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Crash Course For Squidoo 
The Real Truth Introduction ................................................................................... 4 
Why This Report Is Critical For You To Read If You Use Squidoo .............................. 5 
So What Is A Marketer To Do? .................................................................................................. 6 
The GOOD News ............................................................................................................................. 8 
What This Report Will Show You .............................................................................................. 9 
The Two Tools You Need Before You Build Lenses ........................................................ 10 
1. USE Google Analytics .......................................................................................................... 10 
2. Google Webmaster Tools ................................................................................................... 10 
Pre – Squidoo Information You Need ...................................................... 11 
Rule 1: Take The Fake Stuff Out ............................................................................................ 11 
Rule 2: X -Rated Content .......................................................................................................... 12 
Rule 4: Plagiarism & Copyright Infringement ................................................................... 12 
Rule 5: Pushy Affiliate Sales .................................................................................................... 13 
Rule 6: Duplicated, Aggressive Or Poor Content ............................................................. 15 
Rule #7 Written Content Should Be The Core .................................................................. 16 
So How Do You Really Earn Money On Squidoo? ........................................................... 17 
Squidoo LOVES Amazon ............................................................................................. 17 
First You Need A PayPal Account ........................................................................................... 17 
What Is The Payout Structure? ............................................................................................... 17 
So How Do I Know Where My Levels Are? ......................................................................... 18 
Squidoo Royalties And / Or Associate Payouts For Amazon .............................................. 19 
One Way Around This Dilemma .............................................................................................. 20 
Apply To Amazon Here ............................................................................................................... 20 
2 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
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Amazon On Squidoo? .................................................................................................................. 20 
Squidoo and Amazon Commissions ...................................................................................... 21 
Starting A Squidoo Account ............................................................................................................. 22 
Managing Your Squidoo Settings ........................................................................................... 23 
Squidoo Dashboard ............................................................................................................................. 25 
Squidoo Side Bars ........................................................................................................................ 27 
Modules For Lens Building ........................................................................................................ 30 
Building A Master Lens ....................................................................... 31 
Set Your Lens URL - Important ............................................................................................... 32 
Great Lens Building ..................................................................................................................... 34 
Step 2 – Second Text Box ........................................................................................................ 39 
Step 4 – Visual Add Ons ............................................................................................................ 41 
Step 5 – Expert Follow Up ................................................................................................................... 43 
Step 6 – Add Your Products To Create More Interest .................................................... 44 
Step 7 – Comments Module For Social Proof .................................................................... 45 
Additional Tips On Lens Building ............................................................................................ 45 
Marketing Tips On A Lens ................................................................................................................. 46 
Reasons Your Lens Can Be Locked: ...................................................................................... 47 
Linked Lenses The Squidoo Way ............................................................................................ 48 
Final Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 48 
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 50 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
The Real Truth Introduction 
When Marketers hear the name Squidoo, their minds are filled 
with preconceived notions like free traffic, constant sales, 
royalties, and a platform that is an affiliate marketer’s dream. 
There has been a rash of products sold recently about Squidoo; 
like guides, ebooks and even WSO’s (a term used to describe 
special products sold on the Warrior Forum, a top internet 
marketing site) on how easy it is to make money using different 
specialized marketing strategies. 
Many of these well meaning products all seem to have a new 
flaw; Squidoo is changing how they do business and if you don’t 
want to adapt, you can expect to start to see your pages (called 
lenses) begin to be “frozen” or even unpublished. 
This comes as no surprise to the more cautious individuals that 
have seen Squidoo as nothing more than a series of cookie-cutter 
sites that are difficult to master and very possible to get months 
of work “banned”. 
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Why This Report Is Critical 
For You To Read If You Use Squidoo 
There are concerns I have with the way most marketers are 
telling and selling people on how to use Squidoo. A lot of 
hype exists that Squidoo is the answer to every marketer’s 
needs. As a long time user of Squidoo and a full time internet 
marketer I am here to speak out about all of the excessive hype; 
the truth is a lot less glamorous then most Squidoo Guru’s 
would have you believe. 
This report was finally written because Squidoo has begun to up 
their game and follow in the footsteps of Google and what used 
to work on Squidoo, and currently is working on Squidoo, will 
likely begin to slow down and falter, at least that is what I see 
based on my research and experiences. 
While Squidoo will allow you to earn commissions and royalties 
from companies like Amazon, Zazzle, Etsy, Cafepress, Ebay etc., 
the money you make isn’t a lot. Even the top players do not 
make the money that even 1 good affiliate site can pull. 
Squidoo has quietly begun to filter out and remove affiliate 
marketing that does not comply with the strict standards they 
want to see this trend continue. 
Many a marketer have found their lenses under review and 
frozen for rather questionable reasons; only to find the same 
information being published hours later by another lensmaster 
who seems to be immune to the same rules. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Now Squidoo is limiting the number of lenses that will be 
pointed to any one domain. Their recent changes to the terms 
of service are beginning to show the cracks in the honey pot. 
Not all is well in the land of OZ anymore . . . gone are the days of 
simply pumping out dozens of lenses that are keyword stuffed 
and slapping affiliate links on them. 
Squidoo says this is for the better. 
Squidoo maintains they want to see highly unique content that 
genuinely informs, instructs, teaches, enlightens or otherwise 
entertains in a fashion that is non-spammy; with non spammy 
meaning any affiliate site that does not use their affiliate 
So What Is A Marketer To Do? 
That is what this report is all about. The TRUTH About Squidoo. 
We spent many months analyzing Squidoo, investigating some of 
the top “Giant Squids,” looking at their lenses, purchasing top 
Guru marketing reports on Squidoo and analyzing whether or not 
what they are doing is something that will work for the long run. 
Most marketing techniques we discovered that are working right 
now in just a few short months will begin to go the way of the 
dodo. Regardless of what other reports and WSO’s might say, 
earning money on Squidoo by cookie cutter affiliate lenses, or 
anything similar is difficult at best. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
You're not going to make a fortune using Squidoo unless you 
invest significant time and energy; HOW to do this is changing. 
The real truth is, affiliate marketing is taking a nose dive all over 
the Internet. We see the effects of this on Google, with exact 
match domains loosing relevance, update after update slapping 
sites and banning affiliate style mini sites. 
So what is the future of all of this? The only pattern that seems to 
be emerging is, unique highly focused quality content is 
once again your best bet. In fact it always has been. 
More so if you wish to pursue marketing with Squidoo. Certainly 
there are very valid reasons to want to be on Squidoo today even 
if you are just motivated by the traffic bump. 
The bad news is if you think you're going to make thousands of 
dollars in affiliate commissions on Squidoo you're simply wasting 
your time. . . unless you really play by the rules. 
Is there a way to actually use Squidoo effectively, without all the 
hype, all the B.S. and all the half-baked truths and quick scams? 
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The GOOD News 
What we have done is find the top ranking marketers in Squidoo 
and study exactly what they're doing and then show you how to 
replicate the same success. 
Get this; 99% of success on Squidoo is HOW you set up your 
lenses! I am not talking about some mini site model, rather 
exactly what the big squids are doing which in some cases 
is 100% opposite of what recent reports and WSO’s have 
been teaching. 
Okay I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone here, especially if you're 
one of those people that sell information on how wonderful 
Squidoo is. Yes it can be if you follow the leader(s). 
To those people I like to say, the truth is the truth. Most people 
who use Squidoo make very little money even using some of the 
top reports and WSO’s claiming to the contrary. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
What This Report Will Show You 
The purpose of this Report on Squidoo is: 
1. Give you exact steps on how to use Squidoo to launch your 
current business realistically 
2. Get your lenses published in a way that Squidoo will 
approve and reward handsomely 
3. Show you where Squidoo is headed - and many 
marketers are in for a big surprise Just the way Google is 
going after affiliate marketers, exact match domains etc. 
Squidoo is getting on the bandwagon as well 
4. Best Practices That Squidoo Will Reward – you have to 
follow this advice. If you do you will get trophies, rewards, 
accolades from the community, eventual top contributor 
status; THEN the real money starts 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
The Two Tools You Need 
Before You Build Lenses 
There are two tools that work like clockwork with Squidoo and 
you simply must have if you want to become an effective and 
informed Lensmaster. 
Sign up for these two; of course they are not mandatory but just 
a damn good idea if you want to make actual money; which I 
assume is the reason why you purchased this report: 
1.USE Google Analytics 
Squidoo will ask you for your Google Analytics ID number. It’s 
a helpful tool to track what people are actually doing on your 
lenses. This tool seamlessly works with your Squidoo account. 
2.Google Webmaster Tools 
The good news is if you have an Adwords account you also have 
access to the Google keyword tool. Also if you have a Gmail 
account you can access this tool. What most warriors don't know 
about is a complete selection of webmaster tools which can be 
found here that will help in all kinds of future marketing with 
10 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Pre – Squidoo Information You Need 
Before you start your account I felt it was critical that you should 
have a heads-up on the recent policy changes on Squidoo. 
Squidoo lives, eats, breathes and sleeps at policies! You need to 
thoroughly read them because NOT understanding exactly 
what Squidoo wants is most of the reason why people get banned 
or have their lenses frozen. 
The latest updates of TOS / living addendums can be found here: 
Next I want to prepare you by explaining a series of rules that 
you should always follow when using Squidoo. Unlike some 
platforms where on occasion you can bend the rules, the most 
effective use of Squidoo comes when you actually follow the 
rules. Have a look at these: 
Rule 1: Take The Fake Stuff Out 
Don’t be a fake on Squidoo, period. The community wants to deal 
with real people and nothing else. There is a committee made up 
of long time Squidoo users who basically run the show and set 
the standards, and they have become very good at discovering 
fake, phony, fraud accounts and are constantly banning and un 
publishing lenses related to these kinds of deceptive promotions. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Rule 2: X -Rated Content 
Squidoo has had problems with X Rated content in the past. Many 
of the Giant Squids and top lensmasters have insisted that, to 
prevent these issues from reoccurring, this content will now be 
permanently removed, as soon as it is discovered. Some of the 
pages on Squidoo may seem to indicate you can have x rated 
materials, but no longer. 
If you are considering placing content like that on your lenses, 
then know that deletion of your account is the end result. 
Rule3: Spam Is A Big No-No 
Spam is annoying to everyone. Squidoo forums are full of 
watchdogs and they take a ban first attitude and even rejoice 
when they get someone’s lens locked or unpublished. If you are 
curious what Squidoo thinks is spam, again have a look here: 
Rule 4: Plagiarism & Copyright Infringement 
Squidoo will not tolerate plagiarism and this is made very clear in 
their TOS. In addition copyright infringement is a big deal as well. 
It is certain that your lenses will be unpublished if there are any 
questions concerning any of this, at least locked until it can be 
proven that you are not in violation. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Rule 5: Pushy Affiliate Sales 
This is the one area that gets marketers in the most trouble. 
There've been a recent rash of reports, ebooks and WSO’s 
promoting all kinds of tactics to use on Squidoo; from multiple 
linked lenses, keyword stuffing, mini site builds using lenses and 
just about any other variation you can imagine. While some 
people have gotten away with this, many others are being 
banned or lens locked simply for following this advice. 
Squidoo is quite clear on their feelings about affiliate programs 
that they do not directly sponsor, and pushy related affiliate sales 
Some affiliate programs are simply not allowed on Squidoo. Of 
course this does not mean that you will be unable to make 
money; it's just that you will have to be highly creative in the 
way that you go about promoting anything that could be 
considered an affiliate program. 
Squidoo's main interest is in unique high-quality content that is 
different than the traditional dribble that you see everywhere 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Rule 6: Overly Promotional Lenses 
Squidoo have recently looked into lenses that have very little 
or no quality material on them and concluded that people are 
using their lenses in an inappropriate manner. Linking lenses 
together to push the sales along is something they have become 
aware of. While Squidoo encourages a maximum of six lenses 
that you can interlink together using the discovery tool, linking 
all of your lenses together and pointing to one specific product or 
service is becoming problematic. 
They are calling these overly promoted lenses and if they see 
this, you will more than likely have your lenses locked for review. 
Squidoo's main concern is that there should not be dozens, 
possibly hundreds of lenses pointing to one domain. 
This goes against their desire to see unique content on each 
specific lens; and that each lens develops its own unique topic, 
even though they can be inter-related with other lenses. 
Recently, there have been WSO’s and guides about lens building, 
too. They suggest a “mini-site” model with lots of links, targeting 
low density keywords and then link products and services where 
you can get a commission. 
We believe this type of marketing will become ineffective over 
time with the new Squidoo TOS updates limiting cross-linking to a 
maximum of nine lenses to one domain. While you will still be 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
able to promote your products and services, Squidoo wants this 
You could end up having to explain to the review department why 
they should unlock your lenses if you continue to use multiple 
lenses pointed back to the same URL’s. Squidoo are categorizing 
their lenses in two ways now; Whitelisted or Blacklisted. 
There will soon be no in between. What makes all of this difficult 
is that Squidoo seems to be randomly enforcing this; based on 
our interviews with Giant Squids (Squidoo’s elite contributors) 
this is because the enforcement is being done gradually and they 
are making examples of the lenses they uncover based on a pre 
agreed on set of stipulations that will grow over time. 
Rule 6: Duplicated, Aggressive Or Poor Content 
Squidoo has recently been banning lenses that are opinion based, 
like page where politicians, professionals or anyone else in the 
spotlight is then “badmouthed”. Even if these individuals deserve 
this, and what is being reported is 100% accurate, this is not the 
kind of content that Squidoo will tolerate. 
Attack lenses, political hack, rumors, gossip, all of this has seen 
the frozen lens and unpublished tool that Squidoo wields. 
If you are going to start lenses then write something that people 
want to read about AND is informative and avoids the above. A 
few lines of dribble and useless information is a sure way to get a 
negative response. Squidoo believes that very poor / attack 
content is simply wasting your reader’s time. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Rule #7 Written Content Should Be The Core 
I've actually read guides, ebooks and WSO’s that have said to 
limit your written content on Squidoo and just stuff your lenses 
with lots of affiliate modules. 
This is the exact opposite advice that Giant Squids give. 
You should always lead with a hot topic with flowing articles that 
answers a problem, illustrates something interesting or teaches 
and informs. Squidoo encourage everyone to keep working their 
lenses until the content, modules, products and interest is there 
for people to get excited about and that your lenses have a 
A lot of these rules are common sense, yet many people still try 
to post a few lines of rehashed content and excessive product 
links all over their lenses. 
I provided this information to ensure that your head is on 
correctly before you jump into producing dozens of lenses 
only to have them unpublished in a few days weeks or months 
down the road. 
I am going to show you how to master Squidoo and how to 
earn money doing so. Like anything in life you must play by the 
rules and learn to master the game with these fundamentals. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
So How Do You Really Earn 
Money On Squidoo? 
How can you use Squidoo to promote your business, your 
services and earn some extra affiliate cash without getting into 
trouble? Let's start with the biggest affiliate on the planet. 
Squidoo LOVES Amazon 
Before you build any lens the biggest question is, how do Squidoo 
and Amazon pay you and what’s it worth to you? 
What do you need in order to get started? 
First You Need A PayPal Account 
Get a PayPal account. You may not like it but 
that’s the way Squidoo pays out on their 
royalties. In the Squidoo account settings 
this is the only option they have for payment. 
What Is The Payout Structure? 
The royalties pay out like this on Squidoo: 
5% goes to the selected charities off the top 
50% goes to the Lensmasters 
45% goes back to Squidoo 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
The Lensmasters - 50% pay is further divided like this: 
The top level lenses receive about 20% of the total payouts 
The second level lenses about 17% 
The third level lenses approximately 8%. 
This may not seem like a huge payout - Keep reading it 
gets better . . . 
So How Do I Know Where My Levels Are? 
Squidoo ranks the lenses. 
1. The top 2000 lenses are at level 1 
2. The next best 8000 lenses go into level 2 
3. The last 75,000 lenses with rankings go into level 3 
These can be approximate figures and the rankings can be 
somewhat off. A lens that reached level 2015, could also be 
receiving the 20% royalties for the month. This is where your 
Google Analytics tool will help you figuring it out. 
Of course it is just plain nice getting checks for doing almost 
nothing. Royalties are paid out regardless of whether you have 
an Amazon or other affiliate accounts or not. 
We'll talk more about that in a moment. 
Squidoo usually pay their lenses about the 15th of each month. 
However if someone has an E-Bay account and it has a 45 day 
money back guarantee on it, then it can take up to 8 weeks for 
Squidoo to receive their money and then pay you. 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Squidoo Royalties And / Or 
Associate Payouts For Amazon 
Depending on the state you reside in will also be the deciding 
factor whether you can have an Amazon Associates account in 
addition to getting royalties from Squidoo for Amazon sales you 
Yes you can get your Amazon commissions AND get royalty 
payments for Amazon at the same time as long as you are not in 
a blacklisted state. 
In Texas, Colorado, Connecticut, Arkansas, Illinois, Hawaii, 
Rhode Island, North Carolina and California, it is no longer 
possible to be a direct affiliate for Amazon due to taxation conflict 
issues Amazon has with each of these states. 
Amazon's reasoning here is, why should they have to follow and 
pay complicated taxes from states that are becoming overly 
aggressive when trying to collect Internet taxes, that other states 
are not requiring. 
Regardless of how you feel about this, Amazon has made it clear 
that it will continue to remove states that try to invoke aggressive 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
One Way Around This Dilemma 
People who want an (additional) Amazon affiliate account have 
found creative ways to do so by registering their business 
checking account in another state close to the nearest state 
border, or registering their entire business in Nevada. Obviously 
we are NOT advising you to do this as this can be construed as 
tax evasion but we thought you might like to know what some 
people are doing who want a direct Amazon account. 
Apply To Amazon Here 
If you do NOT live in any of the states mentioned and want an 
affiliate account you can apply here: https://affiliate-program. 
Amazon updated their policies and Procedures for affiliates in 
October 2012: 
Amazon On Squidoo? 
You don’t need to have an Amazon account with Squidoo. 
However if you already have an associate account you can 
potentially earn more income by using your affiliate links in the 
lenses you create. The flat rate commission from Amazon is 4% 
going up to 15%. Here’s a link to a guide to show you exactly 
what Amazon pays: 
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Squidoo and Amazon Commissions 
Squidoo is one of Amazon’s biggest and most successful affiliates. 
You will share in their commissions if you use their modules on 
your lenses that generate sales even if you do NOT have an 
Amazon affiliate account. 
Squidoo receives approximately 9% payout Amazon 
commissions every month. If you use their modules to 
promote Amazon products on your lenses, Squidoo will 
split the commissions with you 50%. 
By the way, if you need the extra ranking on your lenses, use 
Squidoo’s affiliate Amazon modules because this can actually 
improve your ranks with Squidoo every time you make a sale. 
Squidoo does this because it is to their benefit to rank your site 
higher as you are making them money. 
There are six different Amazon modules that can be used inside 
of each lens. If you just want the higher commission rates then 
use your OWN Amazon associate ID for promoting any and all 
products within your lenses, but it is not necessary. 
You can use this Amazon product link generator tool to help save 
you time: 
21 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
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Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Links - Put in as many other Social Media links that you have. If 
you have a website URL there is room for that as well. If you 
have Etsy, E-Bay, Zazzle you can also add those sites here too. 
Comments Tab: Do you want comments? Select it here. 
Payouts Tab: is where you will be paid from Squidoo so enter 
your PayPal Email to receive your royalities 
Default Payout Settings - If you want to give your royalities 
away to charity you can select which one in this section. If you 
want the cash then check off I Want Cash! 
Ad Settings Tab: This setting enables Google Adwords and text 
links. Select thes feature if you want it. 
Cash Payout Threshold - The minimum cash you will receive 
for your lenses is $1.00 from PayPal but you can choose the 
paypal threshold here 
Individual Lens Settings - Nominate a payout figure for each 
separate lens here. 
Payout History - Track your payout history month to month 
Points and Trophies Tab: Check off whether or not you want 
alerts or show off your trophies on your lenses. 
24 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
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Crash Course For Squidoo 
Squidoo Side Bars 
There are a more links attached to the 
right side of the lensmaster page. 
The Headings in the side bar consists of 
Lens List, Lens Labels and Extra 
Tools. Each of these headings has other 
links underneath them. Each link directs 
you to another function to build up 
lenses. Other information in this section 
relates to charity, favorites and editing. 
Extra Tools 
We mention this section because here is 
where you can connect to the community 
within Squidoo including gifting and 
transferring a lens; some people make a 
lot of money selling lenses. Here is where 
you can access this feature. 
Squidoo HQ & Learning Center Link: 
There is plenty of great info here. Get tips 
and advice from the giant squid 
community. There are all kinds of articles and links on money 
making, affiliate programs and advice from the veteran 
27 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
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r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
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Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
gone over some of the basics on Squidoo, we are ready to begin 
building a lens. 
Building A Master Lens 
I am going to show you how to build a lens that Squidoo 
will really love. 
Click on create a lens on your lensmaster page. 
Squidoo will ask the question: “My Page Is About.” What you 
put here will become the Title Of Your Lens. 
You can change the title later if you wish. 
Now click continueÆ. 
When you do you will move on to the next step. 
31 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
Set Yo 
Now y 
take in 
to you 
so cho 
Pick A 
back la 
Rate Y 
r Cras 
sh Co 
our Len 
urse F 
s URL - 
you must 
nto cons 
ur lens. A 
ord resea 
sent your 
oose care 
For Sq 
t decide 
As a mar 
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best URL 
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URL is c 
point yo 
orrectly t 
s and red 
At this 
ur lens co 
o the lens 
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e them. 
Your Le 
G, R or 
ens: Your 
X rated. 
for your 
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u can ca 
to match 
do your 
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Here is 
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to 3 cate 
Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
ou should 
that rela 
sics of go 
yword t 
be undo 
and sub 
roduct. Y 
es if you 
You can g 
u want to 
on on this 
1. L 
2. C 
3. A 
Tags a 
r Cras 
sh Co 
There is 
d on. Re 
urse F 
s only on 
Look at T 
Choose th 
Attach th 
For Sq 
ne more 
tags fo 
TOP relat 
he BEST 
em to yo 
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mine who 
step bef 
r your le 
ted lense 
tags fro 
our new 
o will find 
fore your 
es to see 
om them 
s but the 
d you. 
ey also h 
help Squi 
r Crash Course 
their ta 
e For Squidoo 
r lens is 
ready to 
doo and 
o be 
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Great Lens Building 
The lens example I will use has been created and built recently 
and is already ranking well because of the Squidoo requirements 
have been followed. The lens has a good layout and the correct 
modules have been worked into the creation of it. 
We created this lens to demonstrate you can make a lens on 
virtually any topic and in a short time begin to see traffic as well 
as sales. 
The lens example can be found here: 
The idea of following the template is to take the guess work 
out of what Squidoo requires. 
34 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Great Lenses take time to build up and it may take you a few 
days to be completely happy with the lens. Think of your lenses 
as works in progress. 
Step 1 Intro Content Crafted 
This is the first box (intro text box) that Squidoo will ask you to 
write in after you initially set up the lens. 
35 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Squidoo encourage you to write about what you know and 
love. Write your intro here. When you are finished creating the 
intro text box, save it. You can edit it at a later date. 
Select the lens you are working on, click on edit and go back into 
the intro text box. There are other options that show up in 
You can now work on your table of contents. It (the table) will 
appear right in under the intro text box on your lens when you 
are finished. If you want the TOC somewhere else you can embed 
a TOC module somewhere else. 
36 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Now decide from this point how your table will appear. Once your 
lens is published the main intro text will show the table at the 
bottom of the article. It will show as “Contents At A Glance.” 
The related lenses tab will be an excellent tool to use as well. 
37 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
As you 
The en 
on the 
that yo 
can en 
This is 
gets w 
links in 
r Cras 
sh Co 
u build o 
in the di 
urse F 
ther lens 
nd result 
e right si 
ou creat 
r where 
nd up on 
ses link 
t will be 
de in “Ex 
e you wi 
all the o 
s an awe 
well ran 
some fea 
nked you 
g traffic 
For Sq 
nto your 
ther Squ 
elated Pa 
em toge 
one of yo 
uidoo le 
ages.” Fo 
ether in t 
our lense 
ecause if 
r lenses 
your len 
them in 
your ot 
xplore Re 
ill link th 
e visits o 
ature be 
ur other 
to all of 
even o 
s can be 
r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
main len 
ns and p 
nses sh 
or every 
this secti 
es potent 
howing u 
new len 
ion. No 
tially the 
ne of yo 
enefit fro 
our lens 
om acros 
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
About Me 
Squidoo strongly encourages the lensmasters to put in “About 
Me” module either before or after the 2nd text box you build. You 
can either use your current profile information or say something 
Again keep it to one paragraph of great content. 
The reason why the About Me is suggested is because people 
don’t always look at the creator of the lens in the upper right 
hand corner of the page; nor do they always visit the main 
lensmasters page. 
If you are relaying valuable information to people, they will 
remember your profile more by the information on the lens. 
They are more likely to return and keep an eye on your updates. 
Step 2 – Second Text Box 
Squidoo will set up a basic format to the construction of the 
lenses. You will probably notice another text box module ready to 
go as you complete the intro text. You have the option to use this 
and write another article or go back later and work on it. This 
new text box will allow you to add a picture with a URL link 
If you have an affiliate link and want to promote a few of your 
own products underneath the 2nd text box, this is the place to do 
it. There are modules for companies like Café Press, Amazon, 
Etsy, ArtByUs, E-Bay, Craigslist and so many more. You can 
pretty much promote anything you want using these. 
39 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
text bo 
you to 
It is a 
into th 
Click O 
into th 
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the bo 
r Cras 
sh Co 
3 - Am 
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mazon M 
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just pas 
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r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
ste in the 
ted list r 
a smalle 
e produc 
s show up 
er list at 
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Step 4 – Visual Add Ons 
At this point you want to create some real visual presentation. 
Either add some colorful pictures or insert a video to promote 
your product. 
Picture Modules: These a few types of modules you can use in 
your lens. Flickr, Polaroid, text with big picture and slideshare. 
Any one of these can bring life into your lens. 
Video Modules: Sites such as You Tube, Revver, Vimeo and 
Howcast URL’s can be embedded into the video module. This 
module will allow you to title and sub title everything with a 
description. Only add enough info to give people the general idea, 
most of them want to look at the video anyway. 
41 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
Power Text 
Crash Co 
urse F 
For Sq 
r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo
Step 5 
You ca 
box m 
Even t 
the po 
to do. 
from s 
The g 
In the 
The m 
look a 
r Cras 
sh Co 
– Exper 
an choos 
module an 
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rt Follow 
se to inse 
nd write 
though p 
thing tha 
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For Sq 
w Up 
ert anoth 
people m 
at you ha 
howing t 
at you a 
onal artic 
unity tha 
buting w 
eters will 
The Big 
g extra c 
s will add 
unity wi 
her text 
may not r 
ave on yo 
them yo 
are disc 
cles show 
at you a 
which is s 
NOT tak 
Squids a 
content t 
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, to the 
ll heap o 
great th 
fferent U 
our lens, 
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re serio 
ke the ex 
all look f 
o ALL of 
to every 
on you. 
ing abo 
URL’s un 
diately u 
us abou 
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f your 
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module do 
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RE text b 
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th the a 
oesn’t ha 
as directl 
boxes is 
is anoth 
ave a titl 
ly part o 
s that yo 
of your 
her Amaz 
e or des 
f the pag 
r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
ou can a 
r article. 
zon mod 
dule place 
which m 
makes it 
If you 
more o 
to crea 
text bo 
lens w 
use to 
like E-If 
text bo 
You sh 
add th 
r Cras 
sh Co 
6 – Ad 
urse F 
dd Your 
have a Z 
want to 
of your o 
ate even 
st. In thi 
ox was p 
with the p 
ed back 
For Sq 
r Produ 
Zazzle o 
add a fe 
own prod 
n more 
is examp 
put into t 
picture b 
to Zazzle 
are spec 
ed modu 
o Affiliate 
-Bay and 
r Café 
ules you 
e compan 
d Café Pr 
r affiliate 
oxes and 
e doesn’t 
d add yo 
hould kn 
oo do no 
hat partic 
ow that 
ot suppor 
cular UR 
ucts To 
o Creat 
modules t 
then get 
e some a 
herefore t 
a modu 
ple a 
t have m 
ur own. 
there ar 
rt and th 
L link to 
affiliate c 
they will 
r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
e More 
e Intere 
e and use 
not allo 
es that 
ow you to 
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Step 7 – Comments Module For Social Proof 
Another strong recommendation that Squidoo have is adding in a 
comment module. They say this is one of the most important 
modules. Not only does the lens get more traffic, but if people 
really like the presentation they will comment and ask more 
questions regarding your products. 
You may not always like the comments made on your lens and 
the option is there to delete comments. However this may not be 
good marketing practices for your lens traffic in the long run. 
Additional Tips On Lens Building 
Your lens can be published at any time. There is always enough 
room for other modules like bookmarks and social linking which 
can be added. 
The more variety you add to your lenses 
the more interest you create 
The great thing about Squidoo is they encourage people to be 
creative and learn how to present a lens properly. One of the 
biggest suggestions they have for the community is to keep 
working on your lenses until you love them! 
There is also another end goal to creating great lenses. Not only 
can it drive traffic to your website and earn passive income but 
Squidoo rewards their lensmasters for their hard efforts. 
45 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
help o 
25 gre 
you kn 
or you 
As ma 
r Cras 
sh Co 
is a com 
der as we 
es for Squ 
others joi 
urse F 
ell. These 
uidoo co 
in the Gi 
eat lens 
made up 
now. So 
For Sq 
of Giant 
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ach othe 
ant Squi 
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make yo 
ing T 
are two 
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ate prog 
Squids y 
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id Club. 
all you n 
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ips O 
ways to 
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ords, title 
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you need 
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asters an 
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On A L 
make m 
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we know 
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the Goo 
ords are 
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idoo hav 
ame gene 
word title 
word Too 
start. Aq 
e of first 
ve thousa 
eric keyw 
e for you 
ol and fin 
r article 
nding goo 
s is the m 
r Crash Course 
e For Squidoo 
d to 
the title 
your lens 
e beginn 
. A revie 
ses and l 
an use t 
vices and 
o. You c 
or serv 
ome fro 
ands of s 
is very i 
od traffic 
main key 
cked bas 
yword he 
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Reasons Your Lens Can Be Locked: 
Most people give Squidoo a try at some point. What usually 
happens is they don't take the time to familiarize themselves with 
some of the most common reasons why Squidoo may decide to 
lock their lenses. Squidoo is very specific on its policies have 
provided a list of exactly why a marketer may get their lenses 
locked or even unpublished. 
Here are the most common reasons Squidoo says the majority of 
lenses get un-published for: 
1. The lens is about a SquidDon’t topic that we can’t allow on 
the site. 
2. The lens exists solely as an affiliate program lens, or engages 
in some sort of article spinning, rather than being original opinion 
3. The lens has plagiarized content. 
4. The lens breaks any other elements of our content policies and 
TOS, ranging from keyword stuffing, content spamming, 
redirects, low quality, cloned lenses, hate lenses, lenses that 
violate our partner’s TOS and more. 
5. The lens has aggressively duplicated content, and very little 
original, unique content written by you. 
6. The lens is not in English and we cannot support complaints or 
spam suspicions about it. So, after reading through this material, 
you still believe that your lens was locked in error, here’s what 
you can do. 
47 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Linked Lenses The Squidoo Way 
Recent TOS changes now have Squidoo wanting you to keep your 
linked lenses to a maximum of nine per single domain. I wouldn’t 
suggest any more than 6 linking to any one external (your) 
domain. You can safely use the Discovery Tool to embed up to 6 
of your related lenses. 
Lenses full of useless content and dozens of links pointing to 
affiliate pages are a NO NO. 
Final Checklist 
Use this checklist to ensure that you are ready for complete 
† Does your lens have a strong title? 
† Does your table of contents have appeal? 
† Have you researched tags and keywords? 
† Do you have 100% original content to promote? 
† Have you selected Affiliate products related to your 
† Have you interesting videos, pictures and images? 
† Have you some related and unique products to sell that are 
not affiliate products? 
If the answer is no then go back and redo your steps until the 
answer is yes. 
48 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
year r 
They w 
even m 
You ca 
r Cras 
sh Co 
oming E 
urse F 
oo annou 
full of id 
ound giv 
porating C 
tine’s Da 
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For Sq 
s On Sq 
unced th 
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g lenses 
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guide tip 
more abo 
out the C 
es like H 
l also ha 
p the len 
aimed a 
ve speci 
e magaz 
r Crash Course 
zine here 
e For Squidoo 
at specia 
n and ot 
al have 
s create 
Power Text 
Crash Course For Squidoo 
Squidoo is not just about making money. It is also about creating 
more of what you enjoy doing. If you are passionate about a 
particular subject you should write about it and then create a 
business around it. 
Remember that with Squidoo the more you follow exactly the 
kind of layout that they want the higher the likelihood that 
you will gain ranks quickly and be promoted by Squidoo. 
Cooperation is the key and giving the Giant Squids and 
lensmasters exactly what they want will make all the difference. 
People who enjoy creating more of what they love also have more 
successes. Squidoo is also about joining a community where 
real people learn from each other. 
Follow the Squidoo lens building techniques and keep perfecting 
your lenses. We wish you every success on Squidoo. 
50 Power Crash Course For Squidoo

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  • 1.
  • 2. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Contents: The Real Truth Introduction ................................................................................... 4 Why This Report Is Critical For You To Read If You Use Squidoo .............................. 5 So What Is A Marketer To Do? .................................................................................................. 6 The GOOD News ............................................................................................................................. 8 What This Report Will Show You .............................................................................................. 9 The Two Tools You Need Before You Build Lenses ........................................................ 10 1. USE Google Analytics .......................................................................................................... 10 2. Google Webmaster Tools ................................................................................................... 10 Pre – Squidoo Information You Need ...................................................... 11 Rule 1: Take The Fake Stuff Out ............................................................................................ 11 Rule 2: X -Rated Content .......................................................................................................... 12 Rule 4: Plagiarism & Copyright Infringement ................................................................... 12 Rule 5: Pushy Affiliate Sales .................................................................................................... 13 Rule 6: Duplicated, Aggressive Or Poor Content ............................................................. 15 Rule #7 Written Content Should Be The Core .................................................................. 16 So How Do You Really Earn Money On Squidoo? ........................................................... 17 Squidoo LOVES Amazon ............................................................................................. 17 First You Need A PayPal Account ........................................................................................... 17 What Is The Payout Structure? ............................................................................................... 17 So How Do I Know Where My Levels Are? ......................................................................... 18 Squidoo Royalties And / Or Associate Payouts For Amazon .............................................. 19 One Way Around This Dilemma .............................................................................................. 20 Apply To Amazon Here ............................................................................................................... 20 2 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 3. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Amazon On Squidoo? .................................................................................................................. 20 Squidoo and Amazon Commissions ...................................................................................... 21 Starting A Squidoo Account ............................................................................................................. 22 Managing Your Squidoo Settings ........................................................................................... 23 Squidoo Dashboard ............................................................................................................................. 25 Squidoo Side Bars ........................................................................................................................ 27 Modules For Lens Building ........................................................................................................ 30 Building A Master Lens ....................................................................... 31 Set Your Lens URL - Important ............................................................................................... 32 Great Lens Building ..................................................................................................................... 34 Step 2 – Second Text Box ........................................................................................................ 39 Step 4 – Visual Add Ons ............................................................................................................ 41 Step 5 – Expert Follow Up ................................................................................................................... 43 Step 6 – Add Your Products To Create More Interest .................................................... 44 Step 7 – Comments Module For Social Proof .................................................................... 45 Additional Tips On Lens Building ............................................................................................ 45 Marketing Tips On A Lens ................................................................................................................. 46 Reasons Your Lens Can Be Locked: ...................................................................................... 47 Linked Lenses The Squidoo Way ............................................................................................ 48 Final Checklist ................................................................................................................................ 48 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................... 50 3 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 4. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo The Real Truth Introduction When Marketers hear the name Squidoo, their minds are filled with preconceived notions like free traffic, constant sales, royalties, and a platform that is an affiliate marketer’s dream. There has been a rash of products sold recently about Squidoo; like guides, ebooks and even WSO’s (a term used to describe special products sold on the Warrior Forum, a top internet marketing site) on how easy it is to make money using different specialized marketing strategies. Many of these well meaning products all seem to have a new flaw; Squidoo is changing how they do business and if you don’t want to adapt, you can expect to start to see your pages (called lenses) begin to be “frozen” or even unpublished. This comes as no surprise to the more cautious individuals that have seen Squidoo as nothing more than a series of cookie-cutter sites that are difficult to master and very possible to get months of work “banned”. 4 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 5. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Why This Report Is Critical For You To Read If You Use Squidoo There are concerns I have with the way most marketers are telling and selling people on how to use Squidoo. A lot of hype exists that Squidoo is the answer to every marketer’s needs. As a long time user of Squidoo and a full time internet marketer I am here to speak out about all of the excessive hype; the truth is a lot less glamorous then most Squidoo Guru’s would have you believe. This report was finally written because Squidoo has begun to up their game and follow in the footsteps of Google and what used to work on Squidoo, and currently is working on Squidoo, will likely begin to slow down and falter, at least that is what I see based on my research and experiences. While Squidoo will allow you to earn commissions and royalties from companies like Amazon, Zazzle, Etsy, Cafepress, Ebay etc., the money you make isn’t a lot. Even the top players do not make the money that even 1 good affiliate site can pull. Squidoo has quietly begun to filter out and remove affiliate marketing that does not comply with the strict standards they want to see this trend continue. Many a marketer have found their lenses under review and frozen for rather questionable reasons; only to find the same information being published hours later by another lensmaster who seems to be immune to the same rules. 5 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 6. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Now Squidoo is limiting the number of lenses that will be pointed to any one domain. Their recent changes to the terms of service are beginning to show the cracks in the honey pot. Not all is well in the land of OZ anymore . . . gone are the days of simply pumping out dozens of lenses that are keyword stuffed and slapping affiliate links on them. Squidoo says this is for the better. Squidoo maintains they want to see highly unique content that genuinely informs, instructs, teaches, enlightens or otherwise entertains in a fashion that is non-spammy; with non spammy meaning any affiliate site that does not use their affiliate modules. So What Is A Marketer To Do? That is what this report is all about. The TRUTH About Squidoo. We spent many months analyzing Squidoo, investigating some of the top “Giant Squids,” looking at their lenses, purchasing top Guru marketing reports on Squidoo and analyzing whether or not what they are doing is something that will work for the long run. Most marketing techniques we discovered that are working right now in just a few short months will begin to go the way of the dodo. Regardless of what other reports and WSO’s might say, earning money on Squidoo by cookie cutter affiliate lenses, or anything similar is difficult at best. 6 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 7. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo You're not going to make a fortune using Squidoo unless you invest significant time and energy; HOW to do this is changing. The real truth is, affiliate marketing is taking a nose dive all over the Internet. We see the effects of this on Google, with exact match domains loosing relevance, update after update slapping sites and banning affiliate style mini sites. So what is the future of all of this? The only pattern that seems to be emerging is, unique highly focused quality content is once again your best bet. In fact it always has been. More so if you wish to pursue marketing with Squidoo. Certainly there are very valid reasons to want to be on Squidoo today even if you are just motivated by the traffic bump. The bad news is if you think you're going to make thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions on Squidoo you're simply wasting your time. . . unless you really play by the rules. Is there a way to actually use Squidoo effectively, without all the hype, all the B.S. and all the half-baked truths and quick scams? 7 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 8. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo The GOOD News What we have done is find the top ranking marketers in Squidoo and study exactly what they're doing and then show you how to replicate the same success. Get this; 99% of success on Squidoo is HOW you set up your lenses! I am not talking about some mini site model, rather exactly what the big squids are doing which in some cases is 100% opposite of what recent reports and WSO’s have been teaching. Okay I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone here, especially if you're one of those people that sell information on how wonderful Squidoo is. Yes it can be if you follow the leader(s). To those people I like to say, the truth is the truth. Most people who use Squidoo make very little money even using some of the top reports and WSO’s claiming to the contrary. 8 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 9. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo What This Report Will Show You The purpose of this Report on Squidoo is: 1. Give you exact steps on how to use Squidoo to launch your current business realistically 2. Get your lenses published in a way that Squidoo will approve and reward handsomely 3. Show you where Squidoo is headed - and many marketers are in for a big surprise Just the way Google is going after affiliate marketers, exact match domains etc. Squidoo is getting on the bandwagon as well 4. Best Practices That Squidoo Will Reward – you have to follow this advice. If you do you will get trophies, rewards, accolades from the community, eventual top contributor status; THEN the real money starts 9 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 10. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo The Two Tools You Need Before You Build Lenses There are two tools that work like clockwork with Squidoo and you simply must have if you want to become an effective and informed Lensmaster. Sign up for these two; of course they are not mandatory but just a damn good idea if you want to make actual money; which I assume is the reason why you purchased this report: 1.USE Google Analytics Squidoo will ask you for your Google Analytics ID number. It’s a helpful tool to track what people are actually doing on your lenses. This tool seamlessly works with your Squidoo account. 2.Google Webmaster Tools The good news is if you have an Adwords account you also have access to the Google keyword tool. Also if you have a Gmail account you can access this tool. What most warriors don't know about is a complete selection of webmaster tools which can be found here that will help in all kinds of future marketing with Squidoo: 10 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 11. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Pre – Squidoo Information You Need Before you start your account I felt it was critical that you should have a heads-up on the recent policy changes on Squidoo. Squidoo lives, eats, breathes and sleeps at policies! You need to thoroughly read them because NOT understanding exactly what Squidoo wants is most of the reason why people get banned or have their lenses frozen. The latest updates of TOS / living addendums can be found here: Next I want to prepare you by explaining a series of rules that you should always follow when using Squidoo. Unlike some platforms where on occasion you can bend the rules, the most effective use of Squidoo comes when you actually follow the rules. Have a look at these: Rule 1: Take The Fake Stuff Out Don’t be a fake on Squidoo, period. The community wants to deal with real people and nothing else. There is a committee made up of long time Squidoo users who basically run the show and set the standards, and they have become very good at discovering fake, phony, fraud accounts and are constantly banning and un publishing lenses related to these kinds of deceptive promotions. 11 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 12. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Rule 2: X -Rated Content Squidoo has had problems with X Rated content in the past. Many of the Giant Squids and top lensmasters have insisted that, to prevent these issues from reoccurring, this content will now be permanently removed, as soon as it is discovered. Some of the pages on Squidoo may seem to indicate you can have x rated materials, but no longer. If you are considering placing content like that on your lenses, then know that deletion of your account is the end result. Rule3: Spam Is A Big No-No Spam is annoying to everyone. Squidoo forums are full of watchdogs and they take a ban first attitude and even rejoice when they get someone’s lens locked or unpublished. If you are curious what Squidoo thinks is spam, again have a look here: Rule 4: Plagiarism & Copyright Infringement Squidoo will not tolerate plagiarism and this is made very clear in their TOS. In addition copyright infringement is a big deal as well. It is certain that your lenses will be unpublished if there are any questions concerning any of this, at least locked until it can be proven that you are not in violation. 12 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 13. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Rule 5: Pushy Affiliate Sales This is the one area that gets marketers in the most trouble. There've been a recent rash of reports, ebooks and WSO’s promoting all kinds of tactics to use on Squidoo; from multiple linked lenses, keyword stuffing, mini site builds using lenses and just about any other variation you can imagine. While some people have gotten away with this, many others are being banned or lens locked simply for following this advice. Squidoo is quite clear on their feelings about affiliate programs that they do not directly sponsor, and pushy related affiliate sales tactics: Some affiliate programs are simply not allowed on Squidoo. Of course this does not mean that you will be unable to make money; it's just that you will have to be highly creative in the way that you go about promoting anything that could be considered an affiliate program. Squidoo's main interest is in unique high-quality content that is different than the traditional dribble that you see everywhere else. 13 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 14. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Rule 6: Overly Promotional Lenses Squidoo have recently looked into lenses that have very little or no quality material on them and concluded that people are using their lenses in an inappropriate manner. Linking lenses together to push the sales along is something they have become aware of. While Squidoo encourages a maximum of six lenses that you can interlink together using the discovery tool, linking all of your lenses together and pointing to one specific product or service is becoming problematic. They are calling these overly promoted lenses and if they see this, you will more than likely have your lenses locked for review. Squidoo's main concern is that there should not be dozens, possibly hundreds of lenses pointing to one domain. This goes against their desire to see unique content on each specific lens; and that each lens develops its own unique topic, even though they can be inter-related with other lenses. Recently, there have been WSO’s and guides about lens building, too. They suggest a “mini-site” model with lots of links, targeting low density keywords and then link products and services where you can get a commission. We believe this type of marketing will become ineffective over time with the new Squidoo TOS updates limiting cross-linking to a maximum of nine lenses to one domain. While you will still be 14 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 15. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo able to promote your products and services, Squidoo wants this limited. You could end up having to explain to the review department why they should unlock your lenses if you continue to use multiple lenses pointed back to the same URL’s. Squidoo are categorizing their lenses in two ways now; Whitelisted or Blacklisted. There will soon be no in between. What makes all of this difficult is that Squidoo seems to be randomly enforcing this; based on our interviews with Giant Squids (Squidoo’s elite contributors) this is because the enforcement is being done gradually and they are making examples of the lenses they uncover based on a pre agreed on set of stipulations that will grow over time. Rule 6: Duplicated, Aggressive Or Poor Content Squidoo has recently been banning lenses that are opinion based, like page where politicians, professionals or anyone else in the spotlight is then “badmouthed”. Even if these individuals deserve this, and what is being reported is 100% accurate, this is not the kind of content that Squidoo will tolerate. Attack lenses, political hack, rumors, gossip, all of this has seen the frozen lens and unpublished tool that Squidoo wields. If you are going to start lenses then write something that people want to read about AND is informative and avoids the above. A few lines of dribble and useless information is a sure way to get a negative response. Squidoo believes that very poor / attack content is simply wasting your reader’s time. 15 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 16. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Rule #7 Written Content Should Be The Core I've actually read guides, ebooks and WSO’s that have said to limit your written content on Squidoo and just stuff your lenses with lots of affiliate modules. This is the exact opposite advice that Giant Squids give. You should always lead with a hot topic with flowing articles that answers a problem, illustrates something interesting or teaches and informs. Squidoo encourage everyone to keep working their lenses until the content, modules, products and interest is there for people to get excited about and that your lenses have a balance. A lot of these rules are common sense, yet many people still try to post a few lines of rehashed content and excessive product links all over their lenses. I provided this information to ensure that your head is on correctly before you jump into producing dozens of lenses only to have them unpublished in a few days weeks or months down the road. I am going to show you how to master Squidoo and how to earn money doing so. Like anything in life you must play by the rules and learn to master the game with these fundamentals. 16 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 17. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo So How Do You Really Earn Money On Squidoo? How can you use Squidoo to promote your business, your services and earn some extra affiliate cash without getting into trouble? Let's start with the biggest affiliate on the planet. Squidoo LOVES Amazon Before you build any lens the biggest question is, how do Squidoo and Amazon pay you and what’s it worth to you? What do you need in order to get started? First You Need A PayPal Account Get a PayPal account. You may not like it but that’s the way Squidoo pays out on their royalties. In the Squidoo account settings this is the only option they have for payment. What Is The Payout Structure? The royalties pay out like this on Squidoo: 5% goes to the selected charities off the top 50% goes to the Lensmasters 45% goes back to Squidoo 17 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 18. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo The Lensmasters - 50% pay is further divided like this: The top level lenses receive about 20% of the total payouts The second level lenses about 17% The third level lenses approximately 8%. This may not seem like a huge payout - Keep reading it gets better . . . So How Do I Know Where My Levels Are? Squidoo ranks the lenses. 1. The top 2000 lenses are at level 1 2. The next best 8000 lenses go into level 2 3. The last 75,000 lenses with rankings go into level 3 These can be approximate figures and the rankings can be somewhat off. A lens that reached level 2015, could also be receiving the 20% royalties for the month. This is where your Google Analytics tool will help you figuring it out. Of course it is just plain nice getting checks for doing almost nothing. Royalties are paid out regardless of whether you have an Amazon or other affiliate accounts or not. We'll talk more about that in a moment. Squidoo usually pay their lenses about the 15th of each month. However if someone has an E-Bay account and it has a 45 day money back guarantee on it, then it can take up to 8 weeks for Squidoo to receive their money and then pay you. 18 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 19. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Squidoo Royalties And / Or Associate Payouts For Amazon Depending on the state you reside in will also be the deciding factor whether you can have an Amazon Associates account in addition to getting royalties from Squidoo for Amazon sales you have. Yes you can get your Amazon commissions AND get royalty payments for Amazon at the same time as long as you are not in a blacklisted state. In Texas, Colorado, Connecticut, Arkansas, Illinois, Hawaii, Rhode Island, North Carolina and California, it is no longer possible to be a direct affiliate for Amazon due to taxation conflict issues Amazon has with each of these states. Amazon's reasoning here is, why should they have to follow and pay complicated taxes from states that are becoming overly aggressive when trying to collect Internet taxes, that other states are not requiring. Regardless of how you feel about this, Amazon has made it clear that it will continue to remove states that try to invoke aggressive taxation. 19 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 20. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo One Way Around This Dilemma People who want an (additional) Amazon affiliate account have found creative ways to do so by registering their business checking account in another state close to the nearest state border, or registering their entire business in Nevada. Obviously we are NOT advising you to do this as this can be construed as tax evasion but we thought you might like to know what some people are doing who want a direct Amazon account. Apply To Amazon Here If you do NOT live in any of the states mentioned and want an affiliate account you can apply here: https://affiliate-program. Amazon updated their policies and Procedures for affiliates in October 2012: Amazon On Squidoo? You don’t need to have an Amazon account with Squidoo. However if you already have an associate account you can potentially earn more income by using your affiliate links in the lenses you create. The flat rate commission from Amazon is 4% going up to 15%. Here’s a link to a guide to show you exactly what Amazon pays: Amazon-Affiliate-Commission-Rates-Amazon-Associates 20 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 21. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Squidoo and Amazon Commissions Squidoo is one of Amazon’s biggest and most successful affiliates. You will share in their commissions if you use their modules on your lenses that generate sales even if you do NOT have an Amazon affiliate account. Squidoo receives approximately 9% payout Amazon commissions every month. If you use their modules to promote Amazon products on your lenses, Squidoo will split the commissions with you 50%. By the way, if you need the extra ranking on your lenses, use Squidoo’s affiliate Amazon modules because this can actually improve your ranks with Squidoo every time you make a sale. Squidoo does this because it is to their benefit to rank your site higher as you are making them money. There are six different Amazon modules that can be used inside of each lens. If you just want the higher commission rates then use your OWN Amazon associate ID for promoting any and all products within your lenses, but it is not necessary. You can use this Amazon product link generator tool to help save you time: 21 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 22. P Power Text Star Since reason accoun We are how to under maxim your le All the to bri proper possib 22 r Cras sh Co rting urse F A Squ almost a nably sur nt. Go he For Sq uidoo all of you re you ca ere: http e not go o click su rstand h mize your earning c quido o Acco u have be an figure p://ww ing to bo ubmit. W how to m r time on curve an e informa ng you rly and m ble. oo ount een mar e out how ww.squid ore you w What we w manage n Squido nd get ra ation we to this p master th keting fo w to sign with scre want to d e all of y oo so tha nked fas have pr point so he entire or some n up for a m/ Click eenshots do is en your set at you ca st and m ovided b o that yo e process Powe s of sign sure tha ttings an n greatly ake mon beforeha u can se s in the s r Crash Course nd was s et up you shortest e For Squidoo time we Squido k Join 're oo ups and at you nd how t y reduce ney. to e lly s specifica ur lenses time
  • 23. P Power Text Mana Once y verifie setting Accou Most o Googl Profil About Photo Spotli lenses 23 r Cras sh Co ging Yo urse F our Squi you have ed your gs you w For Sq doo Set e gone th r accoun will need unt Tab: of this se le Analy ttings hrough t nt there to review : You can ection is ytics ID e Tab: Y quido the gene are there w first: n change self expl numbe You will b t You - I oo ral accou e are six e your pa lanatory r in this be requir In one p ograph - ighted L s you can unt info x categor assword . You can section red to pu aragraph A real p ut in you h say som photogra Lenses-n go bac mething aph if po Once yo k and pu ssible ou have s ut the UR Powe set up a RLs in he r Crash Course e For Squidoo and ries in th in this s n also en as well etting. nter your ur real na ame here great ab bout you few diffe ere erent he r e u
  • 24. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Links - Put in as many other Social Media links that you have. If you have a website URL there is room for that as well. If you have Etsy, E-Bay, Zazzle you can also add those sites here too. Comments Tab: Do you want comments? Select it here. Payouts Tab: is where you will be paid from Squidoo so enter your PayPal Email to receive your royalities Default Payout Settings - If you want to give your royalities away to charity you can select which one in this section. If you want the cash then check off I Want Cash! Ad Settings Tab: This setting enables Google Adwords and text links. Select thes feature if you want it. Cash Payout Threshold - The minimum cash you will receive for your lenses is $1.00 from PayPal but you can choose the paypal threshold here Individual Lens Settings - Nominate a payout figure for each separate lens here. Payout History - Track your payout history month to month Points and Trophies Tab: Check off whether or not you want alerts or show off your trophies on your lenses. 24 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 25. P Power Text Squ Each f lenses Lense each l a wee Activi comm Squido level 1 Items also sh level. Quest comm finishi 25 r Cras sh Co uidoo urse F o Das function s and gen For Sq shboa on the d neral kno es Tab: F ens. You k. ard dashboar owledge For editi u can als ity Tab: unity. Th oo will en 10. quido rd helps w for grow ng, delet so find o Shows y he featur ncourage s Tab: G how you oo with leve wing you ting, che ut how m you wha red lens e you to Gives you what ot ts Tab: I unity. Sq ng quest ecking ra many vis t is happ of the d have yo u pointer ther lens Is a good quidoo h ts pening in ay show our first f rs for eac masters d way to hands ou ch level y are doin o find you t reward Powe ur way a ds of poin r Crash Course e For Squidoo els, impr r profile roving : anks and sits each n the Squ s up her featured you achi ng at the around in nts for sales of lens had uidoo re too. lens at eve. Item e same n the f d in ms
  • 26. P Power Text Stats show y the da If you too. Comm check lens. Settin setting 26 r Cras sh Co Tab: He you thing ate you s have a urse F elp gauge gs like o signed up lensmast ments Ta on them For Sq e your g verview p. You ca ter refer ab: is se m here. C ngs Tab gs. quido rowth on of payou an also g rral this w elf explan Conversa : Include oo n Squido uts, how get a stat will show natory. A ations wil es profile e setup, Powe oo. The s w many le tement o w up und he quest more traf Answer t ll drive m PayPal ro r Crash Course e For Squidoo oyalties stats wil enses an of earnin er stats nd ngs. tions and ffic to yo d our and ad-l
  • 27. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Squidoo Side Bars There are a more links attached to the right side of the lensmaster page. The Headings in the side bar consists of Lens List, Lens Labels and Extra Tools. Each of these headings has other links underneath them. Each link directs you to another function to build up lenses. Other information in this section relates to charity, favorites and editing. Extra Tools We mention this section because here is where you can connect to the community within Squidoo including gifting and transferring a lens; some people make a lot of money selling lenses. Here is where you can access this feature. Squidoo HQ & Learning Center Link: There is plenty of great info here. Get tips and advice from the giant squid community. There are all kinds of articles and links on money making, affiliate programs and advice from the veteran community. 27 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 28. P Power Text Squid Amazo vetera time a Squido Payou list of royalti Send makes specia 28 r Cras sh Co doo Foru on, what an lensm and they oo. We s urse F um: Is a t to sell a asters h know ju strongly s ut Settin all the le ies. For Sq great pl and how ave been ust about suggest ngs Man enses yo A Gift L s you wa al progra quido ace to le to do it n workin t everyth you take nager: T ou have c Lens: Is ant to wo m. oo earn the properly ng their l hing ther e advant This secti created a only for ork harde finer po y. Many o enses fo re is to k tage of th ion gives and how the Gian er to find Powe s you a d you rece nt Squids d out mo r Crash Course s to use. ore about e For Squidoo ints of of the or a long know abo he forum drop dow eive you This t this out ms. wn ur
  • 29. P Power Text Trans build i on the lenses advert permit lens. A and be Refer you $5 in roya Giant Squids Categ origina points Tag Y Squido points 29 r Cras sh Co sfer A Le t up, twe e tier (1, s can sell tise to se tted. Do Ask to se e prepar urse F ens: Is eak it an 2 or 3) l from $5 ell or buy your res ee ALL th ed to ha A Frien 5.00 whe alties. For Sq the optio nd sell it of the le 5.00 to $ y a lens search fi he statis ggle ove nd: If yo en any o quido on that a to other ens, the a 500.00. in the fo rst if you stics for a er price. u refer s of the ref m Lens their pag s Custo s set up gorize Y ally set u for re-c oo allows yo r lensmas age and Do not orums as u are con at least t someone ferral frie Templa ges our Len up on yo ategoriz ou to cre sters. De sales fig attempt it is no nsidering the last s to Squid end lense ates: sh nses: You ur lens. ing your : Tag yo eward yo s can bum Yourself oo will re like this hows you u can ch Squidoo r lenses. ur profile ou 200 p mp you u ange the rewards e and te oints for up anoth Powe ll people r doing th her level r Crash Course e For Squidoo ate a len epending gures, to longer g buying six mont doo they es reach y will pay es $15.0 u how the e Giant ry that w th 500 e catego s you wit who yo his. Addi . u are. itional ns, g a ths y 00 was
  • 30. P Power Text Modu Modul for aff charac Popul Modul in a vi colorfu Every to you If at a your le featur mode want. produc 30 r Cras sh Co ules Fo urse F or Lens es are th filiate sal cteristics lar modu For Sq Buildi he buildin es, addi s to your ules to c es bring rtual wo ul and in lens sho ur specifi ng ng block ng video lenses. hoose fro pizzazz orld peop teresting ould have c niche. quido ks of Squ os, text b There is om and and inte ple are vi g module e at leas you are imply ch right sid is. Move s can be and repl ny time enses, si e on the to do th Modules ct URLS oo idoo. Th boxes an s a series it’s a goo erest to t sually st es brings t 5 or 6 ey are im nd other s of the M od place the lense timulated s more tr different py with t em aroun e lens. M p or dow d constan em with not hap ange the de of the e them u updated lacing th Powe es. Becau d and cre raffic to t module the mod nd by th ake sure wn to cre ntly by re new. No r Crash Course ule arran e Sort M e you are ate the l emoving ow that w e For Squidoo mportant interesti Most to start t ng . use we li eating them. es relatin ive ng ngement Modules e in edit look you old we have t on s
  • 31. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo gone over some of the basics on Squidoo, we are ready to begin building a lens. Building A Master Lens I am going to show you how to build a lens that Squidoo will really love. Click on create a lens on your lensmaster page. Squidoo will ask the question: “My Page Is About.” What you put here will become the Title Of Your Lens. You can change the title later if you wish. Now click continueÆ. When you do you will move on to the next step. 31 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 32. P Power Text Set Yo Now y take in to you keywo repres so cho Pick A catego back la chang Rate Y Either http:// 32 r Cras sh Co our Len urse F s URL - you must nto cons ur lens. A ord resea sent your oose care For Sq Import t decide ideration As a mar arch, so a r lens. O efully. tant on the b n using rketer I'm at this p Once the quido best URL at least m sure yo oint choo URL is c point yo orrectly t s and red At this ur lens co o the lens Topic: orize you ater into e them. Your Le G, R or /www.sq ens: Your X rated. oo for your t one ke ou know ose the b hosen it u can ca to match do your r lens wi Here is om/lens-r r lens. Yo eyword t w the bas best key cannot tegorize h your pr categori ll fall int more in -ratings Powe to 3 cate formatio Crash Course e For Squidoo ou should that rela sics of go yword t be undo and sub roduct. Y es if you b- You can g u want to gories. on on this s: d tes ood to ne go o
  • 33. P Power Text Tags: worke 1. L 2. C 3. A Tags a determ 33 r Cras sh Co There is d on. Re urse F s only on esearch Look at T Choose th Attach th For Sq ne more tags fo TOP relat he BEST em to yo are like k mine who quido step bef r your le ted lense tags fro our new keywords o will find oo fore your ens. es to see om them lens s but the d you. ey also h Powe help Squi r Crash Course their ta e For Squidoo r lens is gs ready to doo and o be Google
  • 34. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Great Lens Building The lens example I will use has been created and built recently and is already ranking well because of the Squidoo requirements have been followed. The lens has a good layout and the correct modules have been worked into the creation of it. We created this lens to demonstrate you can make a lens on virtually any topic and in a short time begin to see traffic as well as sales. The lens example can be found here: The idea of following the template is to take the guess work out of what Squidoo requires. 34 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 35. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Great Lenses take time to build up and it may take you a few days to be completely happy with the lens. Think of your lenses as works in progress. Step 1 Intro Content Crafted This is the first box (intro text box) that Squidoo will ask you to write in after you initially set up the lens. 35 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 36. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Squidoo encourage you to write about what you know and love. Write your intro here. When you are finished creating the intro text box, save it. You can edit it at a later date. Select the lens you are working on, click on edit and go back into the intro text box. There are other options that show up in Squidoo. You can now work on your table of contents. It (the table) will appear right in under the intro text box on your lens when you are finished. If you want the TOC somewhere else you can embed a TOC module somewhere else. 36 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 37. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Now decide from this point how your table will appear. Once your lens is published the main intro text will show the table at the bottom of the article. It will show as “Contents At A Glance.” The related lenses tab will be an excellent tool to use as well. 37 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 38. P Power Text As you them The en on the that yo matte can en This is gets w links in 38 r Cras sh Co u build o scovery in the di urse F ther lens nd result e right si ou creat r where nd up on ses link t will be de in “Ex e you wi someone all the o s an awe well ran ncreasin some fea nked you g traffic For Sq quido oo nto your ther Squ elated Pa em toge one of yo uidoo le ages.” Fo ether in t our lense ecause if r lenses your len Powe tool. them in your ot xplore Re ill link th e visits o others. ature be ur other to all of even o s can be nses. r Crash Course e For Squidoo main len ns and p nses sh or every this secti es potent ut howing u new len ion. No tially the ne of yo enefit fro up ns ey our lens om acros ses ss
  • 39. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo About Me Squidoo strongly encourages the lensmasters to put in “About Me” module either before or after the 2nd text box you build. You can either use your current profile information or say something new. Again keep it to one paragraph of great content. The reason why the About Me is suggested is because people don’t always look at the creator of the lens in the upper right hand corner of the page; nor do they always visit the main lensmasters page. If you are relaying valuable information to people, they will remember your profile more by the information on the lens. They are more likely to return and keep an eye on your updates. Step 2 – Second Text Box Squidoo will set up a basic format to the construction of the lenses. You will probably notice another text box module ready to go as you complete the intro text. You have the option to use this and write another article or go back later and work on it. This new text box will allow you to add a picture with a URL link If you have an affiliate link and want to promote a few of your own products underneath the 2nd text box, this is the place to do it. There are modules for companies like Café Press, Amazon, Etsy, ArtByUs, E-Bay, Craigslist and so many more. You can pretty much promote anything you want using these. 39 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 40. P Power Text Step Squido Amazo text bo you to It is a pastin into th Amaz inside Click O into th as a lo across the bo 40 r Cras sh Co 3 - Am urse F mazon M oo sugge on modu ox article o promot For Sq Module ests that ule in und e. The m te 5 item simple p g the UR he modu zon prod the mod e Goes you pla derneath module w ms at a tim process o RL’s of th le. You c duct ID dule. ON the le he box. Y ong shop s the lens ottom so quido ce an h your 2n will allow me. of copyin he select can also number et me ch You can a pping list s. Some choose Here nd ng and ed produ use the r to place hoose op also choo t or as a articles what wo uct e tion and ose to ha smaller look bet orks best Powe oo just pas ave the spotlight tter with t. r Crash Course e For Squidoo ste in the modules ted list r a smalle e produc s show up running er list at cts p
  • 41. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Step 4 – Visual Add Ons At this point you want to create some real visual presentation. Either add some colorful pictures or insert a video to promote your product. Picture Modules: These a few types of modules you can use in your lens. Flickr, Polaroid, text with big picture and slideshare. Any one of these can bring life into your lens. Video Modules: Sites such as You Tube, Revver, Vimeo and Howcast URL’s can be embedded into the video module. This module will allow you to title and sub title everything with a description. Only add enough info to give people the general idea, most of them want to look at the video anyway. 41 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 42. P Power Text Crash Co 42 urse F For Sq Powe quidoo r Crash Course e For Squidoo
  • 43. P Power Text Step 5 You ca box m Even t everyt the po exper Additio comm contrib marke to do. adding lenses from s comm The g dif In the immed The m look a 43 r Cras sh Co – Exper an choos module an urse F rt Follow se to inse nd write though p thing tha oint is sh rt in wh For Sq w Up ert anoth another people m at you ha howing t at you a onal artic unity tha buting w eters will The Big g extra c s will add searches unity wi her text article. may not r ave on yo them yo are disc cles show at you a which is s NOT tak Squids a content t d gravity , to the ll heap o great th fferent U quido read our lens, ou are a cussing. w the Sq re serio somethin ke the ex all look f o ALL of to every rewards on you. ing abo URL’s un example diately u , an quidoo us abou ng most xtra step for this a f your ything, the ut MOR ndernea e picture ndernea module do s if it wa t ps and RE text b ath the e, there i th the a oesn’t ha as directl oo boxes is picture is anoth rticle. ave a titl ly part o s that yo of your her Amaz cription ge. e or des f the pag Powe r Crash Course e For Squidoo ou can a r article. zon mod dule place which m makes it add . ed
  • 44. P Power Text Step If you Press might more o to crea interes text bo lens w directe There target use to like E-If you text bo You sh Squido add th 44 r Cras sh Co 6 – Ad urse F dd Your have a Z affiliate want to of your o ate even st. In thi ox was p with the p ed back For Sq r Produ Zazzle o account add a fe own prod n more is examp put into t picture b to Zazzle are spec ed modu o Affiliate -Bay and r Café you ew ducts cifically ules you e compan d Café Pr r affiliate oxes and e doesn’t d add yo hould kn oo do no hat partic ow that ot suppor cular UR quido ucts To oo o Creat modules t then get e some a herefore t a modu Powe ple a the being e. can nies ress. t have m ur own. there ar rt and th L link to affiliate c they will le. r Crash Course e For Squidoo e More e Intere creative est e and use compani not allo e es that ow you to o
  • 45. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Step 7 – Comments Module For Social Proof Another strong recommendation that Squidoo have is adding in a comment module. They say this is one of the most important modules. Not only does the lens get more traffic, but if people really like the presentation they will comment and ask more questions regarding your products. You may not always like the comments made on your lens and the option is there to delete comments. However this may not be good marketing practices for your lens traffic in the long run. Additional Tips On Lens Building Your lens can be published at any time. There is always enough room for other modules like bookmarks and social linking which can be added. The more variety you add to your lenses the more interest you create The great thing about Squidoo is they encourage people to be creative and learn how to present a lens properly. One of the biggest suggestions they have for the community is to keep working on your lenses until you love them! There is also another end goal to creating great lenses. Not only can it drive traffic to your website and earn passive income but Squidoo rewards their lensmasters for their hard efforts. 45 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 46. P Power Text There consid article help o 25 gre board you kn Mar There lenses or you affilia As ma keywo lenses Select Using keywo 46 r Cras sh Co is a com der as we es for Squ others joi urse F mmunity ell. These uidoo co in the Gi eat lens made up now. So rketi For Sq of Giant e are peo ach othe ant Squi ses are a p of gian make yo ing T are two s to pro u can use ate prog quido Squids y ople who er lensm id Club. all you n nt squid’s our lense ips O ways to omote yo e Squido grams. arketers, ords, title s and peo oo you need o write asters an eed to a s will loo es great On A L make m our own o and ea we know es and ta ople usin ting a gre the Goo ords are pply for ok over y from the Lens money on n produ arn pass w the im ags. Squ ng the sa eat Keyw gle Keyw a good s n Squido cts and sive inc mportance idoo hav ame gene word title word Too start. Aq e of first ve thousa eric keyw e for you ol and fin uaponics Powe r article nding goo s is the m r Crash Course e For Squidoo d to nd the title your lens e beginn . A revie ses and l ing! ew et an use t vices and om o. You c or serv ome fro hing similar researc ands of s words. is very i od traffic main key he d importan cked bas yword he nt. se ere.
  • 47. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Reasons Your Lens Can Be Locked: Most people give Squidoo a try at some point. What usually happens is they don't take the time to familiarize themselves with some of the most common reasons why Squidoo may decide to lock their lenses. Squidoo is very specific on its policies have provided a list of exactly why a marketer may get their lenses locked or even unpublished. Here are the most common reasons Squidoo says the majority of lenses get un-published for: 1. The lens is about a SquidDon’t topic that we can’t allow on the site. 2. The lens exists solely as an affiliate program lens, or engages in some sort of article spinning, rather than being original opinion content. 3. The lens has plagiarized content. 4. The lens breaks any other elements of our content policies and TOS, ranging from keyword stuffing, content spamming, redirects, low quality, cloned lenses, hate lenses, lenses that violate our partner’s TOS and more. 5. The lens has aggressively duplicated content, and very little original, unique content written by you. 6. The lens is not in English and we cannot support complaints or spam suspicions about it. So, after reading through this material, you still believe that your lens was locked in error, here’s what you can do. Source: 47 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 48. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Linked Lenses The Squidoo Way Recent TOS changes now have Squidoo wanting you to keep your linked lenses to a maximum of nine per single domain. I wouldn’t suggest any more than 6 linking to any one external (your) domain. You can safely use the Discovery Tool to embed up to 6 of your related lenses. Lenses full of useless content and dozens of links pointing to affiliate pages are a NO NO. Final Checklist Use this checklist to ensure that you are ready for complete buildout. † Does your lens have a strong title? † Does your table of contents have appeal? † Have you researched tags and keywords? † Do you have 100% original content to promote? † Have you selected Affiliate products related to your content? † Have you interesting videos, pictures and images? † Have you some related and unique products to sell that are not affiliate products? If the answer is no then go back and redo your steps until the answer is yes. 48 Power Crash Course For Squidoo
  • 49. P Power Text Upco Squido called guide year r incorp Valent holida They w holida similar niche even m You ca http:// celebra 49 r Cras sh Co oming E urse F Events oo annou Celebrat full of id ound giv porating C tine’s Da ys into t For Sq s On Sq unced th te. It is g eas and ving. The Christma y and al he guide will be pr y events r niches. quests a more tar quidoo eir new going to gift mar ey will be as, Easte l kinds o e. romoting s and hav The cel and gift g rgeted le an read m /hq.squid ate/ quido magazin be a rketing fo e er, of other ne or that are y exampl guide will s to help g lenses ve many ebrate g guide tip nses. more abo out the C /squid-n oo directly es like H l also ha p the len Celebrate news/sing Powe aimed a Hallowee ve speci smasters e magaz ging-tele r Crash Course zine here egram/in e For Squidoo at specia n and ot al have s create l ther e: ntroducin g-
  • 50. Power Text Crash Course For Squidoo Conclusion Squidoo is not just about making money. It is also about creating more of what you enjoy doing. If you are passionate about a particular subject you should write about it and then create a business around it. Remember that with Squidoo the more you follow exactly the kind of layout that they want the higher the likelihood that you will gain ranks quickly and be promoted by Squidoo. Cooperation is the key and giving the Giant Squids and lensmasters exactly what they want will make all the difference. People who enjoy creating more of what they love also have more successes. Squidoo is also about joining a community where real people learn from each other. Follow the Squidoo lens building techniques and keep perfecting your lenses. We wish you every success on Squidoo. 50 Power Crash Course For Squidoo