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I nuovi inibitori
      del TNF-α

   Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini
L Sacco University Hospital
 Via GB Grassi 74, MIlano
The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 185: 791–794.
In the early 1980s, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a
disease affecting ~1% of the population
worldwide, was a major clinical problem.

Twenty-five years later, RA is far from curable,
but it is much more manageable, less crippling,
and less lethal.

Research in immunology has had time to bear
fruit and yield clinical benefit, resulting in
reduced disease activity and progression.
Cellular processes involved in the
   pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis

Atzeni F, Sarzi-Puttini P - Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2009 10(11):1204-1211
Innate immunity                                               Acquired immunity
                             TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 regulation
     (non specific)                                                     (specific)
                             of innate and acquired immunity

Hepatic acute Phase response                                                                 Th2 Response
Albumin response                                                    T Lymphocyte             IL-4
Glyconeogenesis                                                                              IL-10
Gluconeogenesis and Amino Acid intake                                                        IL-13
    CNS Responses                                                                     Th1 Response
    Fever                             TNF-α                                           IL-1
    Altered sleep behavior                                macrophage                  TNF-α
    Anorexia                          IL-1
    HPA activity
                                      IL-6                                                   IL-12
 Somatic tissue response                                          TNF-α                      IFN-γ
 Muscle proteolysis
 Adypocyte Lipolysis                                                                       Inflammation

       Immunological responses                                                            Cytotoxic response
       Macrophage activation                                   T lymphocyte or NK Cells
       Release of Neutrophils
       Trace mineral redistribution
Induction of
     Prothrombotic                      endothelial adhesion
         action                              molecules

                                                           activation and
                                                macrophage      factor

                                TNF-α                          Defence againts
Growth factor                                                    intracellular

                                               Comitogen for
   Induces other     Regulates                 T and B cells
     cytokines       haematopoiesis

Citochina pro-infiammatoria rilasciata da:
   monociti attivati

Il TNFα si lega a 2 recettori espressi da
alcuni tipi di cellule: il recettore TNF p55 ed
il recettore TNF p75
Injury         Biology of TNF-a
           membrane       soluble
            TNF-a         TNF-a
              26kDa   17kDa

nucleus               monomer       trimer

                 TACE dimer                  Ligand
 3’-AU-mRNA    (ADAM17)                      passing

                 TNF-a trimer

                                       sTNF-R2             TNF-
                                                       TACE (p75)
      Trasduzione del segnale di TNF-α
                     TNF-R1                                                    TNF-R2

PC                                      FAN                             SM
       PC-PLC     SODD TRIP                             nSMase
                      FLIP              MADD                            Ceramide                      I-TRAF
  DAG                                                       ?
                 ?                      TRAF 2                                               TRAF1
                                TRADD                                        MAPK        TRAF2
                                                        ASK1                                           cIAP
PKC                                         RIP
         aSMase       FADD
 SM                                                                                                  A20
                                    RAIDO             NIK       MKKs          PLA2


           Ceramide                                                                          κ

             ?                                    ?            α    β
                                                            IKKα/IKKβ              JNK

      Apoptosi                                                    κ
                                                                 IκB     Degradazione       c-Jun
      Attivazione di JNK
                                                       NF-κB p50/p65

                                             geni NF-κB-dipendenti
Key Actions Attributed to TNF-a in

Gli antagonisti del tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α
hanno determinato un nuovo standard terapeutico per
il trattamento dell’artrite reumatoide (AR) e di altre
patologie reumatiche.

L’utilizzo di qualunque agente farmacologico che alteri
la funzione immunitaria aumenta la possibilità di
determinati effetti collaterali, quali, per esempio,
infezioni e neoplasie
Biologic DMARDs: TNF Antagonists

Approved                       Compound
Chimeric anti-TNF-α mAb        Infliximab IgG1
TNF-receptor p75 IgG1          Etanercept IgG1

Fully human anti-TNF-α mAb     Adalimumab IgG1

Pegylated humanized
 anti-TNF-α Fab-fragment       Certolizumab
Fully human anti-TNF-α mAb     Golimumab

 Human     Mouse   Synthetic element    Polyethylene glycol
Pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis


          Co-stimulation CD80/86                        antigen
          modulation     CD28

                                           T cell
Cytokine inhibition
• Anti-TNF              Activated RANK-L                    TNF       Activated
                                                                                  B-cell depletion
                       macrophage     IFN-γ           IL-              B cell
• Anti-IL-1R                                                                      •Anti-CD20
• Anti-IL-6R
                      IL-6 TNF IL-1           Autoantibodies, e.g. RF      IL-6

                                 Osteoclast             Chondrocyte


                                 Inflammation and destruction

                                                            Choy EHS et al. N Engl J Med 2001
Quali      modificazioni    nel    nostro
comportamento clinico individuale e
delle raccomandazioni dettate della
delle società scientifiche hanno
indotto l’avvento dei farmaci biologici ?
Yesterday’s Approach to Treating RA has
                                 Hidden Consequences

–                  Control pain and inflammation
–                  Respond to joint damage only after it is grossly evident

                                                                             on X-ray

 Start of                       Begin Tx             Time      Start of Start of        Time
symptoms                                                      symptoms damage
Today’s Goals in RA Treatment
                   Reduce Inflammation AND Prevent Joint Damage

    –          Treat early                            –   Minimize disease activity
    –          Strive for remission                   –   Prevent destruction




 Start of                                          Time      Start of Start of        Time
symptoms                                                    symptoms damage
Recommandations for treating RA from an
       international task force

While remission should be a clear target, based on available evidence low disease
activity may be an acceptable alternative therapeutic goal, particularly in established
long-standing disease
An ACR/EULAR initiative on defining remission is currently ongoing

                                    Smolen et al. ARD online March 9th 2010 doi: 10.1136/ard.2009.123919
Classification criteria for RA (Scores for A–D
        ≥6/10 for classification of definite RA)
A. Joint involvement (swelling, tenderness or synovitis)
  1 large joint                                                                                      0
  2−10 large joints                                                                                  1
  1−3 small joints (with or without involvement of large joints)                                     2
  4−10 small joints (with or without involvement of large joints)                                    3
 >10 joints (at least one small joint)                                                               5
B. Serology (at least 1 test result is needed for classification)
  Negative RF and negative ACPA (anti-CCP)                                                           0
  Low-positive RF or low-positive ACPA                                                               2
  High-positive RF or high-positive ACPA                                                             3

C. Acute-phase reactants (at least 1 test result is needed for classification)

  Normal CRP and normal ESR                                                                          0
  Abnormal CRP or normal ESR                                                                         1
D. Duration of symptoms
 <6 weeks                                                                                            0
  ≥6 weeks                                                                                           1

                                                                   Aletaha D et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:1580-1588.
EULAR recommendations for the
      management of rheumatoid arthritis
      with synthetic and biological disease-
         modifying antirheumatic drugs

Josef S Smolen, Robert Landewé, Ferdinand C Breedveld, Maxime Dougados, Paul Emery, Cecile Gaujoux-Viala, Simone Gorter,
                   Rachel Knevel, Jackie Nam, Monika Schoels, Daniel Aletaha, Maya Buch, Laure Gossec,
           Tom Huizinga, Johannes W J W Bijlsma, Gerd Burmester, Bernard Combe, Maurizio Cutolo, Cem Gabay,
           Juan Gomez-Reino, Marios Kouloumas, Tore K Kvien, Emilio Martin-Mola, Iain McInnes, Karel Pavelka,
           Piet van Riel, Marieke Scholte, David L Scott, Tuulikki Sokka, Guido Valesini, Ronald van Vollenhoven,
                             Kevin L Winthrop, John Wong, Angela Zink, Désirée van der Heijde

                             [Austria, Czech Republic, Finland,France, Germany, Italy, Spain,
                                    Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, USA]

                                                                                Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
EULAR Algorithm: RA management Phase II

* Treatment target is clinical remission, or if remission is unlikely to be achievable, at least low disease activity

                                                                                 Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
EULAR Algorithm: RA management Phase III

* Treatment target is clinical remission, or if remission is unlikely to be achievable, at least low disease activity

                                                                                 Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
EULAR Algorithm: RA management Phase III

* Treatment target is clinical remission, or if remission is unlikely to be achievable, at least low disease activity

                                                                                 Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
Unmet need in pazienti trattati
       con antiTNF
    Terapia Gold standard
    antiTNF + MTX                                   Non tutti i pazienti
                                                     beneficiano del

     Unmet Medical Need

                                             Inibitore TNF + MTX
                                             Solo antiTNF

                                              Solo MTX
                                           ACR 70=70% miglioramento in:
                                           •Attività globale della malattia - paziente
                                           •Attività globale della malattia - medico
                                           •Percezione del paziente del dolore
                   (Breedveld et al, 2006)
                                           •Disabilità fisica
                                           •Fase acuta di reazione – PCR,VES
Survival on Anti-TNFα Therapy
                                Treatment discontinuation





              0,6       Any cause
              0,5       Adverse event
                    0    6           12    18      24       30    36 Months
At risk    1064         924          746   585     482      353   247
Total events 0          120          218   294     331      374   405
Strategie terapeutiche per pazienti TNF-IR

    Nessuna indicazione ufficiale approvata    Indicazione approvata in
                                               Pazienti in TNF-IR

             TNF cycling                        meccanismo d’azione

Quali le caratteristiche di nuovi farmaci anti-
                     TNF ?

• Stessi meccanismi d’azione e funzioni effettrici dei
  farmaci anti-TNF esistenti (miglioramento delle
  tecniche di produzione del mAb)
• Stessa specificità, ma maggiore affinità
• Ridotta immunogenicità
• Miglioramento della risposta clinica (maggior e
  percentuale di remissione o LDA)
• Minori effetti collaterali
• Minori costi
Systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 randomized, placebo-
controlled trials (eight adalimumab, seven infliximab, six

Adults with RA who received ADA (1524 patients), IFN (1116
patients), ETN (1029 patients), or placebo (2834 patients) with or
without concomitant methotrexate in all groups.
Efficacy and Safety of anti-TNF
• ADA and ETN demonstrated greater efficacy results than did
  infliximab for short-term treatment (12-30 weeks).
• For treatments longer than 1 year, ADA seemed to be more
  effective than ETN, whereas infliximab seemed to have a decrease
  in its efficacy
Safety    results,     when
analyzed separately, were
not statistically significant
among the anti–TNF drugs;

                                Withdrawals due to adverse events
                                were higher in IFN-treated patients
                                than in ADA- treated patients,
                                whereas in patients who received
                                etanercept, these withdrawals were
                                not     statistically    significant
                                compared with placebo
Certolizumab Pegol

scientific background
LPSRC approvato giugno 2010 CZP-SCT- 007157

Therapeutic indication from the Summary of Product
Characteristics (SmPC):
Cimzia®, in combination with methotrexate (MTX), is indicated
for the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) in adult patients when the response to disease-
modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) including MTX, has
been inadequate. Cimzia® can be given as monotherapy in
case of intolerance to MTX or when continued treatment with
MTX is inappropriate.

Posology from SmPC:
The recommended starting dose of Cimzia® for adult patients
with RA is 400 mg (as 2 injections of 200 mg each on one day)
at weeks 0, 2 and 4, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg
every 2 weeks. MTX should be continued during treatment
with Cimzia® where appropriate.
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                 LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                          For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                            Structure of Certolizumab Pegol (CZP)

                                                 CZP is the only PEGylated anti-TNF

                                                 Site-specific PEGylation results in:
                                                    Designed half life of ~14 days
                                                    Enhanced penetration of CZP into
                                                    inflamed tissue (in animal models)
                                                 No Fc region
                                                    May avoid potential Fc-mediated effects
                               PEGylated            such as CDC or ADCC
                              Fab′ fragment
                         40 kDa PEG (2x20 kDa)

                                                                   Chapman A, et al. Nature Biotech. 1999;17:780-3
                                                                    Weir N, Athwal D, et al. Therapy. 2006;3:535-45
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                             LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                      For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only
                      Three different approaches to TNF inhibition:
                  Fusion proteins, Antibodies, Pegylated Fab′ Fragments

     Etanercept                      Infliximab          Adalimumab
      (Enbrel®)                     (Remicade®)           (Humira®)
                         Receptor                 Fab                           Fab′

                          IgG1                    IgG1
                           Fc                      Fc                                          PEG

          Recombinant                                                             Fab′ fragment
        receptor/Fc fusion                        Monoclonal
                                                                                  40 kDa PEG
             protein                               antibody
                                                                                     (2×20 kDa)

                                                                      Weir N, Athwal D, et al. Therapy. 2006;3:535-45
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                    LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                             For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                         Potential advantages of PEGylation

                  May improve the pharmacokinetics of                 PEGylated molecules are well hydrated
                  therapeutic agents.1
                  May improve bioavailability.1
                  May enhance penetration and
                  retention of macromolecules into
                  various diseased tissues.1,2
                  May reduce immunogenicity of some
                  proteins (at this time this has not been
                  shown for certolizumab pegol) (1,3)     

                                                         1. Chapman et al., Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2002;54:531-545
                                                         2. Palframan R. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66 (Suppl): A117
                                                            3. Harris et al., Clin. Pharmacokinet 2005;44:331-347
LPSRC approvato giugno 2010 CZP-SCT- 007157

The effect of PEGylation on the half-life of Fc-free Fab′

                                                           PEGylation extended the half-life of Fab′
 Concentration (% injected dose / gram of blood)


                                                      1                                                                Fab                                Fv


                                                    0.01              IgG
                                                                      Fab'-PEG                                                                 SH
                                                           0        25          50          75      100   125   150
                                                                                      Time (hr)                               human                  murine
Data obtained in animal model                                                                                         Chapman AP, Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2002; 54:531-545
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                    LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                             For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

           Imaging CZP Distribution in Inflamed and Normal
                           Tissue in Vivo
                                  Normal tissue                            Diseased tissue
                                                                                                            Min = -4.4803e-05
                                                                                                            Max = 0.00065361
                                                                    5                                                         5
                                                                    4                                                         4

                                                                    3                                                         3

                                                                    2                                                         2

                                                                          -4                                                         -4
                                                                     10                                                         10
                                                                    8                                                         8
                                                                    7                                                         7
                                                                    6                                                         6
                         ROI 1=2.3231e-05   ROI 2=1.5441e-05        5                                                         5
                                                                  ROI 1=4.25e-05   ROI 2=0.00010276
                                                                   4                                                          4

                                                                   Color Bar
                                                                Min = 3.268e-05
                                                               Max = 0.00053026                                 Color Bar
                                                                                                             Min = 3.268e-05
                                                               fluor sub                                    Max = 0.00053026

                    • Mice with active arthritis and normal mice administered 2 mg/kg dye-labeled CZP
                    • Imaging and peripheral blood samples taken over the following 24-h period

                                                                                        Palframan R et al. Journal Imm. Meth.2009;348:36-41
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                                       LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                                For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                       Ratio of Level of Anti-TNF Between
                  Normal and Inflamed Tissue in an Animal Model
                                                                                                                 Certolizumab Pegol-Alexa680
                                                                       ***                                       Adalimumab-Alexa680
                         Ratio inflammed: normal tissue

                                                                  **         ***


                                                              0        3     6     9   12     15        18          21           24               26
                                                                                        Time (h)
       *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 (certolizumab pegol-Alexa680 vs adalimumab-Alexa680)

                                                                                                   Adattato da Palframan A. J Immunol Methods 348 (2009) 36–41
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                           LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                    For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                         Formation of Immune Complexes

                             TNF               TNF                 TNF                         TNF

                  Certolizumab pegol + TNF-a         Antibodies + TNF-a
                  • “Monovalent”                     • “Bivalent”
                  • No immune complex                • Large immune complexes
                     formation                         are formed
                                                              Taylor PC., Curr Opin Pharmacol 2010, 10:1–8
                                                Henry et al, Gastroenterology 2007; 132: A-231 (No. S1609)
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                                 LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                          For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                                               RAPID: Study Designs
                                  n=636                        CZP 400 mg every 2 weeks + MTX
        with active               n=639 400 mg, 0, 2, 4 wk                   CZP 200 mg every 2 weeks + MTX
          RA on
           2:2:1                  n=326                                      Placebo + MTX

                                     Week 16 mandatory escape*                                                        Open-Label
                                                                                                                    Extension Study
             RAPID 1                                                             ACR20                                         mTSS change
                               Co-primary endpoints

                                           0                           16          24                                                            52

              RAPID 2                                                            ACR20
              (liquid)         Primary endpoint

                                           0                           16           24
              * Patients who failed to respond (ACR 20) at both Weeks 12 and 14 were designated as treatment
              failures, were withdrawn and had the option entering into an open-label extension study at Week 16.
              X-rays were taken at withdrawal                                             Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29
                                                                                             Smolen et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov 17 (Epub ahead of print)
                                                                                                     Mease et al., Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. 2009; 4(3): 253-266
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                                                                      LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                                                               For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                  Significant Improvement in Signs and Symptoms
                           over the first 12 wks of Therapy
                                                             (RAPID 1: ACR 20 and 50 response rates)
                                   80                                                                                  80

                                                                                              ACR 50 (% of Patients)
          ACR 20 (% of Patients)

                                   60                                        **
                                                       **                                                              40                                                                          **
                                                       33,5                                                                                                                **
                                               **                                                                                                                         25,7
                                              22,9                                                                                                        **
                                                                                   18,3                                20                                 16
                                                                          15,3                                                                 *
                                                     8,1                                                                           4,4                             6,1                      6,6
                                         5,6                                                                                   2         2,5        3,5

                                    0                                                                                    0
                                          wk 1        wk 2      wk 4       wk 8    wk 12                                       wk 1        wk 2       wk 4             wk 8                 wk 12

                                                      Placebo + MTX Q2W (n = 199)           CZP 200 mg + MTX Q2W (n = 393)

                                         *p ≤ 0.05 versus placebo
                                        **p < 0.001 versus placebo
                                                                                                                       Adapted from Keystone E, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66(Suppl II): 55
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                         For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                      Rapid and Sustained Improvement in Signs and
                             Symptoms With CZP in RAPID 1

       Patients (%)



                           0     4      8     12     16     20     24    28   32      36        40           44                  48                   52
                         CZP 200mg + MTX vs. Placebo
                         ACR20: p<0.001 at weeks 1 to 52
                         ACR50: p<0.01 at week 2; p<0.001 at weeks 4 to 52    CZP 200mg + MTX Q2W (n=393)
                         ACR70: p≤0.05 at week 4; p≤0.01 at week 6 and 8;     Placebo + MTX Q2W (n=199)
                         p<0.001 at weeks 10 to 52
                                                                                   Keystone et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                          LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                   For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                           OLE Study Design and Patient Disposition
                                            RAPID 1                                  Open-label Extension

                                        CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX                            CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX
                   n=390a                                          n=274c   n=265d                                       n=246e

                         CZP 400mg
                                             CZP 200mg Q2W + MTX                       CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX
                          Wk 0,2,4
                   n=393a                                          n=255c n=243d                                         n=216e

                                            PBO + MTX                                  CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX
                   n=199a                                           n=43c   n=41d                                        n=38e

                                                                                                                                                         (Wk 16)
                         400 mg n=74b       n=66d                                                                    n=51e
                         200 mg n=91b       n=86d                      CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX                           n=61e
                         PBO n=137b         n=135d                                                                   n=106e

                  0                       16                         52                                                           100
  aRAPID   1 ITT population
  bpatients who withdrew from RAPID 1 at Week 16/per protocol selection
  cpatients who completed RAPID 1
  dpatients who entered the OLE
  epatients remaining in the OLE at Week 100 from RAPID 1 baseline.                     Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0196, EULAR2009
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                                 LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                          For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                                Efficacy and Safety of CZP + MTX: 3 Year Data - Results

                                 RAPID 2                                  Open-Label Extension
                                                      Wk24                      Wk92a
                               CZP 200 mg Q2W + MTX          CZP 400 mg Q2W + MTX       CZP 200 mg Q2W + MTX

                               CZP 400 mg Q2W + MTX          CZP 400 mg Q2W + MTX       CZP 200 mg Q2W + MTX
                                   Figure 1.
                                                                                                                        Figure 1.
     Patients Responding (%)

                                                                                                                        Observeda ACR
                                                                                                                        20/50/70 response rates
                                                                                                               ACR50    in CZP completers over
                                                                                                                        3 years
                                                                                                                       Week 148:
                                                                                                               ACR70   CZP 200 mg EOW + MTX, n=100;
                                                                                                                       CZP 200 mg EOW + MTX, n=106

                                    Figure 2.
                                                                                                                        Figure 2.
                                                                                                                        DAS28 scores in CZP
                                                                                                                        completers over 3
                                                                                                                        years (LOCF)

                                                                                                                         a CZP dose decreased per
                                                                                                                         protocol after ≥6 months in the

Completers population only                                                                                         JS Smolen et al. EULAR 2010
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                                                                  LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                                                           For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                                                  ACR Responder Rates at Week 24 (ITT)
                                                       RAPID 1                                                    RAPID 2
                                                  Combination Therapy                                        Combination Therapy
                                                  80                                                   80

                                                               60,8                                                     *
                                                           *                                                         57,6
                         Percent Responders (%)

                                                  60                                                   60          *

                                                                         37,1                                                         *
                                                                                                       40                         * 33,1
                                                                                            * 20,6
                                                                                           21,4                                                   †
                                                  20                                                   20                                              †
                                                       13,6                                                                                     15,9
                                                                      7,6                                                                           10,6
                                                                                       3                                     3,1
                                                  0                                                      0
                                                        ACR20          ACR50           ACR70                   ACR20           ACR50          ACR70

RAPID 1                                                RAPID 2
                                                                                                                             *Significantly different from placebo, * p < 0.001; †p ≤ 0.01
    Placebo + MTX (n=199)                               Placebo + MTX (n=127)
    CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=393)                            CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=246)                     Patients who withdrew or used rescue medication were considered non-responders
    CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=390)                            CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=246)                                              Mease et al., Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. 2009; 4(3): 253-266
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                          LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                   For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                                     RAPID 1: ACR Responder Rates at Week 52
                                                                      (ITT Population)

                                            60           *      *
                                                               54,9                            Placebo + MTX (n=199)
                   Percent Responders (%)

                                                                                               CZP 200mg + MTX (n=393)
                                                                                               CZP 400mg + MTX (n=390)

                                                                                  *    *
                                            40                                   38

                                                                                                         *     *

                                            10                            7,6

                                                    ACR20                       ACR50                ACR70

  *Significantly different from placebo, p < 0.001                                           Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29
  Patients who withdrew or used rescue medication were considered non-responders               Keystone EC, et al. EULAR 2008, Paris, #THU0157
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                                                                                           LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                                                                                    For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only
                                    Change From Baseline in mTSS, ES, and JSN

                                  3.5                     RAPID 1                                                                                    RAPID 2

                                                               Placebo + MTX (n=199)                                                                           Placebo + MTX (n=127)
                                  3.0   2.8                                                                             3.0
      Mean Change From Baseline

                                                                                            Mean Change From Baseline
                                                               CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=393)                                                                        CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=246)
                                                               CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=390)                                                                        CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=246)
                                  2.5                                                                                   2.5

                                  2.0                                                                                   2.0

                                  1.5                                        1.4                                        1.5
                                  1.0                                                                                   1.0
                                               *                                   0.4 †                                0.5            †                                             0.5
                                  0.5         0.4                                                                                                                                                †
                                                     *                *                                                              0.2                        †
                                                    0.2              0.1 *            0.2                                                    *                 0.1 *                          0.1          †
                                                                         0                                              0.0                -0.4                   -0.3                                 -0.1

                                           mTSS                 Erosion            JSN                                             mTSS                        Erosion                         JSN
                                                               Week 52                                                                                    Week 24
                                    *p<0.001 versus placebo.                                                                  *p<0.001 versus placebo.
                                    †p≤0.006 versus placebo.                                                                  †p≤0.005 versus placebo.

                                                                                                                                            Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29
  ITT/LinExt population.                                                                                                         Smolen et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov 17 (Epub ahead of print)
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                      LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                               For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                            RAPID 1 and 2: Safety Data Overview

                         Adverse events reported to date by patients receiving CZP
                         are consistent with the mechanism of action and route of
                         administration for anti-TNF-α agents
                         There was a low incidence of drop-outs due to adverse events
                         No new unexpected safety signals have been identified to
                         date during these trials
                         The complete safety profile of CZP will be based on the
                         pooled analysis of all the clinical studies

                                                                          Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29
                                                             Smolen et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov 17 (Epub ahead of print)
                                                          Mease et al., Poster presentation (Abstract 941), ACR Congress 2007
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                          LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                   For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                          A More Rapid Clinical Response Following
                         Certolizumab Pegol Treatment is Associated
                          with Better 52-Week Outcomes in Patients
                                  with Rheumatoid Arthritis

                              Edward C Keystone, Jeffrey R Curtis, Roy
                             Fleischmann, Philip Mease, Dinesh Khanna,
                                Josef Smolen, Daniel E Furst, Geoffroy
                                       Coteur, Bernard Combe

                                                        Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0163, EULAR2009
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                               LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                                        For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                                    ACR20/50/70 responder rates at Week 52
                                    by DAS28 1.2 response to CZP treatment

                                        100                             Week 12 responders (n=57)
                                                                        Week 6 responders (n=200)

                         Patients (%)

                                         60   56,1

                                         40                  36,8                             37.0*

                                         20                                           12,3

                                               ACR20          ACR50                     ACR70

  * P < 0.01 vs Week 12 responders                                           Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0163, EULAR2009
GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP

                                                                                                LPSRC approved November 2009
                                                                                         For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only

                           Assessment of Kinetics of Response on
                         Long-term Outcomes- Authors’ Conclusions

                         In patients with active RA, a more rapid response
                         to treatment with CZP + MTX (at Wk 6) was
                         associated with a higher probability of improved
                         long-term response than a response at Wk 12/14.

                         Rapid (Week 6) responders demonstrated:
                            Significantly greater improvements in ACR20/50/70,
                            pain relief, and improvements in physical function than
                            the later (Week 12/14) responders.

                                                              Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0163, EULAR2009
Infliximab, Adalimumab, and Golimumab
Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use

                                                                                               Evolution of Technology
                                                                                                                  The difference in their variable
                                                                                                                    domains and their CDRs is
                                                                                                   Infliximab     primarily due Adalimumab
                                                                                                                                 the the different                Golimumab
                                                                                                                  technologies that were used to
                                                                                                                create the variable domain of each

                                                                                                   Chimeric                  Phage Display                        Transgenic

                                                                                                                                    Baker D, et al. Rev Gastroenterol Dis. 2004;4(4):196-210.
Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use

                                                                                               More Human, Less Immunogenic?

                                                                                               Immuno-                          Immunogenicity?

                                                                                                     …omab                       …ximab                   …zumab                  …mumab

                                                                                                 Murine                Chimeric               Humanized                   Human

                                                                                                                          Mouse origin            Human origin

                                                                                                    Pendley et al. Curr Op Mol Therap 2003; 5: 172; Koren et al. Curr Pharm Biotech 2002; 3: 349
Evolution of Antibody R&D*
                                                                                       Golimumab (Simponi) 2009
                                                                         Transgenic human mAb‘s
                                                                         1994 Lonberg et al.; 1994 Green et al.

                                                        Phage Display synthetic mAb‘s
                                                         1990 McCafferty

                                                                      Adalimumab (Humira) 2002

                                        CDR0-modified mAb‘s                                   Trastuzumab (Herceptin)
                                        1986 Jones et al.                                     Palivizumab (Synagis)
                                                                                              Gemtuzumab (Mylotarg)
                                                                                              Alemtuzumab (Campath)
                                                  Daclizumab(Zenapax) 1997
                                                                                              Omalizumab (Xolair)
                                                                                              Efalizumab (Raptiva)
                                                                                              Bevacizumab (Avastin)
                           Chimeric recombinant mAb‘s
                           1984 Morrison et al.                                  Rituximab (Rituxan)
                                                                                 Basiliximab (Simulect)
                                        Abciximab (RheoPro) 1994                 Infliximab (Remicade)
                                                                                 Cetuximab (Erbitux)
Murine monoclonal Ab‘s (mAb’s)
1975 Koehler & Milstein
                                                    Ibritumomab (Zevalin)
   Muromonab-CD3 (Orthoclone OKT3) 1986             Tositumomab (Bexxar)

                 * adapted from: Nils Lonberg: Human antibodies from transgenic animals; Nat. Biotech. Sep 2005. Vol 23 No 9: 1117
Development of Human Antibodies Using
Human Antibody Transgenic Mice
                For clarity, several intermediate steps are not shown.

                         Mouse Ig genes deleted
                        Human Ig genes inserted

                                                                   Human antibody
 Normal mouse
                                                                  transgenic mouse

         Immunize with                                   Immunize with
            antigen                                         antigen

 Mouse antibody                                                    Human antibody
                                                 Lonberg et al. Nature Biotech 2005; 23(9): 1117
Comparison of Affinities for TNF
      Overall mAb affinities for TNF:

                                   Shealy et al., epub 2010
Golimumab Stability/Solubility

 • Allows for a highly concentrated formulation:
    – Golimumab            100 mg/mL
    – Adalimumab           50 mg/mL
    – Infliximab           50 mg/mL
    – Etanercept           50 mg/mL

 • For SubQ agents allows for low injection volume:
    – Golimumab Monthly                0.5 cc
    – Adalimumab EOW                   0.8 cc
    – Etanercept Weekly                1.0 cc

                  HUMIRA (adalimumab) Prescribing Information, Abbott Laboratories.
                       REMICADE® (infliximab) Prescribing Information, Centocor Inc.
                          ENBREL® (etanercept) Prescribing Information, Amgen Inc.
                                            Golimumab, Data on File; Centocor Inc.
GLM: similar Half-life of other anti-TNF
      but different Dosing Interval

    TNF-blocker               Half-life (days)*     Dosing interval*

    Etanercept s.c.                3.5 - 5            q0.5-q1 wks

    Adalimumab s.c.               12 - 14#             q1-q2 wks
                                                      q1 in monotherapy

    Certolizumab s.c.             appr. 14               q2 wks

    Golimumab s.c.                 12 ± 3           once per month

    Infliximab i.v.                8 - 9.5             q6-q8 wks
                                                      dep. on indication

*Based on most recent EMEA approved SPCs (14OCT09 for both GLM and CZP).
    qX wks = every X weeks. #EMEA SPC mentions "approximately 2 weeks"
Multiple Factors Determine the
    Dosing Regimen of s.c. anti-TNFs

        Dosing Regimen = Net Biologic Effect of:

•   Half-life: The time required for the plasma level of a
    drug to fall to half of a certain measured level
•   Binding properties: Specificity (affinity) and
    tightness (avidity) of binding to the target cytokine
•   Potency: The amount of drug necessary to
    neutralize an equal amount of TNFα to produce a
    clinical effect
•   Protein stability/solubility: Stability of the molecule
    in solution
Golimumab Rheumatology Clinical Trials
  > 2,900 Patients in Phase III
 Indication       Study                    Indication             N

              GO-BEFORE T05    Active RA naive for MTX            637

Rheumatoid    GO-FORWARD T06   Active RA despite MTX              444
  Arthritis   GO-AFTER T11     Active RA w/previous anti-TNF(s)   461

              GO-LIVE T12      Active RA despite MTX / IV inj.    643

 Psoriatic                     Active PsA
              GO-REVEAL T08                                       356

Ankylosing    GO-RAISE T09     Active AS                          405
Golimumab, a human antibody to TNF-α   α
    given by monthly subcutaneous injections,
in active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate:
              the GO-FORWARD Study

   Keystone EC, Genovese MC, Klareskog L, Hsia EC,
    Hall T, Miranda PC, Pazdur J, Bae SC, Palmer W,
     Zrubek J, Wiekowski M, Visvanathan S, Wu Z,
                     Rahmann MU
          Ann Rheum Dis. 2009;68:789–796
Co-Primary Endpoints

• The proportion of patients achieving American College
  of Rheumatology Response criteria (ACR) 20 at Week
• The improvement from baseline in Health Assessment
  Questionnaire (HAQ) at Week 24

                             Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
GO-FORWARD: Study Design
  Early escape if
      <20%              Subjects with active RA despite MTX therapy (n=444)
 improvement in
   TJC and SJC      Placebo          GLM 100 mg              GLM 50 mg            GLM 100 mg
(ethical reasons)
                     + MTX            + Placebo                + MTX                + MTX
SQ injection         n=133              n=133                   n=89                 n=89
  Week 0
  Week 4
  Week 8                                                             Blinded              Blinded
                          Blinded              Blinded
  Week 12               Early Escape         Early Escape          Early Escape         Early Escape
  Week 14*              (Golimumab 50 mg)   (MTX, baseline dose)   (Golimumab 100 mg)     (No Change)
  Week 16
  Week 20
 Week 24**

 Week 48:
                                        Co-primary Endpoints:
Active, Blind
                                     *ACR 20 response at Week 14
                               **Change from baseline in HAQ at Week 24
                                                    Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
GO-FORWARD: ACR Responses at
Week 14

     Co-primary                                         * * p< 0.001
                                                        * p< 0.01
      end point                                         #   p< 0.05
         *   **

                           **        **

                                                       *        *

                            Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
GO-FORWARD: ACR Responses at
Week 24
                                                 * * p< 0.001
                                                 * p< 0.01
                                                 #   p< 0.05

       ** **

                    **        **

                                               **        **

                     Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
Remission at Week 14 and Week 24

                         *        *                           *
                             *                          *         *


             Placebo + MTX (N=133)
             Golimumab 100 mg + Placebo (N=133)
             Golimumab 50 mg + MTX (N=89)
 *p<0.001    Golimumab 100 mg + MTX (N=89)
 ** p=0.01   Golimumab + MTX Combined (N=178)
                                        Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
EULAR remission at Week 14 and Week 24

                                                                *         *
                               *      *   *

 Placebo + MTX (N=133)
 Golimumab 100 mg + Placebo (N=133)
 Golimumab 50 mg + MTX (N=89)
 Golimumab 100 mg + MTX (N=89)
 Golimumab + MTX Combined (N=178)
                                              Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
Golimumab, A New Human Anti-TNF-Alpha Monoclonal
Antibody, Subcutaneously Administered Every 4 Weeks in
   Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis who were
Previously Treated with Anti-TNF-Alpha Agent(s): Results
  of the Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled

                  (GO-AFTER) Study

         Smolen J et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 210-21
GO-AFTER: Study Design
  Early escape if
      <20%                                                                  α
                     Patients with active RA and previously treated with TNFα inhibitor(s)
 improvement in
   TJC and SJC
(ethical reasons)
                      Placebo q4            Golimumab 50 mg q4         Golimumab 100 mg q4
SQ injection          n=155                 n=153                      n=153
  Week 0
  Week 4
  Week 8
                             Double-blinded           Double-blinded               Double-blinded
 Week 12                     Early Escape             Early Escape                 Early Escape
 Week 14*                    (Golimumab 50 mg)        (Golimumab 100 mg)           (No change)
 Week 16
 Week 20
 Week 24
                                                Primary Endpoint:
                                           *ACR 20 response at Week 14
  Stratification by investigational site and baseline MTX use
                                                                Smolen J et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 210-21
GLM is efficacious in anti-TNF Experienced Pts
Regardless of Type, No. of anti-TNFs and Reason for
Discontinuation: GO-AFTER
                                   Number of previous anti-TNFs         Type of 1st anti-TNF: ADA, IFX, ETA
                                           ACR 20 at wk 14                   wk 14           wk 24
             Percent of Patients

                                      p=0.002               p=0.014

                                    Reason for discontinuation
                                          ACR 20 at wk 14              Pts previously treated with ADA,
Percent of Patients

                                        p<0.001              p=0.027   ETN or IFX responded to, and
                                                                       tolerated GLM, regardless of
                                                                         the type,
                                                                         number (1 or 2) or
                                                                         reason for discontinuation
                                                                       of prior anti-TNF therapy

                                                                            Smolen J et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 210-221
CNTO 148 T11
 Proportion of ACR20
 Responders at Week 14 by Sub-Groups
                                                                       Proportion of ACR20 Responders at Week 14

                                     Odds Ratio and 95% CI                       Golimumab    Odds
                                     Golimumab Combined vs. Placebo   Placebo    Combined     Ratio   (95% CI) p-value
                                                                       n   (%)    n    (%)

      Yes                                                             107 17.8   215   40       3     (1.8, 5.4) <0.0001

      No                                                              48 18.8     89 29.2      1.8    (0.8, 4.2)   0.1836

No. of prior TNF inhibitor

      1                                                               90   -20   213 -38.5     2.5    (1.4, 4.5)   0.0021

      2                                                               44 -15.9    71   -38     3.2    (1.3, 8.3)   0.0141

                                                                      21 -14.3    22 -13.6     0.9    (0.2, 5.3)   0.951
Reason for discontinuation
of prior TNF inhibitor
                                                                      96 17.7    173 39.3       3     (1.6, 5.5)   0.0004
      Lack of efficacy
      Non-efficacy related reasons                                    84 20.2    162   34       2     (1.1, 3.8)   0.0265

                                     Placebo    Golimumab Combined
                                     Better     Better
GO-AFTER: Conclusion

• In patients with active RA who had received
  anti-TNFα therapy
    – GLM significantly reduced RA signs and
      symptoms and improved physical function
• Well-tolerated
• First randomized study of a switch from a previous
  anti TNF alpha to second anti TNF alpha
 Golimumab, a New, Human, TNF Alpha
 Antibody Administered Subcutaneously
Every 4 Weeks, in Ankylosing Spondylitis
(AS): 24 Week Efficacy and Safety Results
   of Randomized, Placebo Controlled
           GO-RAISE Study
                     Inman et al.
       Arthritis Rheum 2008; 58(11): 3402-12
Golimumab, A New, Human, TNF-alpha
    antibody administered as a monthly
subcutaneous injection in psoriatic arthritis:
  24-week efficacy and safety results of the
            GO-REVEAL study
                   Kavanaugh A et al.
         Arthritis & Rheum 2009; 60: 976-986
Can we compare with other
    anti TNFα trials?
Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use
                                                                                                      ACR20 Response at Week 24 Compared
                                                                                                      with Other anti-TNFs
                                                                                                                 anti-                                                                         No head-to-head trials

                                                                                                                             Golimumab          Infliximab                    Etanercept                 Adalimumab
                                                                                                                            (GO-BEFORE)          (ASPIRE)                       (ERA)                     (PREMIER)
                                                                                                                              Week 24            Week 221                     6 months2                     1 Year 3
                                                                                                                              ∆=13              ∆=11                            ∆=7                        ∆=10
                                                                                                                      80                                                                                         73.0
                                                                                               Percent of Patients

                                                                                                                                   62.0                                              65.0              63.0
                                                                                                                                             61.0                          58.0



                                                                                                                                   p=0.011           p=0.001                         p=NS                       p=0.022
                                                                                                                             Pbo     GLM       Pbo     IFX                   MTX       ETN               MTX ADA 40 mg
                                                                                                                            +MTX Combo        + MTX Combo                  (n=217)    25 mg            (n=257) eow + MTX
                                                                                                                           (n=160) + MTX     (n=245) + MTX                            2x wk                     (n=268)
                                                                                                                                   (n=318)           (n=648)                         (n=207)
                                                                                                                                                                                           1Data  on File for ASPIRE; Centocor, Inc.
                                                                                                                                                             2Extracted   from Bathon J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1586-1593.
                                                                                                                                                                              3Breedveld FC et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54:26-37.
CNTO 148 T05
Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use
                                                                                               Limitation of comparing studies :
                                                                                               substantial and variable placebo effect
                                                                                               MTX mono in MTX naive patients : no head to head comparison
                                                                                                      100                This control panel show the
                                                                                                       90           heterogeneous responsiveness of
                                                                                                                       different patients’ populations
                                                                                                       80          (J Smolen Lancet 2007; 370 : 1861-74)       75
                                                                                                       70                                      63
                                                                                                       60                     53.6
                                                                                                       50                                           46
                                                                                                       40                        32.1
                                                                                                               29.4                                      28
                                                                                                       30                            21.2                                19
                                                                                                       20            15.6
                                                                                                             T05 (24w)       ASPIRE (54w)   PREMIER (1y)      TEMPO (52w)

                                                                                                                              ACR20      ACR50       ACR70
GLM monotherapy 100 mg is
 equivalent to MTX alone
  for sign and symptoms

 This is consistent with ETN and ADA
Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use                                   Anti TNFα monotherapies versus
                                                                                                                                    combination with MTX
                                                                                                                        ACR response at 52 weeks in TEMPO study -
                                                                                                                        100                 *†
                                                                                               Percentage of Patients

                                                                                                                         80          75

                                                                                                                         60                                              48
                                                                                                                                                                  43                                        43

                                                                                                                                          ACR 20                       ACR 50                     ACR 70

                                                                                                                                                  MTX        Etanercept          MTX + Etanercept
                                                                                                                        * p<0.01 vs. MTX † p<0.05 vs. ETA ‡ p<0.01 vs. ETA
                                                                                                                                                                              Klareskog L et al. Lancet 2004; 363: 675-81
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Sarzi puttini piercarlo i nuovi inibitori del tnf torino gennaio 2011_14° convegno patologia immune e ma
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Sarzi puttini piercarlo i nuovi inibitori del tnf torino gennaio 2011_14° convegno patologia immune e ma

  • 1. I nuovi inibitori del TNF-α Piercarlo Sarzi-Puttini L Sacco University Hospital Via GB Grassi 74, MIlano
  • 2. The Journal of Immunology, 2010, 185: 791–794.
  • 3. Background In the early 1980s, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a disease affecting ~1% of the population worldwide, was a major clinical problem. Twenty-five years later, RA is far from curable, but it is much more manageable, less crippling, and less lethal. Research in immunology has had time to bear fruit and yield clinical benefit, resulting in reduced disease activity and progression.
  • 4. Cellular processes involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis Atzeni F, Sarzi-Puttini P - Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2009 10(11):1204-1211
  • 5. Innate immunity Acquired immunity TNF-α, IL-1 and IL-6 regulation (non specific) (specific) of innate and acquired immunity Hepatic acute Phase response Th2 Response Albumin response T Lymphocyte IL-4 Glyconeogenesis IL-10 Gluconeogenesis and Amino Acid intake IL-13 Il-1 IL-12 IL-18 CNS Responses Th1 Response Fever TNF-α IL-1 Myalgias Altered sleep behavior macrophage TNF-α Anorexia IL-1 HPA activity IL-2 IL-6 IL-12 IL-18 Somatic tissue response TNF-α IFN-γ Muscle proteolysis Adypocyte Lipolysis Inflammation Immunological responses Cytotoxic response Macrophage activation T lymphocyte or NK Cells Release of Neutrophils Trace mineral redistribution
  • 6. Induction of Prothrombotic endothelial adhesion action molecules Autocrine activation and differentiation macrophage factor TNF-α Defence againts Growth factor intracellular pathogens Comitogen for Induces other Regulates T and B cells cytokines haematopoiesis
  • 7. TNFα Citochina pro-infiammatoria rilasciata da: monociti attivati macrofagi T-linfociti Il TNFα si lega a 2 recettori espressi da alcuni tipi di cellule: il recettore TNF p55 ed il recettore TNF p75
  • 8. Injury Biology of TNF-a TNF- TNF- TNF-R1 TACE membrane soluble (p55) sTNF- sTNF-R1 TNF-a TNF-a 26kDa 17kDa nucleus monomer trimer nucleus TACE dimer Ligand 3’-AU-mRNA (ADAM17) passing TNF-a trimer sTNF- sTNF-R2 TNF- TNF-R2 TACE (p75)
  • 9. α Trasduzione del segnale di TNF-α TNF-R1 TNF-R2 PC FAN SM PC-PLC SODD TRIP nSMase CK-1 FLIP MADD Ceramide I-TRAF DAG ? ? TRAF 2 TRAF1 TRADD MAPK TRAF2 ASK1 cIAP PKC RIP aSMase FADD SM A20 RAIDO NIK MKKs PLA2 Casp-8 Casp-2 Ceramide κ NF-κB ? ? α β IKKα/IKKβ JNK Apoptosi Apoptosi κ IκB Degradazione c-Jun Apoptosi Attivazione di JNK κ NF-κB p50/p65 κ geni NF-κB-dipendenti
  • 10. Key Actions Attributed to TNF-a in inflammation
  • 11. Introduzione Gli antagonisti del tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α hanno determinato un nuovo standard terapeutico per il trattamento dell’artrite reumatoide (AR) e di altre patologie reumatiche. L’utilizzo di qualunque agente farmacologico che alteri la funzione immunitaria aumenta la possibilità di determinati effetti collaterali, quali, per esempio, infezioni e neoplasie
  • 12. Biologic DMARDs: TNF Antagonists Approved Compound Chimeric anti-TNF-α mAb Infliximab IgG1 TNF-receptor p75 IgG1 Etanercept IgG1 construct Fully human anti-TNF-α mAb Adalimumab IgG1 Pegylated humanized anti-TNF-α Fab-fragment Certolizumab Fully human anti-TNF-α mAb Golimumab Human Mouse Synthetic element Polyethylene glycol
  • 13. Pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis APC MHC+ Co-stimulation CD80/86 antigen TCR modulation CD28 Activated T cell Cytokine inhibition • Anti-TNF Activated RANK-L TNF Activated B-cell depletion macrophage IFN-γ IL- B cell • Anti-IL-1R •Anti-CD20 2 • Anti-IL-6R IL-6 TNF IL-1 Autoantibodies, e.g. RF IL-6 RANK Osteoclast Chondrocyte MMPs Inflammation and destruction Choy EHS et al. N Engl J Med 2001
  • 14. Quali modificazioni nel nostro comportamento clinico individuale e delle raccomandazioni dettate della delle società scientifiche hanno indotto l’avvento dei farmaci biologici ?
  • 15. Yesterday’s Approach to Treating RA has Hidden Consequences – Control pain and inflammation – Respond to joint damage only after it is grossly evident Inflammation Destruction Erosions on X-ray Start of Begin Tx Time Start of Start of Time symptoms symptoms damage
  • 16. Today’s Goals in RA Treatment Reduce Inflammation AND Prevent Joint Damage – Treat early – Minimize disease activity – Strive for remission – Prevent destruction Non-intensive Inflammation Destruction therapy Intensive therapy Start of Time Start of Start of Time symptoms symptoms damage
  • 17. Recommandations for treating RA from an international task force While remission should be a clear target, based on available evidence low disease activity may be an acceptable alternative therapeutic goal, particularly in established long-standing disease An ACR/EULAR initiative on defining remission is currently ongoing Smolen et al. ARD online March 9th 2010 doi: 10.1136/ard.2009.123919
  • 18. Classification criteria for RA (Scores for A–D ≥6/10 for classification of definite RA) A. Joint involvement (swelling, tenderness or synovitis) 1 large joint 0 2−10 large joints 1 1−3 small joints (with or without involvement of large joints) 2 4−10 small joints (with or without involvement of large joints) 3 >10 joints (at least one small joint) 5 B. Serology (at least 1 test result is needed for classification) Negative RF and negative ACPA (anti-CCP) 0 Low-positive RF or low-positive ACPA 2 High-positive RF or high-positive ACPA 3 C. Acute-phase reactants (at least 1 test result is needed for classification) Normal CRP and normal ESR 0 Abnormal CRP or normal ESR 1 D. Duration of symptoms <6 weeks 0 ≥6 weeks 1 Aletaha D et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:1580-1588.
  • 19. EULAR recommendations for the management of rheumatoid arthritis with synthetic and biological disease- modifying antirheumatic drugs Josef S Smolen, Robert Landewé, Ferdinand C Breedveld, Maxime Dougados, Paul Emery, Cecile Gaujoux-Viala, Simone Gorter, Rachel Knevel, Jackie Nam, Monika Schoels, Daniel Aletaha, Maya Buch, Laure Gossec, Tom Huizinga, Johannes W J W Bijlsma, Gerd Burmester, Bernard Combe, Maurizio Cutolo, Cem Gabay, Juan Gomez-Reino, Marios Kouloumas, Tore K Kvien, Emilio Martin-Mola, Iain McInnes, Karel Pavelka, Piet van Riel, Marieke Scholte, David L Scott, Tuulikki Sokka, Guido Valesini, Ronald van Vollenhoven, Kevin L Winthrop, John Wong, Angela Zink, Désirée van der Heijde [Austria, Czech Republic, Finland,France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, UK, USA] Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
  • 20. EULAR Algorithm: RA management Phase II * Treatment target is clinical remission, or if remission is unlikely to be achievable, at least low disease activity Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
  • 21. EULAR Algorithm: RA management Phase III * Treatment target is clinical remission, or if remission is unlikely to be achievable, at least low disease activity Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
  • 22. EULAR Algorithm: RA management Phase III * Treatment target is clinical remission, or if remission is unlikely to be achievable, at least low disease activity Smolen JS et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2010;69:964-975.
  • 23. Unmet need in pazienti trattati con antiTNF Terapia Gold standard antiTNF + MTX Non tutti i pazienti beneficiano del trattamento Unmet Medical Need Inibitore TNF + MTX Solo antiTNF Solo MTX ACR 70=70% miglioramento in: •Attività globale della malattia - paziente •Attività globale della malattia - medico •Percezione del paziente del dolore (Breedveld et al, 2006) •Disabilità fisica •Fase acuta di reazione – PCR,VES
  • 24. Survival on Anti-TNFα Therapy LORHEN Treatment discontinuation 1,0 0,9 0,8 Survival 0,7 0,6 Any cause Inefficacy 0,5 Adverse event Other 0,4 0 6 12 18 24 30 36 Months At risk 1064 924 746 585 482 353 247 Total events 0 120 218 294 331 374 405
  • 25. Strategie terapeutiche per pazienti TNF-IR TNF- Nessuna indicazione ufficiale approvata Indicazione approvata in Pazienti in TNF-IR Adalimumab Cambiare TNF cycling meccanismo d’azione o Infliximab Etanercept
  • 26. Quali le caratteristiche di nuovi farmaci anti- anti- TNF ? • Stessi meccanismi d’azione e funzioni effettrici dei farmaci anti-TNF esistenti (miglioramento delle tecniche di produzione del mAb) • Stessa specificità, ma maggiore affinità • Ridotta immunogenicità • Miglioramento della risposta clinica (maggior e percentuale di remissione o LDA) • Minori effetti collaterali • Minori costi
  • 27.
  • 28. Systematic review and meta-analysis of 21 randomized, placebo- controlled trials (eight adalimumab, seven infliximab, six etanercept). Adults with RA who received ADA (1524 patients), IFN (1116 patients), ETN (1029 patients), or placebo (2834 patients) with or without concomitant methotrexate in all groups.
  • 29. Efficacy and Safety of anti-TNF • ADA and ETN demonstrated greater efficacy results than did infliximab for short-term treatment (12-30 weeks). • For treatments longer than 1 year, ADA seemed to be more effective than ETN, whereas infliximab seemed to have a decrease in its efficacy
  • 30. Safety results, when analyzed separately, were not statistically significant among the anti–TNF drugs; Withdrawals due to adverse events were higher in IFN-treated patients than in ADA- treated patients, whereas in patients who received etanercept, these withdrawals were not statistically significant compared with placebo
  • 32. LPSRC approvato giugno 2010 CZP-SCT- 007157 32 Therapeutic indication from the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC): Cimzia®, in combination with methotrexate (MTX), is indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe, active rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in adult patients when the response to disease- modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) including MTX, has been inadequate. Cimzia® can be given as monotherapy in case of intolerance to MTX or when continued treatment with MTX is inappropriate. Posology from SmPC: The recommended starting dose of Cimzia® for adult patients with RA is 400 mg (as 2 injections of 200 mg each on one day) at weeks 0, 2 and 4, followed by a maintenance dose of 200 mg every 2 weeks. MTX should be continued during treatment with Cimzia® where appropriate.
  • 33. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 33 Structure of Certolizumab Pegol (CZP) Fab′ CZP is the only PEGylated anti-TNF Site-specific PEGylation results in: Designed half life of ~14 days Enhanced penetration of CZP into inflamed tissue (in animal models) PEG No Fc region May avoid potential Fc-mediated effects PEGylated such as CDC or ADCC Fab′ fragment 40 kDa PEG (2x20 kDa) Chapman A, et al. Nature Biotech. 1999;17:780-3 Weir N, Athwal D, et al. Therapy. 2006;3:535-45
  • 34. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 34 Three different approaches to TNF inhibition: Fusion proteins, Antibodies, Pegylated Fab′ Fragments Certolizumab Etanercept Infliximab Adalimumab pegol (Enbrel®) (Remicade®) (Humira®) (Cimzia®) Receptor Fab Fab′ IgG1 IgG1 Fc Fc PEG PEGylated Recombinant Fab′ fragment receptor/Fc fusion Monoclonal 40 kDa PEG protein antibody (2×20 kDa) Weir N, Athwal D, et al. Therapy. 2006;3:535-45
  • 35. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 35 Potential advantages of PEGylation May improve the pharmacokinetics of PEGylated molecules are well hydrated therapeutic agents.1 May improve bioavailability.1 May enhance penetration and retention of macromolecules into various diseased tissues.1,2 May reduce immunogenicity of some proteins (at this time this has not been shown for certolizumab pegol) (1,3) 1. Chapman et al., Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2002;54:531-545 2. Palframan R. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66 (Suppl): A117 3. Harris et al., Clin. Pharmacokinet 2005;44:331-347
  • 36. LPSRC approvato giugno 2010 CZP-SCT- 007157 36 The effect of PEGylation on the half-life of Fc-free Fab′ PEGylation extended the half-life of Fab′ Concentration (% injected dose / gram of blood) 10 1 Fab Fv Fc 0.1 0.01 IgG Fab'- Fab'-PEG SH Fab' Fab′ 0.001 hinge 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Time (hr) human murine Data obtained in animal model Chapman AP, Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2002; 54:531-545
  • 37. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 37 Imaging CZP Distribution in Inflamed and Normal Tissue in Vivo Normal tissue Diseased tissue Image Min = -4.4803e-05 Max = 0.00065361 efficiency 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 -4 -4 10 10 8 8 7 7 6 6 ROI 1=2.3231e-05 ROI 2=1.5441e-05 5 5 ROI 1=4.25e-05 ROI 2=0.00010276 4 4 Color Bar Min = 3.268e-05 Max = 0.00053026 Color Bar Min = 3.268e-05 fluor sub Max = 0.00053026 flat-fielded cosmic • Mice with active arthritis and normal mice administered 2 mg/kg dye-labeled CZP • Imaging and peripheral blood samples taken over the following 24-h period Palframan R et al. Journal Imm. Meth.2009;348:36-41
  • 38. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 38 Ratio of Level of Anti-TNF Between Normal and Inflamed Tissue in an Animal Model 5 Certolizumab Pegol-Alexa680 *** Adalimumab-Alexa680 Ratio inflammed: normal tissue 4 ** *** 3 *** NS 2 1 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 26 Time (h) *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 (certolizumab pegol-Alexa680 vs adalimumab-Alexa680) Adattato da Palframan A. J Immunol Methods 348 (2009) 36–41
  • 39. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 39 Formation of Immune Complexes TNF TNF TNF TNF Certolizumab pegol + TNF-a Antibodies + TNF-a • “Monovalent” • “Bivalent” • No immune complex • Large immune complexes formation are formed Taylor PC., Curr Opin Pharmacol 2010, 10:1–8 Henry et al, Gastroenterology 2007; 132: A-231 (No. S1609)
  • 40. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 40 RAPID: Study Designs n=636 CZP 400 mg every 2 weeks + MTX Adult patients with active n=639 400 mg, 0, 2, 4 wk CZP 200 mg every 2 weeks + MTX RA on treatment 2:2:1 n=326 Placebo + MTX Week 16 mandatory escape* Open-Label Extension Study RAPID 1 ACR20 mTSS change Co-primary endpoints (lyophilized) 0 16 24 52 OLE RAPID 2 ACR20 (liquid) Primary endpoint 0 16 24 * Patients who failed to respond (ACR 20) at both Weeks 12 and 14 were designated as treatment failures, were withdrawn and had the option entering into an open-label extension study at Week 16. X-rays were taken at withdrawal Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29 Smolen et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov 17 (Epub ahead of print) Mease et al., Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. 2009; 4(3): 253-266
  • 41. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 41 Significant Improvement in Signs and Symptoms over the first 12 wks of Therapy (RAPID 1: ACR 20 and 50 response rates) 80 80 ** 63,8 ACR 50 (% of Patients) ACR 20 (% of Patients) 60 ** 54,2 60 ** 43,6 40 ** 40 ** 32,9 33,5 ** ** 25,7 22,9 ** 18,3 20 16 20 12,6 15,3 * 9 8,1 4,4 6,1 6,6 5,6 2 2,5 3,5 0 0 wk 1 wk 2 wk 4 wk 8 wk 12 wk 1 wk 2 wk 4 wk 8 wk 12 Placebo + MTX Q2W (n = 199) CZP 200 mg + MTX Q2W (n = 393) *p ≤ 0.05 versus placebo **p < 0.001 versus placebo Adapted from Keystone E, et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2007; 66(Suppl II): 55
  • 42. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 42 Rapid and Sustained Improvement in Signs and Symptoms With CZP in RAPID 1 80 ACR20 Patients (%) 60 ACR50 40 ACR70 20 0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 Weeks CZP 200mg + MTX vs. Placebo ACR20: p<0.001 at weeks 1 to 52 ACR50: p<0.01 at week 2; p<0.001 at weeks 4 to 52 CZP 200mg + MTX Q2W (n=393) ACR70: p≤0.05 at week 4; p≤0.01 at week 6 and 8; Placebo + MTX Q2W (n=199) p<0.001 at weeks 10 to 52 Keystone et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29
  • 43. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 43 OLE Study Design and Patient Disposition RAPID 1 Open-label Extension CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX n=390a n=274c n=265d n=246e Completers CZP 400mg CZP 200mg Q2W + MTX CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX Wk 0,2,4 n=393a n=255c n=243d n=216e PBO + MTX CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX n=199a n=43c n=41d n=38e Withdrawers (Wk 16) 400 mg n=74b n=66d n=51e 200 mg n=91b n=86d CZP 400mg Q2W + MTX n=61e PBO n=137b n=135d n=106e 0 16 52 100 Weeks aRAPID 1 ITT population bpatients who withdrew from RAPID 1 at Week 16/per protocol selection cpatients who completed RAPID 1 dpatients who entered the OLE epatients remaining in the OLE at Week 100 from RAPID 1 baseline. Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0196, EULAR2009
  • 44. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 44 Efficacy and Safety of CZP + MTX: 3 Year Data - Results RAPID 2 Open-Label Extension Wk24 Wk92a CZP 200 mg Q2W + MTX CZP 400 mg Q2W + MTX CZP 200 mg Q2W + MTX CZP 400 mg Q2W + MTX CZP 400 mg Q2W + MTX CZP 200 mg Q2W + MTX Figure 1. Figure 1. Patients Responding (%) ACR20 Observeda ACR 20/50/70 response rates ACR50 in CZP completers over 3 years Week 148: ACR70 CZP 200 mg EOW + MTX, n=100; CZP 200 mg EOW + MTX, n=106 Weeks Figure 2. Figure 2. DAS28 scores in CZP completers over 3 years (LOCF) a CZP dose decreased per protocol after ≥6 months in the OLE Completers population only JS Smolen et al. EULAR 2010
  • 45. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 45 ACR Responder Rates at Week 24 (ITT) RAPID 1 RAPID 2 Combination Therapy Combination Therapy 80 80 * 60,8 * * 57,6 Percent Responders (%) 58,8 60 60 * 57,3 * 39,9 40 * 37,1 * 40 * 33,1 32,5 * * 20,6 21,4 † 20 20 † 13,6 15,9 7,6 10,6 8,7 3 3,1 0,8 0 0 ACR20 ACR50 ACR70 ACR20 ACR50 ACR70 RAPID 1 RAPID 2 *Significantly different from placebo, * p < 0.001; †p ≤ 0.01 Placebo + MTX (n=199) Placebo + MTX (n=127) CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=393) CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=246) Patients who withdrew or used rescue medication were considered non-responders CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=390) CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=246) Mease et al., Int. J. Clin. Rheumatol. 2009; 4(3): 253-266
  • 46. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 46 RAPID 1: ACR Responder Rates at Week 52 (ITT Population) 60 * * 54,9 Placebo + MTX (n=199) 53,1 Percent Responders (%) CZP 200mg + MTX (n=393) CZP 400mg + MTX (n=390) 50 * * 39,9 40 38 30 * * 23,2 21,2 20 13,1 10 7,6 3,5 0 ACR20 ACR50 ACR70 *Significantly different from placebo, p < 0.001 Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29 Patients who withdrew or used rescue medication were considered non-responders Keystone EC, et al. EULAR 2008, Paris, #THU0157
  • 47. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 47 Change From Baseline in mTSS, ES, and JSN 3.5 RAPID 1 RAPID 2 3.5 Placebo + MTX (n=199) Placebo + MTX (n=127) 3.0 2.8 3.0 Mean Change From Baseline Mean Change From Baseline CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=393) CZP 200 mg + MTX (n=246) CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=390) CZP 400 mg + MTX (n=246) 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.0 † 0.7 * 0.4 † 0.5 † 0.5 0.5 0.4 † * * 0.2 † 0.2 0.1 * 0.2 * 0.1 * 0.1 † 0 0.0 -0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.0 -0.5 mTSS Erosion JSN mTSS Erosion JSN Week 52 Week 24 *p<0.001 versus placebo. *p<0.001 versus placebo. †p≤0.006 versus placebo. †p≤0.005 versus placebo. Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29 ITT/LinExt population. Smolen et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov 17 (Epub ahead of print)
  • 48. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 48 RAPID 1 and 2: Safety Data Overview Adverse events reported to date by patients receiving CZP are consistent with the mechanism of action and route of administration for anti-TNF-α agents There was a low incidence of drop-outs due to adverse events No new unexpected safety signals have been identified to date during these trials The complete safety profile of CZP will be based on the pooled analysis of all the clinical studies Keystone et al., Arthritis Rheum. 2008;58(11):3319-29 Smolen et al., Ann Rheum Dis. 2008 Nov 17 (Epub ahead of print) Mease et al., Poster presentation (Abstract 941), ACR Congress 2007
  • 49. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 49 A More Rapid Clinical Response Following Certolizumab Pegol Treatment is Associated with Better 52-Week Outcomes in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis Edward C Keystone, Jeffrey R Curtis, Roy Fleischmann, Philip Mease, Dinesh Khanna, Josef Smolen, Daniel E Furst, Geoffroy Coteur, Bernard Combe Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0163, EULAR2009
  • 50. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 50 ACR20/50/70 responder rates at Week 52 by DAS28 1.2 response to CZP treatment 100 Week 12 responders (n=57) Week 6 responders (n=200) 81.5* 80 61.0* Patients (%) 60 56,1 40 36,8 37.0* 20 12,3 0 ACR20 ACR50 ACR70 * P < 0.01 vs Week 12 responders Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0163, EULAR2009
  • 51. GPSRC INF 062 0908 CZP Com/CZP/2009/08 LPSRC approved November 2009 For Response to Unsolicited Questions Only 51 Assessment of Kinetics of Response on Long-term Outcomes- Authors’ Conclusions In patients with active RA, a more rapid response to treatment with CZP + MTX (at Wk 6) was associated with a higher probability of improved long-term response than a response at Wk 12/14. Rapid (Week 6) responders demonstrated: Significantly greater improvements in ACR20/50/70, pain relief, and improvements in physical function than the later (Week 12/14) responders. Keystone et al., Poster Presentation THU0163, EULAR2009
  • 53. Infliximab, Adalimumab, and Golimumab Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use Structures Evolution of Technology The difference in their variable domains and their CDRs is Infliximab primarily due Adalimumab the the different Golimumab technologies that were used to create the variable domain of each antibody Chimeric Phage Display Transgenic Baker D, et al. Rev Gastroenterol Dis. 2004;4(4):196-210.
  • 54. Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use More Human, Less Immunogenic? Immuno- Immunogenicity? genicity …omab …ximab …zumab …mumab Murine Chimeric Humanized Human Mouse origin Human origin Pendley et al. Curr Op Mol Therap 2003; 5: 172; Koren et al. Curr Pharm Biotech 2002; 3: 349
  • 55. Evolution of Antibody R&D* Golimumab (Simponi) 2009 Transgenic human mAb‘s 1994 Lonberg et al.; 1994 Green et al. Phage Display synthetic mAb‘s 1990 McCafferty Adalimumab (Humira) 2002 CDR0-modified mAb‘s Trastuzumab (Herceptin) 1986 Jones et al. Palivizumab (Synagis) Gemtuzumab (Mylotarg) Alemtuzumab (Campath) Daclizumab(Zenapax) 1997 Omalizumab (Xolair) Efalizumab (Raptiva) Bevacizumab (Avastin) Chimeric recombinant mAb‘s 1984 Morrison et al. Rituximab (Rituxan) Basiliximab (Simulect) Abciximab (RheoPro) 1994 Infliximab (Remicade) Cetuximab (Erbitux) Murine monoclonal Ab‘s (mAb’s) 1975 Koehler & Milstein Ibritumomab (Zevalin) Muromonab-CD3 (Orthoclone OKT3) 1986 Tositumomab (Bexxar) * adapted from: Nils Lonberg: Human antibodies from transgenic animals; Nat. Biotech. Sep 2005. Vol 23 No 9: 1117
  • 56. Development of Human Antibodies Using Human Antibody Transgenic Mice For clarity, several intermediate steps are not shown. Mouse Ig genes deleted Hu Human Ig genes inserted Human antibody Normal mouse transgenic mouse Immunize with Immunize with antigen antigen IFX chimeric ADA human Mouse antibody Human antibody Lonberg et al. Nature Biotech 2005; 23(9): 1117
  • 57. Comparison of Affinities for TNF Overall mAb affinities for TNF: Shealy et al., epub 2010
  • 58. Golimumab Stability/Solubility • Allows for a highly concentrated formulation: – Golimumab 100 mg/mL – Adalimumab 50 mg/mL – Infliximab 50 mg/mL – Etanercept 50 mg/mL • For SubQ agents allows for low injection volume: – Golimumab Monthly 0.5 cc – Adalimumab EOW 0.8 cc – Etanercept Weekly 1.0 cc HUMIRA (adalimumab) Prescribing Information, Abbott Laboratories. REMICADE® (infliximab) Prescribing Information, Centocor Inc. ENBREL® (etanercept) Prescribing Information, Amgen Inc. Golimumab, Data on File; Centocor Inc.
  • 59. GLM: similar Half-life of other anti-TNF but different Dosing Interval TNF-blocker Half-life (days)* Dosing interval* Etanercept s.c. 3.5 - 5 q0.5-q1 wks Adalimumab s.c. 12 - 14# q1-q2 wks q1 in monotherapy Certolizumab s.c. appr. 14 q2 wks Golimumab s.c. 12 ± 3 once per month Infliximab i.v. 8 - 9.5 q6-q8 wks dep. on indication *Based on most recent EMEA approved SPCs (14OCT09 for both GLM and CZP). qX wks = every X weeks. #EMEA SPC mentions "approximately 2 weeks"
  • 60. Multiple Factors Determine the Dosing Regimen of s.c. anti-TNFs Dosing Regimen = Net Biologic Effect of: • Half-life: The time required for the plasma level of a drug to fall to half of a certain measured level • Binding properties: Specificity (affinity) and tightness (avidity) of binding to the target cytokine TNFαα • Potency: The amount of drug necessary to α neutralize an equal amount of TNFα to produce a clinical effect • Protein stability/solubility: Stability of the molecule in solution
  • 61. Golimumab Rheumatology Clinical Trials > 2,900 Patients in Phase III Indication Study Indication N GO-BEFORE T05 Active RA naive for MTX 637 Rheumatoid GO-FORWARD T06 Active RA despite MTX 444 Arthritis GO-AFTER T11 Active RA w/previous anti-TNF(s) 461 GO-LIVE T12 Active RA despite MTX / IV inj. 643 Psoriatic Active PsA GO-REVEAL T08 356 Arthritis Ankylosing GO-RAISE T09 Active AS 405 Spondylitis
  • 62. Golimumab, a human antibody to TNF-α α given by monthly subcutaneous injections, in active rheumatoid arthritis despite methotrexate: the GO-FORWARD Study Keystone EC, Genovese MC, Klareskog L, Hsia EC, Hall T, Miranda PC, Pazdur J, Bae SC, Palmer W, Zrubek J, Wiekowski M, Visvanathan S, Wu Z, Rahmann MU Ann Rheum Dis. 2009;68:789–796
  • 63. Co-Primary Endpoints • The proportion of patients achieving American College of Rheumatology Response criteria (ACR) 20 at Week 14 • The improvement from baseline in Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) at Week 24 Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
  • 64. GO-FORWARD: Study Design GO- Early escape if <20% Subjects with active RA despite MTX therapy (n=444) improvement in TJC and SJC Placebo GLM 100 mg GLM 50 mg GLM 100 mg (ethical reasons) + MTX + Placebo + MTX + MTX SQ injection n=133 n=133 n=89 n=89 Week 0 Week 4 Week 8 Blinded Blinded Blinded Blinded Week 12 Early Escape Early Escape Early Escape Early Escape Week 14* (Golimumab 50 mg) (MTX, baseline dose) (Golimumab 100 mg) (No Change) Week 16 Week 20 Week 24** Week 48: Co-primary Endpoints: Active, Blind *ACR 20 response at Week 14 Treatment **Change from baseline in HAQ at Week 24 Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
  • 65. GO-FORWARD: ACR Responses at GO- Week 14 Co-primary * * p< 0.001 * p< 0.01 end point # p< 0.05 ** * ** ** ** ** # * * Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
  • 66. GO-FORWARD: ACR Responses at GO- Week 24 * * p< 0.001 * p< 0.01 # p< 0.05 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
  • 67. GO-FORWARD: DAS28 (Using ESR) GO- Remission at Week 14 and Week 24 * * * * * * ** Placebo + MTX (N=133) Golimumab 100 mg + Placebo (N=133) Golimumab 50 mg + MTX (N=89) *p<0.001 Golimumab 100 mg + MTX (N=89) ** p=0.01 Golimumab + MTX Combined (N=178) Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796
  • 68. GO-FORWARD: DAS28 (Using CRP) GO- EULAR remission at Week 14 and Week 24 * * * * * * Placebo + MTX (N=133) Golimumab 100 mg + Placebo (N=133) Golimumab 50 mg + MTX (N=89) Golimumab 100 mg + MTX (N=89) Golimumab + MTX Combined (N=178) Keystone E et al. Ann Rheum Dis 2009;68:789–796 *p<0.001
  • 69. Golimumab, A New Human Anti-TNF-Alpha Monoclonal Antibody, Subcutaneously Administered Every 4 Weeks in Patients with Active Rheumatoid Arthritis who were Previously Treated with Anti-TNF-Alpha Agent(s): Results of the Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled (GO-AFTER) Study Smolen J et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 210-21
  • 70. GO-AFTER: Study Design GO- Early escape if <20% α Patients with active RA and previously treated with TNFα inhibitor(s) improvement in TJC and SJC (n=461) (ethical reasons) Placebo q4 Golimumab 50 mg q4 Golimumab 100 mg q4 SQ injection n=155 n=153 n=153 Week 0 Week 4 Week 8 Double-blinded Double-blinded Double-blinded Week 12 Early Escape Early Escape Early Escape Week 14* (Golimumab 50 mg) (Golimumab 100 mg) (No change) Week 16 Week 20 Week 24 Primary Endpoint: *ACR 20 response at Week 14 Stratification by investigational site and baseline MTX use Smolen J et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 210-21
  • 71. GLM is efficacious in anti-TNF Experienced Pts anti- Regardless of Type, No. of anti-TNFs and Reason for anti- Discontinuation: GO-AFTER GO- Number of previous anti-TNFs Type of 1st anti-TNF: ADA, IFX, ETA ACR 20 at wk 14 wk 14 wk 24 Percent of Patients p=0.002 p=0.014 Reason for discontinuation ACR 20 at wk 14 Pts previously treated with ADA, Percent of Patients p<0.001 p=0.027 ETN or IFX responded to, and tolerated GLM, regardless of the type, number (1 or 2) or reason for discontinuation of prior anti-TNF therapy Smolen J et al. Lancet 2009; 374: 210-221
  • 72. CNTO 148 T11 Proportion of ACR20 Responders at Week 14 by Sub-Groups Sub- Proportion of ACR20 Responders at Week 14 Odds Ratio and 95% CI Golimumab Odds Golimumab Combined vs. Placebo Placebo Combined Ratio (95% CI) p-value n (%) n (%) DMARD Yes 107 17.8 215 40 3 (1.8, 5.4) <0.0001 No 48 18.8 89 29.2 1.8 (0.8, 4.2) 0.1836 No. of prior TNF inhibitor 1 90 -20 213 -38.5 2.5 (1.4, 4.5) 0.0021 2 44 -15.9 71 -38 3.2 (1.3, 8.3) 0.0141 3 21 -14.3 22 -13.6 0.9 (0.2, 5.3) 0.951 Reason for discontinuation of prior TNF inhibitor 96 17.7 173 39.3 3 (1.6, 5.5) 0.0004 Lack of efficacy Non-efficacy related reasons 84 20.2 162 34 2 (1.1, 3.8) 0.0265 Placebo Golimumab Combined Better Better
  • 73. GO-AFTER: Conclusion GO- • In patients with active RA who had received α anti-TNFα therapy – GLM significantly reduced RA signs and symptoms and improved physical function • Well-tolerated • First randomized study of a switch from a previous anti TNF alpha to second anti TNF alpha
  • 74. Golimumab, Golimumab, a New, Human, TNF Alpha Antibody Administered Subcutaneously Every 4 Weeks, in Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS): 24 Week Efficacy and Safety Results of Randomized, Placebo Controlled GO-RAISE Study GO- Inman et al. Arthritis Rheum 2008; 58(11): 3402-12
  • 75. Golimumab, A New, Human, TNF-alpha TNF- antibody administered as a monthly subcutaneous injection in psoriatic arthritis: 24-week efficacy and safety results of the 24- randomized,placebo- randomized,placebo-controlled GO-REVEAL study GO- Kavanaugh A et al. Arthritis & Rheum 2009; 60: 976-986
  • 76. Can we compare with other anti TNFα trials? TNFα
  • 77. Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use ACR20 Response at Week 24 Compared with Other anti-TNFs anti- No head-to-head trials Golimumab Infliximab Etanercept Adalimumab (GO-BEFORE) (ASPIRE) (ERA) (PREMIER) Week 24 Week 221 6 months2 1 Year 3 100 ∆=13 ∆=11 ∆=7 ∆=10 80 73.0 Percent of Patients 72.0 62.0 65.0 63.0 61.0 58.0 60 49.0 40 20 p=0.011 p=0.001 p=NS p=0.022 0 Pbo GLM Pbo IFX MTX ETN MTX ADA 40 mg +MTX Combo + MTX Combo (n=217) 25 mg (n=257) eow + MTX (n=160) + MTX (n=245) + MTX 2x wk (n=268) (n=318) (n=648) (n=207) 1Data on File for ASPIRE; Centocor, Inc. 2Extracted from Bathon J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:1586-1593. 3Breedveld FC et al. Arthritis Rheum. 2006;54:26-37.
  • 78. CNTO 148 T05 Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use Limitation of comparing studies : substantial and variable placebo effect MTX mono in MTX naive patients : no head to head comparison 100 This control panel show the 90 heterogeneous responsiveness of different patients’ populations 80 (J Smolen Lancet 2007; 370 : 1861-74) 75 70 63 60 53.6 49.4 50 46 43 40 32.1 29.4 28 30 21.2 19 20 15.6 10 0 T05 (24w) ASPIRE (54w) PREMIER (1y) TEMPO (52w) ACR20 ACR50 ACR70
  • 79. GLM monotherapy 100 mg is equivalent to MTX alone for sign and symptoms This is consistent with ETN and ADA
  • 80. Intended for training purposes only / Requires local regulatory review prior to external use Anti TNFα monotherapies versus TNFα combination with MTX ACR response at 52 weeks in TEMPO study - 100 *† 85 Percentage of Patients 76 *‡ 80 75 69 60 48 *‡ 43 43 40 24 19 20 0 ACR 20 ACR 50 ACR 70 MTX Etanercept MTX + Etanercept * p<0.01 vs. MTX † p<0.05 vs. ETA ‡ p<0.01 vs. ETA Klareskog L et al. Lancet 2004; 363: 675-81