SlideShare a Scribd company logo
? ? O ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??????????ll?l?.????????????????????? ??
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??? ????? ????

/????/'?? ?? ??

^o^   ?     ?     ?     ?     ^.^   ?     ?     ?     Ü   ???           ???     ^^     (°?
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(•?•) ó?ó   ¢?¢   ????? ???   ???   (^L^)
???   ???   ???   ^( '?')^    ^?^   ???   ?????
{? ? ?}     (?????)     ?( ???)?    ???????     (?????)
<(^^,) >    q(???)p     <???????>   |???| ?????
?.?????.?   ??_?? ??????      ????? ?????
????? ?(^?^?)     (?????)     ?(?????)?   (?^?^)?
All happy emoticons

?     ????   ».«   (?????)      (×?×) ?_?   ?_?     v_v   ?_?     ?.?   >.<     ?_??   ?_?
?_?   ?_?   ?_?    ?_?    ?,?   ?_?   ?_?   ?_?     ?_?   ?_?     ~?~   ???     ?_?    ? ?
(???) ? ´_???      (?.?) (???) v(? ? ?)v    (?_??)        (???)
????? ?_?
Cute Face

?? ? ??     ?? ? ??       (????)      (????)        (?????)
unsure, confused

?.?? *-*    ?.?   ^( '-')^    ?_?     ?_?   ?_?     ?_?
?~?   ?_?   {•??_•??}   ?•?_?•?       v( •.• )v
mad emoticons

».«   >.<   ?_?    ?_?    ??_?? ???????     ? ??'?'????=(•??)=/????/'?? ? ? ?
(-''-)                          ????? (>.<) m/(>.<)m/
surprised faces

???   O.o   o?.O   (O.O) (??.o ?.?)   ?_?   |?•?|
Other Emoticons

'?'   ?o?    ?.?   ????   ô?ô   ?_?   ?_?   $_$     ?.?   ~,~     ?_?   ???     ???    ???

?.?   ••.•• ?_?   ?_?   ?_?   ~_~   ???   ^L^   ?_?   (°?°) ?(??´)?
•(•¿•)•     d|--|b      d(--)b      (•??) (??) (?o?) (????)
???   ???   ???   ???   (?o?) {(>_<)}     o(???)o
(`???´)     ?_?   ?_?   (???) ?_?   ???   (• ? •)
??? ?( ?_?)?    (?´???)     (???) ?|?•?|?     ?_?   ???????
(>•o•)>     ^( '-')^    <('o'<)     v( •.• )v   <('.')>     <('.'<)             (? ??)
@(?.?)@     (*?*) (????)      (????)      ?(¬?¬)?
¯(©¿©) /¯ ?(¬?¬)?      (? ? ?)     (*^ -^*)    (?*?_?*?)
??_?? ?•?_?•?     ??_?|?      •(?_?)•     !?•~•!?
??_?` ???????     |???| •(•¿•)•     ?_?
???) ????? ?-(?L?)-?          (/) (°,,°) (/)
(???????)? ???? ?(•?•)?       (-•?_?•-)   ???????????
(•??)=?/????/•?•? ? ?? ? ?••
?(•?•)?Share your feeling/thoughts right now(use emoticons above ???.?????.???)
 Allerlei_G ? @Allerlei_G

¸¸•?•¸¸Tony¸¸•?•¸¸ ? @HeartOfGold_21
Free The World of All Evil ? Allah ? Ehminah ? ~~MORALS~~VALUES~~HONOR~~PRIDE~~

Fresh D ? @stadtmann
Swaggy and Leggo!!! Boy and Belieber

asdfghjkl ? @_amysimcox
i bet you shower naked, SLUT

?Y?? O??? L??? O???
@justmee66   @justmee66   @justmee66   @justmee66   @justmee66   @justmee66

::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*.
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»Asymunir Asyera

::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*.
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯


????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????.

What's your feeling right now?

????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????.

What's your feeling right now?

::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*.
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

Popular Symbols

Cool Sharp
Butterfly ????? Fish ><((((º> Gun ????
::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»
(> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-....
More cool sharps....

Butterfly 01: ???
Butterfly facebook symbol: ?????

Fish to right: ><((((º>
Fish to left: <º))))><

Music Box: l?ll? ((((|???????|???=???|???????|)))) ?ll?
????? ?
????? ?
? (?) ?

Men with banner:

............(0 0)
.---oOO-- (_)-----.
? Type your message here!..?
.......... || ||
....... ooO Ooo
Decorate your signature
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here

Shotgun 01: ????

Shotgun 02: ????????????

Gun Design 1
.....____________________ , ,__
....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - ? ????D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

Gun Design 2
..../ `--?????????----------------------_]
.../_==o ____________________
.....),---.(_(__) /
....// () ),------
../`----' / ...
./____ / ... .

Malibu Hotels:
|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l?
*?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? |

• Cigarettes:
Regular cigaritte: (?_?_?(?(?_?_?_?_?_??()?
Lucky strike cigaritte: (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_??????l??u??c??k??y?????_?_ ?_?()

Marlboro cigaritte (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_?????a?????l??b??o??r??o??? _?_?_?
() ??
• Health cool shapes:
Injection: ??????
Electrocardiogram: ?v^?v^??
Band Aid: ( ??:??:??:??[?? ??]??:??:??:?? )
• Christmas tree:

••••*./ |  .*
•••, • '*?* ' • ,
••. '*• ???•*'
•.. ' *, • '? ' • ,* '
•.' * • ?*?*?• * '
• * , • Merry' • , * '
•* ' •??*?*?? • ' * '
' ' • Christmas . • ' ' '
' ' • ???*?*???• * ' '

• Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols:
( ) ( )
(* .*)

::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

(. .)


o( )o


(> " " <)
( ='o'= )
(> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-...
(> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-....

::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') :::::::: Facebook Symbols :::::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
Love shapes:
• Lovers facebook symbols:
../(,")? ?(".)
.../?. = ./?.
.._| |_ .._| |_ ?

......... /? ?/?
[??????????????] |??•??3??]


Love Eyes: ???      ?????
• I love you:

?????? ?
????? YOU ?????

• Money shapes for facebook:





• Footsteps made with facebook symbols:

???????????.? .`?´??????
• Happy birthday:
????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????

?Y?? O??? L??? O???
@justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-
#????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???

Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.

?Y?? O??? L??? O???
@justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-
#????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???

Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.
Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.

Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.

????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-#????????????? L??
â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???
Butterfly 01: ???
Butterfly facebook symbol: ?????

Fish to right: ><((((º>
Fish to left: <º))))><

Music Box: l?ll? ((((|???????|???=???|???????|)))) ?ll?
????? ?
????? ?
? (?) ?

Men with banner:

............(0 0)
.---oOO-- (_)-----.
? Type your message here!..?
.......... || ||
....... ooO Ooo

Decorate your signature
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here

Shotgun 01: ????

Shotgun 02: ????????????

Gun Design 1
.....____________________ , ,__
....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - ? ????D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

Gun Design 2
..../ `--?????????----------------------_]
.../_==o ____________________
.....),---.(_(__) /
....// () ),------
../`----' / ...
./____ / ... .

Malibu Hotels:
|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l?
*?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? |

• Cigarettes:
Regular cigaritte: (?_?_?(?(?_?_?_?_?_??()?
Lucky strike cigaritte: (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_??????l??u??c??k??y?????_?_ ?_?()

Marlboro cigaritte (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_?????a?????l??b??o??r??o??? _?_?_?
() ??
• Health cool shapes:
Injection: ??????
Electrocardiogram: ?v^?v^??
Band Aid: ( ??:??:??:??[?? ??]??:??:??:?? )
• Christmas tree:

••••*./ |  .*
•••, • '*?* ' • ,
••. '*• ???•*'
•.. ' *, • '? ' • ,* '
•.' * • ?*?*?• * '
• * , • Merry' • , * '
•* ' •??*?*?? • ' * '
' ' • Christmas . • ' ' '
' ' • ???*?*???• * ' '

• Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols:
( ) ( )
(* .*)

::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

(. .)


o( )o

(> " " <)
( ='o'= )
(> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-...
(> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-....

::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') :::::::: Facebook Symbols :::::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
Love shapes:
• Lovers facebook symbols:
../(,")? ?(".)
.../?. = ./?.
.._| |_ .._| |_ ?

......... /? ?/?
[??????????????] |??•??3??]


Love Eyes: ???        ?????
• I love you:

?????? ?
????? YOU ?????

• Money shapes for facebook:





• Footsteps made with facebook symbols:

• Happy birthday:
????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????

Butterfly 01: ???
Butterfly facebook symbol: ?????

Fish to right: ><((((º>
Fish to left: <º))))><

Music Box: l?ll? ((((|???????|???=???|???????|)))) ?ll?
 ????? ?
????? ?
? (?) ?

Men with banner:

............(0 0)
.---oOO-- (_)-----.
? Type your message here!..?
.......... || ||
....... ooO Ooo

Decorate your signature
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here

Shotgun 01: ????

Shotgun 02: ????????????

Gun Design 1
.....____________________ , ,__
....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - ? ????D
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"

Gun Design 2
..../ `--?????????----------------------_]
.../_==o ____________________
.....),---.(_(__) /
....// () ),------
../`----' / ...
./____ / ... .

Malibu Hotels:
|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l?
*?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? |
• Cigarettes:
Regular cigaritte: (?_?_?(?(?_?_?_?_?_??()?
Lucky strike cigaritte: (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_??????l??u??c??k??y?????_?_ ?_?()

Marlboro cigaritte (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_?????a?????l??b??o??r??o??? _?_?_?
() ??
• Health cool shapes:
Injection: ??????
Electrocardiogram: ?v^?v^??
Band Aid: ( ??:??:??:??[?? ??]??:??:??:?? )
• Christmas tree:

••••*./ |  .*
•••, • '*?* ' • ,
••. '*• ???•*'
•.. ' *, • '? ' • ,* '
•.' * • ?*?*?• * '
• * , • Merry' • , * '
•* ' •??*?*?? • ' * '
' ' • Christmas . • ' ' '
' ' • ???*?*???• * ' '

• Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols:
( ) ( )
(* .*)

::: (_(
*: (=• :•) :*
•.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»

(. .)


o( )o

(> " " <)
( ='o'= )
(> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-...
(> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <)
( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= )
-(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-....

::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
*: (=' :') :::::::: Facebook Symbols :::::::::::
•.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*
Love shapes:
• Lovers facebook symbols:
../(,")? ?(".)
.../?. = ./?.
.._| |_ .._| |_ ?

......... /? ?/?
[??????????????] |??•??3??]


Love Eyes: ???        ?????
• I love you:

?????? ?
????? YOU ?????

• Money shapes for facebook:





• Footsteps made with facebook symbols:

• Happy birthday:
????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????
?Y?? O??? L??? O???
@justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-
#????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???

Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.
?Y?? O??? L??? O???
@justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-
#????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???

Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.

" Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible"
 Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly

My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But i never realised it
And now it•s too late
Forgive me
Now i•m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years i caused you pain

If only i could sleep in your arms again
Mother i•m lost without you

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But i never realised it
And now it•s too late
Forgive me
Now i•m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years i caused you pain
If only i could sleep in your arms again
Mother i•m lost without you."
 Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible"..
 join mit Koka Mohamed,Fayisa K Fayisa und Kiran Kukreja

 •A good friend allows you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs
without worry of being judged, criticized or made to feel silly for feeling the
way you do. Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just plain
commiserate and listen to each other.

That's why friends are friends....
 Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you
learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you
really haven't learned anything.

Its not that I don't love you.
Its beause i'm so much pain because I do & if I could lie to you one last tim,,
I would tell you;
I'm already over you

Blessed is your face
Blessed is your name
My beloved
Blessed is your smile
Which makes my soul want to fly
My beloved
All the nights
And all the times
That you cared for me
But i never realised it
And now it•s too late
Forgive me
Now i•m alone filled with so much shame
For all the years i caused you pain
If only i could sleep in your arms again
Mother i•m lost without you...
" Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" join
 • mit Koka Mohamed,Fayisa K Fayisa und Kiran Kukreja

I never stopped to realize
How lonely I would be
I never thought the day would come
When you'd grow tired of me
Your voice was never sweeter
Than the day you said goodbye
You'll never know how much it hurt
Because I'm too big to cry

If I knew then what I know now
You'd still be kissing me
Instead there's someone else's lips
Where mine used to be

You never looked so wonderful
As the day you walked away
I used to say, "I love you"
But that I could not say

I can't forget you
No matter how much I try
You'll never know how much it hurt
Because I'm too big to cry ..

I never stopped to realize
How lonely I would be
I never thought the day would come
When you'd grow tired of me
Your voice was never sweeter
Than the day you said goodbye
You'll never know how much it hurt
Because I'm too big to cry

If I knew then what I know now
You'd still be kissing me
Instead there's someone else's lips
Where mine used to be

You never looked so wonderful
As the day you walked away
I used to say, "I love you"
But that I could not say

I can't forget you
No matter how much I try
You'll never know how much it hurt
Because I'm too big to cry ..
 — mit Karim Fantes,Soniya Sachdev, Kiran Kukreja, Tulsi Bajaj, Prashant
Meshram, Kajal Kukreja, Bauer Iddi Guti, Shubham Bagade, Lhei Fuentes und Pichu

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon
us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with
us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the
clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon
us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with
us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the
clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon
us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with
us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the
clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
@maham@ " Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the

"People who love you
people who you love back
people that will always be there for you
through the good times and the bad
they make you happy when you are sad
they are angels that have yet to earn their wings
they are your dearest friends"
"Friends are like your second family only closer"
"Who says there are no miricals? there are friends arn't there?"
"Love isn't a desise or viruse or a sickness...but a gift instead. it can't be
bought or stolen only earned. "
"If i die today, or even tomorrow i'll have no regrets if you tell me you're my
"If you are going to jump off a mountain, I won't be beside you. I'll be below
going to catch you."
"We've shared many smiles and many tears, but nothing beats the laughter."

Like the world standing still
Since I last time called you...
I didn't had strength to say anything...
so there was just a silence...

Like the world standing still
Since I last time called you...
I didn't had strength to say anything...
so there was just a silence...
Million tears remain in me...
But I didn't cried...
I wanted to hide my sorrow because I leave...
Until I met you again...
Suddenly,without preparation...
In the moment everything come back...

And now,I admit,I miss you whole the time...
And that didn't passed by...
I can't lie myself anymore...

I just want escape from the question
Am I OK or not...
'Cause I know...I'll merge in tears...

Like the world standing still
During you looking at me...
I don't move...
I don't know how to get closer to you...
I'll rather run...

Wo Big gang of frnds

Wo boring uniforms

Wo cycle se school jana

Wo Silly fights

Wo teachers k naam rakhna

Wo Group photos

Wo homework na kar k jana

Wo roz ki punishment

Wo P.T periods
Wo Rocking annual days

So many hands in a single lunch box


Why Girls Are worth Loving ??

-The Way She gets Puzzled Up
& Low when She Sees you Cry,

-The Way She Wants you;
to Hold Her Hand In front of your Friends,

-The Way when even She is Upset;
She Says: "I Love you Too..?",

-The Way She Sweetly Cross;
Every Level of Immaturity for you,

-The Way She Holds you;
When you Hug Her,

-The Way She Forgets Her Worries & Says:
"kya hua, Tell Me Something, I'm here for you",

-The Way She gets Angry at you;
& in a Split Second She is Convinced by your Smiling Sorry,

-The Way She gts Jealous;
When Some Girl Tries to Come Near you,

-The Way She Dies to Meet you;
& Every time Says: "Ab nahi Milungi, Evn if you Say",

-The Way She forgets Evry Mistake of yours;
just to be with U & the Best,

-The Way Tears Come Rollin in Her Eyes;
the Time She Heard the Word "Break Up" from you, ? :)
? Gem Yousafzai ?
 — mit Emy Greece, Nyakairu Williams Glyn, Norbert Konvict Newtons und Richard

?Y?? O??? L??? O???

"People who love you
people who you love back
people that will always be there for you
through the good times and the bad
they make you happy when you are sad
they are angels that have yet to earn their wings
they are your dearest friends"

"Friends are like your second family only closer"

"Who says there are no miricals? there are friends arn't there?"

"Love isn't a desise or viruse or a sickness...but a gift instead. it can't be
bought or stolen only earned. "
"If i die today, or even tomorrow i'll have no regrets if you tell me you're my

"If you are going to jump off a mountain, I won't be beside you. I'll be below
going to catch you."

"We've shared many smiles and many tears, but nothing beats the laughter."

?Y?? O??? L??? O???
@justmee66 ????¥?????—??????°?— ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-
#????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???

Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck
it. I guess = I don't care.

A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon
us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with
us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the
clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
Maham Khan
" Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible"
A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon
us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with
us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she
cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the
clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts.
" Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" —
mit Pitts Orpah.

Like the world standing still
Since I last time called you...
I didn't had strength to say anything...
so there was just a silence...
Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
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Wir tun alles, um den Geliebten in unserer Nähe, in unserem Einflussbereich zu
Wir beschützen ihn oder sie, die Emotionen laufen auf Hochtouren. Wir können
dafür töten oder uns selbst aufopfern, können auf die fieseste Art intregieren.
Als eigentlichen Gegensatz zur Liebe sehen wir Gleichgültigkeit,
Abgestumpftheit. In einigen eher dümmlichen, aber dennoch aufschlussreichen
Science Fiction Filmen erscheinen die Außerirdischen als gefühllose Wesen, und
was ihnen fehlt, gibt es nur auf einem einzigen kleinen Planeten, dem der
Menschen: Nur die Menschen kennen trotz aller Kriege und Terroranschläge die
Wir tun alles, um den Geliebten in unserer Nähe, in unserem Einflussbereich zu
Wir beschützen ihn oder sie, die Emotionen laufen auf Hochtouren. Wir können
dafür töten oder uns selbst aufopfern, können auf die fieseste Art intregieren.
Als eigentlichen Gegensatz zur Liebe sehen wir Gleichgültigkeit,
Abgestumpftheit. In einigen eher dümmlichen, aber dennoch aufschlussreichen
Science Fiction Filmen erscheinen die Außerirdischen als gefühllose Wesen, und
was ihnen fehlt, gibt es nur auf einem einzigen kleinen Planeten, dem der
Menschen: Nur die Menschen kennen trotz aller Kriege und Terroranschläge die
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(????)?(?°?°?? ????

New Year
2010 - 2011
Best wishes
Best wishes 2
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
  ????????????? ? ? ???? ??????   ???????????? ? ?
?    ? ? ????? ?*? ????? ? ?      ???´

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

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( ???)/ (????)? ??? ??? ?=^_^=? (=^?^=) ??^o^? ?(¬?¬)? (?'?'?)

Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ...

Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
Zorn òÓ
Tisch Flipping
Symbole ?
(?????) ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?? (????) (????) ??????? (????) ?? ?? ?(¬?¬)? ??? ??? ?
(????) (?´???) (°?°?).:? ??? (´??)? ?*´??*? ??´????? ????? (??????)? (?-_-? )?
( ?-_-?) ?o?.(??? ??) (?? ³?)? (?????) (????) (??
_??) (/? ? ?)/ ????? ????? ???? ?(????)? ??? ???? ?(????)?

Ausgewählte Emoticon :

Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ...

Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
Zorn òÓ
Tisch Flipping
Symbole ?
'??????????=(•????)=o/????/'?? ? ?? òÓ (òÓ,)_,,/ (?`? ?)? ?(????) ???(?
_?)??? >_< ~_~ >.< ?_? (?????? ~?~ (?.?) ?' ?'?????=(?_?)=?/????/'?'? ? ?_? ?
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_? ?• ?•?????=(•??)=?/????/•?•? ?_? ???? ???(>_<)??? {{{(>_<)}}} ?_?

Ausgewählte Emoticon :

Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ...

Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
Zorn òÓ
Tisch Flipping
Symbole ?
(???) (´??) (???,) (???) Y_Y ó_ò v(? ? ?)v ??? ? ´_??? ?_? v_v ( '?' ) (///.-) ?
(?????)? óò (?????) (????? ??? ??? ??• ??? ?_? ?_? (///_?) ?_? ?_? ?_? (•??) ??
_?? <{?_?}> ?("?_?)?

Ausgewählte Emoticon :

Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ...

Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
Zorn òÓ
Tisch Flipping
Symbole ?
(º_•) (º.º) ??? O.o ?_? ?_? (??.o) (?.?) ?_? (?-?) ?o? •• Oo o?.O (O.O) ?_? ( ?
o?) ??? (???) ?_? ?•?_?•? ?(•?•)? ?_? ? , ? (•?_•) <(o_o)> (?_?) (?•?) (?
o ? ) (?_?) ??_??

Ausgewählte Emoticon :
Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ...

Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
Zorn òÓ
Tisch Flipping
Symbole ?
(°~°) ^^' é_è °?° (°?°) ??? ¯(°_o)/¯ ??? (???;) (??_?) (???) (?_?) (???) (???)
(*'?'*) (*´??*)

Ausgewählte Emoticon :

Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ...

Frölich (?)
Niedlich ??
Zorn òÓ
Tisch Flipping
Symbole ?
(?°?°??? ??? (??????? ??? ??? ??(`?´)??? ??? ????( º _ º?) (????)????? ?????
¯_(?) ??? ?? ¯(?)/¯ ? ??? (?°?°)?? ??? ? ?(°?° ?) (?°?°??? /
(.? . ) (/¯? ? ?)/¯ ~ ??? (?^_^)???? ??? ?( ^_^?) (/ .?.) ??(???)?? /
(.?. ) ??°?°??? ???
Ausgewählte Emoticon :

????>?/? ????? ????? (?)? ?(?o?)? ?·?·? (??_?) ??.?l?l?ll|???????|???
=???|???????|ll?l?l?.?? ???? __??????? ??l??? ??l?
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_(-_-)_-)-) (??:??:??:??(??(?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
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_? ¬_¬ ?(?_? ?) ?_? ?_? (???-?) (???) (?????) ????? ?(?_? ) ( ?_?)? ??????? ?°?
°?~ @ __??????? ??l??? ??l?
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_????????????(?_?_?????a?????l??j?u??an??a???_?_?_?()~~ ¨°º¤ø•¸¸•ø¤º° _(¯`•._.•
´¯)_(¯`•._.•´¯)_(¯`•._.•´¯)_ ??? vs ??? ( ?_?)-((?===<((() ????? ? ? ? ZAP! ? ?
•••- ?? ?????)? ¯¯¯??¯??•???????•??•?????•???)???)???? •???????????
(??????•??) ¯¯¯??¯??•????????•???•??????•????)????)?????
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`•.¸.•´ ?• ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Your Msn Name ? ? ? ? ? ? ? L?????? F??'???? ?±•±?
(name) ?±•±?(_8(|)

Ausgewählte Emoticon :

Kopieren   Einfügen im Editor


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  • 2. @(?.?)@ (*?*) (????) (????) ?(¬?¬)? ¯(©¿©) /¯ ?(¬?¬)? (? ? ?) (*^ -^*) (?*?_?*?) ??_?? ?•?_?•? ??_?|? •(?_?)• !?•~•!? ??_?` ??????? |???| •(•¿•)• ?_? ???) ????? ?-(?L?)-? (/) (°,,°) (/) (???????)? ???? ?(•?•)? (-•?_?•-) ??????????? (•??)=?/????/•?•? ? ?? ? ?•• ?(•?•)?Share your feeling/thoughts right now(use emoticons above ???.?????.???) Allerlei_G ? @Allerlei_G @Gedanken_A. ¸¸•?•¸¸Tony¸¸•?•¸¸ ? @HeartOfGold_21 Free The World of All Evil ? Allah ? Ehminah ? ~~MORALS~~VALUES~~HONOR~~PRIDE~~ Fresh D ? @stadtmann Swaggy and Leggo!!! Boy and Belieber asdfghjkl ? @_amysimcox i bet you shower naked, SLUT ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? @justmee66 @justmee66 @justmee66 @justmee66 @justmee66 @justmee66 @justmee66 ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :*. •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`»Asymunir Asyera ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :*. •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯ ???????????. ???????????. ???????????. ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????. What's your feeling right now? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????? YOUR NAME HERE ?????. What's your feeling right now?
  • 3. (?????) ??(*???*)??(*???*)? ????????????? ?? ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :*. •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» (?????) ??(*???*)??(*???*)? ????????????? ?? Popular Symbols Cool Sharp Butterfly ????? Fish ><((((º> Gun ???? Rabbit ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :* •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» Kittens: (> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-.... More cool sharps.... Butterfly: Butterfly 01: ??? Butterfly facebook symbol: ????? Fish: Fish to right: ><((((º> Fish to left: <º))))>< Music: Music Box: l?ll? ((((|???????|???=???|???????|)))) ?ll? Ipod: ????? ? ????? ? ? (?) ? ??????? Men with banner: ............(0 0) .---oOO-- (_)-----. ??????????????????? ? Type your message here!..? ??????????????????? '----------------------oOO ........|__|__| .......... || || ....... ooO Ooo
  • 4. Decorate your signature *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here Guns: Shotgun 01: ???? Shotgun 02: ???????????? Gun Design 1 .....____________________ , ,__ ....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - ? ????D ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// .//___// Gun Design 2 ....._____________________,,__ ..../ `--?????????----------------------_] .../_==o ____________________ .....),---.(_(__) / ....// () ),------ ...//___// ../`----' / ... ./____ / ... . Malibu Hotels: |?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? | • Cigarettes: Regular cigaritte: (?_?_?(?(?_?_?_?_?_??()? Lucky strike cigaritte: (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_??????l??u??c??k??y?????_?_ ?_?() ?? Marlboro cigaritte (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_?????a?????l??b??o??r??o??? _?_?_? () ?? • Health cool shapes: Injection: ?????? Electrocardiogram: ?v^?v^?? Band Aid: ( ??:??:??:??[?? ??]??:??:??:?? ) • Christmas tree: ••••(¯`O´¯) ••••*./ | .* ••••..*?*. •••, • '*?* ' • , ••. '*• ???•*' •.. ' *, • '? ' • ,* ' •.' * • ?*?*?• * ' • * , • Merry' • , * ' •* ' •??*?*?? • ' * ' ' ' • Christmas . • ' ' ' ' ' • ???*?*???• * ' ' ••••..x?x •••••.? • Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols: ( ) ( ) (* .*)
  • 5. (•__•) ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :* •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» (V) (. .) c(•)(•) (_/) (°.°) c(•)(•) (_/) (°.°) o( )o O_O (__/) (>•.•<) (")_(") (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-... (> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-.... •*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• ::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...* *: (=' :') :::::::: Facebook Symbols ::::::::::: •.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ Penguins: (o_ // V/_ Love shapes: • Lovers facebook symbols: ../(,")? ?(".) .../?. = ./?. .._| |_ .._| |_ ? ============== ..........(¯`v´¯) ...........`•.¸.•´ .........(????•?)..(????•?) ......... /? ?/? ============== [??????????????] |??•??3??] |??P???????????b?????????| Love Eyes: ??? ????? • I love you: ?????? ? ????????????? ?????????????
  • 6. ????????????? ????? YOU ????? • Money shapes for facebook: [??$??(??2????)??$??] [??$??(???????)??$??] [??$??(??5??)??$??] [??$??(??1??)??$??] • Footsteps made with facebook symbols: ----------Oooo--- -----------(----)--- ------------)--/---- ------------(_/- ----oooO---- ----(---)---- -------(-- ------_)- -----------Oooo--- -----------(----)--- ------------)--/---- ------------(_/- ----oooO---- ----(---)---- -------(-- ------_)- ???????????.? .`?´?????? • Happy birthday: ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????? YOUR NAME HERE ????? ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? @justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:- #????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W??? Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care. ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? @justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:- #????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W??? Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care. Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care. Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care. ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:-#????????????? L?? â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W???
  • 7. Butterfly: Butterfly 01: ??? Butterfly facebook symbol: ????? Fish: Fish to right: ><((((º> Fish to left: <º))))>< Music: Music Box: l?ll? ((((|???????|???=???|???????|)))) ?ll? Ipod: ????? ? ????? ? ? (?) ? ??????? Men with banner: ............(0 0) .---oOO-- (_)-----. ??????????????????? ? Type your message here!..? ??????????????????? '----------------------oOO ........|__|__| .......... || || ....... ooO Ooo Decorate your signature *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here Guns: Shotgun 01: ???? Shotgun 02: ???????????? Gun Design 1 .....____________________ , ,__ ....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - ? ????D ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___// .//___// Gun Design 2 ....._____________________,,__ ..../ `--?????????----------------------_]
  • 8. .../_==o ____________________ .....),---.(_(__) / ....// () ),------ ...//___// ../`----' / ... ./____ / ... . Malibu Hotels: |?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? | • Cigarettes: Regular cigaritte: (?_?_?(?(?_?_?_?_?_??()? Lucky strike cigaritte: (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_??????l??u??c??k??y?????_?_ ?_?() ?? Marlboro cigaritte (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_?????a?????l??b??o??r??o??? _?_?_? () ?? • Health cool shapes: Injection: ?????? Electrocardiogram: ?v^?v^?? Band Aid: ( ??:??:??:??[?? ??]??:??:??:?? ) • Christmas tree: ••••(¯`O´¯) ••••*./ | .* ••••..*?*. •••, • '*?* ' • , ••. '*• ???•*' •.. ' *, • '? ' • ,* ' •.' * • ?*?*?• * ' • * , • Merry' • , * ' •* ' •??*?*?? • ' * ' ' ' • Christmas . • ' ' ' ' ' • ???*?*???• * ' ' ••••..x?x •••••.? • Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols: ( ) ( ) (* .*) (•__•) ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :* •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» (V) (. .) c(•)(•) (_/) (°.°) c(•)(•) (_/) (°.°) o( )o O_O (__/) (>•.•<) (")_(")
  • 9. (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-... (> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-.... •*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• ::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...* *: (=' :') :::::::: Facebook Symbols ::::::::::: •.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ Penguins: (o_ // V/_ Love shapes: • Lovers facebook symbols: ../(,")? ?(".) .../?. = ./?. .._| |_ .._| |_ ? ============== ..........(¯`v´¯) ...........`•.¸.•´ .........(????•?)..(????•?) ......... /? ?/? ============== [??????????????] |??•??3??] |??P???????????b?????????| Love Eyes: ??? ????? • I love you: ?????? ? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????? YOU ????? • Money shapes for facebook: [??$??(??2????)??$??] [??$??(???????)??$??] [??$??(??5??)??$??] [??$??(??1??)??$??] • Footsteps made with facebook symbols: ----------Oooo--- -----------(----)--- ------------)--/---- ------------(_/- ----oooO---- ----(---)---- -------(-- ------_)- -----------Oooo---
  • 10. -----------(----)--- ------------)--/---- ------------(_/- ----oooO---- ----(---)---- -------(-- ------_)- • Happy birthday: ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????? YOUR NAME HERE ????? Butterfly: Butterfly 01: ??? Butterfly facebook symbol: ????? Fish: Fish to right: ><((((º> Fish to left: <º))))>< Music: Music Box: l?ll? ((((|???????|???=???|???????|)))) ?ll? Ipod: ????? ? ????? ? ? (?) ? ??????? Men with banner: ............(0 0) .---oOO-- (_)-----. ??????????????????? ? Type your message here!..? ??????????????????? '----------------------oOO ........|__|__| .......... || || ....... ooO Ooo Decorate your signature *´¨) ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Type your name here Guns: Shotgun 01: ???? Shotgun 02: ???????????? Gun Design 1 .....____________________ , ,__ ....../ `---___________----_____] - - - - - - - - ? ????D ...../_==o;;;;;;;;_______.:/ .....), ---.(_(__) / ....// (..) ), ----" ...//___// ..//___//
  • 11. .//___// Gun Design 2 ....._____________________,,__ ..../ `--?????????----------------------_] .../_==o ____________________ .....),---.(_(__) / ....// () ),------ ...//___// ../`----' / ... ./____ / ... . Malibu Hotels: |?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? | • Cigarettes: Regular cigaritte: (?_?_?(?(?_?_?_?_?_??()? Lucky strike cigaritte: (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_??????l??u??c??k??y?????_?_ ?_?() ?? Marlboro cigaritte (?_?_?(???????????(?_?_?????a?????l??b??o??r??o??? _?_?_? () ?? • Health cool shapes: Injection: ?????? Electrocardiogram: ?v^?v^?? Band Aid: ( ??:??:??:??[?? ??]??:??:??:?? ) • Christmas tree: ••••(¯`O´¯) ••••*./ | .* ••••..*?*. •••, • '*?* ' • , ••. '*• ???•*' •.. ' *, • '? ' • ,* ' •.' * • ?*?*?• * ' • * , • Merry' • , * ' •* ' •??*?*?? • ' * ' ' ' • Christmas . • ' ' ' ' ' • ???*?*???• * ' ' ••••..x?x •••••.? • Rabbits and kittens made with facebook symbols: ( ) ( ) (* .*) (•__•) ::: (_( *: (=• :•) :* •.. (,(•)(•)¤°.¸¸.•´¯`» (V) (. .) c(•)(•) (_/) (°.°) c(•)(•) (_/) (°.°) o( )o O_O
  • 12. (__/) (>•.•<) (")_(") (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- (,,)-(,,)-... (> " " <) (> " " <) (> " " <) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) ( ='o'= ) -(,,)-(,,)- -(,,)-(,,)--(,,)-(,,)-.... •*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.• ::: (_( ...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...* *: (=' :') :::::::: Facebook Symbols ::::::::::: •.. (,('')('')¤...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...*...* ¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸¸.•*´¨`*•.¸ Penguins: (o_ // V/_ Love shapes: • Lovers facebook symbols: ../(,")? ?(".) .../?. = ./?. .._| |_ .._| |_ ? ============== ..........(¯`v´¯) ...........`•.¸.•´ .........(????•?)..(????•?) ......... /? ?/? ============== [??????????????] |??•??3??] |??P???????????b?????????| Love Eyes: ??? ????? • I love you: ?????? ? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????? YOU ????? • Money shapes for facebook: [??$??(??2????)??$??] [??$??(???????)??$??] [??$??(??5??)??$??] [??$??(??1??)??$??] • Footsteps made with facebook symbols: ----------Oooo--- -----------(----)--- ------------)--/---- ------------(_/- ----oooO----
  • 13. ----(---)---- -------(-- ------_)- -----------Oooo--- -----------(----)--- ------------)--/---- ------------(_/- ----oooO---- ----(---)---- -------(-- ------_)- • Happy birthday: ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????? ????? YOUR NAME HERE ????? ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? @justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:- #????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W??? Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care.
  • 14.
  • 15. ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? @justmee66 ????¥?????•??????°?• ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:- #????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W??? Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care. " Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" Blessed is your face Blessed is your name My beloved Blessed is your smile Which makes my soul want to fly My beloved All the nights And all the times That you cared for me But i never realised it And now it•s too late Forgive me Now i•m alone filled with so much shame For all the years i caused you pain If only i could sleep in your arms again Mother i•m lost without you Blessed is your face Blessed is your name My beloved Blessed is your smile Which makes my soul want to fly My beloved All the nights And all the times That you cared for me But i never realised it And now it•s too late
  • 16. Forgive me Now i•m alone filled with so much shame For all the years i caused you pain If only i could sleep in your arms again Mother i•m lost without you." Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible".. join mit Koka Mohamed,Fayisa K Fayisa und Kiran Kukreja •A good friend allows you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs without worry of being judged, criticized or made to feel silly for feeling the way you do. Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just plain commiserate and listen to each other. That's why friends are friends.... Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything. Its not that I don't love you. Its beause i'm so much pain because I do & if I could lie to you one last tim,, I would tell you; I'm already over you danabulil Blessed is your face Blessed is your name My beloved Blessed is your smile Which makes my soul want to fly My beloved All the nights And all the times That you cared for me But i never realised it And now it•s too late Forgive me Now i•m alone filled with so much shame For all the years i caused you pain If only i could sleep in your arms again Mother i•m lost without you... " Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" join • mit Koka Mohamed,Fayisa K Fayisa und Kiran Kukreja I never stopped to realize How lonely I would be I never thought the day would come When you'd grow tired of me Your voice was never sweeter Than the day you said goodbye You'll never know how much it hurt Because I'm too big to cry If I knew then what I know now You'd still be kissing me Instead there's someone else's lips Where mine used to be You never looked so wonderful As the day you walked away I used to say, "I love you" But that I could not say I can't forget you
  • 17. No matter how much I try You'll never know how much it hurt Because I'm too big to cry .. I never stopped to realize How lonely I would be I never thought the day would come When you'd grow tired of me Your voice was never sweeter Than the day you said goodbye You'll never know how much it hurt Because I'm too big to cry If I knew then what I know now You'd still be kissing me Instead there's someone else's lips Where mine used to be You never looked so wonderful As the day you walked away I used to say, "I love you" But that I could not say I can't forget you No matter how much I try You'll never know how much it hurt Because I'm too big to cry .. — mit Karim Fantes,Soniya Sachdev, Kiran Kukreja, Tulsi Bajaj, Prashant Meshram, Kajal Kukreja, Bauer Iddi Guti, Shubham Bagade, Lhei Fuentes und Pichu Motghare. A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. @maham@ A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. @maham@ A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. @maham@ " Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" "People who love you people who you love back people that will always be there for you through the good times and the bad they make you happy when you are sad they are angels that have yet to earn their wings they are your dearest friends"
  • 18. "Friends are like your second family only closer" "Who says there are no miricals? there are friends arn't there?" "Love isn't a desise or viruse or a sickness...but a gift instead. it can't be bought or stolen only earned. " "If i die today, or even tomorrow i'll have no regrets if you tell me you're my friend" "If you are going to jump off a mountain, I won't be beside you. I'll be below going to catch you." "We've shared many smiles and many tears, but nothing beats the laughter." Like the world standing still Since I last time called you... I didn't had strength to say anything... so there was just a silence... Like the world standing still Since I last time called you... I didn't had strength to say anything... so there was just a silence... Million tears remain in me... But I didn't cried... I wanted to hide my sorrow because I leave... Until I met you again... Suddenly,without preparation... In the moment everything come back... And now,I admit,I miss you whole the time... And that didn't passed by... I can't lie myself anymore... I just want escape from the question Am I OK or not... 'Cause I know...I'll merge in tears... Like the world standing still During you looking at me... I don't move... I don't know how to get closer to you... I'll rather run... Wo Big gang of frnds Wo boring uniforms Wo cycle se school jana Wo Silly fights Wo teachers k naam rakhna Wo Group photos Wo homework na kar k jana Wo roz ki punishment Wo P.T periods
  • 19. Wo Rocking annual days So many hands in a single lunch box HORRER XAMS Why Girls Are worth Loving ?? -The Way She gets Puzzled Up & Low when She Sees you Cry, -The Way She Wants you; to Hold Her Hand In front of your Friends, -The Way when even She is Upset; She Says: "I Love you Too..?", -The Way She Sweetly Cross; Every Level of Immaturity for you, -The Way She Holds you; When you Hug Her, -The Way She Forgets Her Worries & Says: "kya hua, Tell Me Something, I'm here for you", -The Way She gets Angry at you; & in a Split Second She is Convinced by your Smiling Sorry, -The Way She gts Jealous; When Some Girl Tries to Come Near you, -The Way She Dies to Meet you; & Every time Says: "Ab nahi Milungi, Evn if you Say", -The Way She forgets Evry Mistake of yours; just to be with U & the Best, -The Way Tears Come Rollin in Her Eyes; the Time She Heard the Word "Break Up" from you, ? :) ? Gem Yousafzai ? — mit Emy Greece, Nyakairu Williams Glyn, Norbert Konvict Newtons und Richard Kpelembey. ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? "People who love you people who you love back people that will always be there for you through the good times and the bad they make you happy when you are sad they are angels that have yet to earn their wings they are your dearest friends" "Friends are like your second family only closer" "Who says there are no miricals? there are friends arn't there?" "Love isn't a desise or viruse or a sickness...but a gift instead. it can't be bought or stolen only earned. "
  • 20. "If i die today, or even tomorrow i'll have no regrets if you tell me you're my friend" "If you are going to jump off a mountain, I won't be beside you. I'll be below going to catch you." "We've shared many smiles and many tears, but nothing beats the laughter." ?Y?? O??? L??? O??? @justmee66 ????¥?????—??????°?— ?v.?.p?-:`??:?-#HaPpYThAnKsGiViNg?-:`??:- #????????????? L??â????? ????????F?O?L?L?O?W??? Oh = Stop talking to me. K = I'm done talking. Whatever = Fuck you. Fine = Fuck it. I guess = I don't care. A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. Maham Khan " Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" A mother is the truest friend we have, when trials heavy and sudden, fall upon us; when adversity takes the place of prosperity; when friends who rejoice with us in our sunshine desert us; when trouble thickens around us, still will she cling to us, and endeavor by her kind precepts and counsels to dissipate the clouds of darkness, and cause peace to return to our hearts. @maham@ " Mother love is a fuel that enables the human being to do the impossible" — mit Pitts Orpah. Like the world standing still Since I last time called you... I didn't had strength to say anything... so there was just a silence... Frölich (?) Niedlich ?? ??? ? (?) ??? ? (?) _(?)_/ (´??) ???? ¯_(?)_/¯ ??? ??? ??? ( ???)? ^o^ ^.^ ? _? ?(?0?)??(?0?)? ? ? ??? ??? (°?°) ?(^?^)? ?(????—?)? ?(-???-?)??(?????)? (—?—) ó?ó ????? ??? ??? ( '?' ) ^?^ (?????) ?( ???)???? (???) (^^,) ??? ????? ????? ? (^-^)? ?(???*)? ?(^?^*)/ ??(´??)? ?(*´??*?? ?(?????)? ?(???*)?(*???)? ??(*??? *)??(*???*)? ????????????? ?(???)? (´??) ,,/(^_^),,/ ?(???? ` )/? (—?—) ? ? ? ? (???) (´?`) (´?`) ??? (???) (— ? —)/ ( ???)/ (????)? ??? ??? ?=^_^=? (=^?^=) ??^o^? ?(¬?¬)? (?'?'?) (?????) ?? ? ?? ?? ? ?? (????) (????) ??????? (????) ?? ?? ?(¬?¬)? ??? ??? ? (????) (?´???) (°?°?).:? ??? (´??)? ?*´??*? ??´????? ????? (??????)? (?-_-? )? ( ?-_-?) ?o?.(??? ??) (?? ³?)? (?????) (????) (?? _??) (/? ? ?)/ ????? ????? ???? ?(????)? ??? ???? ?(????)? ¯¯??¯??'???????'??'?????'???)???)???? '??????????=(—????)=o/????/'?? ? ?? òÓ (òÓ,)_,,/ (?`? ?)? ?(????) ???(? _?)??? >_< ~_~ >.< ?_? (?????? ~?~ (?.?) ?' ?'?????=(?_?)=?/????/'?'? ? ?_? ? _? ?(??´)? (—??)=?/????/—?—? ? ?? ? ?—— ?_? ???? ?_? ??_?? ??? (????)? ??????? ?
  • 21. _? ?— ?—?????=(—??)=?/????/—?—? ?_? ???? ???(>_<)??? {{{(>_<)}}} ?_? (???) (´??) (???,) (???) Y_Y ó_ò v(? ? ?)v ??? ? ´_??? ?_? v_v ( '?' ) (///.-) ? (?????)? óò (?????) (????? ??? ??? ??— ??? ?_? ?_? (///_?) ?_? ?_? ?_? (—??) ?? _?? <{?_?}> ?("?_?)? (º_—) (º.º) ??? O.o ?_? ?_? (??.o) (?.?) ?_? (?-?) ?o? —— Oo o?.O (O.O) ?_? ( ? o?) ??? (???) ?_? ?—?_?—? ?(—?—)? ?_? ? , ? (—?_—) <(o_o)> (?_?) (?—?) (? o ? ) (?_?) ??_?? (°~°) ^^' é_è °?° (°?°) ??? ¯(°_o)/¯ ??? (???;) (??_?) (???) (?_?) (???) (???) (*'?'*) (*´??*) (?°?°??? ??? (??????? ??? ??? ??(`?´)??? ??? ????( º _ º?) (????)????? ????? ¯_(?) ??? ?? ¯(?)/¯ ? ??? (?°?°)?? ??? ? ?(°?° ?) (?°?°??? / (.? . ) (/¯? ? ?)/¯ ~ ??? (?^_^)???? ??? ?( ^_^?) (/ .?.) ??(???)?? / (.?. ) ??°?°??? ??? ???????? ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸><(((º> ????? ~(???)~ ^???^ =^..^= <:3 ) ~~~~~(__^·> ^???^ ~=[,,_,,]:3 (=^?^=) ?—?—? /?/?ºo?oº?/? (/) (°,,°) (/) ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????>?/? ????? ????? (?)? ?(?o?)? ?·?·? (??_?) ??.?l?l?ll|???????|??? =???|???????|ll?l?l?.?? ???? __??????? ??l??? ??l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l????.___ (-(- _(-_-)_-)-) (??:??:??:??(??(?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ()? |?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l? ?????? ?l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? | ?????? ( ??:??:??:?? [?? ??]??:??:??:?? ) »-(¯`·.·´¯)-> d-_-b |??$??(??2??o??o??)??$??| [??$??(?? 5??)??$??] [??$??(??1??)??$??] ???????????? c[_] ( ;,;) ?_?? ?_? ?(????) ?_? ? _? ¬_¬ ?(?_? ?) ?_? ?_? (???-?) (???) (?????) ????? ?(?_? ) ( ?_?)? ??????? ?°? °?~ @ __??????? ??l??? ??l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|??? ? ?????? ??l???? (_? _????????????(?_?_?????a?????l??j?u??an??a???_?_?_?()~~ ¨°º¤ø—¸¸—ø¤º° _(¯`—._.— ´¯)_(¯`—._.—´¯)_(¯`—._.—´¯)_ ??? vs ??? ( ?_?)-((?===<((() ????? ? ? ? ZAP! ? ? ———- ?? ?????)? ¯¯¯??¯??—???????—??—?????—???)???)???? —??????????? (??????—??) ¯¯¯??¯??—????????—???—??????—????)????)????? —???????????? __??????? ??l??? ??l? *?? ?????? ???|?????? ???? ?????????? ???????? ?|???_______ .°? ?°?°??° ? ¤º— `—.¸.—´ ?— ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Your Msn Name ? ? ? ? ? ? ? L?????? F??'???? ?±—±? (name) ?±—±?(_8(|)
  • 22. Links außen : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ,,/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ?'?'?????= Linke Wange : ? ( ? [ { < ? ? Links innen : ´ ? * ? = ? ? ? ? ? ? ? / ? ? ? ? /// ? ? ? Linke Auge : ? ^ ? ? - ° ò o ó º O o? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ´ ? ? ? ? ¬ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ô ? ? ? ? ? > ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?—? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? — ? Mund : o . _ - 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ³ ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Rechte Auge : ? ^ ? ? - ° ò o ó º O o? ? ? ' ? ? ? ? ´ ? ? ? ? ¬ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ô ? ? ? ? ? < ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ?—? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? — ?
  • 23. Rechts innen : ´ ? * ? = ? ? ? ? ? ? ? / ? ? ? ? ? ¬ ? Rechte Wange : ? ) ? ] } > ? ? Rechts außen : ? ? ? ? /? ? ? ? / ? ? ? ,, / ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? =?/????/'?'? ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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  • 25. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPP
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  • 27. aBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz aBCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Wir tun alles, um den Geliebten in unserer Nähe, in unserem Einflussbereich zu haben. Wir beschützen ihn oder sie, die Emotionen laufen auf Hochtouren. Wir können dafür töten oder uns selbst aufopfern, können auf die fieseste Art intregieren. Als eigentlichen Gegensatz zur Liebe sehen wir Gleichgültigkeit, Abgestumpftheit. In einigen eher dümmlichen, aber dennoch aufschlussreichen Science Fiction Filmen erscheinen die Außerirdischen als gefühllose Wesen, und was ihnen fehlt, gibt es nur auf einem einzigen kleinen Planeten, dem der Menschen: Nur die Menschen kennen trotz aller Kriege und Terroranschläge die Liebe Wir tun alles, um den Geliebten in unserer Nähe, in unserem Einflussbereich zu haben. Wir beschützen ihn oder sie, die Emotionen laufen auf Hochtouren. Wir können dafür töten oder uns selbst aufopfern, können auf die fieseste Art intregieren. Als eigentlichen Gegensatz zur Liebe sehen wir Gleichgültigkeit, Abgestumpftheit. In einigen eher dümmlichen, aber dennoch aufschlussreichen Science Fiction Filmen erscheinen die Außerirdischen als gefühllose Wesen, und was ihnen fehlt, gibt es nur auf einem einzigen kleinen Planeten, dem der Menschen: Nur die Menschen kennen trotz aller Kriege und Terroranschläge die Liebe ?_ ----Ü000èã> < ???????---- (•?•)?(•?•)?t(?)_/¯ (/???)/ ?(ò_ó?)??_?¯(°_o)/¯¬_¬ t(-_-t)?_???_? ?_? ???????????_??_??(?_ (????)???)? ?????? _?? ;???´? (????)?(?°?°?? ???? ?_/¯ )(?^_^)? (/)(;,,;)(/) Weather New Year 2010 - 2011 Best wishes Best wishes 2 Fireworks Fireworks Rocket Snow Snowman ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????? ? ? ???? ?????? ???????????? ? ? ? ? ? ????? ?*? ????? ? ? ???´ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
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  • 29. Tiere Symbole ? Andere (???) (´??) (???,) (???) Y_Y ó_ò v(? ? ?)v ??? ? ´_??? ?_? v_v ( '?' ) (///.-) ? (?????)? óò (?????) (????? ??? ??? ??• ??? ?_? ?_? (///_?) ?_? ?_? ?_? (•??) ?? _?? <{?_?}> ?("?_?)? Ausgewählte Emoticon : Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ... Frölich (?) Niedlich ?? Zorn òÓ Traurig Überrascht Verwirrt Tisch Flipping Tiere Symbole ? Andere (º_•) (º.º) ??? O.o ?_? ?_? (??.o) (?.?) ?_? (?-?) ?o? •• Oo o?.O (O.O) ?_? ( ? o?) ??? (???) ?_? ?•?_?•? ?(•?•)? ?_? ? , ? (•?_•) <(o_o)> (?_?) (?•?) (? o ? ) (?_?) ??_?? Ausgewählte Emoticon : Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ... Frölich (?) Niedlich ?? Zorn òÓ Traurig Überrascht Verwirrt Tisch Flipping Tiere Symbole ? Andere (°~°) ^^' é_è °?° (°?°) ??? ¯(°_o)/¯ ??? (???;) (??_?) (???) (?_?) (???) (???) (*'?'*) (*´??*) Ausgewählte Emoticon : Nur-Text- Emoticons für Blogs, Chats, Facebook, Twitter, Spiele ... Frölich (?) Niedlich ?? Zorn òÓ Traurig Überrascht Verwirrt Tisch Flipping Tiere Symbole ? Andere (?°?°??? ??? (??????? ??? ??? ??(`?´)??? ??? ????( º _ º?) (????)????? ????? ¯_(?) ??? ?? ¯(?)/¯ ? ??? (?°?°)?? ??? ? ?(°?° ?) (?°?°??? / (.? . ) (/¯? ? ?)/¯ ~ ??? (?^_^)???? ??? ?( ^_^?) (/ .?.) ??(???)?? / (.?. ) ??°?°??? ???
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