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                Newsletter Date
                Volume 1, Issue 1
                                                        Who is Talking
Special Interest
Articles:                                              A Title with a Bitter Flavor

• Swine Flu Updates           A tragic bus accident left ,without life, two volleyball players that had
• Tragic bus accident
                              just played the final in the Canary Islands. They were coming back to
  in Lugo                     their city, Lugo, when the bus could not be controlled by the driver and
• Daily Horoscope

                              By Maria Gomez Maroto                                                   Lavacolla’s airport, where it left signs
                                                                                                      of a long-intentioned stop.
                              The death of both young women,
                              players of the Emeve Volleyball Club      Many passengers remained stretched on the road and the tragedy
                              in Lugo, happened yesterday, left on      immediately became visible. In the same place of he accident one
                              the second plane the political debate     of the team members, Aida Cela, who was travelling accompained
                              in the celebrated plenary session this    by her father, lost her life, and other
                              evening in the Town Hall, that began      12 persons were hurt. Four of them, also young women, were
                              with a minute                                                           moved in very serious conditions to the
                              of silence and                                                          Clinical Hospital of Santiago. Hours
                              with         the                                                        later, the death of a second was made
                              reading of a                                                            known, Iris Arias, also 17 years, while
                              declaration of                                                          other three were remaining in the
Individual                    condolence                                                              Intensive Care Unit.
Highlights:                   with the family
                              of the victims.                                                      Only the driver and four adults were
  National News 2                                                                                  unharmed. Some of the passengers were
                              “This is an                                                          not wearing the safety belt. One of the
  Int’l News        3         authentic                                                            reasons of the event speculates on the
                              tragedy”. This                                                       possibility tha t the driver could get
  Local News        5         is how the                                                           confused in the exit of the airport
  Sports            5         mayor of Lugo,                                                       toward Lugo and, on having tried to
                              Jose       Lopez                                                     recapture the correct direction, he ended
  Weather           6         Orozco,                                                              unp by clashing with the protection of
                              described the environment that was        the rotunda. Sources of Traffic aimed tha he ciculated to excessive
                              lived yesterday in the vening in the      speed.
                              Clinical University Hospital of
                              Santiago, where the consternation                                       At the same time when the accident
                              over the death of two young women,                                      took place, another Emeve Team was
                              both minors, was mixed with                                             disputing in Lugo the finalof the
                              uncertainty for the luck of other three                                 masculine volleyball championship,
                              memers of the team, whose return trip                                   but the game did not manage to
                              to their homes ended in a catastrophic                                  conclude. By loudspeaker, they
                              bus accident. The girls had just                                        announced the tragedy that had just
                              landed in the airport of Santiago de                                    happened in Lavacolla and the party
                              Compostela, proceeding from the                                         that was alive in the pavilion turned
                              airport of Gran Canaria, with                                           into a collective weeping for the
                              happiness     after    having     been                                  affected teammates.
                              proclaimed sub champions of Spain
                              of feminine volleybal.                                                  “We’re destroyed, because all the
                                                                                                      accidents with this type of
                              “The driver could get confused with                                     consecuences are tragic, but in this
                              the exit and was fixed against a                                        ase the tragedy is enlarged, because
                              rotunda” declared the mayor of Lugo.                                    the Emeve is a tema of intimately
                                                                                                      familiar quarry” Jose lopez Orozco
                              Excessive speed or mishap of the                                        emphasized. The family Bouza is
                              driver are the hypotheses that the                                      totally dedicated to this spot. Ana
                              police of traffic considers to find an                                  bouza was training the affected team.
                              explanation for the accident. He                                        Three of the sisters Bouza were
                              vehicle finished half overturned in the                                 players, their brother was training the
                              protecction fence on the highway                                        masculine team, the mother was
                              A-54, in the surrounding areas of                                       doing the chairwpoman’s functions
National News

               and the company, which was                                   conditions, whereas the five reamining ones are
               supporting the team, was carried out                         deposited in the emergency room by
               by a family relative.                                        traumatism and diverse contusions. Three more
                                                                            people were remaining las night in observation
                                                                            and it was expected that they could be given of
                                                                            discharge soon, but only if their conditions
      Two of the players were operated on yesterday                         improve.
      in the evening,as they were in really bad
                                                         Catalonia have locked up themselves inside their
                                                         universities forcing the national police to dissolve
   BOLOGNA PROCESS: The                                  their protests using violence. Many students have
    future of our universities                           been badly damaged in these protests and the
                                                         government affirms that something needs to be done
By: Adrian Fernadez                                      to stop this horrible situation. Nevertheless, the
Bologna is coming closer step by step and the only       process must be implemented by 2010 and so, strikes
chance we have to survive its arrival is to change our
                                                         are being held more frequently. Europe has come to
mentality. In the past weeks there has been increasing   an agreement and we can not be excluded so people
worry about the Bologna Process which must be
                                                         hope that this unity which will be achieved with the
implemented before 2010. If you ask people on the        process does not affect the most underprivileged
street most of them will shrug their shoulders but
                                                         families in Spain.
students from all over the country are not so
indifferent about the topic and their protests are
worrying all of us because we are now facing the         CARLA BRUNI AND SARKOZY
possibility of changing our future.                      VISITED SPAIN.
The agreement was held in 1999 and it implies a
change of attitude in Spain. It is already implemented
                                                         By Celeste Caceres
in 47 European countries and the principal objective     Last Wednesday, you shouldn’t surprised if you saw
is promoting students’ mobility making all official
                                                         french flags in the town centre in Madrid. Everything
titles the same in Europe. That way all official         had an explanation, Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni-
degrees would be valid in the countries where it is
                                                         Sarkozy, the french president and his wife were
already implemented. According to the process            visiting Spain durin two days.
degrees would last for four years and official masters
                                                         She caught the atention of lot of magazines and
would be offered by the Universities. Those              newspapers.
Universities can choose their own contents as long as
                                                         “I love Spain” said Carla in the return to Paris.
they stick to the minimum requirements in the four       Although she is able to speak several languages, her
major knowledge branches: Art and Humanities,
                                                         spanish is “horrible”. She spoke frenche with the king
Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Jurisdiction       Juan Carlos,and with the queen Sofia, she spoke in
Sciences; and Engineering and Architecture. Students
can receive grants which should be returned when         “It was a pleasure to be there, the spanish press were
they get a job. If they have not got a well paid job
                                                         really nice”she says to “Le Parisien”. “In general, I
during 15 years they are exempt from paying. That        can’t complain about the way, I was treated in Spain,
way their official masters would allow the
                                                         they have been so kind with me”.
homologation of their degrees in the rest of countries   However, we cannot forget about the real purpose of
in Europe.
                                                         their visit. Since 1975 we hadn’t received the visit of
Following the Bologna Process universities will          a french president and last week, many important
never become private and students will have things
                                                         meetings were held. Sarkozy affirms that the presence
easier when they try to get a job. Forty-seven           of Spain in the G-20 is needed with a strong
countries in Europe have already opened their
                                                         collaboration project has been set up for fighting
universities to the new model and public expenditure     against ETA.
in education has been increased. This money is going
                                                         Sarkozy has also emphasized the need of an axis of
to be expended in creating better installations and      union between the countries which will be archieving
increasing the number of teachers. (jump p. )
                                                         with the new plans for the AVE ( high speech train).
However, life is not all a bowl of cherries. According   Surely, the visit of the french presidency will mean a
to the Bologna Process the number of theoretical
                                                         great change in Spain’s future.
classes will be increased, reducing the space for the
hours in the laboratory. Another disadvantage is the
                                                         KIKO RIBERA STARTS HIS NEW JOB IN “SE
timetable, which is almost the same as a working day     LO QUE HICISTEIS”, A PROGRAM OF LA
schedule, making it impossible for the students to
work and study at the same time. Nevertheless those
are not the main inconveniences of the process. The
                                                         By: Raquel Criado Martinez
masters offered by this project are too expensive for    Kiko Ribera, also called Paquirrin, is the new
almost all the Spanish families and that would mean
                                                         collaborator of this program. Now, the soon of Isabel
that universities could turn to be capitalistic          Pantoja has to say a entire monologue about his life
institutions. Masters could even reach prizes such as
                                                         helped by Angel Martin and Dani Mateo, two of the
€18,000. That way, almost any Spanish family will be     collaborators of the program.
able to pay their own education.
Those disadvantages are not being well received by                Angel Martin and Dani Mateo have to help
the students community and the first protests started    Kiko Ribera to find information about his life that
being heard in Cataluña one year ago but they have       may be in his monologue, and also they have to teach
now moved to universities in all the country. Students   him to know all what they know…
in Madrid have held strikes and protests against the
Bologna Process and some of the students in
International News

      In his first program they showed a humble boy which      H1N1; mexico had 259 deaths thought to be
      confessed that he hadn’t got many jobs in his life and   caused by swine flu.
      that what he did were very easy.
      (See SEXTA p 3)                                            One source of concern and puzzlement in
                                                               Mexico is the breakdown of deaths by gender.
                                                               Of the 16 whose causes of death had been
                                                               confirmed on Friday, 12 were women, including
      SEXTA                                                    one who was pregnant. Mexico’s health
      He say the example when he was frying ribs, and as
                                                               secretary(Jose Ángle Córdova), comfirmed that
      he did three he eat two…
      Kiko Ribera take well the jokes about him that were
                                                               the flu seems to have struck harder at women
      say in Se lo que hicisteis… in his first day as          then the men in Mexico, but he cold not explain
      collaborator.                                            whay; Like many of the new or emerging
                                                               infections that have taken the world by surprised
                                                               (SARS and Avian Flu are examples), this one
                The spread of swine flu                        seems to have arisen at what scientist call the
                                                               “animal-human interface”. But in the case the
      The World Health Organization                            diseae is now spreading from person to person,
      announced an increase in the number                      with no evidence that pigs were trasmitting it to
      of confirmed cases of swine flu on                       people.
      Saturday, there was no evidence of                         Infectious diseases experts say it will be
      sustained spread in communities                          important to watch what this virus does over
      outside North America.                                   the coming weeks and months, particularly in
                                                               the Southern Hemisphere, which will soon
        Dr. Michael, J. Ryan and the director of the           confort its winter flu season. If H1N1 takes hold
      WHO, informed us that it is beginning the                there, that will be a red flag to scientist;
      spread through countries and it is about to reach        Particularly worrisome is that a seasonal flu
      phase 6; Phase 6, the highest level in the               strain, common in the Southern Hemisphere and
      organization’s alert system. There can be a              elsewhere, is resistant to Tamiflu, and could in
      pandemic of a mild disease because the current           theory pass that resistance to the new virus.
      level, Phase 5, means that the disease is
      spreading in communities; Canadian health                By: Adrián Rodríguez Medina 3ºA
      officials said that the virus had been found in
      sick pigs on one farm in Alberta; People were            Australia doesn’t want to trade with
      infecting each other, and until Saturday, no pigs        carbon until 2011
      had been found with the virus.
                                                               by: Enrique Rodríguez Jiménez
        The news from Canada changes things. A
      person appears to have spread the disease to the
      pigs, and not the other way around. A worker at          Australia's government announced a one-year delay
                                                               to its carbon emissions trading scheme on Monday,
      the farm had traveled to Mexico, fallen ill there
                                                               promising more support to big industry but opening
      and unknowingly brought the disease back to              the door to a tougher 2020 target in a bid to win its
      Canada; About 10 percent of the 2,200 pigs on            approval.
      the farm got sick; “The eating of pork is
      absolutely not a problem.”                               In an effort to ease the strain on an economy now on
                                                               the edge of recession, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
        On Saturday the W.H.O reported that there              said the government would delay the start of the
      were 658 confirmed cases of the illness,                 world's most sweeping cap and trade scheme outside
      officially known as Influenza A(H1N1) , in 16            of Europe until mid-2011, but still aimed to push the
      countries. Dr. Ryan said that the health                 emissions trading laws through parliament this year.
      organization was sending 2.4 million doses of
      antiviral drugs to 72 countries, including many          While maintaining his interim 2020 emissions
      poor countries that do not have supplies of their        reduction target at 5 to 15 percent below 2000 levels,
      own; In the United States, that there were 160           Rudd said the government could increase the cut to
      cases confirmed by laboratory tests in 21 states.        25 percent if other rich nations agreed to similar
                                                               reductions, a measure aimed at appeasing Green party
      Thirteen people have been hospitalized.
                                                               legislators and environmentalists.
        In Mexico, health authorities expressed
                                                               Major emissions industries and political opponents
      cautious optimism about what they called
                                                               had complained about the original plan for the
      “stabilizing” situation. For the second day in a         scheme to start on July 1 next year, saying it would
      row, Mexico city, with most of the confirmed             hamper any economic recovery.
      cases, did not record any deaths attributable to
      the virus; Mexico had confirmed 473 cases of             Major emissions industries, from aluminium-smelters
                                                               to airlines, had complained about the planned July 1,
International News
              Local News
        2010, launch date next year, saying it would hamper
        economic recovery and destroy jobs at a time when
        unemployment was rising fast.

        A slower start but tougher reduction target might help
        the government push the carbon-trading laws through
        an obstructive upper house of parliament dominated
        by conservative opponents, five Green senators and
        two swing-vote independents.

        quot;I'm a little surprised but I suppose the good thing is
        at least it gets resolved... The worst outcome is
        continued uncertainty about what is going to happen,quot;
        said Gary Cox, vice president of commodities and
        energy at global brokers Newedge.

        The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry            In Spain this kind of club day peer day is most
        (ACCI), representing business, last week told a            habitual to see them running with he’s cars in all kind
        Senate inquiry into carbon trade that the scheme           of street or in industrialist polygons. Always the races
        should be delayed until financial turmoil had passed       are taken in night and take part all the people to want
        and the economy returned to trend growth. The              if they have car. In the races the most (See Homer pg
        Greens want Australia to make an unconditional             4)
        emissions cut of 25 percent below 1990 levels by
        2020, with a commitment to move to a 40 percent cut        Homer
        if world climate talks in Copenhagen in December           important is it to be the most crazy possible and does
        forge a new global climate pact.                           dangerous thinks like put the car at only two wheels
                                                                   and think like that. This is a very serious problem
        Rudd was considering extending the upper limit to 25       because the drivers is very easy to dead
        percent, political sources told Reuters. But in            because if they have a accident is easy to dead but
        preparing changes, the government would still aim          they not only put they live in danger also put in
        for laws setting up the scheme to pass parliament this     danger the live of other persons that can be walking
        year, but delaying its start until 2011.                   in the street and some of this crazy driver ran over a
                                                                   person, the persons who was walking or only view is
                                                                   called Flanders like in the famous series of the
                                                                   Simpsons also the Homer club take this ideas for the
                                                                   film of two fast to furious but they don’t differentiate
                                                                   the fiction and the non-fiction.

                                                                   The problem for some years ago is more seriously but
                                                                   the police was after them and in two years the
                                                                   number of illegal races is decreasing step by step.

                                                                   BILL GATES DONATE 100 MILLION
                                                                   DOLLARS TO INDIA

                                                                   BY: AHINOAM FONTÁN YEGROS

                                                                   Bill Gates, that is considered one of the richer
                                                                   men on the World, promises to some poor
                                                                   people in India, to donate 100 million dollars to
                                                                   combat against AIDS.
                       Homer’s Club
                                                                   Bill Gates began its visit to the
                                                                   Asiatic country, for four days. He
                                                                   visits some private residences of
        By: Iván Domínguez Peláez                                  people infected by HIV/AIDS.

        Homer’s club is a club of illegal races that take off in   Bill Gates got surprised when he
        the streets of all Spain, but not only Spain, these kind   heard some of the stories of the
        of illegal races is take off in most part of the world     people in this private hospital, and
        for example in Italy, Germany, Spain, in some Latin
        American countries, in United States and also in
                                                                   how the society and some public
        Tokyo and more Chinese and Japanese countries;             hospitals in India rejected them only
        most of these driver are between 19 and 22 years old.      for the reason of their disease.

                                                                   The enormous quantity of 100
                                                                   million dollars, that the foundation
                                                                   Bill and Melinda Gates, it’s the

biggest contribution never did it, for the fight          necessary credit to finish the works of construction of
against the infectious diseases, that in fact it’s a      two underground parking lots of administrative grant.
problem that affect almost all the countries.
                                                          The decision has taken after the PP was denouncing
                                                          that 440 neighbors are affected by the paralyzation of
The foundation of Bill Gates was started with             the works of two parkings of the municipal Plan
his personal fortune, which in September had              before the non-payment of the manager to the
reached the big number of 43.000 million                  building firm.
                                                          Jose Manuel Vázquez affirmed that he has met the
Bill Gates said that he is fortunate to have this         neighbors to offer them guarantees of that the
plenty of money, to be able to help the needy             parkings will finish inside period and prices foreseen
people. ``the virus of HIV/ AIDS are in a low             for which in the next days they will support the
                                                          necessary quantities to finish the works.
level in India, and the experience had
demonstrated to me, that in this countries that           The councilman of Urbanism demonstrated that due
have had this levels and them act they impeded            to the economic crisis the co-op have remained
a bad evolution in the disease´´ he said.                 without the half of his associates and there has arisen
                                                          a problem of funding of the works that, as he said, at
Gates have had some critics in India, when he             present they are not paralyzed, and it added that
said, that taking in account some reports did by          already they have spoken with the banks in order that
the National Intelligence Council (NIC) of the            the building firms and the workers could charge.
United States, said that the number of people
                                                          In one of the parkings in the street Alicante there are
infected of the virus HIV/AIDS will increase in           placards where you can read: Three months without
the year 2010 to 20 or 25 million people, and             charging, closed by non-payment
know a days India has only 4 million people
infected.                                                 The denunciation of the PP took place after receiving
                                                          the complaints of the neighbors and problems
The Indian health minister, Shatrughan Sinha,             detecting in the march of the projects of the co-op
said that this projection is completely imprecise.        managed by the company Roblepark SL in the streets
The government didn’t did another report                  Bonus Ultra and Alicante - corner agreed of Aragon.
                                                          The popular ones indicated that they might turn
showing that it was false, but they didn’t believe
                                                          affected also other parkings that Roblepark manages
that at the end of the decade the level will be so
                                                          in Getafe's different streets.

The government ensures that the preventions of            Getafe releases a platform of information
them establish the number in 3,5 or 4 million of          in Internet
people infected, only it is a 0.7 percent of the          Getafe's Town hall has released a platform of
adult population is infected of the virus                 municipal information across Internet tries to offer
HIV/AIDS.                                                 major transparency and the access to all kinds of
                                                          documentation on the part of the neighbors.
Getafe will support to a co-op in order
that it could finish two parkings
The Town hall will support a manager of
cooperatives in order that it could obtain the
necessary credit to finish the works of construction of
two underground parking lots of administrative

                                                          The councilman of New Technologies, Miguell Ángel
                                                          Romero, assured that the municipal web is
                                                          concerning 9.000 daily visits and that the new
                                                          platform is arranged of a different form and is the
                                                          result of two years of work to integrate all the
                                                          municipal services.
Getafe will support to a co-op in order that it could
finish two parkings The Town hall will support a          Getafe's Town hall is one of the firsts in giving this
manager of co-op in order that it could obtain the        type of service to the citizens and to do that the Law
 Local News
of Access of the Citizens to the Administration is a
reality.                                                  Some affected parents have expressed his dread to
                                                          which at any time could close the centre in which
The councilor said that the platform is the resultant     they pay more than 400 Euros a month and that his
one of the program Digital Getafe Ciudad that is          children should remain without school.
based on the free software and that will serve to
obtain what is called itself paper the project zero,      These parents also made clear that the teachers are
that all the processes are digital and that the           having delay in the payment of the lists and the
neighbors could accede to all the municipal               worry increases every day before an uncertain
processes.                                                future.

Sara Hernández, indicated that by means of this           The councilor of education of Getafe, Carmen
initiative there are unified all the contents of the      Duque, attributes the situation to the bad
different councillorships with what more than 600         management of this private centre that works and
administrative steps will be able to be realized and      has quality and asks to the direction to exercise his
added that also one has given major quality to the        responsibility and to solve the problem.
videos of the retransmissions for Internet, as the
municipal Plenary sessions.                               The person in charge of Education has indicated that,
                                                          of not being solution, would create a problem added
In the platform there will be several spaces as that of   in Getafe, since there exists a waiting-list of 1.000
the municipal company of Cleanlinesses where,             three-year-old minor children to accede to an
between other matters, forms will be able to be           infantile public school.
completed to request the cleanliness of fronts or a
( see INTERNET p 6)                                       The direction will not realize any meeting, but it will
                                                          inform personally every father who should wish it ,
Internet                                                  and they consider basically to leave the project in
space for the young men where they will be able to        good hands , because is an infantile school it is not a
accede to the different social networks, forums and       shop of furniture or a bar .
                                                          The new pandemic?
The future of the day-care centre Cucu-
Nene is worrying 300 parents in Getafe.                   Was the generation of the alarm created by the
The alert has come to them for a letter of the            swine flu
property of the day-care centre where they indicate       necessary
his decision quot;of not continuing the following school      or
coursequot; and they report of being in negotiations for      excessive?
his sale.
                                                          On the last
                                                          25th of April
The parents of pupils of the infantile private school
                                                          it       was
in Getafe ''Cucu-Nene'' are worried before quot;the
                                                          spread all around the world alarming news: a new
future and possible closing of the centrequot; the near
                                                          kind of disease had developed in Mexico and had
                                                          killed scores of people. As days passed, the number
                                                          of deaths related to swine flu and people infected by
                                                          it increased at high rhythm and the alarm grew

                                                            It worsened when people who had travelled to
                                                          Mexico, once in their countries developed the
                                                          disease. At that point the disease had spread to the
                                                          USA, Canada, France, Spain, New Zeland, Sweden,
                                                          Great Britain, Guatemala, Israel and other countries.
                                                          Eventually, a Spanish man who had contracted this
school course, which would stop in the street say quot;to     virus when he had been to Mexico transmitted it to
approximately 300 3-year-old minor children quot;.            another one who had not been to. It was created a
                                                          great alarm among the Europeans. Furthermore the
The alert has come to them for a letter of the            first death out of the Mexican frontiers took place in
property of the day-care centre where they indicate       the USA.
his decision quot;of not continuing the following school
coursequot; and they report of being in negotiations for
his sale.

The reason for not continuing with the management
is the crisis, which has affected them from the
beginning of the course, with 50 falls up to the date,
according to the letter directed to the parents.

                                 But, what is the          of
                                 swine flu? This
                                 disease is provoked
                                 by the H1N1 virus
                                 and it is a genetic       improves. They realize that it is not as easy as they
                                 variation of avian        imagine, and many times, they don’t found work or a
                                 influenza, human          place to sleep. These are bad situations of the
                                 influenza and swine       people, but they went there with a dream, and they
                                 influenza. Its avian      fight to make it real.
                                 characteristics           In the other hand, New York is a city with many
                                 makes it more             special places, and each one a big importance. New
                                 virulent,        even     York is the birthplace of many cultural movements,
                                 though this virus         including the Harlem Renaissance in literature and
                                 can be treated by         visual art, painting, and hip hop, punk, salsa, disco in
                                 avian         viruses     music. Central Park, that is the lung of the city,
                                 medication        that    where people go to walk or do sport, with his big
                                 was created and           lake and his many trees. The different buildings, as
dispensed during the avian influenza pandemic.             the Empire State Building, one of the tallest buildings
When the swine flu began to spread in Mexico it was        on earth, or the places as Times Square, where all
trasmitted from pigs to humans, but gadually this          the New Yorkers meet to receive the New Year,
illness is being passed from human to human. There         make the city different.
had been 42 deaths due to this disease, even though        quot;Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of the
the                                                        weatherquot;, the writer Tom Wolfe has said of New
(see FLU 7)                                                York City. The city was the center of jazz in the
(FLU)                                                      1940s, abstract expressionism in the 1950s and the
WHO is investigating 1,614 suspected cases. Most of        birthplace of hip hop in the 1970s. Also as part of
these deaths, except for one, have occured in              culture is The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of
Mexico. Nearly all the people infected who died            the largest museums in the world.
were not aware of the danger of the new influenza          But I think that the true culture is in the people of
and once they had suffered complications entered           New York, in the streets where you can note a
into collapsed hospitals in which staff was not able       difference.
to supply good enough attendence. On the other             The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, which
hand when the swine flu approached other regions,          includes Jazz at Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan
the population was already aware of the existance of       Opera, the New York City Opera, the New York
a new kind of influenza –due to the alarm created-         Philharmonic, the New York City Ballet, the Vivian
and they were treated succcessfully with the               Beaumont Theatre, the Juilliard School and Alice
medication prepared for previous pandemics.                Tully Hall, is the largest performing arts center in the
                                                           United States. And don’t forget Broadway, where the
Due to this last remark the alarm generated may            most famous musicals and theatres are located on,
have been excessive, even though the fact that             and also as a catapult for the people that want a
people were aware of the disease has been useful as        place in the world of the cinema.
they were on the alert to identify a possible swine        New York City is a global hub of international
flu. The symptoms that infected people show                business and commerce and is one of three
ressemble the ones of a regular flu, including sore        quot;command centersquot; for the world economy. Wall
throat, coughing and fever. If someone is suffering        Street, in Lower Manhattan, has been a dominant
from any of these irregularities, he or she should visit   global financial center since World War II and is
the doctor to make sure he or she is not infected by       home to the New York Stock Exchange.
swine flu. In order to prevent the disease is
important to maintain good hygiene habits washing          I could continue talking about the magnificent places
hands frequently and to avoid to shake hands.              of New York, but is the mixture of all the factors
                                                           what makes it special. Of course that is the exact
                                                           place to do the dreams real. I think that even
                                                           thought many dreams break down; the people never
       NEW YORK, CITY OF DREAMS                            stop to dream.
By: Daniel Sanchez Fernandez
                                                           From my point of view, New York is the city that has
New York, also known as the city that never sleeps, is     all what a person want, and is clear enough that it
the city of cities. With a large harbor located on the     occupy the first place on the list of best cities on the
Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States, the      world.
city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn,
Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Is the town                                 LIBRA:
where the dreams many dreams can be carried                The next week will be one of the worstest of this
away.                                                      year. In love terms you will fail in all your propouses.
                                                           You only have one possibility with the sagitarians.
New York is the place where many immigrants go to          Beacause of the alineation of the planets next week
make real their dreams of getting a better life, but       you wont be very loved. Today in work you won’t be
once they are in the city, they found a difficult way      able to concentrate and your job could be lost. You’ll
                                                           have a good compatibility whit all signs but
Horoscope and Weather
 capricornes. You have to try to centre in what you are
 Next week will be bad for you but not as libran’s one.                         (from the 21st of
 You will not have a good week in love terms. You,         January to the 19th of February)
 that allways are loved, this week you will be hated by
                                                           You will have to adapt to the needs or decisions of
 everyone because something you say. As you are not
 loved outside, you will be centred in work, something     your friends, but you are going to enjoy it. Stop
 that your bosses will congratulated you. You will         thinking in the future, think in the present. It is good
 have a good compatibility witu all signs but librans      to have some plans for the future, but not many! You
 and scorpios.                                             are going to try to make a party at your home, but
                                                           first you need your parents’ permission. Try to do
                                                           most of the things that you wanted to do but you
 Next week will be perfect for you. Everithing you do
 will be well done. Only your enmity with the              couln’t due to the lack of time. You are going
 capricorns will afect your perfect week. In your work     to need your friends’ help so take care of
 you’ll also do everithing perfect. You will be            them. You are going to meet somebody
 promoted. You and your partner will live an active        special in a trip that you are going to do soon.
 All this will not stay for a long time in a few days
 evreithing will come to normality. You will be as
 angry and jealous as always
 Just like scorpions you will have a nice week. You                               (from the 20th of February to
 will also be promoted. Your partner and you will          the 20th of March)
 have like an “truth week”. You will tell your secretes
 each other. You will have a good compatibility with       You like to tell the others what to do and that the
 all signs, as always. You will have a discurssion with    other people obey you, but don’t pretend that your
 a virgoan, but as allways you will be rigth. This         friends do the things that you have to do. You are
 perfection will take a long time to disappear
                                                           going to buy something very special for yourself.
 ARIES                                                     You are going to stay more time at home than in
                           (from the 21st of March to      another part because you will like to spent more time
 the 20th of April)                                        with your family. You are going to recover an old
 You will want to go shopping for buying new things        friendship that you thought that was lost. One of your
 for you, but also you buy a present for an special        friends is going to need your help, don’t doubt and do
 friend. Don’t buy a lot of things in order to not         what this person expects from you. Study more to get
 exhaust your savings! You are going to meet new           better marks because you are going to be rewarded.
 friends and maybe one of them would be one of your
 best friends or something more.Take care of your
 throat if not, your are going to have serious problems.
 Take care of your friends, don’t insult or shout at
 them because you’re going to need thir help soon.
 Your best days are going to be the 17th and the 18th
 of May.
                                                           Football offers for
                                                                    By: Mikel iglesias
                           (from the 21st of April to
 the 20th of May)                                                    In the Santiago Bernabeu were 80.000
 You are going to be very happy with yourself.                       spectators interesting the result and the
                                                                     result was very good for barça’s speactors,
 Probably you are going to get angry with a person
                                                           this day was a historic day for all.
 that you love a lot. Don’t be big-headed. Don’t make
 decisions yet, wait until the appropriate moment.
                                                           The football match was interesting all the time
 Listen to your best friends; they are going to help you   because many people had the hairs stand up when the
 to to make an important decision. Be careful to not do    players scored any goal. But on the other hand some
 whatever they say, because it is important to do at the   speactors didn’t like much the football because they
 end what you want not what they want. Don’t be            said offensive words for Etto.
 very demanding, especially with your friends; be
 happy with everything you have.                           These are the players that played in the real Madrid ’s
                                                           Casillas; Sergio Ramos (Van der Vaart, m. 71),
                                                           Cannavaro, Metzelder, Heinze; Gago, Lass; Robben

(Javi García, m. 79), Raúl, Marcelo (Huntelaar, m.
59); e Higuaín.

These are the players that played in the barcelona ’s
 Valdés; Alves, Puyol, Piqué, Abidal; Toure
(Busquets, m. 85), Xavi, Iniesta (Bojan, m. 85);
Messi, Eto'o y Henry

The Barça was very forced himself into the game and
the result was not bad. The result was 6 points to the
Barça and 2 to Real Madid.
In the Barça’s match the players that scored were:
Henry and Messi each player 2 goals and Puyol and
Pique 1 goal each player.
In the Real Madrid’s match the players that scored
were: Higuain and Ramos 1 point each player.

The conclusion of this notice is that the football had
always things to see.

The summary:

These are the result of the other match that were in
the last week:

Villareal- Sevilla 0-2
Numancia- Malaga 2-0

Second division:

Las palmas- huesca 1-1
Levante- Alicante 2-0
Murcia- Eibar 2-0
Rayo vallecano- Albacete 0-3
Zaragoza- Tenerife 1-1
Real sociedad- Celta 2-2

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School Newspaper

  • 1. 1 Newsletter Date Volume 1, Issue 1 Who is Talking Special Interest Articles: A Title with a Bitter Flavor • Swine Flu Updates A tragic bus accident left ,without life, two volleyball players that had • Tragic bus accident just played the final in the Canary Islands. They were coming back to in Lugo their city, Lugo, when the bus could not be controlled by the driver and overturned. • Daily Horoscope By Maria Gomez Maroto Lavacolla’s airport, where it left signs of a long-intentioned stop. The death of both young women, players of the Emeve Volleyball Club Many passengers remained stretched on the road and the tragedy in Lugo, happened yesterday, left on immediately became visible. In the same place of he accident one the second plane the political debate of the team members, Aida Cela, who was travelling accompained in the celebrated plenary session this by her father, lost her life, and other evening in the Town Hall, that began 12 persons were hurt. Four of them, also young women, were with a minute moved in very serious conditions to the of silence and Clinical Hospital of Santiago. Hours with the later, the death of a second was made reading of a known, Iris Arias, also 17 years, while declaration of other three were remaining in the Individual condolence Intensive Care Unit. Highlights: with the family of the victims. Only the driver and four adults were National News 2 unharmed. Some of the passengers were “This is an not wearing the safety belt. One of the Int’l News 3 authentic reasons of the event speculates on the tragedy”. This possibility tha t the driver could get Local News 5 is how the confused in the exit of the airport Sports 5 mayor of Lugo, toward Lugo and, on having tried to Jose Lopez recapture the correct direction, he ended Weather 6 Orozco, unp by clashing with the protection of described the environment that was the rotunda. Sources of Traffic aimed tha he ciculated to excessive lived yesterday in the vening in the speed. Clinical University Hospital of Santiago, where the consternation At the same time when the accident over the death of two young women, took place, another Emeve Team was both minors, was mixed with disputing in Lugo the finalof the uncertainty for the luck of other three masculine volleyball championship, memers of the team, whose return trip but the game did not manage to to their homes ended in a catastrophic conclude. By loudspeaker, they bus accident. The girls had just announced the tragedy that had just landed in the airport of Santiago de happened in Lavacolla and the party Compostela, proceeding from the that was alive in the pavilion turned airport of Gran Canaria, with into a collective weeping for the happiness after having been affected teammates. proclaimed sub champions of Spain of feminine volleybal. “We’re destroyed, because all the accidents with this type of “The driver could get confused with consecuences are tragic, but in this the exit and was fixed against a ase the tragedy is enlarged, because rotunda” declared the mayor of Lugo. the Emeve is a tema of intimately familiar quarry” Jose lopez Orozco Excessive speed or mishap of the emphasized. The family Bouza is driver are the hypotheses that the totally dedicated to this spot. Ana police of traffic considers to find an bouza was training the affected team. explanation for the accident. He Three of the sisters Bouza were vehicle finished half overturned in the players, their brother was training the protecction fence on the highway masculine team, the mother was A-54, in the surrounding areas of doing the chairwpoman’s functions
  • 2. National News 2 and the company, which was conditions, whereas the five reamining ones are supporting the team, was carried out deposited in the emergency room by by a family relative. traumatism and diverse contusions. Three more people were remaining las night in observation and it was expected that they could be given of discharge soon, but only if their conditions Two of the players were operated on yesterday improve. in the evening,as they were in really bad Catalonia have locked up themselves inside their universities forcing the national police to dissolve BOLOGNA PROCESS: The their protests using violence. Many students have future of our universities been badly damaged in these protests and the government affirms that something needs to be done By: Adrian Fernadez to stop this horrible situation. Nevertheless, the Bologna is coming closer step by step and the only process must be implemented by 2010 and so, strikes chance we have to survive its arrival is to change our are being held more frequently. Europe has come to mentality. In the past weeks there has been increasing an agreement and we can not be excluded so people worry about the Bologna Process which must be hope that this unity which will be achieved with the implemented before 2010. If you ask people on the process does not affect the most underprivileged street most of them will shrug their shoulders but families in Spain. students from all over the country are not so indifferent about the topic and their protests are worrying all of us because we are now facing the CARLA BRUNI AND SARKOZY possibility of changing our future. VISITED SPAIN. The agreement was held in 1999 and it implies a change of attitude in Spain. It is already implemented By Celeste Caceres in 47 European countries and the principal objective Last Wednesday, you shouldn’t surprised if you saw is promoting students’ mobility making all official french flags in the town centre in Madrid. Everything titles the same in Europe. That way all official had an explanation, Nicolas Sarkozy and Carla Bruni- degrees would be valid in the countries where it is Sarkozy, the french president and his wife were already implemented. According to the process visiting Spain durin two days. degrees would last for four years and official masters She caught the atention of lot of magazines and would be offered by the Universities. Those newspapers. Universities can choose their own contents as long as “I love Spain” said Carla in the return to Paris. they stick to the minimum requirements in the four Although she is able to speak several languages, her major knowledge branches: Art and Humanities, spanish is “horrible”. She spoke frenche with the king Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Jurisdiction Juan Carlos,and with the queen Sofia, she spoke in Sciences; and Engineering and Architecture. Students english. can receive grants which should be returned when “It was a pleasure to be there, the spanish press were they get a job. If they have not got a well paid job really nice”she says to “Le Parisien”. “In general, I during 15 years they are exempt from paying. That can’t complain about the way, I was treated in Spain, way their official masters would allow the they have been so kind with me”. homologation of their degrees in the rest of countries However, we cannot forget about the real purpose of in Europe. their visit. Since 1975 we hadn’t received the visit of Following the Bologna Process universities will a french president and last week, many important never become private and students will have things meetings were held. Sarkozy affirms that the presence easier when they try to get a job. Forty-seven of Spain in the G-20 is needed with a strong countries in Europe have already opened their collaboration project has been set up for fighting universities to the new model and public expenditure against ETA. in education has been increased. This money is going Sarkozy has also emphasized the need of an axis of to be expended in creating better installations and union between the countries which will be archieving increasing the number of teachers. (jump p. ) with the new plans for the AVE ( high speech train). However, life is not all a bowl of cherries. According Surely, the visit of the french presidency will mean a to the Bologna Process the number of theoretical great change in Spain’s future. classes will be increased, reducing the space for the hours in the laboratory. Another disadvantage is the KIKO RIBERA STARTS HIS NEW JOB IN “SE timetable, which is almost the same as a working day LO QUE HICISTEIS”, A PROGRAM OF LA schedule, making it impossible for the students to SEXTA work and study at the same time. Nevertheless those are not the main inconveniences of the process. The By: Raquel Criado Martinez masters offered by this project are too expensive for Kiko Ribera, also called Paquirrin, is the new almost all the Spanish families and that would mean collaborator of this program. Now, the soon of Isabel that universities could turn to be capitalistic Pantoja has to say a entire monologue about his life institutions. Masters could even reach prizes such as helped by Angel Martin and Dani Mateo, two of the €18,000. That way, almost any Spanish family will be collaborators of the program. able to pay their own education. Those disadvantages are not being well received by Angel Martin and Dani Mateo have to help the students community and the first protests started Kiko Ribera to find information about his life that being heard in Cataluña one year ago but they have may be in his monologue, and also they have to teach now moved to universities in all the country. Students him to know all what they know… in Madrid have held strikes and protests against the Bologna Process and some of the students in
  • 3. International News 3 In his first program they showed a humble boy which H1N1; mexico had 259 deaths thought to be confessed that he hadn’t got many jobs in his life and caused by swine flu. that what he did were very easy. (See SEXTA p 3) One source of concern and puzzlement in Mexico is the breakdown of deaths by gender. Of the 16 whose causes of death had been confirmed on Friday, 12 were women, including SEXTA one who was pregnant. Mexico’s health He say the example when he was frying ribs, and as secretary(Jose Ángle Córdova), comfirmed that he did three he eat two… Kiko Ribera take well the jokes about him that were the flu seems to have struck harder at women say in Se lo que hicisteis… in his first day as then the men in Mexico, but he cold not explain collaborator. whay; Like many of the new or emerging infections that have taken the world by surprised (SARS and Avian Flu are examples), this one The spread of swine flu seems to have arisen at what scientist call the “animal-human interface”. But in the case the The World Health Organization diseae is now spreading from person to person, announced an increase in the number with no evidence that pigs were trasmitting it to of confirmed cases of swine flu on people. Saturday, there was no evidence of Infectious diseases experts say it will be sustained spread in communities important to watch what this virus does over outside North America. the coming weeks and months, particularly in the Southern Hemisphere, which will soon Dr. Michael, J. Ryan and the director of the confort its winter flu season. If H1N1 takes hold WHO, informed us that it is beginning the there, that will be a red flag to scientist; spread through countries and it is about to reach Particularly worrisome is that a seasonal flu phase 6; Phase 6, the highest level in the strain, common in the Southern Hemisphere and organization’s alert system. There can be a elsewhere, is resistant to Tamiflu, and could in pandemic of a mild disease because the current theory pass that resistance to the new virus. level, Phase 5, means that the disease is spreading in communities; Canadian health By: Adrián Rodríguez Medina 3ºA officials said that the virus had been found in sick pigs on one farm in Alberta; People were Australia doesn’t want to trade with infecting each other, and until Saturday, no pigs carbon until 2011 had been found with the virus. by: Enrique Rodríguez Jiménez The news from Canada changes things. A person appears to have spread the disease to the pigs, and not the other way around. A worker at Australia's government announced a one-year delay to its carbon emissions trading scheme on Monday, the farm had traveled to Mexico, fallen ill there promising more support to big industry but opening and unknowingly brought the disease back to the door to a tougher 2020 target in a bid to win its Canada; About 10 percent of the 2,200 pigs on approval. the farm got sick; “The eating of pork is absolutely not a problem.” In an effort to ease the strain on an economy now on the edge of recession, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd On Saturday the W.H.O reported that there said the government would delay the start of the were 658 confirmed cases of the illness, world's most sweeping cap and trade scheme outside officially known as Influenza A(H1N1) , in 16 of Europe until mid-2011, but still aimed to push the countries. Dr. Ryan said that the health emissions trading laws through parliament this year. organization was sending 2.4 million doses of antiviral drugs to 72 countries, including many While maintaining his interim 2020 emissions poor countries that do not have supplies of their reduction target at 5 to 15 percent below 2000 levels, own; In the United States, that there were 160 Rudd said the government could increase the cut to cases confirmed by laboratory tests in 21 states. 25 percent if other rich nations agreed to similar reductions, a measure aimed at appeasing Green party Thirteen people have been hospitalized. legislators and environmentalists. In Mexico, health authorities expressed Major emissions industries and political opponents cautious optimism about what they called had complained about the original plan for the “stabilizing” situation. For the second day in a scheme to start on July 1 next year, saying it would row, Mexico city, with most of the confirmed hamper any economic recovery. cases, did not record any deaths attributable to the virus; Mexico had confirmed 473 cases of Major emissions industries, from aluminium-smelters to airlines, had complained about the planned July 1,
  • 4. International News 4 Local News 2010, launch date next year, saying it would hamper economic recovery and destroy jobs at a time when unemployment was rising fast. A slower start but tougher reduction target might help the government push the carbon-trading laws through an obstructive upper house of parliament dominated by conservative opponents, five Green senators and two swing-vote independents. quot;I'm a little surprised but I suppose the good thing is at least it gets resolved... The worst outcome is continued uncertainty about what is going to happen,quot; said Gary Cox, vice president of commodities and energy at global brokers Newedge. The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry In Spain this kind of club day peer day is most (ACCI), representing business, last week told a habitual to see them running with he’s cars in all kind Senate inquiry into carbon trade that the scheme of street or in industrialist polygons. Always the races should be delayed until financial turmoil had passed are taken in night and take part all the people to want and the economy returned to trend growth. The if they have car. In the races the most (See Homer pg Greens want Australia to make an unconditional 4) emissions cut of 25 percent below 1990 levels by 2020, with a commitment to move to a 40 percent cut Homer if world climate talks in Copenhagen in December important is it to be the most crazy possible and does forge a new global climate pact. dangerous thinks like put the car at only two wheels and think like that. This is a very serious problem Rudd was considering extending the upper limit to 25 because the drivers is very easy to dead percent, political sources told Reuters. But in because if they have a accident is easy to dead but preparing changes, the government would still aim they not only put they live in danger also put in for laws setting up the scheme to pass parliament this danger the live of other persons that can be walking year, but delaying its start until 2011. in the street and some of this crazy driver ran over a person, the persons who was walking or only view is called Flanders like in the famous series of the Simpsons also the Homer club take this ideas for the film of two fast to furious but they don’t differentiate the fiction and the non-fiction. The problem for some years ago is more seriously but the police was after them and in two years the number of illegal races is decreasing step by step. BILL GATES DONATE 100 MILLION DOLLARS TO INDIA BY: AHINOAM FONTÁN YEGROS Bill Gates, that is considered one of the richer men on the World, promises to some poor people in India, to donate 100 million dollars to combat against AIDS. Homer’s Club Bill Gates began its visit to the Asiatic country, for four days. He visits some private residences of By: Iván Domínguez Peláez people infected by HIV/AIDS. Homer’s club is a club of illegal races that take off in Bill Gates got surprised when he the streets of all Spain, but not only Spain, these kind heard some of the stories of the of illegal races is take off in most part of the world people in this private hospital, and for example in Italy, Germany, Spain, in some Latin American countries, in United States and also in how the society and some public Tokyo and more Chinese and Japanese countries; hospitals in India rejected them only most of these driver are between 19 and 22 years old. for the reason of their disease. The enormous quantity of 100 million dollars, that the foundation Bill and Melinda Gates, it’s the
  • 5. 5 biggest contribution never did it, for the fight necessary credit to finish the works of construction of against the infectious diseases, that in fact it’s a two underground parking lots of administrative grant. problem that affect almost all the countries. The decision has taken after the PP was denouncing that 440 neighbors are affected by the paralyzation of The foundation of Bill Gates was started with the works of two parkings of the municipal Plan his personal fortune, which in September had before the non-payment of the manager to the reached the big number of 43.000 million building firm. dollars. Jose Manuel Vázquez affirmed that he has met the Bill Gates said that he is fortunate to have this neighbors to offer them guarantees of that the plenty of money, to be able to help the needy parkings will finish inside period and prices foreseen people. ``the virus of HIV/ AIDS are in a low for which in the next days they will support the necessary quantities to finish the works. level in India, and the experience had demonstrated to me, that in this countries that The councilman of Urbanism demonstrated that due have had this levels and them act they impeded to the economic crisis the co-op have remained a bad evolution in the disease´´ he said. without the half of his associates and there has arisen a problem of funding of the works that, as he said, at Gates have had some critics in India, when he present they are not paralyzed, and it added that said, that taking in account some reports did by already they have spoken with the banks in order that the National Intelligence Council (NIC) of the the building firms and the workers could charge. United States, said that the number of people In one of the parkings in the street Alicante there are infected of the virus HIV/AIDS will increase in placards where you can read: Three months without the year 2010 to 20 or 25 million people, and charging, closed by non-payment know a days India has only 4 million people infected. The denunciation of the PP took place after receiving the complaints of the neighbors and problems The Indian health minister, Shatrughan Sinha, detecting in the march of the projects of the co-op said that this projection is completely imprecise. managed by the company Roblepark SL in the streets The government didn’t did another report Bonus Ultra and Alicante - corner agreed of Aragon. The popular ones indicated that they might turn showing that it was false, but they didn’t believe affected also other parkings that Roblepark manages that at the end of the decade the level will be so in Getafe's different streets. high. The government ensures that the preventions of Getafe releases a platform of information them establish the number in 3,5 or 4 million of in Internet people infected, only it is a 0.7 percent of the Getafe's Town hall has released a platform of adult population is infected of the virus municipal information across Internet tries to offer HIV/AIDS. major transparency and the access to all kinds of documentation on the part of the neighbors. Getafe will support to a co-op in order that it could finish two parkings The Town hall will support a manager of cooperatives in order that it could obtain the necessary credit to finish the works of construction of two underground parking lots of administrative grant. The councilman of New Technologies, Miguell Ángel Romero, assured that the municipal web is concerning 9.000 daily visits and that the new platform is arranged of a different form and is the result of two years of work to integrate all the municipal services. Getafe will support to a co-op in order that it could finish two parkings The Town hall will support a Getafe's Town hall is one of the firsts in giving this manager of co-op in order that it could obtain the type of service to the citizens and to do that the Law
  • 6. 6 Local News Editorial of Access of the Citizens to the Administration is a reality. Some affected parents have expressed his dread to which at any time could close the centre in which The councilor said that the platform is the resultant they pay more than 400 Euros a month and that his one of the program Digital Getafe Ciudad that is children should remain without school. based on the free software and that will serve to obtain what is called itself paper the project zero, These parents also made clear that the teachers are that all the processes are digital and that the having delay in the payment of the lists and the neighbors could accede to all the municipal worry increases every day before an uncertain processes. future. Sara Hernández, indicated that by means of this The councilor of education of Getafe, Carmen initiative there are unified all the contents of the Duque, attributes the situation to the bad different councillorships with what more than 600 management of this private centre that works and administrative steps will be able to be realized and has quality and asks to the direction to exercise his added that also one has given major quality to the responsibility and to solve the problem. videos of the retransmissions for Internet, as the municipal Plenary sessions. The person in charge of Education has indicated that, of not being solution, would create a problem added In the platform there will be several spaces as that of in Getafe, since there exists a waiting-list of 1.000 the municipal company of Cleanlinesses where, three-year-old minor children to accede to an between other matters, forms will be able to be infantile public school. completed to request the cleanliness of fronts or a ( see INTERNET p 6) The direction will not realize any meeting, but it will inform personally every father who should wish it , Internet and they consider basically to leave the project in space for the young men where they will be able to good hands , because is an infantile school it is not a accede to the different social networks, forums and shop of furniture or a bar . advisings. The new pandemic? The future of the day-care centre Cucu- Nene is worrying 300 parents in Getafe. Was the generation of the alarm created by the The alert has come to them for a letter of the swine flu property of the day-care centre where they indicate necessary his decision quot;of not continuing the following school or coursequot; and they report of being in negotiations for excessive? his sale. On the last 25th of April The parents of pupils of the infantile private school it was in Getafe ''Cucu-Nene'' are worried before quot;the spread all around the world alarming news: a new future and possible closing of the centrequot; the near kind of disease had developed in Mexico and had killed scores of people. As days passed, the number of deaths related to swine flu and people infected by it increased at high rhythm and the alarm grew bigger. It worsened when people who had travelled to Mexico, once in their countries developed the disease. At that point the disease had spread to the USA, Canada, France, Spain, New Zeland, Sweden, Great Britain, Guatemala, Israel and other countries. Eventually, a Spanish man who had contracted this school course, which would stop in the street say quot;to virus when he had been to Mexico transmitted it to approximately 300 3-year-old minor children quot;. another one who had not been to. It was created a great alarm among the Europeans. Furthermore the The alert has come to them for a letter of the first death out of the Mexican frontiers took place in property of the day-care centre where they indicate the USA. his decision quot;of not continuing the following school coursequot; and they report of being in negotiations for his sale. The reason for not continuing with the management is the crisis, which has affected them from the beginning of the course, with 50 falls up to the date, according to the letter directed to the parents.
  • 7. 7 But, what is the of swine flu? This disease is provoked by the H1N1 virus and it is a genetic improves. They realize that it is not as easy as they variation of avian imagine, and many times, they don’t found work or a influenza, human place to sleep. These are bad situations of the influenza and swine people, but they went there with a dream, and they influenza. Its avian fight to make it real. characteristics In the other hand, New York is a city with many makes it more special places, and each one a big importance. New virulent, even York is the birthplace of many cultural movements, though this virus including the Harlem Renaissance in literature and can be treated by visual art, painting, and hip hop, punk, salsa, disco in avian viruses music. Central Park, that is the lung of the city, medication that where people go to walk or do sport, with his big was created and lake and his many trees. The different buildings, as dispensed during the avian influenza pandemic. the Empire State Building, one of the tallest buildings When the swine flu began to spread in Mexico it was on earth, or the places as Times Square, where all trasmitted from pigs to humans, but gadually this the New Yorkers meet to receive the New Year, illness is being passed from human to human. There make the city different. had been 42 deaths due to this disease, even though quot;Culture just seems to be in the air, like part of the the weatherquot;, the writer Tom Wolfe has said of New (see FLU 7) York City. The city was the center of jazz in the (FLU) 1940s, abstract expressionism in the 1950s and the WHO is investigating 1,614 suspected cases. Most of birthplace of hip hop in the 1970s. Also as part of these deaths, except for one, have occured in culture is The Metropolitan Museum of Art is one of Mexico. Nearly all the people infected who died the largest museums in the world. were not aware of the danger of the new influenza But I think that the true culture is in the people of and once they had suffered complications entered New York, in the streets where you can note a into collapsed hospitals in which staff was not able difference. to supply good enough attendence. On the other The Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, which hand when the swine flu approached other regions, includes Jazz at Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan the population was already aware of the existance of Opera, the New York City Opera, the New York a new kind of influenza –due to the alarm created- Philharmonic, the New York City Ballet, the Vivian and they were treated succcessfully with the Beaumont Theatre, the Juilliard School and Alice medication prepared for previous pandemics. Tully Hall, is the largest performing arts center in the United States. And don’t forget Broadway, where the Due to this last remark the alarm generated may most famous musicals and theatres are located on, have been excessive, even though the fact that and also as a catapult for the people that want a people were aware of the disease has been useful as place in the world of the cinema. they were on the alert to identify a possible swine New York City is a global hub of international flu. The symptoms that infected people show business and commerce and is one of three ressemble the ones of a regular flu, including sore quot;command centersquot; for the world economy. Wall throat, coughing and fever. If someone is suffering Street, in Lower Manhattan, has been a dominant from any of these irregularities, he or she should visit global financial center since World War II and is the doctor to make sure he or she is not infected by home to the New York Stock Exchange. swine flu. In order to prevent the disease is important to maintain good hygiene habits washing I could continue talking about the magnificent places hands frequently and to avoid to shake hands. of New York, but is the mixture of all the factors what makes it special. Of course that is the exact place to do the dreams real. I think that even thought many dreams break down; the people never NEW YORK, CITY OF DREAMS stop to dream. By: Daniel Sanchez Fernandez From my point of view, New York is the city that has New York, also known as the city that never sleeps, is all what a person want, and is clear enough that it the city of cities. With a large harbor located on the occupy the first place on the list of best cities on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States, the world. city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and Staten Island. Is the town LIBRA: where the dreams many dreams can be carried The next week will be one of the worstest of this away. year. In love terms you will fail in all your propouses. You only have one possibility with the sagitarians. New York is the place where many immigrants go to Beacause of the alineation of the planets next week make real their dreams of getting a better life, but you wont be very loved. Today in work you won’t be once they are in the city, they found a difficult way able to concentrate and your job could be lost. You’ll have a good compatibility whit all signs but
  • 8. 8 Horoscope and Weather capricornes. You have to try to centre in what you are SPORTS doing. AQUARIUS CAPRICORN: Next week will be bad for you but not as libran’s one. (from the 21st of You will not have a good week in love terms. You, January to the 19th of February) that allways are loved, this week you will be hated by You will have to adapt to the needs or decisions of everyone because something you say. As you are not loved outside, you will be centred in work, something your friends, but you are going to enjoy it. Stop that your bosses will congratulated you. You will thinking in the future, think in the present. It is good have a good compatibility witu all signs but librans to have some plans for the future, but not many! You and scorpios. are going to try to make a party at your home, but first you need your parents’ permission. Try to do SCORPIO: most of the things that you wanted to do but you Next week will be perfect for you. Everithing you do will be well done. Only your enmity with the couln’t due to the lack of time. You are going capricorns will afect your perfect week. In your work to need your friends’ help so take care of you’ll also do everithing perfect. You will be them. You are going to meet somebody promoted. You and your partner will live an active special in a trip that you are going to do soon. week. All this will not stay for a long time in a few days evreithing will come to normality. You will be as angry and jealous as always PISCES SAGITARIUS: Just like scorpions you will have a nice week. You (from the 20th of February to will also be promoted. Your partner and you will the 20th of March) have like an “truth week”. You will tell your secretes each other. You will have a good compatibility with You like to tell the others what to do and that the all signs, as always. You will have a discurssion with other people obey you, but don’t pretend that your a virgoan, but as allways you will be rigth. This friends do the things that you have to do. You are perfection will take a long time to disappear going to buy something very special for yourself. ARIES You are going to stay more time at home than in (from the 21st of March to another part because you will like to spent more time the 20th of April) with your family. You are going to recover an old You will want to go shopping for buying new things friendship that you thought that was lost. One of your for you, but also you buy a present for an special friends is going to need your help, don’t doubt and do friend. Don’t buy a lot of things in order to not what this person expects from you. Study more to get exhaust your savings! You are going to meet new better marks because you are going to be rewarded. friends and maybe one of them would be one of your best friends or something more.Take care of your throat if not, your are going to have serious problems. Take care of your friends, don’t insult or shout at them because you’re going to need thir help soon. Your best days are going to be the 17th and the 18th of May. Football offers for Barça TAURUS By: Mikel iglesias (from the 21st of April to the 20th of May) In the Santiago Bernabeu were 80.000 You are going to be very happy with yourself. spectators interesting the result and the result was very good for barça’s speactors, Probably you are going to get angry with a person this day was a historic day for all. that you love a lot. Don’t be big-headed. Don’t make decisions yet, wait until the appropriate moment. The football match was interesting all the time Listen to your best friends; they are going to help you because many people had the hairs stand up when the to to make an important decision. Be careful to not do players scored any goal. But on the other hand some whatever they say, because it is important to do at the speactors didn’t like much the football because they end what you want not what they want. Don’t be said offensive words for Etto. very demanding, especially with your friends; be happy with everything you have. These are the players that played in the real Madrid ’s match: Casillas; Sergio Ramos (Van der Vaart, m. 71), Cannavaro, Metzelder, Heinze; Gago, Lass; Robben
  • 9. 9 (Javi García, m. 79), Raúl, Marcelo (Huntelaar, m. 59); e Higuaín. These are the players that played in the barcelona ’s match: Valdés; Alves, Puyol, Piqué, Abidal; Toure (Busquets, m. 85), Xavi, Iniesta (Bojan, m. 85); Messi, Eto'o y Henry The Barça was very forced himself into the game and the result was not bad. The result was 6 points to the Barça and 2 to Real Madid. In the Barça’s match the players that scored were: Henry and Messi each player 2 goals and Puyol and Pique 1 goal each player. In the Real Madrid’s match the players that scored were: Higuain and Ramos 1 point each player. The conclusion of this notice is that the football had always things to see. The summary: These are the result of the other match that were in the last week: Villareal- Sevilla 0-2 Numancia- Malaga 2-0 Second division: Las palmas- huesca 1-1 Levante- Alicante 2-0 Murcia- Eibar 2-0 Rayo vallecano- Albacete 0-3 Zaragoza- Tenerife 1-1 Real sociedad- Celta 2-2