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SANABe Natural In Your Own Skin
April 2015
BegoMartinOn leading a natural lifestyle
	 and her life as a model
5Steps to a
Sana Magazine.indd 1 11/03/2015 10:58:32
Newbie Column
On/Off of trend
10 products for spring
Buying locally
Staff favourites
Sana online
DIY Mask
5 Steps to a glowing skin
Beauty products at home
A week of meditation
Sana for the summer
Bego Martin
Clairvoyant Healer
Lush Cosmetics
Sana Magazine.indd 2 11/03/2015 10:58:34
Luisa Barrientos
Yes, it was raining and
sunny at the same time, it
was golorious.
Hanna Aanerud
Yes, during a festival I was
at my with friends. A great
concert and a good memory.
Carmen Mendez
Yes, on a beach in Brighton
once. I was with a group of
friends, it was a lot of fun.
Changing lifestyle choices is never an easy
decision to take and keep to. So why would you
change them all at once? Trust me, it is not the
smartest idea, if you are used to French fries
rather than celery sticks, to quit a lifestyle ‘cold
turkey’. To be successful as a health newbie, it is
best to take it in baby steps.
Instead of throwing out everything in your
fridge and pantry and going out to buy fresh and
organic, take
baby steps.
Before your
next market
day, look at
recipes, foods
and tips and
make a list.
This lifestyle is
not about
depriving or
yourself. Want
to have those
potato fries?
Have them! No guilt here. Everything you have
heard in the past, throw it out. Only these
truths matter: fresh, is good; buying locally, it is
better. Eat what is right for your own body and
focus on how it reacts to what you are putting
inside it.
A big part of being healthy is also exercising.
Yeah, it can be tough to increase workouts, but
once you do it feels good! Through exercise, we
work our muscles and minds and produce
Have you ever danced in the rain?
Quick Bits
endorphins. Workouts like yoga, Pilates and Tai
Chi will leave you feeling both physically and
mentally tired and fulfilled. A workout cannot
be just about the calories you burn or how much
you sweat; a workout also has to be about the
benefits your body will receive.
This change is 360, and it is not always easy.
Taking baby steps is okay. If it is the way to
ensure you have success in this new lifestyle,
go for it, no one will judge you for it. The only
person’s opinion you should be worried about is
your own. LB
Sana Magazine.indd 3 11/03/2015 10:58:37
Editor’sLetterThis month at Sana we have started to feel the heat of summer
start breezing through. But we are not getting our swimsuits and
sunscreen just yet. Instead, we are looking to get our minds and
bodies ready for the season that stresses the majority of us, even
though it is a season like any other.
I say summer and many of you will think of putting on a swimsuit
in front of others. Let me guess, for a lot of you, that terrifies you.
But it should not, if you are nourishing and loving your body. Here
at Sana we embrace natural beauty, in all its forms.
In this issue we sat down with Spanish model Bego Martin and
spoke about livingnaturallyinthemodelingindustry.Begoisarole
Reiki Master, Martha Aguayo spoke to us about our energetic
body and how she works with it during an energy session, to get us
performing back to 100 per cent. In her interview with us, Martha
explains what to expect from a session and how your body can
benefit from healing its energy. Feeling positive yet?
The months before summer can seem hectic, but we need to remember to
slow down throughout our day. Our bodies need breaks to refuel, but our
minds also need a few minutes during busy days to process the day’s events.
Quick Bits
Healthy eating will help
you get the right balance of
vitamins, minerals and other
necessary nutrients. You
will feel your best and have
plenty of energy.
But remember: eating healthy
does not mean being on a
diet, it means making some
changes you can live with.
An old Yiddish proverb says,
“What soap is to the body,
laughter is to the soul.”
Laughter makes you feel good and
puts you in high spirits, but it also
causes physiological responses
that protects your body from
disease and helps your vital
organs repair themselves.
Laughter relaxes the whole
body, relieves physical tension
and stress. Laugh to keep your
organs happy and healthy.
You have probably heard
countless times that “exercise
is good for you”?
Getting the right amount of
exercise can increase your
energy levels and even help
you to improve your mood.
Exercise benefits every part
of the body and it makes your
body produce endorphins,
chemicals that help you feel
peaceful and happy. It is also
a good way to be able to sleep
better. Plus, it can give people
a real sense of acomplishment.
Sana Magazine.indd 4 11/03/2015 10:58:38
Coconut Oil
It is extracted from the kernel or meat of
matured coconuts and it has many different
uses, both in food and medicine. The health
benefits of this oil include hair and skin care,
stress relief, cholesterol level maintenance,
weight loss, proper digestion and regulated
metabolism. It also provides relief from
kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood
pressure, diabetes and cancer.
Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which provides a
number of healthy aging benefits. Beta-carotene contributes
to healthy skin and eyes. It also helps to protect your skin from
sun damage and signs of aging by preventing the breakdown
of collagen in your skin. Sweet potatoes also contain high
amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which help you maintain
a healthy immune system. While these foods are usually
associated with fall meals, try incorporating them into your
diet year-round to see their anti-aging benefits.
Sulfate-Free Shampoos
These have become increasingly popular the
last couple of years. While using this kind
of shampoo you can liberate your scalp from
irritations. After a few washes, you will
notice the difference between these kind of
shampoos and those who contain sulfates.
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 5 11/03/2015 10:58:44
The best thing to do is avoid all artificial and chemi-
cal sweetener substitutes. They have no food value,
trick the body into thinking it is eating something
sweet and they have harmful toxic side effects.
Gel Nail Polish
For women who have problems with
weak, soft, brittle nails, artificial
nails can seem like a godsend. But
artificial nails are glued on top of
your real ones, and the gap in-
between creates a breeding ground
for fungus. Even worse, this is an
area where painful bacterial infec-
tion can develop. The best way to
maintain your nails beautiful and
healthy is to use natural care.
Synthetic Make-up
Natural is always best for your skin, if you
want to look beautiful, take a look at all of
the new brands that offer natural make up
products. They are less likely to harm your
skin or hair. Because they provide the natural
ingredients the skin needs.
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 6 11/03/2015 10:58:51
Sana Magazine.indd 7 11/03/2015 10:58:53
Sana Magazine.indd 8 11/03/2015 10:58:54
5.Drink lots of water
Water helps remove toxins that
cause inflammation as well as
giving nutrients and oxygen to
your skin cells. By drinking water
you are preventing
premature aging.
Try to drink at
least eight glasses
of water a day. LB
4.Go to bed early
You might want to stay up to watch
TV, but the next morning your
skin will be paying the price. Amy
Wechsler, an Americanwdermotol-
gist,says not getting enough sleep
“makes you look pale and washed
out if you only get a few hours.” Your
skin needs time to rejuvenate.
Sleeping with makeup not
only clogs pores, it causes
dryness and it also makes
your skin age faster.
2.Put your beauty products in order
According to Syed Amiry, an American
dermatologist, having an order to your
skin routine is as important as the prod-
ucts you use. Use the products with the
most active ingredients first and work
your way down the line.
1.Bring on the sunscreen
You have heard this since you
were little, but wearing sun-
screen is the best way to protect
your skin and looking younger.
There is sun during winter too.
If your skin is in need of a quick, soothing
remedy or you simply want to have a spa day in
the comfort of your own home, then this facial
treatment is your answer. Egg whites are known
to tighten the skin and shrink pores. Lemon juice
works wonders for your skin, lightening dark
spots and scars from acne.Italsohasantibacterial
propertiesandhelpsspeedupthehealingof existing
acne. Raw honey has many health benefits, a few
are that it draws moisture to the skin and helps
retain it. Try it and see for yourself. HA
1 Egg White
½ Tablespoon Raw Honey
½ Tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice
briskly with a fork for 1-2 minutes, or whisk until
foamy. Washanddryyourface,andthen,using
Sana Magazine.indd 9 11/03/2015 10:58:55
You do not
have to spend
a fortune to
look good. You
probably have everything
you need in your kitchen,
ready to use.
Hanna Aanerud gives you a few ways to look
better this spring, for practically no money at all.
Download the
SkinDeep app
and scan your
products to make
sure they are
1/2 avocado
2 tsp aloe vera gel
1 tsp olive oil
Mash the avocado, add the other
ingredients and mix well. Apply on
clean, dry skin. Let it work for 10-15
minutes. This mask works wonders
on irritated or sunburned skin.
Do not make more than you need,
remember, avocado turns brown if
you do not use it right away.
Sana Magazine.indd 10 11/03/2015 10:58:58
It has never been easier to make
your own body scrub. Simply take
two parts brown sugar and one
part coconut oil, mix it together in
a bowl or a spare jar you have lying
around and voila - your own home-
made body scrub. Save money on
those expensive scrubs, you will
definitely not find anything cheaper.
Tired of spending money on expensive
make-up wipes that, when you think
about, have not really been that “kind to
your eyes” as they promised they would
a bit and try to remove your make-up
using olive oil instead. Simply apply as
much olive oil as you feel necessary and
wipe off using cotton pads.
It is as simple as that.
Sana Magazine.indd 11 11/03/2015 10:59:01
Sana Magazine.indd 12 11/03/2015 10:59:03
We always want to add that teaspoon of
sugar to our morning coffee, make it less
bitter and make the caffeine kick a little
sweeter. But most of us avoid spicing our
morning drink up to avoid high fructose
intake. But what if you could sweeten up your
mornings without feeling bad? Stevia has
become the answer to your taste buds.
Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener
in Latin America, where it originates from,
for centuries. In just two
years, it shot to the top of
the popularity charts, being
picked up by major
companies, like Pepsi and
Coca Cola, who instead of
using sugar to sweeten their
products, have turned to
Stevia to make the products
Obviously, you are not
adding the plant to your
coffee or tea, you are adding
a refined version or extract
of the plant’s isolated sweet
compounds. Two of the
major sweet compounds that
are isolated from the leaves
are Rebaudioside A and
Stevioside. These two compounds are
hundreds of times sweeter than plain sugar.
But, once they are turned into the extract and
refined version, they have zero calories, zero
carbohydrates and no artificial ingredients.
Stevia is 200 times sweeter than normal
sugar, so remember; a little goes a long way.
You do not want to be adding too much.
Stevia can also be used for cooking and
baking. The only
downside to that is it
does not carmalise or brown
in the way sugar does; so do not
go using it in your crème brulee recipe.
Stevia can be purchased in liquid or
powdered concentrates and while there are
different brands out there, we recommend an
organic version with no extra unnatural addi-
tives. Although this little plant may seem like
our saving grace, do not get carried away with
it. Just because something is almost zero
everything that does not mean it can help you
lose weight or keep you in shape. Remember,
nothing is magical so add it to your drinks
and foods rationally.
You can actually eat stevia leaves,
or put them in drinks as a garnish
Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener
in the way sugar does; so do not
using it in your crème brulee recipe.
Stevia can be purchased in liquid or
powdered concentrates and while there are
different brands out there, we recommend an
organic version with no extra unnatural addi-
tives. Although this little plant may seem like
Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener
Luisa Barrientos tells us about
the leaf sweetening up our lives
We always want to add that teaspoon of
sugar to our morning coffee, make it less
bitter and make the caffeine kick a little
sweeter. But most of us avoid spicing our
morning drink up to avoid high fructose
intake. But what if you could sweeten up your
mornings without feeling bad? Stevia has
become the answer to your taste buds.
Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener
intake. But what if you could sweeten up your
baking. The only
downside to that is it
does not carmalise or brown
in the way sugar does; so do not
go using it in your crème brulee recipe.
Stevia can be purchased in liquid or
powdered concentrates and while there are
intake. But what if you could sweeten up your
Luisa Barrientos tells us about
the leaf sweetening up our lives
baking. The only
Sana Magazine.indd 13 11/03/2015 10:59:09
1 tbsp olive oil
1 onion
1 red or green pepper
2 carrots
2 celery sticks
2 garlic cloves
1 chili
2 tsp tomato purée
1 box crushed tomatoes
1 dl water
2 tsp cayenne pepper
1,5 tsp cumin
2 tsp turmeric
1 tsp coriander powder
400g chicken
Sauté the chicken, and then put it aside. Chop up the
onion, pepper, carrots and celery and fry in oil for a
couple of minutes before putting it in a pot. Add garlic
and chili and cook for a couple more minutes. Then add
the tomato purée and some salt and pepper if you want
extra flavour.
Let it simmer on medium
heat and add the crushed
tomatoes. Lastly, add all the
spices and let it all cook for
about 15 minutes. Add the
chicken towards the end of
the cooking time.
Serve with wraps, sour
cream and avocado.
Replace the
chicken with
beans for a
Serves 4
Sana Magazine.indd 14 11/03/2015 10:59:10
200g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg
3 dl milk (soy/almond/dairy)
A knob of coconut oil/butter
Mix the dry
ingredients together
in a bowl and then add
the egg, milk and oil.
Cook in a pan,
preferably in
coconut oil. Serve
with fresh berries
or honey and greek
5-6 pancakes
Sana Magazine.indd 15 11/03/2015 10:59:12
Every single one of us has at some point
felt stressed and felt like our body and mind
are not cooperating. If you are feeling this, the
solution may be easier than you
thought: meditation. I know, I was
sceptical at first too.
For thousands of years, people
have practised meditation for
spiritual, physical and emotional
well-being. They can not all be
wrong, right?
I did a simple Google search
digging deeper into the world of
meditation. After looking through
articles, I found a guide online to
meditating yourself to sleep. As
someone who has trouble falling
asleep, I figured this was
something to try.
It is a 10-step guide, and breaking it down,
this is how it is supposed to go down: First, you
had to breathe deeply and regularly for about
1-2 minutes. Next, become aware of your body.
Where does it hurt, where do you feel pressure
or discomfort? The next step was to think
about how your day had been.
Next, relax your whole body – one body
part at a time. Start with one toe, and work
your way to your head. It said you might have
fallen asleep by this point, and surely, I had.
The next day I woke up feeling well rested
and, dare I say, more at peace. I
was among the people who, for
many years, considered
meditation as something that was
not for me. But, it turned out to
be the other way around. After
meditating before bed, I must say
I have almost never had a better
week of sleep. I did not have any
trouble falling asleep. I simply
had a better memory of the day
before and was more well rested
for the day to come.
Now, let us look at some of the
facts. Meditation is proved to
decrease stress, pain, anxiety and depression.
It has also been found to improve memory,
self-awareness and goal setting.
Scientists say meditation is a way of “work-
ing out your brain” and I would definitely
recommend it before going to sleep, it might
work wonders.
For thousands
of years, people
have practised
for spiritual,
physical and
Meditation not for you? Hanna Aanerud
thought so too, until she tried it for a week.
Sana Magazine.indd 16 11/03/2015 10:59:13
Summer iscoming
Be aware of your
nutrition: There is no
magic food, but the
experts all agree
that it is very im-
portant to eat
five fruits and
a day. Dur-
ing these
months it
is recom-
mended to
those with a
high content
of Beta-caro-
tene, lycopene
and Vitamine
C, like tomatoes,
carrots, watermelon,
oranges and pumpkins.
Use preventive products:
The best time to apply these products
is fifteen days before you expose your skin to
the sun, so that your skin builds a resistance
to the radiation waves. Also it prevents your
skin from irritation and will
enhance your natural tan.
Exfoliate your skin:
It is important to
eliminate impuri-
ties and dead
cells. Then you
will renew
your skin
your skin
Especially after
exfoliating your
skin, it is essential
to hydrate your skin
Always apply sun pro-
tection before tanning:
It will actually prevent the risk of
cancer, even if it will take you a little longer
to tan, it is not worth risking your skin and
health at the cost of getting a nice tan.
It is important to be aware of your self-esteem, as it affects both your mind and body.
With the summer months coming up, keep these five things in mind.
1. The first step is believing in yourself. If you do not respect yourself, how do you expect others to?
2. You believe you are worthy of happiness and you feel worthy of respect.
3. Your self-esteem has a profound effect on your emotions, happiness, desires, values and goals.
4. You can still feel respect and be proud of yourself even if you make a mistake.
5. It is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achieving your goals.
We all want to get tan. But be careful, being ill-prepared can cause damage to your
skin. Here are some tips from Carmen Mendez to prepare for your days in the sun.
Sana Magazine.indd 17 11/03/2015 10:59:14
NoGear, NWorking out at home has never been easier. With this eight-move workout, Luisa
the use of gym equipment, all you need is time and space. Don’t forget, it is okay to ta
Wraparound Ankle Touch
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12
Grand Plie Squat Jump and Reach
Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15
Windshield Wiper
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12
Bend the knees and lift your legs until they are
parallel with your hips. With your palms pressed
to the floor, lower your legs to the left. Go as far
as you can, while keeping your right shoulder
glued to the floor. Bring legs back to center,
repeat on other side.
Front Lunge Floor Reach and Reverse Twist
Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15
Pushoffyourleftfoot, usingthatmomentum,
Sana Magazine.indd 18 11/03/2015 10:59:15
NoProblemut, Luisa Barrientos gets your heart pumping and muscles working, all without
okay to take break in between reps. Get your towel and water and get started!
Pushup Position Bird Dog
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12
Start in a pushup position, with your hands
slightly farther apart than your shoulders.
Keep your back straight as you tighten your
abs and extend your right arm and left leg.
Lower them both, but keep your torso up.
Repeat lifting your left arm and right leg.
Chair Pose Squat
Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15
Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and
arms at your sides. Squat, until thighs are
parallel to the floor, keeping your arms
straight, bring them forward and up until they
are in line with your ears. Return to standing,
lift right knee to hip height as you cross your
arms over your body. Repeat on other side.
Supine Row
Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12
Lie on your back with your knees bent,
feet flat and arms at your sides bent at 90
degrees. Pinch your shoulder blades together
as you dig your elbows into the floor and lift
your head and torso up. Lower and repeat.
Pushup Crawl
Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15
In plank position, have your hands wider than
shoulder-length apart. Lower your chest as close
to the floor as you can. Holding that position,
lift your right knee to your right elbow. Return
to plank position, push back up to start, and
repeat on the other side.
Sana Magazine.indd 19 11/03/2015 10:59:15
Sana Magazine.indd 20 11/03/2015 10:59:18
modelBego Martin adopted a natural lifestyle to
both feel and look good. Carmen Mendez
sat down to chat about her routines and get
advice on how you can adopt some of them.
Sana Magazine.indd 21 11/03/2015 10:59:19
Bego is a professional artist as
well as a university student
Sana Magazine.indd 22 11/03/2015 10:59:20
Born in Florida and raised in Spain,
22-year-old Bego Martin, is becoming a
promising model on a global scale.
When she is not jet setting around the world
doing photo shoots for famous brands, she
is either creating unique drawings inspired
by her travels, nature and asian culture or
studying journalism and media at the Carlos
III University in Madrid. She combines her
studies with her passion: Fashion.
Bego adopted a natural lifestyle in part due
to her job as a model, but more due to the
fact that she wanted to feel good as well as
look good. She has a daily routine of beauty
regimes which she follows religiously to look
and feel her best at all times.
Bego sat down with us
this month to chat about
her routines and give
us advice on how we can
adopt some of them.
What does your daily routine look like?
I wash my face every morning and every
night with a special soap for sensitive skin.
I always remove my makeup before going to
sleep. Lately I have been using a new product
throughout the day that I adore: thermal
spring water facial spray. I have also come
to learn that moderate sun exposure has a
positive effect on my skin problems such as
psoriasis, that I have had since I was 15 years
old, but I also recommend it to people with
sensitive skin.
When and why did you begin living a more
natural lifestyle?
I started taking natural beauty and
wholesome eating seriously when I started to
work for my modeling agency, Traffic Models,
a year ago. At first I thought about it as part
of my job: taking care of my body, being fit
and healthy. But soon I realised that living a
healthier lifestyle made me feel much better
about myself, on the outside but even more so
on the inside. I used to have a lot of skin and
health problems: psoriasis, insomnia, anxiety,
but it is amazing how an active and healthy
lifestyle has changed my body and mind for good.
What parts of living naturally have you
adopted into your life?
I try to go to the gym three or four times a
week. I have been doing this for a year and
started feeling the results come on quite
quickly. My skin got better, I slept better and
most importantly I was in a better mood. My
favourite sport is windsurfing, but sadly I do
not live near the sea and do not have much
time between my classes and work.
I go running in the park and go to the gym
instead. For my skin
I always use natural
products that are suitable
for sensitive skintypes. If
not, I get lots of problems
such as allergies or acne.
I also drink a lot of water and avoid non-
natural drinks. I love cold pressed juices and
cleanse my body with a detox treatment based
on juices once a month, the results are amazing.
As a model, is it difficult to be healthy in a
conscious way?
As I said, I became healthy when I started
working for my agency. However, after seeing
the positive effects of a well-balanced health
routine, I realised that it is not something I
should do not only because of my career, but
for myself. The changes I have experienced
only gave me more motivation to continue.
Do you like representing this lifestyle with
products you model for?
I am not very concerned about this, as long as it
is not a product that promotes negative habits or
has nothing to do with me. But to be honest I am
not very selective with the brands I work with.
Sometimes I like them, sometimes I do not.
An active and healthy
lifestyle has changed my
body and mind for good
Sana Magazine.indd 23 11/03/2015 10:59:20
Do you believe the healthiness of the mind and
body go hand in hand?
I think a balance between a healthy body and a
healthy mind is what gives you happiness.
Both things are related. An unhealthy
mind, stress, depression, can have an
effect on your body, and the other way
round. In my case I had psoriasis, but a
year ago I quit smoking and started
exercising every week and made it a daily
routine. My disease stopped automatically.
I was impressed and happy and instantly
became a believer in that a healthy mind and
healthy body can change anything. I really
think exercising is life-changing, it makes you
feel better, stronger and more confident. So
yes, the mind and body affect each other
Are more models around you getting into this
Almost all of the models are into this healthy
lifestyle because it is something that your
work demands. In order to work well you
have to sleep well, be balanced and take care
of your skin. Each career requires a
different ability, physical or mental. In this
case, to be a model you have to take care of
your body, which does not mean you just have
to be skinny, which many people believe this
industry to be all about.
What kind of workouts do you do?
I like yoga, and I’d love to try bikram yoga
someday. I see working out as a way to free
my energy and relieve my stress after work,
class or even an argument.
What would you recommend for someone who
wants to to start a healthier life?
Not to push themselves too much. You have to
know your limits and your aims. Be informed,
not everything you read on the internet is true.
Always have in mind where you want to be
tomorrow in order to not lose your
motivation when things get tough. For me,
personally, I don’t pressure myself too much,
I choose what I like and what I enjoy and I am
aware of the benefits of the products bring to
my health. I also take them on as a routine,
which helps me see it as more bearable and
Bego travels a lot because of her work,
giving her an even bigger reason to stay healthy
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Although she does not live close to
the beach, Bego enjoys water sports
Sana Magazine.indd 25 11/03/2015 10:59:27
HealerMartha Aguayo sat down with Luisa Barrientos and
Sana Magazine.indd 26 11/03/2015 10:59:28
somethingelsetofunctionattheirbest? AReiki
thatisextremelyimportantaswell. Andthatis
“It is my
passion, I
was born
for this, it
is my life
Sana Magazine.indd 27 11/03/2015 10:59:28
withoutexpectations. Buttheleastthatcanhappen
Martha meditating on Snowdon last year
At a Kundalini yoga retreat
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Sana Magazine.indd 29 11/03/2015 10:59:35
LUSHWhat is the big hype about these
Cosmetics? Hanna Aanerud looks
into what makes Lush stand out
Sana Magazine.indd 30 11/03/2015 10:59:37
is a lifetime goal
and the core value of
our company
Have you ever been standing in a store in
need of a new body lotion, but unsure of what
to buy because of the vast selection of brands
and products. You are probably not alone
about that. But do you ever think twice about
what products you buy, or do you simply
choose whatever is closest to you?
A brand that stands out from the rest,
when it comes to both politics and quality, is
Lush Fresh Handmade
Cosmetics. Founded in
1994 and with over 800
stores in 51 countries,
Lush is definitely a well-
established brand by
now. And yes, just like
the name claims,
everything is handmade. The products are
made in what is called the Lush Kitchen and
have an expiration date of what is usually
around one year. They have a range of
products, including soaps, shampoos and
their quite famous bath bombs.
Even though their products are
impeccable, that is still not the
main reason why Lush deserves
attention. Their products are
already popular all around the
world, but what deserves more
attention is probably their political
stand. It is written right on their
bags – fighting animal testing.
“Our Fighting Animal Testing
commitment means that Lush has
a variety of positions and policies
that both govern our own actions,
to ensure that our business
practices are free of animal testing, and reach
out to the wider world to help eliminate the
use of animals in testing worldwide,” it reads
on their website.
“The strength of feeling against this
unscientific and cruel practice has not dimin-
ished over the years, which means that it is
safe to say that Fighting Animal Testing is not
just a Lush position and policy, but is a
lifetime goal and the core value of our company.”
Rather than testing their products on
animals, like many companies still do, Lush
decided to take a stand and do things
differently. They test their products on human
volunteers, rather than innocent animals.
‘Cruelty free’ is defined
as a label for products
or activities that do not
harm or kill animals.
Products tested on
animals are not
considered cruelty free,
since these tests are
often painful and cause the suffering of
millions of animals every year. To be on Peta’s
list of cruelty free make-up, brands have
to sign a statement of assurance verifying
they do not
conduct, commission, or pay for any tests
on animals for ingredients, formulations, or
finished products and that they pledge not to
do so in the future.
Lush Cosmetics is one of the brands on this
list. They have gone far in their work towards
Lush is known for pulling stunts, right, to protest animal
testing in the cosmetics industry
Sana Magazine.indd 31 11/03/2015 10:59:40
a cruelty free industry, and are known for
demonstrating quite dramatically.
In 2012 a 24-year-old performance artist
called Jacqueline Traide, was hauled on a
leash into the window of Lush’s Regent Street
shop window. She was up for 10 hours of
extreme performance art, live streamed for
anyone to see. While she was in the window,
she endured a series of animal tests, including
forced-feeding, eye-irritancy tests and two
saline injections.
The performance piece sparked controversy,
and most people were horrified of witnessing
the tests being done on a human being, right
in front of their eyes. This was exactly what
Lush Cosmetics wanted to happen - they
wanted people to realise what millions of
animals go through every year, just so we can
have our beauty products.
As Tamsin Omond, Lush’s campaign
manager, put it: “We used our flagship shop
to put a window on to one form of oppression
that all who buy cosmetics thoughtlessly, are
complicit in. Thisisatoughtruthtoacknowledge
and be challenged by but it is also an
essential truth for all cosmetics’ consumers
to recognise if we are going to have an animal
cruelty-free industry.
“We performed a version of oppression
in which we are all complicit, to challenge
women and men to consider the dark secrets
of a beauty industry that insists it exists to
make us ‘feel good’,” said Omond.
Lush Cosmetics also has less dramatical
ways to make a change. In 2007 they created
what is called ‘Charity Pots’, where every
penny of your purchase are donated to small
groups around the
world that need help
to make a difference.
In 2013, in the UK
and Ireland alone,
their customers
raised £592,380.
Globally they raised
over £3,000,000.
There is a long list
of animal friendly
brands, and Lush
is far from the only
one. Peta has made a long list of what
products are cruelty free, and the list is
updated constantly, with brands being
removed if they change their policies or
ingredients supplier.
Your next make-up purchase can be a
thoughtful one. When you stand in front of the
mascaras, try to look for one on Peta’s list. If you
decide to support Lush’s charity pots or look into
what products are animal friendly, remember: a
small change can make a big difference.
Lush’s Charity Pots, above,
where they donate 100%
of the price (minus the
taxes) to small, grassroots
organisations that could
use a helping hand
The Lush Kitchen, right,
changes their menu daily,
with products available for
21 days only
Sana Magazine.indd 32 11/03/2015 10:59:42
Sana Magazine.indd 33 11/03/2015 10:59:43
The Five Tibetan Rites are essentially a yoga
routine made up of different movements. If you are
new to the Rites, it is best you start with just three
repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase
them to 21.
So how can five movements tone your arms,
stomach, hips, legs and back, increase your energy,
give you mental clarity,? The rites stimulate the
body’s energy system, waking up the chakras, and
getting your energy to move outward.
Dr Jung, a Korean acupuncturist doctor, said:
“Doing the rites improves circulation and posture,
and there is an increase in overall body energy. The
body’s healing potential increases too, and the body
is able to heal from the inside out.
“The best time is in the morning, since the
increase in energy will last throughout the whole
day. If a person does it in the middle of the day,
or at night, they may not be able to sleep well.” Dr
Jung said.
Pay attention to what your body tells you and
focus on your breathing. Your breathing should fol-
low a pattern: inhale, hold filled lungs, exhale, hold
empty lungs
Rite 1
Extend your arms out to your side, and spin as
fast as you can, without losing control. Focus your
vision on a point straight ahead.
Rite 2
Arms along your sides, raise head, tuck it into your
straight. Lower both at same time, breath out.
Rite 3
Place hands on back of legs, tilt head back, arching
spine backward and look up. Return to orginal
position. Repeat.
Rite 4
Begin seated, inhale and push through feet and
hands, bend knees and come up to tabletop posi-
tion with head tilted back. Exhale and go back to
seated position.
Rite 5
Start on all fours, spine arched downward, slowly
lift buttocks to make an inverted ‘V’, tuck chin,
lower buttocks, until you are in plank position,
moving your chest out and shoulders back, inhale
on your way up and exhale on your way down.
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 34 11/03/2015 10:59:48
Time to go
LuisaBarrientosdiscovers buying locallyhas
As you start getting into
spring mode, think of the
fresh produce becoming
available. For spring, Luisa
Barrientos found there are
ten clear winners to make the
new season delicious.
Eating locally grown food looks better on a plate,
tastes better and makes you feel better. Farmers
make sure the produce they are selling are at their
peak and is ready to be consumed. Buying produce
at supermarkets means you do not know how long it
took to get from the fields to where you are.
Imported food will always be older than foods
available at farmers markets for the simple reason
it has travelled long distances, and after it is likely
to sit in warehouses before being brought out to the
front. Buying your food from a local farmers market
is making sure your food has the most nutrients
possible; the shorter the time and distance between
farms to table, the better the food is for you.
Quick Bits
6. Favabeans:highinproteinandfiber.Young
7. Apricots:small,yetincrediblysweetand
4. Peas:hittingtheirpeakfromApriluntilJune.
5. Radishes:rangingmildtosharpandgoeswell
mushroomswithaspongytexture andnutty
Sana Magazine.indd 35 11/03/2015 10:59:52
Can yoga change your life? Of course.
Besides leading you towards a happier and
more forward way of thinking, yoga has a
multitude of physical and social benefits.
Yoga teaches you breathing exercises and
poses which help you to cope better with
stressors as well as teaches you to slow down.
Lots of research shows people who suffer
from migraines have fewer and less
painful migraines after three months of
yoga practice.
As you become more in tune with your
body and your mind, you can actually start to
listen to your inner voice.
The quality of your sleep will improve
because of the stimulatory effect yoga has on
the nervous system, and in particular, the brain.
It has been claimed that yoga practice is
associated with mindful eating, an awareness
of physical and emotional sensation
s associated with eating. By causing breath
awareness, regular yoga practice strengthens
the mind-body connection.
Lying on your back,
bend your legs
and put your feet
at your hips width. Lift your pelvis and hips,
trying to move onto your shoulders. Put your
arms along your legs with your palms facing
down, or clasp your hands under your body
on the floor.
From the standing-forward fold position,
place the hands
shoulder-width apart
on the ground and
step back with both
feet into Downward-
Facing Dog. Push
down into the hands to lengthen the sides,
and lift the hips up. It should look like an
upside down “V”, or a dog trying to get its tail
high up in the air.
Start by stand-
ing with the
feet hip-width
apart. Hinge from the hips and fold your upper
body over the legs, and hold onto the forearms.
Hang here with your legs straight or slightly
bent in at the knees. Let your head empty itself
of any stress.
at your hips width. Lift your pelvis and hips,
down into the hands to lengthen the sides,down into the hands to lengthen the sides,down into the hands to lengthen the sides,
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 36 11/03/2015 10:59:54
Do you feel connected with your body?
b)Well, sometimes
Do you smoke?
b)Only when I go out with friends
How often do you drink alcohol?
a)I prefer drinking natural drinks
b)3-5 times a week
c) At least 2 times a day
Are you aware of eating in a healthy
a) Yes, I am in fact
b)Yes but I don’t always do it
c)No, I eat what I fancy everyday
The number of portions of fruit and
vegetables you have in a typical day is:
a) Five or more
b)Between two and four
c)One or less
How often do you go for a walk during the
a) Everyday! At least for 45 minutes
b)I don’t have too much time for that, but I try to
walk 20 minutes a day
c)I don’t have time for walking, I always use the
car/ public transport
Do you spend time on thinking about your-
self and your feelings?
a) Sure! I have at least 20 minutes to get relaxed
and think about myself everyday before sleeping
b)I try to get relaxed and think about my feelings
and myself whenever I can
c)I don’t have time for that!
On a given day, how much time do you spend
walking? This includes everything from
walking the dog to time at the gym
a)More than 60 minutes per day
b)From 30 to 60 minutes per day
c) Less than 30 minutes per day
Every a): 3 points
Every b): 1 point
Every c): 0 points
18-24 points: CONGRATS! Your health and mind are in balance and are working perfectly! Keep up your routine and
let’s get healthier everyday!
11-18 points: Well done! You are doing well, but remember that the best way to be SANA is to keep a balance between
your mind and body!
Less than 11 points: You can do better! Do not worry beacuse it is never too late to change your habits and we are here
to help you and provide you the best tips to become more SANA! Remember that being healthy is more than eating healthy
food and you need to make it a daily routine!
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 37 11/03/2015 10:59:56
Want some tips on whwat the shops have to offer these days?
This is what the staff is currently spending their money on.
Wind down with a hot bath and get carried
away from your everyday life with these
amazing bath bombs from Lush.
Olive leaf extracts has almost endless health
benefits. This one from Olé is our favourite.
Eos lip balm to keep your lips moisturised in the sun.
Pukka have some of the best tea on the market. Our
favourite? Cleanse - organic nettle, fennel and peppermint
tea. It helps to purify your skin as well as it tastes amazing.
The Body Shop has several versions of their body
butter, but we just cannot get enough of that rasberry
smell. Welcome spring with this summer fragrant.
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 38 11/03/2015 10:59:57
Tag your instagram photos with
#sana for the chance to be
featured on this page.
Quick Bits
Sana Magazine.indd 39 11/03/2015 11:00:17
Sana Magazine.indd 40 11/03/2015 11:00:19

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Sana Magazine3

  • 1. SANABe Natural In Your Own Skin £3.99 April 2015 BegoMartinOn leading a natural lifestyle and her life as a model Martha Aguayo CLAIRVOYANT HEALER 5Steps to a GLOWING skin IN/OUT TREND YOGA Workouts Sana Magazine.indd 1 11/03/2015 10:58:32
  • 2. contents 21 26 39 BEAUTY FOOD HEALTH FEATURES QUICK BITS Newbie Column On/Off of trend 10 products for spring Buying locally Yoga Quiz Staff favourites Sana online DIY Mask 5 Steps to a glowing skin Beauty products at home Stevia Recipes A week of meditation Sana for the summer Workouts Bego Martin Clairvoyant Healer Lush Cosmetics 3 5 35 35 36 37 38 39 9 9 10 13 14 16 17 18 21 26 30 Sana Magazine.indd 2 11/03/2015 10:58:34
  • 3. STAFFLIST EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Luisa Barrientos Yes, it was raining and sunny at the same time, it was golorious. SUB- EDITOR Hanna Aanerud Yes, during a festival I was at my with friends. A great concert and a good memory. ART DIRECTOR Carmen Mendez Yes, on a beach in Brighton once. I was with a group of friends, it was a lot of fun. NEWBIE COLUMN Changing lifestyle choices is never an easy decision to take and keep to. So why would you change them all at once? Trust me, it is not the smartest idea, if you are used to French fries rather than celery sticks, to quit a lifestyle ‘cold turkey’. To be successful as a health newbie, it is best to take it in baby steps. Instead of throwing out everything in your fridge and pantry and going out to buy fresh and organic, take baby steps. Before your next market day, look at healthy recipes, foods and tips and make a list. This lifestyle is not about depriving or punishing yourself. Want to have those sweet potato fries? Have them! No guilt here. Everything you have heard in the past, throw it out. Only these truths matter: fresh, is good; buying locally, it is better. Eat what is right for your own body and focus on how it reacts to what you are putting inside it. A big part of being healthy is also exercising. Yeah, it can be tough to increase workouts, but once you do it feels good! Through exercise, we work our muscles and minds and produce QUESTIONOFTHEMONTH Have you ever danced in the rain? SANA 3 Quick Bits endorphins. Workouts like yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi will leave you feeling both physically and mentally tired and fulfilled. A workout cannot be just about the calories you burn or how much you sweat; a workout also has to be about the benefits your body will receive. This change is 360, and it is not always easy. Taking baby steps is okay. If it is the way to ensure you have success in this new lifestyle, go for it, no one will judge you for it. The only person’s opinion you should be worried about is your own. LB Sana Magazine.indd 3 11/03/2015 10:58:37
  • 4. Editor’sLetterThis month at Sana we have started to feel the heat of summer start breezing through. But we are not getting our swimsuits and sunscreen just yet. Instead, we are looking to get our minds and bodies ready for the season that stresses the majority of us, even though it is a season like any other. I say summer and many of you will think of putting on a swimsuit in front of others. Let me guess, for a lot of you, that terrifies you. But it should not, if you are nourishing and loving your body. Here at Sana we embrace natural beauty, in all its forms. In this issue we sat down with Spanish model Bego Martin and spoke about livingnaturallyinthemodelingindustry.Begoisarole modeltousall,keepingahealthymindandbodyasherpriorities, evenwithagruelingscheduleofschoolandmodeling. Reiki Master, Martha Aguayo spoke to us about our energetic body and how she works with it during an energy session, to get us performing back to 100 per cent. In her interview with us, Martha explains what to expect from a session and how your body can benefit from healing its energy. Feeling positive yet? The months before summer can seem hectic, but we need to remember to slow down throughout our day. Our bodies need breaks to refuel, but our minds also need a few minutes during busy days to process the day’s events. Quick Bits 4 SANA 3Stepstobe SANA 1. EAT HEALTHY Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients. You will feel your best and have plenty of energy. But remember: eating healthy does not mean being on a diet, it means making some changes you can live with. 2. LAUGH EVERY DAY An old Yiddish proverb says, “What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.” Laughter makes you feel good and puts you in high spirits, but it also causes physiological responses that protects your body from disease and helps your vital organs repair themselves. Laughter relaxes the whole body, relieves physical tension and stress. Laugh to keep your organs happy and healthy. 3. EXERCISE YOUR BODY AND MIND You have probably heard countless times that “exercise is good for you”? Getting the right amount of exercise can increase your energy levels and even help you to improve your mood. Exercise benefits every part of the body and it makes your body produce endorphins, chemicals that help you feel peaceful and happy. It is also a good way to be able to sleep better. Plus, it can give people a real sense of acomplishment. Sana Magazine.indd 4 11/03/2015 10:58:38
  • 5. Coconut Oil It is extracted from the kernel or meat of matured coconuts and it has many different uses, both in food and medicine. The health benefits of this oil include hair and skin care, stress relief, cholesterol level maintenance, weight loss, proper digestion and regulated metabolism. It also provides relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Sweet Potato Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, which provides a number of healthy aging benefits. Beta-carotene contributes to healthy skin and eyes. It also helps to protect your skin from sun damage and signs of aging by preventing the breakdown of collagen in your skin. Sweet potatoes also contain high amounts of Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which help you maintain a healthy immune system. While these foods are usually associated with fall meals, try incorporating them into your diet year-round to see their anti-aging benefits. Sulfate-Free Shampoos These have become increasingly popular the last couple of years. While using this kind of shampoo you can liberate your scalp from irritations. After a few washes, you will notice the difference between these kind of shampoos and those who contain sulfates. Quick Bits SANA 5 ONTREND Sana Magazine.indd 5 11/03/2015 10:58:44
  • 6. Saccharin The best thing to do is avoid all artificial and chemi- cal sweetener substitutes. They have no food value, trick the body into thinking it is eating something sweet and they have harmful toxic side effects. Gel Nail Polish For women who have problems with weak, soft, brittle nails, artificial nails can seem like a godsend. But artificial nails are glued on top of your real ones, and the gap in- between creates a breeding ground for fungus. Even worse, this is an area where painful bacterial infec- tion can develop. The best way to maintain your nails beautiful and healthy is to use natural care. Synthetic Make-up Natural is always best for your skin, if you want to look beautiful, take a look at all of the new brands that offer natural make up products. They are less likely to harm your skin or hair. Because they provide the natural ingredients the skin needs. Quick Bits 6 SANA OFFTREND Sana Magazine.indd 6 11/03/2015 10:58:51
  • 7. Sana Magazine.indd 7 11/03/2015 10:58:53
  • 8. Sana Magazine.indd 8 11/03/2015 10:58:54
  • 9. SANA 9 5 STEPS TO A GLOWING SKIN 5.Drink lots of water Water helps remove toxins that cause inflammation as well as giving nutrients and oxygen to your skin cells. By drinking water you are preventing premature aging. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. LB 4.Go to bed early You might want to stay up to watch TV, but the next morning your skin will be paying the price. Amy Wechsler, an Americanwdermotol- gist,says not getting enough sleep “makes you look pale and washed out if you only get a few hours.” Your skin needs time to rejuvenate. 3.Washawaythemake-up Sleeping with makeup not only clogs pores, it causes dryness and it also makes your skin age faster. 2.Put your beauty products in order According to Syed Amiry, an American dermatologist, having an order to your skin routine is as important as the prod- ucts you use. Use the products with the most active ingredients first and work your way down the line. 1.Bring on the sunscreen You have heard this since you were little, but wearing sun- screen is the best way to protect your skin and looking younger. There is sun during winter too. Beauty BRIGHTENING AND TIGHTENING FACE MASK If your skin is in need of a quick, soothing remedy or you simply want to have a spa day in the comfort of your own home, then this facial treatment is your answer. Egg whites are known to tighten the skin and shrink pores. Lemon juice works wonders for your skin, lightening dark spots and scars from acne.Italsohasantibacterial propertiesandhelpsspeedupthehealingof existing acne. Raw honey has many health benefits, a few are that it draws moisture to the skin and helps retain it. Try it and see for yourself. HA Ingredients 1 Egg White ½ Tablespoon Raw Honey ½ Tablespoon Fresh Lemon Juice Instructions Placealltheingredientsinadeepbowl.Whip briskly with a fork for 1-2 minutes, or whisk until foamy. Washanddryyourface,andthen,using yourfingersorasmallbrush,spreadthemixture overyourentireface,avoidingtheeyearea.Spread itonasthicklyaspossiblewithoutitdripping. Leavethemaskonfor30minutes,oruntilithas completelydriedandfeelstightonyourskin. Rinsethemaskoffwithwarmwater,usingawash- clothtogentlywipethemaskaway.Splashyour facewithverycoldwaterandgentlypatdry. DIY Sana Magazine.indd 9 11/03/2015 10:58:55
  • 10. 10 SANA Beauty BEAUTY PRODUCTS AT HOME You do not have to spend a fortune to look good. You probably have everything you need in your kitchen, ready to use. Hanna Aanerud gives you a few ways to look better this spring, for practically no money at all. TIPS Download the SkinDeep app and scan your products to make sure they are natural YOU NEED 1/2 avocado 2 tsp aloe vera gel 1 tsp olive oil Mash the avocado, add the other ingredients and mix well. Apply on clean, dry skin. Let it work for 10-15 minutes. This mask works wonders on irritated or sunburned skin. Do not make more than you need, remember, avocado turns brown if you do not use it right away. AVOCADO FACIAL Sana Magazine.indd 10 11/03/2015 10:58:58
  • 11. SANA 11 Beauty BROWN SUGAR It has never been easier to make your own body scrub. Simply take two parts brown sugar and one part coconut oil, mix it together in a bowl or a spare jar you have lying around and voila - your own home- made body scrub. Save money on those expensive scrubs, you will definitely not find anything cheaper. OLIVE OIL Tired of spending money on expensive make-up wipes that, when you think about, have not really been that “kind to your eyes” as they promised they would be.Whynotchangeyournightlyroutine a bit and try to remove your make-up using olive oil instead. Simply apply as much olive oil as you feel necessary and wipe off using cotton pads. It is as simple as that. Sana Magazine.indd 11 11/03/2015 10:59:01
  • 12. St ‘C Sana Magazine.indd 12 11/03/2015 10:59:03
  • 13. We always want to add that teaspoon of sugar to our morning coffee, make it less bitter and make the caffeine kick a little sweeter. But most of us avoid spicing our morning drink up to avoid high fructose intake. But what if you could sweeten up your mornings without feeling bad? Stevia has become the answer to your taste buds. Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener in Latin America, where it originates from, for centuries. In just two years, it shot to the top of the popularity charts, being picked up by major companies, like Pepsi and Coca Cola, who instead of using sugar to sweeten their products, have turned to Stevia to make the products healthier. Obviously, you are not adding the plant to your coffee or tea, you are adding a refined version or extract of the plant’s isolated sweet compounds. Two of the major sweet compounds that are isolated from the leaves are Rebaudioside A and Stevioside. These two compounds are hundreds of times sweeter than plain sugar. But, once they are turned into the extract and refined version, they have zero calories, zero carbohydrates and no artificial ingredients. Stevia is 200 times sweeter than normal sugar, so remember; a little goes a long way. You do not want to be adding too much. Stevia can also be used for cooking and baking. The only downside to that is it does not carmalise or brown in the way sugar does; so do not go using it in your crème brulee recipe. Stevia can be purchased in liquid or powdered concentrates and while there are different brands out there, we recommend an organic version with no extra unnatural addi- tives. Although this little plant may seem like our saving grace, do not get carried away with it. Just because something is almost zero everything that does not mean it can help you lose weight or keep you in shape. Remember, nothing is magical so add it to your drinks and foods rationally. You can actually eat stevia leaves, or put them in drinks as a garnish SANA 13 Stevia:The ‘CANDYLEAF’ Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener in the way sugar does; so do not using it in your crème brulee recipe. Stevia can be purchased in liquid or powdered concentrates and while there are different brands out there, we recommend an organic version with no extra unnatural addi- tives. Although this little plant may seem like Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener Food Luisa Barrientos tells us about the leaf sweetening up our lives We always want to add that teaspoon of sugar to our morning coffee, make it less bitter and make the caffeine kick a little sweeter. But most of us avoid spicing our morning drink up to avoid high fructose intake. But what if you could sweeten up your mornings without feeling bad? Stevia has become the answer to your taste buds. Stevia has been used as a natural sweetener Stevia:The ‘CANDYLEAF’ intake. But what if you could sweeten up your baking. The only downside to that is it does not carmalise or brown in the way sugar does; so do not go using it in your crème brulee recipe. Stevia can be purchased in liquid or powdered concentrates and while there are intake. But what if you could sweeten up your Food Luisa Barrientos tells us about the leaf sweetening up our lives baking. The only Sana Magazine.indd 13 11/03/2015 10:59:09
  • 14. 14 SANA Food TACOSYOU NEED 1 tbsp olive oil 1 onion 1 red or green pepper 2 carrots 2 celery sticks 2 garlic cloves 1 chili 2 tsp tomato purée 1 box crushed tomatoes 1 dl water 2 tsp cayenne pepper 1,5 tsp cumin 2 tsp turmeric 1 tsp coriander powder 400g chicken Sauté the chicken, and then put it aside. Chop up the onion, pepper, carrots and celery and fry in oil for a couple of minutes before putting it in a pot. Add garlic and chili and cook for a couple more minutes. Then add the tomato purée and some salt and pepper if you want extra flavour. Let it simmer on medium heat and add the crushed tomatoes. Lastly, add all the spices and let it all cook for about 15 minutes. Add the chicken towards the end of the cooking time. Serve with wraps, sour cream and avocado. INSTRUCTIONS TIPS Replace the chicken with beans for a vegatarian option GET COOKING Serves 4 Sana Magazine.indd 14 11/03/2015 10:59:10
  • 15. SANA 15 Food BREAKFAST PANCAKES YOU NEED 200g self-raising flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 egg 3 dl milk (soy/almond/dairy) A knob of coconut oil/butter INSTRUCTIONS Mix the dry ingredients together in a bowl and then add the egg, milk and oil. Cook in a pan, preferably in coconut oil. Serve with fresh berries or honey and greek yoghurt. 5-6 pancakes Sana Magazine.indd 15 11/03/2015 10:59:12
  • 16. A WEEK OF MEDITATION Every single one of us has at some point felt stressed and felt like our body and mind are not cooperating. If you are feeling this, the solution may be easier than you thought: meditation. I know, I was sceptical at first too. For thousands of years, people have practised meditation for spiritual, physical and emotional well-being. They can not all be wrong, right? I did a simple Google search digging deeper into the world of meditation. After looking through articles, I found a guide online to meditating yourself to sleep. As someone who has trouble falling asleep, I figured this was something to try. It is a 10-step guide, and breaking it down, this is how it is supposed to go down: First, you had to breathe deeply and regularly for about 1-2 minutes. Next, become aware of your body. Where does it hurt, where do you feel pressure or discomfort? The next step was to think about how your day had been. Next, relax your whole body – one body part at a time. Start with one toe, and work your way to your head. It said you might have fallen asleep by this point, and surely, I had. The next day I woke up feeling well rested and, dare I say, more at peace. I was among the people who, for many years, considered meditation as something that was not for me. But, it turned out to be the other way around. After meditating before bed, I must say I have almost never had a better week of sleep. I did not have any trouble falling asleep. I simply had a better memory of the day before and was more well rested for the day to come. Now, let us look at some of the facts. Meditation is proved to decrease stress, pain, anxiety and depression. It has also been found to improve memory, self-awareness and goal setting. Scientists say meditation is a way of “work- ing out your brain” and I would definitely recommend it before going to sleep, it might work wonders. For thousands of years, people have practised meditation for spiritual, physical and emotional well-being Meditation not for you? Hanna Aanerud thought so too, until she tried it for a week. Health 16 SANA Sana Magazine.indd 16 11/03/2015 10:59:13
  • 17. Health SANA 17 Summer iscoming GETYOURSKINREADY! THEIMPORTANCEOFSELF-ESTEEM Be aware of your nutrition: There is no magic food, but the experts all agree that it is very im- portant to eat five fruits and vegetables a day. Dur- ing these months it is recom- mended to consume those with a high content of Beta-caro- tene, lycopene and Vitamine C, like tomatoes, carrots, watermelon, oranges and pumpkins. Use preventive products: The best time to apply these products is fifteen days before you expose your skin to the sun, so that your skin builds a resistance to the radiation waves. Also it prevents your skin from irritation and will enhance your natural tan. Exfoliate your skin: It is important to eliminate impuri- ties and dead cells. Then you will renew your skin whichis perfectfor gettingtanin ahealthyway. Hydrate your skin daily: Especially after exfoliating your skin, it is essential to hydrate your skin consciously. Always apply sun pro- tection before tanning: It will actually prevent the risk of cancer, even if it will take you a little longer to tan, it is not worth risking your skin and health at the cost of getting a nice tan. It is important to be aware of your self-esteem, as it affects both your mind and body. With the summer months coming up, keep these five things in mind. 1. The first step is believing in yourself. If you do not respect yourself, how do you expect others to? 2. You believe you are worthy of happiness and you feel worthy of respect. 3. Your self-esteem has a profound effect on your emotions, happiness, desires, values and goals. 4. You can still feel respect and be proud of yourself even if you make a mistake. 5. It is an integral part of personal happiness, fulfilling relationships and achieving your goals. Health We all want to get tan. But be careful, being ill-prepared can cause damage to your skin. Here are some tips from Carmen Mendez to prepare for your days in the sun. Sana Magazine.indd 17 11/03/2015 10:59:14
  • 18. NoGear, NWorking out at home has never been easier. With this eight-move workout, Luisa the use of gym equipment, all you need is time and space. Don’t forget, it is okay to ta Wraparound Ankle Touch Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12 Standwithyourlegstogether,bendyouright knee90degreessoyouarebalancingonyour leftleg.Squatandreachwithyourrightarmfor theoutsideofyourleftfootwithyourfingertips. Keepyourbackasstrightaspossiblewhile reaching.Pressbackupsostartonotherside. Grand Plie Squat Jump and Reach Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15 Standwithyourlegswideapart,toesturnedout andarmsatyourside.Squatuntilyourthighsare paralleltothegroundandyouarelowenoughto touchitwithyourfingertips.Immediatelyjump ashighasyoucan,keepingyourlegswideandex- tendingyourarmsstraightoveryourhead.Repeat Windshield Wiper Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12 Bend the knees and lift your legs until they are parallel with your hips. With your palms pressed to the floor, lower your legs to the left. Go as far as you can, while keeping your right shoulder glued to the floor. Bring legs back to center, repeat on other side. Front Lunge Floor Reach and Reverse Twist Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15 Standfeethip-lengthapart,armsatsides.Lunge forward,rightkneealmosttouchingthefloor, leftthighisparalleltothefloor.Bendforward,try touchingtheflooroneithersideofyourleftfoot. Pushoffyourleftfoot, usingthatmomentum, switchlegs.Sinkbackintothelunge,rotateyour torso45degreestotheright.Returntostanding. 18 SANA Health Sana Magazine.indd 18 11/03/2015 10:59:15
  • 19. NoProblemut, Luisa Barrientos gets your heart pumping and muscles working, all without okay to take break in between reps. Get your towel and water and get started! Pushup Position Bird Dog Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12 Start in a pushup position, with your hands slightly farther apart than your shoulders. Keep your back straight as you tighten your abs and extend your right arm and left leg. Lower them both, but keep your torso up. Repeat lifting your left arm and right leg. Chair Pose Squat Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15 Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and arms at your sides. Squat, until thighs are parallel to the floor, keeping your arms straight, bring them forward and up until they are in line with your ears. Return to standing, lift right knee to hip height as you cross your arms over your body. Repeat on other side. Supine Row Sets: 2-3 Reps: 8-12 Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat and arms at your sides bent at 90 degrees. Pinch your shoulder blades together as you dig your elbows into the floor and lift your head and torso up. Lower and repeat. Pushup Crawl Sets: 3 Reps: 12-15 In plank position, have your hands wider than shoulder-length apart. Lower your chest as close to the floor as you can. Holding that position, lift your right knee to your right elbow. Return to plank position, push back up to start, and repeat on the other side. SANA 19 Health Sana Magazine.indd 19 11/03/2015 10:59:15
  • 20. Sana Magazine.indd 20 11/03/2015 10:59:18
  • 21. The natural modelBego Martin adopted a natural lifestyle to both feel and look good. Carmen Mendez sat down to chat about her routines and get advice on how you can adopt some of them. Sana Magazine.indd 21 11/03/2015 10:59:19
  • 22. Bego is a professional artist as well as a university student Sana Magazine.indd 22 11/03/2015 10:59:20
  • 23. Born in Florida and raised in Spain, 22-year-old Bego Martin, is becoming a promising model on a global scale. When she is not jet setting around the world doing photo shoots for famous brands, she is either creating unique drawings inspired by her travels, nature and asian culture or studying journalism and media at the Carlos III University in Madrid. She combines her studies with her passion: Fashion. Bego adopted a natural lifestyle in part due to her job as a model, but more due to the fact that she wanted to feel good as well as look good. She has a daily routine of beauty regimes which she follows religiously to look and feel her best at all times. Bego sat down with us this month to chat about her routines and give us advice on how we can adopt some of them. What does your daily routine look like? I wash my face every morning and every night with a special soap for sensitive skin. I always remove my makeup before going to sleep. Lately I have been using a new product throughout the day that I adore: thermal spring water facial spray. I have also come to learn that moderate sun exposure has a positive effect on my skin problems such as psoriasis, that I have had since I was 15 years old, but I also recommend it to people with sensitive skin. When and why did you begin living a more natural lifestyle? I started taking natural beauty and wholesome eating seriously when I started to work for my modeling agency, Traffic Models, a year ago. At first I thought about it as part of my job: taking care of my body, being fit and healthy. But soon I realised that living a healthier lifestyle made me feel much better about myself, on the outside but even more so on the inside. I used to have a lot of skin and health problems: psoriasis, insomnia, anxiety, but it is amazing how an active and healthy lifestyle has changed my body and mind for good. What parts of living naturally have you adopted into your life? I try to go to the gym three or four times a week. I have been doing this for a year and started feeling the results come on quite quickly. My skin got better, I slept better and most importantly I was in a better mood. My favourite sport is windsurfing, but sadly I do not live near the sea and do not have much time between my classes and work. I go running in the park and go to the gym instead. For my skin I always use natural products that are suitable for sensitive skintypes. If not, I get lots of problems such as allergies or acne. I also drink a lot of water and avoid non- natural drinks. I love cold pressed juices and cleanse my body with a detox treatment based on juices once a month, the results are amazing. As a model, is it difficult to be healthy in a conscious way? As I said, I became healthy when I started working for my agency. However, after seeing the positive effects of a well-balanced health routine, I realised that it is not something I should do not only because of my career, but for myself. The changes I have experienced only gave me more motivation to continue. Do you like representing this lifestyle with products you model for? I am not very concerned about this, as long as it is not a product that promotes negative habits or has nothing to do with me. But to be honest I am not very selective with the brands I work with. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I do not. An active and healthy lifestyle has changed my body and mind for good SANA 23 Features Sana Magazine.indd 23 11/03/2015 10:59:20
  • 24. Do you believe the healthiness of the mind and body go hand in hand? I think a balance between a healthy body and a healthy mind is what gives you happiness. Both things are related. An unhealthy mind, stress, depression, can have an effect on your body, and the other way round. In my case I had psoriasis, but a year ago I quit smoking and started exercising every week and made it a daily routine. My disease stopped automatically. I was impressed and happy and instantly became a believer in that a healthy mind and healthy body can change anything. I really think exercising is life-changing, it makes you feel better, stronger and more confident. So yes, the mind and body affect each other Are more models around you getting into this lifestyle? Almost all of the models are into this healthy lifestyle because it is something that your work demands. In order to work well you have to sleep well, be balanced and take care of your skin. Each career requires a different ability, physical or mental. In this case, to be a model you have to take care of your body, which does not mean you just have to be skinny, which many people believe this industry to be all about. What kind of workouts do you do? I like yoga, and I’d love to try bikram yoga someday. I see working out as a way to free my energy and relieve my stress after work, class or even an argument. What would you recommend for someone who wants to to start a healthier life? Not to push themselves too much. You have to know your limits and your aims. Be informed, not everything you read on the internet is true. Always have in mind where you want to be tomorrow in order to not lose your motivation when things get tough. For me, personally, I don’t pressure myself too much, I choose what I like and what I enjoy and I am aware of the benefits of the products bring to my health. I also take them on as a routine, which helps me see it as more bearable and doable. 24 SANA Features Bego travels a lot because of her work, giving her an even bigger reason to stay healthy Sana Magazine.indd 24 11/03/2015 10:59:24
  • 25. Although she does not live close to the beach, Bego enjoys water sports Sana Magazine.indd 25 11/03/2015 10:59:27
  • 26. Clairvoyant HealerMartha Aguayo sat down with Luisa Barrientos and spokeabouthergiftandhowshecanshareitwithyou Sana Magazine.indd 26 11/03/2015 10:59:28
  • 27. Todaywearealiveforanotherday,onemore daythatourheartisbeatingandourorgansare workinginsynctokeepuslivingonthisearth. Buthaveyoueverstoppedtothinktheyarenot theonlythingskeepingourbodiesalive?Whatif theseorgansandcellswerelysoheavilyon,relyon somethingelsetofunctionattheirbest? AReiki Masterorenergyhealerwilltellyou,youarealive becauselifeforceisconstantlyflowingthrough yourphysicalbody. Lifeforceisultimately,energy.Lifeforce flowswithinourphysicalbodiesthrough energycanalscalledchakrasandaroundus inacircleofenergycalledouraura.Thislife forcegivesourbodyvitalsupport,sothat itcancompleteitsdailyfunctionsthatare crucialforustokeepbreathingandliving. Likeanythinginthehumanbody,thisenergy canstopworkingproperly,causingdisruption tothefunctionofsomeorgansandcellsin ourbodies. MarthaAguayo,whosetitlesareamongReiki Master,certifiedreconnectiveHealer,certifiedand authorisedtoperformreconnections,FlowerBach TherapistandLifeCoach,isaclairvoyanthealer whoknowsaperson’senergycanbebroughtback toworkingproperlythroughhealingsessions. Beingaclairvoyanthealerisnotsomethingyou become,itissomethingyouare,sheexplained laughing,asnoonehadaskedherwhatkind ofhealershewas.“Iwasbornwiththegift,soI canseethingsorI´mtoldthings(channeling),” shesays.“Beingaclairvoyantjusthelpsmoreas ahealer,Icanseemoreandsometimesthereal causeoftheissue.” Althoughbeingbornwiththegift,Martha hasbeenperfectingit.“Idiscoveredthatitis mypassion,Iwasbornforthis,anditismylife mission,”shesays.“Idecidedtoperfectmyskills sevenyearsago,andIstartedtrainingwiththe besthealersandteachers.” ThehealingsessionsMartha,andotherhealers, givearejustlikeatriptothedoctor,nothingtobe afraidof.“Weallgototraditionaldoctorstosee ourphysicalbody,butwehaveanenergeticbody thatisextremelyimportantaswell. Andthatis whatItreat,yourenergeticbody. “Intheenergeticbodywehavemainenergetic centerswheretheenergyaccumulatesandspreads, theyarecalledchakras.DuringasessionIcheck yourchakras,seehowtheyareworking,andmake suretoleavethemworkingproperly,iftheyare workingproperlythenyourphysical bodywillbeworkingproperly. “Iftheenergeticbodydoesn´twork well,yourphysicalandmotional bodieswillneverfuntionproperly,” Marthatellsus.“Fortheenergetic bodyto work correctly, allofthe chakras haveto bein tunewitheachothersothattheflowofenergyis correctandthebody’senergyiswellbalanced.” Duringasession,healersdonottrytoachieve anything.Peoplewhogooutandseekhealersfor animmediatecureorresultwillbedisappointed. “Rulenumberone,Idonothavetotrytoachieve anythingduringasession,I´mjustanenergy channelandacatalyst,”Marthasays.“Ican´t interferewiththeillnessorevolutionoftheclient, Ican´texpectaresult,whateverhastohappenwill happen.Ijustamplifyandacceleratetheprocess.” Inhersessions,Marthausesthetechniquewhich shebelievestheclientneedsorwants.Eachclient isdifferent;thereforetheywilleachhavedifferent needs.“SomeliketobetreatedjustwithReiki,other justwithreconnectivehealing,”shesays. SANA 27 Features “It is my passion, I was born for this, it is my life mission.” Sana Magazine.indd 27 11/03/2015 10:59:28
  • 28. “Othersjustwanttobehealedandthemethodis allthesameforthem.” Scanningthebodytofindthechakrasthatare notworkingproperly,orwherethereisnegative energybuiltupissomethingallhealerswilldo. However,everyhealerhastheirownmethodsof doingthis.Marthasharedhowshescansaclient’s bodybeforestartinganykindoftreatment.“Iscan eachchakrawithapendulumandthependulum showsmewhichchakrasareworkingwell,not workingorblocked.Icouldscanthechakraswith myhandsbutIfindthequartzcrystalpendulum veryeffectiveandprecise.” Thefirstthingyoushoulddowhengoingtoa session,isgoingwithaclearmind.Goinknowing whatitisthatisbotheringyou,orwhatitisthat broughtyoutoseethehealer,butexpectnothing. Marthagivesthisadvicetous:“Youshouldcome withoutexpectations. Buttheleastthatcanhappen isthatyouendupfeelinggreat,balanced,inpeace andhappy.” Duringasessionanythingcanhappen,ifyouare opentoitandletthehealer dotheirworkonyourbody. Likeanythinginlife,ithelps tobelieveintheworkbeing doneonyourbody.With energytreatments,some peoplecantellthedifference immediatelyafterthehealer isfinished.Forsometheir handsmighttingle,for otherstheirentirebody mightfeelheavy,ortheir headsmighthurt.These areallsignsthatthehealer wasabletotransferpositiveenergyintothechakras thatwerenotfunctioningcorrectly.Whilethebody maybefunctioningatitsbestnow,Marthatells herclientsthat,“drinkingalotofwaterafterthe sessionhelps,andalsoafterthetreatmentIwould recommendtakingiteasy,andrelaxingorrestingif theycan.” Thechangeinenergythroughoutthebody ispowerfulafteronesession,butMartha recommendshavingatleastthreesessionsinorder tohaveacompleteandmorethoroughchangein energy.“Althoughyoucanfeelthedifferenceright away,thetreatmentwillcarryondevelopinginthe nextdaysorweeks.” Theenergeticbodyaffectssomuchofour differentstates,soitislogicalthatthechanges wouldtaketimetofullydevelop.Healingsessions cantransformourbodiesintosomethinghealthier. Healersarejustthechannelsbetweenusandthe HigherPower,wheretheenergycomesfrom. Marthatellsusthatduringthesesessions sheasahealeralsobenefitsbecause,sheis receivingenergybutalso,“Iamwitnessinglife changesinpeople.Ihelptohealtheemotional, physical,spiritualandmentalbodiesofa person,”shesays.“Whentheydothat,they recoverthebalanceinallareasoftheirlife.It iswonderfultoseepeoplehealingandhelping themwiththeopportunityofstartinganewlife. Itisliketakingthemfromdarknesstolight.” Althoughthiskindofmedicinehasbeen aroundforcenturies,peopleareonlynow becomingawareofit.Reconnections,Reiki andhealingsessionsaresomeofthealternatives peopleareturningto.“Humanityiswakingupand lookingforanswers,theyknowthereissomething more,”Marthasays.“Eventraditionaldoctorsare veryintriguedandsomeofthemareevenlearning abouthealingwithenergy.” 28 SANA Features Martha meditating on Snowdon last year At a Kundalini yoga retreat Sana Magazine.indd 28 11/03/2015 10:59:33
  • 29. Sana Magazine.indd 29 11/03/2015 10:59:35
  • 30. LUSHWhat is the big hype about these Cosmetics? Hanna Aanerud looks into what makes Lush stand out fromtheotherbeautybrandsoutthere. Sana Magazine.indd 30 11/03/2015 10:59:37
  • 31. FightingAnimalTesting is a lifetime goal and the core value of our company Features Have you ever been standing in a store in need of a new body lotion, but unsure of what to buy because of the vast selection of brands and products. You are probably not alone about that. But do you ever think twice about what products you buy, or do you simply choose whatever is closest to you? A brand that stands out from the rest, when it comes to both politics and quality, is Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics. Founded in 1994 and with over 800 stores in 51 countries, Lush is definitely a well- established brand by now. And yes, just like the name claims, everything is handmade. The products are made in what is called the Lush Kitchen and have an expiration date of what is usually around one year. They have a range of products, including soaps, shampoos and their quite famous bath bombs. Even though their products are impeccable, that is still not the main reason why Lush deserves attention. Their products are already popular all around the world, but what deserves more attention is probably their political stand. It is written right on their bags – fighting animal testing. “Our Fighting Animal Testing commitment means that Lush has a variety of positions and policies that both govern our own actions, to ensure that our business practices are free of animal testing, and reach out to the wider world to help eliminate the use of animals in testing worldwide,” it reads on their website. “The strength of feeling against this unscientific and cruel practice has not dimin- ished over the years, which means that it is safe to say that Fighting Animal Testing is not just a Lush position and policy, but is a lifetime goal and the core value of our company.” Rather than testing their products on animals, like many companies still do, Lush decided to take a stand and do things differently. They test their products on human volunteers, rather than innocent animals. ‘Cruelty free’ is defined as a label for products or activities that do not harm or kill animals. Products tested on animals are not considered cruelty free, since these tests are often painful and cause the suffering of millions of animals every year. To be on Peta’s list of cruelty free make-up, brands have to sign a statement of assurance verifying they do not conduct, commission, or pay for any tests on animals for ingredients, formulations, or finished products and that they pledge not to do so in the future. Lush Cosmetics is one of the brands on this list. They have gone far in their work towards Lush is known for pulling stunts, right, to protest animal testing in the cosmetics industry SANA 31 Sana Magazine.indd 31 11/03/2015 10:59:40
  • 32. a cruelty free industry, and are known for demonstrating quite dramatically. In 2012 a 24-year-old performance artist called Jacqueline Traide, was hauled on a leash into the window of Lush’s Regent Street shop window. She was up for 10 hours of extreme performance art, live streamed for anyone to see. While she was in the window, she endured a series of animal tests, including forced-feeding, eye-irritancy tests and two saline injections. The performance piece sparked controversy, and most people were horrified of witnessing the tests being done on a human being, right in front of their eyes. This was exactly what Lush Cosmetics wanted to happen - they wanted people to realise what millions of animals go through every year, just so we can have our beauty products. As Tamsin Omond, Lush’s campaign manager, put it: “We used our flagship shop to put a window on to one form of oppression that all who buy cosmetics thoughtlessly, are complicit in. Thisisatoughtruthtoacknowledge and be challenged by but it is also an essential truth for all cosmetics’ consumers to recognise if we are going to have an animal cruelty-free industry. “We performed a version of oppression in which we are all complicit, to challenge women and men to consider the dark secrets of a beauty industry that insists it exists to make us ‘feel good’,” said Omond. Lush Cosmetics also has less dramatical ways to make a change. In 2007 they created what is called ‘Charity Pots’, where every penny of your purchase are donated to small groups around the world that need help to make a difference. In 2013, in the UK and Ireland alone, their customers raised £592,380. Globally they raised over £3,000,000. There is a long list of animal friendly brands, and Lush is far from the only one. Peta has made a long list of what products are cruelty free, and the list is updated constantly, with brands being removed if they change their policies or ingredients supplier. Your next make-up purchase can be a thoughtful one. When you stand in front of the mascaras, try to look for one on Peta’s list. If you decide to support Lush’s charity pots or look into what products are animal friendly, remember: a small change can make a big difference. 32 SANA Features Lush’s Charity Pots, above, where they donate 100% of the price (minus the taxes) to small, grassroots organisations that could use a helping hand The Lush Kitchen, right, changes their menu daily, with products available for 21 days only Sana Magazine.indd 32 11/03/2015 10:59:42
  • 33. Sana Magazine.indd 33 11/03/2015 10:59:43
  • 34. 5TibetanRites 34 SANA Wanttotoneup,butdonothavethetimetohitthe gymeverydayforanhourortwo?Whatifyoudidnot haveto?Whatifallyouhadtodowerefivemoves? The Five Tibetan Rites are essentially a yoga routine made up of different movements. If you are new to the Rites, it is best you start with just three repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase them to 21. So how can five movements tone your arms, stomach, hips, legs and back, increase your energy, give you mental clarity,? The rites stimulate the body’s energy system, waking up the chakras, and getting your energy to move outward. Dr Jung, a Korean acupuncturist doctor, said: “Doing the rites improves circulation and posture, and there is an increase in overall body energy. The body’s healing potential increases too, and the body is able to heal from the inside out. “The best time is in the morning, since the increase in energy will last throughout the whole day. If a person does it in the middle of the day, or at night, they may not be able to sleep well.” Dr Jung said. Pay attention to what your body tells you and focus on your breathing. Your breathing should fol- low a pattern: inhale, hold filled lungs, exhale, hold empty lungs Rite 1 Extend your arms out to your side, and spin as fast as you can, without losing control. Focus your vision on a point straight ahead. Rite 2 Arms along your sides, raise head, tuck it into your chestandliftlegsvertically,breatheinkeepingknees straight. Lower both at same time, breath out. Rite 3 Place hands on back of legs, tilt head back, arching spine backward and look up. Return to orginal position. Repeat. Rite 4 Begin seated, inhale and push through feet and hands, bend knees and come up to tabletop posi- tion with head tilted back. Exhale and go back to seated position. Rite 5 Start on all fours, spine arched downward, slowly lift buttocks to make an inverted ‘V’, tuck chin, lower buttocks, until you are in plank position, moving your chest out and shoulders back, inhale on your way up and exhale on your way down. Quick Bits Sana Magazine.indd 34 11/03/2015 10:59:48
  • 35. 10Products FORSPRING 1.Strawberries:thesedeliciousberrieshittheir peakinApriluntilJunemakingthemextrasweet andjuicyduringthespringseason. Time to go LuisaBarrientosdiscovers buying locallyhas neverbeenmoreattractiveforyourbody. As you start getting into spring mode, think of the fresh produce becoming available. For spring, Luisa Barrientos found there are ten clear winners to make the new season delicious. Eating locally grown food looks better on a plate, tastes better and makes you feel better. Farmers make sure the produce they are selling are at their peak and is ready to be consumed. Buying produce at supermarkets means you do not know how long it took to get from the fields to where you are. Imported food will always be older than foods available at farmers markets for the simple reason it has travelled long distances, and after it is likely to sit in warehouses before being brought out to the front. Buying your food from a local farmers market is making sure your food has the most nutrients possible; the shorter the time and distance between farms to table, the better the food is for you. SANA 35 Quick Bits 3.Sweetcherries:highinfiberandpotassium andhitsitspeakinlatespring,justintimefor homemadepie. 6. Favabeans:highinproteinandfiber.Young favascanbeeatenraworcooked,butmatureones needtobeshelledandskinned. 8.Artichokes:theselayeredvegetablesreachtheir peakinMarchandlastuntilMayandmakea deliciousstartertoanydinner. 2.Asparagus:thesegreenies,highinfiber,iron, BvitaminsandvitaminC.Theyhittheirpeakin MarchandlastuntilJune. 7. Apricots:small,yetincrediblysweetand delicious,apricotsreachtheirpeakinMaythrough August,youcanmakethemintopreserves,bakea cakeoreatthemonthego. 4. Peas:hittingtheirpeakfromApriluntilJune. Theyalsogowithjustaboutanydish. 5. Radishes:rangingmildtosharpandgoeswell withsoups.Forthebestflavourchoosetheones deepincolourwithsolidroots. 9.Rhubarb:HighinvitaminCandpotassium. Thisstalk’speakisfromApriluntilJuly.Though tartbyitself,whensweeteneditgivesdelicious flavourtodesserts. 10.MorelMushrooms:thesecone-shaped mushroomswithaspongytexture andnutty flavourmaketheirpeakinearlyspringandlast untillateJune. LOCAL Sana Magazine.indd 35 11/03/2015 10:59:52
  • 36. YOGA 5BENEFITS WORKOUTS Can yoga change your life? Of course. Besides leading you towards a happier and more forward way of thinking, yoga has a multitude of physical and social benefits. 1) DEALING WITH STRESS BETTER Yoga teaches you breathing exercises and poses which help you to cope better with stressors as well as teaches you to slow down. 2) EASES MIGRAINES Lots of research shows people who suffer from migraines have fewer and less painful migraines after three months of yoga practice. 3) FIND YOUR INNER VOICE As you become more in tune with your body and your mind, you can actually start to listen to your inner voice. 4)SLEEP BETTER The quality of your sleep will improve because of the stimulatory effect yoga has on the nervous system, and in particular, the brain. 5)FIGHT FOOD CRAVINGS It has been claimed that yoga practice is associated with mindful eating, an awareness of physical and emotional sensation s associated with eating. By causing breath awareness, regular yoga practice strengthens the mind-body connection. BRIDGE POSE Lying on your back, bend your legs and put your feet at your hips width. Lift your pelvis and hips, trying to move onto your shoulders. Put your arms along your legs with your palms facing down, or clasp your hands under your body on the floor. DOWNWARD-FACING DOG From the standing-forward fold position, place the hands shoulder-width apart on the ground and step back with both feet into Downward- Facing Dog. Push down into the hands to lengthen the sides, and lift the hips up. It should look like an upside down “V”, or a dog trying to get its tail high up in the air. UPWARD- FACING DOG Start by stand- ing with the feet hip-width apart. Hinge from the hips and fold your upper body over the legs, and hold onto the forearms. Hang here with your legs straight or slightly bent in at the knees. Let your head empty itself of any stress. at your hips width. Lift your pelvis and hips, down into the hands to lengthen the sides,down into the hands to lengthen the sides,down into the hands to lengthen the sides, Quick Bits 36 SANA Sana Magazine.indd 36 11/03/2015 10:59:54
  • 37. HOWSANA AREYOU? Do you feel connected with your body? a)Sure! b)Well, sometimes c)No Do you smoke? a)No b)Only when I go out with friends c)Yes How often do you drink alcohol? a)I prefer drinking natural drinks b)3-5 times a week c) At least 2 times a day Are you aware of eating in a healthy way? a) Yes, I am in fact b)Yes but I don’t always do it c)No, I eat what I fancy everyday The number of portions of fruit and vegetables you have in a typical day is: a) Five or more b)Between two and four c)One or less How often do you go for a walk during the day? a) Everyday! At least for 45 minutes b)I don’t have too much time for that, but I try to walk 20 minutes a day c)I don’t have time for walking, I always use the car/ public transport Do you spend time on thinking about your- self and your feelings? a) Sure! I have at least 20 minutes to get relaxed and think about myself everyday before sleeping b)I try to get relaxed and think about my feelings and myself whenever I can c)I don’t have time for that! On a given day, how much time do you spend walking? This includes everything from walking the dog to time at the gym a)More than 60 minutes per day b)From 30 to 60 minutes per day c) Less than 30 minutes per day ANSWERS: Every a): 3 points Every b): 1 point Every c): 0 points 18-24 points: CONGRATS! Your health and mind are in balance and are working perfectly! Keep up your routine and let’s get healthier everyday! 11-18 points: Well done! You are doing well, but remember that the best way to be SANA is to keep a balance between your mind and body! Less than 11 points: You can do better! Do not worry beacuse it is never too late to change your habits and we are here to help you and provide you the best tips to become more SANA! Remember that being healthy is more than eating healthy food and you need to make it a daily routine! Quick Bits SANA 37 Sana Magazine.indd 37 11/03/2015 10:59:56
  • 38. # 38 SANA Want some tips on whwat the shops have to offer these days? This is what the staff is currently spending their money on. Wind down with a hot bath and get carried away from your everyday life with these amazing bath bombs from Lush. Olive leaf extracts has almost endless health benefits. This one from Olé is our favourite. Eos lip balm to keep your lips moisturised in the sun. Pukka have some of the best tea on the market. Our favourite? Cleanse - organic nettle, fennel and peppermint tea. It helps to purify your skin as well as it tastes amazing. The Body Shop has several versions of their body butter, but we just cannot get enough of that rasberry smell. Welcome spring with this summer fragrant. CURRENT OBSESSIONS Quick Bits Sana Magazine.indd 38 11/03/2015 10:59:57
  • 39. Tag your instagram photos with #sana for the chance to be featured on this page. #Sana SANA 39 Quick Bits Sana Magazine.indd 39 11/03/2015 11:00:17
  • 40. Sana Magazine.indd 40 11/03/2015 11:00:19