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Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1
Research Paper
Weijing Zhu
HST 296
Unification of the Two Germans States
Berlin Wall was an obstacle that enclosed West Berlin that
hindered its access by people coming from East Berlin and the
surrounding regions. This scenario happened between 1961 and
1989; however, between 1949 and 1969, almost two million find
a hundred thousand people from East Germany to the Western
state. This action increased the number of skilled-labor,
intellectuals, and professionals in the Western
State[footnoteRef:0]. Remarkably, this action affected the
economic prosperity of East Germany due to limited skilled
labor, intellectuals, and professionals that worked in various
departments in East Germany. Eastern Germany responded to
the dubious activity to protect the economic prosperity of the
Eastern state. In regards to this, the Eastern State built a block
to hinder access of the citizens from the Eastern state to
Western Berlin and entire Western Germany. The block was
built for the first time in 1961 when the decree was
implemented by the Volkskammer from Eastern Germany. The
block was constructed using cinder blocks and barbed wire that
replaced several concrete walls, which were supported by
barbed wire and protected by soldiers in several watchtowers.
Besides, the barrier was also protected by mines, watchtowers,
and gun emplacements[footnoteRef:1]. Later in the 1980s, the
walls systems, fortifications, and electrified fences were
extended by almost 45 km that divided the Berlin City into two;
western and eastern part[footnoteRef:2]. The cold war between
the eastern and western Germany was solved letter, and the two
states reunified to form one united Germany. This research
presents the drivers for wall constructions and the reasons why
the unions reunified. [0: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019).
Berlin Wall | Definition, Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October
2019, from] [1:
Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German
unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No.
2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] [2: Encyclopedia
Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall | Definition, Length, & Facts.
Retrieved 17 October 2019, from]
Cold War
The Berlin Wall constructed symbolized the undiplomatic
relationship between eastern emanating from Western Europe
and the cold war in East emanating from Western state. Almost
5,000 people from the eastern state crossed over the obstruction
using all ways possible and reached the final destination safely,
whereas other 5,000 were captured in their attempt that resulted
in the massive killing of 191 people when they scrambled to
cross the wall. Thereafter, the obstruction wall stopped to serve
as a political barrier between the two German states.
Effects of Cold War on Germany States Economy
The economic conditions in the East and Germany dramatically
diverged because one State experienced economic freedom,
whereas the other one suffered from socialism. Socialism is one
of the greatest elements that ruined the East Germany Economy.
Socialism is defined as the idea that workers' requirements are
met through collectivization as the only means of production.
This involves a system where banks, factories, and housing
were nationalized and planned by the economy, which replaced
capitalist competition. The central planning ascertained that it
was not able to meet people's requirements that result in the
collapse system collapse causing German socialism to
fail[footnoteRef:3]. The same reason explains why it is hard to
adopt socialism theory in German politics because it caused
great failure in German politics. Before the cold war, Eastern
Germany was richer as compared to the western part of
Germany. The general country's economy was destroyed by the
Second World War. The afterward scenario depicts the great
difference between free enterprise and socialism. The Third
Reich German economy was 103 % of the West state as
compared to 31 % in 1991[footnoteRef:4]. These statistics
indicate that the economy was wealthy but lost its value in a
short span. The rates were impressive based on the national
statistics products; the growth rates were impressive despite the
actual performance being poor. [3: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M.
(2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five
years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion
Paper.] [4: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall |
Definition, Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from]
Another concern is the depiction of capitalism and its
relationship driver to achieve prosperity. The difference
between the two Berlins describes how capitalism played a
significant role in buffering the economic sustainability. The
main explanation of capitalism is based on divergent political
networks. When equality is being fostered, it implies that
people will live a common life; thus, there is talent
differentiation, residents' aspirations, and technical skill of the
two parts of the city [footnoteRef:5]. In West Berlin, the labor
efforts put by men are spontaneous and ridiculous and were
mainly directed by free men. On the other hand, the East Berlin
effort is centrally controlled and given direction by the
community planners. The differences in prosperity and between
the two states serve as proof of the masculine of the direction
forces of freedom over common planning. [5: Schröder, N.
(2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ
from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
However, after the post-war, an incidence described as a
miracle occurred, which resulted in the sign of prosperity in the
economy. The Germany leaders made a decision to kill
inflation, a scenario that impacted positively on the country's
economic prosperity. Remarkably, the country controlled
inflation by focusing on price controls and the eradication of
Nazi-era Reichsmark with smaller denominations of new
currency [footnoteRef:6]. These measures killed inflation in six
months, where industrial production had significantly increased
by above 50 % that impacted the incomes received by workers.
[6: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western
Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October
2019, from
The Treaty Signed That Reunited German Nation In 1990
The German state has significant political and economic
colossus for the Europe continent. German was reborn on 3
October 1990 after forty years of the cold war when the two
states resolved their conflicts and differences to form one single
country. The historic act was witnessed experienced by more
than one million people; the processes resulted in termination of
the cold war existing between the two states. During the event,
the two German states joined together to form a united single
federal government having black, gold flags, and red, where a
full rampant Eagle brought by twenty youths from both states
and parts of Berlin. The flag was raised by unique flagstaffs
before the Reichstag, whose main intention was to dedicate to
the German people. The president, by that time, Weizsacker,
reiterated that "In free self-determination, we have completed
the unity and freedom of Germany. We want to serve world
peace in a united Europe”[footnoteRef:7]. Later, fireworks
dominated over the proximal Brandenburg Gate and were
demolished recently, where it was characterized by light in the
cities in the German federal government inhabited by 77 million
people. [7: Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together
into the great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17
October 2019, from
A Fight for Inner Reunification by Germany after Unity
The unity party to unite two Germany states was over, and the
world focused on the relationship between the German citizens
from the former Eastern and Western parts. In this regard, the
revolutionized Germany federal state with over seventy-nine
million people will have to further their reunification process
by establishing strategies for inner reunification. There was a
need to create a strong bond and sought out differences that
existed between the citizens from the two countries
[footnoteRef:8]. The attitude polarization was reinstated at the
climax of the first joint unification joint meeting between the
East and West historians from Germany. The historians from the
East were mainly accused of informing the entire generation
with wrong historical information. The historians argue that the
Marxism concept should not be eradicated from university
academic curricular since it gives more insights to students
about historical interpretation. The reorientation process is
prone to difficulties in East Germany State because it selected
prosecutors and judges who were not opinionated as compared
to the Nazis’ legal profession[footnoteRef:9]. At one point, the
West German minister Hans Engelhard reinstated that "The East
German judiciary must undertake a thorough examination of its
past if it wants to be credible in a democratic state.” The main
issue that was supposed to be implemented by the diplomats
from the two states after reunification was to solve further
internal issues like the education reforms to teach students
maxims issues. [8: Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification:
together into the great unknown - archive, October 1990.
Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
blog/2018/oct/05/german-reunification-october-1990] [9:
Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German
unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No.
2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.]
The issue of retaining communist teachers in the learning
institutions had to be addressed. The politicians from West
Germany addressed it vividly that communism will not be
integrated in the state’s education framework because it was
associated adverse impacts. On the other hand, most of the
people from East Germany had an opinion that social
reconciliation will be logical and complete if the East German
people made unified efforts to unite and solve their past
differences[footnoteRef:10]. An example of the final sorrowful
moments experienced by Volkskammer is given when he
exposes four cabinet ministers and sixty-five members of
parliaments working as Stasi police intruder. There was a need
to focus on the economic future of the two states and the
healthcare and other social provisions maintenance. [10:
Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together into the
great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17 October
2019, from
Due to the high unemployment rate threatening two million
people during the winter period after the economic recession,
the reunification of the two states is crucial since it aided the
easy movement of people and resources that will elevate the life
of both citizens from the two states. The other challenge that
necessitated the need to have peace between the two states is
the increased crime rate in East Germany, a situation that
affected West Germany[footnoteRef:11]. This forced the
independent organizations dealing with welfare from both East
and West Germany to take necessary actions to eradicate
poverty since they had a fear that federal Germany will be
regarded as the United Nation's poor house. The organizations
maintained that despite significant allocation funds meant
alleviate meant to alleviate Germany's Cohesiveness, Bonn has
refused to maintain the Eastern Germany social services
[footnoteRef:12]. The amount of money channeled to hospitals
modernizing or the funds needed to ascertain continued
existence of the manufacturing and processing firms were
enough. The experts supported the move to reunifying the
German states by stating ‘It will be women, children, old
people, the handicapped and unemployed who will be the first
to feel the gap between the welfare systems in the East and
West.” [11: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and
western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17
October 2019, from
west] [12: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics
of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for
Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.]
Existence of the Cold War between the Two States
Despite the efforts put by relevant bodies from Eastern and
Western Germany, the cold war exists to a certain level. I have
an opinion that the communities and the relevant authorities
from the two regions did not solve other important aspects
interested by the two parties. One of the cold wars is depicted
by students coming from the Eastern part leaning in the Western
part of the German state. As depicted by the student’s
interactions, they often inquire if they came from the East when
they were leaning in the Western learning institutions. Many
students did not like questions about their originality because it
reminds them of the cold war that existed for almost twenty-five
years. It implies a reminder or identification of students based
on region or locality existed, showing that the cold war existed
between the two Germany states[footnoteRef:13]. However, not
all the students liked this kind of segregation, especially the
students from the eastern part because the cold war had adverse
effects on the eastern state prosperity and entire Germany. The
cold war was mainly reinstated by the students from the western
state since they had a poor perception of the well-being of
Eastern Germany[footnoteRef:14]. There was a high dependence
of Eastern German to West German than the vice versa, an
aspect that made many westerners demonstrate subsistence
conflicting stereotypes. [13: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion:
How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other.
Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
the-lasting-divide-between-east-and-west] [14: Burda, M. C.,
& Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification
after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB
649 Discussion Paper.]
Moreover, a second boundary was depicted because of housing
differences between the west and east. The students had a poor
experience with housing and accommodation offered in Leipzig.
Giving houses to students was based on past stereotypes on the
cold war that existed between the two states. Leipzig had both
extremely old buildings and newer ones as one approaches the
CBD[footnoteRef:15]. This is a common characteristic of many
cities. No one took action to renovate the old buildings. Based
on the student’s experiences, it was realized that the houses
were not renovated because of unclear and unplanned ownership
structures. On the other hand, the newer houses were associated
with cliché in East Germany. Concurrently, the building types
that existed in West Germany were not old to the Leipzig’s
extent. The author has a thought that prefabricated buildings are
the worst way of living, implying that people were living in
Leipzig's live a miserable life. The city is in the eastern part of
Germany, which implies most of the eastern citizens live a
miserable life. [15: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern
and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17
October 2019, from
Diminishing Of the Differences between the Two States
A series of questions is possessed on whether the gap between
the western and eastern states of Germany will be completely
filled. The fact remains that eastern states had no alternative to
embrace peace with their counterparts after the reunification
process. After the massive war, the western state embraced
capitalistic because they were regarded as the section of the
Germany Federal Republic. On the other hand, the eastern states
were in the GDR, which was also called East Germany
authority. This implies that the people from the East had to
adopt the advanced legislative processes adopted by the people
from the west[footnoteRef:16]. The adoption process was slow,
implying that it will take more time before it is completely
integrated. There is no specified time when the gap will seize to
exist, but most importantly, the gap will be less noticeable in
the future years. The poor life in Leipzig, characterized by poor
water or heating systems, is drastically changing. The city has
adopted a high level of architectural skills and human level that
has aided in building high quality houses with water and
electricity systems. This is an indication that the gap will, at
one point, eradicated in Germany through extensive
reunification processes that result in massive eradication of pre
assumptions that aid the reduction of cold war mood between
the western and the eastern states. [16: Schröder, N. (2019).
Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from
each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Divide Diminishing but No Differences Realized In the Two
A lot of efforts were put to decrease the gap that existed
between the Northern and the Eastern states that existed for 25
years. These efforts were meant to realize economic prosperity
in the two states through the free movement of people from one
state to another that could propagate business transactions
[footnoteRef:17]. The gap has been dramatically reduced, but
economic challenges exist in the eastern and eastern states of
the economy. As per Germany's Federal data, poverty has never
diminished in the two states, more so the eastern Berlin states.
The people who live in East Germany are highly affected by
poverty as compared to the people living in the former West
Berlin. In 2018, 17.8 % of citizens in Eastern Germany,
involving Berlin, were at a high risk of
poverty[footnoteRef:18]. The German people in the western
German data were at 15.3 %. This data depicts that the eastern
people were highly affected by poverty despite enormous efforts
put into reducing such economic externalities through
unification. [17: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The
economics of German unification after twenty-five years:
Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.]
[18: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of
German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for
Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.]
Consumerism also exists despite the significant reduction in the
gap. The daily cost for each consumer was high as per the data
where it recorded to be $2587 for the former eastern region,
whereas this was 80 % for the West German states as per the
Federal statists [footnoteRef:19]. The consumer characteristics
are almost similar in matters pertaining to clothing, food, and
clothing; the households consume almost half of their total
consumption. The other factors include economic development
where economic progress is slower in Eastern Germany as
compared to West Germany. The population growth was also
approximately 82.8 million live in the eastern part. [19: Burda,
M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German
unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No.
2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.]
The gap exists between the eastern and western Germany
despite subsistent efforts put by various officials to unify the
state. This is ascertained by the high life cost experienced by
the eastern people as compared to the western people. Besides,
the poverty level and the level of economic development are
slower in Eastern Germany as compared to Western Germany.
This is mainly attributed to the type of economic design adopted
by the states. The eastern state mainly adopted socialism,
whereas the western state adopted capitalisms. The two
approaches adopted had a significant impact on the economic
prosperity of the two states. Germany's federal government can
never make a decision to adopt socialism approaches in its
economy because it was experimented and failed drastically
during the cold word War States. The various pre assumptions
channeled that describes the two states after the cold war
affected their prosperity. Former East Germany was regarded as
a poor state. This was characterized by poor facilities in the
Leipzig city in Eastern Germany that had poor water and heat
systems. This was mainly attributed to poor mechanisms
resulted from socialism theory. However, after adopting the
successful approaches adopted by the Western states, service
delivery in the houses and other facilities
improved[footnoteRef:20]. This depicts a significant impact the
federal government achieved after successful unification. As
evidenced, unification resulted in the adoption of a common
system that resulted in economic property in the two states. [20:
Schmidtke, O. (2017). Reinventing the nation: Germany's post-
unification drive towards becoming a ‘country of immigration.'
German Politics, 26(4), 498-515.]
Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German
unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No.
2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.
Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall | Definition,
Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together into the
great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17 October
2019, from
Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western
Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October
2019, from
Schmidtke, O. (2017). Reinventing the nation: Germany's post-
unification drive towards becoming a ‘country of immigration.'
German Politics, 26(4), 498-515.
The song I listerned:
《Darkside》、《Talk》、《Side Effects》、《Beautiful》 《High
On Life》、《Natural》
Rough draft
For this assignment, students should combine the prospectus
(three paragraphs) with the annotations for the secondary
sources from the bibliography to create the first two sections of
the paper (Introduction and Literature Review/Historiography).
For the third section, the student's should use write a paragraph
on evidence and examples drawn from each primary source
helps them answer the research question.
Feedback from professor:Citations: Some missing details such
as publishers (source 2) and city of publication, please add and
revise. Annotations: A few of the annotations are a bit too brief
and vague in describing the argument/sources of secondary
source. For example, do you agree with Segal, why or why not?
With the primary sources, it is a bit difficult to tell what the
exact time period in US-China and Soviet relations is that you
want to examine? And I would suggest more from the Wilson
Center, FBIS orNY Times. Suggestions for improving sources:
see this bibliography:
Secondary sources:
Ross, R. S. (2016). China, the United States, and the Soviet
Union: Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War:
Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War. Routledge.
The said book is the outcome of joint working between the
Chinese and the Western scholars, and the aim was to study the
Chinese-U.S-Soviet Union interactions during the world war.
Conference was held at Beijing having six American and six
Chinese scholars who presented early draft while for and three
Chinese and American senior scholars respectively discussed
and advised on the presented draft.
Participants included the author and Professor Ding Xinghao,
Professor Ni Xiaoquan, Professor Wang Jisi, Professor Xing
Shugang, Professor Yang Jiarong, Professor Zhang Yeba, Dr.
Harry Harding Professor Li Shenzhi Professor Shen Jinfu
Professor Allen S. Whiting Professor Xu Kui Professor Donald
Zagoria and Professor Zi Zhongyun
Ross and S, Robert explained that relations between the U.S,
China, and the Soviet Union during the cold war were based on
independence for all. Safety of each country was extensively
dependent on the nature of affairs between the other two
countries. Their matters were known as tripolarity and strategic
triangle. China was of the view that its cooperation with the U.S
would benefit its bargaining position with the Soviets
Zofka, J., Vámos, P., & Urbansky, S. (2018). Beyond the
Kremlin’s reach? Eastern Europe and China in the Cold War
This Journal gives detailed information about the relations
of China with Eastern states during the cold war era. The author
used the following source in explaining his argument in this
journal article
Liu Xiaoyuan’s review of Yafeng Xia, ‘The Study of Cold War
International History in China: A Review of the Last Twenty
Years,’ Journal of Cold War Studies 10.1 (Winter 2008): 81–
This article studies relations between China and socialists in
Eastern European states during the cold war. China due to its
huge size played a vital role and was categorized as an
important third force whose foreign policy revolved around
changing partners in its national interest. One of the main
drivers of its foreign policy was the attainment of communism
Li, X. (2017). The Cold War in East Asia. Routledge.
This book illustrates details of the survey of Asia while the
cold war was on ( 1954 to 1991). It also helps the readers to
easily understand the evolution of modern post-cold world war
Asia. This book has used new socialist sources and is different
in terms of conventional Euro-American centric approach
The book “The cold war in East Asia” describes that
Chines Communist Party in its coalition with Soviet Union
started to follow the Russian model and its long struggle in the
past had given it all the experience and confidence to do so.
Mao Zedong had a clear policy that China would be the Soviet
Union’s side and their inclination would be towards communist
Segal, G. (2018). The China factor: Peking and the
superpowers. Routledge.
In this book, the writer expresses the importance and emergence
of China in the context of superpower balance in the world. The
author used many sources out of which few are mentioned
Addy, Premen, South Asia in China’s foreign policy: a view
from the left, Journal of Contemporary Asia 2, no. 4, 1972, pp.
Adie, W.A.C., China, Russia and the Third World, China
Quarterly, July-September 1962, pp. 200213
Segal recognizes the rise of China as a third power during
the cold war regime and its importance in the world was
increasing day by day. China believed in a policy of negotiation
and for that matter, in 1949, China acted as a mediator and
facilitated secret negotiations between the U.S and the Soviet
Union. Although these negotiations didn’t end up successful due
to various internal political and cold war reasons
Primary sources:
[Interview] Chinese foreign affairs expert says US-China
relations are at an all-time low
Posted on : Jan.5,2019 12:51 KST Modified on : Jan.5,2019
Professor Su Hao is considered an expert on Chinese
foreign affairs and faculty member of Chins Foreign affairs
university, expresses his views on US-Chins relationship during
the cold war era.
Professor Su Hao says that during the cold war the less
advanced and less strengthened China developed a relationship
with the United States in such a way that it received help from
the superpower to develop and expand its economy. China,
during this course of time also helped the U.S to control the
Soviet Union. So it was a two-way relationship that was
benefitting both the countries.
INTERVIEW | John Garver on the History of China’s Foreign
This interview is useful to the topic as Dr.John who is also
an author of China Quest; The History of the Foreign Relations
of the People’s Republic of China shares his motives for writing
this book. He gives details on what were the prime objectives
for Chins during the cold war and how did it mold its foreign
policy to adjust.
Dr. John Grave, a leading scholar of Chinese foreign policy
says that during the early days of the cold war, China had in its
conscious to develop such a foreign policy that could
effectively counter western liberalism. He further discusses that
de-Stalinization in the USSR had created threats to the Chinese
communist ideology and consequently its foreign policy drift
was consequently a result of domestic pressures.
China's foreign policy, 1949-1979
This document is useful as in this material, the author
describes the foreign relations of China during the cold war
period. It provides in-depth details about what kind of priorities
China had and what challenges it had to face which motivated it
to design its foreign policy.
After the end of the civil war in China, its foreign policy
focused on building relations with the Soviet Union only. China
had suspended its relations with other Western countries during
that period. With the passage of time, China started building a
relationship with the USA to get its help in building and
strengthening its economy.
Interview: Lee Kuan Yew on the Future of U.S.- China
This interview is useful to the topic as former Singapore
prime minister and great Asian spokesman expresses his views
on US-Chinese relations and its implications on the world. He
focuses on scenarios from the cold war to recent issues between
the two countries.
During the cold war, China and the U.S had common goals and
ambitions and both had good working relationships with each
other as both of them provided room in their respective foreign
policies. After the USSR breakdown, common threats of both
countries are no more same however there is only competition
that exists between the two global leaders.
The Sino-Soviet Split and the Left as Global History: An
Interview with Jeremy Friedman
This interview is useful to the topic as in this interview,
Jerry Friedman expresses his views on the inclusion of China in
the cold war and what was its strategy to handle the happenings
along with safeguarding its own interests.
Jerry Friedman explains that during 1965, China came back on
the global scenario with a strong preparation to deal with the
Soviet agenda of “Third world”. At this stage, China had
advancements in its relations with the U.S which had given it
encouragement to attack the Soviet Union’s allies in the world (
MPLA of Angola and Vietnam, etc)
Review Article: Chinese Perspectives on Economic Diplomacy
This document is useful as it provides the insights in detail
about different stages of Chinese diplomacy and focus during
and post cold war
Four main stages have been described in Chinese diplomacy
here. During the 1970s and 1980s, it was a period of China’s
engagement and building international links. Next phase was
entering into combination phase (1990s). Then comes a period
of Chinese participatory economic policy whereby it actively
contributed to its economic revival and growth with
international trade. And since 2010, China after emerging as
2nd largest economy started working on its supremacy in local
as well as the world’s economy.
The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy YAFENG XIA, JUL
16 2008, 31308 VIEWS
This document is useful as it provides details on changing
Chinese foreign policy and its directions during the cold war. It
also describes what were the factors that motivated China to
change its allies and its foreign policy during the cold war.
This article describes different aspects of Chinese foreign
policy. Initially, during the cold war, China had an inclination
towards the Soviet Union. Later due to some incidents, the
Sino-Soviet alliance ended and China started working on self-
reliance policy. During this time Chinese focus was towards
building relations with the third world countries. Then comes
the stage where China started building good relations with the
U.S as well as Russia.
This interview is useful as it describes the views of a book
writer who expresses them during the interview that which were
the driving forces that determined the formulation of foreign
policy during the cold war.
Zheng Wang explains here that instead of measuring Chinese
strengths, it should rather be its intensions that should be
examined. In his book “Never forget national humiliation”, he
tries to explain the driving forces that determined Chines
foreign policy during the cold war and thereafter. The national
identity and national interest played a vital role in formulating
Chinese foreign policy since the start.
Feedback from professor:The prospectus does well in showing
me where the paper is headed and your approach to the topic.
But the formatting is a bit off. Try starting the first paragraph
with your question---"How has China's foreign policy...." and
the next few sentences. Move what you have on top to the third
paragraph where you suggest the importance of this topic. Also,
what timeframe are you using to study China's foreign
relations? Show that to the reader. For the second paragraph,
remove the headings. Need a main idea sentence to start
paragraph 2, what do these studies have in common or what is a
key theme that both share? Expand commentary and evaluation
or state how your study will add to their work. Great job here.
But add Chicago Style footnotes. Same with the third paragraph,
remove the bullet points and be a bit more descriptive of the
primary sources. Otherwise, you make a great case for why your
sources are valuable and credible, well-done.
Topic of the paper
The topic of the paper is the cold war and China's foreign
policy-making. This policy is significant in that it enlightens on
the way China relates with foreign countries. This policy also
enlightens how China expresses its values, cultural, political
and economic strengths and weaknesses. The main objective of
this policy is preserving sovereignty, dependence, favorable
international reputation and territorial integrity of China. It as
well emphasizes on reforms, upholding world peace and
propelling economic development.
How china's foreign policy has determined China's relation with
her Asian neighbors?
China has made tremendous efforts to remove tension in
different parts of Asia, especially on her neighbors who have
stabilized in the last two decades of the 20th century. A good
example is how the Korean Peninsula has since stabilized.
China has also solved maritime disputes with her neighbors with
Vietnam and Russia (Fenby, 2019)
Journals supportive to the topic
Segal, G. (2018). The China factor: Peking and the
superpowers. Routledge.
The author of this article, Segal, considers China as having
taken up the third position in terms of power during the regime
of the cold war. He also brings out that China's influence is
gaining ground every day in terms of economic and political
aspects. China was a hard believer in the policy of negotiation
and non-interference on issues that did not affect her as a nation
but could only interfere to bring the hostile countries together.
For this reason, in 1949, China mediated a secret negotiation
between the Soviet Union and the United States. China
facilitated the process despite its failure as a result of the cold
war and a range of internal political reasons.
The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy YAFENG XIA, JUL
16 2008, 31308 VIEWS
This article illustrates a wide arrange of aspects relating to
China's foreign policy. When the cold war immediately started,
China seemed to lean towards the Soviet Union. Eventually,
some developments made China embark on working on its
internal policy of self-reliance. This was mainly triggered by
the Sino-Soviet alliance coming to an end. During the rest of
the cold war period, China's main focus was on initiating good
relations with the third world countries. With time, China also
started building ties with both the United States and Russia as
It can be said that China's foreign policy has been good as it has
stabilized neighboring countries that were in conflict through
facilitating negotiations. It made China uphold world peace by
not supporting any power during the cold war, it made China
cultivate friendly relations with the USA and her neighbors and
that it made China assertive in the new world economic order.
Paper road map
The primary sources that I have used in this research are the
journals. I will use them in my research paper in the form of an
annotated bibliography, and briefly describe how these journals
relate to my topic of discussion. These topics are variable for
me to understand them due to various reasons;
· These journals are of high credibility, as they contain high
factual backup.
· They provide clarity as they seem not to offer an opinion but
sound arguments on the topic of discussion.
· They are providing evidence of their claims because they are
referencing their information sources which assist me to access
their truthfulness.
· They have focused precisely on my research topic which in the
case is the cold war and the impacts of China's foreign policy.
· They have broadened the perspective as the authors of the
articles are providing information which they have highly
researched and analyzed.
Fenby, J. (2019). The Penguin History of Modern China: The
Fall and Rise of a Great Power 1850 to the present (3rd ed.).
Popular History, Retrieved 20 May 2019.
Segal, G. (2018). The China factor: Peking and the
superpowers. Routledge.
The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy YAFENG XIA, JUL
16 2008, 31308 VIEWS

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  • 1. Running head: RESEARCH PAPER 1 13 RESEARCH PAPER Research Paper Weijing Zhu HST 296 Unification of the Two Germans States Berlin Wall was an obstacle that enclosed West Berlin that hindered its access by people coming from East Berlin and the surrounding regions. This scenario happened between 1961 and 1989; however, between 1949 and 1969, almost two million find a hundred thousand people from East Germany to the Western state. This action increased the number of skilled-labor, intellectuals, and professionals in the Western State[footnoteRef:0]. Remarkably, this action affected the economic prosperity of East Germany due to limited skilled labor, intellectuals, and professionals that worked in various departments in East Germany. Eastern Germany responded to the dubious activity to protect the economic prosperity of the Eastern state. In regards to this, the Eastern State built a block to hinder access of the citizens from the Eastern state to
  • 2. Western Berlin and entire Western Germany. The block was built for the first time in 1961 when the decree was implemented by the Volkskammer from Eastern Germany. The block was constructed using cinder blocks and barbed wire that replaced several concrete walls, which were supported by barbed wire and protected by soldiers in several watchtowers. Besides, the barrier was also protected by mines, watchtowers, and gun emplacements[footnoteRef:1]. Later in the 1980s, the walls systems, fortifications, and electrified fences were extended by almost 45 km that divided the Berlin City into two; western and eastern part[footnoteRef:2]. The cold war between the eastern and western Germany was solved letter, and the two states reunified to form one united Germany. This research presents the drivers for wall constructions and the reasons why the unions reunified. [0: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall | Definition, Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from] [1: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] [2: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall | Definition, Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from] Cold War The Berlin Wall constructed symbolized the undiplomatic relationship between eastern emanating from Western Europe and the cold war in East emanating from Western state. Almost 5,000 people from the eastern state crossed over the obstruction using all ways possible and reached the final destination safely, whereas other 5,000 were captured in their attempt that resulted in the massive killing of 191 people when they scrambled to cross the wall. Thereafter, the obstruction wall stopped to serve as a political barrier between the two German states.
  • 3. Effects of Cold War on Germany States Economy The economic conditions in the East and Germany dramatically diverged because one State experienced economic freedom, whereas the other one suffered from socialism. Socialism is one of the greatest elements that ruined the East Germany Economy. Socialism is defined as the idea that workers' requirements are met through collectivization as the only means of production. This involves a system where banks, factories, and housing were nationalized and planned by the economy, which replaced capitalist competition. The central planning ascertained that it was not able to meet people's requirements that result in the collapse system collapse causing German socialism to fail[footnoteRef:3]. The same reason explains why it is hard to adopt socialism theory in German politics because it caused great failure in German politics. Before the cold war, Eastern Germany was richer as compared to the western part of Germany. The general country's economy was destroyed by the Second World War. The afterward scenario depicts the great difference between free enterprise and socialism. The Third Reich German economy was 103 % of the West state as compared to 31 % in 1991[footnoteRef:4]. These statistics indicate that the economy was wealthy but lost its value in a short span. The rates were impressive based on the national statistics products; the growth rates were impressive despite the actual performance being poor. [3: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] [4: Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall | Definition, Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from] Another concern is the depiction of capitalism and its relationship driver to achieve prosperity. The difference between the two Berlins describes how capitalism played a significant role in buffering the economic sustainability. The main explanation of capitalism is based on divergent political
  • 4. networks. When equality is being fostered, it implies that people will live a common life; thus, there is talent differentiation, residents' aspirations, and technical skill of the two parts of the city [footnoteRef:5]. In West Berlin, the labor efforts put by men are spontaneous and ridiculous and were mainly directed by free men. On the other hand, the East Berlin effort is centrally controlled and given direction by the community planners. The differences in prosperity and between the two states serve as proof of the masculine of the direction forces of freedom over common planning. [5: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from the-lasting-divide-between-east-and-west] However, after the post-war, an incidence described as a miracle occurred, which resulted in the sign of prosperity in the economy. The Germany leaders made a decision to kill inflation, a scenario that impacted positively on the country's economic prosperity. Remarkably, the country controlled inflation by focusing on price controls and the eradication of Nazi-era Reichsmark with smaller denominations of new currency [footnoteRef:6]. These measures killed inflation in six months, where industrial production had significantly increased by above 50 % that impacted the incomes received by workers. [6: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from perspective-on-the-lasting-divide-between-east-and-west] The Treaty Signed That Reunited German Nation In 1990 The German state has significant political and economic colossus for the Europe continent. German was reborn on 3
  • 5. October 1990 after forty years of the cold war when the two states resolved their conflicts and differences to form one single country. The historic act was witnessed experienced by more than one million people; the processes resulted in termination of the cold war existing between the two states. During the event, the two German states joined together to form a united single federal government having black, gold flags, and red, where a full rampant Eagle brought by twenty youths from both states and parts of Berlin. The flag was raised by unique flagstaffs before the Reichstag, whose main intention was to dedicate to the German people. The president, by that time, Weizsacker, reiterated that "In free self-determination, we have completed the unity and freedom of Germany. We want to serve world peace in a united Europe”[footnoteRef:7]. Later, fireworks dominated over the proximal Brandenburg Gate and were demolished recently, where it was characterized by light in the cities in the German federal government inhabited by 77 million people. [7: Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together into the great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from the-archive-blog/2018/oct/05/german-reunification-october- 1990] A Fight for Inner Reunification by Germany after Unity The unity party to unite two Germany states was over, and the world focused on the relationship between the German citizens from the former Eastern and Western parts. In this regard, the revolutionized Germany federal state with over seventy-nine million people will have to further their reunification process by establishing strategies for inner reunification. There was a need to create a strong bond and sought out differences that existed between the citizens from the two countries [footnoteRef:8]. The attitude polarization was reinstated at the climax of the first joint unification joint meeting between the East and West historians from Germany. The historians from the East were mainly accused of informing the entire generation
  • 6. with wrong historical information. The historians argue that the Marxism concept should not be eradicated from university academic curricular since it gives more insights to students about historical interpretation. The reorientation process is prone to difficulties in East Germany State because it selected prosecutors and judges who were not opinionated as compared to the Nazis’ legal profession[footnoteRef:9]. At one point, the West German minister Hans Engelhard reinstated that "The East German judiciary must undertake a thorough examination of its past if it wants to be credible in a democratic state.” The main issue that was supposed to be implemented by the diplomats from the two states after reunification was to solve further internal issues like the education reforms to teach students maxims issues. [8: Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together into the great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from blog/2018/oct/05/german-reunification-october-1990] [9: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] The issue of retaining communist teachers in the learning institutions had to be addressed. The politicians from West Germany addressed it vividly that communism will not be integrated in the state’s education framework because it was associated adverse impacts. On the other hand, most of the people from East Germany had an opinion that social reconciliation will be logical and complete if the East German people made unified efforts to unite and solve their past differences[footnoteRef:10]. An example of the final sorrowful moments experienced by Volkskammer is given when he exposes four cabinet ministers and sixty-five members of parliaments working as Stasi police intruder. There was a need to focus on the economic future of the two states and the healthcare and other social provisions maintenance. [10:
  • 7. Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together into the great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from archive-blog/2018/oct/05/german-reunification-october-1990] Due to the high unemployment rate threatening two million people during the winter period after the economic recession, the reunification of the two states is crucial since it aided the easy movement of people and resources that will elevate the life of both citizens from the two states. The other challenge that necessitated the need to have peace between the two states is the increased crime rate in East Germany, a situation that affected West Germany[footnoteRef:11]. This forced the independent organizations dealing with welfare from both East and West Germany to take necessary actions to eradicate poverty since they had a fear that federal Germany will be regarded as the United Nation's poor house. The organizations maintained that despite significant allocation funds meant alleviate meant to alleviate Germany's Cohesiveness, Bonn has refused to maintain the Eastern Germany social services [footnoteRef:12]. The amount of money channeled to hospitals modernizing or the funds needed to ascertain continued existence of the manufacturing and processing firms were enough. The experts supported the move to reunifying the German states by stating ‘It will be women, children, old people, the handicapped and unemployed who will be the first to feel the gap between the welfare systems in the East and West.” [11: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from germans-perspective-on-the-lasting-divide-between-east-and- west] [12: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] Existence of the Cold War between the Two States
  • 8. Despite the efforts put by relevant bodies from Eastern and Western Germany, the cold war exists to a certain level. I have an opinion that the communities and the relevant authorities from the two regions did not solve other important aspects interested by the two parties. One of the cold wars is depicted by students coming from the Eastern part leaning in the Western part of the German state. As depicted by the student’s interactions, they often inquire if they came from the East when they were leaning in the Western learning institutions. Many students did not like questions about their originality because it reminds them of the cold war that existed for almost twenty-five years. It implies a reminder or identification of students based on region or locality existed, showing that the cold war existed between the two Germany states[footnoteRef:13]. However, not all the students liked this kind of segregation, especially the students from the eastern part because the cold war had adverse effects on the eastern state prosperity and entire Germany. The cold war was mainly reinstated by the students from the western state since they had a poor perception of the well-being of Eastern Germany[footnoteRef:14]. There was a high dependence of Eastern German to West German than the vice versa, an aspect that made many westerners demonstrate subsistence conflicting stereotypes. [13: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from the-lasting-divide-between-east-and-west] [14: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] Moreover, a second boundary was depicted because of housing differences between the west and east. The students had a poor experience with housing and accommodation offered in Leipzig. Giving houses to students was based on past stereotypes on the cold war that existed between the two states. Leipzig had both
  • 9. extremely old buildings and newer ones as one approaches the CBD[footnoteRef:15]. This is a common characteristic of many cities. No one took action to renovate the old buildings. Based on the student’s experiences, it was realized that the houses were not renovated because of unclear and unplanned ownership structures. On the other hand, the newer houses were associated with cliché in East Germany. Concurrently, the building types that existed in West Germany were not old to the Leipzig’s extent. The author has a thought that prefabricated buildings are the worst way of living, implying that people were living in Leipzig's live a miserable life. The city is in the eastern part of Germany, which implies most of the eastern citizens live a miserable life. [15: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from germans-perspective-on-the-lasting-divide-between-east-and- west] Diminishing Of the Differences between the Two States A series of questions is possessed on whether the gap between the western and eastern states of Germany will be completely filled. The fact remains that eastern states had no alternative to embrace peace with their counterparts after the reunification process. After the massive war, the western state embraced capitalistic because they were regarded as the section of the Germany Federal Republic. On the other hand, the eastern states were in the GDR, which was also called East Germany authority. This implies that the people from the East had to adopt the advanced legislative processes adopted by the people from the west[footnoteRef:16]. The adoption process was slow, implying that it will take more time before it is completely integrated. There is no specified time when the gap will seize to exist, but most importantly, the gap will be less noticeable in the future years. The poor life in Leipzig, characterized by poor water or heating systems, is drastically changing. The city has
  • 10. adopted a high level of architectural skills and human level that has aided in building high quality houses with water and electricity systems. This is an indication that the gap will, at one point, eradicated in Germany through extensive reunification processes that result in massive eradication of pre assumptions that aid the reduction of cold war mood between the western and the eastern states. [16: Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from the-lasting-divide-between-east-and-west] Divide Diminishing but No Differences Realized In the Two States A lot of efforts were put to decrease the gap that existed between the Northern and the Eastern states that existed for 25 years. These efforts were meant to realize economic prosperity in the two states through the free movement of people from one state to another that could propagate business transactions [footnoteRef:17]. The gap has been dramatically reduced, but economic challenges exist in the eastern and eastern states of the economy. As per Germany's Federal data, poverty has never diminished in the two states, more so the eastern Berlin states. The people who live in East Germany are highly affected by poverty as compared to the people living in the former West Berlin. In 2018, 17.8 % of citizens in Eastern Germany, involving Berlin, were at a high risk of poverty[footnoteRef:18]. The German people in the western German data were at 15.3 %. This data depicts that the eastern people were highly affected by poverty despite enormous efforts put into reducing such economic externalities through unification. [17: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] [18: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for
  • 11. Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] Consumerism also exists despite the significant reduction in the gap. The daily cost for each consumer was high as per the data where it recorded to be $2587 for the former eastern region, whereas this was 80 % for the West German states as per the Federal statists [footnoteRef:19]. The consumer characteristics are almost similar in matters pertaining to clothing, food, and clothing; the households consume almost half of their total consumption. The other factors include economic development where economic progress is slower in Eastern Germany as compared to West Germany. The population growth was also approximately 82.8 million live in the eastern part. [19: Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper.] Conclusion The gap exists between the eastern and western Germany despite subsistent efforts put by various officials to unify the state. This is ascertained by the high life cost experienced by the eastern people as compared to the western people. Besides, the poverty level and the level of economic development are slower in Eastern Germany as compared to Western Germany. This is mainly attributed to the type of economic design adopted by the states. The eastern state mainly adopted socialism, whereas the western state adopted capitalisms. The two approaches adopted had a significant impact on the economic prosperity of the two states. Germany's federal government can never make a decision to adopt socialism approaches in its economy because it was experimented and failed drastically during the cold word War States. The various pre assumptions channeled that describes the two states after the cold war affected their prosperity. Former East Germany was regarded as a poor state. This was characterized by poor facilities in the Leipzig city in Eastern Germany that had poor water and heat
  • 12. systems. This was mainly attributed to poor mechanisms resulted from socialism theory. However, after adopting the successful approaches adopted by the Western states, service delivery in the houses and other facilities improved[footnoteRef:20]. This depicts a significant impact the federal government achieved after successful unification. As evidenced, unification resulted in the adoption of a common system that resulted in economic property in the two states. [20: Schmidtke, O. (2017). Reinventing the nation: Germany's post- unification drive towards becoming a ‘country of immigration.' German Politics, 26(4), 498-515.] References Burda, M. C., & Weder, M. (2017). The economics of German unification after twenty-five years: Lessons for Korea (No. 2017-009). SFB 649 Discussion Paper. Encyclopedia Britannica. (2019). Berlin Wall | Definition, Length, & Facts. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from Nelsson, R. (2019). German reunification: together into the great unknown - archive, October 1990. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from
  • 13. archive-blog/2018/oct/05/german-reunification-october-1990 Schröder, N. (2019). Opinion: How eastern and western Germany still differ from each other. Retrieved 17 October 2019, from perspective-on-the-lasting-divide-between-east-and-west Schmidtke, O. (2017). Reinventing the nation: Germany's post- unification drive towards becoming a ‘country of immigration.' German Politics, 26(4), 498-515. The song I listerned: 《Darkside》、《Talk》、《Side Effects》、《Beautiful》 《High On Life》、《Natural》 Rough draft For this assignment, students should combine the prospectus (three paragraphs) with the annotations for the secondary sources from the bibliography to create the first two sections of the paper (Introduction and Literature Review/Historiography).
  • 14. For the third section, the student's should use write a paragraph on evidence and examples drawn from each primary source helps them answer the research question. Feedback from professor:Citations: Some missing details such as publishers (source 2) and city of publication, please add and revise. Annotations: A few of the annotations are a bit too brief and vague in describing the argument/sources of secondary source. For example, do you agree with Segal, why or why not? With the primary sources, it is a bit difficult to tell what the exact time period in US-China and Soviet relations is that you want to examine? And I would suggest more from the Wilson Center, FBIS orNY Times. Suggestions for improving sources: see this bibliography: Secondary sources: Ross, R. S. (2016). China, the United States, and the Soviet Union: Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War: Tripolarity and Policy Making in the Cold War. Routledge. The said book is the outcome of joint working between the Chinese and the Western scholars, and the aim was to study the Chinese-U.S-Soviet Union interactions during the world war. Conference was held at Beijing having six American and six Chinese scholars who presented early draft while for and three Chinese and American senior scholars respectively discussed and advised on the presented draft. Participants included the author and Professor Ding Xinghao, Professor Ni Xiaoquan, Professor Wang Jisi, Professor Xing Shugang, Professor Yang Jiarong, Professor Zhang Yeba, Dr. Harry Harding Professor Li Shenzhi Professor Shen Jinfu Professor Allen S. Whiting Professor Xu Kui Professor Donald Zagoria and Professor Zi Zhongyun Ross and S, Robert explained that relations between the U.S, China, and the Soviet Union during the cold war were based on independence for all. Safety of each country was extensively dependent on the nature of affairs between the other two
  • 15. countries. Their matters were known as tripolarity and strategic triangle. China was of the view that its cooperation with the U.S would benefit its bargaining position with the Soviets Zofka, J., Vámos, P., & Urbansky, S. (2018). Beyond the Kremlin’s reach? Eastern Europe and China in the Cold War era. This Journal gives detailed information about the relations of China with Eastern states during the cold war era. The author used the following source in explaining his argument in this journal article Liu Xiaoyuan’s review of Yafeng Xia, ‘The Study of Cold War International History in China: A Review of the Last Twenty Years,’ Journal of Cold War Studies 10.1 (Winter 2008): 81– 115. This article studies relations between China and socialists in Eastern European states during the cold war. China due to its huge size played a vital role and was categorized as an important third force whose foreign policy revolved around changing partners in its national interest. One of the main drivers of its foreign policy was the attainment of communism Li, X. (2017). The Cold War in East Asia. Routledge. This book illustrates details of the survey of Asia while the cold war was on ( 1954 to 1991). It also helps the readers to easily understand the evolution of modern post-cold world war Asia. This book has used new socialist sources and is different in terms of conventional Euro-American centric approach The book “The cold war in East Asia” describes that Chines Communist Party in its coalition with Soviet Union started to follow the Russian model and its long struggle in the past had given it all the experience and confidence to do so. Mao Zedong had a clear policy that China would be the Soviet Union’s side and their inclination would be towards communist camps. Segal, G. (2018). The China factor: Peking and the
  • 16. superpowers. Routledge. In this book, the writer expresses the importance and emergence of China in the context of superpower balance in the world. The author used many sources out of which few are mentioned below Addy, Premen, South Asia in China’s foreign policy: a view from the left, Journal of Contemporary Asia 2, no. 4, 1972, pp. 403-414 Adie, W.A.C., China, Russia and the Third World, China Quarterly, July-September 1962, pp. 200213 Segal recognizes the rise of China as a third power during the cold war regime and its importance in the world was increasing day by day. China believed in a policy of negotiation and for that matter, in 1949, China acted as a mediator and facilitated secret negotiations between the U.S and the Soviet Union. Although these negotiations didn’t end up successful due to various internal political and cold war reasons Primary sources: [Interview] Chinese foreign affairs expert says US-China relations are at an all-time low Posted on : Jan.5,2019 12:51 KST Modified on : Jan.5,2019 117.html Professor Su Hao is considered an expert on Chinese foreign affairs and faculty member of Chins Foreign affairs university, expresses his views on US-Chins relationship during the cold war era. Professor Su Hao says that during the cold war the less advanced and less strengthened China developed a relationship with the United States in such a way that it received help from the superpower to develop and expand its economy. China, during this course of time also helped the U.S to control the Soviet Union. So it was a two-way relationship that was benefitting both the countries. INTERVIEW | John Garver on the History of China’s Foreign
  • 17. Relations china%E2%80%99s-foreign-relations This interview is useful to the topic as Dr.John who is also an author of China Quest; The History of the Foreign Relations of the People’s Republic of China shares his motives for writing this book. He gives details on what were the prime objectives for Chins during the cold war and how did it mold its foreign policy to adjust. Dr. John Grave, a leading scholar of Chinese foreign policy says that during the early days of the cold war, China had in its conscious to develop such a foreign policy that could effectively counter western liberalism. He further discusses that de-Stalinization in the USSR had created threats to the Chinese communist ideology and consequently its foreign policy drift was consequently a result of domestic pressures. China's foreign policy, 1949-1979 This document is useful as in this material, the author describes the foreign relations of China during the cold war period. It provides in-depth details about what kind of priorities China had and what challenges it had to face which motivated it to design its foreign policy. After the end of the civil war in China, its foreign policy focused on building relations with the Soviet Union only. China had suspended its relations with other Western countries during that period. With the passage of time, China started building a relationship with the USA to get its help in building and strengthening its economy. Interview: Lee Kuan Yew on the Future of U.S.- China Relations lee-kuan-yew-on-the-future-of-us-china-relations/273657/ This interview is useful to the topic as former Singapore prime minister and great Asian spokesman expresses his views on US-Chinese relations and its implications on the world. He
  • 18. focuses on scenarios from the cold war to recent issues between the two countries. During the cold war, China and the U.S had common goals and ambitions and both had good working relationships with each other as both of them provided room in their respective foreign policies. After the USSR breakdown, common threats of both countries are no more same however there is only competition that exists between the two global leaders. The Sino-Soviet Split and the Left as Global History: An Interview with Jeremy Friedman This interview is useful to the topic as in this interview, Jerry Friedman expresses his views on the inclusion of China in the cold war and what was its strategy to handle the happenings along with safeguarding its own interests. Jerry Friedman explains that during 1965, China came back on the global scenario with a strong preparation to deal with the Soviet agenda of “Third world”. At this stage, China had advancements in its relations with the U.S which had given it encouragement to attack the Soviet Union’s allies in the world ( MPLA of Angola and Vietnam, etc) Review Article: Chinese Perspectives on Economic Diplomacy economic-diplomacy/ This document is useful as it provides the insights in detail about different stages of Chinese diplomacy and focus during and post cold war Four main stages have been described in Chinese diplomacy here. During the 1970s and 1980s, it was a period of China’s engagement and building international links. Next phase was entering into combination phase (1990s). Then comes a period of Chinese participatory economic policy whereby it actively contributed to its economic revival and growth with international trade. And since 2010, China after emerging as 2nd largest economy started working on its supremacy in local as well as the world’s economy.
  • 19. The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy YAFENG XIA, JUL 16 2008, 31308 VIEWS This document is useful as it provides details on changing Chinese foreign policy and its directions during the cold war. It also describes what were the factors that motivated China to change its allies and its foreign policy during the cold war. This article describes different aspects of Chinese foreign policy. Initially, during the cold war, China had an inclination towards the Soviet Union. Later due to some incidents, the Sino-Soviet alliance ended and China started working on self- reliance policy. During this time Chinese focus was towards building relations with the third world countries. Then comes the stage where China started building good relations with the U.S as well as Russia. AN INTERVIEW WITH ZHENG WANG national-humiliation This interview is useful as it describes the views of a book writer who expresses them during the interview that which were the driving forces that determined the formulation of foreign policy during the cold war. Zheng Wang explains here that instead of measuring Chinese strengths, it should rather be its intensions that should be examined. In his book “Never forget national humiliation”, he tries to explain the driving forces that determined Chines foreign policy during the cold war and thereafter. The national identity and national interest played a vital role in formulating Chinese foreign policy since the start. Feedback from professor:The prospectus does well in showing me where the paper is headed and your approach to the topic. But the formatting is a bit off. Try starting the first paragraph
  • 20. with your question---"How has China's foreign policy...." and the next few sentences. Move what you have on top to the third paragraph where you suggest the importance of this topic. Also, what timeframe are you using to study China's foreign relations? Show that to the reader. For the second paragraph, remove the headings. Need a main idea sentence to start paragraph 2, what do these studies have in common or what is a key theme that both share? Expand commentary and evaluation or state how your study will add to their work. Great job here. But add Chicago Style footnotes. Same with the third paragraph, remove the bullet points and be a bit more descriptive of the primary sources. Otherwise, you make a great case for why your sources are valuable and credible, well-done. Topic of the paper The topic of the paper is the cold war and China's foreign policy-making. This policy is significant in that it enlightens on the way China relates with foreign countries. This policy also enlightens how China expresses its values, cultural, political and economic strengths and weaknesses. The main objective of this policy is preserving sovereignty, dependence, favorable international reputation and territorial integrity of China. It as well emphasizes on reforms, upholding world peace and propelling economic development. How china's foreign policy has determined China's relation with her Asian neighbors? China has made tremendous efforts to remove tension in different parts of Asia, especially on her neighbors who have stabilized in the last two decades of the 20th century. A good example is how the Korean Peninsula has since stabilized. China has also solved maritime disputes with her neighbors with Vietnam and Russia (Fenby, 2019) Journals supportive to the topic Segal, G. (2018). The China factor: Peking and the superpowers. Routledge. The author of this article, Segal, considers China as having
  • 21. taken up the third position in terms of power during the regime of the cold war. He also brings out that China's influence is gaining ground every day in terms of economic and political aspects. China was a hard believer in the policy of negotiation and non-interference on issues that did not affect her as a nation but could only interfere to bring the hostile countries together. For this reason, in 1949, China mediated a secret negotiation between the Soviet Union and the United States. China facilitated the process despite its failure as a result of the cold war and a range of internal political reasons. The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy YAFENG XIA, JUL 16 2008, 31308 VIEWS This article illustrates a wide arrange of aspects relating to China's foreign policy. When the cold war immediately started, China seemed to lean towards the Soviet Union. Eventually, some developments made China embark on working on its internal policy of self-reliance. This was mainly triggered by the Sino-Soviet alliance coming to an end. During the rest of the cold war period, China's main focus was on initiating good relations with the third world countries. With time, China also started building ties with both the United States and Russia as well. It can be said that China's foreign policy has been good as it has stabilized neighboring countries that were in conflict through facilitating negotiations. It made China uphold world peace by not supporting any power during the cold war, it made China cultivate friendly relations with the USA and her neighbors and that it made China assertive in the new world economic order. Paper road map The primary sources that I have used in this research are the journals. I will use them in my research paper in the form of an annotated bibliography, and briefly describe how these journals relate to my topic of discussion. These topics are variable for me to understand them due to various reasons;
  • 22. · These journals are of high credibility, as they contain high factual backup. · They provide clarity as they seem not to offer an opinion but sound arguments on the topic of discussion. · They are providing evidence of their claims because they are referencing their information sources which assist me to access their truthfulness. · They have focused precisely on my research topic which in the case is the cold war and the impacts of China's foreign policy. · They have broadened the perspective as the authors of the articles are providing information which they have highly researched and analyzed. References Fenby, J. (2019). The Penguin History of Modern China: The Fall and Rise of a Great Power 1850 to the present (3rd ed.). Popular History, Retrieved 20 May 2019. Segal, G. (2018). The China factor: Peking and the superpowers. Routledge. The Cold War and Chinese Foreign Policy YAFENG XIA, JUL 16 2008, 31308 VIEWS