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Social Media
A Directional Framework
October 25, 2016
Social Media Strategy – Page 2
Creating A Brand Experience
There is an inherent need to rethink the brand experience throughout the entire
customer journey. This is becoming increasingly important to drive social media
initiatives. From the initial stimulus to the ultimate moment of truth, social media
will play a critical ‘assist’ role for engaging audiences and helping us realize
program enrollments.
Social Media Should Not Be Practiced in a Silo
However, social media will work best when
leveraged with other marketing channels to
support our overarching communication
and objectives.
Through integration, the power of
exponential audience reach and
influence can be realized through a
seamless, multi-touch online brand
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Guiding Social Media Goals
As the All of Us social media channels are established and as our social
community begins to grow, the goals for our social media efforts will be aligned
with the overall initiative objectives:
• Expand general population awareness and education.
• Advance a position of improved future medicine through research.
• Engage and grow community audiences with resonating content.
• Stimulate and expand the social and online discussion.
• Build backlinks to drive traffic to the website.
• Begin to move community members through the conversion journey.
Awareness & Education
& Content
Online Discussion Chatter
Website Traffic
Consumption &
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Optimization Through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
The KPIs and metrics to govern our social media efforts will map to overall
initiative objectives and goals. Our intent will be to continuously measure and
optimize social media performance for month over month program influence and
Our social media KPIs will be designed and grouped into three main
Specific metrics will be identified for each KPI to give us the ability to analyze
and gather insights for how well each social channel is performing as aligned to
our social media goals.
Top level baseline metrics for tracking and measuring our social performance
will include the following:
• Owned, Earned, Paid Media Influence
(mentions, reach and impressions x channel)
• Campaign Engagement Influence
(shares, likes, views, retweets, video views, link and website clicks)
• Assisted website traffic
(attribution by channel, socio-demos, DMA and device)
• Content Consumption & Viral Influence
(reach, shares and impressions)
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Building Audiences on New Social Media Channels
At launch and for a short period thereafter, Fan and Follower audiences will be
built organically.
The intent is to grow audiences on each new channel through the quality of
original programming, the leveraged use of curated content, and the active
engagement with individuals through the proactive research of finding and
following like-minded people, organizations, and journalist/bloggers of common
The initial set of social media channels will include Facebook as the social hub
with Twitter, Instagram and YouTube as secondary supporting channels. Each
channel will have a unique purpose and use, and we will leverage the strengths
of each channel for maximum reach and influence.
Of note, at some point it will become important to activate larger follower
audiences which will require paid (promoted) support of our content and
All content should seek to engage, inform and/or support the
overall touchpoint journey and Brand experience.
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Audience Activation Through Key Influencer Following
Examples of the types of individuals and organizations that we will target at
launch to support our own audience building efforts will include:
 Luminaries
(Public Figures/Business Leaders/Health & Science Community)
- President Obama
- Hillary Clinton
- Francis S. Collins
- Eric Dishman
- Bill Gates
- Leah Binder
- Pamela Cipriano
 Celebrities
(Notable Social Media and Real-World High-Profile Influencers)
- Lance Armstrong
- Sofia Vergara
- Fran Drescher
- Sharon Osbourne
- Sanjay Gupta
 Initiative Partners
(Health Organizations/Partner Health Organizations/Retail Partners)
- Mayo Clinic
- American Heart Association
- Scripps
- Red Cross
- American Cancer Society
- WebMD
- Walgreen’s
- National Institutes of Health
- American Medical Association
 Media Outlets
(Health Journalists, Bloggers & Writers)
- NY Times
- Science Magazine
- Alice Park
- Maggie Fox
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To begin engaging these influencer types, we will proactively build relationships
by liking, sharing, commenting and tagging relevant posts from pre-authorized
outlets and individuals. These actions will bring instant credibility and increased
visibility to All of Us social media channels.
Furthermore, these key influencers will establish the All of Us social media
channels as reliable sources of information, while increasing opportunities for
garnering new followers from the influencer’s own follower bases.
In addition, through daily community management, we will be able to identify
new influencers and media sources who are within the overall online topic
discussion. This daily activity will be a strategic part of community management
and the management of the social media channels.
Advocacy and Holidays
We will also work to engage with advocacy groups and organizations via
celebrating and creating awareness for their designated week or day (e.g.
October is breast cancer awareness month).
We have begun a calendar to monitor these specially designated time periods
and will engage with the larger audiences to create awareness through
supporting these organizations in their own awareness efforts.
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Owned versus Curated Content
The goal is to produce an adequate volume
of original content to drive our social media
efforts. Content which will be produced
includes a varied media mix such as video
(short and long clips), images, infographics,
and live streams.
The core benefit to owned content is that we control the messaging, positioning
and creative. Furthermore, owned content can be specifically designed and
produced for each channel's own unique purpose and use.
When there is a need to augment our own content production, content can be
curated from pre-authorized content sources per NIH program guidelines.
This practice is already being used by the NIH for publishing All of Us news in
major publications such as the New York Times or the AMA. We have built an
extensive content library over the past 6 months of curated articles about
Precision Medicine and the Initiative itself.
This library was culled from NIH-approved daily press coverage emails and will
grow as the NIH press team adds more links daily. The library can be seen here:
Sharing curated content directly from published sources will also allow us to
create expanded program awareness within the publisher’s own social
communities, thereby creating more opportunities for one of their followers to
become one of our followers.
Of special side note as related to all content, we will implement a practice of
inserting relevant hashtags in all published posts. This aids in organic discovery
of our social media content and is intended to bring added exposure to the
program as well as our presence across social media.
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Social Media Channels for Launch
With 1.65B monthly active users, Facebook is viewed as a
platform for “storytelling.” Since Facebook users tend to enjoy
sharing content and connecting with other people and
companies/brands, it is an effective way to promote and
disseminate All of Us information.
All of Us content needs to be interesting and seen as a natural fit with users’
values, beliefs and affinities. In order to increase chances of engagement,
particularly share-ability, content needs to resonate with varying persona types
and demographics.
The more people who engage with our content, the more frequently All of Us
content will appear in others’ Facebook timelines.
Sharing the All of Us “story” via owned content, (such as news, photos, video,
live video streams, and updates), will help jump start our efforts to build an
audience, while also building trust and influence with followers over time as
relationships are nurtured.
Channel Purpose & Use
• Serves as Social Hub.
• Create general population awareness.
• Inform and educate about All of Us.
• Be a source of valued, owned and curated information.
• Be an extended outlet for All of Us partner content (e.g., Walgreen’s,
• Develop expanded community interest, engagements and influence via
“customer” community care (e.g., responding to questions; directing people
to appropriate resources like FAQ, etc.)
• Livestream events for real-world experiences.
• Create backlink traffic to the website and interest for app downloads and
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The Twitter channel is considered a “broadcast” platform due to
its short bursts of info - 140 characters. The channel's core
benefit is to share quick thoughts and updates whereas
Facebook content tends to keep conversations going for
Since messages are brief, directing audiences to other sites for more
information is the norm, as well as sharing third-party curated content.
People follow on Twitter because they like ‘what you have to say’ and may want
to engage in conversation. It provides a good listening tool to find out what
people are saying about All of Us. It also provides a good platform for real-time
updates aka “live tweeting” to cover events.
#Hashtags are common on Twitter. The hashtag is typically placed before a
relevant keyword or phrase in tweets and categorizes tweets. Hashtags also aid
in organic Tweet discovery and search.
Channel Purpose & Use
• Serves as a Social Channel Extension.
• Creates expanded general population awareness aligned with online topical
• Be a news aggregator for relevant All of Us national and regional news.
• Provide an extended outlet for All of Us partner content (e.g., Walgreen’s or
• Promote and share blogger and digital influencer All of Us content.
• Discover and engage potential program influencers via active listening.
• Develop expanded interest, engagements and influence via “customer”
community care (e.g., responding to questions; directing people to
appropriate resources like FAQ, etc.)
• Create backlink traffic to the website and interest for app downloads and
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With 400M users, Instagram focuses solely on visual sharing
and offers a unique platform to showcase stories. It is also
particularly useful for capturing real-time moments, which gives
followers a chance to interact with All of Us in a more casual
and instantaneous way over other networks.
Content on this channel will focus on the national launch event, conferences,
community stories, events such as regional launches, and digital
ambassador/influencer “takeovers”.
Channel Purpose & Use
• Serves as a Social Channel Extension.
• Creates expanded general population awareness aligned with user's
• Promote All of Us through a highly visual storytelling format using photos and
short videos.
• Develop expanded interest, engagements and influence via “customer”
community care (e.g., responding to questions; directing people to
appropriate resources like FAQ, etc.)
• Create backlink traffic to the website and interest for app downloads and
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Eric Dishman Blog
Weekly blog posts written by Eric Dishman, or ghostwriter,
anchored on All of Us website, discussing precision medicine and
All of Us-related topics.
Channel Function
• Establish thought leadership/authority
• Generate awareness/provide information
• Drive traffic to All of Us website
• Serve as a repository of content
Community Outlets
(For event-specific, community participation)
REDDIT “AMA” (Ask Me Anything)
An AMA is a moderated, live, hour-long, online interview on
Reddit. Questions are fielded and responded to in real-time.
It is recommended we host an AMA a few months after All of Us
is officially launched and there is more awareness and interest.
Here is an example of President Obama’s AMA in 2012 which
was one of the biggest AMA’s ever to take place.
Channel Function
• Tap into relevant communities, such as Health, to be a
resource of All of Us information and educational links and
• Generate greater overall initiative awareness
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Building Influence via an Influencer Outreach Strategy
Identifying online influencers/ambassadors for All of Us will benefit relationship
development, link building, and content promotion.
Through daily community management, using social media as a tool, and
fielding recommendations from the social media committee, we will be able to
identify individuals who have a predisposed affinity for All of Us. A leading
criterion for identification and consideration will be based on how frequently they
are posting about the initiative.
The goal will be to reach out to influential targets and ask if would like to
participate in any upcoming All of Us events, e.g., livestreams, tours/pop-ups,
etc., and/or and ask them to share specific All of Us content to their social
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Developing Community Relationships Thru Personalized ‘Customer’ Care
Once social media channels are up and running,
they will function as an informational source for
Fans and Followers, as well as customer care
As many people are “convenience-seeking” and
are on mobile devices, it can be much more
efficient for them to reach out to the community
manager on social media channels.
When inquiries or questions about All of Us are posted on Facebook, Twitter or
Instagram, we will respond and direct the inquiries to the right resources for
For example.
• An individual from the general public has a question that is covered in the
FAQ, we will direct them to the website.
• A question is more complicated than what the FAQ can answer, then we will
direct them to an 800 number.
• Questions from the professional health and science communities, we will
direct them to the website or the NIH website.
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Handling Negative Posts
Part of having an online presence is that there will always be people who
disagree with your work, service, product, concept, process, or organization, etc.
Due to some aspects of the program's complexity, we expect to have some
negative feedback.
The internet provides a filter between people – including individuals and
organizations – which allows individuals to feel completely uninhibited in their
The approach to this type of commentary or feedback will be as follows:
• We will address the complaint rather than ignore it, as that tends to
exacerbate the situation. We will engage the individuals to discover what can
be done to help them.
• When and where it’s most appropriate, we will take the conversation offline
(off the social channel) and contact individuals via direct message, ask them
to call the 800 number, or provide them with an email address to discuss the
matter to produce a more satisfactory outcome.
• Of note, some individuals will never email for resolution. Instead, some just
want a public forum to complain and be heard. On such occasions, we will
remain professional and continue to offer help and assistance with
transparency, honesty and integrity.
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Automated Alerts & Filtering
In addition to being proactive monitoring posts for negative comments, we will
also be monitoring and flagging potential negative keywords. Facebook offers
this added layer.
Filters and automated alerts will be set up to respond as quickly as possible to
events which could harm the brand and its image. Of added note, Twitter and
Instagram don’t have this feature.
Some example key words we will include in the filter:
• Profanity
• Female/male genitalia and their slang terms
• Government, conspiracy, privacy, breach, hack, NSA, aliens
• Animal, animal testing
• Genetic testing, bioethics, unethical
If we deem a response is required for any flagged post, we will respond
according to the guidelines for ‘negative' posts.
If we encounter “internet trolls” (people who deliberately provoke others through
arguments, inflammatory posts, or off-topic messages, online), we will invoke
our right to “hide” their comments on Facebook.
As a rule of thumb., the better course of action is to hide the post rather than to
“block” these individuals, as blocking may incense them and motivate them to
continue trolling.
For Twitter and Instagram, however, there is no “hide” option, so we we’ll need
to invoke “blocking” on a case by case basis. This will be determined by
measuring the potential negative repercussions in each case as it evolves.
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Social Media Management Platform
We have subscribed to Sprinklr, a social media management platform, to
manage our social media activities with greater efficiency. Using the
management platform, we will be able to plan content, route workflow, gain
approvals, schedule and publish content, promote (paid) content posts, monitor
ongoing social media / online discussions (and sentiments), curate content, and
engage with the community and respond to requests and commentary.
In addition, we will be able to use the platform for market analysis and influencer
research to develop complementary strategic marketing efforts.
Sprinklr is a leading platform and is already in use at the HHS for an anti-
tobacco campaign.
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Partner Collaboration
Conference Calls and Facebook Group
Since there are many partners involved in All of Us, we propose creating a social media
bi-weekly conference call via social media channels that will include all partners who are
active in the consortium and marketing social media channels to promote the Program.
It is recommended the community managers actively running the day to day social
activities would comprise the members.
The goal is to meet and talk as a group about best practices, what’s working, what’s not
working, and to share real-time valuable experiences for the benefit of all. We will also
establish a private Facebook group for sharing these best practices between calls and
for sharing content.
Additionally, each marketing partner will have a wealth of original and third-party content
they will be using in their individual marketing efforts. A goal for everyone in the
consortium should be to expand each partner’s individual content library by leveraging
these owned and curated assets as a group.
For example, corporate and retail partners like WebMD and Walgreen’s can be
expected to have an abundance of health content targeted to their consumers.
Conversely, Wondros will have an abundance of creative, original branded content,
which in some cases could be published and promoted across owned assets.
We will also encourage our partners to share content for cross-pollination of their own
digital (social media) assets, as well as to provide support for each other’s campaigns.
For example, with the national launch of the All of Us social media channels, we will ask
All of Us corporate, retail, health, and regional partners with established social media
channels, to send out messaging to their social communities to welcome PMI and to
follow the PMI social media channels.
An example Twitter tweet post would possibly look as follows:
[from @WebMD]
We’re excited to be a partner of the @AllofUsResearch program! Follow them to learn
more about the #PrecisionMedicine #JoinAllofUs
Social Media Strategy – Page 19
Facebook Channel Content Playbook
72% of US adults online, Male, female, ages 18-60+, skews
female; rural, suburban, urban areas, at every income level
and education background; diverse ethnic backgrounds;
popular with middle-aged adults.
Target Audience
Potential All of Us participants; national disease and conditions organizations.
Content Types
 All of Us News links to update audience
• Press from national media outlets
• Press from regional media outlets
• Researcher/expert press interviews
o Article links
o Video links
 Video content explaining the PMI background/history
• All of Us Anthem video
• Community video
o Full length
o Short clips
• The story of Eric Dishman’s personal experience with precision
medicine (and similar stories)
o Full length
o Short clips
• Internal researcher/expert interviews
• FAQs
o Full length
o Short clips addressing specific issue
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 Photos/images
• Infographics showing the history of All of Us
• Photos from events (e.g., conferences, launches), behind the scenes
(e.g., facility tours), stills from community video clips, etc.
 Influencer/blogger content
• Share social media influencer content such as photos, video, and
interviews from All of Us national and regional events
• Share blogger articles, photos, interviews
 Partner content
• Share All of Us corporate partner content, e.g., All of Us blog posts
from Walgreen’s, WebMD
• Share All of Us regional content, e.g., news from PA Cares
 Facebook Live
As video performs well on Facebook, their version of livestream video,
Facebook Live, will allow an audience to connect with All of Us in real-
time. When an event is livestreaming, followers can react instantly, and
need not watch the entire video to get to the parts that interests them.
Once the livestream is finished, the video remains on the Facebook page
for others to view, engage with later, and to share. With the launch of All
of Us, there will be high interest and many questions to field. For the first
quarter, we recommend monthly, one hour long, Facebook Live events to
explain what All of Us is and how it will affect the future of peoples’
Topics for the months afterwards will focus on the All of Us process.
Social Media Strategy – Page 21
January 2017
• Interview with Eric Dishman, Director, All of Us Research Program,
NIH, discussing All of Us with the public – “What is All of Us? What is
in it for me? What is expected of me if I volunteer?”
As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Eric Dishman being
interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about what
precision medicine is, what it means for the future of peoples’ health,
and host a moderated Q&A. Also, he can speak about his personal
experience with precision medicine.
Days before the event, questions to ask Eric Dishman will be
crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. A
moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a
few live questions, as well, for Eric to respond to during the event.
February 2017
• Interview with Regina James, MD & Director of Clinical & Health
Services Research Branch, NIH on Minority Health & Health
Disparities, discussing what All of Us means for minorities and their
As part of the national PMI launch, feature Regina James being
interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about what PMI
means for minorities and their health.
Days before the event, questions to ask Regina James would be
crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time.
Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a
few live questions, as well, for Regina to respond to during the event.
March 2017
• Interview with Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD & Director, NIH on Minority
Health & Health Disparities, discussing what All of Us means for
minorities and their health (Spanish-speaking)
As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Eliseo J. Perez-Stable
being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking to Spanish-
speaking communities about what All of Us means for minorities and
their health.
Social Media Strategy – Page 22
Days before the event, questions to ask Eliseo J. Perez-Stable would
be crowdsourced from PMI social media channels ahead of time.
Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a
few live questions, as well, for Eliseo to respond to during the event.
• PMI presence at March 10-14, SXSW Conference coverage, Health
Participation at SXSW Conference with Eric Dishman or tech person
such as Praduman Jain in a Featured Session, Round Table or Panel
to discuss All of Us (health and technology) and livestream, if
April 2017
• Interview with Praduman Jain, MSEE, CEO, Vibrent Health,
discussing Data and security.
As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Praduman Jain, being
interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, discussing all things data
for All of Us. What/how is data collected, how data is stored, how
secure is data, etc., and host a moderated Q&A.
Days before the event, questions to ask Praduman Jain will be
crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time.
Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take
a few live questions, as well, for Praduman to respond to during the
May 2017
• Interview with Carolyn Hutter, PhD, Program Director, NIH,
discussing what data is used for All of Us, how it’s interpreted and
As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Carolyn Hutter, being
interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about how data is
used and have a moderated Q&A.
Days before the event, questions to ask Carolyne Hotter will be
crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time.
Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take
a few live questions, as well, for Carolyn to respond to during the
Social Media Strategy – Page 23
June 2017
• Interview with Stephen Thibodeau, PhD, Co-Director, Mayo Clinic,
discussing process of what happens with a bio-specimen when it
gets to the Biobank.
As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Stephen Thibodeau,
being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about the
process once bio-specimen is received, and host a moderated Q&A.
Days before the event, questions to ask Stephen Thibodeau will be
crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time.
Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take
a few live questions, as well, for Stephen to respond to during the
July 2017
• Digital influencer or blogger conducting a live “behind the scenes”
tour of Mayo Clinic Biobank.
As people tend to trust the recommendations of digital influencers,
we will invite a vetted key health blogger or digital influencer (who
could potentially also be an All of Us volunteer) to tour a facility as an
“Ambassador for the day” and “report” live for up to an hour.
The Ambassador will conduct short interviews along the tour with
researchers, tech people, health staff, etc., about All of Us and their
roles with the program.
Days before the event, questions for Ambassador to ask would be
crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time.
When appropriate, Ambassador will ask some questions during the
interviews and will take a few live questions, as well. The
Ambassador will also follow the process of what happens with his/her
bio-specimen at the Biobank.
Social Media Strategy – Page 24
Twitter Channel Content Playbook
Ages 18-59, educated, higher income than Facebook users,
with younger users getting their news here. Diverse
backgrounds, Caucasians, African Americans and Hispanics.
Target Audience
Potential All of Us participants, African Americans, Hispanics (English and
Spanish-speaking), media outlets, journalists/writers, scientists, healthcare
Content Types
 Links to All of Us resources/website with email to sign up for more info
 PMI news coverage links, announcements, background/history
 Infographics
 Photos
 All of Us national partner content
 All of Us corporate partner content, e.g., Walgreen’s, WebMD
 All of Us regional partner content, e.g., San Diego Blood Bank, University
of Pittsburgh
 All of Us short video clips
 Live tweeting at events and conferences, e.g., White House Frontiers,
 Eric Dishman “PMInute” video
 Twitter chats (#AoUChat)
A Twitter chat is an organized online discussion about a topic, associated with a
specific hashtag (#AoUChat). It is a good opportunity to accelerate growing the
All of Us Twitter audience.
Twitter chats offer an opportune way to engage with the Twitter community while
simultaneously sharing knowledge as a thought leader. Together these will
create awareness and exposure
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People who are there to participate in the Twitter chat are more likely to retweet,
like and reply to tweets.
The typical format of hosting a Twitter chat is an hour long, live Q&A session
which is moderated. Once a topic is chosen for a Twitter chat, questions can be
crowdsourced and vetted in advance of the scheduled chat to ensure that
responses within the 140 characters are coherent.
There will always be ongoing questions about All of Us: what it is, and how it
works. Addressing the ten most frequently asked questions on a regular basis
and in real-time on Twitter will create trust and transparency.
Recommend bi-monthly Twitter chats for the first several months with an All of
Us researcher/expert (Spanish-speaking, as well) to review FAQs with the
Twitter community, along with other All of Us topics.
January 2017
• What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs
Host chat with Eric Dishman or Frances S. Collins
• What is PMI and review All of Us FAQs (Spanish-speaking)
Host chat with Martha L. Daviglus, MD, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor
for Research, Executive Director, Institute for Minority Health Research,
University of Illinois, College of Medicine
February 2017
• What is All of Us, and what it means for minorities and their health
Host chat with Regina James, MD & Director of Clinical & Health
Services Research Branch, NIH on Minority Health & Health Disparities
• What is All of Us, and what it means for minorities and their health
Host chat with Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD & Director, NIH on Minority
Health & Health Disparities
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March 2017
• What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs
Host chat with Akinlolu Ojo, MD, PhD, MBA, Associate Vice President,
Clinical Research & Global Health Initiatives, University of Arizona
Health Services
• What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs
Host chat with Anna McCollister-Slipp, Chief Advocate for Participatory
Research, Scripps Translational Science Institute
April 2017
• What happens with my All of Us data?
Host chat with Praduman Jain, MSEE, CEO, Vibrent Health, discussing
PMI data, what/how is data collected, how data is stored, how secure is
data, etc.
• What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs (Spanish-speaking)
Host chat with Anna Napoles, PhD, MPH, Professor, Department of
Medicine, University of California, San Francisco
May 2017
• What data is used for PMI, and how is it interpreted and organized?
Host chat with Carolyn Hutter, PhD, Program Director, NIH
• What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs
Host chat with Robert Winn, MD, Associate Vice Chancellor for
Community Based Practice, Director, University of Illinois Cancer
Center, University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System
June 2017
• All of Us personal story
Locate someone whose health has benefitted from genomic medicine
(Eric Dishman?) and is willing to participate in a Twitter chat.
Social Media Strategy – Page 27
Instagram Channel Content Playbook
Of their 200M users, 53% are between ages 18-29. Besides
young adults, women are particularly likely to be on Instagram,
along with Hispanics and African Americans, and those who
live in urban or suburban environments.
Target Audience
Potential participants, Hispanics, African Americans, millennials
Content Types
 National launch event
• Images
• Short video
 Community stories
• Images
• Short video
 Eric Dishman’s Weekly “PMInute” – short video thoughts on All of Us
• One-minute video clips of Eric Dishman sharing thoughts on precision
medicine and All of Us. Can be a simple as Eric doing a video selfie
from his cell phone or someone in his office taking video and then
sending it to the Wondros team for editing and uploading to
Instagram, Facebook and Twitter
 Regional events
 All of Us participation at Conferences
• White House Frontiers
• SXSW Health
 Instagram takeover
An Instagram takeover is when a special guest (external or internal) is
invited to temporarily manage the All of Us Instagram account to provide
a behind the scenes look at an event from a different perspective.
Recommend quarterly takeovers to start. Can increase in frequency once
we know what events, tours, or launches are happening.
Social Media Strategy – Page 28
Follow an All of Us scientist for a day.
As people tend to trust the recommendations of digital influencers, we
would invite a vetted influencer to follow an All of Us scientist for the day
to learn about All of Us, take photos, video, and conduct minute-long
video interviews.
What happens at an All of Us mobile/pop up event?
This perspective will be told from an “on the ground” All of Us staff
member at a mobile/pop up event who will take photos and short video
during the event to provide a “behind the scenes” perspective.
All of Us presence at national conferences such as upcoming
Send an influencer or a choose an All of Us staff member present at the
conference, to take photos and short video of what’s going on at the
conference and at the All of Us booth. Talking to people who stop at the
All of Us booth and asking them about their thoughts on All of Us.
What happens to a bio-specimen and tour of the Mayo Clinic Bio-
Given the impact digital influencers have, we would invite a vetted key
health blogger or digital influencer (who could potentially also be an All of
Us volunteer) to tour a facility as an “Ambassador for the day”.
Ambassadors will take photos and conduct up to one-minute-long
interviews during the tour with researchers, tech people, health staff, etc.,
about All of Us and their roles within the program. These Ambassadors
will also follow the process of what happens with their bio-specimens at
the Biobank.
Community support of All of Us through photos.
Have an influencer, from his/her Instagram account, talk about All of Us
and tell their audience how they can each be instrumental in the future of
others’ health. Ask their audience to take a photo of what this means to
them, post to their Instagram accounts with #AllofUs. Influencer will then
review the images and repost to the All of Us Instagram account.
Social Media Strategy – Page 29
Weekly blog posts written by Eric Dishman or ghostwriter,
anchored on All of Us website, discussing precision
medicine and All of Us-related topics.
Chanel Function
• Establish thought leadership/authority
• Generate awareness/provide information
• Drive traffic to All of Us website
• Serve as a repository of content
Target Audience
Potential participants, media, partners, potential partners,
researchers, healthcare professionals
Content Types
 All of Us discussion
• History of precision medicine
• Welcoming new partners to All of Us
• All of Us process
• Sharing thoughts
 Guest blogger posts
 Interviews
 Photos/images
 Infographics
 Partner content
• Share All of Us corporate partner content, e.g., All of
Us blog posts from Walgreen’s, WebMD
• Share All of Us regional content, e.g., news from PA
Cares for Us
Social Media Strategy – Page 30
With 234 million users, Reddit is one of the most popular and
useful social media news sites and discussion platforms. It is
known as the “front page” of the internet” as Reddit is where
most content is discovered before it becomes viral. It is a
source for what’s new and popular on the internet. It differs
from Twitter in that its content is curated by the community.
Chanel Function
• Share, discuss and rate/upvote news to determine what
content rises to the top of community pages and, by
extension, the public home page of Reddit
• Disseminate information through AMA
Ages 18-54, 53% male, 47% female, students, tech,
urban/suburban areas
Target Audience
Potential participants, Hispanics, African Americans,
millennials, tech people, students, media
REDDIT “AMA” (Ask Me Anything) Ideation
An AMA is a moderated, live, hour-long, online interview on
Reddit. Questions are fielded and responded to in real-time.
Recommend an AMA a few months after All of Us is officially
launched when there’s more awareness and interest. Again,
here is an example of President Obama’s AMA in 2012 which
was one of the biggest AMA’s ever to take place.
April 2017
Moderated AMA with Francis S. Collins or Eric Dishman
answering questions on precision medicine and All of Us
Social Media Strategy – Page 31
1. Following individuals, companies, organizations, media, and luminaries.
• Health, science, medical relevance
• Current events, pop culture relevance
• Use caution with interacting on public pages like commenting on their posts
2. Reposting/retweeting All of Us news from national or regional media news outlets that have
been previously approved by the NIH
• Recognized, trusted media sources such as the NYT
• Ensure that views are balanced
3. Reposting/retweeting content from individuals, companies, organizations, and luminaries
• No offensive, derogatory or disrespectful content that targets racial, ethnic, sexual, religious,
and physical disability
• No inappropriate content
• Avoiding sensitive topics
• Avoiding negative posts, tweets, and blasts
4. Engaging in conversation with followers
• When it makes sense to do so
• Use caution when/if discussing issues where emotions run high (e.g., politics and religion), and
show respect for others’ opinions
• No posting confidential or non-public information
• Use caution in responding to offensive or negative posts
• Direct individuals to appropriate resources such as FAQ, when appropriate or necessary
5. Inserting All of Us in trending topics
• When it makes sense to do so, e.g., #MondayMotivation or national health organization
observances like #BreastCancerAwareness
6. “Like” or “Favorite” social media posts from individuals, companies, organizations, and
• No offensive, derogatory or disrespectful content that targets racial, ethnic, sexual, religious,
and physical disability
• No inappropriate content
• Avoid sensitive topics
• Avoid negative posts, tweets, and blasts
Social Media Strategy – Page 32
Studies have shown that Spanish-dominant Hispanics prefer to learn about
important information such as health care in their native language – Spanish.
According to the Hispanic Pew Center, in recent years, some of the largest
gains in internet use have been among immigrant Hispanics and those who are
Spanish dominant.
As a result, internet use among Hispanic adults continues to grow, though at a
slow rate.
When reaching out to U.S. Hispanics, we need to consider the following:
• U.S. Hispanics are diverse and come from many different countries
• The largest growth of the Hispanic community is coming from 2nd and 3rd
generation Hispanics
• Many Hispanics online in the United States are visiting English language
• U.S. Hispanics are looking for cultural cues from organizations
demonstrating an understanding of Latino nuances, values and dynamics
In terms of social media sites, the percentage of Hispanic Internet users on
Facebook is about 73 percent (compared to 71 percent of whites on Facebook);
Instagram 34 percent, and Twitter about 25 percent.
We will work closely with our Hispanic social media partners to translate key
messages and culturally relevant content on a consistent basis to encourage
engagement within the Hispanic community.
Considering that there will not be separate Spanish-language “All of Us” social
media handles, we recommend utilizing the All of Us pages on Twitter,
Facebook, and Instagram as bilingual platforms. This way we can post from time
to time in Spanish and demonstrate our commitment to communicate and stay
engaged with diverse audiences.
Social Media Strategy – Page 33
How will it work?
1. Develop a robust Hispanic social media editorial calendar
Hispanic social media editorial calendar provides an overview of the kind of
content we will push in the upcoming weeks and months of the campaign.
The Hispanic social media editorial calendar will include translated and non-
translated messages (messages that are in-culture), dates and times of
postings, designate what channels will be used, and highlight URL links or
images/videos that will be appropriate for Hispanic audiences.
2. Monitor and Respond
The All of Us social media team will alert the Hispanic social media team
when there are questions or responses in Spanish on the All of Us social
media pages so we can quickly reply and engage with people in their
preferred language and in-culture. The goal is to have an open dialogue to
answer questions and encourage Hispanics to participate and share their
positive experiences.
Social Media Strategy – Page 34
The social media landscape is constantly evolving. With newer networks rising to
prominence, new technology increases user participation and real-time content, while
existing networks enhance their platforms and products (e.g. Facebook Live).
Organic reach is also shrinking as major social media networks are downplaying
organic posts in favor of paid posts to monetize their platform. Despite the “pay to play”
environment, paid social media combined with organic social media is an effective
strategy to reaching audiences quickly, especially since the All of Us social media
channels will be new.
Organic social media refers to the free tools (creating an account/page, etc., to publish
messages) provided by each social network to build a community and engage with it,
sharing posts, liking and responding to comments.
Paid social media refers to paying for ads and sponsored messages (text, image, video,
carousel formats, etc.) on social media networks based on target demographics. A cost
is incurred depending on the type of ad and are charged based on the number of times
the ad has been clicked (per-click basis).
Often there are challenges with reaching people via organic reach. With algorithms set
to encourage peer-to-peer sharing vs. organization-to-follower sharing, Paid Social
media is an important part of any growth initiative.
Paid social media can amplify organic content, using social media channels’ ad tools to
target audiences.
For example, if the intent is to target the Spanish-speaking Hispanic community with a
Spanish language All of Us video, we can do so with a paid post on Facebook. Only
Spanish-speaking Hispanics will see the post.
Another example is to target audience on the All of Us Facebook page, running a paid
“LIKE” ad campaign that includes targets, as well. Those in the target will see the “LIKE
our page” ad. Twitter and Instagram also have ad targeting capability which we would
use similarly for paid ad campaigns on each respective channel.
Paid social media will also allow us to achieve specific reach into specific populations,
geographic areas and age groups across some of the social media channels such as
Social Media Strategy – Page 35
When we need to increase visibility with a population, Paid Social Media offers the
ability to showcase specific content directed toward that population in an authentic and
meaningful manner.
In Summary
As seen in the information above, the execution and management of the
social media channels is an ongoing and complex effort.
We will have a devoted community manager working with our strategists
and creative directors on the above efforts.
Our social media channels will be managed with care, kindness,
enthusiasm and empathy.
We intend to convey the core values of the All of Us program with our
content and our engagement and activate these channels as a successful
vehicle for awareness and enrollment.
Social Media Strategy – Page 36

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Social Media Playbook

  • 1. Social Media A Directional Framework October 25, 2016
  • 2. Social Media Strategy – Page 2 Creating A Brand Experience There is an inherent need to rethink the brand experience throughout the entire customer journey. This is becoming increasingly important to drive social media initiatives. From the initial stimulus to the ultimate moment of truth, social media will play a critical ‘assist’ role for engaging audiences and helping us realize program enrollments. Social Media Should Not Be Practiced in a Silo However, social media will work best when leveraged with other marketing channels to support our overarching communication goals and objectives. Through integration, the power of exponential audience reach and influence can be realized through a seamless, multi-touch online brand experience.
  • 3. Social Media Strategy – Page 3 Guiding Social Media Goals As the All of Us social media channels are established and as our social community begins to grow, the goals for our social media efforts will be aligned with the overall initiative objectives: • Expand general population awareness and education. • Advance a position of improved future medicine through research. • Engage and grow community audiences with resonating content. • Stimulate and expand the social and online discussion. • Build backlinks to drive traffic to the website. • Begin to move community members through the conversion journey. Awareness & Education Messaging & Content (Positioning) Community Engagements Online Discussion Chatter Website Traffic Attribution Content Consumption & Enrollment Guiding GOALS
  • 4. Social Media Strategy – Page 4 Optimization Through Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) The KPIs and metrics to govern our social media efforts will map to overall initiative objectives and goals. Our intent will be to continuously measure and optimize social media performance for month over month program influence and impact. Our social media KPIs will be designed and grouped into three main classifications: Specific metrics will be identified for each KPI to give us the ability to analyze and gather insights for how well each social channel is performing as aligned to our social media goals. Top level baseline metrics for tracking and measuring our social performance will include the following: • Owned, Earned, Paid Media Influence (mentions, reach and impressions x channel) • Campaign Engagement Influence (shares, likes, views, retweets, video views, link and website clicks) • Assisted website traffic (attribution by channel, socio-demos, DMA and device) • Content Consumption & Viral Influence (reach, shares and impressions) Acquisition (Awareness) Behaviors (Engagements) Outcomes (Conversions)
  • 5. Social Media Strategy – Page 5 Building Audiences on New Social Media Channels At launch and for a short period thereafter, Fan and Follower audiences will be built organically. The intent is to grow audiences on each new channel through the quality of original programming, the leveraged use of curated content, and the active engagement with individuals through the proactive research of finding and following like-minded people, organizations, and journalist/bloggers of common interests. The initial set of social media channels will include Facebook as the social hub with Twitter, Instagram and YouTube as secondary supporting channels. Each channel will have a unique purpose and use, and we will leverage the strengths of each channel for maximum reach and influence. Of note, at some point it will become important to activate larger follower audiences which will require paid (promoted) support of our content and channels. All content should seek to engage, inform and/or support the overall touchpoint journey and Brand experience.
  • 6. Social Media Strategy – Page 6 Audience Activation Through Key Influencer Following Examples of the types of individuals and organizations that we will target at launch to support our own audience building efforts will include:  Luminaries (Public Figures/Business Leaders/Health & Science Community) - President Obama - Hillary Clinton - Francis S. Collins - Eric Dishman - Bill Gates - Leah Binder - Pamela Cipriano  Celebrities (Notable Social Media and Real-World High-Profile Influencers) - Lance Armstrong - Sofia Vergara - Fran Drescher - Sharon Osbourne - Sanjay Gupta  Initiative Partners (Health Organizations/Partner Health Organizations/Retail Partners) - Mayo Clinic - American Heart Association - Scripps - Red Cross - American Cancer Society - WebMD - Walgreen’s - National Institutes of Health - American Medical Association  Media Outlets (Health Journalists, Bloggers & Writers) - NY Times - Science Magazine - Alice Park - Maggie Fox
  • 7. Social Media Strategy – Page 7 To begin engaging these influencer types, we will proactively build relationships by liking, sharing, commenting and tagging relevant posts from pre-authorized outlets and individuals. These actions will bring instant credibility and increased visibility to All of Us social media channels. Furthermore, these key influencers will establish the All of Us social media channels as reliable sources of information, while increasing opportunities for garnering new followers from the influencer’s own follower bases. In addition, through daily community management, we will be able to identify new influencers and media sources who are within the overall online topic discussion. This daily activity will be a strategic part of community management and the management of the social media channels. Advocacy and Holidays We will also work to engage with advocacy groups and organizations via celebrating and creating awareness for their designated week or day (e.g. October is breast cancer awareness month). We have begun a calendar to monitor these specially designated time periods and will engage with the larger audiences to create awareness through supporting these organizations in their own awareness efforts.
  • 8. Social Media Strategy – Page 8 Owned versus Curated Content The goal is to produce an adequate volume of original content to drive our social media efforts. Content which will be produced includes a varied media mix such as video (short and long clips), images, infographics, and live streams. The core benefit to owned content is that we control the messaging, positioning and creative. Furthermore, owned content can be specifically designed and produced for each channel's own unique purpose and use. When there is a need to augment our own content production, content can be curated from pre-authorized content sources per NIH program guidelines. This practice is already being used by the NIH for publishing All of Us news in major publications such as the New York Times or the AMA. We have built an extensive content library over the past 6 months of curated articles about Precision Medicine and the Initiative itself. This library was culled from NIH-approved daily press coverage emails and will grow as the NIH press team adds more links daily. The library can be seen here: Sharing curated content directly from published sources will also allow us to create expanded program awareness within the publisher’s own social communities, thereby creating more opportunities for one of their followers to become one of our followers. ------------------------ Of special side note as related to all content, we will implement a practice of inserting relevant hashtags in all published posts. This aids in organic discovery of our social media content and is intended to bring added exposure to the program as well as our presence across social media.
  • 9. Social Media Strategy – Page 9 Social Media Channels for Launch FACEBOOK With 1.65B monthly active users, Facebook is viewed as a platform for “storytelling.” Since Facebook users tend to enjoy sharing content and connecting with other people and companies/brands, it is an effective way to promote and disseminate All of Us information. All of Us content needs to be interesting and seen as a natural fit with users’ values, beliefs and affinities. In order to increase chances of engagement, particularly share-ability, content needs to resonate with varying persona types and demographics. The more people who engage with our content, the more frequently All of Us content will appear in others’ Facebook timelines. Sharing the All of Us “story” via owned content, (such as news, photos, video, live video streams, and updates), will help jump start our efforts to build an audience, while also building trust and influence with followers over time as relationships are nurtured. Channel Purpose & Use • Serves as Social Hub. • Create general population awareness. • Inform and educate about All of Us. • Be a source of valued, owned and curated information. • Be an extended outlet for All of Us partner content (e.g., Walgreen’s, WebMD). • Develop expanded community interest, engagements and influence via “customer” community care (e.g., responding to questions; directing people to appropriate resources like FAQ, etc.) • Livestream events for real-world experiences. • Create backlink traffic to the website and interest for app downloads and installs.
  • 10. Social Media Strategy – Page 10 TWITTER The Twitter channel is considered a “broadcast” platform due to its short bursts of info - 140 characters. The channel's core benefit is to share quick thoughts and updates whereas Facebook content tends to keep conversations going for longer. Since messages are brief, directing audiences to other sites for more information is the norm, as well as sharing third-party curated content. People follow on Twitter because they like ‘what you have to say’ and may want to engage in conversation. It provides a good listening tool to find out what people are saying about All of Us. It also provides a good platform for real-time updates aka “live tweeting” to cover events. #Hashtags are common on Twitter. The hashtag is typically placed before a relevant keyword or phrase in tweets and categorizes tweets. Hashtags also aid in organic Tweet discovery and search. Channel Purpose & Use • Serves as a Social Channel Extension. • Creates expanded general population awareness aligned with online topical discussions. • Be a news aggregator for relevant All of Us national and regional news. • Provide an extended outlet for All of Us partner content (e.g., Walgreen’s or WebMD). • Promote and share blogger and digital influencer All of Us content. • Discover and engage potential program influencers via active listening. • Develop expanded interest, engagements and influence via “customer” community care (e.g., responding to questions; directing people to appropriate resources like FAQ, etc.) • Create backlink traffic to the website and interest for app downloads and installs.
  • 11. Social Media Strategy – Page 11 INSTAGRAM With 400M users, Instagram focuses solely on visual sharing and offers a unique platform to showcase stories. It is also particularly useful for capturing real-time moments, which gives followers a chance to interact with All of Us in a more casual and instantaneous way over other networks. Content on this channel will focus on the national launch event, conferences, community stories, events such as regional launches, and digital ambassador/influencer “takeovers”. Channel Purpose & Use • Serves as a Social Channel Extension. • Creates expanded general population awareness aligned with user's interests. • Promote All of Us through a highly visual storytelling format using photos and short videos. • Develop expanded interest, engagements and influence via “customer” community care (e.g., responding to questions; directing people to appropriate resources like FAQ, etc.) • Create backlink traffic to the website and interest for app downloads and installs.
  • 12. Social Media Strategy – Page 12 ADDITIONAL CHANNELS FOR CONSIDERATION/CONTENT SOURCES Eric Dishman Blog Weekly blog posts written by Eric Dishman, or ghostwriter, anchored on All of Us website, discussing precision medicine and All of Us-related topics. Channel Function • Establish thought leadership/authority • Generate awareness/provide information • Drive traffic to All of Us website • Serve as a repository of content Community Outlets (For event-specific, community participation) REDDIT “AMA” (Ask Me Anything) An AMA is a moderated, live, hour-long, online interview on Reddit. Questions are fielded and responded to in real-time. It is recommended we host an AMA a few months after All of Us is officially launched and there is more awareness and interest. Here is an example of President Obama’s AMA in 2012 which was one of the biggest AMA’s ever to take place. Channel Function • Tap into relevant communities, such as Health, to be a resource of All of Us information and educational links and content • Generate greater overall initiative awareness
  • 13. Social Media Strategy – Page 13 Building Influence via an Influencer Outreach Strategy Identifying online influencers/ambassadors for All of Us will benefit relationship development, link building, and content promotion. Through daily community management, using social media as a tool, and fielding recommendations from the social media committee, we will be able to identify individuals who have a predisposed affinity for All of Us. A leading criterion for identification and consideration will be based on how frequently they are posting about the initiative. The goal will be to reach out to influential targets and ask if would like to participate in any upcoming All of Us events, e.g., livestreams, tours/pop-ups, etc., and/or and ask them to share specific All of Us content to their social audiences.
  • 14. Social Media Strategy – Page 14 Developing Community Relationships Thru Personalized ‘Customer’ Care Once social media channels are up and running, they will function as an informational source for Fans and Followers, as well as customer care channels. As many people are “convenience-seeking” and are on mobile devices, it can be much more efficient for them to reach out to the community manager on social media channels. When inquiries or questions about All of Us are posted on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we will respond and direct the inquiries to the right resources for answers. For example. • An individual from the general public has a question that is covered in the FAQ, we will direct them to the website. • A question is more complicated than what the FAQ can answer, then we will direct them to an 800 number. • Questions from the professional health and science communities, we will direct them to the website or the NIH website.
  • 15. Social Media Strategy – Page 15 Handling Negative Posts Part of having an online presence is that there will always be people who disagree with your work, service, product, concept, process, or organization, etc. Due to some aspects of the program's complexity, we expect to have some negative feedback. The internet provides a filter between people – including individuals and organizations – which allows individuals to feel completely uninhibited in their speech. The approach to this type of commentary or feedback will be as follows: • We will address the complaint rather than ignore it, as that tends to exacerbate the situation. We will engage the individuals to discover what can be done to help them. • When and where it’s most appropriate, we will take the conversation offline (off the social channel) and contact individuals via direct message, ask them to call the 800 number, or provide them with an email address to discuss the matter to produce a more satisfactory outcome. • Of note, some individuals will never email for resolution. Instead, some just want a public forum to complain and be heard. On such occasions, we will remain professional and continue to offer help and assistance with transparency, honesty and integrity.
  • 16. Social Media Strategy – Page 16 Technology Automated Alerts & Filtering In addition to being proactive monitoring posts for negative comments, we will also be monitoring and flagging potential negative keywords. Facebook offers this added layer. Filters and automated alerts will be set up to respond as quickly as possible to events which could harm the brand and its image. Of added note, Twitter and Instagram don’t have this feature. Some example key words we will include in the filter: • Profanity • Female/male genitalia and their slang terms • Government, conspiracy, privacy, breach, hack, NSA, aliens • Animal, animal testing • Genetic testing, bioethics, unethical If we deem a response is required for any flagged post, we will respond according to the guidelines for ‘negative' posts. If we encounter “internet trolls” (people who deliberately provoke others through arguments, inflammatory posts, or off-topic messages, online), we will invoke our right to “hide” their comments on Facebook. As a rule of thumb., the better course of action is to hide the post rather than to “block” these individuals, as blocking may incense them and motivate them to continue trolling. For Twitter and Instagram, however, there is no “hide” option, so we we’ll need to invoke “blocking” on a case by case basis. This will be determined by measuring the potential negative repercussions in each case as it evolves.
  • 17. Social Media Strategy – Page 17 Technology Social Media Management Platform We have subscribed to Sprinklr, a social media management platform, to manage our social media activities with greater efficiency. Using the management platform, we will be able to plan content, route workflow, gain approvals, schedule and publish content, promote (paid) content posts, monitor ongoing social media / online discussions (and sentiments), curate content, and engage with the community and respond to requests and commentary. In addition, we will be able to use the platform for market analysis and influencer research to develop complementary strategic marketing efforts. Sprinklr is a leading platform and is already in use at the HHS for an anti- tobacco campaign.
  • 18. Social Media Strategy – Page 18 Partner Collaboration Conference Calls and Facebook Group Since there are many partners involved in All of Us, we propose creating a social media bi-weekly conference call via social media channels that will include all partners who are active in the consortium and marketing social media channels to promote the Program. It is recommended the community managers actively running the day to day social activities would comprise the members. The goal is to meet and talk as a group about best practices, what’s working, what’s not working, and to share real-time valuable experiences for the benefit of all. We will also establish a private Facebook group for sharing these best practices between calls and for sharing content. Additionally, each marketing partner will have a wealth of original and third-party content they will be using in their individual marketing efforts. A goal for everyone in the consortium should be to expand each partner’s individual content library by leveraging these owned and curated assets as a group. For example, corporate and retail partners like WebMD and Walgreen’s can be expected to have an abundance of health content targeted to their consumers. Conversely, Wondros will have an abundance of creative, original branded content, which in some cases could be published and promoted across owned assets. We will also encourage our partners to share content for cross-pollination of their own digital (social media) assets, as well as to provide support for each other’s campaigns. For example, with the national launch of the All of Us social media channels, we will ask All of Us corporate, retail, health, and regional partners with established social media channels, to send out messaging to their social communities to welcome PMI and to follow the PMI social media channels. An example Twitter tweet post would possibly look as follows: Twitter [from @WebMD] We’re excited to be a partner of the @AllofUsResearch program! Follow them to learn more about the #PrecisionMedicine #JoinAllofUs
  • 19. Social Media Strategy – Page 19 Facebook Channel Content Playbook Demographics 72% of US adults online, Male, female, ages 18-60+, skews female; rural, suburban, urban areas, at every income level and education background; diverse ethnic backgrounds; popular with middle-aged adults. Target Audience Potential All of Us participants; national disease and conditions organizations. Content Types  All of Us News links to update audience • Press from national media outlets • Press from regional media outlets • Researcher/expert press interviews o Article links o Video links  Video content explaining the PMI background/history • All of Us Anthem video • Community video o Full length o Short clips • The story of Eric Dishman’s personal experience with precision medicine (and similar stories) o Full length o Short clips • Internal researcher/expert interviews • FAQs o Full length o Short clips addressing specific issue
  • 20. Social Media Strategy – Page 20  Photos/images • Infographics showing the history of All of Us • Photos from events (e.g., conferences, launches), behind the scenes (e.g., facility tours), stills from community video clips, etc.  Influencer/blogger content • Share social media influencer content such as photos, video, and interviews from All of Us national and regional events • Share blogger articles, photos, interviews  Partner content • Share All of Us corporate partner content, e.g., All of Us blog posts from Walgreen’s, WebMD • Share All of Us regional content, e.g., news from PA Cares  Facebook Live As video performs well on Facebook, their version of livestream video, Facebook Live, will allow an audience to connect with All of Us in real- time. When an event is livestreaming, followers can react instantly, and need not watch the entire video to get to the parts that interests them. Once the livestream is finished, the video remains on the Facebook page for others to view, engage with later, and to share. With the launch of All of Us, there will be high interest and many questions to field. For the first quarter, we recommend monthly, one hour long, Facebook Live events to explain what All of Us is and how it will affect the future of peoples’ health. Topics for the months afterwards will focus on the All of Us process.
  • 21. Social Media Strategy – Page 21 EXAMPLE TOPICS January 2017 • Interview with Eric Dishman, Director, All of Us Research Program, NIH, discussing All of Us with the public – “What is All of Us? What is in it for me? What is expected of me if I volunteer?” As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Eric Dishman being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about what precision medicine is, what it means for the future of peoples’ health, and host a moderated Q&A. Also, he can speak about his personal experience with precision medicine. Days before the event, questions to ask Eric Dishman will be crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. A moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a few live questions, as well, for Eric to respond to during the event. February 2017 • Interview with Regina James, MD & Director of Clinical & Health Services Research Branch, NIH on Minority Health & Health Disparities, discussing what All of Us means for minorities and their health. As part of the national PMI launch, feature Regina James being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about what PMI means for minorities and their health. Days before the event, questions to ask Regina James would be crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a few live questions, as well, for Regina to respond to during the event. March 2017 • Interview with Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD & Director, NIH on Minority Health & Health Disparities, discussing what All of Us means for minorities and their health (Spanish-speaking) As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Eliseo J. Perez-Stable being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking to Spanish- speaking communities about what All of Us means for minorities and their health.
  • 22. Social Media Strategy – Page 22 Days before the event, questions to ask Eliseo J. Perez-Stable would be crowdsourced from PMI social media channels ahead of time. Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a few live questions, as well, for Eliseo to respond to during the event. • PMI presence at March 10-14, SXSW Conference coverage, Health Track Participation at SXSW Conference with Eric Dishman or tech person such as Praduman Jain in a Featured Session, Round Table or Panel to discuss All of Us (health and technology) and livestream, if permitted. April 2017 • Interview with Praduman Jain, MSEE, CEO, Vibrent Health, discussing Data and security. As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Praduman Jain, being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, discussing all things data for All of Us. What/how is data collected, how data is stored, how secure is data, etc., and host a moderated Q&A. Days before the event, questions to ask Praduman Jain will be crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a few live questions, as well, for Praduman to respond to during the event. May 2017 • Interview with Carolyn Hutter, PhD, Program Director, NIH, discussing what data is used for All of Us, how it’s interpreted and organized. As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Carolyn Hutter, being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about how data is used and have a moderated Q&A. Days before the event, questions to ask Carolyne Hotter will be crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a few live questions, as well, for Carolyn to respond to during the event.
  • 23. Social Media Strategy – Page 23 June 2017 • Interview with Stephen Thibodeau, PhD, Co-Director, Mayo Clinic, discussing process of what happens with a bio-specimen when it gets to the Biobank. As part of the national All of Us launch, feature Stephen Thibodeau, being interviewed for an hour on Facebook Live, talking about the process once bio-specimen is received, and host a moderated Q&A. Days before the event, questions to ask Stephen Thibodeau will be crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. Moderator will use those questions during the interview and will take a few live questions, as well, for Stephen to respond to during the event. July 2017 • Digital influencer or blogger conducting a live “behind the scenes” tour of Mayo Clinic Biobank. As people tend to trust the recommendations of digital influencers, we will invite a vetted key health blogger or digital influencer (who could potentially also be an All of Us volunteer) to tour a facility as an “Ambassador for the day” and “report” live for up to an hour. The Ambassador will conduct short interviews along the tour with researchers, tech people, health staff, etc., about All of Us and their roles with the program. Days before the event, questions for Ambassador to ask would be crowdsourced from All of Us social media channels ahead of time. When appropriate, Ambassador will ask some questions during the interviews and will take a few live questions, as well. The Ambassador will also follow the process of what happens with his/her bio-specimen at the Biobank.
  • 24. Social Media Strategy – Page 24 Twitter Channel Content Playbook Demographics Ages 18-59, educated, higher income than Facebook users, with younger users getting their news here. Diverse backgrounds, Caucasians, African Americans and Hispanics. Target Audience Potential All of Us participants, African Americans, Hispanics (English and Spanish-speaking), media outlets, journalists/writers, scientists, healthcare professionals. Content Types  Links to All of Us resources/website with email to sign up for more info  PMI news coverage links, announcements, background/history  Infographics  Photos  All of Us national partner content  All of Us corporate partner content, e.g., Walgreen’s, WebMD  All of Us regional partner content, e.g., San Diego Blood Bank, University of Pittsburgh  All of Us short video clips  Live tweeting at events and conferences, e.g., White House Frontiers, SXSW  Eric Dishman “PMInute” video  Twitter chats (#AoUChat) A Twitter chat is an organized online discussion about a topic, associated with a specific hashtag (#AoUChat). It is a good opportunity to accelerate growing the All of Us Twitter audience. Twitter chats offer an opportune way to engage with the Twitter community while simultaneously sharing knowledge as a thought leader. Together these will create awareness and exposure
  • 25. Social Media Strategy – Page 25 People who are there to participate in the Twitter chat are more likely to retweet, like and reply to tweets. The typical format of hosting a Twitter chat is an hour long, live Q&A session which is moderated. Once a topic is chosen for a Twitter chat, questions can be crowdsourced and vetted in advance of the scheduled chat to ensure that responses within the 140 characters are coherent. There will always be ongoing questions about All of Us: what it is, and how it works. Addressing the ten most frequently asked questions on a regular basis and in real-time on Twitter will create trust and transparency. Recommend bi-monthly Twitter chats for the first several months with an All of Us researcher/expert (Spanish-speaking, as well) to review FAQs with the Twitter community, along with other All of Us topics. EXAMPLE TOPICS January 2017 • What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs Host chat with Eric Dishman or Frances S. Collins • What is PMI and review All of Us FAQs (Spanish-speaking) Host chat with Martha L. Daviglus, MD, PhD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, Executive Director, Institute for Minority Health Research, University of Illinois, College of Medicine February 2017 • What is All of Us, and what it means for minorities and their health Host chat with Regina James, MD & Director of Clinical & Health Services Research Branch, NIH on Minority Health & Health Disparities • What is All of Us, and what it means for minorities and their health (Spanish-speaking). Host chat with Eliseo J. Perez-Stable, MD & Director, NIH on Minority Health & Health Disparities
  • 26. Social Media Strategy – Page 26 March 2017 • What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs Host chat with Akinlolu Ojo, MD, PhD, MBA, Associate Vice President, Clinical Research & Global Health Initiatives, University of Arizona Health Services • What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs Host chat with Anna McCollister-Slipp, Chief Advocate for Participatory Research, Scripps Translational Science Institute April 2017 • What happens with my All of Us data? Host chat with Praduman Jain, MSEE, CEO, Vibrent Health, discussing PMI data, what/how is data collected, how data is stored, how secure is data, etc. • What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs (Spanish-speaking) Host chat with Anna Napoles, PhD, MPH, Professor, Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco May 2017 • What data is used for PMI, and how is it interpreted and organized? Host chat with Carolyn Hutter, PhD, Program Director, NIH • What is All of Us and review All of Us FAQs Host chat with Robert Winn, MD, Associate Vice Chancellor for Community Based Practice, Director, University of Illinois Cancer Center, University of Illinois Hospital & Health Sciences System June 2017 • All of Us personal story Locate someone whose health has benefitted from genomic medicine (Eric Dishman?) and is willing to participate in a Twitter chat.
  • 27. Social Media Strategy – Page 27 Instagram Channel Content Playbook Demographics Of their 200M users, 53% are between ages 18-29. Besides young adults, women are particularly likely to be on Instagram, along with Hispanics and African Americans, and those who live in urban or suburban environments. Target Audience Potential participants, Hispanics, African Americans, millennials Content Types  National launch event • Images • Short video  Community stories • Images • Short video  Eric Dishman’s Weekly “PMInute” – short video thoughts on All of Us • One-minute video clips of Eric Dishman sharing thoughts on precision medicine and All of Us. Can be a simple as Eric doing a video selfie from his cell phone or someone in his office taking video and then sending it to the Wondros team for editing and uploading to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter  Regional events  All of Us participation at Conferences • White House Frontiers • SXSW Health  Instagram takeover An Instagram takeover is when a special guest (external or internal) is invited to temporarily manage the All of Us Instagram account to provide a behind the scenes look at an event from a different perspective. Recommend quarterly takeovers to start. Can increase in frequency once we know what events, tours, or launches are happening.
  • 28. Social Media Strategy – Page 28 EXAMPLE TAKEOVER TOPICS Follow an All of Us scientist for a day. As people tend to trust the recommendations of digital influencers, we would invite a vetted influencer to follow an All of Us scientist for the day to learn about All of Us, take photos, video, and conduct minute-long video interviews. What happens at an All of Us mobile/pop up event? This perspective will be told from an “on the ground” All of Us staff member at a mobile/pop up event who will take photos and short video during the event to provide a “behind the scenes” perspective. All of Us presence at national conferences such as upcoming SXSW. Send an influencer or a choose an All of Us staff member present at the conference, to take photos and short video of what’s going on at the conference and at the All of Us booth. Talking to people who stop at the All of Us booth and asking them about their thoughts on All of Us. What happens to a bio-specimen and tour of the Mayo Clinic Bio- Bank? Given the impact digital influencers have, we would invite a vetted key health blogger or digital influencer (who could potentially also be an All of Us volunteer) to tour a facility as an “Ambassador for the day”. Ambassadors will take photos and conduct up to one-minute-long interviews during the tour with researchers, tech people, health staff, etc., about All of Us and their roles within the program. These Ambassadors will also follow the process of what happens with their bio-specimens at the Biobank. Community support of All of Us through photos. Have an influencer, from his/her Instagram account, talk about All of Us and tell their audience how they can each be instrumental in the future of others’ health. Ask their audience to take a photo of what this means to them, post to their Instagram accounts with #AllofUs. Influencer will then review the images and repost to the All of Us Instagram account.
  • 29. Social Media Strategy – Page 29 ERIC DISHMAN BLOG Weekly blog posts written by Eric Dishman or ghostwriter, anchored on All of Us website, discussing precision medicine and All of Us-related topics. Chanel Function • Establish thought leadership/authority • Generate awareness/provide information • Drive traffic to All of Us website • Serve as a repository of content Target Audience Potential participants, media, partners, potential partners, researchers, healthcare professionals Content Types  All of Us discussion • History of precision medicine • Welcoming new partners to All of Us • All of Us process • Sharing thoughts  Guest blogger posts  Interviews  Photos/images  Infographics  Partner content • Share All of Us corporate partner content, e.g., All of Us blog posts from Walgreen’s, WebMD • Share All of Us regional content, e.g., news from PA Cares for Us
  • 30. Social Media Strategy – Page 30 REDDIT With 234 million users, Reddit is one of the most popular and useful social media news sites and discussion platforms. It is known as the “front page” of the internet” as Reddit is where most content is discovered before it becomes viral. It is a source for what’s new and popular on the internet. It differs from Twitter in that its content is curated by the community. Chanel Function • Share, discuss and rate/upvote news to determine what content rises to the top of community pages and, by extension, the public home page of Reddit • Disseminate information through AMA Demographics Ages 18-54, 53% male, 47% female, students, tech, urban/suburban areas Target Audience Potential participants, Hispanics, African Americans, millennials, tech people, students, media REDDIT “AMA” (Ask Me Anything) Ideation An AMA is a moderated, live, hour-long, online interview on Reddit. Questions are fielded and responded to in real-time. Recommend an AMA a few months after All of Us is officially launched when there’s more awareness and interest. Again, here is an example of President Obama’s AMA in 2012 which was one of the biggest AMA’s ever to take place. April 2017 Moderated AMA with Francis S. Collins or Eric Dishman answering questions on precision medicine and All of Us
  • 31. Social Media Strategy – Page 31 GUIDELINES FOR REGULAR ACTIVITIES ON SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS 1. Following individuals, companies, organizations, media, and luminaries. • Health, science, medical relevance • Current events, pop culture relevance • Use caution with interacting on public pages like commenting on their posts 2. Reposting/retweeting All of Us news from national or regional media news outlets that have been previously approved by the NIH • Recognized, trusted media sources such as the NYT • Ensure that views are balanced 3. Reposting/retweeting content from individuals, companies, organizations, and luminaries • No offensive, derogatory or disrespectful content that targets racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical disability • No inappropriate content • Avoiding sensitive topics • Avoiding negative posts, tweets, and blasts 4. Engaging in conversation with followers • When it makes sense to do so • Use caution when/if discussing issues where emotions run high (e.g., politics and religion), and show respect for others’ opinions • No posting confidential or non-public information • Use caution in responding to offensive or negative posts • Direct individuals to appropriate resources such as FAQ, when appropriate or necessary 5. Inserting All of Us in trending topics • When it makes sense to do so, e.g., #MondayMotivation or national health organization observances like #BreastCancerAwareness 6. “Like” or “Favorite” social media posts from individuals, companies, organizations, and luminaries • No offensive, derogatory or disrespectful content that targets racial, ethnic, sexual, religious, and physical disability • No inappropriate content • Avoid sensitive topics • Avoid negative posts, tweets, and blasts
  • 32. Social Media Strategy – Page 32 SPANISH-LANGUAGE ONLINE ENGAGEMENT Studies have shown that Spanish-dominant Hispanics prefer to learn about important information such as health care in their native language – Spanish. According to the Hispanic Pew Center, in recent years, some of the largest gains in internet use have been among immigrant Hispanics and those who are Spanish dominant. As a result, internet use among Hispanic adults continues to grow, though at a slow rate. When reaching out to U.S. Hispanics, we need to consider the following: • U.S. Hispanics are diverse and come from many different countries • The largest growth of the Hispanic community is coming from 2nd and 3rd generation Hispanics • Many Hispanics online in the United States are visiting English language sites • U.S. Hispanics are looking for cultural cues from organizations demonstrating an understanding of Latino nuances, values and dynamics In terms of social media sites, the percentage of Hispanic Internet users on Facebook is about 73 percent (compared to 71 percent of whites on Facebook); Instagram 34 percent, and Twitter about 25 percent. We will work closely with our Hispanic social media partners to translate key messages and culturally relevant content on a consistent basis to encourage engagement within the Hispanic community. Considering that there will not be separate Spanish-language “All of Us” social media handles, we recommend utilizing the All of Us pages on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as bilingual platforms. This way we can post from time to time in Spanish and demonstrate our commitment to communicate and stay engaged with diverse audiences.
  • 33. Social Media Strategy – Page 33 How will it work? 1. Develop a robust Hispanic social media editorial calendar Hispanic social media editorial calendar provides an overview of the kind of content we will push in the upcoming weeks and months of the campaign. The Hispanic social media editorial calendar will include translated and non- translated messages (messages that are in-culture), dates and times of postings, designate what channels will be used, and highlight URL links or images/videos that will be appropriate for Hispanic audiences. 2. Monitor and Respond The All of Us social media team will alert the Hispanic social media team when there are questions or responses in Spanish on the All of Us social media pages so we can quickly reply and engage with people in their preferred language and in-culture. The goal is to have an open dialogue to answer questions and encourage Hispanics to participate and share their positive experiences.
  • 34. Social Media Strategy – Page 34 PAID MEDIA ADS ON SOCIAL NETWORKS The social media landscape is constantly evolving. With newer networks rising to prominence, new technology increases user participation and real-time content, while existing networks enhance their platforms and products (e.g. Facebook Live). Organic reach is also shrinking as major social media networks are downplaying organic posts in favor of paid posts to monetize their platform. Despite the “pay to play” environment, paid social media combined with organic social media is an effective strategy to reaching audiences quickly, especially since the All of Us social media channels will be new. Organic social media refers to the free tools (creating an account/page, etc., to publish messages) provided by each social network to build a community and engage with it, sharing posts, liking and responding to comments. Paid social media refers to paying for ads and sponsored messages (text, image, video, carousel formats, etc.) on social media networks based on target demographics. A cost is incurred depending on the type of ad and are charged based on the number of times the ad has been clicked (per-click basis). Often there are challenges with reaching people via organic reach. With algorithms set to encourage peer-to-peer sharing vs. organization-to-follower sharing, Paid Social media is an important part of any growth initiative. Paid social media can amplify organic content, using social media channels’ ad tools to target audiences. For example, if the intent is to target the Spanish-speaking Hispanic community with a Spanish language All of Us video, we can do so with a paid post on Facebook. Only Spanish-speaking Hispanics will see the post. Another example is to target audience on the All of Us Facebook page, running a paid “LIKE” ad campaign that includes targets, as well. Those in the target will see the “LIKE our page” ad. Twitter and Instagram also have ad targeting capability which we would use similarly for paid ad campaigns on each respective channel. Paid social media will also allow us to achieve specific reach into specific populations, geographic areas and age groups across some of the social media channels such as Facebook.
  • 35. Social Media Strategy – Page 35 When we need to increase visibility with a population, Paid Social Media offers the ability to showcase specific content directed toward that population in an authentic and meaningful manner. In Summary As seen in the information above, the execution and management of the social media channels is an ongoing and complex effort. We will have a devoted community manager working with our strategists and creative directors on the above efforts. Our social media channels will be managed with care, kindness, enthusiasm and empathy. We intend to convey the core values of the All of Us program with our content and our engagement and activate these channels as a successful vehicle for awareness and enrollment.
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