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  against the
U.S. Business Starts and Closures                            U.S. Business Bankruptcies
 700000                                                    80,000.00
 650000                                                    60,000.00
             2005     2006      2007     2008      2009         0.00
                                                                         2005    2006     2007     2008     2009
                      Starts       Closures

Since 2005, new business starts have dropped              Administrative Services are                    difficult for
by more than 15%, while business bankruptcies have        most small to medium sized businesses to manage.
increased by 50%! With future trends looking equally      Typically, the business owner becomes the payroll
bleak, you have to wonder what’s happening to             manager, HR director, benefits analyst and compliance
American business. Will the U.S. survive the current      officer, all rolled into one. But business didn’t start out
economic downturn? Will your business survive?            this way. Originally, it was fun and exciting…

Healthcare has become outrageously expensive.             That’s where Employers Resource can help! We
Workers’ Compensation insurance premiums have             specialize in the administration of businesses just like
skyrocketed, and payroll is harder to meet than ever.     yours. Our payroll technicians, benefit specialists and
While owners frantically search for answers, one out      finance/tax experts take the headache and worry out of
of six will be gone within the year… Will you “roll the   the equation, freeing up your time to do the things you
dice” and continue to do things the same way, hoping      love. Go talk to a client. Work with prospects. Grow
for a different answer, or are you ready for a change?    your business! We have you covered.

We’ve got
you covered!
Are you ready to get back
  to the things you love?

         Find out how a
         Trusted Guardian
         can help protect you
         and your company!
Is this…

  Your safety
Workers’ Compensation
Safety Program                          Nearly Double the Coverage
Have you learned first-hand the         In most cases, Employers Resource is able to insure
catastrophic impact workplace           our clients under a national policy. This policy
injuries can have on you and your       provides Employers Liability coverage with limits of
business? The loss of an injured        $1,000,000 (Coverage B, Part Two), more than double
employee can wreak havoc on your        the limit typically issued to small businesses.
productivity, resulting in decreased
profitability. Unfortunately, the end   The advantages of our coverage include:
result of workplace injuries are
often legal proceedings, premium        • No pre-payments
increases and OSHA fines...             • No year-end audits
                                        • Statutory benefits coverage
Would your business benefit from a      • Increased employer liability limits of:
Workers’ Compensation and Safety          - $1,000,000 – bodily injury – each accident
Program that features reduced             - $1,000,000 – bodily injury – disease (policy limit)
compensation premiums with an             - $1,000,000 – bodily injury – disease (per employee)
incentive-based safety program?

Do you need your injured employees
to return to work quickly?

Would you benefit from a seamless
claims process and premium refunds
for safety performance?
Workers’ Compensation
Safety Agreement                                       Returning Employees to Work
                                                       At Employers Resource, we believe in a strong return-to-work
Does your company benefit from having a safety         program. Each work related injury is aggressively managed by
program that is easy to follow? Do you sometimes       a team of experienced Case Managers, and our highly qualified
                                                       workers’ compensation staff seamlessly manages claims
need assistance and support to keep your workforce     processing.
safe and secure while on the job? Have you ever
                                                       Adjusters and/or nurse case-managers are in constant touch
received a premium discount by decreasing your         with health providers to make sure each injury is given the
workers‟ compensation eligible injuries?               utmost attention and that the best treatments are available.
                                                       Our proactive case management serves the ultimate goal of
A strong Safety Program will help you control and      returning injured employees to good health and back to work
reduce the direct and indirect costs associated with   as quickly as possible.
workers’ compensation claims, as well as provide a
                                                       Our Safety Program Saves You Money
workforce that is safety-oriented and productive.
                                                       Employers Resource offers discounts to companies who put
Your business deserves a workers‟ compensation         proven safety measures in place, and we reward your safety
                                                       performance with cash rebates.
team with over 50 years combined experience in
risk management. Our Loss Control Manager is           Our Safety Program will help control your company’s costs and
                                                       create a safety oriented, productive workforce. Our Loss
available to inspect your workplace and provide a
                                                       Control Managers are available for workplace inspections, and
detailed analysis, with recommendations to better      will provide you with a detailed analysis of your business,
protect your business from comp claims. With a         including recommendations which protect your business from
dedicated Return-to-Work Specialist assigned to your   future worker’s compensation claims.
claims, injured employees are safely back to work as
                                                       Solid Underwriting
soon as possible. By taking a proactive approach,
                                                       We’ve been in partnership with our workers’ compensation
claims and lost-time benefits are greatly reduced,
                                                       insurance carrier for more than ten years, while the industry
providing you with more than just pocket               norm is closer to three. What does our strong relationship
change! Our programs feature:                          with our carrier mean for you? It means we have the leverage
                                                       and trust to customize a workers’ comp program that fits your
 Loss Control                                         needs. With the ability to place workers’ compensation
 Participation Discounts                              coverage in all 50 states, we can protect you wherever your
 Cash Rebates                                         business takes you.
Case                             SafetyStudy:
                                  Case Program
                                  Safety Program
                                  Safety Program
Study:                           Guarantees Liftoff
                                  Guarantees Liftoff
                                  Guarantees Lift-Off

                                   Client Spotlight:

                                   A leading provider of rooftop grease containment
                                   products and kitchen exhaust cleaning services.

                                   The Challenge:
                                   In 2006, our client won a contract with the Kennedy
                                   Space Center to clean kitchen exhaust vents. As part of
                                   the contract, the Center required a review of our
                                   client’s safety program. However, after examining the
                                   program, it was determined that the safety program
                                   didn’t meet the Center’s federal safety guidelines,
                                   jeopardizing the newly-won contract.

                                   The Solution:
                                   Employers Resource sent a Regional Loss Control
                                   Manager to the Kennedy Space Center to meet with the
                                   Center’s Safety Director. Upon determining the Center’s
                                   requirements, he devised a safety plan which allowed
                                   our client to exceed the standards and keep the

                                   The Benefit:
                                   John C. our client’s President, said the potential cost of
                                   compliance could have been very painful. “If I had to go
“If I had to go out and hire a     out and hire a consultant, they’d probably charge me
consultant, they‟d probably        $10,000 to $15,000 to spend the time necessary to
charge me $10,000 to $15,000
                                   create a safety program of that caliber,” he said. “The
to spend the time necessary
to create a safety program of      response by Employers Resource provided peace of
that caliber.”                     mind that we have an organization we can turn to and
                                   rely on. We didn’t have to jump through any hoops.
– John C., President               We just called them up and they took care of it for us.”
How current…

  Is your Health
   Care Plan?
Health Benefits
Our Benefits Philosophy                 Our Benefits Philosophy Saves
                                        You Money
Does your insurance company
dictate the healthcare plan you         The ever-increasing cost of health care has caused some
offer to your employees and their       families to cancel their health insurance, paying for medical
families? With costs soaring year       expenses out-of-pocket. This strategy might work for those
                                        that are healthy and can afford several doctor’s visits every
after year, health care has emerged     year, but what would happen if one of these family members
as one of the primary challenges        becomes ill, or has an accident that requires major surgery?
facing business owners. Is there
anyone out there looking for            Lower Premiums for Good Health Care Consumers
sensible and affordable options for     Lower utilization means lower premiums, thanks to our
your business?                          annual renewal process.

No matter where you live and work,      Prevention
your company deserves a business        A minor health issue can quickly flare up, turning into an
                                        expensive health care crisis. We offer preventive and
partner that will exhaust every         personalized wellness programs that are designed to cut the
possibility and work every angle,       health care costs for you and your employees by preventing
until you get the benefits package      severe medical conditions from developing. Our programs
that is just right for your business.   include:

At Employers Resource, improving        • ToolBox™
                                        • Treatment Excellence™
the lives of owners and employees is
just one of the things that sets        Lower Tax Burden
us apart from other PEO’s.              Our Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is funded
                                        with tax-deductible dollars, which lowers the tax burden for
                                        both you and your employees.
Health Benefits
Freedom of Choice                                         General Plan Information
At Employers Resource, our goal is to                     In addition to a wide variety of innovative medical benefit
                                                          options, Employers Resource also offers:
offer you the freedom to select your plan
from a myriad of choices and not be forced                Dental
                                                          Our dental plan offers quality coverage in all 50 states, with no
into a single option.                                     network restrictions.

Medical Benefits                                          Vision
                                                          The vision plan covers exams every 12-months, and employees
The medical benefit plans offered through Employers       are only responsible for a co-pay with in/out network benefits.
Resource are custom designed to meet the
requirements of your company. Once a plan has been        FSA/HRA
selected, our benefits team provides the advocate         Our HRA plan allows participants to roll funds over from year-to-
services you deserve, taking care of enrollment,          year, providing employees with greater control over their health
eligibility, billing reconciliation and payment and a     care budgets – generally resulting in lower premiums in out-years!
host of other administrative details. Additionally,
we’ll work with you to fulfill the supplemental health
                                                          If an employee becomes unable to work as a result of illness or
insurance needs that help your employees and their        injury, this benefit provides a partial replacement of their income.
families pay medical bills in the event of a serious or
emergency medical condition and/or treatment.             Life Insurance
                                                          Our policy provides $20,000 worth of employee life, as well as
Healthcare coverage is truly the X-factor that
                                                          accidental death and dismemberment coverage.
distinguishes us from our competitors, providing hope
and results where others fall short.                      Accident
                                                          Our Accident plan covers up to $1,000 per non work-related
Medicare Alternatives                                     accident, has no network requirements, a $100 deductible and
                                                          covers dependents as well as employees.
If you or a family member are trying to make difficult
and often confusing Medicare decisions, Employers         Employee Assistance Program - EAP
Resource can help! By providing unbiased options for      Our EAP provides three confidential face-to-face visits for any
Medicare entitlement programs, this free service          work/life concern, including financial, legal, eldercare, childcare,
might be exactly what you’ve been looking for.            and health appraisals and more than 50 online training courses.
Case                         Treatment Excellence
                                 Treatment Excellence
  Study:                       Protocol Cures Cancer
                                 Protocol Cures Cancer

                                 Employee Spotlight:
                                 This individual is a participant in one of our innovative
                                 health benefit plans, and a proud veteran of America’s
                                 armed forces.

                                 The Challenge:
                                 In early 2010, as part of a routine physical exam, Rob D.
                                 found out that his Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) level
                                 had risen to 5.20 in just a year. After being referred to a
                                 specialist, he received the devastating news that his
                                 condition had evolved into prostate cancer.

                                 The Solution:
                                 Integrative Health Consultants contacted Rob on behalf
                                 of Employers Resource and explained the Treatment
                                 Excellence program to him; specifically, the preferred
                                 protocol for beating prostate cancer. He agreed to
                                 participate, and accompanied by his wife, was flown to
                                 New York for Cyberknife treatments by one of the world’s
                                 foremost experts in beating prostate cancer.

                                 The Benefit:
                                 Rob received treatment in the spring of 2010, and three
“I was scared when I heard       months later, received a PSA test result of 0.59 – close to
the word „cancer‟ from my        the 0.5 level where one is considered “cancer-free”. Rob
doctor, and thanks to the        suffered none of the difficulties commonly associated
Treatment Excellence             with prostate cancer treatments (e.g., incontinence or
program, I‟m now a cancer        impotence), and was thrilled with the results. “I was
survivor!”                       scared when I heard the word ‘cancer’ from my doctor,
                    Rob D.,      and thanks to the Treatment Excellence program, I’m
            Plan Participant     now a cancer survivor!”
Looking forward…

       to Payroll?
Payroll Services
Payroll Processing                      If It’s Not Right, We’ll Drop
                                        Everything to Fix It
Is payroll a headache that seems
                                        Employers Resource provides clients with several ways
to come around way too often?           to submit payroll. You can use our on-line, web-based
Oftentimes, running payroll at a        EZ PayPlus program, call or fax in payroll sheets, or use
small to medium sized business is a     our Time Tracker solution, a remote time clock entry
                                        system. Our payroll experts will work with you to
complex, difficult and time             determine the solution that best suits your needs.
consuming process that owners
                                        Additionally, we provide employees with secure on-line
dread every time it rolls around...     access to their pay records, where they can view and
                                        print their pay history, as well as download and print
Would your business like someone        duplicate W-2’s.
to handle all the details, and ensure   Employers Resource Processes
that your payroll requirements are       Payroll Checks
met on time, every time?.                All Certified Payroll, including associated reports
                                         Multiple Payroll Receipt Options
If so, don‟t settle on “just another     Paid Time-Off
                                         Commission Checks
payroll company”. You deserve a          W-2’s
PEO that makes use of leading
                                        Employers Resource Services
edge time and labor management           Direct Deposits
technology, as well as providing         Special Payroll Reports
expertise which ensures accuracy         Payroll Delivery
                                         All Employment Tax Filings
and processing compliance every          Benefit Reconciliation
time you run payroll.                    Paid Time-Off Accrual Tracking
Time & Labor Management
Multiple Applications                      Save Time and Money
Whether you prefer using a standard web                           Employers Resource allows
                                                                  you to control labor costs and
browser or our mobile application, the
                                                                  improve productivity without
time and labor management systems                                 the hassles associated with
available from Employers Resource are                             manual entry systems:
guaranteed to keep you and your
                                                                   accurately track time from
employees on top of time, all the time.
                                                                    practically anywhere in the
Time Tracker™ provides an easy and                                  world
                                                                   create reports and export
efficient way to monitor employee time
                                                                    your data
and attendance. Time Tracker™ users                                control user access
can set up their account within minutes                            Integrated with QuickBooks
of logging on and can access the system
from virtually anywhere in the world.      Go Mobile
HRPlus™ utilizes a new technology that     The Employers Resource mobile application allows
                                           employees to use their phone as a remote time
allows employees to access their time      tracking device. Protected by industry standard SSL
information through your website –         encryption technology, just navigate to our website
allowing them to review punches and        and you’re ready to get set up and go.
easily notify management of any
changes. This service provides biometric
time clocks, online time sheets
and swipe time-clocks to gather
and evaluate critical
time/work information.
Case                           Payroll Services Dispense
                                   Treatment Excellence
  Study:                         Aspirin Not Headaches
                                   Protocol Cures Cancer

                                   Client Spotlight:
                                   A local leader in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement
                                   Therapy, Veterinary Compounding and other industry
                                   leading pharmaceutical services.

                                   The Challenge:
                                   In 2009, our client was stressed over how much time and
                                   energy it took him to process payroll for his business
                                   every two weeks. “ The processing and review gave me a
                                   headache and was starting to take too much time away
                                   from my work, which is preparing prescriptions for my

                                   The Solution:
                                   The Employers Resource Client Services Coordinator sat
                                   down with the customer and really listened to his
                                   concerns and needs. Within days, she presented him
                                   with an on-line demonstration of our Time Tracker
                                   solution, which solved the client’s problem and freed him
                                   up to spend time on his core business.

                                   The Benefit:

“Once I saw what                   Gary W., our client’s President, responded to the Time
Employers Resource could do        Tracker demonstration very favorably, saying simply
for me in terms of simplifying     “when can I start”. The system is now ready to
my payroll, I said when            implement, and Gary looks forward to saving time and
can you start?”                    money with our on-line solution.

                     Gary W.
What does…
     Doing it
yourself cost?
Human Resources
Expert Guidance                         HR Solutions that Work
From time to time, you need expert      Are your employees costing you time and money, or
                                        do they add to your bottom line?
advice on HR matters. Whether it’s
gossip in the work place or claims of   With 25 years of experience, the Employers
harassment, your company deserves       Resource staff is ready to help you with consistent,
                                        proven HR solutions that minimize risk, reduce costs
experts capable of guiding you          and maximize productivity.
through the maze of complex Human
Resource issues.                        Solutions Include:
                                         Alternate Dispute Resolution Programs
Does your business struggle with:        Human Resources Management
                                         Personnel File Maintenance
                                         Personnel Form Management
 Remaining in compliance with           Vacation Tracking and Reporting
  ever-changing state and federal        Sick Leave Tracking and Reporting
  employment laws?                       New Hire Reporting
                                         Unemployment Claim Management
 Understanding your options             FLSA, OSHA, EEO, and FMLA Regulation Expertise
  under the law so that you can          DOL Compliance Expertise
                                         Regulation Monitoring
  make the best informed decisions       Performance Review Materials
  regarding human resources?             Employee Handbooks
                                         On-line Training
 Resolving conflict quickly and
  efficiently - without astronomical
  legal fees?
Expert Counsel                            HR Compliance
Anyone that has ever been buried under     The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
a mountain of federal and state            The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
                                           Applicable local legislation for those states your
paperwork knows exactly how much            business operates in.
work it takes to keep a business in
compliance with an incredible number      Tax Compliance
of laws, regulations and policies.
                                           Deposit of federal, state and local tax liabilities
Unfortunately, a great deal of this        Preparation and timely filing of:
                                                   • Monthly withholding returns
legislation requires you to keep your              • Quarterly withholding returns
employees informed – regardless of                 • Annual withholding returns
how many changes are made in the           W-2 preparation
                                           Deposit of federal and state unemployment tax
states you operate in. If ignored,          liabilities
federal and state compliance can           Preparation and timely filing of federal and
become a time-consuming and expensive       state unemployment tax returns
                                           Proactive tax management
proposition for any company.
Is compliance a well run process within
your company?
Are the policies communicated to your
employees so that compliance penalties
are not a potential liability?
  Case                          Treatment and Fee‟s
                               Reputation and Fees Saved
  Study:                       ThroughThrough Cancer
                                Protocol Cures Compliance
                                Saved Compliance

                                Client Spotlight:

                                A leading commercial refrigeration and food service
                                equipment company serving the southwestern United

                                The Challenge:

                                In late 2008, an individual filed a charge of employment
                                discrimination against our client. After being contacted
                                by a mediator on behalf of the federal Equal Employment
                                Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the company president
                                was anxious and worried about the charges and what a
                                legal dispute would mean for his small business.

                                The Solution:

                                Employers Resources contacted Richard M., the company
                                President, to go through the complaint with him in detail.
                                Preparation for the meeting with the EEOC mediator
                                included detailed discussions about federal and state
                                employment law, as well as preparing Richard for any
                                questions that might be raised by the EEOC.

                                The Benefit:
“I had everything I needed      Richard M. said the potential cost of compliance in terms
when I met with the             of legal assistance would have been overwhelming to his
mediator. It was great to       business. “We just called Employers Resource, and they
be so prepared without          prepared us for our meeting with the EEOC as part of
having to hire an attorney.”    their regular service. After we met with the mediator, the
                                charges against our business were dropped and our
                  Richard M.    reputation was saved; and there were no attorney fees!”
Do youreally have to go
to work today?
Some days, you’d rather just go
                                               fishing, and we understand that!
                                With HRPlus™ from Employers Resource, you can
                                manage all of your HR and payroll, as well as time and
                                attendance tasks in just minutes. This web-based tool
                                provides you with a seamless interface to a wide
                                variety of applications in one simple, easy to use

                                Reduce the amount of time and effort you spend on
                                these tasks today, while the fish are still biting.

                                HRPlus™ includes modules which cover:

                                  Human Resources
                                  Benefits Administration
                                  Forms Center
                                  Workers’ Compensation and Safety
                                  Job Applicant Tracking
                                  Compliance Center
                                  COBRA Administration
                                  Communications Center
                                  Forms and Calculators
                                  Time and Labor Management

                                Rewarding employees doesn’t have to cost you money.
                                Our Smart Perks are built to increase employee morale
Distinct Advantages             and productivity, without increasing your business
In today‟s difficult economy,     Christmas Savings Club
                                  Vacations Savings Club
American businesses are all
looking for a way to get a      Retirement Plans
“leg up” on the competition.
                                Whether you want to pursue your hobbies, travel or
                                just enjoy the good life, Employers Resource knows
In a global marketplace that    how important it is to make the right choices in today’s
                                tough economic times. Employers Resource
is rarely forgiving, the        retirement plans include:
company with an advantage
                                  401k Plans
is the one that comes out on      Specialized Reporting and Record Keeping
top – time and time again.        Complete Portability of Assets
What Sets Us Apart
As our loyal clients across the United States will tell you, when they looked at PEO’s, they
found Employers Resource to be totally unique. Here are just a few reasons they decided
that Employers Resource was the ONLY choice:”

1. 100% Written Guarantee.                      4. Alternate Dispute Resolution Process.
We state, in writing, that if we fail to        We virtually guarantee our clients that
meet or exceed your expectations for            they will never set foot in a courtroom
any reason, we will not only refund             due to an employee dispute or grievance.
100% of your fees, but we’ll pay the cost
to convert you to the competitor of your        5. Outstanding Safety Program
choice.                                         Our Workers Compensation and Safety
                                                Programs actually pay clients for good
2. Amazing Client Loyalty.                      performance and can be customized to
Nearly 90% of our clients have been             meet their unique requirements.
with us for more than 5-years; and
several more than 20-years!                     6. Personalized Local Service
                                                We have 8 regional service centers across
3. Unparalleled Multi-State Experience.         the country so when you call us, you
We have served clients in all 50 states         always get to speak to a person that
for more than 24 years.                         knows your business and never have your
                                                call transferred to a call center.
We’ve Got You Covered
Corporate Headquarters
                             1301 South Vista Avenue
                                            Suite 200
                                  Boise, Idaho 83705
                               800-574-4668 toll-free


                             ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA
                           2099 S. State College Blvd.
                                             Suite 640
                           Anaheim, California 92806
                                    714-937-0454 fax
                              888-638-4393 toll-free

                                       BOISE, IDAHO
                             1301 South Vista Avenue
                                            Suite 100
                                  Boise, Idaho 83709
                                    208-672-1505 fax
                               800-866-8913 toll-free

                                     DALLAS, TEXAS
                           1349 Empire Central Drive
                                            Suite 700
                                 Dallas, Texas 75247
                                   214-631-5825 fax
                              888-638-4353 toll-free

                                   HOUSTON, TEXAS
                        652 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E.
                                           Suite 120
                               Houston, Texas 77060
                                   832-200-1410 fax
                               888-255-6534 toll-free

                                 PHOENIX, ARIZONA
                               300 W. Clarendon Ave.
                                            Suite 115
                              Phoenix, Arizona 85013
                                    602-274-8155 fax
                               888-258-0601 toll-free

                         RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA
                                3801 Lake Boone Trail
                                             Suite 450
                        Raleigh, North Carolina 27607
                                     919-573-4466 fax
                                888-884-3784 toll-free

                               SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS
                                13750 San Pedro Ave.
                                            Suite 670
                            San Antonio, Texas 78232

We’ve Got You Covered               210-892-8201 fax
                               800-397-8233 toll-free

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Sales Brochure Fcc Final 110411

  • 1. Protection against the storm
  • 2. U.S. Business Starts and Closures U.S. Business Bankruptcies 700000 80,000.00 650000 60,000.00 600000 40,000.00 550000 20,000.00 500000 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 0.00 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Starts Closures Since 2005, new business starts have dropped Administrative Services are difficult for by more than 15%, while business bankruptcies have most small to medium sized businesses to manage. increased by 50%! With future trends looking equally Typically, the business owner becomes the payroll bleak, you have to wonder what’s happening to manager, HR director, benefits analyst and compliance American business. Will the U.S. survive the current officer, all rolled into one. But business didn’t start out economic downturn? Will your business survive? this way. Originally, it was fun and exciting… Healthcare has become outrageously expensive. That’s where Employers Resource can help! We Workers’ Compensation insurance premiums have specialize in the administration of businesses just like skyrocketed, and payroll is harder to meet than ever. yours. Our payroll technicians, benefit specialists and While owners frantically search for answers, one out finance/tax experts take the headache and worry out of of six will be gone within the year… Will you “roll the the equation, freeing up your time to do the things you dice” and continue to do things the same way, hoping love. Go talk to a client. Work with prospects. Grow for a different answer, or are you ready for a change? your business! We have you covered. We’ve got you covered!
  • 3. Are you ready to get back to the things you love? Find out how a Trusted Guardian can help protect you and your company!
  • 4. Is this… Your safety Program?
  • 5. Workers’ Compensation Safety Program Nearly Double the Coverage Have you learned first-hand the In most cases, Employers Resource is able to insure catastrophic impact workplace our clients under a national policy. This policy injuries can have on you and your provides Employers Liability coverage with limits of business? The loss of an injured $1,000,000 (Coverage B, Part Two), more than double employee can wreak havoc on your the limit typically issued to small businesses. productivity, resulting in decreased profitability. Unfortunately, the end The advantages of our coverage include: result of workplace injuries are often legal proceedings, premium • No pre-payments increases and OSHA fines... • No year-end audits • Statutory benefits coverage Would your business benefit from a • Increased employer liability limits of: Workers’ Compensation and Safety - $1,000,000 – bodily injury – each accident Program that features reduced - $1,000,000 – bodily injury – disease (policy limit) compensation premiums with an - $1,000,000 – bodily injury – disease (per employee) incentive-based safety program? Do you need your injured employees to return to work quickly? Would you benefit from a seamless claims process and premium refunds for safety performance?
  • 6. Workers’ Compensation Safety Agreement Returning Employees to Work At Employers Resource, we believe in a strong return-to-work Does your company benefit from having a safety program. Each work related injury is aggressively managed by program that is easy to follow? Do you sometimes a team of experienced Case Managers, and our highly qualified workers’ compensation staff seamlessly manages claims need assistance and support to keep your workforce processing. safe and secure while on the job? Have you ever Adjusters and/or nurse case-managers are in constant touch received a premium discount by decreasing your with health providers to make sure each injury is given the workers‟ compensation eligible injuries? utmost attention and that the best treatments are available. Our proactive case management serves the ultimate goal of A strong Safety Program will help you control and returning injured employees to good health and back to work reduce the direct and indirect costs associated with as quickly as possible. workers’ compensation claims, as well as provide a Our Safety Program Saves You Money workforce that is safety-oriented and productive. Employers Resource offers discounts to companies who put Your business deserves a workers‟ compensation proven safety measures in place, and we reward your safety performance with cash rebates. team with over 50 years combined experience in risk management. Our Loss Control Manager is Our Safety Program will help control your company’s costs and create a safety oriented, productive workforce. Our Loss available to inspect your workplace and provide a Control Managers are available for workplace inspections, and detailed analysis, with recommendations to better will provide you with a detailed analysis of your business, protect your business from comp claims. With a including recommendations which protect your business from dedicated Return-to-Work Specialist assigned to your future worker’s compensation claims. claims, injured employees are safely back to work as Solid Underwriting soon as possible. By taking a proactive approach, We’ve been in partnership with our workers’ compensation claims and lost-time benefits are greatly reduced, insurance carrier for more than ten years, while the industry providing you with more than just pocket norm is closer to three. What does our strong relationship change! Our programs feature: with our carrier mean for you? It means we have the leverage and trust to customize a workers’ comp program that fits your  Loss Control needs. With the ability to place workers’ compensation  Participation Discounts coverage in all 50 states, we can protect you wherever your  Cash Rebates business takes you.
  • 7. Case SafetyStudy: Case Program Safety Program Safety Program Study: Study: Guarantees Liftoff Guarantees Liftoff Guarantees Lift-Off Client Spotlight: A leading provider of rooftop grease containment products and kitchen exhaust cleaning services. The Challenge: In 2006, our client won a contract with the Kennedy Space Center to clean kitchen exhaust vents. As part of the contract, the Center required a review of our client’s safety program. However, after examining the program, it was determined that the safety program didn’t meet the Center’s federal safety guidelines, jeopardizing the newly-won contract. The Solution: Employers Resource sent a Regional Loss Control Manager to the Kennedy Space Center to meet with the Center’s Safety Director. Upon determining the Center’s requirements, he devised a safety plan which allowed our client to exceed the standards and keep the contract. The Benefit: John C. our client’s President, said the potential cost of compliance could have been very painful. “If I had to go “If I had to go out and hire a out and hire a consultant, they’d probably charge me consultant, they‟d probably $10,000 to $15,000 to spend the time necessary to charge me $10,000 to $15,000 create a safety program of that caliber,” he said. “The to spend the time necessary to create a safety program of response by Employers Resource provided peace of that caliber.” mind that we have an organization we can turn to and rely on. We didn’t have to jump through any hoops. – John C., President We just called them up and they took care of it for us.”
  • 8. How current… Is your Health Care Plan?
  • 9. Health Benefits Our Benefits Philosophy Our Benefits Philosophy Saves You Money Does your insurance company dictate the healthcare plan you The ever-increasing cost of health care has caused some offer to your employees and their families to cancel their health insurance, paying for medical families? With costs soaring year expenses out-of-pocket. This strategy might work for those that are healthy and can afford several doctor’s visits every after year, health care has emerged year, but what would happen if one of these family members as one of the primary challenges becomes ill, or has an accident that requires major surgery? facing business owners. Is there anyone out there looking for Lower Premiums for Good Health Care Consumers sensible and affordable options for Lower utilization means lower premiums, thanks to our your business? annual renewal process. No matter where you live and work, Prevention your company deserves a business A minor health issue can quickly flare up, turning into an expensive health care crisis. We offer preventive and partner that will exhaust every personalized wellness programs that are designed to cut the possibility and work every angle, health care costs for you and your employees by preventing until you get the benefits package severe medical conditions from developing. Our programs that is just right for your business. include: At Employers Resource, improving • ToolBox™ • Treatment Excellence™ the lives of owners and employees is just one of the things that sets Lower Tax Burden us apart from other PEO’s. Our Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) is funded with tax-deductible dollars, which lowers the tax burden for both you and your employees.
  • 10. Health Benefits Freedom of Choice General Plan Information At Employers Resource, our goal is to In addition to a wide variety of innovative medical benefit options, Employers Resource also offers: offer you the freedom to select your plan from a myriad of choices and not be forced Dental Our dental plan offers quality coverage in all 50 states, with no into a single option. network restrictions. Medical Benefits Vision The vision plan covers exams every 12-months, and employees The medical benefit plans offered through Employers are only responsible for a co-pay with in/out network benefits. Resource are custom designed to meet the requirements of your company. Once a plan has been FSA/HRA selected, our benefits team provides the advocate Our HRA plan allows participants to roll funds over from year-to- services you deserve, taking care of enrollment, year, providing employees with greater control over their health eligibility, billing reconciliation and payment and a care budgets – generally resulting in lower premiums in out-years! host of other administrative details. Additionally, Disability we’ll work with you to fulfill the supplemental health If an employee becomes unable to work as a result of illness or insurance needs that help your employees and their injury, this benefit provides a partial replacement of their income. families pay medical bills in the event of a serious or emergency medical condition and/or treatment. Life Insurance Our policy provides $20,000 worth of employee life, as well as Healthcare coverage is truly the X-factor that accidental death and dismemberment coverage. distinguishes us from our competitors, providing hope and results where others fall short. Accident Our Accident plan covers up to $1,000 per non work-related Medicare Alternatives accident, has no network requirements, a $100 deductible and covers dependents as well as employees. If you or a family member are trying to make difficult and often confusing Medicare decisions, Employers Employee Assistance Program - EAP Resource can help! By providing unbiased options for Our EAP provides three confidential face-to-face visits for any Medicare entitlement programs, this free service work/life concern, including financial, legal, eldercare, childcare, might be exactly what you’ve been looking for. and health appraisals and more than 50 online training courses.
  • 11. Case Treatment Excellence Treatment Excellence Study: Protocol Cures Cancer Protocol Cures Cancer Employee Spotlight: This individual is a participant in one of our innovative health benefit plans, and a proud veteran of America’s armed forces. The Challenge: In early 2010, as part of a routine physical exam, Rob D. found out that his Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) level had risen to 5.20 in just a year. After being referred to a specialist, he received the devastating news that his condition had evolved into prostate cancer. The Solution: Integrative Health Consultants contacted Rob on behalf of Employers Resource and explained the Treatment Excellence program to him; specifically, the preferred protocol for beating prostate cancer. He agreed to participate, and accompanied by his wife, was flown to New York for Cyberknife treatments by one of the world’s foremost experts in beating prostate cancer. The Benefit: Rob received treatment in the spring of 2010, and three “I was scared when I heard months later, received a PSA test result of 0.59 – close to the word „cancer‟ from my the 0.5 level where one is considered “cancer-free”. Rob doctor, and thanks to the suffered none of the difficulties commonly associated Treatment Excellence with prostate cancer treatments (e.g., incontinence or program, I‟m now a cancer impotence), and was thrilled with the results. “I was survivor!” scared when I heard the word ‘cancer’ from my doctor, Rob D., and thanks to the Treatment Excellence program, I’m Plan Participant now a cancer survivor!”
  • 12. Looking forward… to Payroll?
  • 13. Payroll Services Payroll Processing If It’s Not Right, We’ll Drop Everything to Fix It Is payroll a headache that seems Employers Resource provides clients with several ways to come around way too often? to submit payroll. You can use our on-line, web-based Oftentimes, running payroll at a EZ PayPlus program, call or fax in payroll sheets, or use small to medium sized business is a our Time Tracker solution, a remote time clock entry system. Our payroll experts will work with you to complex, difficult and time determine the solution that best suits your needs. consuming process that owners Additionally, we provide employees with secure on-line dread every time it rolls around... access to their pay records, where they can view and print their pay history, as well as download and print Would your business like someone duplicate W-2’s. to handle all the details, and ensure Employers Resource Processes that your payroll requirements are  Payroll Checks met on time, every time?.  All Certified Payroll, including associated reports  Multiple Payroll Receipt Options If so, don‟t settle on “just another  Paid Time-Off  Commission Checks payroll company”. You deserve a  W-2’s PEO that makes use of leading Employers Resource Services edge time and labor management  Direct Deposits technology, as well as providing  Special Payroll Reports expertise which ensures accuracy  Payroll Delivery  All Employment Tax Filings and processing compliance every  Benefit Reconciliation time you run payroll.  Paid Time-Off Accrual Tracking
  • 14. Time & Labor Management Multiple Applications Save Time and Money Whether you prefer using a standard web Employers Resource allows you to control labor costs and browser or our mobile application, the improve productivity without time and labor management systems the hassles associated with available from Employers Resource are manual entry systems: guaranteed to keep you and your  accurately track time from employees on top of time, all the time. practically anywhere in the Time Tracker™ provides an easy and world  create reports and export efficient way to monitor employee time your data and attendance. Time Tracker™ users  control user access can set up their account within minutes  Integrated with QuickBooks of logging on and can access the system from virtually anywhere in the world. Go Mobile HRPlus™ utilizes a new technology that The Employers Resource mobile application allows employees to use their phone as a remote time allows employees to access their time tracking device. Protected by industry standard SSL information through your website – encryption technology, just navigate to our website allowing them to review punches and and you’re ready to get set up and go. easily notify management of any changes. This service provides biometric time clocks, online time sheets and swipe time-clocks to gather and evaluate critical time/work information.
  • 15. Case Payroll Services Dispense Treatment Excellence Study: Aspirin Not Headaches Protocol Cures Cancer Client Spotlight: A local leader in Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, Veterinary Compounding and other industry leading pharmaceutical services. The Challenge: In 2009, our client was stressed over how much time and energy it took him to process payroll for his business every two weeks. “ The processing and review gave me a headache and was starting to take too much time away from my work, which is preparing prescriptions for my customers”. The Solution: The Employers Resource Client Services Coordinator sat down with the customer and really listened to his concerns and needs. Within days, she presented him with an on-line demonstration of our Time Tracker solution, which solved the client’s problem and freed him up to spend time on his core business. The Benefit: “Once I saw what Gary W., our client’s President, responded to the Time Employers Resource could do Tracker demonstration very favorably, saying simply for me in terms of simplifying “when can I start”. The system is now ready to my payroll, I said when implement, and Gary looks forward to saving time and can you start?” money with our on-line solution. Gary W. President
  • 16. What does… Doing it yourself cost?
  • 17. Human Resources Expert Guidance HR Solutions that Work From time to time, you need expert Are your employees costing you time and money, or do they add to your bottom line? advice on HR matters. Whether it’s gossip in the work place or claims of With 25 years of experience, the Employers harassment, your company deserves Resource staff is ready to help you with consistent, proven HR solutions that minimize risk, reduce costs experts capable of guiding you and maximize productivity. through the maze of complex Human Resource issues. Solutions Include:  Alternate Dispute Resolution Programs Does your business struggle with:  Human Resources Management  Personnel File Maintenance  Personnel Form Management  Remaining in compliance with  Vacation Tracking and Reporting ever-changing state and federal  Sick Leave Tracking and Reporting employment laws?  New Hire Reporting  Unemployment Claim Management  Understanding your options  FLSA, OSHA, EEO, and FMLA Regulation Expertise under the law so that you can  DOL Compliance Expertise  Regulation Monitoring make the best informed decisions  Performance Review Materials regarding human resources?  Employee Handbooks  On-line Training  Resolving conflict quickly and efficiently - without astronomical legal fees?
  • 18. Compliance Expert Counsel HR Compliance Anyone that has ever been buried under  The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) a mountain of federal and state  The Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)  Applicable local legislation for those states your paperwork knows exactly how much business operates in. work it takes to keep a business in compliance with an incredible number Tax Compliance of laws, regulations and policies.  Deposit of federal, state and local tax liabilities Unfortunately, a great deal of this  Preparation and timely filing of: • Monthly withholding returns legislation requires you to keep your • Quarterly withholding returns employees informed – regardless of • Annual withholding returns how many changes are made in the  W-2 preparation  Deposit of federal and state unemployment tax states you operate in. If ignored, liabilities federal and state compliance can  Preparation and timely filing of federal and become a time-consuming and expensive state unemployment tax returns  Proactive tax management proposition for any company. Is compliance a well run process within your company? Are the policies communicated to your employees so that compliance penalties are not a potential liability?
  • 19. Case Case Treatment and Fee‟s ReputationExcellence Reputation and Fees Saved Study: ThroughThrough Cancer Protocol Cures Compliance Saved Compliance Study: Client Spotlight: A leading commercial refrigeration and food service equipment company serving the southwestern United States. The Challenge: In late 2008, an individual filed a charge of employment discrimination against our client. After being contacted by a mediator on behalf of the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the company president was anxious and worried about the charges and what a legal dispute would mean for his small business. The Solution: Employers Resources contacted Richard M., the company President, to go through the complaint with him in detail. Preparation for the meeting with the EEOC mediator included detailed discussions about federal and state employment law, as well as preparing Richard for any questions that might be raised by the EEOC. The Benefit: “I had everything I needed Richard M. said the potential cost of compliance in terms when I met with the of legal assistance would have been overwhelming to his mediator. It was great to business. “We just called Employers Resource, and they be so prepared without prepared us for our meeting with the EEOC as part of having to hire an attorney.” their regular service. After we met with the mediator, the charges against our business were dropped and our Richard M. reputation was saved; and there were no attorney fees!” President
  • 20. Do youreally have to go to work today?
  • 21. Some days, you’d rather just go fishing, and we understand that! With HRPlus™ from Employers Resource, you can manage all of your HR and payroll, as well as time and attendance tasks in just minutes. This web-based tool provides you with a seamless interface to a wide variety of applications in one simple, easy to use database. Reduce the amount of time and effort you spend on these tasks today, while the fish are still biting. HRPlus™ includes modules which cover: Human Resources Payroll Benefits Administration Forms Center Workers’ Compensation and Safety Job Applicant Tracking Compliance Center Reporting COBRA Administration Communications Center Forms and Calculators Time and Labor Management SmartPerks™ Rewarding employees doesn’t have to cost you money. Our Smart Perks are built to increase employee morale Distinct Advantages and productivity, without increasing your business expense. In today‟s difficult economy, Christmas Savings Club Vacations Savings Club American businesses are all looking for a way to get a Retirement Plans “leg up” on the competition. Whether you want to pursue your hobbies, travel or just enjoy the good life, Employers Resource knows In a global marketplace that how important it is to make the right choices in today’s tough economic times. Employers Resource is rarely forgiving, the retirement plans include: company with an advantage 401k Plans is the one that comes out on Specialized Reporting and Record Keeping top – time and time again. Complete Portability of Assets
  • 22. Differentiators What Sets Us Apart As our loyal clients across the United States will tell you, when they looked at PEO’s, they found Employers Resource to be totally unique. Here are just a few reasons they decided that Employers Resource was the ONLY choice:” 1. 100% Written Guarantee. 4. Alternate Dispute Resolution Process. We state, in writing, that if we fail to We virtually guarantee our clients that meet or exceed your expectations for they will never set foot in a courtroom any reason, we will not only refund due to an employee dispute or grievance. 100% of your fees, but we’ll pay the cost to convert you to the competitor of your 5. Outstanding Safety Program choice. Our Workers Compensation and Safety Programs actually pay clients for good 2. Amazing Client Loyalty. performance and can be customized to Nearly 90% of our clients have been meet their unique requirements. with us for more than 5-years; and several more than 20-years! 6. Personalized Local Service We have 8 regional service centers across 3. Unparalleled Multi-State Experience. the country so when you call us, you We have served clients in all 50 states always get to speak to a person that for more than 24 years. knows your business and never have your call transferred to a call center.
  • 23. We’ve Got You Covered
  • 24. Corporate Headquarters 1301 South Vista Avenue Suite 200 Boise, Idaho 83705 208-376-3000 800-574-4668 toll-free Branches ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA 2099 S. State College Blvd. Suite 640 Anaheim, California 92806 714-937-1200 714-937-0454 fax 888-638-4393 toll-free BOISE, IDAHO 1301 South Vista Avenue Suite 100 Boise, Idaho 83709 208-672-1501 208-672-1505 fax 800-866-8913 toll-free DALLAS, TEXAS 1349 Empire Central Drive Suite 700 Dallas, Texas 75247 214-634-2000 214-631-5825 fax 888-638-4353 toll-free HOUSTON, TEXAS 652 N. Sam Houston Pkwy. E. Suite 120 Houston, Texas 77060 832-200-1403 832-200-1410 fax 888-255-6534 toll-free PHOENIX, ARIZONA 300 W. Clarendon Ave. Suite 115 Phoenix, Arizona 85013 602-274-9170 602-274-8155 fax 888-258-0601 toll-free RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 3801 Lake Boone Trail Suite 450 Raleigh, North Carolina 27607 919-573-4470 919-573-4466 fax 888-884-3784 toll-free SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 13750 San Pedro Ave. Suite 670 San Antonio, Texas 78232 210-892-8200 We’ve Got You Covered 210-892-8201 fax 800-397-8233 toll-free