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Social Media and the Future of
Privacy Walkthrough
The advantages and positives of publicness in
social media
The challenges and concerns of privacy in
social media

The perception of privacy in the future: how
social media will impact privacy in 2020?
All Images retrieved from (PYLE, 2013)

Fear of the unknown…
These are some actuals fears people had when new technology was introduced. Do
you see a pattern? (PYLE, 2013)
Printing Press and Books: “Information overload. Too many books are both confusing
and harmful to the brain.”

Newspaper and Telegraph: “Create nervous disorders by exposing people to sorrows of
individuals everywhere.”
Telephone: “It can make you deaf…and the electric current might kill you!”
Radio: “There is very little danger that Americans will resort to the vice of thinking. The
death of conversation is also forecast, to be replaced by the rattle and bang of
incredibly frightful jazz.”
Television: “It will hurt radio, conversation, reading, and the patterns of family living”
Take a look at this short video about the pattern of fear with new technologies.
A. Raposo
Pattern of Fear with New
Don’t fear the Gadget (Big Think, 2012)

Jeff Jarvis explains that when new technologies are
introduced to society it causes changes that people
aren’t ready for. When people don’t fully
understand the technology or see how it fits in their
lives, they fear what could go wrong. This causes
disruptions in their lives as well. When the Kodak
camera was invented people were fearful, even
President Teddy Roosevelt outlawed taking pictures
in Washington parks.
A. Raposo
So what happened? Do we still use cameras today?
Yes, people started getting used to cameras and it became the
norm of society. What’s the famous saying when someone
takes your picture? SMILE! Now pictures bring joy. Fear is a
normal reaction to technology, but we shouldn’t let it hold us
back. (Big Think, 2012)
How about the internet and concerns of privacy?
Jeff Jarvis explains that the internet is a much bigger
technology and privacy is important. He goes further to
explain that people should also note that the internet brings
new opportunities. “The magnificent tool to publicness.” Let
take a look at what Jeff Jarvis means about the opportunities
publicness brings. (Big Think, 2012)
A. Raposo
Benefits of Sharing Information
Jeff Jarvis writes in his blog post, called The small c and me:
“I have cancer, prostate cancer…Why am I even telling you
about this? …I gained tremendous benefit sharing another
ailment – heart arrhythmia – here on my blog. And so I have no
doubt that by sharing this, I will get useful advice and warm
support . I argue for the benefits of the public life. So I’d
better live it.” (Jarvis, 2009)
Image from (Jarvis, 2009)

Jeff Jarvis believes that the positive aspect of social media is that it allows people to
be more public . The main purpose of social media is to allow people to connect and
share information with others. Before this can happen, Jeff Jarvis explains that people
have to reveal themselves as members to particular groups. In the above blog post,
Jeff Jarvis hopes that by revealing his prostate cancer diagnoses, he would get useful
advice and support. It’s been four years since the above posting and Jeff has received
over 300 comments, let’s see what kind of feedback he received from the public.

A. Raposo
Blog Comments
Image retrieved from (Jarvis, 2009)

Bill Thompson: Jeff, I'm sorry to hear your news, but know that you'll face this as you face other
challenges and come through. Sharing it is brave, but you will have support from me and all the
others who have come to know and respect you and your work. Thinking of you
Bob: I went through prostate cancer robotic surgery two years ago, and would suggest the
following: 1) find a prostate cancer support group and attend some of their meetings…
Gina Chen: Best of luck for a quick recovery. My father-in-law and a friend both had prostrate
cancer, caught it early. Both are fine. Sure you will be, too. Thinking of you.
Jonathan Este: All the best Jeff. Good luck with the treatment and all credit to you for sharing - if
it prompts more men to get themselves checked then you've done us a real good turn.

From revealing himself, Jeff received more then just support and advice from
people. He created an outlet for people to be public about their personal life
and most importantly raise awareness. Let’s take a look at others ways people
use social media to raise awareness about heath issues. (Jarvis, 2009)
A. Raposo
Raising Awareness: Movember Campaign
About: Movember is a global campaign where men grow mustaches in the
month of November to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues.
Members use the powerful tool of social media as a platform to raise
awareness and educate people of men’s health issues. They even create
profiles on the campaign website to show their efforts. (Movember, 2013)
• $850,000 people worldwide raised $126.3M USD for men’s health issues
• 67% recommended someone else to see a doctor
• 20% went to see a doctor
• 43% became more aware and educated about the health risks they face
• More and more countries are joining the campaign (Movember, 2013)
(Alston, 2012)
Watch this short video for more information about this campaign
A. Raposo
Publicness in Social Media raising
Awareness for Cancer!


Social Media sites such as Facebook have pages that are informational and supportive of
cancer research for both people who are public on social media, and people who aren’t
If we are all aware, we can start saving lives
If this continues, it is possible that social media can help raise donations for a cancer cure in
the future
On just this one Facebook page there are 423,679 likes and 2,979 talking are about this.
A. Beech
Publicness in Social Media Raising
Mental Health Awareness
• Social Media raising awareness on recognizing
signs and symptoms of potential mental
• Publicness on social media allows people to
reach out to each other and get help
• The future- more diagnoses and treatments
for mental illnesses
Watch this short video about mental health.

A. Beech
Social Networking Can Fight Fat!

“Kids who are overweight often feel

like they are all alone,” he says. “When
they go on the site and see post after
post from kids who have the same
experiences and problems they have
had, it makes them realize this isn’t
true. Even if they never post a word,
this can be very powerful.”(Boyles,

• Publicness in social media can
lead to less obesity in the future
by bringing people together and
promoting motivational things on
social media sites toward physical
activity and nutrition
A. Beech
Publicness in Social Media Helping
Homeless Animals
• Raising awareness of animals in need for social
media users by access to photos
• Enabling easier ways to donate to animal shelters
and adopt animals
• Easier recruitment for much needed volunteers
• The future- Less homeless/helpless and
abandoned animals!
Watch this short video about how social media helping an animal shelter.
A. Beech
Publicness in Social Media is Leading
to Future Political Awareness
• "On the basis of the US
Patriot Act, US authorities
are asking US companies
based in Europe to hand
over the data of EU citizens.
This is however – according
to EU law – illegal," said
Reding. "The problem is
that when these companies
are faced with a request
whether to comply with EU
or US law, they will usually
opt for the American law.
Because in the end this is a
question of power."
(Traynor, 2013)



A. Beech

Publicness in social media enabled
Edward Snowden decision to leak a
trove of secret documents outlining
the NSA’s surveillance.
Democratization plays a roll in allowing
people to access this information
through social media
This is a political apathy antidote –
with the freedom of publicness in
social media, this is bringing political
consciousness to generations with
disinterest or lack of knowledge
The Power of Social Media in Egypt’s
Khaled Said, a young Egyptian businessman, was brutally
murdered by Egyptian policemen after he uploaded footage of
police corruption on YouTube. After learning of this terrible
incident and wanting to become more politically active, Wael
Ghonim created a Facebook page called “We are all Khaled
Said.” The page featured morgue photos of Khaled Said and
the page gathered 500,000 members. Members were mostly
outraged Egyptians who were ready to rally against
government corruption. The Facebook page would later focus
on tracking other account of police brutally, wrongful arrests,
and corrupt government. The page also became a place
where people planned and organized protests. This would
later spark an Egyptians revolution, without the need of
foreign involvement.(Crovitz, 2011)
A. Raposo

Image from Arabnet)
Publicness in Social Media can Lead to
a Safer Future



A. Beech

Publicness on social media sites
give police a handle on potential
“I’d been looking for this robbery
suspect. Detectives were at a dead
end; I decide to look and see if the
guy has Facebook. He does,
completely unsecured, and had
just ‘checked-in’ at a strip club.
Search the lot, find a car matching
the description of what he was
seen leaving the robbery in. Turns
out to be stolen. Wait for him to
walk out, ID him, bring him to the
detectives with their jaws hanging
open. Guy admitted to it all. I
didn’t even have to use my A.K.”
(Knibbs, 2013)
This brings us closer to a criminal
free future (or at least a safer
Advantages of Social Media for Businesses
Benefits for businesses: 43% of all online consumers are social media fans or
• 85% of Internet users have Facebook accounts
• 49% of Internet users have Twitter accounts
• 42% of people have mentioned a brand in a Facebook status update
• 20% of Facebook users have purchased something because of ads Image retrieved
from (Benefits of
or comments they saw
Websites & Social
• 67% of Twitter users are more likely to buy brands they follow
Media for
(Infographic), 2013)

Studies have shown that businesses who have a strong web presence perform
significantly better than their competitors who are offline. Social media
allows businesses to develop a strong identity and brand online, with the help
of online consumers. Consumers are able to comment of their experience
with a brand, which can attract other consumers if their experience was
positive. The best part is that social media websites like Facebook and Twitter
are free and easy to setup. Controlling consumer feedback on company
websites/blogs is also key for business success. Not only does it allow
businesses to interact with their customers, but it also gives consumers an
outlet to voice their opinions or issues. (Benefits of Websites & Social Media
for Businesses (Infographic), 2013)
A. Raposo
The Future of Businesses and Social



Publicness in social media is an advantage to
many businesses
In the year 2020, will publicness in social media
lead to all or most businesses basing out of social
The higher the technology the higher the sales “As more brand dollars flow into social media,
some firms will be able to build scale and others
will lose the race and fall by the wayside.” (Smith,
Facebook is the most popular and beneficial
social media site for businesses and advertising
“There is no better window into the fast-changing
world of social media marketing than Facebook's
preferred marketing developer program. It has
only been in existence for 18 months, and already
there are over 260 such partners operating
worldwide, helping brands plug into Facebook's
ad platforms and parse performance.” (Smith,

A. Beech
Benefits of Social Media for Students
By using social media for school purposes students receive the following benefits :
• Influence school activities
• Increase “academic” or “educational” networking
• Learn responsibility, safety, reputation, good citizenship
• Stimulate engagement, discussion, and understanding
• Learn collaboration
• Develop 21st century skills
• Positive attitude toward technology
• Connections between online participation(Obizmedia, 2013)
Images retrieved from (Obizmedia, 2013)

Examples of how Facebook and Twitter are used in the classroom:
- Reminders for homework assignments and test are posted online
- Increase communication between students, teachers, and parents
- Students are able to connect with other classmates
- Students contribute to class discussions and answer homework questions online
(Obizmedia, 2013)
A. Raposo
Image retrieved from (Kamenetz, 2012)

TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing
Here’s another example of how students and even educators can benefit from
using social media.
The website allows educators to create or enhance educational
YouTube videos for students. (TED-Ed, 2013)
TED-Ed video features for educators:
Let’s Begin section – add content or define a learning objective
Think section – add multiple choice questions or open answer questions
Dig Deeper section – expand on video with links to articles, references, or
Discussion section – create discussions around video
The site also enables educators to track the progress of their students. Videos
can also to nominated to be featured in the TED-Ed library, promoting a
world-wide learning environment. (TED-Ed, 2013)
A. Raposo
Fame and Social Media
• Publicness and social
media enables just
about anyone to gain
• If it weren’t for social
media Publicness and
Youtube, Justin Bieber
would still be a regular
kid in high school

A. Beech
Reuniting of Friendships
• An example of how social media can affect privacy in a
good way…
• “The India-Pakistan partition in 1947 separated many
friends and families overnight. A granddaughter in India
decides to surprise her grandfather on his birthday by
reuniting him with his childhood friend (who is now in
Pakistan) after over 6 decades of separation, with a little
help from Google Search.”
Take a look at this short video about reuniting friendships.
A. Beech
Publicness in Social Media Can Be an
Advantage to Your Relationships!


“Facebook gives you the
opportunity to maintain
relationships with friends
and family, regardless of
– “With a few clicks,
we're able to share in
others' life
experiences, be it old
colleagues or friends
from high school.”
(Koifman, 2013)
“Social media acts as a
form of self-expression and
is influencing how we share
our personalities; it's up to
us to use it effectively.”
(Koifman, 2013)


A. Beech

Publicness on social media sites and
online dating sites enables users to
broaden their love life
– In the future this may reduce fear
of never finding that “special
– Larger population by the year 2020
Maybe Publicness is better than
Privacy in our future

A. Beech
Challenges & Concerns of Social
Media and Privacy
For many years the Internet and the fast growing
Social Media have been seen as the new means of
democratization, breaking through the boundaries of
time and space and shifting from the monopoly of
Information to the oligopoly of the many voices that
crowded the virtual communities.

L. Ripanti
The interconnection between Social
Networks, the easy access to new
technologies and human interaction
has given enormous power to the

L. Ripanti
The Arab Spring: (from Arabnet)

L. Ripanti

Bradley Manning:
(from The Compliance Campaign)

The Kony Campaign
(from Exchange Journal)

… Social Media are destabilizing the
main pillars of power in today's society...
Traditional journalism being more and more
often replaced by citizen journalism;

Diplomacy being strongly affected by
public masses of opinion;

Politicians like Barack Obama have realized
how powerful and influencing Social Media
are, specially in electoral campaigns.
L. Ripanti
L. Ripanti
Robert Scoble (2012) @ TNW 2012

In this presentation,
Robert Scoble outlines
some of the latest
innovations in Social
Media technologies
and looks at the
future innovations
and at how these will
totally change the way
we perceive our lives.

To watch video click here
"...I think we are going to get over the privacy
thing... I don't think it matters that you know
the deepest, weirdest, craziest thought in my
head..." (Scoble, 2012)
L. Ripanti
"...Any personal
information can become
sensitive information..."
For people like Alessandro
Acquisti (Carnegie, 2013), on
the other hand, there is a fight
going on over the matter of
privacy! Through Social Media
and face-recognition software,
for example, it is possible to
take a picture of someone with
a mobile phone, put it on the
air, and you could have all sorts
of information about that
person from public domain and
through data from Social

Click here to watch video

Alessandro Acquisti (2013)
Associate Professor of Information Technology and Public
Policy at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, a
member of Carnegie Mellon Cylab, and a fellow of the
Ponemon Institute

L. Ripanti
(, 2011)


Click here to watch the video

L. Ripanti
Click on picture to watch video

(Methoderixon, 2009)
L. Ripanti
• Data/Identity theft
• Permanency of data over the Internet
• Discrimination caused by info over the Social
• Public Shaming
• Sensible data disclosing
• Filter Bubbles limiting
• Cyberbullism
L. Ripanti
“With so much
hacking and
activity, who is
responsible for
your safety?”
(Tanner, 2013)

J. Dalit
Here’s a video about Facebook
privacy concerns

• Continues to be the leading
social media website
• As the number of users
grow, there appears to be
more problems with Social
Media Privacy

J. Dalit
Current Facebook Privacy
Concerns include:

• A person’s personal
• What a user is listening to
• Whose personal page a
person was “creeping”
• What articles a user was
• (Hockenson, 2012)

J. Dalit
"If [crooks] can get your
user credentials for your
Facebook account, there's
a good chance that they
have the password for
your bank account.”-Tom
Clare (Kristof 2011)

J. Dalit
Concerns on Social Media and Privacy
1. Intellectual Property

1. Identity Theft

J. Dalit
Concerns in Social Media
Idea 1:
Publicness (lack of
privacy) in Social Media
can have a negative
effect on Intellectual
Property (IP) of

J. Dalit
What is Intellectual Property?
• Original creations such as inventions,
literary and artistic works etc.
• There are rights that need to be applied to
intellectual property such as: patents,
trade-marks, copyright etc.

J. Dalit
Intellectual Property
•Case 1: Kim Wilson who was given
the prestigious award for
postdoctoral fellowship to work in a
stem cell research lab located at a
Canadian University. Her current
work is leading to significant
discoveries for spinal cord injury
treatment. She is interested in
marketing some of her research
however she fears of other
researchers having access to her
research (Canadian Intellectual
Property Office, 2012).

J. Dalit
Intellectual Property Theft
• Case Study 2: Noam Galai is an
artist who was involved in an
“unusual case of Intellectual
Property theft”. He had posted a
photo of that he took of himself
screaming onto Flickr (a Photo
sharing website) thinking that he
was only sharing this photo with
close relatives and friends. Two
years after posting this image on
this photosharing site, it began to
appear in many countries and
being used on consumer products
such as t-shirts etc. He quickly
noticed that he was a victim of
Intellectual Property theft
(Charney, 2011)

J. Dalit
Publicness (lack of privacy) in Social
Media can have a negative impact on
Identity theft.

J. Dalit
What is Identity theft?
• Collecting another person’s personal
information to operate crimes.
• Information collecting is commonly used for
financial crimes.
• Illegal in Canada

J. Dalit
Identity Theft
Case Study 1: Colonel James
Jones had his identity stolen in
1999 after an online posting of
retired command officer in the
US army became public on a
website. In addition to their
names being posted, they also
had their Social Security
Number that was then stolen
by certain people who
committed online identity
thefts and credit card
frauds (Arnold, 2000).
J. Dalit
Identity Theft
Case 2: A couple by the names
of Lara Love and David Jackson
are known to the public as the
“neighbours from hell”. They
were convicted for 30 counts
of possessing other people’s
identity. This was done by
hacking into non-secured
Internet connections, pirating
mail and stealing wallets of
people they have developed
close relationships with (Frater,
J. Dalit
Identity Theft
If we don’t act now
to safeguard our
privacy, we could all
victims of identity
- Bill Nelson
J. Dalit
The Perception of Privacy in the




One major discovery and solution
producers have made was the single
access sign-on.
For example, a Facebook user can
sign up or log into various other
websites just by connecting his/her
Facebook account to that website.
Facebook offers other websites
information about the user and viceversa.
Therefor, when a user logs into a
website, it will make suggestions for
the user (, 2013).

J. Dalit
(Idea 3: The perception of
privacy in the future: how
social media will impact
privacy in 2020
“The problem isn't PRISM but you and
me. We let this happen. We allowed
government, business and my fraking
profession, the news media, to create
a culture of fear. Americans are
seemingly afraid of everything.
Someone could snatch your kids, so
you don't let them play in the
frontyard. Is another example even
necessary?” (Wilcox, 2013)

• Internet users will come to
realization that if you want
to be online, you can’t have
• People are afraid of what
we are enabling for the
government with the use of
social media
• Internet users boycott in
the future because of the
concern for privacy
A. Beech
Will the internet run out!?
• “How do we know we are approaching the
limits of our current telecom infrastructure?
The signs are subtle, but they are there. A
personal example—When I use Skype to send
my parents in Germany live video of my kids
playing hockey, the video sometimes freezes at
the most exciting moments. In all, this doesn’t
happen too often, but it happens more
frequently lately—a sign that networks are
becoming stressed by the amount of data
they’re asked to carry.” (Greenemeier, 2013)
• There is the possibility of simply running out of
capacity or money to keep up with the internet
• In relation to privacy concerns, the more we
use the internet, the more information about
ourselves is being spread as well as internet
capacity being taken up from this

A. Beech
Will Siri Take Over the World?
• Apple Inc.'s voice activated personal isistant who goes by the
name “Siri” is getting smarter as we know it!
• How? Through the sacrifice of our personal privacy.
• Every time we ask Siri a question, she has access to our
personal information in which she can gain knowledge from

A. Beech
Less Social Media Fame
• Gaining fame and attention
through Social Media has
recently become one of the
most popular ways to get
• If everyone is attempting
this and with less online
privacy in the future, will
Social Media Fame, Status,
or Social Capital be
– Not everyone can be

A. Beech

• Face recognition technologies and
• Geographical Localization: google maps and
other applications.
• Use of data collected in the past years to
evaluate people when recruiting.
L. Ripanti
Face recognition technologies
• In the UK, Tesco is planning to install screens able to
scan customers’ faces to provide personalized adds
(The Guardian, 2013)
• Soon, facial recognition will be used not to keep us
safe, but rather to target us to advertisers. The
technology is coming to the grocery store, in the form
of "smart shelves” (Smith, 2013).
Click here for the FOX 13 investigative
report by Doug Smith.

L. Ripanti
Geolocation Technologies
• Geolocation is the practice of
determining the location of an
object such as a mobile phone
(Magallanes, 2013).
• Today technologies are able to
track your mobile for a number of
reason: advertising, enabling
applications such as google maps
and many other useful apps to
simplify your life; but to do so
they need to access to all of your
• And often, applications are not
there to serve you, but to be used
against you!
L. Ripanti

Do we want this?
• Imagine enetering a shop and receive personalized
erotic adverts because you visited erotic websites, or
worse because some of your friends from a social
network did!
• Imagine saying that you are late because you are
stuck somewhere else, and being unmasked by being
tracked and geo-localized through your smartphone!
• Imagine if one day all of these information will be
used agaist you because laws have changed or
because we fall into a dictatorship!
L. Ripanti
As new threats arise… responses,
as well, are provided by many…
• Japan's National
Institute of Informatics
has developed glasses
that can detect and stop
facial recognition
(Isaacson, 2013).
• «Extremists» already
begun pointing out this
issue more than a year
ago and providing their
solutions  clicck here
(Hastey, 2012)

Click here to watch video

Glasses against facial recognition
(Diginfo.TV, 2013)
L. Ripanti
Image retrieved from (Denham, 2010)

Future of Privacy:
Information Rights for Canada
During a talk about the future of privacy, BC Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham,
stated the following about technology and data use: (Denham, The future of privacy.
Surveillance society, Mobile security, Genome identification, 2013)

Many changes in technology today
Risks in the use of data, especially in analytics
Citizens, businesses, government want “instant data, data in the raw”
People need to be educated on how to use data and when to protect it

Biggest privacy challenges and concerns for the future, Ms. Denham predicts:

Concerns on secret processing of online information by law enforcement and national security
Parliament and public debates about the secret surveillance of citizens
Need for more transparencies of these programs for public and private sectors
Civil liberties must be properly considered
Dialogues about secret surveillance shouldn't be kept in secret

A. Raposo
Retrieved from

BC Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham also states that
todays’ youth will have concerns of privacy in their adult years
when looking for a job. Today’s youth, “live online” and post
information like they have “nothing to hide.” This can become
a concern for them in the future when they are looking for
employment and want hide what they posted in their younger
days. (Denham, The future of privacy. Surveillance society,
Mobile security, Genome identification, 2013)
What needs to happen to avoid concerns?
– Young Canadians need to think about the future more and the
possible road blocks for being so public online
– More educated users
– Need new approach to protect the youth online
– Need to protect our information rights
A. Raposo
Retrieved from

Future of Privacy:
Facebook and Google

Ms. Denham believes that Facebook and Google
will do also do their part in protecting the privacy of
their users. There may be some friction in talks of
privacy because these companies value publicness
while some users want more privacy.
In the end, social media companies will need to
listen to their users because without them they
would not be able to operate successfully.
(Denham, The future of privacy. Surveillance
society, Mobile security, Genome identification,
A. Raposo
Balance of Publicness and Privacy
In conclusion, Jeff Jarvis, advocate for publicness, believes that
publicness and privacy is controlled by the creator of the work, which
is an advantage for users. Everyone chooses how public or private they
want to be on social media. Before these choices can be made, people
should consider the “risks and rewards”, there should be a balance.
(Crovitz, Information age: Are we too hung up on privacy?, 2011)
Publicness Rewards: feeling of connection world, reuniting friendships,
social media fame, raising health and political awareness, support,
advice, safer future, student benefits, business benefits.
Privacy Risks: Identity and intellectual property theft, face recognition,
geolocation technology.
A. Raposo
How will you balance publicness and
privacy on social media?

A. Raposo

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Social Media and the Future of Privacy

  • 1. Social Media and the Future of Privacy Walkthrough The advantages and positives of publicness in social media The challenges and concerns of privacy in social media The perception of privacy in the future: how social media will impact privacy in 2020?
  • 2. All Images retrieved from (PYLE, 2013) Fear of the unknown… These are some actuals fears people had when new technology was introduced. Do you see a pattern? (PYLE, 2013) Printing Press and Books: “Information overload. Too many books are both confusing and harmful to the brain.” Newspaper and Telegraph: “Create nervous disorders by exposing people to sorrows of individuals everywhere.” Telephone: “It can make you deaf…and the electric current might kill you!” Radio: “There is very little danger that Americans will resort to the vice of thinking. The death of conversation is also forecast, to be replaced by the rattle and bang of incredibly frightful jazz.” Television: “It will hurt radio, conversation, reading, and the patterns of family living” Take a look at this short video about the pattern of fear with new technologies. A. Raposo
  • 3. Pattern of Fear with New Technologies Don’t fear the Gadget (Big Think, 2012) Jeff Jarvis explains that when new technologies are introduced to society it causes changes that people aren’t ready for. When people don’t fully understand the technology or see how it fits in their lives, they fear what could go wrong. This causes disruptions in their lives as well. When the Kodak camera was invented people were fearful, even President Teddy Roosevelt outlawed taking pictures in Washington parks. A. Raposo
  • 4. Continued… So what happened? Do we still use cameras today? Yes, people started getting used to cameras and it became the norm of society. What’s the famous saying when someone takes your picture? SMILE! Now pictures bring joy. Fear is a normal reaction to technology, but we shouldn’t let it hold us back. (Big Think, 2012) How about the internet and concerns of privacy? Jeff Jarvis explains that the internet is a much bigger technology and privacy is important. He goes further to explain that people should also note that the internet brings new opportunities. “The magnificent tool to publicness.” Let take a look at what Jeff Jarvis means about the opportunities publicness brings. (Big Think, 2012) A. Raposo
  • 5. Benefits of Sharing Information Jeff Jarvis writes in his blog post, called The small c and me: “I have cancer, prostate cancer…Why am I even telling you about this? …I gained tremendous benefit sharing another ailment – heart arrhythmia – here on my blog. And so I have no doubt that by sharing this, I will get useful advice and warm support . I argue for the benefits of the public life. So I’d better live it.” (Jarvis, 2009) Image from (Jarvis, 2009) Jeff Jarvis believes that the positive aspect of social media is that it allows people to be more public . The main purpose of social media is to allow people to connect and share information with others. Before this can happen, Jeff Jarvis explains that people have to reveal themselves as members to particular groups. In the above blog post, Jeff Jarvis hopes that by revealing his prostate cancer diagnoses, he would get useful advice and support. It’s been four years since the above posting and Jeff has received over 300 comments, let’s see what kind of feedback he received from the public. A. Raposo
  • 6. Blog Comments Image retrieved from (Jarvis, 2009) Bill Thompson: Jeff, I'm sorry to hear your news, but know that you'll face this as you face other challenges and come through. Sharing it is brave, but you will have support from me and all the others who have come to know and respect you and your work. Thinking of you Bob: I went through prostate cancer robotic surgery two years ago, and would suggest the following: 1) find a prostate cancer support group and attend some of their meetings… Gina Chen: Best of luck for a quick recovery. My father-in-law and a friend both had prostrate cancer, caught it early. Both are fine. Sure you will be, too. Thinking of you. Jonathan Este: All the best Jeff. Good luck with the treatment and all credit to you for sharing - if it prompts more men to get themselves checked then you've done us a real good turn. From revealing himself, Jeff received more then just support and advice from people. He created an outlet for people to be public about their personal life and most importantly raise awareness. Let’s take a look at others ways people use social media to raise awareness about heath issues. (Jarvis, 2009) A. Raposo
  • 7. Raising Awareness: Movember Campaign About: Movember is a global campaign where men grow mustaches in the month of November to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues. Members use the powerful tool of social media as a platform to raise awareness and educate people of men’s health issues. They even create profiles on the campaign website to show their efforts. (Movember, 2013) Impact: • $850,000 people worldwide raised $126.3M USD for men’s health issues • 67% recommended someone else to see a doctor • 20% went to see a doctor • 43% became more aware and educated about the health risks they face • More and more countries are joining the campaign (Movember, 2013) (Alston, 2012) Watch this short video for more information about this campaign A. Raposo
  • 8. Publicness in Social Media raising Awareness for Cancer! • • • • Social Media sites such as Facebook have pages that are informational and supportive of cancer research for both people who are public on social media, and people who aren’t If we are all aware, we can start saving lives If this continues, it is possible that social media can help raise donations for a cancer cure in the future On just this one Facebook page there are 423,679 likes and 2,979 talking are about this. A. Beech
  • 9. Publicness in Social Media Raising Mental Health Awareness • Social Media raising awareness on recognizing signs and symptoms of potential mental illnesses • Publicness on social media allows people to reach out to each other and get help • The future- more diagnoses and treatments for mental illnesses Watch this short video about mental health. A. Beech
  • 10. Social Networking Can Fight Fat! • “Kids who are overweight often feel like they are all alone,” he says. “When they go on the site and see post after post from kids who have the same experiences and problems they have had, it makes them realize this isn’t true. Even if they never post a word, this can be very powerful.”(Boyles, 2012) • Publicness in social media can lead to less obesity in the future by bringing people together and promoting motivational things on social media sites toward physical activity and nutrition A. Beech
  • 11. Publicness in Social Media Helping Homeless Animals • Raising awareness of animals in need for social media users by access to photos • Enabling easier ways to donate to animal shelters and adopt animals • Easier recruitment for much needed volunteers • The future- Less homeless/helpless and abandoned animals! Watch this short video about how social media helping an animal shelter. A. Beech
  • 12. Publicness in Social Media is Leading to Future Political Awareness • "On the basis of the US Patriot Act, US authorities are asking US companies based in Europe to hand over the data of EU citizens. This is however – according to EU law – illegal," said Reding. "The problem is that when these companies are faced with a request whether to comply with EU or US law, they will usually opt for the American law. Because in the end this is a question of power." (Traynor, 2013) • • • A. Beech Publicness in social media enabled Edward Snowden decision to leak a trove of secret documents outlining the NSA’s surveillance. Democratization plays a roll in allowing people to access this information through social media This is a political apathy antidote – with the freedom of publicness in social media, this is bringing political consciousness to generations with disinterest or lack of knowledge
  • 13. The Power of Social Media in Egypt’s Revolution Khaled Said, a young Egyptian businessman, was brutally murdered by Egyptian policemen after he uploaded footage of police corruption on YouTube. After learning of this terrible incident and wanting to become more politically active, Wael Ghonim created a Facebook page called “We are all Khaled Said.” The page featured morgue photos of Khaled Said and the page gathered 500,000 members. Members were mostly outraged Egyptians who were ready to rally against government corruption. The Facebook page would later focus on tracking other account of police brutally, wrongful arrests, and corrupt government. The page also became a place where people planned and organized protests. This would later spark an Egyptians revolution, without the need of foreign involvement.(Crovitz, 2011) A. Raposo Image from Arabnet)
  • 14. Publicness in Social Media can Lead to a Safer Future • • • A. Beech Publicness on social media sites give police a handle on potential criminals “I’d been looking for this robbery suspect. Detectives were at a dead end; I decide to look and see if the guy has Facebook. He does, completely unsecured, and had just ‘checked-in’ at a strip club. Search the lot, find a car matching the description of what he was seen leaving the robbery in. Turns out to be stolen. Wait for him to walk out, ID him, bring him to the detectives with their jaws hanging open. Guy admitted to it all. I didn’t even have to use my A.K.” (Knibbs, 2013) This brings us closer to a criminal free future (or at least a safer future)
  • 15. Advantages of Social Media for Businesses Benefits for businesses: 43% of all online consumers are social media fans or followers • 85% of Internet users have Facebook accounts • 49% of Internet users have Twitter accounts • 42% of people have mentioned a brand in a Facebook status update • 20% of Facebook users have purchased something because of ads Image retrieved from (Benefits of or comments they saw Websites & Social • 67% of Twitter users are more likely to buy brands they follow Media for Businesses (Infographic), 2013) Studies have shown that businesses who have a strong web presence perform significantly better than their competitors who are offline. Social media allows businesses to develop a strong identity and brand online, with the help of online consumers. Consumers are able to comment of their experience with a brand, which can attract other consumers if their experience was positive. The best part is that social media websites like Facebook and Twitter are free and easy to setup. Controlling consumer feedback on company websites/blogs is also key for business success. Not only does it allow businesses to interact with their customers, but it also gives consumers an outlet to voice their opinions or issues. (Benefits of Websites & Social Media for Businesses (Infographic), 2013) A. Raposo
  • 16. The Future of Businesses and Social Media • • • • • Publicness in social media is an advantage to many businesses In the year 2020, will publicness in social media lead to all or most businesses basing out of social media? The higher the technology the higher the sales “As more brand dollars flow into social media, some firms will be able to build scale and others will lose the race and fall by the wayside.” (Smith, 2013) Facebook is the most popular and beneficial social media site for businesses and advertising “There is no better window into the fast-changing world of social media marketing than Facebook's preferred marketing developer program. It has only been in existence for 18 months, and already there are over 260 such partners operating worldwide, helping brands plug into Facebook's ad platforms and parse performance.” (Smith, 2013) A. Beech
  • 17. Benefits of Social Media for Students By using social media for school purposes students receive the following benefits : • Influence school activities • Increase “academic” or “educational” networking • Learn responsibility, safety, reputation, good citizenship • Stimulate engagement, discussion, and understanding • Learn collaboration • Develop 21st century skills • Positive attitude toward technology • Connections between online participation(Obizmedia, 2013) Images retrieved from (Obizmedia, 2013) Examples of how Facebook and Twitter are used in the classroom: - Reminders for homework assignments and test are posted online - Increase communication between students, teachers, and parents - Students are able to connect with other classmates - Students contribute to class discussions and answer homework questions online (Obizmedia, 2013) A. Raposo
  • 18. Image retrieved from (Kamenetz, 2012) TED-Ed: Lessons Worth Sharing Here’s another example of how students and even educators can benefit from using social media. The website allows educators to create or enhance educational YouTube videos for students. (TED-Ed, 2013) TED-Ed video features for educators: Let’s Begin section – add content or define a learning objective Think section – add multiple choice questions or open answer questions Dig Deeper section – expand on video with links to articles, references, or blogs Discussion section – create discussions around video The site also enables educators to track the progress of their students. Videos can also to nominated to be featured in the TED-Ed library, promoting a world-wide learning environment. (TED-Ed, 2013) A. Raposo
  • 19. Fame and Social Media • Publicness and social media enables just about anyone to gain fame • If it weren’t for social media Publicness and Youtube, Justin Bieber would still be a regular kid in high school A. Beech
  • 20. Reuniting of Friendships • An example of how social media can affect privacy in a good way… • “The India-Pakistan partition in 1947 separated many friends and families overnight. A granddaughter in India decides to surprise her grandfather on his birthday by reuniting him with his childhood friend (who is now in Pakistan) after over 6 decades of separation, with a little help from Google Search.” Take a look at this short video about reuniting friendships. A. Beech
  • 21. Publicness in Social Media Can Be an Advantage to Your Relationships! • • “Facebook gives you the opportunity to maintain relationships with friends and family, regardless of distance.” – “With a few clicks, we're able to share in others' life experiences, be it old colleagues or friends from high school.” (Koifman, 2013) “Social media acts as a form of self-expression and is influencing how we share our personalities; it's up to us to use it effectively.” (Koifman, 2013) • A. Beech Publicness on social media sites and online dating sites enables users to broaden their love life – In the future this may reduce fear of never finding that “special someone” – Larger population by the year 2020
  • 22. Maybe Publicness is better than Privacy in our future A. Beech
  • 23. Challenges & Concerns of Social Media and Privacy For many years the Internet and the fast growing Social Media have been seen as the new means of democratization, breaking through the boundaries of time and space and shifting from the monopoly of Information to the oligopoly of the many voices that crowded the virtual communities. L. Ripanti
  • 24. The interconnection between Social Networks, the easy access to new technologies and human interaction has given enormous power to the individuals… L. Ripanti
  • 25. The Arab Spring: (from Arabnet) L. Ripanti Bradley Manning: (from The Compliance Campaign) The Kony Campaign (from Exchange Journal) (from
  • 26. … Social Media are destabilizing the main pillars of power in today's society... Traditional journalism being more and more often replaced by citizen journalism; Diplomacy being strongly affected by public masses of opinion; Politicians like Barack Obama have realized how powerful and influencing Social Media are, specially in electoral campaigns. L. Ripanti
  • 28. TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES AND SOCIAL NETWORKS ARE ENABLING INCREDIBLE DATA COLLECTING… Robert Scoble (2012) @ TNW 2012 In this presentation, Robert Scoble outlines some of the latest innovations in Social Media technologies and looks at the future innovations and at how these will totally change the way we perceive our lives. To watch video click here "...I think we are going to get over the privacy thing... I don't think it matters that you know the deepest, weirdest, craziest thought in my head..." (Scoble, 2012) L. Ripanti
  • 29. "...Any personal information can become sensitive information..." For people like Alessandro Acquisti (Carnegie, 2013), on the other hand, there is a fight going on over the matter of privacy! Through Social Media and face-recognition software, for example, it is possible to take a picture of someone with a mobile phone, put it on the air, and you could have all sorts of information about that person from public domain and through data from Social Networks! Click here to watch video Alessandro Acquisti (2013) Associate Professor of Information Technology and Public Policy at the Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University, a member of Carnegie Mellon Cylab, and a fellow of the Ponemon Institute L. Ripanti
  • 31. Click on picture to watch video (Methoderixon, 2009) L. Ripanti
  • 32. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MAIN RISKS? • Data/Identity theft • Permanency of data over the Internet • Discrimination caused by info over the Social Networks • Public Shaming • Sensible data disclosing • Filter Bubbles limiting • Cyberbullism L. Ripanti
  • 33. “With so much hacking and malicious activity, who is responsible for your safety?” (Tanner, 2013) J. Dalit
  • 34. FACEBOOK Here’s a video about Facebook privacy concerns • Continues to be the leading social media website • As the number of users grow, there appears to be more problems with Social Media Privacy J. Dalit
  • 35. Current Facebook Privacy Concerns include: • A person’s personal whereabouts • What a user is listening to • Whose personal page a person was “creeping” • What articles a user was viewing • (Hockenson, 2012) J. Dalit
  • 36. "If [crooks] can get your user credentials for your Facebook account, there's a good chance that they have the password for your bank account.”-Tom Clare (Kristof 2011) J. Dalit
  • 37. Concerns on Social Media and Privacy 1. Intellectual Property Theft 1. Identity Theft J. Dalit
  • 38. Concerns in Social Media Idea 1: Publicness (lack of privacy) in Social Media can have a negative effect on Intellectual Property (IP) of businesses J. Dalit
  • 39. What is Intellectual Property? • Original creations such as inventions, literary and artistic works etc. • There are rights that need to be applied to intellectual property such as: patents, trade-marks, copyright etc. J. Dalit
  • 40. Intellectual Property •Case 1: Kim Wilson who was given the prestigious award for postdoctoral fellowship to work in a stem cell research lab located at a Canadian University. Her current work is leading to significant discoveries for spinal cord injury treatment. She is interested in marketing some of her research however she fears of other researchers having access to her research (Canadian Intellectual Property Office, 2012). J. Dalit
  • 41. Intellectual Property Theft • Case Study 2: Noam Galai is an artist who was involved in an “unusual case of Intellectual Property theft”. He had posted a photo of that he took of himself screaming onto Flickr (a Photo sharing website) thinking that he was only sharing this photo with close relatives and friends. Two years after posting this image on this photosharing site, it began to appear in many countries and being used on consumer products such as t-shirts etc. He quickly noticed that he was a victim of Intellectual Property theft (Charney, 2011) J. Dalit
  • 42. Publicness (lack of privacy) in Social Media can have a negative impact on Identity theft. J. Dalit
  • 43. What is Identity theft? • Collecting another person’s personal information to operate crimes. • Information collecting is commonly used for financial crimes. • Illegal in Canada J. Dalit
  • 44. Identity Theft Case Study 1: Colonel James Jones had his identity stolen in 1999 after an online posting of retired command officer in the US army became public on a website. In addition to their names being posted, they also had their Social Security Number that was then stolen by certain people who committed online identity thefts and credit card frauds (Arnold, 2000). J. Dalit
  • 45. Identity Theft Case 2: A couple by the names of Lara Love and David Jackson are known to the public as the “neighbours from hell”. They were convicted for 30 counts of possessing other people’s identity. This was done by hacking into non-secured Internet connections, pirating mail and stealing wallets of people they have developed close relationships with (Frater, 2009) J. Dalit
  • 46. Identity Theft If we don’t act now to safeguard our privacy, we could all become victims of identity theft. - Bill Nelson J. Dalit
  • 47. The Perception of Privacy in the future: • • • • One major discovery and solution producers have made was the single access sign-on. For example, a Facebook user can sign up or log into various other websites just by connecting his/her Facebook account to that website. Facebook offers other websites information about the user and viceversa. Therefor, when a user logs into a website, it will make suggestions for the user (, 2013). J. Dalit
  • 48. (Idea 3: The perception of privacy in the future: how social media will impact privacy in 2020 “The problem isn't PRISM but you and me. We let this happen. We allowed government, business and my fraking profession, the news media, to create a culture of fear. Americans are seemingly afraid of everything. Someone could snatch your kids, so you don't let them play in the frontyard. Is another example even necessary?” (Wilcox, 2013) BOYCOTT THE INTERNET • Internet users will come to realization that if you want to be online, you can’t have privacy • People are afraid of what we are enabling for the government with the use of social media • Internet users boycott in the future because of the concern for privacy A. Beech
  • 49. Will the internet run out!? • “How do we know we are approaching the limits of our current telecom infrastructure? The signs are subtle, but they are there. A personal example—When I use Skype to send my parents in Germany live video of my kids playing hockey, the video sometimes freezes at the most exciting moments. In all, this doesn’t happen too often, but it happens more frequently lately—a sign that networks are becoming stressed by the amount of data they’re asked to carry.” (Greenemeier, 2013) • There is the possibility of simply running out of capacity or money to keep up with the internet • In relation to privacy concerns, the more we use the internet, the more information about ourselves is being spread as well as internet capacity being taken up from this A. Beech
  • 50. Will Siri Take Over the World? • Apple Inc.'s voice activated personal isistant who goes by the name “Siri” is getting smarter as we know it! • How? Through the sacrifice of our personal privacy. • Every time we ask Siri a question, she has access to our personal information in which she can gain knowledge from A. Beech
  • 51. Less Social Media Fame • Gaining fame and attention through Social Media has recently become one of the most popular ways to get famous • If everyone is attempting this and with less online privacy in the future, will Social Media Fame, Status, or Social Capital be possible? – Not everyone can be famous! A. Beech
  • 52. CONVERGENCE AMONG TECHNOLOGIES AND SOCIAL MEDIA HAVE BROUGHT TO THE REACH OF PRIVATE INDIVIDULS, COMPANIES AND ORGANIZATIONS, POWERFUL INSTRUMENTS THAT MINE THE SECURITY OF PRIVACY • Face recognition technologies and applications. • Geographical Localization: google maps and other applications. • Use of data collected in the past years to evaluate people when recruiting. L. Ripanti
  • 53. Face recognition technologies • In the UK, Tesco is planning to install screens able to scan customers’ faces to provide personalized adds (The Guardian, 2013) • Soon, facial recognition will be used not to keep us safe, but rather to target us to advertisers. The technology is coming to the grocery store, in the form of "smart shelves” (Smith, 2013). Click here for the FOX 13 investigative report by Doug Smith. L. Ripanti
  • 54. Geolocation Technologies • Geolocation is the practice of determining the location of an object such as a mobile phone (Magallanes, 2013). • Today technologies are able to track your mobile for a number of reason: advertising, enabling applications such as google maps and many other useful apps to simplify your life; but to do so they need to access to all of your movements. • And often, applications are not there to serve you, but to be used against you! L. Ripanti From:
  • 55. Do we want this? • Imagine enetering a shop and receive personalized erotic adverts because you visited erotic websites, or worse because some of your friends from a social network did! • Imagine saying that you are late because you are stuck somewhere else, and being unmasked by being tracked and geo-localized through your smartphone! • Imagine if one day all of these information will be used agaist you because laws have changed or because we fall into a dictatorship! L. Ripanti
  • 56. As new threats arise… responses, as well, are provided by many… • Japan's National Institute of Informatics has developed glasses that can detect and stop facial recognition (Isaacson, 2013). • «Extremists» already begun pointing out this issue more than a year ago and providing their solutions  clicck here (Hastey, 2012) Click here to watch video Glasses against facial recognition (Diginfo.TV, 2013) L. Ripanti
  • 57. Image retrieved from (Denham, 2010) Future of Privacy: Information Rights for Canada During a talk about the future of privacy, BC Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, stated the following about technology and data use: (Denham, The future of privacy. Surveillance society, Mobile security, Genome identification, 2013) • • • • Many changes in technology today Risks in the use of data, especially in analytics Citizens, businesses, government want “instant data, data in the raw” People need to be educated on how to use data and when to protect it Biggest privacy challenges and concerns for the future, Ms. Denham predicts: • • • • • Concerns on secret processing of online information by law enforcement and national security agencies Parliament and public debates about the secret surveillance of citizens Need for more transparencies of these programs for public and private sectors Civil liberties must be properly considered Dialogues about secret surveillance shouldn't be kept in secret A. Raposo
  • 58. Retrieved from Continued… BC Privacy Commissioner, Elizabeth Denham also states that todays’ youth will have concerns of privacy in their adult years when looking for a job. Today’s youth, “live online” and post information like they have “nothing to hide.” This can become a concern for them in the future when they are looking for employment and want hide what they posted in their younger days. (Denham, The future of privacy. Surveillance society, Mobile security, Genome identification, 2013) What needs to happen to avoid concerns? – Young Canadians need to think about the future more and the possible road blocks for being so public online – More educated users – Need new approach to protect the youth online – Need to protect our information rights A. Raposo
  • 59. Retrieved from Future of Privacy: Facebook and Google Ms. Denham believes that Facebook and Google will do also do their part in protecting the privacy of their users. There may be some friction in talks of privacy because these companies value publicness while some users want more privacy. In the end, social media companies will need to listen to their users because without them they would not be able to operate successfully. (Denham, The future of privacy. Surveillance society, Mobile security, Genome identification, 2013) A. Raposo
  • 60. Balance of Publicness and Privacy In conclusion, Jeff Jarvis, advocate for publicness, believes that publicness and privacy is controlled by the creator of the work, which is an advantage for users. Everyone chooses how public or private they want to be on social media. Before these choices can be made, people should consider the “risks and rewards”, there should be a balance. (Crovitz, Information age: Are we too hung up on privacy?, 2011) Publicness Rewards: feeling of connection world, reuniting friendships, social media fame, raising health and political awareness, support, advice, safer future, student benefits, business benefits. Privacy Risks: Identity and intellectual property theft, face recognition, geolocation technology. A. Raposo
  • 61. How will you balance publicness and privacy on social media? A. Raposo

Editor's Notes

  7. Gordon Crovitz, L. (2011, Feb 14). Information age: Egypt's revolution by social media. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from
  13. Pic: