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SPARQL querying of Graph Databases
using Gremlin: Gremlinator
Harsh Thakkar
University of Bonn
Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17
2Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
WDAqua ITN -
● Answering Questions using Web Data (WDAqua) is a EU H2020 -
Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions - Innovative Training
Networks (ITN)
● 15 PhD students across Europe
● Advancing SotA in data-driven Question Answering
● Reusable and extensible components for QA
3Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite
● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs
● Gremlinator
4Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite
● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs
● Gremlinator
5Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Ocean of Data
Sea of Tools+
K-V stores
Graph stores
RDF stores
Wide column
LOD Cloud 2017
Motivation #1 - Benchmarking
6Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
7Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
• Domain specific
i.e. perspectives
8Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Benchmark… Manually?
Phewww.. that’s Tedious!
9Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
LITMUS Benchmark Suite
10Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 Dataset N
Data integration module
Benchmarking Core
Controller & Tester
System configuration & integration
Queryset 1
Queryset 3
Queryset M
RDF stores Graph
Wide Column
Queryset 2
Key value
Query Facet (F2)
Data Facet (F1)
System Facet (F3)
User Interface
The LITMUS architecture
Thakkar, Harsh. "Towards an Open Extensible Framework for
Empirical Benchmarking of Data Management Solutions: LITMUS."
European Semantic Web Conference. Springer,, 2017.
11Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
• Core challenges in developing such an
open, extensible FAIR framework?
• Data Representation
• Query Conversion
• Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
12Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Query Translation
• Yes we are linguistically
diverse and so are DMSs!
• That too with different
• SPARQL, CYPHER, Gremlin,
• Many many Graph-based
• Is there one GQL to cover
all Graph DMSs*?
13Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Gremlin’s Multi-Graph Query Language (GQL) support
14Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Multi-DMS & platform support
# Motivation 1
15Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
16Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
● WDAqua ITN
● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite
● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs
● Gremlinator
17Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Do I need a Graph
Database? If so, what
kind? (Juan Sequeda)
Earlier today
18Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Motivation #2 - Graph Data Models
● Graphs are intuitive formalisms
● Represent complex natural and man-made networks (Genes, SNs)
● Data is increasingly connected (highly)
● Relationships within the data are an integral it
● Index-free, schema-free
● Mathematical foundation
● RDF and Property Graph two most popular graph data models
19Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
RDF Data Model
● RDF = Resource Description Framework
● W3C Recommendation for data modeling and encoding machine readable
content on the Web
● Data Model:
○ encodes structured information
○ universal, machine-readable interchange format (Serializations - .nt, .xml, .ttl, etc)
○ data is structured in the form of graphs (RDF graphs)
20Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
RDF Data Model
● RDF is a triple based graph model, where :
○ Subject: URI, Blank node
○ Predicate: URIs -> property
○ Object: URI, Literal, Blank node
“27” ex:age
“Graph Day”
URI = Universal Resource identifier, analogous
to ISBN for books
Literals = data values
Blank nodes = Desc. of entities that don’t need
to be named.
@prefix ex: <>
ex:Person ex:Speaker ex:Event
ex:Person ex:name “Harsh”
ex:Person ex:place ex:Bonn
ex:Person ex:age “27”
ex:Event ex:name “Graph Day”
ex:Event ex:Year “2017”
21Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
RDF Graphs (RDFGs)
● Edge-labelled, directed, multi-graphs (w. Ent. URIs, Blank nodes, Literals)
● Going from information to Knowledge using OWL (DLs) and Ontologies
(RDFS, RDFa, etc)
● Bulky
○ Everything is a node-edge-node (edges dont have properties)
○ More relationships per node -> More total number of triples!
22Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Example - Modern Graph feat. RDFG
23Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
SPARQL - The RDF Query Language
● SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language
● Graph Pattern Matching (GPM) QL for RDF graphs (declarative)
● Defacto QL of RDF stores, W3C standard since Jan 2008.
● High importance in semantic web - querying knowledge graphs - QA
○ SPARQL : Semantic Web (web in general) what SQL : Rel.DBs
● Main components:
○ Graph patterns (WHERE) [BGPs {s p o .}, GGPs {...}, CGPs{ops}]
○ Prefixes - encode URIs
○ Query result from range of variables (SELECT)
More info: 1,2,
24Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Ex:SPARQL query
PREFIX a: <>
WHERE { ?x a:Created ?y .}
Matching patterns
25Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Property Graph Data Model
● Edge-labelled, directed, attributed, multi-graph
● Vertices and edges both have properties
● Main components:
○ Vertices, edges (Src,Dsc), properties (key-value pairs), labels (strings)
● Super neat (compact), super cute
● Easier to add weighted, reified edges
● Query Languages - CYPHER, Gremlin, PGQL, etc
Name: Graph Day
Year: 2017
Place: SF, USA
Name: Harsh
Age: 27
From: Bonn, DE
Role: speaker
Time: 40
Person Event
26Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Example - PG viz
27Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Gremlin - a PG Query Language
● A Graph Traversal Language and Machine (like Java - JVM)
● Offers both declarative (GPM) and imperative (traversal)
● Supports both OLTP: Graph DBs and OLAP: Graph processors
● Popular for querying Property graphs.
More InfoRef. Slides #13, #14
28Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Ex:Gremlin query
1. g.V().in(“Created”).dedup()
2. g.V().match(‘x’).out(‘Created’).as(‘y’
// declarative - GPM
PREFIX a: <>
WHERE { ?x a:Created ?y .}
29Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
SPARQL vs. Gremlin Queries
● Linear, standard, graph
pattern queries (exact
● Less joins - less complexity -
better performance
● Benefit from macro indices
○ SPO, POS, etc
● Multi-hop, neighbourhood,
star/snowflake, traversal
queries (fuzzy match)
● Everything is a path - better
● Benefit from micro-indices
Motivation #2 - So why not benefit from Gremlin for complex/
multi-hop/ path queries?
30Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
SPARQL vs. Gremlin Queries
● Lacks looping and branching
and Graph analytical queries
● Supports federated querying
● Supports looping, branching
and Graph Analytical queries
● No federated querying
Motivation #2 - So why not benefit from Gremlin for complex/
multi-hop/ path queries?
31Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Ex:Star-shape query
PREFIX bsbm: <>
PREFIX bsbm-inst: <>
SELECT ?label ?comment ?p ?f ?productFeature ?producer ?propertyText1
?propertyText2 ?propertyText3 ?propertyNum1 ?propertyNum1
bsbm-inst:Product343 rdfs:comment ?comment .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:producer ?p .
?p rdfs:label ?producer .
bsbm-inst:Product343 dc:publisher ?p .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productFeature ?f .
?f rdfs:label ?productFeature .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyTextual1 ?propertyText1 .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyTextual2 ?propertyText2 .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyTextual3 ?propertyText3 .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?propertyNum1 .
bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyNumeric2 ?propertyNum2 . }
0.0247 sec
0.0013 sec
32Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
● WDAqua ITN
● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite
● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs
● Gremlinator
33Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
SPARQL ➞ Gremlin analogy
● Query based on Graph
pattern [declarative]
● Provides GPM construct via
.match() steps [declarative]
Name: SPARQL-Gremlin 0.1
Lang: Java
Name: Daniel
Person Software
Name: Harsh Thakker
Year: 2015 Year: 2016
Inception Result
34Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
SPARQL and Gremlin language constructs and corresponding operators
35Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Gremlinator architecture
36Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
BGP (q) ➞ SST* ( )
Subject Predicate Object Operation
URI URI [rdfs:label] “literal” Lv
⇒ .hasLabel(“x”)
URI URI “literal” Pv
⇒ .has(P, ”val”)
URI URI URI E ⇒ .in(“x”)/.out(“x”)
Traversals ⇒ Property value, Label value, vertex
Name: Graph Day
Year: 2017
Place: SF, USA
Name: Harsh
Age: 27
From: Bonn, DE
Role: speaker
Time: 40
Person Event
* Rodriguez, Marko A., and Peter Neubauer.
"The graph traversal pattern." arXiv preprint
arXiv:1004.1001 (2010).
37Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
CGP (Q) ➞ Traversal ( )
Mapping corresponding Gremlin operators
38Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Ex:1 Tinker Modern Graph
Select only those persons who are younger or equal
than 30 and created a soft. collectively.
SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE {
?a v:label "person" .
?a e:knows ?b .
?a e:created ?c .
?b e:created ?c .
?a v:age ?d .
FILTER (?d <= 30)
39Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE {
?a v:label "person" .
?a e:knows ?b .
?a e:created ?c .
?b e:created ?c .
?a v:age ?d .
FILTER (?d <= 30)
[MatchStartStep@[a], HasStep([~label.eq(person)]), MatchEndStep]
[MatchStartStep@[a], VertexStep(OUT,[knows],vertex)@[b], MatchEndStep]
[MatchStartStep@[a], VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex)@[c], MatchEndStep]
[MatchStartStep@[b], VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex)@[c], MatchEndStep]
[MatchStartStep@[a], PropertiesStep([age],value)@[d], MatchEndStep]
[WhereTraversalStep([WhereStartStep(d), IsStep(leq(30))]), MatchEndStep]
BGP (q) ➞ SST* ( )
40Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
[GraphStep(vertex,[]), MatchStep(AND,[
[MatchStartStep(a), HasStep([~label.eq(person)]), MatchEndStep],
[MatchStartStep(a), VertexStep(OUT,[knows],vertex), MatchEndStep(b)],
[MatchStartStep(a), VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex), MatchEndStep(c)],
[MatchStartStep(b), VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex), MatchEndStep(c)],
[MatchStartStep(a), PropertiesStep([age],value), MatchEndStep(d)],
[MatchStartStep(d), WhereTraversalStep([WhereStartStep, IsStep(leq(30))]), MatchEndStep] ] ),
SelectStep([a, b, c])]
SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE {
?a v:label "person" .
?a e:knows ?b .
?a e:created ?c .
?b e:created ?c .
?a v:age ?d .
FILTER (?d <= 30)
CGP (Q) ➞ Traversal ( )
41Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Select only those persons who are younger or equal
than 30 and created a soft. collectively.
SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE {
?a v:label "person" .
?a e:knows ?b .
?a e:created ?c .
?b e:created ?c .
?a v:age ?d .
FILTER (?d <= 30)
{a=v[2], b=v[4], c=v[3]}
42Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Northwind dataset
● PG - Vertices: 3209, Edges: 6177
● RDF - Triples: 33033
BSBM 1M dataset
● PG - Vertices: 92737, Edges: 238309
● RDF - Triples: 1000313
* Detailed work submitted to CIKM 2017
CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2660 v3 (20 cores @2.60GHz),
RAM: 128 GB DDR3, HDD: 512 GB SSD, OS: Linux 4.2-generic (x86_64)
Openlink Virtuoso v7.2.4, Apache TinkerGraph-Gremlin v3.2.3
43Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
● Queries
44Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
First Results
Comparison of executing SPARQL queries on Virtuoso and corresponding translated Gremlin pattern matching
traversals on TinkerGraph against BSBM 1M dataset (in secs, warm cache,10Qs).
13x - 17x fold faster* wrt SPARQL
45Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
● SPARQL queries with:
○ Nested Union(s)
○ Optional(s) - v3.3 [fixed]
46Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Next Step(s)
● Address the limitations
● Robustness (any PG)
● Deploy @Apache TinkerPop :)
47Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
Funding: Supervisors & Mentors:
Prof. Dr.
Soeren Auer
Prof. Dr. Jens
Prof. Dr.
H2020 WDAqua ITN (GA: 642795)
Dr. Marko Rodriguez
48PhD Symposium - ESWC 2017 - Slovenia - Portoroz - May 29 LITMUS Benchmark Suite - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
LITMUS Benchmark Suite
Harsh Thakkar
University of Bonn
Twitter: @harsh9t
LinkedIn: thakkarharsh
Questions? Comments?
Insults? Injuries?

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  • 1. SPARQL querying of Graph Databases using Gremlin: Gremlinator Harsh Thakkar University of Bonn Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17
  • 2. 2Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn WDAqua ITN - ● Answering Questions using Web Data (WDAqua) is a EU H2020 - Marie Skłodowska Curie Actions - Innovative Training Networks (ITN) ● 15 PhD students across Europe ● Advancing SotA in data-driven Question Answering ● Reusable and extensible components for QA
  • 3. 3Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Outline ● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite ● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs ● Gremlinator
  • 4. 4Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Outline ● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite ● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs ● Gremlinator
  • 5. 5Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn RDF-3X Ocean of Data Sea of Tools+ K-V stores Graph stores Doc-oriented stores RDF stores Wide column stores Real Synthetic g LOD Cloud 2017 Motivation #1 - Benchmarking 2
  • 6. 6Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn
  • 7. 7Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Contd… • Domain specific applications: i.e. perspectives
  • 8. 8Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Benchmark… Manually? Phewww.. that’s Tedious! Fairness? Standardization?Reusability? Extensibility?
  • 9. 9Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn LITMUS Benchmark Suite
  • 10. 10Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Dataset 1 Dataset 2 Dataset 3 Dataset N Data integration module Benchmarking Core Controller & Tester System configuration & integration module Queryset 1 Queryset 3 Queryset M Analyzer RDF stores Graph stores Relational DBs Wide Column stores Profiler Queryset 2 Key value stores Queryconversion module Query Facet (F2) Data Facet (F1) System Facet (F3) User Interface (F4) User The LITMUS architecture Thakkar, Harsh. "Towards an Open Extensible Framework for Empirical Benchmarking of Data Management Solutions: LITMUS." European Semantic Web Conference. Springer,, 2017.
  • 11. 11Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Challenges • Core challenges in developing such an open, extensible FAIR framework? • Data Representation • Query Conversion • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) g
  • 12. 12Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Query Translation • Yes we are linguistically diverse and so are DMSs! • That too with different dialects: • SPARQL, CYPHER, Gremlin, etc • Many many Graph-based DMSs! • Is there one GQL to cover all Graph DMSs*?
  • 13. 13Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Gremlin Gremlin’s Multi-Graph Query Language (GQL) support
  • 14. 14Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Contd… Multi-DMS & platform support # Motivation 1
  • 15. 15Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn pg Gremlinator Me
  • 16. 16Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Outline ● WDAqua ITN ● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite ● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs ● Gremlinator
  • 17. 17Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Do I need a Graph Database? If so, what kind? (Juan Sequeda) Earlier today
  • 18. 18Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Motivation #2 - Graph Data Models ● Graphs are intuitive formalisms ● Represent complex natural and man-made networks (Genes, SNs) ● Data is increasingly connected (highly) ● Relationships within the data are an integral it ● Index-free, schema-free ● Mathematical foundation ● RDF and Property Graph two most popular graph data models
  • 19. 19Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn RDF Data Model ● RDF = Resource Description Framework ● W3C Recommendation for data modeling and encoding machine readable content on the Web ● Data Model: ○ encodes structured information ○ universal, machine-readable interchange format (Serializations - .nt, .xml, .ttl, etc) ○ data is structured in the form of graphs (RDF graphs)
  • 20. 20Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn RDF Data Model ● RDF is a triple based graph model, where : ○ Subject: URI, Blank node ○ Predicate: URIs -> property ○ Object: URI, Literal, Blank node “2017” “Harsh” ex:Eventex:Person ex:SF “27” ex:age ex:name ex:Bonn “Graph Day” ex:year ex:name ex:place ex:Speaker ex:place URI = Universal Resource identifier, analogous to ISBN for books Literals = data values Blank nodes = Desc. of entities that don’t need to be named. IRIs* ex:stim e “40” @prefix ex: <> ex:Person ex:Speaker ex:Event ex:Person ex:name “Harsh” ex:Person ex:place ex:Bonn ex:Person ex:age “27” ex:Event ex:name “Graph Day” ex:Event ex:Year “2017” interpretation representation
  • 21. 21Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn RDF Graphs (RDFGs) ● Edge-labelled, directed, multi-graphs (w. Ent. URIs, Blank nodes, Literals) ● Going from information to Knowledge using OWL (DLs) and Ontologies (RDFS, RDFa, etc) ● Bulky ○ Everything is a node-edge-node (edges dont have properties) ○ More relationships per node -> More total number of triples!
  • 22. 22Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Example - Modern Graph feat. RDFG
  • 23. 23Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn SPARQL - The RDF Query Language ● SPARQL Protocol And RDF Query Language ● Graph Pattern Matching (GPM) QL for RDF graphs (declarative) ● Defacto QL of RDF stores, W3C standard since Jan 2008. ● High importance in semantic web - querying knowledge graphs - QA ○ SPARQL : Semantic Web (web in general) what SQL : Rel.DBs ● Main components: ○ Graph patterns (WHERE) [BGPs {s p o .}, GGPs {...}, CGPs{ops}] ○ Prefixes - encode URIs ○ Query result from range of variables (SELECT) More info: 1,2,
  • 24. 24Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Ex:SPARQL query PREFIX a: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE { ?x a:Created ?y .} ?x <> <> <> Output BGP Matching patterns
  • 25. 25Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Property Graph Data Model ● Edge-labelled, directed, attributed, multi-graph ● Vertices and edges both have properties ● Main components: ○ Vertices, edges (Src,Dsc), properties (key-value pairs), labels (strings) ● Super neat (compact), super cute ● Easier to add weighted, reified edges ● Query Languages - CYPHER, Gremlin, PGQL, etc Name: Graph Day Year: 2017 Place: SF, USA Name: Harsh Age: 27 From: Bonn, DE Role: speaker Time: 40 Person Event
  • 26. 26Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Example - PG viz RDF PG
  • 27. 27Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Gremlin - a PG Query Language ● A Graph Traversal Language and Machine (like Java - JVM) ● Offers both declarative (GPM) and imperative (traversal) constructs ● Supports both OLTP: Graph DBs and OLAP: Graph processors ● Popular for querying Property graphs. More InfoRef. Slides #13, #14
  • 28. 28Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Ex:Gremlin query 1. g.V().in(“Created”).dedup() //imperative 2. g.V().match(‘x’).out(‘Created’).as(‘y’ )).select(‘x’).dedup() // declarative - GPM PREFIX a: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?x WHERE { ?x a:Created ?y .} ==>x:v[4] ==>x:v[2] ==>x:v[5] Output SPARQL
  • 29. 29Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn SPARQL vs. Gremlin Queries ● Linear, standard, graph pattern queries (exact match) ● Less joins - less complexity - better performance ● Benefit from macro indices ○ SPO, POS, etc ● Multi-hop, neighbourhood, star/snowflake, traversal queries (fuzzy match) ● Everything is a path - better performance ● Benefit from micro-indices Motivation #2 - So why not benefit from Gremlin for complex/ multi-hop/ path queries?
  • 30. 30Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn SPARQL vs. Gremlin Queries ● Lacks looping and branching and Graph analytical queries (OLAP) ● Supports federated querying ● Supports looping, branching and Graph Analytical queries (OLAP) ● No federated querying Motivation #2 - So why not benefit from Gremlin for complex/ multi-hop/ path queries?
  • 31. 31Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Ex:Star-shape query PREFIX bsbm: <> PREFIX bsbm-inst: <> SELECT ?label ?comment ?p ?f ?productFeature ?producer ?propertyText1 ?propertyText2 ?propertyText3 ?propertyNum1 ?propertyNum1 WHERE { bsbm-inst:Product343 rdfs:comment ?comment . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:producer ?p . ?p rdfs:label ?producer . bsbm-inst:Product343 dc:publisher ?p . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productFeature ?f . ?f rdfs:label ?productFeature . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyTextual1 ?propertyText1 . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyTextual2 ?propertyText2 . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyTextual3 ?propertyText3 . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?propertyNum1 . bsbm-inst:Product343 bsbm:productPropertyNumeric2 ?propertyNum2 . } g.V().match('a').has("productID",343).as('b').valueMap().as('c')).select('c') 0.0247 sec 0.0013 sec
  • 32. 32Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Outline ● WDAqua ITN ● #Motivation 1 - LITMUS Benchmark Suite ● #Motivation 2 - RDF graphs vs. Property graphs ● Gremlinator
  • 33. 33Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn SPARQL ➞ Gremlin analogy ● Query based on Graph pattern [declarative] ● Provides GPM construct via .match() steps [declarative] Name: SPARQL-Gremlin 0.1 Lang: Java Name: Daniel Kupitz …. Implements Person Software Name: Harsh Thakker …. Extends Year: 2015 Year: 2016 Person Inception Result
  • 34. 34Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Contd… SPARQL and Gremlin language constructs and corresponding operators
  • 35. 35Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Gremlinator architecture
  • 36. 36Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn BGP (q) ➞ SST* ( ) Subject Predicate Object Operation URI URI [rdfs:label] “literal” Lv /Le ⇒ .hasLabel(“x”) URI URI “literal” Pv /Pe ⇒ .has(P, ”val”) URI URI URI E ⇒ .in(“x”)/.out(“x”) Traversals ⇒ Property value, Label value, vertex Name: Graph Day Year: 2017 Place: SF, USA Name: Harsh Age: 27 From: Bonn, DE Role: speaker Time: 40 Person Event * Rodriguez, Marko A., and Peter Neubauer. "The graph traversal pattern." arXiv preprint arXiv:1004.1001 (2010).
  • 37. 37Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn CGP (Q) ➞ Traversal ( ) Mapping corresponding Gremlin operators
  • 38. 38Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Ex:1 Tinker Modern Graph Select only those persons who are younger or equal than 30 and created a soft. collectively. SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE { ?a v:label "person" . ?a e:knows ?b . ?a e:created ?c . ?b e:created ?c . ?a v:age ?d . FILTER (?d <= 30) }
  • 39. 39Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Contd… SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE { ?a v:label "person" . ?a e:knows ?b . ?a e:created ?c . ?b e:created ?c . ?a v:age ?d . FILTER (?d <= 30) } [MatchStartStep@[a], HasStep([~label.eq(person)]), MatchEndStep] [MatchStartStep@[a], VertexStep(OUT,[knows],vertex)@[b], MatchEndStep] [MatchStartStep@[a], VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex)@[c], MatchEndStep] [MatchStartStep@[b], VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex)@[c], MatchEndStep] [MatchStartStep@[a], PropertiesStep([age],value)@[d], MatchEndStep] [WhereTraversalStep([WhereStartStep(d), IsStep(leq(30))]), MatchEndStep] s BGPs BGP (q) ➞ SST* ( )
  • 40. 40Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn [GraphStep(vertex,[]), MatchStep(AND,[ [MatchStartStep(a), HasStep([~label.eq(person)]), MatchEndStep], [MatchStartStep(a), VertexStep(OUT,[knows],vertex), MatchEndStep(b)], [MatchStartStep(a), VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex), MatchEndStep(c)], [MatchStartStep(b), VertexStep(OUT,[created],vertex), MatchEndStep(c)], [MatchStartStep(a), PropertiesStep([age],value), MatchEndStep(d)], [MatchStartStep(d), WhereTraversalStep([WhereStartStep, IsStep(leq(30))]), MatchEndStep] ] ), SelectStep([a, b, c])] SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE { ?a v:label "person" . ?a e:knows ?b . ?a e:created ?c . ?b e:created ?c . ?a v:age ?d . FILTER (?d <= 30) } Contd… sSPARQL Query CGP (Q) ➞ Traversal ( )
  • 41. 41Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Select only those persons who are younger or equal than 30 and created a soft. collectively. SELECT ?a ?b ?c WHERE { ?a v:label "person" . ?a e:knows ?b . ?a e:created ?c . ?b e:created ?c . ?a v:age ?d . FILTER (?d <= 30) } Output {a=v[2], b=v[4], c=v[3]} Contd…
  • 42. 42Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Experiments* Northwind dataset ● PG - Vertices: 3209, Edges: 6177 ● RDF - Triples: 33033 BSBM 1M dataset ● PG - Vertices: 92737, Edges: 238309 ● RDF - Triples: 1000313 * Detailed work submitted to CIKM 2017 CPU: Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2660 v3 (20 cores @2.60GHz), RAM: 128 GB DDR3, HDD: 512 GB SSD, OS: Linux 4.2-generic (x86_64) Openlink Virtuoso v7.2.4, Apache TinkerGraph-Gremlin v3.2.3
  • 43. 43Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Contd… ● Queries
  • 44. 44Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn First Results Comparison of executing SPARQL queries on Virtuoso and corresponding translated Gremlin pattern matching traversals on TinkerGraph against BSBM 1M dataset (in secs, warm cache,10Qs). 13x - 17x fold faster* wrt SPARQL
  • 45. 45Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Limitation ● SPARQL queries with: ○ Nested Union(s) ○ Optional(s) - v3.3 [fixed]
  • 46. 46Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Next Step(s) ● Address the limitations ● Robustness (any PG) ● Deploy @Apache TinkerPop :)
  • 47. 47Graph Day 2017 - San Francisco - USA - June 17 Gremlinator - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Acknowledgements Funding: Supervisors & Mentors: Prof. Dr. Soeren Auer Prof. Dr. Jens Lehmann Prof. Dr. Maria-Esther Vidal H2020 WDAqua ITN (GA: 642795) Dr. Marko Rodriguez
  • 48. 48PhD Symposium - ESWC 2017 - Slovenia - Portoroz - May 29 LITMUS Benchmark Suite - Harsh Thakkar - University of Bonn Resources Code: Web: Docker: LITMUS Benchmark Suite
  • 49. THANK YOU GRAPH DAY ‘17 SF!!! Harsh Thakkar University of Bonn Twitter: @harsh9t LinkedIn: thakkarharsh E-mail: Questions? Comments? Insults? Injuries?