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Ruby On Rails

• Introduction

 • What is Rails?
     Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails or RoR, is an open source web application
     framework for the Ruby programming language. It is intended to be used with an Agile
     development methodology which is used by web developers for rapid development.

            “In 1981, when I started working on Unix, I remember being blown away
            by the power of the command-line pipes-and-filters paradigm. I’ve worked
            with lots of programming environments since then, but none of them give
            me that feeling of being able to write a solution so well that working code
            just flew off of my fingers. Until now: Ruby on Rails achieves for web
            programming the same sort of conceptual leap that Unix made for file-
            handling. You’ve got to try it!”

                                                                      − Bruce Perens

     Even though there are dozens of frameworks out there, and most of them have been
     around much longer than Rails, the eye-catching about RoR is one can develop a web
     application at least ten times faster with Rails than you can with a typical Java
     framework that to without making any sacrifices in the quality of your application!

 •   How is this possible? (RoR Philosophy)
     Part of the answer lies in the Ruby programming language. Rails takes full advantage of
     Ruby. The rest of the answer is in two of Rails' guiding principles: DRY – Don’t Repeat
     Yourself and CoC - Convention over Configuration.

     DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself means one write fewer lines of code to implement one’s
     application. Keeping your code small means faster development and fewer bugs, which
     makes one’s code easier to understand, maintain, and enhance. According to "Don't
     repeat yourself", information is located in a single, unambiguous place. For example,
     using the ActiveRecord module of Rails, the developer does not need to specify database
     column names in class definitions. Instead, Ruby on Rails can retrieve this information
     from the database based on the class name.

     Convention over configuration means an end to verbose XML configuration files--there
     aren't any in Rails! Instead of configuration files, a Rails application uses a few simple
     programming conventions that allow it to figure out everything through reflection and
     discovery. One’s application code and one’s running database already contain everything
     that Rails needs to know!

Ruby On Rails
• Short History
    Ruby on Rails was extracted by David Heinemeier Hansson
    from his work on Basecamp, a project management tool by
    37signals (a web application company). Heinemeier Hansson
    first released Rails as open source in July 2004, but did not
    share commit rights to the project until February 2005. In
    August 2006 the framework reached a milestone when Apple
    announced that it would ship Ruby on Rails with Mac OS X
    v10.5 "Leopard", which was released in October 2007.              David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator

• What is Ruby?
    Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general purpose object-oriented
    programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl
    with Smalltalk-like features. Ruby originated in Japan during
    the mid-1990s and was initially developed and designed by
    Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto. It is based on Perl, Smalltalk,
    Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp.

    Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms, including
    functional, object oriented, imperative and reflective. It also
    has a dynamic type system and automatic memory
    management; it is therefore similar in varying respects to
    Python, Perl, Lisp, Dylan, and CLU.                                  Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby.

    The standard 1.8.7 implementation is written in C, as a single-pass interpreted language.
    There are a number of complete or upcoming alternative implementations of the Ruby
    language, including YARV, JRuby, Rubinius, IronRuby, and MacRuby, each of which
    takes a different approach, with JRuby and IronRuby providing just-in-time compilation.
    The official 1.9 branch uses YARV, as will 2.0 (development), and will eventually
    supersede the slower Ruby MRI.

•   Why Ruby?
    Ruby is becoming popular exponentially in Japan and now in US and Europe as well.
    Following are greatest factors:

    •   Easy to learn
    •   Open source (very liberal license)
    •   Rich libraries
    •   Very easy to extend
    •   Truly Object-Oriented
    •   Less Coding with fewer bugs
    •   Helpful community

Ruby On Rails

• Technical overview

  Like many contemporary web frameworks, Rails uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC)
  architecture pattern to organize application programming.
                                           Ruby On Rails
                                          Web Application

  Ruby on Rails features several tools intended to make commonplace development tasks
  easier "out of the box". Rails provides scaffolding which can automatically construct some
  of the models and views needed for a basic website. A simple ruby web server (WEBrick)
  and Rake build system are also included. By including these common tools with the Rails
  framework, a basic development environment is in effect provided with all versions of the

Ruby On Rails
  Ruby on Rails relies on a web server to run it. Mongrel is generally preferred over WEBrick
  at the time of writing but it can also be run by Lighttpd, Abyss, Apache (either as a module -
  Passenger for example - or via CGI, FastCGI or mod_ruby), and many others.

  Rails is also noteworthy for its extensive use of JavaScript libraries Prototype and for Ajax. Rails initially utilized lightweight SOAP for web services; this was
  later replaced by RESTful web services.

  Since version 2.0, Ruby on Rails by default offers both HTML and XML as output formats.
  The latter is the facility for RESTful web services.

• Framework structure

Ruby On Rails
A framework is a program, set of programs, and/or code library that writes most of
application for reusability. When is framework used, programmer’s job is to write the parts
of the application that make it do the specific things needed.

While writing Rails application, programmer just leave aside configuration and other
housekeeping chores and he just need to perform three primary tasks

•   Describe and model application's domain: The domain is the universe of application.
    The domain may be music store, university, dating service, address book, or hardware
    inventory. So here, figure out what's in it, what entities exist in this universe and how the
    items in it relate to each other. This is equivalent to modeling database structure to keep
    the entities and their relationship.
•   Specify what can happen in this domain: The domain model is static; now it’s time to
    get dynamic. Addresses can be added to an address book. Musical scores can be
    purchased from music stores. Users can log in to a dating service. Students can register
    for classes at a university. Here programmer needs to identify all the possible scenarios
    or actions that the elements of domain can participate in.
•   Choose and design the publicly available views of the domain: At this point, one can
    start thinking in Web-browser terms. Once it is decided that the domain has students,
    and that they can register for classes, a welcome page, a registration page, and a
    confirmation page etc. can be envisioned. Each of these pages, or views, shows the user
    how things stand at certain point.

Based on the above three tasks, Ruby on Rails deals with a Model/View/Controller (MVC)

• Ruby on Rails MVC framework:
    The Model View Controller principle divides the work of an application into three
    separate but closely cooperative subsystems.

Ruby On Rails

ActionView and ActionController are bundled together under ActionPack.

ActiveRecord provides a range of programming techniques and shortcuts for manipulating
data from an SQL database. ActionController and ActionView provide facilities for
manipulating and displaying that data. Rails ties it all together.

• Ruby on Rails Directory Structure
  When the rails helper script is used to create an application, it creates the entire directory
  structure for the application. Rails knows where to find things it needs within this
  structure, so programmer don't have to tell it.

  Here is a top level view of directory tree created by helper script at the time of
  application creation. Except for minor changes between releases, every Rails project will
  have the same structure, with the same naming conventions. This consistency gives a
  tremendous advantage; of quickly moving between Rails projects without relearning the
  project's organization.

  A directory structure for any rails application is as shown follows:

Ruby On Rails

•   Purpose of each directory

     •   app : This organizes application components. It's got subdirectories that hold
         the view (views and helpers), controller (controllers), and the backend
         business logic (models).
     •   app/controllers: The controllers subdirectory is where Rails looks to find
         controller classes. A controller handles a web request from the user.
     •   app/helpers: The helpers subdirectory holds any helper classes used to assist
         the model, view, and controller classes. This helps to keep the model, view,
         and controller code small, focused, and uncluttered.
     •   app/models: The models subdirectory holds the classes that model and wrap
         the data stored in application's database. In most frameworks, this part of the
         application can grow pretty messy, tedious, verbose, and error-prone. Rails
         makes it dead simple!
     •   app/view: The views subdirectory holds the display templates to fill in with
         data from application, convert to HTML, and return to the user's browser.
     •   app/view/layouts: Holds the template files for layouts to be used with views.
         This models the common header/footer method of wrapping views. In views,
         a layout using the <tt>layout :default</tt> is defined and a file named
         default.rhtml is created. Inside default.rhtml, <% yield %> is called to render
         the view using this layout.
     •   components : This directory holds components tiny self-contained
         applications that bundle model, view, and controller.
     •   config: This directory contains the small amount of configuration code that an
         application will need, including database configuration (in database.yml),
         Rails environment structure (environment.rb), and routing of incoming web
         requests (routes.rb). One can also tailor the behavior of the three Rails
         environments for test, development, and deployment with files found in the
         environments directory.

Ruby On Rails
         •   db: Usually, Rails application will have model objects that access relational
             database tables. Programmer can manage the relational database with scripts
             you create and place in this directory.
         •   doc: Ruby has a framework, called RubyDoc, that can automatically generate
             documentation for code created. RubyDoc can be assisted with comments in
             code. This directory holds all the RubyDoc-generated Rails and application
         •   lib: Libraries are placed here, unless they explicitly belong elsewhere (such as
             vendor libraries).
         •   log: Error logs go here. Rails creates scripts that help manage various error
             logs. Separate logs for the server (server.log) and each Rails environment
             (development.log, test.log, and production.log) is created
         •   public: Like the public directory for a web server, this directory has web files
             that don't change, such a s JavaScript files (public/javascripts), graphics
             (public/images), stylesheets (public/stylesheets), and HTML files (public).
         •   script: This directory holds scripts to launch and manage the various tools
             that will be used with Rails. For example, there are scripts to generate code
             (generate) and launch the web server (server).
         •   test: The tests programmer write and those Rails creates for programmer all
             go here. Subdirectory for mocks (mocks), unit tests (unit), fixtures (fixtures),
             and functional tests (functional) is created.
         •   tmp: Rails uses this directory to hold temporary files for intermediate
         •   vendor: Libraries provided by third-party vendors (such as security libraries
             or database utilities beyond the basic Rails distribution) go here.

         Apart from these directories there will be two files available in demo directory.

         •   README: This file contains a basic detail about Rail Application and
             description of the directory structure explained above.
         •   Rakefile: This file is similar to Unix Makefile which helps with building,
             packaging and testing the Rails code. This will be used by rake utility supplied
             along with Ruby installation.

•   Road map to the features of Rails

Ruby On Rails
1.   High productivity and reduced development time
2.   How does Rails do it?
3.   Rails components
4.   General features
5.   Active Record
6.   Action Pack
7.   Action Mailer
8.   Action Web Service

• High Productivity and Reduced Development Time
     At the feature level, Ruby on Rails doesn't offer anything new. Existing web application
     frameworks have done it all before. What's the big deal, then? The difference lies in how
     Ruby on Rails does it. When simple web application is finished in days instead of weeks
     and more complicated web application in weeks instead of months, people notice!!

     This newfound attention would be short-lived if the resulting web apps were messy and
     hard to maintain or extend. Fortunately Ruby on Rails actually facilitates good
     programming practices, which leads to well-factored and easily maintained code.

     The attention would also be short-lived if Ruby on Rails had no depth--that is, if once
     programmer tried to use it for anything beyond the simplest of web applications, he
     suddenly found himself hitting a wall, unable to proceed due to inherent limitations.
     Experienced developers who know their way around the Web have repeatedly reported
     that this is not the case with Rails. For example, Tomcat, Ant, and the Servlet API author
     James Duncan Davidson recently wrote:

            “Rails is the most well thought-out web development framework I've ever
            used. And that's in a decade of doing web applications for a living. I've
            built my own frameworks, helped develop the Servlet API, and have
            created more than a few web servers from scratch. Nobody has done it like
            this before. That's not to say they got it all right. It's by no means
            "perfect". I've got more than a few nits and picks about how things are put
            together. But "perfect" isn't the point. The point is that it gets you up and
            going fast and has plenty of depth to keep you going. And Rails does that
            very well.”

•    How does Rails do it?

Ruby On Rails
Like a good recipe, Rails helps achieve this new level of productivity by combining the
right ingredients in the right amounts. Here are a few of the most important ingredients
that make Rails what it is.

 • Ruby

      Much of the power of Rails comes from the Ruby programming language. Ruby's
      unique design makes it easy to create domain-specific languages and to do
      metaprogramming. Rails takes full advantage of this.

 • Full-stack MVC framework

      Rails is an MVC (model, view, controller) framework where Rails provides all the
      layers and they work together seamlessly. Other frameworks often implement
      only part of the solution, requiring the developer to integrate multiple frameworks
      into the application and then coerce them into working together. (For example, a
      Java developer might use Hibernate, Struts, and Tiles to get full MVC support.)

 • Convention over configuration

      Convention over configuration means an end to verbose XML configuration
      files--in Rails, there aren't any! Instead of XML sit-ups, a Rails application uses a
      few simple programming conventions that allow it to figure everything out
      through reflection and discovery. For example, Rails uses intelligent reflection to
      automatically map database tables to Ruby objects. Application code and running
      database already contain everything Rails needs to know.

 • Less code

      Following the simple Rails programming conventions does more than just
      eliminate the need for configuration files. It also means that Rails can
      automatically handle myriad lower-level details without programmer having to
      tell it to do so. This means that he write fewer lines of code to implement his
      application. Keeping code small means faster development and fewer bugs, which
      makes code easier to understand, maintain, and enhance.

 • Generators

      Rails' use of runtime reflection and metaprogramming eliminates much of the
      boilerplate code that would otherwise have to create. One can often avoid what
      little boilerplate code remains by using the built-in generator scripts to create it
      for him. This leaves programmer with more time to concentrate on the code that
      really matters-- business logic.

 • Zero turnaround time

Ruby On Rails
         The typical development cycle for testing a change to a web app has steps such as
         configure, compile, deploy, reset, and test. This is very time consuming. The Rails
         development environment has none of this. Programmer simply makes a change
         and sees it work. Don't make the mistake of dismissing this as a minor point. It's
         hard to overstate how much this improves productivity and helps maintain a
         creative flow without interruption.

      • Scaffolding

         Rails can automatically create a full set of CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and
         Delete) operations and views on any database table. This scaffolding can get
         programmer up and running quickly with manipulating his database tables. Over
         time, he can incrementally replace the generated CRUD operations and views
         with his own--presumably much prettier and more functional.

• Rails Components
  Rails itself consists of several components, which can be installed and used separately.
  They are designed to work together seamlessly, though, and developers almost always
  use them together:

  •    Active Record is the object-relational mapping (ORM) layer that connects business
       objects (models) to database tables. It is an implementation of the Active Record
       pattern described by Martin Fowler.
  •    Action Pack is the component that implements both the view and controller portions
       of the MVC architecture. The controller part handles incoming requests from the
       user's browser and routes them to the correct method of a controller class. The view
       part builds the response to send back to the browser using a templating system
       similar to that of ASP or JSP.
  •    Prototype is the component that implements the Ajax, drag-and-drop, and visual
       effects within your web pages.
  •    Action Mailer is the component that handles the sending and receiving of email.
  •    Action Web Service is the component that makes it easy to add web service APIs to
       a web application. Action Web Service supports SOAP, XML-RPC, and WSDL.

• General Features

Ruby On Rails
  Rails has some general and some specific characteristics.

   • Web servers

         Rails can run on just about any web server that implements CGI. However, the
         performance of CGI is notoriously bad, so the preferred deployment of a Rails
         application is to use FastCGI. There have been extensive tests of Rails application
         deployments with both Apache and LightTPD. There is also a newcomer, SCGI,
         which rivals the performance of FastCGI without the complicated setup.

         During development, it is usually easiest just to use the WEBrick web server that
         comes built-in to Ruby.

   • Databases

         Rails currently contains support for the following databases:

         •   MySQL
         •   PostgreSQL
         •   SQLite
         •   SQL Server
         •   DB2
         •   Oracle

         It takes approximately 100 lines of Ruby code to implement a database adapter, so
         adding to this list is not particularly onerous.

   • Debugging

         When something goes wrong inside Rails web app, it normally gives a pretty
         detailed error display in browser (when running in development mode). Often this
         is enough to diagnose the problem. When it’s not, there are other options:

         •   Insert debugging output in controller. For example:

render_text “Got here”


render_text “user object = “ + user_obj

         •   Check the Rails log files. (Use tail on *nix systems.) Look for the files
             development.log, production.log, and fastcgi.crash.log. Remember that your
             web server has log files, too.

Ruby On Rails
        •   Use breakpoints.
        •   Use a commercial IDE (like ArachnoRuby) with a built-in debugger.

    • Custom (pretty) URLs

        The default Rails mapping of URLs to controller actions is very simple and easy
        to understand. Rails tries very hard to present the user with pretty URLs. Rails
        URLs are simple and straightforward, not long and cryptic.

        Even so, URLs can be customized bt using Rails routing facility.Rails’ URL
        routing is flexible enough to allow create virtually any URL mapping scheme.

        The Rails routing facility is pure Ruby code that even allows to use regular
        expressions. Because Rails does not use the web server’s URL mapping (like
        mod_rewrite in Apache), custom URL mapping will work the same on every web

    • Unit testing

        Rails actively facilitates unit testing:

        •   Generating new controllers, models, and scaffolding also creates
            corresponding unit test skeletons.
        •   The strict MVC architecture tends to naturally result in testable actions and
        •   Rails includes a Rake (Ruby Make) script that will automatically run all your
            unit tests.

• Active Record
  Active Record is the part of Rails that handles the automatic mapping of database tables
  to runtime model objects. It’s the M in MVC, and it is Rails’ implementation of an ORM

  For all the common uses (and some of the not-so-common ones), one will never need to
  see or use SQL when accessing or updating database. Active Record’s goal is
  specifically to work with relational databases; it does not try to abstract away its SQL
  usage. Active Record makes it easy to use custom SQL for those complicated cases
  where it is necessary. Even so, it is rarely needed.

    • Automated mapping

Ruby On Rails
         Active Record automatically maps tables to classes, rows to objects (instances of
         the model classes), and columns to object attributes. For example:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

         automatically maps to the table named products, such as:

CREATE TABLE products (
   id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   name varchar(255),

         which also automatically creates a name attribute that can be used like this:

my_product = Product.find(:first)
STDOUT.print = "New Product Name"

         Active Record uses English pluralization rules to map classes to tables. The
         model class name is singular and capitalized, while the table name is plural and
         lowercased. Examples include:

         •   An Invoice model class maps to an invoices table.
         •   A Person model class maps to a people table.
         •   A Country model class maps to a countries table.
         •   A SecurityLevel model class maps to a security_levels table.

         This singular/plural convention results in code that reads fairly naturally. Notice
         how this mapping is intelligent in its use of English pluralization rules. Also the
         class names use CamelCase (a Ruby convention), while the table names are all
         lowercase with underscores between words.

         In cases where this does not work (such as interfacing with a legacy database with
         which you have no control over the names), you can also explicitly tell Active
         Record what name it should use.

     • Associations

         Usually, no table stands alone. Most database applications use multiple tables
         with specific relationships between those tables. Programmer can tell Active
         Record about these relationships in his model classes, and Active Record will
         generate a slew of navigation methods that make it easy for code to access related
         data. The following models:

class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many   :clients

Ruby On Rails
  has_one    :account
  belongs_to :conglomorate

         allow to write code such as this:

my_firm = Firm.find(:last)
STDOUT.print my_firm.conglomerate.employee_count
for c in my_firm.clients
  STDOUT.print "Client: " + + "n"

         This code will work correctly when the database has a clients and accounts table,
         of which each has a name column, and a conglomerates table that has an
         employee_count column.

     • Validation

         Data need to be validated before storing it into database. Active Record contains a
         suite of macrolike validators that can be added to model.

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates_presence_of     :subdomain, :name, :email_address, :password
  validates_uniqueness_of   :subdomain
  validates_acceptance_of   :terms_of_service, :on => :create
  validates_confirmation_of :password, :email_address, :on => :create

         If the built-in validation macros can't do what is needed, user defined validation
         methods can always be written

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
    def validate
      errors.add_on_empty %w( first_name last_name )
      errors.add("phone_number", "has invalid format") unless phone_number
=~ /[0-9]*/

    def validate_on_create # only runs the first time a new object is saved
      unless valid_discount?(membership_discount)
        errors.add("membership_discount", "has expired")

    def validate_on_update
      errors.add_to_base("No changes have occurred") if

person ="first_name" => "David", "phone_number" => "what?")                         # => false (and doesn't do the save)

Ruby On Rails
person.errors.empty?                        #   =>   false
person.count                                #   =>   2
person.errors.on "last_name"                #   =>   "can't be empty"
person.errors.on "phone_number"             #   =>   "has invalid format"
person.each_full { |msg| puts msg }         #   =>   "Last name can't be emptyn" +
                                                        "Phone number has invalid
person.attributes = { "last_name" => "Heinemeier", "phone_number" =>
"555-555" } # => true (and person is now saved in the database)

         If the validate method exists, Rails will call it just before writing any object to the
         database. If validation fails, it does not write the object to the database.
         validate_on_create and validate_on_update are similar, except that the first is
         called only before Rails creates a new record in the database, while the second is
         called only when Rails is about to update an existing record.

         Conditional validation of attribute can be done as follow:

# Conditional validations such as the following are possible:
  validates_numericality_of :income,   :if => :employed?
  validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :new_password?

# Using blocks:
  validates_presence_of :username, :if => { |user|
user.signup_step > 1 }

     • Callbacks

         As Active Record creates and destroys model objects and creates and updates
         them in the database, these events can be monitored in the object's life cycle using
         callbacks. Callbacks can be used to handle complex business logic, data can be
         modified before Rails writes it to the database (or after Rails reads it from the
         database), or just about anything else needed.

         For example, the save method that saves a model object's data to the database has
         eight callbacks defined:

         •   before_validation
         •   before_validation_on_create
         •   after_validation
         •   after_validation_on_create
         •   before_save
         •   before_create
         •   after_create
         •   after_save

         This gives fine-grained control over model objects when needed.

Ruby On Rails
class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Strip everything but digits, so the user can specify "555 234 34" or
  # "5552-3434" or both will mean "55523434"
  def before_validation_on_create
    self.number = number.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") if attribute_present?("number")

class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base
  before_create :record_signup

    def record_signup
      self.signed_up_on =

class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Destroys the associated clients and people when the firm is destroyed
  before_destroy { |record| Person.destroy_all "firm_id = #{}" }
  before_destroy { |record| Client.destroy_all "client_of = #{}" }

     • Transactions

         A transaction is necessary when there are multiple database operations that all
         must succeed before the data in the database can change. If any one of them fails,
         the data in database should not change. Transaction blocks are used to ensure this.

transaction do

         The database-level transaction shown above will prevent the withdrawal from
         David's account if the deposit into Mary's account should fail. It will not,
         however, protect the david and mary objects from being modified. To do that,
         object-level transactions must be used.

Account.transaction(david, mary) do

         Any failure in this code will roll back the value of the objects as well as the

• Action Pack
   Action Pack implements both the view and controller part of Rails.

Ruby On Rails
     • View templates

         View templates specify the HTML to return in response to a browser request.
         View templates are rhtml files (HTML with embedded Ruby) that are very similar
         to ASP or JSP files. Text within <% %> is Ruby code to execute, and text within
         <%= %> is also Ruby code to execute and substitute the results back into the

     <title>Invoices for <%= @name
     <% render_partial "invoices_by_customer"

         By default, Rails will try to find a template whose name matches the currently
         executing action. If, for example, Rails executes an edit action in your
         InvoiceController, then it will attempt to find and render the view template

         Coder can also build up XML (or HTML) output programmatically in his
         controller action. This is useful, for example, for building RSS feeds or
         responding to XML-RPC requests. In the following example, xm is an
         XmlMarkup object.

xm.em("emphasized") # => <em>emphasized</em>
xm.em { xmm.b("emp & bold") }   # => <em><b>emph & bold</b></em>
xm.a("A Link", "href"=>"") # => <a
xm.div { br }                   # => <div><br/></div>"name"=>"compile", "option"=>"fast")
                                # => <target option="fast" name="compile">
                                # NOTE: order of attributes is not

xm.instruct!                        # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xm.html {                           # <html>
    xm.head {                       #   <head>
     xm.title("History")            #     <title>History</title>
  }                                 #   </head>
    xm.body {                       #   <body>
      xm.comment! "HI"              #     <!-- HI -->
     xm.h1("Header")                #     <h1>Header</h1>
     xm.p("paragraph")              #     <p>paragraph</p>
  }                                 #   </body>
}                                   # </html>

     • URL routing

Ruby On Rails
         An incoming URL always maps to some action within a controller. A controller is
         simply a Ruby class, and each action implemented by the controller is a public
         method within the controller class. The default mapping from URL to action
         method is (in "Rails-speak"):


         For example, if Rails received the URL, Rails
         would route this to a controller class named InvoicesController and within that
         class to a method named show. Rails would also pass the 37 to the method as the
         id member of the parameter hash that also holds the values of query parameters
         and form fields. The code might look like this:

class InvoicesController
  def show
    @invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id])

         Because actions are methods grouped within a controller (instead of separate
         command objects), they can easily share helper methods.

         If the default URL routing does not meet required needs, one can easily specify
         his own routing rules, even using regular expressions. Because Rails implements
         its own URL routing, there is not need to mess with Apache's mod_rewrite, and
         routing rules will work the same under all web servers.

         Rails routing rules are Ruby code. Here is an example:

map.connect 'date/:year/:month/:day',
     :controller => 'blog',
     :action => 'by_date',
     :month => nil,
     :day => nil,
     :requirements => {:year => /d{4}/,
                       :day => /d{1,2}/,
                       :month => /d{1,2}/}

         With this routing rule, the following URLs are valid:

         This rule decomposes a URL containing a date that, perhaps, a blog might use to
         display the postings for a particular date. A URL that matches this form will map
         to the BlogController class and the by_date method. The parameter hash will
         contain values for a four-digit year (/d{4}/ is a Ruby regular expression), a two-

Ruby On Rails
          digit month, and a two-digit day. Further, the month and day are optional; if no
          values are present, the parameter hash will contain the default value of nil.

     • Filters

          Filters allow to run preprocessing code before Rails executes an action and post-
          processing code after it completes an action. They are useful for such things as
          caching or authentication before calling the action, and compression or
          localization of the response after calling an action. The before_filter processing
          can either allow the action to be called normally by returning true, or abort the
          action by returning false (or by performing a render or redirect operation).

For example:

class BankController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :audit

    def audit
      # record the action and parameters in an audit log

class VaultController < BankController
  before_filter :verify_credentials

    def verify_credentials
      # make sure the user is allowed into the vault

     • Helpers

          Helpers are smart methods (functions) that help the view templates generate
          HTML. They know to use the model objects and controller classes to create just
          the right HTML and, in the process, save a lot of time and effort. Of course, this
          also means write fewer lines of code,

          Developer can write his own helpers, but several come built into Rails. The
          link_to helper, for example, generates anchor tags that create links to controllers
          and actions. For example:

<%= link_to "Help", { :action => "help" } %>

          creates a link to the help action (method) in the current controller (whatever
          controller is handling the current request). The text of the link (what the user sees)
          is Help.

<%= link_to "Master Help Index",
           { :controller => "help", :action => "index" }

Ruby On Rails

         This creates a link to the index method in the HelpController class. The text of the
         link will be Master Help Index.

<%= link_to "Delete this invoice",
           { :controller => "invoices",
             :action => "delete",
             :id => },
             :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this?"

         This creates a link to the delete method in the InvoicesController class, and passes
         an id parameter (presumably the ID of the invoice to delete). This also uses a
         special confirm option that creates JavaScript to pop up a confirmation dialog
         letting the user continue or abort.

         There is a substantial set of helpers for creating form fields to display and update
         values in Active Record model objects, which effectively means values in
         database. Assume that database has a people table with columns for the name, the
         password, a description, and a Boolean value to indicate whether the person is
         single or married. Here's a partial view template with a sampling of form tags that
         could be used. (Assume that the variable @person contains a person object read
         from a row of the people table.)

<form action="save_person" method="post">
  <%= text_field "person", "name", "size" => 20 %>

  <%= password_field "person", "password", "maxsize" => 20 %>

  <%= check_box "person", "single" %>

  <%= text_area "person", "description", "cols" => 20 %>

  <input type="submit" value="Save">

         That code generates the following HTML:

<form action="save_person" method="post">
  <input type="text" id="person_name" name="person[name]" size="20"
value="<%= %>" />

  <input type="password" id="person_password" name="person[password]"
         size="20" maxsize="20" value="<%= @person.password %>" />

Ruby On Rails

  <input type="checkbox" id="person_single" name="person[single] value="1"

  <textarea cols="20" rows="40" id="person_description"
    <%= @person.description %>

  <input type="submit" value="Save">

         There are helpers to create the option tags for a select list from a collection of
         rows read from the database; helpers for working with dates, numbers, and
         currency; and much more.

         There are different categories of built-in helpers, in several actual files. Like,

         •   Active Record Helpers
         •   Asset Tag Helpers
         •   Benchmark Helpers
         •   Cache Helpers
         •   Capture Helpers
         •   Date Helpers
         •   Debug Helpers
         •   Form Helpers
         •   Form Options Helpers
         •   Form Tag Helpers
         •   JavaScript Helpers
         •   Number Helpers
         •   Pagination Helpers
         •   Tag Helpers
         •   Text Helpers
         •   Upload Progress Helpers
         •   URL Helpers

     • Ajax & JavaScript helpers

         Rails integrates the Prototype JavaScript library to implement its browser-side
         Ajax support, visual effects, and drag-and-drop abilities.

         Rails has a simple, consistent model for how it implements Ajax operations. Once
         the browser has rendered and displayed the initial web page, different user actions
         cause it to display a new web page (like any traditional web app) or trigger an
         Ajax operation:

Ruby On Rails
         •   A trigger action occurs. This could be the user clicking on a button or link, the
             user making changes to the data on a form or in a field, or just a periodic
             trigger (based on a timer).
         •   The client sends data associated with the trigger (a field or an entire form)
             asynchronously to an action handler on the server via XMLHttpRequest.
         •   The server-side action handler takes some action based on the data, and
             returns an HTML fragment as its response.
         •   The client-side JavaScript (created automatically by Rails) receives the
             HTML fragment and uses it to update a specified part of the current page's
             HTML, often the content of a <div> tag.

         The real beauty is how easy Rails makes it to implement all of this in web
         application. The following simple example adds new items to a list:

    <title>Ajax List Demo</title>
    <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %>
    <h3>Add to list using Ajax</h3>
    <%= form_remote_tag(:update => "my_list",
                            :url => { :action => :add_item },
                            :position => "top" ) %>
       New item text:
       <%= text_field_tag :newitem %>
       <%= submit_tag "Add item with Ajax" %>
    <%= end_form_tag %>
    <ul id="my_list">
       <li>Original item... please add more!</li>

         The Prototype library also provides the Rails developer with a wealth of browser-
         side visual effects. Prototype also lets easily add drag-and-drop features to web

     • Layouts

         Layouts let developer specify a common set of display elements for every page
         rendered by a controller. This is typically useful for common headers, footers, and
         sidebars. By default, Rails looks in its layouts directory for an rhtml file whose
         name matches the controller's name. A layout template might look like this:

    <title><%= @page_title %></title>
    <div>The header part of this layout</div>

Ruby On Rails
    <div><%= @content_for_layout %></div>
    <div>The footer part of this layout</div>

         Rails will substitute the HTML that an action renders into the above layout where
         it says @content_for_layout.

         The controller can also directly specify the name of the layout template to use for
         all its actions. This makes it easy to use the same layout for multiple controllers.
         Layout templates can also be chosen dynamically at runtime. For example, one
         layout for logged-in users and different one for anonymous users

     • Components and partials

         Components and partials allow modularize view templates.

         The simplest are partials, which allow to extract a common piece of a template
         into a separate file and then render it from many other templates (or many times
         within a single template). Partial templates always have a leading underscore on
         their filenames to distinguish them from full templates.

         A typical use of a partial is for rendering a collections of items.

<% for ad in @advertisements %>
  <%= render :partial => "adview", :locals => { :item => ad } %>
<% end %>

         This renders the partial template _adview.rhtml multiple times (once for each ad
         in the collection @advertisements). For each rendering, Rails will pass
         _adview.rhtml a local variable named item that contains the ad object to use.

         Components are similar to partials in that they embed the rendering of another
         template within the current template. The difference is that one need to specify the
         name of a controller and action, and its template is the one to render and insert
         into the current template.

<%= render_component :controller => "calendar", :action => "today" %>

     • Scaffolding

         Scaffolding allows programmer to get an instant implementation of CRUD
         (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) operations on any database table. They're
         not pretty, but they do give immediate web-based access to tables. Over time,
         CRUD operations and views can be replaced with customized one

         Rails supports static or dynamic scaffolding. Static scaffolding physically
         generates model, controller, and template files. This lets developer see how it
         works and start tweaking this existing code. To generate static scaffolding,

Ruby On Rails
         navigate in the file system to the root of Rails web application and run a
         command similar to:

$ ruby script/generate scaffold invoices

         This will look for an invoices table in database and use its schema to generate the
         model, the controller, all of the view templates, the unit test skeletons, and more.
         The command displays a list of all the files that it generates.

         The advantage of static scaffolding is that developer gets to see and modify the
         generated code. The disadvantage is that if he change database table, the
         scaffolding will not reflect those changes. However, if he hasn't modified the
         scaffolding, it can be just regenerated.

         Dynamic scaffolding does not generate any files. Rails simply creates what it
         needs dynamically as web app runs. This means that every time database table is
         changed, the scaffolding’s CRUD views immediately show those changes. To
         request dynamic scaffolding, place a single line of code in the controller:

class AccountController < ActionController::Base
  scaffold :account

• Action Mailer
   Action Mailer is a simple facility for sending and receiving email in a web application.
   Here's a method that sends an email with an attachment:

# send email with attachment
def signup_notification(recipient)
  recipients recipient.email_address_with_name
  subject "New account information"
  from ""

  attachment :content_type => "image/jpeg", :body =>"an-

  attachment "application/pdf" do |a|
    a.body = generate_your_pdf_here()

• Action Web Service
   Action Web Service implements server-side support for the SOAP and XML-RPC web
   service protocols and makes it easy to create web service APIs and publish them via

Ruby On Rails
    Here is part of the MetaWeblog API as implemented by Typo (open source weblog
    software written in Rails):

 class MetaWeblogApi < ActionWebService::API::Base

   api_method :getRecentPosts,
     :expects => [ {:blogid => :string},
                   {:username => :string},
                   {:password => :string},
                   {:numberOfPosts => :int} ],
     :returns => [[MetaWeblogStructs::Article]]

   api_method :deletePost,
     :expects => [ {:appkey => :string},
                   {:postid => :string},
                   {:username => :string},
                   {:password => :string},
                   {:publish => :int} ],
     :returns => [:bool]

 class MetaWeblogService < TypoWebService
   web_service_api MetaWeblogApi

   def getRecentPosts(blogid, username, password, numberOfPosts)
     articles = Article.find_all(nil, "created_at DESC", numberOfPosts)
     articles.to_a.collect{ |c| article_dto_from(c) }

   def deletePost(appkey, postid, username, password, publish)
     article = Article.find(postid)

• Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE

Ruby On Rails
• Rails and a typical J2EE Web stack
    Following figure compares Rails stack to a typical J2EE Web stack comprised of the
    Tomcat servlet container, the Struts Web application framework, and the Hibernate
    persistence framework.

    The fundamental difference between the Rails stack and the components that make up a
    common J2EE-based Web application is small. Both have a container in which the
    application code will execute; an MVC framework that helps to separate the
    application's model, view, and control; and a mechanism to persist data.

•   The front controller and URL mappings in Rails and Struts
    Struts' ActionServlet and Rails' DispatchServlet are both examples of the Front
    Controller pattern; as such, they both provide the same functionality. They accept HTTP
    requests, parse the URL, and forward processing of the request to an appropriate action.
    In the case of Struts, an action is a class that extends Action; for Rails, it is a class that
    extends ActionController. The main difference between the two front controllers is how
    they determine the action that processes a particular request.

    With Struts, a developer needs to externalize the mappings of specific requests to Action
    classes in an XML configuration file. When the ActionServlet is first loaded, it parses
    this file and prepares to accept requests. By convention, HTTP requests that end in .do
    get redirected to ActionServlet for dispatching to the appropriate Action. The XML in
    following figure is a typical mapping. It tells the ActionServlet to forward a request
    called to controllers.order.DeleteOrderAction for further processing.

Ruby On Rails
   Rails takes a different approach. Instead of relying upon a configuration file to map
   requests to actions, it discovers the appropriate action based on the URL requested. As
   in following figure , the URL http://localhost/order/delete/4 indicates for Rails to invoke
   the delete method on an instance of OrderController and make 4 available as an instance
   variable. Rails is smart enough to know that /order maps to a controller class defined in
   a file named order_controller.rb. If there is a find method defined in the controller, that
   method can be invoked by simply replacing delete with find in the URL.

• The action and the model
   In both Rails and Struts, the action acts as a bridge between the front controller and the
   model. The developer provides an implementation of an action in order to provide
   application-specific processing of a request. The front controller is responsible for
   accepting the request and passing it off to a specific action. Following figure illustrates a
   basic action hierarchy for Rails and Struts.

   Struts requires that the developer extend Action and override execute() in order to
   process the request. Generally, each Action class provides a very specific unit of work.
   Above figure illustrates three specific actions: SaveOrderAction, DeleteOrderAction,

Ruby On Rails
  and ListOrdersAction. The front controller calls the execute() method and passes it a
  number of useful objects, including the HTTP request and response objects. ActionForm
  is a class that conveniently transfers and validates form-related input to and from the
  view, and ActionMapping contains the configuration information for the mapping.

  The execute() method returns an ActionForward object that Struts uses to determine the
  component that continues processing the request. Generally, this component is a JSP,
  but ActionForward can also point in other actions. Developers must be aware that Struts
  will create a single instance of the Action and allow multiple threads to invoke
  execute(). This allows for faster request processing, as the framework is not continually
  creating new Action instances to handle each request. But because a single object is
  shared between multiple threads, developer must observe proper threading
  considerations, as other threads are likely to pummel instance variables that hold state in
  the action.

  In Rails, developer must extend ActionController::Base for the model to participate in
  the processing of a request. Rails doesn't pool the instance of the ActionController;
  instead, it creates a new instance for each request. While this might have a negative
  impact on performance, it makes development easier. Developers need not be concerned
  with the threading issues that are present in Struts, and as a result, the session, request,
  header, and parameters are all accessible as instance members of the ActionController.
  ActionControllers are also a logical place to group all processing of specific domain
  logic. While Struts Action classes are fine-grained and provide very specific units of
  work, Rails ActionControllers are coarse-grained and model discreet units of work as

• The persistence frameworks
  A persistence framework is used to move data to and from the database in the
  application layer. Both Hibernate and Rails persistence frameworks can be classified as
  object/relational mapping (ORM) tools, meaning that they take an object view of the
  data and map it to tables in a relational database. Both frameworks aim to reduce the
  development time associated with working with relational databases. However,
  following figure illustrates some fundamental differences in how each is designed and

Ruby On Rails

  • Hibernate

       Hibernate is based on the Data Mapper pattern, where a specific mapper class, the
       Session, is responsible for persisting and retrieving data to and from the database.
       Hibernate can persist any Java object as long as it conforms to JavaBean
       specifications. XML mapping files describe how a class maps to a particular table
       in the database, along with any relationships that the class has with other classes.

       Following is an example of a Hibernate mapping file. The class tag maps the
       Order object to the ORDERS table and has a number of sub tags that describe its
       properties, the ID and the order name, and a one-to-many relationship to
       models.Item. Then is the Order class itself.

    <class name="models.Order" table="ORDERS"
        dynamic-update="true" dynamic-insert="false"

         <id name="id" column="id" type="java.lang.Long"
              <generator class="identity"/>

             <set name="items" lazy="false" inverse="false"
                cascade="none" sort="unsorted">
                 <key column="id"/>
                 <one-to-many class="models.Item"/>

         <property name="name" type="java.lang.String"
              update="true" insert="true"
              access="property" column="name"/>
 public class Order {
    private Set items;
     private String name;
     private Long id;

     public Long getId() { return id;}

Ruby On Rails
       public void setId(Long id) { = id;}

       public Set getItems() { return items;}

       public void setItems(Set items) { this.items = items; }

       public String getName() { return name; }

       public void setName(String name) { = name; }

     • Active Record

        Rails' ORM framework is called Active Record and is based upon the design
        pattern of the same name. Martin Fowler describes an Active Record as "an object
        that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and
        adds domain logic on that data." In Rails, each domain object extends
        ActiveRecord::Base, which provides the CRUD operations.

        Active Record doesn't require a mapping file, as Hibernate does; in fact, a
        developer working with Active Record doesn't need to code getters or setters, or
        even the properties of the class. Through some nifty lexical analysis, Active
        Record is able to determine that the Order class will map to the ORDERS table in
        the database. Using a combination of Ruby reflection and metaprogramming, the
        columns of the table become properties of the object. Accessors and mutators are
        also added.

        Following example shows the completed code for the Order class. The one line of
        code in the class body of Order defines its relationship to the Item object.
        has_many is a static method call for which the symbol :items is a parameter.
        ActiveRecord uses :items to discover the Item domain object and in turn maps the
        Item object back to the ITEMS table in the database.

 class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_many :items

        The Order class as coded in above provides dozens of class and instance
        methods at runtime. Table below offers a partial list of operations and
        attributes available on Order:

           Class methods                       Instance methods              Attributes

Ruby On Rails
      •   find(*args)                          •   add_items                   •   id
      •   find_by_sql(sql)                     •   build_to_items              •   name
      •   exists?(id)                          •   create_in_items
      •   create(attributes)                   •   find_all_in_items
      •   update(id, attributes)               •   find_in_items
      •   update_all(updates,                  •   has_items?
          conditions                           •   items
      •   delete(id)                           •   items=
      •   delete_all(conditions)               •   items_count
                                               •   remove_items
      •   ...

 • In summary
   While Ruby on Rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated
   considerable interest in the Web development community, the core architecture follows
   the basic patterns found in J2EE. It's the philosophical approach to development of Web
   applications that sets the two frameworks apart. Rails prefers explicit code instead of
   configuration files, and the dynamic nature of the Ruby language generates much of the
   plumbing code at runtime. Most of the Rails framework has been created as a single
   project and application development benefits from a set of homogeneous components. In
   contrast, the typical J2EE stack tends to be built from best-of-breed components that are
   usually developed independently of one another, and XML is often used for configuration
   and gluing the components together.

• Usage & Support

Ruby On Rails

 • Websites on Rails
     •   Twitter – Social Networking
     •   Yellow Pages – Online Directory
     •   Scribd – Document Sharing
     •   Hulu – Tv & Video Streaming
     •   Blinksale – Online Invoicing
     •   Crunchbase – Company Profiler
     •   Slideshare – Presentation Sharing

 • Well known companies using Rails
     •   BBC
     •   CapGemini
     •   BPN
     •   Cisco
     •   C|Net
     •   EA (Electronic Arts)
     •   IBM
     •   JP Morgan
     •   NASA
     •   Oakley
     •   Oracle
     •   Siemens
     •   Google

• Conclusion
  Web application frameworks and the developers who use them can be divided into two
  distinct categories. At one end of the spectrum, there are the heavy-duty frameworks for the

Ruby On Rails
  "serious" developers, and at the other end there are the lightweight, easy-to-use frameworks
  for the "toy" developers. Each of these groups generally regards the other with disdain.

  One of the most interesting things is that Rails is attracting developers from both camps.
  The high-end developers are tired of the repetitive, low-productivity routine that they have
  been forced to endure, while the low-end developers are tired of battling a mess of
  unmanageable code when their web apps move beyond the simple. Both of these disparate
  groups find that Rails provides sustainable relief for their pain.

  At the moment, Ruby on Rails barely captures a tiny percentage of web development
  projects. Yet it is rapidly gaining mind share, and many respected software development
  leaders have been testing the waters with Rails and publicly singing its praises.

• Appendix

Ruby On Rails
• Bruce Perens
  Bruce Perens is a computer programmer and advocate in the open source community. He
  created the Open Source Definition and published the first formal announcement and
  manifesto of open source.

• Boilerplate
  Boilerplate is any text that is or can be reused in new contexts or applications without
  being changed much from the original. In computer programming, boilerplate is the term
  used to describe sections of code that have to be included in many places with little or no
  alteration. It is more often used when referring to languages which are considered
  verbose, i.e. the programmer must write a lot of code to do minimal jobs. The need for
  boilerplate can be reduced through high-level mechanisms such as Metaprogramming
  (which has the computer automatically write the needed boilerplate text) and Convention
  over Configuration (which provides good default values, reducing the need to specify
  program details in every project).

  YARV is a bytecode interpreter that was developed for the Ruby programming language
  by Koichi Sasada. The name is an acronym for Yet another Ruby VM. The goal of the
  project was to greatly reduce the execution time of Ruby programs.

  Since YARV has become the official Ruby interpreter for Ruby 1.9, it is also named KRI
  as Koichi's Ruby Interpreter.

• Rubinius
  Rubinius is an alternative Ruby implementation created by Evan Phoenix. Based loosely
  on the Smalltalk-80 Blue Book design,[1] Rubinius seeks to "provide a rich, high-
  performance environment for running Ruby code.

• IronRuby
  IronRuby is an upcoming implementation of the Ruby programming language targeting
  Microsoft .NET framework. It is implemented on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime,

Ruby On Rails
    a library running on top of CLR 2.0 that provides dynamic typing and dynamic method
    dispatch, among other things, for dynamic languages.

• MacRuby
    MacRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language that runs on the Objective-C
    runtime and CoreFoundation framework under development by Apple Inc. which "is
    supposed to replace RubyCocoa".[1] It is based on Ruby 1.9 and currently uses the
    YARV bytecode interpreter, but will be based on the Low Level Virtual Machine
    compiler infrastructure starting with version 0.5.

• Dylan
    The Dylan programming language is a multi-paradigm language that includes support for
    functional and object-oriented programming, and is dynamic and reflective while
    providing a programming model designed to support efficient machine code generation,
    including fine-grained control over dynamic and static behaviors. It was created in the
    early 1990s by a group led by Apple Computer.

• Lisp
    Lisp (or LISP) is a family of computer programming languages with a long history and a
    distinctive, fully parenthesized syntax. Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second-
    oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today; only Fortran is older.

    CLU is a programming language created at MIT by Barbara Liskov and her students
    between 1974 and 1975. It was notable for its use of constructors for abstract data types
    that included the code that operated on them, a key step in the direction of object-oriented
    programming (OOP). However many of the other features of OOP are (intentionally)
    missing, notably inheritance, and the language is also hindered by a sometimes frustrating
    if elegant syntax.

•   Python

Ruby On Rails
   Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language.[2] Its design philosophy
   emphasizes code readability.[3] Python claims to "[combine] remarkable power with very
   clear syntax",[4] and its standard library is large and comprehensive. Its use of
   indentation as block delimiters is unusual among popular programming languages.

 • Perl
   Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Perl
   was originally developed by Larry Wall, a linguist working as a systems administrator for
   NASA, in 1987, as a general purpose Unix scripting language to make report processing
   easier.[1][2] Since then, it has undergone many changes and revisions and become widely
   popular among programmers. Larry Wall continues to oversee development of the core
   language, and its upcoming version, Perl 6.

 • JRuby
   JRuby is a Java implementation of the Ruby programming language, being developed by
   the JRuby team. It is free software released under a three-way CPL/GPL/LGPL license.
   JRuby is tightly integrated with Java to allow the embedding of the interpreter into any
   Java application with full two-way access between the Java and the Ruby code

• References

Ruby On Rails



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Ruby On Rails

  • 1. Ruby On Rails • Introduction • What is Rails? Ruby on Rails, often shortened to Rails or RoR, is an open source web application framework for the Ruby programming language. It is intended to be used with an Agile development methodology which is used by web developers for rapid development. “In 1981, when I started working on Unix, I remember being blown away by the power of the command-line pipes-and-filters paradigm. I’ve worked with lots of programming environments since then, but none of them give me that feeling of being able to write a solution so well that working code just flew off of my fingers. Until now: Ruby on Rails achieves for web programming the same sort of conceptual leap that Unix made for file- handling. You’ve got to try it!” − Bruce Perens Even though there are dozens of frameworks out there, and most of them have been around much longer than Rails, the eye-catching about RoR is one can develop a web application at least ten times faster with Rails than you can with a typical Java framework that to without making any sacrifices in the quality of your application! • How is this possible? (RoR Philosophy) Part of the answer lies in the Ruby programming language. Rails takes full advantage of Ruby. The rest of the answer is in two of Rails' guiding principles: DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself and CoC - Convention over Configuration. DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself means one write fewer lines of code to implement one’s application. Keeping your code small means faster development and fewer bugs, which makes one’s code easier to understand, maintain, and enhance. According to "Don't repeat yourself", information is located in a single, unambiguous place. For example, using the ActiveRecord module of Rails, the developer does not need to specify database column names in class definitions. Instead, Ruby on Rails can retrieve this information from the database based on the class name. Convention over configuration means an end to verbose XML configuration files--there aren't any in Rails! Instead of configuration files, a Rails application uses a few simple programming conventions that allow it to figure out everything through reflection and discovery. One’s application code and one’s running database already contain everything that Rails needs to know! 38
  • 2. Ruby On Rails • Short History Ruby on Rails was extracted by David Heinemeier Hansson from his work on Basecamp, a project management tool by 37signals (a web application company). Heinemeier Hansson first released Rails as open source in July 2004, but did not share commit rights to the project until February 2005. In August 2006 the framework reached a milestone when Apple announced that it would ship Ruby on Rails with Mac OS X v10.5 "Leopard", which was released in October 2007. David Heinemeier Hansson, the creator • What is Ruby? Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general purpose object-oriented programming language that combines syntax inspired by Perl with Smalltalk-like features. Ruby originated in Japan during the mid-1990s and was initially developed and designed by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto. It is based on Perl, Smalltalk, Eiffel, Ada, and Lisp. Ruby supports multiple programming paradigms, including functional, object oriented, imperative and reflective. It also has a dynamic type system and automatic memory management; it is therefore similar in varying respects to Python, Perl, Lisp, Dylan, and CLU. Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby. The standard 1.8.7 implementation is written in C, as a single-pass interpreted language. There are a number of complete or upcoming alternative implementations of the Ruby language, including YARV, JRuby, Rubinius, IronRuby, and MacRuby, each of which takes a different approach, with JRuby and IronRuby providing just-in-time compilation. The official 1.9 branch uses YARV, as will 2.0 (development), and will eventually supersede the slower Ruby MRI. • Why Ruby? Ruby is becoming popular exponentially in Japan and now in US and Europe as well. Following are greatest factors: • Easy to learn • Open source (very liberal license) • Rich libraries • Very easy to extend • Truly Object-Oriented • Less Coding with fewer bugs • Helpful community 38
  • 3. Ruby On Rails • Technical overview Like many contemporary web frameworks, Rails uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern to organize application programming. Ruby On Rails Web Application Ruby on Rails features several tools intended to make commonplace development tasks easier "out of the box". Rails provides scaffolding which can automatically construct some of the models and views needed for a basic website. A simple ruby web server (WEBrick) and Rake build system are also included. By including these common tools with the Rails framework, a basic development environment is in effect provided with all versions of the software. 38
  • 4. Ruby On Rails Ruby on Rails relies on a web server to run it. Mongrel is generally preferred over WEBrick at the time of writing but it can also be run by Lighttpd, Abyss, Apache (either as a module - Passenger for example - or via CGI, FastCGI or mod_ruby), and many others. Rails is also noteworthy for its extensive use of JavaScript libraries Prototype and for Ajax. Rails initially utilized lightweight SOAP for web services; this was later replaced by RESTful web services. Since version 2.0, Ruby on Rails by default offers both HTML and XML as output formats. The latter is the facility for RESTful web services. • Framework structure 38
  • 5. Ruby On Rails A framework is a program, set of programs, and/or code library that writes most of application for reusability. When is framework used, programmer’s job is to write the parts of the application that make it do the specific things needed. While writing Rails application, programmer just leave aside configuration and other housekeeping chores and he just need to perform three primary tasks • Describe and model application's domain: The domain is the universe of application. The domain may be music store, university, dating service, address book, or hardware inventory. So here, figure out what's in it, what entities exist in this universe and how the items in it relate to each other. This is equivalent to modeling database structure to keep the entities and their relationship. • Specify what can happen in this domain: The domain model is static; now it’s time to get dynamic. Addresses can be added to an address book. Musical scores can be purchased from music stores. Users can log in to a dating service. Students can register for classes at a university. Here programmer needs to identify all the possible scenarios or actions that the elements of domain can participate in. • Choose and design the publicly available views of the domain: At this point, one can start thinking in Web-browser terms. Once it is decided that the domain has students, and that they can register for classes, a welcome page, a registration page, and a confirmation page etc. can be envisioned. Each of these pages, or views, shows the user how things stand at certain point. Based on the above three tasks, Ruby on Rails deals with a Model/View/Controller (MVC) framework. • Ruby on Rails MVC framework: The Model View Controller principle divides the work of an application into three separate but closely cooperative subsystems. 38
  • 6. Ruby On Rails ActionView and ActionController are bundled together under ActionPack. ActiveRecord provides a range of programming techniques and shortcuts for manipulating data from an SQL database. ActionController and ActionView provide facilities for manipulating and displaying that data. Rails ties it all together. • Ruby on Rails Directory Structure When the rails helper script is used to create an application, it creates the entire directory structure for the application. Rails knows where to find things it needs within this structure, so programmer don't have to tell it. Here is a top level view of directory tree created by helper script at the time of application creation. Except for minor changes between releases, every Rails project will have the same structure, with the same naming conventions. This consistency gives a tremendous advantage; of quickly moving between Rails projects without relearning the project's organization. A directory structure for any rails application is as shown follows: 38
  • 7. Ruby On Rails demo/ ..../app ......../controller ......../helpers ......../models ......../views ............../layouts ..../components ..../config ..../db ..../doc ..../lib ..../log ..../public ..../script ..../test ..../tmp ..../vendor README Rakefile • Purpose of each directory • app : This organizes application components. It's got subdirectories that hold the view (views and helpers), controller (controllers), and the backend business logic (models). • app/controllers: The controllers subdirectory is where Rails looks to find controller classes. A controller handles a web request from the user. • app/helpers: The helpers subdirectory holds any helper classes used to assist the model, view, and controller classes. This helps to keep the model, view, and controller code small, focused, and uncluttered. • app/models: The models subdirectory holds the classes that model and wrap the data stored in application's database. In most frameworks, this part of the application can grow pretty messy, tedious, verbose, and error-prone. Rails makes it dead simple! • app/view: The views subdirectory holds the display templates to fill in with data from application, convert to HTML, and return to the user's browser. • app/view/layouts: Holds the template files for layouts to be used with views. This models the common header/footer method of wrapping views. In views, a layout using the <tt>layout :default</tt> is defined and a file named default.rhtml is created. Inside default.rhtml, <% yield %> is called to render the view using this layout. • components : This directory holds components tiny self-contained applications that bundle model, view, and controller. • config: This directory contains the small amount of configuration code that an application will need, including database configuration (in database.yml), Rails environment structure (environment.rb), and routing of incoming web requests (routes.rb). One can also tailor the behavior of the three Rails environments for test, development, and deployment with files found in the environments directory. 38
  • 8. Ruby On Rails • db: Usually, Rails application will have model objects that access relational database tables. Programmer can manage the relational database with scripts you create and place in this directory. • doc: Ruby has a framework, called RubyDoc, that can automatically generate documentation for code created. RubyDoc can be assisted with comments in code. This directory holds all the RubyDoc-generated Rails and application documentation. • lib: Libraries are placed here, unless they explicitly belong elsewhere (such as vendor libraries). • log: Error logs go here. Rails creates scripts that help manage various error logs. Separate logs for the server (server.log) and each Rails environment (development.log, test.log, and production.log) is created • public: Like the public directory for a web server, this directory has web files that don't change, such a s JavaScript files (public/javascripts), graphics (public/images), stylesheets (public/stylesheets), and HTML files (public). • script: This directory holds scripts to launch and manage the various tools that will be used with Rails. For example, there are scripts to generate code (generate) and launch the web server (server). • test: The tests programmer write and those Rails creates for programmer all go here. Subdirectory for mocks (mocks), unit tests (unit), fixtures (fixtures), and functional tests (functional) is created. • tmp: Rails uses this directory to hold temporary files for intermediate processing. • vendor: Libraries provided by third-party vendors (such as security libraries or database utilities beyond the basic Rails distribution) go here. Apart from these directories there will be two files available in demo directory. • README: This file contains a basic detail about Rail Application and description of the directory structure explained above. • Rakefile: This file is similar to Unix Makefile which helps with building, packaging and testing the Rails code. This will be used by rake utility supplied along with Ruby installation. • Road map to the features of Rails 38
  • 9. Ruby On Rails 1. High productivity and reduced development time 2. How does Rails do it? 3. Rails components 4. General features 5. Active Record 6. Action Pack 7. Action Mailer 8. Action Web Service • High Productivity and Reduced Development Time At the feature level, Ruby on Rails doesn't offer anything new. Existing web application frameworks have done it all before. What's the big deal, then? The difference lies in how Ruby on Rails does it. When simple web application is finished in days instead of weeks and more complicated web application in weeks instead of months, people notice!! This newfound attention would be short-lived if the resulting web apps were messy and hard to maintain or extend. Fortunately Ruby on Rails actually facilitates good programming practices, which leads to well-factored and easily maintained code. The attention would also be short-lived if Ruby on Rails had no depth--that is, if once programmer tried to use it for anything beyond the simplest of web applications, he suddenly found himself hitting a wall, unable to proceed due to inherent limitations. Experienced developers who know their way around the Web have repeatedly reported that this is not the case with Rails. For example, Tomcat, Ant, and the Servlet API author James Duncan Davidson recently wrote: “Rails is the most well thought-out web development framework I've ever used. And that's in a decade of doing web applications for a living. I've built my own frameworks, helped develop the Servlet API, and have created more than a few web servers from scratch. Nobody has done it like this before. That's not to say they got it all right. It's by no means "perfect". I've got more than a few nits and picks about how things are put together. But "perfect" isn't the point. The point is that it gets you up and going fast and has plenty of depth to keep you going. And Rails does that very well.” • How does Rails do it? 38
  • 10. Ruby On Rails Like a good recipe, Rails helps achieve this new level of productivity by combining the right ingredients in the right amounts. Here are a few of the most important ingredients that make Rails what it is. • Ruby Much of the power of Rails comes from the Ruby programming language. Ruby's unique design makes it easy to create domain-specific languages and to do metaprogramming. Rails takes full advantage of this. • Full-stack MVC framework Rails is an MVC (model, view, controller) framework where Rails provides all the layers and they work together seamlessly. Other frameworks often implement only part of the solution, requiring the developer to integrate multiple frameworks into the application and then coerce them into working together. (For example, a Java developer might use Hibernate, Struts, and Tiles to get full MVC support.) • Convention over configuration Convention over configuration means an end to verbose XML configuration files--in Rails, there aren't any! Instead of XML sit-ups, a Rails application uses a few simple programming conventions that allow it to figure everything out through reflection and discovery. For example, Rails uses intelligent reflection to automatically map database tables to Ruby objects. Application code and running database already contain everything Rails needs to know. • Less code Following the simple Rails programming conventions does more than just eliminate the need for configuration files. It also means that Rails can automatically handle myriad lower-level details without programmer having to tell it to do so. This means that he write fewer lines of code to implement his application. Keeping code small means faster development and fewer bugs, which makes code easier to understand, maintain, and enhance. • Generators Rails' use of runtime reflection and metaprogramming eliminates much of the boilerplate code that would otherwise have to create. One can often avoid what little boilerplate code remains by using the built-in generator scripts to create it for him. This leaves programmer with more time to concentrate on the code that really matters-- business logic. • Zero turnaround time 38
  • 11. Ruby On Rails The typical development cycle for testing a change to a web app has steps such as configure, compile, deploy, reset, and test. This is very time consuming. The Rails development environment has none of this. Programmer simply makes a change and sees it work. Don't make the mistake of dismissing this as a minor point. It's hard to overstate how much this improves productivity and helps maintain a creative flow without interruption. • Scaffolding Rails can automatically create a full set of CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) operations and views on any database table. This scaffolding can get programmer up and running quickly with manipulating his database tables. Over time, he can incrementally replace the generated CRUD operations and views with his own--presumably much prettier and more functional. • Rails Components Rails itself consists of several components, which can be installed and used separately. They are designed to work together seamlessly, though, and developers almost always use them together: • Active Record is the object-relational mapping (ORM) layer that connects business objects (models) to database tables. It is an implementation of the Active Record pattern described by Martin Fowler. • Action Pack is the component that implements both the view and controller portions of the MVC architecture. The controller part handles incoming requests from the user's browser and routes them to the correct method of a controller class. The view part builds the response to send back to the browser using a templating system similar to that of ASP or JSP. • Prototype is the component that implements the Ajax, drag-and-drop, and visual effects within your web pages. • Action Mailer is the component that handles the sending and receiving of email. • Action Web Service is the component that makes it easy to add web service APIs to a web application. Action Web Service supports SOAP, XML-RPC, and WSDL. • General Features 38
  • 12. Ruby On Rails Rails has some general and some specific characteristics. • Web servers Rails can run on just about any web server that implements CGI. However, the performance of CGI is notoriously bad, so the preferred deployment of a Rails application is to use FastCGI. There have been extensive tests of Rails application deployments with both Apache and LightTPD. There is also a newcomer, SCGI, which rivals the performance of FastCGI without the complicated setup. During development, it is usually easiest just to use the WEBrick web server that comes built-in to Ruby. • Databases Rails currently contains support for the following databases: • MySQL • PostgreSQL • SQLite • SQL Server • DB2 • Oracle It takes approximately 100 lines of Ruby code to implement a database adapter, so adding to this list is not particularly onerous. • Debugging When something goes wrong inside Rails web app, it normally gives a pretty detailed error display in browser (when running in development mode). Often this is enough to diagnose the problem. When it’s not, there are other options: • Insert debugging output in controller. For example: render_text “Got here” or render_text “user object = “ + user_obj • Check the Rails log files. (Use tail on *nix systems.) Look for the files development.log, production.log, and fastcgi.crash.log. Remember that your web server has log files, too. 38
  • 13. Ruby On Rails • Use breakpoints. • Use a commercial IDE (like ArachnoRuby) with a built-in debugger. • Custom (pretty) URLs The default Rails mapping of URLs to controller actions is very simple and easy to understand. Rails tries very hard to present the user with pretty URLs. Rails URLs are simple and straightforward, not long and cryptic. Even so, URLs can be customized bt using Rails routing facility.Rails’ URL routing is flexible enough to allow create virtually any URL mapping scheme. The Rails routing facility is pure Ruby code that even allows to use regular expressions. Because Rails does not use the web server’s URL mapping (like mod_rewrite in Apache), custom URL mapping will work the same on every web server. • Unit testing Rails actively facilitates unit testing: • Generating new controllers, models, and scaffolding also creates corresponding unit test skeletons. • The strict MVC architecture tends to naturally result in testable actions and components. • Rails includes a Rake (Ruby Make) script that will automatically run all your unit tests. • Active Record Active Record is the part of Rails that handles the automatic mapping of database tables to runtime model objects. It’s the M in MVC, and it is Rails’ implementation of an ORM layer. For all the common uses (and some of the not-so-common ones), one will never need to see or use SQL when accessing or updating database. Active Record’s goal is specifically to work with relational databases; it does not try to abstract away its SQL usage. Active Record makes it easy to use custom SQL for those complicated cases where it is necessary. Even so, it is rarely needed. • Automated mapping 38
  • 14. Ruby On Rails Active Record automatically maps tables to classes, rows to objects (instances of the model classes), and columns to object attributes. For example: class Product < ActiveRecord::Base end automatically maps to the table named products, such as: CREATE TABLE products ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, name varchar(255), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); which also automatically creates a name attribute that can be used like this: my_product = Product.find(:first) STDOUT.print = "New Product Name" Active Record uses English pluralization rules to map classes to tables. The model class name is singular and capitalized, while the table name is plural and lowercased. Examples include: • An Invoice model class maps to an invoices table. • A Person model class maps to a people table. • A Country model class maps to a countries table. • A SecurityLevel model class maps to a security_levels table. This singular/plural convention results in code that reads fairly naturally. Notice how this mapping is intelligent in its use of English pluralization rules. Also the class names use CamelCase (a Ruby convention), while the table names are all lowercase with underscores between words. In cases where this does not work (such as interfacing with a legacy database with which you have no control over the names), you can also explicitly tell Active Record what name it should use. • Associations Usually, no table stands alone. Most database applications use multiple tables with specific relationships between those tables. Programmer can tell Active Record about these relationships in his model classes, and Active Record will generate a slew of navigation methods that make it easy for code to access related data. The following models: class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :clients 38
  • 15. Ruby On Rails has_one :account belongs_to :conglomorate end allow to write code such as this: my_firm = Firm.find(:last) STDOUT.print STDOUT.print my_firm.conglomerate.employee_count for c in my_firm.clients STDOUT.print "Client: " + + "n" end This code will work correctly when the database has a clients and accounts table, of which each has a name column, and a conglomerates table that has an employee_count column. • Validation Data need to be validated before storing it into database. Active Record contains a suite of macrolike validators that can be added to model. class Account < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :subdomain, :name, :email_address, :password validates_uniqueness_of :subdomain validates_acceptance_of :terms_of_service, :on => :create validates_confirmation_of :password, :email_address, :on => :create end If the built-in validation macros can't do what is needed, user defined validation methods can always be written class Person < ActiveRecord::Base protected def validate errors.add_on_empty %w( first_name last_name ) errors.add("phone_number", "has invalid format") unless phone_number =~ /[0-9]*/ end def validate_on_create # only runs the first time a new object is saved unless valid_discount?(membership_discount) errors.add("membership_discount", "has expired") end end def validate_on_update errors.add_to_base("No changes have occurred") if unchanged_attributes? end end person ="first_name" => "David", "phone_number" => "what?") # => false (and doesn't do the save) 38
  • 16. Ruby On Rails person.errors.empty? # => false person.count # => 2 person.errors.on "last_name" # => "can't be empty" person.errors.on "phone_number" # => "has invalid format" person.each_full { |msg| puts msg } # => "Last name can't be emptyn" + "Phone number has invalid format" person.attributes = { "last_name" => "Heinemeier", "phone_number" => "555-555" } # => true (and person is now saved in the database) If the validate method exists, Rails will call it just before writing any object to the database. If validation fails, it does not write the object to the database. validate_on_create and validate_on_update are similar, except that the first is called only before Rails creates a new record in the database, while the second is called only when Rails is about to update an existing record. Conditional validation of attribute can be done as follow: # Conditional validations such as the following are possible: validates_numericality_of :income, :if => :employed? validates_confirmation_of :password, :if => :new_password? # Using blocks: validates_presence_of :username, :if => { |user| user.signup_step > 1 } • Callbacks As Active Record creates and destroys model objects and creates and updates them in the database, these events can be monitored in the object's life cycle using callbacks. Callbacks can be used to handle complex business logic, data can be modified before Rails writes it to the database (or after Rails reads it from the database), or just about anything else needed. For example, the save method that saves a model object's data to the database has eight callbacks defined: • before_validation • before_validation_on_create • after_validation • after_validation_on_create • before_save • before_create • after_create • after_save This gives fine-grained control over model objects when needed. 38
  • 17. Ruby On Rails class CreditCard < ActiveRecord::Base # Strip everything but digits, so the user can specify "555 234 34" or # "5552-3434" or both will mean "55523434" def before_validation_on_create self.number = number.gsub(/[^0-9]/, "") if attribute_present?("number") end end class Subscription < ActiveRecord::Base before_create :record_signup private def record_signup self.signed_up_on = end end class Firm < ActiveRecord::Base # Destroys the associated clients and people when the firm is destroyed before_destroy { |record| Person.destroy_all "firm_id = #{}" } before_destroy { |record| Client.destroy_all "client_of = #{}" } end • Transactions A transaction is necessary when there are multiple database operations that all must succeed before the data in the database can change. If any one of them fails, the data in database should not change. Transaction blocks are used to ensure this. transaction do david.withdrawal(100) mary.deposit(100) end The database-level transaction shown above will prevent the withdrawal from David's account if the deposit into Mary's account should fail. It will not, however, protect the david and mary objects from being modified. To do that, object-level transactions must be used. Account.transaction(david, mary) do david.withdrawal(100) mary.deposit(100) end Any failure in this code will roll back the value of the objects as well as the database. • Action Pack Action Pack implements both the view and controller part of Rails. 38
  • 18. Ruby On Rails • View templates View templates specify the HTML to return in response to a browser request. View templates are rhtml files (HTML with embedded Ruby) that are very similar to ASP or JSP files. Text within <% %> is Ruby code to execute, and text within <%= %> is also Ruby code to execute and substitute the results back into the HTML. <html> <head> <title>Invoices for <%= @name %></title> </head> <body> <% render_partial "invoices_by_customer" %> </body> </html> By default, Rails will try to find a template whose name matches the currently executing action. If, for example, Rails executes an edit action in your InvoiceController, then it will attempt to find and render the view template .../app/views/invoices/edit.rhtml. Coder can also build up XML (or HTML) output programmatically in his controller action. This is useful, for example, for building RSS feeds or responding to XML-RPC requests. In the following example, xm is an XmlMarkup object. xm.em("emphasized") # => <em>emphasized</em> xm.em { xmm.b("emp & bold") } # => <em><b>emph & bold</b></em> xm.a("A Link", "href"=>"") # => <a href="">A Link</a> xm.div { br } # => <div><br/></div>"name"=>"compile", "option"=>"fast") # => <target option="fast" name="compile"> # NOTE: order of attributes is not specified. xm.instruct! # <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> xm.html { # <html> xm.head { # <head> xm.title("History") # <title>History</title> } # </head> xm.body { # <body> xm.comment! "HI" # <!-- HI --> xm.h1("Header") # <h1>Header</h1> xm.p("paragraph") # <p>paragraph</p> } # </body> } # </html> • URL routing 38
  • 19. Ruby On Rails An incoming URL always maps to some action within a controller. A controller is simply a Ruby class, and each action implemented by the controller is a public method within the controller class. The default mapping from URL to action method is (in "Rails-speak"): /:controller/:action/:id For example, if Rails received the URL, Rails would route this to a controller class named InvoicesController and within that class to a method named show. Rails would also pass the 37 to the method as the id member of the parameter hash that also holds the values of query parameters and form fields. The code might look like this: class InvoicesController def show @invoice = Invoice.find(params[:id]) end end Because actions are methods grouped within a controller (instead of separate command objects), they can easily share helper methods. If the default URL routing does not meet required needs, one can easily specify his own routing rules, even using regular expressions. Because Rails implements its own URL routing, there is not need to mess with Apache's mod_rewrite, and routing rules will work the same under all web servers. Rails routing rules are Ruby code. Here is an example: map.connect 'date/:year/:month/:day', :controller => 'blog', :action => 'by_date', :month => nil, :day => nil, :requirements => {:year => /d{4}/, :day => /d{1,2}/, :month => /d{1,2}/} With this routing rule, the following URLs are valid: This rule decomposes a URL containing a date that, perhaps, a blog might use to display the postings for a particular date. A URL that matches this form will map to the BlogController class and the by_date method. The parameter hash will contain values for a four-digit year (/d{4}/ is a Ruby regular expression), a two- 38
  • 20. Ruby On Rails digit month, and a two-digit day. Further, the month and day are optional; if no values are present, the parameter hash will contain the default value of nil. • Filters Filters allow to run preprocessing code before Rails executes an action and post- processing code after it completes an action. They are useful for such things as caching or authentication before calling the action, and compression or localization of the response after calling an action. The before_filter processing can either allow the action to be called normally by returning true, or abort the action by returning false (or by performing a render or redirect operation). For example: class BankController < ActionController::Base before_filter :audit private def audit # record the action and parameters in an audit log end end class VaultController < BankController before_filter :verify_credentials private def verify_credentials # make sure the user is allowed into the vault end end • Helpers Helpers are smart methods (functions) that help the view templates generate HTML. They know to use the model objects and controller classes to create just the right HTML and, in the process, save a lot of time and effort. Of course, this also means write fewer lines of code, Developer can write his own helpers, but several come built into Rails. The link_to helper, for example, generates anchor tags that create links to controllers and actions. For example: <%= link_to "Help", { :action => "help" } %> creates a link to the help action (method) in the current controller (whatever controller is handling the current request). The text of the link (what the user sees) is Help. <%= link_to "Master Help Index", { :controller => "help", :action => "index" } 38
  • 21. Ruby On Rails %> This creates a link to the index method in the HelpController class. The text of the link will be Master Help Index. <%= link_to "Delete this invoice", { :controller => "invoices", :action => "delete", :id => }, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this?" %> This creates a link to the delete method in the InvoicesController class, and passes an id parameter (presumably the ID of the invoice to delete). This also uses a special confirm option that creates JavaScript to pop up a confirmation dialog letting the user continue or abort. There is a substantial set of helpers for creating form fields to display and update values in Active Record model objects, which effectively means values in database. Assume that database has a people table with columns for the name, the password, a description, and a Boolean value to indicate whether the person is single or married. Here's a partial view template with a sampling of form tags that could be used. (Assume that the variable @person contains a person object read from a row of the people table.) <form action="save_person" method="post"> Name: <%= text_field "person", "name", "size" => 20 %> Password: <%= password_field "person", "password", "maxsize" => 20 %> Single?: <%= check_box "person", "single" %> Description: <%= text_area "person", "description", "cols" => 20 %> <input type="submit" value="Save"> </form> That code generates the following HTML: <form action="save_person" method="post"> Name: <input type="text" id="person_name" name="person[name]" size="20" value="<%= %>" /> Password: <input type="password" id="person_password" name="person[password]" size="20" maxsize="20" value="<%= @person.password %>" /> 38
  • 22. Ruby On Rails Single?: <input type="checkbox" id="person_single" name="person[single] value="1" /> Description: <textarea cols="20" rows="40" id="person_description" name="person[description]"> <%= @person.description %> </textarea> <input type="submit" value="Save"> </form> There are helpers to create the option tags for a select list from a collection of rows read from the database; helpers for working with dates, numbers, and currency; and much more. There are different categories of built-in helpers, in several actual files. Like, • Active Record Helpers • Asset Tag Helpers • Benchmark Helpers • Cache Helpers • Capture Helpers • Date Helpers • Debug Helpers • Form Helpers • Form Options Helpers • Form Tag Helpers • JavaScript Helpers • Number Helpers • Pagination Helpers • Tag Helpers • Text Helpers • Upload Progress Helpers • URL Helpers • Ajax & JavaScript helpers Rails integrates the Prototype JavaScript library to implement its browser-side Ajax support, visual effects, and drag-and-drop abilities. Rails has a simple, consistent model for how it implements Ajax operations. Once the browser has rendered and displayed the initial web page, different user actions cause it to display a new web page (like any traditional web app) or trigger an Ajax operation: 38
  • 23. Ruby On Rails • A trigger action occurs. This could be the user clicking on a button or link, the user making changes to the data on a form or in a field, or just a periodic trigger (based on a timer). • The client sends data associated with the trigger (a field or an entire form) asynchronously to an action handler on the server via XMLHttpRequest. • The server-side action handler takes some action based on the data, and returns an HTML fragment as its response. • The client-side JavaScript (created automatically by Rails) receives the HTML fragment and uses it to update a specified part of the current page's HTML, often the content of a <div> tag. The real beauty is how easy Rails makes it to implement all of this in web application. The following simple example adds new items to a list: <html> <head> <title>Ajax List Demo</title> <%= javascript_include_tag "prototype" %> </head> <body> <h3>Add to list using Ajax</h3> <%= form_remote_tag(:update => "my_list", :url => { :action => :add_item }, :position => "top" ) %> New item text: <%= text_field_tag :newitem %> <%= submit_tag "Add item with Ajax" %> <%= end_form_tag %> <ul id="my_list"> <li>Original item... please add more!</li> </ul> </body> </html> The Prototype library also provides the Rails developer with a wealth of browser- side visual effects. Prototype also lets easily add drag-and-drop features to web application. • Layouts Layouts let developer specify a common set of display elements for every page rendered by a controller. This is typically useful for common headers, footers, and sidebars. By default, Rails looks in its layouts directory for an rhtml file whose name matches the controller's name. A layout template might look like this: <html> <head> <title><%= @page_title %></title> </head> <body> <div>The header part of this layout</div> 38
  • 24. Ruby On Rails <div><%= @content_for_layout %></div> <div>The footer part of this layout</div> </body> </html> Rails will substitute the HTML that an action renders into the above layout where it says @content_for_layout. The controller can also directly specify the name of the layout template to use for all its actions. This makes it easy to use the same layout for multiple controllers. Layout templates can also be chosen dynamically at runtime. For example, one layout for logged-in users and different one for anonymous users • Components and partials Components and partials allow modularize view templates. The simplest are partials, which allow to extract a common piece of a template into a separate file and then render it from many other templates (or many times within a single template). Partial templates always have a leading underscore on their filenames to distinguish them from full templates. A typical use of a partial is for rendering a collections of items. <% for ad in @advertisements %> <%= render :partial => "adview", :locals => { :item => ad } %> <% end %> This renders the partial template _adview.rhtml multiple times (once for each ad in the collection @advertisements). For each rendering, Rails will pass _adview.rhtml a local variable named item that contains the ad object to use. Components are similar to partials in that they embed the rendering of another template within the current template. The difference is that one need to specify the name of a controller and action, and its template is the one to render and insert into the current template. <%= render_component :controller => "calendar", :action => "today" %> • Scaffolding Scaffolding allows programmer to get an instant implementation of CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete) operations on any database table. They're not pretty, but they do give immediate web-based access to tables. Over time, CRUD operations and views can be replaced with customized one Rails supports static or dynamic scaffolding. Static scaffolding physically generates model, controller, and template files. This lets developer see how it works and start tweaking this existing code. To generate static scaffolding, 38
  • 25. Ruby On Rails navigate in the file system to the root of Rails web application and run a command similar to: $ ruby script/generate scaffold invoices This will look for an invoices table in database and use its schema to generate the model, the controller, all of the view templates, the unit test skeletons, and more. The command displays a list of all the files that it generates. The advantage of static scaffolding is that developer gets to see and modify the generated code. The disadvantage is that if he change database table, the scaffolding will not reflect those changes. However, if he hasn't modified the scaffolding, it can be just regenerated. Dynamic scaffolding does not generate any files. Rails simply creates what it needs dynamically as web app runs. This means that every time database table is changed, the scaffolding’s CRUD views immediately show those changes. To request dynamic scaffolding, place a single line of code in the controller: class AccountController < ActionController::Base scaffold :account end • Action Mailer Action Mailer is a simple facility for sending and receiving email in a web application. Here's a method that sends an email with an attachment: # send email with attachment def signup_notification(recipient) recipients recipient.email_address_with_name subject "New account information" from "" attachment :content_type => "image/jpeg", :body =>"an- image.jpg") attachment "application/pdf" do |a| a.body = generate_your_pdf_here() end end • Action Web Service Action Web Service implements server-side support for the SOAP and XML-RPC web service protocols and makes it easy to create web service APIs and publish them via WSDL. 38
  • 26. Ruby On Rails Here is part of the MetaWeblog API as implemented by Typo (open source weblog software written in Rails): class MetaWeblogApi < ActionWebService::API::Base api_method :getRecentPosts, :expects => [ {:blogid => :string}, {:username => :string}, {:password => :string}, {:numberOfPosts => :int} ], :returns => [[MetaWeblogStructs::Article]] api_method :deletePost, :expects => [ {:appkey => :string}, {:postid => :string}, {:username => :string}, {:password => :string}, {:publish => :int} ], :returns => [:bool] end class MetaWeblogService < TypoWebService web_service_api MetaWeblogApi def getRecentPosts(blogid, username, password, numberOfPosts) articles = Article.find_all(nil, "created_at DESC", numberOfPosts) articles.to_a.collect{ |c| article_dto_from(c) } end def deletePost(appkey, postid, username, password, publish) article = Article.find(postid) article.destroy true end end • Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE 38
  • 27. Ruby On Rails • Rails and a typical J2EE Web stack Following figure compares Rails stack to a typical J2EE Web stack comprised of the Tomcat servlet container, the Struts Web application framework, and the Hibernate persistence framework. The fundamental difference between the Rails stack and the components that make up a common J2EE-based Web application is small. Both have a container in which the application code will execute; an MVC framework that helps to separate the application's model, view, and control; and a mechanism to persist data. • The front controller and URL mappings in Rails and Struts Struts' ActionServlet and Rails' DispatchServlet are both examples of the Front Controller pattern; as such, they both provide the same functionality. They accept HTTP requests, parse the URL, and forward processing of the request to an appropriate action. In the case of Struts, an action is a class that extends Action; for Rails, it is a class that extends ActionController. The main difference between the two front controllers is how they determine the action that processes a particular request. With Struts, a developer needs to externalize the mappings of specific requests to Action classes in an XML configuration file. When the ActionServlet is first loaded, it parses this file and prepares to accept requests. By convention, HTTP requests that end in .do get redirected to ActionServlet for dispatching to the appropriate Action. The XML in following figure is a typical mapping. It tells the ActionServlet to forward a request called to controllers.order.DeleteOrderAction for further processing. 38
  • 28. Ruby On Rails Rails takes a different approach. Instead of relying upon a configuration file to map requests to actions, it discovers the appropriate action based on the URL requested. As in following figure , the URL http://localhost/order/delete/4 indicates for Rails to invoke the delete method on an instance of OrderController and make 4 available as an instance variable. Rails is smart enough to know that /order maps to a controller class defined in a file named order_controller.rb. If there is a find method defined in the controller, that method can be invoked by simply replacing delete with find in the URL. • The action and the model In both Rails and Struts, the action acts as a bridge between the front controller and the model. The developer provides an implementation of an action in order to provide application-specific processing of a request. The front controller is responsible for accepting the request and passing it off to a specific action. Following figure illustrates a basic action hierarchy for Rails and Struts. Struts requires that the developer extend Action and override execute() in order to process the request. Generally, each Action class provides a very specific unit of work. Above figure illustrates three specific actions: SaveOrderAction, DeleteOrderAction, 38
  • 29. Ruby On Rails and ListOrdersAction. The front controller calls the execute() method and passes it a number of useful objects, including the HTTP request and response objects. ActionForm is a class that conveniently transfers and validates form-related input to and from the view, and ActionMapping contains the configuration information for the mapping. The execute() method returns an ActionForward object that Struts uses to determine the component that continues processing the request. Generally, this component is a JSP, but ActionForward can also point in other actions. Developers must be aware that Struts will create a single instance of the Action and allow multiple threads to invoke execute(). This allows for faster request processing, as the framework is not continually creating new Action instances to handle each request. But because a single object is shared between multiple threads, developer must observe proper threading considerations, as other threads are likely to pummel instance variables that hold state in the action. In Rails, developer must extend ActionController::Base for the model to participate in the processing of a request. Rails doesn't pool the instance of the ActionController; instead, it creates a new instance for each request. While this might have a negative impact on performance, it makes development easier. Developers need not be concerned with the threading issues that are present in Struts, and as a result, the session, request, header, and parameters are all accessible as instance members of the ActionController. ActionControllers are also a logical place to group all processing of specific domain logic. While Struts Action classes are fine-grained and provide very specific units of work, Rails ActionControllers are coarse-grained and model discreet units of work as methods. • The persistence frameworks A persistence framework is used to move data to and from the database in the application layer. Both Hibernate and Rails persistence frameworks can be classified as object/relational mapping (ORM) tools, meaning that they take an object view of the data and map it to tables in a relational database. Both frameworks aim to reduce the development time associated with working with relational databases. However, following figure illustrates some fundamental differences in how each is designed and configured. 38
  • 30. Ruby On Rails • Hibernate Hibernate is based on the Data Mapper pattern, where a specific mapper class, the Session, is responsible for persisting and retrieving data to and from the database. Hibernate can persist any Java object as long as it conforms to JavaBean specifications. XML mapping files describe how a class maps to a particular table in the database, along with any relationships that the class has with other classes. Following is an example of a Hibernate mapping file. The class tag maps the Order object to the ORDERS table and has a number of sub tags that describe its properties, the ID and the order name, and a one-to-many relationship to models.Item. Then is the Order class itself. Order.hbm.xml ... <hibernate-mapping> <class name="models.Order" table="ORDERS" dynamic-update="true" dynamic-insert="false" discriminator-value="null"> <id name="id" column="id" type="java.lang.Long" unsaved-value="null"> <generator class="identity"/> </id> <set name="items" lazy="false" inverse="false" cascade="none" sort="unsorted"> <key column="id"/> <one-to-many class="models.Item"/> </set> <property name="name" type="java.lang.String" update="true" insert="true" access="property" column="name"/> </class> </hibernate-mapping> public class Order { private Set items; private String name; private Long id; public Long getId() { return id;} 38
  • 31. Ruby On Rails public void setId(Long id) { = id;} public Set getItems() { return items;} public void setItems(Set items) { this.items = items; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } } • Active Record Rails' ORM framework is called Active Record and is based upon the design pattern of the same name. Martin Fowler describes an Active Record as "an object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data." In Rails, each domain object extends ActiveRecord::Base, which provides the CRUD operations. Active Record doesn't require a mapping file, as Hibernate does; in fact, a developer working with Active Record doesn't need to code getters or setters, or even the properties of the class. Through some nifty lexical analysis, Active Record is able to determine that the Order class will map to the ORDERS table in the database. Using a combination of Ruby reflection and metaprogramming, the columns of the table become properties of the object. Accessors and mutators are also added. Following example shows the completed code for the Order class. The one line of code in the class body of Order defines its relationship to the Item object. has_many is a static method call for which the symbol :items is a parameter. ActiveRecord uses :items to discover the Item domain object and in turn maps the Item object back to the ITEMS table in the database. order.rb class Order < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :items end The Order class as coded in above provides dozens of class and instance methods at runtime. Table below offers a partial list of operations and attributes available on Order: Class methods Instance methods Attributes 38
  • 32. Ruby On Rails • find(*args) • add_items • id • find_by_sql(sql) • build_to_items • name • exists?(id) • create_in_items • create(attributes) • find_all_in_items • update(id, attributes) • find_in_items • update_all(updates, • has_items? conditions • items • delete(id) • items= • delete_all(conditions) • items_count • remove_items • ... • In summary While Ruby on Rails is a very new and exciting framework that has generated considerable interest in the Web development community, the core architecture follows the basic patterns found in J2EE. It's the philosophical approach to development of Web applications that sets the two frameworks apart. Rails prefers explicit code instead of configuration files, and the dynamic nature of the Ruby language generates much of the plumbing code at runtime. Most of the Rails framework has been created as a single project and application development benefits from a set of homogeneous components. In contrast, the typical J2EE stack tends to be built from best-of-breed components that are usually developed independently of one another, and XML is often used for configuration and gluing the components together. • Usage & Support 38
  • 33. Ruby On Rails • Websites on Rails • Twitter – Social Networking • Yellow Pages – Online Directory • Scribd – Document Sharing • Hulu – Tv & Video Streaming • Blinksale – Online Invoicing • Crunchbase – Company Profiler • Slideshare – Presentation Sharing • Well known companies using Rails • • BBC • CapGemini • BPN • Cisco • C|Net • EA (Electronic Arts) • IBM • JP Morgan • NASA • Oakley • Oracle • Siemens • Google • Conclusion Web application frameworks and the developers who use them can be divided into two distinct categories. At one end of the spectrum, there are the heavy-duty frameworks for the 38
  • 34. Ruby On Rails "serious" developers, and at the other end there are the lightweight, easy-to-use frameworks for the "toy" developers. Each of these groups generally regards the other with disdain. One of the most interesting things is that Rails is attracting developers from both camps. The high-end developers are tired of the repetitive, low-productivity routine that they have been forced to endure, while the low-end developers are tired of battling a mess of unmanageable code when their web apps move beyond the simple. Both of these disparate groups find that Rails provides sustainable relief for their pain. At the moment, Ruby on Rails barely captures a tiny percentage of web development projects. Yet it is rapidly gaining mind share, and many respected software development leaders have been testing the waters with Rails and publicly singing its praises. • Appendix 38
  • 35. Ruby On Rails • Bruce Perens Bruce Perens is a computer programmer and advocate in the open source community. He created the Open Source Definition and published the first formal announcement and manifesto of open source. • Boilerplate Boilerplate is any text that is or can be reused in new contexts or applications without being changed much from the original. In computer programming, boilerplate is the term used to describe sections of code that have to be included in many places with little or no alteration. It is more often used when referring to languages which are considered verbose, i.e. the programmer must write a lot of code to do minimal jobs. The need for boilerplate can be reduced through high-level mechanisms such as Metaprogramming (which has the computer automatically write the needed boilerplate text) and Convention over Configuration (which provides good default values, reducing the need to specify program details in every project). • YARV YARV is a bytecode interpreter that was developed for the Ruby programming language by Koichi Sasada. The name is an acronym for Yet another Ruby VM. The goal of the project was to greatly reduce the execution time of Ruby programs. Since YARV has become the official Ruby interpreter for Ruby 1.9, it is also named KRI as Koichi's Ruby Interpreter. • Rubinius Rubinius is an alternative Ruby implementation created by Evan Phoenix. Based loosely on the Smalltalk-80 Blue Book design,[1] Rubinius seeks to "provide a rich, high- performance environment for running Ruby code. • IronRuby IronRuby is an upcoming implementation of the Ruby programming language targeting Microsoft .NET framework. It is implemented on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime, 38
  • 36. Ruby On Rails a library running on top of CLR 2.0 that provides dynamic typing and dynamic method dispatch, among other things, for dynamic languages. • MacRuby MacRuby is an implementation of the Ruby language that runs on the Objective-C runtime and CoreFoundation framework under development by Apple Inc. which "is supposed to replace RubyCocoa".[1] It is based on Ruby 1.9 and currently uses the YARV bytecode interpreter, but will be based on the Low Level Virtual Machine compiler infrastructure starting with version 0.5. • Dylan The Dylan programming language is a multi-paradigm language that includes support for functional and object-oriented programming, and is dynamic and reflective while providing a programming model designed to support efficient machine code generation, including fine-grained control over dynamic and static behaviors. It was created in the early 1990s by a group led by Apple Computer. • Lisp Lisp (or LISP) is a family of computer programming languages with a long history and a distinctive, fully parenthesized syntax. Originally specified in 1958, Lisp is the second- oldest high-level programming language in widespread use today; only Fortran is older. • CLU CLU is a programming language created at MIT by Barbara Liskov and her students between 1974 and 1975. It was notable for its use of constructors for abstract data types that included the code that operated on them, a key step in the direction of object-oriented programming (OOP). However many of the other features of OOP are (intentionally) missing, notably inheritance, and the language is also hindered by a sometimes frustrating if elegant syntax. • Python 38
  • 37. Ruby On Rails Python is a general-purpose high-level programming language.[2] Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability.[3] Python claims to "[combine] remarkable power with very clear syntax",[4] and its standard library is large and comprehensive. Its use of indentation as block delimiters is unusual among popular programming languages. • Perl Perl is a high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming language. Perl was originally developed by Larry Wall, a linguist working as a systems administrator for NASA, in 1987, as a general purpose Unix scripting language to make report processing easier.[1][2] Since then, it has undergone many changes and revisions and become widely popular among programmers. Larry Wall continues to oversee development of the core language, and its upcoming version, Perl 6. • JRuby JRuby is a Java implementation of the Ruby programming language, being developed by the JRuby team. It is free software released under a three-way CPL/GPL/LGPL license. JRuby is tightly integrated with Java to allow the embedding of the interpreter into any Java application with full two-way access between the Java and the Ruby code • References 38
  • 38. Ruby On Rails • • • • • • • • • • 38