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Stewart Baker Metaadata Research Paper
World is full of colors, it's like a rainbow that connect people to the world. There is no doubt that the
positive or negative point of views that people have of their lives are huge importance to each other.
Stewart Baker said, "Metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody's life. If you have
enough metadata, you don't really need content." Metadata is a data that record people's life, but
however, it cannot record people's life. Inside of people's brains, there are recorders that are called
memories, every valuable movements in in them. But for metadata is just a data. I disagree with
Stewart Baker because metadata is not a record of life, people cannot knowing others before they
actually knowing them, and metadata cannot record ... Show more content on ...
As life goes on, things get more complicated. People are growing up, they are no longer children,
but adults who face reality. Real life is nothing like fairy tales. Problems are not being easily solved
and confusions are everywhere. There is never a long period of rest and peace. People should always
be aware of everything preventing them to live an easy life. Life could not be record by metadata,
because it is too long and too complicated. Life is not just a piece of paper that list everything about
people who signed up for it. It's just like a map that tells people where they were in a certain age.
When people get old, they will not care about what they achieved. They will only care about the
beautiful memories they have. It is the most precious thing they have. It would be hard to live in a
life with only facts and without feelings. Because facts do not mean anything. The experiences and
feelings created facts. Without humanity, metadata means nothing but bunch of
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Data Retention In Australia
Governments have for centuries attempted to restrict the privacy of their citizens. For some time
now this has also included efforts to regulate citizens' communications data by means of collecting
and storing information gathered by providers of communication services. These efforts are referred
to as data retention measures and would grant law enforcement agencies unlimited access to this
data (Clarke, 2014).
Early this year (2015), the Australian Government amended its Telecommunications (Interception
and Access) Act in terms of Data Retention, commonly referred to as 'metadata'. The term metadata
has no formal definition in the Act but has been described as machine–produced data, expressed in
terms of data and content (ABC, 2015; Clarke, ... Show more content on ...
The retention of data will indeed make contact with sources challenging, and even frustrating.
However, when has investigative journalism ever been easy? Take Bob Woodward and Carl
Bernstein back in 1972 for example, who relied on unnamed confidential source 'Deep Throat' for
leads on the Watergate scandal involving then President Nixon. Investigative journalism has always
been discrete and conducted in a secretive fashion, so why should metadata retention stop or see a
decline in the work of undercover reporters? It most certainly should not. The media play an
essential role in democracy. It is now more than ever, the time for investigative journalists to
overcome these new obstacles and continue seeking truths and discovering secrets, even under the
watch of 'Big
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Resurrectionist Case Study Summary
Case Study: The Resurrectionists Collection at the New York Academy of Medicine "Most current digital
repositories ... do not have specific mandates for long term preservation, nor do they have the
necessary long–term budgets. Instead, they are mandated to support access and re–use in the near–
term future. Long term preservation may be one of their aims, or at least hopes and wishes, but it is
not (yet) a responsibility" (Digital Curation Centre and DigitalPreservationEurope, 2007, p. 2). The
New York Academy of Medicine created digital surrogates for several items in their collection,
hosted online by CONTENTdm. They now can be considered a digital repository. As they are a
relatively small organization, and somewhat new to managing digital collections, much of their
current focus for their digital collection is to support "access and re–use in the near–term future."
They have not yet been able to consider their plans for the long–term preservation of their digital
collection. ... Show more content on ...
The archivist did not know what kind or brand of external drive the files were stored on, nor did she
know the size of the drive, or the size of the digital collections. She informed me that the drive was
located in another building and it would be difficult for her to find out these details. There are no
backup files for any of these digital surrogates. The archivist noted that the NYAM was looking to
purchase a server for their digital collections because there were more digital images from the
conservation lab that were on an additional external drive, and she would like to have them all on
one place. She did not say that she wanted a server because she was worried about the stability of
the digital collections on the external hard
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The Importance Of Information On The Collection Of Data
Collection of data first
There are many reasons to be excited and not worried about the collection of user data from
websites and mobile applications. Since the beginning of 2017, there has been an increase in the
number of websites participating in the collection of user data, this is called metadata. Metadata is
extra information about data collected via website or application visits, it is a description of data
allowing businesses and developers to better understand, use and develop their customer experience.
Without the collection of data of website or application visits, businesses and developers would be
without feedback about the characteristics of their customers limiting the amount of improvements
possible for the service they ... Show more content on ...
Some may argue that metadata collection may become uncontrollable although, the collection of
personal data can easily be monitored to prevent misuse. Internet providers and the government can
easily monitor and prevent businesses and developers from collecting irrelevant personal data. In
fact government agencies in Australia are already accessing metadata according to Sydney Morning
Herald "Agencies accessed metadata 330,640 times in 2012–13 – an 11 per cent increase in a year
and a jump of 31 per cent over two years" (Grubb & Massola, 2014).
Product relevant personal data should definitely be allowed for collection via businesses as product
relevant personal data provides business with vital information about their online customer bases
and current products. For example, a clothing store that collects relevant personal data may be
collecting the age and gender of their website visitors. If the data collected from the clothing store
showed an increase in 30 to 40–year–old female visitors the data could influence the businesses
decisions, resulting in the business stocking more of female clothing for 30 to 40 year old females.
Through information like this businesses and developers can develop a long–term and short–term
vison easily using metadata
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Metadata Quality : Importance, Standards, Assessment, And...
Metadata Quality: Importance, Standards, Assessment, and Challenges
Metadata is a vital aspect of information organization today. Without quality metadata, the worth of
collections is diminished and the ability for records to be used is non–existent (Park & Tosaka,
2010). Thus, metadata is the cornerstone of library systems, and it is imperative for academic
research. Further, if standards for metadata are not established, there is no agreed upon quality,
making interoperability of records impossible (Park, 2009). Despite the obvious importance of
quality metadata, little work has been done to develop a standard or best practice guideline. The
National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has established six principles that make up ...
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Thus, metadata quality cannot be assessed by a full MARC record. Instead, catalogers must use
other assessment methods. For instance, Bruce and Hillman assess quality metadata through a seven
layer framework: completeness, accuracy, provenance, conformance to expectations, logical
consistency and coherence, timeliness, and accessibility (David & Thomas, 2015). A different
proposal from Stvilia and Gasser (2008) propose a system of assessment that analyzes metadata
records both empirically and analytically. This allows records to have sound metadata quality, but
does not require a quality above what is functional for a record. Zschocke and Beniest (2011)
advocate a quality assurance method that utilizes peer–review and automation to check metadata
while it is being created. One of the leading tools used to evaluate metadata currently is its
usefulness to end–users. If end–users are supplied with numerous application of records, then the
quality of the metadata is higher than a record whose applications for an end–user are minute (Park
& Tosaka, 2010). The study of Park and Tosaka (2010) reveals that the most commonly used
assessment of metadata is the application of accuracy and consistency. If a record is accurate and
consistent, it is valued over a complete record because accuracy and consistency can be checked and
assessed on all record types, unlike other forms of assessment. Intrigued by Tosaka and Park, three
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NSA Spying
NSA Spying – What is Metadata and What Does the Law Say? Technology is in everything we do
from using our home refrigerator, washer, cellular device, automobile, and or computer systems.
When using certain devices you pass information to others pertaining to personal and private
information. This information or metadata could be a bank account or credit card number, pin, and
or password that we unconsciously share. We randomly give away this information at a dentist or
doctor's office, the local liquor store, or when we visit social media sites like Instagram, Facebook,
Yahoo, and or Google. This information is all collected, stored, and tracked by big brother, and what
are they doing with it, is the metadata being secured, American's may never know. Disturbingly the
National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting metadata on Americans personal telephones
and electronics devices for several years. This collection was happening before the NSAAnalyst
Edward Snowden leaked these facts to the world in late 2013. The NSA was formed in the 1950's,
and during this time frame the NSA disseminated intelligence information from electronic signals
for foreign and counter intelligence purposes, which supported the American military needs.
Currently the NSA has refocused their spying tactics to technology driven devices. The NSA has an
extensive "telephone–metadata program, since 2001, and they collect phone records of virtually all
Americans" (Lizza, 2013). Email and Social
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Business Intelligence and Technology
In modern business, vast amounts of data are accumulated, which makes the decision–making
process complicated. It is a major mutual concern for all business and IT sector companies to change
the existing situation of "mass data, poor knowledge" and support better business decision–making
and help enterprises increase profits and market share. Business intelligence technologies have
emerged at such challenging times. Business today has compelled the enterprises to run different but
coexisting information systems.
ETL plays an important role in BI project today. ETL stands for extraction, transformation and
ETL is a process that involves the following tasks: Extracting data from source operational or
archive systems which are the primary source of data for the data warehouse; transforming the data
– which may involve cleaning, filtering, validating and applying business rules; loading the data into
a data warehouse or any other database or application that houses data.
ETL Tools provide facility to extract data from different non–coherent systems, transform (cleanse
& merge it) and load into target systems. The main goal of maintaining an ETL process in an
organization is to migrate and transform data from the source OLTP systems to feed a data
warehouse and form data marts. ETL process is the basis of BI and it is a prime decisive factor for
success or failure of BI.
Today, the organization has a wide variety of ETL tools to choose from market.
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Task D. Sunshine Group
Task D
Sunshine Group has a multiple sales channels operating in Australian, New Zealand and Argentinian
Importance and Need of ETL
ETL Process
Extraction, Transformation, and Loading processes are responsible for the operations taking place in
the back stage of a data warehouse architecture. In a broader aspect, initially the data is extracted
from the source data stores which could be On–Line Transaction Processing or Legacy system, files
of any formats, web pages or any other documents like spreadsheets or text documents. In this step,
only the data which is different from the previous execution of ETL process (newly inserted,
updated) gets extracted from the sources. Next, the extracted data is sent to Data Staging Area where
the data is transformed and cleaned. Finally, the data is loaded to the central data warehouse and all
its counterparts e.g., data marts and views. (Kabiri & Chiadmi 2013, p.1)
Need of ETL Process
ETL is a critical component in DW environment. Indeed, it is widely recognized that building ETL
processes, during DW project, are expensive regarding time and money. ETL consume up to 70% of
resources. Interestingly reports and analyses a set of studies proving this fact. In other side, it is well
known too, that the accuracy and the correctness of data, which are parts of ETL responsibility, are
key factors of the success or failure of DW projects. (Kabiri & Chiadmi 2013, p.1)
Potential problems that may be encountered performing
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Integrating Data Of A Heterogeneous And Real Time It...
Webinars Reports
Integrating Data in a Heterogeneous and Real–Time IT Environment
Summary and Evaluation
Technology has changed vastly in the last fifty years. These changes can be seen in many areas such
as airline reservation systems, automated teller machines, mobile phones, the internet, world wide
web and sensor networks. These sources generate a lot of data; heterogeneous data means coming
from different sources. Businesses have focused on automating their processes, and they have
realized that data integration is becoming complicated. Thus, it is important to understand how to
integrate and analyze data in real–time.
In this webinar, speaker Colin White talks about the Integration of data into a heterogeneous
environment as well ... Show more content on ...
The main goal of this real–time data operation intelligence is to eliminate the data warehousing
latencies. By achieving this, the organization can make better decisions hence able to make more
rapid decisions.
The security factor in data warehousing is a main area to focus on. Colin discusses an example of a
company that was highly charged due to not using the fraud detecting system. Thus, the company
faced a $45 million fraud because of poor security. To clarify, two people took $45 Million from an
ATM Scheme; they used two card numbers to steal the money. However, the banks didn't detect the
fraud because their data integration system was inefficient.
Operational intelligence workflow is also discussed in detail with its 3 types of environments. There
are three types of environment; the first one is data warehouse environment, where the data aren't
changing. This is where the data is analyzed because it is at rest. The other two are operating
systems and real–time analysis platforms, where we can make models, analyze data, and make the
analysis. The Analytics and alerts along with the recommendations are shaped by analyzing
Enterprise Data warehouses. Operational dashboard shows what is going on with our business and
what changes we should make. This output is sent to the users via nearby RT operational
Colin lists four options for data integration. There are four approaches of OI; the first one is
Enterprise DW which has a
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Security Issues Dealing With Metadata
Security Issues Dealing with Metadata Most companies and government agencies are collecting and
storing massive amounts of information dealing with all aspects of everyday life. This information
ranges from an individual's movements, captured on a city's traffic cams, to details of what someone
purchased at the local grocery store. Most of the information is random and anonymous however,
there may be large amounts of personally identifiable information (PII) such as email addresses,
birth dates, and bank card numbers as well (Damiani, Ardagna, Zavatarelli, Rekleitis, & Marinos,
2016). The type and quality of information as well as the natures of the organizations collecting
makes this "Metadata" a desirable target for cybercriminals. The ... Show more content on ...
The second security issue involves dishonest workers. The collection, storage, and processing of
petabytes of data requires countless workers of varying skill levels and backgrounds. It is a
formidable task to investigate and certify the integrity of each of these workers and the difficulty of
this task is compounded by the use of external contractors and service providers. The information
they are working with, adds to the problem. Although most of it is benign and mundane, it can still
provide valuable marketing data to competitors (Parms, 2015). If, on the other hand, embarrassing
personal information could be linked to someone famous, it could be quite profitable to the
dishonest employee who leaks it. The third security issue involves poorly trained or novice
employees. These employees are more likely to fall victim to social engineering or phishing
schemes that can compromise your network. They are also more likely to make unintentionally
make mistakes that can delete or corrupt the data stored on your network (Damiani, Ardagna,
Zavatarelli, Rekleitis, & Marinos, 2016). The final security issue concerns an outside attack. These
attacks can be used to disrupt the business or to penetrate the network and steal information.
Although the anonymous information is
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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives
Introduction Today was a typical day for me. I woke up and started looking through my email and
schedule on Gmail. I did a daily reading in my Jesus Calling App specifically for today, took a
shower and reviewed my homework assignment on the UMUC website. Later I went for a run and
tracked my mileage on Strava and noticed my friend Mike logged a bike ride yesterday so I gave
him a "thumbs up." Later, as I returned to my schoolwork I noticed some pop up ads for new places
to visit in Florida since I just returned there and used my Waze and Trip Advisor to get me around.
Technology has become an important part of our lives and behind the scenes, meta–data helps track
and control our daily experience online. Who I email, what appointments I have with whom, what
products I search on, what movies I look up, where I ran today, and what places I visited last
weekend are just a few things that meta–data and cookies can reveal about me. Even online dating
and searching preferences is stores through Match websites. Businesses can get an important edge
over me and recommend more catered options for me that I might not been aware of. On the other
hand, I may not want businesses knowing my exact location on daily basis or what women I prefer
as a single man. What if someone got a hold of this information and used it against me. The same
economic advantage for businesses can also be a major threat against personal and businesses
security. Should lawmakers regulate the way meta–data and
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Data Catalog For Enterprise Geodatabase
Summary: Spatial information is usable when it has metadata, as it is straightforward to follow and
find datasets. GIS data catalog for Enterprise Geodatabase is a project which allows acquiring
information regarding the availability of GIS datasets and related properties such as quality,
description, the point of contact, extent, etc. The audience for the project are the internal customers
looking for data. Managing spatial metadata records are critical for maintaining an organization 's
investment in spatial data. Since the year 2009, UServices support terabytes of data. However, the
data does not consist of metadata. The data is occasionally inconsistent, foreign or obsolete. Data
catalog will allow them as a department to achieve the following goals: Support a high quality of
data Supports decision–making Provide consistent information to the customers. Provide an
inventory of data assets Help figure and keep up the value of data Help decide the reliability and
currency of data Document legal issue Help plan budget In my opinion, this research has contributed
to the organization and personal development. This project is a package of individual growth in
addition to organizational growth. Personal Experience: Metadata – a set of data, that describes and
gives information regarding other data. In technical and undergrad degree program, the fundamental
concept of metadata was introduced. Due to lack of practical
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A Cloud Provider
Setting basic information in the hands of a cloud supplier ought to accompany the assurance of
security and accessibility for information very still, in movement, and being used. A few choices
exist for capacity administrations, while information secrecy answers for the database as an
administration standard are still youthful. We propose a novel construction modeling that
coordinates cloud database administrations with information secrecy and the likelihood of executing
simultaneous operations on scrambled information. This is th first arrangement supporting
geologically disseminated customers to join straightforwardly to a scrambled cloud database, and to
execute simultaneous and autonomous operations including those adjusting the database structure.
The proposed building design has the further favorable position of wiping out middle of the road
intermediaries that cutoff the versatility, accessibility, and adaptability properties that are inborn in
cloud–based arrangements. The viability of the proposed construction modeling is assessed through
hypothetical examinations and broad test results in view of a model usage subject to the TPC–C
standard benchmark for diverse quantities of customers and system latencies.
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Website Metadata Untold Secrets : What Make Content...
Website Metadata untold secrets.
What make content shareable?
This question came to our attention a few days ago, several members were complaining about their
content not getting shared on the social media network.
So, without hesitation, we offered our help in finding the cause of this considerable problem. To our
astonishment, we discovered that in nine out of ten cases it was because they had a meager or no
metadata on their website.
For most infopreneur and webmasters like us, digital marketing is the engine that drives our
business. In other words, we need people to share content from our blog or website with their
friends and followers on their social network. We also share our own blog or website to attract
visitors and clicks. We ... Show more content on ...
You have to understand that metadata is the billboard on the side of the road that announces what is
coming up ahead. It tells the approaching visitors not only you have a website or blog, but also what
they will find on your site.
Metadata has two principal functions.
1– To help visitors scan the page and decide if they want to visit your site.
2– To help search engines find and advertise the page.
This is so important for any website or business that want people to read, watch and share their
That is the reason we want to give you some very important guidelines to utilize on your site.
If you did pass the test and are satisfy with your metadata, well, good for you keep up the good
However, if you did not pass the test here's how you can start.
How can metadata make your content shareable?
Metadata have three fundamental components:
1–Page Title (or Title tag),
2–Description (or Meta Description)
Some of them are invisible and resides in the codes of your web pages.
Keywords, for example, can only be seen is by viewing the page source and looking at the tag, it
will look like this:
When sharing a web page on social media network, you will see a preview of the content, it
normally displays a picture, a title, source name and a short description. The preview reflects exactly
the quality of the metadata of that site, and the good news is you are the maker and have absolute
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Types Of Simulation Software, And Investigating Software...
There are many types of simulation software, and investigating software component metadata for all
of them is infeasible. The scope of this research is restricted to one important class of simulation
software, the area of semi–automated forces (SAF) systems. As Petty describes in [14], semi–
automated forces (SAF) systems are computer software systems to generate and control autonomous
entities (such as tanks, soldiers, or aircraft) in a simulation using a combination of behavior
generation algorithms and human operator commands. The SAF entities exist in a battlefield that is
a simulated subset of the real world, so the physical events and phenomena on the battlefield must
be modeled. SAF–controlled entities should obey the laws of physics. The accuracy of the SAF
physics models is important to the utility of the simulation. Exactly how accurate those models must
be, depends on how the system will be used. It is not uncommon when the real time performance of
the simulation is more important than high accuracy, to have high fidelity models replaced with
lower fidelity models based on look–up tables. Figure 1.1 A screenshot from ModSAF, a SAF
system. An important example of semi–automated forces is One Semi–Automated Forces
(OneSAF). In [15] Parsons states that OneSAF is the U. S. Army's newest constructive battlefield
simulation and SAF system. OneSAF is intended to replace a number of legacy entity–based
simulations and to serve a range of applications including
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The Necration Of Mass Information : Metadata, And The Use...
Government organizations, as revealed by Edward Snowden, are routinely recording the metadata of
its patrons and international communications. Metadata is the accumulation of mass information
most likely done by intelligence agencies which collect raw data about all individuals in an
indiscriminate manner. The agencies must use algorithms or social sorting techniques to filter the
patterns of information into meaningful data. Social sorting is the review of data for desirable and
undesirable characteristics. It is a filtration aimed to collect information that can be used for finding
desirable and undesirable information. Further, the NSA utilized a system called PRISM which
enabled them to decrypt communication information for their ... Show more content on ...
The privacy of individuals is infringed upon by their own governments with many people unaware
that they are being ruled, rather than ruling themselves. The actions of individuals or organizations
are being pre–determined for advantages toward the state using a covert panoptical surveillance.
This research has focused on the disciplinary powers relative to the use of panopticon surveillance
through CCTV and metadata technologies. Discipline amongst the masses has been of interest for
governments since early societal developments. With the growth of technology, we may argue that
the disciplinary society has gone too far with the development of new technologies which is now
infringing on our personal privacy. These technologies have panoptic properties since it is the
relatively few, watching the many. The first technology examined is the use of CCTV cameras.
CCTV cameras utilize both covert and overt operations of vertical surveillance that contribute to the
panoptical gaze when we leave the comfort of our private space. CCTV cameras have been justified
within society since there is an increasing need for them in solving crimes, and for internal business
use. We found that the best way to enforce discipline among the usage of CCTV cameras is within
the strategic placement of the device along with signage
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Data Warehouse Case Study
Case Study: A Data Warehouse for an Academic Medical Center
Jonathan S. Einbinder, MD, MPH; Kenneth W. Scully, MS; Robert D. Pates, PhD; Jane R. Schubart,
MBA, MS; Robert E. Reynolds, MD, DrPH
ABSTRACT The clinical data repository (CDR) is a frequently updated relational data warehouse
that provides users with direct access to detailed, flexible, and rapid retrospective views of clinical,
administrative, and financial patient data for the University of Virginia Health System. This article
presents a case study of the CDR, detailing its five–year history and focusing on the unique role of
data warehousing in an academic medical center. Specifically, the CDR must support multiple
missions, including research and education, in addition to ... Show more content on
There has also been increasing interest in using the CDR to serve a broader audience than
researchers and to support management and administrative functions–"to meet the challenge of
providing a way for anyone with a need to know–at every level of the organization–access to
accurate and timely data necessary to support effective decision making, clinical research, and
process improvement."4 In the area of education, the CDR has become a core teaching resource for
the Department of Health Evaluation Science's master's program and for the School of Nursing.
Students use the CDR to understand and master informatics issues such as data capture,
vocabularies, and coding, as well as to perform
Case Study: A Data Warehouse for an Academic Medical Center
exploratory analyses of healthcare questions. Starting in Spring 2001, the CDR will also be
introduced into the university's undergraduate medical curriculum.
System Description
Following is a brief overview of the CDR application as it exists at the University of Virginia.
System Architecture. The CDR is a relational data warehouse that resides on a Dell PowerEdge
1300 (Dual Intel 400MHz processors, 512MB RAM) running the Linux operating system and
Sybase 11.9.1 relational database management system. For storage, the system uses a Dell
Powervault 201S 236GB RAID Disk Array. As of
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Unit 1.4 Research
1.4 Research Issues and Challenges Spatial data is a costly resource to generate and maintain, spatial
data consumers have been unable to accurately and conveniently link with other spatial data users to
share and discover useful and relevant data. There is problem of insufficient and inappropriate
metadata available for the clearinghouse, metadata problems impact on effective spatial data use.
The following are examples of issues associated with spatial metadata: Metadata records are absent
or incomplete for some datasets. In such cases, if the contents or structure of the acquired data is
difficult to understand, the user could be limited in effective use of the data. For instance, the
metadata may contain missing elements such as: spatial reference information, scale, data currency
and data originator contact details. If such relevant information like spatial reference is missing, this
could delay or prevent further application of the data [27]. ... Show more content on
Metadata should be as current as the data. In other words, when data is created or edited, its
metadata should .immediately be created or updated to reflect data changes. However, creating and
updating metadata requires a substantial quantity of work and time. For this reason, data holdings
are largely left unchecked for their appropriate age and structure to verify which data should be
maintained, updated or deleted. Therefore, institutional spatial data memory could be lost through
inappropriate storage of metadata records. Furthermore, outdated metadata could misinform and
confuse users about the data
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Government Surveillance
Government Surveillance and Our Privacy
In the world we live in today, the general populous is being spied on constantly. In the name of
national security, our government is turning our electronic devices against us. This precedent was
started in 1992 with the DEA collecting the metadata from all US calls to countries linked to drug
trafficking (Heath 1). The DEA gathered the information without the approval of the courts,
analyzed the data and put them into large databases and investigative reports. This arm of the DEA
was only shut down in 2013 due to turmoil from documents leaked by Edward Snowden. From this
point on many legislations have been passed authorizing the bulk collection of americans' data,
which is a direct violation of our ... Show more content on ...
The answer is yes, it is possible to maintain a modicum of privacy on the internet and cryptography
is the mechanism to do so. Cryptography, however, has a bit of a dilemma. How is it possible to
send your cryptographic key over an insecure medium, such as the internet, without it being
intercepted. Thanks to the work of Diffie and Hellman we now have a way to exchange
cryptographic keys with an eavesdropping third party without said third party knowing the key
(Hoffstein, Pipher, Silverman 65). To explain how the Diffie–Hellman key exchange works I first
have to establish a cast of characters, Joseph, NSA, and Thomas. When Joseph and Thomas want to
exchange cryptographic keys over the internet without the NSA knowing what it is, they must agree
on a prime number represented by p, and a number greater than zero represented by g (Hoffstein,
Pipher, Silverman 66). Numbers p and g are public knowledge and the NSA has. Thomas and Joseph
then select numbers that they don't reveal. For Thomas the secret number is represented by a, and
for Joseph the secret number is represented by b. To generate the key Joseph plugs his values into
the equation A= ga(mod p) and thomas plugs his values into the equation B= gb(mod p). Thomas
and Joseph exchange these values, again with the NSA intercepting, and do some further calculation
to make the key. Thomas takes Joseph's value and
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Anthem Blue Cross And Blue Shield
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield focus on helping members get healthy and stay healthy. They
serve you in the best way they can, each year they look closely at the medical care and programs
that is best for you. They measure their quality and safety. The process of figuring out how to
improve your care is called Quality Improvement programs. Anthem cares about the member's
satisfaction with their medical care, delivery of care, their doctors, health plan and service they
Anthem goals are:
All our members get quality health care service
We understand all our members' cultures and languages
We work to improve the health of our members
Meta–data provides support in order to deliver key ... Show more content on ...
The type of data is created and used by tools and applications that create, manage, and use data.
Technical metadata includes database systems names, table and column names and sizes, data types
and allowed value, and structural information such as foreign key attributes. Alex Berson and Larry
Dubov; The benefits of metadata and implementing a metadata management strategy;
Operational metadata contains information that is available in operational systems and run–time
environments. It contains data file size, data and time of last load, updates, backup's names of
operational procedures and scripts.
Metadata is not bad it just misunderstood. It is essential in making a file parable, without it, we
would not know where on our compute a file is stored, its filename, or other necessary information.
Metadata can be found in WordPerfect, PDF, and image and video files that you create with a GPS
enable device such as a smartphone. Donna Payne; Metadata: The Good, the Bad, and the
Misunderstood; vol. 30 No. 2.
Metadata is used by the government to know all your secrets like emails, mobile phone, Facebook,
and web browsers. Metadata is a software the government uses to identify what you are doing. I
don't think it is such a bad idea for the government to track your every moment. It's not like they are
following you around on foot and spying on you. It is just a control software they use to identify
certain security features people use every
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Questions On The And Football
E.g.:– Gagan plays football. In this sentence, Gagan is object, plays is his property and football is
Football plays Gagan
Ontology: – Ontology is abbreviated as FESC which means Formal, Explicit, specification of shared
conceptualization. [11].
Formal specifies that it should be machine understandable. Explicit defines the type of constraints
used in model. Shared defines that ontology is not for individual, it is for group. Conceptualization
means model of some phenomenon that identifies relevant concept of that phenomenon.
Inference: – It is defined as producing new data from existing one or to reach some conclusion. E.g.:
Adios is a French word which is replaced by Good bye that is understandable by user.
Figure3:"SW Architecture"
3.3 Semantic Web Technologies
SW technologies are listed below:–
 XML: – XML is extensible language that allows users to create their own tags to documents. It
provides syntax for content structure within documents. XML Schema: – It is language for defining
XML documents. XML document is a tree.
 RDF: – It stands for Resource Description Framework. It is simple language to express data
models which refers to objects and their relationships. These models are called RDF Models.
Both XML and RDF deal with Metadata which is data about other data. Raw data is stored in some
repository called as Database Storage. Then Information Extraction techniques like KM solutions
generate metadata. But in
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How To Publish Metadata Endpoints For A WCF Service?
To publish metadata endpoints for a WCF service, you first must add the Service
Metadata Behavior service behavior to the service. Adding a system service model description
service metadata behavior instance allows your service to expose metadata endpoints. Once you add
the system service model description service metadata behavior service behavior, you can then
expose metadata endpoints that support the
MEX protocol or that respond to HTTP/GET requests. The system service model description service
metadata behavior uses a Wsdl Exporter to export metadata for all service endpoints in your service.
For more information about exporting metadata from a service, see exporting and importing
The system service model description service ... Show more content on ...
The policy version property can also be set to
Policy12. When set to Policy15 the metadata exporter generates policy information with the
metadata that" conforms to WS–Policy 1.5. When set to
Policy12 the metadata exporter generates policy information that conforms to
WS–Policy 1.2.
6. Add the service metadata behavior instance to the service host's behaviors collection. 7. Add the
metadata exchange endpoint to the service host.
8. Add an application endpoint to the service host.
9. Open the service host and wait for incoming calls. When the user presses
ENTER, close the service host.
10. Build and run the console application.
Use Internet Explorer to browse to the base address of the service
(http://localhost:8001/MetadataSample in this sample) and verify that the metadata publishing is
turned on. You should see a Web page displayed that says "Simple
Service" at the top and immediately below "You have created a service." If not, a message at the top
of the resulting page displays: "Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled." (WCF)
Retrieving Metadata
You can use Svcutil.exe to download metadata from running services and to save the metadata to
local files. For HTTP and HTTPS URL schemes, Svcutil.exe attempts to retrieve metadata using
WS–Metadata Exchange and XML web service discovery. For all other URL schemes, Svcutil.exe
uses only WS–Metadata Exchange.
By default, Svcutil.exe uses the bindings defined in
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Demographics And Its Impact On Health And Health
In my research, I discovered that population trends will dramatically impact healthcare. Simply put
the more people who exists the more healthcare that is required. Population is not the only factor
and other sub factors of population such as age, race, and ethnicity or demographics and they also
have an impact on Healthcare. For example, the population of people in the U.S. over the age of 65
in 1950 was only 8.1% of the total population. The trend of that number is expected to rise to 20.2%
by 2050. Geographic trends can assist healthcare professionals where to focus their educational
efforts in terms of healthcare availability. Psychographics' examines the consumer or the factors that
motive them such as values, attitudes, beliefs, motions, interests, and personalities.
Demographic trends can be used to target specific gender and ethnic groups from a healthcare
perspective. An example of this targeted healthcare is research showed that males, both non–
Hispanic and Hispanic, in the Michigan area where "disproportionately affected by cancer"
(Kodjebacheva, Blankenship, Hayman Jr, & Parker, 2016). The application of this is by knowing
this data and data similar to it, we will be able to have focused HealthCare to the demographics that
statistically need it more than others.
The study of Geographic trends will allow us to better understand physically where healthcare
resources are lacking compared to other typically developed areas. An example of application here
is a study
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Theodore Roosevelt And The Roosevelt Center
Theodore Roosevelt during his life would spend time in North Dakota to hunt buffalo and settled in
a ranch there for some years as he found a renowned interest in the area he called his "second
home". In 2005, Dickinson State University (DSU) began to explore the legacy of the 26th President
as a tribute to his historical legacy and admiration to the territory that the university resides today.
As a result the Theodore Roosevelt Center was founded in 2007 at the university. In essence the
Theodore Roosevelt Center was founded to manage Roosevelt's archives as like many prior
presidents, he did not have an established presidential library. Many of his papers were scattered in
archives around the country including the Library of Congress, Harvard University, six national
parks, and in smaller collections at numerous other repositories. In 2008, DSU began a partnership
with the Library of Congress to digitize the Library's vast holdings related to Theodore Roosevelt,
with the intent to make them freely available online. Its broad audience scope is to attract everyone
from scholars and schoolchildren, enthusiasts and interested citizens and to provide well organized
high quality reference material to enthusiastic seekers of our 16th president. The physical library is
expected to open in 2019 but is available online.
Recognizing the significance of the contributions being made by Dickinson State University in
preserving and promoting Roosevelt's legacy, in the spring of 2013 the
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Web Service : Database Objects Implementation
A Report on 'PeopleProfile Web Service – Database objects implementation'
American Express India Pvt. Ltd.
Submitted by
Priya Venkatraman
PRN: 14030241027
MBA (IT Business Management)
Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology
(A constituent member of Symbiosis International University (SIU), est., under Section 3 of UGC
Act, 1956 by Notification No. F.9–12/2001–U–3 of Govt. of India)
Year of submission 2015
Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology
A constituent member of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) (SIDU), Est. Under Section
3 of UGC Act, 1956 by Notification No. F.9–12/2001–U–3 of Govt. of India
This is to certify that the project entitled "PeopleProfile Web Service – Database objects
Implementation" is a bonafide work done by Ms. Priya Venkatraman, PRN–14030241027 of MBA
ITBM (2014–2016) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business
Administration of this Institute.
Internal Evaluator External Evaluator Director
Prof. Dr. Sudhir Sharan Name & Signature Dr. Dhanya Promod
Date: / / 2015
Place: Pune
Seal of the Institute
It is my great pleasure to present my work on the summer training project at American Express India
Pvt. Ltd. It has been a truly fantastic and enriching experience to be associated with the
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my guide
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Run-Time Array Bound Checking Essay
A Review of Run–Time Array Bound Checking Techniques Shaan Shetty School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering Cornell University, Ithaca NY ABSTRACT C has been
the most popular programming language for the last several decades due to its simplicity and
superior performance. Due to this reason, most legacy software is in C. But in recent times, several
breaches in security and reliability have been found to occur due to lack of memory safety of the C
programming language. Memory–corruption bugs in programs can breach security, and faults in
kernel extensions can bring down the entire operating system. Modern languages such as C# and
Java enforce memory safety and hence prevent these security vulnerabilities. ... Show more content
on ...
Austin, Scott E. Breach, and Gurindar S. Sohi [1]. The idea here is to augment the pointer
representation in memory with the bounds of the pointer's target. Spatial safety is enforced by
checking these bounds whenever a pointer is dereferenced. These fat pointers consist of the
following parameters, value: The value of the safe pointer; it may contain any expressible address.,
base and size: The base address of the referent and its size in bytes, storageClass: The storage class
of the allocation, either Heap, Local, or Global., capability: When dynamic variables are created,
either through explicit storage allocation (e.g., calls to malloc()) or through procedure invocations
(i.e., a procedure call creates the local variables in the stack frame of the procedure), a unique
capability is issued to that storage allocation. The value attribute is the only safe pointer member
that can be manipulated by the program source; all other members are inaccessible. base and size are
the spatial attributes. storageClass and capability are the temporal attributes. 1.2 CCured CCured is a
program transformation system that adds memory safety guarantees to C programs. It was proposed
by George C. Necula, Jeremy Condit, Matthew Harren, Scott Mcpeak, and Westley Weimer[2]. This
approach classifies pointers as WILD, SEQ and SAFE depending on their usage modes. Pointers
which require null check before dereference are classified as
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National Security Agency Surveillance
In January of 2014, news agencies reported on the National Security Agency's (NSA) use of "leaky"
mobile phone applications to obtain private user information. The United States government has
admitted to spying on its citizens, but claims that doing so is the best way to protect the U.S. from
foreign threats. Certain smartphone applications, such as the popular Angry Birds game,
inadvertently transmit personal user information, such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status and
current location, collectively known as the user's metadata, across the internet[1]. As part of their
world–wide telecommunications surveillance for terrorism or other criminal activity, the NSA
exploits these security holes in smartphone applications, by collecting and storing user data. While
many users are unaware of the information leaks in their mobile applications, most people would
certainly prefer to keep such information private [2]. Smartphones know almost everything about
who we are, what we do, and where we go, but how much of that information does the government
have the right to know and possess? Is it ethical for the United States government to collect and
track the cell phone data of its citizens in the name of national defense, or does that violate the
citizens' right to personal privacy? NSA surveillance of private user data of U.S. citizens is the best
method of protection against terrorism and is also legal under the Constitution. By examining these
two components, it is plain to
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How A Regulator Observe Data Integrity Of Pharmaceutical...
How a regulator observe Data Integrity in Pharmaceutical Industry Regulatory authorities across the
Globe have imparted a lot of learning to the organizations. The Objective of regulatory investigators
is to provide assurance of acceptable product quality, purity, safety, identity and effectiveness for
intended application by, assessing cGMP ensuring data accuracy and reliability of results.
Regulators have always corrected organizations through standardized security control to adhere
cGMP requirements and regulations. Regulatory authorities expect the use of compliant
instruments/equipment, with security functions for traceability and accountability of operations.
Finally, regulators have helped in Strengthening quality standards, Generating high level of
assurance/trust in the products as well as the organization. How regulators visualize Data Integrity?
Have a look at the following points. If it's not written down, It never Happened In God we trust, all
others bring data Quality means: Doing right When no one is Looking (Henry Ford) Integrity is
telling myself the truth, Honesty is Telling the truth to other People (Spencer Johnso) Let us review
some fundamentals about Data Integrity. What is "data integrity"? Data integrity refers to the
completeness, consistency, and accuracy of data. Complete, consistent, and accurate data should be
Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneously recorded, Original or a true copy, and Accurate
(ALCOA). This refers to maintaining
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The Big Data
Imagine being in a room with 10 people talking to you. Would you be able to understand the
conversations? It would be hard to concentrate on any one person's conversation, but you could
probably do it. Now, imagine being at the Superdome with 70,000 people talking to you. Would you
be able to understand any of the conversations? You probably could not understand any one person
for a length of time, but again you might pick out some of the words. Well, what if the scenario was
7 billion people speaking 6 thousand languages at an auctioneer's pace on the topic of their personal
family lineage; would you be able to create someone's whole family tree? This is the type of
scenario that represents the different facets of Big Data. What does it mean to say "big data"? Big
Data is more than just massive amounts of data stored together. It is more than just data delivered or
analyzed fast. Meta Group's Doug Laney described it as data that has volume, velocity, and variety
(2001). This is the 3 V's of Big Data and is widely used to define it. Additions to this definition
include other V's, such as veracity and value (XXX). What is volume? Volume could be 7 billion
people speaking at once. It can be the data created by millions of Americans uploading photos,
buying shoes online, or searching for the definition of Big Data. It is the volume of data being
created by researchers at unprecedented amounts to chart the stars, to map the human genome, or to
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The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of...
The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of Metadata
This paper discusses the ethical issues that may arise in the creation, distribution, and use of
metadata. To do this, one must first understand what metadata is, and have a reasonable
understanding of how it is used today. Metadata is not a word that the average person can state a
definition for. In fact, even many technologically inclined people may not have a sound idea of what
exactly metadata means. Although many people don't recognize the name, metadata, many people
look at, use, or even create metadata on a daily basis. To truly appreciate how important metadata is
one must have a firm grasp on what metadata allows and how difficult information ... Show more
content on ...
So I will use an example to further clarify. The card catalog system that has been used in libraries
for years is an example of a standardized system of metadata. Certain requirements are demanded
for each book and this data is stored on a card that makes finding and accessing the needed book
efficient. This is metadata in its oldest and purest form.
Metadata Standards
Metadata standards are even more important in regards to digital information. Metadata used to
classify information stored online crosses many different hardware and software platforms, and
because of the vast amounts of information there is a need for it to be sorted by machine rather than
by human, as in the card catalog system. These parameters call for a standard that is both visible to
the user and readable by a machine. This is what many of the metadata standards in effect today try
to accomplish.
Metadata standards can be looked at from two different extremes, the minimalist view or the
structuralist view. The minimalist view is to have only a small number of requirements that are
easily input by inexperienced users. This allows for most information to be at least somewhat
classified and easily found. From the structuralist view strict requirements should be imposed so as
to keep well documented information well defined and found with great accuracy.5
A prime example of a minimalist metadata structure is The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. In their
own words, "The
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The Case Of Whistleblower Edward Snowden
From the time children can understand the concepts of what is right and what is wrong, it is instilled
in them to do what is right, even if it will get them in trouble. Sadly, as those children grow up they
learn the harsh reality that speaking truth to power can lead to prosecution. Such is the case of
whistleblower Edward Snowden. A former contractor for the United States National Security
Agency (NSA). Who in May of 2013 contacted veteran journalist Glen Greenwald and award–
winning Documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras, sending encrypted emails under then name citizen
four to both Mr. Greenwald and Ms. Poitras for weeks before asking both to meet him in a hotel
room in Hong Kong. That 's meeting would be one that changed the culture of ... Show more content
on ...
The most important part being page 35 section 215, which states "...revises substantially the
authority under the FISA for the seizure of business records, including third–party records of
individuals ' transactions and activities. Previously, FISA section 501 permitted the FBI to apply to
the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ("FISC") for an order to seize business records of hotels,
motels, car and truck rental agencies, and storage rental facilities. Section 215 broadens that
authority by eliminating any limitation on the types of businesses or entities whose records may be
seized. In addition, the section expands the scope of the items that the FBI may obtain using this
authority from "records" to "any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents, and
other items)." The recipient of the order may not disclose the fact that the FBI has sought or
obtained records."(Patriot Act) or in layman's terms "Section 215 of the Patriot Act. That allows
sorting of a warrantless wiretapping, mass surveillance of the entire country 's phone records, things
like that –– who you 're talking to when you 're talking to them, where you traveled. These are all
metadata events."(Snowden) Why does any of this matter? Because section 215 of the patriot act
was what sparked the
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SCADA Policy Controls
The term cybersecurity encompasses a vast amount of topics and imperative security issues. Perhaps
the most difficult issue with cybersecurity is implementing policy controls that are applicable and
effective among a variety of individuals, companies and governments. Policy controls are needed to
reduce cybercrime, cyber terrorism, threats to SCADA systems and zero day exploits. The most
controversial topic that policy controls need to address is Meta data collection and its terms of usage
by not only the government but the private sector as well. Additionally, government security
regulations in terms of IT security among the private sector need have implemented policy controls
as well. Suggesting effective policies is just the first step in ... Show more content on ...
It is for these reasons that the collection, retention, and sharing of that data must be regulated.
Government regulations could help protect consumers in a variety of ways. The first policy
suggestion would be to provide users with increased control over their personal data. There are a
few key strategies that can be used to increase consumer privacy. The first one is the "opt in" rule,
which means collection of customer data does not happen by default, and can only happen after a
consumer has given explicit consent. The "opt out" rule is the collection of consumer data occurs by
default and it is up to the consumer to choose to have that collection stopped. A final strategy is the
anonymizer, which allows consumers to use a businesses' services while being logged in under an
anonymous log in (Newman, 2014). Additionally, government policy and regulation should be
aimed at increasing the competition in the marketplace, hence the term marketplace competition, as
means of ensuring that there are multiple businesses that are able to offer varying degrees of privacy
protection to consumers (Newman, 2014). The government can also regulate private business
collection and use
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Data About Data And Information About Information
The term metadata first used in 1969 is called 'data about data' or 'information about information'.
The term 'meta' derives from the Greek word denoting a nature of a 'higher order' or more
'fundamental kind' , or 'above', 'beyond', and 'of something in a different context' , metadata is data
associated with objects which relieves their potential users of having to have full advance
knowledge of their existence or characteristics. It helps in finding data and tells how to interpret and
use data. Metadata gives descriptive information about the producer, content , quality, condition and
other characteristics of a dataset. Metadata ensures use of right data for right purpose, Metadata
assigns quality and defines limitation, improves the appropriate use of data, provides entity and
attribute information about the following: Originator
Publication date
Date of completion
Status(e.g. completeness)
Scale of maps Metadata contains the data quality information which plays important role in
determining the quality of dataset and it is very useful for data producers and consumers. Metadata
provides users of spatial data with information about the purpose, quality, actuality and accuracy of
spatial datasets and performs the vital functions that make spatial data interoperable, that is, capable
of being shared between systems. Metadata enables both professional and non–professional spatial
users to find the
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Business and Management Scenario
Businesses today continue to strive and grow in the industry to keep up with the never ending
changes in the business they need the tools to obtain information that can be used to make decisions
for the business. The decisions to make in a business can consist of knowing what geographic region
to focus on, which product lines to expand, and what markets to strengthen in the industry. To obtain
the type of information that has the proper content and format that can assist with strategic decisions
they turned to data warehousing. It became the new paradigm intended specifically for vital strategic
Businesses are always looking for ways to increase customer sales or the customer base, and in most
cases they set a percentage ... Show more content on ...
The prescriptions filled usage will provide an actual fact of what medications is being sold, the dally
order filled by state will provide what location is getting the most business, prescriptions filled by
year will provide the profits or losses of revenue in the business, online orders will provide the facts
on how many orders are being filled from an online request, and the walk in orders will provide the
amount of customers are coming in to fill an order. All the data for the information needed is related
and will be grouped into one data structure or one relational table.
Planning for the implementation for the pharmacy begins with the consideration of the issue of
increasing sales and new customers. The value of a data warehouse database for the business is the
ability to analyze trends in medications that are not staying on the shelf versus medications that are
not being sold, and are staying in inventory. This type of analysis will provide the business details in
what is being prescribed by the most for patients by their doctors. Along with what changes
throughout the years as new medications are developed and made for different health issues that are
being diagnosed by doctors for patients. Understanding what medications are being filled out and
being prescribed the most for different health issues can determine what medications needs to be
ordered and quantity. A data warehouse will allow for the
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Types Of Spatial Information Is Necessary For Making Sound...
Types of spatial metadata
Spatial information is necessary to make sound decisions at the local, regional and global levels.
Therefore, the amount of spatial datasets being created and exchanged between organisations or
people is increasing considerably. According to a released study by for the period of 2004–2010, the
overall growth of geospatial industry has increased by 11% in the areas of data, software and
services. The spatial metadata in terms of collection can be divided into two groups:
Inherent Metadata – information that can be derived through the computer analysis of the contents
of any collection, such as: temporal coverage (e.g. visualisation of the time periods covered or
publication dates); types of items and the number of each; formats of items and the number of each;
example of full metadata content; geospatial and image collections; number of thumbnail/browse
images available; types of geospatial footprints (e.g. points, bounding boxes); geographic coverage
of the information (map visualisation based on latitude and longitude coordinates of items in the
Contextual Metadata – information supplied by the collection provider or collection maintainer that
cannot otherwise be derived from the collection's contents, such as: title, responsible party, scope
and purpose, type of collection (digital items, offline items, gazetteer, etc.), date (creation or latest
update), update frequency, metadata schema(s), terms and conditions of use for
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Heterogeneity And Interoperability Of The Digital Library
Digital library
The Digital Library Federation (2002) define them as organizations that provide the resources
including the specialised staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute,
preserved the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collection of digital work so that
they are readily available for use by a defined community or set of community. Information is a
basic human need, and civilization advances when people are able to apply the right information at
the right time (Fox and Marchionini, 1998). Today, digital libraries act as an effective device in the
progress of human civilization, it also should enable any citizen to access all human knowledge
anytime and anywhere, in an efficient ... Show more content on ...
Interoperability means the degree to which two products, programs and many more that can be used
together or the quality of being able to be used together. While heterogeneity consisting of parts or
things that are very different from each other. Most of library users depend on library services in
getting information needed. In this situation, when digital libraries want to provide information, it is
important to have a good relationship between heterogeneity and interoperability. To achieve a good
interoperability, the exchange information in heterogeneity should covers all types of syntactic
structural, semantic diversities among system to modeling information.
Besides that, it should be consistent between the use of the information as intended by its originator
and the intended exploitation of it by the recipient. This thing need to be considerate to fulfill the
need of library users that comes from many different background. Information providers which is
digital libraries should make a data or information about their collections available for harvesting.
This data will be use by service provider which known as harvester to create value added
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The Data Warehouse Market
The data warehouse DBMS market is going through a transformation due to the rise of "big data"
and logical data Warehouses. Surprisingly, many establishments entered the data warehouse market
in 2012 for the first time, swelling demand for professional services and causing vital changes in
vendors' positions.
The different influential vendors in the Data warehouse market are detailed below
1) Teradata
Teradata offers both traditional and emerging logical data warehouse solutions. Teradata product
delivery is in such a way that it always leads and faces least competition in overall execution. It has
constantly pushed the market towards emerging best practices and product innovation. Teradata has
different form factors ranging from tiny proof of concept (POC) solutions to an all–flash–memory,
enterprise–capable solution. It is a leader in logical data warehouse with its unified data architecture
which combines Teradata, Aster and Hadoop technology.
It lags in upgrading to newer versions and there is a near absence of skilled Teradata professionals in
the market.
2) Oracle
Oracle customers have the option to choose to build a warehouse using oracles DBMS software.
Oracle offers the below mentioned data warehouse solutions. DBMS software, certified
configurations, Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Exadata X3 (X3–2 and X3–8), Oracle SPARC
Super Cluster T4 systems with Oracle Exadata Storage Servers. The oracle products have an appeal
to the current data warehouse market.
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Publishing Metadata Facilitates Data Sharing
2.7.4 Spatial Metadata Publication
Publishing metadata facilitates data sharing. Sharing data between organisations stimulates
cooperation and a coordinated, integrated approach to spatially related policy issues (Land
Information Council of Jamaica 2008).
Metadata records are usually published through catalogue systems, sometimes called directories or
registries (Nogueras–Iso et al. 2005). Also, Catalogue Services for the Web (CSW) open standard by
the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) supports the ability to publish and search collections of
metadata for data, services, and related information objects.
Spatial Metadata Discovery
Because of spatial metadata's small size compared to the data it describes, metadata is more easily
shareable (ESRI 2002b) and is considered as the surrogate of spatial datasets which is referenced to
its related spatial dataset. Hence, in a networked environment, such spatial surrogates are discovered
by the end users seeking required spatial datasets, through catalogue systems, Web services and user
interfaces. The user interface usually supports making a variety of queries (via basic and advanced
search) on spatial metadata records to retrieve the characteristics of the most appropriate datasets for
the end users..
Once the results of metadata discovery are presented to the end users, the metadata records need to
be retrieved and accessed by them. The next section gives a brief overview of the retrieval and
access step of the
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Is Data And Metadata Sharing?
Data and metadata sharing is are crucial for both research and educational data. Educational data, in
particular student–success initiatives, both funded and unfunded, often operate in isolation with little
interaction outside of the department or college, and they are rarely connected to broader
institutional efforts. Lack of knowledge sharing concerning initiative effectiveness and lessons
learned makes it difficult to learn about promising and best practices and institutionalize them. This
paper presents a framework for sharing metadata, enumerates various considerations of technologies
and infrastructure that needs to be accounted for while building such a framework along with a
thorough review of the related technologies and ... Show more content on ...
The reuse promptsof resources for requires sharing of data that is trustworthy. Some of Tthe
advantages of data sharing include: a) reanalysis of data helps verify results data; b) different
interpretations or approaches to existing data contribute to scientific progress, especially in an
interdisciplinary setting; c) well–managed, long term, preservation helps retain data integrity; d)
when data is available, (re–)collection of data is minimized. Thus optimizing use of resources; e)
data availability provides safeguards against misconduct related to data fabrication and falsification;
and f) replication studies serve as training tools for new generation of researchers (Tenopir et al.,
2011) are well documented [1]. There are several inherent problems to reap the benefits of data
sharing. One of these problems is Identifying identifying and integrating related data from disparate
sources is one of the major associated problems with data sharing as data is usually stored on
disparate sources. This is compounded by failure to develop and maintain clear, well–annotated
research datasets (metadata), which in turn results in loss of access and understanding of the original
dataset overtime. Metadata helps users decide on the credibility and trustworthiness of data it is
associated with. According to data sharing practices and perceptions survey of 1329 scientists, only
a quarter (26%) of them were satisfied with tools for preparing metadata
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Stewart Baker Metaadata Research Paper

  • 1. Stewart Baker Metaadata Research Paper World is full of colors, it's like a rainbow that connect people to the world. There is no doubt that the positive or negative point of views that people have of their lives are huge importance to each other. Stewart Baker said, "Metadata absolutely tells you everything about somebody's life. If you have enough metadata, you don't really need content." Metadata is a data that record people's life, but however, it cannot record people's life. Inside of people's brains, there are recorders that are called memories, every valuable movements in in them. But for metadata is just a data. I disagree with Stewart Baker because metadata is not a record of life, people cannot knowing others before they actually knowing them, and metadata cannot record ... Show more content on ... As life goes on, things get more complicated. People are growing up, they are no longer children, but adults who face reality. Real life is nothing like fairy tales. Problems are not being easily solved and confusions are everywhere. There is never a long period of rest and peace. People should always be aware of everything preventing them to live an easy life. Life could not be record by metadata, because it is too long and too complicated. Life is not just a piece of paper that list everything about people who signed up for it. It's just like a map that tells people where they were in a certain age. When people get old, they will not care about what they achieved. They will only care about the beautiful memories they have. It is the most precious thing they have. It would be hard to live in a life with only facts and without feelings. Because facts do not mean anything. The experiences and feelings created facts. Without humanity, metadata means nothing but bunch of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Data Retention In Australia Governments have for centuries attempted to restrict the privacy of their citizens. For some time now this has also included efforts to regulate citizens' communications data by means of collecting and storing information gathered by providers of communication services. These efforts are referred to as data retention measures and would grant law enforcement agencies unlimited access to this data (Clarke, 2014). Early this year (2015), the Australian Government amended its Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act in terms of Data Retention, commonly referred to as 'metadata'. The term metadata has no formal definition in the Act but has been described as machine–produced data, expressed in terms of data and content (ABC, 2015; Clarke, ... Show more content on ... The retention of data will indeed make contact with sources challenging, and even frustrating. However, when has investigative journalism ever been easy? Take Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein back in 1972 for example, who relied on unnamed confidential source 'Deep Throat' for leads on the Watergate scandal involving then President Nixon. Investigative journalism has always been discrete and conducted in a secretive fashion, so why should metadata retention stop or see a decline in the work of undercover reporters? It most certainly should not. The media play an essential role in democracy. It is now more than ever, the time for investigative journalists to overcome these new obstacles and continue seeking truths and discovering secrets, even under the watch of 'Big ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Resurrectionist Case Study Summary Case Study: The Resurrectionists Collection at the New York Academy of Medicine "Most current digital repositories ... do not have specific mandates for long term preservation, nor do they have the necessary long–term budgets. Instead, they are mandated to support access and re–use in the near– term future. Long term preservation may be one of their aims, or at least hopes and wishes, but it is not (yet) a responsibility" (Digital Curation Centre and DigitalPreservationEurope, 2007, p. 2). The New York Academy of Medicine created digital surrogates for several items in their collection, hosted online by CONTENTdm. They now can be considered a digital repository. As they are a relatively small organization, and somewhat new to managing digital collections, much of their current focus for their digital collection is to support "access and re–use in the near–term future." They have not yet been able to consider their plans for the long–term preservation of their digital collection. ... Show more content on ... The archivist did not know what kind or brand of external drive the files were stored on, nor did she know the size of the drive, or the size of the digital collections. She informed me that the drive was located in another building and it would be difficult for her to find out these details. There are no backup files for any of these digital surrogates. The archivist noted that the NYAM was looking to purchase a server for their digital collections because there were more digital images from the conservation lab that were on an additional external drive, and she would like to have them all on one place. She did not say that she wanted a server because she was worried about the stability of the digital collections on the external hard ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Importance Of Information On The Collection Of Data Collection of data first There are many reasons to be excited and not worried about the collection of user data from websites and mobile applications. Since the beginning of 2017, there has been an increase in the number of websites participating in the collection of user data, this is called metadata. Metadata is extra information about data collected via website or application visits, it is a description of data allowing businesses and developers to better understand, use and develop their customer experience. Without the collection of data of website or application visits, businesses and developers would be without feedback about the characteristics of their customers limiting the amount of improvements possible for the service they ... Show more content on ... Some may argue that metadata collection may become uncontrollable although, the collection of personal data can easily be monitored to prevent misuse. Internet providers and the government can easily monitor and prevent businesses and developers from collecting irrelevant personal data. In fact government agencies in Australia are already accessing metadata according to Sydney Morning Herald "Agencies accessed metadata 330,640 times in 2012–13 – an 11 per cent increase in a year and a jump of 31 per cent over two years" (Grubb & Massola, 2014). Product relevant personal data should definitely be allowed for collection via businesses as product relevant personal data provides business with vital information about their online customer bases and current products. For example, a clothing store that collects relevant personal data may be collecting the age and gender of their website visitors. If the data collected from the clothing store showed an increase in 30 to 40–year–old female visitors the data could influence the businesses decisions, resulting in the business stocking more of female clothing for 30 to 40 year old females. Through information like this businesses and developers can develop a long–term and short–term vison easily using metadata ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Metadata Quality : Importance, Standards, Assessment, And... Metadata Quality: Importance, Standards, Assessment, and Challenges Metadata is a vital aspect of information organization today. Without quality metadata, the worth of collections is diminished and the ability for records to be used is non–existent (Park & Tosaka, 2010). Thus, metadata is the cornerstone of library systems, and it is imperative for academic research. Further, if standards for metadata are not established, there is no agreed upon quality, making interoperability of records impossible (Park, 2009). Despite the obvious importance of quality metadata, little work has been done to develop a standard or best practice guideline. The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) has established six principles that make up ... Show more content on ... Thus, metadata quality cannot be assessed by a full MARC record. Instead, catalogers must use other assessment methods. For instance, Bruce and Hillman assess quality metadata through a seven layer framework: completeness, accuracy, provenance, conformance to expectations, logical consistency and coherence, timeliness, and accessibility (David & Thomas, 2015). A different proposal from Stvilia and Gasser (2008) propose a system of assessment that analyzes metadata records both empirically and analytically. This allows records to have sound metadata quality, but does not require a quality above what is functional for a record. Zschocke and Beniest (2011) advocate a quality assurance method that utilizes peer–review and automation to check metadata while it is being created. One of the leading tools used to evaluate metadata currently is its usefulness to end–users. If end–users are supplied with numerous application of records, then the quality of the metadata is higher than a record whose applications for an end–user are minute (Park & Tosaka, 2010). The study of Park and Tosaka (2010) reveals that the most commonly used assessment of metadata is the application of accuracy and consistency. If a record is accurate and consistent, it is valued over a complete record because accuracy and consistency can be checked and assessed on all record types, unlike other forms of assessment. Intrigued by Tosaka and Park, three researchers ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. NSA Spying NSA Spying – What is Metadata and What Does the Law Say? Technology is in everything we do from using our home refrigerator, washer, cellular device, automobile, and or computer systems. When using certain devices you pass information to others pertaining to personal and private information. This information or metadata could be a bank account or credit card number, pin, and or password that we unconsciously share. We randomly give away this information at a dentist or doctor's office, the local liquor store, or when we visit social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, Yahoo, and or Google. This information is all collected, stored, and tracked by big brother, and what are they doing with it, is the metadata being secured, American's may never know. Disturbingly the National Security Agency (NSA) has been collecting metadata on Americans personal telephones and electronics devices for several years. This collection was happening before the NSAAnalyst Edward Snowden leaked these facts to the world in late 2013. The NSA was formed in the 1950's, and during this time frame the NSA disseminated intelligence information from electronic signals for foreign and counter intelligence purposes, which supported the American military needs. Currently the NSA has refocused their spying tactics to technology driven devices. The NSA has an extensive "telephone–metadata program, since 2001, and they collect phone records of virtually all Americans" (Lizza, 2013). Email and Social ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Business Intelligence and Technology Introduction In modern business, vast amounts of data are accumulated, which makes the decision–making process complicated. It is a major mutual concern for all business and IT sector companies to change the existing situation of "mass data, poor knowledge" and support better business decision–making and help enterprises increase profits and market share. Business intelligence technologies have emerged at such challenging times. Business today has compelled the enterprises to run different but coexisting information systems. ETL plays an important role in BI project today. ETL stands for extraction, transformation and loading. ETL is a process that involves the following tasks: Extracting data from source operational or archive systems which are the primary source of data for the data warehouse; transforming the data – which may involve cleaning, filtering, validating and applying business rules; loading the data into a data warehouse or any other database or application that houses data. ETL Tools provide facility to extract data from different non–coherent systems, transform (cleanse & merge it) and load into target systems. The main goal of maintaining an ETL process in an organization is to migrate and transform data from the source OLTP systems to feed a data warehouse and form data marts. ETL process is the basis of BI and it is a prime decisive factor for success or failure of BI. Today, the organization has a wide variety of ETL tools to choose from market. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Task D. Sunshine Group Task D Sunshine Group has a multiple sales channels operating in Australian, New Zealand and Argentinian jurisdictions. Importance and Need of ETL ETL Process Extraction, Transformation, and Loading processes are responsible for the operations taking place in the back stage of a data warehouse architecture. In a broader aspect, initially the data is extracted from the source data stores which could be On–Line Transaction Processing or Legacy system, files of any formats, web pages or any other documents like spreadsheets or text documents. In this step, only the data which is different from the previous execution of ETL process (newly inserted, updated) gets extracted from the sources. Next, the extracted data is sent to Data Staging Area where the data is transformed and cleaned. Finally, the data is loaded to the central data warehouse and all its counterparts e.g., data marts and views. (Kabiri & Chiadmi 2013, p.1) Need of ETL Process ETL is a critical component in DW environment. Indeed, it is widely recognized that building ETL processes, during DW project, are expensive regarding time and money. ETL consume up to 70% of resources. Interestingly reports and analyses a set of studies proving this fact. In other side, it is well known too, that the accuracy and the correctness of data, which are parts of ETL responsibility, are key factors of the success or failure of DW projects. (Kabiri & Chiadmi 2013, p.1) Potential problems that may be encountered performing ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Integrating Data Of A Heterogeneous And Real Time It... Webinars Reports Integrating Data in a Heterogeneous and Real–Time IT Environment Summary and Evaluation Technology has changed vastly in the last fifty years. These changes can be seen in many areas such as airline reservation systems, automated teller machines, mobile phones, the internet, world wide web and sensor networks. These sources generate a lot of data; heterogeneous data means coming from different sources. Businesses have focused on automating their processes, and they have realized that data integration is becoming complicated. Thus, it is important to understand how to integrate and analyze data in real–time. In this webinar, speaker Colin White talks about the Integration of data into a heterogeneous environment as well ... Show more content on ... The main goal of this real–time data operation intelligence is to eliminate the data warehousing latencies. By achieving this, the organization can make better decisions hence able to make more rapid decisions. The security factor in data warehousing is a main area to focus on. Colin discusses an example of a company that was highly charged due to not using the fraud detecting system. Thus, the company faced a $45 million fraud because of poor security. To clarify, two people took $45 Million from an ATM Scheme; they used two card numbers to steal the money. However, the banks didn't detect the fraud because their data integration system was inefficient. Operational intelligence workflow is also discussed in detail with its 3 types of environments. There are three types of environment; the first one is data warehouse environment, where the data aren't changing. This is where the data is analyzed because it is at rest. The other two are operating systems and real–time analysis platforms, where we can make models, analyze data, and make the analysis. The Analytics and alerts along with the recommendations are shaped by analyzing Enterprise Data warehouses. Operational dashboard shows what is going on with our business and what changes we should make. This output is sent to the users via nearby RT operational dashboards. Colin lists four options for data integration. There are four approaches of OI; the first one is Enterprise DW which has a ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Security Issues Dealing With Metadata Security Issues Dealing with Metadata Most companies and government agencies are collecting and storing massive amounts of information dealing with all aspects of everyday life. This information ranges from an individual's movements, captured on a city's traffic cams, to details of what someone purchased at the local grocery store. Most of the information is random and anonymous however, there may be large amounts of personally identifiable information (PII) such as email addresses, birth dates, and bank card numbers as well (Damiani, Ardagna, Zavatarelli, Rekleitis, & Marinos, 2016). The type and quality of information as well as the natures of the organizations collecting makes this "Metadata" a desirable target for cybercriminals. The ... Show more content on ... The second security issue involves dishonest workers. The collection, storage, and processing of petabytes of data requires countless workers of varying skill levels and backgrounds. It is a formidable task to investigate and certify the integrity of each of these workers and the difficulty of this task is compounded by the use of external contractors and service providers. The information they are working with, adds to the problem. Although most of it is benign and mundane, it can still provide valuable marketing data to competitors (Parms, 2015). If, on the other hand, embarrassing personal information could be linked to someone famous, it could be quite profitable to the dishonest employee who leaks it. The third security issue involves poorly trained or novice employees. These employees are more likely to fall victim to social engineering or phishing schemes that can compromise your network. They are also more likely to make unintentionally make mistakes that can delete or corrupt the data stored on your network (Damiani, Ardagna, Zavatarelli, Rekleitis, & Marinos, 2016). The final security issue concerns an outside attack. These attacks can be used to disrupt the business or to penetrate the network and steal information. Although the anonymous information is ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. How Technology Has Changed Our Lives Introduction Today was a typical day for me. I woke up and started looking through my email and schedule on Gmail. I did a daily reading in my Jesus Calling App specifically for today, took a shower and reviewed my homework assignment on the UMUC website. Later I went for a run and tracked my mileage on Strava and noticed my friend Mike logged a bike ride yesterday so I gave him a "thumbs up." Later, as I returned to my schoolwork I noticed some pop up ads for new places to visit in Florida since I just returned there and used my Waze and Trip Advisor to get me around. Technology has become an important part of our lives and behind the scenes, meta–data helps track and control our daily experience online. Who I email, what appointments I have with whom, what products I search on, what movies I look up, where I ran today, and what places I visited last weekend are just a few things that meta–data and cookies can reveal about me. Even online dating and searching preferences is stores through Match websites. Businesses can get an important edge over me and recommend more catered options for me that I might not been aware of. On the other hand, I may not want businesses knowing my exact location on daily basis or what women I prefer as a single man. What if someone got a hold of this information and used it against me. The same economic advantage for businesses can also be a major threat against personal and businesses security. Should lawmakers regulate the way meta–data and ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Data Catalog For Enterprise Geodatabase Summary: Spatial information is usable when it has metadata, as it is straightforward to follow and find datasets. GIS data catalog for Enterprise Geodatabase is a project which allows acquiring information regarding the availability of GIS datasets and related properties such as quality, description, the point of contact, extent, etc. The audience for the project are the internal customers looking for data. Managing spatial metadata records are critical for maintaining an organization 's investment in spatial data. Since the year 2009, UServices support terabytes of data. However, the data does not consist of metadata. The data is occasionally inconsistent, foreign or obsolete. Data catalog will allow them as a department to achieve the following goals: Support a high quality of data Supports decision–making Provide consistent information to the customers. Provide an inventory of data assets Help figure and keep up the value of data Help decide the reliability and currency of data Document legal issue Help plan budget In my opinion, this research has contributed to the organization and personal development. This project is a package of individual growth in addition to organizational growth. Personal Experience: Metadata – a set of data, that describes and gives information regarding other data. In technical and undergrad degree program, the fundamental concept of metadata was introduced. Due to lack of practical ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. A Cloud Provider ABSTRACT Setting basic information in the hands of a cloud supplier ought to accompany the assurance of security and accessibility for information very still, in movement, and being used. A few choices exist for capacity administrations, while information secrecy answers for the database as an administration standard are still youthful. We propose a novel construction modeling that coordinates cloud database administrations with information secrecy and the likelihood of executing simultaneous operations on scrambled information. This is th first arrangement supporting geologically disseminated customers to join straightforwardly to a scrambled cloud database, and to execute simultaneous and autonomous operations including those adjusting the database structure. The proposed building design has the further favorable position of wiping out middle of the road intermediaries that cutoff the versatility, accessibility, and adaptability properties that are inborn in cloud–based arrangements. The viability of the proposed construction modeling is assessed through hypothetical examinations and broad test results in view of a model usage subject to the TPC–C standard benchmark for diverse quantities of customers and system latencies. CHAPTER NO. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 8 9.
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  • 54. Website Metadata Untold Secrets : What Make Content... Website Metadata untold secrets. What make content shareable? This question came to our attention a few days ago, several members were complaining about their content not getting shared on the social media network. So, without hesitation, we offered our help in finding the cause of this considerable problem. To our astonishment, we discovered that in nine out of ten cases it was because they had a meager or no metadata on their website. For most infopreneur and webmasters like us, digital marketing is the engine that drives our business. In other words, we need people to share content from our blog or website with their friends and followers on their social network. We also share our own blog or website to attract visitors and clicks. We ... Show more content on ... You have to understand that metadata is the billboard on the side of the road that announces what is coming up ahead. It tells the approaching visitors not only you have a website or blog, but also what they will find on your site. Metadata has two principal functions. 1– To help visitors scan the page and decide if they want to visit your site. 2– To help search engines find and advertise the page. This is so important for any website or business that want people to read, watch and share their content. That is the reason we want to give you some very important guidelines to utilize on your site. If you did pass the test and are satisfy with your metadata, well, good for you keep up the good work. However, if you did not pass the test here's how you can start. How can metadata make your content shareable? Metadata have three fundamental components: 1–Page Title (or Title tag), 2–Description (or Meta Description) 3–Keywords. Some of them are invisible and resides in the codes of your web pages. Keywords, for example, can only be seen is by viewing the page source and looking at the tag, it will look like this: When sharing a web page on social media network, you will see a preview of the content, it
  • 55. normally displays a picture, a title, source name and a short description. The preview reflects exactly the quality of the metadata of that site, and the good news is you are the maker and have absolute ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Types Of Simulation Software, And Investigating Software... There are many types of simulation software, and investigating software component metadata for all of them is infeasible. The scope of this research is restricted to one important class of simulation software, the area of semi–automated forces (SAF) systems. As Petty describes in [14], semi– automated forces (SAF) systems are computer software systems to generate and control autonomous entities (such as tanks, soldiers, or aircraft) in a simulation using a combination of behavior generation algorithms and human operator commands. The SAF entities exist in a battlefield that is a simulated subset of the real world, so the physical events and phenomena on the battlefield must be modeled. SAF–controlled entities should obey the laws of physics. The accuracy of the SAF physics models is important to the utility of the simulation. Exactly how accurate those models must be, depends on how the system will be used. It is not uncommon when the real time performance of the simulation is more important than high accuracy, to have high fidelity models replaced with lower fidelity models based on look–up tables. Figure 1.1 A screenshot from ModSAF, a SAF system. An important example of semi–automated forces is One Semi–Automated Forces (OneSAF). In [15] Parsons states that OneSAF is the U. S. Army's newest constructive battlefield simulation and SAF system. OneSAF is intended to replace a number of legacy entity–based simulations and to serve a range of applications including ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The Necration Of Mass Information : Metadata, And The Use... Government organizations, as revealed by Edward Snowden, are routinely recording the metadata of its patrons and international communications. Metadata is the accumulation of mass information most likely done by intelligence agencies which collect raw data about all individuals in an indiscriminate manner. The agencies must use algorithms or social sorting techniques to filter the patterns of information into meaningful data. Social sorting is the review of data for desirable and undesirable characteristics. It is a filtration aimed to collect information that can be used for finding desirable and undesirable information. Further, the NSA utilized a system called PRISM which enabled them to decrypt communication information for their ... Show more content on ... The privacy of individuals is infringed upon by their own governments with many people unaware that they are being ruled, rather than ruling themselves. The actions of individuals or organizations are being pre–determined for advantages toward the state using a covert panoptical surveillance. Conclusion This research has focused on the disciplinary powers relative to the use of panopticon surveillance through CCTV and metadata technologies. Discipline amongst the masses has been of interest for governments since early societal developments. With the growth of technology, we may argue that the disciplinary society has gone too far with the development of new technologies which is now infringing on our personal privacy. These technologies have panoptic properties since it is the relatively few, watching the many. The first technology examined is the use of CCTV cameras. CCTV cameras utilize both covert and overt operations of vertical surveillance that contribute to the panoptical gaze when we leave the comfort of our private space. CCTV cameras have been justified within society since there is an increasing need for them in solving crimes, and for internal business use. We found that the best way to enforce discipline among the usage of CCTV cameras is within the strategic placement of the device along with signage ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Data Warehouse Case Study Case Study: A Data Warehouse for an Academic Medical Center Jonathan S. Einbinder, MD, MPH; Kenneth W. Scully, MS; Robert D. Pates, PhD; Jane R. Schubart, MBA, MS; Robert E. Reynolds, MD, DrPH ABSTRACT The clinical data repository (CDR) is a frequently updated relational data warehouse that provides users with direct access to detailed, flexible, and rapid retrospective views of clinical, administrative, and financial patient data for the University of Virginia Health System. This article presents a case study of the CDR, detailing its five–year history and focusing on the unique role of data warehousing in an academic medical center. Specifically, the CDR must support multiple missions, including research and education, in addition to ... Show more content on ... There has also been increasing interest in using the CDR to serve a broader audience than researchers and to support management and administrative functions–"to meet the challenge of providing a way for anyone with a need to know–at every level of the organization–access to accurate and timely data necessary to support effective decision making, clinical research, and process improvement."4 In the area of education, the CDR has become a core teaching resource for the Department of Health Evaluation Science's master's program and for the School of Nursing. Students use the CDR to understand and master informatics issues such as data capture, vocabularies, and coding, as well as to perform Case Study: A Data Warehouse for an Academic Medical Center 167 exploratory analyses of healthcare questions. Starting in Spring 2001, the CDR will also be introduced into the university's undergraduate medical curriculum. System Description Following is a brief overview of the CDR application as it exists at the University of Virginia. System Architecture. The CDR is a relational data warehouse that resides on a Dell PowerEdge 1300 (Dual Intel 400MHz processors, 512MB RAM) running the Linux operating system and Sybase 11.9.1 relational database management system. For storage, the system uses a Dell Powervault 201S 236GB RAID Disk Array. As of ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Unit 1.4 Research 1.4 Research Issues and Challenges Spatial data is a costly resource to generate and maintain, spatial data consumers have been unable to accurately and conveniently link with other spatial data users to share and discover useful and relevant data. There is problem of insufficient and inappropriate metadata available for the clearinghouse, metadata problems impact on effective spatial data use. The following are examples of issues associated with spatial metadata: Metadata records are absent or incomplete for some datasets. In such cases, if the contents or structure of the acquired data is difficult to understand, the user could be limited in effective use of the data. For instance, the metadata may contain missing elements such as: spatial reference information, scale, data currency and data originator contact details. If such relevant information like spatial reference is missing, this could delay or prevent further application of the data [27]. ... Show more content on ... Metadata should be as current as the data. In other words, when data is created or edited, its metadata should .immediately be created or updated to reflect data changes. However, creating and updating metadata requires a substantial quantity of work and time. For this reason, data holdings are largely left unchecked for their appropriate age and structure to verify which data should be maintained, updated or deleted. Therefore, institutional spatial data memory could be lost through inappropriate storage of metadata records. Furthermore, outdated metadata could misinform and confuse users about the data ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Government Surveillance Government Surveillance and Our Privacy In the world we live in today, the general populous is being spied on constantly. In the name of national security, our government is turning our electronic devices against us. This precedent was started in 1992 with the DEA collecting the metadata from all US calls to countries linked to drug trafficking (Heath 1). The DEA gathered the information without the approval of the courts, analyzed the data and put them into large databases and investigative reports. This arm of the DEA was only shut down in 2013 due to turmoil from documents leaked by Edward Snowden. From this point on many legislations have been passed authorizing the bulk collection of americans' data, which is a direct violation of our ... Show more content on ... The answer is yes, it is possible to maintain a modicum of privacy on the internet and cryptography is the mechanism to do so. Cryptography, however, has a bit of a dilemma. How is it possible to send your cryptographic key over an insecure medium, such as the internet, without it being intercepted. Thanks to the work of Diffie and Hellman we now have a way to exchange cryptographic keys with an eavesdropping third party without said third party knowing the key (Hoffstein, Pipher, Silverman 65). To explain how the Diffie–Hellman key exchange works I first have to establish a cast of characters, Joseph, NSA, and Thomas. When Joseph and Thomas want to exchange cryptographic keys over the internet without the NSA knowing what it is, they must agree on a prime number represented by p, and a number greater than zero represented by g (Hoffstein, Pipher, Silverman 66). Numbers p and g are public knowledge and the NSA has. Thomas and Joseph then select numbers that they don't reveal. For Thomas the secret number is represented by a, and for Joseph the secret number is represented by b. To generate the key Joseph plugs his values into the equation A= ga(mod p) and thomas plugs his values into the equation B= gb(mod p). Thomas and Joseph exchange these values, again with the NSA intercepting, and do some further calculation to make the key. Thomas takes Joseph's value and ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Anthem Blue Cross And Blue Shield Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield focus on helping members get healthy and stay healthy. They serve you in the best way they can, each year they look closely at the medical care and programs that is best for you. They measure their quality and safety. The process of figuring out how to improve your care is called Quality Improvement programs. Anthem cares about the member's satisfaction with their medical care, delivery of care, their doctors, health plan and service they deliver. GOALS OF ANTHEM Anthem goals are: All our members get quality health care service We understand all our members' cultures and languages We work to improve the health of our members Meta–data provides support in order to deliver key ... Show more content on ... The type of data is created and used by tools and applications that create, manage, and use data. Technical metadata includes database systems names, table and column names and sizes, data types and allowed value, and structural information such as foreign key attributes. Alex Berson and Larry Dubov; The benefits of metadata and implementing a metadata management strategy; Operational metadata contains information that is available in operational systems and run–time environments. It contains data file size, data and time of last load, updates, backup's names of operational procedures and scripts. Metadata is not bad it just misunderstood. It is essential in making a file parable, without it, we would not know where on our compute a file is stored, its filename, or other necessary information. Metadata can be found in WordPerfect, PDF, and image and video files that you create with a GPS enable device such as a smartphone. Donna Payne; Metadata: The Good, the Bad, and the Misunderstood; vol. 30 No. 2. GATHERING METADATA Metadata is used by the government to know all your secrets like emails, mobile phone, Facebook, and web browsers. Metadata is a software the government uses to identify what you are doing. I don't think it is such a bad idea for the government to track your every moment. It's not like they are following you around on foot and spying on you. It is just a control software they use to identify certain security features people use every ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Questions On The And Football E.g.:– Gagan plays football. In this sentence, Gagan is object, plays is his property and football is resource. Football plays Gagan Ontology: – Ontology is abbreviated as FESC which means Formal, Explicit, specification of shared conceptualization. [11]. Formal specifies that it should be machine understandable. Explicit defines the type of constraints used in model. Shared defines that ontology is not for individual, it is for group. Conceptualization means model of some phenomenon that identifies relevant concept of that phenomenon. Inference: – It is defined as producing new data from existing one or to reach some conclusion. E.g.: Adios is a French word which is replaced by Good bye that is understandable by user. Figure3:"SW Architecture" 3.3 Semantic Web Technologies SW technologies are listed below:–  XML: – XML is extensible language that allows users to create their own tags to documents. It provides syntax for content structure within documents. XML Schema: – It is language for defining XML documents. XML document is a tree.  RDF: – It stands for Resource Description Framework. It is simple language to express data models which refers to objects and their relationships. These models are called RDF Models. Both XML and RDF deal with Metadata which is data about other data. Raw data is stored in some repository called as Database Storage. Then Information Extraction techniques like KM solutions generate metadata. But in ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. How To Publish Metadata Endpoints For A WCF Service? To publish metadata endpoints for a WCF service, you first must add the Service Metadata Behavior service behavior to the service. Adding a system service model description service metadata behavior instance allows your service to expose metadata endpoints. Once you add the system service model description service metadata behavior service behavior, you can then expose metadata endpoints that support the MEX protocol or that respond to HTTP/GET requests. The system service model description service metadata behavior uses a Wsdl Exporter to export metadata for all service endpoints in your service. For more information about exporting metadata from a service, see exporting and importing metadata. The system service model description service ... Show more content on ... The policy version property can also be set to Policy12. When set to Policy15 the metadata exporter generates policy information with the metadata that" conforms to WS–Policy 1.5. When set to Policy12 the metadata exporter generates policy information that conforms to WS–Policy 1.2. 6. Add the service metadata behavior instance to the service host's behaviors collection. 7. Add the metadata exchange endpoint to the service host. 8. Add an application endpoint to the service host. 9. Open the service host and wait for incoming calls. When the user presses ENTER, close the service host. 10. Build and run the console application. Use Internet Explorer to browse to the base address of the service (http://localhost:8001/MetadataSample in this sample) and verify that the metadata publishing is turned on. You should see a Web page displayed that says "Simple Service" at the top and immediately below "You have created a service." If not, a message at the top of the resulting page displays: "Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled." (WCF) Retrieving Metadata You can use Svcutil.exe to download metadata from running services and to save the metadata to local files. For HTTP and HTTPS URL schemes, Svcutil.exe attempts to retrieve metadata using WS–Metadata Exchange and XML web service discovery. For all other URL schemes, Svcutil.exe uses only WS–Metadata Exchange. By default, Svcutil.exe uses the bindings defined in ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Demographics And Its Impact On Health And Health In my research, I discovered that population trends will dramatically impact healthcare. Simply put the more people who exists the more healthcare that is required. Population is not the only factor and other sub factors of population such as age, race, and ethnicity or demographics and they also have an impact on Healthcare. For example, the population of people in the U.S. over the age of 65 in 1950 was only 8.1% of the total population. The trend of that number is expected to rise to 20.2% by 2050. Geographic trends can assist healthcare professionals where to focus their educational efforts in terms of healthcare availability. Psychographics' examines the consumer or the factors that motive them such as values, attitudes, beliefs, motions, interests, and personalities. Demographic trends can be used to target specific gender and ethnic groups from a healthcare perspective. An example of this targeted healthcare is research showed that males, both non– Hispanic and Hispanic, in the Michigan area where "disproportionately affected by cancer" (Kodjebacheva, Blankenship, Hayman Jr, & Parker, 2016). The application of this is by knowing this data and data similar to it, we will be able to have focused HealthCare to the demographics that statistically need it more than others. The study of Geographic trends will allow us to better understand physically where healthcare resources are lacking compared to other typically developed areas. An example of application here is a study ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Theodore Roosevelt And The Roosevelt Center Theodore Roosevelt during his life would spend time in North Dakota to hunt buffalo and settled in a ranch there for some years as he found a renowned interest in the area he called his "second home". In 2005, Dickinson State University (DSU) began to explore the legacy of the 26th President as a tribute to his historical legacy and admiration to the territory that the university resides today. As a result the Theodore Roosevelt Center was founded in 2007 at the university. In essence the Theodore Roosevelt Center was founded to manage Roosevelt's archives as like many prior presidents, he did not have an established presidential library. Many of his papers were scattered in archives around the country including the Library of Congress, Harvard University, six national parks, and in smaller collections at numerous other repositories. In 2008, DSU began a partnership with the Library of Congress to digitize the Library's vast holdings related to Theodore Roosevelt, with the intent to make them freely available online. Its broad audience scope is to attract everyone from scholars and schoolchildren, enthusiasts and interested citizens and to provide well organized high quality reference material to enthusiastic seekers of our 16th president. The physical library is expected to open in 2019 but is available online. Recognizing the significance of the contributions being made by Dickinson State University in preserving and promoting Roosevelt's legacy, in the spring of 2013 the ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Web Service : Database Objects Implementation A Report on 'PeopleProfile Web Service – Database objects implementation' At American Express India Pvt. Ltd. Submitted by Priya Venkatraman PRN: 14030241027 MBA (IT Business Management) (2014–2016) Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (A constituent member of Symbiosis International University (SIU), est., under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 by Notification No. F.9–12/2001–U–3 of Govt. of India) Year of submission 2015 Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology A constituent member of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) (SIDU), Est. Under Section 3 of UGC Act, 1956 by Notification No. F.9–12/2001–U–3 of Govt. of India Certificate This is to certify that the project entitled "PeopleProfile Web Service – Database objects Implementation" is a bonafide work done by Ms. Priya Venkatraman, PRN–14030241027 of MBA ITBM (2014–2016) in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration of this Institute. Internal Evaluator External Evaluator Director Prof. Dr. Sudhir Sharan Name & Signature Dr. Dhanya Promod Date: / / 2015 Place: Pune Seal of the Institute
  • 100. Acknowledgement It is my great pleasure to present my work on the summer training project at American Express India Pvt. Ltd. It has been a truly fantastic and enriching experience to be associated with the organization. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my guide ... Get more on ...
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  • 104. Run-Time Array Bound Checking Essay A Review of Run–Time Array Bound Checking Techniques Shaan Shetty School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Cornell University, Ithaca NY ABSTRACT C has been the most popular programming language for the last several decades due to its simplicity and superior performance. Due to this reason, most legacy software is in C. But in recent times, several breaches in security and reliability have been found to occur due to lack of memory safety of the C programming language. Memory–corruption bugs in programs can breach security, and faults in kernel extensions can bring down the entire operating system. Modern languages such as C# and Java enforce memory safety and hence prevent these security vulnerabilities. ... Show more content on ... Austin, Scott E. Breach, and Gurindar S. Sohi [1]. The idea here is to augment the pointer representation in memory with the bounds of the pointer's target. Spatial safety is enforced by checking these bounds whenever a pointer is dereferenced. These fat pointers consist of the following parameters, value: The value of the safe pointer; it may contain any expressible address., base and size: The base address of the referent and its size in bytes, storageClass: The storage class of the allocation, either Heap, Local, or Global., capability: When dynamic variables are created, either through explicit storage allocation (e.g., calls to malloc()) or through procedure invocations (i.e., a procedure call creates the local variables in the stack frame of the procedure), a unique capability is issued to that storage allocation. The value attribute is the only safe pointer member that can be manipulated by the program source; all other members are inaccessible. base and size are the spatial attributes. storageClass and capability are the temporal attributes. 1.2 CCured CCured is a program transformation system that adds memory safety guarantees to C programs. It was proposed by George C. Necula, Jeremy Condit, Matthew Harren, Scott Mcpeak, and Westley Weimer[2]. This approach classifies pointers as WILD, SEQ and SAFE depending on their usage modes. Pointers which require null check before dereference are classified as ... Get more on ...
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  • 108. National Security Agency Surveillance In January of 2014, news agencies reported on the National Security Agency's (NSA) use of "leaky" mobile phone applications to obtain private user information. The United States government has admitted to spying on its citizens, but claims that doing so is the best way to protect the U.S. from foreign threats. Certain smartphone applications, such as the popular Angry Birds game, inadvertently transmit personal user information, such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status and current location, collectively known as the user's metadata, across the internet[1]. As part of their world–wide telecommunications surveillance for terrorism or other criminal activity, the NSA exploits these security holes in smartphone applications, by collecting and storing user data. While many users are unaware of the information leaks in their mobile applications, most people would certainly prefer to keep such information private [2]. Smartphones know almost everything about who we are, what we do, and where we go, but how much of that information does the government have the right to know and possess? Is it ethical for the United States government to collect and track the cell phone data of its citizens in the name of national defense, or does that violate the citizens' right to personal privacy? NSA surveillance of private user data of U.S. citizens is the best method of protection against terrorism and is also legal under the Constitution. By examining these two components, it is plain to ... Get more on ...
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  • 112. How A Regulator Observe Data Integrity Of Pharmaceutical... How a regulator observe Data Integrity in Pharmaceutical Industry Regulatory authorities across the Globe have imparted a lot of learning to the organizations. The Objective of regulatory investigators is to provide assurance of acceptable product quality, purity, safety, identity and effectiveness for intended application by, assessing cGMP ensuring data accuracy and reliability of results. Regulators have always corrected organizations through standardized security control to adhere cGMP requirements and regulations. Regulatory authorities expect the use of compliant instruments/equipment, with security functions for traceability and accountability of operations. Finally, regulators have helped in Strengthening quality standards, Generating high level of assurance/trust in the products as well as the organization. How regulators visualize Data Integrity? Have a look at the following points. If it's not written down, It never Happened In God we trust, all others bring data Quality means: Doing right When no one is Looking (Henry Ford) Integrity is telling myself the truth, Honesty is Telling the truth to other People (Spencer Johnso) Let us review some fundamentals about Data Integrity. What is "data integrity"? Data integrity refers to the completeness, consistency, and accuracy of data. Complete, consistent, and accurate data should be Attributable, Legible, Contemporaneously recorded, Original or a true copy, and Accurate (ALCOA). This refers to maintaining ... Get more on ...
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  • 116. The Big Data Imagine being in a room with 10 people talking to you. Would you be able to understand the conversations? It would be hard to concentrate on any one person's conversation, but you could probably do it. Now, imagine being at the Superdome with 70,000 people talking to you. Would you be able to understand any of the conversations? You probably could not understand any one person for a length of time, but again you might pick out some of the words. Well, what if the scenario was 7 billion people speaking 6 thousand languages at an auctioneer's pace on the topic of their personal family lineage; would you be able to create someone's whole family tree? This is the type of scenario that represents the different facets of Big Data. What does it mean to say "big data"? Big Data is more than just massive amounts of data stored together. It is more than just data delivered or analyzed fast. Meta Group's Doug Laney described it as data that has volume, velocity, and variety (2001). This is the 3 V's of Big Data and is widely used to define it. Additions to this definition include other V's, such as veracity and value (XXX). What is volume? Volume could be 7 billion people speaking at once. It can be the data created by millions of Americans uploading photos, buying shoes online, or searching for the definition of Big Data. It is the volume of data being created by researchers at unprecedented amounts to chart the stars, to map the human genome, or to trend ... Get more on ...
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  • 120. The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of... The Ethics of the Creation, Distribution, and Use of Metadata Navigation This paper discusses the ethical issues that may arise in the creation, distribution, and use of metadata. To do this, one must first understand what metadata is, and have a reasonable understanding of how it is used today. Metadata is not a word that the average person can state a definition for. In fact, even many technologically inclined people may not have a sound idea of what exactly metadata means. Although many people don't recognize the name, metadata, many people look at, use, or even create metadata on a daily basis. To truly appreciate how important metadata is one must have a firm grasp on what metadata allows and how difficult information ... Show more content on ... So I will use an example to further clarify. The card catalog system that has been used in libraries for years is an example of a standardized system of metadata. Certain requirements are demanded for each book and this data is stored on a card that makes finding and accessing the needed book efficient. This is metadata in its oldest and purest form. Metadata Standards Metadata standards are even more important in regards to digital information. Metadata used to classify information stored online crosses many different hardware and software platforms, and because of the vast amounts of information there is a need for it to be sorted by machine rather than by human, as in the card catalog system. These parameters call for a standard that is both visible to the user and readable by a machine. This is what many of the metadata standards in effect today try to accomplish. Metadata standards can be looked at from two different extremes, the minimalist view or the structuralist view. The minimalist view is to have only a small number of requirements that are easily input by inexperienced users. This allows for most information to be at least somewhat classified and easily found. From the structuralist view strict requirements should be imposed so as to keep well documented information well defined and found with great accuracy.5 A prime example of a minimalist metadata structure is The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. In their own words, "The
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  • 125. The Case Of Whistleblower Edward Snowden From the time children can understand the concepts of what is right and what is wrong, it is instilled in them to do what is right, even if it will get them in trouble. Sadly, as those children grow up they learn the harsh reality that speaking truth to power can lead to prosecution. Such is the case of whistleblower Edward Snowden. A former contractor for the United States National Security Agency (NSA). Who in May of 2013 contacted veteran journalist Glen Greenwald and award– winning Documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras, sending encrypted emails under then name citizen four to both Mr. Greenwald and Ms. Poitras for weeks before asking both to meet him in a hotel room in Hong Kong. That 's meeting would be one that changed the culture of ... Show more content on ... The most important part being page 35 section 215, which states "...revises substantially the authority under the FISA for the seizure of business records, including third–party records of individuals ' transactions and activities. Previously, FISA section 501 permitted the FBI to apply to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court ("FISC") for an order to seize business records of hotels, motels, car and truck rental agencies, and storage rental facilities. Section 215 broadens that authority by eliminating any limitation on the types of businesses or entities whose records may be seized. In addition, the section expands the scope of the items that the FBI may obtain using this authority from "records" to "any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents, and other items)." The recipient of the order may not disclose the fact that the FBI has sought or obtained records."(Patriot Act) or in layman's terms "Section 215 of the Patriot Act. That allows sorting of a warrantless wiretapping, mass surveillance of the entire country 's phone records, things like that –– who you 're talking to when you 're talking to them, where you traveled. These are all metadata events."(Snowden) Why does any of this matter? Because section 215 of the patriot act was what sparked the ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. SCADA Policy Controls The term cybersecurity encompasses a vast amount of topics and imperative security issues. Perhaps the most difficult issue with cybersecurity is implementing policy controls that are applicable and effective among a variety of individuals, companies and governments. Policy controls are needed to reduce cybercrime, cyber terrorism, threats to SCADA systems and zero day exploits. The most controversial topic that policy controls need to address is Meta data collection and its terms of usage by not only the government but the private sector as well. Additionally, government security regulations in terms of IT security among the private sector need have implemented policy controls as well. Suggesting effective policies is just the first step in ... Show more content on ... It is for these reasons that the collection, retention, and sharing of that data must be regulated. Government regulations could help protect consumers in a variety of ways. The first policy suggestion would be to provide users with increased control over their personal data. There are a few key strategies that can be used to increase consumer privacy. The first one is the "opt in" rule, which means collection of customer data does not happen by default, and can only happen after a consumer has given explicit consent. The "opt out" rule is the collection of consumer data occurs by default and it is up to the consumer to choose to have that collection stopped. A final strategy is the anonymizer, which allows consumers to use a businesses' services while being logged in under an anonymous log in (Newman, 2014). Additionally, government policy and regulation should be aimed at increasing the competition in the marketplace, hence the term marketplace competition, as means of ensuring that there are multiple businesses that are able to offer varying degrees of privacy protection to consumers (Newman, 2014). The government can also regulate private business collection and use ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Data About Data And Information About Information The term metadata first used in 1969 is called 'data about data' or 'information about information'. The term 'meta' derives from the Greek word denoting a nature of a 'higher order' or more 'fundamental kind' , or 'above', 'beyond', and 'of something in a different context' , metadata is data associated with objects which relieves their potential users of having to have full advance knowledge of their existence or characteristics. It helps in finding data and tells how to interpret and use data. Metadata gives descriptive information about the producer, content , quality, condition and other characteristics of a dataset. Metadata ensures use of right data for right purpose, Metadata assigns quality and defines limitation, improves the appropriate use of data, provides entity and attribute information about the following: Originator Publication date Title Format Description Purpose Date of completion Status(e.g. completeness) Accuracy Scale of maps Metadata contains the data quality information which plays important role in determining the quality of dataset and it is very useful for data producers and consumers. Metadata provides users of spatial data with information about the purpose, quality, actuality and accuracy of spatial datasets and performs the vital functions that make spatial data interoperable, that is, capable of being shared between systems. Metadata enables both professional and non–professional spatial users to find the ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Business and Management Scenario Businesses today continue to strive and grow in the industry to keep up with the never ending changes in the business they need the tools to obtain information that can be used to make decisions for the business. The decisions to make in a business can consist of knowing what geographic region to focus on, which product lines to expand, and what markets to strengthen in the industry. To obtain the type of information that has the proper content and format that can assist with strategic decisions they turned to data warehousing. It became the new paradigm intended specifically for vital strategic information. Businesses are always looking for ways to increase customer sales or the customer base, and in most cases they set a percentage ... Show more content on ... The prescriptions filled usage will provide an actual fact of what medications is being sold, the dally order filled by state will provide what location is getting the most business, prescriptions filled by year will provide the profits or losses of revenue in the business, online orders will provide the facts on how many orders are being filled from an online request, and the walk in orders will provide the amount of customers are coming in to fill an order. All the data for the information needed is related and will be grouped into one data structure or one relational table. Planning for the implementation for the pharmacy begins with the consideration of the issue of increasing sales and new customers. The value of a data warehouse database for the business is the ability to analyze trends in medications that are not staying on the shelf versus medications that are not being sold, and are staying in inventory. This type of analysis will provide the business details in what is being prescribed by the most for patients by their doctors. Along with what changes throughout the years as new medications are developed and made for different health issues that are being diagnosed by doctors for patients. Understanding what medications are being filled out and being prescribed the most for different health issues can determine what medications needs to be ordered and quantity. A data warehouse will allow for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Types Of Spatial Information Is Necessary For Making Sound... Types of spatial metadata Spatial information is necessary to make sound decisions at the local, regional and global levels. Therefore, the amount of spatial datasets being created and exchanged between organisations or people is increasing considerably. According to a released study by for the period of 2004–2010, the overall growth of geospatial industry has increased by 11% in the areas of data, software and services. The spatial metadata in terms of collection can be divided into two groups: Inherent Metadata – information that can be derived through the computer analysis of the contents of any collection, such as: temporal coverage (e.g. visualisation of the time periods covered or publication dates); types of items and the number of each; formats of items and the number of each; example of full metadata content; geospatial and image collections; number of thumbnail/browse images available; types of geospatial footprints (e.g. points, bounding boxes); geographic coverage of the information (map visualisation based on latitude and longitude coordinates of items in the collection) Contextual Metadata – information supplied by the collection provider or collection maintainer that cannot otherwise be derived from the collection's contents, such as: title, responsible party, scope and purpose, type of collection (digital items, offline items, gazetteer, etc.), date (creation or latest update), update frequency, metadata schema(s), terms and conditions of use for ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Heterogeneity And Interoperability Of The Digital Library Digital library The Digital Library Federation (2002) define them as organizations that provide the resources including the specialised staff, to select, structure, offer intellectual access to, interpret, distribute, preserved the integrity of, and ensure the persistence over time of collection of digital work so that they are readily available for use by a defined community or set of community. Information is a basic human need, and civilization advances when people are able to apply the right information at the right time (Fox and Marchionini, 1998). Today, digital libraries act as an effective device in the progress of human civilization, it also should enable any citizen to access all human knowledge anytime and anywhere, in an efficient ... Show more content on ... Interoperability means the degree to which two products, programs and many more that can be used together or the quality of being able to be used together. While heterogeneity consisting of parts or things that are very different from each other. Most of library users depend on library services in getting information needed. In this situation, when digital libraries want to provide information, it is important to have a good relationship between heterogeneity and interoperability. To achieve a good interoperability, the exchange information in heterogeneity should covers all types of syntactic structural, semantic diversities among system to modeling information. Besides that, it should be consistent between the use of the information as intended by its originator and the intended exploitation of it by the recipient. This thing need to be considerate to fulfill the need of library users that comes from many different background. Information providers which is digital libraries should make a data or information about their collections available for harvesting. This data will be use by service provider which known as harvester to create value added ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The Data Warehouse Market The data warehouse DBMS market is going through a transformation due to the rise of "big data" and logical data Warehouses. Surprisingly, many establishments entered the data warehouse market in 2012 for the first time, swelling demand for professional services and causing vital changes in vendors' positions. The different influential vendors in the Data warehouse market are detailed below 1) Teradata Teradata offers both traditional and emerging logical data warehouse solutions. Teradata product delivery is in such a way that it always leads and faces least competition in overall execution. It has constantly pushed the market towards emerging best practices and product innovation. Teradata has different form factors ranging from tiny proof of concept (POC) solutions to an all–flash–memory, enterprise–capable solution. It is a leader in logical data warehouse with its unified data architecture which combines Teradata, Aster and Hadoop technology. It lags in upgrading to newer versions and there is a near absence of skilled Teradata professionals in the market. 2) Oracle Oracle customers have the option to choose to build a warehouse using oracles DBMS software. Oracle offers the below mentioned data warehouse solutions. DBMS software, certified configurations, Oracle Big Data Appliance, Oracle Exadata X3 (X3–2 and X3–8), Oracle SPARC Super Cluster T4 systems with Oracle Exadata Storage Servers. The oracle products have an appeal to the current data warehouse market. ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Publishing Metadata Facilitates Data Sharing 2.7.4 Spatial Metadata Publication Publishing metadata facilitates data sharing. Sharing data between organisations stimulates cooperation and a coordinated, integrated approach to spatially related policy issues (Land Information Council of Jamaica 2008). Metadata records are usually published through catalogue systems, sometimes called directories or registries (Nogueras–Iso et al. 2005). Also, Catalogue Services for the Web (CSW) open standard by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) supports the ability to publish and search collections of metadata for data, services, and related information objects. Spatial Metadata Discovery Because of spatial metadata's small size compared to the data it describes, metadata is more easily shareable (ESRI 2002b) and is considered as the surrogate of spatial datasets which is referenced to its related spatial dataset. Hence, in a networked environment, such spatial surrogates are discovered by the end users seeking required spatial datasets, through catalogue systems, Web services and user interfaces. The user interface usually supports making a variety of queries (via basic and advanced search) on spatial metadata records to retrieve the characteristics of the most appropriate datasets for the end users.. Once the results of metadata discovery are presented to the end users, the metadata records need to be retrieved and accessed by them. The next section gives a brief overview of the retrieval and access step of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 157. Is Data And Metadata Sharing? Data and metadata sharing is are crucial for both research and educational data. Educational data, in particular student–success initiatives, both funded and unfunded, often operate in isolation with little interaction outside of the department or college, and they are rarely connected to broader institutional efforts. Lack of knowledge sharing concerning initiative effectiveness and lessons learned makes it difficult to learn about promising and best practices and institutionalize them. This paper presents a framework for sharing metadata, enumerates various considerations of technologies and infrastructure that needs to be accounted for while building such a framework along with a thorough review of the related technologies and ... Show more content on ... The reuse promptsof resources for requires sharing of data that is trustworthy. Some of Tthe advantages of data sharing include: a) reanalysis of data helps verify results data; b) different interpretations or approaches to existing data contribute to scientific progress, especially in an interdisciplinary setting; c) well–managed, long term, preservation helps retain data integrity; d) when data is available, (re–)collection of data is minimized. Thus optimizing use of resources; e) data availability provides safeguards against misconduct related to data fabrication and falsification; and f) replication studies serve as training tools for new generation of researchers (Tenopir et al., 2011) are well documented [1]. There are several inherent problems to reap the benefits of data sharing. One of these problems is Identifying identifying and integrating related data from disparate sources is one of the major associated problems with data sharing as data is usually stored on disparate sources. This is compounded by failure to develop and maintain clear, well–annotated research datasets (metadata), which in turn results in loss of access and understanding of the original dataset overtime. Metadata helps users decide on the credibility and trustworthiness of data it is associated with. According to data sharing practices and perceptions survey of 1329 scientists, only a quarter (26%) of them were satisfied with tools for preparing metadata ... Get more on ...