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I am a national thought leader on education policies that ensure high-quality education opportunities are available for
children of all backgrounds in all locations in all types of educational environments. I have led previously distrustful
parties through meaningful education reforms that have been enacted into law that will help kids. I am a former state
legislative leader whose education reform work has earned national awards from non-partisan arbiters and has since
become a leading voice for kids, believing that our nation’s unique, great calling to ensure every one of them have
access to world-class educational opportunities is met. I have earned respect from other thought leaders on all sides
of the ideological spectrum. An innovative, inspirational and collaborative leader with keen organizational and
communication skills and deep experience leading small and medium-sized groups of staff and peers, I will bring to
any organization a passion, commitment and focus that will maximize organizational impact and energize staff and
colleagues to optimal performance.
November 2005 Supreme Court of Ohio
Registration No. 079776
University of Akron School of Law
Akron, Ohio
Juris Doctor
Concentration in Intellectual Property
 2004 Who’s Who Among Law Students
 2004 Case Invitational Trial Team Tournament winner
 2004 CALI award for the class’ highest grade in International Intellectual Property Law
 2004 CALI award for the class’ highest grade in Commercial Paper
 2003 CALI award for the class’ highest grade in International Law
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
Master of Arts
Subject: Journalism
1996-1997 Graduate Assistantship
Tufts University
Medford, Massachusetts
Bachelor of Arts
Major: English
Western Reserve Academy
Hudson, Ohio
One of 16 students nationally to study Literature at the Studio School of English at Cambridge
University, Cambridge, England
January 2016-
June 2014
August 2013-
May 2014
Green City Council
Green, Ohio
Councilman at Large
ď‚· Earned more votes than any at-large, non-partisan candidate in Green history
ď‚· Led the effort to bring more collaboration between city and schools to maximize learning
opportunities for children in Green and bring more business and community leaders into
the educational setting
Confucius Institute
Office of Chinese Language International
Capital University of Economics and Business
Cleveland, Ohio
Shanghai, China
Beijing, China
ď‚· Chosen as one of 17 Education Policy Leaders to head an American delegation of
educators and education policy experts to observe Chinese educational practices and
ď‚· Exchange will include visiting schools in Shanghai and Beijing, as well as speaking with
and learning from local Chinese education officials and leaders.
Institute for Educational Leadership
Washington, DC
Educational Policy Fellowship Program
ď‚· One of 200 fellows chosen nationwide to join the 10-month Educational Policy
Fellowship Program through IEL.
ď‚· Consists of eight locally organized seminars run through the Center for Educational
Leadership at Cleveland State University, and two national symposia at the Army War
College and Washington, DC
ď‚· Topics include the following:
o “Networking for Change – A Leadership Strategy”
o “Two Education Paradigms: What Defines and How to Create a World Class
o “Civil War Leadership Lessons”
o National Leadership Forum, Army War College
o “Responding to Initiatives from Columbus and Washington: How to Write a
Policy Options Brief”
o “Presidential Leadership”
o “Ethical Leadership
August 2013-
January, 2011-
o “Education Policy Making in Ohio”
o “Education Policy and Leadership”
o Institute for Educational Leadership EPFP Washington Policy Seminar
o “Philanthropy’s Impact on School Reform”
University of Akron
Akron, Ohio
Senior Lecturer
 Writing Instructor for two sections of Argumentative Writing at Ohio’s 5th
ď‚· Part-time Instructor Representative in the Department of English
ď‚· Scored far above the department median on student evaluations, earning comments such
as “Professor Dyer does a really good job of inspiring his students and making them feel
like what they are doing is big and worth their time … and encourages them throughout
the entire process.” “He truly teaches his students . . . makes sure they understand the
material. He is easily approachable. He encourages questions. Great communicator. Great
personality. You can tell he enjoys teaching and enjoys the students. He represents UA ver
well. Best professor so far!” “I would recommend Mr. Dyer because his class was never
boring and he is a nice, kind individual who never looks down on his students or makes
them feel inferior.”
 Writing Program Director commented in official classroom observation that “this was a
substantial class. A great deal of information was addressed, but it didn’t feel
overwhelming. Mr. Dyer did an effective job of leading the class in an efficient and
organized manner without running over the students; throughout the discussion students
asked specific questions that related to their individual papers, and Mr. Dyer was able to
answer them easily (and from memory; he was obviously well aware of each student’s
topic and progress)… I recommend without reservation that we continue to assign
courses to Mr. Dyer. We are lucky to have him.”
Innovation Ohio
Columbus, Ohio
Education Policy Fellow
 Joined with the Fordham Institute on a new digital forum called Proper Perspectives that
discusses education issues of the day in a reasonable, rational format, encouraging genuine
differences but in a professional manner
 Led the bipartisan, cross-ideological effort to reform Ohio’s nationally ridiculed charter
school system. Initiated the work across aisles and interests to unify previously disparate
voices around the idea of creating quality choice options for parents and children. Resulted
in the first major charter school reform in Ohio in 16 years – a package hailed around the
country as a significant step toward repairing the state’s reputation.
 Featured speaker on Ohio charter schools at the nationally acclaimed City Club of
Cleveland, which has hosted every U.S. President since Reagan.
 Deemed a national school funding expert in the Washington Post.
 Published in Real Clear Education February 5, 2015
_1154.html) about how I helped lead the effort to find a bipartisan solution to Ohio’s
charter school challenges, and how it could have national implications
 Compiled and analyzed all the data for a new funding transparency website called, which was Ohio’s first website to compare schools, districts
and charter schools on performance, funding, staffing and student mobility, among 23
other points of comparison.
 Negotiated with clients about their needs, then led, executed, planned, wrote, researched
and produced client-driven research projects that successfully met their goals and
 Collaborated with the EGLab at the Child Study Center at Yale University to bring a new
assessment of student achievement to Ohio that would look beyond simple test scores and
determine creative and practical skills of students – areas that traditionally have not been
taught, yet have demonstrated are less impacted by student demographics.
 Chosen by Gov. John Kasich’s Ohio Department of Education to be a Grant Scorer for
the state’s Straight A Fund monies. Straight A Fund is Ohio’s attempt to fund innovation
in education – a state version of Race to the Top. Will be one of a handful of experts to
determine fiscal sustainability of grant applications.
 Led creation of new education funding model in Ohio – the second time in four years I
did so in the state. Working with diverse interest groups to develop an improved school
reform model based on Gov. John Kasich’s Achievement Everywhere plan, including
Students First, Knowledge Works, Breakthrough Charters, superintendents, treasurers,
and teachers unions. Also working closely with legislators on both sides of the political
aisle to develop a bipartisan solution. One of few people in the country who can say they
have helped develop two major, new Education Funding Systems within so recent of a
time frame.
 Wrote a first-of-its kind analysis of Ohio’s Charter School funding system that revealed
that 90 percent of kids who leave traditional public schools for Charters leave better
performing traditional schools for poorer performing Charters. Also showed that Ohio’s
archaic funding system means kids not in Charters receive 6.5% less state revenue than
they need because of the system. Has led to serious examinations of how Ohio funds
 Wrote first-of-its-kind analysis of the impact of state budget cuts on school districts,
revealing that more than $1.1 billion in local property taxes were on the ballot after the
state cut $1.8 billion in state funding for education. No one had ever tried to figure out
how much money was on the ballot after state budget cuts; it was said to be impossible.
 Op-Ed published in Education Week Oct. 3, 2012, commenting on Chicago Teachers
Strike of 2012.
 Developed revolutionary school district assessment system that controls for a district’s
demographic make-up to determine how, all things being equal, districts across the socio-
economic spectrum perform. Would constitute the first attempt on a statewide level to
determine where significant achievement is occurring, despite demographic challenges,
and well as where insignificant achievement is happening despite demographic advantages.
 Wrote groundbreaking report on Cleveland’s School Transformation Plan, which within
days helped broker meaningful improvements to one of the country’s most important
recent district-level reform packages. It remains the only in-depth, independent analysis of
the Plan. The work has made Innovation Ohio an important mediator on the Plan, which,
if well implemented, holds great promise for producing better educational opportunities
for the children of Cleveland.
 Created a new funding mechanism that rewards districts for achieving success, despite the
challenges they face to ensuring student achievement – the country’s first attempt to
develop and fund a mechanism that measures the relative success of a school district in a
statewide school funding formula. It was considered by the Ohio Senate.
 Initiated and led a broad based collaboration with leading school choice advocates to
begin a dialogue centered on developing better cooperation between School Choice
advocates and traditional public school advocates, who have been heated rivals in Ohio.
 Initiated the first in-depth analysis of the state’s new Performance Index, which measures
proficiency levels within buildings and districts. Used multi-level regression analyses to
reveal that the Performance Index was almost directly related to income, and many of the
state’s traditionally maligned schools actually outperformed expectations. Also discovered
that some of the state’s traditionally revered districts actually underperformed their
demographic characteristics. Discovered clusters of under and over performing districts
and am leading ongoing research into why these clusters exist.
 Led initial policy analysis for new think tank
 Produced several original, leading lines of research, resulting in three reports within a
month focusing on public school funding and accountability that produced several media
articles and influenced state policy makers.
o One examined how Ohio’s current charter school law allows for E-Schools that
have significantly worse graduation rates than Cleveland Municipal Schools to
receive more money per pupil from the state than traditional public schools
o One examined how hidden budget cuts and low accountability standards would
lead to the state taking more money from public schools and giving it instead to
private schools and failing charter schools
March 2007-
January 1, 2007-
Dec. 31, 2010
o Another examined Bureau of Labor Statistics data to determine that Ohio’s
teachers received larger pay cuts between 2008-2009 than all but two other states’
public school teachers
 Established key relationships with education policy leaders, as well as influential media
members to ensure Innovation Ohio’s research received maximum exposure
 Became a leading policy analyst and go-to source for state and national media like the New
York Times and Washington Post on school finance and accountability issues.
Dyer Legal Services, LLC
Green, Ohio
Attorney and Company President
 Represented public-sector and private-sector clients
 Handled matters involving debt collections, family and probate law, homeowners
association law, employee-employer law and intellectual property
 Successfully negotiated terms of agreements that settled long-sought debts for clients
 Successfully secured judgments for clients based on my court filings
Ohio House of Representatives
Columbus, Ohio
State Representative
 Chairman of the Primary and Secondary Education Subcommittee of the House Finance
and Appropriations Committee
 Sat on the House committees on Education, Insurance, Criminal Justice, Judiciary,
Finance and Appropriations, Consumer Affairs, Civil and Commercial Law
 Member of eTech Commission, Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission, Co-Chair of
Ohio Tuition Trust Authority
Major Legislative Accomplishments
Ohio General Assembly
 Chief Legislative Architect of Ohio’s Evidence-Based Model of education funding
– a system that for the first time in 70 years provided hope for the state to reduce its need
for property tax levies while assuring all children in the state can access world-class
 After at least 20 years of Ohio having an unconstitutionally funded system that relied too
much on property taxes, the EBM put Ohio on the path to constitutionality and actually
provided, for the first time on record, more state money for Ohio’s children than local
property taxes
 The new model costed out education and then committed to funding those elements
 Included first-of-its kind reforms in the country, including a commission to distribute
money to creative learning classrooms named after a Middle School that was named a
2013 National Blue Ribbon School, a School Funding Advisory Council that on an on-
going basis re-examines the model to make sure it works right, and a calculation
distributing more money to districts whose parents are less educated – accounting for the
years of research indicating how powerful a parent’s educational attainment is to their
children’s success.
 Committed to more professional development for teachers and adopts a career ladder for
educators, not unlike the medical profession.
AWARDS (Received for Education Policy Leadership):
 The Leadership in Education Policy Award from the Ohio Coalition for Equity and
Adequacy of School Funding – the group that sued the state over its old,
unconstitutionally funded system. I am the only Ohio legislator ever given an award from
the group.
 2010 Friend of Public Education Award from the Ohio Federation of Teachers
 2010 Public Service Award from the Ohio Assoc. of Career and Technical Education
 2009 Homer F. Mincy Award from the Alliance for Adequate School Funding
(representing mostly wealthy, suburban districts)
 2009 Civic Leadership Award from the Ohio Association for Gifted Children
 The reform package I led in the Ohio House received the 2010 Frank Newman Award
from the Education Commission of the States, which is given annually for the country’s
most “bold, courageous, non-partisan” education reform
Chief Sponsor Legislation
 HB 33 – Methamphetamine Notification Act. This bill would lead to the formation of a
database of all homes and vehicles that are associated with a methamphetamine bust. The
home may be removed from this database once the site has been cleaned according to
federal guidelines.
o This bill passed the House unanimously on May 19, 2010 and is now in the Senate
awaiting consideration
 HB 34 – Sergeant Jeremy Murray Memorial Highway. This young man was a constituent
who died in Iraq. Part of State Route 44 would be memorialized in his honor.
o This bill was passed as a part of House Bill 27 and signed by Governor Strickland
on February 27, 2010
 HB 35 – Mosquito Abatement Districts. This piece of legislation would require that
mosquito abatement districts only be approved after a vote of the population. Currently a
vote is not required to form an abatement district, and once established the abatement
district raises the taxes for the district.
o This bill was passed on the Ohio House floor on February 17, 2010.
 HB 36 – General Assembly Committee Minutes. This bill would require expanded
minutes for legislative committee meetings as well as requiring all witnesses testifying in
committee hearings to be sworn in.
 HB 37 – Non-responsible bidders. This bill would require the Department of
Administrative Services to maintain a web site database including apparent low bidders
who failed to be awarded a contract because they were found not to be "responsible," and
to require public entities to conduct investigations when these bidders are suspected of
failing or fail to meet the "responsible" prong of the "responsive and responsible"
competitive bidding threshold.
 HB 219 – Staff Sgt. Matthew Kuglics Memorial Highway. This young man was a
constituent who died in service to our country. A portion of I-77 would be memorialized
in his honor.
o This bill was passed as a part of House Bill 27 and signed by Governor Strickland
on February 27, 2010.
 HB 221 –This bill would designate the Ohio Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park in Clinton,
OH as the official Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park for the State of Ohio.
 HB 222 – This bill would designate Portage Lakes as the Purple Martin capital of Ohio.
o This bill passed out of committee.
 HB 300 – Regulation of insurance agents/insurance taxes. This bill would bring Ohio in
conformity with 46 other states with regard to the licensure of insurance agents.
o This bill has been signed by the Governor is now law.
 HB 303 – Mayors Courts. This bill would give the Attorney General the option to
dissolve mayor’s courts that are non-compliant.
 HB 458 – Petition Gathering. This bill would require candidates running for non-
statewide office to gather their own petitions.
 HB 459 – Township Revenue Interest. This bill would allow townships the option of
allocating interest earned from special funds back to the fund. Currently the interest from
these funds is credited to the township General Revenue Fund.
 HB 470 – Prevents hiring discrimination against tobacco users. HB 470 disallows the
practice of testing for nicotine as a condition for employment purposes. This bill does not
affect workplace smoking restrictions.
 HB 490 – Updates to Civil and Commercial Code, Sections 1 and 7, including
modernization of language to integrate new electronic mediums with respect to
Documentation of Title and the General section.
 HB 549 – Regulation of Debt Settlement Services. This bill would provide much needed
regulation of the Debt Service Industry. I worked with all parties to develop a bill that
would have among the toughest consumer protections in the country.
 HB 562 – Excellent Charter School Expansion. This bill would loosen restrictions on
Charter Schools that rate well on the state’s report card, allowing great charter schools to
flourish in Ohio.
 HB 598 – Sales Tax Rebate for Ohio-Made Products. This bill would give taxpayers the
option to received a sales-tax rebate if they purchase products made in Ohio.
2006 - 2007
Ohio General Assembly
 Created free license plates for all Ohio’s recipients of the Purple Heart
 Created a law that allows all absentee ballots to be counted as long as they are postmarked
prior to Election Day. Previous law said it had to be received at the Board of Elections
prior to Election Day.
 Actively involved in Eminent Domain law changes, Adam Walsh Sex Predator
Notification law, upcoming DUI revisions, Strip Club legislation, creating liability shield
for companies who donate food to Food Banks, revision to manufactured housing laws,
post-release prison reform, Gaming laws, Foster Parent reform, as well as changes to
Workers Compensation structure
Chief Sponsor Legislation
 HB 92 – Requires owners of property that had contained a methamphetamine
manufacturing lab to notify the Department of Public Safety. Counties could also put the
notification in the property’s chain of title.
 HB 126 – Requires any contractor who was found non-responsible, and therefore passed
over as the low bidder on a project, to file that fact with the Department of Administrative
Services so public owners could determine if contractors are telling them the truth on their
bidder responsibility forms.
 HB 147 – Requires all House and Senate committee meetings to have detailed minutes
produced, as well as require all who testify before committees to be sworn in prior to their
 HB 167 – Provides state money to help transfer Ohio’s wounded from Walter Reed Army
Medical Center to another similar facility.
 HB 336 – Allows absentee ballots sent before the election to be counted if they are
received at the board of elections after the election.
 HB 368 – Creates a Sales Tax Free Holiday the second weekend in August, like
Massachusetts has.
 HB 408 – Names part of Interstate 76 after Luke “Doc” Emch, and Matthew “Doc”
Conte – a pair of Navy Corpsmen who died in Iraq.
 HB 494 – Mosquito Abatement Districts. This bill would have these districts formed by
votes of the people, not by judges.
 HB 624 – Requires those seeking to purchase law enforcement uniforms to have to show
identification indicating they are law enforcement officers.
 HB 660 – Would re-name part of State Route 44 after Sgt. Jeremy Murray.
County of Summit, Ohio, Office of the Executive
Akron, Ohio
Staff Attorney
1997 - 2006
 Successfully reviewed, drafted and negotiated more than 1,000 contracts with vendors for
an entity controlling more than $500 million a year in public money, including contracts
with Microsoft, Motorola, Kronos and other Fortune 500 corporations
 Quickly grasped new legal concepts and turned them into meaningful analysis for client,
including digesting federal, state and local regulations for lay audience
 Vigorously defended client in various legal, media and public settings
 Researched scores of legal questions as diverse as the Separation of Powers Doctrine to
Animal Control Laws for use in the legislative process
 Oversaw compliance issues with Summit County’s Department of Job and Family Services
 Developed procedures for the County’s first administrative appeal of the County’s Hotel
Lodging Excise Tax – a process that has since survived judicial scrutiny
 Proffered legal advice and attended mediations on many employer-employee matters,
including FMLA, Unemployment Compensation and Workers Compensation
The Akron Beacon Journal
Akron, Ohio
Staff Writer
 2003 Pulitzer Prize Nominee. Completed award-winning stories under deadline
 Interacted with local, state, national, and world leaders and experts on timely news
 Covered the following beats: suburban government, courts, police, schools, federal and
state governments, the War on Terror, and classical music reviews
Beacon Journal Highlights
 Discovered that Ohio’s federal prosecutors had by far the lowest prosecution rates of
criminal immigration violations in the country through database research. Raised
serious questions about Ohio’s federal officials’ ability to handle the War on Terror
 Broke several stories about problems the anti-Gay Marriage petition drive was having in
Ohio, including connecting the anti-Gay Marriage petition gatherers with fraudulent
petitions gathered for Ralph Nader’s attempt to get on the Ohio ballot
 Covered the ongoing immigration detention proceedings against Ashraf Al-Jailani – a
former Kent, Ohio, resident who the government has held for more than two years
without charges, even though the government originally accused him of being a first-
string al-Qaeda operative
 Discovered that Ohio’s Department of Health was doing far fewer Medicaid funded
breast and cervical cancer screenings than other states, even though Ohio’s program
received far more federal money than the other states’ programs. The story – again, the
product of database research – led to an investigation by the state legislature and the
departure of the Ohio program’s administrator
 Collaborated on Ohio: Look at the State We’re In – a project in which we compiled
exhaustive statistical data, including our own polling, to find out where Ohio ranked on
various quality of life issues and how ordinary Ohioans felt about those rankings. We
then asked politicians who were up for election how they would improve Ohio’s poor
ratings on those quality of life issues. This innovative approach to political coverage was
meant to define the pressing issues in the state and discover how politicians were
addressing the problems, rather than doing typical election coverage – namely writing
what the politicians said on a particular day about the issue they wanted to talk about.
Nominated for the Pulitzer Prize
 Broke several stories in connection with two North African men – Ahmed Hannan and
Karim Koubriti – who were eventually arrested, charged and convicted in the first post-
9/11 terrorism case in Detroit. Broke not just that they lived in Canton, but how they
could fly under the radar
 A lead writer on the kidnapping and murder of Theresa Andrews in October. Michelle
Bica murdered Andrews, who was nine-months pregnant, then ripped the child from
his dead mother’s womb. Have been interviewed about the case as an expert
 Portrayed Stow, Ohio, police officer Tobie Reed’s struggle as she died from Breast
Cancer. Produced a three-part series called Tobie’s Waltz, which chronicled her final few
months. Series led to the community raising money for her family
 Broke the story of the first long-term strike against a U.S. McDonald’s restaurant when
several teen-agers walked out of the Macedonia, Ohio, McDonald’s to protest the firing
of an elderly worker.
Journalism Honors Earned
 Pulitzer Prize Nominee in 2003
 2004 Society of Professional Journalists Award: Best Coverage of Children’s Issues
 2003 Cleveland Press Club Ohio Excellence in Journalism Award: Election 2002
 2003 Society of Professional Journalists Award: Best Public Journalism
 2002 Cleveland Press Club Ohio Excellence in Journalism Award: Daily Newspapers:
News- Multiple Stories
 2001 Society of Professional Journalists Award: Best Criminal Justice Reporting
 1999 Associated Press Award: Breaking News
Featured speaker about charter schools at nationally renowned City Club of Cleveland
Featured education funding expert on public television twice
Leadership Training from Army War College, Carlisle, Pa.
Presented as an Expert at scores of events about Ohio’s School Funding and Reform initiatives
Ohio CLE Lecturer on Debt Settlement Law
Executive Board Member of the Akron-Summit Visitors and Convention Bureau
Freelanced the sentencing of Cleveland Imam Fawaz Damra to Agence France-Press
Featured analyst and primary news source for September 1, 2002, Campaigns & Elections Magazine
story about how 28-year-old Tim Ryan beat U.S. Rep. Tom Sawyer in a primary
Featured in ABC affiliate story about the Theresa Andrews murder
Kent State University Guest Lecturer
University of Akron Guest Lecturer
Member of the Akron Beacon Journal Speakers Bureau
Preceptor for Perspective Journalism majors at Kent State University
National Endowment for the Arts Music Program Intern
Studied voice with Richard Anderson at Oberlin and Mary Davenport of Boston University
Akron Bar Association
Ohio State Bar Association
Akron Law Library
American Bar Association
Section Memberships:
 Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice
 Business Law
 Communications Law
 General Practice, Small Firm
 Health law
 Tort & Insurance Practice
 JD – Lawyers
 State & Local Government law
 Intellectual Property Law
American Mensa
Deborah Delisle, former Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary and Secondary
Education at the U.S. Department of Education
Andy Rotherham, Founder Bellwether Education Partners and Eduwonk blog
Ted Strickland, former Ohio Governor
Greg Harris, former Executive Director, Students First Ohio
Armond Budish, Former Ohio House Speaker
Matthew Szollosi, Former Ohio House Speaker Pro Tempore
David Varda, Executive Director, Ohio Association of School Business Officials
Rick Lewis, Executive Director, Ohio School Boards Association
Jerry Klenke, Executive Director, Buckeye Association of School Administrators
William Phillis, Executive Director, Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding
Doug Oplinger, Managing Editor, Akron Beacon Journal

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Stephen Dyer Resume

  • 1. STEPHEN O. DYER, M.A., J.D. 4362 RIDGE VIEW DRIVE • UNIONTOWN, OHIO 44685 HOME (330) 517-7098 • MOBILE (330) 338-1486 EMAIL: MSDYER923@YAHOO.COM PERSONAL STATEMENT ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am a national thought leader on education policies that ensure high-quality education opportunities are available for children of all backgrounds in all locations in all types of educational environments. I have led previously distrustful parties through meaningful education reforms that have been enacted into law that will help kids. I am a former state legislative leader whose education reform work has earned national awards from non-partisan arbiters and has since become a leading voice for kids, believing that our nation’s unique, great calling to ensure every one of them have access to world-class educational opportunities is met. I have earned respect from other thought leaders on all sides of the ideological spectrum. An innovative, inspirational and collaborative leader with keen organizational and communication skills and deep experience leading small and medium-sized groups of staff and peers, I will bring to any organization a passion, commitment and focus that will maximize organizational impact and energize staff and colleagues to optimal performance. BAR ADMISSIONS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ November 2005 Supreme Court of Ohio Registration No. 079776 EDUCATION ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2004 1999 1994 1990 University of Akron School of Law Akron, Ohio Juris Doctor Concentration in Intellectual Property Honors  2004 Who’s Who Among Law Students  2004 Case Invitational Trial Team Tournament winner  2004 CALI award for the class’ highest grade in International Intellectual Property Law  2004 CALI award for the class’ highest grade in Commercial Paper  2003 CALI award for the class’ highest grade in International Law Kent State University Kent, Ohio Master of Arts Subject: Journalism 1996-1997 Graduate Assistantship Tufts University Medford, Massachusetts Bachelor of Arts Major: English Western Reserve Academy Hudson, Ohio
  • 2. One of 16 students nationally to study Literature at the Studio School of English at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ January 2016- Current June 2014 August 2013- May 2014 Green City Council Green, Ohio Councilman at Large ď‚· Earned more votes than any at-large, non-partisan candidate in Green history ď‚· Led the effort to bring more collaboration between city and schools to maximize learning opportunities for children in Green and bring more business and community leaders into the educational setting Confucius Institute Office of Chinese Language International Capital University of Economics and Business Cleveland, Ohio Shanghai, China Beijing, China ď‚· Chosen as one of 17 Education Policy Leaders to head an American delegation of educators and education policy experts to observe Chinese educational practices and institutions ď‚· Exchange will include visiting schools in Shanghai and Beijing, as well as speaking with and learning from local Chinese education officials and leaders. Institute for Educational Leadership Washington, DC Educational Policy Fellowship Program ď‚· One of 200 fellows chosen nationwide to join the 10-month Educational Policy Fellowship Program through IEL. ď‚· Consists of eight locally organized seminars run through the Center for Educational Leadership at Cleveland State University, and two national symposia at the Army War College and Washington, DC ď‚· Topics include the following: o “Networking for Change – A Leadership Strategy” o “Two Education Paradigms: What Defines and How to Create a World Class Education” o “Civil War Leadership Lessons” o National Leadership Forum, Army War College o “Responding to Initiatives from Columbus and Washington: How to Write a Policy Options Brief” o “Presidential Leadership” o “Ethical Leadership
  • 3. August 2013- Current January, 2011- Current o “Education Policy Making in Ohio” o “Education Policy and Leadership” o Institute for Educational Leadership EPFP Washington Policy Seminar o “Philanthropy’s Impact on School Reform” University of Akron Akron, Ohio Senior Lecturer ď‚· Writing Instructor for two sections of Argumentative Writing at Ohio’s 5th largest University ď‚· Part-time Instructor Representative in the Department of English ď‚· Scored far above the department median on student evaluations, earning comments such as “Professor Dyer does a really good job of inspiring his students and making them feel like what they are doing is big and worth their time … and encourages them throughout the entire process.” “He truly teaches his students . . . makes sure they understand the material. He is easily approachable. He encourages questions. Great communicator. Great personality. You can tell he enjoys teaching and enjoys the students. He represents UA ver well. Best professor so far!” “I would recommend Mr. Dyer because his class was never boring and he is a nice, kind individual who never looks down on his students or makes them feel inferior.” ď‚· Writing Program Director commented in official classroom observation that “this was a substantial class. A great deal of information was addressed, but it didn’t feel overwhelming. Mr. Dyer did an effective job of leading the class in an efficient and organized manner without running over the students; throughout the discussion students asked specific questions that related to their individual papers, and Mr. Dyer was able to answer them easily (and from memory; he was obviously well aware of each student’s topic and progress)… I recommend without reservation that we continue to assign courses to Mr. Dyer. We are lucky to have him.” Innovation Ohio Columbus, Ohio Education Policy Fellow  Joined with the Fordham Institute on a new digital forum called Proper Perspectives that discusses education issues of the day in a reasonable, rational format, encouraging genuine differences but in a professional manner  Led the bipartisan, cross-ideological effort to reform Ohio’s nationally ridiculed charter school system. Initiated the work across aisles and interests to unify previously disparate voices around the idea of creating quality choice options for parents and children. Resulted in the first major charter school reform in Ohio in 16 years – a package hailed around the country as a significant step toward repairing the state’s reputation.  Featured speaker on Ohio charter schools at the nationally acclaimed City Club of Cleveland, which has hosted every U.S. President since Reagan. (
  • 4.  Deemed a national school funding expert in the Washington Post.  Published in Real Clear Education February 5, 2015 ( _1154.html) about how I helped lead the effort to find a bipartisan solution to Ohio’s charter school challenges, and how it could have national implications  Compiled and analyzed all the data for a new funding transparency website called, which was Ohio’s first website to compare schools, districts and charter schools on performance, funding, staffing and student mobility, among 23 other points of comparison.  Negotiated with clients about their needs, then led, executed, planned, wrote, researched and produced client-driven research projects that successfully met their goals and specifications.  Collaborated with the EGLab at the Child Study Center at Yale University to bring a new assessment of student achievement to Ohio that would look beyond simple test scores and determine creative and practical skills of students – areas that traditionally have not been taught, yet have demonstrated are less impacted by student demographics.  Chosen by Gov. John Kasich’s Ohio Department of Education to be a Grant Scorer for the state’s Straight A Fund monies. Straight A Fund is Ohio’s attempt to fund innovation in education – a state version of Race to the Top. Will be one of a handful of experts to determine fiscal sustainability of grant applications.  Led creation of new education funding model in Ohio – the second time in four years I did so in the state. Working with diverse interest groups to develop an improved school reform model based on Gov. John Kasich’s Achievement Everywhere plan, including Students First, Knowledge Works, Breakthrough Charters, superintendents, treasurers, and teachers unions. Also working closely with legislators on both sides of the political aisle to develop a bipartisan solution. One of few people in the country who can say they have helped develop two major, new Education Funding Systems within so recent of a time frame.  Wrote a first-of-its kind analysis of Ohio’s Charter School funding system that revealed that 90 percent of kids who leave traditional public schools for Charters leave better performing traditional schools for poorer performing Charters. Also showed that Ohio’s archaic funding system means kids not in Charters receive 6.5% less state revenue than they need because of the system. Has led to serious examinations of how Ohio funds Charters.  Wrote first-of-its-kind analysis of the impact of state budget cuts on school districts, revealing that more than $1.1 billion in local property taxes were on the ballot after the state cut $1.8 billion in state funding for education. No one had ever tried to figure out how much money was on the ballot after state budget cuts; it was said to be impossible.
  • 5.  Op-Ed published in Education Week Oct. 3, 2012, commenting on Chicago Teachers Strike of 2012.  Developed revolutionary school district assessment system that controls for a district’s demographic make-up to determine how, all things being equal, districts across the socio- economic spectrum perform. Would constitute the first attempt on a statewide level to determine where significant achievement is occurring, despite demographic challenges, and well as where insignificant achievement is happening despite demographic advantages.  Wrote groundbreaking report on Cleveland’s School Transformation Plan, which within days helped broker meaningful improvements to one of the country’s most important recent district-level reform packages. It remains the only in-depth, independent analysis of the Plan. The work has made Innovation Ohio an important mediator on the Plan, which, if well implemented, holds great promise for producing better educational opportunities for the children of Cleveland.  Created a new funding mechanism that rewards districts for achieving success, despite the challenges they face to ensuring student achievement – the country’s first attempt to develop and fund a mechanism that measures the relative success of a school district in a statewide school funding formula. It was considered by the Ohio Senate.  Initiated and led a broad based collaboration with leading school choice advocates to begin a dialogue centered on developing better cooperation between School Choice advocates and traditional public school advocates, who have been heated rivals in Ohio.  Initiated the first in-depth analysis of the state’s new Performance Index, which measures proficiency levels within buildings and districts. Used multi-level regression analyses to reveal that the Performance Index was almost directly related to income, and many of the state’s traditionally maligned schools actually outperformed expectations. Also discovered that some of the state’s traditionally revered districts actually underperformed their demographic characteristics. Discovered clusters of under and over performing districts and am leading ongoing research into why these clusters exist.  Led initial policy analysis for new think tank  Produced several original, leading lines of research, resulting in three reports within a month focusing on public school funding and accountability that produced several media articles and influenced state policy makers. o One examined how Ohio’s current charter school law allows for E-Schools that have significantly worse graduation rates than Cleveland Municipal Schools to receive more money per pupil from the state than traditional public schools o One examined how hidden budget cuts and low accountability standards would lead to the state taking more money from public schools and giving it instead to private schools and failing charter schools
  • 6. March 2007- Current January 1, 2007- Dec. 31, 2010 o Another examined Bureau of Labor Statistics data to determine that Ohio’s teachers received larger pay cuts between 2008-2009 than all but two other states’ public school teachers  Established key relationships with education policy leaders, as well as influential media members to ensure Innovation Ohio’s research received maximum exposure  Became a leading policy analyst and go-to source for state and national media like the New York Times and Washington Post on school finance and accountability issues. Dyer Legal Services, LLC Green, Ohio Attorney and Company President  Represented public-sector and private-sector clients  Handled matters involving debt collections, family and probate law, homeowners association law, employee-employer law and intellectual property  Successfully negotiated terms of agreements that settled long-sought debts for clients  Successfully secured judgments for clients based on my court filings Ohio House of Representatives Columbus, Ohio State Representative  Chairman of the Primary and Secondary Education Subcommittee of the House Finance and Appropriations Committee  Sat on the House committees on Education, Insurance, Criminal Justice, Judiciary, Finance and Appropriations, Consumer Affairs, Civil and Commercial Law  Member of eTech Commission, Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission, Co-Chair of Ohio Tuition Trust Authority Major Legislative Accomplishments 128th Ohio General Assembly  Chief Legislative Architect of Ohio’s Evidence-Based Model of education funding – a system that for the first time in 70 years provided hope for the state to reduce its need for property tax levies while assuring all children in the state can access world-class education  After at least 20 years of Ohio having an unconstitutionally funded system that relied too much on property taxes, the EBM put Ohio on the path to constitutionality and actually provided, for the first time on record, more state money for Ohio’s children than local property taxes  The new model costed out education and then committed to funding those elements  Included first-of-its kind reforms in the country, including a commission to distribute money to creative learning classrooms named after a Middle School that was named a 2013 National Blue Ribbon School, a School Funding Advisory Council that on an on- going basis re-examines the model to make sure it works right, and a calculation distributing more money to districts whose parents are less educated – accounting for the
  • 7. years of research indicating how powerful a parent’s educational attainment is to their children’s success.  Committed to more professional development for teachers and adopts a career ladder for educators, not unlike the medical profession. AWARDS (Received for Education Policy Leadership):  The Leadership in Education Policy Award from the Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding – the group that sued the state over its old, unconstitutionally funded system. I am the only Ohio legislator ever given an award from the group.  2010 Friend of Public Education Award from the Ohio Federation of Teachers  2010 Public Service Award from the Ohio Assoc. of Career and Technical Education  2009 Homer F. Mincy Award from the Alliance for Adequate School Funding (representing mostly wealthy, suburban districts)  2009 Civic Leadership Award from the Ohio Association for Gifted Children  The reform package I led in the Ohio House received the 2010 Frank Newman Award from the Education Commission of the States, which is given annually for the country’s most “bold, courageous, non-partisan” education reform Chief Sponsor Legislation  HB 33 – Methamphetamine Notification Act. This bill would lead to the formation of a database of all homes and vehicles that are associated with a methamphetamine bust. The home may be removed from this database once the site has been cleaned according to federal guidelines. o This bill passed the House unanimously on May 19, 2010 and is now in the Senate awaiting consideration  HB 34 – Sergeant Jeremy Murray Memorial Highway. This young man was a constituent who died in Iraq. Part of State Route 44 would be memorialized in his honor. o This bill was passed as a part of House Bill 27 and signed by Governor Strickland on February 27, 2010  HB 35 – Mosquito Abatement Districts. This piece of legislation would require that mosquito abatement districts only be approved after a vote of the population. Currently a vote is not required to form an abatement district, and once established the abatement district raises the taxes for the district. o This bill was passed on the Ohio House floor on February 17, 2010.  HB 36 – General Assembly Committee Minutes. This bill would require expanded minutes for legislative committee meetings as well as requiring all witnesses testifying in committee hearings to be sworn in.  HB 37 – Non-responsible bidders. This bill would require the Department of Administrative Services to maintain a web site database including apparent low bidders who failed to be awarded a contract because they were found not to be "responsible," and to require public entities to conduct investigations when these bidders are suspected of
  • 8. failing or fail to meet the "responsible" prong of the "responsive and responsible" competitive bidding threshold.  HB 219 – Staff Sgt. Matthew Kuglics Memorial Highway. This young man was a constituent who died in service to our country. A portion of I-77 would be memorialized in his honor. o This bill was passed as a part of House Bill 27 and signed by Governor Strickland on February 27, 2010.  HB 221 –This bill would designate the Ohio Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park in Clinton, OH as the official Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park for the State of Ohio.  HB 222 – This bill would designate Portage Lakes as the Purple Martin capital of Ohio. o This bill passed out of committee.  HB 300 – Regulation of insurance agents/insurance taxes. This bill would bring Ohio in conformity with 46 other states with regard to the licensure of insurance agents. o This bill has been signed by the Governor is now law.  HB 303 – Mayors Courts. This bill would give the Attorney General the option to dissolve mayor’s courts that are non-compliant.  HB 458 – Petition Gathering. This bill would require candidates running for non- statewide office to gather their own petitions.  HB 459 – Township Revenue Interest. This bill would allow townships the option of allocating interest earned from special funds back to the fund. Currently the interest from these funds is credited to the township General Revenue Fund.  HB 470 – Prevents hiring discrimination against tobacco users. HB 470 disallows the practice of testing for nicotine as a condition for employment purposes. This bill does not affect workplace smoking restrictions.  HB 490 – Updates to Civil and Commercial Code, Sections 1 and 7, including modernization of language to integrate new electronic mediums with respect to Documentation of Title and the General section.  HB 549 – Regulation of Debt Settlement Services. This bill would provide much needed regulation of the Debt Service Industry. I worked with all parties to develop a bill that would have among the toughest consumer protections in the country.  HB 562 – Excellent Charter School Expansion. This bill would loosen restrictions on Charter Schools that rate well on the state’s report card, allowing great charter schools to flourish in Ohio.  HB 598 – Sales Tax Rebate for Ohio-Made Products. This bill would give taxpayers the option to received a sales-tax rebate if they purchase products made in Ohio.
  • 9. 2006 - 2007 127th Ohio General Assembly  Created free license plates for all Ohio’s recipients of the Purple Heart  Created a law that allows all absentee ballots to be counted as long as they are postmarked prior to Election Day. Previous law said it had to be received at the Board of Elections prior to Election Day.  Actively involved in Eminent Domain law changes, Adam Walsh Sex Predator Notification law, upcoming DUI revisions, Strip Club legislation, creating liability shield for companies who donate food to Food Banks, revision to manufactured housing laws, post-release prison reform, Gaming laws, Foster Parent reform, as well as changes to Workers Compensation structure Chief Sponsor Legislation  HB 92 – Requires owners of property that had contained a methamphetamine manufacturing lab to notify the Department of Public Safety. Counties could also put the notification in the property’s chain of title.  HB 126 – Requires any contractor who was found non-responsible, and therefore passed over as the low bidder on a project, to file that fact with the Department of Administrative Services so public owners could determine if contractors are telling them the truth on their bidder responsibility forms.  HB 147 – Requires all House and Senate committee meetings to have detailed minutes produced, as well as require all who testify before committees to be sworn in prior to their testimony.  HB 167 – Provides state money to help transfer Ohio’s wounded from Walter Reed Army Medical Center to another similar facility.  HB 336 – Allows absentee ballots sent before the election to be counted if they are received at the board of elections after the election.  HB 368 – Creates a Sales Tax Free Holiday the second weekend in August, like Massachusetts has.  HB 408 – Names part of Interstate 76 after Luke “Doc” Emch, and Matthew “Doc” Conte – a pair of Navy Corpsmen who died in Iraq.  HB 494 – Mosquito Abatement Districts. This bill would have these districts formed by votes of the people, not by judges.  HB 624 – Requires those seeking to purchase law enforcement uniforms to have to show identification indicating they are law enforcement officers.  HB 660 – Would re-name part of State Route 44 after Sgt. Jeremy Murray. County of Summit, Ohio, Office of the Executive Akron, Ohio Staff Attorney
  • 10. 1997 - 2006  Successfully reviewed, drafted and negotiated more than 1,000 contracts with vendors for an entity controlling more than $500 million a year in public money, including contracts with Microsoft, Motorola, Kronos and other Fortune 500 corporations  Quickly grasped new legal concepts and turned them into meaningful analysis for client, including digesting federal, state and local regulations for lay audience  Vigorously defended client in various legal, media and public settings  Researched scores of legal questions as diverse as the Separation of Powers Doctrine to Animal Control Laws for use in the legislative process  Oversaw compliance issues with Summit County’s Department of Job and Family Services  Developed procedures for the County’s first administrative appeal of the County’s Hotel Lodging Excise Tax – a process that has since survived judicial scrutiny  Proffered legal advice and attended mediations on many employer-employee matters, including FMLA, Unemployment Compensation and Workers Compensation The Akron Beacon Journal Akron, Ohio Staff Writer  2003 Pulitzer Prize Nominee. Completed award-winning stories under deadline pressure  Interacted with local, state, national, and world leaders and experts on timely news events  Covered the following beats: suburban government, courts, police, schools, federal and state governments, the War on Terror, and classical music reviews Beacon Journal Highlights  Discovered that Ohio’s federal prosecutors had by far the lowest prosecution rates of criminal immigration violations in the country through database research. Raised serious questions about Ohio’s federal officials’ ability to handle the War on Terror  Broke several stories about problems the anti-Gay Marriage petition drive was having in Ohio, including connecting the anti-Gay Marriage petition gatherers with fraudulent petitions gathered for Ralph Nader’s attempt to get on the Ohio ballot    Covered the ongoing immigration detention proceedings against Ashraf Al-Jailani – a former Kent, Ohio, resident who the government has held for more than two years without charges, even though the government originally accused him of being a first- string al-Qaeda operative  Discovered that Ohio’s Department of Health was doing far fewer Medicaid funded breast and cervical cancer screenings than other states, even though Ohio’s program received far more federal money than the other states’ programs. The story – again, the product of database research – led to an investigation by the state legislature and the departure of the Ohio program’s administrator  Collaborated on Ohio: Look at the State We’re In – a project in which we compiled exhaustive statistical data, including our own polling, to find out where Ohio ranked on
  • 11. various quality of life issues and how ordinary Ohioans felt about those rankings. We then asked politicians who were up for election how they would improve Ohio’s poor ratings on those quality of life issues. This innovative approach to political coverage was meant to define the pressing issues in the state and discover how politicians were addressing the problems, rather than doing typical election coverage – namely writing what the politicians said on a particular day about the issue they wanted to talk about. Nominated for the Pulitzer Prize   Broke several stories in connection with two North African men – Ahmed Hannan and Karim Koubriti – who were eventually arrested, charged and convicted in the first post- 9/11 terrorism case in Detroit. Broke not just that they lived in Canton, but how they could fly under the radar  A lead writer on the kidnapping and murder of Theresa Andrews in October. Michelle Bica murdered Andrews, who was nine-months pregnant, then ripped the child from his dead mother’s womb. Have been interviewed about the case as an expert  Portrayed Stow, Ohio, police officer Tobie Reed’s struggle as she died from Breast Cancer. Produced a three-part series called Tobie’s Waltz, which chronicled her final few months. Series led to the community raising money for her family   Broke the story of the first long-term strike against a U.S. McDonald’s restaurant when several teen-agers walked out of the Macedonia, Ohio, McDonald’s to protest the firing of an elderly worker. Journalism Honors Earned   Pulitzer Prize Nominee in 2003  2004 Society of Professional Journalists Award: Best Coverage of Children’s Issues  2003 Cleveland Press Club Ohio Excellence in Journalism Award: Election 2002 Coverage  2003 Society of Professional Journalists Award: Best Public Journalism  2002 Cleveland Press Club Ohio Excellence in Journalism Award: Daily Newspapers: News- Multiple Stories  2001 Society of Professional Journalists Award: Best Criminal Justice Reporting  1999 Associated Press Award: Breaking News PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2015 2015 2013-2014 2009-Current 2010 Featured speaker about charter schools at nationally renowned City Club of Cleveland Featured education funding expert on public television twice Leadership Training from Army War College, Carlisle, Pa. Presented as an Expert at scores of events about Ohio’s School Funding and Reform initiatives Ohio CLE Lecturer on Debt Settlement Law
  • 12. 2006 2004 2002 2001 2001-2010 2007-2010 2000-2005 2000 1993 1988-1995 Executive Board Member of the Akron-Summit Visitors and Convention Bureau Freelanced the sentencing of Cleveland Imam Fawaz Damra to Agence France-Press Featured analyst and primary news source for September 1, 2002, Campaigns & Elections Magazine story about how 28-year-old Tim Ryan beat U.S. Rep. Tom Sawyer in a primary Featured in ABC affiliate story about the Theresa Andrews murder Kent State University Guest Lecturer University of Akron Guest Lecturer Member of the Akron Beacon Journal Speakers Bureau Preceptor for Perspective Journalism majors at Kent State University National Endowment for the Arts Music Program Intern Studied voice with Richard Anderson at Oberlin and Mary Davenport of Boston University PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2005-present 2005-present 2005-present 2003-present 1998-present Akron Bar Association Ohio State Bar Association Akron Law Library American Bar Association Section Memberships:  Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice  Business Law  Communications Law  General Practice, Small Firm  Health law  Tort & Insurance Practice  JD – Lawyers  State & Local Government law  Intellectual Property Law American Mensa REFERENCES (AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Deborah Delisle, former Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary and Secondary Education at the U.S. Department of Education Andy Rotherham, Founder Bellwether Education Partners and Eduwonk blog Ted Strickland, former Ohio Governor Greg Harris, former Executive Director, Students First Ohio
  • 13. Armond Budish, Former Ohio House Speaker Matthew Szollosi, Former Ohio House Speaker Pro Tempore David Varda, Executive Director, Ohio Association of School Business Officials Rick Lewis, Executive Director, Ohio School Boards Association Jerry Klenke, Executive Director, Buckeye Association of School Administrators William Phillis, Executive Director, Ohio Coalition for Equity and Adequacy of School Funding Doug Oplinger, Managing Editor, Akron Beacon Journal