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Spandane & Kavadase
vibrations, . .
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1 Remove fear from the mind. Expect nothing, accept everything should be the Life's
guiding force in current scenario.
2 My Thinking process moves from Micro to Macro. Good journey to improve quality
of Life and Mental peace.
3 Listen to your inner voice. Don't Live looking in somebody's eyes. Don't wait for
their ISO certificate. Have self-respect and world will respect you. Accept, Justify
and then Blame.
4 If during Good time, you do correct and appreciate things, then you will not get
difficult time. If at all, you are forced to face difficult time, it's intensity will be less.
5 Developing Equality complex is key to peaceful Life.
6 Change is part of life. We have to accept and welcome change. Enjoy change and get
ready for further change once again. This is LIFE. Your happiness lies on accepting
change voluntarily and whole heartedly.
7 Financial planning is dependent on Age, income, priorities in life, family
background, dreams, life outlook and many more. Unfortunately, very few financial
planners give adequate importance to such factors. For majority, financial planning
means SIP, Term insurance and market investment.
8 Criticism should be for a Right cause, at Right time and in Right proportion. These
principles are not followed generally.... My observation and experience.
9 Nothing wrong in having EGO but it should be within your size and capabilities.
Without ego, it is difficult to survive in this cruel world.
10 Your success in Life depends on doing Right thing at the Right time in Right
proportion and for a Right cause.
11 We all survive on HOPES from birth to death......... Every moment we keep hoping
for something or the other. Just think....
12 Work From H (Home) or
Work From H (Hospital) or
Work From H (Heaven)
Choice is yours. TC.
13 Don't be afraid of riding a horse, develop ability to control (horse of your mind)
14 Forgetting and Forgiving, both are difficult and rightly so. Few persons are not
worth forgiving and similarly few injuries on your mind are difficult to forget.
15 Worry:
One must understand the difference between " Chinta" and " Chita ". Worry tells
you to once again review your decision process. Look at it from positive side.
Unfortunately, general public does not understand that negative thoughts are many
times positive thoughts for you. Anyway. It's individual perspective.
16 Today is Merry Christmas which is not only for receiving but more so for giving.
17 Love what you get or have should be call of the day as you may not get what you
wish or want. This is the confirmed path towards happy and peaceful & tension free
18 One should develop curiosity in Life. It is necessary for all round development in
19 One should carry equality complex for happiness. It is difficult but possible. Your
personality gets spoiled by superiority or inferiority complex. Just think...
20 Every end has a new beginning and every beginning has end sooner or later. Once
you remember this, Life becomes easy.
21 It is said that don't waste time on proving, spend time on improving. But in this
cruel world one is forced by circumstances to prove at one end and to improve at
another end.
22 Silence is also one type of conversation.
23 Optimism disregard to SWOT is most dangerous.
24 Pain in life gives you strength to face the life. It works like guiding force.
Forgiveness though appears to be great, has one disadvantage. People start taking
you for granted, which is dangerous. You need to preserve unpredictability.
25 Many times, Negative things or news has hidden positive surprise. e. g. Covid
26 Don't beg for ISO certificate from others. Create your own certificate.
27 Success is measured with reference to your achievements but according to me it
should be measured with reference to point from where you have started the
28 Tension is part of life. Stress is required to bring out best in you. However we have
to manage stress instead of allowing stress to manage us. Best wishes.
29 Spouse should be your best friend for happy marital life.
30 Rain is not just drops of water. It is love story of sky and earth. Both can't meet and
hence sky sends the love ❤ with drops of water. We call it Rain.
31 Respect is two-way traffic. Give respect to get respect. Unfortunately, very few
understand this.
32 Define problem precisely because invariably solution is hidden in the problem itself.
Just think....
33 Interesting thing to learn from water. It keeps flowing in spite of hurdles on the
way. It finds its own way to move by passing hurdles.
34 Methodology and thinking can be different or may vary but the destination should
be same.
35 There is a difference between Teacher and Guru, though both terms are used in
36 Don't wait for society's confirmation about your perfectness. But try to be perfect in
your walk of life.
37 Man survives on hopes and tolerates the present situation in the hope that This Too
Will Pass.
38 Love what you get in life because you may not everything you want in life. Keep
trying for your dreams but remember golden rule namely Deserve and then Desire.
39 Wearing Love glasses may not be sufficient. One needs to accept the other person
with all his good and bad traits. Such acceptance from bottom of the heart is true
love. This is essential principle for peaceful and happy married life.
40 Key to happiness is with everyone. But one doesn't know what is happiness for him,
considering own SWOT. Hence struggle starts in search of happiness.
41 Relationship is a complex issue, needs reciprocation from both sides. One sided
relationship is taken for granted and it also makes you weak mentally.
42 Daughter is your daughter for your lifetime. Son is your son till he gets married.
43 Eye sight and Vision are different. Eye sight is physical but Vision comes from your
maturity, education, experience, observation etc.
44 Three C's are most important in Life namely Capacity (knowledge) Capital ( wealth)
and above all character. If character is lost, every thing is lost and meaningless. You
need money, but one must understand that money is means to an end and not an
end in itself.
45 God always sets tough question paper for intelligent person like you. Admire God
for giving you the opportunity to prove your metal.
46 Relationship is very complex subject. You need two hands to clap
47 IQ gives you Job but EQ gives you promotion.
48 For gaining control on Mind, you need to develop control on your Thoughts,
Sentiments and Action.
49 Conversation with the God should be without any expectations. You can request for
courage to fight the problem but don't request him that problem should not be in
your life.
50 While solving one problem, care should be taken to confirm that no other problem
gets generated as side effect of your so-called solution.
51 Learning phase is continuous in life. We must enjoy the phase. We should learn at
one end and also share whatever we have learnt in life. Best barter system.
52 Experience is the best Teacher or Guru, but one should have open mind to learn
from the experience.
53 Setting of period wise targets and consistent approach is essential in LIFE.
54 Accept and expect should be complimentary, depending upon the call of the hour.
Then you will enjoy relationship and life.
55 Change is part of life. We have to accept and welcome change. Enjoy change and get
ready for further change once again. This is LIFE. Your happiness lies on accepting
change voluntarily and whole heartedly.
56 Desire is the main driving force of LIFE.
57 Now the word Digestion needs to be interpreted in macro terms.
58 It is said that forgiveness is the best pain killer, but unfortunately people take undue
advantage of this kind nature.
59 One needs to look at the mistakes made in past to improve present and also look at
future, so one can decide the right path in present.
60 Article which has substitute is not essential in real sense. e.g.
Wall clock is more of a show piece than necessity.
61 With mobile in your palm and costly wrist watch, you read the above observation.
62 Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle are key words of happiness.
63 I don't think that I will have any stuff for confessing. I basically lived as per call of
the hour & call of the day. Gave response and reaction appropriate that time. No
Recently I spent good time, looking at albums. End of it, I had more of a hollow
feeling. Remembered those days, years associated with the photos. Thought that
whatever happened was right but also wrong. But that is life. No point in regretting.
When you have to live with compromises and adjustment with tint of suffocation,
nothing better would have been possible.
64 Sorrow and suffocation are not similar.
Suffocation is sorrow, which cannot be shared.
65 Call of the hour:
How to stop Worrying and start Living.
66 Lesson from COVID 19:
Nature is still the Boss of the universe.
67 HOPE is driving force of LIFE. But don't keep hopes against hopes. Hopes should
be based on ground level realities.
68 Plan your strategy for healthy co-existence with our new hidden enemy namely
69 Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, recycle... Magic words to be remembered and implemented
for happy life. The concepts can be applied practically to every aspect in LIFE.
70 My old FB post on 28 April 2018.
One day it should happen....
People should enjoy home food and Nobody should go to hotel for dining.
I never believed that it will really happen one day.
71 Nothing is permanent in life. Applied to all aspects from relationship to wealth.
This too will pass. Remember these 4 magic words in every situation. Good day.
72 Line between Faith and Blind faith is very thin.
73 One must understand value of values in LIFE.
74 You must know the PRICE and VALUE of everything.
75 5 H are important in Life namely House, Home, Hostel, Hotel and Hospital.
76 No news is good news.
77 Problems are of two types namely man made and God made.
78 A person who faces the problem has a better chance for finding the solution.
79 Solution to any problem is usually hidden in the problem itself.
80 Ability and Willingness are essential for achieving any Goal in Life.
81 Work sincerely in the afternoon phase of your life to enjoy evening phase of your
82 Everybody is dispensable.
83 Technique of doing follow up with human face should be mastered by every
Manager for success in the career.
84 Every beginning has end and every end leads to beginning.
85 Assumptions and untold expectations are the root cause of dispute.
86 HIP is as important as SIP. Give serious thought.
87 Everything you get in life has a cost which at times can't be measured in monetary
88 Your RIGHT can't be exercised at the cost of somebody's RIGHT.
89 Don't be afraid of darkness. It teaches you a lot. We should have open mind to learn
from darkness.
90 If you judge a person by habits, your conclusion at times could be wrong.
91 The road to success goes via converting weakness into strength.
92 Every disaster throws new opportunities. Be the first person to grab it.
93 Saving is also expenditure in long run.
94 Income less saving is expenditure.
95 Every pleasure has a dark lining. Similarly, every dark side has a silver lining. It
depends on how you look at it.
96 Silence is equivalent to speech.
97 Clarity and consistency of thoughts is essential for happiness in Life.
98 Fly high but don't forget your roots
99 Willingness and Ability alone can't achieve desired results unless accompanied by
consistency of efforts.
100 You may not be fond of reading books, but you must develop liking for reading
human being.
101 Relationship is two-way traffic.
102 Don't be afraid of failures. It means GOD has set difficult test paper for a bright
student like you.
103 Your likes and dislikes may vary over a period of time, but if you notice sea change,
then it is the time to have relook at your likes & dislikes.
104 Do retrospection at every mile stone in life.
105 You must have FOCUS in Life, otherwise you will be always dissatisfied.
106 Barking dog never bites.
107 You need to develop detached attitude in every sphere of life as the age advances,
for peaceful exit from this world.
108 For success in life, planning is indispensable. You need to plan not only your
finances but also relationship.
109 Love what you get, as you may not get what you want in life. Keep trying but don’t
lose your mental peace.
110 Marriage is three cards game. Don't take it seriously. Keep playing and enjoy the
111 Every end has a new beginning and every new beginning has end.
112 One Bird in hand is equal to two birds in bush.
113 Accept the problem - reality and move on. You will not feel the burden and public
pressure on you. Try once in search of mental peace.
However, don't leave the problem to be solved by God. Keep trying and you will
reach the goal.
114 Don't take people for granted beyond a certain point.
115 Health is wealth. Save both for better tomorrow.
116 One must know when to stop. (Macro meaning intended)
117 Don't ignore signals. (Macro meaning intended.)
118 Money is means to an end and not an end in itself.
119 Person without vision is blind inspite of having eyesight.
120 Don't try to prove yourself.
121 First impression changes in due course of time based on the person's behaviour and
display of his attitude.
122 Beauty is not what you see in the mirror.
123 Undercurrents of human behaviour have to be understood as it can't be explained.
124 Smile carries multiple meaning.
125 Smile and Silence are two powerful tools. Smile helps to solve the problem and
Silence helps to avoid the problem.
126 Success is ability / intelligence x hard work x Luck.
127 Quote of the day
Silence is equivalent to speech.
128 Easy & difficult are relative terms. Remember this and move on.
129 All of us are consumers, customers and service provider. Our role keeps changing
from time to time. So always try to give good service to others to get good service
from others.
130 It is individual perspective as how to look at problems and difficulties in life. You
can decide to get frustrated or look at it as opportunity.
131 Do not compare your achievements. Each one plays on different pitch.
132 Accept the FATE & do sincere efforts to tide your problems.
133 LOVE needs to be understood. Charm is lost, if it needs to be explained.
134 Negative thoughts are many times most positive thoughts.
135 Space is required for maintaining long term cordial relationship.
136 Person's behaviour is reflection of his childhood experiences.
137 Your follower is not always your fan.
138 Every morning is like birth. New beginning, new dreams, new ambitions, new
139 Make resolution for an hour, for a day only and improve your behaviour /
overcome bad habits / OCD related issues.
140 Truth remains truth all the time, but requires proof and witnesses to prove.
141 Speak the truth even if your voice shakes.
142 Pray God for inner strength to fight against all odds in life.
143 If God gives me power to call back, then I will call back my Dad.
144 Money is means to an end and not an end in itself.
145 God is nowhere. Is it true? No. God is now here.
146 Problems in life is the best teacher
147 Death is the end of problems.
148 Learn from past experience, set the goal and live in the present.
149 Don't run away from problems, accept it & face it.
150 Don't take anyone for granted and vice-versa.
151 One must have EGO, but one must also know to keep the same within your size.
152 As you grow, you must study the art of reading in between the lines and behind the
153 Don't regret on your actions, learn from mistakes made and move on.
154 Your peace of mind and happiness largely depends on your ability to say NO.... Just
155 This Too will pass. Golden statement to remember in any situation.
156 Three stages of Marriage.
Mad for each other
Made for each other
Mad because of each other
157 I don't think that I will have any stuff for confessing. I basically lived as per call of
the hour & call of the day. Gave response and reaction appropriate at that time. No
Recently I spent good time, looking at albums. End of it, I had a hollow feeling.
Remembered those days, years associated with the photos. Thought that whatever
happened was right but also wrong. But that is Life. No point in regretting. When
you have to live with compromises and adjustment with tint of suffocation, nothing
better would have been possible.
158 Successful persons do things differently.
159 Respect, Accept, have Gratitude and Love your side and then explore the other side.
Please remember that other side is not always Green as it appears.
160 One needs clarity and consistency in every aspect for successful Life.
161 Always remember, that in case you face any problem or difficulty, then somebody
can walk with you but somebody can’t walk for you. You will have to take active
part in fighting with your problem.
162 Life is a journey of full of adventures. Enjoy it. Win the challenge. Best wishes.
163 Life without complaining is always beautiful.
164 In Life our opinion about everything and our keep changing with passage of time.
165 Ability and willingness lead to success.
166 Life without problems & hurdles becomes big challenge in LIFE.
167 6 Cs: Key to Happiness: (1) Crying--- NO (2) Complaint --- NO (3) Compare --- NO
(4) Complement – compliment --- Yes (5) Confidence --- Yes (6) Criticize --No
170 Silver Jubilee of my 3rd Rebirth as Robot.
171 Generally, I am present by my absence, Conspicuous by absence.
172 We should be like butterflies, picking up good things in Life.
173 A person is generally prisoner of his own mind.
if they hurt you, they are not your size.
175 Let us learn from water. Keep flowing irrespective of hurdles, find your own way to
move on with everything that comes with it and bypassing obstacles on the way.
176 Your Road to Happiness gets opened on developing Ability to digest NO and to say
177 Your Activities should be in the order of call of the hour, call of the day, call of the
month, call of the year etc for successful and happy Life.
178 God is nowhere. Just do the proper spacing. God is now here.
Spacing is most important in all spheres of Life, whether it is personal, official,
social. Think and explore the thought. My best wishes.
179 Relationship is a complex issue, needs nourishment from both ends.
180 It is said that for mental peace, stop your expectations from others. May be ok for
personal Life but doesn’t apply to business, profession, project management and
any commercial ventures.
181 Anger is unavoidable, but one must learn the Art of Managing Anger.
182 For achieving success in any field, one has to master Time Management and then
rest will follow.
183 Unless one develops control on his impulses, he can never achieve long term stable
184 The word Protection is a sweet pill having placebo effect. Think twice before giving
response or reaction. Choice is yours.
185 Human relationship is a complex issue. Not very simple as you see in animals.
186 Ignorance is bliss, may be true for illiterate person. But Literate person can not and
should not take shelter in this principle.
187 One must keep some distance even in close relationship. You may not digest my
recommendation, but worth trying for healthy relationship and your peace of mind.
188 Your activities should be in the order of call of the hour, call of the day, call of the
month, call of the year etc. for successful and happy Life.
189 Life is a journey of Adventures. Enjoy it. Win the challenge.

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Spandane & kavadase english

  • 1. 1 Spandane & Kavadase vibrations, . . घ . - . . . 1 Remove fear from the mind. Expect nothing, accept everything should be the Life's guiding force in current scenario. 2 My Thinking process moves from Micro to Macro. Good journey to improve quality of Life and Mental peace. 3 Listen to your inner voice. Don't Live looking in somebody's eyes. Don't wait for their ISO certificate. Have self-respect and world will respect you. Accept, Justify and then Blame. 4 If during Good time, you do correct and appreciate things, then you will not get difficult time. If at all, you are forced to face difficult time, it's intensity will be less. 5 Developing Equality complex is key to peaceful Life. 6 Change is part of life. We have to accept and welcome change. Enjoy change and get ready for further change once again. This is LIFE. Your happiness lies on accepting change voluntarily and whole heartedly. 7 Financial planning is dependent on Age, income, priorities in life, family background, dreams, life outlook and many more. Unfortunately, very few financial planners give adequate importance to such factors. For majority, financial planning means SIP, Term insurance and market investment.
  • 2. 2 8 Criticism should be for a Right cause, at Right time and in Right proportion. These principles are not followed generally.... My observation and experience. 9 Nothing wrong in having EGO but it should be within your size and capabilities. Without ego, it is difficult to survive in this cruel world. 10 Your success in Life depends on doing Right thing at the Right time in Right proportion and for a Right cause. 11 We all survive on HOPES from birth to death......... Every moment we keep hoping for something or the other. Just think.... 12 Work From H (Home) or Work From H (Hospital) or Work From H (Heaven) Choice is yours. TC. 13 Don't be afraid of riding a horse, develop ability to control (horse of your mind) 14 Forgetting and Forgiving, both are difficult and rightly so. Few persons are not worth forgiving and similarly few injuries on your mind are difficult to forget. 15 Worry: One must understand the difference between " Chinta" and " Chita ". Worry tells you to once again review your decision process. Look at it from positive side. Unfortunately, general public does not understand that negative thoughts are many times positive thoughts for you. Anyway. It's individual perspective. 16 Today is Merry Christmas which is not only for receiving but more so for giving. 17 Love what you get or have should be call of the day as you may not get what you wish or want. This is the confirmed path towards happy and peaceful & tension free LIFE. 18 One should develop curiosity in Life. It is necessary for all round development in personality.
  • 3. 3 19 One should carry equality complex for happiness. It is difficult but possible. Your personality gets spoiled by superiority or inferiority complex. Just think... 20 Every end has a new beginning and every beginning has end sooner or later. Once you remember this, Life becomes easy. 21 It is said that don't waste time on proving, spend time on improving. But in this cruel world one is forced by circumstances to prove at one end and to improve at another end. 22 Silence is also one type of conversation. 23 Optimism disregard to SWOT is most dangerous. 24 Pain in life gives you strength to face the life. It works like guiding force. Forgiveness though appears to be great, has one disadvantage. People start taking you for granted, which is dangerous. You need to preserve unpredictability. 25 Many times, Negative things or news has hidden positive surprise. e. g. Covid negative. 26 Don't beg for ISO certificate from others. Create your own certificate. 27 Success is measured with reference to your achievements but according to me it should be measured with reference to point from where you have started the journey. 28 Tension is part of life. Stress is required to bring out best in you. However we have to manage stress instead of allowing stress to manage us. Best wishes. 29 Spouse should be your best friend for happy marital life. 30 Rain is not just drops of water. It is love story of sky and earth. Both can't meet and hence sky sends the love ❤ with drops of water. We call it Rain. 31 Respect is two-way traffic. Give respect to get respect. Unfortunately, very few understand this.
  • 4. 4 32 Define problem precisely because invariably solution is hidden in the problem itself. Just think.... 33 Interesting thing to learn from water. It keeps flowing in spite of hurdles on the way. It finds its own way to move by passing hurdles. 34 Methodology and thinking can be different or may vary but the destination should be same. 35 There is a difference between Teacher and Guru, though both terms are used in practice. 36 Don't wait for society's confirmation about your perfectness. But try to be perfect in your walk of life. 37 Man survives on hopes and tolerates the present situation in the hope that This Too Will Pass. 38 Love what you get in life because you may not everything you want in life. Keep trying for your dreams but remember golden rule namely Deserve and then Desire. 39 Wearing Love glasses may not be sufficient. One needs to accept the other person with all his good and bad traits. Such acceptance from bottom of the heart is true love. This is essential principle for peaceful and happy married life. 40 Key to happiness is with everyone. But one doesn't know what is happiness for him, considering own SWOT. Hence struggle starts in search of happiness. 41 Relationship is a complex issue, needs reciprocation from both sides. One sided relationship is taken for granted and it also makes you weak mentally. 42 Daughter is your daughter for your lifetime. Son is your son till he gets married. 43 Eye sight and Vision are different. Eye sight is physical but Vision comes from your maturity, education, experience, observation etc.
  • 5. 5 44 Three C's are most important in Life namely Capacity (knowledge) Capital ( wealth) and above all character. If character is lost, every thing is lost and meaningless. You need money, but one must understand that money is means to an end and not an end in itself. 45 God always sets tough question paper for intelligent person like you. Admire God for giving you the opportunity to prove your metal. 46 Relationship is very complex subject. You need two hands to clap 47 IQ gives you Job but EQ gives you promotion. 48 For gaining control on Mind, you need to develop control on your Thoughts, Sentiments and Action. 49 Conversation with the God should be without any expectations. You can request for courage to fight the problem but don't request him that problem should not be in your life. 50 While solving one problem, care should be taken to confirm that no other problem gets generated as side effect of your so-called solution. 51 Learning phase is continuous in life. We must enjoy the phase. We should learn at one end and also share whatever we have learnt in life. Best barter system. 52 Experience is the best Teacher or Guru, but one should have open mind to learn from the experience. 53 Setting of period wise targets and consistent approach is essential in LIFE. 54 Accept and expect should be complimentary, depending upon the call of the hour. Then you will enjoy relationship and life. 55 Change is part of life. We have to accept and welcome change. Enjoy change and get ready for further change once again. This is LIFE. Your happiness lies on accepting change voluntarily and whole heartedly.
  • 6. 6 56 Desire is the main driving force of LIFE. 57 Now the word Digestion needs to be interpreted in macro terms. 58 It is said that forgiveness is the best pain killer, but unfortunately people take undue advantage of this kind nature. 59 One needs to look at the mistakes made in past to improve present and also look at future, so one can decide the right path in present. 60 Article which has substitute is not essential in real sense. e.g. Wall clock is more of a show piece than necessity. 61 With mobile in your palm and costly wrist watch, you read the above observation. 62 Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle are key words of happiness. 63 I don't think that I will have any stuff for confessing. I basically lived as per call of the hour & call of the day. Gave response and reaction appropriate that time. No regrets. Recently I spent good time, looking at albums. End of it, I had more of a hollow feeling. Remembered those days, years associated with the photos. Thought that whatever happened was right but also wrong. But that is life. No point in regretting. When you have to live with compromises and adjustment with tint of suffocation, nothing better would have been possible. 64 Sorrow and suffocation are not similar. Suffocation is sorrow, which cannot be shared. 65 Call of the hour: How to stop Worrying and start Living. 66 Lesson from COVID 19: Nature is still the Boss of the universe. 67 HOPE is driving force of LIFE. But don't keep hopes against hopes. Hopes should be based on ground level realities.
  • 7. 7 68 Plan your strategy for healthy co-existence with our new hidden enemy namely COVID 19. 69 Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, recycle... Magic words to be remembered and implemented for happy life. The concepts can be applied practically to every aspect in LIFE. 70 My old FB post on 28 April 2018. One day it should happen.... People should enjoy home food and Nobody should go to hotel for dining. I never believed that it will really happen one day. 71 Nothing is permanent in life. Applied to all aspects from relationship to wealth. This too will pass. Remember these 4 magic words in every situation. Good day. 72 Line between Faith and Blind faith is very thin. 73 One must understand value of values in LIFE. 74 You must know the PRICE and VALUE of everything. 75 5 H are important in Life namely House, Home, Hostel, Hotel and Hospital. 76 No news is good news. 77 Problems are of two types namely man made and God made. 78 A person who faces the problem has a better chance for finding the solution. 79 Solution to any problem is usually hidden in the problem itself. 80 Ability and Willingness are essential for achieving any Goal in Life. 81 Work sincerely in the afternoon phase of your life to enjoy evening phase of your Life. 82 Everybody is dispensable.
  • 8. 8 83 Technique of doing follow up with human face should be mastered by every Manager for success in the career. 84 Every beginning has end and every end leads to beginning. 85 Assumptions and untold expectations are the root cause of dispute. 86 HIP is as important as SIP. Give serious thought. 87 Everything you get in life has a cost which at times can't be measured in monetary terms. 88 Your RIGHT can't be exercised at the cost of somebody's RIGHT. 89 Don't be afraid of darkness. It teaches you a lot. We should have open mind to learn from darkness. 90 If you judge a person by habits, your conclusion at times could be wrong. 91 The road to success goes via converting weakness into strength. 92 Every disaster throws new opportunities. Be the first person to grab it. 93 Saving is also expenditure in long run. 94 Income less saving is expenditure. 95 Every pleasure has a dark lining. Similarly, every dark side has a silver lining. It depends on how you look at it. 96 Silence is equivalent to speech. 97 Clarity and consistency of thoughts is essential for happiness in Life. 98 Fly high but don't forget your roots 99 Willingness and Ability alone can't achieve desired results unless accompanied by consistency of efforts.
  • 9. 9 100 You may not be fond of reading books, but you must develop liking for reading human being. 101 Relationship is two-way traffic. 102 Don't be afraid of failures. It means GOD has set difficult test paper for a bright student like you. 103 Your likes and dislikes may vary over a period of time, but if you notice sea change, then it is the time to have relook at your likes & dislikes. 104 Do retrospection at every mile stone in life. 105 You must have FOCUS in Life, otherwise you will be always dissatisfied. 106 Barking dog never bites. 107 You need to develop detached attitude in every sphere of life as the age advances, for peaceful exit from this world. 108 For success in life, planning is indispensable. You need to plan not only your finances but also relationship. 109 Love what you get, as you may not get what you want in life. Keep trying but don’t lose your mental peace. 110 Marriage is three cards game. Don't take it seriously. Keep playing and enjoy the game. 111 Every end has a new beginning and every new beginning has end. 112 One Bird in hand is equal to two birds in bush. 113 Accept the problem - reality and move on. You will not feel the burden and public pressure on you. Try once in search of mental peace. However, don't leave the problem to be solved by God. Keep trying and you will
  • 10. 10 reach the goal. 114 Don't take people for granted beyond a certain point. 115 Health is wealth. Save both for better tomorrow. 116 One must know when to stop. (Macro meaning intended) 117 Don't ignore signals. (Macro meaning intended.) 118 Money is means to an end and not an end in itself. 119 Person without vision is blind inspite of having eyesight. 120 Don't try to prove yourself. 121 First impression changes in due course of time based on the person's behaviour and display of his attitude. 122 Beauty is not what you see in the mirror. 123 Undercurrents of human behaviour have to be understood as it can't be explained. 124 Smile carries multiple meaning. 125 Smile and Silence are two powerful tools. Smile helps to solve the problem and Silence helps to avoid the problem. 126 Success is ability / intelligence x hard work x Luck. 127 Quote of the day Silence is equivalent to speech. 128 Easy & difficult are relative terms. Remember this and move on. 129 All of us are consumers, customers and service provider. Our role keeps changing from time to time. So always try to give good service to others to get good service from others.
  • 11. 11 130 It is individual perspective as how to look at problems and difficulties in life. You can decide to get frustrated or look at it as opportunity. 131 Do not compare your achievements. Each one plays on different pitch. 132 Accept the FATE & do sincere efforts to tide your problems. 133 LOVE needs to be understood. Charm is lost, if it needs to be explained. 134 Negative thoughts are many times most positive thoughts. 135 Space is required for maintaining long term cordial relationship. 136 Person's behaviour is reflection of his childhood experiences. 137 Your follower is not always your fan. 138 Every morning is like birth. New beginning, new dreams, new ambitions, new hopes. 139 Make resolution for an hour, for a day only and improve your behaviour / overcome bad habits / OCD related issues. 140 Truth remains truth all the time, but requires proof and witnesses to prove. 141 Speak the truth even if your voice shakes. 142 Pray God for inner strength to fight against all odds in life. 143 If God gives me power to call back, then I will call back my Dad. 144 Money is means to an end and not an end in itself. 145 God is nowhere. Is it true? No. God is now here. 146 Problems in life is the best teacher 147 Death is the end of problems.
  • 12. 12 148 Learn from past experience, set the goal and live in the present. 149 Don't run away from problems, accept it & face it. 150 Don't take anyone for granted and vice-versa. 151 One must have EGO, but one must also know to keep the same within your size. 152 As you grow, you must study the art of reading in between the lines and behind the words. 153 Don't regret on your actions, learn from mistakes made and move on. 154 Your peace of mind and happiness largely depends on your ability to say NO.... Just think. 155 This Too will pass. Golden statement to remember in any situation. 156 Three stages of Marriage. Mad for each other Made for each other Mad because of each other 157 I don't think that I will have any stuff for confessing. I basically lived as per call of the hour & call of the day. Gave response and reaction appropriate at that time. No regrets. Recently I spent good time, looking at albums. End of it, I had a hollow feeling. Remembered those days, years associated with the photos. Thought that whatever happened was right but also wrong. But that is Life. No point in regretting. When you have to live with compromises and adjustment with tint of suffocation, nothing better would have been possible. 158 Successful persons do things differently. 159 Respect, Accept, have Gratitude and Love your side and then explore the other side.
  • 13. 13 Please remember that other side is not always Green as it appears. 160 One needs clarity and consistency in every aspect for successful Life. 161 Always remember, that in case you face any problem or difficulty, then somebody can walk with you but somebody can’t walk for you. You will have to take active part in fighting with your problem. 162 Life is a journey of full of adventures. Enjoy it. Win the challenge. Best wishes. 163 Life without complaining is always beautiful. 164 In Life our opinion about everything and our keep changing with passage of time. 165 Ability and willingness lead to success. 166 Life without problems & hurdles becomes big challenge in LIFE. 167 6 Cs: Key to Happiness: (1) Crying--- NO (2) Complaint --- NO (3) Compare --- NO (4) Complement – compliment --- Yes (5) Confidence --- Yes (6) Criticize --No 170 Silver Jubilee of my 3rd Rebirth as Robot. 171 Generally, I am present by my absence, Conspicuous by absence. 172 We should be like butterflies, picking up good things in Life. 173 A person is generally prisoner of his own mind. 174 SHOES OR PEOPLE if they hurt you, they are not your size. 175 Let us learn from water. Keep flowing irrespective of hurdles, find your own way to move on with everything that comes with it and bypassing obstacles on the way. 176 Your Road to Happiness gets opened on developing Ability to digest NO and to say NO.
  • 14. 14 177 Your Activities should be in the order of call of the hour, call of the day, call of the month, call of the year etc for successful and happy Life. 178 God is nowhere. Just do the proper spacing. God is now here. Spacing is most important in all spheres of Life, whether it is personal, official, social. Think and explore the thought. My best wishes. 179 Relationship is a complex issue, needs nourishment from both ends. 180 It is said that for mental peace, stop your expectations from others. May be ok for personal Life but doesn’t apply to business, profession, project management and any commercial ventures. 181 Anger is unavoidable, but one must learn the Art of Managing Anger. 182 For achieving success in any field, one has to master Time Management and then rest will follow. 183 Unless one develops control on his impulses, he can never achieve long term stable success. 184 The word Protection is a sweet pill having placebo effect. Think twice before giving response or reaction. Choice is yours. 185 Human relationship is a complex issue. Not very simple as you see in animals. 186 Ignorance is bliss, may be true for illiterate person. But Literate person can not and should not take shelter in this principle. 187 One must keep some distance even in close relationship. You may not digest my recommendation, but worth trying for healthy relationship and your peace of mind. 188 Your activities should be in the order of call of the hour, call of the day, call of the month, call of the year etc. for successful and happy Life. 189 Life is a journey of Adventures. Enjoy it. Win the challenge.