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rearwindow                              dna.sunday            20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mumbai, July 5, 2009


                  America’s next Bolly idol     Saluting success
And the theatrics                                                                                    US insurance giant                                                                                                                                     can crowd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               American marketing exec-

                    will go on                                                                       sponsors Bollywood
                                                                                                     karaoke contest in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            utives say they like to lavish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            attention on the two-million-

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            strong Indian American com-
       uffoonery is not new to Indian politics, as many
       who watched the exchanges between Mamata
                                                                                                     search of a singing                                                                                                                                    munity as it has the highest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            per capita income of all im-
       Banerjee and Lalu Prasad Yadav in parliament af-                                              sensation                                                                                                                                              migrant groups in the US.
ter the railway budget was announced, may have imag-                                                                                                                                                                                                        “The buying power of the 45
ined. Those of my vintage — and surely those interested                                               Uttara Choudhury                                                                                                                                      million Latinos in the US
in Indian history — would have heard of Raj Narain.                                                                                                                                                                                                         market is less than the Indian
   He was the giant killer deemed as big as David who                                                                                                                                                                                                       Americans by about $250 bil-
                       had felled Goliath in the immortal                                             NEW YORK: An American                                                                                                                                 lion so who should you really                                Mehul Choksi, chairman, Gitanjali was felici-
                       Biblical story no less. But having de-
                                     ,                                                                lucky enough to win a Bolly-                                                                                                                          pay attention to if you are a                                tated by Amitabh Bachchan
                       feated Indira Gandhi, in the after-                                            wood karaoke contest in a Su-                                                                                                                         marketer?” former Goldman
                       math of the Emergency Raj Narain
                                                  ,                                                   san Boyle-like breakout mo-                           The State Farm Bollywood contest is also likely to attract                                      Sachs banker turned entre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   DNA Correspondent
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             gaan (Movie of the
                       soon (and sadly) showed himself to                                             ment will be sponsored by US                          talent from US collegians who take inter-college                                                preneur Marcus Stuart, earli-                                                                    decade), Rakesh Roshan
                       be no more than a country bumpkin                                              insurance giant State Farm to                         Bollywood song-and-dance competitions seriously                                                 er told DNA.                                                                                     (Director of the decade)
                       interested in only his 15 seconds of                                           sing and possibly dance on-                                                                                                                           The State Farm Bollywood                               The third night of the                    and AR Rahman (Music
                       public adulation rather than chang-                                            screen in an upcoming Bolly-                      or by uploading a video to                        ing director of Saavn. “We’re                     contest is also likely to attract                      IIFA weekend, to be tele-                 of the decade).
                       ing the profile of Indian politics.                                            wood film in Mumbai.                     Saa-                       really opening up an amazing                      talent from US college stu-                            cast tonight, celebrated                     Mehul Choksi, Chair-
                          Ergo Raj Narain, otherwise more                                                “With Bollywood at the                         van, which is the world’s                         opportunity for an aspiring                       dents who take inter-college                           the spectacular IDEA                      man, says, “Gitanjali
   Ayaz Memon          famous as a sidekick of Charan                                                 heart of South Asian enter-                       largest digital distributor of                    singer,” added Singh. The                         Bollywood song-and-dance                               IIFA Awards with the in-                  was honoured to be able
                       Singh (who was prime minister                                                  tainment here in the US,                          Bollywood content is hosting                      winner will be selected online                    competitions very seriously.                           troduction of the Video-                  to pay a handsome trib-
fleetingly) earned great fame for his conquest, more no-                                              we’re thrilled to sponsor this                    the contest and will ensure                       by Bollywood fans in the US.                      Dance crews from Brown,                                con Golden Decade Hon-                    ute to the achievers who
toriety for his idiocy, and ultimately faded out quicker                                              competition that gives people                     the winner gets screen time                         Bloomington-based State                         Johns Hopkins, Rutgers,                                ours. It was held at at                   have been at the fore-
than the Janata Party of which he was a such crucial el-                                              a chance to realise their                         singing in a Bollywood movie                      Farm, which is the leading                        Massachusetts Institute of                             The Venetian Macao-Re-                    front of propelling Bol-
ement to begin with.                                                                                  dreams,” said Mark Gibson,                        being shot in Mumbai.                             insurer of homes in the US,                       Technology Carnegie Mellon,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ,                                          sort-Hotel, China.                        lywood onto the global
   That said, I don’t think either Mamata Banerjee or                                                 assistant vice president of ad-                      “We can’t wait to see the                      is clearly targeting Bolly-                       Temple, and Columbia often                                Crafted and spon-                      stage.”
Lalu Prasad Yadav are as banal or hollow as Raj Narain                                                vertising, at State Farm.                         submissions. Who knows?                           wood-mad Indian Americans                         start practicing new grooves                           sored by the Gitanjali                       Gitanjali has been as-
turned out to be. Both have spent more time in the hurly                                                 Contestants can enter ei-                      Maybe we will find the next                       and South Asians through                          in September for fierce Bolly-                         Lifestyle, the trophies                   sociated with IIFA for
burly of India’s parliamentary life, and willy nilly have                                             ther by taking part in live au-                   Sonu Nigam or Sunidhi                             this contest although US                          wood dance-offs in the winter                          were awarded to Shah                      the last five years and
had a greater say in how we lead our lives — and not just                                             ditions in Edison, Fremont                        Chauhan,” said Paramdeep                          basement bhangra parties                          and early spring.                                      Rukh Khan (Male star of                   Choksi was felicitated
when travelling by train.                                                                             and Artesia on July 11 and 12                     Singh, co-founder and manag-                      pack a very eclectic Ameri-                                               the decade), Aishwarya                    by Amitabh Bachchan,
   Of course both are obviously into theatrics and melo-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Rai Bachchan (Female                      Brand        ambassador,
                                       drama, but not with-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        star of the decade), La-                  IIFA.
Lalu Prasad’s deliber-
ated ‘rustic’ approach
has not only kept us
                                       out fun or substance.
                                       Lalu Prasad’s deliber-
                                       ated ‘rustic’ approach
                                       has not only kept us
                                                                                                 Will an Indian ever play a Grand Slam final? Why tennis needs
                                       entertained, but also                                     From p1                                                                                                                                     you also have to be mean to be a good com-
entertained, but also
clued into what the
                                       clued into what the
                                       ‘non-urban’ India is
                                       thinking. It must be
                                                                                                 Marcelo Rios was the number one player
                                                                                                 in the world for about a month. But then he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             petitor. This is not easy for Indians.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I hope that our academy can work with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             India on a long-term basis, where I can                               From p1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to be Fed             showing that the speed
‘non-urban’ India is                   admitted, however,                                        disappeared from the top level. He was the                                                                                                  also help train Indian coaches. In the long                                                                     and strength of today's
                                       that this did not quite                                   most talented player I have taught in the 53                                                                                                run, it is difficult to make an impact in                             He is in fact a first-rate,               pro game are merely its
thinking. This did not                 work to his advantage                                     years of my coaching. But talent alone is                                                                                                   your country without 200-300 coaches who                              kick-ass power-baselin-                   skeleton, not its flesh.
work to his advantage,                 in the recent general                                     not enough.                                                                                                                                 have a more intelligent view of the physi-                            er. It's just that that's not             He has, figuratively and
                                       elections, but it was                                        Twenty years ago, kids thought that if                                                                                                   cal and mental requirements, the tech-                                all he is. There's also his               literally re-embodied
but was engrossing                     engrossing nonethe-                                       they could hit the ball, they could play for                                                                                                niques, and the competition.                                          intelligence, his occult                  men's tennis, and for
nonetheless                            less.
                                          In a different sort of
                                                                                                 college and be a pro. Today you need men-
                                                                                                 tal strength, a sound strategy, support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We also would like to put in place pro-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             grammes throughout the country, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   anticipation, his court
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   sense, his ability to read
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the first time in years
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             the game's future is un-
                                       way this is also true of
                                           ,                                                     staff, and financial assistance.                                                                                                            search out the best players with the help of                          and manipulate oppo-                      predictable. Genius is
Mamata Banerjee, though her feisty political profile has                                            Coming to India, you have had a few                                                                                                      your coaches, and bring them here. And                                nents, to mix spins and                   not replicable. Inspira-
been different from Lalu’s easygoing charm and won her                                           good players. You have Yuki Bhambri who                                    Nick Bollettieri with a student                                  then let us keep them for 2-4 years. This                             speeds, to misdirect and                  tion, though, is conta-
power again. While in keeping with her image she has                                             won the Australian Open. As soon as he                                     at his academy                                                   requires sponsorship from corporates.                                 disguise, to use tactical                 gious, and multiform -
been indignant and sanctimonious, she has actually been                                          puts on 15-20 pounds, he has the chance to                            lacking programmes that can support and                                  You need a good support system that                                foresight and peripher-                   and even just to see,
appealing to the same constituency as Yadav.                                                     truly be a professional. But its hard to                              develop players over a period of five to                              includes parents, coaches and funding. It                             al vision and kinesthet-                  close up, power and ag-
   All things considered, however, Lalu Yadav’s protests                                         imagine that a country of your size barely                            eight years.                                                          isn’t any one thing. The sports ministry   ,                          ic range instead of just                  gression made vulnera-
that Mamata has rehashed his budget and passed it off as                                         has anybody even in the top 100. You must                                We had your top 20 boys and girls over                             too, needs to back you up, with the full                              rote pace — all this has                  ble to beauty is to feel
her own has squealing of sour grapes. Lalu has many                                              consider having a plan that starts with                               here for almost 2 months. It’s too bad that I                         understanding of what it means for the                                exposed the limits, and                   inspired and (in a fleet-
things to his credit, including making the Railways prof-                                        youngsters in the 7-12 age group. The kids                            didn’t have some of them when they were                               image of the country   .                                              possibilities, of men's                   ing, mortal way) recon-
itable. But he never did say, as Mamata Banerjee has                                             will need financial assistance, and they                              10 or 11. I remember that the kids who                                   (Nick Bollettieri is the founder of the                            tennis as it's now                        ciled.
vouched, that the toilets in train will be clean like                                            will need coaches who know the direction                              came here were too nice. The trend in your                            Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Florida,                           played.                                       Excerpted from an es-
never before.                                                         of the game and all its aspects. India is                             country is to be very polite. But sometimes                           USA. He spoke to R Krishna.)                                              Roger Federer is                      say published in NYT

Vol. 1 Issue No. 27 ■ Printer & Publisher: M Venkataraman ■ Executive Editor: R Jagannathan ■ Printed & Published by Diligent Media Corporation Ltd. Printed at EL-201, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area, Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400 705, Phone No: 3980-2200 and published at 1st Floor, Oasis Complex, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai- 400 013, Phone No: 4388-8888

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Saavn DNA BollyStar 7.5.09

  • 1. rearwindow dna.sunday 20 Mumbai, July 5, 2009 MEMONICS America’s next Bolly idol Saluting success And the theatrics US insurance giant can crowd. American marketing exec- will go on sponsors Bollywood karaoke contest in utives say they like to lavish attention on the two-million- B strong Indian American com- uffoonery is not new to Indian politics, as many who watched the exchanges between Mamata search of a singing munity as it has the highest per capita income of all im- Banerjee and Lalu Prasad Yadav in parliament af- sensation migrant groups in the US. ter the railway budget was announced, may have imag- “The buying power of the 45 ined. Those of my vintage — and surely those interested Uttara Choudhury million Latinos in the US in Indian history — would have heard of Raj Narain. market is less than the Indian He was the giant killer deemed as big as David who Americans by about $250 bil- had felled Goliath in the immortal NEW YORK: An American lion so who should you really Mehul Choksi, chairman, Gitanjali was felici- Biblical story no less. But having de- , lucky enough to win a Bolly- pay attention to if you are a tated by Amitabh Bachchan feated Indira Gandhi, in the after- wood karaoke contest in a Su- marketer?” former Goldman math of the Emergency Raj Narain , san Boyle-like breakout mo- The State Farm Bollywood contest is also likely to attract Sachs banker turned entre- DNA Correspondent gaan (Movie of the soon (and sadly) showed himself to ment will be sponsored by US talent from US collegians who take inter-college preneur Marcus Stuart, earli- decade), Rakesh Roshan be no more than a country bumpkin insurance giant State Farm to Bollywood song-and-dance competitions seriously er told DNA. (Director of the decade) interested in only his 15 seconds of sing and possibly dance on- The State Farm Bollywood The third night of the and AR Rahman (Music public adulation rather than chang- screen in an upcoming Bolly- or by uploading a video to ing director of Saavn. “We’re contest is also likely to attract IIFA weekend, to be tele- of the decade). ing the profile of Indian politics. wood film in Mumbai. Saa- really opening up an amazing talent from US college stu- cast tonight, celebrated Mehul Choksi, Chair- Ergo Raj Narain, otherwise more “With Bollywood at the van, which is the world’s opportunity for an aspiring dents who take inter-college the spectacular IDEA man, says, “Gitanjali Ayaz Memon famous as a sidekick of Charan heart of South Asian enter- largest digital distributor of singer,” added Singh. The Bollywood song-and-dance IIFA Awards with the in- was honoured to be able Singh (who was prime minister tainment here in the US, Bollywood content is hosting winner will be selected online competitions very seriously. troduction of the Video- to pay a handsome trib- fleetingly) earned great fame for his conquest, more no- we’re thrilled to sponsor this the contest and will ensure by Bollywood fans in the US. Dance crews from Brown, con Golden Decade Hon- ute to the achievers who toriety for his idiocy, and ultimately faded out quicker competition that gives people the winner gets screen time Bloomington-based State Johns Hopkins, Rutgers, ours. It was held at at have been at the fore- than the Janata Party of which he was a such crucial el- a chance to realise their singing in a Bollywood movie Farm, which is the leading Massachusetts Institute of The Venetian Macao-Re- front of propelling Bol- ement to begin with. dreams,” said Mark Gibson, being shot in Mumbai. insurer of homes in the US, Technology Carnegie Mellon, , sort-Hotel, China. lywood onto the global That said, I don’t think either Mamata Banerjee or assistant vice president of ad- “We can’t wait to see the is clearly targeting Bolly- Temple, and Columbia often Crafted and spon- stage.” Lalu Prasad Yadav are as banal or hollow as Raj Narain vertising, at State Farm. submissions. Who knows? wood-mad Indian Americans start practicing new grooves sored by the Gitanjali Gitanjali has been as- turned out to be. Both have spent more time in the hurly Contestants can enter ei- Maybe we will find the next and South Asians through in September for fierce Bolly- Lifestyle, the trophies sociated with IIFA for burly of India’s parliamentary life, and willy nilly have ther by taking part in live au- Sonu Nigam or Sunidhi this contest although US wood dance-offs in the winter were awarded to Shah the last five years and had a greater say in how we lead our lives — and not just ditions in Edison, Fremont Chauhan,” said Paramdeep basement bhangra parties and early spring. Rukh Khan (Male star of Choksi was felicitated when travelling by train. and Artesia on July 11 and 12 Singh, co-founder and manag- pack a very eclectic Ameri- the decade), Aishwarya by Amitabh Bachchan, Of course both are obviously into theatrics and melo- Rai Bachchan (Female Brand ambassador, drama, but not with- star of the decade), La- IIFA. Lalu Prasad’s deliber- ated ‘rustic’ approach has not only kept us out fun or substance. Lalu Prasad’s deliber- ated ‘rustic’ approach has not only kept us Will an Indian ever play a Grand Slam final? Why tennis needs entertained, but also From p1 you also have to be mean to be a good com- entertained, but also clued into what the clued into what the ‘non-urban’ India is thinking. It must be Marcelo Rios was the number one player in the world for about a month. But then he petitor. This is not easy for Indians. I hope that our academy can work with India on a long-term basis, where I can From p1 to be Fed showing that the speed ‘non-urban’ India is admitted, however, disappeared from the top level. He was the also help train Indian coaches. In the long and strength of today's that this did not quite most talented player I have taught in the 53 run, it is difficult to make an impact in He is in fact a first-rate, pro game are merely its thinking. This did not work to his advantage years of my coaching. But talent alone is your country without 200-300 coaches who kick-ass power-baselin- skeleton, not its flesh. work to his advantage, in the recent general not enough. have a more intelligent view of the physi- er. It's just that that's not He has, figuratively and elections, but it was Twenty years ago, kids thought that if cal and mental requirements, the tech- all he is. There's also his literally re-embodied , but was engrossing engrossing nonethe- they could hit the ball, they could play for niques, and the competition. intelligence, his occult men's tennis, and for nonetheless less. In a different sort of college and be a pro. Today you need men- , tal strength, a sound strategy, support We also would like to put in place pro- grammes throughout the country, and anticipation, his court sense, his ability to read the first time in years the game's future is un- way this is also true of , staff, and financial assistance. search out the best players with the help of and manipulate oppo- predictable. Genius is Mamata Banerjee, though her feisty political profile has Coming to India, you have had a few your coaches, and bring them here. And nents, to mix spins and not replicable. Inspira- been different from Lalu’s easygoing charm and won her good players. You have Yuki Bhambri who Nick Bollettieri with a student then let us keep them for 2-4 years. This speeds, to misdirect and tion, though, is conta- power again. While in keeping with her image she has won the Australian Open. As soon as he at his academy requires sponsorship from corporates. disguise, to use tactical gious, and multiform - been indignant and sanctimonious, she has actually been puts on 15-20 pounds, he has the chance to lacking programmes that can support and You need a good support system that foresight and peripher- and even just to see, appealing to the same constituency as Yadav. truly be a professional. But its hard to develop players over a period of five to includes parents, coaches and funding. It al vision and kinesthet- close up, power and ag- All things considered, however, Lalu Yadav’s protests imagine that a country of your size barely eight years. isn’t any one thing. The sports ministry , ic range instead of just gression made vulnera- that Mamata has rehashed his budget and passed it off as has anybody even in the top 100. You must We had your top 20 boys and girls over too, needs to back you up, with the full rote pace — all this has ble to beauty is to feel her own has squealing of sour grapes. Lalu has many consider having a plan that starts with here for almost 2 months. It’s too bad that I understanding of what it means for the exposed the limits, and inspired and (in a fleet- things to his credit, including making the Railways prof- youngsters in the 7-12 age group. The kids didn’t have some of them when they were image of the country . possibilities, of men's ing, mortal way) recon- itable. But he never did say, as Mamata Banerjee has will need financial assistance, and they 10 or 11. I remember that the kids who (Nick Bollettieri is the founder of the tennis as it's now ciled. vouched, that the toilets in train will be clean like will need coaches who know the direction came here were too nice. The trend in your Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Florida, played. Excerpted from an es- never before. of the game and all its aspects. India is country is to be very polite. But sometimes USA. He spoke to R Krishna.) Roger Federer is say published in NYT Vol. 1 Issue No. 27 ■ Printer & Publisher: M Venkataraman ■ Executive Editor: R Jagannathan ■ Printed & Published by Diligent Media Corporation Ltd. Printed at EL-201, MIDC, TTC Industrial Area, Mahape, Navi Mumbai 400 705, Phone No: 3980-2200 and published at 1st Floor, Oasis Complex, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel, Mumbai- 400 013, Phone No: 4388-8888