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Gatorade for the 50+ Market

           MKTG 632
        Group # ** - Gatorade
       (Names of Group Members)

          December 9th, 2002
Executive Summary
        The purpose of this proposal is to focus on the future of Gatorade and to
demonstrate the advantageousness of considering, researching and possibly developing a new
target audience for the Gatorade product line. In order to continue to be the market leader of this
particular industry, Gatorade has to look in other directions as far as gaining new segments or
developing new market strategies. If they fail to do so, copy-cat products will slowly chip away
their market share and increase competition. “Backed by 35+ years of research, Gatorade has
proven rehydration and performance benefits over water and other beverages,” (Gatorade
Facts). The brand is geared towards athletes who engage in intensive physical activities. The
company sponsors many professional sports leagues. Currently, Gatorade holds over 85% of the
sports beverage market, so initially it seemed unreasonable for them to change the target
audience that has continued to work for them. Yet, we saw an open area on our perceptual map
that we felt Gatorade might want to explore: the age 50+ market. We conducted a survey to see
if the market would be receptive to a sports beverage product marketed towards them. Upon
completion of the data analysis for our Gatorade survey, which screened for the active adult age
50 and over demographic, the potential of a new target audience seems difficult to support.
However, there are several findings from the survey that supports the possibility of starting a
Gatorade water product line which targets active persons age 50 and over. Perhaps, they could
even change their current “Propel” bottled water line to target the active persons age 50 and over
market. Some of the more significant findings are as follows:

       1. 50% of the 44 active persons age 50 and over who returned a complete and
          acceptable response to an exercise frequency question reported that they exercise
          once a day.

       2. 71% of the 28 active females age 50 and over who returned a complete and
          acceptable response to the willingness to try question would try a sports beverage that
          targets their age demographic.

       3. 92% of the 24 persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and returned
          a complete and acceptable response to the water ranked usage question consume
          water more often than any other drink before, during or after exercise.

These statistics support the recommendation that Gatorade could start a new bottled water
product line or change its Propel bottled water product line to target females age 50 and over
who exercise once a day.

Table of Contents

I. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………2

II. Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………….. 3

III. Main Body of the Report
      i. Part 1: Market Profile ……………………………………………………………4-5
      ii. Part 2: Target Segment ………………………………………………………….6
      iii. Part 3: Consumer Behavior …………………………………………………….6-12
      iv. Part 4: Recommendations ………………………………………………………12-13
      v. Sources Used ……………………………………………………………………14

IV. Appendix

      i. Preliminary Proposal ……………………………………………………………...15-17
      ii. Final Proposal ……………………………………………………………………18-23
      iii. First Draft of Questionnaire ……………………………………………………..24-27
      iv. Final Draft of Questionnaire …………………………………………………….28-31
      v. Demographic Tables & Charts …………………………………………………...32-34
      vi. Additional Tables & Charts ……………………………………………………..35-52
      vii. Completed Questionnaires (located in other binder)…………………………… end
      viii. SPSS Table of Coded Data …………………………………………………….53-64
      ix. Powerpoint Slides ……………………………………………………………….65-67

Part One- Market Profile
        Sports beverage market was established to produce beverages, other than water or juice,
for athletes to drink while exercising or playing sports. These types of products have special
ingredients such as vitamins and electrolytes to increase performance levels. Water may keep
you from being dehydrated but it doesn’t provide you with the minerals lost while sweating.
Juices contain too much sugar and carbohydrates, which could slow you down. Athletes are
constantly looking for ways to sustain or increase their level of performance. Luckily, Gatorade
and Powerade have been able to supply these athletes with drinks that contain the necessary
ingredients to help their bodies regain energy needed to finish that crucial 4th quarter or 9th inning
to win a championship.

        According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, there are at least 1 million professional
athletes in the United States. The number of non-professional athletes is estimated to be twice as
much as the paid professionals. The growth rates of this market continue to grow at a consistent
rate because more and more people participate in sports every year. Sports beverage companies
must forecast their marketing strategies to meet the demands of this growing segment.

        The competitive structure of the market follows consumer preferences as they change
over time. Companies are constantly monitoring consumer behavior to determine what they
need to do to accommodate the consumers’ needs as far as flavors, effects from content, pricing,
packaging, and etc. The first to introduce a consumer inspired product usually captures a big
chunk of the market share. The brands that follow suit, slow captures some of the market share
but hardly ever dominates because consumers tend to be brand loyal in this market, and are
hesitant to try new products.

       The primary competitors in the sports drink market are Powerade and All Sport.
Powerade is the main competitor of Gatorade. Powerade and All Sport are discussed further in
the ‘Market Leaders’ section.


Primary Target- Professional/Non-professional athletes
      This group of people play sports and exercise 1.5-4 hours, 4-7 days a week. During those
      strenuous workouts, a lot of vital fluids are being lost and sports beverages are being

consumed to retain those minerals. This segment allows the company to gain high
       exposure through sporting events, especially those that are being televised worldwide.

Secondary Target- Physically active people
      According to the website “Body and Fitness,” people who want to lead a healthy life,
      needs to participate in cardio activity 3-5 days a week for at least an hour. This segment
      contains a large number of people who are consistently thinking about their health and
      will follow a consistent fitness program that will keep them in shape. Sports beverages
      will be there to help assist them in their life-long goal of being fit.

        Gatorade is the market leader for the sports beverage industry because it holds over 80%
of the market share. Since the launch of their product this company has been able to increase
their revenue annually through sponsoring worldwide sporting events, using high profile athletes
as their spokespeople, and improving their products to give athletes what they need to perform at
a high level.
        Powerade is the second company to introduce a beverage similar to Gatorade with an
emphasis on containing Vitamin B. It captures less than 20% of the market share and was
recently bought by Coca-Cola. Recently, it has been reported of having a growth increase of
20% (Coca-Cola). Powerade is redeveloping their marketing strategy to better compete against
Gatorade and to increase their market share in the near future.
        All Sport, formerly owned by Gatorade's company Pepsi, is another sports beverage that
contains the most vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, and B12. The drink contains the same type of
ingredients as Gatorade, but has lesser electrolytes and more vitamins. It is currently rank #3 in
the market and holds 9% of the market share (Monarch Beverages). The brand is currently
extending their product line, which will be launching in 2003.

        Besides marketing to athletes in the age range of 18-35, Gatorade is expanding its line to
other segments: younger kids/athletes aged 8-12 and the Latino Market.
        Gatorade understands that kids usually engage in physical activities during recess or after
school play and they tend to get dehydrated quickly (Pepsi Co.). Children need to consume at
least 12 ounces of fluid to stay hydrated. As a result, the company has produced Gatorade in
smaller sized bottles and appealing flavors for this younger market.
        Gatorade has also recognized an opportunity in the Latino market with the population
estimated at 35 million. They introduced Gatorade Extremo with exotic flavors like Mango,
Tropico, and Citrico which also has the same ingredients of the original Gatorade (Pepsi Co).
        Since Gatorade has been able to look beyond the market of the athletes, they should see
that there is an opportunity to market their product to people aged 50 and over. The Baby
Boomer generation is the largest generation in history, therefore this could be a very lucrative
market to target. We believe that there is great potential within this segment because as people
get older, they become more aware of how important it is to lead a healthy life. Therefore, these
people will do whatever it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Part 2: Target Segment
        The segment of people aged 50 and over seems to be a highly attractive market. In the
United States alone, there are 45+ million people in the age range of 50 and over. According to
the 1997 Lifestyle Market Analyst, older adults frequently engage in these types of activities:
tennis, running/jogging, golf, walking, and snow skiing (Gatorade Summit). Although these
activities are not as intensive, these people still need some sort of fluid replenishment. With a
beverage like Gatorade, they will be able to achieve long endurance and enjoy such activities.
        According to the Fact Book on Aging, people 65 and over, spend 5.7 hours shopping per
week, and persons aged 55 to 64 spend 6.5 hours in comparison (Gatorade Summit). This is
beneficial for Gatorade because these individuals still have to shop for groceries and often times
have more time to do it than younger individuals since many of them are retired. With years of
experience as a consumer, this particular segment knows what brands are good and which brands
are not as reliable. This indicates that they tend to be very brand loyal especially if they started
using/ consuming a brand during the earlier part of their life.
        We feel that Gatorade can further dominate the beverage industry if they market their
drink towards this segment because of its large population, consumption experience, and brand
loyalty. Because of past success in introducing their product to a new market such as the Latino
market, this should encourage them to explore the market of people aged 50 and over. In
conducting further research by distributing surveys to people in the SF Bay Area, we will be able
to determine whether or not it will be beneficial for Gatorade to extend their product line to this

                      Part 3: Consumer Behavior
Management Decision Problem: Should our Gatorade Unit try to reposition itself to target
athletic persons ages 50 and over?

   •   Gatorade currently holds 80% of the sports drink market. If it were to change its target
       consumer that 80% has a high risk of declining, and immediate rapid growth doesn’t
       seem supportable when targeting active persons over 50 considering the statistics below.

Gatorade should reject idea to change target audience to active persons over 50 years of age.

This statistic alone is enough for Gatorade to keep its current target audience which has
awarded it 80% of the US sports drink market.
   1.       81% of the 43 active people age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable
            response to a ranked usage question don’t consume any energy drinks at all.

Age * Energy Drinks ranked usage Crosstabulation

                                              Energy Drinks ranked usage
                                   not        consumed        consumed         consumed
                                consumed        often         sometimes          rarely          Total
       Age      50-55                  25               3              1                1                30
                56-60                   5               2              1                                  8
                71 and over             5                                                                 5
       Total                           35               5             2                  1               43

This statistic exhibits the lack of promise in the male portion of the active persons age 50 and
over target group.
   2.       62.5% of the 16 males age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable
            response to a willingness to try question would never try a senior sports beverage that
            targets them.
                       Sex * Willingness To Try Senior Beverage Crosstabulation

                                              Willingness To Try
                                              Senior Beverage
                                               no          yes        Total
                        Sex       male              10           6             16
                                  female             8          20             28
                        Total                       18          26             44

This statistic represents the low usability of Gatorade sports drinks before, during or after
exercising for active persons age 50 and over who exercise once a day.
   3.       83% of the 46 active persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and
            returned a complete and acceptable response to an energy drink rank question have
            not consumed energy drinks before, during or after exercising.
                   Exercise Frequency * Energy Drinks ranked usage Crosstabulation

                                                 Energy Drinks ranked usage
                                     not         consumed        consumed           consumed
                                  consumed         often         sometimes            rarely        Total
    Exercise     rarely                   3                1                                                   4
    Frequency    once a month             2                                                                    2
                 once a week             13                 1              1                 1                16
                 once a day              20                 3              1                                  24
    Total                                38                 5              2                 1                46

This statistic represents the favoritism of water before, during and after exercising at least once
a day for active persons over the age of 50 over any other drink. However, this statistic also

reveals the potential for a possible Gatorade alternative involving a water product line
specifically targeting active persons over the age of 50.
   4.       92% of the 47 active persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and
            returned a complete and acceptable response to a water ranked usage question
            consume water more than any other drink.
                      Exercise Frequency * Water ranked usage Crosstabulation

                                                Water ranked usage
                                               most        consumed
                                             consumed         often       Total
                  Exercise    rarely                  4                            4
                  Frequency   once a month            2                            2
                              once a week           14              3             17
                              once a day            22              2             24
                  Total                             42              5             47

Research Problem: To determine the potential market and sales of targeting athletic persons
over 50.

           •   Even though the market and sales do not seem promising for the Gatorade product
               line for persons over 50, a new water product line does seem potentially

Research Question: Will Gatorade be able to improve its market share in the sports beverage
market and increase its profits substantially?

           •   For a new Gatorade water product line, the market of active persons over 50
               seems promising when considering the statistics shown below.

Gatorade should consider starting a new water product line or take its new water product line
Propel and target active females ages 50 and over.

This statistic exhibits illustrates the brand recognition and popularity of Gatorade products in
   1.       71% of the 27 active persons age 50 and over who have tried Gatorade products and
            returned a completed and acceptable response to a Gatorade opinion question
            generally like Gatorade products.

Gatorade Opinion by Age Group

   Percentage of

                    60%                                                 dislike
                    40%                                                 like
                                50-55         56-60         71 and
                                            Age Group

                                               Age * Gatorade Opinion Crosstabulation

                                                                   Gatorade Opinion
                                                 not tried      no opinion    dislike    like         Total
                      Age        50-55                    9                          6          15            30
                                 56-60                    3                          3           1             7
                                 71 and over              2              1           1                         4
                      Total                              14              1          10          16            41

The more frequently members of the target audience exercise, the more the thirst need is
recognized and has the ability to be fulfilled. This statistic displays the opportunity for thirst
need fulfillment in the active persons age 50 and over demographic.
   2.       50% of the 44 active persons age 50 and over who returned a complete and
            acceptable response to an exercise frequency question reported that they exercise
            once a day.
                                              Age * Exercise Frequency Crosstabulation

                                                                 Exercise Frequency
                                               rarely        once a month once a week    once a day      Total
                   Age        50-55                     3               1           14           13                31
                              56-60                     1               1            1            5                 8
                              71 and over                                            1            4                 5
                   Total                                4               2           16           22                44

Exercise Frequency

                        9% 5%                rarely
                                             once a month
      50%                                    once a week
                                             once a day

This statistic demonstrates the promising future that lies in targeting active persons age 50 and
over with a Gatorade water product line.
   3.       58% of the 43 active persons age 50 and over who returned a complete and
            acceptable response to the willingness to try question would try a sports beverage that
            targets their age demographic.
                     Age * Willingness To Try Senior Beverage Crosstabulation

                                              Willingness To Try
                                              Senior Beverage
                                               no          yes       Total
                       Age     50-55                12          18           30
                               56-60                 2           6            8
                               71 and over           4           1            5
                       Total                        18          25           43

            Willingness to try New Sports

                                   42%                 no
            58%                                        yes

This statistic supports the theory of effectiveness in targeting active females age 50 and over
instead of males.
    4.      71% of the 28 active females age 50 and over who returned a complete and
            acceptable response to the willingness to try question would try a sports beverage that
            targets their age demographic.

Sex * Willingness To Try Senior Beverage Crosstabulation

                                                         Willingness To Try
                                                         Senior Beverage
                                                          no          yes          Total
                                   Sex      male               10           6              16
                                            female              8          20              28
                                   Total                       18          26              44

                    Willingess to try New Sports Beverage by

   Percentage of


                                     no                          yes
                                           Response by Gender

This statistic also supports targeting a female over 50 market.
   5.       52% of the 17 active females age 50 and over who have tried Gatorade and returned
            complete and acceptable responses to the Gatorade opinion question generally like
            Gatorade products.
                                            Sex * Gatorade Opinion Crosstabulation

                                                            Gatorade Opinion
                                            not tried    no opinion    dislike        like           Total
                         Sex     male                6            2            2                 6           16
                                 female              9                         8                 9           26
                         Total                      15            2           10                15           42

This statistic is an expected one, however it does show the potential of starting a water product
line that targets active females over 50 or changing Gatorade’s current Propel water line.
    6.      92% of the 24 persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and returned
            a complete and acceptable response to the water ranked usage question consume
            water more often than any other drink before, during or after exercise.

Exercise Frequency * Water ranked usage Crosstabulation

                                                   Water ranked usage
                                                 most         consumed
                                               consumed         often        Total
                  Exercise     rarely                 4                              4
                  Frequency    once a month            2                             2
                               once a week             14               3           17
                               once a day              22               2           24
                  Total                                42               5           47

                          Part 4: Recommendations
        We recommend that Gatorade not reposition its primary product (Gatorade) to target
people who are 50 years and older. Yet, we feel that they may want to create a new line of water
specifically targeting women age 50 and over.

        Our potential customers need to be aware that hydrating yourself is important. Since they
are physically active, it is important that they drink the proper liquids to stay hydrated and
replenish nutrients that their bodies have lost. Luckily, the Gatorade water line will provide all
the essential nutrients necessary for aging active adults. The new water line by Gatorade will be
offered in a squirt bottle that is made out of plastic, which seems to be the preferred packaging of
our survey respondents.

         For one bottle of Gatorade we will charge $1.50 and this will come in a 20 oz. size. We
know that people who are 50 and older don’t like to spend a lot of money, and we have tried to
price our product accordingly. We don’t want to make our customers feel that they are paying
too much for the product. So, our price will be similar to our competitors in the water market.
In fact, we are actually priced below some of our competition.

        Since this is a new product it is very crucial that we heavily advertise, and do numerous
sales promotions. We need to advertise to let our target audience know that there is a product
out there like ours, and let them know the benefits that come along with using our product. As
for the sales promotion we can give out free samples or coupons so that people will try our
product. This will help them to discover how our product tastes and how it can benefit them.
For our advertising objectives, we want to increase brand awareness by 10 %. Although most
people have already heard about Gatorade, we feel that the target age group has not been
marketed to, which may have prevented them from trying it. We are basically trying to fill an

open area on the perceptual map. In addition, we want to generate more interest with our

        Our product will be available at all supermarkets like Albertson’s and Safeway and
convenient store chains, like 7-11 and AM/PM. If we can get contracts with gyms, such as 24-
Hour Fitness, we would like to sell our product there as well. These forms of distribution will be
suitable for our product, because the target market already goes to these places to buy beverages
and other necessities.

        The money for our proposed plan is coming from Pepsi Co., who owns Gatorade, which
will supply us with enough money to start the new line of Gatorade waters. (Quaker Oats owns
Gatorade, and Quaker Oats is owned by Pepsi Co.) We will be able to implement our plan right
away, because we have the money and the facilities to start making our product right away. Yet,
we feel it would be best if Gatorade continued doing research along the way to make sure they
are best fulfilling their target markets needs and wants.

Sources Used (not done properly)



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Sample report 1

  • 1. Gatorade for the 50+ Market MKTG 632 Group # ** - Gatorade (Names of Group Members) December 9th, 2002
  • 2. Executive Summary The purpose of this proposal is to focus on the future of Gatorade and to demonstrate the advantageousness of considering, researching and possibly developing a new target audience for the Gatorade product line. In order to continue to be the market leader of this particular industry, Gatorade has to look in other directions as far as gaining new segments or developing new market strategies. If they fail to do so, copy-cat products will slowly chip away their market share and increase competition. “Backed by 35+ years of research, Gatorade has proven rehydration and performance benefits over water and other beverages,” (Gatorade Facts). The brand is geared towards athletes who engage in intensive physical activities. The company sponsors many professional sports leagues. Currently, Gatorade holds over 85% of the sports beverage market, so initially it seemed unreasonable for them to change the target audience that has continued to work for them. Yet, we saw an open area on our perceptual map that we felt Gatorade might want to explore: the age 50+ market. We conducted a survey to see if the market would be receptive to a sports beverage product marketed towards them. Upon completion of the data analysis for our Gatorade survey, which screened for the active adult age 50 and over demographic, the potential of a new target audience seems difficult to support. However, there are several findings from the survey that supports the possibility of starting a Gatorade water product line which targets active persons age 50 and over. Perhaps, they could even change their current “Propel” bottled water line to target the active persons age 50 and over market. Some of the more significant findings are as follows: 1. 50% of the 44 active persons age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to an exercise frequency question reported that they exercise once a day. 2. 71% of the 28 active females age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to the willingness to try question would try a sports beverage that targets their age demographic. 3. 92% of the 24 persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and returned a complete and acceptable response to the water ranked usage question consume water more often than any other drink before, during or after exercise. These statistics support the recommendation that Gatorade could start a new bottled water product line or change its Propel bottled water product line to target females age 50 and over who exercise once a day. 2
  • 3. Table of Contents I. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………2 II. Table of Contents ………………………………………………………………….. 3 III. Main Body of the Report i. Part 1: Market Profile ……………………………………………………………4-5 ii. Part 2: Target Segment ………………………………………………………….6 iii. Part 3: Consumer Behavior …………………………………………………….6-12 iv. Part 4: Recommendations ………………………………………………………12-13 v. Sources Used ……………………………………………………………………14 IV. Appendix i. Preliminary Proposal ……………………………………………………………...15-17 ii. Final Proposal ……………………………………………………………………18-23 iii. First Draft of Questionnaire ……………………………………………………..24-27 iv. Final Draft of Questionnaire …………………………………………………….28-31 v. Demographic Tables & Charts …………………………………………………...32-34 vi. Additional Tables & Charts ……………………………………………………..35-52 vii. Completed Questionnaires (located in other binder)…………………………… end viii. SPSS Table of Coded Data …………………………………………………….53-64 ix. Powerpoint Slides ……………………………………………………………….65-67 3
  • 4. Part One- Market Profile PRODUCT CATEGORY Sports beverage market was established to produce beverages, other than water or juice, for athletes to drink while exercising or playing sports. These types of products have special ingredients such as vitamins and electrolytes to increase performance levels. Water may keep you from being dehydrated but it doesn’t provide you with the minerals lost while sweating. Juices contain too much sugar and carbohydrates, which could slow you down. Athletes are constantly looking for ways to sustain or increase their level of performance. Luckily, Gatorade and Powerade have been able to supply these athletes with drinks that contain the necessary ingredients to help their bodies regain energy needed to finish that crucial 4th quarter or 9th inning to win a championship. MARKET SIZE According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, there are at least 1 million professional athletes in the United States. The number of non-professional athletes is estimated to be twice as much as the paid professionals. The growth rates of this market continue to grow at a consistent rate because more and more people participate in sports every year. Sports beverage companies must forecast their marketing strategies to meet the demands of this growing segment. COMPETITIVE STRUCTURE OF THE MARKET The competitive structure of the market follows consumer preferences as they change over time. Companies are constantly monitoring consumer behavior to determine what they need to do to accommodate the consumers’ needs as far as flavors, effects from content, pricing, packaging, and etc. The first to introduce a consumer inspired product usually captures a big chunk of the market share. The brands that follow suit, slow captures some of the market share but hardly ever dominates because consumers tend to be brand loyal in this market, and are hesitant to try new products. COMPETITORS The primary competitors in the sports drink market are Powerade and All Sport. Powerade is the main competitor of Gatorade. Powerade and All Sport are discussed further in the ‘Market Leaders’ section. TARGETED SEGMENTS Primary Target- Professional/Non-professional athletes This group of people play sports and exercise 1.5-4 hours, 4-7 days a week. During those strenuous workouts, a lot of vital fluids are being lost and sports beverages are being 4
  • 5. consumed to retain those minerals. This segment allows the company to gain high exposure through sporting events, especially those that are being televised worldwide. Secondary Target- Physically active people According to the website “Body and Fitness,” people who want to lead a healthy life, needs to participate in cardio activity 3-5 days a week for at least an hour. This segment contains a large number of people who are consistently thinking about their health and will follow a consistent fitness program that will keep them in shape. Sports beverages will be there to help assist them in their life-long goal of being fit. LEADERS & FOLLOWERS Gatorade is the market leader for the sports beverage industry because it holds over 80% of the market share. Since the launch of their product this company has been able to increase their revenue annually through sponsoring worldwide sporting events, using high profile athletes as their spokespeople, and improving their products to give athletes what they need to perform at a high level. Powerade is the second company to introduce a beverage similar to Gatorade with an emphasis on containing Vitamin B. It captures less than 20% of the market share and was recently bought by Coca-Cola. Recently, it has been reported of having a growth increase of 20% (Coca-Cola). Powerade is redeveloping their marketing strategy to better compete against Gatorade and to increase their market share in the near future. All Sport, formerly owned by Gatorade's company Pepsi, is another sports beverage that contains the most vitamins such as Vitamin C, B6, and B12. The drink contains the same type of ingredients as Gatorade, but has lesser electrolytes and more vitamins. It is currently rank #3 in the market and holds 9% of the market share (Monarch Beverages). The brand is currently extending their product line, which will be launching in 2003. BASES OF SEGMENTATION & OPPORTUNITIES Besides marketing to athletes in the age range of 18-35, Gatorade is expanding its line to other segments: younger kids/athletes aged 8-12 and the Latino Market. Gatorade understands that kids usually engage in physical activities during recess or after school play and they tend to get dehydrated quickly (Pepsi Co.). Children need to consume at least 12 ounces of fluid to stay hydrated. As a result, the company has produced Gatorade in smaller sized bottles and appealing flavors for this younger market. Gatorade has also recognized an opportunity in the Latino market with the population estimated at 35 million. They introduced Gatorade Extremo with exotic flavors like Mango, Tropico, and Citrico which also has the same ingredients of the original Gatorade (Pepsi Co). Since Gatorade has been able to look beyond the market of the athletes, they should see that there is an opportunity to market their product to people aged 50 and over. The Baby Boomer generation is the largest generation in history, therefore this could be a very lucrative market to target. We believe that there is great potential within this segment because as people get older, they become more aware of how important it is to lead a healthy life. Therefore, these people will do whatever it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle. 5
  • 6. Part 2: Target Segment The segment of people aged 50 and over seems to be a highly attractive market. In the United States alone, there are 45+ million people in the age range of 50 and over. According to the 1997 Lifestyle Market Analyst, older adults frequently engage in these types of activities: tennis, running/jogging, golf, walking, and snow skiing (Gatorade Summit). Although these activities are not as intensive, these people still need some sort of fluid replenishment. With a beverage like Gatorade, they will be able to achieve long endurance and enjoy such activities. According to the Fact Book on Aging, people 65 and over, spend 5.7 hours shopping per week, and persons aged 55 to 64 spend 6.5 hours in comparison (Gatorade Summit). This is beneficial for Gatorade because these individuals still have to shop for groceries and often times have more time to do it than younger individuals since many of them are retired. With years of experience as a consumer, this particular segment knows what brands are good and which brands are not as reliable. This indicates that they tend to be very brand loyal especially if they started using/ consuming a brand during the earlier part of their life. We feel that Gatorade can further dominate the beverage industry if they market their drink towards this segment because of its large population, consumption experience, and brand loyalty. Because of past success in introducing their product to a new market such as the Latino market, this should encourage them to explore the market of people aged 50 and over. In conducting further research by distributing surveys to people in the SF Bay Area, we will be able to determine whether or not it will be beneficial for Gatorade to extend their product line to this segment. Part 3: Consumer Behavior Management Decision Problem: Should our Gatorade Unit try to reposition itself to target athletic persons ages 50 and over? • Gatorade currently holds 80% of the sports drink market. If it were to change its target consumer that 80% has a high risk of declining, and immediate rapid growth doesn’t seem supportable when targeting active persons over 50 considering the statistics below. Gatorade should reject idea to change target audience to active persons over 50 years of age. This statistic alone is enough for Gatorade to keep its current target audience which has awarded it 80% of the US sports drink market. 1. 81% of the 43 active people age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to a ranked usage question don’t consume any energy drinks at all. 6
  • 7. Age * Energy Drinks ranked usage Crosstabulation Count Energy Drinks ranked usage not consumed consumed consumed consumed often sometimes rarely Total Age 50-55 25 3 1 1 30 56-60 5 2 1 8 71 and over 5 5 Total 35 5 2 1 43 This statistic exhibits the lack of promise in the male portion of the active persons age 50 and over target group. 2. 62.5% of the 16 males age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to a willingness to try question would never try a senior sports beverage that targets them. Sex * Willingness To Try Senior Beverage Crosstabulation Count Willingness To Try Senior Beverage no yes Total Sex male 10 6 16 female 8 20 28 Total 18 26 44 This statistic represents the low usability of Gatorade sports drinks before, during or after exercising for active persons age 50 and over who exercise once a day. 3. 83% of the 46 active persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and returned a complete and acceptable response to an energy drink rank question have not consumed energy drinks before, during or after exercising. Exercise Frequency * Energy Drinks ranked usage Crosstabulation Count Energy Drinks ranked usage not consumed consumed consumed consumed often sometimes rarely Total Exercise rarely 3 1 4 Frequency once a month 2 2 once a week 13 1 1 1 16 once a day 20 3 1 24 Total 38 5 2 1 46 This statistic represents the favoritism of water before, during and after exercising at least once a day for active persons over the age of 50 over any other drink. However, this statistic also 7
  • 8. reveals the potential for a possible Gatorade alternative involving a water product line specifically targeting active persons over the age of 50. 4. 92% of the 47 active persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and returned a complete and acceptable response to a water ranked usage question consume water more than any other drink. Exercise Frequency * Water ranked usage Crosstabulation Count Water ranked usage most consumed consumed often Total Exercise rarely 4 4 Frequency once a month 2 2 once a week 14 3 17 once a day 22 2 24 Total 42 5 47 Research Problem: To determine the potential market and sales of targeting athletic persons over 50. • Even though the market and sales do not seem promising for the Gatorade product line for persons over 50, a new water product line does seem potentially profitable. Research Question: Will Gatorade be able to improve its market share in the sports beverage market and increase its profits substantially? • For a new Gatorade water product line, the market of active persons over 50 seems promising when considering the statistics shown below. Gatorade should consider starting a new water product line or take its new water product line Propel and target active females ages 50 and over. This statistic exhibits illustrates the brand recognition and popularity of Gatorade products in general. 1. 71% of the 27 active persons age 50 and over who have tried Gatorade products and returned a completed and acceptable response to a Gatorade opinion question generally like Gatorade products. 8
  • 9. Gatorade Opinion by Age Group 100% 90% Percentage of Respondents 80% 70% 60% dislike 50% 40% like 30% 20% 10% 0% 50-55 56-60 71 and over Age Group Age * Gatorade Opinion Crosstabulation Count Gatorade Opinion not tried no opinion dislike like Total Age 50-55 9 6 15 30 56-60 3 3 1 7 71 and over 2 1 1 4 Total 14 1 10 16 41 The more frequently members of the target audience exercise, the more the thirst need is recognized and has the ability to be fulfilled. This statistic displays the opportunity for thirst need fulfillment in the active persons age 50 and over demographic. 2. 50% of the 44 active persons age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to an exercise frequency question reported that they exercise once a day. Age * Exercise Frequency Crosstabulation Count Exercise Frequency rarely once a month once a week once a day Total Age 50-55 3 1 14 13 31 56-60 1 1 1 5 8 71 and over 1 4 5 Total 4 2 16 22 44 9
  • 10. Exercise Frequency 9% 5% rarely once a month 50% once a week 36% once a day This statistic demonstrates the promising future that lies in targeting active persons age 50 and over with a Gatorade water product line. 3. 58% of the 43 active persons age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to the willingness to try question would try a sports beverage that targets their age demographic. Age * Willingness To Try Senior Beverage Crosstabulation Count Willingness To Try Senior Beverage no yes Total Age 50-55 12 18 30 56-60 2 6 8 71 and over 4 1 5 Total 18 25 43 Willingness to try New Sports Beverage 42% no 58% yes This statistic supports the theory of effectiveness in targeting active females age 50 and over instead of males. 4. 71% of the 28 active females age 50 and over who returned a complete and acceptable response to the willingness to try question would try a sports beverage that targets their age demographic. 10
  • 11. Sex * Willingness To Try Senior Beverage Crosstabulation Count Willingness To Try Senior Beverage no yes Total Sex male 10 6 16 female 8 20 28 Total 18 26 44 Willingess to try New Sports Beverage by Gender 80% Percentage of Respondents 60% male 40% female 20% 0% no yes Response by Gender This statistic also supports targeting a female over 50 market. 5. 52% of the 17 active females age 50 and over who have tried Gatorade and returned complete and acceptable responses to the Gatorade opinion question generally like Gatorade products. Sex * Gatorade Opinion Crosstabulation Count Gatorade Opinion not tried no opinion dislike like Total Sex male 6 2 2 6 16 female 9 8 9 26 Total 15 2 10 15 42 This statistic is an expected one, however it does show the potential of starting a water product line that targets active females over 50 or changing Gatorade’s current Propel water line. 6. 92% of the 24 persons age 50 and over who exercise at least once a day and returned a complete and acceptable response to the water ranked usage question consume water more often than any other drink before, during or after exercise. 11
  • 12. Exercise Frequency * Water ranked usage Crosstabulation Count Water ranked usage most consumed consumed often Total Exercise rarely 4 4 Frequency once a month 2 2 once a week 14 3 17 once a day 22 2 24 Total 42 5 47 Part 4: Recommendations PRODUCT POSITIONING We recommend that Gatorade not reposition its primary product (Gatorade) to target people who are 50 years and older. Yet, we feel that they may want to create a new line of water specifically targeting women age 50 and over. PRODUCT STRATEGY Our potential customers need to be aware that hydrating yourself is important. Since they are physically active, it is important that they drink the proper liquids to stay hydrated and replenish nutrients that their bodies have lost. Luckily, the Gatorade water line will provide all the essential nutrients necessary for aging active adults. The new water line by Gatorade will be offered in a squirt bottle that is made out of plastic, which seems to be the preferred packaging of our survey respondents. PRICING For one bottle of Gatorade we will charge $1.50 and this will come in a 20 oz. size. We know that people who are 50 and older don’t like to spend a lot of money, and we have tried to price our product accordingly. We don’t want to make our customers feel that they are paying too much for the product. So, our price will be similar to our competitors in the water market. In fact, we are actually priced below some of our competition. PROMOTION Since this is a new product it is very crucial that we heavily advertise, and do numerous sales promotions. We need to advertise to let our target audience know that there is a product out there like ours, and let them know the benefits that come along with using our product. As for the sales promotion we can give out free samples or coupons so that people will try our product. This will help them to discover how our product tastes and how it can benefit them. For our advertising objectives, we want to increase brand awareness by 10 %. Although most people have already heard about Gatorade, we feel that the target age group has not been marketed to, which may have prevented them from trying it. We are basically trying to fill an 12
  • 13. open area on the perceptual map. In addition, we want to generate more interest with our advertising. DISTRIBUTION Our product will be available at all supermarkets like Albertson’s and Safeway and convenient store chains, like 7-11 and AM/PM. If we can get contracts with gyms, such as 24- Hour Fitness, we would like to sell our product there as well. These forms of distribution will be suitable for our product, because the target market already goes to these places to buy beverages and other necessities. IMPLEMENTATION & FEASIBILITY The money for our proposed plan is coming from Pepsi Co., who owns Gatorade, which will supply us with enough money to start the new line of Gatorade waters. (Quaker Oats owns Gatorade, and Quaker Oats is owned by Pepsi Co.) We will be able to implement our plan right away, because we have the money and the facilities to start making our product right away. Yet, we feel it would be best if Gatorade continued doing research along the way to make sure they are best fulfilling their target markets needs and wants. 13
  • 14. Sources Used (not done properly) http:// 14