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The Complete
SeoCustomer Guide
2012 Q4
SEO, SEM, Social Media Traffic
and Link Building Page 2/159
Welcome to my “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q4 .........................................................4
How Graphic Designers Can Create Captivating Book Covers? ..................................................5
Finding the Right Keywords as an SEO Specialist ....................................................................7
What Should Be Your Corporate Twitter?.............................................................................. 10
Facebook Marketing – Five tips for better sales conversions on Facebook................................. 12
The Importance of Usability When Building a Website ........................................................... 15
Popular Keyword Suggestion Tools ...................................................................................... 17
7 Secrets of Successful Link-building................................................................................... 19
7 Ways to Get More Out Of Twitter...................................................................................... 21
5 Modern SEO Practices for Online Entrepreneurs ................................................................. 22
Printing Mistakes you should avoid in Small Business ............................................................ 24
SEO the Porter Way .......................................................................................................... 26
Perks You Get From Winning Web Content ........................................................................... 29
Points To Consider While Designing a User-Friendly Website................................................... 31
5 Innovative Tips to Brand Your Business on Twitter.............................................................. 33
10 Dos and Don’ts of Blogging for Your Business .................................................................. 35
Importance of Setting up Google Places Correctly................................................................. 36
Incredibly simple tips to get Free Traffic to your website........................................................ 37
Making the Choice between Web-Popularity and SEO friendly Graphics.................................... 39
Twitter Marketing for Beginners.......................................................................................... 41
Social Media Addiction....................................................................................................... 43
How to Do Keyword Research............................................................................................. 44
How to Start a Digital Customer Strategy for Websites .......................................................... 45
Top SEO Practices for Mobile Websites................................................................................. 47
Getting B2B leads from Google Analytic and Boost Your Sale Now........................................... 49
The Top Three Free WordPress Plugins to Increase Social Media Traffic .................................... 53
Business Strategies to Boost your Online Business Now......................................................... 55
3 steps to get traffic from Social Media................................................................................ 60
Latest SEO tips for your WordPress blog .............................................................................. 63
Facebook Infographic One Billion ........................................................................................ 65
Daily, Weekly and Monthly Routines with Google Adwords ..................................................... 67
How Important Is Your Facebook Status?............................................................................. 70
Successful SEO Depends on Communication ........................................................................ 71
11 Elements Your Landing Page Must Have .......................................................................... 73
5 Things an SEO Expert Won’t Tell You ................................................................................ 79
Top 5 Advanced eCommerce SEO Techniques that Works....................................................... 81
What SEO Strategy is Google Friendly? ............................................................................... 83 Page 3/159
How local businesses can use QR codes in marketing ............................................................ 85
Is SEO Web Designing Really Responsible To Get More Traffic? ............................................... 87
Tips to Get More Traffic by Using StumbleUpon .................................................................... 89
Google’s Launches Disavow Links Tool................................................................................. 91
How to track your traffic from social media with Google Analytic ............................................ 93
How Heat Maps Can Contribute To the Site’s Usability ......................................................... 100
Social Media Cheat Sheet (Infographic) ............................................................................. 102
What you can do at Pinterest ........................................................................................... 103
7 Great Remarketing Strategies........................................................................................ 104
Are you SEO ready for Xmas? .......................................................................................... 107
Common Social Media Mistakes to Avoid............................................................................ 110
The importance of building multiple tiers of links for your link building campaigns .................. 112
How to Own the First Page in Google ................................................................................ 114
How to Use Social Media for SEO Purposes ........................................................................ 116
Coffee and Social Media .................................................................................................. 117
Tips and Tricks to Generate Leads through Social Media ...................................................... 119
Top Big 3 Images Sharing Sites ........................................................................................ 121
Infographics about SEO SEM Link Building ......................................................................... 124
AdWords Remarketing For Driving Traffic ........................................................................... 130
How to use Slide share to Get More Website Traffic? ........................................................... 132
39 percent of search related traffic information from Google is now gone .............................. 134
What you can learn from your mother about SEO ............................................................... 136
Popular Google Analytics Analysis Tools ............................................................................. 138
SEO vs. PPC – How to know which one is right for your business? ........................................ 140
Successful Link Building: What about Link Exchanges ......................................................... 142
3 Ways to Make Your Facebook Fan Page SEO friendly......................................................... 144
Which Retargeting Strategy is Right for You? [Infographic] .................................................. 146
How Is Google Using Big Data .......................................................................................... 147
Guest Posting – Why It's Good For SEO ............................................................................. 149
Use of Author Tags for SEO.............................................................................................. 151
Legitimate Link Building with Social Media ......................................................................... 153
How Can a Company Use Big Data from Google ................................................................. 155
How to Get Dynamic Twitter Pictures................................................................................. 157 Page 4/159
Welcome to my “Complete SeoCustomer Guide
2012 Q4
This is my 5th version of the Complete SeoCustomer
My hope is that I can show some tips and tricks
about SEO, SEM, Social Media Traffic and Link
It has been a great year for SEO, Social Media Traffic
and Link Building.
I hope you all got the other ones
 “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2011”
 “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q1”
 “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q2”
 “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q4”
or else you can still download it at This book contains all the articles
from the 4th
quarter of 2012.
Grab your cup of coffee - relax – sit back… go to the first article and enjoy 
Remember to sign up to our new LinkedIn group and join the conversation.
PS - let’s stay connected...
Facebook -
LinkedIn -
Twitter -!/HenrikSandbergJ
Google+ -
As always – Love you all.
Carpe Diem
Henrik Page 5/159
How Graphic Designers Can Create Captivating
Book Covers?
The key to a successful book cover design is
knowing what will work, and what won’t.
It is true that the wrapping of a novel or a short
story collection helps in its promotion. In simpler
words, it acts as an effective promotional tool.
Graphic designers who create amazing covers
bewilder audience with their artistic prowess.
Designing for a fast paced mystery, an adventure
thriller or a romantic novel is not child’s play and
requires sound knowledge of commercial art.
Colors, graphics, texts and images need to be used
with precision and meticulousness.
Focus on the Theme
Be it fiction or non-fiction, it centers around a concept or theme and the binding should aptly describe
that concept. Yes, it is the binding that attracts a reader’s attention to a fictional piece or otherwise. Do
not make the mistake of cramming the front page with too many components, illustrations and images.
A professional should think of the book like a billboard that tries to attract the attention of the people
passing by. Keep in mind the following aspects before you start working:
The theme and the subject
The genre
An idea of the style or tone of the published document. The above pointers would help one to come up
with creative ideas. Are you designing for a thriller? Or is it a historical account or biography? The
answers to these questions will help a graphic artist in producing quality output.
How Will It Look on Web Sites?
The book should also look equally impressive on web pages. Therefore, consider the design aspects
carefully so that it also impresses the online audience.
Photos that Explain
There is no need to be too real while working on the cover. Look for visuals that communicate the
overall tone, style and mood of an omnibus. Pictures included should connect well with the context.
The type of images you choose also depends on the subject. If it is on a spiritual topic or related to
self-help, then visuals of nature would be relevant.
On the other hand, a treatise on history should have historical illustrations and pictures. Author
photographs should be avoided if the writer is not a renowned and celebrated personality.
The Title Should be in Large Font
Besides the color, images and graphics, it is the title of the novel that grabs instant attention.
Therefore, it should be created using large and noticeable fonts. You can also add some special effects
to the letters like like embossing to enhance the visual appeal. Page 6/159
Matching Artwork
The artwork that you create should match with the theme and content of the text. Consider the murder
mysteries of Agatha Christie. She was not an author who emphasized on the gory details. Her works
are more related to the complexities of the characters and plot. However, several publishers focused
more on showing blood oozing out of human mouth or knitting needles protruding from human heads.
Such depictions might create sensation, but will disappoint readers who enjoy reading about intricate
plots. They will stay away as the cover creates a wrong impression that the book includes excessive
gruesome details.
Do you have more ideas to share? Please comment.
Author Bio: Swatilekha Kundu is a web content writer who currently working in Graphic Design India.
The company provides innovative graphic solutions for its worldwide clients. In order to know more
details about Graphic Design India, please click here. Page 7/159
Finding the Right Keywords as an SEO Specialist
Finding the right keywords to bring in
qualified traffic into a site has always been a
challenge for a company.
In fact, regular SEO’s often find themselves
spending more time in the initial research stage of
a campaign than the actual implementation.
It’s imperative to spend at least a few days finding
out what the client and their customers want before
jumping into optimization.
And in most cases, you’re going to find most clients
will have no idea what keywords they want to
target. It’s our (SEO’s) job to help them decide the
best solution that will fit the client and their users.
Meetings with Your Client
More often than not SEO’s are up front and
personal. In some cases they are shy and
You’ll have to get your point across without sounding like a know it all that wants to change a client’s
whole business plan.
They’ve worked all their lives in the respective field they’re in so your best bet is to transition your
ideas rather than push it on them. Here are a few question might want to ask your clients:
 Tell me about your company and how you’re different from others in your field.
 Who is your primary target audience?
 What are your short and long term goals?
 Can you come up with 20 primary and secondary keywords you think your users will search for?
 Have you checked your analytics or is it even installed on your site?
 What have you done so far in terms of optimization?
 Who are your main competitors?
I am sure you have more questions and they come up in the meeting so be prepared.
Initial Keyword Research
You ready? Here are the tools I use to get a detailed report for my clients and myself:
1. Competitive analysis
a. Keyword difficulty
b. Google keyword tool
2. Google traffic estimator
3. Google/Bing webmaster tools
With these tools you’ll get an amazing understanding of your client without spending countless hours
trying to figure what they do or what their users are like. Page 8/159
Google/Bing Webmaster Tools
Every search engine optimization specialist has his or her own starting point. I believe starting at the
roots is the guideline to a successful online marketing campaign.
With Google/Bing webmaster tools you can get extremely valuable information quickly. If you’re lucky
your client will have both tracking codes on their site.
In some cases, even if they don’t have it installed Google might have this information for you
immediately (I’ve seen it happen with some clients).
Here are a couple of places to check before you get started:
1. Check the number of impressions and clicks the site has
2. Check the number of links (good and bad) the site is linked from
3. Look at crawl errors and stats
4. Do they have a sitemap submitted to Google?
5. Check index status
Bing will also have something similar and you should definitely check that as well because we all know
by now that Bing and Yahoo share an index for search results now.
Google Keyword/Traffic Estimator Tool
Google also has two tools that you should definitely consider using on every SEO campaign to get a
better understanding of traffic for a particular keyword/keywords.
With the keyword tool an SEO can get an estimated traffic number with suggestions as well. Simply
click on the “Ad group ideas (Beta)” and you’ll get an amazing list to start off of even if your client has
no idea what keywords they want to target. Page 9/159
Traffic estimator is similar since you get traffic numbers based on Google’s Adwords system. These
numbers are for clicks you would pay for through the PPC (pay per click/impression) program Google
Now we get to the best part. SEOMoz is a professional tool and it does cost a monthly fee. However,
you get more detailed and precise information to get started on your project. If you set up a campaign
(5 campaigns with the pro package at $99/month) you get:
• Weekly crawl and rank checking
• On-page optimization recommendation
• A look at what your competitors are up to
• Site explorer
• Keyword difficulty
And many more tools to get you ahead of the game.
I would have to write several articles on how each tool can help you but let’s focus on the keyword
difficulty tool. Once you enter your keywords, select a search engine and region; you will get the most
detailed keyword research analysis out there. Here is a list of findings you’ll get from this tool:
• Keyword difficulty score
• Top 10 ranking pages for SEO
• Google AdWords broad/exact match
You can then export the report and present it to your clients.
There You Have It
This is, in my opinion a good way to start a project without losing your mind or your client. I would
love to hear what you think and the process you go through to start any Internet marketing campaign.
Puya Turkiyan is an SEO and online marketing specialist in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada. He is also
the CEO of New Media Sources where conversion and lead generation thrives. Page 10/159
What Should Be Your Corporate Twitter?
In our time of highly Internet technology even
a small entrepreneur is committed to
representing their business on the internet.
The presence of a corporate site is out of the
question – which organizations doesn’t have
its own corporate site?
But now we need not just a presence on the
Internet ― it is important to have the direct
communication with your customers, prompt
reaction on all social unrest of your target audience
and improving the image of your business in such a
broad and multi-faceted Internet environment.
To help in this matter come social networks that set
the pace of modern social life. Proper use of social
networks can significantly increase sales, increase
brand awareness and monitoring of consumer
About advantages and necessity of representing
your brand in social networks there has been said
and written many articles and books, but still not
many companies know how to use this tool to its full potential.
This article focuses on the use of social marketing tool such as Twitter.
Twitter is a relatively new tool for presenting your brand in the world of social networks, but has
already gained its popularity and the number of advantages in comparison with others. It allows you to
keep in touch with your followers, quickly inform them about all the new items from your business,
and respond quickly to their needs and desires.
Briefly speaking, Twitter can be a useful addition to any marketing campaign.
Suppose you convinced the corporate account that the company needs a corporate Twitter. What’s next?
Consider the major issues that arise in front a businessman and about what you should think about
before you make the first steps.
On whose behalf are you tweeting?
In this regard there are two possible solutions.
On the one hand, you can keep your account on behalf of a brand or a company and name it
accordingly to them. On the other hand, you can keep your account on behalf of a private person,
which is directly related to your company.
Which way to choose depends on the specifics of your business and the goals you want to achieve
through the corporate account on Twitter?
If you represent a large international brand than brands official account can help solve such problems
as the creation of visual contact between logo and brand name. It will also help you to create your
“army” of loyal followers, and always refer to them at the right time for the reporting of sales and
If you have a local or small business and your company name is not widely known you can create
accounts of a private person and contact with your followers on a more informal level, but by the way
informing and reminding about your company in the form such as “Today ate sushi. And by the way, in
our food delivery store we have new proposition – the second set – for free.” Page 11/159
Choose the right picture is a very important mission because of this picture your account will be
recognized in the social network.
If this is the official account of the company or brand – the picture should be recognizable, clear,
concise and vivid. Users should immediately recognize you in their news feed.
If you decide to keep your account on behalf of an individual then as an avatar you must use a real
photo. Users are much more loyal to the real people and will be more likely comment on and retweet
your posts.
Communication Style
The style of your communication with your followers, again, depends on the specifics of your business.
But don’t forget that Twitter is a social network so it doesn’t like the official and grave style.
The most important thing – be friendly and interesting, do not post dry information or frank advertising
because you can lose your followers.
The frequency of tweets
There is no specific number of tweets per day – it depends on the content. The main thing – they must
be regular. Also you must mention that people often visit Twitter in the morning before work and in the
evening after work.
Alternate advertising, news and personal tweets. You can create a schematic release schedule, for
example: morning – news, day – advertising, in the evening – an interesting story from the life or
some observation. The main rule – be interesting.
There are main advices before creating a corporate account in Twitter. All the rest come with
experience and practice.
Author bio: Joe Craven is a specialist of context advertising and social marketing of He writes articles on various topics that deal with internet marketing,
branding and business promotion in the internet. Page 12/159
Facebook Marketing – Five tips for better sales
conversions on Facebook
In a way, Facebook Marketing is just like
traditional sales, it’s about building
But where it differs is where the real sales
conversions start – forget everything you know
about the competition, forget everything you know
about sales and forget everything you know about
your market – you need to redefine it all and then
watch the sales conversions start pouring in.
Social Media Marketing is about working that virtual
room in a collaborative, personal and non-selly way.
Not all Facebook Likes are Created Equal
There are different kinds of likers on every
Facebook page. Most are fairly valuable; a few are worth their weight in gold.
Identifying the type of liker and using each liker to further your sales conversions is the best way to
create direct sales.
Tip 1: Bums on seats Facebook Likers
These are the likes you get from “like exchanges”, “like ladders”, “Facebook marches”, “promote pages”
and other networking pages designed to help startups.
You swap likes with a bunch of other Facebook noobs and 95% of them hide your statuses before you
make your first post. They’re good because they make up the numbers a take away that “new page
True or not, the perception of a new Facebook page will be that you don’t know what you’re doing, so
you’ll post too much, sell too hard, and generally clog news feeds with rubbish. Bums on seats likers
remove that fear.
Tip 2: How to Get the Most from Chatty Cathys
A Chatty Cathy won’t buy anything from you. They’re your high school friends, your mom, people in
your network, complimentary businesses and Facebook likers who just enjoy hanging out on your page.
They are extremely valuable if you play your cards right.
Chatty Cathys make EXCELLENT brand ambassadors – especially those who are just Facebook addicts
who sit on Facebook all day chatting on pages – these are worth their weight in gold. How? Well, you
need to cultivate the relationship, get them talking about themselves, about Facebook, about their
friends – in short, become one of their friends.
While selling on Facebook is not the way to go, you should make these likers aware of why your brand
is superior to competitors. When they leave your page, they go chat on other pages, like minded pages,
“Find it on Facebook” leads pages, their networks, their mommy groups and their clubs.
They are the ears and mouths of your business and there is no sales pitch like a trusted word of mouth
sales pitch. When a sales opportunity arises, your Chatty Cathys start chatting about you – delivering
nice, primed, ready-to-buy Money Likers to your page. Page 13/159
Tip 3: How to Treat Money Likers
These are shoppers or buyers that like your page because they are planning to buy or ready to buy
your product. These are GOLD – and rare.
This is not the norm for Facebook – if 10% of your likers are Money Likers, you’re doing well! These
arrive at the recommendation of Chatty Cathys, via Google, via Facebook searches or via your
interaction on other pages in your network.
To be sure you get the very most out of a Money Liker, set your landing tab to your photo tab filled
with beautiful, enticing, well labeled photos (if you have a visual product) or a custom landing tab with
an incentive to like and a link to your website.
Ensure that your info page is filled with branded messages about why you’re the one to buy from and
that they get a nice warm welcome and make it easy-peasy for them to hand over their moola.
Tip 4: Facebook Networking – Where the Money is REALLY at
This is where Social Networking comes in, not social media marketing. Social Networking is where the
money actually comes from. Social networking is about being warm and fuzzy, it’s about interacting
and chatting and commenting and liking and contributing to complimentary business pages. (If it
doesn’t sound like you, don’t do it, hire someone or get the 19 year old on reception to handle it –
she’ll probably be great!)
Choose some nice, talented, professional networking candidates, preferably with a more established
page than your own and start working the Facebook room.
Everyone wants great Edgerank and a happy, interactive social page – so businesses that offer services
or products that are complimentary but not in competition to your own will appreciate your 2 cents on
their wall.
They’ll appreciate your comments, your interaction and even “shout outs” from your page. Build a nice
strong network, shout out regularly, do joint giveaways and competitions, celebrate their victories on
your wall, tell your likes about their new products and watch them reciprocate.
Once you build the friendship up, something amazing will happen, you’ll start to see referral business.
This is where the money is really at. Let’s say you are a web designer. You network with graphic
designers, copywriters, programmers, shopping cart designers etc.
When your graphic designer’s client needs a website, it’s you who gets the work. When you need a
copywriter for a client, you’ve got one ready to go – and when your copywriter needs a web designer
for her client, she’s got you.
Tip 5: Make It Easy
Make it simple for people to spread the word, interact with you and buy from you.
Add your website link to your company information box in the info tab so when your page is shared,
there’s a link to your website.
Make Facebook part of your Website Marketing plan
Add Social Media buttons to your website, email, guest blogs and other internet and real world
Label your products clearly and with individual names or numbers so it’s easy for likers to order.
If postage costs apply, label products with domestic and international rates.
Have trust building guarantees and a recommendations tab.
Watch lead generating pages like Find It pages like a hawk.
Run competitions and cross promotions and give valuable prizes
Have a contact tab and reply promptly if there are complaints or inquiries Page 14/159
They say that Facebook has low conversion rates but I say,” they” are the ones still using tired old
traditional sales methods in a new media environment. Getting great conversions from your Facebook
Marketing is about working that virtual room in a collaborative and friendly way. How very pleasant
new media can be!
Dana Flannery is the Creative Director at Content Marketing firm, Talk about Creative. She specializes
in Social Media Strategy and SEO Copywriting. Page 15/159
The Importance of Usability When Building a
If you are building a website, whether it will
be used to provide information for a particular
audience or advertise and/or sell particular
products and/or services, or indeed for both
of those purposes, then it is crucial that the
website is created in a way that makes it
useable for many different people.
This means ensuring that the website can be easily
accessed through many different devices and web
browsers. The importance of usability to a website
can often be underestimated, but will be explained
further throughout this article.
There is a need for speed
It is important, for example, that a website can be
loaded quickly through many different devices and
web browsers. This is because, should someone
find that a website does not load quickly, they are
likely to lose patience with that website and instead
try loading a different one. This can obviously cost the owner of the slow-loading website valuable hits
and/or sales, and so can prove a surprisingly crucial factor in the success of that website. You should
particularly consider that the average website user will not wait longer than 6-7 seconds for a page to
load; hence, there is little point in having a high quality website if it cannot be loaded sufficiently
For this reason, you should try your best to avoid having any files, like images, on your website which
are large in size and therefore may take a long time to load. While you might be tempted, for example,
to use elaborate background images which will make your website look prettier, you need to consider
that not everyone who attempts to access your website will have a very fast computer or Internet
connection which can help them to load such images quickly. Furthermore, many people who have high
speed Internet will expect website pages to load almost instantly; hence, you should endeavor to
optimize all of your website files to have the smallest possible size without sacrificing their quality.
Keep things simple to make things easy
Furthermore, once visitors have successfully loaded a website, it is crucial that they are not left
confused about what the website has to offer. You should remember that your website design should
ideally cater equally for both people seeking brief information and people seeking more detailed
information, and that any confusion experienced by any of these people could tempt them into
abandoning the website to peruse another one. What you actually want to lead these people to do is
use your website to quickly find the information that they want and then take a positive action –
whether that involves taking up advice detailed on your website or purchasing any products and/or
services that your website advertises.
Hence, when developing a website it is crucial to consider how it will be navigated by its visitors. For all
visitors, but especially first time visitors, you should endeavor to make navigation straightforward and
consistent. Make sure that no part of the website is any further than three clicks away. Though there
are many different advanced ways in which you can design a website, there is little point in drawing on
many of these if they render the website difficult to use. Ultimately, you would be better off sticking to
a simple website design if it makes the website easier to use, as this should also make it more
successful. Page 16/159
It is also important to keep the website’s structure simple. The extent to which you achieve this will
largely define how easy the website is to navigate, which can make or break its appeal among
inexperienced and impatient web surfers. Even if your website has a hundred pages, there are still
ways in which you can maintain the simplicity of its structure – for example, through using expandable
tree menus that clearly show where in the network of the website’s pages the user currently is and
what pages the user has already viewed and clicked through.
The importance of uniformity
You should consider that many Internet users have become accustomed to very particular designs in
the websites that they visit. Hence, it would be wise to adhere to one of these designs for your own
website in order to discourage confusion in its visitors. Staples of many website designs include the
logo of the organization which owns the website in the top left corner of every page, which often
incorporates a link back to the website’s home page; a navigation bar in the same part of each page;
links in the footer to pages dedicated to the website’s privacy policy and terms of use; and an ‘About
us’ section or page which reveals more about the organization which owns the website.
Furthermore, whatever design is chosen for the website, it should remain consistent throughout all of
that website’s pages. This should help to discourage confusion in the website’s visitors and could also
extend even to error pages. These pages are the type which typically appears when a broken or invalid
link is clicked, and any error pages you create should include information on what may have led to the
error. However, bug prevention is always better than cure concerning the usability of a website. Indeed,
if visitors to your website routinely experience a significant number of bugs, this is likely to damage
your website’s reputation over time.
The importance of website usability in a nutshell
What you ultimately want to provide with a website is a pleasant experience for visitors which makes it
easy for them to promptly find precisely what they are looking for. This is crucial for the success of
your website, as it will help it attract an increasing number of visitors and, if you are using the website
to advertise or sell particular products and/or services, encourage higher sales of those products
and/or services. As word of mouth spreads about the high quality of your website, the website’s visitor
numbers and hence success should further increase. Page 17/159
Popular Keyword Suggestion Tools
Do you want to incorporate the most popular
SEO strategies into your website? Would you
like to transform your new pay-per-click idea
into a successful one? If yes, then this could
just be the turning point in your online
marketing career.
However, getting your website, blogs, videos, and
social media posts to the top of the search engines
requires ingenious SEO efforts; effective keyword
implementation certainly tops the list. Whether you
want to check the frequency of industry-friendly
keywords you have chosen already or wish to find a
set of keywords, you should use keyword
suggestion tools.
The keywords and long tail search phrases
recommended by the keyword suggestion tool
would invariably go a long way in optimizing your
website to the standards of major search engines
including Google, Yahoo and Bing. Let’s take a
sneak peak at the top 5 keyword suggestion tools
available today.
iWebTools Keyword Suggestion
Just type in a keyword and this tool will display a list of the most frequently searched keywords
matching it. The keywords are extracted from the most frequently searched terms on Google, Yahoo
and MSN. So this tool should give you a fair estimate of the keywords pertaining to your niche.
Hit Tail Keyword Suggestion
To start off with, you need to put a keyword code on your website. This is to track search engine traffic
and get a list of the prominent suggestions generated in Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines.
Overture Keyword Selector Tool
If you want to track keyword footprints on Yahoo then this should be the right tool for you. The best
part is that it displays all the search terms and phrases entered by Yahoo users but the worst part is, it
doesn’t include the search results of the Big ‘G’ (Google) and MSN. Overture displays the exact number
of times a keyword was searched by visitors for a particular month. So, this should be a great tool to
track Yahoo users’ activities.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool
This is one of the most descriptive tools you can ever find on the web. It displays custom-made
keywords for any country or language. Using this all-encompassing tool, you can also find the keyword
search volume, search trends, cost and position estimates and even negative keyword suggestions.
However, one minor drawback of this tool is that it doesn’t display the real numbers. It gives you an
estimate of the frequency of keyword search.
SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool
This tool should be at the top of your list for a number of reasons. It is an all-inclusive keyword Page 18/159
suggestion tool that gives you the exact number of times each term has been searched by visitors. It
gives you the monthly data from top search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Besides
generating monthly data for individual search engines it also gives you the combined data of all three
search engines. What’s more, it also includes the features of Google AdWords which any SEO expert
would like to check out! There are more features, each intended to save your time. You should check
this one out!
The bottom line is, these keyword suggestion tools don’t fetch you money but inevitably help you earn
more by listing your website at the top of search engine results and attracting heaps of prospective
clients. If you want to take your online marketing campaign to the next level, then you should consider
using these keyword suggestion tools.
This article has been brought to you by MyTechHelp – a leader in providing support across various
product brands and tech devices for individuals and small businesses in need of instant tech help. Click
here Page 19/159
7 Secrets of Successful Link-building
List building is the official way of converting
all the web traffic in to a profound business. It
is just about making the right decision at the
right time. It is no doubt today of crucial need
for the best internet marketing strategies.
It is an integral part of all the internet marketing
strategies set up by experts.
Link building has three main components, namely:
Hard word
Inventiveness and originality
More than just making a website, no doubt running
it is a much harder job. Keeping it updated,
interacting with your visitors and looking over
broken links and webpages becomes really hectic.
Getting fame and popularity for your site also
becomes essential and according to the Internet
marketing strategies, link building is the easiest
and most convenient way of gaining attention.
It is basically your link being displayed on other websites so that by just one click the viewers are
directed towards your website’s home page. Your website’s link is mentioned under a specific category
or directory, in this way only specific web traffic is directed your way. The audience basically visiting
you has an interest in the product that you offer and work becomes easier for you.
Below are a few pointers on constructing a successful link-building
The secret of squeeze pages
As your customers are directed towards your website from any other link built on another website, it is
thereof your responsibility to cater them. A squeeze page seems the most convenient to showcase a
professional sense to the customers. Don’t add in too much in it. Just try to obtain the email address
of the customers, other details may be easily acquired later on. At this stage, your scoring point is to
get hold of your customer’s email addresses.
The secret of trust building
It may be said that your website was built to expand your business via the internet, yet you just can’t
let the customers feel that. If you email your customers regularly, make sure you email them about
not only about your products, new sales and arrivals, but also fill in some information about your
website itself.
It would be nice to let the customer know your boundaries and standards. All the information about
what you can get to them and what is available will be delivered to them with time.
The secret of precise talk
You're emailing should not get your customers worried nor should it get them offended. Limit the
amount of emails you send weekly or monthly and make sure you abide by it. A few useful emails may
be tolerated per month but a numerous futile emails daily may be marked as spam. Make sure you
make your email worth reading with links to your products, price range and product details mentioned. Page 20/159
The secret of evaluation
Take yourself as a critic. Make sure you go over each and every aspect of your website as a critic.
Examine each feature, representation and interaction of your website with others in order to judge
your work better.
Bring changes and modifications with time. The technology keeps on evolving by leaps and bounds. Go
for affordable advertisements rather than getting less out of your website. Get ratings; create a poll to
get answers from your visitors.
The secret of customer relationships
As easy as it might seem, when it comes to customers, it is a bit stressful to openly communicate with
them or try to get genuine advice out of them. When running a website, it is good to keep a check on
customer need and interact with them on a routine base.
This way you would hear exactly what they want. But then again, the only hard part is the interaction.
On the internet, true emotions can’t be sought out of words, so it is most likely for people to lie in
order to get rid of such a customer relation Performa. So try to have an amiable attitude and get the
best out of your customers.
The secret in the social markets
When working officially on your website, you may pass on to the customers, the links on your blog or
web page of any social website. This way your customers would know you better through social
The secret of implementation
At the end, it's just a general view of the complete situation. Everyone has an idea of all the points
listed above, yet only a few become successful. Why? Well the method of implementation differs;
hence, the quality of work does too.
Author’s bio: My name is Sonia Jackson. Welcome to my website Page 21/159
7 Ways to Get More Out Of Twitter
Every online marketer out there has heard of
Twitter. Twitter is great for marketing but it
takes a little while to understand. But if you
get the hang of it, Twitter can do miracles for
your marketing and help spread the word like
no other.
Here are some of the ways you can get more out of
1. Tweet Constantly – If you want to people to
follow you and you want a larger audience, you
want to always stay in their mind. If you stop
tweeting people will unfollow you. The trick is to
tweet the right amount without over tweeting and
annoying your followers into unfollowing. Start with
a few tweets a day and make changes accordingly.
2. Tweet Consistently – Make sure that you do
not tweet 10 times in the morning and don’t tweet
at all for the rest of the day. You want to spread out
your tweets and the best way to do that is by
using You can tweet whenever you
want to and it will save them and tweet them throughout the day.
3. Get Ideas – Use the Twitter to get ideas on what you want to blog about. Let’s be honest, if you
are a blogger, one of your biggest problems is that you constantly run out of ideas to blog about.
Follow people in your niche and see what these people are having problems with. Chances are if one
person has a problem, then other people do as well. Write a blog post that solves that problem.
4. Use Social media Monitoring Tools. Use them. Getting the top social media monitoring tools like
Hoot Suite can help save a lot of time and make your Twitter campaigns more efficient. You will be able
to gather a lot more data and have a lot more control.
5. Building relationships. Twitter is great for outreach. Tweet at someone and chances are they will
respond. Just make sure it isn’t someone who is very famous. They probably don’t have the time to
respond to everyone. Go for mid ranged bloggers and you can easily get guest post opportunities, etc.
6. Be unique. There are a lot of Twitter accounts out there and it is generally better if you stand out.
You can get a lot more followers if your account is unique. Do not stick to the basic background. Make
a custom one or one that sticks out from the rest. The same should apply to your avatar. When people
are looking through tweets, the thing that catches their eye the most is your avatar. Try different
avatars and see which picture of you is getting the best results.
7. Monitor your brand. Use Twitter to see what people are saying about your blog or business. This
is a great way to get an understanding of how people feel about you/your site. You can do this
manually or use one of the many tools out there that gather all tweets that have to do with a particular
This article is brought to you by Mark Trueman Page 22/159
5 Modern SEO Practices for Online Entrepreneurs
Keyword Content for People
If you’re trying to think of keyword content, don’t
use keywords that you would think might be the
most efficient or well rounded. Use keywords that
you could actually see real people using.
Think about when it would be most logical for your
website to come up in search results and what the
search entry would be. If your website is a large
dry cleaning chain, then a search term might be,
“Where to get clothes dry cleaned near”.
At the end of that particular term, there would
probably be a location indicator such as zip code or
city. This example works for service related
websites, but if your website offers something else,
then the keyword content would be different.
The idea here is that you need to anticipate the
search term and incorporate it effectively into your
Local SEO
In many different search terms, even the ones that don’t necessarily indicate a location, local results
will be used. Having an entry on Google Places is one of the best ways to make sure that your business
is getting exposure from local searches.
After you are listed on Google Places, you should make sure that your website’s business information is
correct on both your web page and on Google Pages.
This means that you should have consistent information. For example if your business is on 73rd street,
but you abbreviated street as St. In your Google Places entry, make sure that you abbreviate the
address on your website as well.
Unique Content
It cannot be stated enough how important having unique and original content is for your website.
It is the best way to ensure that after a website has its high page rank it maintains it. Google is smart,
if you do manage to achieve a high page by recycling the same content or using an article spinner,
Google will find out.
After Google finds out they will penalize your website and make sure that it cannot achieve a high page
rank. Google may even remove your website from their results.
It may take longer and may be harder to achieve overall, but the best way to get a high page rank and
keep it is with unique high quality content.
Create New Content Frequently
The internet is constantly changing and new things always appear. Having fresh new content frequently
added to your site is not only important for increasing your page rank but also maintaining it.
Remember that when you make new content that it is unique and original. Don’t rewrite the same
thing over and over again. All of the best SEO practices are geared towards helping users.
So before you publish a new piece of content ask yourself, “Will this content help or serve people in
some way?” Page 23/159
Website Monitoring Tools
By using Google Webmaster Tools you are able to view any communications that Google attempts to
have with your website.
The tools will allow you to figure out how many links are coming to your website from outside sources
and the keywords that are most relevant when searching for your site.
Many people keep their marketing in house while others may utilize tools like the HirePulse directory to
find the right agency for the job.
Brendan Mitchell is a contributing writer for Hire Pulse and has an extensive background in Internet
marketing. Page 24/159
Printing Mistakes you should avoid in Small
You have spent a lot of time with the
designers and finally have a great design with
matching artwork. Now it’s time for the
printing press to finish off the job.
Most of the time, the job will be done perfectly. But
sometimes, a few things can go wrong, leading to
printing mistakes that you should avoid in small
Here are some of the biggest printing mistakes that
small businesses do:
Tiny Font with a Dark Background
Beware of tiny fonts when printing on a dark
background. Go for a big font if you prefer a dark
background. If you prefer a small font, go for a
bright background.
Colors That Contrast Poorly
Some colors give disastrous results when used together. Avoid colors that won’t give good contrast
such as yellow, magenta and cyan.
Spelling Mistakes
Spelling mistakes can easily get into print if you don’t proofread carefully. If you feel challenged to
proofread, get a competent person to proofread the material before printing. Repeat this process
whenever changes are made on the material.
It is better to spend time and some money ahead of printing than to have the material printed and
then realize that it needs corrections. The loss can be substantial and if you don’t carry it out, the
results would be printed materials that don’t work as effectively as they should.
Overcrowded Print
Parts of the design can be chopped off if the design is overcrowded. To avoid parts of the design
getting out of the print area, go for quiet borders. This is a design in which borders are not defined by
color or lines. Quiet borders are defined by the space left around the printed area. The result is a
professional looking print that is inviting to the audience.
Low Resolution Images
Using low resolution images leads to poor printed materials that look cheap and amateurish. Always
ensure that the resolution of images meant for printing purposes is at least 300 pixels (ppi).
Not Getting a Hard Copy for Proofing Purposes
When you have proofed the design on the screen, you might assume it will be the same when printed. Page 25/159
However, proofing on screen is not adequate for materials meant for printing. Get a hardcopy of the
material. The hard copy will give you a good idea of what the final print will look like. Proofing a
sample copy helps you to have a complete picture of your product. This includes the overall design and
Poor Quality of Paper
The paper quality used may not be good enough. Insist on proofreading hard copy printed on the exact
paper that will be used. This will help you make the best decision about paper quality.
Too Many Font Types
A print can have too many fonts. This can easily be a turn off for your audience. It is best to go for one
or two fonts for any print.
Wrong Contact Information
Incorrect contact information can easily get into the final printed material. This can happen when
proofreading is not done. The results would be disastrous. Always be keen about the contact
information. Remember that the printed material should get customers to contact you.
It helps to look out for these printing mistakes in order to get rid of them. Are there other printing
mistakes you should avoid in small business?
Author Bio: Guest post contributed by David Kendall on behalf of – see
theiriPower host reviews. David is a freelance technology writer. He enjoys sharing his insights on
various tech blogs. Page 26/159
SEO the Porter Way
Do you know Porter’s 5 forces analysis? It
was developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard
Business School in 1979.
Everybody who has read or studying marketing
ever since, knows about this analysis and has been
reading about it. Most of the marketing people are
also using it to determine the competitive intensity
and the attractiveness of a market.
I have been studying marketing too – so I love it
But did you know you can use this model to
describe the competition of a keyword?
With this model you can get insight into how
competitive the current environment is for a
keyword? And how strong the rivalry and intensity
is for a keyword?
And maybe the most important knowledge we will
get from this is, that we can’t control everything
when we do SEO.
So if your boss asks you – When will the “coffee” keyword rank number 1 – you might tell him or her
about the uncontrollable forces.
So let us check out Porters’ 5 forces model for the keyword “coffee”.
So are you ready for some Porter?
New entrants in the coffee keyword market
A new coffee seller might show up on the
internet. They also know about SEO, and they sure
want a good ranking on keyword market for coffee.
This is really a new entrant.
You might also have had a competitor who never
really has done anything regarding SEO for many
years and suddenly they have hired an SEO guy
(maybe me). So this competitor is also new to the
keyword market for coffee.
Another company has been selling coffee for years
and has done SEO for years but suddenly they
have doublet their budget for the SEO. So they also
want a ranking (or higher ranking) for the “coffee”
This analysis is about the keyword market for
To start a business on the internet is really simple – also for business selling coffee. So you will have to
set up some barriers to make it more difficult for your competitors to outrank you.
So of course you will have to optimize your own content for the word coffee. Another great way is to
try to optimize your site for more unique, uncommon and longer tail keywords. It could be “black
coffee”, “Arabic coffee” or “hot coffee”.
Another way is to own the keyword not only for your website but on the entire internet. If you have a Page 27/159
twitter account, Facebook account you might have the rank 1, 2 and 3 for the keyword coffee. And you
might have an Pinterest account for your pictures that rank number 4. This way you can make it very
difficult for a new competitor to sell its coffee on the internet.
Coffee suppliers
The suppliers for the keyword market for “coffee” are the search engines. So Google, Bing, Yahoo are
the big suppliers for the keyword market for “coffee”. Don’t forget YouTube – this is the second largest
search engines today.
But also the social media is a supplier. Who brings in most referrals for your keyword on the internet?
Of course is properly is your biggest source for traffic. But don’t forget to check out the
other suppliers too.
And remember that Google is changing its algorithm maybe 500 times a year. Most of the algorithm
changes are really small, but sometimes – like the Panda or Penguin updates – it can really change the
ranking of the coffee market.
So if you normally rank as number 1, 2 or 3 and suddenly drops down to number 8 (or worse 11) you
have a problem.
The threat from coffee buyers
When Porter talks about the forces, he is talking about the threat of buyers. And the threat these days
are growing.
Maybe the coffee you are selling has been harvested by some underpaid children. They are almost
living like slaves. And suddenly the news is out in the social networks.
“Did you hear that this coffee company is using child slaves to harvest its coffee?” So the people will
tell their friends on Facebook and Google+ and Twitter. You will see within days that your sale is going
The social signals are also factors for the search engines like Google and Bing. Yes. If people start to
write bad reviews, making bad press releases the search engines will lower your ranking for the coffee
keyword. Positive and negative social signals affect the organic ranking.
Buyers can also click on like to local coffee business. This way they will help the local shop. And local
searches are getting more and more important these days. So be sure people like your shop too.
Coffee substitutes
This is the threat of substitutions for the coffee keyword. Are there new ways you can use the keyword
for coffee? The total market for the keyword “coffee” is not on Google. You might have to do some
alternative marketing tactics.
Do some Google Adwords? Or other PPC ads? Maybe you should try YouTube or Facebook PPCs? Maybe
search retargeting. Build up a large audience in your social networks or start an email club with special
Well you should always do this anyway right?
Imagine what happens if Google suddenly changes its algorithm and you were getting 80 percent of
your traffic from Google.
You have spent years building up backlinks to your site, and suddenly Google thinks the social network
is much more important than backlinks. Then you will have a problem right?
Like in the real world, it is a thing to have an ongoing check of your competitors. What are they doing
regarding backlinks, in the social network? Have they hired some new SEO guys?
Don’t let the competitors take the lead. Page 28/159
Coffee competition rivalry and intensity within the coffee industry
The rivalry and intensity for the coffee keyword is depending on all the above forces and your
marketing strategy and your SEO strategy.
For most industries the intensity of competitive rivalry is the major determinant for the
competitiveness of the industry.
How much money are the other companies
spending on SEO? On Google Adwords? PPC budget?
Are they working with video? Social networks? How
big are the marketing budgets? The online budget?
You can also do a keyword analysis for the keyword,
like this from Market Samurai (But you can get
analysis like this from many other companies too).
Coffee conclusion
You know the conclusion already. You can’t really
say if you are going to rank number 1 for your keyword.
You are depending on the entrants, buyers, suppliers, substitute and the rivalry and intensity within
the coffee keyword market.
The external forces are strong – so if you meet an SEO company telling you they can get you a
number one ranking for a keyword you will know now that it really is impossible to promise.
And now it’s time for my coffee.
All the best, Henrik
PS – did you read about how to use AIDA to boost your traffic? Page 29/159
Perks You Get From Winning Web Content
Does your website have winning and engaging
Why is it important to have it? These days it is very
crucial for website owners and bloggers to publish
useful, insightful, and relevant content at the sites
that they manage.
There was a time when repetitive, spammy, and
immaterial blogs and articles were passed off as
“high quality” content. The recent Google algorithm
changes allowed the search engine giant to
separate good web sites from bad ones.
Good websites are those that offer significant and
original content for their readers while bad ones are
those that rely on illegal or black-hat optimization
techniques for traffic.
Why should you strive to produce engaging web
Benefits of Substantial and Winning Web Content
Why should you bother improving or even completely revising your web content? This task is not
meant to make your life difficult as a web developer. It is meant to protect you from search engine
optimization effects that new algorithms or systems in the future might have. Here are some perks you
can get from excellent web content:
1. An opportunity to get a high page rank
Right now, Google and other search engines are giving credit to substantial and engaging web content.
This means that the more original posts you publish, the more chances of getting high traffic and
eventually high ranking for your sites.
2. Chance to establish your group’s credibility
Engaging and winning posts and articles in a website help owners build their credibility up in their
respective niches. Your target audience will deem you as the authority in that particular niche and
consider you as a trustworthy reference.
3. The opportunity to set a new trend
Do you have ideas for new web content? Why don’t you go ahead and produce them? They just might
be the next hottest trend in search optimization strategies. You’ll never know unless you try. Don’t stop
conceptualizing new content forms or improving your old content.
4. Avoid potential penalties from search engines
This is probably the best benefit you can get. Right now the search engines favor original, credible, and
high quality content over futile ones, so it is best to produce them unless you want to run the risk of
getting penalized or completely banned from the online world. You don’t want to start all over again
now do you?
Do you now comprehend why engaging and winning content is a crucial or vital element of a website?
You can’t expect to operate without producing regular, noteworthy, and reliable content that will be
appreciated by readers. So start brainstorming for new and remarkable ones right away! Page 30/159
Niña Angeli Pilapil, a bookworm by heart, is an expert in promotional products used for both marketing
and personal reasons. She is employed by Branders as their official blogger to write about topics like
custom office supplies. This dark chocolate fanatic enjoys her spare time reading books, watching
movies, and honing her blogging craft. If you want to connect with her, follow her at Page 31/159
Points To Consider While Designing a User-
Friendly Website
It is extremely important for contemporary
businesses to have a strong online presence.
The sheer volume of prospective customers with
access to the web is growing by leaps and bounds
over the passage of time, making it practically
imperative for companies to build strong and
informative websites, to retain contact with clients
at all times.
The presence of secure websites is all the more
necessary if your firm specializes exclusively in
online transactions.
In what follows, you will be provided with a few
pointers that can go a long way in making your
business website more powerful and effective. Click
here to find more information on this regards.
Choose a structured layout – There are several
alternative layouts that can be used on web pages.
However, it is advisable for you to stick to the most
common ones that are seen online. The layout that
you select must lend your site an uncluttered, easy-to-navigate feel. A systematically developed
website also ensures that visitors can find the information they need quickly and with ease.
Selecting the font for web content – While browsing on the web, people tend to be rather
impatient in nature. Hence, it is critical for a website to be user-friendly enough to retain the users’
attention for an extended span of time. Choose a font for your site that would be present on the
systems of maximum users (Ariel, Times New Roman or Verdana serve fine in this regard). The font
size and color should also be chosen appropriately.
Presence of animations and flash banners – It is important for your site to have a small loading
time. Typically, multimedia flash content takes greater time to load on a server than a plain, text-based
web page. Hence, you need to determine the amount and the number of multimedia advertisements
that should be present on your site. Always keep in mind that, it is the information content, and not
the advertisements, that will drive traffic to your site.
Use of pop-up advertisements – Users from all over the world would agree on the fact that websites
with many pop-ups are irritating and rather inconvenient. Stay away from the notion that a large
number of pop-up ads will actually make your site more interactive in nature. Far from doing so, that
can actually drive people away from your site. A single pop-up might work well, along with one pop-
under page (if necessary).
Putting hyperlinks on your pages – Help your visitors to easily locate the hyperlinks that you place
in your webpage content. The conventional practice on this count is to put the text that is to be
hyperlinked in blue, and underlining the same. That way, it would stand out from the rest of the
content and make people aware of the presence of hyperlinks.
Linking to the Home Page – Ideally, each and every page of your website should have a link to
return to the home page. This makes your site much easier to navigate (rather than making users use
the ‘back’ button far too often).
Compressing images –Image files that are too large in size will automatically slow down your site.
Thus, you need to compress your pictures to sizes that would be optimal for web users. Fortunately,
there are a number of online graphic editors which you can use for this purpose.
Content quality – In order to gain in reputation and popularity over the long-run, you need to make
sure that the content that is published on your website is of the best quality. The write-ups have to be Page 32/159
informative, structured and crisp. Ideally, each of the pages should dwell with discrete topics or issues.
Of course, avoiding basic spelling and grammatical errors is of the primary essence.
There are multiple other tips that you should follow while creating your own website. Close adherence
to all such web designing guidelines can make your site really popular among users.
Contributed by Kenneth Parkar, the official instruction about how to design or develop your website. Page 33/159
5 Innovative Tips to Brand Your Business on
Twitter is being used by many companies for
business – to do market research, for brand
advocacy and sometimes reputation
management. Twitter allows them to expand
their brand and generate new opportunities.
Apart from that to enhance your company’s
branding on social platform like Twitter, you got to
empower all your employees to be a part of
company’s brand online.
You mustn’t force your employees; instead you
must provide them such tools, which will encourage
them to become a part of your brand online.
But to be more innovative, here are 5 useful tips to
brand your business on Twitter:
#1: Expand Your Network
Since you are using Twitter, you can learn valuable
information from scanning tweets from influencers
and fellow members. Also try the advanced Twitter search for related keywords to your products or
services and then follow the influential users.
Moreover, your customers will perceive you as an approachable social personality.
#2: Template Background for Employees
Another major branding factor within the Twitter experience is profile background. As profile
backgrounds are the largest piece of visual real estate that you have to share with others.
Since many businesses have a custom Twitter background for their business profiles, you can go a step
further by offering your employees a custom company template for use on their Twitter backgrounds.
By creating a Twitter background template, you can offer it to all your employees and provide them
with simple instruction on customizing the template and uploading them it on their twitter accounts.
#3: Consistent Profile Images
In a twitter stream profile images are major branding opportunity.
At the same time, there are many people who do not like their own pictures. It’s a high time, now you
can take this opportunity, and have someone in your company as a freelancer photographer to take the
new profile pictures of current and new employees.
When you do this, you got to make sure that the photographs are taken in the same style and position.
In addition to it, you can use some background, as it will represent your company in some ways.
This background will be as simple as the wall of your office as one company color. Your main aim here
is creating a consistent profile image across the country.
#4: Use Custom URL Shortener
Twitter is all about sharing great content. Take advantage of this by making your own URL shortener to Page 34/159
help brand your company as people share your links.
You can do this pretty simply by purchasing a short domain name and connecting it to Bitly Pro.
#5: Keep The Salesmanship Down
Though networking and community building are the two prime jobs of social media, it is okay to
prepare in some relevant service news. You can announce your offers and discounts in a clear concise
manner but be tactful in how you do it.
On the whole, if you put these ideas into action, it will definitely benefit you a lot.
Sourav Saha is the Web Consultant at Webaholic. He blogs about latest SEO trends, Social Media Tips
and Updates @Blogaholic. Page 35/159
10 Dos and Don’ts of Blogging for Your Business
Successful and effective blogging does not
happen overnight or by luck. In fact, seasoned
bloggers work hard and constantly learn more
about the craft. These basic Dos and Don’ts
are a stepping stone for making a successful
business blog.
Do spread the word offline about your blog. If you
want a successful blog, you must make it a priority.
Don’t be ashamed of what you’re doing online.
Spread the word around the office, to customers
and to your family.
Don’t have music automatically playing in the
background. While this may have been cool in the
early days of the Internet, it’s simply a hassle now.
Music playing in the background will simply distract,
and possibly aggravate, your visitors.
Do post regularly. Make a posting schedule and
stick to it. Your blog needs consistent fresh content.
When visitors know you post often, they are more
likely to visit again and again.
Don’t fill your website with ads. You are a business. The goal of your website is to drive people to your
business, not to advertise other products and services. Focus your energy on great content, not
generating money from third-party advertisements.
Do create a relationship with other blogs in your niche. As a business blog, connect with other
businesses in your area. You can start building this business relationship through commenting on other
business blogs. Not only does it help build relationships, but it also helps your blog because it gets
your name out there even more.
Don’t post irrelevant, fluffy material. When you spend time creating a blog post, make it count.
Posting for the sake of posting does not help your readership, and doesn’t help you either. If you can’t
come up with three quality posts a week, that’s okay. Only post once a week. Make every post count.
Do share your blog through your social media websites. It’s okay if you do not have a social media
plan for your business. But if nothing else, you should have a personal account. If you do, make sure
to share links to your blog through social media. Encourage your family, friends and coworkers do the
same. The more people that share, the greater chances you have of more visitors.
Don’t use spammy, questionable methods to get visitors. There are plenty of black hat marketing
methods that you may come across during your study of successful business blogging. However, steer
far away from these methods. You may get more visitors at first, but the end result could give your
business a bad name and even get you banned from search engines.
Do build a relationship with your readers. Engage with your readers through the comments section. If
someone comments with a question, promptly respond. This is all a part of customer service and public
relations. Work hard and keep visitors and customers happy.
Don’t get discouraged. You may not see overnight success from your business blog, but keep at it.
With a bit of hard work, you can make this tool a huge asset for your business.
Chelsei Henderson enjoys blogging about and helping others with website building when not building
websites herself. Check out Webeden to learn how build your own website and become successful
online. Page 36/159
Importance of Setting up Google Places
With more and more people using the Internet
to buy or sell a product or service, Google
Places has become the better alternative to
the Yellow Pages.
It is also called referred to as Google Maps and is
actually an extension of Google Search. Google
Places is a very convenient tool for sellers and
buyers and it is completely free to use.
If you operate a local business and you want to
increase your sales, it is recommended that you get
your company listed in it.
The Farmer Update in 2011 gave local businesses
the opportunity to get to the top of the Google
search page results. That is, if they know how to
effectively use Google Places.
What this means is that there are certain things
that you must do in order to land at the top spot of
Google searches using Google places, and these are:
Account Set Up – The first thing you need to do is set up an account in Google Places. It is free and
easy to do but it must be complete. An important step in getting to the top of the searches is
completing your information and using the right keywords. Supply complete and correct information on
your Name, Address, contact details, email and website addresses, and also provide an accurate
description of your business. Fill out as many fields as possible. You can also supply videos and photos
of your business. This will add style to your business and give readers more information about it.
Supply a citation – This is simply a reference of your business from another website. The citation must
be identical to the precise match of your Google Places listing.
Check the accuracy of all your citations – This includes names, addresses, phone numbers and so forth.
Even if your company is listed, incorrect information will affect its ranking adversely.
Get your company listed – To get the best citations, you need to get listed on Yahoo, Insiderpages,
Angie’s List, Superpages and other search sites. Google will be able to get more information about your
company from these sites.
Create additional local links – This means building up additional local links that refer to your business
name, URL, phone number and business address. Like the usual SEO methods, you can indicate them
in social media networks and postings. However, it would be more advantageous if you will source
them from other business websites, directories and bloggers since they function as a form of review.
Regularly update your Google Places page – This can be accomplished by simply modifying the main
areas of your page, as often as possible. It is not necessary to edit the videos or the images but
maybe just editing the description. Doing these things can impact your ranking, in a positive way.
Get as many reviews as you can – These reviews play a major role in increasing your ranking and
driving your listing upward. So get as many reviews as possible, from different websites. You can
encourage other sites to do this by also offering to exchange reviews of their business as well.
This article was written by Ricky Joyner – Owner of Page 37/159
Incredibly simple tips to get Free Traffic to your
All the webmasters are putting their efforts
only for one simple thing: traffic. Building
traffic is the most challenging task for a
website owner.
At the same time, this is the most precious wealth
for an online business.
More traffic means more conversion and this
leads to the generation of more revenues.
Traffic building strategies may be divided into paid
and free strategies respectively.
According to online marketing SEO experts, free
traffic building strategies can be classified into
three phases: bringing traffic to a new website,
enhancing traffic funnel and maintaining the influx
of traffic to an old website and continuous
generation of revenues. Here, you’ll learn the
effective strategies into these separate categories.
# Bringing traffic to a brand new website: primary strategies
* Optimizing the contents:
Today, keyword optimization concept has become different. Older concepts don’t work anymore.
Nowadays, you have to produce high quality content based on the topic, not the keyword. You
have to optimize the title and metadata for better search engine responses. This step refers to a term:
on page optimization.
* Directory submission, press release, article marketing:
Once the website is ready and optimized for search engine listings, you have to submit the website
URLs, site maps in different search engines and directories. Submission of press releases, articles will
definitely help your website rank in the search engines against certain keywords. Finally, your brand
new website will start getting some organic visitors gradually.
# Increasing the amount of traffic gradually
* Forum posting, blog commenting and connecting with your visitors:
You have to concentrate on building relationships with your visitors and potential clients through your
website. You must ensure the quality and credibility of the information published on your website. You
have to leave URLs and links on the related forums and discussion threads. You can also interchange
the links with blogs and website in the relevant category. This will create a funnel of visitors
within the strong network. Be responsive to your readers; encourage them about commenting and
leaving feedback.
* Adapting popular social media platforms for your website:
Nowadays, social media websites, bookmarking sites and community-sharing sites have become the
most credible source of traffic. These websites don’t only get you instant traffic, but they also help
your website to increase credibility and authority rank. You have to prepare your site for these
social websites and platforms. Fortunately, there are many plug-ins and software to make things easier Page 38/159
for the webmasters. You should also maintain the relationship with your visitors on these platforms.
# Maintaining the influx of traffic: keeping the volume constant
* Viral marketing, video marketing, regular submission of articles and press releases:
Maintaining the amount of traffic to your site is the biggest challenge faced by the webmasters. This
requires long-term marketing strategies. Viral social marketing, video marketing in the leading
platforms like,, and regular press release and article
submission help the sites to retain the amount of visitors consistently. The strategy is similar to the
primary tactic, but you have to plan your strategy properly. Following these steps also helps you
increase the amount of traffic to your website.
* Distribute free stuff and build a subscriber list:
You must make your visitors feel special and enticed with something very useful. Build an email or
subscriber list by giving away free reports, eBooks and many other things. This will definitely
retain the loyal visitors to your site. At the same time, spontaneous social sharing also helps the
number of subscribers grow. Building a list is a very effective way to generate revenue.
* Use offline promotion methods, let people talk on your platform:
Offline methods are always neglected by many webmasters. This is definitely one of the powerful
methods of growing local traffic and gets potential customers from local market. You should follow the
traditional offline marketing strategies and keep the funnel of visitors intact. Besides, you should
create a forum or blogging platform where your visitors can interconnect between each
other. This also helps your visitors grow beyond.
Many webmasters often complain that the free-traffic building strategies don’t work effectively. They
are always oriented towards paid marketing and advertising strategies. But free techniques can
definitely help your visitors grow if used properly. There are numerous other methods, some of
which are rarely practiced by the webmasters; learning and implementing them will definitely help you
enhance the traffic amazingly.
Author Bio: Rahul Makhija has been in the internet marketing industry for more than 6 years. For more
information you can visit DC Web Design. He is an expert on SEO & PPC tactics and in his free times
likes to read and understand about human behavior. Page 39/159
Making the Choice between Web-Popularity and
SEO friendly Graphics
Graphics consume almost 50% space on a
web page and Google reads them carefully to
gather important information about your
From the resolution and format to image ALT tags,
everything plays an important role in the ranking of
a website.
Now, while it is known that small resolution
graphics load faster and that keyword-rich ALT tags
are easily readable, there is some dispute between
“popular on web” and “SEO-friendly” graphics.
Most browsers and OSes will support most graphic
formats; however, not all formats will be conducive
to your website’s bandwidth allocation, loading time,
or suit your business objective.
There are mainly 5 types of graphic formats that
are highly popular on the web, and all of them have
their benefits and disadvantages as far as SEO is
JPEG- It’s the most widely used image format and is supported by all popular operating systems,
which is highly beneficial from the SEO perspective. However, unlike GIF, JPEG cannot be animated and
its excellent resolution may make graphics heavier.
If your requirement is a cross-OS compatible graphics to use in small numbers on your website, JPEG
is the best choice for SEO-friendly images.
GIF- It’s the ideal image format for logos and animations, the latter of which can be done without any
coding so viewers can watch it directly from a browser without any third party plug-in. However, GIF
supports only 256 colors and lacks the high-quality appeal of JPEG.
So, if your site requires high-gloss quality images, their purpose being to retain attention, do not use
GIF. However, if you want animation effects without the burden of a heavy Flash file, use GIF.
BMP- It’s a popular image format for Windows users, but is not SEO-friendly. Also Bitmap images use
up lots of bandwidth that make a site slower.
TIFF- It offers excellent resolution and clarity but is extremely heavy, eat server space and more
importantly, can reduce the page loading time. Mac users prefer this format for its richness, but if
SERP ranking is more important to you, then avoid it.
PNG- The best quality of PNG is that it’s lossless. Even compressed, an image remains high-quality
despite becoming lightweight. However, PNG is not advisable for graphic design because it is not
supported by all web browsers.
Generally, most designers will use JPEG and JIF formats because of their attractiveness, support from Page 40/159
multiple-OS and browsers and faster load time.
Author Bio – Hema Gupta a content analyst and marketer at WebGuru Infosystems provides
information about image formats to help designers to design SEO-friendly graphics. Page 41/159
Twitter Marketing for Beginners
In recent years, online tools such as Twitter
and Facebook have made social media
marketing more progressive and popular.
Twitter has allowed businesses to create a
professional presence online and the ability to
interact with potential/existing customers through
much more immediate means. Businesses are now
afforded the luxury of knowing what their followers
(customers) are doing at any given moment, and
vice versa. This real time data sharing creates not
only up-to-date business profiles but also
immediate and current sharing of ideas and
Twitter is all about relationships
Twitter is all about relationships, and in this respect
the same can be true for marketing. The simple fact
when it comes to marketing is that relationships are
vital. Connections drive marketing – the more
connections you have the more marketing potential you have. Twitter has thus become one of the
leading social media marketing choices as it allows for the creation of literally thousands of followers
(25 million and counting if you are Lady Gaga!).
Twitter’s unique aspect of being able to follow people and being followed in turn means that very
quickly a business can amass a giant list of potential customers and professional relationships. A user
does not have to request in most cases who to follow and whereas Facebook limits the amount of
connections you can have, twitter only limits the amount you can follow, not who can follow you, so
essentially the sphere of influence/networks is endless.
Twitter allows businesses to promote and market their products or themselves, at an individual level.
One commentator likened Twitter to that of a giant dinner party, wherein lots of conversations are
occurring. One can easily join in or start a new one where in turn others can join in. This is different to
Blogs, which were likened more to crowd talking, and Facebook, which was simply viewed as no more
than private conversations. Twitters’ benefit is its ability to share information amongst a lot of people
easily and openly.
Twitter and B2B
Twitter is one of the leading social media marketing choices for B2B due to viral marketing benefits.
Viral marketing is a core B2B social media application for a product or service recognition and
development of leads. According to Irbtrax SEO Social Media Marketing Optimization founder Scott
Moir – “It can’t be emphasized enough. When used effectively the viral marketing benefits of Twitter
make it an extremely valuable platform for any business that depends on the Internet for its
Well written, newsworthy, enticing tweets can take on the characteristics of a successful online press
release. News and information can be spread almost instantaneously; far quicker than emails or blog.
Information can spread from New York to London to Tokyo in a matter of seconds. Ultimately viral
marketing can lead to brand enhancement, content sharing and traffic generation for your company.
Research tool
As a market research tool, Twitter is also excellent. With many built in features, as well as external
systems such as Buffer and TweetDeck, which can efficiently monitor information related to their Page 42/159
industry specific trends. Through careful research, one can gain an insight into the people who use
Twitter, more specifically your followers at an individual level. Who are they as people? What is their
likes and dislike? Etc. The information gathered through this research is invaluable when it comes to
putting together pitches and building industry relationships.
Elsewhere, one can monitor your competitor’s twitter accounts to research their online strategy – What
are they doing differently to you? What are you doing different to them? Much of this research is
conducted through analyzing what can only be described as ‘peripheral connections’. What this means
is if you want to market your company you find someone on twitter that is doing the same thing as you
with a similar message or item and look to their followers. They are following this person for a reason.
Find the reason, exploit and entice these followers to follow you.
Boost your traffic
Twitter can also be used as a mean to boost and promote a business’s other site also. One can use
Twitter to promote your social bookmarking submissions or get your followers to vote up submissions
through Digg, Delicious etc. In this respect, this reciprocal aspect of twitter is unique. By helping one
another, you are able to get a feel for who uses these sites i.e. Digg, and this serves in turn as a
fantastic promotional tool. What is more, this sharing of help and ideas provides an invaluable source
pool of ideas for blogs. One can pick up other posts and expand on them or garner ideas from
conservation or new authors.
Trust and value are often the core principle behind following one another on Twitter, and this has to be
achieved most of the time through the personal approach. Businesses should not be afraid to conduct
small talk with their followers and indeed competitors (of course remaining professional when doing
so) . The problem however is often trying to be too corporate which creates a boring twitter account.
To have tens of thousands of followers on Twitter is impressive but often these are simply the results of
popularity (in the case of a celebrity), long established brands or harvesting software. It is very
unlikely that these are honest relationships with which you can market too. Honest relationships more
than nominal ones which are critical to long term marketing and business.
Simplicity of use
Much of twitter’s success stems ultimately from its simplicity of use. Users of Twitter do not have to
look after and manage a wealth of information or details unlike other social media sites, and so their
ability to use Twitter is much more organized. In turn, Twitter users have related that this has made
their Twitter account ‘more fun’ to use than say on Facebook or Myspace. But there is also a flexibility
to Twitter which is lacking elsewhere. Twitter in terms of a communication/marketing tool is one that
can essentially be accessed anywhere and by a wide ranging audience. Twitter also requires minimal
resources meaning it can be accessed from any device which has the internet or a viable ISP. This is
significant for businesses that have a technologically diverse target audience.
In short, the benefits Twitter Marketing can bring a business are:
 Real-time content
 Immediate data share
 Brand enhancement
 Traffic generation
 Customer demographic improvements
 Increased customer loyalty
 Alternative Market Research
About the Author – Ian Garstang works at Kingsland Linassi, an award winning, Top 100
UK creative design agency and property marketing company, working on such projects as Zemi
Beach luxury Caribbean condos. Ian enjoys luxury travel, good design and writing. Page 43/159
Social Media Addiction
The most remarkable development through
the last decade is considered to be different
social media networking platforms as MySpace,
Facebook, Twitter and Google+1.
Among the list of concerns in the life of modern
man are how to get Twitter followers or get
Facebook fans. These are vital issues today.
These platforms meant for individuals, groups and
communities with common interests to stay more
“connected” and share mutual interests.
Actually, social media platforms have entered lives
of all people and hardly anyone can imagine their
life without them. And, yes, the thing is that social media very often appear to be quite useful.
They help us to stay connected; they help to get and spread new information more easily, faster and
usefully, stay in touch with people we like, and so on. There are many pluses and it is difficult
to innumerate all of them. But along with so many advantages there also exist a series of
disadvantages which all the users should be aware of and try to avoid.
Today I want to focus my attention on the most “important” minus of social media and it is
Let us see. Internet addiction and particularly social media addiction are recognized by psychologists
as psychological disorders. There have been and still are being carried out a number of studies
referring to the expansion of Internet addiction. It is mainly observed among the users of social media
networking platforms, especially Facebook. The reason for addiction is that users do not want to miss
anything on their account or page, be it a status update, post, tweet, a photo or video. According to
survey more than 350 users are suffering from Facebook addiction and this number is increasing. Here
are some signs of social media addiction.
If you continually check your Facebook or Twitter updates regardless of time and place. You do not
enjoy your time and spend it upgrading your statuses and tweeting about every little thing happening
to you and around you. Be sure you are addicted.
If you feel anxious and discomfort when you are not online, it also signals out that you are addicted.
Many addicted people have a feeling of loneliness and depression. If you feel the same you had better
find an Internet rehab center.
Another symptom of addiction is the list of your friends. If you do not know most of your friends but
add them to create an impression that you are well connected and have many acquaintances, then you
are addicted.
Roman Sahakov is the founder and CEO of Frozzo, marketer, father, husband and great personality.
Being an enthusiast and explorer in Social Media Marketing he lives and runs his company in London.
He explores the world of Social Media Marketing and shares his new ideas and knowledge with the
world. Page 44/159
How to Do Keyword Research
I want to show you this awesome Infographic
about how you can do your keyword research.
Click on the image to see it larger
It’s made by the folks at Promodo. You will get a
better understanding that every one of your pages
has its owns keyword to target.
Enjoy it
Henrik Page 45/159
How to Start a Digital Customer Strategy for
Long long time ago – well 5 or 10 years ago –
companies tried to make a difference based on
the products they made for their customers.
The old fashion value chain model was great.
It would give us the ability to find ways to cut
the costs of producing a product.
But now you can go online and check the prices for
a product within seconds. And if you have a physical
shop or even a web shop I will bet that somewhere
on the web there is a shop who will sell your
product cheaper than you.
There are a lot of websites where you are checking
prices and you can find the cheapest one in 5
seconds right? Maybe you are setting up the prices
based on your costs. But what if a web shop is
setting their prices based on the lifetime value of a
customer. In this case they can push their sales
prices back maybe 5 or 10 percent.
So you might find that you can go to your local
store and get an item for 25 dollars and you can go online see buy the precise same product for 10
dollars. So why should you get 15 dollars more in the local shop. Well this is all old news – I know.
So how do you make a different? How do you show the customer that they will have to buy the
product in your shop? What kind of value are you giving to your customers? Companies these days
need to find new ways to make a different.
Connecting devices
The shift from producing and selling your products locally to the role of delivering the best value for
the customer is driving – among other things – by the connecting devices.
The computer power of a Smartphone these days are bigger than the computer power used by NASA
to put a man on the moon.
So as a company we will have to use these new devices to boost our business.
And it’s not just the mobile phones. It’s also tablet computers and notebooks. The devices are all
making it easier for the customers to find products and services online. To compare the products. We
don’t go online once a week to check out a shop or products, we are always online. We are getting
hints from our friends. We check the reviews.
And this amazing new approach really opens up a brand new world for us marketing people right? We
will have to create the right Digital Strategy – to show our customers that they have to put the product
on our website. Even though we might not be the cheapest one, we could bring the highest value.
So instead of having your focus on the costs of producing a product, we should now have the focus on
delivering the best value to the customers. We need to pay attention to people using multiple social
networks, multiple devices, always online.
We need to develop a “Digital Customer Strategy”
4 step Digital Customer Strategy
So let me show you this 4 step guide for starting this digital customer strategy. Page 46/159
1) Mission and value of your company and brand
You need to be in compliance with your mission and value. You can’t have a luxury brand offline and a
cheap product online right?
A digital online customer should have the same feel of the company online and offline. And the value
should be shown in every marketing channel.
2) The Intended digital experience
Describe how you want to interact with your customers need. Don’t talk about IT or HTML.
In plain text write down, how you want to help the customer gathering information about the same
kind of product as yours?
What kind of information should be provided to the customer before buying your product? What about
after sale information?
How do you want to engage your customers? Remember your customers are online 24/7.
3) Activities and processes that support the intended digital experience
Now you will have to talk about IT and HTML. How can you deliver the intended digital experience and
give your customers more value?
Do you your customer to get a white paper about the topic or product? Do you want the customer to
be able to compare products? Do you want the customer to get links to product reviews? Do you have
an email club? What about the social media?
How do you want to keep touch with your customer 24/7?
4) Digital channel investments
Now you know your mission and brand value, you know what kind of digital experience you want to
give your customers to give them extra value right?
And you also know which activities and processes you need to support the digital experience. So now
you have to invest in your activities and processes.
With your clear strategy in place, your company can now make the decisions about the website, so
they will have the most impact on their businesses instead of just following a me-too strategy.
Free eBooks…
Remember to grab the 3 free eBooks here at SeoCustomer all about SEO, SEM, Social Media Traffic
and Link Building.
And join the conversation in our brand new SeoCustomer Group on LinkedIn.
Have a great day out there.
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  • 1. Page 1/159 The Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q4 SEO, SEM, Social Media Traffic and Link Building
  • 2. Page 2/159 Welcome to my “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q4 .........................................................4 How Graphic Designers Can Create Captivating Book Covers? ..................................................5 Finding the Right Keywords as an SEO Specialist ....................................................................7 What Should Be Your Corporate Twitter?.............................................................................. 10 Facebook Marketing – Five tips for better sales conversions on Facebook................................. 12 The Importance of Usability When Building a Website ........................................................... 15 Popular Keyword Suggestion Tools ...................................................................................... 17 7 Secrets of Successful Link-building................................................................................... 19 7 Ways to Get More Out Of Twitter...................................................................................... 21 5 Modern SEO Practices for Online Entrepreneurs ................................................................. 22 Printing Mistakes you should avoid in Small Business ............................................................ 24 SEO the Porter Way .......................................................................................................... 26 Perks You Get From Winning Web Content ........................................................................... 29 Points To Consider While Designing a User-Friendly Website................................................... 31 5 Innovative Tips to Brand Your Business on Twitter.............................................................. 33 10 Dos and Don’ts of Blogging for Your Business .................................................................. 35 Importance of Setting up Google Places Correctly................................................................. 36 Incredibly simple tips to get Free Traffic to your website........................................................ 37 Making the Choice between Web-Popularity and SEO friendly Graphics.................................... 39 Twitter Marketing for Beginners.......................................................................................... 41 Social Media Addiction....................................................................................................... 43 How to Do Keyword Research............................................................................................. 44 How to Start a Digital Customer Strategy for Websites .......................................................... 45 Top SEO Practices for Mobile Websites................................................................................. 47 Getting B2B leads from Google Analytic and Boost Your Sale Now........................................... 49 The Top Three Free WordPress Plugins to Increase Social Media Traffic .................................... 53 Business Strategies to Boost your Online Business Now......................................................... 55 3 steps to get traffic from Social Media................................................................................ 60 Latest SEO tips for your WordPress blog .............................................................................. 63 Facebook Infographic One Billion ........................................................................................ 65 Daily, Weekly and Monthly Routines with Google Adwords ..................................................... 67 How Important Is Your Facebook Status?............................................................................. 70 Successful SEO Depends on Communication ........................................................................ 71 11 Elements Your Landing Page Must Have .......................................................................... 73 5 Things an SEO Expert Won’t Tell You ................................................................................ 79 Top 5 Advanced eCommerce SEO Techniques that Works....................................................... 81 What SEO Strategy is Google Friendly? ............................................................................... 83
  • 3. Page 3/159 How local businesses can use QR codes in marketing ............................................................ 85 Is SEO Web Designing Really Responsible To Get More Traffic? ............................................... 87 Tips to Get More Traffic by Using StumbleUpon .................................................................... 89 Google’s Launches Disavow Links Tool................................................................................. 91 How to track your traffic from social media with Google Analytic ............................................ 93 How Heat Maps Can Contribute To the Site’s Usability ......................................................... 100 Social Media Cheat Sheet (Infographic) ............................................................................. 102 What you can do at Pinterest ........................................................................................... 103 7 Great Remarketing Strategies........................................................................................ 104 Are you SEO ready for Xmas? .......................................................................................... 107 Common Social Media Mistakes to Avoid............................................................................ 110 The importance of building multiple tiers of links for your link building campaigns .................. 112 How to Own the First Page in Google ................................................................................ 114 How to Use Social Media for SEO Purposes ........................................................................ 116 Coffee and Social Media .................................................................................................. 117 Tips and Tricks to Generate Leads through Social Media ...................................................... 119 Top Big 3 Images Sharing Sites ........................................................................................ 121 Infographics about SEO SEM Link Building ......................................................................... 124 AdWords Remarketing For Driving Traffic ........................................................................... 130 How to use Slide share to Get More Website Traffic? ........................................................... 132 39 percent of search related traffic information from Google is now gone .............................. 134 What you can learn from your mother about SEO ............................................................... 136 Popular Google Analytics Analysis Tools ............................................................................. 138 SEO vs. PPC – How to know which one is right for your business? ........................................ 140 Successful Link Building: What about Link Exchanges ......................................................... 142 3 Ways to Make Your Facebook Fan Page SEO friendly......................................................... 144 Which Retargeting Strategy is Right for You? [Infographic] .................................................. 146 How Is Google Using Big Data .......................................................................................... 147 Guest Posting – Why It's Good For SEO ............................................................................. 149 Use of Author Tags for SEO.............................................................................................. 151 Legitimate Link Building with Social Media ......................................................................... 153 How Can a Company Use Big Data from Google ................................................................. 155 How to Get Dynamic Twitter Pictures................................................................................. 157
  • 4. Page 4/159 Welcome to my “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q4 This is my 5th version of the Complete SeoCustomer Guide. My hope is that I can show some tips and tricks about SEO, SEM, Social Media Traffic and Link Building. It has been a great year for SEO, Social Media Traffic and Link Building. I hope you all got the other ones  “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2011”  “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q1”  “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q2”  “Complete SeoCustomer Guide 2012 Q4” or else you can still download it at This book contains all the articles from the 4th quarter of 2012. Grab your cup of coffee - relax – sit back… go to the first article and enjoy  Remember to sign up to our new LinkedIn group and join the conversation. PS - let’s stay connected... Facebook - LinkedIn - Twitter -!/HenrikSandbergJ Google+ - As always – Love you all. Carpe Diem Henrik
  • 5. Page 5/159 How Graphic Designers Can Create Captivating Book Covers? The key to a successful book cover design is knowing what will work, and what won’t. It is true that the wrapping of a novel or a short story collection helps in its promotion. In simpler words, it acts as an effective promotional tool. Graphic designers who create amazing covers bewilder audience with their artistic prowess. Designing for a fast paced mystery, an adventure thriller or a romantic novel is not child’s play and requires sound knowledge of commercial art. Colors, graphics, texts and images need to be used with precision and meticulousness. Focus on the Theme Be it fiction or non-fiction, it centers around a concept or theme and the binding should aptly describe that concept. Yes, it is the binding that attracts a reader’s attention to a fictional piece or otherwise. Do not make the mistake of cramming the front page with too many components, illustrations and images. A professional should think of the book like a billboard that tries to attract the attention of the people passing by. Keep in mind the following aspects before you start working: The theme and the subject The genre An idea of the style or tone of the published document. The above pointers would help one to come up with creative ideas. Are you designing for a thriller? Or is it a historical account or biography? The answers to these questions will help a graphic artist in producing quality output. How Will It Look on Web Sites? The book should also look equally impressive on web pages. Therefore, consider the design aspects carefully so that it also impresses the online audience. Photos that Explain There is no need to be too real while working on the cover. Look for visuals that communicate the overall tone, style and mood of an omnibus. Pictures included should connect well with the context. The type of images you choose also depends on the subject. If it is on a spiritual topic or related to self-help, then visuals of nature would be relevant. On the other hand, a treatise on history should have historical illustrations and pictures. Author photographs should be avoided if the writer is not a renowned and celebrated personality. The Title Should be in Large Font Besides the color, images and graphics, it is the title of the novel that grabs instant attention. Therefore, it should be created using large and noticeable fonts. You can also add some special effects to the letters like like embossing to enhance the visual appeal.
  • 6. Page 6/159 Matching Artwork The artwork that you create should match with the theme and content of the text. Consider the murder mysteries of Agatha Christie. She was not an author who emphasized on the gory details. Her works are more related to the complexities of the characters and plot. However, several publishers focused more on showing blood oozing out of human mouth or knitting needles protruding from human heads. Such depictions might create sensation, but will disappoint readers who enjoy reading about intricate plots. They will stay away as the cover creates a wrong impression that the book includes excessive gruesome details. Do you have more ideas to share? Please comment. Author Bio: Swatilekha Kundu is a web content writer who currently working in Graphic Design India. The company provides innovative graphic solutions for its worldwide clients. In order to know more details about Graphic Design India, please click here.
  • 7. Page 7/159 Finding the Right Keywords as an SEO Specialist Finding the right keywords to bring in qualified traffic into a site has always been a challenge for a company. In fact, regular SEO’s often find themselves spending more time in the initial research stage of a campaign than the actual implementation. It’s imperative to spend at least a few days finding out what the client and their customers want before jumping into optimization. And in most cases, you’re going to find most clients will have no idea what keywords they want to target. It’s our (SEO’s) job to help them decide the best solution that will fit the client and their users. Meetings with Your Client More often than not SEO’s are up front and personal. In some cases they are shy and introverted. You’ll have to get your point across without sounding like a know it all that wants to change a client’s whole business plan. They’ve worked all their lives in the respective field they’re in so your best bet is to transition your ideas rather than push it on them. Here are a few question might want to ask your clients:  Tell me about your company and how you’re different from others in your field.  Who is your primary target audience?  What are your short and long term goals?  Can you come up with 20 primary and secondary keywords you think your users will search for?  Have you checked your analytics or is it even installed on your site?  What have you done so far in terms of optimization?  Who are your main competitors? I am sure you have more questions and they come up in the meeting so be prepared. Initial Keyword Research You ready? Here are the tools I use to get a detailed report for my clients and myself: SEOMoz 1. Competitive analysis a. Keyword difficulty b. Google keyword tool 2. Google traffic estimator 3. Google/Bing webmaster tools With these tools you’ll get an amazing understanding of your client without spending countless hours trying to figure what they do or what their users are like.
  • 8. Page 8/159 Google/Bing Webmaster Tools Every search engine optimization specialist has his or her own starting point. I believe starting at the roots is the guideline to a successful online marketing campaign. With Google/Bing webmaster tools you can get extremely valuable information quickly. If you’re lucky your client will have both tracking codes on their site. In some cases, even if they don’t have it installed Google might have this information for you immediately (I’ve seen it happen with some clients). Here are a couple of places to check before you get started: 1. Check the number of impressions and clicks the site has 2. Check the number of links (good and bad) the site is linked from 3. Look at crawl errors and stats 4. Do they have a sitemap submitted to Google? 5. Check index status Bing will also have something similar and you should definitely check that as well because we all know by now that Bing and Yahoo share an index for search results now. Google Keyword/Traffic Estimator Tool Google also has two tools that you should definitely consider using on every SEO campaign to get a better understanding of traffic for a particular keyword/keywords. With the keyword tool an SEO can get an estimated traffic number with suggestions as well. Simply click on the “Ad group ideas (Beta)” and you’ll get an amazing list to start off of even if your client has no idea what keywords they want to target.
  • 9. Page 9/159 Traffic estimator is similar since you get traffic numbers based on Google’s Adwords system. These numbers are for clicks you would pay for through the PPC (pay per click/impression) program Google offers. SEOMoz Now we get to the best part. SEOMoz is a professional tool and it does cost a monthly fee. However, you get more detailed and precise information to get started on your project. If you set up a campaign (5 campaigns with the pro package at $99/month) you get: • Weekly crawl and rank checking • On-page optimization recommendation • A look at what your competitors are up to • Site explorer • Keyword difficulty And many more tools to get you ahead of the game. I would have to write several articles on how each tool can help you but let’s focus on the keyword difficulty tool. Once you enter your keywords, select a search engine and region; you will get the most detailed keyword research analysis out there. Here is a list of findings you’ll get from this tool: • Keyword difficulty score • Top 10 ranking pages for SEO • Google AdWords broad/exact match You can then export the report and present it to your clients. There You Have It This is, in my opinion a good way to start a project without losing your mind or your client. I would love to hear what you think and the process you go through to start any Internet marketing campaign. Puya Turkiyan is an SEO and online marketing specialist in beautiful Vancouver, BC Canada. He is also the CEO of New Media Sources where conversion and lead generation thrives.
  • 10. Page 10/159 What Should Be Your Corporate Twitter? In our time of highly Internet technology even a small entrepreneur is committed to representing their business on the internet. The presence of a corporate site is out of the question – which organizations doesn’t have its own corporate site? But now we need not just a presence on the Internet ― it is important to have the direct communication with your customers, prompt reaction on all social unrest of your target audience and improving the image of your business in such a broad and multi-faceted Internet environment. To help in this matter come social networks that set the pace of modern social life. Proper use of social networks can significantly increase sales, increase brand awareness and monitoring of consumer desires. About advantages and necessity of representing your brand in social networks there has been said and written many articles and books, but still not many companies know how to use this tool to its full potential. This article focuses on the use of social marketing tool such as Twitter. Twitter is a relatively new tool for presenting your brand in the world of social networks, but has already gained its popularity and the number of advantages in comparison with others. It allows you to keep in touch with your followers, quickly inform them about all the new items from your business, and respond quickly to their needs and desires. Briefly speaking, Twitter can be a useful addition to any marketing campaign. Suppose you convinced the corporate account that the company needs a corporate Twitter. What’s next? Consider the major issues that arise in front a businessman and about what you should think about before you make the first steps. On whose behalf are you tweeting? In this regard there are two possible solutions. On the one hand, you can keep your account on behalf of a brand or a company and name it accordingly to them. On the other hand, you can keep your account on behalf of a private person, which is directly related to your company. Which way to choose depends on the specifics of your business and the goals you want to achieve through the corporate account on Twitter? If you represent a large international brand than brands official account can help solve such problems as the creation of visual contact between logo and brand name. It will also help you to create your “army” of loyal followers, and always refer to them at the right time for the reporting of sales and events. If you have a local or small business and your company name is not widely known you can create accounts of a private person and contact with your followers on a more informal level, but by the way informing and reminding about your company in the form such as “Today ate sushi. And by the way, in our food delivery store we have new proposition – the second set – for free.”
  • 11. Page 11/159 Avatar Choose the right picture is a very important mission because of this picture your account will be recognized in the social network. If this is the official account of the company or brand – the picture should be recognizable, clear, concise and vivid. Users should immediately recognize you in their news feed. If you decide to keep your account on behalf of an individual then as an avatar you must use a real photo. Users are much more loyal to the real people and will be more likely comment on and retweet your posts. Communication Style The style of your communication with your followers, again, depends on the specifics of your business. But don’t forget that Twitter is a social network so it doesn’t like the official and grave style. The most important thing – be friendly and interesting, do not post dry information or frank advertising because you can lose your followers. The frequency of tweets There is no specific number of tweets per day – it depends on the content. The main thing – they must be regular. Also you must mention that people often visit Twitter in the morning before work and in the evening after work. Alternate advertising, news and personal tweets. You can create a schematic release schedule, for example: morning – news, day – advertising, in the evening – an interesting story from the life or some observation. The main rule – be interesting. There are main advices before creating a corporate account in Twitter. All the rest come with experience and practice. Author bio: Joe Craven is a specialist of context advertising and social marketing of He writes articles on various topics that deal with internet marketing, branding and business promotion in the internet.
  • 12. Page 12/159 Facebook Marketing – Five tips for better sales conversions on Facebook In a way, Facebook Marketing is just like traditional sales, it’s about building relationships. But where it differs is where the real sales conversions start – forget everything you know about the competition, forget everything you know about sales and forget everything you know about your market – you need to redefine it all and then watch the sales conversions start pouring in. Social Media Marketing is about working that virtual room in a collaborative, personal and non-selly way. Not all Facebook Likes are Created Equal There are different kinds of likers on every Facebook page. Most are fairly valuable; a few are worth their weight in gold. Identifying the type of liker and using each liker to further your sales conversions is the best way to create direct sales. Tip 1: Bums on seats Facebook Likers These are the likes you get from “like exchanges”, “like ladders”, “Facebook marches”, “promote pages” and other networking pages designed to help startups. You swap likes with a bunch of other Facebook noobs and 95% of them hide your statuses before you make your first post. They’re good because they make up the numbers a take away that “new page cringe”. True or not, the perception of a new Facebook page will be that you don’t know what you’re doing, so you’ll post too much, sell too hard, and generally clog news feeds with rubbish. Bums on seats likers remove that fear. Tip 2: How to Get the Most from Chatty Cathys A Chatty Cathy won’t buy anything from you. They’re your high school friends, your mom, people in your network, complimentary businesses and Facebook likers who just enjoy hanging out on your page. They are extremely valuable if you play your cards right. Chatty Cathys make EXCELLENT brand ambassadors – especially those who are just Facebook addicts who sit on Facebook all day chatting on pages – these are worth their weight in gold. How? Well, you need to cultivate the relationship, get them talking about themselves, about Facebook, about their friends – in short, become one of their friends. While selling on Facebook is not the way to go, you should make these likers aware of why your brand is superior to competitors. When they leave your page, they go chat on other pages, like minded pages, “Find it on Facebook” leads pages, their networks, their mommy groups and their clubs. They are the ears and mouths of your business and there is no sales pitch like a trusted word of mouth sales pitch. When a sales opportunity arises, your Chatty Cathys start chatting about you – delivering nice, primed, ready-to-buy Money Likers to your page.
  • 13. Page 13/159 Tip 3: How to Treat Money Likers These are shoppers or buyers that like your page because they are planning to buy or ready to buy your product. These are GOLD – and rare. This is not the norm for Facebook – if 10% of your likers are Money Likers, you’re doing well! These arrive at the recommendation of Chatty Cathys, via Google, via Facebook searches or via your interaction on other pages in your network. To be sure you get the very most out of a Money Liker, set your landing tab to your photo tab filled with beautiful, enticing, well labeled photos (if you have a visual product) or a custom landing tab with an incentive to like and a link to your website. Ensure that your info page is filled with branded messages about why you’re the one to buy from and that they get a nice warm welcome and make it easy-peasy for them to hand over their moola. Tip 4: Facebook Networking – Where the Money is REALLY at This is where Social Networking comes in, not social media marketing. Social Networking is where the money actually comes from. Social networking is about being warm and fuzzy, it’s about interacting and chatting and commenting and liking and contributing to complimentary business pages. (If it doesn’t sound like you, don’t do it, hire someone or get the 19 year old on reception to handle it – she’ll probably be great!) Choose some nice, talented, professional networking candidates, preferably with a more established page than your own and start working the Facebook room. Everyone wants great Edgerank and a happy, interactive social page – so businesses that offer services or products that are complimentary but not in competition to your own will appreciate your 2 cents on their wall. They’ll appreciate your comments, your interaction and even “shout outs” from your page. Build a nice strong network, shout out regularly, do joint giveaways and competitions, celebrate their victories on your wall, tell your likes about their new products and watch them reciprocate. Once you build the friendship up, something amazing will happen, you’ll start to see referral business. This is where the money is really at. Let’s say you are a web designer. You network with graphic designers, copywriters, programmers, shopping cart designers etc. When your graphic designer’s client needs a website, it’s you who gets the work. When you need a copywriter for a client, you’ve got one ready to go – and when your copywriter needs a web designer for her client, she’s got you. Tip 5: Make It Easy Make it simple for people to spread the word, interact with you and buy from you. Add your website link to your company information box in the info tab so when your page is shared, there’s a link to your website. Make Facebook part of your Website Marketing plan Add Social Media buttons to your website, email, guest blogs and other internet and real world interactions. Label your products clearly and with individual names or numbers so it’s easy for likers to order. If postage costs apply, label products with domestic and international rates. Have trust building guarantees and a recommendations tab. Watch lead generating pages like Find It pages like a hawk. Run competitions and cross promotions and give valuable prizes Have a contact tab and reply promptly if there are complaints or inquiries
  • 14. Page 14/159 They say that Facebook has low conversion rates but I say,” they” are the ones still using tired old traditional sales methods in a new media environment. Getting great conversions from your Facebook Marketing is about working that virtual room in a collaborative and friendly way. How very pleasant new media can be! Dana Flannery is the Creative Director at Content Marketing firm, Talk about Creative. She specializes in Social Media Strategy and SEO Copywriting.
  • 15. Page 15/159 The Importance of Usability When Building a Website If you are building a website, whether it will be used to provide information for a particular audience or advertise and/or sell particular products and/or services, or indeed for both of those purposes, then it is crucial that the website is created in a way that makes it useable for many different people. This means ensuring that the website can be easily accessed through many different devices and web browsers. The importance of usability to a website can often be underestimated, but will be explained further throughout this article. There is a need for speed It is important, for example, that a website can be loaded quickly through many different devices and web browsers. This is because, should someone find that a website does not load quickly, they are likely to lose patience with that website and instead try loading a different one. This can obviously cost the owner of the slow-loading website valuable hits and/or sales, and so can prove a surprisingly crucial factor in the success of that website. You should particularly consider that the average website user will not wait longer than 6-7 seconds for a page to load; hence, there is little point in having a high quality website if it cannot be loaded sufficiently promptly. For this reason, you should try your best to avoid having any files, like images, on your website which are large in size and therefore may take a long time to load. While you might be tempted, for example, to use elaborate background images which will make your website look prettier, you need to consider that not everyone who attempts to access your website will have a very fast computer or Internet connection which can help them to load such images quickly. Furthermore, many people who have high speed Internet will expect website pages to load almost instantly; hence, you should endeavor to optimize all of your website files to have the smallest possible size without sacrificing their quality. Keep things simple to make things easy Furthermore, once visitors have successfully loaded a website, it is crucial that they are not left confused about what the website has to offer. You should remember that your website design should ideally cater equally for both people seeking brief information and people seeking more detailed information, and that any confusion experienced by any of these people could tempt them into abandoning the website to peruse another one. What you actually want to lead these people to do is use your website to quickly find the information that they want and then take a positive action – whether that involves taking up advice detailed on your website or purchasing any products and/or services that your website advertises. Hence, when developing a website it is crucial to consider how it will be navigated by its visitors. For all visitors, but especially first time visitors, you should endeavor to make navigation straightforward and consistent. Make sure that no part of the website is any further than three clicks away. Though there are many different advanced ways in which you can design a website, there is little point in drawing on many of these if they render the website difficult to use. Ultimately, you would be better off sticking to a simple website design if it makes the website easier to use, as this should also make it more successful.
  • 16. Page 16/159 It is also important to keep the website’s structure simple. The extent to which you achieve this will largely define how easy the website is to navigate, which can make or break its appeal among inexperienced and impatient web surfers. Even if your website has a hundred pages, there are still ways in which you can maintain the simplicity of its structure – for example, through using expandable tree menus that clearly show where in the network of the website’s pages the user currently is and what pages the user has already viewed and clicked through. The importance of uniformity You should consider that many Internet users have become accustomed to very particular designs in the websites that they visit. Hence, it would be wise to adhere to one of these designs for your own website in order to discourage confusion in its visitors. Staples of many website designs include the logo of the organization which owns the website in the top left corner of every page, which often incorporates a link back to the website’s home page; a navigation bar in the same part of each page; links in the footer to pages dedicated to the website’s privacy policy and terms of use; and an ‘About us’ section or page which reveals more about the organization which owns the website. Furthermore, whatever design is chosen for the website, it should remain consistent throughout all of that website’s pages. This should help to discourage confusion in the website’s visitors and could also extend even to error pages. These pages are the type which typically appears when a broken or invalid link is clicked, and any error pages you create should include information on what may have led to the error. However, bug prevention is always better than cure concerning the usability of a website. Indeed, if visitors to your website routinely experience a significant number of bugs, this is likely to damage your website’s reputation over time. The importance of website usability in a nutshell What you ultimately want to provide with a website is a pleasant experience for visitors which makes it easy for them to promptly find precisely what they are looking for. This is crucial for the success of your website, as it will help it attract an increasing number of visitors and, if you are using the website to advertise or sell particular products and/or services, encourage higher sales of those products and/or services. As word of mouth spreads about the high quality of your website, the website’s visitor numbers and hence success should further increase.
  • 17. Page 17/159 Popular Keyword Suggestion Tools Do you want to incorporate the most popular SEO strategies into your website? Would you like to transform your new pay-per-click idea into a successful one? If yes, then this could just be the turning point in your online marketing career. However, getting your website, blogs, videos, and social media posts to the top of the search engines requires ingenious SEO efforts; effective keyword implementation certainly tops the list. Whether you want to check the frequency of industry-friendly keywords you have chosen already or wish to find a set of keywords, you should use keyword suggestion tools. The keywords and long tail search phrases recommended by the keyword suggestion tool would invariably go a long way in optimizing your website to the standards of major search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing. Let’s take a sneak peak at the top 5 keyword suggestion tools available today. iWebTools Keyword Suggestion Just type in a keyword and this tool will display a list of the most frequently searched keywords matching it. The keywords are extracted from the most frequently searched terms on Google, Yahoo and MSN. So this tool should give you a fair estimate of the keywords pertaining to your niche. Hit Tail Keyword Suggestion To start off with, you need to put a keyword code on your website. This is to track search engine traffic and get a list of the prominent suggestions generated in Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines. Overture Keyword Selector Tool If you want to track keyword footprints on Yahoo then this should be the right tool for you. The best part is that it displays all the search terms and phrases entered by Yahoo users but the worst part is, it doesn’t include the search results of the Big ‘G’ (Google) and MSN. Overture displays the exact number of times a keyword was searched by visitors for a particular month. So, this should be a great tool to track Yahoo users’ activities. Google AdWords Keyword Tool This is one of the most descriptive tools you can ever find on the web. It displays custom-made keywords for any country or language. Using this all-encompassing tool, you can also find the keyword search volume, search trends, cost and position estimates and even negative keyword suggestions. However, one minor drawback of this tool is that it doesn’t display the real numbers. It gives you an estimate of the frequency of keyword search. SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool This tool should be at the top of your list for a number of reasons. It is an all-inclusive keyword
  • 18. Page 18/159 suggestion tool that gives you the exact number of times each term has been searched by visitors. It gives you the monthly data from top search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. Besides generating monthly data for individual search engines it also gives you the combined data of all three search engines. What’s more, it also includes the features of Google AdWords which any SEO expert would like to check out! There are more features, each intended to save your time. You should check this one out! Conclusion The bottom line is, these keyword suggestion tools don’t fetch you money but inevitably help you earn more by listing your website at the top of search engine results and attracting heaps of prospective clients. If you want to take your online marketing campaign to the next level, then you should consider using these keyword suggestion tools. This article has been brought to you by MyTechHelp – a leader in providing support across various product brands and tech devices for individuals and small businesses in need of instant tech help. Click here
  • 19. Page 19/159 7 Secrets of Successful Link-building List building is the official way of converting all the web traffic in to a profound business. It is just about making the right decision at the right time. It is no doubt today of crucial need for the best internet marketing strategies. It is an integral part of all the internet marketing strategies set up by experts. Link building has three main components, namely: Hard word Inventiveness and originality Ingenuity More than just making a website, no doubt running it is a much harder job. Keeping it updated, interacting with your visitors and looking over broken links and webpages becomes really hectic. Getting fame and popularity for your site also becomes essential and according to the Internet marketing strategies, link building is the easiest and most convenient way of gaining attention. It is basically your link being displayed on other websites so that by just one click the viewers are directed towards your website’s home page. Your website’s link is mentioned under a specific category or directory, in this way only specific web traffic is directed your way. The audience basically visiting you has an interest in the product that you offer and work becomes easier for you. Below are a few pointers on constructing a successful link-building The secret of squeeze pages As your customers are directed towards your website from any other link built on another website, it is thereof your responsibility to cater them. A squeeze page seems the most convenient to showcase a professional sense to the customers. Don’t add in too much in it. Just try to obtain the email address of the customers, other details may be easily acquired later on. At this stage, your scoring point is to get hold of your customer’s email addresses. The secret of trust building It may be said that your website was built to expand your business via the internet, yet you just can’t let the customers feel that. If you email your customers regularly, make sure you email them about not only about your products, new sales and arrivals, but also fill in some information about your website itself. It would be nice to let the customer know your boundaries and standards. All the information about what you can get to them and what is available will be delivered to them with time. The secret of precise talk You're emailing should not get your customers worried nor should it get them offended. Limit the amount of emails you send weekly or monthly and make sure you abide by it. A few useful emails may be tolerated per month but a numerous futile emails daily may be marked as spam. Make sure you make your email worth reading with links to your products, price range and product details mentioned.
  • 20. Page 20/159 The secret of evaluation Take yourself as a critic. Make sure you go over each and every aspect of your website as a critic. Examine each feature, representation and interaction of your website with others in order to judge your work better. Bring changes and modifications with time. The technology keeps on evolving by leaps and bounds. Go for affordable advertisements rather than getting less out of your website. Get ratings; create a poll to get answers from your visitors. The secret of customer relationships As easy as it might seem, when it comes to customers, it is a bit stressful to openly communicate with them or try to get genuine advice out of them. When running a website, it is good to keep a check on customer need and interact with them on a routine base. This way you would hear exactly what they want. But then again, the only hard part is the interaction. On the internet, true emotions can’t be sought out of words, so it is most likely for people to lie in order to get rid of such a customer relation Performa. So try to have an amiable attitude and get the best out of your customers. The secret in the social markets When working officially on your website, you may pass on to the customers, the links on your blog or web page of any social website. This way your customers would know you better through social networking. The secret of implementation At the end, it's just a general view of the complete situation. Everyone has an idea of all the points listed above, yet only a few become successful. Why? Well the method of implementation differs; hence, the quality of work does too. Author’s bio: My name is Sonia Jackson. Welcome to my website
  • 21. Page 21/159 7 Ways to Get More Out Of Twitter Every online marketer out there has heard of Twitter. Twitter is great for marketing but it takes a little while to understand. But if you get the hang of it, Twitter can do miracles for your marketing and help spread the word like no other. Here are some of the ways you can get more out of Twitter. 1. Tweet Constantly – If you want to people to follow you and you want a larger audience, you want to always stay in their mind. If you stop tweeting people will unfollow you. The trick is to tweet the right amount without over tweeting and annoying your followers into unfollowing. Start with a few tweets a day and make changes accordingly. 2. Tweet Consistently – Make sure that you do not tweet 10 times in the morning and don’t tweet at all for the rest of the day. You want to spread out your tweets and the best way to do that is by using You can tweet whenever you want to and it will save them and tweet them throughout the day. 3. Get Ideas – Use the Twitter to get ideas on what you want to blog about. Let’s be honest, if you are a blogger, one of your biggest problems is that you constantly run out of ideas to blog about. Follow people in your niche and see what these people are having problems with. Chances are if one person has a problem, then other people do as well. Write a blog post that solves that problem. 4. Use Social media Monitoring Tools. Use them. Getting the top social media monitoring tools like Hoot Suite can help save a lot of time and make your Twitter campaigns more efficient. You will be able to gather a lot more data and have a lot more control. 5. Building relationships. Twitter is great for outreach. Tweet at someone and chances are they will respond. Just make sure it isn’t someone who is very famous. They probably don’t have the time to respond to everyone. Go for mid ranged bloggers and you can easily get guest post opportunities, etc. 6. Be unique. There are a lot of Twitter accounts out there and it is generally better if you stand out. You can get a lot more followers if your account is unique. Do not stick to the basic background. Make a custom one or one that sticks out from the rest. The same should apply to your avatar. When people are looking through tweets, the thing that catches their eye the most is your avatar. Try different avatars and see which picture of you is getting the best results. 7. Monitor your brand. Use Twitter to see what people are saying about your blog or business. This is a great way to get an understanding of how people feel about you/your site. You can do this manually or use one of the many tools out there that gather all tweets that have to do with a particular topic. This article is brought to you by Mark Trueman
  • 22. Page 22/159 5 Modern SEO Practices for Online Entrepreneurs Keyword Content for People If you’re trying to think of keyword content, don’t use keywords that you would think might be the most efficient or well rounded. Use keywords that you could actually see real people using. Think about when it would be most logical for your website to come up in search results and what the search entry would be. If your website is a large dry cleaning chain, then a search term might be, “Where to get clothes dry cleaned near”. At the end of that particular term, there would probably be a location indicator such as zip code or city. This example works for service related websites, but if your website offers something else, then the keyword content would be different. The idea here is that you need to anticipate the search term and incorporate it effectively into your content. Local SEO In many different search terms, even the ones that don’t necessarily indicate a location, local results will be used. Having an entry on Google Places is one of the best ways to make sure that your business is getting exposure from local searches. After you are listed on Google Places, you should make sure that your website’s business information is correct on both your web page and on Google Pages. This means that you should have consistent information. For example if your business is on 73rd street, but you abbreviated street as St. In your Google Places entry, make sure that you abbreviate the address on your website as well. Unique Content It cannot be stated enough how important having unique and original content is for your website. It is the best way to ensure that after a website has its high page rank it maintains it. Google is smart, if you do manage to achieve a high page by recycling the same content or using an article spinner, Google will find out. After Google finds out they will penalize your website and make sure that it cannot achieve a high page rank. Google may even remove your website from their results. It may take longer and may be harder to achieve overall, but the best way to get a high page rank and keep it is with unique high quality content. Create New Content Frequently The internet is constantly changing and new things always appear. Having fresh new content frequently added to your site is not only important for increasing your page rank but also maintaining it. Remember that when you make new content that it is unique and original. Don’t rewrite the same thing over and over again. All of the best SEO practices are geared towards helping users. So before you publish a new piece of content ask yourself, “Will this content help or serve people in some way?”
  • 23. Page 23/159 Website Monitoring Tools By using Google Webmaster Tools you are able to view any communications that Google attempts to have with your website. The tools will allow you to figure out how many links are coming to your website from outside sources and the keywords that are most relevant when searching for your site. Many people keep their marketing in house while others may utilize tools like the HirePulse directory to find the right agency for the job. Brendan Mitchell is a contributing writer for Hire Pulse and has an extensive background in Internet marketing.
  • 24. Page 24/159 Printing Mistakes you should avoid in Small Business You have spent a lot of time with the designers and finally have a great design with matching artwork. Now it’s time for the printing press to finish off the job. Most of the time, the job will be done perfectly. But sometimes, a few things can go wrong, leading to printing mistakes that you should avoid in small business. Here are some of the biggest printing mistakes that small businesses do: Tiny Font with a Dark Background Beware of tiny fonts when printing on a dark background. Go for a big font if you prefer a dark background. If you prefer a small font, go for a bright background. Colors That Contrast Poorly Some colors give disastrous results when used together. Avoid colors that won’t give good contrast such as yellow, magenta and cyan. Spelling Mistakes Spelling mistakes can easily get into print if you don’t proofread carefully. If you feel challenged to proofread, get a competent person to proofread the material before printing. Repeat this process whenever changes are made on the material. It is better to spend time and some money ahead of printing than to have the material printed and then realize that it needs corrections. The loss can be substantial and if you don’t carry it out, the results would be printed materials that don’t work as effectively as they should. Overcrowded Print Parts of the design can be chopped off if the design is overcrowded. To avoid parts of the design getting out of the print area, go for quiet borders. This is a design in which borders are not defined by color or lines. Quiet borders are defined by the space left around the printed area. The result is a professional looking print that is inviting to the audience. Low Resolution Images Using low resolution images leads to poor printed materials that look cheap and amateurish. Always ensure that the resolution of images meant for printing purposes is at least 300 pixels (ppi). Not Getting a Hard Copy for Proofing Purposes When you have proofed the design on the screen, you might assume it will be the same when printed.
  • 25. Page 25/159 However, proofing on screen is not adequate for materials meant for printing. Get a hardcopy of the material. The hard copy will give you a good idea of what the final print will look like. Proofing a sample copy helps you to have a complete picture of your product. This includes the overall design and copy. Poor Quality of Paper The paper quality used may not be good enough. Insist on proofreading hard copy printed on the exact paper that will be used. This will help you make the best decision about paper quality. Too Many Font Types A print can have too many fonts. This can easily be a turn off for your audience. It is best to go for one or two fonts for any print. Wrong Contact Information Incorrect contact information can easily get into the final printed material. This can happen when proofreading is not done. The results would be disastrous. Always be keen about the contact information. Remember that the printed material should get customers to contact you. It helps to look out for these printing mistakes in order to get rid of them. Are there other printing mistakes you should avoid in small business? Author Bio: Guest post contributed by David Kendall on behalf of – see theiriPower host reviews. David is a freelance technology writer. He enjoys sharing his insights on various tech blogs.
  • 26. Page 26/159 SEO the Porter Way Do you know Porter’s 5 forces analysis? It was developed by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979. Everybody who has read or studying marketing ever since, knows about this analysis and has been reading about it. Most of the marketing people are also using it to determine the competitive intensity and the attractiveness of a market. I have been studying marketing too – so I love it too. But did you know you can use this model to describe the competition of a keyword? With this model you can get insight into how competitive the current environment is for a keyword? And how strong the rivalry and intensity is for a keyword? And maybe the most important knowledge we will get from this is, that we can’t control everything when we do SEO. So if your boss asks you – When will the “coffee” keyword rank number 1 – you might tell him or her about the uncontrollable forces. So let us check out Porters’ 5 forces model for the keyword “coffee”. So are you ready for some Porter? New entrants in the coffee keyword market A new coffee seller might show up on the internet. They also know about SEO, and they sure want a good ranking on keyword market for coffee. This is really a new entrant. You might also have had a competitor who never really has done anything regarding SEO for many years and suddenly they have hired an SEO guy (maybe me). So this competitor is also new to the keyword market for coffee. Another company has been selling coffee for years and has done SEO for years but suddenly they have doublet their budget for the SEO. So they also want a ranking (or higher ranking) for the “coffee” keyword. This analysis is about the keyword market for coffee. To start a business on the internet is really simple – also for business selling coffee. So you will have to set up some barriers to make it more difficult for your competitors to outrank you. So of course you will have to optimize your own content for the word coffee. Another great way is to try to optimize your site for more unique, uncommon and longer tail keywords. It could be “black coffee”, “Arabic coffee” or “hot coffee”. Another way is to own the keyword not only for your website but on the entire internet. If you have a
  • 27. Page 27/159 twitter account, Facebook account you might have the rank 1, 2 and 3 for the keyword coffee. And you might have an Pinterest account for your pictures that rank number 4. This way you can make it very difficult for a new competitor to sell its coffee on the internet. Coffee suppliers The suppliers for the keyword market for “coffee” are the search engines. So Google, Bing, Yahoo are the big suppliers for the keyword market for “coffee”. Don’t forget YouTube – this is the second largest search engines today. But also the social media is a supplier. Who brings in most referrals for your keyword on the internet? Of course is properly is your biggest source for traffic. But don’t forget to check out the other suppliers too. And remember that Google is changing its algorithm maybe 500 times a year. Most of the algorithm changes are really small, but sometimes – like the Panda or Penguin updates – it can really change the ranking of the coffee market. So if you normally rank as number 1, 2 or 3 and suddenly drops down to number 8 (or worse 11) you have a problem. The threat from coffee buyers When Porter talks about the forces, he is talking about the threat of buyers. And the threat these days are growing. Maybe the coffee you are selling has been harvested by some underpaid children. They are almost living like slaves. And suddenly the news is out in the social networks. “Did you hear that this coffee company is using child slaves to harvest its coffee?” So the people will tell their friends on Facebook and Google+ and Twitter. You will see within days that your sale is going down. The social signals are also factors for the search engines like Google and Bing. Yes. If people start to write bad reviews, making bad press releases the search engines will lower your ranking for the coffee keyword. Positive and negative social signals affect the organic ranking. Buyers can also click on like to local coffee business. This way they will help the local shop. And local searches are getting more and more important these days. So be sure people like your shop too. Coffee substitutes This is the threat of substitutions for the coffee keyword. Are there new ways you can use the keyword for coffee? The total market for the keyword “coffee” is not on Google. You might have to do some alternative marketing tactics. Do some Google Adwords? Or other PPC ads? Maybe you should try YouTube or Facebook PPCs? Maybe search retargeting. Build up a large audience in your social networks or start an email club with special offers? Well you should always do this anyway right? Imagine what happens if Google suddenly changes its algorithm and you were getting 80 percent of your traffic from Google. You have spent years building up backlinks to your site, and suddenly Google thinks the social network is much more important than backlinks. Then you will have a problem right? Like in the real world, it is a thing to have an ongoing check of your competitors. What are they doing regarding backlinks, in the social network? Have they hired some new SEO guys? Don’t let the competitors take the lead.
  • 28. Page 28/159 Coffee competition rivalry and intensity within the coffee industry The rivalry and intensity for the coffee keyword is depending on all the above forces and your marketing strategy and your SEO strategy. For most industries the intensity of competitive rivalry is the major determinant for the competitiveness of the industry. How much money are the other companies spending on SEO? On Google Adwords? PPC budget? Are they working with video? Social networks? How big are the marketing budgets? The online budget? You can also do a keyword analysis for the keyword, like this from Market Samurai (But you can get analysis like this from many other companies too). Coffee conclusion You know the conclusion already. You can’t really say if you are going to rank number 1 for your keyword. You are depending on the entrants, buyers, suppliers, substitute and the rivalry and intensity within the coffee keyword market. The external forces are strong – so if you meet an SEO company telling you they can get you a number one ranking for a keyword you will know now that it really is impossible to promise. And now it’s time for my coffee. All the best, Henrik PS – did you read about how to use AIDA to boost your traffic?
  • 29. Page 29/159 Perks You Get From Winning Web Content Does your website have winning and engaging content? Why is it important to have it? These days it is very crucial for website owners and bloggers to publish useful, insightful, and relevant content at the sites that they manage. There was a time when repetitive, spammy, and immaterial blogs and articles were passed off as “high quality” content. The recent Google algorithm changes allowed the search engine giant to separate good web sites from bad ones. Good websites are those that offer significant and original content for their readers while bad ones are those that rely on illegal or black-hat optimization techniques for traffic. Why should you strive to produce engaging web content? Benefits of Substantial and Winning Web Content Why should you bother improving or even completely revising your web content? This task is not meant to make your life difficult as a web developer. It is meant to protect you from search engine optimization effects that new algorithms or systems in the future might have. Here are some perks you can get from excellent web content: 1. An opportunity to get a high page rank Right now, Google and other search engines are giving credit to substantial and engaging web content. This means that the more original posts you publish, the more chances of getting high traffic and eventually high ranking for your sites. 2. Chance to establish your group’s credibility Engaging and winning posts and articles in a website help owners build their credibility up in their respective niches. Your target audience will deem you as the authority in that particular niche and consider you as a trustworthy reference. 3. The opportunity to set a new trend Do you have ideas for new web content? Why don’t you go ahead and produce them? They just might be the next hottest trend in search optimization strategies. You’ll never know unless you try. Don’t stop conceptualizing new content forms or improving your old content. 4. Avoid potential penalties from search engines This is probably the best benefit you can get. Right now the search engines favor original, credible, and high quality content over futile ones, so it is best to produce them unless you want to run the risk of getting penalized or completely banned from the online world. You don’t want to start all over again now do you? Do you now comprehend why engaging and winning content is a crucial or vital element of a website? You can’t expect to operate without producing regular, noteworthy, and reliable content that will be appreciated by readers. So start brainstorming for new and remarkable ones right away!
  • 30. Page 30/159 Niña Angeli Pilapil, a bookworm by heart, is an expert in promotional products used for both marketing and personal reasons. She is employed by Branders as their official blogger to write about topics like custom office supplies. This dark chocolate fanatic enjoys her spare time reading books, watching movies, and honing her blogging craft. If you want to connect with her, follow her at
  • 31. Page 31/159 Points To Consider While Designing a User- Friendly Website It is extremely important for contemporary businesses to have a strong online presence. The sheer volume of prospective customers with access to the web is growing by leaps and bounds over the passage of time, making it practically imperative for companies to build strong and informative websites, to retain contact with clients at all times. The presence of secure websites is all the more necessary if your firm specializes exclusively in online transactions. In what follows, you will be provided with a few pointers that can go a long way in making your business website more powerful and effective. Click here to find more information on this regards. Choose a structured layout – There are several alternative layouts that can be used on web pages. However, it is advisable for you to stick to the most common ones that are seen online. The layout that you select must lend your site an uncluttered, easy-to-navigate feel. A systematically developed website also ensures that visitors can find the information they need quickly and with ease. Selecting the font for web content – While browsing on the web, people tend to be rather impatient in nature. Hence, it is critical for a website to be user-friendly enough to retain the users’ attention for an extended span of time. Choose a font for your site that would be present on the systems of maximum users (Ariel, Times New Roman or Verdana serve fine in this regard). The font size and color should also be chosen appropriately. Presence of animations and flash banners – It is important for your site to have a small loading time. Typically, multimedia flash content takes greater time to load on a server than a plain, text-based web page. Hence, you need to determine the amount and the number of multimedia advertisements that should be present on your site. Always keep in mind that, it is the information content, and not the advertisements, that will drive traffic to your site. Use of pop-up advertisements – Users from all over the world would agree on the fact that websites with many pop-ups are irritating and rather inconvenient. Stay away from the notion that a large number of pop-up ads will actually make your site more interactive in nature. Far from doing so, that can actually drive people away from your site. A single pop-up might work well, along with one pop- under page (if necessary). Putting hyperlinks on your pages – Help your visitors to easily locate the hyperlinks that you place in your webpage content. The conventional practice on this count is to put the text that is to be hyperlinked in blue, and underlining the same. That way, it would stand out from the rest of the content and make people aware of the presence of hyperlinks. Linking to the Home Page – Ideally, each and every page of your website should have a link to return to the home page. This makes your site much easier to navigate (rather than making users use the ‘back’ button far too often). Compressing images –Image files that are too large in size will automatically slow down your site. Thus, you need to compress your pictures to sizes that would be optimal for web users. Fortunately, there are a number of online graphic editors which you can use for this purpose. Content quality – In order to gain in reputation and popularity over the long-run, you need to make sure that the content that is published on your website is of the best quality. The write-ups have to be
  • 32. Page 32/159 informative, structured and crisp. Ideally, each of the pages should dwell with discrete topics or issues. Of course, avoiding basic spelling and grammatical errors is of the primary essence. There are multiple other tips that you should follow while creating your own website. Close adherence to all such web designing guidelines can make your site really popular among users. Contributed by Kenneth Parkar, the official instruction about how to design or develop your website.
  • 33. Page 33/159 5 Innovative Tips to Brand Your Business on Twitter Twitter is being used by many companies for business – to do market research, for brand advocacy and sometimes reputation management. Twitter allows them to expand their brand and generate new opportunities. Apart from that to enhance your company’s branding on social platform like Twitter, you got to empower all your employees to be a part of company’s brand online. You mustn’t force your employees; instead you must provide them such tools, which will encourage them to become a part of your brand online. But to be more innovative, here are 5 useful tips to brand your business on Twitter: #1: Expand Your Network Since you are using Twitter, you can learn valuable information from scanning tweets from influencers and fellow members. Also try the advanced Twitter search for related keywords to your products or services and then follow the influential users. Moreover, your customers will perceive you as an approachable social personality. #2: Template Background for Employees Another major branding factor within the Twitter experience is profile background. As profile backgrounds are the largest piece of visual real estate that you have to share with others. Since many businesses have a custom Twitter background for their business profiles, you can go a step further by offering your employees a custom company template for use on their Twitter backgrounds. By creating a Twitter background template, you can offer it to all your employees and provide them with simple instruction on customizing the template and uploading them it on their twitter accounts. #3: Consistent Profile Images In a twitter stream profile images are major branding opportunity. At the same time, there are many people who do not like their own pictures. It’s a high time, now you can take this opportunity, and have someone in your company as a freelancer photographer to take the new profile pictures of current and new employees. When you do this, you got to make sure that the photographs are taken in the same style and position. In addition to it, you can use some background, as it will represent your company in some ways. This background will be as simple as the wall of your office as one company color. Your main aim here is creating a consistent profile image across the country. #4: Use Custom URL Shortener Twitter is all about sharing great content. Take advantage of this by making your own URL shortener to
  • 34. Page 34/159 help brand your company as people share your links. You can do this pretty simply by purchasing a short domain name and connecting it to Bitly Pro. #5: Keep The Salesmanship Down Though networking and community building are the two prime jobs of social media, it is okay to prepare in some relevant service news. You can announce your offers and discounts in a clear concise manner but be tactful in how you do it. On the whole, if you put these ideas into action, it will definitely benefit you a lot. Sourav Saha is the Web Consultant at Webaholic. He blogs about latest SEO trends, Social Media Tips and Updates @Blogaholic.
  • 35. Page 35/159 10 Dos and Don’ts of Blogging for Your Business Successful and effective blogging does not happen overnight or by luck. In fact, seasoned bloggers work hard and constantly learn more about the craft. These basic Dos and Don’ts are a stepping stone for making a successful business blog. Do spread the word offline about your blog. If you want a successful blog, you must make it a priority. Don’t be ashamed of what you’re doing online. Spread the word around the office, to customers and to your family. Don’t have music automatically playing in the background. While this may have been cool in the early days of the Internet, it’s simply a hassle now. Music playing in the background will simply distract, and possibly aggravate, your visitors. Do post regularly. Make a posting schedule and stick to it. Your blog needs consistent fresh content. When visitors know you post often, they are more likely to visit again and again. Don’t fill your website with ads. You are a business. The goal of your website is to drive people to your business, not to advertise other products and services. Focus your energy on great content, not generating money from third-party advertisements. Do create a relationship with other blogs in your niche. As a business blog, connect with other businesses in your area. You can start building this business relationship through commenting on other business blogs. Not only does it help build relationships, but it also helps your blog because it gets your name out there even more. Don’t post irrelevant, fluffy material. When you spend time creating a blog post, make it count. Posting for the sake of posting does not help your readership, and doesn’t help you either. If you can’t come up with three quality posts a week, that’s okay. Only post once a week. Make every post count. Do share your blog through your social media websites. It’s okay if you do not have a social media plan for your business. But if nothing else, you should have a personal account. If you do, make sure to share links to your blog through social media. Encourage your family, friends and coworkers do the same. The more people that share, the greater chances you have of more visitors. Don’t use spammy, questionable methods to get visitors. There are plenty of black hat marketing methods that you may come across during your study of successful business blogging. However, steer far away from these methods. You may get more visitors at first, but the end result could give your business a bad name and even get you banned from search engines. Do build a relationship with your readers. Engage with your readers through the comments section. If someone comments with a question, promptly respond. This is all a part of customer service and public relations. Work hard and keep visitors and customers happy. Don’t get discouraged. You may not see overnight success from your business blog, but keep at it. With a bit of hard work, you can make this tool a huge asset for your business. Chelsei Henderson enjoys blogging about and helping others with website building when not building websites herself. Check out Webeden to learn how build your own website and become successful online.
  • 36. Page 36/159 Importance of Setting up Google Places Correctly With more and more people using the Internet to buy or sell a product or service, Google Places has become the better alternative to the Yellow Pages. It is also called referred to as Google Maps and is actually an extension of Google Search. Google Places is a very convenient tool for sellers and buyers and it is completely free to use. If you operate a local business and you want to increase your sales, it is recommended that you get your company listed in it. The Farmer Update in 2011 gave local businesses the opportunity to get to the top of the Google search page results. That is, if they know how to effectively use Google Places. What this means is that there are certain things that you must do in order to land at the top spot of Google searches using Google places, and these are: Account Set Up – The first thing you need to do is set up an account in Google Places. It is free and easy to do but it must be complete. An important step in getting to the top of the searches is completing your information and using the right keywords. Supply complete and correct information on your Name, Address, contact details, email and website addresses, and also provide an accurate description of your business. Fill out as many fields as possible. You can also supply videos and photos of your business. This will add style to your business and give readers more information about it. Supply a citation – This is simply a reference of your business from another website. The citation must be identical to the precise match of your Google Places listing. Check the accuracy of all your citations – This includes names, addresses, phone numbers and so forth. Even if your company is listed, incorrect information will affect its ranking adversely. Get your company listed – To get the best citations, you need to get listed on Yahoo, Insiderpages, Angie’s List, Superpages and other search sites. Google will be able to get more information about your company from these sites. Create additional local links – This means building up additional local links that refer to your business name, URL, phone number and business address. Like the usual SEO methods, you can indicate them in social media networks and postings. However, it would be more advantageous if you will source them from other business websites, directories and bloggers since they function as a form of review. Regularly update your Google Places page – This can be accomplished by simply modifying the main areas of your page, as often as possible. It is not necessary to edit the videos or the images but maybe just editing the description. Doing these things can impact your ranking, in a positive way. Get as many reviews as you can – These reviews play a major role in increasing your ranking and driving your listing upward. So get as many reviews as possible, from different websites. You can encourage other sites to do this by also offering to exchange reviews of their business as well. This article was written by Ricky Joyner – Owner of
  • 37. Page 37/159 Incredibly simple tips to get Free Traffic to your website All the webmasters are putting their efforts only for one simple thing: traffic. Building traffic is the most challenging task for a website owner. At the same time, this is the most precious wealth for an online business. More traffic means more conversion and this leads to the generation of more revenues. Traffic building strategies may be divided into paid and free strategies respectively. According to online marketing SEO experts, free traffic building strategies can be classified into three phases: bringing traffic to a new website, enhancing traffic funnel and maintaining the influx of traffic to an old website and continuous generation of revenues. Here, you’ll learn the effective strategies into these separate categories. # Bringing traffic to a brand new website: primary strategies * Optimizing the contents: Today, keyword optimization concept has become different. Older concepts don’t work anymore. Nowadays, you have to produce high quality content based on the topic, not the keyword. You have to optimize the title and metadata for better search engine responses. This step refers to a term: on page optimization. * Directory submission, press release, article marketing: Once the website is ready and optimized for search engine listings, you have to submit the website URLs, site maps in different search engines and directories. Submission of press releases, articles will definitely help your website rank in the search engines against certain keywords. Finally, your brand new website will start getting some organic visitors gradually. # Increasing the amount of traffic gradually * Forum posting, blog commenting and connecting with your visitors: You have to concentrate on building relationships with your visitors and potential clients through your website. You must ensure the quality and credibility of the information published on your website. You have to leave URLs and links on the related forums and discussion threads. You can also interchange the links with blogs and website in the relevant category. This will create a funnel of visitors within the strong network. Be responsive to your readers; encourage them about commenting and leaving feedback. * Adapting popular social media platforms for your website: Nowadays, social media websites, bookmarking sites and community-sharing sites have become the most credible source of traffic. These websites don’t only get you instant traffic, but they also help your website to increase credibility and authority rank. You have to prepare your site for these social websites and platforms. Fortunately, there are many plug-ins and software to make things easier
  • 38. Page 38/159 for the webmasters. You should also maintain the relationship with your visitors on these platforms. # Maintaining the influx of traffic: keeping the volume constant * Viral marketing, video marketing, regular submission of articles and press releases: Maintaining the amount of traffic to your site is the biggest challenge faced by the webmasters. This requires long-term marketing strategies. Viral social marketing, video marketing in the leading platforms like,, and regular press release and article submission help the sites to retain the amount of visitors consistently. The strategy is similar to the primary tactic, but you have to plan your strategy properly. Following these steps also helps you increase the amount of traffic to your website. * Distribute free stuff and build a subscriber list: You must make your visitors feel special and enticed with something very useful. Build an email or subscriber list by giving away free reports, eBooks and many other things. This will definitely retain the loyal visitors to your site. At the same time, spontaneous social sharing also helps the number of subscribers grow. Building a list is a very effective way to generate revenue. * Use offline promotion methods, let people talk on your platform: Offline methods are always neglected by many webmasters. This is definitely one of the powerful methods of growing local traffic and gets potential customers from local market. You should follow the traditional offline marketing strategies and keep the funnel of visitors intact. Besides, you should create a forum or blogging platform where your visitors can interconnect between each other. This also helps your visitors grow beyond. Many webmasters often complain that the free-traffic building strategies don’t work effectively. They are always oriented towards paid marketing and advertising strategies. But free techniques can definitely help your visitors grow if used properly. There are numerous other methods, some of which are rarely practiced by the webmasters; learning and implementing them will definitely help you enhance the traffic amazingly. Author Bio: Rahul Makhija has been in the internet marketing industry for more than 6 years. For more information you can visit DC Web Design. He is an expert on SEO & PPC tactics and in his free times likes to read and understand about human behavior.
  • 39. Page 39/159 Making the Choice between Web-Popularity and SEO friendly Graphics Graphics consume almost 50% space on a web page and Google reads them carefully to gather important information about your website. From the resolution and format to image ALT tags, everything plays an important role in the ranking of a website. Now, while it is known that small resolution graphics load faster and that keyword-rich ALT tags are easily readable, there is some dispute between “popular on web” and “SEO-friendly” graphics. Most browsers and OSes will support most graphic formats; however, not all formats will be conducive to your website’s bandwidth allocation, loading time, or suit your business objective. There are mainly 5 types of graphic formats that are highly popular on the web, and all of them have their benefits and disadvantages as far as SEO is concerned: JPEG- It’s the most widely used image format and is supported by all popular operating systems, which is highly beneficial from the SEO perspective. However, unlike GIF, JPEG cannot be animated and its excellent resolution may make graphics heavier. If your requirement is a cross-OS compatible graphics to use in small numbers on your website, JPEG is the best choice for SEO-friendly images. GIF- It’s the ideal image format for logos and animations, the latter of which can be done without any coding so viewers can watch it directly from a browser without any third party plug-in. However, GIF supports only 256 colors and lacks the high-quality appeal of JPEG. So, if your site requires high-gloss quality images, their purpose being to retain attention, do not use GIF. However, if you want animation effects without the burden of a heavy Flash file, use GIF. BMP- It’s a popular image format for Windows users, but is not SEO-friendly. Also Bitmap images use up lots of bandwidth that make a site slower. TIFF- It offers excellent resolution and clarity but is extremely heavy, eat server space and more importantly, can reduce the page loading time. Mac users prefer this format for its richness, but if SERP ranking is more important to you, then avoid it. PNG- The best quality of PNG is that it’s lossless. Even compressed, an image remains high-quality despite becoming lightweight. However, PNG is not advisable for graphic design because it is not supported by all web browsers. Generally, most designers will use JPEG and JIF formats because of their attractiveness, support from
  • 40. Page 40/159 multiple-OS and browsers and faster load time. Author Bio – Hema Gupta a content analyst and marketer at WebGuru Infosystems provides information about image formats to help designers to design SEO-friendly graphics.
  • 41. Page 41/159 Twitter Marketing for Beginners In recent years, online tools such as Twitter and Facebook have made social media marketing more progressive and popular. Twitter has allowed businesses to create a professional presence online and the ability to interact with potential/existing customers through much more immediate means. Businesses are now afforded the luxury of knowing what their followers (customers) are doing at any given moment, and vice versa. This real time data sharing creates not only up-to-date business profiles but also immediate and current sharing of ideas and products. Twitter is all about relationships Twitter is all about relationships, and in this respect the same can be true for marketing. The simple fact when it comes to marketing is that relationships are vital. Connections drive marketing – the more connections you have the more marketing potential you have. Twitter has thus become one of the leading social media marketing choices as it allows for the creation of literally thousands of followers (25 million and counting if you are Lady Gaga!). Twitter’s unique aspect of being able to follow people and being followed in turn means that very quickly a business can amass a giant list of potential customers and professional relationships. A user does not have to request in most cases who to follow and whereas Facebook limits the amount of connections you can have, twitter only limits the amount you can follow, not who can follow you, so essentially the sphere of influence/networks is endless. Twitter allows businesses to promote and market their products or themselves, at an individual level. One commentator likened Twitter to that of a giant dinner party, wherein lots of conversations are occurring. One can easily join in or start a new one where in turn others can join in. This is different to Blogs, which were likened more to crowd talking, and Facebook, which was simply viewed as no more than private conversations. Twitters’ benefit is its ability to share information amongst a lot of people easily and openly. Twitter and B2B Twitter is one of the leading social media marketing choices for B2B due to viral marketing benefits. Viral marketing is a core B2B social media application for a product or service recognition and development of leads. According to Irbtrax SEO Social Media Marketing Optimization founder Scott Moir – “It can’t be emphasized enough. When used effectively the viral marketing benefits of Twitter make it an extremely valuable platform for any business that depends on the Internet for its prosperity.” Well written, newsworthy, enticing tweets can take on the characteristics of a successful online press release. News and information can be spread almost instantaneously; far quicker than emails or blog. Information can spread from New York to London to Tokyo in a matter of seconds. Ultimately viral marketing can lead to brand enhancement, content sharing and traffic generation for your company. Research tool As a market research tool, Twitter is also excellent. With many built in features, as well as external systems such as Buffer and TweetDeck, which can efficiently monitor information related to their
  • 42. Page 42/159 industry specific trends. Through careful research, one can gain an insight into the people who use Twitter, more specifically your followers at an individual level. Who are they as people? What is their likes and dislike? Etc. The information gathered through this research is invaluable when it comes to putting together pitches and building industry relationships. Elsewhere, one can monitor your competitor’s twitter accounts to research their online strategy – What are they doing differently to you? What are you doing different to them? Much of this research is conducted through analyzing what can only be described as ‘peripheral connections’. What this means is if you want to market your company you find someone on twitter that is doing the same thing as you with a similar message or item and look to their followers. They are following this person for a reason. Find the reason, exploit and entice these followers to follow you. Boost your traffic Twitter can also be used as a mean to boost and promote a business’s other site also. One can use Twitter to promote your social bookmarking submissions or get your followers to vote up submissions through Digg, Delicious etc. In this respect, this reciprocal aspect of twitter is unique. By helping one another, you are able to get a feel for who uses these sites i.e. Digg, and this serves in turn as a fantastic promotional tool. What is more, this sharing of help and ideas provides an invaluable source pool of ideas for blogs. One can pick up other posts and expand on them or garner ideas from conservation or new authors. Trust and value are often the core principle behind following one another on Twitter, and this has to be achieved most of the time through the personal approach. Businesses should not be afraid to conduct small talk with their followers and indeed competitors (of course remaining professional when doing so) . The problem however is often trying to be too corporate which creates a boring twitter account. To have tens of thousands of followers on Twitter is impressive but often these are simply the results of popularity (in the case of a celebrity), long established brands or harvesting software. It is very unlikely that these are honest relationships with which you can market too. Honest relationships more than nominal ones which are critical to long term marketing and business. Simplicity of use Much of twitter’s success stems ultimately from its simplicity of use. Users of Twitter do not have to look after and manage a wealth of information or details unlike other social media sites, and so their ability to use Twitter is much more organized. In turn, Twitter users have related that this has made their Twitter account ‘more fun’ to use than say on Facebook or Myspace. But there is also a flexibility to Twitter which is lacking elsewhere. Twitter in terms of a communication/marketing tool is one that can essentially be accessed anywhere and by a wide ranging audience. Twitter also requires minimal resources meaning it can be accessed from any device which has the internet or a viable ISP. This is significant for businesses that have a technologically diverse target audience. In short, the benefits Twitter Marketing can bring a business are:  Real-time content  Immediate data share  Brand enhancement  Traffic generation  Customer demographic improvements  Increased customer loyalty  Alternative Market Research About the Author – Ian Garstang works at Kingsland Linassi, an award winning, Top 100 UK creative design agency and property marketing company, working on such projects as Zemi Beach luxury Caribbean condos. Ian enjoys luxury travel, good design and writing.
  • 43. Page 43/159 Social Media Addiction The most remarkable development through the last decade is considered to be different social media networking platforms as MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and Google+1. Among the list of concerns in the life of modern man are how to get Twitter followers or get Facebook fans. These are vital issues today. These platforms meant for individuals, groups and communities with common interests to stay more “connected” and share mutual interests. Actually, social media platforms have entered lives of all people and hardly anyone can imagine their life without them. And, yes, the thing is that social media very often appear to be quite useful. They help us to stay connected; they help to get and spread new information more easily, faster and usefully, stay in touch with people we like, and so on. There are many pluses and it is difficult to innumerate all of them. But along with so many advantages there also exist a series of disadvantages which all the users should be aware of and try to avoid. Today I want to focus my attention on the most “important” minus of social media and it is “addiction”. Let us see. Internet addiction and particularly social media addiction are recognized by psychologists as psychological disorders. There have been and still are being carried out a number of studies referring to the expansion of Internet addiction. It is mainly observed among the users of social media networking platforms, especially Facebook. The reason for addiction is that users do not want to miss anything on their account or page, be it a status update, post, tweet, a photo or video. According to survey more than 350 users are suffering from Facebook addiction and this number is increasing. Here are some signs of social media addiction. If you continually check your Facebook or Twitter updates regardless of time and place. You do not enjoy your time and spend it upgrading your statuses and tweeting about every little thing happening to you and around you. Be sure you are addicted. If you feel anxious and discomfort when you are not online, it also signals out that you are addicted. Many addicted people have a feeling of loneliness and depression. If you feel the same you had better find an Internet rehab center. Another symptom of addiction is the list of your friends. If you do not know most of your friends but add them to create an impression that you are well connected and have many acquaintances, then you are addicted. Roman Sahakov is the founder and CEO of Frozzo, marketer, father, husband and great personality. Being an enthusiast and explorer in Social Media Marketing he lives and runs his company in London. He explores the world of Social Media Marketing and shares his new ideas and knowledge with the world.
  • 44. Page 44/159 How to Do Keyword Research I want to show you this awesome Infographic about how you can do your keyword research. Click on the image to see it larger It’s made by the folks at Promodo. You will get a better understanding that every one of your pages has its owns keyword to target. Enjoy it Henrik
  • 45. Page 45/159 How to Start a Digital Customer Strategy for Websites Long long time ago – well 5 or 10 years ago – companies tried to make a difference based on the products they made for their customers. The old fashion value chain model was great. It would give us the ability to find ways to cut the costs of producing a product. But now you can go online and check the prices for a product within seconds. And if you have a physical shop or even a web shop I will bet that somewhere on the web there is a shop who will sell your product cheaper than you. There are a lot of websites where you are checking prices and you can find the cheapest one in 5 seconds right? Maybe you are setting up the prices based on your costs. But what if a web shop is setting their prices based on the lifetime value of a customer. In this case they can push their sales prices back maybe 5 or 10 percent. So you might find that you can go to your local store and get an item for 25 dollars and you can go online see buy the precise same product for 10 dollars. So why should you get 15 dollars more in the local shop. Well this is all old news – I know. So how do you make a different? How do you show the customer that they will have to buy the product in your shop? What kind of value are you giving to your customers? Companies these days need to find new ways to make a different. Connecting devices The shift from producing and selling your products locally to the role of delivering the best value for the customer is driving – among other things – by the connecting devices. The computer power of a Smartphone these days are bigger than the computer power used by NASA to put a man on the moon. So as a company we will have to use these new devices to boost our business. And it’s not just the mobile phones. It’s also tablet computers and notebooks. The devices are all making it easier for the customers to find products and services online. To compare the products. We don’t go online once a week to check out a shop or products, we are always online. We are getting hints from our friends. We check the reviews. And this amazing new approach really opens up a brand new world for us marketing people right? We will have to create the right Digital Strategy – to show our customers that they have to put the product on our website. Even though we might not be the cheapest one, we could bring the highest value. So instead of having your focus on the costs of producing a product, we should now have the focus on delivering the best value to the customers. We need to pay attention to people using multiple social networks, multiple devices, always online. We need to develop a “Digital Customer Strategy” 4 step Digital Customer Strategy So let me show you this 4 step guide for starting this digital customer strategy.
  • 46. Page 46/159 1) Mission and value of your company and brand You need to be in compliance with your mission and value. You can’t have a luxury brand offline and a cheap product online right? A digital online customer should have the same feel of the company online and offline. And the value should be shown in every marketing channel. 2) The Intended digital experience Describe how you want to interact with your customers need. Don’t talk about IT or HTML. In plain text write down, how you want to help the customer gathering information about the same kind of product as yours? What kind of information should be provided to the customer before buying your product? What about after sale information? How do you want to engage your customers? Remember your customers are online 24/7. 3) Activities and processes that support the intended digital experience Now you will have to talk about IT and HTML. How can you deliver the intended digital experience and give your customers more value? Do you your customer to get a white paper about the topic or product? Do you want the customer to be able to compare products? Do you want the customer to get links to product reviews? Do you have an email club? What about the social media? How do you want to keep touch with your customer 24/7? 4) Digital channel investments Now you know your mission and brand value, you know what kind of digital experience you want to give your customers to give them extra value right? And you also know which activities and processes you need to support the digital experience. So now you have to invest in your activities and processes. With your clear strategy in place, your company can now make the decisions about the website, so they will have the most impact on their businesses instead of just following a me-too strategy. Free eBooks… Remember to grab the 3 free eBooks here at SeoCustomer all about SEO, SEM, Social Media Traffic and Link Building. And join the conversation in our brand new SeoCustomer Group on LinkedIn. Have a great day out there. Henrik