a quarantine topic. Then you can manually analyse your corrupted records ⚠Warning: This approach have side effects that are invisible to the Kafka Streams runtime.
  • 70. 70@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 70@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Dead Letter Queue Pattern You can provide your own implementation of DeserializationExceptionHandler. This lets you use the Producer API to write a corrupted record directly to a quarantine topic. Then you can manually analyse your corrupted records ⚠Warning: This approach have side effects that are invisible to the Kafka Streams runtime. Take Away
  • 72. 72@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 72@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng CONFLUENT FAQ Links XKE-RATATOUILLE
  • 73. 73@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 73@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Related Post Kafka Connect Deep Dive – Error Handling and Dead Letter Queues - by Robin Moffatt Building Reliable Reprocessing and Dead Letter Queues with Apache Kafka - by Ning Xia Handling bad messages using Kafka's Streams API - answer by Matthias J. Sax
  • 74. 74@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 74@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Conclusion When using Kafka, deserialization is the responsibility of the clients. These internal errors are not easy to catch When it’s possible, use Avro + Schema Registry When it’s not possible, Kafka Streams applies techniques to deal with serde errors: - DLQ: By extending a ExceptionHandler - Sentinel Value: By extending a Deserializer
  • 76. 76@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 76@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Images Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Photo by João Marcelo Martins on Unsplash Photo by Jordane Mathieu on Unsplash Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash Photo by Jakub Kapusnak on Unsplash Photo by Melissa Walker Horn on Unsplash Photo by Aneta Pawlik on Unsplash
  • 77. 77@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng 77@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng With special thanks to Robin M. Sylvain L. Giulia B.
  • 79. 79@loicmdivad @PubSapientEng Pure HTML Akka Http Server Akka Actor System Kafka Topic Exercise1 Exercise2 Me, clicking everywhere Akka Stream Kafka