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Kaitlyn Reeves
July 22, 2013
IMC 641 | Social Media & Marketing
Table of Contents
Opportunity ......................................................................... 3
Audience ............................................................................. 7
Objectives ......................................................................... 12
Channels ........................................................................... 13
Strategy & Tactics ............................................................. 18
Measurement .................................................................... 25
References ........................................................................ 34
Why does Rust-Oleum need a social media makeover?
With the explosion of Pinterest and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects and
crafts, a strong social media presence for brands such as Rust-Oleum is
imperative. Traditional advertising on television and in magazines is missing a
large portion of current and potential users who spend a majority of their time on
social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and
Sherwin-Williams is a major competitor of Rust-Oleum and has a much
stronger social presence. Sherwin-Williams uses various channels (Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest) to promote its products, inform consumers of current sales
promotions, and engage with followers through sweepstakes. Rust-Oleum uses
social media, but not as effectively as its competitor. Rust-Oleum should be
seen as a high-quality paint brand with an extensive product offering various
types of products and not just a cheap can of spray paint that can prevent
outdoor furniture from rusting.
What is Rust-Oleum currently doing in social media?
As previously mentioned, Rust-Oleum does currently utilize a variety of social
networks. They are active on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Instagram.
The problem is that Rust-Oleum is merely “present” on these sites and not
effectively engaging their followers.
Rust-Oleum’s Facebook page (Rust-Oleum) has 10,152 “likes”, which is a
fraction of what competitor Sherwin-Williams has (160,006). Besides a lack of
followers, Rust-Oleum is also not very active when it comes to posting and
updating their page. So far for the month of May, Rust-Oleum only has a total of
four original posts, and five shares of others’ photos and links. That’s a total of
nine posts for the entire month of May – not very engaging for site like Facebook
with so many users. The posts on Rust-Oleum’s page have very few shares,
likes, and comments. Another important aspect of social media is visibility and
sharing, and this is an area that Rust-Oleum needs to work on with their
Facebook page.
On Twitter, Rust-Oleum (@RustOleum) has an even smaller following than
their Facebook page, coming in at 1,857 followers. According to Statistic Brain,
as of May 7, 2013, there were a total of 554,750,000 active registered users on
Twitter, with 135,000 new users per day (n.d.). Rust-Oleum is missing out on a
lot of impressions, and this probably has to do with the lack of activity on their
Twitter feed. Similar to Facebook, Rust-Oleum has tweeted very little. Rust-
Oleum has one original tweet for the entire month of May, which was tweeted on
May 24. Rust-Oleum does try to engage with its followers by replying to others’
tweets and retweeting other updates as well. Including original tweets,
mentions, replies, and retweets, Rust-Oleum has a total of 15 posts on Twitter
for the month of May – that’s about one post every other day, which would be
okay if these posts were more than just mere retweets and mentions. On a more
positive note, Rust-Oleum does attempt to answer customer questions and
address their complaints on Twitter, but they could be doing more. For example,
on May 17, Rust-Oleum attempted to address and resolve an issue a consumer
had while using Rust-Oleum’s Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover 2x spray paint. Rust-
Oleum responded to the tweet by urging the customer to call the customer
service number. While this is a step in the right direction, Rust-Oleum could use
a better plan to deal with complaints via social media rather than referring the
customer to call the customer service phone number. The customer has already
been inconvenienced by the product and reached out via Twitter, so he or she
might not be willing to spend more time speaking to a customer service
representative over the phone.
Rust-Oleum (Rust-Oleum U.S.) also uses Pinterest, which is a great
opportunity for the brand because of the large number of do-it-yourself (DIY)
and craft projects being pinned and re-pinned. Right now, Rust-Oleum has
2,168 followers, 325 pins, and 35 likes on its Pinterest profile. Of their 16
boards, they feature various paint projects for different rooms in the home,
including the garage; craft projects; holiday projects; how-to photos; how-to
videos; automotive paint projects; and products. The board featuring Rust-
Oleum’s products only features one pin for their Ultimate Wood Stain. It would
be beneficial for Rust-Oleum to update this board to include their other products
so followers know what Rust-Oleum has to offer and what projects can be
accomplished using their products (kitchen countertop and cabinet
transformations come to mind).
Next, there’s Instagram. Rust-Oleum (@rustoleumusa) has only 313
followers and 18 photos. These numbers are very low. The most recently added
photo from Rust-Oleum was from three weeks ago. A few of the photos are of
objects painted with Rust-Oleum products and a couple are of people actually
using the product, but most of the photos are from the Country Living Fairs
Rust-Oleum has attended. Most of Rust-Oleum’s photos have very few likes and
comments – the highest number of likes is only 16 and the most comments on
one photo is seven (one of which happens to be someone recommending
another brand of paint).
It is impossible to engage and communicate with followers if Rust-Oleum
isn’t frequently posting, updating, and maintaining its profiles. Simply having a
profile on a social media site isn’t enough – for social media to work as
powerfully as it does, it has to be maintained.
Who are we talking to?
For Rust-Oleumʼs social media efforts, I chose to focus on white females
in the age range of 25 to 34. These females are likely married with young
children and, besides being mothers, also work full-time. These females are both
homeowners and renters and can be considered middle-class with a household
income of $45,000 to $75,000 annually. These women live in both city suburbs
and more rural areas.
How involved with social media is the target audience?
According to the social technographics tool available online through
Forrester, females in the United States between the ages of 25 to 34 are
primarily Joiners and Spectators. For the chosen demographic, 74% of all 25 to
34 year old females are Joiners and 78% are Spectators. These two groups,
along with five other groups, classify consumers by the level of social
participation (“Social Technographics,” 2012). Joiners tend to use social media
networks like Facebook and MySpace to connect with others; they maintain their
social media profiles and visit social networking sites (Bernoff & Anderson,
2010). Spectators are those who read blogs, online forums, customer ratings and
reviews, and tweets. Spectators also listen to podcasts and watch videos posted
by other users (Bernoff & Anderson, 2010). If someone within the Spectator
category were doing research before making a purchase, he or she would most
likely go online to do the majority of their research. The social technographics
tool did not specify the percentage of females aged 25 to 34 who are
Conversationalists, but I would consider the majority of the target audience to fall
in this category as well. Conversationalists are those who update their statuses
and post tweets on social networking sites at least once per week (Bernoff &
Anderson, 2010).
Females in the age range of 25 to 34 are much more likely to be Joiners
(Index = 145) and Creators (Index = 129) as compared to the population
average. These same females are slightly more likely to fall into the other
categories, as compared to the population average: Critics (Index = 116);
Collectors (Index = 114); and Spectators (Index = 107) (“Social Technographics,”
Considering this data, a social media plan with more involvement and
interaction on the part of Rust-Oleum will reach this target audience effectively
because these women already spend a good portion of their time online and are
involved in social media already.
What tools and technologies are being used?
An infographic posted in an article by Adam Popescu on in
April 2013 breaks down which social networking sites are most appealing to
specific demographics:
- Pinterest: Rural residents, women, whites, some level of college
education or higher, middle to higher income.
- Facebook: Women, 18 to 29 year olds.
- Instagram: African-Americans, Hispanics, urban residents, 18 to 29
year olds, women.
- Twitter: 18 to 29 year olds, African-Americans, urban residents.
Based on this information, it would seem that the best ways to reach the
whole of the target audience of 25 to 34 year old women are through Facebook,
Pinterest, and Instagram. Twitter could be useful to reach those younger women
between the ages 25 to 29.
Pinterest and Facebook hold the most potential to appeal to the target
audience, not only because these are the most appealing social network sites,
but because Rust-Oleum can capitalize on the sharing nature of these two sites.
Pinterest is an online pinboard where users can “pin” or save links to
content that interest them in order to be easily retrieved at a later time. Pins
range from Animals to Fashion to Food and Drink, and many more, including DIY
& Crafts and Home Décor, which would be ideal places for Rust-Oleumʼs content
to appear considering all the uses for Rust-Oleum products.
According to an article on, Pinterest alone has
over 27 million active users and offers analytics to companies using business
accounts. The following information can be collected and customized by date
range: Pins, Pinners, Repins, Repinners, Impressions, Reach, Clicks, Visitors,
Most Recent Pins, Most Repinned, and Most Clicked (De Vivo, 2013).
Facebook is the worldʼs largest social network, with more than 1 billion
active users per month. More than half of all users log in every day and users
spend an average of 19 minutes on Facebook per day. Facebook is the top
photo-sharing site with 250 million photos being added each day (“Facebook,”
2013). There are a variety of third-party analytic tools for Facebook, as well as
analytics provided by Facebook itself. Facebook offers the following metrics to
measure the overall performance of a businessʼs Page: Total Likes, Friends of
Fans, Talking About This, and Total Reach (“Getting Started,” 2013). Facebookʼs
Page Insights also provides demographic data (gender and age, countries, cities,
and language) based on the Likes a businessʼs page receives (“Likes,” 2013).
Each of the four aforementioned sites (Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter) provide unique ways for Rust-Oleum to engage with its target
audience and grow its social media presence overall. The availability of various
analytics through these sites provides Rust-Oleum an easy and accurate way to
measure the effectiveness of its new social media approach.
What do we want to accomplish?
 Gain 2,000 followers on Twitter over the course of eight (8) weeks.
 Increase number of shares and comments on Facebook by five (5) per
post in 12 weeks.
 Increase the number of photos shared on Instagram to one (1) per
week, with posting starting within the next four (4) weeks.
How are we going to reach our audience?
Twitter is a solid choice for Rust-Oleumʼs current marketing efforts.
While it may not be the top social media network for the target
audience, it is one of the top three used. Among all Internet users, 16 percent
use Twitter, and 15 percent of those users are women (Bennett, 2013).
Twitter is a great place to promote a brand. Tweets are limited to 140
characters, but URL shorteners are useful for conserving character space.
Brands can link to a wide variety of content – photos, videos, and websites –
using Twitter, making it an ideal choice for Rust-Oleum to integrate its other
channels, including its website.
Twitter also offers a variety of ways to incorporate the brandʼs profile into
its website. Rust-Oleum can have a Twitter button on its homepage to promote
follows. Rust-Oleumʼs website features projects and tips, and Twitter actually
offers a retweet button to add to these posts, making it really easy for a reader to
retweet an article from Rust-Oleumʼs website and post it to the readerʼs Twitter
profile (Hines, 2013).
-­‐ Effectively reaches the target audience
-­‐ Easily incorporated into Rust-Oleumʼs website
-­‐ Link to a variety of content; means no limits on what can be posted
-­‐ 140 character limit can make it hard to create a headline to grab
-­‐ Facebook and Pinterest are more popular
-­‐ Content isnʼt guaranteed to be shared or retweeted
One of the objectives of Rust-Oleum’s social media marketing plan
is to increase the numbers of photos posted on Instagram.
Instagram is primarily appealing to women and those ages 18 – 29, which
covers part of the target audience. A better presence on Instagram will also help
increase engagement with customers.
Instagram provides the opportunity to not only create original content for
posting, but the chance to share customers’ content, too. If someone uploads a
photo of a finished DIY project they completed using a Rust-Oleum product,
Rust-Oleum can ask to share that photo and engage and build trust with
- Reaches a good portion of the target audience
- Platform to post original content to drive engagement
- Ability to monitor hashtags and communicate with customers tagging
the brand/products
- Now available on the web (previously only available on mobile
devices), making it more accessible
- No option to link to website
- Re-posting is not simple; requires a screenshot of others’ content.
- Can only view content, not upload new content via web.
Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, largely used
by women and 18 – 29 year olds (Popescu, 2013). One of the
objectives selected for Rust-Oleum was increasing the number of shares and
comments on Facebook. In order to do this, Rust-Oleum must utilize Facebook
to engage its followers by posting relevant and new content. Currently, Rust-
Oleum shares photos from other Facebook profiles more so than creating their
own unique content. Rust-Oleum can focus its efforts more on featuring a
product and linking it to a how-to video (perhaps from their YouTube channel).
This will help integrate Rust-Oleum’s marketing efforts.
- Reaches a large portion of the target audience
- Ability to share others’ content, which helps engage followers and
build trust
- Ability to share almost anything: photos, links, videos, etc.
- Risk of being repetitive with content and losing followers
- Requires a lot of time to manage content and communicate with fans
- Risk losing followers if content is not relevant or valuable
What are our competitors doing?
Sherwin Williams and Instagram
One of Rust-Oleum’s competitors is Sherwin Williams, the United States’
largest producer of paint and coatings (“History,” 2013). They offer a variety of
paints and coatings for multiple surfaces, as does Rust-Oleum. However,
Sherwin-Williams is much more popular and present on social media channels.
Sherwin Williams is quite active on Instagram with over 800 followers
compared to Rust-Oleum’s 360 followers. One of the main reasons Sherwin
Williams is more successful on Instagram is simply the frequency of their posts.
Sherwin Williams posts much more frequently (almost every day) and it’s
important to note their posts are photos of things (objects, nature, scenery,
animals, etc.) that make the world more colorful and inspire the brand. This
unique content is more appealing than just photos of their products and gives a
personality to the brand.
Sherwin Williams uses Instagram for contests too, which further engages
the customer. They also use hashtags, but not too many that they appear
desperate for followers.
In comparison, Rust-Oleum rarely posts new photos, the most current
being from seven weeks ago. Rust-Oleum does attempt to use hashtags,
although not effectively – the hashtag #spraypaint is probably not needed for a
picture of cans of spray paint. Rust-Oleum has not attempted any contests on
Instagram and doesn’t give its followers a reason to stay engaged. If one were
to follow both Sherwin Williams and Rust-Oleum on Instagram, Rust-Oleum
would easily be forgotten because Sherwin Williams posts more frequently and
maintains awareness among followers.
Rust-Oleum has the ability to be as successful or more successful than
its competitors, but their efforts in social media need to increase significantly.
Rust-Oleum needs to spend more time monitoring and updating their social
media channels in order to better communicate and engage customers.
Strategy & Tactics
How are we going to achieve our objectives?
“Before and After” Photo Contest
Part of Rust-Oleum’s social
media plan is to increase the number
of photo shares on Instagram. To
achieve this objective, Rust-Oleum
will be holding “Before and After”
photo contests via Instagram.
Rust-Oleum will use other
channels, such as Facebook and
Twitter, to help promote the contest
and drive the target audience to Rust-
Oleum’s Instagram page.
Rust-Oleum is focused on
home improvement and do-it-yourself
(DIY) projects. A great way to capitalize on this is to ask fans and followers to
share their photos of projects or crafts they’ve completed using Rust-Oleum
To participate in the contest, Rust-Oleum’s Instagram followers must
upload a photo of an object they transformed using Rust-Oleum products. The
photo must show a “before” and “after” shot of the item that was transformed.
Followers should also tag Rust-Oleum in their photos. Tagging Rust-Oleum will
increase impressions because followers of Rust-Oleum’s followers will become
aware of Rust-Oleum’s presence on Instagram and be able to easily find the
profile and follow Rust-Oleum. Hashtags are also very popular on Instagram, so
the hashtag #beforeandafter will be required to be used with the uploaded photo
for consideration in the contest.
After a period of two weeks, the photo with the most likes will be the
winner of the contest. The winner of the contest will be awarded a $100 gift card
to Home Depot, to help with other home improvements.
A contest like this is very well suited for a channel such as Instagram,
simply because it is a very social and very popular photo-sharing site. Asking
followers to “like” a photo to vote for it is easy and doesn’t require a lot of effort,
but still creates an impression. By using other channels, like Facebook and
Twitter, to promote the contest, Rust-Oleum is better integrating its efforts
across multiple platforms. Also, followers on Facebook and Twitter will then be
made aware of Rust-Oleum’s presence on Instagram, and lead to more
“Monday Makeover” weekly photo post
Rust-Oleum currently has a presence on Facebook, but is desperately in
need of a makeover. Posts and updates are very infrequent and there is a lack
of engagement with fans. To combat this issue, Rust-Oleum’s objective is to
increase shares and comments on their Facebook profile. In order to do this,
Rust-Oleum must provide more content for fans to share and comment on.
Each Monday, Rust-Oleum will be uploading a photo of an item that is in
need of a makeover. The item can be anything, such as an old patio set found at
a flea market or yard sale. Each week, when Rust-Oleum uploads a photo of an
object that needs transformed, Rust-Oleum will ask its fans which product/color
from Rust-Oleum’s line of products would they use to transform the object?
Rust-Oleum will monitor comments and use the suggestions to makeover the
item, and post a follow-up “after” photo by the next week.
By posting
photos of
objects and
asking for
input on how
to make them
over, this will
engage fans and increase the number of comments per post. The finished
“after” photos will depict the possibilities that can happen by using Rust-Oleum
products. The “after” photos can be easily shared by Rust-Oleum’s followers,
therefore helping meet the objective of increasing shares.
Currently, Rust-Oleum’s Facebook profile seems to speak at consumers
rather than encourage two-way conversation. The “Monday Makeover” idea will
increase the frequency of posts and engage feedback from followers. Followers
feel more connected with a brand when they can provide their input.
“Weekend DIY Challenge”
Rust-Oleum is active on Twitter, however most of their activity stems
from retweets and replies. There is very little original content posted by Rust-
Oleum. In order to change this, Rust-Oleum will engage its followers by posting
a “Weekend DIY Challenge” each Friday.
Because Rust-Oleum’s focus is on DIY and home improvements,
providing a weekly weekend project for followers to do will help increase
engagement among followers, and will gain new followers as well. Those looking
for easy projects to do in a day or two can follow Rust-Oleum on Twitter for new
projects every week.
Each Friday, Rust-Oleum will post its Weekend DIY Project in the form of
a link to a website (either or Rust-Oleum’s Pinterest or YouTube
pages or even an outside source) that provides instructions and supplies
needed to complete the project.
The tweet might look something like this:
Rust-Oleum will also post a follow-up tweet encouraging followers to
upload their photos of their completed DIY Challenge and use the hashtags
#rustoleum #challengeaccepted and #weekendDIYchallenge.
Using Twitter for this specific challenge or topic is beneficial because
Rust-Oleum is able to link to its other social media profiles or its website easily.
By using hashtags, Rust-Oleum will be able to monitor the feedback it gains
from this DIY challenge.
Weekly Q&A session with Rust-Oleum product experts
Another use for Rust-Oleum’s Twitter profile is to engage followers by
opening up a chat session each week covering a variety of Rust-Oleum
products. These chat sessions will be presented by a Rust-Oleum product
expert who will be available to quickly answer any questions followers have
about a certain product and also to provide tips and tricks for using the product.
In order to engage followers during the week, Rust-Oleum will host a
weekly Question and Answer (Q&A) session on Tuesdays, to help provide
answers and helpful hints about its products. The Q&A sessions will be limited
to one hour each and as many questions will be answered in the timeframe as
possible. To participate, followers just need to tweet their questions to
@RustOleum and use the hashtag #Q&A. Prior to the Q&A session, Rust-Oleum
will tweet updates to remind followers that it is almost time for the weekly Q&A
session and let their followers know which product/topic Rust-Oleum will be
covering this week.
The goal of the weekly Q&A sessions is not only to engage followers, but
also to increase the number of followers. Followers of the followers who are
tweeting to Rust-Oleum during the weekly chat session will see what questions
are being asked and can go to Rust-Oleum’s profile to find the answers and
follow them so they won’t miss out on future chat sessions.
Twitter is the perfect tool for a timed Q&A session because tweets are
limited to 140 characters, and the answers will have to be simple to understand
because of the character restriction. If a longer explanation is needed, then the
host of the Q&A session can provide a link to more information.
The use of Twitter for a chat session will expand on the customer service
aspect that Rust-Oleum already uses on its profile. It is more of a proactive
approach rather than the reactive one Rust-Oleum is currently using. Right now,
if someone tweets a complaint about a product or has a question, Rust-Oleum
is responding with the answer or providing a toll-free number for the person to
call. The weekly Q&A session will be a way to provide answers up front and
possibly eliminate misuse of the product, which could lead to a complaint. Of
course, Rust-Oleum will still continue to respond to questions and complaints
outside of the chat session timeframe.
Did we meet our objectives? How successful were we?
Quantitative measurement:
1. Number of Twitter followers
One objective of Rust-Oleumʼs social media plan is to increase
followers on Twitter, specifically
by 2,000 followers in an eight-
week time span. In order to
determine the outcome of this
objective, a tool such as
HootSuite can be used.
HootSuite provides a variety of analytics to measure effectiveness
of a social media campaign. The Twitter Profile Overview tool, found in
HootSuiteʼs dashboard, generates a report that includes a variety of data
based on a specific Twitter profile. The total number of followers and
follower growth are important metrics to measure the effectiveness of
Rust-Oleumʼs objective to increase followers. The report can be tailored to
include specific dates, which can be helpful in gauging progress during the
eight-week time frame set forth in the objective.
Using this tool, or a similar tool, Rust-Oleum should be evaluating
the progress of the plan by frequently checking the number of total
followers the brand has, and determining their follower growth on a weekly
basis. By tracking the progress, Rust-Oleum will know if itʼs on its way to
meeting its objective in the pre-determined time frame and whether the
tactics being used are effective in achieving an increase in number of
2. Number of photos posted/Post history
In order to increase its presence and engagement on Instagram,
Rust-Oleum is tasked with increasing the number of photos shared. Rust-
Oleumʼs objective is to increase the number of photos posted by one
photo per week, beginning no later than four weeks from the start of the
This is an easy metric to evaluate, especially with the tools
available. One such tool, Statigram (, is specifically designed for
use with Instagram and allows the user to promote, manage, analyze, and
engage with followers more effectively based on the statistics generated
by linking the userʼs Instagram profile with Statigram (Statigram, 2013).
Statigram provides the user with the total number of photos
uploaded and the number of photos posted in a rolling 30-day period,
dividing it by month, if necessary. Statigram can also help the user
determine what day, and even what time of day, is the best time to post
photos based on post history (the days and times photos are posted are
cross-referenced with the number of likes/comments each photo receives).
Itʼs not only important for Rust-Oleum to post new content more
frequently, but also to post at times when followers and fans are most
likely to engage with the content.
Statigram updates information every 24 hours for a rolling 30-day
period. Rust-Oleum can check its Instagram stats each day or week to
make sure it is on track to meet its objective of increasing photo posts.
Qualitative measurement:
1. Engagement rate
An objective proposed by Rust-Oleumʼs social media plan is to
increase the number of shares and comments on Facebook by five per
post in 12 weeks.
While looking at a quantitative figure of how many comments or
shares each post receives is an easy measurement of this objective, it is
more important to evaluate the engagement rate. The outcome of
measuring a postʼs engagement ranking can be positive or negative. Rust-
Oleum can use the knowledge from a postʼs engagement rate to
determine whether they are posting quality content, which content is most
engaging (content with the most likes, shares, or comments), and how to
continue to tailor content to its audience in order to meet the objective. Itʼs
not enough for Rust-Oleum to post any content and hope fans will engage,
but rather to post quality content that provides value. Quality content will
lead to more shares and comments, thus allowing Rust-Oleum to meet its
EdgeRank is an algorithm that measures the importance and value
of each “edge” – defined as any action that happens on Facebook, such
as status updates, comments, likes, and shares – posted on Facebook.
EdgeRank makes its evaluations based upon affinity (the one-way
relationship between a user and an edge), weight (certain actions are
deemed more valuable than others; i.e., commenting carries more weight
than a like), and time decay (how long the post or edge has been online).
Edge value is classified as low, medium, or high. (EdgeRank, 2013).
By using a tool such as EdgeRank, Rust-Oleum can evaluate the
value of its posts and determine what works and what doesnʼt. Obviously,
it will be more beneficial for Rust-Oleum to post more content that has a
high edge value as opposed to invaluable posts that wonʼt generate
shares and comments needed to achieve the objective.
2. Sentiment on Twitter
It is also important to post quality content on Twitter, not just
Facebook. As mentioned above, quality breeds quantity. In order to help
gain followers on Twitter, Rust-Oleum must post valuable content.
In attempt to measure
how followers and others feel
about Rust-Oleum as a brand,
Rust-Oleum can employ
another analytic from
HootSuite, known as Twitter
Sentiment. By measuring
sentiment on Twitter, Rust-
Oleum will know what type of
content is most valuable and
attractive to Twitter users, and
thus be able to generate more content to gain more followers.
Twitter Sentiment is a custom report that breaks data down into
specific sentiment groups. As opposed to other sentiment analysis tools
(like SocialMention) that merely break information into positive, neutral, or
negative, HootSuite defines its sentiment groups as: Affection
Friendliness, Enjoyment Elation, Amusement Excitement, Contentment
Gratitude, Sadness Grief, Anger Loathing, Fear Uneasiness, and
Humiliation Shame.
However, it may also be
beneficial to use a tool like to measure
sentiment in conjunction with HootSuite.
SocialMention searches multiple
platforms, not only Twitter, and provides
data such as how likely it is that the
brand is being discussed (strength), the
ratio of positive to negative mentions
(sentiment), the percentage of which
people discussing the brand will
continue to do so (passion), and range of influence expressed as a
percentage (reach). Sentiment is considered positive, neutral, or negative
and SocialMention displays Top Users – those who are mentioning the
brand the most – and various other information.
This type of information can be used to determine brand advocates,
who can influence their followers to also follow Rust-Oleum.
Return on Investment (ROI) measurement:
1. Socially-referred revenue
Socially-referred revenue is a metric used to measure ecommerce
revenue generated from social media. Revenue that could be generated
from Rust-Oleumʼs social media plan can be traced to Twitter and Rust-
Oleumʼs “Weekend DIY Challenge” and “Q-and-A session” tactics. The
Weekend DIY Challenges are designed to meet Rust-Oleumʼs objective of
increasing the number of Twitter followers and boosting engagement, and
link back to Rust-Oleumʼs website in order to find instructions for
completing the challenge. These challenges require the use of Rust-
Oleum products, so revenue can be generated in this way. The Q-and-A
session tweets can link back to Rust-Oleumʼs website in order to provide a
more in-depth answer. Once a user is on the website, he or she may make
a purchase.
It is only suggested to measure socially-referred revenue because
awareness created due to the various tactics used can lead to more sales.
Socially-referred revenue measurement is tied to the Twitter objective,
because the only tactics that directly link to Rust-Oleumʼs website are both
the Weekend DIY Challenge and the Q-and-A session.
While this is a metric that can be measured, it focuses on
ecommerce and doesnʼt incorporate revenue generated through in-store
purchases. A social media plan may improve sales, but it is hard to trace
the revenue increase back to a specific social media platform.
2. Media equivalent value
Media equivalent value is defined as “the monetary equivalent of
the impressions generated through social media that would have
traditionally been acquired through paid media” (Gold, 2012).
Measuring the media equivalent value is important in order to judge
the effectiveness of the “Monday Makeover” photo posts on Facebook and
the “Before and After” photo contest on Instagram. The purpose of these
photo posts and contests are to achieve the objectives, respectively, of
increasing shares and comments on Facebook and increasing photo posts
on Instagram. The posts on each social media site will also boost
impressions, website traffic, clicks, and engagement, so it is important to
know if these tactics are meeting the stated objectives for Facebook and
The results of measuring the media equivalent value will also inform
Rust-Oleum whether its money and efforts spilled into social media
marketing has a higher ROI than traditional marketing would.
Bennett, S. (2013 Mar 19). Social media 2013: User demographics for Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram [Infographic]. MediaBistro. Retrieved
June 24, 2013, from
Bernoff, J. and Anderson, J. (2010 Aug 2). Social Technographics Defined.
Forrester Research, Inc. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from
De Vivo, M. (2013 June 10). Pinterest analytics: the ultimate guide to tracking
your siteʼs performance on Pinterest. Search Engine Watch. Retrieved
June 10, 2013 from
EdgeRank. (2013). What is EdgeRank. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from	
Facebook. (2013). CrunchBase. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from
Getting Started & General Page Metrics. (2013). Facebook. Retrieved June 10,
2013 from
Gold, H. (2012 Dec 18). 14 social media ROI metrics you can use right now.
Clickz. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from
Hines, K. (2013 Apr 12). The 2013 Twitter marketing guide. KISSMetrics.
Retrieved July 21, 2013, from
History of Sherwin Williams. (2013). About Us. Sherwin Williams. Retrieved June
24, 2013, from
Likes, Reach, & Talking About This. (2013). Facebook. Retrieved June 10, 2013
Popescu, A. (2013 Apr 12). Just who uses social media? A demographic
breakdown. Mashable. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from
Statigram. (2013). About us. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from	
Tso, R. (12 June 2013). The Pinterest craze: Marketers, itʼs time to start pinning.
Huffington Post. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from
Twitter statistics. (n.d.). Statistic Brain. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from
Whatʼs the social technographics profile of your customers? (2012). Forrester
Research, Inc. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from

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Rust-Oleum: Striving for Success through Social Media | IMC 641

  • 1. Kaitlyn Reeves July 22, 2013 IMC 641 | Social Media & Marketing
  • 2. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 2   Table of Contents   Opportunity ......................................................................... 3 Audience ............................................................................. 7 Objectives ......................................................................... 12 Channels ........................................................................... 13 Strategy & Tactics ............................................................. 18 Measurement .................................................................... 25 References ........................................................................ 34  
  • 3. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 3   Opportunity Why does Rust-Oleum need a social media makeover? With the explosion of Pinterest and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects and crafts, a strong social media presence for brands such as Rust-Oleum is imperative. Traditional advertising on television and in magazines is missing a large portion of current and potential users who spend a majority of their time on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and YouTube. Sherwin-Williams is a major competitor of Rust-Oleum and has a much stronger social presence. Sherwin-Williams uses various channels (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest) to promote its products, inform consumers of current sales promotions, and engage with followers through sweepstakes. Rust-Oleum uses social media, but not as effectively as its competitor. Rust-Oleum should be seen as a high-quality paint brand with an extensive product offering various types of products and not just a cheap can of spray paint that can prevent outdoor furniture from rusting.
  • 4. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 4   What is Rust-Oleum currently doing in social media? As previously mentioned, Rust-Oleum does currently utilize a variety of social networks. They are active on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and even Instagram. The problem is that Rust-Oleum is merely “present” on these sites and not effectively engaging their followers. Rust-Oleum’s Facebook page (Rust-Oleum) has 10,152 “likes”, which is a fraction of what competitor Sherwin-Williams has (160,006). Besides a lack of followers, Rust-Oleum is also not very active when it comes to posting and updating their page. So far for the month of May, Rust-Oleum only has a total of four original posts, and five shares of others’ photos and links. That’s a total of nine posts for the entire month of May – not very engaging for site like Facebook with so many users. The posts on Rust-Oleum’s page have very few shares, likes, and comments. Another important aspect of social media is visibility and sharing, and this is an area that Rust-Oleum needs to work on with their Facebook page. On Twitter, Rust-Oleum (@RustOleum) has an even smaller following than their Facebook page, coming in at 1,857 followers. According to Statistic Brain, as of May 7, 2013, there were a total of 554,750,000 active registered users on Twitter, with 135,000 new users per day (n.d.). Rust-Oleum is missing out on a lot of impressions, and this probably has to do with the lack of activity on their Twitter feed. Similar to Facebook, Rust-Oleum has tweeted very little. Rust-
  • 5. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 5   Oleum has one original tweet for the entire month of May, which was tweeted on May 24. Rust-Oleum does try to engage with its followers by replying to others’ tweets and retweeting other updates as well. Including original tweets, mentions, replies, and retweets, Rust-Oleum has a total of 15 posts on Twitter for the month of May – that’s about one post every other day, which would be okay if these posts were more than just mere retweets and mentions. On a more positive note, Rust-Oleum does attempt to answer customer questions and address their complaints on Twitter, but they could be doing more. For example, on May 17, Rust-Oleum attempted to address and resolve an issue a consumer had while using Rust-Oleum’s Painter’s Touch Ultra Cover 2x spray paint. Rust- Oleum responded to the tweet by urging the customer to call the customer service number. While this is a step in the right direction, Rust-Oleum could use a better plan to deal with complaints via social media rather than referring the customer to call the customer service phone number. The customer has already been inconvenienced by the product and reached out via Twitter, so he or she might not be willing to spend more time speaking to a customer service representative over the phone. Rust-Oleum (Rust-Oleum U.S.) also uses Pinterest, which is a great opportunity for the brand because of the large number of do-it-yourself (DIY) and craft projects being pinned and re-pinned. Right now, Rust-Oleum has 2,168 followers, 325 pins, and 35 likes on its Pinterest profile. Of their 16 boards, they feature various paint projects for different rooms in the home, including the garage; craft projects; holiday projects; how-to photos; how-to
  • 6. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 6   videos; automotive paint projects; and products. The board featuring Rust- Oleum’s products only features one pin for their Ultimate Wood Stain. It would be beneficial for Rust-Oleum to update this board to include their other products so followers know what Rust-Oleum has to offer and what projects can be accomplished using their products (kitchen countertop and cabinet transformations come to mind). Next, there’s Instagram. Rust-Oleum (@rustoleumusa) has only 313 followers and 18 photos. These numbers are very low. The most recently added photo from Rust-Oleum was from three weeks ago. A few of the photos are of objects painted with Rust-Oleum products and a couple are of people actually using the product, but most of the photos are from the Country Living Fairs Rust-Oleum has attended. Most of Rust-Oleum’s photos have very few likes and comments – the highest number of likes is only 16 and the most comments on one photo is seven (one of which happens to be someone recommending another brand of paint). It is impossible to engage and communicate with followers if Rust-Oleum isn’t frequently posting, updating, and maintaining its profiles. Simply having a profile on a social media site isn’t enough – for social media to work as powerfully as it does, it has to be maintained.
  • 7. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 7   Audience Who are we talking to? For Rust-Oleumʼs social media efforts, I chose to focus on white females in the age range of 25 to 34. These females are likely married with young children and, besides being mothers, also work full-time. These females are both homeowners and renters and can be considered middle-class with a household income of $45,000 to $75,000 annually. These women live in both city suburbs and more rural areas. How involved with social media is the target audience? According to the social technographics tool available online through Forrester, females in the United States between the ages of 25 to 34 are primarily Joiners and Spectators. For the chosen demographic, 74% of all 25 to 34 year old females are Joiners and 78% are Spectators. These two groups, along with five other groups, classify consumers by the level of social participation (“Social Technographics,” 2012). Joiners tend to use social media networks like Facebook and MySpace to connect with others; they maintain their social media profiles and visit social networking sites (Bernoff & Anderson, 2010). Spectators are those who read blogs, online forums, customer ratings and reviews, and tweets. Spectators also listen to podcasts and watch videos posted by other users (Bernoff & Anderson, 2010). If someone within the Spectator
  • 8. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 8   category were doing research before making a purchase, he or she would most likely go online to do the majority of their research. The social technographics tool did not specify the percentage of females aged 25 to 34 who are Conversationalists, but I would consider the majority of the target audience to fall in this category as well. Conversationalists are those who update their statuses and post tweets on social networking sites at least once per week (Bernoff & Anderson, 2010). Females in the age range of 25 to 34 are much more likely to be Joiners (Index = 145) and Creators (Index = 129) as compared to the population average. These same females are slightly more likely to fall into the other categories, as compared to the population average: Critics (Index = 116); Collectors (Index = 114); and Spectators (Index = 107) (“Social Technographics,” 2012).
  • 9. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 9   Considering this data, a social media plan with more involvement and interaction on the part of Rust-Oleum will reach this target audience effectively because these women already spend a good portion of their time online and are involved in social media already. What tools and technologies are being used? An infographic posted in an article by Adam Popescu on in April 2013 breaks down which social networking sites are most appealing to specific demographics: - Pinterest: Rural residents, women, whites, some level of college education or higher, middle to higher income. - Facebook: Women, 18 to 29 year olds. - Instagram: African-Americans, Hispanics, urban residents, 18 to 29 year olds, women. - Twitter: 18 to 29 year olds, African-Americans, urban residents. Based on this information, it would seem that the best ways to reach the whole of the target audience of 25 to 34 year old women are through Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram. Twitter could be useful to reach those younger women between the ages 25 to 29. Pinterest and Facebook hold the most potential to appeal to the target audience, not only because these are the most appealing social network sites, but because Rust-Oleum can capitalize on the sharing nature of these two sites.
  • 10. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 10   Pinterest is an online pinboard where users can “pin” or save links to content that interest them in order to be easily retrieved at a later time. Pins range from Animals to Fashion to Food and Drink, and many more, including DIY & Crafts and Home Décor, which would be ideal places for Rust-Oleumʼs content to appear considering all the uses for Rust-Oleum products. According to an article on, Pinterest alone has over 27 million active users and offers analytics to companies using business accounts. The following information can be collected and customized by date range: Pins, Pinners, Repins, Repinners, Impressions, Reach, Clicks, Visitors, Most Recent Pins, Most Repinned, and Most Clicked (De Vivo, 2013). Facebook is the worldʼs largest social network, with more than 1 billion active users per month. More than half of all users log in every day and users spend an average of 19 minutes on Facebook per day. Facebook is the top photo-sharing site with 250 million photos being added each day (“Facebook,” 2013). There are a variety of third-party analytic tools for Facebook, as well as analytics provided by Facebook itself. Facebook offers the following metrics to measure the overall performance of a businessʼs Page: Total Likes, Friends of Fans, Talking About This, and Total Reach (“Getting Started,” 2013). Facebookʼs Page Insights also provides demographic data (gender and age, countries, cities, and language) based on the Likes a businessʼs page receives (“Likes,” 2013). Each of the four aforementioned sites (Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) provide unique ways for Rust-Oleum to engage with its target
  • 11. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 11   audience and grow its social media presence overall. The availability of various analytics through these sites provides Rust-Oleum an easy and accurate way to measure the effectiveness of its new social media approach.
  • 12. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 12   Objectives What do we want to accomplish?  Gain 2,000 followers on Twitter over the course of eight (8) weeks.  Increase number of shares and comments on Facebook by five (5) per post in 12 weeks.  Increase the number of photos shared on Instagram to one (1) per week, with posting starting within the next four (4) weeks.
  • 13. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 13   Channels How are we going to reach our audience? Twitter Twitter is a solid choice for Rust-Oleumʼs current marketing efforts. While it may not be the top social media network for the target audience, it is one of the top three used. Among all Internet users, 16 percent use Twitter, and 15 percent of those users are women (Bennett, 2013). Twitter is a great place to promote a brand. Tweets are limited to 140 characters, but URL shorteners are useful for conserving character space. Brands can link to a wide variety of content – photos, videos, and websites – using Twitter, making it an ideal choice for Rust-Oleum to integrate its other channels, including its website. Twitter also offers a variety of ways to incorporate the brandʼs profile into its website. Rust-Oleum can have a Twitter button on its homepage to promote follows. Rust-Oleumʼs website features projects and tips, and Twitter actually offers a retweet button to add to these posts, making it really easy for a reader to retweet an article from Rust-Oleumʼs website and post it to the readerʼs Twitter profile (Hines, 2013). Pros: -­‐ Effectively reaches the target audience -­‐ Easily incorporated into Rust-Oleumʼs website
  • 14. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 14   -­‐ Link to a variety of content; means no limits on what can be posted Cons: -­‐ 140 character limit can make it hard to create a headline to grab attention -­‐ Facebook and Pinterest are more popular -­‐ Content isnʼt guaranteed to be shared or retweeted Instagram One of the objectives of Rust-Oleum’s social media marketing plan is to increase the numbers of photos posted on Instagram. Instagram is primarily appealing to women and those ages 18 – 29, which covers part of the target audience. A better presence on Instagram will also help increase engagement with customers. Instagram provides the opportunity to not only create original content for posting, but the chance to share customers’ content, too. If someone uploads a photo of a finished DIY project they completed using a Rust-Oleum product, Rust-Oleum can ask to share that photo and engage and build trust with followers. Pros: - Reaches a good portion of the target audience - Platform to post original content to drive engagement - Ability to monitor hashtags and communicate with customers tagging the brand/products
  • 15. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 15   - Now available on the web (previously only available on mobile devices), making it more accessible Cons: - No option to link to website - Re-posting is not simple; requires a screenshot of others’ content. - Can only view content, not upload new content via web. Facebook Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, largely used by women and 18 – 29 year olds (Popescu, 2013). One of the objectives selected for Rust-Oleum was increasing the number of shares and comments on Facebook. In order to do this, Rust-Oleum must utilize Facebook to engage its followers by posting relevant and new content. Currently, Rust- Oleum shares photos from other Facebook profiles more so than creating their own unique content. Rust-Oleum can focus its efforts more on featuring a product and linking it to a how-to video (perhaps from their YouTube channel). This will help integrate Rust-Oleum’s marketing efforts. Pros: - Reaches a large portion of the target audience - Ability to share others’ content, which helps engage followers and build trust - Ability to share almost anything: photos, links, videos, etc.
  • 16. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 16   Cons: - Risk of being repetitive with content and losing followers - Requires a lot of time to manage content and communicate with fans - Risk losing followers if content is not relevant or valuable What are our competitors doing? Sherwin Williams and Instagram One of Rust-Oleum’s competitors is Sherwin Williams, the United States’ largest producer of paint and coatings (“History,” 2013). They offer a variety of paints and coatings for multiple surfaces, as does Rust-Oleum. However, Sherwin-Williams is much more popular and present on social media channels. Sherwin Williams is quite active on Instagram with over 800 followers compared to Rust-Oleum’s 360 followers. One of the main reasons Sherwin Williams is more successful on Instagram is simply the frequency of their posts. Sherwin Williams posts much more frequently (almost every day) and it’s important to note their posts are photos of things (objects, nature, scenery, animals, etc.) that make the world more colorful and inspire the brand. This unique content is more appealing than just photos of their products and gives a personality to the brand.
  • 17. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 17   Sherwin Williams uses Instagram for contests too, which further engages the customer. They also use hashtags, but not too many that they appear desperate for followers. In comparison, Rust-Oleum rarely posts new photos, the most current being from seven weeks ago. Rust-Oleum does attempt to use hashtags, although not effectively – the hashtag #spraypaint is probably not needed for a picture of cans of spray paint. Rust-Oleum has not attempted any contests on Instagram and doesn’t give its followers a reason to stay engaged. If one were to follow both Sherwin Williams and Rust-Oleum on Instagram, Rust-Oleum would easily be forgotten because Sherwin Williams posts more frequently and maintains awareness among followers. Rust-Oleum has the ability to be as successful or more successful than its competitors, but their efforts in social media need to increase significantly. Rust-Oleum needs to spend more time monitoring and updating their social media channels in order to better communicate and engage customers.
  • 18. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 18   Strategy & Tactics How are we going to achieve our objectives? “Before and After” Photo Contest Part of Rust-Oleum’s social media plan is to increase the number of photo shares on Instagram. To achieve this objective, Rust-Oleum will be holding “Before and After” photo contests via Instagram. Rust-Oleum will use other channels, such as Facebook and Twitter, to help promote the contest and drive the target audience to Rust- Oleum’s Instagram page. Rust-Oleum is focused on home improvement and do-it-yourself (DIY) projects. A great way to capitalize on this is to ask fans and followers to share their photos of projects or crafts they’ve completed using Rust-Oleum products.
  • 19. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 19   To participate in the contest, Rust-Oleum’s Instagram followers must upload a photo of an object they transformed using Rust-Oleum products. The photo must show a “before” and “after” shot of the item that was transformed. Followers should also tag Rust-Oleum in their photos. Tagging Rust-Oleum will increase impressions because followers of Rust-Oleum’s followers will become aware of Rust-Oleum’s presence on Instagram and be able to easily find the profile and follow Rust-Oleum. Hashtags are also very popular on Instagram, so the hashtag #beforeandafter will be required to be used with the uploaded photo for consideration in the contest. After a period of two weeks, the photo with the most likes will be the winner of the contest. The winner of the contest will be awarded a $100 gift card to Home Depot, to help with other home improvements. A contest like this is very well suited for a channel such as Instagram, simply because it is a very social and very popular photo-sharing site. Asking followers to “like” a photo to vote for it is easy and doesn’t require a lot of effort, but still creates an impression. By using other channels, like Facebook and Twitter, to promote the contest, Rust-Oleum is better integrating its efforts across multiple platforms. Also, followers on Facebook and Twitter will then be made aware of Rust-Oleum’s presence on Instagram, and lead to more followers.
  • 20. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 20   “Monday Makeover” weekly photo post Rust-Oleum currently has a presence on Facebook, but is desperately in need of a makeover. Posts and updates are very infrequent and there is a lack of engagement with fans. To combat this issue, Rust-Oleum’s objective is to increase shares and comments on their Facebook profile. In order to do this, Rust-Oleum must provide more content for fans to share and comment on. Each Monday, Rust-Oleum will be uploading a photo of an item that is in need of a makeover. The item can be anything, such as an old patio set found at a flea market or yard sale. Each week, when Rust-Oleum uploads a photo of an object that needs transformed, Rust-Oleum will ask its fans which product/color from Rust-Oleum’s line of products would they use to transform the object? Rust-Oleum will monitor comments and use the suggestions to makeover the item, and post a follow-up “after” photo by the next week. By posting photos of random objects and asking for input on how to make them over, this will engage fans and increase the number of comments per post. The finished
  • 21. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 21   “after” photos will depict the possibilities that can happen by using Rust-Oleum products. The “after” photos can be easily shared by Rust-Oleum’s followers, therefore helping meet the objective of increasing shares. Currently, Rust-Oleum’s Facebook profile seems to speak at consumers rather than encourage two-way conversation. The “Monday Makeover” idea will increase the frequency of posts and engage feedback from followers. Followers feel more connected with a brand when they can provide their input. “Weekend DIY Challenge” Rust-Oleum is active on Twitter, however most of their activity stems from retweets and replies. There is very little original content posted by Rust- Oleum. In order to change this, Rust-Oleum will engage its followers by posting a “Weekend DIY Challenge” each Friday. Because Rust-Oleum’s focus is on DIY and home improvements, providing a weekly weekend project for followers to do will help increase engagement among followers, and will gain new followers as well. Those looking for easy projects to do in a day or two can follow Rust-Oleum on Twitter for new projects every week. Each Friday, Rust-Oleum will post its Weekend DIY Project in the form of a link to a website (either or Rust-Oleum’s Pinterest or YouTube
  • 22. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 22   pages or even an outside source) that provides instructions and supplies needed to complete the project. The tweet might look something like this: Rust-Oleum will also post a follow-up tweet encouraging followers to upload their photos of their completed DIY Challenge and use the hashtags #rustoleum #challengeaccepted and #weekendDIYchallenge. Using Twitter for this specific challenge or topic is beneficial because Rust-Oleum is able to link to its other social media profiles or its website easily. By using hashtags, Rust-Oleum will be able to monitor the feedback it gains from this DIY challenge. Weekly Q&A session with Rust-Oleum product experts Another use for Rust-Oleum’s Twitter profile is to engage followers by opening up a chat session each week covering a variety of Rust-Oleum
  • 23. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 23   products. These chat sessions will be presented by a Rust-Oleum product expert who will be available to quickly answer any questions followers have about a certain product and also to provide tips and tricks for using the product. In order to engage followers during the week, Rust-Oleum will host a weekly Question and Answer (Q&A) session on Tuesdays, to help provide answers and helpful hints about its products. The Q&A sessions will be limited to one hour each and as many questions will be answered in the timeframe as possible. To participate, followers just need to tweet their questions to @RustOleum and use the hashtag #Q&A. Prior to the Q&A session, Rust-Oleum will tweet updates to remind followers that it is almost time for the weekly Q&A session and let their followers know which product/topic Rust-Oleum will be covering this week. The goal of the weekly Q&A sessions is not only to engage followers, but also to increase the number of followers. Followers of the followers who are tweeting to Rust-Oleum during the weekly chat session will see what questions are being asked and can go to Rust-Oleum’s profile to find the answers and follow them so they won’t miss out on future chat sessions. Twitter is the perfect tool for a timed Q&A session because tweets are limited to 140 characters, and the answers will have to be simple to understand because of the character restriction. If a longer explanation is needed, then the host of the Q&A session can provide a link to more information.
  • 24. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 24   The use of Twitter for a chat session will expand on the customer service aspect that Rust-Oleum already uses on its profile. It is more of a proactive approach rather than the reactive one Rust-Oleum is currently using. Right now, if someone tweets a complaint about a product or has a question, Rust-Oleum is responding with the answer or providing a toll-free number for the person to call. The weekly Q&A session will be a way to provide answers up front and possibly eliminate misuse of the product, which could lead to a complaint. Of course, Rust-Oleum will still continue to respond to questions and complaints outside of the chat session timeframe.
  • 25. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 25   Measurement Did we meet our objectives? How successful were we? Quantitative measurement: 1. Number of Twitter followers One objective of Rust-Oleumʼs social media plan is to increase followers on Twitter, specifically by 2,000 followers in an eight- week time span. In order to determine the outcome of this objective, a tool such as HootSuite can be used. HootSuite provides a variety of analytics to measure effectiveness of a social media campaign. The Twitter Profile Overview tool, found in HootSuiteʼs dashboard, generates a report that includes a variety of data based on a specific Twitter profile. The total number of followers and follower growth are important metrics to measure the effectiveness of Rust-Oleumʼs objective to increase followers. The report can be tailored to include specific dates, which can be helpful in gauging progress during the eight-week time frame set forth in the objective.
  • 26. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 26   Using this tool, or a similar tool, Rust-Oleum should be evaluating the progress of the plan by frequently checking the number of total followers the brand has, and determining their follower growth on a weekly basis. By tracking the progress, Rust-Oleum will know if itʼs on its way to meeting its objective in the pre-determined time frame and whether the tactics being used are effective in achieving an increase in number of followers. 2. Number of photos posted/Post history In order to increase its presence and engagement on Instagram, Rust-Oleum is tasked with increasing the number of photos shared. Rust- Oleumʼs objective is to increase the number of photos posted by one photo per week, beginning no later than four weeks from the start of the campaign. This is an easy metric to evaluate, especially with the tools available. One such tool, Statigram (, is specifically designed for use with Instagram and allows the user to promote, manage, analyze, and engage with followers more effectively based on the statistics generated
  • 27. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 27   by linking the userʼs Instagram profile with Statigram (Statigram, 2013). Statigram provides the user with the total number of photos uploaded and the number of photos posted in a rolling 30-day period, dividing it by month, if necessary. Statigram can also help the user determine what day, and even what time of day, is the best time to post photos based on post history (the days and times photos are posted are cross-referenced with the number of likes/comments each photo receives).
  • 28. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 28   Itʼs not only important for Rust-Oleum to post new content more frequently, but also to post at times when followers and fans are most likely to engage with the content. Statigram updates information every 24 hours for a rolling 30-day period. Rust-Oleum can check its Instagram stats each day or week to make sure it is on track to meet its objective of increasing photo posts. Qualitative measurement: 1. Engagement rate An objective proposed by Rust-Oleumʼs social media plan is to increase the number of shares and comments on Facebook by five per post in 12 weeks. While looking at a quantitative figure of how many comments or shares each post receives is an easy measurement of this objective, it is more important to evaluate the engagement rate. The outcome of measuring a postʼs engagement ranking can be positive or negative. Rust- Oleum can use the knowledge from a postʼs engagement rate to determine whether they are posting quality content, which content is most engaging (content with the most likes, shares, or comments), and how to continue to tailor content to its audience in order to meet the objective. Itʼs not enough for Rust-Oleum to post any content and hope fans will engage, but rather to post quality content that provides value. Quality content will
  • 29. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 29   lead to more shares and comments, thus allowing Rust-Oleum to meet its goal. EdgeRank is an algorithm that measures the importance and value of each “edge” – defined as any action that happens on Facebook, such as status updates, comments, likes, and shares – posted on Facebook. EdgeRank makes its evaluations based upon affinity (the one-way relationship between a user and an edge), weight (certain actions are deemed more valuable than others; i.e., commenting carries more weight than a like), and time decay (how long the post or edge has been online). Edge value is classified as low, medium, or high. (EdgeRank, 2013). By using a tool such as EdgeRank, Rust-Oleum can evaluate the value of its posts and determine what works and what doesnʼt. Obviously, it will be more beneficial for Rust-Oleum to post more content that has a
  • 30. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 30   high edge value as opposed to invaluable posts that wonʼt generate shares and comments needed to achieve the objective. 2. Sentiment on Twitter It is also important to post quality content on Twitter, not just Facebook. As mentioned above, quality breeds quantity. In order to help gain followers on Twitter, Rust-Oleum must post valuable content. In attempt to measure how followers and others feel about Rust-Oleum as a brand, Rust-Oleum can employ another analytic from HootSuite, known as Twitter Sentiment. By measuring sentiment on Twitter, Rust- Oleum will know what type of content is most valuable and attractive to Twitter users, and thus be able to generate more content to gain more followers. Twitter Sentiment is a custom report that breaks data down into specific sentiment groups. As opposed to other sentiment analysis tools (like SocialMention) that merely break information into positive, neutral, or
  • 31. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 31   negative, HootSuite defines its sentiment groups as: Affection Friendliness, Enjoyment Elation, Amusement Excitement, Contentment Gratitude, Sadness Grief, Anger Loathing, Fear Uneasiness, and Humiliation Shame. However, it may also be beneficial to use a tool like to measure sentiment in conjunction with HootSuite. SocialMention searches multiple platforms, not only Twitter, and provides data such as how likely it is that the brand is being discussed (strength), the ratio of positive to negative mentions (sentiment), the percentage of which people discussing the brand will continue to do so (passion), and range of influence expressed as a percentage (reach). Sentiment is considered positive, neutral, or negative and SocialMention displays Top Users – those who are mentioning the brand the most – and various other information. This type of information can be used to determine brand advocates, who can influence their followers to also follow Rust-Oleum. Return on Investment (ROI) measurement:
  • 32. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 32   1. Socially-referred revenue Socially-referred revenue is a metric used to measure ecommerce revenue generated from social media. Revenue that could be generated from Rust-Oleumʼs social media plan can be traced to Twitter and Rust- Oleumʼs “Weekend DIY Challenge” and “Q-and-A session” tactics. The Weekend DIY Challenges are designed to meet Rust-Oleumʼs objective of increasing the number of Twitter followers and boosting engagement, and link back to Rust-Oleumʼs website in order to find instructions for completing the challenge. These challenges require the use of Rust- Oleum products, so revenue can be generated in this way. The Q-and-A session tweets can link back to Rust-Oleumʼs website in order to provide a more in-depth answer. Once a user is on the website, he or she may make a purchase. It is only suggested to measure socially-referred revenue because awareness created due to the various tactics used can lead to more sales. Socially-referred revenue measurement is tied to the Twitter objective, because the only tactics that directly link to Rust-Oleumʼs website are both the Weekend DIY Challenge and the Q-and-A session. While this is a metric that can be measured, it focuses on ecommerce and doesnʼt incorporate revenue generated through in-store purchases. A social media plan may improve sales, but it is hard to trace the revenue increase back to a specific social media platform.
  • 33. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 33   2. Media equivalent value Media equivalent value is defined as “the monetary equivalent of the impressions generated through social media that would have traditionally been acquired through paid media” (Gold, 2012). Measuring the media equivalent value is important in order to judge the effectiveness of the “Monday Makeover” photo posts on Facebook and the “Before and After” photo contest on Instagram. The purpose of these photo posts and contests are to achieve the objectives, respectively, of increasing shares and comments on Facebook and increasing photo posts on Instagram. The posts on each social media site will also boost impressions, website traffic, clicks, and engagement, so it is important to know if these tactics are meeting the stated objectives for Facebook and Instagram. The results of measuring the media equivalent value will also inform Rust-Oleum whether its money and efforts spilled into social media marketing has a higher ROI than traditional marketing would.
  • 34. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 34   References   Bennett, S. (2013 Mar 19). Social media 2013: User demographics for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram [Infographic]. MediaBistro. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from user-demographics_b38095 Bernoff, J. and Anderson, J. (2010 Aug 2). Social Technographics Defined. Forrester Research, Inc. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from De Vivo, M. (2013 June 10). Pinterest analytics: the ultimate guide to tracking your siteʼs performance on Pinterest. Search Engine Watch. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from Ultimate-Guide-to-Tracking-Your-Sites-Performance-on-Pinterest EdgeRank. (2013). What is EdgeRank. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from   Facebook. (2013). CrunchBase. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from Getting Started & General Page Metrics. (2013). Facebook. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from Gold, H. (2012 Dec 18). 14 social media ROI metrics you can use right now. Clickz. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from Hines, K. (2013 Apr 12). The 2013 Twitter marketing guide. KISSMetrics. Retrieved July 21, 2013, from marketing-guide/ History of Sherwin Williams. (2013). About Us. Sherwin Williams. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from Likes, Reach, & Talking About This. (2013). Facebook. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from
  • 35. RUST-OLEUM | SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PLAN, 2013 35   Popescu, A. (2013 Apr 12). Just who uses social media? A demographic breakdown. Mashable. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from Statigram. (2013). About us. Retrieved July 15, 2013, from   Tso, R. (12 June 2013). The Pinterest craze: Marketers, itʼs time to start pinning. Huffington Post. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from marke_b_3424359.html Twitter statistics. (n.d.). Statistic Brain. Retrieved May 27, 2013, from Whatʼs the social technographics profile of your customers? (2012). Forrester Research, Inc. Retrieved June 10, 2013 from