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Statistic Project Essay
Purpose of this Project,to find out the releationship between population and the square of countries is tried to be understood.
This Project includes 129 observations and 30 samples.We tested with 95% cofidence interval
Step 1:State null and alternate hypotheses
Step 2:Select a level of significance
Step 3:Identify the test statistic
Step 4:Formulate a decision rule
Step 5:Take a sample,arrive at a decision
Step 1 Hypothesis Test:
Ho:The average population of countries is equal or less than 39.786.098
H1:The average population of countries is more than 39.786.098
Step 2The significance level is 0.05
Step 3Because the sample is 30,z distribution has been used
Step 4Reject Ho if z>–1.96 or z<–1.96 or more content...
ria| Lithuania| Mauritania| Mongolia| Albania| Armenia| Jamaica| Kuwait| Latvia| Namibia| Macedonia| Botswana| Lesotho| Kosovo| Gambia|
Guinea–Bissau| Gabon| Mauritius| Estonia| Bahrain| Cyprus| Fiji| Comoros| Djibouti| Guyana| Bhutan| Equatorial Guinea| Montenegro| Cape Verde|
Luxembourg| Malta| Brunei| Maldives| Belize| Bahamas, The| Iceland| Barbados| Grenada| Micronesia, Federated States of| Kiribati| Antigua and
Barbuda| Andorra| Dominica| Marshall Islands| Liechtenstein| Monaco|
Population Descriptive Statistics:
Column1| | | Mean| 39786098,5| Standard Error| 14001122,25| Median| 6508271| Mode| #YOK| Standard Deviation| 159022180| Sample Variance|
2,52881E+16| Kurtosis| 55,5365861| Skewness| 7,327371857| Range| 1336687476| Minimum| 30539| Maximum| 1336718015| Sum| 5132406706|
Count| 129| Confidence Level(95,0%)| 27703612,09|
To find out column 1's elements,we used descriptive statistic for population
Formuller yazД±lacak buraya |
Regression Analysis of Population and Sample SUMMARY OUTPUT| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Regression Statistics| | | | | | | | | Multiple R| 0,53126| | | | |
| | | | R Square| 0,282237| | | | | | | | | Adjusted R Square| 0,276585| | | | | | | | |
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Statistics Essay
Data Visually and Through Numbers
Data File 2 – Chapter Three (Show all your work) 1) A teacher asked each of her students how many novels they had read in the previous six months.
The results are shown below.
Construct a frequency table for the number of novels read.
Number of novels read| Frequency| 0| 7| 1| 11| 2| 9| 3| 3| 4| 2| 5| 2| 6| 2| 7| 4|
2) The frequency table shows the weights in ounces of 30 stones
Weight (oz)Number of Stones
2.7–3.15 3.2– 13
Use the above information to construct a cumulative more content...
10, 12, 33, 25, 22, 18, 19, 31, 28, 22, 13, 15, 15, 20, 21, 35, 32
1| 0, 2, 3, 5, 5, 8, 9| 2| 0,1, 2, 2, 5, 8,| 3| 1, 2, 3, 5|
Chapter Four (Show all your work) 1) The students of Hugh Logan's math class took the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Their math scores are shown below.
Find the mean score.
Solution: The mean score of the students of Hugh Logan's math class is 552 + 593 + 358 + 352 + 537 + 349 + 357 + 596 + 470 + 482 = 4646 10 10
= 46.46
The mean score is 46.46 2) The salaries of ten randomly selected physicians are shown below. Find themedian salary.
Solution: To find the median, we first sort the data in ascending order:
$105,000, $111,000, $116,000, $149,000, $163,000, $178,000, $214,000, $225,000, $240,000, $791,000
Because there are ten salaries (an even number), there are two values in the middle of the list: $163,000 and $178,000. Therefore the median lies
halfway between these two values. The median is calculated by adding them and dividing by 2:
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Statistics Essay
Executive Summary Business Statistics
In this assignment I compiled the data of the Nissan GT–R 3.8 (R35). The Data collected includes the age, type and price which allowed me to make a
statistic about how the age affects the price of this certain model over several years. I will be using the correlation regression and scatter diagram
to get the regression line. As we can see, the price drops the elder the car is. Inside the range of the diagram the prediction might be accurate. So we
can tell very precisely how much the car is going to cost in the next few years, but we won't be able to give a very precise prediction on how much the
car is going to cost after a long term (more than 10 years). This project shows the readers to more content...
X = 2.5 is within the range, which means that the estimation might be accurate as we are interpolating. * When age of the car (x) = 10 Years old,
price of the car will be (y) = Y= CHF 41853. X=10 is outside the range, which mean that the estimation might be inaccurate as we are extrapolating.
8.0 Referencing
1. Francis, Andre, 2004 Business mathematics and Statistics
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Basic Statistics Essay examples
| Project paper and Feasibility Paper: Week 2| As preparation for the final research paper, formulate a theory about the correlation between measurable
independent variables (causes) and one measurable dependent variable (the effect). Be sure to have at least two independent variables for proposed
research paper. The topic proposal should include the following four items which serve as the foundation for the final research paper after instructor
feedback is given.| 1) Purpose Statement In one paragraph, state the correlation and identify the primary independent variables.State the correlation as
in the following:"Thirty–four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 –– about 820,000 more
"Teens who have been raised by both parents (biological or adoptive) from birth, have lower probabilities of having sex than youths who grew up in
any other family situation. At age 16, 22 percent of girls from intact families and 44 percent of other girls have had sex at least once. Similarly, teens
from intact, two–parent families are less likely to give birth in their teens than girls from other family backgrounds" (Teen Pregnancy Stats, Facts, and
Prevention, 2004). There could be for a variety of reasons for the wide gap in single parent and intact family teenage pregnancies. One reason is the
emotional support and attachment from both parents instead of just one. "Teenagers who have strong emotional attachments to their parents are much
less likely to become sexually active at an early age and less likely to have a teen pregnancy" (Teen Pregnancy Stats, Facts, and Prevention, 2004).
There are a number of theories this emotional attachment could be a key to the dependent variable. A few of these theories are: higher accountability,
emotional fulfillment, and stability. Education levelEducation is another independent variable that can affect a female being a single mother. This
independent variable is a broader view on the dependent variable of single mother than the variable of a single parent home. This is because it's not
dependent on what age a female get pregnant but rather on the overall
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Statistics and Lies
Statistics Taken Out Of Context
There are statistics of any topic you can think of. Nine out of ten people say this. Such and such percent approve or disapprove of this product. But,
are these statistics true? Or, did someone twist the statistics around so we may believe them? Either way the more statistics are fed to people the more
people believe them. In the article, it was explained how statistics were taken out of context for drugs that are tested on animals. The author takes
statistics such as, "92% of drugs fail in clinical trials, having successfully passed through animal studies" and shows where the true statistic came from.
(Lovell–Badge, 3013) The author takes the statistic and backs it up with facts. I was more content...
You see every three months that the rate rises and falls and the people in theWhite House are either praised or bashed. The truth with the
unemployment statistic is if you are not actively seeking work, you are not included in the unemployment statistic. That is really misleading. While
we are thinking that the economy is getting better, it actually is not. The rate is actually falling because people stopped looking for work. Are
statistics important? Yes, they are. Some people do lie about statistics to make their point come across better. It is our job to dig for the truth in the
matter. People love numbers and the numbers used in statistics grab people's attention. It can either make your point come across in a positive way or
a negative way. Both ways the point is getting across and whatever product or study that uses statistics is getting some sort of advertisement. Whether
the advertisement used is good or bad.
Works Cited
Bouckley, B. (2011, November 29). Beverage Daily. Retrieved from
Lovell–Badge, R. (3013, January 23). Speaking of Research. Retrieved from
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Reliability Of Statistics : Statistics Essay
Reliability of Statistics Today, most of us live in a world surrounded by data. Everything that we do calculates findings to supply data for statistical
findings to show that it is either wrong or right. Statistics is not a new process in our lives; it has been around for close to 400 years of the history I
was able to find discussing statistics or probability. The oldest date found was identified by Stigler (1999 p. 207) were he explained that in 1628 a
William Harvey released a study of the motion of blood and the heart. The study, which consisted of statistical facts, proved that blood passes
through the body by the pulsation of the heart. To us in today's world that does not sound like a great discovery. Ordinarily, to the world that did not
know the method of how the blood flowed through the body, it was a great achievement. Without recognizing the research as being statistical, we can
go back even further to find that one of the items perhaps found in your garden today is, in fact, one of the oldest known timekeepers in the world,
the sundial. "The sundial existed in a very primitive form in Egypt from at least the 15th century B.C." (Bigliazzi, Spaans, Dunaud, & Juran, 1995).
Discovery of one of the initial specimens of a sundial was in Greece in which dated back to the third century B.C. In Greece, they studied the
mathematics of the sundial, which in turn led to improving the accuracy of the timekeeper. In order to establish and improve the accuracy
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Name: ENG Roath CHHORDA Level: EAP5 " Statistics should be interpreted with caution as they can be misleading; they can both lie and tell the
truth" Statistics are being used everyday to describe things in working and studying areas to show the productivity of the results they are hoping for.
Therefore, people observe and notice alternative objects the world around. Throughout this fact, similarities and differences are such features that could
endanger or turned out as advantages. This is called statistics. Explanations of the word "statistics" are " information based on a study of the number of
times something happens or is present or other numerical facts" (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, more content...
There are too many different statistical situations to consider them all, so the responsibility will often have to analyze the situation happening in
front in order to make good judgments. "Knowledge of statistics therefore will help looking behind the numbers and knowing the truth of being
misled to believe something that is not true" (Siddharth Kalla (2011). Problems happened, solutions are made, and this essay will afterwards
determines some solutions to solve some obstacles in analyzing such statistics. First of all, one simple strategy is to temporarily ignore the statistic
that other has presented and ask what statistics would actually wanted to be, in order to make judgments about the issue involved. Secondly, unless,
having good access to the data and know how it is obtained, always recognize that statistics can be misrepresented what is going on. For example, if
the information is obtained from a group that has a strong political or philosophical agenda, it can almost take for granted that their statistics have
been carefully chosen to promote their point of view. Last of all, nevertheless, recognizing that statistics people present in general are frequently
flawed does not imply that it is possible to depend on anecdotes about individual cases or a few own experiences (Siddharth Kalla, 2011). These are
commonly to be a typical of what happens in the world at large. Instead, the responsibility of individual should be
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Inferential Statistics Essay
This study will focus on the issue of obesity among people. Obesity is one of the prominent issues that the society is facing due to the insufficient
information that people have regarding the amount of food intake as well as how people ought to balance their diet. It seems that the problem of
obesity is not only experienced in one country but in different countries and this does not only choose certain gender and age but a person who
suffers obesity could be an adult or a child, female or male. Researchers from the Mercer University School of Medicine studied the connection
between obesity and health associated quality of life in individuals aged 18 and older by means of data from the 2000 MEPS. After regulating for more content...
Obesity has been correlated to numerous diseases and circumstances in adults, like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Overweight children are twice
as much probable to contain high levels of cholesterol. Aortic fatty streaks, the primary stages of atherosclerosis, started to emerge in childhood,
perhaps even as early as three years old. More so, children with triceps skin folds larger than the 70th percentile have considerably higher blood
pressures. In the previous years, Type 2 diabetes has increased radically among children and adolescents. Experts consider this raise is owing to the
high rate of overweight and obesity. Recent studies points to childhood obesity impinging on children's physical and psychological behavior
well–being. Comparable to adults, obese children may experience diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. In terms
of psychology, obese children could contain feelings of low sense of worthiness and social prejudice (admin, 2010). Most children who are obese
are stereotyped in schools as abnormal and may led to acts such as the Columbine High School Massacre. In the UK, about 27 per cent of children
are currently overweight and research proposes the major problem is a repeated reduction in the quantity of exercise children get. Many obese
children have obese parents and it's habitually an issue of family lifestyles (Dr. Macnair, para 7). Different school–based interventions have been
adjusting to dietary needs of
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The Essentials of Studying Statistics Essay
The Essentials of Studying Statistics
Making effective business decisions are always based on cost, time and prospect. Calculating money cost, time cost and forecast of return, all are based
on marketing research, data mining, information analysis and findings. The way of the finding the answer is statistics.
Statistics – The Method of Organizing Data
Broadly, statistics is a set of disciplines for study quantitative information. Implied that several methods used to collect or process or interpret
quantitative data from large amount of information, then finally generate a calculated number, for example average, mean, standard deviation...etc. All
of these are the key reference for decision making or more content...
This also means that, statistics become the beacon to many businesses and corporate.
How to start a statistical study?
Briefly, there are 3 simple steps to understand how to get a solution from statistical study:
1.Collect and gather statistical information
2.Analyze information
3.Infer a conclusion from the information Descriptive Statistics – Tell You the Facts
It is commonly make a distinction between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, which used in different approaches of information analysis.
Descriptive statistics is the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data. It is a study of the characteristics of the population and samples. By
collecting and describing the information, a group of simplified and arranged data communicates a conclusion. Key analysis included average, mean,
mode, standard deviation, central tendency, dispersion and Kurtosis of the variables. It is meant that descriptive statistics is an attempt to summarize
experience and phenomenon. The results always presented by different diagrams (histogram, pie chart or polygon) for effective understanding.
The method of descriptive statistics is always applied on study the correlation among few factors. The following is a typical example of the
relationship between cholesterol and blood pressure.
Example 1
Adult12345678 cholesterol (x)225207270217285274
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Benefits of a Statistics Course
Reflective Essay Considering Benefits of a Statistics Course Studying statistics can be daunting; with concepts and processes that are initially
challenging, but as the learning process progresses one start to appreciate not only the value of statistics, but the way that statistics are already used in
everyday life, without necessarily realization the underling statistical basis of the use. Reflecting on the course, looking at what was learned and the
value it will provide for use in the future reveals a learning process that has not only increased knowledge for use during the academic processes but
transferable skills that will have a direct benefit to a career path. Achievements when studying statistics are accumulated gradually, this was not a
course of sudden and monumental revelations where there was a 'eureka moment', it was a subject where skills and knowledge build up as the lessons
progressed. Knowledge was gained gradually and practiced each week, so as the more complex ideas were introduced they were understood with
reference to former ideas and concepts, such as moving from the analysis of one or two populations or variables, to more than two, and the move from
the use of normal distributed populations to skewed populations, with the implementation of an hypothesis test taking a standard format. The
knowledge gain has a number of benefits, enhancing aware of statistics and the ability to both understand and critique their use in different contexts.
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Concepts Of Statistical Studies Essay
Basic Concepts of Statistical Studies
Introduction s Decision makers make better decisions when they use all available information in an effective and meaningful way. The primary role of
statistics is to to provide decision makers with methods for obtaining and analyzing information to help make these decisions. Statistics is used to
answer long–range planning questions, such as when and where to locate facilities to handle future sales.
Definition s Statistics is defined as the
science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting numerical data for the purpose of assisting in making a more effective decision.
Applications in Management s Accounting Public accounting firms more content...
Alternatively, a numeric code could be used for the class standing variable (e.g. 1 denotes Freshman, 2 denotes Juniors and so on).
Scales of Measurement s Interval
The data have the properties of ordinal data, and the interval between observations is expressed in terms of a fixed unit of measure. Interval data are
always numeric.
Scales of Measurement s Interval
Example: Shruti has an MAT score of 605, while Raj has an MAT score of 655. Raj scored 50 points more than Shruti.
Scales of Measurement s Ratio
The data have all the properties of interval data and the ratio of two values is meaningful. Variables such as distance, height, weight, and time use the
ratio scale. This scale must contain a zero value that indicates that nothing exists for the variable at the zero point.
Scales of Measurement s Ratio
Example: Raj's college record shows 36 credit hours earned, while Kevin's record shows 72 credit hours earned. Kevin has twice as many credit hours
earned as Raj's.
Qualitative and Quantitative Data
Data can be further classified as being qualitative or quantitative. The statistical analysis that is appropriate depends on whether the data for the variable
are qualitative or quantitative. In general, there are more alternatives for statistical analysis when the data are quantitative.
Qualitative Data
Labels or names used
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Introduction to the Practice of Statistics Essay
Section 1.1 – Introduction to the Practice of Statistics
1.Explain the difference between a population and a sample.
A population is the entire group to be studied and a sample is a portion of the population.
2.Explain the difference between a parameter and a statistic.
A statistic is a numerical summary of a sample and a parameter is a numerical summary of a population.
3.What is Descriptive Statistics and how is it used?
Descriptive statistics describes the results of a sample without making conclusions of the population.
4.What is Inferential Statistics and how is it used?
Inferential statistics uses the result of a sample to apply to a population.
5.Determine whether the following variables are qualitative more content...
The sample is the 50,000 households that were surveyed.
12.The information in the table below refers to the 2008 model year product line of BMW automobiles. Identify the Individuals, variables, and data
corresponding to the variables in the table below. Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous, or, discrete. Please refer to problems #51
and #53 on page 13 for examples.
BMW Car ModelBody StyleWeight (lb)Number of Seats
3 SeriesCoupe 3,3504
5 SeriesSedan3,5005
6 SeriesConvertible4,2754
7 SeriesSedan4,4905
X3Sport Utility4,0155
Z4 RoadsterCoupe3,1002
a) Individuals: 3 series, 5 series, 6 series, 7 series, X3, Z4 Roadster
b)Variable names, data, and types of variables:
Variable names: Body Style, Weight, Number of Seats
Body Style data: Coupe, Sedan, Convertible, Sedan, Sport Utility, Coupe
Weight data: 3,350; 3,500; 4,275; 4,490; 4,015; 3,100
Number of Seats data: 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 2
Variable Body Style is qualitative, variable Weight is continuous, variable Number of Seats is discrete
13.A study conducted by researchers was designed to "determine if application of duct tape is as effective as cryotherapy in the treatment of common
warts." The researchers randomly divided 51 patients into two groups. The 26 patients in Group 1 had their warts treated by applying duct tape to the
wart for 6.5 days and then removing the tape for 12 hours, at which point the cycle was repeated for a
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Math Statistics Essay
In this mathematical circumstance, it is appropriate to use the Normal Model with this data distribution because of how roughly symmetric and
unimodal. The summary statistics for the OB Math SAT scores are as follow: the number of values is 287, the mean of the data is 553.62369, the
standard deviation is of approximately 65.984512, the median of the data is 540, the range of the data is 390, the minimum value is 360, the maximum
value is 750, the first quartile of the data is 510, and the second quartile of the data is 590. To calculate the percent of students that had an SAT math
score higher than 560, I used the z–score formula which is z–score= raw score– mean/ standard deviation and plugged the values for each variable. After more content...
After solving for the variable and then plugged in the values and I got raw score= 0.8416 (65.984512) + 553.62369 which gave us a raw score of
609 rounded to the nearest integer. To be in the top 5% of the class a student would need to have a SAT score of around 662. I have come to that
conclusion by simply converting 5 into a decimal number (5/100) and then plugging that decimal number (0.05) into invNorm in the calculator which
gave us invNorm (0.05, 0, 1) = –1.6448. I then changed the number into a positive value to calculate the top 5%, and then plugged it into our raw
score formula that we solved earlier and got raw score= 1.6448 (65.984512) + 553.62369 which gave us a raw score of 662 rounded to the nearest
integer. To calculate the z–score at the 25th percentile of the model I converted 25 into a decimal number (25/100) and then plugged that decimal
number (0.25) into invNorm in the calculator which gave us invNorm (0.25, 0, 1) = –0.6744. Then to calculate the raw score at the 25th percentile I
plugged the z–score –0.6744 into the raw score formula we solved earlier and got raw score= –0.6744 (65.984512) + 553.62369 which gave us a raw
data value of 509 rounded to the nearest integer. The z–score and raw data value at 75th percentile of the model is 0.6744 and 598. To calculate the
z–score at the 75th percentile of the model I converted 75 into a decimal (75/100) and then plugged that decimal number (0.75) into
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Reliability Of Statistics : Statistics Essay
Reliability of Statistics Today most of us live in a world surrounded by data. Everything that we do calculates findings to supply data for statistical
findings to show that it is either wrong or right. Statistics is not a new process in our lives; it has been around for close to 400 years from the history
I was able to find discussing statistics or probability. The oldest date found was identified by Stigler (1999 p. 207) were he explained that in 1628 a
William Harvey released a study on the motion of blood and the heart. The study, which consisted of statistical facts, proved that blood passes
through the body by the pulsation of the heart. To us in today's world that does not sound like a great discovery. However, to a world that did not
know the method of how the blood flowed through the body, it was a great achievement. Without identifying the research as being statistical, we can
go back even farther to find that one of the items possibly found in your garden today is actually one of the oldest known timekeepers in the world,
the sundial. "The sundial existed in a very primitive form in Egypt from at least the 15th century B.C." (Bigliazzi, Spaans, Dunaud, & Juran, 1995).
Discovery of one of the earliest specimens of a sundial was in Greece in which dated back to the third century B.C. In Greece, they studied the
mathematics of the sundial, which in turn led to improving the accuracy of the timekeeper. In order to establish and improve the accuracy of the
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Statistics Case Study
Executive Overview, Part I The management staff at a hotel located in a popular Caribbean resort area is engaged in planning activities for the
next year. Fundamental to any plans made will be the expected occupancy rate of the hotel. The management staff has extracted quarterly
occupancy rates for the past 5 years from the hotel records to forecast the occupancy rates for quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of next year. Observing that
this is a time series problem, we first generated a time series plot of the occupancy rate. And we can see a seasonal pattern from the plot. (See Figure
1 in Appendix A) Given the data, since year and quarter are both qualitative variables, we first transferred each quarter in each year in to a period
number. more content...
(See Figure 1 in Appendix B) Also, themes of the commercial are qualitative variables, so we assigned dummy variables to different types of
commercials. On the scatter plot there is an interaction, we decided to add an additional predictor: TypeILength which is Type I*Length. After running
the regression, we got the equation Test = 5.07 + 0.144 Length – 6.56 Type 1 + 6.22 Type 2 + 0.252 Type1Length Humorous: Test =–1.49 +
0.396Length Musical: Test = 11.29 + 0.144Length Serious: Test = 5.07 + 0.144Length Based on this analysis, it is recommended that musical
commercials should be played more often regardless of the length of time. This is justified by the results of the memory test given which showed that
more viewers who saw the musical commercial scored higher, indicating that they remember the commercial best. Appendix B Figure 1 Table 1 Table
2 Regression Analysis: Test versus Length, Type 1, Type 2, Type1Length The regression equation is Test = 5.07 + 0.144 Length
– 6.56 Type 1 + 6.22
Type 2 + 0.252 Type1Length Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 5.074 2.377 2.13 0.037 Length 0.14431 0.06330 2.28 0.027 Type 1–6.558 4.611
–1.42 0.161 Type
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Essay on Statistics
Statistics are necessary for scientific research because they allow the researchers to analyze empirical data needed to interpret the findings and draw
conclusions based on the results of the research. According to Portney and Watkins (2009), all studies require a description of subjects and responses
that are obtained through measuring central tendency, so all studies use descriptive statistics to present an appropriate use of statistical tests and the
validity of data interpretation. Although descriptive statistics do not allow general conclusions and allow only limited interpretations, they are useful
for understanding the study sample and establishing an appropriate framework for the further analysis in the study. Further more
Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that shows a symmetrical bell–shaped curve on the frequency distribution graph because
most scores are clustered close to the mean. The normal distribution displays constant characteristics, so it is predictable. In contrast to the normal
frequency distribution distribution, a skewed distribution shows an asymmetric graph that can be positively skewed to the right or negatively skewed
to the left, depending on the allocation of the median, mode, and mean which represent the three measures of central tendency and determine the
outcome of frequency distribution results (Portney & Watkins, 2009). In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode have equal values, and all
three values are directly under the peak of the curve. However, researchers are required to test their data for skewness during the initial analysis to
prevent potential misinterpretations of the data (Portney & Watkins, 2009). In skewed distributions, the mean, median, and mode all have different
values, and the mean is usually closer to the tail of the curve while the mode is at the peak of the curve, and the median is usually somewhere between
the mean and mode in a skewed distribution (Portney & Watkins, 2009). Because all three values
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The Concept of Statistics
Statistics Statistics is defined as the mathematical science study of collection, organization, analysis as well as interpretation of numerical
information from a given set of data (American Statistical Association, 2013). Types of statistics There are basically two types of statistics that are
commonly used in science, mathematics and even business; the descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics: this
organizes, describes and summarizes information from data. The limitations in this kind of data come when one is to use generalizations.
Inferential statistics: here, there is use of information from a selected sample in order to draw conclusion about the entire population. It is used to
show the relation between the sample and the entire population using a particular variable. Here, there can be use of statistics to draw
generalization but with acknowledgement that there could be some flaws. Levels of measurement of statistics Nominal level Here, there is no use
of exact numerical values or quantitative values but utilization of names, labels as well as categories in measuring or categorizing the data. One
example is the color of cars within a given model range as red, silver, blue and black. Ordinal level Though variables here can be arranged in a given
order, the differences between these data values are not significant or are meaningless. For instance the grading of 17 pairs of shoes where 6 were
rated as being very
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Stats Essay example
Statistics 5371 Final Exam Review Fall 2012.
1. Suppose a researcher wants to design a new study with a power of 0.8 and a significance of 0.05 to test whether the caffeine content for a brand of
coffee is really 100mg. A previous study gave a mean caffeine level for this brand of 110 mg and a standard deviation of 7 mg. Use PROC POWER to
determine how many cups of coffee need testing.
2. A company did a study to estimate the effect of different promotional strategies on the market share of one of their products. Over a period of 36
months they varied their promotional strategy. There are four strategies: Ordinary (standard pricing and advertising); Discount (price discount with
standard advertising); Promotion (standard pricing, more content...
c. Perform a one–factor analysis of variance for the data. Write the table below and interpret the result.
d. Regardless of the significance of your ANOVA, apply contrast defined by applying the weights (–0.5, 0.5, –0.5, 0.5) to the strategies (in the order
listed). Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the contrast.
e. What does this contrast measure?
f. Interpret the confidence interval.
g. Suppose we believe that the effect of a price discount may depend on whether there is enhanced advertising or not. Develop a set of contrast weights
that would measure the degree to which the effect of a price discount differs between the standard advertising and enhanced advertising settings.
3. The distribution of undergraduate grade point averages at a large university is approximately normal with a mean of 2.8 and a standard deviation of
a. What proportion of GPAs is between 3.0 and 3.5?
b. The Dean of Students wants to place students with GPAs in the bottom 10% of the distribution on probation. What is the GPA cutoff for being
placed on probation?
c. The designation of "summa cum laude" (roughly translated as "super high honors") is reserved for the students with GPAs in the top 1% of all
students. What is the GPA cutoff for "summa cum laude"?
d. The normal distribution may be a useful approximation, but it can't exactly be the correct distribution. Explain why this is so.
e. What percentage of
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Statistic Project Essay

  • 1. Statistic Project Essay Introduction Purpose of this Project,to find out the releationship between population and the square of countries is tried to be understood. This Project includes 129 observations and 30 samples.We tested with 95% cofidence interval Step 1:State null and alternate hypotheses Step 2:Select a level of significance Step 3:Identify the test statistic Step 4:Formulate a decision rule Step 5:Take a sample,arrive at a decision Step 1 Hypothesis Test: Ho:The average population of countries is equal or less than 39.786.098 H1:The average population of countries is more than 39.786.098 Step 2The significance level is 0.05 Step 3Because the sample is 30,z distribution has been used Step 4Reject Ho if z>–1.96 or z<–1.96 or more content... ria| Lithuania| Mauritania| Mongolia| Albania| Armenia| Jamaica| Kuwait| Latvia| Namibia| Macedonia| Botswana| Lesotho| Kosovo| Gambia| Guinea–Bissau| Gabon| Mauritius| Estonia| Bahrain| Cyprus| Fiji| Comoros| Djibouti| Guyana| Bhutan| Equatorial Guinea| Montenegro| Cape Verde| Luxembourg| Malta| Brunei| Maldives| Belize| Bahamas, The| Iceland| Barbados| Grenada| Micronesia, Federated States of| Kiribati| Antigua and Barbuda| Andorra| Dominica| Marshall Islands| Liechtenstein| Monaco| Population Descriptive Statistics: Column1| | | Mean| 39786098,5| Standard Error| 14001122,25| Median| 6508271| Mode| #YOK| Standard Deviation| 159022180| Sample Variance| 2,52881E+16| Kurtosis| 55,5365861| Skewness| 7,327371857| Range| 1336687476| Minimum| 30539| Maximum| 1336718015| Sum| 5132406706| Count| 129| Confidence Level(95,0%)| 27703612,09| To find out column 1's elements,we used descriptive statistic for population
  • 2. Formuller yazД±lacak buraya | Regression Analysis of Population and Sample SUMMARY OUTPUT| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Regression Statistics| | | | | | | | | Multiple R| 0,53126| | | | | | | | | R Square| 0,282237| | | | | | | | | Adjusted R Square| 0,276585| | | | | | | | | Get more content on
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  • 4. Chapter Four (Show all your work) 1) The students of Hugh Logan's math class took the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Their math scores are shown below. Find the mean score. 552593358352537 349357596470482 Solution: The mean score of the students of Hugh Logan's math class is 552 + 593 + 358 + 352 + 537 + 349 + 357 + 596 + 470 + 482 = 4646 10 10 = 46.46 The mean score is 46.46 2) The salaries of ten randomly selected physicians are shown below. Find themedian salary. $105,000$149,000$163,000$214,000$225,000 $116,000$111,000$791,000$240,000$178,000 Solution: To find the median, we first sort the data in ascending order: $105,000, $111,000, $116,000, $149,000, $163,000, $178,000, $214,000, $225,000, $240,000, $791,000 Because there are ten salaries (an even number), there are two values in the middle of the list: $163,000 and $178,000. Therefore the median lies halfway between these two values. The median is calculated by adding them and dividing by 2: Get more content on
  • 5. Statistics Essay Executive Summary Business Statistics In this assignment I compiled the data of the Nissan GT–R 3.8 (R35). The Data collected includes the age, type and price which allowed me to make a statistic about how the age affects the price of this certain model over several years. I will be using the correlation regression and scatter diagram to get the regression line. As we can see, the price drops the elder the car is. Inside the range of the diagram the prediction might be accurate. So we can tell very precisely how much the car is going to cost in the next few years, but we won't be able to give a very precise prediction on how much the car is going to cost after a long term (more than 10 years). This project shows the readers to more content... X = 2.5 is within the range, which means that the estimation might be accurate as we are interpolating. * When age of the car (x) = 10 Years old, price of the car will be (y) = Y= CHF 41853. X=10 is outside the range, which mean that the estimation might be inaccurate as we are extrapolating. 8.0 Referencing 1. Francis, Andre, 2004 Business mathematics and Statistics Get more content on
  • 6. Basic Statistics Essay examples | Project paper and Feasibility Paper: Week 2| As preparation for the final research paper, formulate a theory about the correlation between measurable independent variables (causes) and one measurable dependent variable (the effect). Be sure to have at least two independent variables for proposed research paper. The topic proposal should include the following four items which serve as the foundation for the final research paper after instructor feedback is given.| 1) Purpose Statement In one paragraph, state the correlation and identify the primary independent variables.State the correlation as in the following:"Thirty–four percent of young women become pregnant at least once before they reach the age of 20 –– about 820,000 more content... "Teens who have been raised by both parents (biological or adoptive) from birth, have lower probabilities of having sex than youths who grew up in any other family situation. At age 16, 22 percent of girls from intact families and 44 percent of other girls have had sex at least once. Similarly, teens from intact, two–parent families are less likely to give birth in their teens than girls from other family backgrounds" (Teen Pregnancy Stats, Facts, and Prevention, 2004). There could be for a variety of reasons for the wide gap in single parent and intact family teenage pregnancies. One reason is the emotional support and attachment from both parents instead of just one. "Teenagers who have strong emotional attachments to their parents are much less likely to become sexually active at an early age and less likely to have a teen pregnancy" (Teen Pregnancy Stats, Facts, and Prevention, 2004). There are a number of theories this emotional attachment could be a key to the dependent variable. A few of these theories are: higher accountability, emotional fulfillment, and stability. Education levelEducation is another independent variable that can affect a female being a single mother. This independent variable is a broader view on the dependent variable of single mother than the variable of a single parent home. This is because it's not dependent on what age a female get pregnant but rather on the overall Get more content on
  • 7. Statistics and Lies Statistics Taken Out Of Context There are statistics of any topic you can think of. Nine out of ten people say this. Such and such percent approve or disapprove of this product. But, are these statistics true? Or, did someone twist the statistics around so we may believe them? Either way the more statistics are fed to people the more people believe them. In the article, it was explained how statistics were taken out of context for drugs that are tested on animals. The author takes statistics such as, "92% of drugs fail in clinical trials, having successfully passed through animal studies" and shows where the true statistic came from. (Lovell–Badge, 3013) The author takes the statistic and backs it up with facts. I was more content... You see every three months that the rate rises and falls and the people in theWhite House are either praised or bashed. The truth with the unemployment statistic is if you are not actively seeking work, you are not included in the unemployment statistic. That is really misleading. While we are thinking that the economy is getting better, it actually is not. The rate is actually falling because people stopped looking for work. Are statistics important? Yes, they are. Some people do lie about statistics to make their point come across better. It is our job to dig for the truth in the matter. People love numbers and the numbers used in statistics grab people's attention. It can either make your point come across in a positive way or a negative way. Both ways the point is getting across and whatever product or study that uses statistics is getting some sort of advertisement. Whether the advertisement used is good or bad. Works Cited Bouckley, B. (2011, November 29). Beverage Daily. Retrieved from –Safety /Energy–drinks–are–casualty–of–statistics–ripped–out–of–context–ABA Lovell–Badge, R. (3013, January 23). Speaking of Research. Retrieved from Get more content on
  • 8. Reliability Of Statistics : Statistics Essay Reliability of Statistics Today, most of us live in a world surrounded by data. Everything that we do calculates findings to supply data for statistical findings to show that it is either wrong or right. Statistics is not a new process in our lives; it has been around for close to 400 years of the history I was able to find discussing statistics or probability. The oldest date found was identified by Stigler (1999 p. 207) were he explained that in 1628 a William Harvey released a study of the motion of blood and the heart. The study, which consisted of statistical facts, proved that blood passes through the body by the pulsation of the heart. To us in today's world that does not sound like a great discovery. Ordinarily, to the world that did not know the method of how the blood flowed through the body, it was a great achievement. Without recognizing the research as being statistical, we can go back even further to find that one of the items perhaps found in your garden today is, in fact, one of the oldest known timekeepers in the world, the sundial. "The sundial existed in a very primitive form in Egypt from at least the 15th century B.C." (Bigliazzi, Spaans, Dunaud, & Juran, 1995). Discovery of one of the initial specimens of a sundial was in Greece in which dated back to the third century B.C. In Greece, they studied the mathematics of the sundial, which in turn led to improving the accuracy of the timekeeper. In order to establish and improve the accuracy Get more content on
  • 9. Statistics Name: ENG Roath CHHORDA Level: EAP5 " Statistics should be interpreted with caution as they can be misleading; they can both lie and tell the truth" Statistics are being used everyday to describe things in working and studying areas to show the productivity of the results they are hoping for. Therefore, people observe and notice alternative objects the world around. Throughout this fact, similarities and differences are such features that could endanger or turned out as advantages. This is called statistics. Explanations of the word "statistics" are " information based on a study of the number of times something happens or is present or other numerical facts" (Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, more content... There are too many different statistical situations to consider them all, so the responsibility will often have to analyze the situation happening in front in order to make good judgments. "Knowledge of statistics therefore will help looking behind the numbers and knowing the truth of being misled to believe something that is not true" (Siddharth Kalla (2011). Problems happened, solutions are made, and this essay will afterwards determines some solutions to solve some obstacles in analyzing such statistics. First of all, one simple strategy is to temporarily ignore the statistic that other has presented and ask what statistics would actually wanted to be, in order to make judgments about the issue involved. Secondly, unless, having good access to the data and know how it is obtained, always recognize that statistics can be misrepresented what is going on. For example, if the information is obtained from a group that has a strong political or philosophical agenda, it can almost take for granted that their statistics have been carefully chosen to promote their point of view. Last of all, nevertheless, recognizing that statistics people present in general are frequently flawed does not imply that it is possible to depend on anecdotes about individual cases or a few own experiences (Siddharth Kalla, 2011). These are commonly to be a typical of what happens in the world at large. Instead, the responsibility of individual should be Get more content on
  • 10. Inferential Statistics Essay This study will focus on the issue of obesity among people. Obesity is one of the prominent issues that the society is facing due to the insufficient information that people have regarding the amount of food intake as well as how people ought to balance their diet. It seems that the problem of obesity is not only experienced in one country but in different countries and this does not only choose certain gender and age but a person who suffers obesity could be an adult or a child, female or male. Researchers from the Mercer University School of Medicine studied the connection between obesity and health associated quality of life in individuals aged 18 and older by means of data from the 2000 MEPS. After regulating for more content... Obesity has been correlated to numerous diseases and circumstances in adults, like heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Overweight children are twice as much probable to contain high levels of cholesterol. Aortic fatty streaks, the primary stages of atherosclerosis, started to emerge in childhood, perhaps even as early as three years old. More so, children with triceps skin folds larger than the 70th percentile have considerably higher blood pressures. In the previous years, Type 2 diabetes has increased radically among children and adolescents. Experts consider this raise is owing to the high rate of overweight and obesity. Recent studies points to childhood obesity impinging on children's physical and psychological behavior well–being. Comparable to adults, obese children may experience diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. In terms of psychology, obese children could contain feelings of low sense of worthiness and social prejudice (admin, 2010). Most children who are obese are stereotyped in schools as abnormal and may led to acts such as the Columbine High School Massacre. In the UK, about 27 per cent of children are currently overweight and research proposes the major problem is a repeated reduction in the quantity of exercise children get. Many obese children have obese parents and it's habitually an issue of family lifestyles (Dr. Macnair, para 7). Different school–based interventions have been adjusting to dietary needs of Get more content on
  • 11. The Essentials of Studying Statistics Essay The Essentials of Studying Statistics Introduction Making effective business decisions are always based on cost, time and prospect. Calculating money cost, time cost and forecast of return, all are based on marketing research, data mining, information analysis and findings. The way of the finding the answer is statistics. Statistics – The Method of Organizing Data Broadly, statistics is a set of disciplines for study quantitative information. Implied that several methods used to collect or process or interpret quantitative data from large amount of information, then finally generate a calculated number, for example average, mean, standard deviation...etc. All of these are the key reference for decision making or more content... This also means that, statistics become the beacon to many businesses and corporate. How to start a statistical study? Briefly, there are 3 simple steps to understand how to get a solution from statistical study: 1.Collect and gather statistical information 2.Analyze information 3.Infer a conclusion from the information Descriptive Statistics – Tell You the Facts It is commonly make a distinction between descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, which used in different approaches of information analysis. Descriptive statistics is the basis of virtually every quantitative analysis of data. It is a study of the characteristics of the population and samples. By collecting and describing the information, a group of simplified and arranged data communicates a conclusion. Key analysis included average, mean,
  • 12. mode, standard deviation, central tendency, dispersion and Kurtosis of the variables. It is meant that descriptive statistics is an attempt to summarize experience and phenomenon. The results always presented by different diagrams (histogram, pie chart or polygon) for effective understanding. The method of descriptive statistics is always applied on study the correlation among few factors. The following is a typical example of the relationship between cholesterol and blood pressure. Example 1 Adult12345678 cholesterol (x)225207270217285274 Get more content on
  • 13. Benefits of a Statistics Course Reflective Essay Considering Benefits of a Statistics Course Studying statistics can be daunting; with concepts and processes that are initially challenging, but as the learning process progresses one start to appreciate not only the value of statistics, but the way that statistics are already used in everyday life, without necessarily realization the underling statistical basis of the use. Reflecting on the course, looking at what was learned and the value it will provide for use in the future reveals a learning process that has not only increased knowledge for use during the academic processes but transferable skills that will have a direct benefit to a career path. Achievements when studying statistics are accumulated gradually, this was not a course of sudden and monumental revelations where there was a 'eureka moment', it was a subject where skills and knowledge build up as the lessons progressed. Knowledge was gained gradually and practiced each week, so as the more complex ideas were introduced they were understood with reference to former ideas and concepts, such as moving from the analysis of one or two populations or variables, to more than two, and the move from the use of normal distributed populations to skewed populations, with the implementation of an hypothesis test taking a standard format. The knowledge gain has a number of benefits, enhancing aware of statistics and the ability to both understand and critique their use in different contexts. When Get more content on
  • 14. Concepts Of Statistical Studies Essay Basic Concepts of Statistical Studies 1 Introduction s Decision makers make better decisions when they use all available information in an effective and meaningful way. The primary role of statistics is to to provide decision makers with methods for obtaining and analyzing information to help make these decisions. Statistics is used to answer long–range planning questions, such as when and where to locate facilities to handle future sales. 2 Definition s Statistics is defined as the science of collecting, organizing, presenting, analyzing and interpreting numerical data for the purpose of assisting in making a more effective decision. 3 Applications in Management s Accounting Public accounting firms more content... Alternatively, a numeric code could be used for the class standing variable (e.g. 1 denotes Freshman, 2 denotes Juniors and so on). 16 Scales of Measurement s Interval The data have the properties of ordinal data, and the interval between observations is expressed in terms of a fixed unit of measure. Interval data are always numeric. 17 Scales of Measurement s Interval Example: Shruti has an MAT score of 605, while Raj has an MAT score of 655. Raj scored 50 points more than Shruti.
  • 15. 18 Scales of Measurement s Ratio The data have all the properties of interval data and the ratio of two values is meaningful. Variables such as distance, height, weight, and time use the ratio scale. This scale must contain a zero value that indicates that nothing exists for the variable at the zero point. 19 Scales of Measurement s Ratio Example: Raj's college record shows 36 credit hours earned, while Kevin's record shows 72 credit hours earned. Kevin has twice as many credit hours earned as Raj's. 20 Qualitative and Quantitative Data Data can be further classified as being qualitative or quantitative. The statistical analysis that is appropriate depends on whether the data for the variable are qualitative or quantitative. In general, there are more alternatives for statistical analysis when the data are quantitative. 21 Qualitative Data Labels or names used Get more content on
  • 16. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics Essay Section 1.1 – Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 1.Explain the difference between a population and a sample. A population is the entire group to be studied and a sample is a portion of the population. 2.Explain the difference between a parameter and a statistic. A statistic is a numerical summary of a sample and a parameter is a numerical summary of a population. 3.What is Descriptive Statistics and how is it used? Descriptive statistics describes the results of a sample without making conclusions of the population. 4.What is Inferential Statistics and how is it used? Inferential statistics uses the result of a sample to apply to a population. 5.Determine whether the following variables are qualitative more content... The sample is the 50,000 households that were surveyed. 12.The information in the table below refers to the 2008 model year product line of BMW automobiles. Identify the Individuals, variables, and data corresponding to the variables in the table below. Determine whether each variable is qualitative, continuous, or, discrete. Please refer to problems #51 and #53 on page 13 for examples. BMW Car ModelBody StyleWeight (lb)Number of Seats 3 SeriesCoupe 3,3504 5 SeriesSedan3,5005 6 SeriesConvertible4,2754 7 SeriesSedan4,4905
  • 17. X3Sport Utility4,0155 Z4 RoadsterCoupe3,1002 a) Individuals: 3 series, 5 series, 6 series, 7 series, X3, Z4 Roadster b)Variable names, data, and types of variables: Variable names: Body Style, Weight, Number of Seats Body Style data: Coupe, Sedan, Convertible, Sedan, Sport Utility, Coupe Weight data: 3,350; 3,500; 4,275; 4,490; 4,015; 3,100 Number of Seats data: 4, 5, 4, 5, 5, 2 Variable Body Style is qualitative, variable Weight is continuous, variable Number of Seats is discrete 13.A study conducted by researchers was designed to "determine if application of duct tape is as effective as cryotherapy in the treatment of common warts." The researchers randomly divided 51 patients into two groups. The 26 patients in Group 1 had their warts treated by applying duct tape to the wart for 6.5 days and then removing the tape for 12 hours, at which point the cycle was repeated for a Get more content on
  • 18. Math Statistics Essay In this mathematical circumstance, it is appropriate to use the Normal Model with this data distribution because of how roughly symmetric and unimodal. The summary statistics for the OB Math SAT scores are as follow: the number of values is 287, the mean of the data is 553.62369, the standard deviation is of approximately 65.984512, the median of the data is 540, the range of the data is 390, the minimum value is 360, the maximum value is 750, the first quartile of the data is 510, and the second quartile of the data is 590. To calculate the percent of students that had an SAT math score higher than 560, I used the z–score formula which is z–score= raw score– mean/ standard deviation and plugged the values for each variable. After more content... After solving for the variable and then plugged in the values and I got raw score= 0.8416 (65.984512) + 553.62369 which gave us a raw score of 609 rounded to the nearest integer. To be in the top 5% of the class a student would need to have a SAT score of around 662. I have come to that conclusion by simply converting 5 into a decimal number (5/100) and then plugging that decimal number (0.05) into invNorm in the calculator which gave us invNorm (0.05, 0, 1) = –1.6448. I then changed the number into a positive value to calculate the top 5%, and then plugged it into our raw score formula that we solved earlier and got raw score= 1.6448 (65.984512) + 553.62369 which gave us a raw score of 662 rounded to the nearest integer. To calculate the z–score at the 25th percentile of the model I converted 25 into a decimal number (25/100) and then plugged that decimal number (0.25) into invNorm in the calculator which gave us invNorm (0.25, 0, 1) = –0.6744. Then to calculate the raw score at the 25th percentile I plugged the z–score –0.6744 into the raw score formula we solved earlier and got raw score= –0.6744 (65.984512) + 553.62369 which gave us a raw data value of 509 rounded to the nearest integer. The z–score and raw data value at 75th percentile of the model is 0.6744 and 598. To calculate the z–score at the 75th percentile of the model I converted 75 into a decimal (75/100) and then plugged that decimal number (0.75) into Get more content on
  • 19. Reliability Of Statistics : Statistics Essay Reliability of Statistics Today most of us live in a world surrounded by data. Everything that we do calculates findings to supply data for statistical findings to show that it is either wrong or right. Statistics is not a new process in our lives; it has been around for close to 400 years from the history I was able to find discussing statistics or probability. The oldest date found was identified by Stigler (1999 p. 207) were he explained that in 1628 a William Harvey released a study on the motion of blood and the heart. The study, which consisted of statistical facts, proved that blood passes through the body by the pulsation of the heart. To us in today's world that does not sound like a great discovery. However, to a world that did not know the method of how the blood flowed through the body, it was a great achievement. Without identifying the research as being statistical, we can go back even farther to find that one of the items possibly found in your garden today is actually one of the oldest known timekeepers in the world, the sundial. "The sundial existed in a very primitive form in Egypt from at least the 15th century B.C." (Bigliazzi, Spaans, Dunaud, & Juran, 1995). Discovery of one of the earliest specimens of a sundial was in Greece in which dated back to the third century B.C. In Greece, they studied the mathematics of the sundial, which in turn led to improving the accuracy of the timekeeper. In order to establish and improve the accuracy of the Get more content on
  • 20. Statistics Case Study Executive Overview, Part I The management staff at a hotel located in a popular Caribbean resort area is engaged in planning activities for the next year. Fundamental to any plans made will be the expected occupancy rate of the hotel. The management staff has extracted quarterly occupancy rates for the past 5 years from the hotel records to forecast the occupancy rates for quarters 1, 2, 3 and 4 of next year. Observing that this is a time series problem, we first generated a time series plot of the occupancy rate. And we can see a seasonal pattern from the plot. (See Figure 1 in Appendix A) Given the data, since year and quarter are both qualitative variables, we first transferred each quarter in each year in to a period number. more content... (See Figure 1 in Appendix B) Also, themes of the commercial are qualitative variables, so we assigned dummy variables to different types of commercials. On the scatter plot there is an interaction, we decided to add an additional predictor: TypeILength which is Type I*Length. After running the regression, we got the equation Test = 5.07 + 0.144 Length – 6.56 Type 1 + 6.22 Type 2 + 0.252 Type1Length Humorous: Test =–1.49 + 0.396Length Musical: Test = 11.29 + 0.144Length Serious: Test = 5.07 + 0.144Length Based on this analysis, it is recommended that musical commercials should be played more often regardless of the length of time. This is justified by the results of the memory test given which showed that more viewers who saw the musical commercial scored higher, indicating that they remember the commercial best. Appendix B Figure 1 Table 1 Table 2 Regression Analysis: Test versus Length, Type 1, Type 2, Type1Length The regression equation is Test = 5.07 + 0.144 Length – 6.56 Type 1 + 6.22 Type 2 + 0.252 Type1Length Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant 5.074 2.377 2.13 0.037 Length 0.14431 0.06330 2.28 0.027 Type 1–6.558 4.611 –1.42 0.161 Type Get more content on
  • 21. Essay on Statistics Statistics are necessary for scientific research because they allow the researchers to analyze empirical data needed to interpret the findings and draw conclusions based on the results of the research. According to Portney and Watkins (2009), all studies require a description of subjects and responses that are obtained through measuring central tendency, so all studies use descriptive statistics to present an appropriate use of statistical tests and the validity of data interpretation. Although descriptive statistics do not allow general conclusions and allow only limited interpretations, they are useful for understanding the study sample and establishing an appropriate framework for the further analysis in the study. Further more content... Normal distribution is a continuous probability distribution that shows a symmetrical bell–shaped curve on the frequency distribution graph because most scores are clustered close to the mean. The normal distribution displays constant characteristics, so it is predictable. In contrast to the normal frequency distribution distribution, a skewed distribution shows an asymmetric graph that can be positively skewed to the right or negatively skewed to the left, depending on the allocation of the median, mode, and mean which represent the three measures of central tendency and determine the outcome of frequency distribution results (Portney & Watkins, 2009). In a normal distribution, the mean, median, and mode have equal values, and all three values are directly under the peak of the curve. However, researchers are required to test their data for skewness during the initial analysis to prevent potential misinterpretations of the data (Portney & Watkins, 2009). In skewed distributions, the mean, median, and mode all have different values, and the mean is usually closer to the tail of the curve while the mode is at the peak of the curve, and the median is usually somewhere between the mean and mode in a skewed distribution (Portney & Watkins, 2009). Because all three values Get more content on
  • 22. The Concept of Statistics Statistics Statistics is defined as the mathematical science study of collection, organization, analysis as well as interpretation of numerical information from a given set of data (American Statistical Association, 2013). Types of statistics There are basically two types of statistics that are commonly used in science, mathematics and even business; the descriptive statistics and the inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics: this organizes, describes and summarizes information from data. The limitations in this kind of data come when one is to use generalizations. Inferential statistics: here, there is use of information from a selected sample in order to draw conclusion about the entire population. It is used to show the relation between the sample and the entire population using a particular variable. Here, there can be use of statistics to draw generalization but with acknowledgement that there could be some flaws. Levels of measurement of statistics Nominal level Here, there is no use of exact numerical values or quantitative values but utilization of names, labels as well as categories in measuring or categorizing the data. One example is the color of cars within a given model range as red, silver, blue and black. Ordinal level Though variables here can be arranged in a given order, the differences between these data values are not significant or are meaningless. For instance the grading of 17 pairs of shoes where 6 were rated as being very Get more content on
  • 23. Stats Essay example Statistics 5371 Final Exam Review Fall 2012. 1. Suppose a researcher wants to design a new study with a power of 0.8 and a significance of 0.05 to test whether the caffeine content for a brand of coffee is really 100mg. A previous study gave a mean caffeine level for this brand of 110 mg and a standard deviation of 7 mg. Use PROC POWER to determine how many cups of coffee need testing. 2. A company did a study to estimate the effect of different promotional strategies on the market share of one of their products. Over a period of 36 months they varied their promotional strategy. There are four strategies: Ordinary (standard pricing and advertising); Discount (price discount with standard advertising); Promotion (standard pricing, more content... c. Perform a one–factor analysis of variance for the data. Write the table below and interpret the result. d. Regardless of the significance of your ANOVA, apply contrast defined by applying the weights (–0.5, 0.5, –0.5, 0.5) to the strategies (in the order listed). Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the contrast. e. What does this contrast measure? f. Interpret the confidence interval. g. Suppose we believe that the effect of a price discount may depend on whether there is enhanced advertising or not. Develop a set of contrast weights that would measure the degree to which the effect of a price discount differs between the standard advertising and enhanced advertising settings. 3. The distribution of undergraduate grade point averages at a large university is approximately normal with a mean of 2.8 and a standard deviation of 0.4. a. What proportion of GPAs is between 3.0 and 3.5?
  • 24. b. The Dean of Students wants to place students with GPAs in the bottom 10% of the distribution on probation. What is the GPA cutoff for being placed on probation? c. The designation of "summa cum laude" (roughly translated as "super high honors") is reserved for the students with GPAs in the top 1% of all students. What is the GPA cutoff for "summa cum laude"? d. The normal distribution may be a useful approximation, but it can't exactly be the correct distribution. Explain why this is so. e. What percentage of Get more content on