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Hi! I Am Suzanna Abbott, Your Mentor In
           Business and Personal Growth.

Dedicated to empower you to make informed decisions.
Committed to giving you the tools and resources to be
              a successful entrepreneur.
“How I Went From
         Failure To Fearless
             To Achieve
           MLM Success”

“For the First Time Ever, I Am Revealing
    How I Discovered The Secret to
             MLM Success”

             By Suzanna Abbott

This is my story of how I was introduced to a historical
 breakthrough in science, exploding business opportunity,
and network marketing—a collision of sorts– or what could
           be called A Perfect Moment in Time.
The remarkable accomplishments that have been
happening in the world – especially in science and
DNA technology – are nothing short of remarkable.
        We live in very exciting times.
Lets Begin By My Sharing

    And How I Came To Be A Firm
Believer In Achieving The Impossible.
The best advice I’ve ever received was
  from my mother as I grew up and
        was willing to listen.

She told me that with my personality,
strong will and characteristics I could,
   if I set my mind to it, do anything
                I chose.

   She would say, ―Can’t never did

   This advice instilled in me a great
         sense of confidence,
 and despite the fact that sometimes
         I was a little nervous,
 I stepped out and did what I wanted
     to do when I wanted to do it.
I set out on my own at the very
        young age of 17 seeking my
   fortune and my passion. Eventually I
landed in NY, NY and became a Playboy
Bunny earning enough money to return to
  the Pacific Northwest to go to college.

I lived happily in and out of New York City
            for well over 25 years.
      Two things I am most proud of in
     my life are…I am a New Yorker and
              a successful, driven
           self-styled entrepreneur.

One more…I love to travel. I have visited
 many countries and learned much from
  other people and different cultures.

      I always came back to my
       beloved New York, NY…
   my home for most of my adult life.
The Big Apple was good to me.
I moved back to what I called home –
New York – after receiving my degree in
Communications at the University of
Washington in Seattle.

With a great deal of luck, hard work, and
a whole lot of determination, I became
one of the top fashion designers in New
York City designing my creations in a
beautiful, spacious studio on 29th street
(the heart of the fur district) in NY’s
bustling Fashion District – home to the
greatest concentration of fashion
designers in the world.

Essence Magazine
Owning and operating my own
company, Suzan Abbott, Inc., and
the very act of creation itself was an
incredible gateway to developing my
self esteem as well as a rich, fun,
and truly wonderful and unforgettable

My designs were seen in Vogue,
Harper’s Bazaar, Essence, Bride’s,
and Elle magazine just to name a
few. I was having the time of my life.

Life was grand!

I would ask myself, ―What had
brought me to this specific place, at
this certain moment in time? How did
I get here?‖

I felt so blessed! It was like a dream!
New York was grand!
The glamor, the pulsating energy,
and the many moments of amazing
accomplishment were absolutely

I lived in a beautiful penthouse, had a
full time chauffer, and was dripping
with diamonds – the whole enchilada
of what success represented.

I Could Do Anything I Choose!

Vogue Magazine
Career & City Life
Life was great and yet very demanding.
I thrived on the challenge of constantly
having to recreate myself every three
months for the masses - an audience of
hungry, upscale quality fashion buyers
willing to pay thousands of dollars for
my designs. In one month alone, my
company, Suzan Abbott, Inc. made over
$100,000 from one design in one store
– Saks Fifth Ave.

I was in hundreds of major department
stores and upscale boutiques across

Pretty heady stuff!

Harper’s Bazaar Magazine
I built my company from the back of
   a Datsun to a multi-million dollar
thriving organization. At times it was
  tough, but I had a ―never give up‖
       attitude. I dared to win!

It is important to mention a very key
  lesson that I learned as I climbed
my way up on the ladder of success.

No one does anything on their own.

  Another lesson I learned is that
  fame does not come cheap or
         without a price.

My health was taking a beating
with all of the long hours I was
putting in, pounding the streets
day in and day out visiting fashion
houses for new ideas, new
material, not to mention the
intense stress of staying on top of
my game. I took it all in stride. I
ignored the exhaustion, the pain,
and the stress.

Did I mention the partying?

There was so much to celebrate!

I was invited to do personal
appearances and private
showings every week. It was
hectic. And I must admit…A TON

Elle Magazine
Then the big scare came.
 I awoke from an unconscious state
in my car from the excruciating pain
  stabbing me like a hot knife in my
  abdominal area. The pain was so

  I was pushing myself to meet a
deadline. Luckily, I had pulled over
and collapsed behind the wheel to
 wake up hours later drenched in
The pain got my attention big

I had suspected for months that
there was something very wrong
inside my body. Truthfully, I
didn’t want to face it. But I just
couldn’t put it off any longer.

Finally, I bit the bullet and took
the necessary time to finally get a
thorough medical exam.

A few weeks later…I was
scheduled for surgery. The tests
had revealed that the possibility
of cancer was very high.

New York Magazine
My career as a fashion designer
 was an outstanding education
   in business and often was
       very exciting, but I
     never developed a real
         passion for it.

  I learned that the true work of
 any job may be much different
        what you imagine.
After a 7-hour surgery, a team of nurses rolled me into
     my room as my eyes opened ever so slowly.

My best friend from college was holding my hand and
       I could see her beautiful face beaming
         as the tears rolled down her cheeks.
  She looked into my half-opened eyes and said,
              ―The tumors were benign!
     They were benign! You are going to live.‖
Looking back, I learned many
         valuable lessons.
If you want to begin the journey to
   discover your entrepreneurial
  passion, you must first analyze
     your interests, strengths,
weaknesses, and desires; and then
 you must consider carefully how
      hard you want to work.

 I have always found it extremely
  difficult to differentiate between
what others might consider my life
and my business. For me they are
  inextricably intertwined. That is
      because I have the same
           passion for both.

 Simply stated, my life is my work
     and my work is my life.

    Saks Fifth Avenue Christmas Catalogue
After that close call, I got very serious
about my health. I had taken my youth for
granted. I was young and wild. Yes, I felt I
had the world on a string and was totally

My health on the inside was NOT what it
appeared to be on the outside.

I realized then that IF I wanted to live a long
and healthy life, I would have to change.

I believe there comes a time in everyone’s
life when we have to be willing to give up
what we like in order to get what we want
whether it be health, wealth, or even fame.

I realized, nothing is more important than life
itself. I had to get real.

To this day, I am ever so grateful for the
second chance to live life and experience
more than I could have ever dreamed
I had always dreamed of owning my own
home…a beautiful home with a lots of windows,
a Jacuzzi, a big working fireplace, a view of
the forests, trees and lovely gardens that I
placed in the earth with my own two hands.

I had created enough abundance in life to
achieve my dream. What a feeling of

It was a beautiful tree-house-like home…
hardwood oak floors, lots of sunlight, two acres
of land, loads of breathing room and every last
one of the things on my wish list.


Once again, life was grand…in a different way!
Imagine..... a dream come true of living on an exquisitely
beautiful 2 acre mountain forest, with open meadows, pastures,
 a year round stream, clean air, gardens, rainbows of seasonal
wild flowers, abundant water, rocks, soil, trees, nestled outside a
        small, quiet, mountain valley village within an easy
                      2 hour drive to New York.
Playing with my furry angels…
Long walks in the woods…
Watching wildlife…
Good times by the lake…
My idea of an idyllic life…
It was here that I realized my true nature.
I truly loved my home.
     Country life was my idea of living!

   I soon came to realize that we are all
 connected as part of humanity, as a part of
     the planet and all living creatures.

 I have a strong passion for everything that
   comes naturally and now I love a more
               simple lifestyle.

 I believe the only thing that stands between
   a person and their optimal health or even
 success is information. Empowered with the
right information and when we take action on
     it… we can make the right choices for

         View of the tall woods from my backyard
“My time in the country was a time for comfort,
       for the touch of a friendly hand,
           peacefulness, meditation,
and for talks with friends beside the open fire.
            It was a time for home.”
And then
          9/11 hit.

 While the world was watching 2
planes crash into the twin towers,
   I was floating in my outdoor
  therapeutic 20 ft. heated pool
  watching the sun rays glisten
  through the tall trees and the
  birds flitting nonchalantly from
         branch to branch.

I was devastated! My heart was
   ripped apart because many
    of my friends were killed.
    To witness such shocking
  destruction was unbearable.

All I could think of was how urgent
  it is that all the rape, suffering,
 pain and torture must stop if we
   want to survive as a species.
The economy was collapsing…
my therapy home business was declining…
I was feeling like a total failure…
I wasn’t prepared for the unexpected
financial challenge.

I had always believed that my home was an
investment, and I could sell it and make a
profit. That turned out much different than I
had planned…much different.

I knew I would survive this. I didn’t know
how, but I believed in my heart that I
must never give up.

There had to be a reason for this happening.
I had to keep hope alive.
It was then I decided to write in
  order to work out the mental
   and emotional knots. The
   surroundings were perfect.
During the day I was embraced
by blue skies, the beauty of wild
    creatures, entertained by
    colorful singing birds, and
totally enchanted by the zodiac
     lights visible in the night.

 And it was amongst the trees
   and nature that I wrote two
  books about my unique and
    crazy life. I revisited my
struggles, experiences, failures,
     and accomplishments.

  It was a time of emotional
healing. Time to move forward.
  I began planning my next
The Glory of Nature

As a young woman living on the edge
of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon, I had
reached out and touched the glory of
Mother Nature. I had always sought
refuge in nature. And I never forgot my

I longed for the unique beauty and
open spaces I had known as a child.

I decided to move to Oregon where I
had breathed in the ocean, the sky, and
all that was good, grand and marvelous.

But first…

l will tell you how it all came to be.
After 9/11, death became more real,
and I was grateful to have moved to the
 safety of the country. It was there and
                 then that
             I asked myself,
         ―How would I deal with
               getting old?‖

 I wondered how my body would look
  and feel as age crept up and would
          surely change me.

         And for the first time,
   I considered the idea of illness
 and disease as a natural and almost
       inevitable part of aging.
Unfortunately, my life took an even darker
turn when the housing market crashed and
millions of Americans saw the value of their
       homes drastically diminished.

         I was a part of that crash…
  and after 3 years of going to court and
   writing legal papers with the help of a
 paralegal, I lost my legal battle to the NY
State Supreme Court and was evicted from
 my beautiful home. The banks had won.

         I felt alone and helpless.
     I was frightened. But sometimes
         when you lose, you win.

    Funny how things work out, when
  they don’t. These moments of impact
           define who we are.

      Ultimately, all we have is now.
There I was…
          No business.
            No cash.
            No future.

“Then in 2009…I Was Introduced To
   An Amazing Breakthrough In
    A Truly Historical Event.”

  “Do You Want To Get An Edge
  On Turning Back The Clock?”

       Wow! That is BIG!
I rolled up my sleeves and went to work.
 I studied the reasons why people were
     making new choices and why the
   natural health industry was booming.
    I learned that the company had…

           2 science backed
         anti-aging products
        with ingredients derived
          from ancient herbs
that have been used for centuries for
       wellness and longevity.
I wanted to be part of
something amazing…something big.

  ―Age To That Of A 20 Year Old At The
Cellular Level By An Average of 30 Days!”
It was a total stranger who saved the day,
who believed in me so much, and gave me
renewed hope in myself – Herbert Harris.

My dreams could now be turned into reality.

Herbert called and explained how this new
scientific based anti-aging product was going
to rock the anti-aging industry on its heels with
an added benefit of changing people’s
economic lives at the same time. He said,
―Montel Williams is using the product for his
MS challenges and it is working!‖

He said, ―This is the missing link in health.‖

I wondered…
  “Is This Science Fiction or Real?”

             I learned…
    Scientific Peer-reviewed
    At The Cellular Level!

            I believed…
I watched an
ABC Primetime Investigative Report
“Do You Want To Get An Edge On
   Turning Back The Clock?”
I enthusiastically called Herbert and said,
           ―Yes. Sign me up!!‖

 Then he said, ―What I am about to share
 could dramatically change your life, or a
       close loved one’s…forever.

    Guess what? He was 100% right.

  Our products are without a doubt, the
most potent and pure solution available on
 the market to help people in both aging
    and many illnesses and diseases.

  I felt we can live up to high standards
           and deliver big results.
Now I can honestly say this is…
―The Greatest Opportunity In
 The History of the World!”

     Millions of baby boomers just
  like me are at the retirement age
and are thinking the same thing I am…

        “I want quality of life,
     as well as quantity of life.
       I want to enjoy life and
     travel and see the world.”

  Exploding Breakthrough
I can tell you I am not as
concerned with the number
of years in life as I am the
quality of life in those years.

And now, thankfully, I feel like
I am aging backwards.
Okay, I promised to reveal my

    for success in any business.
  Problem:     Provide A Solution
        Your Solution:
  Slow Down the Ticking Clock
Today, I am passionately
  driven to share what I’ve
      found with others.

I have my health, my friends,
and now I have time to enjoy
           it all.

I thank God everyday for this
 remarkable gift of life on our
     beautiful Blue Planet.

We are made of the stuff that
   dreams are made of.
My Personal Testimonial:

One capsule a day and I feel fantastic!
In the beginning, I felt like I was coming out of a
dense, thick fog! Yes, I was having way too many
senior moments. Not anymore!

I take zero medications. Do NOT have high blood
pressure. I have all the energy of my youth. Sleep
like a baby. My skin has cleared up. I have lots of
energy. But, even more, I love knowing I will reduce
my risk of disease and illness as I grow older with
each passing year by taking one little yellow pill.

I feel alive, energetic, vibrant, and more joyful than
ever. No more senior moments! My memory
improved and my vocabulary returned! I do fully
expect to live another 50 years in excellent health.
In regards to my career…for the first time in my life
my time is my own. I am in love with life!
The Science Is Proven & Validated …
   Allowing You To Be        100% Confident That
                             Aging Is Slowing Down
                             At The Cellular Level
The Science Is What Got
Me…The Sound Business
Management Convinced Me…

I Am Happy To Be A Part Of
Something AMAZING…

The Biggest Trend in Wealth
Everyone…understand this.

In order to be a publicly traded company,
    the manufacturer must adhere to
         a strict set of guidelines.
Because of the high demand
    for these products,
  the company is growing
   at a tremendous rate.

   We are presently a
  $126 million company!
And because of sound management,
        the organization is
     debt-free and successfully
          doing a booming
     business in five countries
         around the globe.
This simple demonstration of integrity is one
of the main reasons I chose this…innovative
and true science manufacturer!
And To Top It All Off…

* The company makes the only all natural and
   most powerful antioxidant in the world.

          * We have four patents

       * Forty years of research by a
          world renown scientist.

       Nobody else has what we offer!
I dream of a world
free from pain and
suffering. I dream of
a world free from

Share my vision.
Love, live, and enjoy
life to the fullest in
happiness and health.

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Song of Suzanna

  • 1. Hi! I Am Suzanna Abbott, Your Mentor In Business and Personal Growth. Dedicated to empower you to make informed decisions. Committed to giving you the tools and resources to be a successful entrepreneur.
  • 2. “How I Went From Failure To Fearless To Achieve MLM Success” “For the First Time Ever, I Am Revealing How I Discovered The Secret to MLM Success” By Suzanna Abbott
  • 3. This is my story of how I was introduced to a historical breakthrough in science, exploding business opportunity, and network marketing—a collision of sorts– or what could be called A Perfect Moment in Time.
  • 4. The remarkable accomplishments that have been happening in the world – especially in science and DNA technology – are nothing short of remarkable. We live in very exciting times.
  • 5. Lets Begin By My Sharing And How I Came To Be A Firm Believer In Achieving The Impossible.
  • 6. The best advice I’ve ever received was from my mother as I grew up and was willing to listen. She told me that with my personality, strong will and characteristics I could, if I set my mind to it, do anything I chose. She would say, ―Can’t never did anything!‖ This advice instilled in me a great sense of confidence, and despite the fact that sometimes I was a little nervous, I stepped out and did what I wanted to do when I wanted to do it.
  • 7. I set out on my own at the very young age of 17 seeking my fortune and my passion. Eventually I landed in NY, NY and became a Playboy Bunny earning enough money to return to the Pacific Northwest to go to college. I lived happily in and out of New York City for well over 25 years. Two things I am most proud of in my life are…I am a New Yorker and a successful, driven self-styled entrepreneur. One more…I love to travel. I have visited many countries and learned much from other people and different cultures. I always came back to my beloved New York, NY… my home for most of my adult life.
  • 8. The Big Apple was good to me. I moved back to what I called home – New York – after receiving my degree in Communications at the University of Washington in Seattle. With a great deal of luck, hard work, and a whole lot of determination, I became one of the top fashion designers in New York City designing my creations in a beautiful, spacious studio on 29th street (the heart of the fur district) in NY’s bustling Fashion District – home to the greatest concentration of fashion designers in the world. Essence Magazine
  • 9. Owning and operating my own company, Suzan Abbott, Inc., and the very act of creation itself was an incredible gateway to developing my self esteem as well as a rich, fun, and truly wonderful and unforgettable experience. My designs were seen in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Essence, Bride’s, and Elle magazine just to name a few. I was having the time of my life. Life was grand! I would ask myself, ―What had brought me to this specific place, at this certain moment in time? How did I get here?‖ I felt so blessed! It was like a dream!
  • 10. New York was grand! The glamor, the pulsating energy, and the many moments of amazing accomplishment were absolutely spectacular. I lived in a beautiful penthouse, had a full time chauffer, and was dripping with diamonds – the whole enchilada of what success represented. I Could Do Anything I Choose! Vogue Magazine
  • 11. Career & City Life Life was great and yet very demanding. I thrived on the challenge of constantly having to recreate myself every three months for the masses - an audience of hungry, upscale quality fashion buyers willing to pay thousands of dollars for my designs. In one month alone, my company, Suzan Abbott, Inc. made over $100,000 from one design in one store – Saks Fifth Ave. I was in hundreds of major department stores and upscale boutiques across America. Pretty heady stuff! Harper’s Bazaar Magazine
  • 12. I built my company from the back of a Datsun to a multi-million dollar thriving organization. At times it was tough, but I had a ―never give up‖ attitude. I dared to win! It is important to mention a very key lesson that I learned as I climbed my way up on the ladder of success. No one does anything on their own. Another lesson I learned is that fame does not come cheap or without a price.
  • 13. Then My health was taking a beating with all of the long hours I was putting in, pounding the streets day in and day out visiting fashion houses for new ideas, new material, not to mention the intense stress of staying on top of my game. I took it all in stride. I ignored the exhaustion, the pain, and the stress. Did I mention the partying? There was so much to celebrate! I was invited to do personal appearances and private showings every week. It was hectic. And I must admit…A TON OF FUN. Elle Magazine
  • 14. Then the big scare came. I awoke from an unconscious state in my car from the excruciating pain stabbing me like a hot knife in my abdominal area. The pain was so intense. I was pushing myself to meet a deadline. Luckily, I had pulled over and collapsed behind the wheel to wake up hours later drenched in blood.
  • 15. The pain got my attention big time. I had suspected for months that there was something very wrong inside my body. Truthfully, I didn’t want to face it. But I just couldn’t put it off any longer. Finally, I bit the bullet and took the necessary time to finally get a thorough medical exam. A few weeks later…I was scheduled for surgery. The tests had revealed that the possibility of cancer was very high. New York Magazine
  • 16. My career as a fashion designer was an outstanding education in business and often was very exciting, but I never developed a real passion for it. I learned that the true work of any job may be much different than what you imagine.
  • 17. After a 7-hour surgery, a team of nurses rolled me into my room as my eyes opened ever so slowly. My best friend from college was holding my hand and I could see her beautiful face beaming as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She looked into my half-opened eyes and said, ―The tumors were benign! They were benign! You are going to live.‖
  • 18. Looking back, I learned many valuable lessons. If you want to begin the journey to discover your entrepreneurial passion, you must first analyze your interests, strengths, weaknesses, and desires; and then you must consider carefully how hard you want to work. I have always found it extremely difficult to differentiate between what others might consider my life and my business. For me they are inextricably intertwined. That is because I have the same passion for both. Simply stated, my life is my work and my work is my life. Saks Fifth Avenue Christmas Catalogue
  • 19. After that close call, I got very serious about my health. I had taken my youth for granted. I was young and wild. Yes, I felt I had the world on a string and was totally invincible. My health on the inside was NOT what it appeared to be on the outside. I realized then that IF I wanted to live a long and healthy life, I would have to change. I believe there comes a time in everyone’s life when we have to be willing to give up what we like in order to get what we want whether it be health, wealth, or even fame. I realized, nothing is more important than life itself. I had to get real. To this day, I am ever so grateful for the second chance to live life and experience more than I could have ever dreamed imaginable.
  • 20. I had always dreamed of owning my own home…a beautiful home with a lots of windows, a Jacuzzi, a big working fireplace, a view of the forests, trees and lovely gardens that I placed in the earth with my own two hands. I had created enough abundance in life to achieve my dream. What a feeling of accomplishment! It was a beautiful tree-house-like home… hardwood oak floors, lots of sunlight, two acres of land, loads of breathing room and every last one of the things on my wish list. Hooray! Once again, life was grand…in a different way!
  • 21. Imagine..... a dream come true of living on an exquisitely beautiful 2 acre mountain forest, with open meadows, pastures, a year round stream, clean air, gardens, rainbows of seasonal wild flowers, abundant water, rocks, soil, trees, nestled outside a small, quiet, mountain valley village within an easy 2 hour drive to New York.
  • 22. Playing with my furry angels… Long walks in the woods… Watching wildlife… Good times by the lake… My idea of an idyllic life…
  • 23. It was here that I realized my true nature.
  • 24. I truly loved my home. Country life was my idea of living! I soon came to realize that we are all connected as part of humanity, as a part of the planet and all living creatures. I have a strong passion for everything that comes naturally and now I love a more simple lifestyle. I believe the only thing that stands between a person and their optimal health or even success is information. Empowered with the right information and when we take action on it… we can make the right choices for ourselves. View of the tall woods from my backyard
  • 25. “My time in the country was a time for comfort, for the touch of a friendly hand, peacefulness, meditation, and for talks with friends beside the open fire. It was a time for home.”
  • 26. And then 9/11 hit. While the world was watching 2 planes crash into the twin towers, I was floating in my outdoor therapeutic 20 ft. heated pool watching the sun rays glisten through the tall trees and the birds flitting nonchalantly from branch to branch. I was devastated! My heart was ripped apart because many of my friends were killed. To witness such shocking destruction was unbearable. All I could think of was how urgent it is that all the rape, suffering, pain and torture must stop if we want to survive as a species.
  • 27. The economy was collapsing… my therapy home business was declining… I was feeling like a total failure… I wasn’t prepared for the unexpected financial challenge. I had always believed that my home was an investment, and I could sell it and make a profit. That turned out much different than I had planned…much different. I knew I would survive this. I didn’t know how, but I believed in my heart that I must never give up. There had to be a reason for this happening. I had to keep hope alive.
  • 28. It was then I decided to write in order to work out the mental and emotional knots. The surroundings were perfect. During the day I was embraced by blue skies, the beauty of wild creatures, entertained by colorful singing birds, and totally enchanted by the zodiac lights visible in the night. And it was amongst the trees and nature that I wrote two books about my unique and crazy life. I revisited my struggles, experiences, failures, and accomplishments. It was a time of emotional healing. Time to move forward. I began planning my next adventure.
  • 29. The Glory of Nature As a young woman living on the edge of the Pacific Ocean in Oregon, I had reached out and touched the glory of Mother Nature. I had always sought refuge in nature. And I never forgot my roots. I longed for the unique beauty and open spaces I had known as a child. I decided to move to Oregon where I had breathed in the ocean, the sky, and all that was good, grand and marvelous. But first… l will tell you how it all came to be.
  • 30. After 9/11, death became more real, and I was grateful to have moved to the safety of the country. It was there and then that I asked myself, ―How would I deal with getting old?‖ I wondered how my body would look and feel as age crept up and would surely change me. And for the first time, I considered the idea of illness and disease as a natural and almost inevitable part of aging.
  • 31. Unfortunately, my life took an even darker turn when the housing market crashed and millions of Americans saw the value of their homes drastically diminished. I was a part of that crash… and after 3 years of going to court and writing legal papers with the help of a paralegal, I lost my legal battle to the NY State Supreme Court and was evicted from my beautiful home. The banks had won. I felt alone and helpless. I was frightened. But sometimes when you lose, you win. Funny how things work out, when they don’t. These moments of impact define who we are. Ultimately, all we have is now.
  • 32. There I was… No business. No cash. No future. “Then in 2009…I Was Introduced To An Amazing Breakthrough In Science… A Truly Historical Event.” “Do You Want To Get An Edge On Turning Back The Clock?” Wow! That is BIG!
  • 33. I rolled up my sleeves and went to work. I studied the reasons why people were making new choices and why the natural health industry was booming. I learned that the company had… 2 science backed anti-aging products with ingredients derived from ancient herbs that have been used for centuries for wellness and longevity.
  • 34. I wanted to be part of something amazing…something big. ―Age To That Of A 20 Year Old At The Cellular Level By An Average of 30 Days!”
  • 35. It was a total stranger who saved the day, who believed in me so much, and gave me renewed hope in myself – Herbert Harris. My dreams could now be turned into reality. Herbert called and explained how this new scientific based anti-aging product was going to rock the anti-aging industry on its heels with an added benefit of changing people’s economic lives at the same time. He said, ―Montel Williams is using the product for his MS challenges and it is working!‖ He said, ―This is the missing link in health.‖ SAFE SIMPLE ALL NATURAL HERBS PROVIDES LASTING RESULTS AFFORDABLE
  • 36. I wondered… “Is This Science Fiction or Real?” I learned… Scientific Peer-reviewed BREAKTHROUGH Can Fight Aging At The Cellular Level! I believed…
  • 37. I watched an ABC Primetime Investigative Report asking... “Do You Want To Get An Edge On Turning Back The Clock?”
  • 38. I enthusiastically called Herbert and said, ―Yes. Sign me up!!‖ Then he said, ―What I am about to share could dramatically change your life, or a close loved one’s…forever. Guess what? He was 100% right. Our products are without a doubt, the most potent and pure solution available on the market to help people in both aging and many illnesses and diseases. I felt we can live up to high standards and deliver big results.
  • 39. Now I can honestly say this is… ―The Greatest Opportunity In The History of the World!” Millions of baby boomers just like me are at the retirement age and are thinking the same thing I am… “I want quality of life, as well as quantity of life. I want to enjoy life and travel and see the world.” Bottomline: Exploding Breakthrough Opportunity!
  • 40. I can tell you I am not as concerned with the number of years in life as I am the quality of life in those years. And now, thankfully, I feel like I am aging backwards.
  • 41. Okay, I promised to reveal my for success in any business. Problem: Provide A Solution Your Solution: Slow Down the Ticking Clock
  • 42. Today, I am passionately driven to share what I’ve found with others. I have my health, my friends, and now I have time to enjoy it all. I thank God everyday for this remarkable gift of life on our beautiful Blue Planet. We are made of the stuff that dreams are made of.
  • 43. My Personal Testimonial: One capsule a day and I feel fantastic! In the beginning, I felt like I was coming out of a dense, thick fog! Yes, I was having way too many senior moments. Not anymore! I take zero medications. Do NOT have high blood pressure. I have all the energy of my youth. Sleep like a baby. My skin has cleared up. I have lots of energy. But, even more, I love knowing I will reduce my risk of disease and illness as I grow older with each passing year by taking one little yellow pill. I feel alive, energetic, vibrant, and more joyful than ever. No more senior moments! My memory improved and my vocabulary returned! I do fully expect to live another 50 years in excellent health. In regards to my career…for the first time in my life my time is my own. I am in love with life!
  • 44. The Science Is Proven & Validated … Allowing You To Be 100% Confident That Aging Is Slowing Down At The Cellular Level
  • 45. The Science Is What Got Me…The Sound Business Management Convinced Me… I Am Happy To Be A Part Of Something AMAZING… The Biggest Trend in Wealth Creation!
  • 46. Everyone…understand this. In order to be a publicly traded company, the manufacturer must adhere to a strict set of guidelines.
  • 47. Because of the high demand for these products, the company is growing at a tremendous rate. We are presently a $126 million company!
  • 48. And because of sound management, the organization is debt-free and successfully doing a booming business in five countries around the globe.
  • 49. This simple demonstration of integrity is one of the main reasons I chose this…innovative and true science manufacturer!
  • 50. And To Top It All Off… * The company makes the only all natural and most powerful antioxidant in the world. * We have four patents * Forty years of research by a world renown scientist. Nobody else has what we offer!
  • 52. I dream of a world free from pain and suffering. I dream of a world free from disease. Share my vision. Love, live, and enjoy life to the fullest in happiness and health.