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SpontaneousSims An Officially Wacky  BoolProp Challenge             by clarinetplayer15
Since it’s summer and I don’t have much else to do, I decided to try my hand at an OWBC.  Here are the bonuses and mini-challenges I’m attempting. (Keyword attempting.) -Base Game -Nightlife -Apartment Life -BoolProp Naming Scheme -One Bad Apple -The Golden Trio -Beyond Cheesy -Family Scrapbook -MOAR Aliens -Monster Mash This is starting off in college. I’m not keeping the rules right now, mostly because I didn’t go into it thinking I’d do an OWBC. I changed my mind later.  Without further to do, let’s meet the household. --->
Janna Granger, my foundress-to-be. She’s an Aries—7/9/4/4/5. She’s currently a Family/Pleasure sim with the LTW want to become Education Minister.
Catherine Granger, Janna’s older sister. She’s Pleasure/Family, wants 50 Dream Dates, and is a Cancer—6/4/4/4/6.
Delano Granger, Janna’s alien half-sibling. He’s a Popularity/Pleasure Virgo—10/1/10/3/10. He wants 20 Best Friends. He’s the “spare” I’ll be playing along for the Apartment Life Bonus.
Stella Terrano, from the college sim bin. She’s a Knowledge sim and wants to Max 7 Skills. She’s a Cancer—7/2/6/4/6.
Gordon Nott, BV townie friend of Janna. He goes by G. He’s a Family sim. Aquarius—1/4/5/7/6. He wants to Have 6 Grandchildren.
And finally, Shelia Gentry, childhood friend of Delano. She’s a Romance/Pleasure Gemini—4/6/7/3/3. She wants to become a Rock God.
The first thing everyone does when they’re dumped on the lot is hit the poker table. I have a feeling that the “Don’t Wake the Llama” table isn’t going to get as much attention.
Yeah, yeah, I know it was seen from a mile away but my founder needs a spouse and G will give us genetic diversity.
Yeah, they hit off quickly.
Ah, I knew you’d get along well too!  By now you’re probably wondering if I can get more predictable.  Most likely.
Yeah, that’s why you don’t burn the Pop-Tart, Del. How do you even do that? I think he gagged like five times.
I know this hasn’t been very spontaneous, but it will get there, I promise. Just got to get past the boring stuff first.
Oh crud. Del went to class and left the spaghetti on the stove, and naturally I forgot to put in a fire alarm. Ahhh….
Whew, thank you G. Let’s just hope you’ll be as helpful back on our main lot after this.
I decided that since I’m going to do the Bad Apple & Beyond Cheesy bonuses that I want a Servo in the house. So Janna gets to slave away at the bench instead of making out with her boyfriend.
I have no idea why this made me laugh so hard. Shelia answered the phone. It was for Catherine, so I said, yeah, she was available but then realized she was in bed, so assumed that the caller would eventually hang up. Then Delano came and answered it again.  See, it’s not even that funny, but I just stared at the screen and laughed for five minutes straight.
Del, I wouldn’t mess with that if I were you.
“Awww, why did my sister have to come to college with me?”
Since G is from Three Lakes, everyone is always doing the Slap Dance. These two are the best, though….
Unlike Delano, who just stands there doing this.
Delano and Stella’s relationship is developing nicely, despite his lack of dancing skill. In fact….
Delano and his one outgoing point came into the girl’s room one morning and initiated an autonomous (and their first!) make-out.
Janna and G’s relationship is also doing, uh… well.
“Vadas to the front, vadas to the cor…..!”
“Gerbits, gerbits, voooo, gerbits!!!” “Yeah….. Nice.”
Despite what I’ve said earlier, I really do enjoy watching these two interact with each other.
Delano, you don’t have a nose TO bump.
Shelia rolled the want to Fall in Love with G (NO. Just… no), so I decided it was time she got her own significant other.
And he brought her a DJ booth that night! Okay, Pierce, you can stay.
Speaking of Shelia, I don’t know why, but the coach refuses to leave her alone. She has maxed body just like everyone else….
See, I wasn’t kidding!
G came back from campus at 3 AM to deliver the Greek House letter besides the entrance to the girls’ bathroom. Not the most conventional place, but I suppose it will do.
Shoot, it’s almost time for final exams. What do they think they came to school for, an education?
They somehow passed their classes, so Shelia threw their first (and only, I just realized) toga party. Janna, with her 9 outgoing points, spun into PJs….
And Delano with his one outgoing point into this. That’s something new.
I hope you like Grilled Cheese, Janna.
They’re still as adorable as ever.
Heheh. Three nice points.
Aw, man, I knew I should’ve sent the cow mascot away. He just tried the wolf whistle G, so….
Bad memories all around! Hooray!  Geez, now I have to try and patch this back up.
O_o ….Despite how my sims may not favor that idea.  If I was that cow, I’d watch my back.
That’s very nice of you to autonoumsly “Cheer Up” Shelia, Delano, but I think your sister needs it more.  (Shelia was in the gold when he did this.... I don’t understand.)
I decided that even my founder is going to be a Grilled Cheese sim. Janna’s aspiration was low enough, for obvious reasons.
The first want she rolled was to make grilled cheese for G. :( However, if he doesn’t like Grilled Cheese, it isn’t worth trying to get them back together at this point….
He really is her perfect match! Congratulations, G, you get your girl back. He’s been frowning for days because she hasn’t been nearly as receptive to him as usual lately….
So a quick and temporary aspiration change is in order for G, so he can do this….
Hooray! Thank you, FreeTime!  I changed him back to a Family sim a few days after this. He fit that aspiration much better.
Oh, great. One thing fixed, another problem created. The CleanBot is going off and everyone’s asleep.
“Please don’t tell me I’m standing in a pile of trash.”
Okay, maybe I understand the cow mascot more now. If your mom cut your hair like that, wouldn’t you act like a jerk and hide behind a foam mask? But still, get your filthy butt out of the bed.
Looks like Richard escaped just in time.
Things went on normally, though. Students making out on the couch weren’t given a second look….
The Matchmaker proves her incompetence….
Janna and G are adorable….
Romance blossoms….
Janna paints grilled cheese through the door….
And the statue performs out back.  Wait, what?  (Seriously, what is that?)
It’s about time these two made the next move. Initiating cute proposing sequence picspam….
The kitchen is where they had their first kiss freshman year, so I figured it was appropriate for G to propose there.
Janna, I approve of your choice of reading material.
Then, of course, things get crazy again. As you can see, Stella is suffering from the condition known as chess elbow. And she wants to get struck by lightning, so I’m hoping if this happens that it’ll cure her….
….Of course not.
And if that weren’t enough, the double bed upstairs suddenly catches fire….
Crap, it’s spreading. And I certainly don’t have a fire alarm in the bedroom  if I don’t even have one in the kitchen….
And then it just suddenly went out.  They weren’t kidding when they said “Wacky.”
It’s still useable, apparently.  Not even a charred mark on the bedspread.
It seems the pizza has cured Stella of the Chess Elbow.
With her illness cured, Delano feels the time is right to propose to his girlfriend.
She seems pretty excited.
And since college is more than halfway over, Catherine proposes to her boyfriend as well. Shelia doesn’t propose, of course, since she’s a Romance sim.
Okay, this guy is seriously freaking me out.
But apparently he’s pretty hot. O_o
Oh joy. Guess who’s back.
If he pulls an inappropriate move on Teddy, I swear….
Yes! Yes! Get him! Get him! I wanna see BLOOD!
Shelia: BOO! My grandma can hit harder than you! Teddy: Oh, no, what if someone gets hurt? *worry*
WHAT?!?! That’s not supposed to happen! I’m pretty sure the cow mascot ran off after this anyways, though.
“Yes! I love making beds!”
Whoa. O_O  Okay, this is freaking me out. This sim here looks exactly like my original character. She’s wearing something she would wear too.
She even  has silver eyes! Whoa.
Okay, I’ll stop boring you with my nerdiness. The only reason I mention her is that I’ve decided that Roxanne here is going to placehold for us.
The slap dance is performed so often around here that even the llama mascot knows it.
And Roxanne picked it up quickly. She’s going to fit in nicely.
*hums Michael Jackson song*
Another fad courtesy of G is the Chest Pound. Every morning they flood each other’s rooms and greet each other with it. And they do it every time they come back from class with someone.
Umm, okay…?
Thanks, random college student. Those were piling up.  *rolls eyes*
Even though you stay in the background most of the time, Catherine, you’re still awesome.
Janna finally got the next lifetime benefits point to unlock “conjure grilled cheese”. This is going to make my life lots easier.
If you’re an only child and have ever wondered what it’s like to have a sibling, this picture pretty much sums it up.
Aww, man! Who left the TV dinner in the oven to go to final exams?! Now they’re all gone, and of course I didn’t learn my lesson from the incident at the beginning of college and install a fire alarm….
Catherine was the first back since she’s ahead an hour for some reason. I managed to peel her away from freaking out to call the firemen. By this point, it was raging so hard that another fireman came running out after Mitch Lawson from the firetruck. Never seen that before.
The next morning I had to buy like three new mirrors because, I swear, everyone and their dog needed a charisma skill point for the final semester.
Richard– GO. AWAY.
Good-bye, Richard!
I opened the lot the next time to see Delano apparently enjoying the table for dinner.
But when “clean up” came up in his queue, the TV dinner suddenly appeared again. I thought the incident was over….
But then the green stink cloud appeared on the table the next morning.
There—Servo, done. Hopefully it’s worth it.
More and more each day I appreciate this self-interaction..
When I had Catherine greet Roxanne the last day of college, she immediately performed the Chest Pound. I knew I made a good decision with this one.
Stella rolled the want for a Womrat cage and I love the little things, so I couldn’t say no. Although the way it’s been going, you would think Janna was the one that rolled the want.
And Roxanne has graduated from a pledge to a full member of the household….
And just in time! They’re done!
Six phone calls later and the challenge has officially begun!                       --------->
“Seriously, Addie? You want me to breed with him?”
“Man, I gotta get me some of that.”
“Is that the mascot and the cheerleader making out back there?”
“Del—your hands here, now.”
“*sob* Feels. So. Good! *sob*”
“And then… He burnt his food!” “No. Way!”
“Uhh, am I interrupting something?”  Thanks for reading!

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Spontaneous Sims-Chapter One

  • 1. SpontaneousSims An Officially Wacky BoolProp Challenge by clarinetplayer15
  • 2. Since it’s summer and I don’t have much else to do, I decided to try my hand at an OWBC. Here are the bonuses and mini-challenges I’m attempting. (Keyword attempting.) -Base Game -Nightlife -Apartment Life -BoolProp Naming Scheme -One Bad Apple -The Golden Trio -Beyond Cheesy -Family Scrapbook -MOAR Aliens -Monster Mash This is starting off in college. I’m not keeping the rules right now, mostly because I didn’t go into it thinking I’d do an OWBC. I changed my mind later. Without further to do, let’s meet the household. --->
  • 3. Janna Granger, my foundress-to-be. She’s an Aries—7/9/4/4/5. She’s currently a Family/Pleasure sim with the LTW want to become Education Minister.
  • 4. Catherine Granger, Janna’s older sister. She’s Pleasure/Family, wants 50 Dream Dates, and is a Cancer—6/4/4/4/6.
  • 5. Delano Granger, Janna’s alien half-sibling. He’s a Popularity/Pleasure Virgo—10/1/10/3/10. He wants 20 Best Friends. He’s the “spare” I’ll be playing along for the Apartment Life Bonus.
  • 6. Stella Terrano, from the college sim bin. She’s a Knowledge sim and wants to Max 7 Skills. She’s a Cancer—7/2/6/4/6.
  • 7. Gordon Nott, BV townie friend of Janna. He goes by G. He’s a Family sim. Aquarius—1/4/5/7/6. He wants to Have 6 Grandchildren.
  • 8. And finally, Shelia Gentry, childhood friend of Delano. She’s a Romance/Pleasure Gemini—4/6/7/3/3. She wants to become a Rock God.
  • 9. The first thing everyone does when they’re dumped on the lot is hit the poker table. I have a feeling that the “Don’t Wake the Llama” table isn’t going to get as much attention.
  • 10. Yeah, yeah, I know it was seen from a mile away but my founder needs a spouse and G will give us genetic diversity.
  • 11. Yeah, they hit off quickly.
  • 12. Ah, I knew you’d get along well too! By now you’re probably wondering if I can get more predictable. Most likely.
  • 13. Yeah, that’s why you don’t burn the Pop-Tart, Del. How do you even do that? I think he gagged like five times.
  • 14. I know this hasn’t been very spontaneous, but it will get there, I promise. Just got to get past the boring stuff first.
  • 15. Oh crud. Del went to class and left the spaghetti on the stove, and naturally I forgot to put in a fire alarm. Ahhh….
  • 16. Whew, thank you G. Let’s just hope you’ll be as helpful back on our main lot after this.
  • 17. I decided that since I’m going to do the Bad Apple & Beyond Cheesy bonuses that I want a Servo in the house. So Janna gets to slave away at the bench instead of making out with her boyfriend.
  • 18. I have no idea why this made me laugh so hard. Shelia answered the phone. It was for Catherine, so I said, yeah, she was available but then realized she was in bed, so assumed that the caller would eventually hang up. Then Delano came and answered it again. See, it’s not even that funny, but I just stared at the screen and laughed for five minutes straight.
  • 19. Del, I wouldn’t mess with that if I were you.
  • 20. “Awww, why did my sister have to come to college with me?”
  • 21. Since G is from Three Lakes, everyone is always doing the Slap Dance. These two are the best, though….
  • 22. Unlike Delano, who just stands there doing this.
  • 23. Delano and Stella’s relationship is developing nicely, despite his lack of dancing skill. In fact….
  • 24. Delano and his one outgoing point came into the girl’s room one morning and initiated an autonomous (and their first!) make-out.
  • 25. Janna and G’s relationship is also doing, uh… well.
  • 26. “Vadas to the front, vadas to the cor…..!”
  • 27. “Gerbits, gerbits, voooo, gerbits!!!” “Yeah….. Nice.”
  • 28. Despite what I’ve said earlier, I really do enjoy watching these two interact with each other.
  • 29. Delano, you don’t have a nose TO bump.
  • 30. Shelia rolled the want to Fall in Love with G (NO. Just… no), so I decided it was time she got her own significant other.
  • 31. And he brought her a DJ booth that night! Okay, Pierce, you can stay.
  • 32. Speaking of Shelia, I don’t know why, but the coach refuses to leave her alone. She has maxed body just like everyone else….
  • 33. See, I wasn’t kidding!
  • 34. G came back from campus at 3 AM to deliver the Greek House letter besides the entrance to the girls’ bathroom. Not the most conventional place, but I suppose it will do.
  • 35. Shoot, it’s almost time for final exams. What do they think they came to school for, an education?
  • 36. They somehow passed their classes, so Shelia threw their first (and only, I just realized) toga party. Janna, with her 9 outgoing points, spun into PJs….
  • 37. And Delano with his one outgoing point into this. That’s something new.
  • 38. I hope you like Grilled Cheese, Janna.
  • 39. They’re still as adorable as ever.
  • 40. Heheh. Three nice points.
  • 41. Aw, man, I knew I should’ve sent the cow mascot away. He just tried the wolf whistle G, so….
  • 42. Bad memories all around! Hooray! Geez, now I have to try and patch this back up.
  • 43. O_o ….Despite how my sims may not favor that idea. If I was that cow, I’d watch my back.
  • 44. That’s very nice of you to autonoumsly “Cheer Up” Shelia, Delano, but I think your sister needs it more. (Shelia was in the gold when he did this.... I don’t understand.)
  • 45. I decided that even my founder is going to be a Grilled Cheese sim. Janna’s aspiration was low enough, for obvious reasons.
  • 46. The first want she rolled was to make grilled cheese for G. :( However, if he doesn’t like Grilled Cheese, it isn’t worth trying to get them back together at this point….
  • 47. He really is her perfect match! Congratulations, G, you get your girl back. He’s been frowning for days because she hasn’t been nearly as receptive to him as usual lately….
  • 48. So a quick and temporary aspiration change is in order for G, so he can do this….
  • 49. Hooray! Thank you, FreeTime! I changed him back to a Family sim a few days after this. He fit that aspiration much better.
  • 50. Oh, great. One thing fixed, another problem created. The CleanBot is going off and everyone’s asleep.
  • 51. “Please don’t tell me I’m standing in a pile of trash.”
  • 52. Okay, maybe I understand the cow mascot more now. If your mom cut your hair like that, wouldn’t you act like a jerk and hide behind a foam mask? But still, get your filthy butt out of the bed.
  • 53. Looks like Richard escaped just in time.
  • 54. Things went on normally, though. Students making out on the couch weren’t given a second look….
  • 55. The Matchmaker proves her incompetence….
  • 56. Janna and G are adorable….
  • 58. Janna paints grilled cheese through the door….
  • 59. And the statue performs out back. Wait, what? (Seriously, what is that?)
  • 60. It’s about time these two made the next move. Initiating cute proposing sequence picspam….
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. The kitchen is where they had their first kiss freshman year, so I figured it was appropriate for G to propose there.
  • 64. Janna, I approve of your choice of reading material.
  • 65. Then, of course, things get crazy again. As you can see, Stella is suffering from the condition known as chess elbow. And she wants to get struck by lightning, so I’m hoping if this happens that it’ll cure her….
  • 67. And if that weren’t enough, the double bed upstairs suddenly catches fire….
  • 68. Crap, it’s spreading. And I certainly don’t have a fire alarm in the bedroom if I don’t even have one in the kitchen….
  • 69. And then it just suddenly went out. They weren’t kidding when they said “Wacky.”
  • 70. It’s still useable, apparently. Not even a charred mark on the bedspread.
  • 71. It seems the pizza has cured Stella of the Chess Elbow.
  • 72. With her illness cured, Delano feels the time is right to propose to his girlfriend.
  • 73.
  • 74. She seems pretty excited.
  • 75. And since college is more than halfway over, Catherine proposes to her boyfriend as well. Shelia doesn’t propose, of course, since she’s a Romance sim.
  • 76. Okay, this guy is seriously freaking me out.
  • 77. But apparently he’s pretty hot. O_o
  • 78. Oh joy. Guess who’s back.
  • 79. If he pulls an inappropriate move on Teddy, I swear….
  • 80. Yes! Yes! Get him! Get him! I wanna see BLOOD!
  • 81. Shelia: BOO! My grandma can hit harder than you! Teddy: Oh, no, what if someone gets hurt? *worry*
  • 82. WHAT?!?! That’s not supposed to happen! I’m pretty sure the cow mascot ran off after this anyways, though.
  • 83. “Yes! I love making beds!”
  • 84. Whoa. O_O Okay, this is freaking me out. This sim here looks exactly like my original character. She’s wearing something she would wear too.
  • 85. She even has silver eyes! Whoa.
  • 86. Okay, I’ll stop boring you with my nerdiness. The only reason I mention her is that I’ve decided that Roxanne here is going to placehold for us.
  • 87. The slap dance is performed so often around here that even the llama mascot knows it.
  • 88. And Roxanne picked it up quickly. She’s going to fit in nicely.
  • 90. Another fad courtesy of G is the Chest Pound. Every morning they flood each other’s rooms and greet each other with it. And they do it every time they come back from class with someone.
  • 92. Thanks, random college student. Those were piling up. *rolls eyes*
  • 93. Even though you stay in the background most of the time, Catherine, you’re still awesome.
  • 94. Janna finally got the next lifetime benefits point to unlock “conjure grilled cheese”. This is going to make my life lots easier.
  • 95. If you’re an only child and have ever wondered what it’s like to have a sibling, this picture pretty much sums it up.
  • 96. Aww, man! Who left the TV dinner in the oven to go to final exams?! Now they’re all gone, and of course I didn’t learn my lesson from the incident at the beginning of college and install a fire alarm….
  • 97. Catherine was the first back since she’s ahead an hour for some reason. I managed to peel her away from freaking out to call the firemen. By this point, it was raging so hard that another fireman came running out after Mitch Lawson from the firetruck. Never seen that before.
  • 98. The next morning I had to buy like three new mirrors because, I swear, everyone and their dog needed a charisma skill point for the final semester.
  • 102. I opened the lot the next time to see Delano apparently enjoying the table for dinner.
  • 103. But when “clean up” came up in his queue, the TV dinner suddenly appeared again. I thought the incident was over….
  • 104. But then the green stink cloud appeared on the table the next morning.
  • 105. There—Servo, done. Hopefully it’s worth it.
  • 106. More and more each day I appreciate this self-interaction..
  • 107. When I had Catherine greet Roxanne the last day of college, she immediately performed the Chest Pound. I knew I made a good decision with this one.
  • 108. Stella rolled the want for a Womrat cage and I love the little things, so I couldn’t say no. Although the way it’s been going, you would think Janna was the one that rolled the want.
  • 109. And Roxanne has graduated from a pledge to a full member of the household….
  • 110. And just in time! They’re done!
  • 111. Six phone calls later and the challenge has officially begun! --------->
  • 112. “Seriously, Addie? You want me to breed with him?”
  • 113. “Man, I gotta get me some of that.”
  • 114. “Is that the mascot and the cheerleader making out back there?”
  • 116. “*sob* Feels. So. Good! *sob*”
  • 117. “And then… He burnt his food!” “No. Way!”
  • 118. “Uhh, am I interrupting something?” Thanks for reading!