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Sh*t my cloud evangelist

 ...Just not to my CSO
About @Beaker:

✤   I’m an a*hole with a blog (
✤   Global Chief Security Architect for a company who
    provides networking & security widgets to SP’s &
✤   Love Cloud & particularly fond of those that do my
    bidding in a manner commensurate with my OCD-driven
    need to manage outcomes in a reasonably predictable
About @Beaker:

✤   I’m an a*hole with a blog (
✤   Global Chief Security Architect for a company who
    provides networking & security widgets to SP’s &
✤   Love Cloud & particularly fond of those that do my
    bidding in a manner commensurate with my OCD-driven
    need to manage outcomes in a reasonably predictable

                                                            << @SMCES
Defining the
problem set
Developer Priorities*            VS           Security Priorities

                *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*              VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                        1. Security
 specified or envisioned

                  *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*              VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                        1. Security
 specified or envisioned
2. Performance                                      2. Compliance

                  *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*              VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                        1. Security
 specified or envisioned
2. Performance                                      2. Compliance

3. Usability                                        3. Uptime

                  *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*              VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                        1. Security
 specified or envisioned
2. Performance                                      2. Compliance

3. Usability                                        3. Uptime

4. Uptime                                           4. Performance

                  *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*                 VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                           1. Security
 specified or envisioned
2. Performance                                         2. Compliance

3. Usability                                           3. Uptime

4. Uptime                                              4. Performance
5. Maintainability                                     5. Functions and features as
                                                        specified or envisioned

                     *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*                 VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                           1. Security
 specified or envisioned
2. Performance                                         2. Compliance

3. Usability                                           3. Uptime

4. Uptime                                              4. Performance
5. Maintainability                                     5. Functions and features as
                                                        specified or envisioned
6. Security                                            6. Usability/Maintainability

                     *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
Developer Priorities*                 VS           Security Priorities

1. Functions and features as                           1. Security
 specified or envisioned
2. Performance                                         2. Compliance

3. Usability                                           3. Uptime

4. Uptime                                              4. Performance
5. Maintainability                                     5. Functions and features as
                                                        specified or envisioned
6. Security                                            6. Usability/Maintainability

                     *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
@SMCES...                                     VS   ...SECURITY
✤   Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated   ✤   Cloud is less secure because developers can’t
    and it’s everyone’s responsibility                      detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex,
                                                            adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP
                                                            Top 10 vs APT
@SMCES...                                     VS   ...SECURITY
✤   Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated   ✤   Cloud is less secure because developers can’t
    and it’s everyone’s responsibility                      detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex,
                                                            adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP
                                                            Top 10 vs APT
✤   The Golden Rule: Design for fail                    ✤   Security is penalized severely for failure & is
                                                            expected never to fail (even though it does)
@SMCES...                                     VS   ...SECURITY
✤   Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated   ✤   Cloud is less secure because developers can’t
    and it’s everyone’s responsibility                      detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex,
                                                            adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP
                                                            Top 10 vs APT
✤   The Golden Rule: Design for fail                    ✤   Security is penalized severely for failure & is
                                                            expected never to fail (even though it does)

✤   Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more   ✤   Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes
    value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital       reckless operations and will ultimately cost more
    costs                                                   to clean up the mess
@SMCES...                                      VS   ...SECURITY
✤   Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated    ✤   Cloud is less secure because developers can’t
    and it’s everyone’s responsibility                       detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex,
                                                             adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP
                                                             Top 10 vs APT
✤   The Golden Rule: Design for fail                     ✤   Security is penalized severely for failure & is
                                                             expected never to fail (even though it does)

✤   Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more    ✤   Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes
    value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital        reckless operations and will ultimately cost more
    costs                                                    to clean up the mess
✤   The only “True Cloud” is Public, pay-per use,        ✤   Private Clouds, extending in limited fashion to
    multi-tenant platforms. All else are “False              Public clouds will provide a controllable, hybrid
    Clouds”                                                  architecture we can secure
@SMCES...                                      VS   ...SECURITY
✤   Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated    ✤   Cloud is less secure because developers can’t
    and it’s everyone’s responsibility                       detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex,
                                                             adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP
                                                             Top 10 vs APT
✤   The Golden Rule: Design for fail                     ✤   Security is penalized severely for failure & is
                                                             expected never to fail (even though it does)

✤   Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more    ✤   Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes
    value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital        reckless operations and will ultimately cost more
    costs                                                    to clean up the mess
✤   The only “True Cloud” is Public, pay-per use,        ✤   Private Clouds, extending in limited fashion to
    multi-tenant platforms. All else are “False              Public clouds will provide a controllable, hybrid
    Clouds”                                                  architecture we can secure
✤   Legacy IT organizational hierarchy and siloed        ✤   Compliance will have the last laugh when you
    operations is dead. Long live Shadow IT and              bypass security and bad things happen;
    DevOps...or NoOps                                        Separation of Duties & Least Privilege
@SMCES...                                        VS   ...SECURITY
✤   Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated      ✤   Cloud is less secure because developers can’t
    and it’s everyone’s responsibility                         detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex,
                                                               adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP
                                                               Top 10 vs APT
✤   The Golden Rule: Design for fail                       ✤   Security is penalized severely for failure & is
                                                               expected never to fail (even though it does)

✤   Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more      ✤   Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes
    value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital          reckless operations and will ultimately cost more
    costs                                                      to clean up the mess
✤   The only “True Cloud” is Public, pay-per use,          ✤   Private Clouds, extending in limited fashion to
    multi-tenant platforms. All else are “False                Public clouds will provide a controllable, hybrid
    Clouds”                                                    architecture we can secure
✤   Legacy IT organizational hierarchy and siloed          ✤   Compliance will have the last laugh when you
    operations is dead. Long live Shadow IT and                bypass security and bad things happen;
    DevOps...or NoOps                                          Separation of Duties & Least Privilege
✤   Automation enables simplicity, scalability, agility,   ✤   Abstraction yields “simplexity” and complex
    resiliency and better security; Availability is the        System Failures due to automation in security will
    priority                                                   be catastrophic; Fail CLOSED
What’s Missing?
What’s Missing?
 ✤   Instrumentation that is inclusive of security
What’s Missing?
 ✤   Instrumentation that is inclusive of security

 ✤   Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and
     applistructure layers
What’s Missing?
 ✤   Instrumentation that is inclusive of security

 ✤   Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and
     applistructure layers

 ✤   Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks
What’s Missing?
 ✤   Instrumentation that is inclusive of security

 ✤   Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and
     applistructure layers

 ✤   Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks

 ✤   Standard interfaces, precise syntactical representation of elemental
     security constructs < We need the “EC2 API” of Security
What’s Missing?
 ✤   Instrumentation that is inclusive of security

 ✤   Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and
     applistructure layers

 ✤   Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks

 ✤   Standard interfaces, precise syntactical representation of elemental
     security constructs < We need the “EC2 API” of Security

 ✤   An operational methodology that ensures a common understanding
     of outcomes & “Agile” culture in general
What’s Missing?
 ✤   Instrumentation that is inclusive of security

 ✤   Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and
     applistructure layers

 ✤   Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks

 ✤   Standard interfaces, precise syntactical representation of elemental
     security constructs < We need the “EC2 API” of Security

 ✤   An operational methodology that ensures a common understanding
     of outcomes & “Agile” culture in general

 ✤   Sanitary Application Security Practices
Nasty bits
“Information Security” Sucks
                                                                                                                            re 21
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                                                                                                                            ion o                               chan                                                                             40%
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                                                                                                              88%                                                                                                 s
                                                                                                                                                                          54%                            ger

                                                                                                                                                34%                          All

“Information Security” Sucks
                                                                                                                            re 21
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     VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciBwYXJ0aWNpcGF0aW5nIGluIHRoZSAyMDEyIFZlcml6b24gREJJUiBDb3Zl                                                                            own




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                                                                                                              88%                                                                                                 s
                                                                                                                                                                          54%                            ger

                                                                                                                                                34%                          All

“Information Security” Sucks
                                                                                                                            re 21
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     VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciBwYXJ0aWNpcGF0aW5nIGluIHRoZSAyMDEyIFZlcml6b24gREJJUiBDb3Zl                                                                            own




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                                                                                                   . Ha                       or o l

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                                                                                                              88%                                                                                                 s
                                                                                                                                                                          54%                            ger

                                                                                                                                                34%                          All

Application Security: Meh
API Security Sucks Harder

  ✤   Most Security Drones can’t spell XML

  ✤   ...they rarely use SOAP

  ✤   ...they don’t get REST

  ✤   SSL and Firewalls: the breakfast of champions
Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of
the Classic Blunders!
Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of
the Classic Blunders!

✤   Never Get Involved In
    a Cloud War In Asia
Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of
the Classic Blunders!

✤   Never Get Involved In
    a Cloud War In Asia

✤   Never Go In Against a
    Dutchman When APIs
    Are On the Line!
Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of
the Classic Blunders!

✤   Never Get Involved In
    a Cloud War In Asia

✤   Never Go In Against a
    Dutchman When APIs
    Are On the Line!
Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of
the Classic Blunders!

✤   Never Get Involved In
    a Cloud War In Asia

✤   Never Go In Against a
    Dutchman When APIs
    Are On the Line!

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Sh*T My Cloud Evangelist Fails to say...

       As illustrated by George’s
       7 Dirty Words
The 7 Dirty Words

              ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1. Scalability

                   ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1. Scalability
  2. Portability

                   ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1. Scalability
  2. Portability
  3. Fungibility

                   ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1.   Scalability
  2.   Portability
  3.   Fungibility
  4.   Compliance

                     ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1.   Scalability
  2.   Portability
  3.   Fungibility
  4.   Compliance
  5.   Cost

                     ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1.   Scalability
  2.   Portability
  3.   Fungibility
  4.   Compliance
  5.   Cost
  6.   Manageability
                       ...Of Cloud Security
The 7 Dirty Words
  1.   Scalability
  2.   Portability
  3.   Fungibility
  4.   Compliance
  5.   Cost
  6.   Manageability
  7.   Trust           ...Of Cloud Security
  ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed
      Networked System Security problems are tougher
  ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed
      Networked System Security problems are tougher

  ✤ “Traditional” security doesn’t scale across distributed software-driven
      architecture; policies disconnected from workloads...more complicated
      as we go from IaaS > PaaS
  ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed
      Networked System Security problems are tougher

  ✤ “Traditional” security doesn’t scale across distributed software-driven
      architecture; policies disconnected from workloads...more complicated
      as we go from IaaS > PaaS

  ✤ Unfortunate reconciliation of Metcalfe’s Law vs. Moore's Law vs. HD
      Moore’s Law (Casual Attacker power grows at the rate of Metasploit)
  ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed
      Networked System Security problems are tougher

  ✤ “Traditional” security doesn’t scale across distributed software-driven
      architecture; policies disconnected from workloads...more complicated
      as we go from IaaS > PaaS

  ✤ Unfortunate reconciliation of Metcalfe’s Law vs. Moore's Law vs. HD
      Moore’s Law (Casual Attacker power grows at the rate of Metasploit)

  ✤ Security is not programmatic & leveragable automation across
      heterogenous systems in security is LULZ
 ✤ It doesn’t. The MeatCloud giveth, the MeatCloud
    taketh away...
 ✤ It doesn’t. The MeatCloud giveth, the MeatCloud
    taketh away...

 ✤ Beyond Gb/s, Connections/s, flows, etc., security
    requires the notion of context, policy, and potentially
    state...eventual consistency doesn’t work with
 ✤ It doesn’t. The MeatCloud giveth, the MeatCloud
    taketh away...

 ✤ Beyond Gb/s, Connections/s, flows, etc., security
    requires the notion of context, policy, and potentially
    state...eventual consistency doesn’t work with

 ✤ The Self-Defending {network | application} is
    complicated simultaneously with the concepts of
    “data gravity” and mobility
Cloud: The Revenge
of VPN and PKI
Cloud: The Revenge
of VPN and PKI

He P’s On Everything...

                Everything’s Connected
Do Not Poke the bear

       If You Think A Noogie Is Bad, Try the Wedgie!
  ✤ If we don’t have consistency in standards/formats for
     workloads & stack insertion, we’re not going to have
     consistency in security; Lack of consistent telemetry
  ✤ If we don’t have consistency in standards/formats for
     workloads & stack insertion, we’re not going to have
     consistency in security; Lack of consistent telemetry

  ✤ Inconsistent policies and network topologies make security
     service, topology & device-specific...flatter means
     responses to “network” attacks must be dealt with by the
     application...or not
  ✤ If we don’t have consistency in standards/formats for
     workloads & stack insertion, we’re not going to have
     consistency in security; Lack of consistent telemetry

  ✤ Inconsistent policies and network topologies make security
     service, topology & device-specific...flatter means
     responses to “network” attacks must be dealt with by the
     application...or not

  ✤ Abstraction has become a distraction

✤   Dude, Where’s My IOS ACL

        Working with VMware vShield REST API in perl. Richard Park, Sourcefire
✤   ...or this:

                  AWS Security : A Practitioner’s Perspective. Jason Chan, Netflix
 ✤   Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic
     security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based
 ✤   Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic
     security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based

 ✤   Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for
     orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect
 ✤   Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic
     security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based

 ✤   Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for
     orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect

 ✤   Each level of “the stack” means security controls can’t be
     reused and are “slice” specific (more on this in a minute)
 ✤   Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic
     security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based

 ✤   Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for
     orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect

 ✤   Each level of “the stack” means security controls can’t be
     reused and are “slice” specific (more on this in a minute)

 ✤   If we’re having trouble digesting IaaS, guess what PaaS
     does to the conversation?
 ✤   Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic
     security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based

 ✤   Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for
     orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect

 ✤   Each level of “the stack” means security controls can’t be
     reused and are “slice” specific (more on this in a minute)

 ✤   If we’re having trouble digesting IaaS, guess what PaaS
     does to the conversation?
The Problem Is
Always Hamsters
The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...*

                                                               The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain

           Control Deployment/Investment Focus






* With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...*

                                                              The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain

          Control Deployment/Investment Focus






* With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...*

                                                              The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain
                                                                             We Are Here
          Control Deployment/Investment Focus






* With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...*

                                                              The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain
                                                                             We Are Here
          Control Deployment/Investment Focus





                                                                               Deployment Is Here


* With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
 ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter
 ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter

 ✤ Regulatory compliance and frameworks don’t address
    emerging/disruptive innovation quickly enough - or at
 ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter

 ✤ Regulatory compliance and frameworks don’t address
    emerging/disruptive innovation quickly enough - or at

 ✤ How do we demonstrate compliance against
    measurements that don’t exist?
 ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter

 ✤ Regulatory compliance and frameworks don’t address
    emerging/disruptive innovation quickly enough - or at

 ✤ How do we demonstrate compliance against
    measurements that don’t exist?

 ✤ Lack of automation for gathering audit/compliance
Mapping the Model to the Metal
Mapping the Model to the Metal
        Cloud Model
 Presentation                  Presentation
   Modality                      Platform



 Data            Metadata            Content

        Integration & Middleware


            Core Connectivity & Delivery
                                                                                                                   Software as a Service (SaaS)
                                               Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

                                                                                    Platform as a Service (PaaS)



Mapping the Model to the Metal
        Cloud Model
 Presentation                  Presentation
   Modality                      Platform

                                                                                                                                                         Security Control Model
                Applications                                                                                                                                             SDLC, Binary Analysis,
                                                                                                                                                  Applications        Scanners, WebApp Firewalls,
                                                                                                                                                                          Transactional Sec.

 Data            Metadata            Content
                                                                                                                                                                      DLP, CMF, Database Activity
                                                                                                                                                  Information           Monitoring, Encryption

        Integration & Middleware
                                                                                                                                                                         GRC, IAM, VA/VM, Patch
                                                                                                                                                  Management              Management, Config.
                                                                                                                                                                        Management, Monitoring

            Core Connectivity & Delivery                                                                                                                              NIDS/NIPS, Firewalls, DPI,
                                                                                                                   Software as a Service (SaaS)
                                               Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

                                                                                    Platform as a Service (PaaS)

                                                                                                                                                   Network            Anti-DDoS, QoS, DNSSEC

                                                                                                                                                  Trusted Computing   Hardware & Software RoT & API’s

                                                                                                                                                                        Host-based Firewalls, HIDS/
                 Hardware                                                                                                                                                HIPS, Integrity & File/log
                                                                                                                                                  Compute & Storage
                                                                                                                                                                         Management, Encryption,

                                                                                                                                                                      Physical Plant Security, CCTV,
                  Facilities                                                                                                                       Physical                      Guards
Mapping the Model to the Metal
        Cloud Model
 Presentation                  Presentation
   Modality                      Platform

                                                                                                                                                         Security Control Model
                Applications                                                                                                                                             SDLC, Binary Analysis,
                                                                                                                                                  Applications        Scanners, WebApp Firewalls,
                                                                                                                                                                          Transactional Sec.            Compliance Model
 Data            Metadata            Content

                                                                                                                                                                      DLP, CMF, Database Activity           PCI
                                                                                                                                                                        Monitoring, Encryption

        Integration & Middleware                                                                                                                                                                                   Firewalls
                                                                                                                                                                         GRC, IAM, VA/VM, Patch                   Code Review
                                                                                                                                                                          Management, Config.                         WAF
                                                                                                                                                  Management                                                      Encryption
                                                                                                                                                                        Management, Monitoring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unique User IDs
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Patch/Vulnerability MgMt
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Physical Access Control
            Core Connectivity & Delivery                                                                                                                              NIDS/NIPS, Firewalls, DPI,
                                                                                                                   Software as a Service (SaaS)
                                               Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

                                                                                    Platform as a Service (PaaS)

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Two-Factor Authentication...
                                                                                                                                                   Network            Anti-DDoS, QoS, DNSSEC

                                                                                                                                                                      Hardware & Software RoT & API’s
                                                                                                                                                  Trusted Computing
                                                                                                                                                                        Host-based Firewalls, HIDS/
                                                                                                                                                                         HIPS, Integrity & File/log
                 Hardware                                                                                                                         Compute & Storage
                                                                                                                                                                         Management, Encryption,

                  Facilities                                                                                                                       Physical
                                                                                                                                                                      Physical Plant Security, CCTV,       COBIT
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO
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Shit My Cloud Evangelist Says...Just Not To My CSO

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  • 2. About @Beaker: ✤ I’m an a*hole with a blog ( ✤ Global Chief Security Architect for a company who provides networking & security widgets to SP’s & Enterprises ✤ Love Cloud & particularly fond of those that do my bidding in a manner commensurate with my OCD-driven need to manage outcomes in a reasonably predictable way
  • 3. About @Beaker: ✤ I’m an a*hole with a blog ( ✤ Global Chief Security Architect for a company who provides networking & security widgets to SP’s & Enterprises ✤ Love Cloud & particularly fond of those that do my bidding in a manner commensurate with my OCD-driven need to manage outcomes in a reasonably predictable way << @SMCES
  • 6. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 7. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 8. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned 2. Performance 2. Compliance *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 9. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned 2. Performance 2. Compliance 3. Usability 3. Uptime *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 10. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned 2. Performance 2. Compliance 3. Usability 3. Uptime 4. Uptime 4. Performance *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 11. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned 2. Performance 2. Compliance 3. Usability 3. Uptime 4. Uptime 4. Performance 5. Maintainability 5. Functions and features as specified or envisioned *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 12. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned 2. Performance 2. Compliance 3. Usability 3. Uptime 4. Uptime 4. Performance 5. Maintainability 5. Functions and features as specified or envisioned 6. Security 6. Usability/Maintainability *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 13. Developer Priorities* VS Security Priorities 1. Functions and features as 1. Security specified or envisioned 2. Performance 2. Compliance 3. Usability 3. Uptime 4. Uptime 4. Performance 5. Maintainability 5. Functions and features as specified or envisioned 6. Security 6. Usability/Maintainability *Mark Curphey - The Great Security Divide - Part 1 & John Wilander - Security People vs Developers
  • 14. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY
  • 15. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY ✤ Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated ✤ Cloud is less secure because developers can’t and it’s everyone’s responsibility detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex, adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP Top 10 vs APT
  • 16. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY ✤ Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated ✤ Cloud is less secure because developers can’t and it’s everyone’s responsibility detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex, adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP Top 10 vs APT ✤ The Golden Rule: Design for fail ✤ Security is penalized severely for failure & is expected never to fail (even though it does)
  • 17. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY ✤ Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated ✤ Cloud is less secure because developers can’t and it’s everyone’s responsibility detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex, adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP Top 10 vs APT ✤ The Golden Rule: Design for fail ✤ Security is penalized severely for failure & is expected never to fail (even though it does) ✤ Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more ✤ Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital reckless operations and will ultimately cost more costs to clean up the mess
  • 18. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY ✤ Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated ✤ Cloud is less secure because developers can’t and it’s everyone’s responsibility detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex, adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP Top 10 vs APT ✤ The Golden Rule: Design for fail ✤ Security is penalized severely for failure & is expected never to fail (even though it does) ✤ Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more ✤ Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital reckless operations and will ultimately cost more costs to clean up the mess ✤ The only “True Cloud” is Public, pay-per use, ✤ Private Clouds, extending in limited fashion to multi-tenant platforms. All else are “False Public clouds will provide a controllable, hybrid Clouds” architecture we can secure
  • 19. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY ✤ Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated ✤ Cloud is less secure because developers can’t and it’s everyone’s responsibility detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex, adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP Top 10 vs APT ✤ The Golden Rule: Design for fail ✤ Security is penalized severely for failure & is expected never to fail (even though it does) ✤ Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more ✤ Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital reckless operations and will ultimately cost more costs to clean up the mess ✤ The only “True Cloud” is Public, pay-per use, ✤ Private Clouds, extending in limited fashion to multi-tenant platforms. All else are “False Public clouds will provide a controllable, hybrid Clouds” architecture we can secure ✤ Legacy IT organizational hierarchy and siloed ✤ Compliance will have the last laugh when you operations is dead. Long live Shadow IT and bypass security and bad things happen; DevOps...or NoOps Separation of Duties & Least Privilege
  • 20. @SMCES... VS ...SECURITY ✤ Cloud is more secure; security is more integrated ✤ Cloud is less secure because developers can’t and it’s everyone’s responsibility detect & prevent basic threats, let alone complex, adaptive and emerging adversaries; See OWASP Top 10 vs APT ✤ The Golden Rule: Design for fail ✤ Security is penalized severely for failure & is expected never to fail (even though it does) ✤ Cloud is more agile, costs less and delivers more ✤ Cloud encourages bypassing controls, promotes value, more quickly & flexibly and without capital reckless operations and will ultimately cost more costs to clean up the mess ✤ The only “True Cloud” is Public, pay-per use, ✤ Private Clouds, extending in limited fashion to multi-tenant platforms. All else are “False Public clouds will provide a controllable, hybrid Clouds” architecture we can secure ✤ Legacy IT organizational hierarchy and siloed ✤ Compliance will have the last laugh when you operations is dead. Long live Shadow IT and bypass security and bad things happen; DevOps...or NoOps Separation of Duties & Least Privilege ✤ Automation enables simplicity, scalability, agility, ✤ Abstraction yields “simplexity” and complex resiliency and better security; Availability is the System Failures due to automation in security will priority be catastrophic; Fail CLOSED
  • 22. What’s Missing? ✤ Instrumentation that is inclusive of security
  • 23. What’s Missing? ✤ Instrumentation that is inclusive of security ✤ Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and applistructure layers
  • 24. What’s Missing? ✤ Instrumentation that is inclusive of security ✤ Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and applistructure layers ✤ Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks
  • 25. What’s Missing? ✤ Instrumentation that is inclusive of security ✤ Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and applistructure layers ✤ Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks ✤ Standard interfaces, precise syntactical representation of elemental security constructs < We need the “EC2 API” of Security
  • 26. What’s Missing? ✤ Instrumentation that is inclusive of security ✤ Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and applistructure layers ✤ Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks ✤ Standard interfaces, precise syntactical representation of elemental security constructs < We need the “EC2 API” of Security ✤ An operational methodology that ensures a common understanding of outcomes & “Agile” culture in general
  • 27. What’s Missing? ✤ Instrumentation that is inclusive of security ✤ Intelligence and context shared between infrastructure and applistructure layers ✤ Maturity of “automation mechanics” and frameworks ✤ Standard interfaces, precise syntactical representation of elemental security constructs < We need the “EC2 API” of Security ✤ An operational methodology that ensures a common understanding of outcomes & “Agile” culture in general ✤ Sanitary Application Security Practices
  • 29. “Information Security” Sucks Figu re 21 . Hac king meth ods b y per cent Expl oitat of br ion o each f es w defa ult o ithin r gue Hack ssab ing le cr eden Use tials of st olen login cred Brut entia 9% Expl e for ls oitat ce an ion o d dic f bac tiona kdoo ry at r or c tack omm s and a Expl nd co 55% oitat ntrol ion o chan 40% f ins nel +# uffic 14% ient 29% auth – no lo entica 51% (e.g., gin r t equirion 25% ed) 6% –# SQL 3% 29% injec tion Rem 3%– ote fi le inclu sion 1% 14% Abus e of func 6% tiona <1% lity # Unkn 3% VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciBwYXJ0aWNpcGF0aW5nIGluIHRoZSAyMDEyIFZlcml6b24gREJJUiBDb3Zl own 4% # ciBDaGFsbGVuZ2UuCldlIGhvcGUgeW91IGVuam95IHRoaXMgY2hhbGxlbmdlIGFzIG11Y2ggYXMg d2UgaGF2ZSBlbmpveWVkIGNyZWF0aW5nIGl0LiAgCgoKVGhlcmUgb25jZSB3YXMgYSBsYWR5IGZy b20gTmFudHVja2V0LApXaXRoIHRleHQgc28gd2lkZSB3ZSBjb3VsZCBncm9rIGl0Lgp3ZSBjaG9w cGVkIGFuZCBzbGljZWQgaXQgYWxsIGRheSBsb25nLApPbmx5IHRvIGZpbmQgc2hlIHdhc27igJl0 IGFsbCB3cm9uZy4KCldpdGggc2tpbGwgYW5kIGVhc2Ugd2UgYmF0dGxlZCB0aGlzIGZpZ2h0LApF king eGNlcHQgc2hlIHdhcyBub3QgdG90YWxseSByaWdodC4KVHdpc3RpbmcgYW5kIHR1cm5pbmcgd2Ug Hac a2VwdCBvbiBzdHJvbmcsCldlIHNob3VsZCBoYXZlIGJlZW4gc2luZ2luZyBhbGwgYWxvbmc6CgpN hin wit YXJ5IGhhZCBhIGxpdHRsZSBsYW1iLApsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiwgbGl0dGxlIGxhbWIsCk1hcnkgaGFk es 31% IGEgbGl0dGxlIGxhbWIsCndob3NlIGZsZWVjZSB3YXMgd2hpdGUgYXMgc25vdy4KCkFuZCBldmVy ch eXdoZXJlIHRoYXQgTWFyeSB3ZW50LApNYXJ5IHdlbnQsIE1hcnkgd2VudCwKYW5kIGV2ZXJ5d2hl rea wn of b cmUgdGhhdCBNYXJ5IHdlbnQsCnRoZSBsYW1iIHdhcyBzdXJlIHRvIGdvLgoKSXQgZm9sbG93ZWQg nt kno aGVyIHRvIHNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5CnNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5LCBzY2hvb2wgb25lIGRheSwKSXQg rce Un Zm9sbG93ZWQgaGVyIHRvIHNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5LAp3aGljaCB3YXMgYWdhaW5zdCB0aGUgcnVs y pe ZXMuCgpJdCBtYWRlIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBsYXVnaCBhbmQgcGxheSwKbGF1Z2ggYW5kIHBsYXks rs b ion IGxhdWdoIGFuZCBwbGF5LAppdCBtYWRlIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBsYXVnaCBhbmQgcGxheQp0byBz vec to icat All O ZWUgYSBsYW1iIGF0IHNjaG9vbC4KCkFuZCBzbyB0aGUgdGVhY2hlciB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LAp0 ppl rgs ing ba dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LCB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LApBbmQgc28gdGhlIHRlYWNoZXIgdHVybmVkIGl0 ck r We IG91dCwKYnV0IHN0aWxsIGl0IGxpbmdlcmVkIG5lYXIsCgpBbmQgd2FpdGVkIHBhdGllbnRseSBh . Ha or o l Ym91dCwKcGF0aWVudGx5IGFib3V0LCBwYXRpZW50bHkgYWJvdXQsCkFuZCB3OGVkIHBhdGllbnRs 2 2 kdo nne Larg ure Bac ol cha eSBhYm91dAp0aWxsIE1hcnkgZGlkIGFwcGVhci4KCiJXaHkgZG9lcyB0aGUgbGFtYiBsb3ZlIE1h Fig er O cnkgc28/IgpMb3ZlIE1hcnkgc28/IExvdmUgTWFyeSBzbz8KIldoeSBkb2VzIHRoZSBsYW1iIGxv / tr rgs con dmUgTWFyeSBzbywiCnRoZSBlYWdlciBjaGlsZHJlbiBjcnkuCgoiV2h5LCBNYXJ5IGxvdmVzIHRo ess acc es ZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdy4iClRoZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdywgdGhlIGxhbWIsIHlvdSBrbm93 ote servic LAoiV2h5LCBNYXJ5IGxvdmVzIHRoZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdywiCnRoZSB0ZWFjaGVyIGRpZCBy Remktop ZXBseS4KJHAK 4% des – 10% 25% 17% + 88% s Org 54% ger Lar rgs 34% All O 20%
  • 30. “Information Security” Sucks Figu re 21 . Hac king meth ods b y per cent Expl oitat of br ion o each f es w defa ult o ithin r gue Hack ssab ing le cr eden Use tials of st olen login cred Brut entia 9% Expl e for ls oitat ce an ion o d dic f bac tiona kdoo ry at r or c tack omm s and a Expl nd co 55% oitat ntrol ion o chan 40% f ins nel +# uffic 14% ient 29% auth – no lo entica 51% (e.g., gin r t equirion 25% ed) 6% –# SQL 3% 29% injec tion Rem 3%– ote fi le inclu sion 1% 14% Abus e of func 6% tiona <1% lity # Unkn 3% VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciBwYXJ0aWNpcGF0aW5nIGluIHRoZSAyMDEyIFZlcml6b24gREJJUiBDb3Zl own 4% # ciBDaGFsbGVuZ2UuCldlIGhvcGUgeW91IGVuam95IHRoaXMgY2hhbGxlbmdlIGFzIG11Y2ggYXMg d2UgaGF2ZSBlbmpveWVkIGNyZWF0aW5nIGl0LiAgCgoKVGhlcmUgb25jZSB3YXMgYSBsYWR5IGZy b20gTmFudHVja2V0LApXaXRoIHRleHQgc28gd2lkZSB3ZSBjb3VsZCBncm9rIGl0Lgp3ZSBjaG9w cGVkIGFuZCBzbGljZWQgaXQgYWxsIGRheSBsb25nLApPbmx5IHRvIGZpbmQgc2hlIHdhc27igJl0 IGFsbCB3cm9uZy4KCldpdGggc2tpbGwgYW5kIGVhc2Ugd2UgYmF0dGxlZCB0aGlzIGZpZ2h0LApF king eGNlcHQgc2hlIHdhcyBub3QgdG90YWxseSByaWdodC4KVHdpc3RpbmcgYW5kIHR1cm5pbmcgd2Ug Hac a2VwdCBvbiBzdHJvbmcsCldlIHNob3VsZCBoYXZlIGJlZW4gc2luZ2luZyBhbGwgYWxvbmc6CgpN hin wit YXJ5IGhhZCBhIGxpdHRsZSBsYW1iLApsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiwgbGl0dGxlIGxhbWIsCk1hcnkgaGFk es 31% IGEgbGl0dGxlIGxhbWIsCndob3NlIGZsZWVjZSB3YXMgd2hpdGUgYXMgc25vdy4KCkFuZCBldmVy ch eXdoZXJlIHRoYXQgTWFyeSB3ZW50LApNYXJ5IHdlbnQsIE1hcnkgd2VudCwKYW5kIGV2ZXJ5d2hl rea wn of b cmUgdGhhdCBNYXJ5IHdlbnQsCnRoZSBsYW1iIHdhcyBzdXJlIHRvIGdvLgoKSXQgZm9sbG93ZWQg nt kno aGVyIHRvIHNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5CnNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5LCBzY2hvb2wgb25lIGRheSwKSXQg rce Un Zm9sbG93ZWQgaGVyIHRvIHNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5LAp3aGljaCB3YXMgYWdhaW5zdCB0aGUgcnVs y pe ZXMuCgpJdCBtYWRlIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBsYXVnaCBhbmQgcGxheSwKbGF1Z2ggYW5kIHBsYXks rs b ion IGxhdWdoIGFuZCBwbGF5LAppdCBtYWRlIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBsYXVnaCBhbmQgcGxheQp0byBz vec to icat All O ZWUgYSBsYW1iIGF0IHNjaG9vbC4KCkFuZCBzbyB0aGUgdGVhY2hlciB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LAp0 ppl rgs ing ba dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LCB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LApBbmQgc28gdGhlIHRlYWNoZXIgdHVybmVkIGl0 ck r We IG91dCwKYnV0IHN0aWxsIGl0IGxpbmdlcmVkIG5lYXIsCgpBbmQgd2FpdGVkIHBhdGllbnRseSBh . Ha or o l Ym91dCwKcGF0aWVudGx5IGFib3V0LCBwYXRpZW50bHkgYWJvdXQsCkFuZCB3OGVkIHBhdGllbnRs 2 2 kdo nne Larg ure Bac ol cha eSBhYm91dAp0aWxsIE1hcnkgZGlkIGFwcGVhci4KCiJXaHkgZG9lcyB0aGUgbGFtYiBsb3ZlIE1h Fig er O cnkgc28/IgpMb3ZlIE1hcnkgc28/IExvdmUgTWFyeSBzbz8KIldoeSBkb2VzIHRoZSBsYW1iIGxv / tr rgs con dmUgTWFyeSBzbywiCnRoZSBlYWdlciBjaGlsZHJlbiBjcnkuCgoiV2h5LCBNYXJ5IGxvdmVzIHRo ess acc es ZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdy4iClRoZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdywgdGhlIGxhbWIsIHlvdSBrbm93 ote servic LAoiV2h5LCBNYXJ5IGxvdmVzIHRoZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdywiCnRoZSB0ZWFjaGVyIGRpZCBy Remktop ZXBseS4KJHAK 4% des – 10% 25% 17% + 88% s Org 54% ger Lar rgs 34% All O 20%
  • 31. “Information Security” Sucks Figu re 21 . Hac king meth ods b y per cent Expl oitat of br ion o each f es w defa ult o ithin r gue Hack ssab ing le cr eden Use tials of st olen login cred Brut entia 9% Expl e for ls oitat ce an ion o d dic f bac tiona kdoo ry at r or c tack omm s and a Expl nd co 55% oitat ntrol ion o chan 40% f ins nel +# uffic 14% ient 29% auth – no lo entica 51% (e.g., gin r t equirion 25% ed) 6% –# SQL 3% 29% injec tion Rem 3%– ote fi le inclu sion 1% 14% Abus e of func 6% tiona <1% lity # Unkn 3% VGhhbmsgeW91IGZvciBwYXJ0aWNpcGF0aW5nIGluIHRoZSAyMDEyIFZlcml6b24gREJJUiBDb3Zl own 4% # ciBDaGFsbGVuZ2UuCldlIGhvcGUgeW91IGVuam95IHRoaXMgY2hhbGxlbmdlIGFzIG11Y2ggYXMg d2UgaGF2ZSBlbmpveWVkIGNyZWF0aW5nIGl0LiAgCgoKVGhlcmUgb25jZSB3YXMgYSBsYWR5IGZy b20gTmFudHVja2V0LApXaXRoIHRleHQgc28gd2lkZSB3ZSBjb3VsZCBncm9rIGl0Lgp3ZSBjaG9w cGVkIGFuZCBzbGljZWQgaXQgYWxsIGRheSBsb25nLApPbmx5IHRvIGZpbmQgc2hlIHdhc27igJl0 IGFsbCB3cm9uZy4KCldpdGggc2tpbGwgYW5kIGVhc2Ugd2UgYmF0dGxlZCB0aGlzIGZpZ2h0LApF king eGNlcHQgc2hlIHdhcyBub3QgdG90YWxseSByaWdodC4KVHdpc3RpbmcgYW5kIHR1cm5pbmcgd2Ug Hac a2VwdCBvbiBzdHJvbmcsCldlIHNob3VsZCBoYXZlIGJlZW4gc2luZ2luZyBhbGwgYWxvbmc6CgpN hin wit YXJ5IGhhZCBhIGxpdHRsZSBsYW1iLApsaXR0bGUgbGFtYiwgbGl0dGxlIGxhbWIsCk1hcnkgaGFk es 31% IGEgbGl0dGxlIGxhbWIsCndob3NlIGZsZWVjZSB3YXMgd2hpdGUgYXMgc25vdy4KCkFuZCBldmVy ch eXdoZXJlIHRoYXQgTWFyeSB3ZW50LApNYXJ5IHdlbnQsIE1hcnkgd2VudCwKYW5kIGV2ZXJ5d2hl rea wn of b cmUgdGhhdCBNYXJ5IHdlbnQsCnRoZSBsYW1iIHdhcyBzdXJlIHRvIGdvLgoKSXQgZm9sbG93ZWQg nt kno aGVyIHRvIHNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5CnNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5LCBzY2hvb2wgb25lIGRheSwKSXQg rce Un Zm9sbG93ZWQgaGVyIHRvIHNjaG9vbCBvbmUgZGF5LAp3aGljaCB3YXMgYWdhaW5zdCB0aGUgcnVs y pe ZXMuCgpJdCBtYWRlIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBsYXVnaCBhbmQgcGxheSwKbGF1Z2ggYW5kIHBsYXks rs b ion IGxhdWdoIGFuZCBwbGF5LAppdCBtYWRlIHRoZSBjaGlsZHJlbiBsYXVnaCBhbmQgcGxheQp0byBz vec to icat All O ZWUgYSBsYW1iIGF0IHNjaG9vbC4KCkFuZCBzbyB0aGUgdGVhY2hlciB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LAp0 ppl rgs ing ba dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LCB0dXJuZWQgaXQgb3V0LApBbmQgc28gdGhlIHRlYWNoZXIgdHVybmVkIGl0 ck r We IG91dCwKYnV0IHN0aWxsIGl0IGxpbmdlcmVkIG5lYXIsCgpBbmQgd2FpdGVkIHBhdGllbnRseSBh . Ha or o l Ym91dCwKcGF0aWVudGx5IGFib3V0LCBwYXRpZW50bHkgYWJvdXQsCkFuZCB3OGVkIHBhdGllbnRs 2 2 kdo nne Larg ure Bac ol cha eSBhYm91dAp0aWxsIE1hcnkgZGlkIGFwcGVhci4KCiJXaHkgZG9lcyB0aGUgbGFtYiBsb3ZlIE1h Fig er O cnkgc28/IgpMb3ZlIE1hcnkgc28/IExvdmUgTWFyeSBzbz8KIldoeSBkb2VzIHRoZSBsYW1iIGxv / tr rgs con dmUgTWFyeSBzbywiCnRoZSBlYWdlciBjaGlsZHJlbiBjcnkuCgoiV2h5LCBNYXJ5IGxvdmVzIHRo ess acc es ZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdy4iClRoZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdywgdGhlIGxhbWIsIHlvdSBrbm93 ote servic LAoiV2h5LCBNYXJ5IGxvdmVzIHRoZSBsYW1iLCB5b3Uga25vdywiCnRoZSB0ZWFjaGVyIGRpZCBy Remktop ZXBseS4KJHAK 4% des – 10% 25% 17% + 88% s Org 54% ger Lar rgs 34% All O 20%
  • 33. API Security Sucks Harder ✤ Most Security Drones can’t spell XML ✤ ...they rarely use SOAP ✤ ...they don’t get REST ✤ SSL and Firewalls: the breakfast of champions
  • 34. Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of the Classic Blunders!
  • 35. Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of the Classic Blunders! ✤ Never Get Involved In a Cloud War In Asia
  • 36. Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of the Classic Blunders! ✤ Never Get Involved In a Cloud War In Asia ✤ Never Go In Against a Dutchman When APIs Are On the Line!
  • 37. Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of the Classic Blunders! ✤ Never Get Involved In a Cloud War In Asia ✤ Never Go In Against a Dutchman When APIs Are On the Line!
  • 38. Fool! You Fell Victim To One Of the Classic Blunders! ✤ Never Get Involved In a Cloud War In Asia ✤ Never Go In Against a Dutchman When APIs Are On the Line! * You Can Order Iocaine Powder On Amazon - Free Shipping With Prime!
  • 39. Sh*T My Cloud Evangelist Fails to say... CE NS OR ED As illustrated by George’s 7 Dirty Words
  • 40. The 7 Dirty Words ...Of Cloud Security
  • 41. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability ...Of Cloud Security
  • 42. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability 2. Portability ...Of Cloud Security
  • 43. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability 2. Portability 3. Fungibility ...Of Cloud Security
  • 44. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability 2. Portability 3. Fungibility 4. Compliance ...Of Cloud Security
  • 45. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability 2. Portability 3. Fungibility 4. Compliance 5. Cost ...Of Cloud Security
  • 46. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability 2. Portability 3. Fungibility 4. Compliance 5. Cost 6. Manageability ...Of Cloud Security
  • 47. The 7 Dirty Words 1. Scalability 2. Portability 3. Fungibility 4. Compliance 5. Cost 6. Manageability 7. Trust ...Of Cloud Security
  • 49. Scalability ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed Networked System Security problems are tougher
  • 50. Scalability ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed Networked System Security problems are tougher ✤ “Traditional” security doesn’t scale across distributed software-driven architecture; policies disconnected from workloads...more complicated as we go from IaaS > PaaS
  • 51. Scalability ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed Networked System Security problems are tougher ✤ “Traditional” security doesn’t scale across distributed software-driven architecture; policies disconnected from workloads...more complicated as we go from IaaS > PaaS ✤ Unfortunate reconciliation of Metcalfe’s Law vs. Moore's Law vs. HD Moore’s Law (Casual Attacker power grows at the rate of Metasploit)
  • 52. Scalability ✤ Distributed Networked System problems are tough; Distributed Networked System Security problems are tougher ✤ “Traditional” security doesn’t scale across distributed software-driven architecture; policies disconnected from workloads...more complicated as we go from IaaS > PaaS ✤ Unfortunate reconciliation of Metcalfe’s Law vs. Moore's Law vs. HD Moore’s Law (Casual Attacker power grows at the rate of Metasploit) ✤ Security is not programmatic & leveragable automation across heterogenous systems in security is LULZ
  • 54. Security@Scale ✤ It doesn’t. The MeatCloud giveth, the MeatCloud taketh away...
  • 55. Security@Scale ✤ It doesn’t. The MeatCloud giveth, the MeatCloud taketh away... ✤ Beyond Gb/s, Connections/s, flows, etc., security requires the notion of context, policy, and potentially state...eventual consistency doesn’t work with security
  • 56. Security@Scale ✤ It doesn’t. The MeatCloud giveth, the MeatCloud taketh away... ✤ Beyond Gb/s, Connections/s, flows, etc., security requires the notion of context, policy, and potentially state...eventual consistency doesn’t work with security ✤ The Self-Defending {network | application} is complicated simultaneously with the concepts of “data gravity” and mobility
  • 57. Cloud: The Revenge of VPN and PKI
  • 59. He P’s On Everything... Everything’s Connected
  • 60. Do Not Poke the bear If You Think A Noogie Is Bad, Try the Wedgie!
  • 62. Portability ✤ If we don’t have consistency in standards/formats for workloads & stack insertion, we’re not going to have consistency in security; Lack of consistent telemetry
  • 63. Portability ✤ If we don’t have consistency in standards/formats for workloads & stack insertion, we’re not going to have consistency in security; Lack of consistent telemetry ✤ Inconsistent policies and network topologies make security service, topology & device-specific...flatter means responses to “network” attacks must be dealt with by the application...or not
  • 64. Portability ✤ If we don’t have consistency in standards/formats for workloads & stack insertion, we’re not going to have consistency in security; Lack of consistent telemetry ✤ Inconsistent policies and network topologies make security service, topology & device-specific...flatter means responses to “network” attacks must be dealt with by the application...or not ✤ Abstraction has become a distraction
  • 65. Portability ✤ Dude, Where’s My IOS ACL 5-Tuple!? Working with VMware vShield REST API in perl. Richard Park, Sourcefire
  • 66. Portability ✤ ...or this: AWS Security : A Practitioner’s Perspective. Jason Chan, Netflix
  • 68. Fungibility ✤ Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based
  • 69. Fungibility ✤ Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based ✤ Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect
  • 70. Fungibility ✤ Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based ✤ Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect ✤ Each level of “the stack” means security controls can’t be reused and are “slice” specific (more on this in a minute)
  • 71. Fungibility ✤ Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based ✤ Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect ✤ Each level of “the stack” means security controls can’t be reused and are “slice” specific (more on this in a minute) ✤ If we’re having trouble digesting IaaS, guess what PaaS does to the conversation?
  • 72. Fungibility ✤ Fundamentally, we need reusable and programmatic security design patterns; Controls today are CLI/GUI based ✤ Few are API-driven or feature capabilities for orchestration, provisioning as the workloads they protect ✤ Each level of “the stack” means security controls can’t be reused and are “slice” specific (more on this in a minute) ✤ If we’re having trouble digesting IaaS, guess what PaaS does to the conversation?
  • 74. The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...* The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain Network Centricity Control Deployment/Investment Focus User Centricity Information Centricity Application Centricity Host Centricity Time * With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
  • 75. The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...* The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain Network Centricity Control Deployment/Investment Focus User Centricity Information Centricity Cloud Application Centricity Host Centricity Time * With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
  • 76. The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...* The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain We Are Here Network Centricity Control Deployment/Investment Focus User Centricity Information Centricity Cloud Application Centricity Host Centricity Time * With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
  • 77. The Hamster Sine Wave of Pain...* The Security Hamster Sine Wave of Pain We Are Here Network Centricity Control Deployment/Investment Focus User Centricity Information Centricity Cloud Application Centricity Host Centricity Deployment Is Here Time * With Apologies to Andy Jaquith & His Hamster...
  • 79. Compliance ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter
  • 80. Compliance ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter ✤ Regulatory compliance and frameworks don’t address emerging/disruptive innovation quickly enough - or at all
  • 81. Compliance ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter ✤ Regulatory compliance and frameworks don’t address emerging/disruptive innovation quickly enough - or at all ✤ How do we demonstrate compliance against measurements that don’t exist?
  • 82. Compliance ✤ Security != Compliance and “security” doesn’t matter ✤ Regulatory compliance and frameworks don’t address emerging/disruptive innovation quickly enough - or at all ✤ How do we demonstrate compliance against measurements that don’t exist? ✤ Lack of automation for gathering audit/compliance artifacts
  • 83. Mapping the Model to the Metal
  • 84. Mapping the Model to the Metal Cloud Model Presentation Presentation Modality Platform APIs Applications Data Metadata Content Integration & Middleware APIs Core Connectivity & Delivery Software as a Service (SaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Abstraction Hardware Facilities
  • 85. Mapping the Model to the Metal Cloud Model Presentation Presentation Modality Platform APIs Security Control Model Applications SDLC, Binary Analysis, Applications Scanners, WebApp Firewalls, Transactional Sec. Data Metadata Content DLP, CMF, Database Activity Information Monitoring, Encryption Integration & Middleware GRC, IAM, VA/VM, Patch Management Management, Config. Management, Monitoring APIs Core Connectivity & Delivery NIDS/NIPS, Firewalls, DPI, Software as a Service (SaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Network Anti-DDoS, QoS, DNSSEC Abstraction Trusted Computing Hardware & Software RoT & API’s Host-based Firewalls, HIDS/ Hardware HIPS, Integrity & File/log Compute & Storage Management, Encryption, Masking Physical Plant Security, CCTV, Facilities Physical Guards
  • 86. Mapping the Model to the Metal Cloud Model Presentation Presentation Modality Platform APIs Security Control Model Applications SDLC, Binary Analysis, Applications Scanners, WebApp Firewalls, Transactional Sec. Compliance Model Data Metadata Content Information DLP, CMF, Database Activity PCI Monitoring, Encryption Integration & Middleware Firewalls GRC, IAM, VA/VM, Patch Code Review Management, Config. WAF Management Encryption Management, Monitoring APIs Unique User IDs Anti-Virus Monitoring/IDS/IPS Patch/Vulnerability MgMt Physical Access Control Core Connectivity & Delivery NIDS/NIPS, Firewalls, DPI, Software as a Service (SaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Two-Factor Authentication... Network Anti-DDoS, QoS, DNSSEC Abstraction Hardware & Software RoT & API’s Trusted Computing HIPAA Host-based Firewalls, HIDS/ HIPS, Integrity & File/log Hardware Compute & Storage Management, Encryption, ISO Masking Facilities Physical Physical Plant Security, CCTV, COBIT Guards

Editor's Notes

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