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Stephen King Biography
Stephen king (known for a lot of people as the horror master), was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. Son of Donald and Nellie Ruth
Pillsbury King who got divorced when he was very young, therefore he and his brother started dividing their time between Connecticut and Indiana
during their teenage years, but finally king decided to move with her brother and mother in Maine definitely, There he graduated from Lisbon Falls
High School in 1966. After that king went to the University of Maine at Orono, staying close from home, while in college king he wrote for the
school's newspaper and served in its student government. And also published his first short story, which appeared in Startling Mystery Stories, and
finally after king graduated with a English degree in 1970, he tried looking for a job as teacher but he was rejected in several times, in the beginning,
but eventually king went forced to took a job a laundry se he could make a living, but he continued writing stories in his free time, until late 1971 when
got offered a job, as an English educator at Hampden Academy. It was that year that he also married fellow writer Tabitha Spruce. Who had met in the
stacks of the of the Folger library at the university of Maine where they both worked as students, Stephen made his first professional short story sale more content...
Four early novels–Rage (1977), The Long Walk (1979), Roadwork (1981) and The Running Man (1982)–were published under the moniker because of
King's concern that the public wouldn't accept more than one book from an author within a year. He came up with the alias after seeing a novel by
Richard Stark on his desk (which it turned out was a pseudonym used by Donald Westlake) coupled with what he heard playing on his record player at
the time–"You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet," by Bachman Turner
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Harriet Tubman: Biography
Harriet Tubman was an important African American who ran away from slavery and guided runaway slaves to the north for years. During the Civil
War she served as a scout, spy, and nurse for the United States Army. After that, she worked for the rights of blacks and women.
Harriet Tubman was really named Araminta Ross, but she later adopted her mother's first name. She was one of eleven children ofHarriet Greene and
Benjamin Ross. She was five when she worked on a plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland. She was first a maid, and a children's nurse before she
started working as a field hand when she was twelve. While she was thirteen, her master hit her head with a heavy weight. The hit put
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She decided to become a conductor on the infamous Underground Railroad, where people from the south would runaway to freedom in the north. She
rescued her sister, her nieces, brother, and her parents.
For about ten years, she made an estimated 19 trips into the slave states and helped about 300 slaves to the north. Tubman was in great danged while she
was a conductor of the railroad, because southerners offered a huge reward for her capture. Tubman used great disguises, posing as old men and old
women, to avoid suspicion when traveling in slave states. She carried sleeping powder to stop babies from crying and always had a gun just for
During the Civil War, which began in 1861, Tubman served as a nurse, scout, and spy for the Union Army in South Carolina. She helped cook and
prepare food for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, which was made up of all black soldiers and was better known as the Glory Brigade. She later
received an award for her efforts, but no pay.
Tubman spent years after the war in the north, where she continued to work on black rights, and she raised funds to assist former slaves with food,
shelter, and education. She was not able to read or write, but in 1869 her friend Sarah Bradford helped her out with a biography, so that her
achiecements could be an inspiration to others.
In 1974,
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Biography Of My Grandmother
My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in her life. She excelled in everything because she is
very strong and determined to do things. Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It wasn't
until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind loving person she is. This biography portrays what she
has accomplished and how she is loving and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She grew
up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is
about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house including
dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always expected to do her chores for the day after school or she
would be in trouble. Her parents were very conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if they
wanted to go or not.
Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and
marbles with shooters. She played many guy sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She also
loved to go ice skating. My
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Ernest Hemingway: A Brief Biography
Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1899. He was a writer who started his career with a newspaper office in Kansas City when he
was seventeen. When the United States got involved in the First World War, Hemingway joined with a volunteer ambulance unit in the Italian army.
During his service, he was wounded, and was decorated by the Italian Government. Upon his return to the United States, he was employed by
Canadian and American newspapers as a reporter, and sent back to Europe to cover the Greek Revolution. In the 1920's, Hemingway was a member
of expatriate Americans in Paris. In one writing of Hemingway, it reads, "In the nearly sixty two years of his life that followed he forged a literary
reputation unsurpassed more content...
The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a great example of Hemingway's overall theme of nature. Another work of Hemingway's that goes along with his
reoccurring theme of nature is, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. It also takes place on an African safari. The main character Francis
Macomber is accompanied by his wife, Margot, and the safari guide Richard Wilson. They partake in hunting adventures all throughout the story, while
Francis Macomber battles an internal conflict of a lack of self–confidence and self–assurance. Francis Macomber makes the following remark in the
story when discussing his reaction when he faces a lion, "I bolted like a rabbit" (Hemingway). At the end of the story, Francis Macomber is shot and
killed accidentally as a buffalo he wounded is charging him head on. Macomber was standing his ground against the buffalo, in order to show he has
gotten over his lack of bravery. This story relates to the theme first off through its setting. It was set on an African safari, where the characters hunted a
number of different types of game throughout the story. This relates to the theme and the author, because Hemingway himself enjoyed hunting. It also
relates through the symbolism it uses throughout the story. It symbolizes Francis Macomber's hatred through the lion by saying "his big yellow eyes,
narrowed with hate, looked straight ahead,
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Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama
Obama's Presidency
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law School. After his graduation, continued his legal work
as a civil rights lawyer and a professor teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He
served there for three terms (1996–2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential
election against John McCain, his Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th President of The
United States of America. He is more well–known for being the first African–American who ever served in The White House.
During his terms, more content...
They are still debating over the solution for this.
"In term of foreign policy, he is indecisive" –Bui, 36. According to what he said, Mr. Obama often gives late decisions. He is not good at dealing with
other countries. Ukraine and Eastern Sea are one of the obvious proofs. China and Russia have been very daring lately; America is losing respect
in both term of economy and military. Israel is another country to concern. Imagine if there is no Israel, all those Middle Eastern countries are
sharing the same belief. They will eventually team up, create their own Alliance and only God knows what they can do with that. The world
doesn't need another version of Germany in World War 2. According to Jenifer Rubin from The Washington Post, in an article she said "President
Obama gave an interview in which he viciously attacked Israel, suggesting that Israel was the cause of the peace process failure, that the United
States could no longer protect Israel if the peace process failed". Mr. Obama should consider that keeping Israel strong is a good thing to do right
now. A strong Israel means that Middle East is unstable. Israel's neighbor countries will keep being suspicious in every moves Israel made. They will
be busy dealing with each other. In another word, it will prevent them to unify.
However, American should consider the good that he has done for this country. He ended the war with Iraq as the last troop left in 2011. He
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Shirley Jackson Biography Essay
Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1916 in San Francisco, California. She was the daughter of Leslie Hardie (President of Stecher–Traung
Lithograph,Inc.) and Geraldine Bugbee Jackson. Miss Jackson attended the University of Rochester from 1934 to 1936. She graduated with a BA
from Syracuse University in 1940. Shortly after graduating, she married Stanley Edgar Hyman, who was a literary critic and was on the faculty of
Bennington college.. They moved to Vermont and had four children together. Miss Jackson made her first appearance in The New Yorker in 1943 with
a casual sketch "After You Dear Alphonse." Then for the next ten years was a contributor of short stories. Shirley had spent her childhood living on the
coast more content...
They often behave with callous disregard of those around them." Speaking of the reaction provoked by The Lottery, Jackson wrote in The Story
and It's Writer, An Introduction to Short Fiction; "One of the most terrifying aspects of publishing stories and books is the realization that they are
going to be read, and read by strangers.""I had never really fully understood this before." "It had simply never occurred to me that these millions
and millions of people, would sit down and write me letters I was downright scared to open. Even my mother scolded me." Miss Jackson also
stated, "If I thought this was a valid cross section of the reading public, I would give up writing." In 1959 Miss Jackson wrote a novel called The
Haunting of Hill House. In 1963 it was made into a film called The Haunting, starring Julie Harris and Claire Bloom. In this story a group of
researchers gather at an old estate house as part of a psychic investigaqtion to see if the building is haunted. One of the women invited to participate on
the project because of her sensitivity to the supernatural becomes obsessed with or possessed by the house. Carol Cleveland explained in And Then
There Were Nine–More Women of Mystery, "that with this novel Jackson had given the traditional gothic
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Autobiography Of My Family
I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in
America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and depended on
my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for
them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to keep up family
traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you
can tell by more content...
This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not be in
multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued
on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient and got back
on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone through
many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at
a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a
cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told
by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I have
experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also
assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have
personally experienced people suffer from
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Autobiography Of My Childhood
In second grade, I finally figured out that something was wrong with me. There always had been, and it was only getting worse. For as long as I
had been alive, I was never like other kids. As a baby, I never crawled more than a few inches. But one day, just for fun, my dad stood me up across the
room from my mom. "Walk to Mama," he told me. Despite all expectations, I did. I got up and walked to Mama. I didn 't even stumble. It wasn 't
that I couldn 't walk, I just hadn 't needed to. My mom carried me everywhere. It was a sign, albeit missed, of what was to come. I had also never
spoken, not even baby babble. Many of my parents ' friends took this as proof that I was autistic. My parents, however, refused to believe them.
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The school tried to discourage my parents from thinking I was gifted, saying things like 'A lot of people think that about their kids,' and 'She's fine
where she is.' Fortunately, my parents knew something was up. At Ms. Kafka's urging, my parents got me tested. The results came back positive.
I was gifted. Very. The school resumed its rhetoric with even more force. They didn 't want me to leave. I was dragging up their test scores. My
parents, however, did want me to leave, as did I. We started looking at schools. Two favorites emerged: Nova Classical Academy and Minnetonka
Public Schools's Navigator program. Nova was a public charter school in Saint Paul, much closer to my house in Minneapolis, and was
recommended by my IQ test proctor. The Navigator program was, unsurprisingly, in Minnetonka, and my parents had found it on their own. Due to
my father's anxieties about me going to a charter, they decided to look more closely at Minnetonka. A little while later, I was pulled from my school
to go to a Navigator orientation. As soon as I walked in to the classroom, I felt every pair of eyes on me. I was in the worst situation imaginable–I was
the newcomer. I didn 't know anything about this strange new place, half an hour away from my school, my house, and anything and anyone I knew.
Worse, in less than a year, these kids could be my classmates. I took a spot at the very back table. There was only one other student there–a blonde girl
who quickly introduced herself
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Autobiography in Psychology
Many times in people 's lives, they are asked to define their personality and they do not know how to respond. What is the actual definition of
personality and how can we define our own? Personality is a unique consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. In other words, personality is a
combination of characteristics or qualities that form the person in you. Like a painting, there are many different color schemes that combine in order to
show the big picture. There is no such thing as a person without a personality. Some people may not have very extroverted characteristics; this means
that they have a shy or colorless personality.
Now its time for me to define my personality. Who am I? What events in my life influenced more content...
As long as I was friends with them, I felt secure and sure that their guidance would lead me through my journey on the road to success.
As I grew older, I noticed a change in the way I identified myself. At the age of 12, I hit puberty and my hormones were raging. I now understood
that the stalk didn 't really drop me off at my doorstep. I was now introduced to the next bond in my life, the female. Females have had a major
impact on the way a man governs his life. At this time in my life I knew to be more adamant about my hygiene and the way I present myself in
public. This way, I might attract the same girls that attracted my attention. I was fairly good at conversing with the opposite sex and this was some sort
of fulfillment in my life that greatly influenced the way I think and act, not only to impress others but also to feel good about myself.
After I hit puberty, I realized a new Joey. A more a mature Joey, who started caring for the feelings of others rather than just myself. It was a good
time for this to happen since my Bar Mitzvah was right around the corner. It was soon time for me to be recognized as a man. It was also a time
where I found myself connected to God. This spiritual feeling gave me a stronger guidance which I did not yet realize until I was a little older.
Religion is a big factor that helped me and will continue to help me get to the right places the in right way. My parents had taught me about religion to
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Educational Autobiography Essay
Miguel Huerta Period 1 September 8, 2010 Educational Autobiography A lot of people think education is just something you get in school, but in
reality education comes from different places and people not just school and teachers. For example, way before I started school I was already being
educated by my parents, they taught me how to eat, behave, use the bathroom, talk, and a lot of other things that help out in life. I started my
educational career in John F. Kennedy Elementary. I don't really remember my years there because I only went there for Kindergarten and 1st grade.
After that, I went to Sepulveda Elementary. That was a learning experience because I had to basically be on my own for a couple of days since I was
the more content...
Sadly to say, I didn't really have a teacher in middle school that made a big impact in my life but I matured on my own and got my stuff together
and put my work first and girls second. When I graduated 8th grade I was so excited because I had accomplished something special but I knew
that wasn't the end but in fact a beginning to an even bigger obstacle, high school. I still remember on the day of graduation my mom went alone
because my dad was working and after I told her that this wasn't the last time she would see me walking down for a diploma because in couple more
years I would be doing it again. That was a big deal because she never graduated high school neither did my dad because my mom had me and they had
to care for me. Then finally I made it to high school. This was the place where everything I learned up to now would help me. My 9th grade year was
really good I met new friends that I still talk to, got good grades but other than that it was a normal year. When I went to 10th grade I was in AOF
(Academy of Finance) or Global. At first I was a little optimistic about being in it because I didn't really know a lot of people but I stayed because I
was a little curious about the whole business stuff going on in there. It was a good decision to stay because I really enjoy all the business related
work and I am looking forward to even having some sort of a business career later on in life. The teacher that really made an impact on me is the
teacher for whom I
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Essay on Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with
Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion for
technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and
attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age.
Gates' passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This program allowed the player to compete in a game
of tic tac more content...
By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So
far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the Foundation
saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the
Bill founded several schools based on hands–on knowledge and technology. He also has given many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to
make the public school system more effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions
of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous
foundation to provide one of the first hybrid homeschool–project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools, he also
supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire
others to join in educational reform.
Bill Gates' influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He currently holds the sixth position for the most
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My Biography Essay
I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met many different types of characters. All with their
personal gain is put first without a thought for others.
Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid
could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were
given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and numbers.
I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always remember Ms Kerion, she was more content...
Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing experiences up to this date, secondaryschool. My very
first secondary school was Salisbury, it was said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst behaved. I
did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in
English, five in science and four in mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the smell of
school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and un– breathable.
When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was
terrified. My year had started a day earlier than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some new
friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was
unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had
fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was the best in our whole year at most
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Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or
process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World
Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfect essay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical
situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of
view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my
writing and how they can help me improve.
Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the
essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the
way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories
especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an
outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the
thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me
cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay.
Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure
that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the
essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't
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Dr. Seuss Essay examples
Dr. Seuss
Born in 1904, Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is perhaps one of the most beloved children's authors of the twentieth century.
Although he is most famous as an author of children's books, Geisel was also a political cartoonist, advertisement designer, and film director. He
used the power of imagination to produce unforgettable children's books and helped solve the problem of illiteracy among America's children. By
using his experiences in life as a foundation for most of his books, Theodor Geisel was able to shape the character of many of his readers, as well as
teach children subliminal messages through a unique writing style that incorporated various elements and techniques. Through a few of his books, more content...
Seuss was still able to make reading fun and enjoyable to children. Along the lines of his illustrations, Theodor Geisel was among the first authors to put
illustrations equal with text, enabling his readers to follow the action and the story simultaneously. True to his eccentric character and unique
perspective, Seuss basically drew things as he saw them. Surprisingly, he had strict guidelines on how to write children's books. There was only one
illustration per page and nothing could describe anything pictured. That way, children can work out the story from the illustrations. In addition, his
characters are unique. Although his characters may seem simplistic, Seuss' illustrations are inimitable. Through his drawings, word selection, and
rhythm, Seuss created subliminal messages for his readers. Yertle the Turtle, written by Ted Geisel in 1958, illustrates one of Seuss's hidden messages:
relationships with other people. About a population of turtles, this unique allegory describes the relationship between a fascist king turtle and his turtle
subjects. As king of a small pond, Yertle wishes to have a throne built out of turtles which is high enough for him to see and rule over all the land.Dr.
Seuss writes, "with this stone for a throne, I look down on my pond/But I cannot look down on the places beyond" (Seuss). Mack, a little turtle at the
bottom of the pole, complains, "I know, up on top you are seeing
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How Does an Author's Life Influence Their Writing?
Authors have inspired and created some of the most remarkable ideas that can change just one life or many; however, these authors must have had
inspiration themselves. An author's life influences who they are and what they do, writing. Edgar Allan Poe was a unique author who wrote
numerous dark, mysterious works, such as "The Tell Tale Heart," that were inspired by his life full of sorrow and despair. Comparable to Poe, S.E.
Hinton's writing was affected by her life of being different from the world and even her friends, which led to her writing about a unique character who
stands out in The Outsiders. Lastly, Elie Wiesel is alike to the previous authors. His life, burdened by ceaseless pain that he bore through, reflects in his
writing in Night. Anybody's life can change from just one significant moment that they have lived, no matter who they are or what they do. Edgar Allan
Poe, S.E. Hinton, and Elie Wiesel had been just average people who have challenged events in their lives which who used those events to write.
Edgar Allan Poe's writing had certainly been impacted by his life. Poe was born to his mother, Eliza Poe, in 1809. However, his alcoholic father,
David Poe Jr., had left him. His mother later died of Tuberculosis when he was still young. Although he had joined the Allan Family, this absence of
his parents brought him to be lonely. His foster father, John Allan, raised Poe as if he was his own, but Poe and his
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Political Biography Essay
Conor Samuels
9 March 2010
Professor Simon
PSC 101
Political Autobiography In my life I have never had any political enforcement or strict religious influence. My parents were very lenient when it
came too political preaching. I was taught to be a caring and respectful individual. My political understanding and beliefs have been molded from
my early political memories and socialization experiences. As a young adult I have always strived to become knowledgeable about political ideals
mainly because I was never really taught to believe in something specific. I eventually was drawn towards many different social and political
perspectives, which is how I came to a logical conclusion of how I view the world more content...
It is very important to be aware of what is going on in the world however sometimes reading can be a better source or information than watching
bias television broadcasts. I believe that if children have to develop their own political opinion at a young age then they will attain values and
beliefs that are more logical. I had structure growing up as a kid and was directed to what was right and wrong but I was not born into a political
dictatorship. My parents were caring people and emphasized that treating others with respect is more important than following some indoctrinated
code. I am fortunate to have been given the freedom to develop my own social and political views. Having political guidance from family is
important but being told that only one particular political belief system is infallible is not the ideal way to educate. My parents have always preached
equality, and that all people should have equal opportunity to pursue their goals despite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. At a
young age I was taught to recognize that all Americans have an equal opportunity to aspire to an education regardless of their economic condition. My
parents were a large influence of how I view freedom of speech. They emphasized that all individuals have the right to express their opinions and
advocate their personal beliefs. One of the key political concepts that I was born into was to fight for a clean environment. The environment must be
protected and
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Professional Biography
Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography? I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense
and I hope you are, too.
I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli when it comes to the format of formal professional
biographies. There are thousands of articles with tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want to
take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed
for my future profile image. This is certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in more
Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to helping you step into the unedited light that you are,
too, and equally so. I will admit that some of this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be
intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence.
What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling
profession for slapping a wound on my light and deep respect for who I am.
I am formally trained as a "Psycho"–Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed
and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you are reading.
Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the essence of what we are being called to bring forth in
the world and, yes, I believe it is our responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of "suck," I'm not
interested in your suggestion, but thank you.
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William Wordsworth Born April 7, 1770 to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson in Cockermouth, Cumberland was the poet William Wordsworth.
He was the second of five children. Richard, the oldest was a lawyer. Dorothy was a year younger than William and also a poet. John was a sea
captain of the Earl of Abergavenny and was killed in a shipwreck. Christopher was the youngest who became the Master of Trinity College at
Cambridge. In November in 1791, William visited France. He met and fell in love with Annette Vallon. In 1792, a daughter was born, Caroline
Wordsworth. In 1793 the tensions between France and England became so tense he left both Annette and Caroline behind to return to England.
He would not see either of them for years, but did try to support them. When he finally was able to visit again with Annette and Caroline, it was to
tell Annette he had fallen in love with another. It was after he told her that he wrote The Sonnet, a poem recalling a walk on the beach with his 9
year old Caroline, whom he had not seen in the years he was in England. In 1793, An Evening and Descriptive Sketches was published. In 1795 he
was finally able to pursue is dream to be a poet due to a 900 pound payment from Raisley Calvert. In 1795 William also met Samuel Taylor
Coleridge. Together with William's sister Dorothy the three wrote lyrical poems. This did not give any of them a name as an author. One of
William's most famous poems was published in a collection, it was Tintern Abbey. Samuel Coleridge also had a piece published in the collection,
it was The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Between the years of 1795 and 1797 William wrote his one and only play. The Borders was a tragic tale
during the reign of Henry III, in which the northerners had conflicts with Scottish rovers. The play was never acted, as according to Thomas Harris,
the manager of Covent Garden Theatre it needed significant revision. In 1842, it was revised and published. William, his sister Dorothy and friend
Samuel traveled to Germany in the fall of 1798. In the harsh winter he began work on his autobiographical, The Prelude. He also worked on a
collection of poems, the Lucy Poems. Dorothy and William returned to England in 1799.
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A Biography On My Mom
I wrote a biography on my mom because she is basically an older and wiser me, but her childhood wasn't exactly as easy. Lashae Damore Bibbins
was born on March fifteenth, 1970 in Los Angeles California at the UCLA Medical Center. She was born on her dad's birthday and unfortunately, the
day her father's best friend died from a car incident. Lashae's parents are Lucille and John Jefferson.
Her first memory was when she was four or three years old in pre–school called Kimberly Ann in 1973. Lashae says, "I remember they had an ugly red
carpet, and I refused to take a nap till the teacher said "okay just lay down quietly". I used to watch a T.V show called "H.R. Puffin Stuff." There
was a red flute, an ugly green witch and the trees moved and talked." Lashae's mom especially remembers when Lashae would cry every time she
dropped her off, which gave her a headache. As a child Lashae was most afraid of dying. She would think about it all the time and scare herself. She
also remembers the weekends when she was young. "Saturdays were the best because I was able to watch cartoons all morning while drinking hot
chocolate and eating toast with grape jelly. My favorite t.v–show to this day was the Brady Bunch."
Lashae had two siblings. Her unreliable older brother, Maurice, who she thought was very weird because he would always lie and steal from their family
and an annoying younger sister, Meme, who at the time lived to make Lashae's life miserable by pretending that Lashae hurt
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Stephen King Biography

  • 1. Stephen King Biography Stephen king (known for a lot of people as the horror master), was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. Son of Donald and Nellie Ruth Pillsbury King who got divorced when he was very young, therefore he and his brother started dividing their time between Connecticut and Indiana during their teenage years, but finally king decided to move with her brother and mother in Maine definitely, There he graduated from Lisbon Falls High School in 1966. After that king went to the University of Maine at Orono, staying close from home, while in college king he wrote for the school's newspaper and served in its student government. And also published his first short story, which appeared in Startling Mystery Stories, and finally after king graduated with a English degree in 1970, he tried looking for a job as teacher but he was rejected in several times, in the beginning, but eventually king went forced to took a job a laundry se he could make a living, but he continued writing stories in his free time, until late 1971 when got offered a job, as an English educator at Hampden Academy. It was that year that he also married fellow writer Tabitha Spruce. Who had met in the stacks of the of the Folger library at the university of Maine where they both worked as students, Stephen made his first professional short story sale more content... Four early novels–Rage (1977), The Long Walk (1979), Roadwork (1981) and The Running Man (1982)–were published under the moniker because of King's concern that the public wouldn't accept more than one book from an author within a year. He came up with the alias after seeing a novel by Richard Stark on his desk (which it turned out was a pseudonym used by Donald Westlake) coupled with what he heard playing on his record player at the time–"You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet," by Bachman Turner Get more content on
  • 2. Harriet Tubman: Biography Harriet Tubman was an important African American who ran away from slavery and guided runaway slaves to the north for years. During the Civil War she served as a scout, spy, and nurse for the United States Army. After that, she worked for the rights of blacks and women. Harriet Tubman was really named Araminta Ross, but she later adopted her mother's first name. She was one of eleven children ofHarriet Greene and Benjamin Ross. She was five when she worked on a plantation in Dorchester County, Maryland. She was first a maid, and a children's nurse before she started working as a field hand when she was twelve. While she was thirteen, her master hit her head with a heavy weight. The hit put more content... She decided to become a conductor on the infamous Underground Railroad, where people from the south would runaway to freedom in the north. She rescued her sister, her nieces, brother, and her parents. For about ten years, she made an estimated 19 trips into the slave states and helped about 300 slaves to the north. Tubman was in great danged while she was a conductor of the railroad, because southerners offered a huge reward for her capture. Tubman used great disguises, posing as old men and old women, to avoid suspicion when traveling in slave states. She carried sleeping powder to stop babies from crying and always had a gun just for protection. During the Civil War, which began in 1861, Tubman served as a nurse, scout, and spy for the Union Army in South Carolina. She helped cook and prepare food for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, which was made up of all black soldiers and was better known as the Glory Brigade. She later received an award for her efforts, but no pay. Tubman spent years after the war in the north, where she continued to work on black rights, and she raised funds to assist former slaves with food, shelter, and education. She was not able to read or write, but in 1869 her friend Sarah Bradford helped her out with a biography, so that her achiecements could be an inspiration to others. In 1974, Get more content on
  • 3. Biography Of My Grandmother My grandmother, Kathy A Gerdes was born March 10, 1947 and has done many great things in her life. She excelled in everything because she is very strong and determined to do things. Growing up, I was always with her and watching her do things which is why I look up to her. It wasn't until she moved in with us until I got to have a strong relationship and get to see the kind loving person she is. This biography portrays what she has accomplished and how she is loving and strong. As a child, my grandma had a very simple life even though her parents were strict. She grew up in New Prague, Minnesota, by the old creamery. She had 3 siblings, Rosie, Roman, and Tony. They are all older than her and each sibling is about 10 years apart. Her dad owned a barber shop and her mom was stay at home. My grandma had to do many chores around the house including dishes, cleaning, garden work, shoveling snow, and many other things. She was always expected to do her chores for the day after school or she would be in trouble. Her parents were very conservative catholics. Her family had to go to church every Sunday and they didn't have a choice if they wanted to go or not. Kathy had many memories as a child. She loved to play outside all of the time. She played things like hide n' seek, ring around the frypan, Jacks, and marbles with shooters. She played many guy sports like football and basketball because she always played with boys that lived around her. She also loved to go ice skating. My Get more content on
  • 4. Ernest Hemingway: A Brief Biography Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1899. He was a writer who started his career with a newspaper office in Kansas City when he was seventeen. When the United States got involved in the First World War, Hemingway joined with a volunteer ambulance unit in the Italian army. During his service, he was wounded, and was decorated by the Italian Government. Upon his return to the United States, he was employed by Canadian and American newspapers as a reporter, and sent back to Europe to cover the Greek Revolution. In the 1920's, Hemingway was a member of expatriate Americans in Paris. In one writing of Hemingway, it reads, "In the nearly sixty two years of his life that followed he forged a literary reputation unsurpassed more content... The Snows of Kilimanjaro is a great example of Hemingway's overall theme of nature. Another work of Hemingway's that goes along with his reoccurring theme of nature is, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. It also takes place on an African safari. The main character Francis Macomber is accompanied by his wife, Margot, and the safari guide Richard Wilson. They partake in hunting adventures all throughout the story, while Francis Macomber battles an internal conflict of a lack of self–confidence and self–assurance. Francis Macomber makes the following remark in the story when discussing his reaction when he faces a lion, "I bolted like a rabbit" (Hemingway). At the end of the story, Francis Macomber is shot and killed accidentally as a buffalo he wounded is charging him head on. Macomber was standing his ground against the buffalo, in order to show he has gotten over his lack of bravery. This story relates to the theme first off through its setting. It was set on an African safari, where the characters hunted a number of different types of game throughout the story. This relates to the theme and the author, because Hemingway himself enjoyed hunting. It also relates through the symbolism it uses throughout the story. It symbolizes Francis Macomber's hatred through the lion by saying "his big yellow eyes, narrowed with hate, looked straight ahead, Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Biography of President Barack Obama Obama's Presidency Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law School. After his graduation, continued his legal work as a civil rights lawyer and a professor teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He served there for three terms (1996–2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential election against John McCain, his Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th President of The United States of America. He is more well–known for being the first African–American who ever served in The White House. During his terms, more content... They are still debating over the solution for this. "In term of foreign policy, he is indecisive" –Bui, 36. According to what he said, Mr. Obama often gives late decisions. He is not good at dealing with other countries. Ukraine and Eastern Sea are one of the obvious proofs. China and Russia have been very daring lately; America is losing respect in both term of economy and military. Israel is another country to concern. Imagine if there is no Israel, all those Middle Eastern countries are sharing the same belief. They will eventually team up, create their own Alliance and only God knows what they can do with that. The world doesn't need another version of Germany in World War 2. According to Jenifer Rubin from The Washington Post, in an article she said "President Obama gave an interview in which he viciously attacked Israel, suggesting that Israel was the cause of the peace process failure, that the United States could no longer protect Israel if the peace process failed". Mr. Obama should consider that keeping Israel strong is a good thing to do right now. A strong Israel means that Middle East is unstable. Israel's neighbor countries will keep being suspicious in every moves Israel made. They will be busy dealing with each other. In another word, it will prevent them to unify. However, American should consider the good that he has done for this country. He ended the war with Iraq as the last troop left in 2011. He Get more content on
  • 6. Shirley Jackson Biography Essay Shirley Jackson was born on December 14, 1916 in San Francisco, California. She was the daughter of Leslie Hardie (President of Stecher–Traung Lithograph,Inc.) and Geraldine Bugbee Jackson. Miss Jackson attended the University of Rochester from 1934 to 1936. She graduated with a BA from Syracuse University in 1940. Shortly after graduating, she married Stanley Edgar Hyman, who was a literary critic and was on the faculty of Bennington college.. They moved to Vermont and had four children together. Miss Jackson made her first appearance in The New Yorker in 1943 with a casual sketch "After You Dear Alphonse." Then for the next ten years was a contributor of short stories. Shirley had spent her childhood living on the coast more content... They often behave with callous disregard of those around them." Speaking of the reaction provoked by The Lottery, Jackson wrote in The Story and It's Writer, An Introduction to Short Fiction; "One of the most terrifying aspects of publishing stories and books is the realization that they are going to be read, and read by strangers.""I had never really fully understood this before." "It had simply never occurred to me that these millions and millions of people, would sit down and write me letters I was downright scared to open. Even my mother scolded me." Miss Jackson also stated, "If I thought this was a valid cross section of the reading public, I would give up writing." In 1959 Miss Jackson wrote a novel called The Haunting of Hill House. In 1963 it was made into a film called The Haunting, starring Julie Harris and Claire Bloom. In this story a group of researchers gather at an old estate house as part of a psychic investigaqtion to see if the building is haunted. One of the women invited to participate on the project because of her sensitivity to the supernatural becomes obsessed with or possessed by the house. Carol Cleveland explained in And Then There Were Nine–More Women of Mystery, "that with this novel Jackson had given the traditional gothic Get more content on
  • 7. Autobiography Of My Family I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and depended on my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to keep up family traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you can tell by more content... This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not be in multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient and got back on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone through many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I have experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have personally experienced people suffer from Get more content on
  • 8. Autobiography Of My Childhood In second grade, I finally figured out that something was wrong with me. There always had been, and it was only getting worse. For as long as I had been alive, I was never like other kids. As a baby, I never crawled more than a few inches. But one day, just for fun, my dad stood me up across the room from my mom. "Walk to Mama," he told me. Despite all expectations, I did. I got up and walked to Mama. I didn 't even stumble. It wasn 't that I couldn 't walk, I just hadn 't needed to. My mom carried me everywhere. It was a sign, albeit missed, of what was to come. I had also never spoken, not even baby babble. Many of my parents ' friends took this as proof that I was autistic. My parents, however, refused to believe them. more content... The school tried to discourage my parents from thinking I was gifted, saying things like 'A lot of people think that about their kids,' and 'She's fine where she is.' Fortunately, my parents knew something was up. At Ms. Kafka's urging, my parents got me tested. The results came back positive. I was gifted. Very. The school resumed its rhetoric with even more force. They didn 't want me to leave. I was dragging up their test scores. My parents, however, did want me to leave, as did I. We started looking at schools. Two favorites emerged: Nova Classical Academy and Minnetonka Public Schools's Navigator program. Nova was a public charter school in Saint Paul, much closer to my house in Minneapolis, and was recommended by my IQ test proctor. The Navigator program was, unsurprisingly, in Minnetonka, and my parents had found it on their own. Due to my father's anxieties about me going to a charter, they decided to look more closely at Minnetonka. A little while later, I was pulled from my school to go to a Navigator orientation. As soon as I walked in to the classroom, I felt every pair of eyes on me. I was in the worst situation imaginable–I was the newcomer. I didn 't know anything about this strange new place, half an hour away from my school, my house, and anything and anyone I knew. Worse, in less than a year, these kids could be my classmates. I took a spot at the very back table. There was only one other student there–a blonde girl who quickly introduced herself Get more content on
  • 9. Autobiography in Psychology Many times in people 's lives, they are asked to define their personality and they do not know how to respond. What is the actual definition of personality and how can we define our own? Personality is a unique consistent pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. In other words, personality is a combination of characteristics or qualities that form the person in you. Like a painting, there are many different color schemes that combine in order to show the big picture. There is no such thing as a person without a personality. Some people may not have very extroverted characteristics; this means that they have a shy or colorless personality. Now its time for me to define my personality. Who am I? What events in my life influenced more content... As long as I was friends with them, I felt secure and sure that their guidance would lead me through my journey on the road to success. As I grew older, I noticed a change in the way I identified myself. At the age of 12, I hit puberty and my hormones were raging. I now understood that the stalk didn 't really drop me off at my doorstep. I was now introduced to the next bond in my life, the female. Females have had a major impact on the way a man governs his life. At this time in my life I knew to be more adamant about my hygiene and the way I present myself in public. This way, I might attract the same girls that attracted my attention. I was fairly good at conversing with the opposite sex and this was some sort of fulfillment in my life that greatly influenced the way I think and act, not only to impress others but also to feel good about myself. After I hit puberty, I realized a new Joey. A more a mature Joey, who started caring for the feelings of others rather than just myself. It was a good time for this to happen since my Bar Mitzvah was right around the corner. It was soon time for me to be recognized as a man. It was also a time where I found myself connected to God. This spiritual feeling gave me a stronger guidance which I did not yet realize until I was a little older. Religion is a big factor that helped me and will continue to help me get to the right places the in right way. My parents had taught me about religion to instill Get more content on
  • 10. Educational Autobiography Essay Miguel Huerta Period 1 September 8, 2010 Educational Autobiography A lot of people think education is just something you get in school, but in reality education comes from different places and people not just school and teachers. For example, way before I started school I was already being educated by my parents, they taught me how to eat, behave, use the bathroom, talk, and a lot of other things that help out in life. I started my educational career in John F. Kennedy Elementary. I don't really remember my years there because I only went there for Kindergarten and 1st grade. After that, I went to Sepulveda Elementary. That was a learning experience because I had to basically be on my own for a couple of days since I was the more content... Sadly to say, I didn't really have a teacher in middle school that made a big impact in my life but I matured on my own and got my stuff together and put my work first and girls second. When I graduated 8th grade I was so excited because I had accomplished something special but I knew that wasn't the end but in fact a beginning to an even bigger obstacle, high school. I still remember on the day of graduation my mom went alone because my dad was working and after I told her that this wasn't the last time she would see me walking down for a diploma because in couple more years I would be doing it again. That was a big deal because she never graduated high school neither did my dad because my mom had me and they had to care for me. Then finally I made it to high school. This was the place where everything I learned up to now would help me. My 9th grade year was really good I met new friends that I still talk to, got good grades but other than that it was a normal year. When I went to 10th grade I was in AOF (Academy of Finance) or Global. At first I was a little optimistic about being in it because I didn't really know a lot of people but I stayed because I was a little curious about the whole business stuff going on in there. It was a good decision to stay because I really enjoy all the business related work and I am looking forward to even having some sort of a business career later on in life. The teacher that really made an impact on me is the teacher for whom I Get more content on
  • 11. Essay on Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age. Gates' passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac more content... By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world. Bill founded several schools based on hands–on knowledge and technology. He also has given many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of the first hybrid homeschool–project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational reform. Bill Gates' influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He currently holds the sixth position for the most Get more content on
  • 12. My Biography Essay I started my journey of life in the early 90's and ever since I have been up against barriers and met many different types of characters. All with their personal gain is put first without a thought for others. Anyways let's start from the beginning, I started my educational career in 1997 at welbourne primary school/ boy was it fun it had everything a kid could ever imagine, a massive sand box, shiny new tricycles, super fast scooters and loads and loads of coloured paint. It was unbelievable we were given milk and cookies and we got to sing as well as the fundamental steps of life, the alphabet and numbers. I have always been fond of those years and the joy it brought, but the person I will always remember Ms Kerion, she was more content... Wow now this stage of my life which made me who I am today, it had the most life changing experiences up to this date, secondaryschool. My very first secondary school was Salisbury, it was said that it was one of the worst performing schools in the country and also one of the worst behaved. I did not know this and didn't believe it because I and most of my friends had achieved very good grades in our SATS. I had achieved level five in English, five in science and four in mathematics. Anyways when I first started the school was the chitter chatter of other pupils and the smell of school dinners was as always putrid. The grease they used to fry made the air slimy and un– breathable. When I entered the massive gates the immense building towered over me. I felt tiny in comparison just like my confidence at the time, I was terrified. My year had started a day earlier than the rest of the school so that we could get to know each other better. I had already made some new friends but I had also made enemies. Me and my new friends played some football together and it was awesome they were unstoppable (I was unstoppable as well) and right there I knew I made friends for life One of my best friends was a boy called Hanad he was a tall and muscular, he had fair skin like caramel but was as tough as a nut. Hanad was the coolest boy I had ever met, he was the best in our whole year at most Get more content on
  • 13. Writing is way that we can express ourselves, it is a way to interface ideas and thoughts and to prove a point. Throughout my writing experience or process I have struggled with writing especially using details or really expressing myself my work. In this course Facts & Fiction: Portraits in World Art I expect to gain more knowledge on how to write a perfect essay, story, letter, and assignment. I expect to learn new genres and rhetorical situations. I also think my writing will improve academically and I will develop my skills in writing. Also taking my writing to a different point of view, level, and writing something different rather than the usual. I look forward to getting feedback from my peers and learning their thoughts on my writing and how they can help me improve. Reading and writing were two things my parents use to always push me to improve and work on more often. They always told me they are the essentials of everything thing. Even though I disliked both at a young age as I grew older I preferred writing because I can always change the way I write and write from my point of view, really be creative with it and prove my point. Growing up I always loved writing short stories especially scary stories. I always was creative with them and even made them realistic. To write an essay I usually have a couple of steps writing an outline, and the thesis a draft and finally a final draft. The most difficult part about this is writing the thesis because the whole essay revolves the thesis because it summarizes the whole essay. At the end of some essays, I had to use citations to do that there were many websites that helped me cite sources such as easybib which was a really simple process. So, citing sources was one of the easiest things about writing the essay. Writing to a teacher is way more complex then writing to a fried or a family member. Writing to a teacher is way more complex, I must make sure that everything is on point or it reaches the state of protection. Which is having the right format, a great thesis and really conveying the point of the essay. Writing to a friend or a family member is much easier I usually don't focus on grammatic errors or writing a perfect thesis. Today some of us don't Get more content on
  • 14. Dr. Seuss Essay examples Dr. Seuss Born in 1904, Theodor Seuss Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss, is perhaps one of the most beloved children's authors of the twentieth century. Although he is most famous as an author of children's books, Geisel was also a political cartoonist, advertisement designer, and film director. He used the power of imagination to produce unforgettable children's books and helped solve the problem of illiteracy among America's children. By using his experiences in life as a foundation for most of his books, Theodor Geisel was able to shape the character of many of his readers, as well as teach children subliminal messages through a unique writing style that incorporated various elements and techniques. Through a few of his books, more content... Seuss was still able to make reading fun and enjoyable to children. Along the lines of his illustrations, Theodor Geisel was among the first authors to put illustrations equal with text, enabling his readers to follow the action and the story simultaneously. True to his eccentric character and unique perspective, Seuss basically drew things as he saw them. Surprisingly, he had strict guidelines on how to write children's books. There was only one illustration per page and nothing could describe anything pictured. That way, children can work out the story from the illustrations. In addition, his characters are unique. Although his characters may seem simplistic, Seuss' illustrations are inimitable. Through his drawings, word selection, and rhythm, Seuss created subliminal messages for his readers. Yertle the Turtle, written by Ted Geisel in 1958, illustrates one of Seuss's hidden messages: relationships with other people. About a population of turtles, this unique allegory describes the relationship between a fascist king turtle and his turtle subjects. As king of a small pond, Yertle wishes to have a throne built out of turtles which is high enough for him to see and rule over all the land.Dr. Seuss writes, "with this stone for a throne, I look down on my pond/But I cannot look down on the places beyond" (Seuss). Mack, a little turtle at the bottom of the pole, complains, "I know, up on top you are seeing Get more content on
  • 15. How Does an Author's Life Influence Their Writing? Authors have inspired and created some of the most remarkable ideas that can change just one life or many; however, these authors must have had inspiration themselves. An author's life influences who they are and what they do, writing. Edgar Allan Poe was a unique author who wrote numerous dark, mysterious works, such as "The Tell Tale Heart," that were inspired by his life full of sorrow and despair. Comparable to Poe, S.E. Hinton's writing was affected by her life of being different from the world and even her friends, which led to her writing about a unique character who stands out in The Outsiders. Lastly, Elie Wiesel is alike to the previous authors. His life, burdened by ceaseless pain that he bore through, reflects in his writing in Night. Anybody's life can change from just one significant moment that they have lived, no matter who they are or what they do. Edgar Allan Poe, S.E. Hinton, and Elie Wiesel had been just average people who have challenged events in their lives which who used those events to write. Edgar Allan Poe's writing had certainly been impacted by his life. Poe was born to his mother, Eliza Poe, in 1809. However, his alcoholic father, David Poe Jr., had left him. His mother later died of Tuberculosis when he was still young. Although he had joined the Allan Family, this absence of his parents brought him to be lonely. His foster father, John Allan, raised Poe as if he was his own, but Poe and his Get more content on
  • 16. Political Biography Essay Conor Samuels 9 March 2010 Professor Simon PSC 101 Political Autobiography In my life I have never had any political enforcement or strict religious influence. My parents were very lenient when it came too political preaching. I was taught to be a caring and respectful individual. My political understanding and beliefs have been molded from my early political memories and socialization experiences. As a young adult I have always strived to become knowledgeable about political ideals mainly because I was never really taught to believe in something specific. I eventually was drawn towards many different social and political perspectives, which is how I came to a logical conclusion of how I view the world more content... It is very important to be aware of what is going on in the world however sometimes reading can be a better source or information than watching bias television broadcasts. I believe that if children have to develop their own political opinion at a young age then they will attain values and beliefs that are more logical. I had structure growing up as a kid and was directed to what was right and wrong but I was not born into a political dictatorship. My parents were caring people and emphasized that treating others with respect is more important than following some indoctrinated code. I am fortunate to have been given the freedom to develop my own social and political views. Having political guidance from family is important but being told that only one particular political belief system is infallible is not the ideal way to educate. My parents have always preached equality, and that all people should have equal opportunity to pursue their goals despite their religion, race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. At a young age I was taught to recognize that all Americans have an equal opportunity to aspire to an education regardless of their economic condition. My parents were a large influence of how I view freedom of speech. They emphasized that all individuals have the right to express their opinions and advocate their personal beliefs. One of the key political concepts that I was born into was to fight for a clean environment. The environment must be protected and Get more content on
  • 17. Professional Biography Let me ask you a question. How are you not incredibly bored by the above professional biography? I am certainly yawning after writing such nonsense and I hope you are, too. I am someone who is going to stick her tongue out like a four year old who doesn't like broccoli when it comes to the format of formal professional biographies. There are thousands of articles with tips and suggestions on writing guidelines, all of which not only bore me but evoke outrage. I want to take down this external structure of "describing a professional self" with tiny ninja knives and chopsticks while wearing a tutu and being photographed for my future profile image. This is certainly the image of the therapist I would choose to work with from the listing in more content... Also, the above quote is who I am to my core and every waking moment of my life is devoted to helping you step into the unedited light that you are, too, and equally so. I will admit that some of this intention is selfish. Entertaining myself over the last decade has run its course and I want to be intrigued by you more than I am of myself, which is a rare occurrence. What a surprise that the above paragraph is certainly going to be judged and classified in terms of narcissism by some. Again, thank you counseling profession for slapping a wound on my light and deep respect for who I am. I am formally trained as a "Psycho"–Therapist and I have an incredibly low opinion of my profession as a whole. Incredibly low. Deeply disappointed and disheartened. Yes, the sentence is a fragment. Intentionally so. I am emphasizing the fragmentation I experience in my profession as you are reading. Moving forward with directness, I think we actually "suck" at healing. We do not understand the essence of what we are being called to bring forth in the world and, yes, I believe it is our responsibility to dig deeper. If there is a more sophisticated synonym I could use in replace of "suck," I'm not interested in your suggestion, but thank you. Get more content on
  • 18. William Wordsworth Born April 7, 1770 to John Wordsworth and Ann Cookson in Cockermouth, Cumberland was the poet William Wordsworth. He was the second of five children. Richard, the oldest was a lawyer. Dorothy was a year younger than William and also a poet. John was a sea captain of the Earl of Abergavenny and was killed in a shipwreck. Christopher was the youngest who became the Master of Trinity College at Cambridge. In November in 1791, William visited France. He met and fell in love with Annette Vallon. In 1792, a daughter was born, Caroline Wordsworth. In 1793 the tensions between France and England became so tense he left both Annette and Caroline behind to return to England. He would not see either of them for years, but did try to support them. When he finally was able to visit again with Annette and Caroline, it was to tell Annette he had fallen in love with another. It was after he told her that he wrote The Sonnet, a poem recalling a walk on the beach with his 9 year old Caroline, whom he had not seen in the years he was in England. In 1793, An Evening and Descriptive Sketches was published. In 1795 he was finally able to pursue is dream to be a poet due to a 900 pound payment from Raisley Calvert. In 1795 William also met Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Together with William's sister Dorothy the three wrote lyrical poems. This did not give any of them a name as an author. One of William's most famous poems was published in a collection, it was Tintern Abbey. Samuel Coleridge also had a piece published in the collection, it was The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Between the years of 1795 and 1797 William wrote his one and only play. The Borders was a tragic tale during the reign of Henry III, in which the northerners had conflicts with Scottish rovers. The play was never acted, as according to Thomas Harris, the manager of Covent Garden Theatre it needed significant revision. In 1842, it was revised and published. William, his sister Dorothy and friend Samuel traveled to Germany in the fall of 1798. In the harsh winter he began work on his autobiographical, The Prelude. He also worked on a collection of poems, the Lucy Poems. Dorothy and William returned to England in 1799. Get more content on
  • 19. A Biography On My Mom I wrote a biography on my mom because she is basically an older and wiser me, but her childhood wasn't exactly as easy. Lashae Damore Bibbins was born on March fifteenth, 1970 in Los Angeles California at the UCLA Medical Center. She was born on her dad's birthday and unfortunately, the day her father's best friend died from a car incident. Lashae's parents are Lucille and John Jefferson. Her first memory was when she was four or three years old in pre–school called Kimberly Ann in 1973. Lashae says, "I remember they had an ugly red carpet, and I refused to take a nap till the teacher said "okay just lay down quietly". I used to watch a T.V show called "H.R. Puffin Stuff." There was a red flute, an ugly green witch and the trees moved and talked." Lashae's mom especially remembers when Lashae would cry every time she dropped her off, which gave her a headache. As a child Lashae was most afraid of dying. She would think about it all the time and scare herself. She also remembers the weekends when she was young. "Saturdays were the best because I was able to watch cartoons all morning while drinking hot chocolate and eating toast with grape jelly. My favorite t.v–show to this day was the Brady Bunch." Lashae had two siblings. Her unreliable older brother, Maurice, who she thought was very weird because he would always lie and steal from their family and an annoying younger sister, Meme, who at the time lived to make Lashae's life miserable by pretending that Lashae hurt Get more content on