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This year-long campaign from May 1st of 2017 to April
30th in 2018 will increase sales by growing and improving
sales of smart car in urban cities through millennial
markets with a secondary target market of those over the
age of 50.
The campaign will create an improved branding for smart
with increasing awareness for both its safety and
enjoyable aspects. It will emphasize the cars many assets
and functionality while developing a connection with
its owners.
The primary target audience for the smart campaign will
be men and women in the millennial market aged 18 – 30,
and a secondary audience in those over the age of 50.
Smart USA is an innovative company with a product that
stands out for its unique look and design. The smart ED is
efficient for urban markets, eco-friendly and reduces
unnecessary space taken up by the average car. This
brand and its product fit well with the goals and needs of
those young and young at heart.
	 This campaign will cross the connections between
the driver and smart car to establish how this unique car
stands out while fitting in. It will focus on the surprising
features and aspects that some may or may not know
about smart, from its safety features to its style. This car
will surprise you.
This campaign will run for a 12-month period – from
May 1, 2017, to April 30, 2018. The campaign will be
broken up quarterly: May-July, August-October,
November-January, and February-April. We will be using a
pulsing strategy. With this strategy in mind, we will
implement intense advertising during the launch, months
May, June, and July, to build awareness of the 2017 smart
ED. Throughout the rest of the year, we will use advertising
to maintain brand awareness. There will be a decrease in
advertising after the initial launch, which will be followed
by an increase in the months during the holidays. Towards
the end of the campaign, the hope is that we will be able
to decrease advertising due to the strong awareness of the
smart ED.
Executive Summary
Situation Analysis
Target Audience
Campaign Objectives
Creative Strategy
Marketing Strategy Overview
Media Strategy
Advertising Executions
Public Relations
Evaulation & Expenditures
Works Cited
Account Executive
Media Strategist & Copy Editor
PR Strategist
Graphic Design | Advertising
Graphic Design | Book Layout
CLIENT: smart USA PERIOD: MAY 1, 2017–APRIL 30, 2018 BUDGET: $8,000,000
smartcampaign 2017
This situation analysis has collective research based on the company,
consumer, market, product, and competition. There was also a collection of
primary data from both a survey and focus group to better understand the
consumer and target market. The research collected assisted in the
development and planning of the campaign. The following is the collective
data compiled for the benefit of the campaign and the understanding of both
the product and its market.
Nicolas Hayek
>> founder of the Swatch Group
smart USA
Beginning in the early ‘70s, Johann Tomforde began to
explore the idea for an urban-focused car design. Around
this time, Swatch founder Nicolas Hayek was working on
his own idea for a compact car during the but was unable
to move beyond the concept due to the lack of resources.
	 By the early ‘90s Mercedes-Benz pushed forward the
design phase with a team of young designers who were
focused on the limitations for cars in cities. These
designers observed people using cars in cities and took
notes on the limits and expectations consumers had. The
designers took these observations and developed ideas
on how to improve limitations they witnessed. When the
designers proposed their idea to Mercedes-Benz, the
two collaborated.
In 1994, smart was born. The name “smart” originates
from the combination of the two companies “Swatch
Mercedes Art” and the idea that it should be a reflection of
artful designs similar to Swatch watches.
	 In 1997, the company base, Smartville, in Hambach,
France was built with an architectural design to promote
an efficient flow of manufacturing while using less land.
This was done to continue the idea that smart focuses on
innovation and efficiency.
Compact and ready to take on the narrow
city streets, in 1998 the first smart cars were
successfully rolled out to nine countries
across Europe. By 2008, smart cars
were selling in the United States at
dealerships across the country. In
2011, Mercedes-Benz USA acquired
smart under the parent company
Daimler AG.
	 The focus to be
innovative has pushed
smart to march into the
future with its latest line
of all-electric cars and
continue to develop
new technology to
further expand on
progressive design.
smartcampaign 2017
Smart car can be seen as the car that appeals to
everyone. From post college students living in the city to
empty nesters downsizing, smart fits a variety of lifestyles. 
Millennials make up a great number of smart’s consumers.
The 2016 Mintel Hybrid and Electric Car report states that
half of the consumers aged 25-34 years old have shopped
or researched for an electric or hybrid car. This generation
grew up with a huge influence of the idea of being
environmentally friendly. Millennials feel that hybrid and
electric cars are efficient for their daily commute to work or
for use when running errands or weekend travel.
	 About 50% of married people and around 30% of
single people are driving smart cars. The consumer is
living in major cities and focused on their careers. As the
consumer, older millennials are especially important as
they have been in the workforce for a few years now and
are at a point in their lives where they feel they are
financially stable. Men are more likely to purchase a new
car, and 60% of current smart car drivers are men making
them have a stronger consumer presence.
Those aged 55+ are going through a great amount of life
changes from becoming empty nesters to entering into
retirement. Eighty percent of the owners of smart cars
have no children currently living in the household.
These consumers of smart are purchasing because the
car is functional and convenient for their lifestyle. They no
longer need a big car that can fit an entire family.
	 The 2016 Mintel Hybrid and Electric Cars report states
that about half of baby boomer women are interested in
researching and potentially buying a hybrid or electric car.
Baby boomer women also admit to not being very familiar
with the product, so educating this target market would be
very effective in generating potential sales. Retired women
are a strong potential consumer of smart because they
want to know more about the car and how it could fit
their lifestyle.
	 The Mintel report states that women in general are
influenced by messages that align with their values.
Therefore, the push for a green life and the advantages of
a smart car could effectively reach them and make them
feel relatable to smart. Consumers aged 55+ are made up
of all adults. The consumer is buying because of
functionality in size and eco-friendliness.
Overall, consumers feel that they are doing their research
for hybrid and electric cars online. Consumers of smart
turn to the Internet to learn about the cars and potential
purchases. The majority of the population has a smart
phone, tablet or computer. Consumers are constantly
connected and feel the web is the best place to find
necessary information before making a purchase.
smartcampaign 2017
In order to better understand the target markets for this
campaign, a survey was conducted. The questions asked
focused on: age, marital status, and other basic
information to better envision who could be targeted in this
campaign. The survey was distributed to 269 people that
represented a diverse range of ages.
	 Of those who participated, 46% were male and 54%
were female. Those surveyed ranged from 16 to over 55.
The makeup of this survey is as follows: 16-24 made up
34%, 25- 44 are 10%, 45-54 made up 20% and 36% were
over 55 years old. The following options were given to
determine the geographical location of those being
surveyed: urban/city, suburban, and rural. There was an
overwhelming 78% of the 269 living in the suburbs, 15%
in cities, and 7% living in rural areas. When asked where
they plan to live, suburbs held the majority with 62% and
28% said they planned on living in the city. This is on track
with the movement of more people back into city centers
from the suburbs.
	 Out of the people surveyed about their transportation
preference, (public transportation, automobile, bike,
uber/taxi, and other) 95% said they preferred a car. This
lined up with the response to the question on if they owned
a car, which 97% said yes. In determining their stance on
the “going green” concept, 36% somewhat agreed with
the idea, while the second highest response was simply
agreed at 31%, followed strongly agree with 13%, meaning
that out of 269 people, the green movement is heavily
represented through these demographics. After
establishing basic demographic information of those being
surveyed, we got more direct in our questioning. The
response to if they prefer electric or gas powered cars
came into a razor-thin result of 49.79% for electric and
50.21% for gas.
	 When it came to important qualities of a car, feedback
was much more split. The options given include: durability,
being economic, fun, stylish, spacious, and safe. Safety
had the strong majority with 40% and durability coming in
second with 25%. It was made even clearer with the
question of “is safety important to you?” Over 70%
strongly agreed.
This concern over safety came up again when we
conducted our focus group. The focus group consisted
of college-aged students from the University of Alabama
campus, ages 19 to 22. They were asked generic
questions in the beginning about their majors, where they
planned to live, and what kind of car they drove. Like the
survey, the majority came from the suburbs and drove
either a car, SUV, or truck. They were shown examples of
previous campaigns, and the majority of the group enjoyed
the humor in the advertising, but the participants
pointed out a lack of reassurance about the performance
and safety of the car.
	 Along with questioning and viewing advertisements,
the group was shown a taped out version of the car to
in order to get a better feel for the size. At the end when
asked if their perception about the smart ED had changed,
the majority of the group still were unsure about the safety
of the car. The participants unanimously agreed that the
existing safety ads were not testing the car in an
impactful situation. The participants did agree that the car
made sense in urban spaces but wasn’t a good fit for them
since they planned on living in the suburbs. Those that
plan on being in a city, said they understood why having a
smart car would be convenient. The main take away from
the focus group was that above anything else, consumers
are mostly concerned with the safety of the car.
smartcampaign 2017smartcampaign 2017
Millennials, ages 18-34, represent the majority of people
finishing post-secondary education and getting their life
established. Most millennials focus their impact on
downtown and urban cores. College graduates are on the
hunt for jobs, and it might be a deciding factor whether
they want to stay near home or school or to begin their
professional lives in a new and unfamiliar city.
	 Niche tracked millennial behaviors and decision
making and created a ranking for the best cities for
millennials in America. Niche evaluated 227 cities for which
a sufficient amount of data, taken largely from the U.S.
Census, was available. Niche then considered factors of
concern to millennials such as the percentage of residents
age 25-34, the percentage of millennials that moved to the
city in the past year, crime, median rent, ethnic diversity,
and unemployment. The research also took into
consideration quality of life such as: bars, coffee shops,
and restaurants.
	 Austin, Texas has a 24% higher share of millennials
than the national average and has a great amount of
startups and tech firms. In order to gain attention from
these millennials, smart must not only concentrate on
where to locate them, but they must also figure out how
to attract them. Other cities such as D.C., Boston, Seattle,
and Miami attract this age group with either the low cost of
living or the large selection of job opportunities.
	 When it comes to Boston, those in the 18-34 age
bracket earn more on average, are more likely to be
single, and have higher than average levels of education.
Of millennials in the Boston metro area, 71 percent were
employed in the 2009 to 2013 period, while the national
average was 65 percent. Bostonian millennials earned a
median income of $44,548, while the national median
was $33,883.
	 Despite a lack of affordable and workforce housing,
Miami just ranked as the second top city for millennials.
Millennials between the ages of 25 and 34 represent 13.1
percent of Miami’s population. The resident population of
Hawaii, which includes active-duty military personnel and
their dependents, is projected to increase from 1,363,621
in 2010 to 1,708,900 in 2040, an average growth rate of
0.8 percent per year over the projection period. When it
comes to Honolulu, the resident population of the City
and County is projected to increase at an annual rate of
0.4 percent from 2010 to 2040. The mile limit of a smart is
equivalent to the approximate size of the island.
Empty nesters no longer have to worry about the quality of
schools or a family neighborhood, so a new realm of
possible places to live are available that previously were
not. Most adults ages 50-64 are gravitating to cities like
Portland, San Jose, Denver, and Austin.
	 In locations like Austin, the job market is strong and
overall population growth is solid. Between 1990-2005 the
population of 55 to 64 year olds increased 128% in Austin.
Oregon’s 65-and-older population grew by 18 percent
between July 2010 and July 2014, according to newly
released population estimates from the U.S. Census
Bureau. That outpaces the country as a whole, which saw
its senior population grow by 14.2 percent in the same time
period. Charleston is experiencing a high senior growth
rate of 20.8 due to aging of baby boomers.
smartcampaign 2017
WHAT IS A smart CAR?
Swatch and Mercedes-Benz, dedicated to quality
craftsmanship and innovation, provided the legacy of
cutting-edge product design that continues to live on in the
smart brand today. However, the smart company and the
products it engineers have come a long way since the first
smart car launch almost 20 years ago.
	 The essence of everything smart is stems from the
three core qualities of the smart brand wheel. These
qualities of Functionality, Innovation, and Joy of Life
epitomize the look, feel, and design that makes smart cars
ideal for workday city living and everyday fun.
Smart’s dedicated employees take great care to construct
an urban, intuitive vehicle of the highest quality, that gets
consumers where they need to go efficiently and safely.
Smart has left its fortwo length unchanged from 8.8 feet;
this short length, along with “ultra-short” overhangs at
the front and rear of the car, make the fortwo suitable for
crowded urban driving and for parking in spaces where a
traditional SUV or sedan just cannot fit.
	 Since 2016, the fortwo has enjoyed a sizeable
increase in vehicle width by 3.9 inches. This expansion
offers further space and flexibility for both driver and
passenger, all without compromising the mobility and
agility that makes smart one of a kind. The fortwo
currently has the best turning cycle in the industry at 22.8
ft, with wheel rotation up to 45 degrees. This asset allows
consumer is a new range of maneuverability that is
certainly hard to come by in the compact car market.
Functionality, however, must not come at the cost of safety.
With this key fact at the forefront of priorities, smart has
carefully engineered a vehicle that withstands the same
vigorous safety standards and testing of every member of
the Mercedes-Benz lineup.
	 Smart’s patented Tridion safety cell, with its reinforced,
high-strength steel, provides the bulk of the protection for
the fortwo, with its strategically placed reinforcements that
add security, strength, and stability where it’s needed
the most.
	 Longitudinal and transverse components of the car’s
shell distribute the force of a collision within the steel
body, while also activating the crumple zone of the
colliding vehicle. The integration of the front and rear
wheels provides a loadpath for additional force distribution,
while the car’s specially fortified steel doors offer further
protection in the event of a side-on collision. The proximity
warning function, anti-lock brakes, andcrosswind assist
prevent accidents before they happen.
Smart challenges the consumer to travel differently, to
lead and not to follow, and to be independent; its
inventive product design naturally reflects this goal.
	 The smart fortwo is optimal for people who think
outside of the box, who want a car that gives them what
they need, conserves resources while minimizing waste,
and stays ahead of the technological curve. With both
the gas and electric fortwo models, smart strives to
accomplish such innovation in an efficient, cost effective
manner that makes the brand accessible to drivers of all
ages, from the Millennial to the empty nester.
Smart is all about freedom and fun. With its
unmistakable brand features and customizable body
colors, smart retains its iconic image in the automobile
market while tailoring its products to the unique
personalities of each consumer.
Along with the standard gas coupe and cabrio
models consumers know and love, smart is releasing a
brand new fortwo Electric Drive model in the summer
of 2017.
	 The 2017 smart fortwo Electric Drive coupe
and cabrio build upon the foundation of functionality,
innovation, and joy of life in exciting ways, with exciting
new features that improve upon the smart brand while
retaining an affordable, competitive price for consumers
who are often on the go.
	 The 2017 fortwo electric driveincludes the following
exclusive features in both coupe and cabrio models:
• An enhanced electric motor performance and a higher 	
top speed over the 2016 model, adding power and
performance that allow the fortwo to not only “feel big,”
but act big as well.
• A faster AC charging time (2.5hr/240V) with a more
powerful onboard charger. The 2017 fortwo ED charges
twice as fast as the previous model, allowing busy
city-dwellers to get on the road more quickly and on with
their day.
• A brand new 8 year battery warranty. Customers will be
provided with an all-new Daimler battery, with a
warranty that comes automatically included with every
vehicle, simplifying the purchase process and eliminating
separate option payments.
• An increased mile range of up to 80 miles, a substantial 	
improvement over the 451 ED model that enhances
consumer mobility within the urban landscape.
• An option to upgrade to automatic transmission, so 		
drivers can start up and go without any extra hassle.
• 12000+ possible color combinations, making each 		
fortwo ED entirely customized to each individual
customer of smart.
	 All of these new additions to the smart fortwo electric
drive coupe and cabrio come with the following standard
features included in every smart fortwo model:
• Dashboard mounted power meter and battery charge
• LED daytime running lights
• Cruise control
• Crosswind assist & Proximity Warning function
• Anti-lock brakes
• Power windows & power steering
• 3 spoke multifunction steering wheel
• Smart radio with bluetooth audio streaming
NEW FOR 2017
>> Withstands the same safety
standards as every Mercedes.
2017 smart fortwo electric drive coupe
Special packages and options:
Winter Package
- extra insulation
- enhanced climate control
New Electric Green Tridion color exclusive to the
2017 ED fortwo
1st Electric Convertible in the U.S.
Convertible Soft Top
-Operational at any speed
-Opens/closes in 12 seconds
Threemodes of retraction
- partial retraction (sunroof)
-full retraction
-full with roof bars detached and stored in trunk
Can withstand 50 automatic car washes
2017 smart fortwo electric drive cabrio
smartcampaign 2017
Mopeds are more of an indirect competition to the smart
brand. They are seen on college campuses and artsy
towns across the U.S.
Although Mopeds are not electric, they do have very good
gas mileage, sometimes 100+ MPG. They seem to be
less expensive averaging around $1,500. The most
expensive they get is around $5,000 if they are very
decked out. This makes Mopeds more affordable than a
car for recent graduates.
Although Mopeds are able to get into small areas, they
seem to have trouble with parking. Many cities are not
scooter friendly, and people will move a scooter or knock it
over in order to be able to park in a spot.
	 Scooters are more for artsy towns or campuses
because many of them are unable to go on the highway,
making it hard to commute.
The 2017 i3 is BMW’s latest electric model, further
improving upon its original design first launched in 2013.
The car is a part of the brand’s “BMW i” model series.
BMW has enjoyed a sizable surge in sales of the i3 since
its latest launch in May of 2016; the company sold 1,479
units in that first month, up 58% from the previous year.
The success of the i3 is due in part to its range of 114
miles on battery alone, and a 180 mile total range with
an added on Range Extender. The i3 is manufactured in
BMW’s most sustanable plant, and it includes new and
innovative features, such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic
and regenerative breaking. The i3 sits 4 passengers.
The BMW i3 is one of the more expensive electric cars on
the market, pricing between $43,395 and $49,295. This
makes the car less affordable than smart for key target
demographics. Its bigger size limits urban maneuverability.
Fiat is an Italian brand that produces a line of eco-friendly
cars. In 2013, Fiat decided to make their first electric car.
They named the car the Fiat 500e and began development
in California. It wasn’t until 2014 when the car was
introduced in Oregon.
Fiat has always been a well-known brand in the small,
eco-friendly category. They had 5,330 sales in 2016
compared to smart ED’s sales of 657 cars. The Fiat
500e is the same hatchback style as their other two door
models, making the car able to fit 4 people rather than the
smart ED coupe style that only fits two.
The Fiat 500e is only sold in California and Oregon,
meaning it is not accessible to other large cities that have
a market for small, eco-friendly cars. The Fiat 500e is
about 36 inches (3 ft) longer than the smart ED
making it harder to park in small areas.
The Chevy Bolt EV is Chevrolet’s new, all electric car. It
was put on the market in California in December 2016 and
is now sold nationwide.
When people hear the brand Chevy they think of
sturdy, all-American cars. The brand recognition is a huge
strength for the Bolt EV. Also, in just the one month that
the Bolt was sold in only California, they were able to sell
579 cars, only 78 shy of smart ED’s sales in a full year.
Also, the Bolt has a range of 238 miles which is almost
triple the range of the smart.
The Bolt is bigger than most electric cars. With
dimensions being 70 inches wide by 164 inches long, the
Chevy Bolt can’t get into small spaces as easily as the
smart ED. Also, since the Bolt is larger, it has a 36.4’
turning radius compared to the 22.8 radius of the
smart ED.
Tsmart’s turning radius ranks among the top in
their industry, and allows for an advantage in
narrow streets and congested cities.
Reinforced steel frame allows the smart to
withstand impressive contact, keeping both
passenger and driver safe.
Fortified doors protect from side-on collision.
Faster charging: battery charges double the
speed of the previous model.
Battery allows more cargo and room in the
interior, accomodating taller drivers and
New, automatically included, 8 year battery
Customization is one of the most open-ended in
the market with over 12000+ possible color
combinations available.
Electric battery limits distance to 80 miles with
a full charge.
Charging time is slower than other electric cars.
Only can carry two people:
- one driver and one passenger.
Limited markets available, primarily stuck in
urban areas.
Inconvenient for consumers with families, for
people with long commutes, for those who
require extra trunk space.
Limited market; over 40% of the country still
lives in areas other than cities.
Growing populations in urban centers means a
growing market for compact cars.
Expand brand identity with growing creative
generation in millenials.
Parent company, Daimler, is pushing to produce
only electric cars.
More people are opting to live in smaller
spaces (”downsizing’), and cross promotion
between start-up “tiny houses” and
“micro-lofts” could lift the brand above
the others.
Growth in car sharing apps can open ways to
be a key in fleet sales.
Daimler can lead to better cross ties with the
larger Mercedes brand identity with safety
standards and quality production.
More retired Americans are seeking to be active
in their lives, wanting more freedom in their
golden years.
Advancement in technology and sustainable
energy sources could lead to superior, and
stronger brands to corner the market
(i.e. Tesla).
An increase in demand and development of
public transportation in American cities
alongside a growth in ride sharing could
diminish the personal car in key markets.
Growing amount of new entrants and direct
and indirect competition.
More gas stations than charging stations.
Competitors have a strong brand presence.
smartcampaign 2017 smartcampaign 2017
The primary audience for this campaign is millennials or
young adults who are entering a financially stable period
of their lives. The focus is on recent college graduates
and other single young adults who are living in a large city
where public transportation is highly used.
	 The smart ED would be an additional mode of
transportation to make simple tasks, like running various
errands, more convenient. These individuals prefer an
electric car due to their environment benefits, and they
need a smaller car that is able to easily park on busy
city streets.
The secondary audience is adults 55+ who either: don’t
have children, have children who no longer live in the
household, or those who have entered retirement. This
target audience is referred to as the “empty nesters.”
Empty nesters are cutting back on unnecessary items in
order to live a more conservative, green lifestyle. They
aren’t necessarily designated to one geographic region,
unlike the primary audience who is located mainly in the
city. Functionality is a main reason why empty nesters
purchase a smaller car, and they purchase an electric car
due to the environmental benefits that go along with living
a more conservative life.
Both audiences are exploring the web either on their
computer or smartphone to learn more about the smart
ED. Millennials and empty nesters have a social media
presence of some sort. Facebook is the most popular
social media platform, because it has a huge age range
of users.
	 The primary audience is turning from the traditional
way of watching television and is instead streaming shows
from websites such as: Hulu, directly from their cable
provider’s websites, or YouTube. The secondary audience,
primarily those who are retired, prefer to read print media.
Millennials Empty Nesters
smart Stories focuses on connecting people
through the use of the smart ED. The stories
include: farmer’s market shoppers, lively
grandparents, new college graduates moving to the
city, etc. Each smart story will focus on a different
characteristic of the smart ED, and the stories will
show how the characteristics relate to the
individuals being spotlighted. These characteristics
include: size, customization, safety, and its
electric battery.
smart ED is a unique, quirky, and customizable car
that values safety and environmental benefits.
This campaign will focus on portraying the
message that the smart ED is fun, safe, and green.
The smart stories campaigns will be unified through
all mediums with tag lines that utilize adverbs or
adjectives plus the implied description of the smart
car, for example, “Surprisingly spacious”, and
“Seriously tough” The phrase will end with a
specific adjective or verb that’s showcased as a
part of the new smart ED. Elements of humor will
be blended with standout images that go along with
the idea of the smart ED standing out while fitting
into the world around it.
	 There will be a focus on using video as a main
tool in the campaign. The stories will be told in a
short story style and will be displayed on various
digital content websites. The campaign will utilize
the growing switch to online streaming platforms
along with social media.
	 The idea of smart stories will also be utilized in
digital and print ads. The story will be portrayed in
the context of an image and copy instead of filmed
segments. They will also be separate stories from
the people profiled in the video campaigns.
Magazine ads in 50+ markets will be used to focus
on the secondary target market, along with digital
advertising. These ads will share the “standing
out” theme of the campaign. Grassroots marketing
events will be used to engage the target audiences
and create a positive brand experience.
This campaign, starting in May 1, 2017 and ending April
31, 2018, will create attention and excitement for the
launch of the new electric drive smart fortwo coupe and
cabrio models. The campaign will engage consumers
across diverse media outlets such as: Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, Hulu, YouTube, print media, and
grassroots advertising. This campaign expects to increase
brand awareness of smart among millennials and empty
nesters. The smart brand will achieve a 90+ reach and an
85+ average frequency during a year long national
campaign utilizing digital, print, public relations, and
grassroots advertising.
The primary focus of this campaign will be to convey to
millennials and empty nesters that driving a smart is
functional, eco friendly, and safe.
smartcampaign 2017
MARKETING STRATEGY To accomplish the marketing objective, the campaign will
be concentrated in big cities. The targeted cities include:
Austin, Texas, Washington DC, Boston, Massachusetts,
Charleston, South Carolina, Denver, Colorado, Honolulu,
Hawaii, Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Miami,
Florida, and San Jose, California. These cities will be
targeted because they are bigger cities with narrow streets
that would be the perfect size for the smart ED. The
targeted demographics include: millennials ages 18-34
and empty nesters ages 50+.
	 Digital marketing and grassroots marketing will be
used to target millennials. Technology is constantly
evolving, and millennials continue to keep up with the
trends. By using social media and video streaming sites,
the target audience will be reached effectively. Also,
grassroots advertising will be executed by going to
festivals that are targeted to millennials, partnering with La
Croix for an event focused on the Winter Olympics, and
handing out smart ED snowballs as part of a PR event.	
	 To target empty nesters, some digital media, some
grassroots, and print advertising will be utilized. The digital
media being used to reach the empty nesters are:
Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, and Xfinity. These social media
outlets tend to be the “older” ones that continue to be
popular with the later generations. Also, Hulu and Xfinity
streaming is popular among all ages. For print media,
there will be a 4C half page ad in AARP’s 50-69 issue
during three separate months. We will be using AARP
during the first three quarters.
May–July 2017
August–October 2017
November 2017–January 2018
February–April 2018
smartcampaign 2017
This campaign will run for a 12-month period, from May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018. The campaign will be broken up
quarterly: May–July, August–October, November–January, February–April. A pulsing strategy will be used. With this
strategy in mind, intense advertising will be implemented during the launch, months May, June, and July, to build
awareness of the 2017 smart ED. Throughout the rest of the year, advertising will be used to maintain brand awareness.
There will be a decrease in advertising after the initial launch, which will be followed by an increase in the months during
the holidays. Towards the end of the campaign, the hope is to decrease advertising due to the strong awareness of smart
ED. A 90+ reach and an 85+ average frequency will be achieved during a year long national campaign using digital,
print, public relations, and grassroots advertising.
DIGITAL: 89.50%
PRINT: 8.54%
Facebook is the most widely used social media platform.
Facebook is used be: 79% of all adults, 88% millennials,
and 72% of 50-64 year olds. Instagram is more heavily
focused on millennials. Out of all adults online, 32% use
Instagram, and 59% of millennials use Instagram.
	 Facebook owns Instagram, so advertisements for one
media will then post automatically on the other. These ads
will appear as “sponsor ads” on the users newsfeed. A few
of the interests being used to market to both target
audiences include: cars, environment protection, and
electric car.
Twitter is a very common social media platform that is
used by 24% of all US adults, 36% 18-29 year olds, and
21% 50-64 year olds. Many companies and organizations
use Twitter as a blog type format where they post articles
that are relevant to their brand or utilize it as a space to get
the word out on the latest happenings. These ads will be
on the users newsfeed as a “sponsor ad.”
YouTube is a very well-known video sharing website.
Video sharing websites have gained more viewings than
cable TV in recent years. Out of online adults,71% use
video sharing websites, while 92% of 18-24 year olds, 80%
30-49 year olds, and 54% 50-64 year olds use video
sharing websites. YouTube is a very efficient media outlet
to reach our target audience. The ads implemented
would play before the video that the viewer is watching
on Youtube.
Hulu is a subscription service website in the United States.
Hulu has 12 million users; 37% millennials, 14% Gen x,
and 11% baby boomers use Hulu. The ads for smart USA
will be during commercial breaks in between the shows.
Hulu was chosen because it has proven to reach a large
variety of audiences and is able to target millennials and
empty nesters at the same time.
Xfinity is a video streaming subscription accessed through
Comcast cable provider’s website. Xfinity has over
22.4 million customers, making Comcast have more
internet subscriptions than cable subscriptions.
AARP is the American Association of Retired Persons.
AARP has about 37 million readers and is considered a
lifestyle magazine for 50+.
Grassroots and public relations are ways of advertising
that includes direct engagement with consumers. The main
event for the first quarter will be the PR event. This event
will be held in July and will include handing out snowballs
in the target markets. The main event for the fourth
quarter will include the South by Southwest music
festival and the partnership event with La Croix.
smartcampaign 2017
Digital will receive $2,958,400 out of the quarter 1 budget.
• $502,928 (17%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be
used for Facebook and Instagram.
• $355,008 (12%) of the budget will be used for millennials.
• $147,920 (5%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 44,376,000 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 18,490,000 impressions.
• $384,592 (13%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be
used for Twitter.
• $268,686 (9%) of the budget will be used for millennials.
• $118,336 (4%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 26,868,600 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 11,833,600 impressions.
• $591,680 (20%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be
used for YouTube.
• $443,760 (15%) of the budget will be used for millennials.
• $147,920 (5%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 11,093,750 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 3,698,000 impressions.
• $739,600 (25%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be
used for Hulu.
• $443,760 (15%) of the budget will be used for millennials.
• $295,840 (10%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 14,792,000 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 14,792,000 impressions.
• $739,600 (25%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be
used for Xfinity.
• $443,760 (15%) of the budget will be used for millennials.
• $295,840 (10%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 14,792,000 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 14,792,000 impressions.
Print Media will receive $227,698 of the quarter 1 budget.
• $227,698 of the print budget will be used for AARP in
quarter 1.
• 20,928,125 impressions will be reached.
• Public Relations will receive $15,000 of the budget for
quarter 1.
• $15,000 (100%) of the quarter one public relations bud-
get will be used for the PR event.
• 683,060 impressions will be reached.
Digital will receive $1,372,302 out of the quarter 2 budget.
• $686,151 (50%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be
used for Facebook and Instagram.
• $480,305.70 (35%) of the quarter 2 budget will be used
for millennials.
• $205,845.30 (15%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 600,382,125 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 25,730,625 impressions.
• $137,230.20 (10%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be
used for Twitter.
• $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for millennials.
• $41,169.06 (3%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 9,606,114 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 4,116,906 impressions.
• $137,230.20 (10%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be
used for YouTube.
• $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for millennials.
• $41,169.06 (3%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 12,007,643 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 5,146,133 impressions.
• $205,845.20 (15%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be
used for Hulu.
• $109,784.16 (8%) will be used for millennials.
• $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 3,659,472 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 3,202,038 impressions.
• $205,845.20 (15%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be
used for Xfinity.
• $109,784.16 (8%) will be used for millennials.
• $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 3,659,472 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 3,202,038 impressions.
Print Media will receive $227,698 of the quarter 2 budget.
• $227,698 of the print budget will be used for AARP in
quarter 2.
• 20,928,125 impressions will be reached.
To create a strong brand awareness of smart USA at the beginning of the launch and catch the attention of millennials and
empty nesters.
For the first quarter of the campaign, $3.2 million (40%) of the budget will be allocated.
	 The media outlets that will be utilized in this quarter are digital. print media, and public relations.
To maintain a strong brand awareness of smart USA to millennials and empty nesters while implementing a lower budget.
For the second quarter of the campaign, $1.6 million (20%) of the budget will be allocated.
	 The media outlets being utilized are digital and print media.
smartcampaign 2017smartcampaign 2017
Digital will receive $2,172,302 from the quarter 3 budget.
• $543,075.50 (25%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be
used for Facebook and Instagram.
• $391,014.36 (18%) will be used for millennials.
• $15,206.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 48,876,795 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 1,900,768 impressions.
• $543,075.50 (25%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be
used for Twitter.
• $391,014.36 (18%) will be used for millennials.
• $15,206.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 54,307,550 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 1,520,614 impressions.
• $434,460.40 (20%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be
used for YouTube.
• $282,399.26 (13%) will be used for millennials.
• $152,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 35,299,908 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 19,007,643 impressions.
• $434,460.40 (20%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be
used for Hulu.
• $282,399.26 (13%) will be used for millennials.
•$152,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 35,299,908 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 19,007,643 impressions.
• $217,230.20 (10%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be
used for Xfinity.
• $152,061.14 (7%) will be used for millennials.
• $65,169.06 (3%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 5,068,705 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 2,172,302 impressions.
Print Media will receive $227,698 of the budget allocated
for quarter 3.
• $227,698 of the print budget will be used for AARP.
• 20,928,125 impressions will be reached.
Digital will receive $670,894 from the quarter 4 budget.
• $201,268.20 (30%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be
used for Facebook and Instagram.
• $134,178.80 (20%) will be used for millennials.
• $67,089 (10%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 16,772,350 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 8,386,125 impressions.
• $67,089.4 (10%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be
used for Twitter.
• $40,253.64 (6%) will be used for millennials.
• $26,835.76 (4%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 4,025,364 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 2,683,576 impressions.
• $67,089.4 (10%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be
used for YouTube.
• $40,253.64 (6%) will be used for millennials.
• $26,835.76 (4%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 5,031,705 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 3,354,470 impressions.
• $100,634.10 (15%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be
used for Hulu.
• $53,671.52 (8%) will be used for millennials.
• $46,962.58 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 1,789,051 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 1,565,419 impressions.
• $100,634.10 (15%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be
used for Xfinity.
• $53,671.52 (8%) will be used for millennials.
• $46,962.58 (7%) will be used for empty nesters.
• Millennials will reach 1,789,051 impressions.
• Empty nesters will reach 1,565,419 impressions.
Grassroots will receive $129,106 of the quarter 4 budget.
• $45,000 of the quarter 4 grassroots budget will be used
for the La Croix partnership event.
• $84,106 of the quarter 4 grassroots budget will be used
for South by Southwest.
• 1,434,948 impressions will be reached in the La Croix
partnership event.
• 2,681,952 impressions will be reached at the South by
Southwest grassroots event.
To maintain a strong brand awareness of smart USA to millennials and empty nesters.
	 Budgeting will increase in quarter 3 due to the holidays and Winter Olympics.
For the third quarter of the campaign, $2.4 million (30%) of the budget will be allocated.
	 The media outlets being utilized are: digital and print media.
To create a strong brand awareness of smart USA at the beginning of the launch and catch the attention of millennials and
empty nesters.
	 The fourth quarter will have a great decrease in advertising due to the high brand awareness created in quarters 1
through 3.
For the fourth quarter of the campaign, $800,000 (10%) of the budget will be allocated.
	 The media outlets being utilized are: digital, print, and grassroots advertising.
smartcampaign 2017
smartcampaign 2017
smartcampaign 2017
smartcampaign 2017smartcampaign 2017
In partnership with the American sparkling water company
La Croix, and utilizing theexcitement for the 2018 Winter
Olympics in Pyeongchang, the campaign will feature a
grassroots-based giveaway.
	 The giveaway will run during the time of the Winter
Olympics from February 9th to the 25th in our selected
target cities. The objective of the giveaway will be to find
a gold, silver, or bronze LaCroix can in order to redeem
the prizes that match each can. There will be one gold can
randomly distributed in a LaCroix box that will entitle the
winner to receive a free convertible smart ED with a trunk
of La Croix. The Silver can follows the same pattern as
the gold, but only entitle them to a smart ED coupe. Ten
bronze cans will continue the random distribution pattern
and entitle each person to a trunks worth of La Croix.
	 The event will engage the target demographic of
millennials as La Croix grows in popularity amongst this
age group. It’s also a good fit due to La Croix’s unique
branding is known for being colorful and is a youth based
product that has a focus on being healthy. Running this
event through the time of the Olympics carries the
excitement Americans have for these athletic events, while
not having to directly deal with the expensive cost of
marketing during the airtime or act as a sponsor. It also
allows people to engage in the competitive spirit without
actually having to be athletic.
	 The budget for this event is covered with allocated
money from the campaign budget. It covers the expenses
for all of the prizes, the distribution costs, the promotion,
and development of the token cans. This gives LaCroix the
leverage to partner with smart when presented with this
concept. smart, in return, benefits from building brand
awareness and getting people on the road with a smart.
There is also no loss financially on the cars as they are
covered in the budget.
The South by Southwest event held in Austin, Texas is one
of the most reputable events that combines film, music,
and technology into one festival. Lasting between 9 to 10
days, there are conferences and festivals, music and film
trade shows, and workshops that feature some of the top
performing companies and artists. It has also been a
widely successful event for corporations to engage with the
growing millennial market that attends these events. Many
have chosen to follow the traditional sponsorship
approach, while others stand out by doing more grassroots
advertising and guerilla marketing.
	 This campaign plans to take advantage of the event
for better promotion and brand engagement by providing
free water bottles to the long lines of people standing
outside. A simple gesture helps people by giving them
much needed water to help pass the wait time. The choice
for smart branded bottles of water is both costs efficient,
and an effective choice as anyone could use
water while standing in line. They will be
delivered by people in our new smart cars,
which shows off the smart ED in use, and
lets people know the water is being brought
to them by a reputable company and not
just strangers. There will be coolers placed
in the trunk filled with our branded bottles,
and smart cars will be driven around the
events handing out water bottles. This will
happen during the day when the film festival
screenings, conferences, showcases and
gaming expos operate to fullly utilize the
largest crowd sizes in the lines.
sample smart water bottle
At the launch of the new smart ED, the campaign will be
running a grassroots public relations event to build better
brand awareness and excitement for the new car. During
July, there will be pop up snowball stations alongside a
new smart ED coupe or cabrio in our ten target cities.
	 The name for this event follows in the campaigns
usage of the word “surprisingly” plus the descriptive word
or verb featured in the ad by using the phrase “chill”. Chill
plays on the common slang usage of the word for relaxed
and cool while playing with the fact that smart is helping
people cool off in the warm summer heat. Giving snowballs
out for free alongside the new cars will engage citizens in
our target cities with our brand and build a better
relationship within these communities.
	 The appeal of a snowball is ageless, it’s both
nostalgic and timeless in terms of food trends, and it’s a
summer favorite for most Americans due to the wide
selection of flavors and refreshing taste. It’s a compact
treat that’s colorful and stands out but also serves its
purpose that discreetly aligns with a smart car. By
providing a fun break from the ongoing heat, the pop-ups
introduce people to the car without overtly selling them.
These pop-ups will have a snow ball machine rented out
with workers handing out free snowballs in recyclable
paper cups that feature the smart car outlined in green.
There will be a set limit on a number of flavors ready,
meaning the event could last longer or shorter depending
on the crowd size in each city. The machine will also have
a limited amount of ice, but the budget allows for an
excess being stored in coolers in the car and around
the pop-up to meet the demand. The flavors chosen will
best match to the possible color options that come in the
customized versions of each model to keep with the idea
that the new smart is as easily customized as a snow
ball. The workers on hand will be paid and well versed on
the new models with information on where to learn more
with both visiting our website or test driving at the nearest
smart dealership.This event will only run for a day during
the weekend in a busy section of the targeted cities. The
exact location will depend on further acquiring a permit
from each city for each pop-up and where we can legally
place them. While not a difficult task in the planning stage,
there are details missing due to the need to actually file
and work with each city for the event.
For Release in July 2017
Contact: Keith Edwards
smart USA Announces the “Surprisingly Chill” Event
BLOOMSFIELD HILLS, MI -- smart USA today announced “Surprisingly Chill”, an event to build better brand awareness and excitement for the 2017
smart ED. In 10 select cities during the month of July, pop up snowball stations will appear alongside a new smart ED Coupe or Cabrio.
These free events will distribute snowballs from inside of and next to the new smart ED. the smart ED Coupe and Cabrio on site. Customers will be able
to register for more information about to celebrate the car’s green initiative, snowballs will be served from eco friendly, recyclable paper cups with
recycling receptacles.
“We are always looking towards the future at smart USA, and the future is green,” said Brainiac McGee, VP of Development at smart USA. “The 2017
Smart ED is a leap forward for the automotive industry to try to provide safer, better alternatives to fossil fuel consumption.”
With the 2017 Smart ED, consumers can enjoy a full charge for up to 122 mpge city miles, 93 highway, 107 combined in less than 4.5 hours charge time.
The battery is optimized by enabling the consumer to precondition the car’s cockpit while it is still charging.
Some of the other key specs include:
· Best turning radius in the industry at 22.8’
· Affordable starting price at $14,650
· Dimensions of 106″ L x 65-75″ W x 61″ H
· 1200+ color combinations
· Estimated range of 80+ miles
· 0-60 mph in 11.4 seconds with a top speed of 81 mph
· smart radio with Bluetooth streaming
“The 2017 Smart ED defies the preconceived notion that smaller cars are unsafe with top of the line safety features,” said CEO of Smart USA Ed Shucks.
“We’ve moved the battery to be underfoot and reinforced the body of the car with high-strength steel to maximize driver safety. It’s leaps and bounds
ahead of its competition.”
Snowball stations will appear in Austin, DC, Boston, Charleston, Denver, Honolulu, Seattle, Portland, Miami, and San Jose in July 2017. The Smart ED
Cabrio will be released in July 2017 with a MSRP of $18,900. The smart ED Coupe will be released in June 2017 with a MSRP of $14,650.
During the campaign, a press release will be lauched to potential smart consumers via social media in the first week of
July.This press release will take place in all ten of our focused cities: Austin, DC, Boston, Charleston, Denver, Honolulu,
Seattle, Portland, Miami, and San Jose. As with the grassroots event, the purpose of the press release is to increase
brand awareness and curiosity for the remainder of the campaign. From the campaign budget, $20,000 will be set aside
for all expenses. The main goal is to generate public interest in smart and to drive potential consumers to come out to the
smart snowball pop-up stands.
smart “snowballs” for July 2017
>> with custom recyclable cup
smartcampaign 2017
The effectiveness of this brand awareness based campaign will be determined by several key factors. The biggest being
the increase in overall smart sells, specifically for the new smart ED with both the Coupe and Cabrio. This clearly outlines
how effectively the campaign sold the smart ED to potential consumers in the target markets. The second determining
factor will come from the post-campaign survey and focus group studies in our target markets. This will help determine if
the marketing successfully changed the overall brand identity people have for smart.
DIGITAL: $7,160,000
PRINT: $683,094
GRASSROOTS: $129,106
TOTAL: $8,000,000
May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
Quarter One Quarter Two Quarter Three Quarter Four
Facebook & Instagram
Millennial spending: $560,000 (7% of budget)
Millennial impressions: 70,000,000
Empty nester spending: $240,000 (3% of budget)
Empty nester impressions: 30,000,000
Total impressions: 100,000,000
CPM: $8.00
Millennial spending: $560,000 (7% of budget)
Millennial impressions: 56,000,000
Empty nester spending: $120,000 (1.5% of budget)
Empty nester impressions: 12,000,000
Total impressions: 68,000,000
CPM: $10.00
Millennial spending: $560,000 (7% of budget)
Millennial impressions: 70,000,000
Empty nester spending: $320,000 (4% of budget)
Empty nester impressions: 40,000,000
Total impressions: 110,000,000
CPM: $8.00
Millennial spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget)
Millennial impressions: 40,000,000
Empty nester spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget)
Empty nester impressions: 40,000,000
Total impressions: 80,000,000
CPM: $30.00
Millennial spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget)
Millennial impressions: 40,000,000
Empty nester spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget)
Empty nester impressions: 40,000,000
Total impressions: 80,000,000
CPM: $30.00
Empty nester spending: $683,094 (8.54% of budget)
Empty nester impressions: 62,784,375
Total impressions: 62,784,375
CPM: $10.88
Total spending: $129,106 (1.61% of budget)
Total impressions: 4,116,901
CPM: $31.36
Total spending: $15,000 (0.19% of budget)
Total impressions: 683,060
CPM: $21.96
Alottment: $12,800.00 (0.16% of budget)
Spending: $8,000,000 (100% of budget)
Impressions: 505,993,657
CPM: $35.57
smartcampaign 2017
12. Smart Advertising Campaigns Presentation for the University of Alabama, 2017.

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smart USA Campaign Plan Book Layout

  • 1.
  • 2. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TABLE OF CONTENTS MARKETING OBJECTIVE This year-long campaign from May 1st of 2017 to April 30th in 2018 will increase sales by growing and improving sales of smart car in urban cities through millennial markets with a secondary target market of those over the age of 50. COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE The campaign will create an improved branding for smart with increasing awareness for both its safety and enjoyable aspects. It will emphasize the cars many assets and functionality while developing a connection with its owners. TARGET AUDIENCE The primary target audience for the smart campaign will be men and women in the millennial market aged 18 – 30, and a secondary audience in those over the age of 50. CREATIVE STRATEGY Smart USA is an innovative company with a product that stands out for its unique look and design. The smart ED is efficient for urban markets, eco-friendly and reduces unnecessary space taken up by the average car. This brand and its product fit well with the goals and needs of those young and young at heart. This campaign will cross the connections between the driver and smart car to establish how this unique car stands out while fitting in. It will focus on the surprising features and aspects that some may or may not know about smart, from its safety features to its style. This car will surprise you. MEDIA OBJECTIVE This campaign will run for a 12-month period – from May 1, 2017, to April 30, 2018. The campaign will be broken up quarterly: May-July, August-October, November-January, and February-April. We will be using a pulsing strategy. With this strategy in mind, we will implement intense advertising during the launch, months May, June, and July, to build awareness of the 2017 smart ED. Throughout the rest of the year, we will use advertising to maintain brand awareness. There will be a decrease in advertising after the initial launch, which will be followed by an increase in the months during the holidays. Towards the end of the campaign, the hope is that we will be able to decrease advertising due to the strong awareness of the smart ED. 2 Executive Summary Situation Analysis Target Audience Campaign Objectives Creative Strategy Marketing Strategy Overview Media Strategy Advertising Executions Grassroots Public Relations Evaulation & Expenditures Works Cited 3 4 18 18 19 20 22 28 32 34 36 38 3WILSONADVERTISING WWILSON ADVERTISING DEVEN WILSON Account Executive KERRI FOGEL Media Strategist & Copy Editor COLLEEN DRAGO PR Strategist CLAUDIA MOONEY Graphic Design | Advertising KATE SILK Graphic Design | Book Layout CLIENT: smart USA PERIOD: MAY 1, 2017–APRIL 30, 2018 BUDGET: $8,000,000 smartcampaign 2017
  • 3. SITUATION ANALYSIS COMPANY ANALYSIS This situation analysis has collective research based on the company, consumer, market, product, and competition. There was also a collection of primary data from both a survey and focus group to better understand the consumer and target market. The research collected assisted in the development and planning of the campaign. The following is the collective data compiled for the benefit of the campaign and the understanding of both the product and its market. 5WILSONADVERTISING Nicolas Hayek >> founder of the Swatch Group smart USA HISTORY Beginning in the early ‘70s, Johann Tomforde began to explore the idea for an urban-focused car design. Around this time, Swatch founder Nicolas Hayek was working on his own idea for a compact car during the but was unable to move beyond the concept due to the lack of resources. By the early ‘90s Mercedes-Benz pushed forward the design phase with a team of young designers who were focused on the limitations for cars in cities. These designers observed people using cars in cities and took notes on the limits and expectations consumers had. The designers took these observations and developed ideas on how to improve limitations they witnessed. When the designers proposed their idea to Mercedes-Benz, the two collaborated. THE BIRTH OF SMART In 1994, smart was born. The name “smart” originates from the combination of the two companies “Swatch Mercedes Art” and the idea that it should be a reflection of artful designs similar to Swatch watches. In 1997, the company base, Smartville, in Hambach, France was built with an architectural design to promote an efficient flow of manufacturing while using less land. This was done to continue the idea that smart focuses on innovation and efficiency. THE FIRST SMART CAR Compact and ready to take on the narrow city streets, in 1998 the first smart cars were successfully rolled out to nine countries across Europe. By 2008, smart cars were selling in the United States at dealerships across the country. In 2011, Mercedes-Benz USA acquired smart under the parent company Daimler AG. The focus to be innovative has pushed smart to march into the future with its latest line of all-electric cars and continue to develop new technology to further expand on progressive design. smartcampaign 2017
  • 4. Smart car can be seen as the car that appeals to everyone. From post college students living in the city to empty nesters downsizing, smart fits a variety of lifestyles.  MILLENNIALS Millennials make up a great number of smart’s consumers. The 2016 Mintel Hybrid and Electric Car report states that half of the consumers aged 25-34 years old have shopped or researched for an electric or hybrid car. This generation grew up with a huge influence of the idea of being environmentally friendly. Millennials feel that hybrid and electric cars are efficient for their daily commute to work or for use when running errands or weekend travel. About 50% of married people and around 30% of single people are driving smart cars. The consumer is living in major cities and focused on their careers. As the consumer, older millennials are especially important as they have been in the workforce for a few years now and are at a point in their lives where they feel they are financially stable. Men are more likely to purchase a new car, and 60% of current smart car drivers are men making them have a stronger consumer presence. FIFTY-FIVE PLUS Those aged 55+ are going through a great amount of life changes from becoming empty nesters to entering into retirement. Eighty percent of the owners of smart cars have no children currently living in the household. These consumers of smart are purchasing because the car is functional and convenient for their lifestyle. They no longer need a big car that can fit an entire family. The 2016 Mintel Hybrid and Electric Cars report states that about half of baby boomer women are interested in researching and potentially buying a hybrid or electric car. Baby boomer women also admit to not being very familiar with the product, so educating this target market would be very effective in generating potential sales. Retired women are a strong potential consumer of smart because they want to know more about the car and how it could fit their lifestyle. The Mintel report states that women in general are influenced by messages that align with their values. Therefore, the push for a green life and the advantages of a smart car could effectively reach them and make them feel relatable to smart. Consumers aged 55+ are made up of all adults. The consumer is buying because of functionality in size and eco-friendliness. THE INTERNET Overall, consumers feel that they are doing their research for hybrid and electric cars online. Consumers of smart turn to the Internet to learn about the cars and potential purchases. The majority of the population has a smart phone, tablet or computer. Consumers are constantly connected and feel the web is the best place to find necessary information before making a purchase. CONSUMER ANALYSIS 7WILSONADVERTISING smartcampaign 2017
  • 5. PRIMARY RESEARCH 9WILSONADVERTISING SURVEY In order to better understand the target markets for this campaign, a survey was conducted. The questions asked focused on: age, marital status, and other basic information to better envision who could be targeted in this campaign. The survey was distributed to 269 people that represented a diverse range of ages. Of those who participated, 46% were male and 54% were female. Those surveyed ranged from 16 to over 55. The makeup of this survey is as follows: 16-24 made up 34%, 25- 44 are 10%, 45-54 made up 20% and 36% were over 55 years old. The following options were given to determine the geographical location of those being surveyed: urban/city, suburban, and rural. There was an overwhelming 78% of the 269 living in the suburbs, 15% in cities, and 7% living in rural areas. When asked where they plan to live, suburbs held the majority with 62% and 28% said they planned on living in the city. This is on track with the movement of more people back into city centers from the suburbs. Out of the people surveyed about their transportation preference, (public transportation, automobile, bike, uber/taxi, and other) 95% said they preferred a car. This lined up with the response to the question on if they owned a car, which 97% said yes. In determining their stance on the “going green” concept, 36% somewhat agreed with the idea, while the second highest response was simply agreed at 31%, followed strongly agree with 13%, meaning that out of 269 people, the green movement is heavily represented through these demographics. After establishing basic demographic information of those being surveyed, we got more direct in our questioning. The response to if they prefer electric or gas powered cars came into a razor-thin result of 49.79% for electric and 50.21% for gas. When it came to important qualities of a car, feedback was much more split. The options given include: durability, being economic, fun, stylish, spacious, and safe. Safety had the strong majority with 40% and durability coming in second with 25%. It was made even clearer with the question of “is safety important to you?” Over 70% strongly agreed. FOCUS GROUP This concern over safety came up again when we conducted our focus group. The focus group consisted of college-aged students from the University of Alabama campus, ages 19 to 22. They were asked generic questions in the beginning about their majors, where they planned to live, and what kind of car they drove. Like the survey, the majority came from the suburbs and drove either a car, SUV, or truck. They were shown examples of previous campaigns, and the majority of the group enjoyed the humor in the advertising, but the participants pointed out a lack of reassurance about the performance and safety of the car. Along with questioning and viewing advertisements, the group was shown a taped out version of the car to in order to get a better feel for the size. At the end when asked if their perception about the smart ED had changed, the majority of the group still were unsure about the safety of the car. The participants unanimously agreed that the existing safety ads were not testing the car in an impactful situation. The participants did agree that the car made sense in urban spaces but wasn’t a good fit for them since they planned on living in the suburbs. Those that plan on being in a city, said they understood why having a smart car would be convenient. The main take away from the focus group was that above anything else, consumers are mostly concerned with the safety of the car. smartcampaign 2017smartcampaign 2017
  • 6. MILLENNIALS Millennials, ages 18-34, represent the majority of people finishing post-secondary education and getting their life established. Most millennials focus their impact on downtown and urban cores. College graduates are on the hunt for jobs, and it might be a deciding factor whether they want to stay near home or school or to begin their professional lives in a new and unfamiliar city. Niche tracked millennial behaviors and decision making and created a ranking for the best cities for millennials in America. Niche evaluated 227 cities for which a sufficient amount of data, taken largely from the U.S. Census, was available. Niche then considered factors of concern to millennials such as the percentage of residents age 25-34, the percentage of millennials that moved to the city in the past year, crime, median rent, ethnic diversity, and unemployment. The research also took into consideration quality of life such as: bars, coffee shops, and restaurants. Austin, Texas has a 24% higher share of millennials than the national average and has a great amount of startups and tech firms. In order to gain attention from these millennials, smart must not only concentrate on where to locate them, but they must also figure out how to attract them. Other cities such as D.C., Boston, Seattle, and Miami attract this age group with either the low cost of living or the large selection of job opportunities. When it comes to Boston, those in the 18-34 age bracket earn more on average, are more likely to be single, and have higher than average levels of education. Of millennials in the Boston metro area, 71 percent were employed in the 2009 to 2013 period, while the national average was 65 percent. Bostonian millennials earned a median income of $44,548, while the national median was $33,883. Despite a lack of affordable and workforce housing, Miami just ranked as the second top city for millennials. Millennials between the ages of 25 and 34 represent 13.1 percent of Miami’s population. The resident population of Hawaii, which includes active-duty military personnel and their dependents, is projected to increase from 1,363,621 in 2010 to 1,708,900 in 2040, an average growth rate of 0.8 percent per year over the projection period. When it comes to Honolulu, the resident population of the City and County is projected to increase at an annual rate of 0.4 percent from 2010 to 2040. The mile limit of a smart is equivalent to the approximate size of the island. EMPTY NESTERS Empty nesters no longer have to worry about the quality of schools or a family neighborhood, so a new realm of possible places to live are available that previously were not. Most adults ages 50-64 are gravitating to cities like Portland, San Jose, Denver, and Austin. In locations like Austin, the job market is strong and overall population growth is solid. Between 1990-2005 the population of 55 to 64 year olds increased 128% in Austin. Oregon’s 65-and-older population grew by 18 percent between July 2010 and July 2014, according to newly released population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau. That outpaces the country as a whole, which saw its senior population grow by 14.2 percent in the same time period. Charleston is experiencing a high senior growth rate of 20.8 due to aging of baby boomers. MARKET ANALYSIS 11WILSONADVERTISING TARGET MARKETS smartcampaign 2017
  • 7. WHAT IS A smart CAR? Swatch and Mercedes-Benz, dedicated to quality craftsmanship and innovation, provided the legacy of cutting-edge product design that continues to live on in the smart brand today. However, the smart company and the products it engineers have come a long way since the first smart car launch almost 20 years ago. The essence of everything smart is stems from the three core qualities of the smart brand wheel. These qualities of Functionality, Innovation, and Joy of Life epitomize the look, feel, and design that makes smart cars ideal for workday city living and everyday fun. FUNCTIONALITY URBAN • INTUITIVE • PREMIUM QUALITY Smart’s dedicated employees take great care to construct an urban, intuitive vehicle of the highest quality, that gets consumers where they need to go efficiently and safely. Smart has left its fortwo length unchanged from 8.8 feet; this short length, along with “ultra-short” overhangs at the front and rear of the car, make the fortwo suitable for crowded urban driving and for parking in spaces where a traditional SUV or sedan just cannot fit. Since 2016, the fortwo has enjoyed a sizeable increase in vehicle width by 3.9 inches. This expansion offers further space and flexibility for both driver and passenger, all without compromising the mobility and agility that makes smart one of a kind. The fortwo currently has the best turning cycle in the industry at 22.8 ft, with wheel rotation up to 45 degrees. This asset allows consumer is a new range of maneuverability that is certainly hard to come by in the compact car market. Functionality, however, must not come at the cost of safety. With this key fact at the forefront of priorities, smart has carefully engineered a vehicle that withstands the same vigorous safety standards and testing of every member of the Mercedes-Benz lineup. Smart’s patented Tridion safety cell, with its reinforced, high-strength steel, provides the bulk of the protection for the fortwo, with its strategically placed reinforcements that add security, strength, and stability where it’s needed the most. Longitudinal and transverse components of the car’s shell distribute the force of a collision within the steel body, while also activating the crumple zone of the colliding vehicle. The integration of the front and rear wheels provides a loadpath for additional force distribution, while the car’s specially fortified steel doors offer further protection in the event of a side-on collision. The proximity warning function, anti-lock brakes, andcrosswind assist prevent accidents before they happen. INNOVATION CHALLENGING THE STATUS QUO • VISIONARY • DEMOCRATIZING • RESOURCE-SAVING Smart challenges the consumer to travel differently, to lead and not to follow, and to be independent; its inventive product design naturally reflects this goal. The smart fortwo is optimal for people who think outside of the box, who want a car that gives them what they need, conserves resources while minimizing waste, and stays ahead of the technological curve. With both the gas and electric fortwo models, smart strives to accomplish such innovation in an efficient, cost effective manner that makes the brand accessible to drivers of all ages, from the Millennial to the empty nester. JOY OF LIFE ICONIC• LIBERATING • CUSTOMIZABLE Smart is all about freedom and fun. With its unmistakable brand features and customizable body colors, smart retains its iconic image in the automobile market while tailoring its products to the unique personalities of each consumer. THE 2017 ELECTRIC DRIVE LINEUP Along with the standard gas coupe and cabrio models consumers know and love, smart is releasing a brand new fortwo Electric Drive model in the summer of 2017. The 2017 smart fortwo Electric Drive coupe and cabrio build upon the foundation of functionality, innovation, and joy of life in exciting ways, with exciting new features that improve upon the smart brand while retaining an affordable, competitive price for consumers who are often on the go. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES The 2017 fortwo electric driveincludes the following exclusive features in both coupe and cabrio models: • An enhanced electric motor performance and a higher top speed over the 2016 model, adding power and performance that allow the fortwo to not only “feel big,” but act big as well. • A faster AC charging time (2.5hr/240V) with a more powerful onboard charger. The 2017 fortwo ED charges twice as fast as the previous model, allowing busy city-dwellers to get on the road more quickly and on with their day. • A brand new 8 year battery warranty. Customers will be provided with an all-new Daimler battery, with a warranty that comes automatically included with every vehicle, simplifying the purchase process and eliminating separate option payments. • An increased mile range of up to 80 miles, a substantial improvement over the 451 ED model that enhances consumer mobility within the urban landscape. • An option to upgrade to automatic transmission, so drivers can start up and go without any extra hassle. • 12000+ possible color combinations, making each fortwo ED entirely customized to each individual customer of smart. STANDARD FEATURES All of these new additions to the smart fortwo electric drive coupe and cabrio come with the following standard features included in every smart fortwo model: • Dashboard mounted power meter and battery charge indicator • LED daytime running lights • Cruise control • Crosswind assist & Proximity Warning function • Anti-lock brakes • Power windows & power steering • 3 spoke multifunction steering wheel • Smart radio with bluetooth audio streaming NEW FOR 2017 >> Withstands the same safety standards as every Mercedes. 1312 PRODUCT ANALYSIS WILSONADVERTISINGPRODUCTANALYSIS 2017 smart fortwo electric drive coupe Special packages and options: Winter Package - extra insulation - enhanced climate control New Electric Green Tridion color exclusive to the 2017 ED fortwo 1st Electric Convertible in the U.S. Convertible Soft Top -Operational at any speed -Opens/closes in 12 seconds Threemodes of retraction - partial retraction (sunroof) -full retraction -full with roof bars detached and stored in trunk Can withstand 50 automatic car washes 2017 smart fortwo electric drive cabrio smartcampaign 2017
  • 8. 15WILSONADVERTISING Mopeds are more of an indirect competition to the smart brand. They are seen on college campuses and artsy towns across the U.S. STRENGTHS Although Mopeds are not electric, they do have very good gas mileage, sometimes 100+ MPG. They seem to be less expensive averaging around $1,500. The most expensive they get is around $5,000 if they are very decked out. This makes Mopeds more affordable than a car for recent graduates. WEAKNESSES Although Mopeds are able to get into small areas, they seem to have trouble with parking. Many cities are not scooter friendly, and people will move a scooter or knock it over in order to be able to park in a spot. Scooters are more for artsy towns or campuses because many of them are unable to go on the highway, making it hard to commute. The 2017 i3 is BMW’s latest electric model, further improving upon its original design first launched in 2013. The car is a part of the brand’s “BMW i” model series. STRENGTHS BMW has enjoyed a sizable surge in sales of the i3 since its latest launch in May of 2016; the company sold 1,479 units in that first month, up 58% from the previous year. The success of the i3 is due in part to its range of 114 miles on battery alone, and a 180 mile total range with an added on Range Extender. The i3 is manufactured in BMW’s most sustanable plant, and it includes new and innovative features, such as carbon fiber reinforced plastic and regenerative breaking. The i3 sits 4 passengers. WEAKNESSES The BMW i3 is one of the more expensive electric cars on the market, pricing between $43,395 and $49,295. This makes the car less affordable than smart for key target demographics. Its bigger size limits urban maneuverability. Fiat is an Italian brand that produces a line of eco-friendly cars. In 2013, Fiat decided to make their first electric car. They named the car the Fiat 500e and began development in California. It wasn’t until 2014 when the car was introduced in Oregon. STRENGTHS Fiat has always been a well-known brand in the small, eco-friendly category. They had 5,330 sales in 2016 compared to smart ED’s sales of 657 cars. The Fiat 500e is the same hatchback style as their other two door models, making the car able to fit 4 people rather than the smart ED coupe style that only fits two. WEAKNESSES The Fiat 500e is only sold in California and Oregon, meaning it is not accessible to other large cities that have a market for small, eco-friendly cars. The Fiat 500e is about 36 inches (3 ft) longer than the smart ED making it harder to park in small areas. The Chevy Bolt EV is Chevrolet’s new, all electric car. It was put on the market in California in December 2016 and is now sold nationwide. STRENGTHS When people hear the brand Chevy they think of sturdy, all-American cars. The brand recognition is a huge strength for the Bolt EV. Also, in just the one month that the Bolt was sold in only California, they were able to sell 579 cars, only 78 shy of smart ED’s sales in a full year. Also, the Bolt has a range of 238 miles which is almost triple the range of the smart. WEAKNESSES The Bolt is bigger than most electric cars. With dimensions being 70 inches wide by 164 inches long, the Chevy Bolt can’t get into small spaces as easily as the smart ED. Also, since the Bolt is larger, it has a 36.4’ turning radius compared to the 22.8 radius of the smart ED. 14 COMPETITIVEANALYSIS COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS CHEVY BOLT EV FIAT 500e BMW i3 MOPEDS
  • 9. strengths S weaknesses W opportunities O threats Tsmart’s turning radius ranks among the top in their industry, and allows for an advantage in narrow streets and congested cities. Reinforced steel frame allows the smart to withstand impressive contact, keeping both passenger and driver safe. Fortified doors protect from side-on collision. Faster charging: battery charges double the speed of the previous model. Battery allows more cargo and room in the interior, accomodating taller drivers and passengers. New, automatically included, 8 year battery warranty. Customization is one of the most open-ended in the market with over 12000+ possible color combinations available. Electric battery limits distance to 80 miles with a full charge. Charging time is slower than other electric cars. Only can carry two people: - one driver and one passenger. Limited markets available, primarily stuck in urban areas. Inconvenient for consumers with families, for people with long commutes, for those who require extra trunk space. Limited market; over 40% of the country still lives in areas other than cities. Growing populations in urban centers means a growing market for compact cars. Expand brand identity with growing creative generation in millenials. Parent company, Daimler, is pushing to produce only electric cars. More people are opting to live in smaller spaces (”downsizing’), and cross promotion between start-up “tiny houses” and “micro-lofts” could lift the brand above the others. Growth in car sharing apps can open ways to be a key in fleet sales. Daimler can lead to better cross ties with the larger Mercedes brand identity with safety standards and quality production. More retired Americans are seeking to be active in their lives, wanting more freedom in their golden years. Advancement in technology and sustainable energy sources could lead to superior, and stronger brands to corner the market (i.e. Tesla). An increase in demand and development of public transportation in American cities alongside a growth in ride sharing could diminish the personal car in key markets. Growing amount of new entrants and direct and indirect competition. More gas stations than charging stations. Competitors have a strong brand presence. 1716 WILSONADVERTISINGSWOTANALYSIS smartcampaign 2017 smartcampaign 2017
  • 10. PRIMARY AUDIENCE The primary audience for this campaign is millennials or young adults who are entering a financially stable period of their lives. The focus is on recent college graduates and other single young adults who are living in a large city where public transportation is highly used. The smart ED would be an additional mode of transportation to make simple tasks, like running various errands, more convenient. These individuals prefer an electric car due to their environment benefits, and they need a smaller car that is able to easily park on busy city streets. SECONDARY AUDIENCE The secondary audience is adults 55+ who either: don’t have children, have children who no longer live in the household, or those who have entered retirement. This target audience is referred to as the “empty nesters.” Empty nesters are cutting back on unnecessary items in order to live a more conservative, green lifestyle. They aren’t necessarily designated to one geographic region, unlike the primary audience who is located mainly in the city. Functionality is a main reason why empty nesters purchase a smaller car, and they purchase an electric car due to the environmental benefits that go along with living a more conservative life. MEDIA USAGE Both audiences are exploring the web either on their computer or smartphone to learn more about the smart ED. Millennials and empty nesters have a social media presence of some sort. Facebook is the most popular social media platform, because it has a huge age range of users. The primary audience is turning from the traditional way of watching television and is instead streaming shows from websites such as: Hulu, directly from their cable provider’s websites, or YouTube. The secondary audience, primarily those who are retired, prefer to read print media. CAMPAIGN OBJECTIVES TARGET AUDIENCE Millennials Empty Nesters 18 TARGET AUDIENCE& OBJECTIVES 17WILSONADVERTISING CREATIVE STRATEGY BIG IDEA smart Stories focuses on connecting people through the use of the smart ED. The stories include: farmer’s market shoppers, lively grandparents, new college graduates moving to the city, etc. Each smart story will focus on a different characteristic of the smart ED, and the stories will show how the characteristics relate to the individuals being spotlighted. These characteristics include: size, customization, safety, and its electric battery. POSITIONING smart ED is a unique, quirky, and customizable car that values safety and environmental benefits. STRATEGIC FOCAL POINT This campaign will focus on portraying the message that the smart ED is fun, safe, and green. ELEMENTS The smart stories campaigns will be unified through all mediums with tag lines that utilize adverbs or adjectives plus the implied description of the smart car, for example, “Surprisingly spacious”, and “Seriously tough” The phrase will end with a specific adjective or verb that’s showcased as a part of the new smart ED. Elements of humor will be blended with standout images that go along with the idea of the smart ED standing out while fitting into the world around it. There will be a focus on using video as a main tool in the campaign. The stories will be told in a short story style and will be displayed on various digital content websites. The campaign will utilize the growing switch to online streaming platforms along with social media. The idea of smart stories will also be utilized in digital and print ads. The story will be portrayed in the context of an image and copy instead of filmed segments. They will also be separate stories from the people profiled in the video campaigns. Magazine ads in 50+ markets will be used to focus on the secondary target market, along with digital advertising. These ads will share the “standing out” theme of the campaign. Grassroots marketing events will be used to engage the target audiences and create a positive brand experience. MARKETING OBJECTIVE This campaign, starting in May 1, 2017 and ending April 31, 2018, will create attention and excitement for the launch of the new electric drive smart fortwo coupe and cabrio models. The campaign will engage consumers across diverse media outlets such as: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Hulu, YouTube, print media, and grassroots advertising. This campaign expects to increase brand awareness of smart among millennials and empty nesters. The smart brand will achieve a 90+ reach and an 85+ average frequency during a year long national campaign utilizing digital, print, public relations, and grassroots advertising. COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVE The primary focus of this campaign will be to convey to millennials and empty nesters that driving a smart is functional, eco friendly, and safe. TARGET AUDIENCE smartcampaign 2017
  • 11. MARKETING STRATEGY To accomplish the marketing objective, the campaign will be concentrated in big cities. The targeted cities include: Austin, Texas, Washington DC, Boston, Massachusetts, Charleston, South Carolina, Denver, Colorado, Honolulu, Hawaii, Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, Miami, Florida, and San Jose, California. These cities will be targeted because they are bigger cities with narrow streets that would be the perfect size for the smart ED. The targeted demographics include: millennials ages 18-34 and empty nesters ages 50+. Digital marketing and grassroots marketing will be used to target millennials. Technology is constantly evolving, and millennials continue to keep up with the trends. By using social media and video streaming sites, the target audience will be reached effectively. Also, grassroots advertising will be executed by going to festivals that are targeted to millennials, partnering with La Croix for an event focused on the Winter Olympics, and handing out smart ED snowballs as part of a PR event. To target empty nesters, some digital media, some grassroots, and print advertising will be utilized. The digital media being used to reach the empty nesters are: Facebook, Twitter, Hulu, and Xfinity. These social media outlets tend to be the “older” ones that continue to be popular with the later generations. Also, Hulu and Xfinity streaming is popular among all ages. For print media, there will be a 4C half page ad in AARP’s 50-69 issue during three separate months. We will be using AARP during the first three quarters. 21WILSONADVERTISING OVERVIEW QUARTER 1 May–July 2017 QUARTER 2 August–October 2017 QUARTER 3 November 2017–January 2018 QUARTER 4 February–April 2018 MARKETING SCHEDULE smartcampaign 2017
  • 12. MEDIA STRATEGY This campaign will run for a 12-month period, from May 1, 2017 to April 30, 2018. The campaign will be broken up quarterly: May–July, August–October, November–January, February–April. A pulsing strategy will be used. With this strategy in mind, intense advertising will be implemented during the launch, months May, June, and July, to build awareness of the 2017 smart ED. Throughout the rest of the year, advertising will be used to maintain brand awareness. There will be a decrease in advertising after the initial launch, which will be followed by an increase in the months during the holidays. Towards the end of the campaign, the hope is to decrease advertising due to the strong awareness of smart ED. A 90+ reach and an 85+ average frequency will be achieved during a year long national campaign using digital, print, public relations, and grassroots advertising. 22 MEDIASTRATEGY BUDGET BREAKDOWN DIGITAL: 89.50% PRINT: 8.54% GRASSROOTS: 1.61% PUBLIC RELATIONS: 0.19% CONTINGENCY: 0.16% MEDIA VEHICLES FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM Facebook is the most widely used social media platform. Facebook is used be: 79% of all adults, 88% millennials, and 72% of 50-64 year olds. Instagram is more heavily focused on millennials. Out of all adults online, 32% use Instagram, and 59% of millennials use Instagram. Facebook owns Instagram, so advertisements for one media will then post automatically on the other. These ads will appear as “sponsor ads” on the users newsfeed. A few of the interests being used to market to both target audiences include: cars, environment protection, and electric car. TWITTER Twitter is a very common social media platform that is used by 24% of all US adults, 36% 18-29 year olds, and 21% 50-64 year olds. Many companies and organizations use Twitter as a blog type format where they post articles that are relevant to their brand or utilize it as a space to get the word out on the latest happenings. These ads will be on the users newsfeed as a “sponsor ad.” YOUTUBE YouTube is a very well-known video sharing website. Video sharing websites have gained more viewings than cable TV in recent years. Out of online adults,71% use video sharing websites, while 92% of 18-24 year olds, 80% 30-49 year olds, and 54% 50-64 year olds use video sharing websites. YouTube is a very efficient media outlet to reach our target audience. The ads implemented would play before the video that the viewer is watching on Youtube. HULU Hulu is a subscription service website in the United States. Hulu has 12 million users; 37% millennials, 14% Gen x, and 11% baby boomers use Hulu. The ads for smart USA will be during commercial breaks in between the shows. Hulu was chosen because it has proven to reach a large variety of audiences and is able to target millennials and empty nesters at the same time. XFINITY Xfinity is a video streaming subscription accessed through Comcast cable provider’s website. Xfinity has over 22.4 million customers, making Comcast have more internet subscriptions than cable subscriptions. AARP MAGAZINE AARP is the American Association of Retired Persons. AARP has about 37 million readers and is considered a lifestyle magazine for 50+. GRASSROOTS AND PR Grassroots and public relations are ways of advertising that includes direct engagement with consumers. The main event for the first quarter will be the PR event. This event will be held in July and will include handing out snowballs in the target markets. The main event for the fourth quarter will include the South by Southwest music festival and the partnership event with La Croix. smartcampaign 2017
  • 13. 25WILSONADVERTISING24 MEDIASTRATEGY DIGITAL ADVERTISING Digital will receive $2,958,400 out of the quarter 1 budget. FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM • $502,928 (17%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be used for Facebook and Instagram. • $355,008 (12%) of the budget will be used for millennials. • $147,920 (5%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 44,376,000 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 18,490,000 impressions. TWITTER • $384,592 (13%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be used for Twitter. • $268,686 (9%) of the budget will be used for millennials. • $118,336 (4%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 26,868,600 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 11,833,600 impressions. YOUTUBE • $591,680 (20%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be used for YouTube. • $443,760 (15%) of the budget will be used for millennials. • $147,920 (5%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 11,093,750 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 3,698,000 impressions. HULU • $739,600 (25%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be used for Hulu. • $443,760 (15%) of the budget will be used for millennials. • $295,840 (10%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 14,792,000 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 14,792,000 impressions. XFINITY • $739,600 (25%) of the quarter 1 digital budget will be used for Xfinity. • $443,760 (15%) of the budget will be used for millennials. • $295,840 (10%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 14,792,000 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 14,792,000 impressions. PRINT MEDIA Print Media will receive $227,698 of the quarter 1 budget. AARP • $227,698 of the print budget will be used for AARP in quarter 1. • 20,928,125 impressions will be reached. PUBLIC RELATIONS • Public Relations will receive $15,000 of the budget for quarter 1. • $15,000 (100%) of the quarter one public relations bud- get will be used for the PR event. • 683,060 impressions will be reached. DIGITAL ADVERTISING Digital will receive $1,372,302 out of the quarter 2 budget. FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM • $686,151 (50%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be used for Facebook and Instagram. • $480,305.70 (35%) of the quarter 2 budget will be used for millennials. • $205,845.30 (15%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 600,382,125 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 25,730,625 impressions. TWITTER • $137,230.20 (10%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be used for Twitter. • $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for millennials. • $41,169.06 (3%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 9,606,114 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 4,116,906 impressions. YOUTUBE • $137,230.20 (10%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be used for YouTube. • $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for millennials. • $41,169.06 (3%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 12,007,643 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 5,146,133 impressions. HULU • $205,845.20 (15%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be used for Hulu. • $109,784.16 (8%) will be used for millennials. • $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 3,659,472 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 3,202,038 impressions. XFINITY • $205,845.20 (15%) of the quarter 2 digital budget will be used for Xfinity. • $109,784.16 (8%) will be used for millennials. • $96,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 3,659,472 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 3,202,038 impressions. PRINT MEDIA Print Media will receive $227,698 of the quarter 2 budget. AARP • $227,698 of the print budget will be used for AARP in quarter 2. • 20,928,125 impressions will be reached. MAY–JULY 2017 AUGUST–OCTOBER 2017 QUARTER 1 MEDIA OBJECTIVES To create a strong brand awareness of smart USA at the beginning of the launch and catch the attention of millennials and empty nesters. QUARTER 1 MEDIA STRATEGY For the first quarter of the campaign, $3.2 million (40%) of the budget will be allocated. The media outlets that will be utilized in this quarter are digital. print media, and public relations. QUARTER 2 MEDIA OBJECTIVES To maintain a strong brand awareness of smart USA to millennials and empty nesters while implementing a lower budget. QUARTER 2 MEDIA STRATEGY For the second quarter of the campaign, $1.6 million (20%) of the budget will be allocated. The media outlets being utilized are digital and print media. smartcampaign 2017smartcampaign 2017
  • 14. DIGITAL ADVERTISING Digital will receive $2,172,302 from the quarter 3 budget. FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM • $543,075.50 (25%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be used for Facebook and Instagram. • $391,014.36 (18%) will be used for millennials. • $15,206.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 48,876,795 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 1,900,768 impressions. TWITTER • $543,075.50 (25%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be used for Twitter. • $391,014.36 (18%) will be used for millennials. • $15,206.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 54,307,550 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 1,520,614 impressions. YOUTUBE • $434,460.40 (20%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be used for YouTube. • $282,399.26 (13%) will be used for millennials. • $152,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 35,299,908 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 19,007,643 impressions. HULU • $434,460.40 (20%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be used for Hulu. • $282,399.26 (13%) will be used for millennials. •$152,061.14 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 35,299,908 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 19,007,643 impressions. XFINITY • $217,230.20 (10%) of the quarter 3 digital budget will be used for Xfinity. • $152,061.14 (7%) will be used for millennials. • $65,169.06 (3%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 5,068,705 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 2,172,302 impressions. PRINT MEDIA Print Media will receive $227,698 of the budget allocated for quarter 3. AARP • $227,698 of the print budget will be used for AARP. • 20,928,125 impressions will be reached. DIGITAL ADVERTISING Digital will receive $670,894 from the quarter 4 budget. FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM • $201,268.20 (30%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be used for Facebook and Instagram. • $134,178.80 (20%) will be used for millennials. • $67,089 (10%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 16,772,350 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 8,386,125 impressions. TWITTER • $67,089.4 (10%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be used for Twitter. • $40,253.64 (6%) will be used for millennials. • $26,835.76 (4%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 4,025,364 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 2,683,576 impressions. YOUTUBE • $67,089.4 (10%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be used for YouTube. • $40,253.64 (6%) will be used for millennials. • $26,835.76 (4%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 5,031,705 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 3,354,470 impressions. HULU • $100,634.10 (15%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be used for Hulu. • $53,671.52 (8%) will be used for millennials. • $46,962.58 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 1,789,051 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 1,565,419 impressions. XFINITY • $100,634.10 (15%) of the quarter 4 digital budget will be used for Xfinity. • $53,671.52 (8%) will be used for millennials. • $46,962.58 (7%) will be used for empty nesters. • Millennials will reach 1,789,051 impressions. • Empty nesters will reach 1,565,419 impressions. GRASSROOTS Grassroots will receive $129,106 of the quarter 4 budget. • $45,000 of the quarter 4 grassroots budget will be used for the La Croix partnership event. • $84,106 of the quarter 4 grassroots budget will be used for South by Southwest. • 1,434,948 impressions will be reached in the La Croix partnership event. • 2,681,952 impressions will be reached at the South by Southwest grassroots event. NOVEMBER 2017–JANUARY 2018 FEBRUARY–APRIL 2018 QUARTER 3 MEDIA OBJECTIVES To maintain a strong brand awareness of smart USA to millennials and empty nesters. Budgeting will increase in quarter 3 due to the holidays and Winter Olympics. QUARTER 3 MEDIA STRATEGY For the third quarter of the campaign, $2.4 million (30%) of the budget will be allocated. The media outlets being utilized are: digital and print media. QUARTER 4 MEDIA OBJECTIVES To create a strong brand awareness of smart USA at the beginning of the launch and catch the attention of millennials and empty nesters. The fourth quarter will have a great decrease in advertising due to the high brand awareness created in quarters 1 through 3. QUARTER 4 MEDIA STRATEGY For the fourth quarter of the campaign, $800,000 (10%) of the budget will be allocated. The media outlets being utilized are: digital, print, and grassroots advertising. 27WILSONADVERTISING smartcampaign 2017 26 MEDIASTRATEGY smartcampaign 2017
  • 17. 33WILSONADVERTISING32 GRASSROOTSEVENTS THE WINTER LACROYMPIC GAMES GIVEAWAY BY smart ED In partnership with the American sparkling water company La Croix, and utilizing theexcitement for the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, the campaign will feature a grassroots-based giveaway. The giveaway will run during the time of the Winter Olympics from February 9th to the 25th in our selected target cities. The objective of the giveaway will be to find a gold, silver, or bronze LaCroix can in order to redeem the prizes that match each can. There will be one gold can randomly distributed in a LaCroix box that will entitle the winner to receive a free convertible smart ED with a trunk of La Croix. The Silver can follows the same pattern as the gold, but only entitle them to a smart ED coupe. Ten bronze cans will continue the random distribution pattern and entitle each person to a trunks worth of La Croix. The event will engage the target demographic of millennials as La Croix grows in popularity amongst this age group. It’s also a good fit due to La Croix’s unique branding is known for being colorful and is a youth based product that has a focus on being healthy. Running this event through the time of the Olympics carries the excitement Americans have for these athletic events, while not having to directly deal with the expensive cost of marketing during the airtime or act as a sponsor. It also allows people to engage in the competitive spirit without actually having to be athletic. The budget for this event is covered with allocated money from the campaign budget. It covers the expenses for all of the prizes, the distribution costs, the promotion, and development of the token cans. This gives LaCroix the leverage to partner with smart when presented with this concept. smart, in return, benefits from building brand awareness and getting people on the road with a smart. There is also no loss financially on the cars as they are covered in the budget. SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST The South by Southwest event held in Austin, Texas is one of the most reputable events that combines film, music, and technology into one festival. Lasting between 9 to 10 days, there are conferences and festivals, music and film trade shows, and workshops that feature some of the top performing companies and artists. It has also been a widely successful event for corporations to engage with the growing millennial market that attends these events. Many have chosen to follow the traditional sponsorship approach, while others stand out by doing more grassroots advertising and guerilla marketing. This campaign plans to take advantage of the event for better promotion and brand engagement by providing free water bottles to the long lines of people standing outside. A simple gesture helps people by giving them much needed water to help pass the wait time. The choice for smart branded bottles of water is both costs efficient, and an effective choice as anyone could use water while standing in line. They will be delivered by people in our new smart cars, which shows off the smart ED in use, and lets people know the water is being brought to them by a reputable company and not just strangers. There will be coolers placed in the trunk filled with our branded bottles, and smart cars will be driven around the events handing out water bottles. This will happen during the day when the film festival screenings, conferences, showcases and gaming expos operate to fullly utilize the largest crowd sizes in the lines. sample smart water bottle >> SXSW GRASSROOTS
  • 18. 35WILSONADVERTISING32 PUBLICRELATIONS PUBLIC RELATIONS SURPRISINGLY CHILL At the launch of the new smart ED, the campaign will be running a grassroots public relations event to build better brand awareness and excitement for the new car. During July, there will be pop up snowball stations alongside a new smart ED coupe or cabrio in our ten target cities. The name for this event follows in the campaigns usage of the word “surprisingly” plus the descriptive word or verb featured in the ad by using the phrase “chill”. Chill plays on the common slang usage of the word for relaxed and cool while playing with the fact that smart is helping people cool off in the warm summer heat. Giving snowballs out for free alongside the new cars will engage citizens in our target cities with our brand and build a better relationship within these communities. The appeal of a snowball is ageless, it’s both nostalgic and timeless in terms of food trends, and it’s a summer favorite for most Americans due to the wide selection of flavors and refreshing taste. It’s a compact treat that’s colorful and stands out but also serves its purpose that discreetly aligns with a smart car. By providing a fun break from the ongoing heat, the pop-ups introduce people to the car without overtly selling them. EVENT SETUP These pop-ups will have a snow ball machine rented out with workers handing out free snowballs in recyclable paper cups that feature the smart car outlined in green. There will be a set limit on a number of flavors ready, meaning the event could last longer or shorter depending on the crowd size in each city. The machine will also have a limited amount of ice, but the budget allows for an excess being stored in coolers in the car and around the pop-up to meet the demand. The flavors chosen will best match to the possible color options that come in the customized versions of each model to keep with the idea that the new smart is as easily customized as a snow ball. The workers on hand will be paid and well versed on the new models with information on where to learn more with both visiting our website or test driving at the nearest smart dealership.This event will only run for a day during the weekend in a busy section of the targeted cities. The exact location will depend on further acquiring a permit from each city for each pop-up and where we can legally place them. While not a difficult task in the planning stage, there are details missing due to the need to actually file and work with each city for the event. PRESS RELEASE For Release in July 2017 Contact: Keith Edwards Email: Website: smart USA Announces the “Surprisingly Chill” Event BLOOMSFIELD HILLS, MI -- smart USA today announced “Surprisingly Chill”, an event to build better brand awareness and excitement for the 2017 smart ED. In 10 select cities during the month of July, pop up snowball stations will appear alongside a new smart ED Coupe or Cabrio. These free events will distribute snowballs from inside of and next to the new smart ED. the smart ED Coupe and Cabrio on site. Customers will be able to register for more information about to celebrate the car’s green initiative, snowballs will be served from eco friendly, recyclable paper cups with recycling receptacles. “We are always looking towards the future at smart USA, and the future is green,” said Brainiac McGee, VP of Development at smart USA. “The 2017 Smart ED is a leap forward for the automotive industry to try to provide safer, better alternatives to fossil fuel consumption.” With the 2017 Smart ED, consumers can enjoy a full charge for up to 122 mpge city miles, 93 highway, 107 combined in less than 4.5 hours charge time. The battery is optimized by enabling the consumer to precondition the car’s cockpit while it is still charging. Some of the other key specs include: · Best turning radius in the industry at 22.8’ · Affordable starting price at $14,650 · Dimensions of 106″ L x 65-75″ W x 61″ H · 1200+ color combinations · Estimated range of 80+ miles · 0-60 mph in 11.4 seconds with a top speed of 81 mph · smart radio with Bluetooth streaming “The 2017 Smart ED defies the preconceived notion that smaller cars are unsafe with top of the line safety features,” said CEO of Smart USA Ed Shucks. “We’ve moved the battery to be underfoot and reinforced the body of the car with high-strength steel to maximize driver safety. It’s leaps and bounds ahead of its competition.” Snowball stations will appear in Austin, DC, Boston, Charleston, Denver, Honolulu, Seattle, Portland, Miami, and San Jose in July 2017. The Smart ED Cabrio will be released in July 2017 with a MSRP of $18,900. The smart ED Coupe will be released in June 2017 with a MSRP of $14,650. During the campaign, a press release will be lauched to potential smart consumers via social media in the first week of July.This press release will take place in all ten of our focused cities: Austin, DC, Boston, Charleston, Denver, Honolulu, Seattle, Portland, Miami, and San Jose. As with the grassroots event, the purpose of the press release is to increase brand awareness and curiosity for the remainder of the campaign. From the campaign budget, $20,000 will be set aside for all expenses. The main goal is to generate public interest in smart and to drive potential consumers to come out to the smart snowball pop-up stands. smart “snowballs” for July 2017 >> with custom recyclable cup smartcampaign 2017
  • 19. 37WILSONADVERTISING36 EVALUATION&EXPENDITURES EVALUATION EXPENDITURES The effectiveness of this brand awareness based campaign will be determined by several key factors. The biggest being the increase in overall smart sells, specifically for the new smart ED with both the Coupe and Cabrio. This clearly outlines how effectively the campaign sold the smart ED to potential consumers in the target markets. The second determining factor will come from the post-campaign survey and focus group studies in our target markets. This will help determine if the marketing successfully changed the overall brand identity people have for smart. DIGITAL: $7,160,000 PRINT: $683,094 GRASSROOTS: $129,106 PUBLIC RELATIONS: $15,000 CONTINGENCY: $12,800 TOTAL: $8,000,000 MEDIA SCHEDULE FINAL BUDGET May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr Quarter One Quarter Two Quarter Three Quarter Four Facebook & Instagram Twitter YouTube Hulu XFinity AARP DIGITAL ADVERTISING FACEBOOK AND INSTAGRAM Millennial spending: $560,000 (7% of budget) Millennial impressions: 70,000,000 Empty nester spending: $240,000 (3% of budget) Empty nester impressions: 30,000,000 Total impressions: 100,000,000 CPM: $8.00 TWITTER Millennial spending: $560,000 (7% of budget) Millennial impressions: 56,000,000 Empty nester spending: $120,000 (1.5% of budget) Empty nester impressions: 12,000,000 Total impressions: 68,000,000 CPM: $10.00 YOUTUBE Millennial spending: $560,000 (7% of budget) Millennial impressions: 70,000,000 Empty nester spending: $320,000 (4% of budget) Empty nester impressions: 40,000,000 Total impressions: 110,000,000 CPM: $8.00 HULU Millennial spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget) Millennial impressions: 40,000,000 Empty nester spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget) Empty nester impressions: 40,000,000 Total impressions: 80,000,000 CPM: $30.00 XFINITY Millennial spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget) Millennial impressions: 40,000,000 Empty nester spending: $1,200,000 (15% of budget) Empty nester impressions: 40,000,000 Total impressions: 80,000,000 CPM: $30.00 PRINT ADVERTISING AARP Empty nester spending: $683,094 (8.54% of budget) Empty nester impressions: 62,784,375 Total impressions: 62,784,375 CPM: $10.88 GRASSROOTS AND PR GRASSROOTS Total spending: $129,106 (1.61% of budget) Total impressions: 4,116,901 CPM: $31.36 PUBLIC RELATIONS Total spending: $15,000 (0.19% of budget) Total impressions: 683,060 CPM: $21.96 CONTINGENCY FEE Alottment: $12,800.00 (0.16% of budget) TOTAL Spending: $8,000,000 (100% of budget) Impressions: 505,993,657 CPM: $35.57 smartcampaign 2017
  • 20. 39WILSONADVERTISING38 WORKSCITED WORKS CITED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Smart Advertising Campaigns Presentation for the University of Alabama, 2017. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.