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   Heidelberg, March 2012

   Scientific Writing
   Dr. Barbara Janssens, PhD Career Manager

      1.      Writing, editing, career development
             ○    A career in science
                  ○    Editor
                  ○    Career
             ○    About publishing and impact
             ○    Before writing
      2.      Publication ethics
      3.      Writing a paper
             ○    IMRAD structure
             ○    How to get started & „sculpt“
             ○    Titles and abstracts
             ○    How to submit with cover letter
      4.      Tips on language/style
      5.      Writing an application
      6.      Science Communication with the Public

Ò    Master Biotechnology (Ghent, Belgium, 1997)
Ò    Erasmus in Uppsala, Sweden
Ò    PhD cell-cell adhesion/migration (Ghent 2002)
Ò    Postdoc (+ 2 kids) in Paris (Institut Curie) on Rho/ARF GTPase
      cell biology (2002-2005)
Ò    Editor at Wiley-Blackwell (2005-2010)
      É    Heidelberg 2005: 1-year Editorial Trainee position at Wiley-VCH in Weinheim;
            launch of BTJ in 2006
      É    More than editing: peer review, marketing, controlling, accounting, customer
            service, journal production, strategics, research, BIBLIOMETRICS
      É    Managing/Executive Editor of BTJ and Publishing Editor for biotech portfolio
Ò    Teaching scientific writing since 2008
Ò    PhD Career Manager at DKFZ Heidelberg in 2011

Ò    Founded in 1807
Ò    Over 5000 employees in USA,
      Europe, Canada, Asia, Australia
Ò    2007: Wiley-Blackwell STMS
      É    science technical medical
Ò    Products include
      É    1500 peer reviewed journals
      É    3 M articles
      É    6500 books (also online)
      É    Major reference works, databases, lab
            manuals, WIREs,…
      É    Online open: author pays for non-







      Weinheim                               上海市

      (Germany)                              (China)	

      (NY, USA)

      Oxford /


Ò  Since  June 2009
Ò  Hottest news &
Ò  Fully interactive PDF

Ò  Printed in WB
    biotech portfolio
Ò  Columns
   É  GettingPublished
   É  BiotecCareers




                                      X 40

   Richard Bolles, What Color Is Your Parachute?	


Ò  France:    Daniel Porot                     It´s easier to act yourself
   É                            into a new way of thinking,
                                                than it is to think yourself
   É                      into a new way of acting.
Ò  Germany:       John Webb
                                                              Richard N Bolles


Ò  US:   Richard N. Bolles


Ò  Where do we go shopping today?
Ò  Focus on
      É  Publishing and ethics?
      É  Writing a paper?

      É  Writing a CV?

      É  Language and style?

ž    Papers
ž    Curriculum vitae
ž    Grants
ž    Reports
ž    Proposals
ž    Web pages
ž    Conferences
ž    Lectures
ž    Meetings
ž    Posters
ž    ...

ž    „Your research is not complete until you publish it“
      (Ibn al Haytham, 1021)
      —    Make a permanent and accessible record of your findings
      —    Avoid others repeat unnecessarily

ž    Publish or perish....
ž    Publico ergo sum!

ž    Stuff your CV (you need papers to get grants)
      —    More papers = more eminent scientist (Hirsch factor)

Ò  Journals, scopes, readership: who reads and
    cites your papers?...
Ò  Think of your audience!!!

Ò  Search sites
                 ×  PubMed/Medline

                 ×  Google Scholar
                 ×  Scopus (Elsevier)

                 ×  CrossRef

                 ×  BioMed experts

                 ×  Open Access journals

                 ×  ISI Web of Science (Thomson) – IF

Ò  Downloads             vs citations

   Devised by Eugene Gar field, founder of ISI (Chairman Emeritus of
   Thomson Scientific)

Slide by
Matteo Cavalleri

 IF = average number of times articles from the journal published
 in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year.


                                IF (Year 3) =
                                                              A1 + A2
                                                                Slide adapted from Matteo Cavalleri

        A scientist has index h if h of [his/her] Np papers
          have at least h citations each,
        and the other (Np - h) papers have at most h citations

       Since 2010
       SNIP = Source Normalized Impact per Paper
       SNIP (Journal)= RIP/CP
        RIP = Raw Impact per Paper
        CP = Citation Potential
             (average number of references in the articles that cite a given journal)
Ò    Only cited references from articles in the census period, and which refer to
      articles within the target period are counted
Ò    Only cited references indexed in the Scopus database are counted

  Web of Knowledge
  Faculty of 1000 (post-publication peer review)
  Australian journal ranking A*, A, B, C



ž    What would you do?
ž    Read read read...
ž    Assemble data
1.     Which journal/scope?
2.     Which format?
3.     Who will be author?
4.     Check instructions to authors!


Ò  How do you find articles?
Ò  How do you read them?

Ò  How can you be critical?
      É  If
           a paper is difficult to follow/understand: ask
         yourself how you like the writing…
Ò  How        do you keep track of articles?
      É  Web  of Science
      É  Self archiving

      É  Mendeley


     Journal                     XXX   XXX
     Publishes similar work?

     Scope/recent content?

     Fast publication?
     Charges for pages, color,
     open access?

     Article format/length?


  1.     Introduction and basics
        ○    introduction
        ○    About journals and peer review
        ○    Online access and searches, IF
        ○    Before writing
  2.     Publication ethics
        ○    Authorship
        ○    Plagiarism
  3.     Writing
        ○       IMRAD structure
        ○       How to get started & „sculpt“
        ○       How to submit with cover letter
  4.     Tips on language/style
  5.     Practical abstract/title writing
  6.     Science communication


Ò    Author = significant contributor
Ò    Providing reagents, scientific/moral support =
Ò    First author =„paternity“ („the one without whom the work
      could not have been accomplished“)
Ò    Last author =„Senior author“ (often the group leader or head of
Ò    Corresponding author (usually first and/or last) = assumes
      responsibility for writing, submiting, revising and answering
      questions after publication. Most prestigious.
Ò    „These authors have contributed equally“
Ò    Decide authors and order as early as possible
Ò    Which author you are will be important for your CV – but being
      an author in the first place is what matters

Ò    FIRST AUTHOR: Weary graduate student who spent hours doing the work.
Ò    SECOND AUTHOR: Resentful graduate student who thinks he or she spent
      hours doing the work.
Ò    THIRD AUTHOR: Undergraduate just happy to be named.
Ò    FOURTH AUTHOR: Collaborator no one has ever met whose name is only
      included for political reasons.
Ò    FIFTH AUTHOR: Postdoctoral fellow who once made a chance remark on the
Ò    SIXTH AUTHOR: For some reason, Vladimir Putin.
Ò    LAST AUTHOR: Principal investigator whose grant funded the project but who
      hasn’t stood at a lab bench in decades, except for that one weird photo
      shoot for some kind of pamphlet, and even then it was obvious that he or
      she didn’t know where to find basic things.

                                                  A. Ruben

Ò    Ghost authors: individuals not named as authors but who
      contributed substantially to the work
Ò    Honorary authors: named authors who have not met authorship
Ò    Confidential survey of corresponding authors of 809 articles
       É    156 articles (19%) had evidence of honorary authors
       É    93 articles (11%) had evidence of ghost authors

Flanagin et al., Prevalence of Articles with Honorary Authors and Ghost Authors in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals. J. Am. Med.
     Assoc. 1998, 280, 222-224.


Ò  FromPNAS:
Author contributions: A.B. designed research;
  A.B., M.G.K., and J.-E.S. performed research;
  A.B., M.G.K., and J.-E.S. analyzed data; and
  A.B., M.G.K., and J.-E.S. wrote the paper.

Ò    What is plagiarism?
Ò    The „Guttenberg syndrome“
Ò    Plagiarism is the representation of another person's words,
      ideas, or information as if they were one's own
Ò    ... Do not publish previously published work!
Ò    However you may reuse some of your own and „CITED“ [1]
Ò    Check COPE - the Committee on Publishing Ethics
Ò    Check „copyright transfer agreement“

a. Contributors may re-use unmodified abstracts for any non-commercial purpose. For
      on-line uses of the abstracts, Wiley-Blackwell encourages but does not require
      linking back to the final published versions.
b. Contributors may re-use figures, tables, data sets, artwork, and selected text up to
      250 words from their Contributions, provided the following conditions are met:
(i) Full and accurate credit must be given to the Contribution.
(ii) Modifications to the figures, tables and data must be noted.
Otherwise, no changes may be made.
(iii) The reuse may not be made for direct commercial purposes, or for
financial consideration to the Contributor.
(iv) Nothing herein shall permit dual publication in violation of journal

 É  EVE2, OrCheck, CopyCheck, and WordCHECK, to name a few
 É  eTBLAST and Déjà vu





                                 Implemented for all W-B journals


Individual for each article…
a)  When the sources are not cited
       —    High similarity = ethical misconduct -> reject
       —    Depending on response by author, the Editor may
             ○  inform the head of the research institute and/or
             ○  ban the author from publication for 1-3 years.
       —    reasonable similarity -> revise -> further consideration
b)    When the sources are correctly cited
       —    high degree of flexibility towards e.g. methods and introduction (up to 250 words,
             see CTA), but
       —    If results or conclusions are copied -> reject
       —    mosaic-type (patchwork) article -> reject
       —    A review type article -> at least revise
       —    Hidden plagiarism is still possible (

      "The Ghost Writer„ : writer turns in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.
      "The Photocopy„ : writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source,
      without alteration.
      "The Potluck Paper„ : writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different
      sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the
      original phrasing.
      "The Poor Disguise„: writer has retained the essential content of the source, but has
      altered the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.
      "The Labor of Laziness„: writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from
      other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original
      "The Self-Stealer„: writer "borrows" generously from his or her previous work, violating
      policies concerning the expectation of originality adopted by most academic institutions.


Ò    "The Forgotten Footnote„: writer mentions an author's name for a source, but neglects
      to include specific information on the location of the material referenced. This often masks
      other forms of plagiarism by obscuring source locations.
Ò    "The Misinformer„: writer provides inaccurate information regarding the sources, making
      it impossible to find them.
Ò    "The Too-Perfect Paraphrase„: writer properly cites a source, but neglects to put in
      quotation marks text that has been copied word-for-word, or close to it. Although attributing
      the basic ideas to the source, the writer is falsely claiming original presentation and
      interpretation of the information.
Ò    "The Resourceful Citer„: writer properly cites all sources, paraphrasing and using
      quotations appropriately. The catch? The paper contains almost no original work! It is
      sometimes difficult to spot this form of plagiarism because it looks like any other well-
      researched document.
Ò    "The Perfect Crime„: Well, we all know it doesn't exist. In this case, the writer properly
      quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other arguments from
      those sources without citation. This way, the writer tries to pass off the paraphrased
      material as his or her own analysis of the cited material.

       1.     Introduction and basics
             ○    Mutual introductions
             ○    About journals and peer review
             ○    Online access and searches, IF
             ○    Before writing
       2.     Publication ethics
       3.     Writing
             ○      IMRAD structure
             ○      How to get started & „sculpt“
             ○      How to submit with cover letter
       4.     Tips on language/style
       5.     Practical abstract/title writing
       6.     Science communication


        “The time to begin writing an article is when you have
        finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to
        clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to
        say.” (Mark Twain, 1902)
        1) Have something to say
        2) Say it
        3) Stop as soon as you have said it
        (Billings, J., An address to our medical literature. Brit.
        Med. J. 1881, xx, 262-268)
        NOT instant messaging, tweeting, status updating...
        (that‘s marketing AFTER your publication)


                                                  Serial position effect

                                                                                      Drain needs


                                                                            Mustn’t forget
                                                                            to do the shopping...
                                                                     I’m hungry...

                            Primacy                                             Recency

                            Deese and Kaufman, J. Exp. Psychol. 1957, 54, 180-187.�
© Andrew Moore              Murdock , J. Exp. Psychol. 1962, 64, 482-488.�



Ò    Title
Ò    Abstract
1.    Introduction
2.    Materials and Methods
3.    Results
4.    Discussion
5.    Figures and Tables
Ò    Cover letter


1.    Figures and Tables
Ò    Title
Ò    Abstract
2.    Results
3.    Materials and Methods
4.    Introduction
5.    Discussion
Ò    Cover letter

Ò    Figures and Tables
Ò    Title
Ò    Abstract
2.    Results
3.    Materials and Methods
4.    Introduction
5.    Discussion
Ò    Cover letter


Ò  This  will cut your writer‘s block!
Ò  (Pictures of gels, graphs etc)

Ò  Order in Figures: write legends

Ò  What is the story?

Ò  (Title, abstract draft)

Ò    Should tell the story - quick readers will read the abstract and
      check the figures
Ò    Are the data comprehensive?
Ò    Not too many panels (6)
Ò    If too many data: provide as supporting material
Ò    Think: what do I need to convince the reviewer? What is the
      minimum to satisfy a reader without „losing the forest because
      of the trees“? e.g. No need to repeat all different conditions as
      a proper figure
Ò    Include a concluding visual scheme, diagram, overview

Ò  Detail how many times the experiments were
Ò  Detail the number of animals/replicates
Ò  Provide clear statistical analysis
Ò  Should enable the reader to fully understand
    the figure
Ò  Ensure everything is described: abbreviations,
    symbols etc.

Ò  Table
   É  Recording  data (raw or processed)
   É  Showing actual data values, precision
   É  Multiple comparisons
   É  Has a short title and footnotes

Ò  Figure
   É  Showing  trend or picture
   É  Shape rather than numbers
   É  Compare few elements
   É  Has a legend with all details needed



Ò    resolution should be at least 400 dpi
Ò    to be printed either to fit the width of one column (8 cm) or to
      fit the width of the page (17 cm)
Ò    Avoid extreme height-to-width ratios (“noodles” and
Ò    Resizing: Increasing the resolution of an image will result in a
      proportionally smaller image size
      É    20 x 30 cm 96 dpi -> 400 dpi 5 x 7 cm
      É    do not embed TIFF files in DOC files; JPEG files will not be compressed

Ò    Excel: scale the chart to at least 400% of the expected printing
Ò    Select the chart, copy
Ò    PowerPoint: Edit-“Paste special…“: paste as PNG file


   Regulations by Rockefeller University Press
    (now adopted by most journals)
   Ò  No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured,
       moved, removed, or introduced.
   Ò  Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are
       acceptable if they are applied to the whole image and as long as
       they do not obscure, eliminate, or misrepresent any information
       present in the original.
   Ò  The grouping of images from different parts of the same gel, or
       from different gels, fields, or exposures must be made explicit by
       the arrangement of the figure (e.g., dividing lines) and in the text
       of the figure legend.
   Ò  If the original data cannot be produced by an author when asked
       to provide it, acceptance of the manuscript may be revoked.

MANIPULATION OF BLOTS         Brigthness and contrast adjustments.

© 2004 Rockefeller University Press   Rossner M , Yamada K M J Cell Biol 2004;166:11-15


1.    Figures and Tables
Ò    Title
Ò    Abstract
2.    Results
3.    Materials and Methods
4.    Introduction
5.    Discussion
Ò    Cover letter

ž  The first impression counts...
ž  A strong title will attract readers/citations
ž  Keep it short: 15 words
ž  Clear, informative, raise curiosity
ž  Interesting and easy to read
ž  Main message of the paper
ž  Remember Medline
ž  Key words
ž  Start with a „quick go“, remodel during writing
     process and rethink for some days when the whole
     manuscript is ready
Ò  Test:

Ò  “The X-ray crystal structure of the complex formed
    between a recognition domain on a sensor histidine
    kinase (CheA) and its cognate response-regulator
    (CheY) reveals insights into the mechanism of signal
    transduction in bacterial chemotaxis.”
Ò  “Structure of the CheY-binding domain of histidine
    kinase CheA in complex with CheY.”
Ò  “Preliminary canine and clinical evaluation of a new
    antitumor agent, streptovitacin.” (Clin. Res. 8:134, 1960)
Ò  „Evidence for women dreaming more often about food
    than men.“

Ó    Vague titles
Ó    Titles starting with
      Ó  „Studies on..“ „Implications of…“
      Ó  „Characterization of...“ „Involvement of…“
      Ó  „Observations on...“ „Evidence for…“
      Ó  „Investigations into...“ „Insights in…“
      Ó  “The involvement of protein x in signal transduction pathway y”
      —  -> „Protein x does y in this signal transduction pathway “
Ó    Titles with jargon or abbreviations
Ó    Titles with „new“ and „novel“ (all research is new)


Ò  Donot  repeat title words – these come up
Ò  Most cited versus never cited...

Ò  Try out in Medline: possibly your keywords
    should be obvious and short but bring less hits
    (and rather your than a competitor‘s article!)


Ò  “Preliminary canine and clinical evaluation of
    a new antitumor agent, streptovitacin.”
(Clin. Res. 8:134, 1960)
Ò  „Evidence for women dreaming more often
    about food than men.“
Ò  ...

               Reviews                                             Reviews

               Yoghurt fermentation at elevated temperatures by    Essential fatty acids: Biochemistry, physiology and

         -          strains of Streptococcus thermophilus
                    expressing a small heat-shock protein:

                    Application of two-plasmid system for

                                                                   Metagenomics: An inexhaustible access to
                    constructing food-grade strains of                  nature‘s diversity
                    Streptococcus thermophilus

         -     New insights into mechanisms of growth and b-
                    carotene production in Blakeslea trispora      Production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines in
                                                                        plants via the chloroplast genome
         +/-   Research Ar ticles
               Separation of catechin compounds from different
                                                                   Application of inkjet printing to tissue engineering

         +/-   Production and characterization of theromstable     Research Ar ticles
                    α-amylase by thermophilic Geobacillus
                                                                   Arenicola marina extracullar hemoglobin: A new
                                                                         promising blood substitute                       +/-
         -     Molecular characteriazation of rpoB gene
                     mutations in rifampicin-resistant
                     Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated
                                                                   Directed evolution of industrial biocatalyst 2-
                                                                         deoxy-D-ribose-5-phosphate aldolase              +
                     from TB patients in Belarus

               Investigating pH and Cu(II) effects on lipase       Bio-electrosprays: The next generation of
                     activity and enantioselectivity via kinetic         electrified jets

                     and spectroscopic methods

               Metabolic flux analysis of the two astaxanthin-
                                                                   A rapid, high content, in vivo model of
                     producing microorganisms Haematococcus              glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis
                     pluvialis and Phaffia rhodozyma in the pure
                     and mixed cultures

                      Never cited...........well cited

ž    Hardest part to write
ž    Second most important part
ž    Maximum 200 words (Medline truncates at 250 words)
ž    What are the significant results?
ž    Important methodology (in vitro vs. in vivo, human, model
ž    What are the conclusions/implications?
ž    Start with writing these in bullet points and take time to re- re-
      and re-write this part with some distance
ž    Write in PAST TENSE
ž    NO citations, avoid non-standard abbreviations

© Andrew Moore

                                                                     Drain needs
        recall                                                       unblocking!!

                         PI3K                               Mustn’t forget
                                                            to do the shopping...
                                                     I’m hungry...

                   primacy                                     recency

Ò    Be specific, not just one word
      É    e.g. women's fiction not fiction.
Ò  Key phrases need to make sense within the title and
    abstract and flow well.
Ò  Focus on a maximum of three or four different
    keyword phrases rather than try to get across too
    many points.
Ò  Finally, always check that the abstract reads well,
    remember the primary audience is still the researcher
    not a search engine, so write for readers not robots.  

      BACKGROUND: Infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus have become increasingly
      common in hospitals worldwide. S aureus continues to be a cause of nosocomial bacteremia. METHODS:
      We analyzed the clinical significance (mortality) of MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S aureus bacteremia in
      a retrospective cohort study in a 2900-bed tertiary referral medical center. Survival and logistic regression
      analyses were used to determine the risk factors and prognostic factors of mortality. RESULTS: During the
      15-year period, 1148 patients were diagnosed with nosocomial S aureus bacteremia. After controlling
      potential risk factors for MRSA bacteremia on logistic regression analysis, service, admission days prior to
      bacteremia, age, mechanical ventilator, and central venous catheter (CVC) were independent risk factors for
      MRSA. The crude mortality rate of S aureus bacteremia was 44.1%. The difference between the mortality
      rates of MRSA (49.8%) and MSSA bacteremia (27.6%) was 22.2% (P < .001). Upon logistic regression
      analysis, the mortality with MRSA bacteremia was revealed to be 1.78 times higher than MSSA (P < .001).
      The other predicted prognostic factors included age, neoplasms, duration of hospital stay after bacteremia,
      presence of mechanical ventilator, and use of CVC. CONCLUSIONS: Resistance to methicillin was an
      important independent prognostic factor forpatients with S aureus bacteremia.

      PMID: 18313513 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]


Ò  Developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s to assist
    health professionals in selecting clinically relevant and
    methodologically valid journal articles
Ò  Mainly medical

Ò  Makes text mining (search engines) easier

Ò  Could start to be used in life sciences (MedLine


Ò  Startedin chemical journals
Ò  VISUALISE the main message in ONE figure
   É  Chemical  reaction
   É  Signal transduction pathway

   É  Hypothesis

   É  Structure

   É  Etc…


Ò  Sometimes   asked at submission
Ò  Summary for non-expert

Ò  Here you CAN say why it is new

Ò  Always write this, it can be useful
   É  In cover letter to convince Editor
   É  After acceptance to highlight your work

   É  To explain your friends and family


Ò  Mark    key statements
   É  Doyou get what it is about?
   É  What could be left out?

Ò  Firstand last sentence: strong?
Ò  Positive wording

Ò  Sentence length

Ò  Suggest one or two alternative titles

Ò  What would you write in a „lay“ abstract?


1.     Figures and Tables
Ò     Title
Ò     Abstract
2 .    Results
3 .    Materials and Methods
4.     Introduction
5.     Discussion
Ò     Cover letter

Ò    Follow the figures: Present the experiments performed in a logical and clear
      manner. Why did this lead to the next experiment?
Ò    Written in the PAST TENSE
Ò    Provide statistical analysis and clearly indicate significant data
Ò    Cite relevant literature but only the FACTS to understand (as previous
      studies showed XXX [23] we tested the cells with XXX). Comparing is for the
Ò    Do not lose in technical details („we transfected and then purified cell
      extracts and then separated...“): these go to the M&M
Ò    Present your results ONCE, either in the text, OR a Table OR Figure

Ò    Should be concise but complete
Ò    Written in PAST TENSE
Ò    DO NOT include any results!
Ò    A colleague should be able to repeat the experiment
Ò    All new reagents, sequences, etc should stated;
Ò    New method: provide ALL detail
Ò    Standard procedures: cite and only mention modifications
Ò    If too lengthy: decide afterwards if parts can be cut or removed
      to supporting information
Ò    Write 20 mL (not ml), 5 mm, 3 min (not mins), kDa (not Kda;
      molecular mass – not weight), M (not mole)
      Check chemical nomenclature

Ò     “After standing in boiling water for an hour, I loaded the sample
       on a gel…..”
Ò     “Blood samples were taken from 48 informed and consenting
       patients….. the subjects ranged in age from 6 months to 22
       years.” (Pediatr. Res. 1972, 6, 26)
Ò     “Employing a straight platinum wire rabbit, sheep and human
       blood agar plates were inoculated….”
Ò     “Lying on top of the small intestine, we observed a small
       transparent thread”
Ò     “In this experiment, one third of the mice were cured by the test
       drug, one third were unaffected by the drug and remained
       moribund, and the third mouse got away.”(Reputedly from a MS
       submitted to Infection and Immunity)

                                               From Martin Welch, BIOCAM course

Ò      Title
Ò      Abstract
1.      Figures and Tables
2.      Results
3.      Materials and Methods
4 .     Introduction
5.      Discussion
Ò      Cover letter

Ò    Provides the background to the study
Ò    Can be written in PRESENT TENSE (= existing knowledge)
Ò    Details the results from relevant published studies (difference between we
      demonstrated – it was demonstrated – it has been demonstrated – it is
Ò    Explains what is still unknown
Ò    Describes why the work was carried out and what the aim of the study was
Ò    Enables a non-expert to understand the rationale
Ò    Try to cite relevant review articles rather than going back to all basic papers
Ò    State your principal results and conclusions in one sentence


  Ò  Donot keep the reader in suspense:
  Tell the audience at the start that the
      butler did it.
  [Which they already know anyway,
      because they’ve read the abstract……..]
  Ò  Decisions about what is or is not
      interesting should be left up to the

Ò      Title
Ò      Abstract
1.      Figures and Tables
2.      Results
3.      Materials and Methods
4.      Introduction
5 .     Discussion
Ò      Cover letter

Ò     QUICKLY summarize the findings
Ò     This is not just the results presented in another format, they
       need to be discussed in the wider context of the field
Ò     What are the implications for future work?
Ò     Systematically compare findings with supporting and/or
       conflicting literature
Ò     Discuss implications and applications, future directions to take
Ò     Be clear, honest, don‘t over-interprete but also don‘t minimize
Ò     Are there any models/rules that can be established?
Ò     If it was a model system, what are the implications for the
       human system? Parallels, differences?
Ò     If primarily in vitro studies, what is the scope for further in vivo
       studies? Relation to published in vivo studies?

Ò  The references must comply to house style
Ò  Ensure that they are cited in numerical order and that
    every reference is cited
Ò  The work cited should be fair and balanced
Ò  Ensure that credit is given to the original discoveries,
    including back-to-back publications
Ò  Use a reference manager (e.g. Endnote) and correctly
    format the citations and ref list

1. Is the subject matter suitable for publication in XXX?
2. Does the manuscript contain new and significant information
    to justify publication?
3. Is the technical quality of the paper adequate for publication?
4. Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results?
5. Is the summary (abstract) informative and concise?
6. Is the English satisfactory?
7. Do the references adequately refer to related work?

   É  600-700    words = one typeset page - excluding
       figures. (12000 words = 20 pages)
   É  Introduction < 1000 words

   É  Concluding section < 300 words

Ò  Shorten:
   É    Latest publications of relevance
   É    Keep details to minimum
   É    Concentrate on bullet points, 3 key arguments
   É    Cover only as much historical background as is necessary for the
         contextualization of the topic for a broad readership.
   É    Avoid detailed lists of genes, gene products, acronyms etc. -> Table


Ò     Title
Ò     Abstract
1.     Figures and Tables
2.     Results
3.     Materials and Methods
4 .    Introduction
5.     Discussion
Ò     Cover letter

Ò  Convince the editor of the importance of your work
Ò  State in a few sentences what the paper is about (not
Ò  Why does it fit the scope of the journal?
Ò  Why is it novel?
Ò  Why will it be of interest to reviewers? If you state non-
    preferred reviewers, you may explain why
Ò  Write this for the EDITOR

 = Getting through the first editorial assessment...

                     ...or will not be sent out for peer review

   É  Originality

   É  Understandibility

   É  Reliability

   É  Suitability

Ò  Poorlywritten or
  conceived papers
  will be rejected

Dear Dr. Brown,

Please find attached the manuscript „Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations of the southern Simpson
    Desert“. This manuscript examines the mycorrhizal status of plants growing on the different
    soils of the dune-swale systems of the Simpson Desert. There have been few studies of the
    ecology of the plants in this desert and little is known about how mycorrhizal assocaitions are
    distributed amonst the desert plants of Australia. We report the arbuscular mycorrhizal status
    of 47 plant species for the first time. The manscript has been prepared according to the
    journal‘s Instructions for Authors. We believe that this new work is within the scope of your
    jounal and hope that you will consider this manuscript for publication in the Australian Journal
    of Botany.
We await your response and the comments of reviewers.

Yours sincerely,

Dear Dr. Brown,

Please find attached the manuscript „Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations of the southern Simpson
    Desert“. This manuscript examines the mycorrhizal status of plants growing on the different
    soils of the dune-swale systems of the Simpson Desert. There have been few studies of the
    ecology of the plants in this deser t and little is known about how mycorrhizal assocaitions are
    distributed amonst the desert plants of Australia. We report the arbuscular mycorrhizal status
    of 47 plant species for the first time. The manscript has been prepared according to the
    journal‘s Instructions fo Authors. We believe that this new work is within the scope of your
    jounal and hope that you will consider this manuscript for publication in the Australian Journal
    of Botany.
We await your response and the comments of reviewers.

Yours sincerely,

Ò    “It gives me immense satisfaction to be able to share with you an additional
      application of….”
Ò     “We, the Arthurs of this mansucript …”
Ò    “The conception of Chapter 1..”
Ò    “We hope that paper should priority handing”
Ò     “I would like to express my honour to submit our hard work to your
      respected journal”
Ò    “Dear Sir, Thank you for the sweet reviewing process and find here the
      responce for the reviewers comments”
Ò     “After deep thinking of the comments, we made statement as follow:”

                                                         Thanks to Lucie and Uta, EJLST and ELS

      Take time! You will need to provide
       –  Names and emails of authors
       –  Names and emails of referees
                4 preferred referees
                Evt non-preferred: best state WHY – this choice will be respected
       –  Title, abstract and keywords
       –  Lay abstract/practical applications
       –  Cover letter
       –  Conflict of interest statement



Ò  The   editors will try to get back to you as soon
      as possible
      É  Immediate  decision within 1 week
      É  Peer review within 4 weeks is fast!

      É  You may inquire after 6 weeks

Ò  Always sleep over the referee comments
Ò  Reply correctly, especially if „rebuttal“
Ò  Carefully revise and make a point-by-point answer to
    referee comments – especially if some requests
    cannot be fulfilled, come up with a plausible
Ò  The revised version has to be PERFECT – it will save a
    lot of time for all parties involved.


Ò    Language vs peer review/editing
      É    Badly written -> reject
      É    Poor language -> language polishing
      É    Small mistakes -> copy-editor
Ò    Shashok K. Content and communication: How can peer review
      provide helpful feedback about the writing?
      É    BMC Medical Research Methodology 2008, 8:3, doi:10.1186/1471-2288-8-3. http://


     Cite per DOI (Digital object identifier)
             ○    = Publisher/MSnumber

     Publication times….
      Ø    Author
             Ø   Signed copyright transfer agreement
             Ø   Final figures/text
             Ø   Galley proof corrections
      Ø    Publisher
             Ø   Copy-editing
             Ø   Typesetting
             Ø   Online publication
             Ø   Issue and/or print: pages assigned


Ò  Writeto be understood
Ò  Think of your audience

Ò  Make information accessible

Ò  Make reader feel comfortable

Ò  THINK what you want to say
      É  Clear       thinking = clear writing
Ò  Arrange              your thoughts in a logical order (MIND

Ò  …	
Ò  Sentences	
Ò  False	

Ò  Commas	


Ò  Simple

Ò  Precise

Ò  Concise

Ò  Topic near the beginning!
Ò  Active tense where possible

        Ð  Keep	

        Ð  It	

        Ð  Short	

        Ð  Simple	

Ò  Which       sentence is easier to understand?
      É  The   primary site of contact with airborne allergens,
          irritants, pathogens and other proinflammatory
          agents is the pulmonary ephithelium
      É  The pulmonary epithelium is the primary site of
          contact with airborne allergens, irritants, pathogens
          and other proinflammatory agents

Ò    Often splitting in two is better, even if result is longer:
      É  Wiley-VCH is a Weinheim, Germany, global STM publisher
          specialized in chemistry and life sciences, belonging to the
          Wiley-Blackwell group.
      É  Wiley-VCH is a publishing house located in Weinheim,
          Germany. As a part of the global Wiley-Blackwell scientific/
          technical/medical (STM) program, it is specialized in
          Chemistry and Life Science publications.


ž  Units of thought, not length
ž  Provide visual relief

ž  Contain related thoughts

ž  Thoughts in logical order

ž  Consistent organization

ž  Use topic sentences
      —     At beginning or end
      —     Rarely in the middle (unless preceding is transitional)

                                                                  © Andrew Moore

                                                          Drain needs
            recall                                        unblocking!!

                          PI3K                      Mustn’t forget
                                                    to do the shopping...
                                             I’m hungry...

                     primacy                         recency

Ò  Avoid vague terms such as trends
Ò  Be very precise and clear

Ò  “The cells increased following treatment with” – what
    characteristic of the cells increased: size, number?
Ò  Data = results; datum = result; use the correct verb
    form (also criteria/criterion etc.)
Ò  Careful with embedded phrases
      É    Avoid separating subject and verb




Ò    Be cautious with imprecise words:
      É    Several, some, many, affected, somewhat, quite, relatively
Ò    Don‘t add doubt unnecissarily. Could you replace...
      É  Could -> can
      É  Would -> will

      É  Hopefully -> Possibly

      É  Difficulty -> challenge


Ò  Past     tense: for a completed study
   É  what         was done and found
Ò  Present          tense: for what is always true or always
   É  An    example is….
Ò  Modal           tense: doubt
   É  This     may influence…

   É  Avoid passive (is, was, are, being...)
   É  Use active: the subject of the sentence performs an action
          Ð  The man was bitten by the dog - pass
          Ð  The dog bit the man - active

   É    Only use passive if you cannot use the „we“ form
          Ð  Gelelectrophoresis was used - pass
          Ð  We used gel electrophoresis – active

   É    Example from Adam Ruben
          Ð  ACTIVE  VOICE: We did this experiment.
          Ð  PASSIVE VOICE: This experiment was done by us.

          Ð  SEMI-PASSIVE VOICE: Done by us, this experiment was.

          Ð  Yes, for the semi-passive voice, you’ll want to emulate Yoda. Yoda,
              you’ll want to emulate.                 A. Ruben


Ò  Which/that:                        relative clauses
               Ð  Defining         clause: NO comma
                      ×  That/which          in UK, only that in US
                      ×  No   comma
               Ð  Non        defining clause: comma
                      ×  ,which ((by the way)) ….
                      ×  Not essential to basic meaning

                      ×  Comma before which
Ø    Land which/that is surrounded by water is an island.
Ø    Tasmania, which is surrounded by the waters of Bass Strait, is an island of great
      natural beauty.



Ò  “Panda:  large black and white bear-like
    mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and
    leaves.” [1]
Ò  Help the reader understand!/list information

Ò  Before the “and” is optional

Ò  To date, …

Ò  Use commas as you would salt and pepper:
    don’t overdo it!
Ò    [1] Truss, L., Eats(,) Shoots and Leaves, Profile Books Ltd., UK 2003
Ò    Fay Wolter, BiotecVisions April 2011

= assigning actions that can only be performed by humans to non-living
   subjects. Subjects like method, theor y, research, table, figure, etc. cannot
   determine, conclude, find, summarize, compare, or actively “act” as human
   subjects do



ž    Transition words
      —    And, so, therefore, however, in conclusion, nevertheless
ž    Do not use several words where one will do
      —    As a means of
      —    Ask the question
      —    At the present time
      —    During the time that
      —    In order that
      —    With regard to
      —    Prior to
      —    With the exception of
      —    ...

Ò  Seems/appears      Ò  Restricted
Ò  Uncritical         Ò  Unsupported
Ò  Undermined
                       Ò  Limited
Ò  Confounded
                       Ò  Compromised
Ò  Inappropriate
                       Ò  Somewhat
Ò  Purported
                       Ò  Superficial
Ò  Caution
                       Ò  Ofdoubtful value
Ò  Limitations
                       Ò  Unlikely


Ò  Unclear
                                Ò  Uncontrolled
Ò  Uncertain
                                Ò  Anomalous
Ò  Potentially
              biased                Surprising
Ò  Controversial               Ò  Unusual
Ò  Debatable                   Ò  Confusing
Ò  Unexpected                  Ò  Negative


Ò  Present moment in time
Ò  Fewer in number

Ò  Estimate at about

Ò  Whether or not

Ò  Try and endeavour

Ò  True facts


Ò  As  is well-known
Ò  It is obvious that

Ò  It will be self-evident that

Ò  Of course

Ò  A not inconsiderable body of evidence...
Ò    Starting sentences with “obviously” or “as everyone
      knows” demonstrates your intellectual superiority. If
      possible, start sentences with, “As super-intelligent
      beings like myself know,” or “Screw your stupidity;
      here’s a fact-bomb for you.”A. Ruben

Ò    Shun and avoid the employment of unnecessary, excess extra words.
Ò    Make certain all sentences are full and complete. If possible.
Ò    Avoid cliches like the plague.
Ò    Take pain's to spell and, punctuate correctly.
Ò    BE Consistent.
Ò    Don't approximate. Always be more or less precise.
Ò    Sedulously eschew obfuscatory hyperverbosity or prolixity.
Ò    Avoid pointless repetition, and don't repeat yourself unnecessarily.
Ò    Always try to remembr t he/E extreme importance of being accurit; ne at, and carfful.
Ò    Don't use no double negatives.
Ò    Don't never use no triple negatives.
Ò    All generalizations are bad.
Ò    Take care that your verb and subject is in agreement.

Ò    A preposition is a bad thing to end a sentence with.
Ò    Don't use commas, which aren't necessary.
Ò    "Avoid overuse of 'quotation' marks." "
Ò    Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided.
Ò    And don't start a sentence with a conjunction.
Ò    Reserve the apostrophe for it's proper use and omit it when its not necessary.
Ò    Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read.
Ò    Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.
Ò    Never use that totally cool, radically groovy out-of-date slang.
Ò    Avoid those long sentences that just go on, and on, they never stop, they just keep
      rambling, and you really wish the person would just shut up, but no, they just keep
      on going, they're worse than the Energizer Bunny, they babble incessantly, and these
      sentences, they just never stop.


Ò  Google!!
Ò  Merriam Webster
Ò  Linguee        for German to English
Ò    Software ConcApp
       É  Build your own corpus (articles) of english journal articles

       É  Search gives you CONTEXT of search words


Ò    “A large mass of literature has accumulated on the cell walls of
      staphylococci.” (From a MS submitted to the editor for publication in J.
Ò    “….He presented evidence that women who smoke are likely to have
      pulmonary abnormalities and impaired lung function at the annual meeting
      of the American Lung Association.” (From a Press release)
Ò    “THF is a single heat-stable polypeptide isolated from calf thymus composed
      of 31 amino acids with a molecular weight of 3,200.”
Ò    “For sale, fine grand piano, by a lady, with three legs.”
Ò    “For sale, German Shepherd dog, obedient, well trained, will eat anything,
      very fond of children.”

                                                        From Martin Welch, BIOCAM course


Ò  Think of your audience
Ò  Write to be understood

Ò  Most important first


Ò  You have 10 minutes to read 20 CVs
Ò  Which criteria do you use?

Ò  What attracts you in a cover letter?

Ò  When do you spot what is important?

Ò  -> YOUR list

Ò  -> THE list of writing tips


Ò  No cover letter
Ò  No motivation

Ò  Unclear

Ò  Not interesting

Ò  No extra skills

Ò  Not matching job description

Ò  Perfect but boring (standard without extra)

Ò  The person behind this CV does not appeal

Ò  …


Ò  Deliver    information at first glance
   É  Trigger interest
   É  Emphasize specific skills

   É  Criteria from job ad can be found back in examples

   É  Cover letter focused on position

   É  Picture not required but IF, it will be seen…

   É  Clear motivation

Ò  Easy   to read – content and layout, uncongested
   É  Clearstructure
   É  CV not too long not too short





Ò  Be
   É  precise and concise
   É  specific and concrete

   É  honest but not over-honest

   É  yourself

Ò  Show    that
   É  you know the needs (search for company info in any possible
   É  you are mature (know what you are talking about)

   É  you can learn what you don’t know

   É  you can deal positively with problems


Ò  State
   É  work experience
   É  international experience

   É  relevant awards and prizes

   É  extra activities (especially social ones)

   É  examples of additional skills

Ò  But
   É  No information without examples
   É  No gaps without explaining

   É  No unnecessary details

   É  No spelling mistakes


Ò    Situation    The setting, the aim, the obstacles,
                   the persons involved.
Ò    Task         What did you and your team want to achieve?
                   What problem did you face? What was your
                  particular role?
Ò    Action       What did you do? How did you do it?
Ò    Result       What was the outcome? What did you achieve?
                   What was the value of your contribution?
                   What did you learn from the experience?


Ò    Do                                    Ò    Don‘t
       É    Give evidence for everything         É    Start every sentence with „I…”
             you claim you’ve done                      without variation
       É    Be specific about everything         É    Copy-paste the website
             you state
       É    Be concise but not terse             É    Push open doors (they already
       É    Avoid jargon if not relevant               know that “publishing is a great
       É    Use active verbs.                          career option”)
             (“I do” not “It was done”)           É    Repeat exactly the same
       É    Use strong verbs                           information from your CV in the
             (“Initiate”, “Devise”,                     cover letter
             “Perform”,)                          É    Insert doubt
       É    Show your enjoyment and              É    Be over-modest
             satisfaction in relevant             É    Use long words or sentences
                                                        where shorter means the same
       É    Add some concrete details
             wherever it helps


1.     Reference to previous contact/job ad
2.     Information about yourself
3.     Your specific contribution to the position
4.     Suggest next steps
      É      I will be available XXX to discuss with you
      É      I can start from XXX







                   Contact me:



Ò  Today
   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  Xxx

   É  xxx

Ò    Shashok, K., Content and communication: How can peer review provide helpful feedback about
      the writing? BMC Medical Research Methodology 2008, 8:3,
Ò    Cargill, M., O’Connor, P., Writing scientific research articles. Blackwell Publishing, Chichester
      2009, ISBN 978-1-4051-8619-3.
Ò    Ruben, A., How to Write Like a Scientist. Sciencecareers 2012, March 23,


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Scientific Writing Barbara Janssens 2012

  • 1. SCIENTIFIC WRITING Heidelberg, March 2012 Scientific Writing Dr. Barbara Janssens, PhD Career Manager 1
  • 2. SCIENTIFIC ...WRITING <-> ...CAREER 1.  Writing, editing, career development ○  A career in science ○  Editor ○  Career ○  About publishing and impact ○  Before writing 2.  Publication ethics 3.  Writing a paper ○  IMRAD structure ○  How to get started & „sculpt“ ○  Titles and abstracts ○  How to submit with cover letter 4.  Tips on language/style 5.  Writing an application 6.  Science Communication with the Public MY CV Ò  Master Biotechnology (Ghent, Belgium, 1997) Ò  Erasmus in Uppsala, Sweden Ò  PhD cell-cell adhesion/migration (Ghent 2002) Ò  Postdoc (+ 2 kids) in Paris (Institut Curie) on Rho/ARF GTPase cell biology (2002-2005) Ò  Editor at Wiley-Blackwell (2005-2010) É  Heidelberg 2005: 1-year Editorial Trainee position at Wiley-VCH in Weinheim; launch of BTJ in 2006 É  More than editing: peer review, marketing, controlling, accounting, customer service, journal production, strategics, research, BIBLIOMETRICS É  Managing/Executive Editor of BTJ and Publishing Editor for biotech portfolio Ò  Teaching scientific writing since 2008 Ò  PhD Career Manager at DKFZ Heidelberg in 2011 2
  • 3. EDITOR: JOHN WILEY & SONS Ò  Founded in 1807 Ò  Over 5000 employees in USA, Europe, Canada, Asia, Australia Ò  2007: Wiley-Blackwell STMS É  science technical medical Ò  Products include É  1500 peer reviewed journals É  3 M articles É  6500 books (also online) É  Major reference works, databases, lab manuals, WIREs,… É  Online open: author pays for non- subscribers EDITOR: LIFE SCIENCE JOURNALS USA EUROPE USA Asia 3
  • 4. EDITOR: BIOTECH JOURNALS Weinheim 上海市
 (Germany) (China) Hoboken (NY, USA) Oxford / Chichester (UK) EDITOR: MAGAZINE Ò  Since June 2009 Ò  Hottest news & discussions Ò  Fully interactive PDF Ò  Printed in WB biotech portfolio Ò  Columns É  GettingPublished É  BiotecCareers 4
  • 6. A JOB IN SCIENCE… X 40 Richard Bolles, What Color Is Your Parachute? LIFE/WORK PLANNING L/W-P Ò  France: Daniel Porot It´s easier to act yourself É into a new way of thinking, than it is to think yourself É into a new way of acting. Ò  Germany: John Webb Richard N Bolles É É Ò  US: Richard N. Bolles É 6
  • 7. 2 DAYS OR 2 HOURS Ò  Where do we go shopping today? Ò  Focus on É  Publishing and ethics? É  Writing a paper? É  Writing a CV? É  Language and style? WHAT SCIENTISTS WRITE ž  Papers ž  Curriculum vitae ž  Grants ž  Reports ž  Proposals ž  Web pages ž  Conferences ž  Lectures ž  Meetings ž  Posters ž  ... 7
  • 8. WHY SCIENTISTS WRITE ž  „Your research is not complete until you publish it“ (Ibn al Haytham, 1021) —  Make a permanent and accessible record of your findings —  Avoid others repeat unnecessarily ž  Publish or perish.... ž  Publico ergo sum! ž  Stuff your CV (you need papers to get grants) —  More papers = more eminent scientist (Hirsch factor) WHERE DO YOU FIND IT? Ò  Journals, scopes, readership: who reads and cites your papers?... Ò  Think of your audience!!! Ò  Search sites ×  PubMed/Medline ×  Google Scholar ×  Scopus (Elsevier) ×  CrossRef ×  BioMed experts ×  Open Access journals ×  ISI Web of Science (Thomson) – IF Ò  Downloads vs citations 8
  • 9. IMPACT FACTOR (IF) Devised by Eugene Gar field, founder of ISI (Chairman Emeritus of Thomson Scientific) 1955   Slide by Matteo Cavalleri IMPACT FACTOR (IF) IF = average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year. Citations   C12   published   Articles   A1   A2   time   published   Year  1   Year  2   Year  3   C12 IF (Year 3) = A1 + A2 Slide adapted from Matteo Cavalleri 9
  • 10. THE H FACTOR A scientist has index h if h of [his/her] Np papers have at least h citations each, and the other (Np - h) papers have at most h citations each. THE SNIP Since 2010 SNIP = Source Normalized Impact per Paper SNIP (Journal)= RIP/CP RIP = Raw Impact per Paper CP = Citation Potential (average number of references in the articles that cite a given journal) Ò  Only cited references from articles in the census period, and which refer to articles within the target period are counted Ò  Only cited references indexed in the Scopus database are counted 10
  • 11. BIBLIOMETRICS.... Web of Knowledge Scopus Faculty of 1000 (post-publication peer review) Australian journal ranking A*, A, B, C               BEFORE WRITING... 11
  • 12. BEFORE WRITING… ž  What would you do? ž  Read read read... ž  Assemble data 1.  Which journal/scope? 2.  Which format? 3.  Who will be author? 4.  Check instructions to authors! READ… BUT HOW? Ò  How do you find articles? Ò  How do you read them? Ò  How can you be critical? É  If a paper is difficult to follow/understand: ask yourself how you like the writing… Ò  How do you keep track of articles? É  Web of Science É  Self archiving É  Mendeley 12
  • 14. CHOSE TARGET JOURNAL Journal XXX XXX Publishes similar work? Scope/recent content? Quality/impact? Fast publication? Charges for pages, color, open access? Article format/length? TIMING 14
  • 15. SCIENTIFIC WRITING 1.  Introduction and basics ○  introduction ○  About journals and peer review ○  Online access and searches, IF ○  Before writing 2.  Publication ethics ○  Authorship ○  Plagiarism 3.  Writing ○  IMRAD structure ○  How to get started & „sculpt“ ○  How to submit with cover letter ---------------------------------------- 4.  Tips on language/style 5.  Practical abstract/title writing 6.  Science communication AUTHORS 15
  • 16. AUTHORS Ò  Author = significant contributor Ò  Providing reagents, scientific/moral support = acknowledgement Ò  First author =„paternity“ („the one without whom the work could not have been accomplished“) Ò  Last author =„Senior author“ (often the group leader or head of Department) Ò  Corresponding author (usually first and/or last) = assumes responsibility for writing, submiting, revising and answering questions after publication. Most prestigious. Ò  „These authors have contributed equally“ Ò  Decide authors and order as early as possible Ò  Which author you are will be important for your CV – but being an author in the first place is what matters AUTHORS Ò  FIRST AUTHOR: Weary graduate student who spent hours doing the work. Ò  SECOND AUTHOR: Resentful graduate student who thinks he or she spent hours doing the work. Ò  THIRD AUTHOR: Undergraduate just happy to be named. Ò  FOURTH AUTHOR: Collaborator no one has ever met whose name is only included for political reasons. Ò  FIFTH AUTHOR: Postdoctoral fellow who once made a chance remark on the subject. Ò  SIXTH AUTHOR: For some reason, Vladimir Putin. Ò  LAST AUTHOR: Principal investigator whose grant funded the project but who hasn’t stood at a lab bench in decades, except for that one weird photo shoot for some kind of pamphlet, and even then it was obvious that he or she didn’t know where to find basic things. A. Ruben 16
  • 17. GHOST AUTHORS? Ò  Ghost authors: individuals not named as authors but who contributed substantially to the work Ò  Honorary authors: named authors who have not met authorship criteria Ò  Confidential survey of corresponding authors of 809 articles É  156 articles (19%) had evidence of honorary authors É  93 articles (11%) had evidence of ghost authors Flanagin et al., Prevalence of Articles with Honorary Authors and Ghost Authors in Peer-Reviewed Medical Journals. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1998, 280, 222-224. AUTHOR ACKNOWLEDGED Ò  FromPNAS: Author contributions: A.B. designed research; A.B., M.G.K., and J.-E.S. performed research; A.B., M.G.K., and J.-E.S. analyzed data; and A.B., M.G.K., and J.-E.S. wrote the paper. 17
  • 18. ETHICS/PLAGIARISM Ò  What is plagiarism? Ò  The „Guttenberg syndrome“ Ò  Plagiarism is the representation of another person's words, ideas, or information as if they were one's own Ò  ... Do not publish previously published work! Ò  However you may reuse some of your own and „CITED“ [1] material Ò  Check COPE - the Committee on Publishing Ethics ( Ò  Check „copyright transfer agreement“ COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT (CTA) …………… a. Contributors may re-use unmodified abstracts for any non-commercial purpose. For on-line uses of the abstracts, Wiley-Blackwell encourages but does not require linking back to the final published versions. b. Contributors may re-use figures, tables, data sets, artwork, and selected text up to 250 words from their Contributions, provided the following conditions are met: (i) Full and accurate credit must be given to the Contribution. (ii) Modifications to the figures, tables and data must be noted. Otherwise, no changes may be made. (iii) The reuse may not be made for direct commercial purposes, or for financial consideration to the Contributor. (iv) Nothing herein shall permit dual publication in violation of journal ------------------------------- 18
  • 19. PLAGIARISM CHECKS É  EVE2, OrCheck, CopyCheck, and WordCHECK, to name a few É  eTBLAST and Déjà vu É É É É Implemented for all W-B journals SIMILARITY REPORT 19
  • 20. 30% = PLAGIARISM? Individual for each article… a)  When the sources are not cited —  High similarity = ethical misconduct -> reject —  Depending on response by author, the Editor may ○  inform the head of the research institute and/or ○  ban the author from publication for 1-3 years. —  reasonable similarity -> revise -> further consideration b)  When the sources are correctly cited —  high degree of flexibility towards e.g. methods and introduction (up to 250 words, see CTA), but —  If results or conclusions are copied -> reject —  mosaic-type (patchwork) article -> reject —  A review type article -> at least revise —  Hidden plagiarism is still possible ( NOT CITED = PLAGIARISM   "The Ghost Writer„ : writer turns in another's work, word-for-word, as his or her own.   "The Photocopy„ : writer copies significant portions of text straight from a single source, without alteration.   "The Potluck Paper„ : writer tries to disguise plagiarism by copying from several different sources, tweaking the sentences to make them fit together while retaining most of the original phrasing.   "The Poor Disguise„: writer has retained the essential content of the source, but has altered the paper's appearance slightly by changing key words and phrases.   "The Labor of Laziness„: writer takes the time to paraphrase most of the paper from other sources and make it all fit together, instead of spending the same effort on original work.   "The Self-Stealer„: writer "borrows" generously from his or her previous work, violating policies concerning the expectation of originality adopted by most academic institutions. Ò 20
  • 21. CITED BUT STILL PLAGIARISM Ò  "The Forgotten Footnote„: writer mentions an author's name for a source, but neglects to include specific information on the location of the material referenced. This often masks other forms of plagiarism by obscuring source locations. Ò  "The Misinformer„: writer provides inaccurate information regarding the sources, making it impossible to find them. Ò  "The Too-Perfect Paraphrase„: writer properly cites a source, but neglects to put in quotation marks text that has been copied word-for-word, or close to it. Although attributing the basic ideas to the source, the writer is falsely claiming original presentation and interpretation of the information. Ò  "The Resourceful Citer„: writer properly cites all sources, paraphrasing and using quotations appropriately. The catch? The paper contains almost no original work! It is sometimes difficult to spot this form of plagiarism because it looks like any other well- researched document. Ò  "The Perfect Crime„: Well, we all know it doesn't exist. In this case, the writer properly quotes and cites sources in some places, but goes on to paraphrase other arguments from those sources without citation. This way, the writer tries to pass off the paraphrased material as his or her own analysis of the cited material. SCIENTIFIC WRITING 1.  Introduction and basics ○  Mutual introductions ○  About journals and peer review ○  Online access and searches, IF ○  Before writing 2.  Publication ethics 3.  Writing ○  IMRAD structure ○  How to get started & „sculpt“ ○  How to submit with cover letter ---------------------------------------- 4.  Tips on language/style 5.  Practical abstract/title writing 6.  Science communication 21
  • 22. NOW THE MANUSCRIPT START TO WRITE…   “The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is you really want to say.” (Mark Twain, 1902)   1) Have something to say 2) Say it 3) Stop as soon as you have said it (Billings, J., An address to our medical literature. Brit. Med. J. 1881, xx, 262-268)   NOT instant messaging, tweeting, status updating... (that‘s marketing AFTER your publication) 22
  • 23. WRITE AT BEGINNING! Serial position effect Drain needs Recall unblocking!! Mustn’t forget to do the shopping... I’m hungry... t Primacy Recency Deese and Kaufman, J. Exp. Psychol. 1957, 54, 180-187.� © Andrew Moore Murdock , J. Exp. Psychol. 1962, 64, 482-488.� FIRST LETTER… BRAIN DOES THE REST Ò 23
  • 24. MANUSCRIPT DRAFT - IMRAD - Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 1.  Introduction 2.  Materials and Methods 3.  Results 4.  Discussion 5.  Figures and Tables Ò  Cover letter WRITING  ORDER?   24
  • 25. ...WRITING ORDER 1.  Figures and Tables Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 2.  Results 3.  Materials and Methods 4.  Introduction 5.  Discussion Ò  Cover letter ...WRITING ORDER Ò  Figures and Tables Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 2.  Results 3.  Materials and Methods 4.  Introduction 5.  Discussion Ò  Cover letter 25
  • 26. START WITH THE DATA Ò  This will cut your writer‘s block! Ò  (Pictures of gels, graphs etc) Ò  Order in Figures: write legends Ò  What is the story? Ò  (Title, abstract draft) FIGURES Ò  Should tell the story - quick readers will read the abstract and check the figures Ò  Are the data comprehensive? Ò  Not too many panels (6) Ò  If too many data: provide as supporting material Ò  Think: what do I need to convince the reviewer? What is the minimum to satisfy a reader without „losing the forest because of the trees“? e.g. No need to repeat all different conditions as a proper figure Ò  Include a concluding visual scheme, diagram, overview 26
  • 27. FIGURES II Ò  Detail how many times the experiments were performed Ò  Detail the number of animals/replicates Ò  Provide clear statistical analysis Ò  Should enable the reader to fully understand the figure Ò  Ensure everything is described: abbreviations, symbols etc. FIGURE OR TABLE? Ò  Table É  Recording data (raw or processed) É  Showing actual data values, precision É  Multiple comparisons É  Has a short title and footnotes Ò  Figure É  Showing trend or picture É  Shape rather than numbers É  Compare few elements É  Has a legend with all details needed 27
  • 28. KEEP SOURCE DATA! FIGURE QUALITY Ò  resolution should be at least 400 dpi Ò  to be printed either to fit the width of one column (8 cm) or to fit the width of the page (17 cm) Ò  Avoid extreme height-to-width ratios (“noodles” and “skyscrapers”) Ò  Resizing: Increasing the resolution of an image will result in a proportionally smaller image size É  20 x 30 cm 96 dpi -> 400 dpi 5 x 7 cm É  do not embed TIFF files in DOC files; JPEG files will not be compressed 28
  • 29. CHART RESOLUTION Ò  Excel: scale the chart to at least 400% of the expected printing size Ò  Select the chart, copy Ò  PowerPoint: Edit-“Paste special…“: paste as PNG file P IMAGE PROCESSING Regulations by Rockefeller University Press (now adopted by most journals) Ò  No specific feature within an image may be enhanced, obscured, moved, removed, or introduced. Ò  Adjustments of brightness, contrast, or color balance are acceptable if they are applied to the whole image and as long as they do not obscure, eliminate, or misrepresent any information present in the original. Ò  The grouping of images from different parts of the same gel, or from different gels, fields, or exposures must be made explicit by the arrangement of the figure (e.g., dividing lines) and in the text of the figure legend. Ò  If the original data cannot be produced by an author when asked to provide it, acceptance of the manuscript may be revoked. 29
  • 30. MANIPULATION OF BLOTS Brigthness and contrast adjustments. © 2004 Rockefeller University Press Rossner M , Yamada K M J Cell Biol 2004;166:11-15 STICK  TO  THE  FIGURE  GUIDELINES...   30
  • 31. ...WRITING ORDER 1.  Figures and Tables Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 2.  Results 3.  Materials and Methods 4.  Introduction 5.  Discussion Ò  Cover letter TITLE ž  The first impression counts... ž  A strong title will attract readers/citations ž  Keep it short: 15 words ž  Clear, informative, raise curiosity ž  Interesting and easy to read ž  Main message of the paper ž  Remember Medline ž  Key words ž  Start with a „quick go“, remodel during writing process and rethink for some days when the whole manuscript is ready Ò  Test: 31
  • 32. EXAMPLES: COMPARE Ò  “The X-ray crystal structure of the complex formed between a recognition domain on a sensor histidine kinase (CheA) and its cognate response-regulator (CheY) reveals insights into the mechanism of signal transduction in bacterial chemotaxis.” Ò  “Structure of the CheY-binding domain of histidine kinase CheA in complex with CheY.” Ò  “Preliminary canine and clinical evaluation of a new antitumor agent, streptovitacin.” (Clin. Res. 8:134, 1960) Ò  „Evidence for women dreaming more often about food than men.“ TITLES TO AVOID Ó  Vague titles Ó  Titles starting with Ó  „Studies on..“ „Implications of…“ Ó  „Characterization of...“ „Involvement of…“ Ó  „Observations on...“ „Evidence for…“ Ó  „Investigations into...“ „Insights in…“ Ó  “The involvement of protein x in signal transduction pathway y” —  -> „Protein x does y in this signal transduction pathway “ P Ó  Titles with jargon or abbreviations Ó  Titles with „new“ and „novel“ (all research is new) 32
  • 33. KEYWORDS Ò  Donot repeat title words – these come up anyhow Ò  Most cited versus never cited... Ò  Try out in Medline: possibly your keywords should be obvious and short but bring less hits (and rather your than a competitor‘s article!) TITLE SYNTAX Ò  “Preliminary canine and clinical evaluation of a new antitumor agent, streptovitacin.” (Clin. Res. 8:134, 1960) Ò  „Evidence for women dreaming more often about food than men.“ Ò  ... 33
  • 34. HAVE A LOOK AT TITLES Reviews Reviews + Yoghurt fermentation at elevated temperatures by Essential fatty acids: Biochemistry, physiology and - strains of Streptococcus thermophilus expressing a small heat-shock protein: pathology Application of two-plasmid system for + Metagenomics: An inexhaustible access to constructing food-grade strains of nature‘s diversity Streptococcus thermophilus - New insights into mechanisms of growth and b- carotene production in Blakeslea trispora Production of biopharmaceuticals and vaccines in plants via the chloroplast genome +/- +/- Research Ar ticles Separation of catechin compounds from different Application of inkjet printing to tissue engineering + teas +/- Production and characterization of theromstable Research Ar ticles α-amylase by thermophilic Geobacillus stearothermophilus Arenicola marina extracullar hemoglobin: A new promising blood substitute +/- - Molecular characteriazation of rpoB gene mutations in rifampicin-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains isolated Directed evolution of industrial biocatalyst 2- deoxy-D-ribose-5-phosphate aldolase + - from TB patients in Belarus +/- Investigating pH and Cu(II) effects on lipase Bio-electrosprays: The next generation of activity and enantioselectivity via kinetic electrified jets - and spectroscopic methods +/- Metabolic flux analysis of the two astaxanthin- A rapid, high content, in vivo model of producing microorganisms Haematococcus glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis pluvialis and Phaffia rhodozyma in the pure and mixed cultures Never cited...........well cited ABSTRACT ž  Hardest part to write ž  Second most important part ž  Maximum 200 words (Medline truncates at 250 words) ž  What are the significant results? ž  Important methodology (in vitro vs. in vivo, human, model systems) ž  What are the conclusions/implications? ž  Start with writing these in bullet points and take time to re- re- and re-write this part with some distance ž  Write in PAST TENSE ž  NO citations, avoid non-standard abbreviations 34
  • 35. © Andrew Moore Drain needs recall unblocking!! PI3K Mustn’t forget to do the shopping... I’m hungry... t primacy recency OPTIMIZE ABSTRACT Ò  Be specific, not just one word É  e.g. women's fiction not fiction. Ò  Key phrases need to make sense within the title and abstract and flow well. Ò  Focus on a maximum of three or four different keyword phrases rather than try to get across too many points. Ò  Finally, always check that the abstract reads well, remember the primary audience is still the researcher not a search engine, so write for readers not robots. 35
  • 36. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus have become increasingly common in hospitals worldwide. S aureus continues to be a cause of nosocomial bacteremia. METHODS: We analyzed the clinical significance (mortality) of MRSA and methicillin-susceptible S aureus bacteremia in a retrospective cohort study in a 2900-bed tertiary referral medical center. Survival and logistic regression analyses were used to determine the risk factors and prognostic factors of mortality. RESULTS: During the 15-year period, 1148 patients were diagnosed with nosocomial S aureus bacteremia. After controlling potential risk factors for MRSA bacteremia on logistic regression analysis, service, admission days prior to bacteremia, age, mechanical ventilator, and central venous catheter (CVC) were independent risk factors for MRSA. The crude mortality rate of S aureus bacteremia was 44.1%. The difference between the mortality rates of MRSA (49.8%) and MSSA bacteremia (27.6%) was 22.2% (P < .001). Upon logistic regression analysis, the mortality with MRSA bacteremia was revealed to be 1.78 times higher than MSSA (P < .001). The other predicted prognostic factors included age, neoplasms, duration of hospital stay after bacteremia, presence of mechanical ventilator, and use of CVC. CONCLUSIONS: Resistance to methicillin was an important independent prognostic factor forpatients with S aureus bacteremia. PMID: 18313513 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Ò  Developed in the late 1980s and early 1990s to assist health professionals in selecting clinically relevant and methodologically valid journal articles Ò  Mainly medical Ò  Makes text mining (search engines) easier Ò  Could start to be used in life sciences (MedLine encourages) 36
  • 37. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT Ò  Startedin chemical journals Ò  VISUALISE the main message in ONE figure É  Chemical reaction É  Signal transduction pathway É  Hypothesis É  Structure É  Etc… LAY ABSTRACT Ò  Sometimes asked at submission Ò  Summary for non-expert Ò  Here you CAN say why it is new Ò  Always write this, it can be useful É  In cover letter to convince Editor É  After acceptance to highlight your work É  To explain your friends and family 37
  • 38. EDIT AN ABSTRACT Ò  Mark key statements É  Doyou get what it is about? É  What could be left out? Ò  Firstand last sentence: strong? Ò  Positive wording Ò  Sentence length Ò  Suggest one or two alternative titles Ò  What would you write in a „lay“ abstract? EDITORIAL CORRECTIONS 38
  • 39. ...WRITING ORDER 1.  Figures and Tables Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 2 .  Results 3 .  Materials and Methods 4.  Introduction 5.  Discussion Ò  Cover letter 39
  • 40. RESULTS Ò  Follow the figures: Present the experiments performed in a logical and clear manner. Why did this lead to the next experiment? Ò  Written in the PAST TENSE Ò  Provide statistical analysis and clearly indicate significant data Ò  Cite relevant literature but only the FACTS to understand (as previous studies showed XXX [23] we tested the cells with XXX). Comparing is for the discussion Ò  Do not lose in technical details („we transfected and then purified cell extracts and then separated...“): these go to the M&M Ò  Be SELECTIVE Ò  Present your results ONCE, either in the text, OR a Table OR Figure MATERIALS & METHODS Ò  Should be concise but complete Ò  Written in PAST TENSE Ò  DO NOT include any results! Ò  A colleague should be able to repeat the experiment Ò  All new reagents, sequences, etc should stated; Ò  New method: provide ALL detail Ò  Standard procedures: cite and only mention modifications Ò  If too lengthy: decide afterwards if parts can be cut or removed to supporting information Ò  Write 20 mL (not ml), 5 mm, 3 min (not mins), kDa (not Kda; molecular mass – not weight), M (not mole)   Check chemical nomenclature 40
  • 41. FUNNY M&M Ò  “After standing in boiling water for an hour, I loaded the sample on a gel…..” Ò  “Blood samples were taken from 48 informed and consenting patients….. the subjects ranged in age from 6 months to 22 years.” (Pediatr. Res. 1972, 6, 26) Ò  “Employing a straight platinum wire rabbit, sheep and human blood agar plates were inoculated….” Ò  “Lying on top of the small intestine, we observed a small transparent thread” Ò  “In this experiment, one third of the mice were cured by the test drug, one third were unaffected by the drug and remained moribund, and the third mouse got away.”(Reputedly from a MS submitted to Infection and Immunity) From Martin Welch, BIOCAM course ...WRITING ORDER Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 1.  Figures and Tables 2.  Results 3.  Materials and Methods 4 .  Introduction 5.  Discussion Ò  Cover letter 41
  • 42. INTRODUCTION Ò  Provides the background to the study Ò  Can be written in PRESENT TENSE (= existing knowledge) Ò  Details the results from relevant published studies (difference between we demonstrated – it was demonstrated – it has been demonstrated – it is known) Ò  Explains what is still unknown Ò  Describes why the work was carried out and what the aim of the study was Ò  Enables a non-expert to understand the rationale Ò  Try to cite relevant review articles rather than going back to all basic papers Ò  State your principal results and conclusions in one sentence INTRODUCTION Ò  Donot keep the reader in suspense: Tell the audience at the start that the butler did it. [Which they already know anyway, because they’ve read the abstract……..] Ò  Decisions about what is or is not interesting should be left up to the reader. 42
  • 43. ...WRITING ORDER Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 1.  Figures and Tables 2.  Results 3.  Materials and Methods 4.  Introduction 5 .  Discussion Ò  Cover letter DISCUSSION Ò  QUICKLY summarize the findings Ò  This is not just the results presented in another format, they need to be discussed in the wider context of the field Ò  What are the implications for future work? Ò  Systematically compare findings with supporting and/or conflicting literature Ò  Discuss implications and applications, future directions to take Ò  Be clear, honest, don‘t over-interprete but also don‘t minimize Ò  Are there any models/rules that can be established? Ò  If it was a model system, what are the implications for the human system? Parallels, differences? Ò  If primarily in vitro studies, what is the scope for further in vivo studies? Relation to published in vivo studies? 43
  • 44. REFERENCES Ò  The references must comply to house style Ò  Ensure that they are cited in numerical order and that every reference is cited Ò  The work cited should be fair and balanced Ò  Ensure that credit is given to the original discoveries, including back-to-back publications Ò  Use a reference manager (e.g. Endnote) and correctly format the citations and ref list NOW THINK LIKE REFEREE 1. Is the subject matter suitable for publication in XXX? 2. Does the manuscript contain new and significant information to justify publication? 3. Is the technical quality of the paper adequate for publication? 4. Are the interpretations and conclusions justified by the results? 5. Is the summary (abstract) informative and concise? 6. Is the English satisfactory? 7. Do the references adequately refer to related work? 44
  • 45. KEEP IT SHORT É  600-700 words = one typeset page - excluding figures. (12000 words = 20 pages) É  Introduction < 1000 words É  Concluding section < 300 words Ò  Shorten: É  Latest publications of relevance É  Keep details to minimum É  Concentrate on bullet points, 3 key arguments É  Cover only as much historical background as is necessary for the contextualization of the topic for a broad readership. É  Avoid detailed lists of genes, gene products, acronyms etc. -> Table KEEP  WITHIN  THE  PAGE  LIMIT   45
  • 46. ...WRITING ORDER Ò  Title Ò  Abstract 1.  Figures and Tables 2.  Results 3.  Materials and Methods 4 .  Introduction 5.  Discussion Ò  Cover letter LAST BUT NOT LEAST: COVER LETTER Ò  Convince the editor of the importance of your work Ò  State in a few sentences what the paper is about (not abstract) Ò  Why does it fit the scope of the journal? Ò  Why is it novel? Ò  Why will it be of interest to reviewers? If you state non- preferred reviewers, you may explain why Ò  Write this for the EDITOR 46
  • 47. COVER LETTER = Getting through the first editorial assessment... ...or will not be sent out for peer review WHAT THE EDITOR WANTS? Ò  OURS É  Originality É  Understandibility É  Reliability É  Suitability Ò  Poorlywritten or conceived papers will be rejected editorially 47
  • 48. COVER LETTER EXAMPLE Dear Dr. Brown, Please find attached the manuscript „Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations of the southern Simpson Desert“. This manuscript examines the mycorrhizal status of plants growing on the different soils of the dune-swale systems of the Simpson Desert. There have been few studies of the ecology of the plants in this desert and little is known about how mycorrhizal assocaitions are distributed amonst the desert plants of Australia. We report the arbuscular mycorrhizal status of 47 plant species for the first time. The manscript has been prepared according to the journal‘s Instructions for Authors. We believe that this new work is within the scope of your jounal and hope that you will consider this manuscript for publication in the Australian Journal of Botany. We await your response and the comments of reviewers. Yours sincerely, COVER LETTER EXAMPLE Dear Dr. Brown, Please find attached the manuscript „Arbuscular mycorrhizal associations of the southern Simpson Desert“. This manuscript examines the mycorrhizal status of plants growing on the different soils of the dune-swale systems of the Simpson Desert. There have been few studies of the ecology of the plants in this deser t and little is known about how mycorrhizal assocaitions are distributed amonst the desert plants of Australia. We report the arbuscular mycorrhizal status of 47 plant species for the first time. The manscript has been prepared according to the journal‘s Instructions fo Authors. We believe that this new work is within the scope of your jounal and hope that you will consider this manuscript for publication in the Australian Journal of Botany. We await your response and the comments of reviewers. Yours sincerely, 48
  • 49. COVER LETTER QUOTES Ò  “It gives me immense satisfaction to be able to share with you an additional application of….” Ò   “We, the Arthurs of this mansucript …” Ò  “The conception of Chapter 1..” Ò  “We hope that paper should priority handing” Ò   “I would like to express my honour to submit our hard work to your respected journal” Ò  “Dear Sir, Thank you for the sweet reviewing process and find here the responce for the reviewers comments” Ò   “After deep thinking of the comments, we made statement as follow:” Thanks to Lucie and Uta, EJLST and ELS NOW SUBMIT   Take time! You will need to provide –  Names and emails of authors –  Names and emails of referees   4 preferred referees   Evt non-preferred: best state WHY – this choice will be respected –  Title, abstract and keywords –  Lay abstract/practical applications –  Cover letter –  Conflict of interest statement 49
  • 50. SUBMIT ONLINE: Ò 50
  • 51. THEN BE PATIENT Ò  The editors will try to get back to you as soon as possible É  Immediate decision within 1 week É  Peer review within 4 weeks is fast! É  You may inquire after 6 weeks AFTER DECISION Ò  Always sleep over the referee comments Ò  Reply correctly, especially if „rebuttal“ Ò  Carefully revise and make a point-by-point answer to referee comments – especially if some requests cannot be fulfilled, come up with a plausible explanation! Ò  The revised version has to be PERFECT – it will save a lot of time for all parties involved. 51
  • 52. EDITING Ò  Language vs peer review/editing É  Badly written -> reject É  Poor language -> language polishing É  Small mistakes -> copy-editor Ò  Shashok K. Content and communication: How can peer review provide helpful feedback about the writing? É  BMC Medical Research Methodology 2008, 8:3, doi:10.1186/1471-2288-8-3. http:// 52
  • 53. … ACCEPTED   Celebrate!   Cite per DOI (Digital object identifier) ○  = Publisher/MSnumber   Publication times…. Ø  Author Ø  Signed copyright transfer agreement Ø  Final figures/text Ø  Galley proof corrections Ø  Publisher Ø  Copy-editing Ø  Typesetting Ø  Online publication Ø  Issue and/or print: pages assigned STYLE = CLARITY Ò  Writeto be understood Ò  Think of your audience Ò  Make information accessible Ò  Make reader feel comfortable Ò  THINK what you want to say É  Clear thinking = clear writing Ò  Arrange your thoughts in a logical order (MIND MAP) 53
  • 54. #  LANGUAGES…   Ò  …  different  challenges!   Ò  Sentences  too  long/too   short   Ò  False  friends   Ò  Commas   SENTENCE STRUCTURE Ò  Simple Ò  Precise Ò  Concise Ò  Topic near the beginning! Ò  Active tense where possible Ò  KISS Ð  Keep   Ð  It   Ð  Short  and   Ð  Simple   54
  • 55. SENTENCE STRUCTURE Ò  Which sentence is easier to understand? É  The primary site of contact with airborne allergens, irritants, pathogens and other proinflammatory agents is the pulmonary ephithelium É  The pulmonary epithelium is the primary site of contact with airborne allergens, irritants, pathogens and other proinflammatory agents SENTENCE STRUCTURE Ò  Often splitting in two is better, even if result is longer: É  Wiley-VCH is a Weinheim, Germany, global STM publisher specialized in chemistry and life sciences, belonging to the Wiley-Blackwell group. É  Wiley-VCH is a publishing house located in Weinheim, Germany. As a part of the global Wiley-Blackwell scientific/ technical/medical (STM) program, it is specialized in Chemistry and Life Science publications. 55
  • 56. PARAGRAPHS ž  Units of thought, not length ž  Provide visual relief ž  Contain related thoughts ž  Thoughts in logical order ž  Consistent organization ž  Use topic sentences —  At beginning or end —  Rarely in the middle (unless preceding is transitional) © Andrew Moore Drain needs recall unblocking!! PI3K Mustn’t forget to do the shopping... I’m hungry... t primacy recency 56
  • 57. SOME TIPS Ò  Avoid vague terms such as trends Ò  Be very precise and clear Ò  “The cells increased following treatment with” – what characteristic of the cells increased: size, number? Ò  Data = results; datum = result; use the correct verb form (also criteria/criterion etc.) Ò  Careful with embedded phrases É  Avoid separating subject and verb ENGLISH  PUNCTUATION 57
  • 58. MORE TIPS Ò  Be cautious with imprecise words: É  Several, some, many, affected, somewhat, quite, relatively Ò  Don‘t add doubt unnecissarily. Could you replace... É  Could -> can É  Would -> will É  Hopefully -> Possibly É  Difficulty -> challenge 58
  • 59. PAST VS PRESENT TENSE Ò  Past tense: for a completed study É  what was done and found Ò  Present tense: for what is always true or always there É  An example is…. Ò  Modal tense: doubt É  This may influence… ACTIVE VS PASSIVE É  Avoid passive (is, was, are, being...) É  Use active: the subject of the sentence performs an action Ð  The man was bitten by the dog - pass Ð  The dog bit the man - active É  Only use passive if you cannot use the „we“ form Ð  Gelelectrophoresis was used - pass Ð  We used gel electrophoresis – active É  Example from Adam Ruben Ð  ACTIVE VOICE: We did this experiment. Ð  PASSIVE VOICE: This experiment was done by us. Ð  SEMI-PASSIVE VOICE: Done by us, this experiment was. Ð  Yes, for the semi-passive voice, you’ll want to emulate Yoda. Yoda, you’ll want to emulate. A. Ruben 59
  • 60. WHICH/THAT Ò  Which/that: relative clauses Ð  Defining clause: NO comma ×  That/which in UK, only that in US ×  No comma Ð  Non defining clause: comma ×  ,which ((by the way)) …. ×  Not essential to basic meaning ×  Comma before which Ø  Land which/that is surrounded by water is an island. Ø  Tasmania, which is surrounded by the waters of Bass Strait, is an island of great natural beauty. THE COMMA: A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH? Ò  “Panda: large black and white bear-like mammal, native to China. Eats, shoots and leaves.” [1] Ò  Help the reader understand!/list information Ò  Before the “and” is optional Ò  To date, … Ò  Use commas as you would salt and pepper: don’t overdo it! Ò  [1] Truss, L., Eats(,) Shoots and Leaves, Profile Books Ltd., UK 2003 Ò  Fay Wolter, BiotecVisions April 2011 60
  • 61. ANTHROPOMORPHISM = assigning actions that can only be performed by humans to non-living subjects. Subjects like method, theor y, research, table, figure, etc. cannot determine, conclude, find, summarize, compare, or actively “act” as human subjects do Anthropomorphism   Solu�on   HPLC  was  able  to  determine   We  determined  the   the  composi�on.   composi�on  by  HPLC.   The  research  found…   The  researchers  found…   Table  1  summarizes  the   The  summary  in  Table  1.   results…   Figure  1  compares  ac�vi�es   Ac�vi�es  at  4°C  and  37°C  are   at  4°C  and  37°C.   compared  in  Table  1.   Our  hypothesis  says…   We  hypothesize… USE LINKS ž  Transition words —  And, so, therefore, however, in conclusion, nevertheless ž  Do not use several words where one will do —  As a means of —  Ask the question —  At the present time —  During the time that —  In order that —  With regard to —  Prior to —  With the exception of —  ... 61
  • 62. RATHER NOT USE ... Ò  Seems/appears Ò  Restricted Ò  Uncritical Ò  Unsupported Ò  Undermined Ò  Limited Ò  Confounded Ò  Compromised Ò  Inappropriate Ò  Somewhat Ò  Purported Ò  Superficial Ò  Caution Ò  Ofdoubtful value Ò  Limitations Ò  Unlikely ALSO NEGATIVE ... Ò  Unclear Ò  Uncontrolled Ò  Uncertain Ò  Anomalous Ò  Potentially biased Surprising Ò  Controversial Ò  Unusual Ò  Debatable Ò  Confusing Ò  Unexpected Ò  Negative 62
  • 63. AVOID REDUNDANCY Ò  Present moment in time Ò  Fewer in number Ò  Estimate at about Ò  Whether or not Ò  Try and endeavour Ò  True facts .. DO NOT BE ARROGANT... Ò  As is well-known Ò  It is obvious that Ò  It will be self-evident that Ò  Of course Ò  A not inconsiderable body of evidence... Ò  Starting sentences with “obviously” or “as everyone knows” demonstrates your intellectual superiority. If possible, start sentences with, “As super-intelligent beings like myself know,” or “Screw your stupidity; here’s a fact-bomb for you.”A. Ruben 63
  • 64. SOME RULES Ò  Shun and avoid the employment of unnecessary, excess extra words. Ò  Make certain all sentences are full and complete. If possible. Ò  Avoid cliches like the plague. Ò  Take pain's to spell and, punctuate correctly. Ò  BE Consistent. Ò  Don't approximate. Always be more or less precise. Ò  Sedulously eschew obfuscatory hyperverbosity or prolixity. Ò  Avoid pointless repetition, and don't repeat yourself unnecessarily. Ò  Always try to remembr t he/E extreme importance of being accurit; ne at, and carfful. Ò  Don't use no double negatives. Ò  Don't never use no triple negatives. Ò  All generalizations are bad. Ò  Take care that your verb and subject is in agreement. SOME RULES II Ò  A preposition is a bad thing to end a sentence with. Ò  Don't use commas, which aren't necessary. , Ò  "Avoid overuse of 'quotation' marks." " Ò  Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided. Ò  And don't start a sentence with a conjunction. Ò  Reserve the apostrophe for it's proper use and omit it when its not necessary. Ò  Avoid run-on sentences they are hard to read. Ò  Proofread carefully to see if you any words out. Ò  Never use that totally cool, radically groovy out-of-date slang. Ò  Avoid those long sentences that just go on, and on, they never stop, they just keep rambling, and you really wish the person would just shut up, but no, they just keep on going, they're worse than the Energizer Bunny, they babble incessantly, and these sentences, they just never stop. From 64
  • 65. IF YOU DON‘T KNOW… Ò  Google!! Ò  Merriam Webster É Ò  Linguee for German to English Ò  Software ConcApp É É  Build your own corpus (articles) of english journal articles É  Search gives you CONTEXT of search words FUNNY SYNTAX... Ò  “A large mass of literature has accumulated on the cell walls of staphylococci.” (From a MS submitted to the editor for publication in J. Bacteriol.) Ò  “….He presented evidence that women who smoke are likely to have pulmonary abnormalities and impaired lung function at the annual meeting of the American Lung Association.” (From a Press release) Ò  “THF is a single heat-stable polypeptide isolated from calf thymus composed of 31 amino acids with a molecular weight of 3,200.” Ò  “For sale, fine grand piano, by a lady, with three legs.” Ò  “For sale, German Shepherd dog, obedient, well trained, will eat anything, very fond of children.” From Martin Welch, BIOCAM course 65
  • 66. NOW YOU CAN WRITE… A CV? Ò  Think of your audience Ò  Write to be understood Ò  Most important first PICK OUT THE RIGHT CV Ò  You have 10 minutes to read 20 CVs Ò  Which criteria do you use? Ò  What attracts you in a cover letter? Ò  When do you spot what is important? Ò  -> YOUR list Ò  -> THE list of writing tips 66
  • 67. WHEN IS A CV NOT SELECTED? Ò  No cover letter Ò  No motivation Ò  Unclear Ò  Not interesting Ò  No extra skills Ò  Not matching job description Ò  Perfect but boring (standard without extra) Ò  The person behind this CV does not appeal Ò  … CV TIPS I Ò  Deliver information at first glance É  Trigger interest É  Emphasize specific skills É  Criteria from job ad can be found back in examples É  Cover letter focused on position É  Picture not required but IF, it will be seen… É  Clear motivation Ò  Easy to read – content and layout, uncongested É  Clearstructure É  CV not too long not too short       67
  • 68. CV TIPS II Ò  Be É  precise and concise É  specific and concrete É  honest but not over-honest É  yourself Ò  Show that É  you know the needs (search for company info in any possible way) É  you are mature (know what you are talking about) É  you can learn what you don’t know É  you can deal positively with problems CV TIPS III Ò  State É  work experience É  international experience É  relevant awards and prizes É  extra activities (especially social ones) É  examples of additional skills Ò  But É  No information without examples É  No gaps without explaining É  No unnecessary details É  No spelling mistakes 68
  • 69. RECOGNIZE YOUR SKILLS – STAR TECHNIQUE Ò  Situation The setting, the aim, the obstacles, the persons involved. Ò  Task What did you and your team want to achieve? What problem did you face? What was your particular role? Ò  Action What did you do? How did you do it? Ò  Result What was the outcome? What did you achieve? What was the value of your contribution? What did you learn from the experience? HOW TO TURN YOUR CV INTO A „RESUME“ 69
  • 70. CV DO‘S AND DON‘TS Ò  Do Ò  Don‘t É  Give evidence for everything É  Start every sentence with „I…” you claim you’ve done without variation É  Be specific about everything É  Copy-paste the website you state É  Be concise but not terse É  Push open doors (they already É  Avoid jargon if not relevant know that “publishing is a great É  Use active verbs. career option”) (“I do” not “It was done”) É  Repeat exactly the same É  Use strong verbs information from your CV in the (“Initiate”, “Devise”, cover letter “Perform”,) É  Insert doubt É  Show your enjoyment and É  Be over-modest satisfaction in relevant É  Use long words or sentences activities where shorter means the same É  Add some concrete details wherever it helps COVER LETTER: STRUCTURE 1.  Reference to previous contact/job ad 2.  Information about yourself 3.  Your specific contribution to the position 4.  Suggest next steps É  I will be available XXX to discuss with you É  I can start from XXX 70
  • 72. WEBSITES Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò Ò FURTHER READING 72
  • 73. QUESTIONS? Contact me: Ò Ò SO WHAT DID YOU BUY? Ò  Today É  Xxx É  Xxx É  Xxx É  Xxx É  Xxx É  Xxx É  Xxx É  Xxx É  xxx 73
  • 74. RECOMMENDED REFERENCES Ò  Shashok, K., Content and communication: How can peer review provide helpful feedback about the writing? BMC Medical Research Methodology 2008, 8:3, Ò  Cargill, M., O’Connor, P., Writing scientific research articles. Blackwell Publishing, Chichester 2009, ISBN 978-1-4051-8619-3. Ò  Ruben, A., How to Write Like a Scientist. Sciencecareers 2012, March 23, science.caredit.a1200033 74