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The problem of Self-Discovery
And Self-Realization
The main ideas of Occult Philosophy
The universe is rooted in Absolute.
Spirit and Matter are its two aspects
From this Triad proceed all universes
The Solar Systems are expressions
Solar System is an ordered mechanism
Physical sun is outermost part.
Solar System is a theatre of evolution.
Evolution occurs as per Divine plan.
This is guided by an Occult Hierarchy.
Mineral,vegetable,animal,human life
1. The manifested universe is rooted in an Absolute.
2. Spirit and Matter are two polar aspects of Absolute.
The main ideas of Occult Philosophy are the Following :
3. From this Triad proceed all the numberless universes.
4. The Solar Systems are expressions of Reality,
5. Solar System is an ordered mechanism
6. Physical sun is outermost part.
7. Solar System is a theatre of evolution.
8. All this process is taking place according to a definite Plan
present in the Divine Consciousness
9. The evolution of humanity on our earth is guided by an Occult Hierarchy
composed of perfected human Beings.
10. Life evolves gradually stage by stage through the mineral, vegetable,
animal and human kingdoms.
11. Every human being is Divine in essence, contains all the qualities
and powers of Divinity in a germinal state and these are unfolded
gradually to perfection .
12. The unfoldment of these latent qualities, and powers is brought through
the process of reincarnation.
13. Not only the physical but all other aspects of human life are governed by
natural laws operating in their respective spheres.
14. The evolution of man can be greatly accelerated by the application of
mental and spiritual laws operating on their respective planes.
15. The Science of Self-Culture is based on the application of these natural
laws to the human evolution and is therefor certain and reliable.
All life has come from One Divine Principle and after unfolding all its
potentialities will again merge in that Divine Source.
All the qualities and powers of Divine Origin are in a germinal state, just as a
tree is hidden in a seed.
They are very slowly unfolded by the constant pressure of Divine Will being
exerted from within.
And life after attaining perfection again merges consciously in Divinity.
Our Solar system, is sevenfold in its constitution and interpenetrating the
physical world.
There are six other worlds of progressively subtler matter. These worlds are called
planes in Theosophical literature .
The world next to the physical is called the astral plane and is related to our
feelings, desires and emotions.
The next higher world is called the mental plane and is related to our thoughts.
Then come the Buddhic, Atmic, Anupadaka and Adi planes in
succession and are the source of our spiritual knowledge and powers.
A ray of divine consciousness passes through and energizes, the
complete set of vehicles which represent the Monad of Jivatma on the
different planes.
It brings about their gradual growth, until the divine fragment stands
fully developed, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient on all the
These truths may be represented by the following diagram.
The seven planes of the Solar system are represented in this figure by
the seven concentric circles,
Centre represents the Solar Logos or Ishvara who presides over
An individual soul or Jivatma in manifestation is represented in this
figure by a radius of the concentric circles. passes through all the
planes and energizes a complete set of vehicles.
As evolution proceeds, vehicles after vehicle, starting from the
physical, becomes developed, quickened and fit to serve the Jivatma
on the successive planes.
a fundamental change takes place when life enters human stage, a
change which divides sharply the life in the human stage from that in
the animal kingdom.
This change consists in the formation of the causal body, into which
the life of the Logos descends directly from above.
The life has become an individual unit of divine consciousness and go
on expanding without any limit.
The earlier phases of the human stage are passed in the savage,
semi-civilized and civilized conditions.
His feelings and emotions develop his astral body,
Thinking in terms of concrete images develops the lower mind
While thought given to higher things and abstract subjects brings
about the unfoldment of the higher mind
Only in the case of scientists, philosophers and other great thinkers
can causal body be considered to be functioning .
The next vehicle, namely that on the Buddhic plane also begins to
develop slowly as the faculty of discrimination or Vivek
This Budhhi or intuition is the faculty with which all spiritual truths
are recognized..
When the Budhhic vehicle is developed and influence the mind then is
born the awakening of the spiritual nature.
The man begins to question life, to ask questions about the ultimate
problems of existence.
He seeks a way out of his world of illusions and suffering, aspires to lead
the higher life of the Spirit.
Man has a very complex constitution and functions in several
vehicles of consciousness.
On each plane of the Solar System this individualized unit of
consciousness appropriates matter belonging to the plane and
gradually prepares a vehicle through which it can function on that
The Total Constitution Of Man
The Total Constitution Of Man
The Total Constitution Of Man (Continued…)
Man, as the Higher Self, is conscious of his divine immortal nature,
and knows the divine purpose in evolution
Gradually, as evolution proceeds, knowledge, wisdom and power of
the Divine life appear in the Individuality. in an increasing measure,
But even this Higher Immortal Self does not represent the highest
aspect of his nature. Which is the Monad or the Purusha.
All attributes of the divine life are present in a latent form in an individual.
So the character of an individual is the incomplete spectrum of divine qualities.
The character of a Perfect Being shows the complete spectrum of divine qualities.
We know what we have to do, in the light of the knowledge by the Adepts of Occultism to
become perfect.
It can be done scientifically.
Character-Building is to help the release of inner reality which
already exists within us.
What have to be constructed and evolved at this stage are the lower vehicles
The more our higher nature takes control of the lower vehicles the
less hampering they become.
Character-building is transformation of our lower nature to express our Spiritual nature
The goal of Self-Culture is living a life of at-one-ment with the divine Spirit.
Even a little progress made will be of great advantage to us and free us
from the anxieties and miseries of life.
We will be able to acquire control over our physical body, emotions and thoughts.
and will acquire mental poise, calmness and peace.
Self Culture has a message of hope and encouragement and a happy
life for every one.
Even when death comes he knows that he has set his feet on the path which leads
to his goal.
and will take up in his next life this fascinating work at the point where he has
dropped it.
Let this body be the chariot and the soul (Atma) its rider.
Wisdom (Buddhi) its charioteer and the Mind the reigns.
The senses are its horses and their objects (Vishayas) are
their path of amusements. The Atma joined by the senses
and the mind enjoys them.
The rider (Atma) who’s horses are well broken (that is his
senses are well within his control). And are within the
control of his charioteer (Buddhi) through the reigns of
mind. He reaches to his supreme goal.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Physical Body
Self-Culture brings to perfection the various vehicles of consciousness
which the Jivatma uses on the different planes.
The outermost is the physical an instrument of the soul for its work on
the physical plane.
It has tendencies of its own, should be kept in perfect order to perform
functions with highest efficiency.
With the help of the five sense-organs Jnanendriyas the soul gains
knowledge of the physical through the organs of action, Karmendriyas
it brings about changes in the outer world.
The finer grades of matter enters into the composition of a
subtler counterpart of the physical body the etheric double
it projects out from the dense body about three inches on all
The function of the etheric double is to serve as the vehicle of
Prana. The specialized energy keeps going the activities of the
physical body.
This energy is obtained from the Sun and passes in to the
physical body through Chakra.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Physical Body
The initial problem with the physical body is to bring it under our
Most of the trouble is due to the desire and mental bodies. The
physical body is only the instrument through which our desire and
mental bodies try to gain what they want.
The first step is to realize that we are different from and master of
this body.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Sensitization of The Physical Body
The physical body, we must recognize as a living thing with its
whims and idiosyncracies, its natural desire is to feel comfort.
The physical body is brought under control simply by applying a
steady pressure of will in changing its wrong habits
The purpose of Tapah or austerity is to make it an obedient servant
of the soul.
What we have to do next? purify it.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Sensitization of The Physical Body
Purification means increasing proportion of the finer kinds of
matter and lessening the coarser kinds so that it can respond
to the soul easily,
It is the nervous system through which the soul works when it
uses the physical body.
The nervous system is instrument through which the emotions
and thoughts of the soul find expression on the physical plane
and appear in physical consciousness.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Sensitization of The Physical Body
This sensitization of the nervous system is brought about by
These preliminary practices ultimately culminate in the merging
of the lower with the Higher consciousness.
Part of the process consist in changing the forces flowing in the
nervous system.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Sensitization of The Physical Body
The physical body constituents depend upon the quality of food.
Tamasic foods promote inertia, Rajasic activity Sattvic harmony and
Health is harmonious functioning of all the vital organs.
Disease causes constant distraction of the mind on path of Yoga.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Sanitization of The Physical Body
We develop clairvoyant faculties by the vivification of the Chakras in the
etheric double
we are able to come in touch of astral plane and to examine its phenomena
with the help of the senses of the astral body.
The control of desires is most difficult and necessary. Desires form sensations
on the mental plane.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
Some of these sensations remain and are reflected inward into the
mental body, perceived by the mind as a pleasant or unpleasant
sensation and are called feelings.
Along with the feeling of pleasure or pain there may arise a want for
experiencing that pleasure again or for avoiding the pain.
This change which involves attraction or repulsion is connected with
the astral as well as the mental body.
The mental element, even in this primary form of desire is due to
the presence of memory or anticipation.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
These attractions and repulsions bind him to the lower worlds,
the wise man does not allow his mind to establish any connections with
the objects of desire, he remain free.
The man who is strong enough to remain unaffected by pleasure or pain
is true Vairagi.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
There is no essential difference between desire and will, desire is the
reflection of will on the astral plane.
In the case of desire the power of the self is drawn out by external objects
while in the case of will it goes out independently and is self-determined.
Both carry within them the power of accomplishment.
Whatever we desire we can get, though not always immediately.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
If I am unable to realize my ambition in this life, I shall be born in my next
life with greater capacities in this direction and better circumstances and
then realize my cherished aim.
But suppose instead of desiring these transitory objects I desire to gain
I shall have to labor for many lives to build up a pure character, to subdue
my lower nature, to unfold divine possibilities within me and one day
find myself enlightened and free,.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
With the advent of discrimination or Viveka and the elimination of personal
desires, the Will gradually gains ascendency and becomes the motive power of
As action is thus purified it becomes more and more impersonal and a reflection
of the Divine Will.
In this condition it does not bind the individual because it is not performed for his
benefit but as an offering to the Supreme,
In the highest stages of purification the action is done through him rather than
by him.
Desire setting in motion the powers of the mind manifesting in different forms
on all the planes, is one in essence and an expression of Divine Life and love.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
If we want to be happy always, we must completely eliminate all emotions that
are based on hatred and cultivate those that are rooted in love..
When we start rebuilding our emotional nature in this manner we shall find that
what we are really doing is cultivating virtues and getting rid of vices,
Part 2
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
The cultivation of virtues merely ensures a healthy and
correct emotional life and plays an essential role in Self-
The goal of human endeavor is Self realization.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of The Astral Body
When a desire springs up in our hearts we should realize that it
is merely a vibration in our astral body which we can change by
dissociating from it.
Dissociation requires constant recollectedness, observation and
Gradually a consciousness develops in the background of our
mind which is aware of all the movements in our emotional
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Emotion
The mere effort to watch the movements in the astral body will have the effect
of eliminating the cruder emotions and toning down the finer ones.
This discrimination has to be practiced intensively until we become master of
our emotional life.
Once this mastery is attained our emotions automatically align themselves with
the requirements of spiritual life.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Emotion
It is only when the objects which attract us, surrounds us then we can develop
He who can remain calm and pure under the most trying circumstances is the
master of his lower nature.
Our daily lives will, provide many opportunities for acquiring control over our
astral body.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Emotion
As our lower nature gets subdued and the astral body becomes tranquil and free
from impurities, the light of Buddhi is able to shine though the mind.
When Buddhi irradiates the mind it not only enables us to see the problems of
life in proper perspective and without illusion, but also gives us a taste of the
bliss of the higher life.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Emotion
The subtler energies of the spiritual part of our nature can find an expression on
the astral plane only if there is a preponderance in the astral body of those
constituents which can respond to the subtler vibrations.
The more we develop love, reverence, sympathy, devotion, compassion, desire
to serve our fellow men and the great Masters of wisdom, the finer and purer
will our astral body become.
The mere thought of the Ishta - Deva causes in the heart the deepest and most
exquisite love.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Emotion
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Functions of The Lower Mental Body
Human mind, the most wonderful thing is also greatest problem in
trying to tread the path.
The creator of illusion which produces distorted view of Reality.
To know the reality underlying this phenomenal universe control
and transcend the mind.
The lower mental body. serves as the organ of concrete
The causal body serves as the organ of abstract thought.
The causal body is the lowest vehicle of individuality the
Jivatma and expresses partially in successive personalities.
Our mind is the meeting ground of the lower and Higher
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Functions of The Lower Mental Body
Astral body convert vibrations received by sense-organs into
Sensations are carried to the brain, reflected from there into the
lower mind converted there in to different kinds of images on
the screen of the mind. [Chidakasha].
Its second important function is to combine these mental
perceptions or images, derived from different sense-organs, into
a composite image.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Functions of The Lower Mental Body
The mind not only combines these images into one composite
image but also supplies from its storehouse of memory the
elements that may not be present.
As experiences multiply the number of these images goes on
increasing the mind arranging classifying comparing so are
evolved mental faculties reasoning, judgement.
We learn gradually to think, thinking is establishing relations
between the images present in our mind .
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Functions of The Lower Mental Body
We see them only in our mind. We thus live really in a world of mental images
which are formed in our mind and project this world outside us by a process
which is called Vikshepa in Samskrit.
The world we live in is really inside us, in our mind, we are really living among
illusions without being aware of this fact.
Mind or lower Manas is a modification of consciousness working under the
limitations of the lower planes. It is sentient of the stuff of consciousness rooted
in the Purusha.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Functions of The Lower Mental Body
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Lower Mind
Objectify the mind separate from our consciousness .
The first step doing everything throughout the day with one pointedness.
So we should form the habit of taking up each piece of work as it comes and
concentrate our minds fully in doing it, instead of giving it only part of our
Writing a letter, reading a book, conversing with somebody, the mind should be
made one-pointed.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Lower Mind
When we are not engaged in any mental activity, thoughts which are floating in
the mental atmosphere impinge upon our mental body and tend to produce
responsive vibrations.
Some are due to the self-initiated acivity of the mental body itself.
The mental body must be trained to exercise constant discrimination with
regard to them and be not allowed to dwell on any thought which is of an
undesirable nature.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Lower Mind
The best way of dealing with an evil thought which tries to enter our mind is to
turn our mind instantly to some other thought.
On no account should we try to fight the thought because dwelling upon this gives
it added strength.
When the habit of discrimination has been formed, the mind repels automatically
the evil thoughts.
The mental body has become purified the finer combinations of mental matter
composing it have to become predominant.
Our mastery of the mind should be so thorough that we are able to set it on
any task for any length of time.
It is necessary to acquire the capacity of fixing the mind on one particular
idea, going deeper and deeper into it.
When a person has acquired the capacity to keep his mind fixed for
considerable time then he is ready.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Culture of the Lower Mind
Thoughts are grouped under two heads –
Concrete thoughts having to do with names and forms,
Abstract thoughts dealing with concept and abstract principles.
These two kinds of thoughts have their origin in two different vehicles
The lower four sub planes forming the medium for concrete thoughts,
The higher three sub planes forming the medium of abstract thoughts.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
Page 108
he Causal body form the outermost vehicle of the immortal Ego functioning through
Atma - Buddhi- Manas.
It is formed for the first time when individualization takes place.
It is the repository of all experiences through which the Ego passes in the successive
incarnations and the faculties he gradually develops during the
course of his evolution.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
The organ of abstract thought is the Causal body.
We do our abstract thinking through the brain, the brain reproduces faintly the
vibrations in the Causal body.
On the plane of the higher mind abstract thoughts are actual realities which can be
perceived by the faculties of the Causal body.
The Ego in his Causal body can manipulate and work with these abstract ideas and
It is only when one of these ideas is projected into the lower mind that it takes a
definite shape and form.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
The scientist who discovers a scientific law acquires command over all the
phenomena covered by that law.
The Occultist who discovers an occult law becomes master of a particular aspect of
The discovery of principles and laws is the aim of the Science, to have control over
natural forces of the physical world.
The Occultist does the same thing with regard to the super physical world.
The great masters of wisdom have full knowledge of all the fundamental principles in
every sphere of life. As their causal bodies are fully developed.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
These principles exist eternally in the Universal Mind of the Logos and the
development of the Causal body only enables the individual to contact or know
As a result of this human evolution, qualities which were lying in a germinal
condition in the soul are gradually aroused from latency to potency.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
The second function of the causal body is to act as a repository of the fruits of
human evolution gathered during the period spent in the heaven world and on the
The personality distils all its experiences and before it dissolves and vanishes, hands
over the valuable essence to the Ego who gave it birth.
So the Ego has incorporated into his very constitution all the valuable lessons learnt
in that life and starts each new life with the accumulated experiences of the
previous lives.
When we start a new life with a new set of physical, astral and lower mental bodies
we have no memory of the experiences gone through in the previous lives, but we
have the fullest advantage of all those experiences in the form of faculties and
powers developed in those lives and embodied in the causal body.
It is the Ego who passed through all those experiences and retains the memory of all
past lives .
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
The causal body serves as a repository not only of the quintessence of
experiences gone through by the personality but also of the good and bad
Karma which personality has made during these incarnations.
Every soul is destined to be individually unique ‘Become what you are’
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
This individual uniqueness exercises a constant pressure on the growth of the soul
through out the period of its evolution,
It is this pressure which ensures the attainment of its perfection in accordance
with its individual uniqueness.
Every soul has to play a definite part in the scheme of evolution its growth takes
place in such a manner that it is fitted to play that part effectively.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Functions of the Causal Body
When a particular characteristic or faculty is developed in any life, the gain, made
is not lost with destruction of the personality but transferred to the Causal body .
The second method of developing the Causal body is, to take ourselves in hand and
systematically build our character, aiming at an all-round perfection.
All those qualities like truthfulness, courage, humility should be made a permanent
part of our character by simultaneous practice of meditation and exercise of these
qualities in our daily life
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of The Higher Mind
The causal body grows by the spiritual forces from the Buddhic and Atmic planes.
Spiritual development of the Ego provides impetus to the growth of it,
When the powers of Atma and Buddhi begin to function actively, the Causal body,
develops simultaneously.
Direct contact with the Universal Mind can be made only when one can function
consciously through one’s causal body.
It is possible for an advanced student to put himself in rapport with Higher Mind
and through it to contact the Universal Mind.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of The Higher Mind
Buddhi the peculiar manifestations of consciousness which take place through
the Buddhic body,
The mere intellect cannot understand those finer perceptions which have their
origin in the Buddhic consciousness.
The only state of consciousness which transcends and embraces the Buddhic
consciousness is that of the Atma.
The vibrations produced when consciousness works through the lower mental
body are know as thoughts.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
There is difference between the life of the Buddhic plane as it is lived consciously
on its own plane in our Anandamaya-Kosha and the same life as it appears in our
physical consciousness after being stepped down through the intermediate
When a Yogi rises in Samadhi to the Buddhic plane after transcending the mental
body, he becomes conscious of a new world full of tremendous bliss and knowledge.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
Thus the direct perception of the unity of Life on the Buddhic plane becomes
merely an all-embracing compassion and sympathy.
Direct insight into truth becomes merely intuition and knowledge of the truths of
the higher life.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
It is Buddhi and not the mind which is the instrument of knowing spiritual
This understanding is not the result of thinking or reasoning at all.
Intuition, enables a man to become aware of these truths without going through
the cumbersome processes of reasoning.
Knowledge which comes through the direct perception of Buddhi stand on firm
ground and is not liable to the change.
When Buddhi shines steadily through our conviction, we can go, treading our
path unfalteringly.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
“Each man is to himself absolutely the way, the truth, and the life.” This means
that we have to experiment with life, with different methods.
The first step is to gather our scattered mental energies and concentrate them on
the problems of life.
The constant alertness and watchfulness is the only means of developing
The intense concentration on the mind and its activities must be practiced
constantly, until this attitude becomes habitual,
so that although we may be engaged in our ordinary activities
we are aware all the time of this ceaseless activity of the mind.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of Buddhi
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of Buddhi
This practice will lead to the gradual shifting of centre of consciousness from the
mind, to the region of Buddhi. Then will burst forth upon its horizon all those
truths of the Buddhic plane.
This method in which discrimination or Viveka is used to attain the higher states of
consciousness is the basis of Jnana Marga.
The second method is Bhakti Marga. In this method the love and devotion to a
particular Deity is made more and more intense until fusion of the consciousness of
two takes place.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of Buddhi
When we empty ourselves of our personal thoughts and desires, the Higher Self
immediately, illuminates our personality.
In Gayatri there is a prayer addressed to the Solar Deity- the universal consciousness at
the basis of the Solar system to give us more light, the light of Buddhi,
if we repeat this prayer constantly and earnestly, then the corresponding force is,
drawn out from the higher planes and makes our higher vehicles glow more brightly and
give more spiritual outlook to the personality.
Gayatri is one of the most important Mantra which has been devised specifically for
the unfoldment of the Buddhic consciousness, energizing of the Buddhic vehicle
harmonizing the lower vehicles and putting them in tune with the higher vehicles, so
that the forces from the higher planes can pass in our physical consciousness.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Intellect and Intuition
Intuition is a faculty of the greatest importance in the discovery of the Reality
within us.
True knowing is possible only through the fusion of one’s mind or consciousness
with the object sought to be known.
This ‘knowing by fusing, is direct and not subjected to illusion.
‘Buddhi’ is different from perception, discrimination, reason,etc.with whom it
is usually confused by lay persons.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
Intellect and Intuition
One penetrating flash of Buddhic perception can change completely the life of a
man and make him see the realities of life.
In acquiring wisdom we have only to increase the clarity of vision by removing the
impurities, distortions and complexes present in the mind.
We have to penetrate inwards to rise to a higher level of consciousness and to open
the passage between the mental and the spiritual.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Atma in Our Life
The soul of man is immortal, its future growth and splendor has no limit.
The plane of Atma is the region from which operates the Will-Power of the
Logos of the Solar system.
The Atmic vehicle of a single Jivatma serves as an instrument to that power.
It is through the power derived from this source that the Jivatma is able to
overcome all difficulties to reach perfection.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Atma in Our Life
It is only when the personality begins to change its life and attitudes into spiritual
life by Sadhana or Self-Culture that the Higher self begins to find fuller expression
through it.
It acquires increasing control over it and finally becomes the centre of its life and
The personality should be able to get the knowledge it needs from within. When it
can put itself in touch with the causal body.
We should depend for our happiness upon the source of Ananda which exist within
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Role of Atma in Our Life
This is possible when we are in direct contact with the Buddhic vehicle or
We should make the spiritual will of the Atma predominant in our life and
gradually free the personality from the influence of desires.
The Atma is triple Sat-Chit-Ananda has all the three attributes of self illumination,
self-sufficiency and self-determination,
The first two are exercised chiefly through the causal and the Buddhic vehicles.
Until our life is governed by the Will of the Atma and not by the whims and desires
of the personality, it is difficult to tread the path of Raja Yoga.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of Spiritual Will Power
We can deal only with those manifestations of Atma which take place on this
The first step to raise the centre of consciousness from the personality to the
The passage has to be cleared for the continuous inflow of the Divine Life which
brings with it true wisdom, power and love.
Self-Discipline and Self-Culture
The Development of Spiritual Will Power
The Atma is the ultimate principle within us, the core of our spiritual being.
This energizing controlling power within us has brought us to our present stage of
evolution, and will lead us to final attainment of our glorious destiny.
He who begins to practice Self Culture to draw upon this Divine Power becomes
merely a centre through which the Divine will carry out the Divine Purpose.
Nischaya, firm conviction obtained in the light of Buddhi is acquired when viveka or
spiritual discrimination dawns in our mind and enables us to see all the problems of
life in true perspective.
The first step is vichara or deep and earnest thought, over certain aspects of life
which stirs up activity of the Higher Mind and stimulate our Buddhi.
Vichara or deep pondering over the problems of life is prescribed for all aspirants.
They must think over these problems until they are really convinced that the
treading of the path of our inner unfoldment is not only desirable but inevitable, c
Self-Discovery and Self-Realization
Self Discovery – The Unreal World We Live In
Awakening within us of that real spiritual urge for the life in
other world which is far more rich, real and vivid than our
highest conception of a full and happy life here.
Self-Discovery and Self-Realization
Self Discovery – The Real World Waiting for Us
So when we see the life around us as a series of phenomena which are
we should try to look within ourselves for he reality which produces these
It is from the centre of our consciousness that these shadows are
projected outside.
Self-Discovery and Self-Realization
Self Discovery – The Real World Waiting for Us
The last stage when we not only ‘sense’ Reality through the faculty of Buddhi but
know Reality directly through our Atma by fusing our consciousness with it and thus
becoming one with it.
Realization may be defined as ‘knowing by becoming’.
Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is based on Will and it is through the use of spiritual Will
that the mind is purified, brought under control and then its modifications
inhibited completely in Samadhi.
This enables the consciousness to transcend the different levels of the mind until
the last barrier of the Atmic plane is crossed and the consciousness becomes one
with the consciousness of Purusha.
Self-Discovery and Self-Realization
The Stages of Knowledge, Wisdom And Realization
The Monad extricates himself from the lower levels of the mind, one by one,
until his consciousness has freed itself from his Atmic vehicle and he stands free
in his true Divine nature, Self-Realized and yet having all the vehicles on the
lower planes at his command.
This is Jivanmukti, Liberation, Nirvana that exalted state of consciousness,
when he has completed his human evolution.
In the third stage technique of Raja Yoga is utilized to obtain Self Realization,
through the spiritual Will of the Atma, in the second stage it is Love which is
used to attain Wisdom.and the Intellect in the first stage.
Self-Discovery and Self-Realization
The Stages of Knowledge, Wisdom And Realization
Self-Culture_in_the_light_of occultism_IKTaimni.pptx
Self-Culture_in_the_light_of occultism_IKTaimni.pptx

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Self-Culture_in_the_light_of occultism_IKTaimni.pptx

  • 1. Self-Culture The problem of Self-Discovery And Self-Realization IN THE LIGHT OF OCCULTISM BY I. K. TAIMNI
  • 2. Purposes The main ideas of Occult Philosophy The universe is rooted in Absolute. Spirit and Matter are its two aspects From this Triad proceed all universes The Solar Systems are expressions Solar System is an ordered mechanism Physical sun is outermost part. Solar System is a theatre of evolution. Evolution occurs as per Divine plan. This is guided by an Occult Hierarchy. Mineral,vegetable,animal,human life
  • 3. 1. The manifested universe is rooted in an Absolute. 2. Spirit and Matter are two polar aspects of Absolute. Purposes The main ideas of Occult Philosophy are the Following :
  • 4. Purposes 3. From this Triad proceed all the numberless universes. 4. The Solar Systems are expressions of Reality,
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  • 7. Purposes 5. Solar System is an ordered mechanism 6. Physical sun is outermost part. 7. Solar System is a theatre of evolution.
  • 8. Purposes 8. All this process is taking place according to a definite Plan present in the Divine Consciousness 9. The evolution of humanity on our earth is guided by an Occult Hierarchy composed of perfected human Beings.
  • 9. Purposes 10. Life evolves gradually stage by stage through the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms. 11. Every human being is Divine in essence, contains all the qualities and powers of Divinity in a germinal state and these are unfolded gradually to perfection .
  • 10. Purposes 12. The unfoldment of these latent qualities, and powers is brought through the process of reincarnation. 13. Not only the physical but all other aspects of human life are governed by natural laws operating in their respective spheres.
  • 11. Purposes 14. The evolution of man can be greatly accelerated by the application of mental and spiritual laws operating on their respective planes. 15. The Science of Self-Culture is based on the application of these natural laws to the human evolution and is therefor certain and reliable.
  • 13. THEORETICAL BASIS OF SELF-CULTURE EVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF OCCULTISM All life has come from One Divine Principle and after unfolding all its potentialities will again merge in that Divine Source. All the qualities and powers of Divine Origin are in a germinal state, just as a tree is hidden in a seed. They are very slowly unfolded by the constant pressure of Divine Will being exerted from within. And life after attaining perfection again merges consciously in Divinity.
  • 14. EVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF OCCULTISM Our Solar system, is sevenfold in its constitution and interpenetrating the physical world. There are six other worlds of progressively subtler matter. These worlds are called planes in Theosophical literature . The world next to the physical is called the astral plane and is related to our feelings, desires and emotions. The next higher world is called the mental plane and is related to our thoughts. Then come the Buddhic, Atmic, Anupadaka and Adi planes in succession and are the source of our spiritual knowledge and powers.
  • 15. EVOLUTION IN THE LIGHT OF OCCULTISM A ray of divine consciousness passes through and energizes, the complete set of vehicles which represent the Monad of Jivatma on the different planes. It brings about their gradual growth, until the divine fragment stands fully developed, omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient on all the planes.
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  • 19. These truths may be represented by the following diagram. The seven planes of the Solar system are represented in this figure by the seven concentric circles, Centre represents the Solar Logos or Ishvara who presides over .
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  • 23.
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  • 28.
  • 29. An individual soul or Jivatma in manifestation is represented in this figure by a radius of the concentric circles. passes through all the planes and energizes a complete set of vehicles. . As evolution proceeds, vehicles after vehicle, starting from the physical, becomes developed, quickened and fit to serve the Jivatma on the successive planes.
  • 30. a fundamental change takes place when life enters human stage, a change which divides sharply the life in the human stage from that in the animal kingdom. This change consists in the formation of the causal body, into which the life of the Logos descends directly from above. The life has become an individual unit of divine consciousness and go on expanding without any limit.
  • 31. The earlier phases of the human stage are passed in the savage, semi-civilized and civilized conditions. His feelings and emotions develop his astral body, Thinking in terms of concrete images develops the lower mind While thought given to higher things and abstract subjects brings about the unfoldment of the higher mind Only in the case of scientists, philosophers and other great thinkers can causal body be considered to be functioning .
  • 32. The next vehicle, namely that on the Buddhic plane also begins to develop slowly as the faculty of discrimination or Vivek This Budhhi or intuition is the faculty with which all spiritual truths are recognized..
  • 33. When the Budhhic vehicle is developed and influence the mind then is born the awakening of the spiritual nature. The man begins to question life, to ask questions about the ultimate problems of existence. He seeks a way out of his world of illusions and suffering, aspires to lead the higher life of the Spirit.
  • 34. Man has a very complex constitution and functions in several vehicles of consciousness. On each plane of the Solar System this individualized unit of consciousness appropriates matter belonging to the plane and gradually prepares a vehicle through which it can function on that plane. THE TOTAL CONSTITUTION OF MAN
  • 37. The Total Constitution Of Man (Continued…) Man, as the Higher Self, is conscious of his divine immortal nature, and knows the divine purpose in evolution Gradually, as evolution proceeds, knowledge, wisdom and power of the Divine life appear in the Individuality. in an increasing measure, But even this Higher Immortal Self does not represent the highest aspect of his nature. Which is the Monad or the Purusha.
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  • 47. SELF-CULTURE – A SCIENCE (Continued….) All attributes of the divine life are present in a latent form in an individual. So the character of an individual is the incomplete spectrum of divine qualities. The character of a Perfect Being shows the complete spectrum of divine qualities. We know what we have to do, in the light of the knowledge by the Adepts of Occultism to become perfect. It can be done scientifically.
  • 48. SELF-CULTURE – A SCIENCE (Continued….) Character-Building is to help the release of inner reality which already exists within us. What have to be constructed and evolved at this stage are the lower vehicles The more our higher nature takes control of the lower vehicles the less hampering they become. Character-building is transformation of our lower nature to express our Spiritual nature
  • 49. SELF-CULTURE – A SCIENCE (Continued….) The goal of Self-Culture is living a life of at-one-ment with the divine Spirit. Even a little progress made will be of great advantage to us and free us from the anxieties and miseries of life. We will be able to acquire control over our physical body, emotions and thoughts. and will acquire mental poise, calmness and peace.
  • 50. SELF-CULTURE – A SCIENCE (Continued….) Self Culture has a message of hope and encouragement and a happy life for every one. Even when death comes he knows that he has set his feet on the path which leads to his goal. and will take up in his next life this fascinating work at the point where he has dropped it.
  • 51. SELF-CULTURE – A SCIENCE (Continued….) Let this body be the chariot and the soul (Atma) its rider. Wisdom (Buddhi) its charioteer and the Mind the reigns. The senses are its horses and their objects (Vishayas) are their path of amusements. The Atma joined by the senses and the mind enjoys them. The rider (Atma) who’s horses are well broken (that is his senses are well within his control). And are within the control of his charioteer (Buddhi) through the reigns of mind. He reaches to his supreme goal.
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  • 64. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Physical Body Self-Culture brings to perfection the various vehicles of consciousness which the Jivatma uses on the different planes. The outermost is the physical an instrument of the soul for its work on the physical plane. It has tendencies of its own, should be kept in perfect order to perform functions with highest efficiency. With the help of the five sense-organs Jnanendriyas the soul gains knowledge of the physical through the organs of action, Karmendriyas it brings about changes in the outer world.
  • 65. The finer grades of matter enters into the composition of a subtler counterpart of the physical body the etheric double it projects out from the dense body about three inches on all sides. The function of the etheric double is to serve as the vehicle of Prana. The specialized energy keeps going the activities of the physical body. This energy is obtained from the Sun and passes in to the physical body through Chakra. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Physical Body
  • 66. The initial problem with the physical body is to bring it under our control. Most of the trouble is due to the desire and mental bodies. The physical body is only the instrument through which our desire and mental bodies try to gain what they want. The first step is to realize that we are different from and master of this body. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Sensitization of The Physical Body
  • 67. The physical body, we must recognize as a living thing with its whims and idiosyncracies, its natural desire is to feel comfort. The physical body is brought under control simply by applying a steady pressure of will in changing its wrong habits The purpose of Tapah or austerity is to make it an obedient servant of the soul. What we have to do next? purify it. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Sensitization of The Physical Body
  • 68. Purification means increasing proportion of the finer kinds of matter and lessening the coarser kinds so that it can respond to the soul easily, It is the nervous system through which the soul works when it uses the physical body. The nervous system is instrument through which the emotions and thoughts of the soul find expression on the physical plane and appear in physical consciousness. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Sensitization of The Physical Body
  • 69. This sensitization of the nervous system is brought about by meditation These preliminary practices ultimately culminate in the merging of the lower with the Higher consciousness. Part of the process consist in changing the forces flowing in the nervous system. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Sensitization of The Physical Body
  • 70. The physical body constituents depend upon the quality of food. Tamasic foods promote inertia, Rajasic activity Sattvic harmony and rhythm. Health is harmonious functioning of all the vital organs. Disease causes constant distraction of the mind on path of Yoga. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Sanitization of The Physical Body
  • 71. We develop clairvoyant faculties by the vivification of the Chakras in the etheric double we are able to come in touch of astral plane and to examine its phenomena with the help of the senses of the astral body. The control of desires is most difficult and necessary. Desires form sensations on the mental plane. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 72. Some of these sensations remain and are reflected inward into the mental body, perceived by the mind as a pleasant or unpleasant sensation and are called feelings. Along with the feeling of pleasure or pain there may arise a want for experiencing that pleasure again or for avoiding the pain. This change which involves attraction or repulsion is connected with the astral as well as the mental body. The mental element, even in this primary form of desire is due to the presence of memory or anticipation. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 73. These attractions and repulsions bind him to the lower worlds, the wise man does not allow his mind to establish any connections with the objects of desire, he remain free. The man who is strong enough to remain unaffected by pleasure or pain is true Vairagi. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 74. There is no essential difference between desire and will, desire is the reflection of will on the astral plane. In the case of desire the power of the self is drawn out by external objects while in the case of will it goes out independently and is self-determined. Both carry within them the power of accomplishment. Whatever we desire we can get, though not always immediately. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 75. If I am unable to realize my ambition in this life, I shall be born in my next life with greater capacities in this direction and better circumstances and then realize my cherished aim. But suppose instead of desiring these transitory objects I desire to gain enlightenment. I shall have to labor for many lives to build up a pure character, to subdue my lower nature, to unfold divine possibilities within me and one day find myself enlightened and free,. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 76. With the advent of discrimination or Viveka and the elimination of personal desires, the Will gradually gains ascendency and becomes the motive power of action. As action is thus purified it becomes more and more impersonal and a reflection of the Divine Will. In this condition it does not bind the individual because it is not performed for his benefit but as an offering to the Supreme, In the highest stages of purification the action is done through him rather than by him. Desire setting in motion the powers of the mind manifesting in different forms on all the planes, is one in essence and an expression of Divine Life and love. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 77. If we want to be happy always, we must completely eliminate all emotions that are based on hatred and cultivate those that are rooted in love.. When we start rebuilding our emotional nature in this manner we shall find that what we are really doing is cultivating virtues and getting rid of vices, Part 2 Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 78. The cultivation of virtues merely ensures a healthy and correct emotional life and plays an essential role in Self- Realization. The goal of human endeavor is Self realization. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of The Astral Body
  • 79. When a desire springs up in our hearts we should realize that it is merely a vibration in our astral body which we can change by dissociating from it. Dissociation requires constant recollectedness, observation and reflection. Gradually a consciousness develops in the background of our mind which is aware of all the movements in our emotional natures. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Emotion
  • 80. The mere effort to watch the movements in the astral body will have the effect of eliminating the cruder emotions and toning down the finer ones. This discrimination has to be practiced intensively until we become master of our emotional life. Once this mastery is attained our emotions automatically align themselves with the requirements of spiritual life. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Emotion
  • 81. It is only when the objects which attract us, surrounds us then we can develop Vairagya. He who can remain calm and pure under the most trying circumstances is the master of his lower nature. Our daily lives will, provide many opportunities for acquiring control over our astral body. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Emotion
  • 82. As our lower nature gets subdued and the astral body becomes tranquil and free from impurities, the light of Buddhi is able to shine though the mind. When Buddhi irradiates the mind it not only enables us to see the problems of life in proper perspective and without illusion, but also gives us a taste of the bliss of the higher life. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Emotion
  • 83. The subtler energies of the spiritual part of our nature can find an expression on the astral plane only if there is a preponderance in the astral body of those constituents which can respond to the subtler vibrations. The more we develop love, reverence, sympathy, devotion, compassion, desire to serve our fellow men and the great Masters of wisdom, the finer and purer will our astral body become. The mere thought of the Ishta - Deva causes in the heart the deepest and most exquisite love. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Emotion
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  • 110. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Functions of The Lower Mental Body Human mind, the most wonderful thing is also greatest problem in trying to tread the path. The creator of illusion which produces distorted view of Reality. To know the reality underlying this phenomenal universe control and transcend the mind.
  • 111. The lower mental body. serves as the organ of concrete thoughts The causal body serves as the organ of abstract thought. The causal body is the lowest vehicle of individuality the Jivatma and expresses partially in successive personalities. Our mind is the meeting ground of the lower and Higher selves, Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Functions of The Lower Mental Body
  • 112. Astral body convert vibrations received by sense-organs into sensations. Sensations are carried to the brain, reflected from there into the lower mind converted there in to different kinds of images on the screen of the mind. [Chidakasha]. Its second important function is to combine these mental perceptions or images, derived from different sense-organs, into a composite image. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Functions of The Lower Mental Body
  • 113. The mind not only combines these images into one composite image but also supplies from its storehouse of memory the elements that may not be present. As experiences multiply the number of these images goes on increasing the mind arranging classifying comparing so are evolved mental faculties reasoning, judgement. We learn gradually to think, thinking is establishing relations between the images present in our mind . Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Functions of The Lower Mental Body
  • 114. We see them only in our mind. We thus live really in a world of mental images which are formed in our mind and project this world outside us by a process which is called Vikshepa in Samskrit. The world we live in is really inside us, in our mind, we are really living among illusions without being aware of this fact. Mind or lower Manas is a modification of consciousness working under the limitations of the lower planes. It is sentient of the stuff of consciousness rooted in the Purusha. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Functions of The Lower Mental Body
  • 115. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Lower Mind Objectify the mind separate from our consciousness . The first step doing everything throughout the day with one pointedness. So we should form the habit of taking up each piece of work as it comes and concentrate our minds fully in doing it, instead of giving it only part of our attention. Writing a letter, reading a book, conversing with somebody, the mind should be made one-pointed.
  • 116. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Lower Mind When we are not engaged in any mental activity, thoughts which are floating in the mental atmosphere impinge upon our mental body and tend to produce responsive vibrations. Some are due to the self-initiated acivity of the mental body itself. The mental body must be trained to exercise constant discrimination with regard to them and be not allowed to dwell on any thought which is of an undesirable nature.
  • 117. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Lower Mind The best way of dealing with an evil thought which tries to enter our mind is to turn our mind instantly to some other thought. On no account should we try to fight the thought because dwelling upon this gives it added strength. When the habit of discrimination has been formed, the mind repels automatically the evil thoughts. The mental body has become purified the finer combinations of mental matter composing it have to become predominant.
  • 118. Our mastery of the mind should be so thorough that we are able to set it on any task for any length of time. It is necessary to acquire the capacity of fixing the mind on one particular idea, going deeper and deeper into it. When a person has acquired the capacity to keep his mind fixed for considerable time then he is ready. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Culture of the Lower Mind
  • 119. Thoughts are grouped under two heads – Concrete thoughts having to do with names and forms, Abstract thoughts dealing with concept and abstract principles. These two kinds of thoughts have their origin in two different vehicles . The lower four sub planes forming the medium for concrete thoughts, The higher three sub planes forming the medium of abstract thoughts. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body Page 108
  • 120. he Causal body form the outermost vehicle of the immortal Ego functioning through Atma - Buddhi- Manas. It is formed for the first time when individualization takes place. It is the repository of all experiences through which the Ego passes in the successive incarnations and the faculties he gradually develops during the course of his evolution. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 121. The organ of abstract thought is the Causal body. We do our abstract thinking through the brain, the brain reproduces faintly the vibrations in the Causal body. On the plane of the higher mind abstract thoughts are actual realities which can be perceived by the faculties of the Causal body. The Ego in his Causal body can manipulate and work with these abstract ideas and principles. It is only when one of these ideas is projected into the lower mind that it takes a definite shape and form. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 122. The scientist who discovers a scientific law acquires command over all the phenomena covered by that law. The Occultist who discovers an occult law becomes master of a particular aspect of life. The discovery of principles and laws is the aim of the Science, to have control over natural forces of the physical world. The Occultist does the same thing with regard to the super physical world. The great masters of wisdom have full knowledge of all the fundamental principles in every sphere of life. As their causal bodies are fully developed. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 123. These principles exist eternally in the Universal Mind of the Logos and the development of the Causal body only enables the individual to contact or know them. As a result of this human evolution, qualities which were lying in a germinal condition in the soul are gradually aroused from latency to potency. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 124. The second function of the causal body is to act as a repository of the fruits of human evolution gathered during the period spent in the heaven world and on the earth.. The personality distils all its experiences and before it dissolves and vanishes, hands over the valuable essence to the Ego who gave it birth. So the Ego has incorporated into his very constitution all the valuable lessons learnt in that life and starts each new life with the accumulated experiences of the previous lives. When we start a new life with a new set of physical, astral and lower mental bodies we have no memory of the experiences gone through in the previous lives, but we have the fullest advantage of all those experiences in the form of faculties and powers developed in those lives and embodied in the causal body. It is the Ego who passed through all those experiences and retains the memory of all past lives . Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 125. The causal body serves as a repository not only of the quintessence of experiences gone through by the personality but also of the good and bad Karma which personality has made during these incarnations. Every soul is destined to be individually unique ‘Become what you are’ Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 126. This individual uniqueness exercises a constant pressure on the growth of the soul through out the period of its evolution, It is this pressure which ensures the attainment of its perfection in accordance with its individual uniqueness. Every soul has to play a definite part in the scheme of evolution its growth takes place in such a manner that it is fitted to play that part effectively. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Functions of the Causal Body
  • 127. When a particular characteristic or faculty is developed in any life, the gain, made is not lost with destruction of the personality but transferred to the Causal body . The second method of developing the Causal body is, to take ourselves in hand and systematically build our character, aiming at an all-round perfection. All those qualities like truthfulness, courage, humility should be made a permanent part of our character by simultaneous practice of meditation and exercise of these qualities in our daily life Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of The Higher Mind
  • 128. The causal body grows by the spiritual forces from the Buddhic and Atmic planes. Spiritual development of the Ego provides impetus to the growth of it, When the powers of Atma and Buddhi begin to function actively, the Causal body, develops simultaneously. . Direct contact with the Universal Mind can be made only when one can function consciously through one’s causal body. It is possible for an advanced student to put himself in rapport with Higher Mind and through it to contact the Universal Mind. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of The Higher Mind
  • 129. Buddhi the peculiar manifestations of consciousness which take place through the Buddhic body, The mere intellect cannot understand those finer perceptions which have their origin in the Buddhic consciousness. The only state of consciousness which transcends and embraces the Buddhic consciousness is that of the Atma. The vibrations produced when consciousness works through the lower mental body are know as thoughts. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
  • 130. There is difference between the life of the Buddhic plane as it is lived consciously on its own plane in our Anandamaya-Kosha and the same life as it appears in our physical consciousness after being stepped down through the intermediate vehicles. When a Yogi rises in Samadhi to the Buddhic plane after transcending the mental body, he becomes conscious of a new world full of tremendous bliss and knowledge. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
  • 131. Thus the direct perception of the unity of Life on the Buddhic plane becomes merely an all-embracing compassion and sympathy. Direct insight into truth becomes merely intuition and knowledge of the truths of the higher life. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
  • 132. It is Buddhi and not the mind which is the instrument of knowing spiritual truths. This understanding is not the result of thinking or reasoning at all. Intuition, enables a man to become aware of these truths without going through the cumbersome processes of reasoning. Knowledge which comes through the direct perception of Buddhi stand on firm ground and is not liable to the change. When Buddhi shines steadily through our conviction, we can go, treading our path unfalteringly. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Buddhi in Our Life
  • 133. “Each man is to himself absolutely the way, the truth, and the life.” This means that we have to experiment with life, with different methods. The first step is to gather our scattered mental energies and concentrate them on the problems of life. The constant alertness and watchfulness is the only means of developing discrimination. The intense concentration on the mind and its activities must be practiced constantly, until this attitude becomes habitual, so that although we may be engaged in our ordinary activities we are aware all the time of this ceaseless activity of the mind. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of Buddhi
  • 134. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of Buddhi This practice will lead to the gradual shifting of centre of consciousness from the mind, to the region of Buddhi. Then will burst forth upon its horizon all those truths of the Buddhic plane. This method in which discrimination or Viveka is used to attain the higher states of consciousness is the basis of Jnana Marga. The second method is Bhakti Marga. In this method the love and devotion to a particular Deity is made more and more intense until fusion of the consciousness of two takes place.
  • 135. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of Buddhi When we empty ourselves of our personal thoughts and desires, the Higher Self immediately, illuminates our personality. In Gayatri there is a prayer addressed to the Solar Deity- the universal consciousness at the basis of the Solar system to give us more light, the light of Buddhi, if we repeat this prayer constantly and earnestly, then the corresponding force is, drawn out from the higher planes and makes our higher vehicles glow more brightly and give more spiritual outlook to the personality. Gayatri is one of the most important Mantra which has been devised specifically for the unfoldment of the Buddhic consciousness, energizing of the Buddhic vehicle harmonizing the lower vehicles and putting them in tune with the higher vehicles, so that the forces from the higher planes can pass in our physical consciousness.
  • 136. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Intellect and Intuition Intuition is a faculty of the greatest importance in the discovery of the Reality within us. True knowing is possible only through the fusion of one’s mind or consciousness with the object sought to be known. This ‘knowing by fusing, is direct and not subjected to illusion. ‘Buddhi’ is different from perception, discrimination, reason,etc.with whom it is usually confused by lay persons.
  • 137. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture Intellect and Intuition One penetrating flash of Buddhic perception can change completely the life of a man and make him see the realities of life. In acquiring wisdom we have only to increase the clarity of vision by removing the impurities, distortions and complexes present in the mind. We have to penetrate inwards to rise to a higher level of consciousness and to open the passage between the mental and the spiritual.
  • 138. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Atma in Our Life The soul of man is immortal, its future growth and splendor has no limit. The plane of Atma is the region from which operates the Will-Power of the Logos of the Solar system. The Atmic vehicle of a single Jivatma serves as an instrument to that power. It is through the power derived from this source that the Jivatma is able to overcome all difficulties to reach perfection.
  • 139. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Atma in Our Life It is only when the personality begins to change its life and attitudes into spiritual life by Sadhana or Self-Culture that the Higher self begins to find fuller expression through it. It acquires increasing control over it and finally becomes the centre of its life and consciousness. The personality should be able to get the knowledge it needs from within. When it can put itself in touch with the causal body. We should depend for our happiness upon the source of Ananda which exist within us.
  • 140. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Role of Atma in Our Life This is possible when we are in direct contact with the Buddhic vehicle or Anandamaya-Kosha. We should make the spiritual will of the Atma predominant in our life and gradually free the personality from the influence of desires. The Atma is triple Sat-Chit-Ananda has all the three attributes of self illumination, self-sufficiency and self-determination, The first two are exercised chiefly through the causal and the Buddhic vehicles. Until our life is governed by the Will of the Atma and not by the whims and desires of the personality, it is difficult to tread the path of Raja Yoga.
  • 141. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of Spiritual Will Power We can deal only with those manifestations of Atma which take place on this plane. The first step to raise the centre of consciousness from the personality to the Individuality. The passage has to be cleared for the continuous inflow of the Divine Life which brings with it true wisdom, power and love.
  • 142. Self-Discipline and Self-Culture The Development of Spiritual Will Power The Atma is the ultimate principle within us, the core of our spiritual being. This energizing controlling power within us has brought us to our present stage of evolution, and will lead us to final attainment of our glorious destiny. He who begins to practice Self Culture to draw upon this Divine Power becomes merely a centre through which the Divine will carry out the Divine Purpose.
  • 143. Nischaya, firm conviction obtained in the light of Buddhi is acquired when viveka or spiritual discrimination dawns in our mind and enables us to see all the problems of life in true perspective. The first step is vichara or deep and earnest thought, over certain aspects of life which stirs up activity of the Higher Mind and stimulate our Buddhi. Vichara or deep pondering over the problems of life is prescribed for all aspirants. They must think over these problems until they are really convinced that the treading of the path of our inner unfoldment is not only desirable but inevitable, c Self-Discovery and Self-Realization Self Discovery – The Unreal World We Live In
  • 144. Awakening within us of that real spiritual urge for the life in other world which is far more rich, real and vivid than our highest conception of a full and happy life here. Self-Discovery and Self-Realization Self Discovery – The Real World Waiting for Us
  • 145. So when we see the life around us as a series of phenomena which are unreal, we should try to look within ourselves for he reality which produces these phenomena. It is from the centre of our consciousness that these shadows are projected outside. Self-Discovery and Self-Realization Self Discovery – The Real World Waiting for Us
  • 146. The last stage when we not only ‘sense’ Reality through the faculty of Buddhi but know Reality directly through our Atma by fusing our consciousness with it and thus becoming one with it. Realization may be defined as ‘knowing by becoming’. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali is based on Will and it is through the use of spiritual Will that the mind is purified, brought under control and then its modifications inhibited completely in Samadhi. This enables the consciousness to transcend the different levels of the mind until the last barrier of the Atmic plane is crossed and the consciousness becomes one with the consciousness of Purusha. Self-Discovery and Self-Realization The Stages of Knowledge, Wisdom And Realization
  • 147. The Monad extricates himself from the lower levels of the mind, one by one, until his consciousness has freed itself from his Atmic vehicle and he stands free in his true Divine nature, Self-Realized and yet having all the vehicles on the lower planes at his command. This is Jivanmukti, Liberation, Nirvana that exalted state of consciousness, when he has completed his human evolution. In the third stage technique of Raja Yoga is utilized to obtain Self Realization, through the spiritual Will of the Atma, in the second stage it is Love which is used to attain Wisdom.and the Intellect in the first stage. Self-Discovery and Self-Realization The Stages of Knowledge, Wisdom And Realization