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Sex, Society and the State.
Author: Abraham Paul.

Tweet: @PA_Paul

(At the outset, I would like to inform the readers that the issues
involved in this are very subjective and complex and have different
perceptions in different societies across different places and as such
the observations and opinions contained may not be universally
agreeable to all. What prompted me to write this is the on going
debate about legalizing off the track hetero sexual ad homosexual
behavior by law.
Attitudes on matters pertaining to sex are changing in this part of the
world also. Therefore, I want to make it clear that I do not disagree to
anyone who chooses to disagree to my view points. I can only state
that, I wrote this in the context of the culture and the communal life
as experienced by me in this country.)

Introduction: Sexual urge is a natural phenomenon for all:
Sexual urge is a natural instinct:
urge being a natural instinct and for every human being its fulfillment
is a necessity as one grows from child hood to puberty, adolescence
and to maturity of adult life. Feeling of Sex is not some strange
phenomena t
cannot be kept blocked till the day one attains particular age.
Except perhaps, for the few sages capable to practice control of body,
mind and emotions; normal humans would naturally go through sexual
experience of some kind or other in these passing phases of their life.
In fact for every normal human, the desires to copulate is a natural
instinct and for most it acts not very different from the compelling
feeling or crave for food when hungry or for cigarette or alcohol or
drugs in case of those addicted to those.

Sex as biological life science.

its procreation.
To ensure procreation happens by instinct, nature attached to it
mental emotions and physical pleasure of different nature in different
species as incentives for the urge to procreate. Like in most creations,
the humans are also created mostly in two different forms in general
to perform the distinctive procreative functions, although there are
exceptional diversity such as transvestites/transgender/intersex etc.
that are also found in other forms of creation such as both multisexual functions contained within itself.
What differentiates humans from other forms of life is its self inducted
social community system. To ensure harmonious living, according to
the needs of the time and circumstance, different communities defined
set of strictures, rules and conventions to bind the humans together in
a micro-community known as family. Self imposed behavioral
boundaries of individuals within and outside the family are defined
according to their roles and position as Father, Mother, Husband, Wife,
Son, Daughter, Uncle, Nephew, various relatives, non-relatives, child,
aged etc.
For many, the tendency to indulge in sexual activities beyond the
limited / defined social boundaries in the community to which one
belong, override valid reasoning just as there need be no reasoning
that a person when too starved will look for anything that is edible.
Many act on an impulse without thinking of its possibly negative after
effects, some may be illegal and disallowed according to ethics and
some, very severe and destructive.
1.2. Sexual awareness in developing countries.
Indian adolescents of earlier generation were less informed of matters
pertained to sex and it had its attendant problems, may be of a
different nature. The new generation is misinformed, rather half
informed, and there are more problems in different ways. There is a
mix up of facts related to passing through short term sexual intimacies
and practical long term sex relations that lead to a stable family set
up. In general, the adolescents at that age will not be ripe enough to
discern and discriminate the merits and demerits and implications or
their mental, social and physical experience
personal friendships which normally leads to
is quite normal and acceptable.
For some in their exuberance of adventurism, would not bother to
distinguish between the short term & long term companionship, sexual
relationships between friends of same sex and of opposite sex, at what
age they should think of life partnership and about matters and
situations related to their role in various phases of their life.

2. Sex and Society.
2.1. Humanity in general has become more pervasive.
Indiscreet exposure to too much of Sex and Violence laden movies,
videos and video games from young age will naturally tend to corrupt
the brain and minds of large number of people every where across the
2.2. Predominance of Male chauvinism:
Practice of sex among the young in their adolescence is made an
accepted custom and propagated a
species, just as a cover up to influence and make young girls in teens
to concede to their sexual needs is nothing but sheer male chauvinism.
It has been going on in the so called developed societies, and now
being spread into more orthodox civilizations also. Nevertheless, such
forms of social behavior of extra marital sex in dating and living-in
etc., have certain benefits of helping to overcome sex starvation and
its attendant problems.
The irony is that, while many in both gender indulge in such sexual
activities in the Western world escape unhurt as their society looks at
these as a matter of routine social experience; emulation of such
behaviors in India in the name of modernization, the young ones
involved in this part of the world will not be able to get over the
psychological trauma and likely to suffer and cause permanent
damage to their life. Why because, in the cultural revolutions related
to sexual affairs, India is stuck in mid way being neither here nor there
yet. Many like to emulate and behave the Western way of sexual
promiscuity but neither the individuals nor the society are ready yet to
face its consequences. That is one of the main reasons of sexual
violence we see around in plenty and also the sudden new found
awareness of sexual abuses.
2.3. Homosexual indulgence:
Reasons can be many. Male and female species have different sensual
feelings of sex and therefore, for some it may be more satisfying to
have sexual intimacy and sex acts with mates of same sex who would
know the intentions, sensuality and needs of the other better. There
are chances of many inadvertently become so, as victims of
2.4. Mind always wanders beyond boundaries of realities.
The fact is that most humans go through some sort of unusual, bizarre
or normally unacceptable thoughts in their mind at some time or other
in life which may cross the boundaries of social stipulations and
ethics. While the trained minds ignore those, for some such thoughts
overtake their brain, making them undergo behavioral change and
become Schizophrenics. Same way the homosexual phenomena,
which is for most a natural behavior in a passing phase, when allowed
to grow beyond the barriers in an otherwise normal person, is to be
considered as a disease needing cure. There are good medicines
to restrict and control Schizophrenia and in the same way, cure can be
tried for many who unreasonably imbibed homosexual behaviors by
their mental submission to alien culture which they are not geared to
cope up with.
Therefore, branding, every other youngster as homosexuals because
of their temporary indulgences in random homosexual acts during the
passing phase, and legitimizing and giving license by sweeping laws to
allow heterosexuals but mentally distorted persons to adopt it as a
perverted permanent life style, are both wrong.
2.5. The thrill of venturing into homosexuality as a different
way of life:
It has come to pass that many get disenchanted with the normal way
of family life due to various reasons. Many indulge in adventurism of
making oneself a 'Gay' or 'Lesbian' as a life style for the thrill of it
without any real biological reason for that. Such breaking away from
preset and predefined strictures, rules and systems, by emulating such
misguided life style from elsewhere in the name of modernization, and
getting into misplaced convictions and act accordingly, will cause
permanent damage to the concept of family as their actions mark the
end of otherwise secure family set up with them.
2.6. Failures need scapegoats:
Often we come across such individuals or pairs who got separated
from their family by their own will in pursuit of modernism without any
biological reason, later grieve about missing love and affection from
their parents without understanding that it is of their own creation.
Many then succumb to extreme guilt in the later stage of their life.
What they should do is to pause and think for a moment that the
reason of their existence is because their parents are heterosexuals;
and it is by their very actions in unreasonably turning themselves as
homosexuals and adopting it as their life style had destroyed the scope
of carrying forward the concept of family after them and therefore,
have no right to claim or complain about loss of family bonding and
parental feelings.
As discussed earlier that interpretations on matters pertaining to sex
would work both ways. When it comes to parent-child relationship in
the meaning of a family there are no two ways, either you have it or
do not have it. It is up to each individual to decide. In case of doubt
consult your parents, or undergo a professional counseling. Mindless
emulation of new trends from anywhere or elsewhere is self
When normal humans whose brains are bend towards so called
perversions of mind and decide to make it a life style, it destroys
human imposed behavioral boundaries, the meaning of family and the
feeling of social belonging as practiced for generations. It will
conceptually damage the so called norms of social well being and
therefore, will lead to permissiveness such as that anyone can involve
in sex acts with any other person without discretion; irrespective of
relation, age, gender or objects of any kind or type, anytime,
2.7. The right and wrong of premarital sex.
Premarital sexual promiscuity between consenting adults are accepted
in most of the advanced societies across the world and become taboo
only when it is extra-marital that is against the trust one undertake or
with coercion. As sex before marriage, during adolescence or else, is
considered taboo in many societies, sexual satisfaction in natural and
unnatural ways happen as an instinct on impulse out of compulsion
due to sex starvation and not always as a form of willful misconduct.
Question arises how discrimination has to be applied when persons
involved in the sexual act are minors, one party is adult and other is
minor, or both are adults; as far as it is consensual in each case.
Therefore, though being out of sync with social strictures in some
societies, exercising compulsory restraint on such natural feeling for
consensual sex experience between persons of opposite sex, minor or
otherwise, by law or other forms of coercion is retrograde, if not
2.8. Violent sex is crime irrespective of age or status.
In the matter of sex involving various forms of coercion, aggression or
violence, every such act without consideration or age or status are
considered as a criminal act and hence dealt with accordingly. The law
also applies differently for persons who are minor at the time of the
crime. It is therefore that sexual violence in couples in marital status
also is considered a crime.
Another aspect is about how to deal with a minor sex criminal who
grow into adulthood during the course of legal procedure or while
undergoing punishment. That is why the matter pertaining to sex is
too complex and therefore, need complex solutions. Fact of life is that
for most young persons, such behavior ceases or brought under self
control and as they grow up most leads normal hetero sexual life.

3. Demarcation of what is right
and what is wrong in sex.
Sexual violence against the will of the other, as applicable in any other
cases of violent acts against other, it is difficult for law to come in and
condemn consensual sex between any one except the ones indulging
minors who are not grown up to know about sex or able to
discriminate the feelings between parental and other forms of fondling,
handicapped ones and who are oblivious of the physical and
psychological consequences and ill effects in indulging in sexual
experience with some one else.
3.1. Personal autonomy in choice of mates:
Before ending these long drawn arguments, I would like to draw the
attention of the readers that the context of this discussion so far has
been based on the concept of companionship of individuals involving in
sexual intimacy as part of it.
Camouflaged or otherwise, there is always are strong arguments in
of their choice of companionship and therefore, such arguments are
self valedictory and non contrastive in a neutral view point. However,
as in every other case or arguments for and against, truth always
remain embedded in the details. In order to make the diversified
arguments short, we may quickly look into one important aspect of the
right of individuals in remaining in non sex centric companionship. The
question arises then is how intimacy remains restricted only between
two individuals? Realistically there are always many intimate persons
in everyone's life. Call it relatives, friends, life mates and so on.
The individuals in companionship shall naturally include sex partners
as its subset. Is it not then in essence is closer to the concept of family
as had been defined and being experienced by humanity now and
therefore, where is the need for breaking away from it. What need
perhaps is a compromise for inclusiveness of individuals for the sake of
intimacy sans sex, intimacy for mutual sexual satisfaction and intimacy
for procreation.
3.1.1. Aberrations to personal autonomy and human rights:
There are aberration to above in some places where the society one
belong define, strictures and rules about whom one can marry or
whom one must not, in spite of general rules and laws prevailing in the
State. Also the laws restricting marriage between boys and girls of
same local society etc., and even go to the extent of killing in the
name of honor killing, if disobey such strictures.
In some places, community will not tolerate boys and girls of same
locality and 'Gothra' loving each other and will try to separate them in
the name of guarding honor of the parents or family or the society as
a whole. It is only natural that people grow up in such communities
will have the same mindset. Properly analyzed it can be seen that
many killings that happen are not be plain sexual crimes but much
more than that. Pity those sent to gallows for many heinous crimes
they commit against women and young couples, as many such had
become slaves of the mindset they grow up with.
Though such things are not justifiable and against human rights,
things continue to happen under the nose of very same state.
Naturally there are much hue and cry every time such crimes happen,
but the sad part is that no one give any serious thoughts on why such
things happen.
3.2. Youngsters naturally tend to emulate the elders.
The most dangerous effect of it is that youth brought up in such areas
will have a permanent mindset and can become harmful to society
such as being often experienced in many places. Many young
adolescents emulate the elders and get influenced by their ways,
mannerisms and life styles, claiming these as a matter of right, by
bending the rules to their convenience, and look down at those oppose
In the context of Western and such similar culture, these are perhaps,
acceptable in their 'matter of
'dating' which as
healthy means of mental transaction between like minded persons and
even when it tend to lead to sexual activities between them, if
consensual and are of regulatory age. In the context of Indian culture,
the situation is some what different.
However, things are changing in India also now; towards which
direction and for better or worse; are the questions? The danger is
that the younger generation is likely to overdo the newly induced
foreign culture. This fact is glaringly visible in cases where many
perfectly normal youngsters, trying to emulate the abnormal or
extreme life styles of west, initially take it on as an adventure, and
then slowly fall into a permanent mind set and end up neither there
nor here. It makes many to often end up in a life destroyed for no
reason; instead of knowing that many such variance in sexual
behaviors of temporary nature in adolescent age are perfectly normal
and most pass through it during this transient phase of adolescence,
and later could go on and lead a normal hetero sexual life as they
grow up and that is what happen in the western countries.
3.3. Importance of Counseling:
These aspects stress the importance of good counseling and guidance
to the youngsters, from parents, professionals and friends, during their
adolescence, the difficult transient phase of life. Making too much fuss
in favor or against sexual behaviors, only help aggravate the situation.
Because of the misleading interpretations and social stigma about
homosexuality etc. the youngsters get confused from some of their
very normal experience in their adolescence, and deem to consider
themselves as 'gays' or 'lesbians' and quickly get branded as abnormal
by others. Making them aware of the facts with open discussions and
studies are the ways to get over these problems. In countries where
unnatural sex during any situation is a punishable crime, and in
various religions that treat it as an act of sin, it need to conveyed so
and taught accordingly that for everyone, it is a moral obligation and
religious compulsion and over and above a necessity to fulfill the
bonds of family structure.
3.4. Female as a species also need to exercise restraint for the
sake of maintaining harmony in humanity:
Human anatomy is one of the wonderful creations of nature. The
beauty that resides in the human body is as magical and joyful like the
beautiful flowers, an also as natural as in its various stages, buds, full
blown and finally waning of as time passes without waiting for anyone
or anything. Beautiful and natural.
Nevertheless there is a time and place for everything, for humans also
as that of flowers and fruits. From the beginning of human race,
nature had bestowed marvelous beauty in female sect of human
species, to attract even the wildest of male species for the purpose of
companionship, protection and procreation. As humanity developed
with happening of various forms of social stricture and rules that made
it necessary to have discretion in the behavioral pattern of both
species of human race the way one should behave and conduct
themselves at home among own people and in other places in the
presence of outsiders and total strangers.
A beautiful flower in its stem in the garden or in a garland in the right
place is a joyful thing. Cast out of place it will be mindlessly trampled
by anyone and everyone. Modesty demands necessity to exercise
discretion how one exhibit oneself, the way to attire and behave
befitting the occasion place and circumstances they are in. True that
what one do with their body is their own right. Nevertheless, every
one should be prudent and pragmatic to keep in mind this is mad
world and there are large number sexually starved mentally sick
persons out there.
3.5. However, for large section of females, especially in influential
societies it is part of developed life stye and accepted practice to wear
fashionable cloths that highlights the beauty of the once abode it.
However, the type and design also depends on age, place and
occasion. wearing of scanty cloths exposing cleaves down up to
nipples, waist line up to pubic area and legs up to thigh joints and so
on may be acceptable and Ok at certain places but adorning it with no
concern and discretion about where, when and among whom, is
incorrect and may be harmful for the person and society as a whole.
where. Everyone needs to keep in mind that exercising discretion is
the key. Otherwise such behavior of women naturally ends up
psychological rape the minds of the beholders.
Though the women activists arguing that it is their fundamental right
the way they dress or exhibit and deal with the sensual parts of their
body cannot be faulted; it is only prudent for everyone, both male and
female species to observe the following universal rule of life in
everything one do:
self, look at the other, look at the time /

3.6. The tendency to bend strictures in permissive societies:
As mentioned earlier, certain interpretations of matters pertaining sex
work both ways. In the permissive societies, there is a tendency to
bend the strictures on purpose to accommodate the vested interest of
a section or group under the cover of various so called personal rights,
community or tribal practices, to make the wrong a right, like twisting
of the rules in the assumptions that premarital sex is not only OK but a
necessity whereas extra marital sex is taboo, though the border line in
between these are very thin. Similarly it is nature's necessity for the
mother to breast feed her children. But then there are boundaries as
to how long, without that the right would lead to wrong.
3.7. The rules of Sex, often than seldom apply both ways:
It is necessary to make the youngsters understand that, there are
many things in life for which rules sometimes apply both ways and
there are many out of the rule-book behaviors that are acceptable.
Typical examples can be cited from the area of sexual behavior itself.
There is part of life in every sperm and female eggs, but millions
perish in the natural process in life. Nothing can be done about it and
so beyond any reproach. Onanism, which according to some strictures
is against natural law, is an accepted as an effective way for family
Therefore, matters like using condom or 'pill' for birth control and for
prevention of spread of sexually transmitted diseases, truly justified
early abortions, etc., cannot be considered wrong. Masturbation, a
natural way of self sex stimulation to satisfy sexual urge, that many
may find necessary in absence of possible normal sex, premarital or
post marital; also cannot be considered very wrong. In the same way,
conduct of some out of the way sexual behaviors during the adolescent
age are also not reproachable and no one need to have any guilt
feeling about such experiences of life.
Another fact is that while adopting same sex relationship, men are
affected more as the concept of family ends up with them unlike that
related to same sex female couple.
Adoption of children or have their children through surrogate mother
are the options for male couples to continue their family chain whereas
same sex female couple can have own children with the help of sperm

4. Sex and the State.
Fact is that Sex is a complex subject and hence need equally complex
4.1. The fallacy of judging what is right on consensual sex. The
laws are needed and like every law, laws regarding sexual promiscuity
also need to follow applying defined limits within various perimeters
and boundaries in every case such as legality of child marriage and
punishable age in case of juvenile fornication. There are many
complexities in law making such as it is illogical to say homo sexuality
between two individuals becomes legal from the time one attain a
particular age and illegal a day before that.
4.2. Since level of sexual desire of individuals cannot be discriminated
in terms of age, it is amply possible that a minor adolescent person,
female or male can induce, in different ways, a major person to
undergo sex with. In such cases it will be drastically unfair if the law
applies only against the major partner in the act. Applying any such
laws against consensual sexual indulgences between two individuals
arbitrarily can make many innocent persons to undergo legal
Another issue is that if consensual sex between two adults in privacy
are legal, will it not be extendable to that indulging more than two
persons such as group sex etc.? It is therefore, become difficult to
take sides in the question to legitimize or not to legitimize and the
righteousness of legal statutes to make sexual experience between
consenting adolescents punishable by law.
4.3. Distinction between born homosexuals and heterosexuals
turned homosexuals.
The question is whether in Indian context, is it right to
indiscreetly legitimize homosexual behavior by a sweeping
Indulgence in Sex during adolescence.
It is altogether a different matter that quite naturally many persons in
their adolescence may resort to sexual activities depends on
circumstances, convenience and availability of sex objects to
satisfy sexual urge in the adolescent age. Masturbation, sodomy,
lesbianism, sex with other objects etc., are some such natural
experiences during adolescence, when consensual sex acts and
copulation with the right type of opposite sex are not possible due to
different factors like ones age, urgency, availability, community rules,
social stigma, fear of revelation, fear of contamination and exposure to
diseases etc. Such sexual activities during adolescence are taboo in
the eyes of Society and against law in the eyes of State, but seldom
dealt as criminality for obviously right reasons.
4.4. Legitimizing all forms of homosexual behavior is entirely
different from legitimizing sex between those born
transvestites, transsexuals and others in LGBT community.
In present day discussions about legitimizing all homosexual behavior
and activities by a sweeping law by the judiciary, the basics seems to
be getting sidelined when looked in the context of long prevailing
culture in Indian subcontinent, which is considered healthier when
compared to that of many other parts of the world and therefore,
worth preserving it without erosion.
The current discussion about indiscreetly legitimizing homo sexual
behavior is an entirely different issue that has nothing to do with
legitimizing the activities and life styles of born transvestites,
transgender, transsexuals, intersex, and those adopt homosexual
behavior out of biological compulsion and hence call for great deal of
discretion. This is going on for ages and no one consider it illegal and
punishable under Section 377. What is criminal is homosexual activity
between any one that tantamount to definition of rape and attracts
section 377.
The crux of the matter is whether legally allowing sexual relation
between homosexuals in LGBT, as their birth right, and therefore
legal, how can then heterosexuals indulging in homosexual activity can
be treated illegal according to Section 377 of the constitution, which in
the face of it is not only discriminatory but also difficult to implement?
Also about how an heterosexual individual indulging in sexual activity
with a homosexual individual to be treated? Again how to discriminate
who is homosexual and who is not? Insisting to obtain certificate of
sexuality is an unworkable proposition.
The right choice is to allow every one who has attained legal age to
have sexual relations according to their choice and to retain Section
377 of the constitution to provide safeguard against homosexual
activity by anyone involving rape and not consensual sexual activities
including that of LGBT communities.
4.5. Homo sexual activity by Heterosexuals destroys the
concept of family. What is worth pondering is that once any form of
sexual activity with same sex by heterosexual is adapted as a life
style, it destroys the value of family and destroys the boundaries and
meaning of communal life. My view is that more careful attention is
needed in this field to prevent wholesome failure of the much
cherished family concept.
State has no much say in matters pertaining to sexual behavior of
people as far as it does not violate legal strictures. May be the
judiciary need to come into picture only where there is a litigation
related rights of individuals in relation to established legal views of the
country without encroaching into the right of individuals on their
choice of companionship as far it is not harmful to themselves or to
the community.
It is same concerning the transvestites/transgender/intersex etc. Like
every individual they have also equal right to choose their sexual
partners based on their sexual orientation.
Therefore, what is important is that for each individual it is their
personal responsibility to look inward to know what is right for him.
We can only sincerely request the youngsters to have a second
thought and get some meaningful counseling and medical advise to
ensure that they are not a victim of globalization of social culture
which thrust on others, a culture where uncontrolled sexual
promiscuity is rampant and are compelled to find means to justify it by
promulgating behavior such as homo sexuality as a way to branch of
to modern life style.
4.6. Distinctions in the case of born freaks, Transvestites and
It is the fact of nature, that there are always some abnormalities in
every form of creation, physical, psychic and functional. There are
born freaks and there are some with abnormal form of behaviors in
every form of life. Every community and religion has set of rules to
deal with those born freaks and those who are behaviorally abnormal
by biological compulsion like in the case of transvestites. These rules
are made applicable in general to be followed by every one in the
community in the normal situation. These are exemptions for those
born as bisexuals, the transvestites, loosely termed as 'gays' for
accepting them as part of the society with acceptance and
understanding that their abnormal behavior is out of biological
4.7. There shall be no two opinion or arguments about the extreme
necessity for the community as whole and the Government to handle
these born freaks, transvestites and bisexuals like the Hijaras in a
systematic and understanding way. They need to be given all
possible support and consideration from the society and the
However, mixing up the issues related to all types of homo-sexual
behavioral issues with the problems of bisexuals by birth, and
imposing general rules on everyone with sweeping law would not be
the right thing for any legal system, the Government, the social and
communal structure and the humanity as a whole especially in the
context of cultural heritage of countries like India. The argument that
such abnormal behaviors were prevalent in some time past as part of
its culture as depicted in some of the artistic creations in old temples
etc. or even currently in vogue in some parts of the country and some
communities do not justify its adoption as an acceptable behavior and
life style across a matured society.

5. Pervasive perversions of sex.
The problems faced in society are not only because of adolescent
behaviors. The greater and harmful dangers that threaten to destroy
the thin fabric that bound together family life are the irresponsible
sexual promiscuity. It happens when many humans fail to overcome
the basic instinct and continue to indulge uncontrolled sex behavior
even after paired with one from opposite sex, crossing defined
behavioral boundaries making the social strictures defunct.
It can be likened to the difference in the attitude and crave for food in
the case of Yogis / /Sages / Sanyasis, and normal persons and
gluttons. The same is true with the varying instinct of sex urge also. It
would be hypocritical to claim that no such pervasive thoughts have
The socially trained minds
would exercise control on their brains and behavior in such matters of
life. Others who succumb to abnormal behaviors without reason are
considered perverts.
5.1. Sexual abuse involving children. Many must have observed
that some children even at the very young age tend to exhibit sort of
comfort as a basic instinct and encourage in getting fondled, as
innocently and unaware of it as they react naturally in their other
It may easily happen that innocent minors who are mentally unaware
to discriminate between various feelings would find pleasures in these
episodes, and become prey to irrational sex episodes of grown ups like
pedophiles etc., and then but become remorseful as they grow up and
look back. There are cases of youngsters due to various reasons and
circumstances; unaware or unmindful of the consequences, seduce
elders to indulge in sexual activities ending harmful consequences for
both. This is again one of the serious problems we face in the society.
5.2. The line separating feeling of affection and that involving
sexual affliction is very thin.
The line between the feeling of love and affection and sexual emotions
are very thin.
The key words to be kept in mind are: Do not
indulge in any thing that one would feel guilty or regret later.
That is why the wiser forefathers use to advise us the need to avoid
prolonged personal intimate company in isolation with others; of close
relatives including own or step sister/brother, step parents, house
maids etc. It is only prudent to enforce strict punishments to deter
such harmful practices. However, it is the responsibility of the grown
ups to exercise extreme discretion to avoid situations involving various
involuntary behavioral patterns of little children that could lead to
severe form of child abuses that have become big curse of the society.
5.3. Unnatural sex.
Nature, in its creations of various species has provided individual
organs for its various functional needs. In male and female human
species, the different organs serve different functions so as to fulfill
various purposes intended by nature. Using any of these organs for
other than its intended purpose and in ways other than its defined
biological and physical function will definitely have adverse effects,
biologically, physically, mentally and psychologically. Therefore, one
need to choose what is right in their sexual activities discriminating
what is natural and what is unnatural.
5.4. External aids to ease sex related excesses.
In the Western countries, service of different type of licensed sex
parlors and cinema halls and automated kiosks are available for those
in need of harmless self sex satisfaction. Nowadays, one can easily
access these in adult TV channels or via Internet as vent to appease
sexual appetite though one need to be careful about the type of sites
and material they access not to get into legal problems and also to
safeguard ones utility systems gets virus infected. Such provisions
help to sooth the mental impulses of the sex starved, and hence
reduce untoward sexual violations and harmful sex activities leading to
unpardonable crimes.
5.5. Need of sex in old age.
Like hunger for food, crave for sex continues in old age in most people
may be in a lesser scale. As happens in the case of adolescents, desire
for sex happens in elderly ones who lost their mate or either becoming
dysfunctional due to old age or sickness. Unlike elderly women, this
mostly happen with elderly men, as men continue to have sex urge
though in a subdued level, till very late in their life, driving even the
extremely good old and otherwise saintly aged persons to indulge in
abnormal sexual adventures without exercising discretion and
unmindful to prevalent social strictures and taboos. This is another
area that needs serious consideration. It is painful to see many elderly
ones have to undergo severe punishments for sexual misbehavior
especially with minors.
5.5.1. Change in mental level in old age:
There are some commonalities between the adolescent teens or even
much minor ones those who have started experimenting with sex and
do not have easy to find means for it and similar is the case with some
of the elderly who have vast experience of sex in the past but
currently in a position with no means to quench their crave for sexual
satisfaction. For some, as they become too old would not be able to
think straight on many matters that would include pertaining to sex
also. These two groups are in same mindset regarding sexual desires
and also have more chances of nearness in isolation that end up in
sexual promiscuity inadvertently or otherwise. It therefore, is one of
the causes of most of the sex scandals involving elderly persons with
minor children.
5.5.2. Need of counseling for elders: Not generalizing but still
worth to consider that, like in the teens the elderly also would need
social support and some may need to undergo counseling to give
guidance not to get into unpleasant situations by indulging in sexual
activities that are legally and socially and ethically unacceptable.
5.5.3. It is healthy for elders to continue normal sexual
It is proven fact that continuation of sexual activity in old age is good
both for physically and mentally for elderly people. It would be
desirable for the single elders to have live-in relationship with like
minded partners. Such arrangements shall better be open even at the
risk of limited social stigma, as secret companionship involving sexual
relation, however concealed and hidden it, is likely become open and
could lead to harmful ramifications of sorts.
Fact being that crave for sex is not different from a hungry man's
crave food, it is nobody's business to find fault with it. However, like
choosing between good food and bad food, the right time and right
environment, it is necessary to have discretion not to get into socially
unacceptable forms of sex.
5.6. Find means and ways that do not disrupt environment.
For those who are averse or have difficulty for live-in relations or in
finding partners, they need be advised through proper counseling that
there is no harm in indulging in some form of self sex satisfaction,
masturbation or self massaging etc., if they have the requisite
mindset, to quench their natural urge of sex their crave for sex and
desire under control and prevent them from getting into trouble by
impulsive behaviors that can be of severer consequences and
reprehensible sexual situations such as found in pedophiles and other
form of sexual proximity with minors.

There are no two opinions that women have equal rights, if not more,
as of men in all aspects of humanity. Women are the higher
stakeholders of social order as they create and sustain continuity of
humanity. In the changing world, women are marching forward hand
in hand with men in every sphere. Things are not different here in
India also. However, the vast cultural diversity in the country act as
impediment to women getting their rights equal to men in many areas.
It is also necessary for women to undergo change according changing
times. The
have equal rights as of men. That is exactly the reason why women
need to behave and act like equals and stand up and fight for their
rights instead cringing and weeping and falling prey to self serving
politicians and jingoistic media guys.
Women across the country need to join hands and relentlessly fight to
secure50% representation in every sphere, and make themselves
equal partners in every sphere, including rule makers and rule
enforcers, and only with it most of the problems we experience in the
country will vanish. Political climate in India is conducive for women to
form Women sisterhood political party, win elections and capture
power, everything else will follow.

7. Protection against sexual and
other atrocities against women.
There shall be deterrents; certain, severe and quick. But it is equally
important to look for all possible means to minimize and prevent the
Please Some facility to
some extent is available in both land line Telecom systems for quick
access to authority in case of distress
In Mobile phone systems, there is a provision for emergency access by
dialing code 112 even without a SIM card in the phone. This feature
enables any one in distress to contact control room. There is
provision to route this emergency call to nearest Control room
autonomously based on the location of the caller using Location based
service LBS feature in the mobile system.
7.1. Special purpose gadgets:
It is possible to provide the facility even with a cheap special purpose
small gadget; something like the Pager we have been using before
arrival of Mobile phones. The gadget can be made as a bangle or a
wrist watch. Just press a button in it and it will activate the nearest
street Siren unit and send message to control room. More importantly
awareness about mere presence of such a gadget will deter miscreants
as no one will dare touch a woman wearing such a gadget and the
intended object is half done.
7.2. Street level Emergency Siren units.
The above feature can be further expanded and exploited by installing
making available suitable mobile SIM enabled Siren units in every
street. These Siren units shall work with local power connections with
stand bye battery that is kept charged with Solar panels. Using LBS,
the emergency call originated from any mobile phone can be routed to
the nearest Siren unit to activate a loud beeping hooter in it. Every
Siren unit is equipped with Mobile SIM and has a mobile number
Once the unit is activated, by any mobile phone calling the emergency
code, information is automatically send to Control station. The unit can
be deactivated only from the control room by calling it and entering
secret code/pass word. Readiness of these units is checked periodically
as a routine either at its physical locations by mock call or accessing it
from control room.
7.3. Provision of Emergency Siren units in vehicles.
It will be useful to provide an Aadhaar ID and a Siren unit for
emergency use by commuters in any form of distress in every vehicle.
To begin with it shall be made mandatory to have such Siren units in
all Public transport systems, Buses, Taxis and Railway compartments.
The unit shall be tamper-proof and equipped with GSM SIM /GPS
access. The unit will have an access number ideally a short code of the
MSISDN, promptly displayed by which it can be accessed by any
traveler in distress situation from their mobile phone.
The units once activated will continue to beam a distress signal making
it easy for the law enforcement personnel to trace it and reach the
location as quick as possible.
Government should seriously consideration implementation of above
systems and services in coordination with Telecom service providers
and Law enforcement agencies across the country.

8. Bio-science is the only lasting solution:
Bio-science may be of help in the future: Not withstanding all that said
above, using the possibilities being opened in the field of bio-science is
the lasting solution for most of these ills of humanity. Let us hope that
with opening out the vast possibilities of Bio-science, workable
solutions will become available to detect and apply corrective actions
during confinement or in the early days of life, and sincerely plead the
media, the Hon. Courts and the Activists to exercise extreme patience
till then.
Please read my blog 'Bio science is the way to make a positive change
in human behavior' wherein I have
discussed this in detail.
Conclusion: As already discussed, the ill effects are that the concept
of family get destroyed making the values and virtues of community
system insignificant. Please keep in mind that people in India are more
really matters in life, in its cultural strengths and values and virtues
making our existence meaningful. There is nothing wrong to lead life
as a homosexual as far as you are a natural one, and not a creation of
your own fascinations. It is always worth to have an expert study,
check up and get opinion before deciding whether one is really a
bisexual or heterosexual.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Author: Abraham Paul. e-mail:
Tweet @PA_Paul

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Sex, society and state

  • 1. CAUTION: "For mature readers only" Sex, Society and the State. Author: Abraham Paul. Tweet: @PA_Paul (At the outset, I would like to inform the readers that the issues involved in this are very subjective and complex and have different perceptions in different societies across different places and as such the observations and opinions contained may not be universally agreeable to all. What prompted me to write this is the on going debate about legalizing off the track hetero sexual ad homosexual behavior by law. Attitudes on matters pertaining to sex are changing in this part of the world also. Therefore, I want to make it clear that I do not disagree to anyone who chooses to disagree to my view points. I can only state that, I wrote this in the context of the culture and the communal life as experienced by me in this country.) Introduction: Sexual urge is a natural phenomenon for all: Sexual urge is a natural instinct: urge being a natural instinct and for every human being its fulfillment is a necessity as one grows from child hood to puberty, adolescence and to maturity of adult life. Feeling of Sex is not some strange phenomena t cannot be kept blocked till the day one attains particular age. Except perhaps, for the few sages capable to practice control of body, mind and emotions; normal humans would naturally go through sexual experience of some kind or other in these passing phases of their life. In fact for every normal human, the desires to copulate is a natural instinct and for most it acts not very different from the compelling feeling or crave for food when hungry or for cigarette or alcohol or drugs in case of those addicted to those.
  • 2. 1. Sex as biological life science. 1.1. its procreation. To ensure procreation happens by instinct, nature attached to it mental emotions and physical pleasure of different nature in different species as incentives for the urge to procreate. Like in most creations, the humans are also created mostly in two different forms in general to perform the distinctive procreative functions, although there are exceptional diversity such as transvestites/transgender/intersex etc. that are also found in other forms of creation such as both multisexual functions contained within itself. What differentiates humans from other forms of life is its self inducted social community system. To ensure harmonious living, according to the needs of the time and circumstance, different communities defined set of strictures, rules and conventions to bind the humans together in a micro-community known as family. Self imposed behavioral boundaries of individuals within and outside the family are defined according to their roles and position as Father, Mother, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter, Uncle, Nephew, various relatives, non-relatives, child, aged etc. For many, the tendency to indulge in sexual activities beyond the limited / defined social boundaries in the community to which one belong, override valid reasoning just as there need be no reasoning that a person when too starved will look for anything that is edible. Many act on an impulse without thinking of its possibly negative after effects, some may be illegal and disallowed according to ethics and some, very severe and destructive. 1.2. Sexual awareness in developing countries. Indian adolescents of earlier generation were less informed of matters pertained to sex and it had its attendant problems, may be of a different nature. The new generation is misinformed, rather half informed, and there are more problems in different ways. There is a mix up of facts related to passing through short term sexual intimacies and practical long term sex relations that lead to a stable family set up. In general, the adolescents at that age will not be ripe enough to discern and discriminate the merits and demerits and implications or their mental, social and physical experience
  • 3. personal friendships which normally leads to is quite normal and acceptable. For some in their exuberance of adventurism, would not bother to distinguish between the short term & long term companionship, sexual relationships between friends of same sex and of opposite sex, at what age they should think of life partnership and about matters and situations related to their role in various phases of their life. 2. Sex and Society. 2.1. Humanity in general has become more pervasive. Indiscreet exposure to too much of Sex and Violence laden movies, videos and video games from young age will naturally tend to corrupt the brain and minds of large number of people every where across the world. 2.2. Predominance of Male chauvinism: Practice of sex among the young in their adolescence is made an accepted custom and propagated a species, just as a cover up to influence and make young girls in teens to concede to their sexual needs is nothing but sheer male chauvinism. It has been going on in the so called developed societies, and now being spread into more orthodox civilizations also. Nevertheless, such forms of social behavior of extra marital sex in dating and living-in etc., have certain benefits of helping to overcome sex starvation and its attendant problems. The irony is that, while many in both gender indulge in such sexual activities in the Western world escape unhurt as their society looks at these as a matter of routine social experience; emulation of such behaviors in India in the name of modernization, the young ones involved in this part of the world will not be able to get over the psychological trauma and likely to suffer and cause permanent damage to their life. Why because, in the cultural revolutions related to sexual affairs, India is stuck in mid way being neither here nor there yet. Many like to emulate and behave the Western way of sexual promiscuity but neither the individuals nor the society are ready yet to face its consequences. That is one of the main reasons of sexual violence we see around in plenty and also the sudden new found awareness of sexual abuses.
  • 4. 2.3. Homosexual indulgence: Reasons can be many. Male and female species have different sensual feelings of sex and therefore, for some it may be more satisfying to have sexual intimacy and sex acts with mates of same sex who would know the intentions, sensuality and needs of the other better. There are chances of many inadvertently become so, as victims of circumstances. 2.4. Mind always wanders beyond boundaries of realities. The fact is that most humans go through some sort of unusual, bizarre or normally unacceptable thoughts in their mind at some time or other in life which may cross the boundaries of social stipulations and ethics. While the trained minds ignore those, for some such thoughts overtake their brain, making them undergo behavioral change and become Schizophrenics. Same way the homosexual phenomena, which is for most a natural behavior in a passing phase, when allowed to grow beyond the barriers in an otherwise normal person, is to be considered as a disease needing cure. There are good medicines to restrict and control Schizophrenia and in the same way, cure can be tried for many who unreasonably imbibed homosexual behaviors by their mental submission to alien culture which they are not geared to cope up with. Therefore, branding, every other youngster as homosexuals because of their temporary indulgences in random homosexual acts during the passing phase, and legitimizing and giving license by sweeping laws to allow heterosexuals but mentally distorted persons to adopt it as a perverted permanent life style, are both wrong. 2.5. The thrill of venturing into homosexuality as a different way of life: It has come to pass that many get disenchanted with the normal way of family life due to various reasons. Many indulge in adventurism of making oneself a 'Gay' or 'Lesbian' as a life style for the thrill of it without any real biological reason for that. Such breaking away from preset and predefined strictures, rules and systems, by emulating such misguided life style from elsewhere in the name of modernization, and getting into misplaced convictions and act accordingly, will cause permanent damage to the concept of family as their actions mark the end of otherwise secure family set up with them.
  • 5. 2.6. Failures need scapegoats: Often we come across such individuals or pairs who got separated from their family by their own will in pursuit of modernism without any biological reason, later grieve about missing love and affection from their parents without understanding that it is of their own creation. Many then succumb to extreme guilt in the later stage of their life. What they should do is to pause and think for a moment that the reason of their existence is because their parents are heterosexuals; and it is by their very actions in unreasonably turning themselves as homosexuals and adopting it as their life style had destroyed the scope of carrying forward the concept of family after them and therefore, have no right to claim or complain about loss of family bonding and parental feelings. As discussed earlier that interpretations on matters pertaining to sex would work both ways. When it comes to parent-child relationship in the meaning of a family there are no two ways, either you have it or do not have it. It is up to each individual to decide. In case of doubt consult your parents, or undergo a professional counseling. Mindless emulation of new trends from anywhere or elsewhere is self destructive. When normal humans whose brains are bend towards so called perversions of mind and decide to make it a life style, it destroys human imposed behavioral boundaries, the meaning of family and the feeling of social belonging as practiced for generations. It will conceptually damage the so called norms of social well being and therefore, will lead to permissiveness such as that anyone can involve in sex acts with any other person without discretion; irrespective of relation, age, gender or objects of any kind or type, anytime, anywhere. 2.7. The right and wrong of premarital sex. Premarital sexual promiscuity between consenting adults are accepted in most of the advanced societies across the world and become taboo only when it is extra-marital that is against the trust one undertake or with coercion. As sex before marriage, during adolescence or else, is considered taboo in many societies, sexual satisfaction in natural and unnatural ways happen as an instinct on impulse out of compulsion due to sex starvation and not always as a form of willful misconduct. Question arises how discrimination has to be applied when persons involved in the sexual act are minors, one party is adult and other is
  • 6. minor, or both are adults; as far as it is consensual in each case. Therefore, though being out of sync with social strictures in some societies, exercising compulsory restraint on such natural feeling for consensual sex experience between persons of opposite sex, minor or otherwise, by law or other forms of coercion is retrograde, if not impractical. 2.8. Violent sex is crime irrespective of age or status. In the matter of sex involving various forms of coercion, aggression or violence, every such act without consideration or age or status are considered as a criminal act and hence dealt with accordingly. The law also applies differently for persons who are minor at the time of the crime. It is therefore that sexual violence in couples in marital status also is considered a crime. Another aspect is about how to deal with a minor sex criminal who grow into adulthood during the course of legal procedure or while undergoing punishment. That is why the matter pertaining to sex is too complex and therefore, need complex solutions. Fact of life is that for most young persons, such behavior ceases or brought under self control and as they grow up most leads normal hetero sexual life. 3. Demarcation of what is right and what is wrong in sex. Sexual violence against the will of the other, as applicable in any other cases of violent acts against other, it is difficult for law to come in and condemn consensual sex between any one except the ones indulging minors who are not grown up to know about sex or able to discriminate the feelings between parental and other forms of fondling, handicapped ones and who are oblivious of the physical and psychological consequences and ill effects in indulging in sexual experience with some one else. 3.1. Personal autonomy in choice of mates: Before ending these long drawn arguments, I would like to draw the attention of the readers that the context of this discussion so far has been based on the concept of companionship of individuals involving in sexual intimacy as part of it.
  • 7. Camouflaged or otherwise, there is always are strong arguments in tentions of their choice of companionship and therefore, such arguments are self valedictory and non contrastive in a neutral view point. However, as in every other case or arguments for and against, truth always remain embedded in the details. In order to make the diversified arguments short, we may quickly look into one important aspect of the right of individuals in remaining in non sex centric companionship. The question arises then is how intimacy remains restricted only between two individuals? Realistically there are always many intimate persons in everyone's life. Call it relatives, friends, life mates and so on. The individuals in companionship shall naturally include sex partners as its subset. Is it not then in essence is closer to the concept of family as had been defined and being experienced by humanity now and therefore, where is the need for breaking away from it. What need perhaps is a compromise for inclusiveness of individuals for the sake of intimacy sans sex, intimacy for mutual sexual satisfaction and intimacy for procreation. 3.1.1. Aberrations to personal autonomy and human rights: There are aberration to above in some places where the society one belong define, strictures and rules about whom one can marry or whom one must not, in spite of general rules and laws prevailing in the State. Also the laws restricting marriage between boys and girls of same local society etc., and even go to the extent of killing in the name of honor killing, if disobey such strictures. In some places, community will not tolerate boys and girls of same locality and 'Gothra' loving each other and will try to separate them in the name of guarding honor of the parents or family or the society as a whole. It is only natural that people grow up in such communities will have the same mindset. Properly analyzed it can be seen that many killings that happen are not be plain sexual crimes but much more than that. Pity those sent to gallows for many heinous crimes they commit against women and young couples, as many such had become slaves of the mindset they grow up with. Though such things are not justifiable and against human rights, things continue to happen under the nose of very same state. Naturally there are much hue and cry every time such crimes happen, but the sad part is that no one give any serious thoughts on why such things happen.
  • 8. 3.2. Youngsters naturally tend to emulate the elders. The most dangerous effect of it is that youth brought up in such areas will have a permanent mindset and can become harmful to society such as being often experienced in many places. Many young adolescents emulate the elders and get influenced by their ways, mannerisms and life styles, claiming these as a matter of right, by bending the rules to their convenience, and look down at those oppose them. In the context of Western and such similar culture, these are perhaps, acceptable in their 'matter of 'dating' which as healthy means of mental transaction between like minded persons and even when it tend to lead to sexual activities between them, if consensual and are of regulatory age. In the context of Indian culture, the situation is some what different. However, things are changing in India also now; towards which direction and for better or worse; are the questions? The danger is that the younger generation is likely to overdo the newly induced foreign culture. This fact is glaringly visible in cases where many perfectly normal youngsters, trying to emulate the abnormal or extreme life styles of west, initially take it on as an adventure, and then slowly fall into a permanent mind set and end up neither there nor here. It makes many to often end up in a life destroyed for no reason; instead of knowing that many such variance in sexual behaviors of temporary nature in adolescent age are perfectly normal and most pass through it during this transient phase of adolescence, and later could go on and lead a normal hetero sexual life as they grow up and that is what happen in the western countries. 3.3. Importance of Counseling: These aspects stress the importance of good counseling and guidance to the youngsters, from parents, professionals and friends, during their adolescence, the difficult transient phase of life. Making too much fuss in favor or against sexual behaviors, only help aggravate the situation. Because of the misleading interpretations and social stigma about homosexuality etc. the youngsters get confused from some of their very normal experience in their adolescence, and deem to consider themselves as 'gays' or 'lesbians' and quickly get branded as abnormal by others. Making them aware of the facts with open discussions and studies are the ways to get over these problems. In countries where unnatural sex during any situation is a punishable crime, and in
  • 9. various religions that treat it as an act of sin, it need to conveyed so and taught accordingly that for everyone, it is a moral obligation and religious compulsion and over and above a necessity to fulfill the bonds of family structure. 3.4. Female as a species also need to exercise restraint for the sake of maintaining harmony in humanity: Human anatomy is one of the wonderful creations of nature. The beauty that resides in the human body is as magical and joyful like the beautiful flowers, an also as natural as in its various stages, buds, full blown and finally waning of as time passes without waiting for anyone or anything. Beautiful and natural. Nevertheless there is a time and place for everything, for humans also as that of flowers and fruits. From the beginning of human race, nature had bestowed marvelous beauty in female sect of human species, to attract even the wildest of male species for the purpose of companionship, protection and procreation. As humanity developed with happening of various forms of social stricture and rules that made it necessary to have discretion in the behavioral pattern of both species of human race the way one should behave and conduct themselves at home among own people and in other places in the presence of outsiders and total strangers. A beautiful flower in its stem in the garden or in a garland in the right place is a joyful thing. Cast out of place it will be mindlessly trampled by anyone and everyone. Modesty demands necessity to exercise discretion how one exhibit oneself, the way to attire and behave befitting the occasion place and circumstances they are in. True that what one do with their body is their own right. Nevertheless, every one should be prudent and pragmatic to keep in mind this is mad world and there are large number sexually starved mentally sick persons out there. 3.5. However, for large section of females, especially in influential societies it is part of developed life stye and accepted practice to wear fashionable cloths that highlights the beauty of the once abode it. However, the type and design also depends on age, place and occasion. wearing of scanty cloths exposing cleaves down up to nipples, waist line up to pubic area and legs up to thigh joints and so on may be acceptable and Ok at certain places but adorning it with no concern and discretion about where, when and among whom, is incorrect and may be harmful for the person and society as a whole.
  • 10. where. Everyone needs to keep in mind that exercising discretion is the key. Otherwise such behavior of women naturally ends up psychological rape the minds of the beholders. Though the women activists arguing that it is their fundamental right the way they dress or exhibit and deal with the sensual parts of their body cannot be faulted; it is only prudent for everyone, both male and female species to observe the following universal rule of life in everything one do: self, look at the other, look at the time / 3.6. The tendency to bend strictures in permissive societies: As mentioned earlier, certain interpretations of matters pertaining sex work both ways. In the permissive societies, there is a tendency to bend the strictures on purpose to accommodate the vested interest of a section or group under the cover of various so called personal rights, community or tribal practices, to make the wrong a right, like twisting of the rules in the assumptions that premarital sex is not only OK but a necessity whereas extra marital sex is taboo, though the border line in between these are very thin. Similarly it is nature's necessity for the mother to breast feed her children. But then there are boundaries as to how long, without that the right would lead to wrong. 3.7. The rules of Sex, often than seldom apply both ways: It is necessary to make the youngsters understand that, there are many things in life for which rules sometimes apply both ways and there are many out of the rule-book behaviors that are acceptable. Typical examples can be cited from the area of sexual behavior itself. There is part of life in every sperm and female eggs, but millions perish in the natural process in life. Nothing can be done about it and so beyond any reproach. Onanism, which according to some strictures is against natural law, is an accepted as an effective way for family planning. Therefore, matters like using condom or 'pill' for birth control and for prevention of spread of sexually transmitted diseases, truly justified early abortions, etc., cannot be considered wrong. Masturbation, a natural way of self sex stimulation to satisfy sexual urge, that many may find necessary in absence of possible normal sex, premarital or post marital; also cannot be considered very wrong. In the same way, conduct of some out of the way sexual behaviors during the adolescent
  • 11. age are also not reproachable and no one need to have any guilt feeling about such experiences of life. Another fact is that while adopting same sex relationship, men are affected more as the concept of family ends up with them unlike that related to same sex female couple. Adoption of children or have their children through surrogate mother are the options for male couples to continue their family chain whereas same sex female couple can have own children with the help of sperm banks. 4. Sex and the State. Fact is that Sex is a complex subject and hence need equally complex solutions. 4.1. The fallacy of judging what is right on consensual sex. The laws are needed and like every law, laws regarding sexual promiscuity also need to follow applying defined limits within various perimeters and boundaries in every case such as legality of child marriage and punishable age in case of juvenile fornication. There are many complexities in law making such as it is illogical to say homo sexuality between two individuals becomes legal from the time one attain a particular age and illegal a day before that. 4.2. Since level of sexual desire of individuals cannot be discriminated in terms of age, it is amply possible that a minor adolescent person, female or male can induce, in different ways, a major person to undergo sex with. In such cases it will be drastically unfair if the law applies only against the major partner in the act. Applying any such laws against consensual sexual indulgences between two individuals arbitrarily can make many innocent persons to undergo legal punishment. Another issue is that if consensual sex between two adults in privacy are legal, will it not be extendable to that indulging more than two persons such as group sex etc.? It is therefore, become difficult to take sides in the question to legitimize or not to legitimize and the righteousness of legal statutes to make sexual experience between consenting adolescents punishable by law.
  • 12. 4.3. Distinction between born homosexuals and heterosexuals turned homosexuals. The question is whether in Indian context, is it right to indiscreetly legitimize homosexual behavior by a sweeping law? Indulgence in Sex during adolescence. It is altogether a different matter that quite naturally many persons in their adolescence may resort to sexual activities depends on circumstances, convenience and availability of sex objects to satisfy sexual urge in the adolescent age. Masturbation, sodomy, lesbianism, sex with other objects etc., are some such natural experiences during adolescence, when consensual sex acts and copulation with the right type of opposite sex are not possible due to different factors like ones age, urgency, availability, community rules, social stigma, fear of revelation, fear of contamination and exposure to diseases etc. Such sexual activities during adolescence are taboo in the eyes of Society and against law in the eyes of State, but seldom dealt as criminality for obviously right reasons. 4.4. Legitimizing all forms of homosexual behavior is entirely different from legitimizing sex between those born transvestites, transsexuals and others in LGBT community. In present day discussions about legitimizing all homosexual behavior and activities by a sweeping law by the judiciary, the basics seems to be getting sidelined when looked in the context of long prevailing culture in Indian subcontinent, which is considered healthier when compared to that of many other parts of the world and therefore, worth preserving it without erosion. The current discussion about indiscreetly legitimizing homo sexual behavior is an entirely different issue that has nothing to do with legitimizing the activities and life styles of born transvestites, transgender, transsexuals, intersex, and those adopt homosexual behavior out of biological compulsion and hence call for great deal of discretion. This is going on for ages and no one consider it illegal and punishable under Section 377. What is criminal is homosexual activity between any one that tantamount to definition of rape and attracts section 377.
  • 13. The crux of the matter is whether legally allowing sexual relation between homosexuals in LGBT, as their birth right, and therefore legal, how can then heterosexuals indulging in homosexual activity can be treated illegal according to Section 377 of the constitution, which in the face of it is not only discriminatory but also difficult to implement? Also about how an heterosexual individual indulging in sexual activity with a homosexual individual to be treated? Again how to discriminate who is homosexual and who is not? Insisting to obtain certificate of sexuality is an unworkable proposition. The right choice is to allow every one who has attained legal age to have sexual relations according to their choice and to retain Section 377 of the constitution to provide safeguard against homosexual activity by anyone involving rape and not consensual sexual activities including that of LGBT communities. 4.5. Homo sexual activity by Heterosexuals destroys the concept of family. What is worth pondering is that once any form of sexual activity with same sex by heterosexual is adapted as a life style, it destroys the value of family and destroys the boundaries and meaning of communal life. My view is that more careful attention is needed in this field to prevent wholesome failure of the much cherished family concept. State has no much say in matters pertaining to sexual behavior of people as far as it does not violate legal strictures. May be the judiciary need to come into picture only where there is a litigation related rights of individuals in relation to established legal views of the country without encroaching into the right of individuals on their choice of companionship as far it is not harmful to themselves or to the community. It is same concerning the transvestites/transgender/intersex etc. Like every individual they have also equal right to choose their sexual partners based on their sexual orientation. Therefore, what is important is that for each individual it is their personal responsibility to look inward to know what is right for him. We can only sincerely request the youngsters to have a second thought and get some meaningful counseling and medical advise to ensure that they are not a victim of globalization of social culture which thrust on others, a culture where uncontrolled sexual promiscuity is rampant and are compelled to find means to justify it by
  • 14. promulgating behavior such as homo sexuality as a way to branch of to modern life style. 4.6. Distinctions in the case of born freaks, Transvestites and Bisexuals. It is the fact of nature, that there are always some abnormalities in every form of creation, physical, psychic and functional. There are born freaks and there are some with abnormal form of behaviors in every form of life. Every community and religion has set of rules to deal with those born freaks and those who are behaviorally abnormal by biological compulsion like in the case of transvestites. These rules are made applicable in general to be followed by every one in the community in the normal situation. These are exemptions for those born as bisexuals, the transvestites, loosely termed as 'gays' for accepting them as part of the society with acceptance and understanding that their abnormal behavior is out of biological compulsion. 4.7. There shall be no two opinion or arguments about the extreme necessity for the community as whole and the Government to handle these born freaks, transvestites and bisexuals like the Hijaras in a systematic and understanding way. They need to be given all possible support and consideration from the society and the government. However, mixing up the issues related to all types of homo-sexual behavioral issues with the problems of bisexuals by birth, and imposing general rules on everyone with sweeping law would not be the right thing for any legal system, the Government, the social and communal structure and the humanity as a whole especially in the context of cultural heritage of countries like India. The argument that such abnormal behaviors were prevalent in some time past as part of its culture as depicted in some of the artistic creations in old temples etc. or even currently in vogue in some parts of the country and some communities do not justify its adoption as an acceptable behavior and life style across a matured society. 5. Pervasive perversions of sex. The problems faced in society are not only because of adolescent behaviors. The greater and harmful dangers that threaten to destroy the thin fabric that bound together family life are the irresponsible
  • 15. sexual promiscuity. It happens when many humans fail to overcome the basic instinct and continue to indulge uncontrolled sex behavior even after paired with one from opposite sex, crossing defined behavioral boundaries making the social strictures defunct. It can be likened to the difference in the attitude and crave for food in the case of Yogis / /Sages / Sanyasis, and normal persons and gluttons. The same is true with the varying instinct of sex urge also. It would be hypocritical to claim that no such pervasive thoughts have The socially trained minds would exercise control on their brains and behavior in such matters of life. Others who succumb to abnormal behaviors without reason are considered perverts. 5.1. Sexual abuse involving children. Many must have observed that some children even at the very young age tend to exhibit sort of comfort as a basic instinct and encourage in getting fondled, as innocently and unaware of it as they react naturally in their other activities. It may easily happen that innocent minors who are mentally unaware to discriminate between various feelings would find pleasures in these episodes, and become prey to irrational sex episodes of grown ups like pedophiles etc., and then but become remorseful as they grow up and look back. There are cases of youngsters due to various reasons and circumstances; unaware or unmindful of the consequences, seduce elders to indulge in sexual activities ending harmful consequences for both. This is again one of the serious problems we face in the society. 5.2. The line separating feeling of affection and that involving sexual affliction is very thin. The line between the feeling of love and affection and sexual emotions are very thin. The key words to be kept in mind are: Do not indulge in any thing that one would feel guilty or regret later. That is why the wiser forefathers use to advise us the need to avoid prolonged personal intimate company in isolation with others; of close relatives including own or step sister/brother, step parents, house maids etc. It is only prudent to enforce strict punishments to deter such harmful practices. However, it is the responsibility of the grown ups to exercise extreme discretion to avoid situations involving various involuntary behavioral patterns of little children that could lead to severe form of child abuses that have become big curse of the society.
  • 16. 5.3. Unnatural sex. Nature, in its creations of various species has provided individual organs for its various functional needs. In male and female human species, the different organs serve different functions so as to fulfill various purposes intended by nature. Using any of these organs for other than its intended purpose and in ways other than its defined biological and physical function will definitely have adverse effects, biologically, physically, mentally and psychologically. Therefore, one need to choose what is right in their sexual activities discriminating what is natural and what is unnatural. 5.4. External aids to ease sex related excesses. In the Western countries, service of different type of licensed sex parlors and cinema halls and automated kiosks are available for those in need of harmless self sex satisfaction. Nowadays, one can easily access these in adult TV channels or via Internet as vent to appease sexual appetite though one need to be careful about the type of sites and material they access not to get into legal problems and also to safeguard ones utility systems gets virus infected. Such provisions help to sooth the mental impulses of the sex starved, and hence reduce untoward sexual violations and harmful sex activities leading to unpardonable crimes. 5.5. Need of sex in old age. Like hunger for food, crave for sex continues in old age in most people may be in a lesser scale. As happens in the case of adolescents, desire for sex happens in elderly ones who lost their mate or either becoming dysfunctional due to old age or sickness. Unlike elderly women, this mostly happen with elderly men, as men continue to have sex urge though in a subdued level, till very late in their life, driving even the extremely good old and otherwise saintly aged persons to indulge in abnormal sexual adventures without exercising discretion and unmindful to prevalent social strictures and taboos. This is another area that needs serious consideration. It is painful to see many elderly ones have to undergo severe punishments for sexual misbehavior especially with minors. 5.5.1. Change in mental level in old age: There are some commonalities between the adolescent teens or even much minor ones those who have started experimenting with sex and
  • 17. do not have easy to find means for it and similar is the case with some of the elderly who have vast experience of sex in the past but currently in a position with no means to quench their crave for sexual satisfaction. For some, as they become too old would not be able to think straight on many matters that would include pertaining to sex also. These two groups are in same mindset regarding sexual desires and also have more chances of nearness in isolation that end up in sexual promiscuity inadvertently or otherwise. It therefore, is one of the causes of most of the sex scandals involving elderly persons with minor children. 5.5.2. Need of counseling for elders: Not generalizing but still worth to consider that, like in the teens the elderly also would need social support and some may need to undergo counseling to give guidance not to get into unpleasant situations by indulging in sexual activities that are legally and socially and ethically unacceptable. 5.5.3. It is healthy for elders to continue normal sexual activity: It is proven fact that continuation of sexual activity in old age is good both for physically and mentally for elderly people. It would be desirable for the single elders to have live-in relationship with like minded partners. Such arrangements shall better be open even at the risk of limited social stigma, as secret companionship involving sexual relation, however concealed and hidden it, is likely become open and could lead to harmful ramifications of sorts. Fact being that crave for sex is not different from a hungry man's crave food, it is nobody's business to find fault with it. However, like choosing between good food and bad food, the right time and right environment, it is necessary to have discretion not to get into socially unacceptable forms of sex. 5.6. Find means and ways that do not disrupt environment. For those who are averse or have difficulty for live-in relations or in finding partners, they need be advised through proper counseling that there is no harm in indulging in some form of self sex satisfaction, masturbation or self massaging etc., if they have the requisite mindset, to quench their natural urge of sex their crave for sex and desire under control and prevent them from getting into trouble by impulsive behaviors that can be of severer consequences and
  • 18. reprehensible sexual situations such as found in pedophiles and other form of sexual proximity with minors. There are no two opinions that women have equal rights, if not more, as of men in all aspects of humanity. Women are the higher stakeholders of social order as they create and sustain continuity of humanity. In the changing world, women are marching forward hand in hand with men in every sphere. Things are not different here in India also. However, the vast cultural diversity in the country act as impediment to women getting their rights equal to men in many areas. It is also necessary for women to undergo change according changing times. The have equal rights as of men. That is exactly the reason why women need to behave and act like equals and stand up and fight for their rights instead cringing and weeping and falling prey to self serving politicians and jingoistic media guys. Women across the country need to join hands and relentlessly fight to secure50% representation in every sphere, and make themselves equal partners in every sphere, including rule makers and rule enforcers, and only with it most of the problems we experience in the country will vanish. Political climate in India is conducive for women to form Women sisterhood political party, win elections and capture power, everything else will follow. 7. Protection against sexual and other atrocities against women. There shall be deterrents; certain, severe and quick. But it is equally important to look for all possible means to minimize and prevent the incidents. Please Some facility to some extent is available in both land line Telecom systems for quick access to authority in case of distress
  • 19. In Mobile phone systems, there is a provision for emergency access by dialing code 112 even without a SIM card in the phone. This feature enables any one in distress to contact control room. There is provision to route this emergency call to nearest Control room autonomously based on the location of the caller using Location based service LBS feature in the mobile system. 7.1. Special purpose gadgets: It is possible to provide the facility even with a cheap special purpose small gadget; something like the Pager we have been using before arrival of Mobile phones. The gadget can be made as a bangle or a wrist watch. Just press a button in it and it will activate the nearest street Siren unit and send message to control room. More importantly awareness about mere presence of such a gadget will deter miscreants as no one will dare touch a woman wearing such a gadget and the intended object is half done. 7.2. Street level Emergency Siren units. The above feature can be further expanded and exploited by installing making available suitable mobile SIM enabled Siren units in every street. These Siren units shall work with local power connections with stand bye battery that is kept charged with Solar panels. Using LBS, the emergency call originated from any mobile phone can be routed to the nearest Siren unit to activate a loud beeping hooter in it. Every Siren unit is equipped with Mobile SIM and has a mobile number MSISDN. Once the unit is activated, by any mobile phone calling the emergency code, information is automatically send to Control station. The unit can be deactivated only from the control room by calling it and entering secret code/pass word. Readiness of these units is checked periodically as a routine either at its physical locations by mock call or accessing it from control room. 7.3. Provision of Emergency Siren units in vehicles. It will be useful to provide an Aadhaar ID and a Siren unit for emergency use by commuters in any form of distress in every vehicle. To begin with it shall be made mandatory to have such Siren units in all Public transport systems, Buses, Taxis and Railway compartments. The unit shall be tamper-proof and equipped with GSM SIM /GPS access. The unit will have an access number ideally a short code of the
  • 20. MSISDN, promptly displayed by which it can be accessed by any traveler in distress situation from their mobile phone. The units once activated will continue to beam a distress signal making it easy for the law enforcement personnel to trace it and reach the location as quick as possible. Government should seriously consideration implementation of above systems and services in coordination with Telecom service providers and Law enforcement agencies across the country. 8. Bio-science is the only lasting solution: Bio-science may be of help in the future: Not withstanding all that said above, using the possibilities being opened in the field of bio-science is the lasting solution for most of these ills of humanity. Let us hope that with opening out the vast possibilities of Bio-science, workable solutions will become available to detect and apply corrective actions during confinement or in the early days of life, and sincerely plead the media, the Hon. Courts and the Activists to exercise extreme patience till then. Please read my blog 'Bio science is the way to make a positive change in human behavior' wherein I have discussed this in detail. Conclusion: As already discussed, the ill effects are that the concept of family get destroyed making the values and virtues of community system insignificant. Please keep in mind that people in India are more really matters in life, in its cultural strengths and values and virtues making our existence meaningful. There is nothing wrong to lead life as a homosexual as far as you are a natural one, and not a creation of your own fascinations. It is always worth to have an expert study, check up and get opinion before deciding whether one is really a bisexual or heterosexual. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------Author: Abraham Paul. e-mail: Tweet @PA_Paul