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Stereotypes Essay
To adequately investigate the question as to whether stereotypes are the psychological lubricant on intergroup behaviour, several areas need to be
considered. In the context of this essay the concept of stereotypes needs to be defined. Although Lippmann (1922) is credited with first using the term
'stereotype' in this context it is perhaps Brown (1995) who offers the most applicable definition when he wrote that "to stereotype someone is to
attribute to that person some characteristics which are seen to be shared by all or most of his or her fellow group members." (p.83). With this
definition in mind this essay will, firstly, in an attempt to address the question make a brief review of some of the research that has more
Schaller and Maass point to Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979), and self–categorisation theory (Turner, 1987) as the "most
coherent contemporary models of motivational biases" (Schaller and Maass, 1991, p.190) in relation to social group membership. One of the
key points with Social Identity Theory is that the very act of categorisation, regardless of group contact, is enough to produce in–group preference and
differentiation from the out–group. According to the theory an individual's self esteem is related to his or her social category membership and
therefore the individual seeks to make the social category appear in as positive a light as possible. This group differentiation can lead to the formation
of stereotypes. Turner's self–categorisation theory states that individuals seek to form self–categorisations of themselves at many different levels
ranging from the most abstract, as in the perception of the self as human, to the most defined, that of the self as a well–defined individual. As with
Social Identity Theory, individuals seek to perceive themselves in a positive way and seek to establish a positive distinctiveness between the self and
other in–group members and between the in–group and the
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Stereotyping in Society Essay
Stereotyping in Society
Stereotyping are the organizational factors that virtually shape the way we think in 21st century America. They somehow manage to categorize some
of life's most complex matters into nice distinct sections. Classifications and organization, at first glance seem to be useful in distinguishing various
aspects of modern life. However, these grouping methods can be very inaccurate, leaving flawed ideas in the minds of citizens on a global level.
Stereotypes, though originating as convenient sorting mechanisms, instead, influence our thinking process (Lane 42–43). By instituting broad
categories, establishing virtually immovable terms, and, often, being mistakenly identified as facts, stereotypes affect the more content...
For example, Third World countries were hastily grouped together not because of social or economic similarities, but out of convenience. Since that
time, the industrialized nations have harbored the stereotype that the third world is land of starving children and savage tribes. Despite decades of vast
improvement, this stereotype remains unchanged. This rigid stereotype has caused many citizens to embrace a false view of the Third World nations
and its citizens.
One psychological reason for stereotypes is the idea of self–justification. If we treat someone badly, the person deserves it by virtue of their status; if
we deny a job to someone, it is not bad because they really are not very smart anyways. Another reason for stereotyping is the feelings of superiority,
especially in times of economic downturn. It is nice to have a group worse off than we are so that we can feel superior. Some smaller reasons for
stereotyping are displaced aggression, personality needs, conformity and the economic and social competition (43). We have a pressure to structure our
environment, to match patterns, to force a fit as needed. We do this for efficiency and to avoid the anxiety of not getting a fix. We use uncritical
judgments thousands of times each day.
Stereotypes, clearly, should not be mistaken for accurate information. Although there may be a certain amount of truth to the statement, the
generalization is often inaccurate (45).
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Stereotypes, Stereotyping, And Stereotyping
In today's society, many people use stereotypes, a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing,
amongst these are race, gender, age, social class etc. Stereotypes are essentially used as categorization. Categorization and stereotyping are both
fundamental to human nature; helping make the world more predictable. Stereotyping is most often used by everyday people who don't know a
person, so they judge them by how they look, or by how they carry themselves. Everyone, at some point in their lives, has been stereotyped based on
different aspects of their person, such as "acting like a man" or "manning up" because I am a male. Stereotyping can be both positive and negative, but
typically more content...
When I was about twelve–years–old I first started playing tackle football, a game in which two opposing teams of 11 players each defend goals at
opposite ends of a field laid out as a gridiron, with points being scored primarily by carrying the ball across the opponent 's goal line and by
place–kicking the ball over the crossbar between the opponent 's goal posts. The season would stretch from July all the way to December; we'd
practice every day with games on Saturdays, so relatively, we would have about a day to rest and heal. The game was aggressive and the training
was rigorous, a lot of blood, sweat, and tears were put into it each day. A majority of times I'd come home sore with many cuts and bruises, but,
eventually I got used to all the hitting, and the bit of pain that came with it. I still remember the first time I ever had contact with another person on
the field. I was a beginner so I didn't really know the fundamentals of hitting as to staying low, or keeping my head up, so when I took that first hit,
all I remember was that my breath escaped me. The air was sucked out of my lungs like a vacuum, and I couldn't inhale. I instantly dropped to the
ground and let out a little squeal, my eyes began to redden and tear up. I wasn't used to the contact and didn't assume something like that would happen.
I thought hitting was just a little thud, but I didn't realize there was going to be
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Stereotyping : Stereotypes And Stereotyping
Stereotyping In Education Stereotyping is when you treat people unfairly just because they have characteristics of a certain group (Merriam Webster
Dictionary). In education stereotyping is something you come in touch with every single day, it is so common we don't even know it is happening. In
everyday life Stereotypes are used, they are directed towards ethnicity, gender, andeducation. "In ethnicity, we have the ideas that each race is a
certain way" (Aronson. The impact of stereotypes). Here are a couple of examples for blacks, they all can run fast, and that they are all about the
welfare system. "For Hispanics they are stereotyped as being crazy, loud, lazy, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and slutty" (Typical stereotypes of
Hispanics). The stereotypes of ethnicity is causing an uproar of students in school. At school if you have a stereotype it is shown that students stick
with it, and do not change their mind. Another way we stereotype in school is through gender. Gender stereotyping comes down to just that, boys and
girls. "Of all stereotyping, gender is the most pervasive in American life" (Calvanese. Investigation gender stereotypes). In education, we see girls as
being better at reading and writing than boys. Another example is that "guys do not become nurses, and women do" (Ehrlich, Stereotype within). We
see gender stereotypes in education because we see certain classes for males such as science, economics, history and math and for females cooking,
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Stereotypes, Stereotyping, And Stereotyping
Most people have encountered stereotypical behavior, either by being stereotyped or by stereotyping a particular group of individuals themselves.
This simplistic or overstated vague notion may occur consciously or unconsciously depending on a person's perspective, his or her exposures to
diverse cultures, as well as immediate social influences. Moreover, stereotyping has the potential to result in negative generalizations that may
progenerate displaced anger towards scapegoats; however, may also result in inflated positive perceptions of a specific group of individuals.
Stereotyping, most commonly, is geared towards a specific race, culture, gender.
A popular positive perception that is geared towards the Black race is that individuals from this group are superior athletes. On the other hand, negative
statements that, to a certain extent, contradict the first remark is that all Blacks are lazy. There are many exceptional African–American athletes in the
NBA and WNBA, for example; however, that does not indicate that all Blacks are good in all sports, or in sports in general, just as not all Whites are
good in baseball or soccer just because these major leagues are dominated by Whites. Alternatively, the African
–American population is being
stigmatized as being lazy, which according to Laura Green, is due to the assumption that Blacks abuse the welfare system. In other words,
African–Americans are being stereotyped as welfare capitalists in order to be
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First of all, what is a stereotype? According to google, a stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of
person or thing. To simply put it, a stereotype is when you judge someone based on their appearance, behaviour or race. Stereotyping is something that
happens everyday. Usually before meeting or actually knowing someone. It has been proven that the instant we meet someone or the first few moments
of encountering a new person, we form an opinion of them, therefore creating a stereotype. Stereotyping in my opinion is one of society's biggest
downfalls. Perhaps, this is the reason why so many people care about their appearance so much. Fitting in with our friends, more content...
What if the smart kid is extremely popular and has loads of friends?
What if the guy in designer clothes wore it only for a special occasion?
What if the girl with blonde hair had the capability to win Dux, and later a nobel prize?
What if the teen mom was raped and kicked out of her house because she didn't want to give up her unborn child?
What if the most law–abiding person we knew, was covered in tattoos and marks?
What if the beat–up car held precious memories for the owner, and he was actually a billionaire?
What if the Asian passed their driving test with flying colours, having no problems at all?
What if the African–American had the ability to become Head Boy and excel immensely in life
What if any individual Muslim you met weren't terrorists wanting to destroy our government, and were just normal people like you and me?
Being so close minded in this world is going to the extent of defining someone by the colour of the skin, the way they talk or what they wear.
Defining someone by their hair colour and acting like you know who they are when you don't even know their first name. The thing is, we will never
know a person unless we take the time to actually get to know them, to sit down and have an actual conversation with them.
Because of stereotyping many have been excluded and
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What is Stereotyping? Essay
According to, stereotyping is the process of categorizing and making assumptions about members of a particular group, solely because
off their membership in that group. Throughout generations stereotyping has kept its same meaning and purpose. There are various reasons why
people stereotype, it can also be perceived differently according to different sections of society.
Stereotyping is a natural instinct; it can be something done before realizing the action has taken place. Such an action has occurred for a long period
of time, some can't help but to do it. Ever since human beings were allowed to think for themselves, the act of judging one because of his or hers outer
appearance, character, or even cultural more content...
Society may see someone in sagging jeans, and can automatically have negative views toward them, it can be assumed these people have no morals
and may be affiliated with bad activity. This is because there is a history behind sagging jeans that has a negative outlook, although in modern day it is
mostly done as a fashion statement. Time periods, along with the underlying meaning of stereotyping can produce either a negative or positive
perception, and may also support the concept behind "normal".
Throughout the media stereotyping is promoted through many movies such as John Tucker must die and She's all that, the typical nerd, jock, and the
popular kids are shown. Movies such as these give society a reason to stereotype throughout the world. Kids watch and learn from these movies and
this behavior can be brought back to the school only to make those who don't fit in feel bad about themselves. In many cases, stereotyping can really
prevent us from getting to know someone on an individual basis. People tend to act on the assumptions they make about others instead of taking the
time to create their own opinion of someone, based on more than just outer appearances. The media can cause different perceptions based upon movies,
magazines, and music videos but it should not change how one is affected by stereotyping.
I often get offended when I hear any kind of racial stereotyping; it affects me deeply and at times makes me feel that racism is still an issue in
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Essay on Cultural and Racial Stereotyping
Most people find stereotypes to be obnoxious, especially when they have to do with sensitive subjects like gender or race. "Stereotyping is a
generalization about a group or category of people that can have a powerful influence on how we perceive others and their communication behaviors"
(Floyd, 61). Because they underestimate the differences among individuals in a group, stereotyping can lead to inaccurate and offensive perceptions of
other people. Although stereotypes are prevalent in almost every society, becoming aware of our perceptions of others, as well as differentiating
between both positive and negative stereotypes can help us overcome those stereotypes.
"Stereotyping is a three–part process" (Floyd, 61). In the first stage, more content...
. As people grow older and realize their racial, religious, and cultural groups, they tend to differentiate themselves from other groups. The main reason
we develop stereotypes is because it is just human nature for us to categorize people. Stereotypes are a way to simplify groups of people and establish
identities, especially when one doesn't know much about the group ("Overcoming Stereotypes").
Although prejudice and stereotype seem similar, they actually have two different meanings. While stereotyping involves the generalization of a
group of people, prejudice involves negative feelings when "they" are in the presence of or even think about members of the group. "Prejudice
comes from direct intergroup conflict, social learning, social categorization and other cognitive sources" (Ferguson). Not all stereotypes are
negative; there are also positive and neutral stereotypes. Some stereotypes do not slander a race, culture, gender, or religion, but nonetheless
generalize a group of people that may or may not be true. For example, some people say that all Asians are smart or good at math. Though people of
Asian descent may often be more studious, not all Asians do equally well in school (Floyd, 62). Another common example of a positive stereotype is
that all black people are good athletes, dancers, and singers. Though these are positive stereotypes, when people believe them, they don't take into
account that every person is an individual and different. A neutral stereotype
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Argumentative Essay On Stereotyping
Racial Stereotypes As a little girl, I was ashamed to be Indian. This was due to all the negative stereotypes surrounding my race. In my childhood, I
heard people say Indians were smelly, stingy, and stuck up (alliteration). In fear of being teased and misjudged, I tried to be as "normal" as possible to
make everyone forget that I was Indian (pathos). As I grew older, I learned to be proud of who I am, but disregarding stereotypes is still a challenge. I
am sure everyone in this room has been affected by racial stereotypes before and believe me, I know what you are going through (ethos). You may
think that only bigoted and prejudiced people used stereotypes, however, recent studies have shown that everyone categorizes people on a daily basis
without even realizing it. Most people think stereotypes are just jokes, yet research proves that stereotypes have serious negative effects. People should
stop stereotyping because stereotypes cause "stereotype threats", create social division, and lead to racism (parallelism). The first effect of stereotyping
is a phenomenon known as "stereotype threat" that occurs in a situation where a person is in fear of unintentionally confirming a negative stereotype.
Several studies have been conducted to discover the effects of stereotype threats. For example, I discovered that Toni Schmader, an assistant professor
of the UA psychology department, and Michael Johns, a UA graduate (ethos), conducted studies that showed, "college women score lower on tests of
mathematical ability, and Hispanic students might score lower on tests of intelligence, not because they have less ability, but because reminders of
negative stereotypes temporarily decrease their 'working memory capacity' (UA News Services, "Exploring the Negative Consequences of
Stereotyping"," This demonstrates that the students did not do worse on the test due to their lack of skills, but rather due to
negative stereotypes. In a similar study by professors Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, African American and White college students took the same
intelligence test under two conditions. In the stereotype threat condition the students were told the test would evaluate their intelligence, and in the
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Rhetoric and Stereotype Essay
Stereotype is a sweeping statement standardized image about a person or group with little or no evidence. The primary purpose is to hurt one's
feelings or to attack one's character. Have you ever stereotyped someone or felt like you were being stereotyped against? How did being stereotyped
affect you, or how did it make you feel once you got to know the person or persons? All kind of people make up our society. Within society, there are
a massive amount of groups, most of which have been stereotyped in one way or another. We develop stereotypes when we are reluctant or incapable to
obtain all information needed to make fair judgments about people or situations. In the absence of the unknown statistics, stereotyping allow us to more content...
Michael Moncur once said, "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river." Moreover politicians
often stereotype against each other by using derogatory implications, innuendos along with a series of fallacies to "personally attack" their opponent.
For instance: Democrat" is seldom spoken without the term "tax and spend" it is usually attached before or after that term is spoken. Naturally, it is
used to stir already biased emotions against an issue with an appropriate number of convenient facts to provide legitimacy to the argument. In the
political world, one group may call another group's beliefs "unpatriotic" or disloyal. All they really mean is that they disapprove of those ideas.
Depending on the seriousness of the debate and level of frustration, the greater the rhetorical definitions, analogies, and explanations along with
associated arguments from outrage real or staged. From either position, many arguments are arguments of tradition using the same catch phrases and
hyperboles with maximum of well–placed dysphemia. (Moore & Parker, 2007, pp.133, 507) Turning to Ad Hominem fallacies; these are not errors
they are used deliberately to attach slanted claims to a group or persons to inculcate into the listener a distorted and negative view of their target,
namely, whoever opposes them. (Moore & Parker, 2007, pp.173–179) What caused citizens' perception of politicians to
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Essay On Stereotypes
Stereotyping occurs daily and many may not realize it. Stereotypes are most likely inaccurate. Society plays a major role by influencing the public into
making assumptions based on physical appearances. Often times, a person who stereotypes another, does not know the individual's personality nor
their unique characteristics. As a result, stereotypes and misconceptions are based on a group's lack of judgement–– in which he or she complies to
society's mindset. Stereotyping and misconceptions are due to guilt by socialization, which means an individual is based on who he or she hangs out
with. Gender stereotyping is a way of judging the opposite sex's character. Gender stereotyping targeting females are based on not knowing or
understanding more content...
Law enforcement and firefighting are fields in which there is an evident male dominance. When taking on careers that require physical strength and
stamina, many question whether females are capable of performing the same as males have in the past. Having physical vigor is necessary just as
much courage and stoicism, because this field requires a person's ability to see and help others when involved in dangerous situations. Time is in
the essence when choosing a field such as firefighting or law enforcement and it does not make a difference what gender someone is when rescuing
those in need and helping the victim survive a horrific incident he or she has faced. Lately many sources online have made headlines attacking
stereotypes on female firefighters. Time changes society's way of thinking and helps the public understand it is not always going to be a typical or
normal way someone views or categorizes genders or careers he or she may pursue. Furthermore I have visited a fire station where there were no
females, which is probably because of the requirements of becoming qualified are tough and mostly accomplished by males, making males more
dominant than females in the
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Stereotype Essay
Have you ever felt the impacts of a stereotype? Stereotypes can sometimes make people feel unwanted around people and possibly uncomfortable in
their own skin. There're many different types of stereotypes but they all impact us negatively. Stereotypes can be defined as judgments that people
make about others without knowing them personally, and stereotypes impact our society in many ways. For example, in an interview with Guy Raz
from NPR, Jamila Lyiscott says that "You have this lens where you're looking at yourself through the lens of other people the way that they're looking
at you" (Raz, Guy, and Jamila Lyiscott). In this quote Lyiscott is saying that stereotypes cause tension because people make assumptions about other
people. more content...
Armon says "It means, he answered lightly, that the child is not white; it means that you are not white"(Chopin). In this quote Armon is saying that the
child his wife thought was white was not white. This stereotype made towards Desiree and the baby made Armon distance himself from her, which
negatively impacted Desiree. Overall, the information given from the poem and story show's that stereotypes affect the person you're making the
assumption about more than the person judging that person. Another stereotype is the parent and children relationship. For example, in the article
"Parents Just Don't Understand is about parents opening up to their kids and being honest with them about real life situations so they feel comfortable
talking about sex, drugs, alcohol. The writer says "when Uneeka Jay's 15–year–old son Shawn comes to the kitchen for a snack, that might be the exact
moment she asks him, "You ever have sex?" out of the blue" (Wallace). In this quote Wallace is saying that being honest and talking to your children
about personal and serious situations is important no matter how hard or weird it is to do. Also, in the article it talks about how children don't feel
comfortable talking to their parents about certain stuff because 9 times out of 10 they already know what their parent is going to say. Wallace says
"if your teen thinks, "I already know what my mom will say about this, so I'm not even going to talk to her," you can forget
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Stereotypes Essay examples
Pretend you are driving along on the highway. You see a person on the side of the road having car problems. This is person is wearing an Armani suit
and driving a Porsche. The next day, you encounter the same incident but, this time, it is a man wearing baggy jeans with holes in them, a dirty shirt
and he looks very unclean. Would you be more likely to stop for the man in the Armani suit, or the the second man? I know that I would stop for man
#1. The reason I and most of our society would do so, is because we have a horrible habit. The habit is unintentional and we do it not meaning to hurt
anybody This habit is stereotyping people by the way they look or talk based on what society considers normal. In the book, To Kill more
Being a proper lady, Aunt Alexandra does not want the town ladies to think that she was raising her niece to be a tomboy. Therefore, she has Scout
put on a facade. Against her will, Scout does everything a typical polite girl would do. She serves the ladies, wears a skirt, and brushes her hair.
Scout goes through this tremendous effort because she does not want to be known as a tomboy simply because she would choose to climb a tree
rather than bake a pie. Scout is able to make a deception. Should she change her ways to prevent getting a bad name or should she stick to her beliefs
and deal with being called a tomboy. Unfortunately, Scout ignores her morals and changes her ways.
Scout is not the only character having to rise above stereotypes. Her father, Atticus, must do so as well. Atticus, a white man, is asked to be a lawyer
for Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell.. After carefully examining evidence, Atticus realizes that Tom Robinson
is 100% innocent. Therefore, Atticus goes to court, where he stands up for a black man in front of a white jury. Atticus gives sure proof arguments and
evidence to prove that Robinson is innocent. Unfortunately, after a long recess, Robinson is found guilty of rape. Because Atticus stood up for the
truth, and went against his own race, he is stereotyped as a traitor and a blacks lover by the Ewells.. It is truly unfortunate that both Atticus and his
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Essay On Stereotyping The Elderly
Hello, Marianna. I enjoyed reading your post. Stereotyping the elderly people should be avoided in their care. What hurt me the most is when I hear
staff stereotyping the older adults. Sometimes, this can impact the way they provide care. We should serve as a good role model and give the best
quality care that they deserve. I agree elderly patients should be fully informed of their risk of any intervention and procedure. They are a higher risk
of post–op complications due to their age. A detailed preoperative assessment is vital to identify their risks and to plan interventions that could
minimize post–op complications. Health care providers should We should always remember to treat the elderly population with dignity and respect.
Great Post.
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Stereotypes Of Men And Women Essay
Many stereotypes have been put on girls and women, like, girls aren't smarter than most boys or not as strong as many boys but I believe we can
break those stereotypes by spreading examples of girls and women who exceed standard and push past limits. In Hidden Figures, it states, "Everyday,
Katherine Goble, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and other Langley computers were proving that women were as good at math as men, and that
African Americans were just as gifted at math as anyone else."(Shetterly 115). As you can see, by reading this quote, stereotypes have been a thing for
a long time. This quote shows how people everyday can do something to help stop stereotypes, and it talks about women who are strong and determined
to prove they're better than they seem.
A second quote is in, "Girls Who Code", it states, "At Girls Who Code, we believe the gender gap in technology is an issue we must all come together
to solve. With your support, we will continue to build a future where our next generation of girls and boys will prosper more content...
In this quote, Reshma Saujani a founder of Girls Who Code, basically says that the more girls that they get to love math and technology the more
girls will get tech jobs. The more girls and women that have those kinds of jobs the more it will start to become a normal thing for girls to be in
technology and math. This quote ties in with my claim because, by getting girls to like technology and math and take those jobs the more stereotypes
will go away. In the quote it even says Girls Who Code released some videos talking about some stereotypes in
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Stereotypes And Stereotypes Of Stereotypes
Stereotypes: "...a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people." (Cardwell, 1996). Stereotypes create an unconscious
perception on a group of people. Generalization ignores differences between individuals; therefore we pass assumptions towards others that may not
be accurate. Stereotypes enables us to respond quickly to situations because we may have had similar experiences before. The use of stereotypes is an
involuntary way we simplify our social world; they reduce the amount of processing when we meet a new person. By stereotyping we assume that a
person has similar characteristics and abilities that we presume all members of that group have. Stereotypes lead to prejudice attitudes, such as
in–group and outgroup bias. We all use stereotypes, all the time, without even realizing it. Psychologists once believed that only bigoted people used
stereotypes, but studies have shown that bias is the revealing and unsettling truth. We all use stereotypes, but don 't even realize it. There is an enemy
to equality, and the enemy is us. Stereotypes can influence people 's perception on whether a person will be part of an in–group or an out group bias.
An in–group bias is the tendency to favor one's group, and the out group bias are the people perceived as "them". They are recognized by their
surrounding people as different, and this is only because they are different from the group that they are involved in. For example if a chiefs fan
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Ethnic Stereotypes Essay
Asians can't drive. All Black men walking down dark streets are muggers. All Hispanics are undocumented. Guys are messy and unclean. Women
aren't as a smart as men. Our society has garnered a generalized model of how people of a certain race, ethnicity, or gender behave, and they are often
based on prejudices and erroneous patterns that describe a small niche within the targeted group of people. Stereotypes alienate people from either their
race or gender and instigate misidentification. I've been generalized under the assumption that I am a soccer–loving, spicy taco–eating macho, and
these stereotypes differ significantly from my actual ethnic background, the environment I grew up in, and my personality. Stereotypes have made me
feel more content...
How can you not tolerate spicy foods?" One major generalization under the umbrella of ethnic stereotypes is that all people of Hispanic descent were
domesticated from birth to tolerant spicy foods. Although, foods engulfed in paprika and hot chili peppers are mostly found in Central American
cultures, more specifically in Mexico. When my family moved to the United States, we were exposed to the amalgam of cultures that compile
Rockville. Diversity was scarce in Venezuela, and this ethnic diversity introduced us to cultures outside of our limited scope. Within the first few
months, my parents were introduced to a family who I distinctly remember kept close ties to their Mexican culture. I was amazed at the high tolerance
the kids my age or younger had for chili peppers. A couple of them sat cross–legged on the floor sucking on their chili lollipops, while others palmed
the bottoms of Tabasco bottles onto their scrambled eggs. "All Hispanic people must love spicy foods" is astereotype that misidentifies people of
Latin–American descent. This fallacy is under the erroneous assumption that all Spanish–speaking cultures enjoy the unforgiving, tongue biting, and
stomach–eating spices that are the backbone to the Mexican cuisine. This stereotype has singled me out my ethnic background and paired me with a
different cultural background I am socially expected to belong
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Essay about Stereotypes
Gender Stereotypes
In today's society, people stereotype to generalize certain groups; such as religion, beliefs, or even discriminating groups of people because of there
race, gender, or appearance. Stereotypes can be very harmful and unfair. Gender stereotypes have been around since the beginning of time, and are still
very prominent today.
As a child, I was brought up with the idea boys are strong, aggressive, and the leader; where as, girls are weak, passive, and the follower. My mother,
made it clear to my sister and I, that playing sports was not acceptable for a young lady. Young ladies should be playing with dolls and playing house.
Growing up, my friends and I more content...
When I approached Nathan I simply explained to him that girls could play any game boys can. Children need to be taught that no matter what your
gender is you can do anything you set your mind to.
Now–a–days women do have jobs and are working their way to the top of the ladder. Working to the top of the ladder is very difficult for women and
can be very competitive. In our society, we make gender assumption based on job title. For example, when we talk about doctors we automatically
picture a man in a white robe. And when talking about teachers we again assume it is a female standing in front of a class wearing glasses. Recently
women are becoming more involved in the medical field. Women are specializing in many different areas; such as cardiology and gynecology. As for
the male they are also being seen on the other side of the spectrum. For example men are becoming teachers and nurses. Society should not make
gender assumption based on job titles.
In the past certain job titles specified certain genders. An example of this was seen in our police departments. The officers were once called
"Policemen." In turn leaving out women. Women were rarely seen out in the streets protecting our neighborhoods. They were thought of as not being
strong enough or capable of dealing with the tough world.
Stereotyping is a natural way of thinking but needs to be minimized. Gender stereotyping will never vanish. In the work place, women and men
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What is a Stereotype? Essay
What is a stereotype? Stereotypes that I am aware of are cultural, groups of individuals, sexual stereotypes, and men vs. women. "The definition of a
stereotype is any commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of individual. Stereotypes are often confused with prejudices,
because, like prejudices, a stereotype is based on a prior assumption. Stereotypes are often created about people of specific cultures or races. Almost
every culture or race has a stereotype, including Jewish people, Blacks, Irish people, and Polish people, among others. Stereotypes are not just centered
on different races and backgrounds, however. Gender stereotypes also exist. For example, if you say that men are better than women, you' more
I also appreciate people of a different culture because it gives me the opportunity to learn things about the different cultures. I do understand that
there are people of different cultures that don't like my culture, but I look past them. I feel that if I was to encounter a like said person, I would
probably run because I am strongly against being stereotyped. Of course it would be out of my control to change a person's view or way of
thinking unless they volunteered to hear what is wrong about being that way. "Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also wrong. Even if the
stereotype is correct in some cases, constantly putting someone down based on your preconceived perceptions will not encourage them to succeed.
Stereotyping can lead to bullying from a young age. Jocks and preps pick on the nerds and the geeks; skaters pick on the Goths, so on and so forth.
Stereotyping is encouraging bullying behavior that children carry into adulthood. Stereotyping can also lead people to live lives driven by hate, and
can cause the victims of those stereotypes to be driven by fear. For example, many gays and lesbians are afraid to admit their sexuality in fear of being
judged. It is a lose–lose situation, both for those who are doing the stereotype and those who are victims (Stereotype Examples)".
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Stereotypes Essay

  • 1. Stereotypes Essay To adequately investigate the question as to whether stereotypes are the psychological lubricant on intergroup behaviour, several areas need to be considered. In the context of this essay the concept of stereotypes needs to be defined. Although Lippmann (1922) is credited with first using the term 'stereotype' in this context it is perhaps Brown (1995) who offers the most applicable definition when he wrote that "to stereotype someone is to attribute to that person some characteristics which are seen to be shared by all or most of his or her fellow group members." (p.83). With this definition in mind this essay will, firstly, in an attempt to address the question make a brief review of some of the research that has more content... Schaller and Maass point to Social Identity Theory (Tajfel & Turner, 1979), and self–categorisation theory (Turner, 1987) as the "most coherent contemporary models of motivational biases" (Schaller and Maass, 1991, p.190) in relation to social group membership. One of the key points with Social Identity Theory is that the very act of categorisation, regardless of group contact, is enough to produce in–group preference and differentiation from the out–group. According to the theory an individual's self esteem is related to his or her social category membership and therefore the individual seeks to make the social category appear in as positive a light as possible. This group differentiation can lead to the formation of stereotypes. Turner's self–categorisation theory states that individuals seek to form self–categorisations of themselves at many different levels ranging from the most abstract, as in the perception of the self as human, to the most defined, that of the self as a well–defined individual. As with Social Identity Theory, individuals seek to perceive themselves in a positive way and seek to establish a positive distinctiveness between the self and other in–group members and between the in–group and the Get more content on
  • 2. Stereotyping in Society Essay Stereotyping in Society Stereotyping are the organizational factors that virtually shape the way we think in 21st century America. They somehow manage to categorize some of life's most complex matters into nice distinct sections. Classifications and organization, at first glance seem to be useful in distinguishing various aspects of modern life. However, these grouping methods can be very inaccurate, leaving flawed ideas in the minds of citizens on a global level. Stereotypes, though originating as convenient sorting mechanisms, instead, influence our thinking process (Lane 42–43). By instituting broad categories, establishing virtually immovable terms, and, often, being mistakenly identified as facts, stereotypes affect the more content... For example, Third World countries were hastily grouped together not because of social or economic similarities, but out of convenience. Since that time, the industrialized nations have harbored the stereotype that the third world is land of starving children and savage tribes. Despite decades of vast improvement, this stereotype remains unchanged. This rigid stereotype has caused many citizens to embrace a false view of the Third World nations and its citizens. One psychological reason for stereotypes is the idea of self–justification. If we treat someone badly, the person deserves it by virtue of their status; if we deny a job to someone, it is not bad because they really are not very smart anyways. Another reason for stereotyping is the feelings of superiority, especially in times of economic downturn. It is nice to have a group worse off than we are so that we can feel superior. Some smaller reasons for stereotyping are displaced aggression, personality needs, conformity and the economic and social competition (43). We have a pressure to structure our environment, to match patterns, to force a fit as needed. We do this for efficiency and to avoid the anxiety of not getting a fix. We use uncritical judgments thousands of times each day. Stereotypes, clearly, should not be mistaken for accurate information. Although there may be a certain amount of truth to the statement, the generalization is often inaccurate (45). Get more content on
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  • 4. Stereotyping : Stereotypes And Stereotyping Stereotyping In Education Stereotyping is when you treat people unfairly just because they have characteristics of a certain group (Merriam Webster Dictionary). In education stereotyping is something you come in touch with every single day, it is so common we don't even know it is happening. In everyday life Stereotypes are used, they are directed towards ethnicity, gender, andeducation. "In ethnicity, we have the ideas that each race is a certain way" (Aronson. The impact of stereotypes). Here are a couple of examples for blacks, they all can run fast, and that they are all about the welfare system. "For Hispanics they are stereotyped as being crazy, loud, lazy, drug dealers, illegal immigrants, and slutty" (Typical stereotypes of Hispanics). The stereotypes of ethnicity is causing an uproar of students in school. At school if you have a stereotype it is shown that students stick with it, and do not change their mind. Another way we stereotype in school is through gender. Gender stereotyping comes down to just that, boys and girls. "Of all stereotyping, gender is the most pervasive in American life" (Calvanese. Investigation gender stereotypes). In education, we see girls as being better at reading and writing than boys. Another example is that "guys do not become nurses, and women do" (Ehrlich, Stereotype within). We see gender stereotypes in education because we see certain classes for males such as science, economics, history and math and for females cooking, sewing, Get more content on
  • 5. Stereotypes, Stereotyping, And Stereotyping Stereotypes Most people have encountered stereotypical behavior, either by being stereotyped or by stereotyping a particular group of individuals themselves. This simplistic or overstated vague notion may occur consciously or unconsciously depending on a person's perspective, his or her exposures to diverse cultures, as well as immediate social influences. Moreover, stereotyping has the potential to result in negative generalizations that may progenerate displaced anger towards scapegoats; however, may also result in inflated positive perceptions of a specific group of individuals. Stereotyping, most commonly, is geared towards a specific race, culture, gender. A popular positive perception that is geared towards the Black race is that individuals from this group are superior athletes. On the other hand, negative statements that, to a certain extent, contradict the first remark is that all Blacks are lazy. There are many exceptional African–American athletes in the NBA and WNBA, for example; however, that does not indicate that all Blacks are good in all sports, or in sports in general, just as not all Whites are good in baseball or soccer just because these major leagues are dominated by Whites. Alternatively, the African –American population is being stigmatized as being lazy, which according to Laura Green, is due to the assumption that Blacks abuse the welfare system. In other words, African–Americans are being stereotyped as welfare capitalists in order to be Get more content on
  • 6. stereotypes–SPEECH First of all, what is a stereotype? According to google, a stereotype is a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. To simply put it, a stereotype is when you judge someone based on their appearance, behaviour or race. Stereotyping is something that happens everyday. Usually before meeting or actually knowing someone. It has been proven that the instant we meet someone or the first few moments of encountering a new person, we form an opinion of them, therefore creating a stereotype. Stereotyping in my opinion is one of society's biggest downfalls. Perhaps, this is the reason why so many people care about their appearance so much. Fitting in with our friends, more content... What if the smart kid is extremely popular and has loads of friends? What if the guy in designer clothes wore it only for a special occasion? What if the girl with blonde hair had the capability to win Dux, and later a nobel prize? What if the teen mom was raped and kicked out of her house because she didn't want to give up her unborn child? What if the most law–abiding person we knew, was covered in tattoos and marks? What if the beat–up car held precious memories for the owner, and he was actually a billionaire? What if the Asian passed their driving test with flying colours, having no problems at all? What if the African–American had the ability to become Head Boy and excel immensely in life What if any individual Muslim you met weren't terrorists wanting to destroy our government, and were just normal people like you and me? Being so close minded in this world is going to the extent of defining someone by the colour of the skin, the way they talk or what they wear. Defining someone by their hair colour and acting like you know who they are when you don't even know their first name. The thing is, we will never
  • 7. know a person unless we take the time to actually get to know them, to sit down and have an actual conversation with them. IF WE GROUP PEOPLE BASED ON OUR FIRST IMPRESSION, HOW CAN WE HAVE EQUALITY? Because of stereotyping many have been excluded and Get more content on
  • 8. What is Stereotyping? Essay According to, stereotyping is the process of categorizing and making assumptions about members of a particular group, solely because off their membership in that group. Throughout generations stereotyping has kept its same meaning and purpose. There are various reasons why people stereotype, it can also be perceived differently according to different sections of society. Stereotyping is a natural instinct; it can be something done before realizing the action has taken place. Such an action has occurred for a long period of time, some can't help but to do it. Ever since human beings were allowed to think for themselves, the act of judging one because of his or hers outer appearance, character, or even cultural more content... Society may see someone in sagging jeans, and can automatically have negative views toward them, it can be assumed these people have no morals and may be affiliated with bad activity. This is because there is a history behind sagging jeans that has a negative outlook, although in modern day it is mostly done as a fashion statement. Time periods, along with the underlying meaning of stereotyping can produce either a negative or positive perception, and may also support the concept behind "normal". Throughout the media stereotyping is promoted through many movies such as John Tucker must die and She's all that, the typical nerd, jock, and the popular kids are shown. Movies such as these give society a reason to stereotype throughout the world. Kids watch and learn from these movies and this behavior can be brought back to the school only to make those who don't fit in feel bad about themselves. In many cases, stereotyping can really prevent us from getting to know someone on an individual basis. People tend to act on the assumptions they make about others instead of taking the time to create their own opinion of someone, based on more than just outer appearances. The media can cause different perceptions based upon movies, magazines, and music videos but it should not change how one is affected by stereotyping. I often get offended when I hear any kind of racial stereotyping; it affects me deeply and at times makes me feel that racism is still an issue in Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Cultural and Racial Stereotyping Most people find stereotypes to be obnoxious, especially when they have to do with sensitive subjects like gender or race. "Stereotyping is a generalization about a group or category of people that can have a powerful influence on how we perceive others and their communication behaviors" (Floyd, 61). Because they underestimate the differences among individuals in a group, stereotyping can lead to inaccurate and offensive perceptions of other people. Although stereotypes are prevalent in almost every society, becoming aware of our perceptions of others, as well as differentiating between both positive and negative stereotypes can help us overcome those stereotypes. "Stereotyping is a three–part process" (Floyd, 61). In the first stage, more content... . As people grow older and realize their racial, religious, and cultural groups, they tend to differentiate themselves from other groups. The main reason we develop stereotypes is because it is just human nature for us to categorize people. Stereotypes are a way to simplify groups of people and establish identities, especially when one doesn't know much about the group ("Overcoming Stereotypes"). Although prejudice and stereotype seem similar, they actually have two different meanings. While stereotyping involves the generalization of a group of people, prejudice involves negative feelings when "they" are in the presence of or even think about members of the group. "Prejudice comes from direct intergroup conflict, social learning, social categorization and other cognitive sources" (Ferguson). Not all stereotypes are negative; there are also positive and neutral stereotypes. Some stereotypes do not slander a race, culture, gender, or religion, but nonetheless generalize a group of people that may or may not be true. For example, some people say that all Asians are smart or good at math. Though people of Asian descent may often be more studious, not all Asians do equally well in school (Floyd, 62). Another common example of a positive stereotype is that all black people are good athletes, dancers, and singers. Though these are positive stereotypes, when people believe them, they don't take into account that every person is an individual and different. A neutral stereotype Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Stereotyping Racial Stereotypes As a little girl, I was ashamed to be Indian. This was due to all the negative stereotypes surrounding my race. In my childhood, I heard people say Indians were smelly, stingy, and stuck up (alliteration). In fear of being teased and misjudged, I tried to be as "normal" as possible to make everyone forget that I was Indian (pathos). As I grew older, I learned to be proud of who I am, but disregarding stereotypes is still a challenge. I am sure everyone in this room has been affected by racial stereotypes before and believe me, I know what you are going through (ethos). You may think that only bigoted and prejudiced people used stereotypes, however, recent studies have shown that everyone categorizes people on a daily basis without even realizing it. Most people think stereotypes are just jokes, yet research proves that stereotypes have serious negative effects. People should stop stereotyping because stereotypes cause "stereotype threats", create social division, and lead to racism (parallelism). The first effect of stereotyping is a phenomenon known as "stereotype threat" that occurs in a situation where a person is in fear of unintentionally confirming a negative stereotype. Several studies have been conducted to discover the effects of stereotype threats. For example, I discovered that Toni Schmader, an assistant professor of the UA psychology department, and Michael Johns, a UA graduate (ethos), conducted studies that showed, "college women score lower on tests of mathematical ability, and Hispanic students might score lower on tests of intelligence, not because they have less ability, but because reminders of negative stereotypes temporarily decrease their 'working memory capacity' (UA News Services, "Exploring the Negative Consequences of Stereotyping"," This demonstrates that the students did not do worse on the test due to their lack of skills, but rather due to negative stereotypes. In a similar study by professors Claude Steele and Joshua Aronson, African American and White college students took the same intelligence test under two conditions. In the stereotype threat condition the students were told the test would evaluate their intelligence, and in the Get more content on
  • 11. Rhetoric and Stereotype Essay Stereotype is a sweeping statement standardized image about a person or group with little or no evidence. The primary purpose is to hurt one's feelings or to attack one's character. Have you ever stereotyped someone or felt like you were being stereotyped against? How did being stereotyped affect you, or how did it make you feel once you got to know the person or persons? All kind of people make up our society. Within society, there are a massive amount of groups, most of which have been stereotyped in one way or another. We develop stereotypes when we are reluctant or incapable to obtain all information needed to make fair judgments about people or situations. In the absence of the unknown statistics, stereotyping allow us to more content... Michael Moncur once said, "Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river." Moreover politicians often stereotype against each other by using derogatory implications, innuendos along with a series of fallacies to "personally attack" their opponent. For instance: Democrat" is seldom spoken without the term "tax and spend" it is usually attached before or after that term is spoken. Naturally, it is used to stir already biased emotions against an issue with an appropriate number of convenient facts to provide legitimacy to the argument. In the political world, one group may call another group's beliefs "unpatriotic" or disloyal. All they really mean is that they disapprove of those ideas. Depending on the seriousness of the debate and level of frustration, the greater the rhetorical definitions, analogies, and explanations along with associated arguments from outrage real or staged. From either position, many arguments are arguments of tradition using the same catch phrases and hyperboles with maximum of well–placed dysphemia. (Moore & Parker, 2007, pp.133, 507) Turning to Ad Hominem fallacies; these are not errors they are used deliberately to attach slanted claims to a group or persons to inculcate into the listener a distorted and negative view of their target, namely, whoever opposes them. (Moore & Parker, 2007, pp.173–179) What caused citizens' perception of politicians to Get more content on
  • 12. Essay On Stereotypes Stereotyping occurs daily and many may not realize it. Stereotypes are most likely inaccurate. Society plays a major role by influencing the public into making assumptions based on physical appearances. Often times, a person who stereotypes another, does not know the individual's personality nor their unique characteristics. As a result, stereotypes and misconceptions are based on a group's lack of judgement–– in which he or she complies to society's mindset. Stereotyping and misconceptions are due to guilt by socialization, which means an individual is based on who he or she hangs out with. Gender stereotyping is a way of judging the opposite sex's character. Gender stereotyping targeting females are based on not knowing or understanding more content... Law enforcement and firefighting are fields in which there is an evident male dominance. When taking on careers that require physical strength and stamina, many question whether females are capable of performing the same as males have in the past. Having physical vigor is necessary just as much courage and stoicism, because this field requires a person's ability to see and help others when involved in dangerous situations. Time is in the essence when choosing a field such as firefighting or law enforcement and it does not make a difference what gender someone is when rescuing those in need and helping the victim survive a horrific incident he or she has faced. Lately many sources online have made headlines attacking stereotypes on female firefighters. Time changes society's way of thinking and helps the public understand it is not always going to be a typical or normal way someone views or categorizes genders or careers he or she may pursue. Furthermore I have visited a fire station where there were no females, which is probably because of the requirements of becoming qualified are tough and mostly accomplished by males, making males more dominant than females in the Get more content on
  • 13. Stereotype Essay Have you ever felt the impacts of a stereotype? Stereotypes can sometimes make people feel unwanted around people and possibly uncomfortable in their own skin. There're many different types of stereotypes but they all impact us negatively. Stereotypes can be defined as judgments that people make about others without knowing them personally, and stereotypes impact our society in many ways. For example, in an interview with Guy Raz from NPR, Jamila Lyiscott says that "You have this lens where you're looking at yourself through the lens of other people the way that they're looking at you" (Raz, Guy, and Jamila Lyiscott). In this quote Lyiscott is saying that stereotypes cause tension because people make assumptions about other people. more content... Armon says "It means, he answered lightly, that the child is not white; it means that you are not white"(Chopin). In this quote Armon is saying that the child his wife thought was white was not white. This stereotype made towards Desiree and the baby made Armon distance himself from her, which negatively impacted Desiree. Overall, the information given from the poem and story show's that stereotypes affect the person you're making the assumption about more than the person judging that person. Another stereotype is the parent and children relationship. For example, in the article "Parents Just Don't Understand is about parents opening up to their kids and being honest with them about real life situations so they feel comfortable talking about sex, drugs, alcohol. The writer says "when Uneeka Jay's 15–year–old son Shawn comes to the kitchen for a snack, that might be the exact moment she asks him, "You ever have sex?" out of the blue" (Wallace). In this quote Wallace is saying that being honest and talking to your children about personal and serious situations is important no matter how hard or weird it is to do. Also, in the article it talks about how children don't feel comfortable talking to their parents about certain stuff because 9 times out of 10 they already know what their parent is going to say. Wallace says "if your teen thinks, "I already know what my mom will say about this, so I'm not even going to talk to her," you can forget Get more content on
  • 14. Stereotypes Essay examples Stereotypes Pretend you are driving along on the highway. You see a person on the side of the road having car problems. This is person is wearing an Armani suit and driving a Porsche. The next day, you encounter the same incident but, this time, it is a man wearing baggy jeans with holes in them, a dirty shirt and he looks very unclean. Would you be more likely to stop for the man in the Armani suit, or the the second man? I know that I would stop for man #1. The reason I and most of our society would do so, is because we have a horrible habit. The habit is unintentional and we do it not meaning to hurt anybody This habit is stereotyping people by the way they look or talk based on what society considers normal. In the book, To Kill more content... Being a proper lady, Aunt Alexandra does not want the town ladies to think that she was raising her niece to be a tomboy. Therefore, she has Scout put on a facade. Against her will, Scout does everything a typical polite girl would do. She serves the ladies, wears a skirt, and brushes her hair. Scout goes through this tremendous effort because she does not want to be known as a tomboy simply because she would choose to climb a tree rather than bake a pie. Scout is able to make a deception. Should she change her ways to prevent getting a bad name or should she stick to her beliefs and deal with being called a tomboy. Unfortunately, Scout ignores her morals and changes her ways. Scout is not the only character having to rise above stereotypes. Her father, Atticus, must do so as well. Atticus, a white man, is asked to be a lawyer for Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white girl, Mayella Ewell.. After carefully examining evidence, Atticus realizes that Tom Robinson is 100% innocent. Therefore, Atticus goes to court, where he stands up for a black man in front of a white jury. Atticus gives sure proof arguments and evidence to prove that Robinson is innocent. Unfortunately, after a long recess, Robinson is found guilty of rape. Because Atticus stood up for the truth, and went against his own race, he is stereotyped as a traitor and a blacks lover by the Ewells.. It is truly unfortunate that both Atticus and his Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Stereotyping The Elderly Hello, Marianna. I enjoyed reading your post. Stereotyping the elderly people should be avoided in their care. What hurt me the most is when I hear staff stereotyping the older adults. Sometimes, this can impact the way they provide care. We should serve as a good role model and give the best quality care that they deserve. I agree elderly patients should be fully informed of their risk of any intervention and procedure. They are a higher risk of post–op complications due to their age. A detailed preoperative assessment is vital to identify their risks and to plan interventions that could minimize post–op complications. Health care providers should We should always remember to treat the elderly population with dignity and respect. Great Post. Get more content on
  • 16. Stereotypes Of Men And Women Essay Many stereotypes have been put on girls and women, like, girls aren't smarter than most boys or not as strong as many boys but I believe we can break those stereotypes by spreading examples of girls and women who exceed standard and push past limits. In Hidden Figures, it states, "Everyday, Katherine Goble, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, and other Langley computers were proving that women were as good at math as men, and that African Americans were just as gifted at math as anyone else."(Shetterly 115). As you can see, by reading this quote, stereotypes have been a thing for a long time. This quote shows how people everyday can do something to help stop stereotypes, and it talks about women who are strong and determined to prove they're better than they seem. A second quote is in, "Girls Who Code", it states, "At Girls Who Code, we believe the gender gap in technology is an issue we must all come together to solve. With your support, we will continue to build a future where our next generation of girls and boys will prosper more content... In this quote, Reshma Saujani a founder of Girls Who Code, basically says that the more girls that they get to love math and technology the more girls will get tech jobs. The more girls and women that have those kinds of jobs the more it will start to become a normal thing for girls to be in technology and math. This quote ties in with my claim because, by getting girls to like technology and math and take those jobs the more stereotypes will go away. In the quote it even says Girls Who Code released some videos talking about some stereotypes in Get more content on
  • 17. Stereotypes And Stereotypes Of Stereotypes Stereotypes: "...a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people." (Cardwell, 1996). Stereotypes create an unconscious perception on a group of people. Generalization ignores differences between individuals; therefore we pass assumptions towards others that may not be accurate. Stereotypes enables us to respond quickly to situations because we may have had similar experiences before. The use of stereotypes is an involuntary way we simplify our social world; they reduce the amount of processing when we meet a new person. By stereotyping we assume that a person has similar characteristics and abilities that we presume all members of that group have. Stereotypes lead to prejudice attitudes, such as in–group and outgroup bias. We all use stereotypes, all the time, without even realizing it. Psychologists once believed that only bigoted people used stereotypes, but studies have shown that bias is the revealing and unsettling truth. We all use stereotypes, but don 't even realize it. There is an enemy to equality, and the enemy is us. Stereotypes can influence people 's perception on whether a person will be part of an in–group or an out group bias. An in–group bias is the tendency to favor one's group, and the out group bias are the people perceived as "them". They are recognized by their surrounding people as different, and this is only because they are different from the group that they are involved in. For example if a chiefs fan Get more content on
  • 18. Ethnic Stereotypes Essay Asians can't drive. All Black men walking down dark streets are muggers. All Hispanics are undocumented. Guys are messy and unclean. Women aren't as a smart as men. Our society has garnered a generalized model of how people of a certain race, ethnicity, or gender behave, and they are often based on prejudices and erroneous patterns that describe a small niche within the targeted group of people. Stereotypes alienate people from either their race or gender and instigate misidentification. I've been generalized under the assumption that I am a soccer–loving, spicy taco–eating macho, and these stereotypes differ significantly from my actual ethnic background, the environment I grew up in, and my personality. Stereotypes have made me feel more content... How can you not tolerate spicy foods?" One major generalization under the umbrella of ethnic stereotypes is that all people of Hispanic descent were domesticated from birth to tolerant spicy foods. Although, foods engulfed in paprika and hot chili peppers are mostly found in Central American cultures, more specifically in Mexico. When my family moved to the United States, we were exposed to the amalgam of cultures that compile Rockville. Diversity was scarce in Venezuela, and this ethnic diversity introduced us to cultures outside of our limited scope. Within the first few months, my parents were introduced to a family who I distinctly remember kept close ties to their Mexican culture. I was amazed at the high tolerance the kids my age or younger had for chili peppers. A couple of them sat cross–legged on the floor sucking on their chili lollipops, while others palmed the bottoms of Tabasco bottles onto their scrambled eggs. "All Hispanic people must love spicy foods" is astereotype that misidentifies people of Latin–American descent. This fallacy is under the erroneous assumption that all Spanish–speaking cultures enjoy the unforgiving, tongue biting, and stomach–eating spices that are the backbone to the Mexican cuisine. This stereotype has singled me out my ethnic background and paired me with a different cultural background I am socially expected to belong Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Stereotypes Gender Stereotypes In today's society, people stereotype to generalize certain groups; such as religion, beliefs, or even discriminating groups of people because of there race, gender, or appearance. Stereotypes can be very harmful and unfair. Gender stereotypes have been around since the beginning of time, and are still very prominent today. As a child, I was brought up with the idea boys are strong, aggressive, and the leader; where as, girls are weak, passive, and the follower. My mother, made it clear to my sister and I, that playing sports was not acceptable for a young lady. Young ladies should be playing with dolls and playing house. Growing up, my friends and I more content... When I approached Nathan I simply explained to him that girls could play any game boys can. Children need to be taught that no matter what your gender is you can do anything you set your mind to. Now–a–days women do have jobs and are working their way to the top of the ladder. Working to the top of the ladder is very difficult for women and can be very competitive. In our society, we make gender assumption based on job title. For example, when we talk about doctors we automatically picture a man in a white robe. And when talking about teachers we again assume it is a female standing in front of a class wearing glasses. Recently women are becoming more involved in the medical field. Women are specializing in many different areas; such as cardiology and gynecology. As for the male they are also being seen on the other side of the spectrum. For example men are becoming teachers and nurses. Society should not make gender assumption based on job titles. In the past certain job titles specified certain genders. An example of this was seen in our police departments. The officers were once called "Policemen." In turn leaving out women. Women were rarely seen out in the streets protecting our neighborhoods. They were thought of as not being strong enough or capable of dealing with the tough world. Stereotyping is a natural way of thinking but needs to be minimized. Gender stereotyping will never vanish. In the work place, women and men Get more content on
  • 20. What is a Stereotype? Essay What is a stereotype? Stereotypes that I am aware of are cultural, groups of individuals, sexual stereotypes, and men vs. women. "The definition of a stereotype is any commonly known public belief about a certain social group or a type of individual. Stereotypes are often confused with prejudices, because, like prejudices, a stereotype is based on a prior assumption. Stereotypes are often created about people of specific cultures or races. Almost every culture or race has a stereotype, including Jewish people, Blacks, Irish people, and Polish people, among others. Stereotypes are not just centered on different races and backgrounds, however. Gender stereotypes also exist. For example, if you say that men are better than women, you' more content... I also appreciate people of a different culture because it gives me the opportunity to learn things about the different cultures. I do understand that there are people of different cultures that don't like my culture, but I look past them. I feel that if I was to encounter a like said person, I would probably run because I am strongly against being stereotyped. Of course it would be out of my control to change a person's view or way of thinking unless they volunteered to hear what is wrong about being that way. "Stereotyping is not only hurtful, it is also wrong. Even if the stereotype is correct in some cases, constantly putting someone down based on your preconceived perceptions will not encourage them to succeed. Stereotyping can lead to bullying from a young age. Jocks and preps pick on the nerds and the geeks; skaters pick on the Goths, so on and so forth. Stereotyping is encouraging bullying behavior that children carry into adulthood. Stereotyping can also lead people to live lives driven by hate, and can cause the victims of those stereotypes to be driven by fear. For example, many gays and lesbians are afraid to admit their sexuality in fear of being judged. It is a lose–lose situation, both for those who are doing the stereotype and those who are victims (Stereotype Examples)". Get more content on