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3                          the magazine of global communication

 Group strategy comes
 ‘perfectly packed’
“Production Packaging is our newest service, further increasing our commitment to
 support Electronic Design and Production customers. This significant investment is part
 of an ongoing program of new services we are developing to help our customers bring
 new products to market quickly.”

 Ian Mason - Group Chief Executive
                                                    > The ability to react quickly to new and
                                                      changing markets helps us remain competitive
                                                      in a growing global economy. As part of
                                                      our strategy implementation, we soon
                                                      realised the need to make items available
                                                      in industry-standard production packaging
                                                      for the small-batch production customer.

                                                      Our production packaging offer allows customers to order the
                                                      products they need in the quantities they want, packed ready
                                                      for placement directly into automated production equipment
                                                      - and all at competitive prices. The speedy delivery of this
                                                      project shows how effectively the business pulls together
                                                      to deliver the strategy. Initial concept to final roll-out took
                                                      just 24 weeks and included project definition, selecting the
                                                      product range, developing facilities for the bespoke packaging
                                                      in Corby and logistics design and system support on SAP.
                                                        The cross-functional project team included product
                                                      management, marketing, supply chain, e-commerce and
                                                      IS - from both Group and the MEM OpCos - with everyone
                                                      working together to get the offer up and running by the April
                                                      deadline. “Our product range, perfectly packed and priced,
                                                      clearly sets us up with a strong offer for our Electronic,
                                                      Design and Production customers,” said Kevin Thompson,
                                                      GM of Product Management. “And, as well as attracting
                                                      new business, we have a strong existing customer base
                                                      that has been waiting for us to provide this service.”
                                                        We are now proud to offer 40,000 products from over
                                                      150 leading manufacturers across our product range. All
                                                      are in stock and easy-to-order online - with each item
                                                      packaged and ready to be inserted automatically into the
                                                      production line. In addition to the new packaging options,
                                                      we have also added lower price breaks across the range for
                                                      larger order quantities, and reduced our existing prices.
                                                        The production packaging offer is available online in
                                                      France, Germany, Italy and the UK and we are now
                                                      focused on rolling this out across the rest of the Group.

                                                                                          IAN MASON
                                                                                      GROUP STRATEGY AND UPDATE

                                                                                          Following the announcement
                                                                                          of the year-end results, Ian
                                                                                          Mason, Group Chief Executive of
                                                                                          Electrocomponents plc, gives us an
                                                                                          update on the Group strategy.

                           >We’ve had a good year - the strategy is                           INTERESTING FACT
                          working and has delivered growth across the
                                                                                                  Our e-Commerce websites get nearly
                         Group and a stable and profitable UK business.                           4 million visitors per month and 150
                                                                                                  million hits - that’s 56 hits per second
                       EBS has been implemented in Europe and Asia
                      Pacific, and we are now reaping the benefits and
                     reaching our targets for cost saving.
                   With a world-class infrastructure, we have a strong platform for
                  growth. We are now focusing on our fast-growing international
                markets, particularly in Asia Pacific and China. Our global
              e-Commerce platform means we can introduce
             new products faster and more cheaply. And our new-             By accelerating the development
           generation web site offers a wide and regularly-updated
                                                                            of our R&D and maintenance offer
         product range which is actively promoted around the globe
       - so it’s no surprise that e-Commerce sales are now almost           and exploiting the full potential of
      a third of Group revenue.                                             e-Commerce, we will drive future
                                                                             performance and increase our global
    By developing our product range and strengthening our                    customer base
    relationships with leading world-class suppliers, we are
    expanding our customer base. We can supply our electronics
    customers with the products they need in the packaging they want. These
    packaging options have been introduced in the major markets of Europe and the
    UK to attract those involved in prototyping and small-batch manufacturing. The
    initial customer reaction is very encouraging and we are looking forward to rolling
    out this offer across the Group.

    There is great potential for expanding into new markets. Let’s share our ideas and
    go for growth.


  Since RS launched its
  environmental policy in
  October 2007, evidence                   Production
  of growing greener has
  been demonstrated
  across the Group.

  RS grows                                 - a success story for the Group
  greener                                 > Our40,000 strong product support range is truly
                                           world-class and includes items from over 150
> ISO14001, an internationally             leading manufacturers such as Tyco, Vishay, Osram,
  recognised standard for establishing
  an environmental management              National Semiconductor, Murata and Microchip -
  process, has been achieved by
  many of the OpCos. The UK, Japan,
                                           with all items held in stock for same-day dispatch.
  Germany and Austria now hold this
  standard, whilst Radiospares, Spain,
                                                                                    To increase our exposure and help us reach new markets
  Benelux and the Oxford IMC aim
                                                                                    we began extensive marketing activity in May, placing
  to achieve it in the next couple of
                                                                                     advertisements in all the major electronics publications,
  years. Other initiatives have also
                                                                                     including those we have not previously used. The awareness
  taken place. RS UK has eliminated
                                                                                      campaign, which clearly differentiates us from the
  the use of desk bins for office waste
                                                                                      competition, capitalises on our core value of reliability - and
  and introduced “recycling points”
                                                                                       adds that our components are now ‘perfectly packed and
  throughout their business locations.
                                                                                       priced to meet your production needs.’ Further marketing
  These have been colour coded for
                                                                                        includes dynamic online flash graphic campaigns that
  ease of use - green for paper; blue
                                                                                         draw potential customers in with fun games; and we have
  for aluminium cans and plastics; and
                                                                                         increased the number of search terms on Google so we
  yellow for general waste.
                                                                                          now appear when customers are looking for production
    As companies come under
                                                                                          packaged products.
  increasing pressure to demonstrate
                                                                                            In June, we sent out 180,000 special catalogues to
  their environmental responsibilities
                                                                                           our target market explaining the benefits of production
  and commitments, we have looked
                                                                                           packaging and our competitive price structure. In our
  at the RS paper catalogue. This gives
                                                                                            catalogue and on our website, products available in a
  us a high profile across all markets,
                                                                                            production packaging option are now highlighted with a
  so it’s important that it is produced
                                                                                             striking ‘P’ - which makes it easy for customers to order
  responsibly from sustainable
                                                                                             and for us to do a live stock check online.
  sources. Media Publishing has been
                                                                                               Customers are eager to do business with us and have
  working closely with pulp suppliers
                                                                                              proven very responsive to our new product offering.
  and printers for the last four years
                                                                                              In Germany, over 70% of accounts targeted have
  to reduce the carbon footprint of our
                                                                                               expressed an interest in the offer, with the largest order
                                                                                               to date coming from IPG Laser Gmbh who, based on
    Amazingly, while the number of
                                                                                                a successful trial order, have confirmed a scheduled
  catalogues printed has increased
                                                                                                order commitment worth €44,000. In the UK, Datalink
  by 8%, refinements in the grades
                                                                                             have confirmed a weekly £1,200 order schedule for their
  of paper used and improvements
                                                                           production requirement.
  in the bindings have
                                                          “The early signs of customer interest and take-up are very promising,” commented Nick
  meant the overall
                                           Jefferies, Head of EEM. “This shows that production packaging meets the needs of our small-batch
  weight has dropped
                                           production customers by offering flexible, cost-effective solutions. We have invested significantly in
  by 11%. This benefits
                                           providing this packaging capability and creating a new pricing structure with reductions of up to 35%.
  the business through
                                           We are now focused on delivering this across the rest of the Group as quickly as possible.”
  greater distribution
  efficiencies, cost
  savings and reduced
  emissions. From October 2008, all
  our catalogues in Europe and Asia
  will carry the Forestry Stewardship
  Council (FSC) and Programme
  for the Endorsement of Forest
  Certification Schemes (PEFC)
  certification marks, proving that
  the pulp has been independently
  certified as being sourced from
  responsibly managed forests.

                                                                                                                                              ...      3

  The Electrocomponents Group
  International co-operation
  is key to success
> In today’s changing markets, many of our customers operate on an international basis,
  with borders and frontiers nothing more than dotted lines on a map. Global sourcing,
  supply and manufacturing cross these boundaries and it’s critical that each OpCo in the
  Electrocomponents Group recognises the needs of our major strategic customers.

  At the recent UK Sales & Marketing Conference,
  a priority was to raise international awareness.
  European colleagues from France, Spain,
  Benelux and beyond joined the UK Sales &
  Marketing teams in the historic City of York.
  Topics covered included e-Commerce, facility
  maintenance and the new visual identity. All
  were delivered in high energy workshops.
    The event culminated in an awards dinner
  when the first international award recognising
  the growing importance of best practise sharing     ThE rUnnErS-UP EIrE, GErMAny AnD SCAnDInAvIA AnD ThE
                                                      WInnEr, rADIOSPArES, WITh KEvIn ThOMPSOn
  and support between OpCos across the Group
  was presented. The award was open to all eight      during the EBS implementation and subsequent
  European OpCos and the criteria included:           benefits realisation. Didier Goguelin, GM of
  the most direct support leading to an increase      Radiospares was delighted. “We were very
  in UK and Group Sales; operating without            pleased with this award as it is the evidence
  geographical boundaries in mind; and                of the development of a group culture across
  sharing best practice in the development of the     the borders. It is very clear that today a deep
  web channel.
    Runners up included Germany, Scandinavia
                                                      similarity exists between the two teams and the
                                                      contracts with EDF and Thales highlight this.”             RS Germany creates
  and Eire and the winners were Radiospares,
  France. Laurent Telotte, Global and International
                                                        The feedback from the event has been very
                                                      positive. “We have exchanged a great deal of               prize-winning ads
  Customers Sales Manager, accepted the               information and shared precious insights from
  award on behalf of the team. The award was          our local markets,” said Doug Goodwin, Head >              Readers of Germany’s most important

  presented by Kevin Thompson, GM of Product          of UK Sales. “We are definitely strongest and              EEM publication ‘Markt & Technik’ like RS
  Management, who congratulated the French            most successful when we work together. There               Germany’s advertisements
  team for the support they have delivered to the     is a true spirit of international co-operation and         so much they voted for them
  UK and other Group companies, in particular         we will continue building on this for the future.”
                                                                                                                 in a recent competition.

  Spotlight on RS India
                                                                                                                 57 suppliers and distributors
                                                                                                                 submitted their entries and
                                                                                                                 awards were handed out in
                                                                                                                 three categories. RS Germany
                                                                                                                 won the award in the ‘best
> The sub-continent is one of the world’s largest emerging markets and presents RS India with a                  copyline’ category for their
  phenomenal opportunity for expansion. Our target is to deliver annual growth of 40 to 50% and                  new “Invention” ad.
  achieve a sales turnover of 1000 million Indian Rupees (£11.5 million) by the year 2011.                         This award provides
   To ensure we can meet demand we have restructured key areas of our operations and are making                  valuable evidence that the
  ongoing improvements across the company. When RS India started in 1994 (as a joint venture                     ads are doing their job.

  between RS and the Controls and Switchgear Group of New Delhi) we had 15 staff. Today we have                  According to the jury the
  a team of 90 people working across the country. This April we held our annual Sales Conference at              language used is simple,
  our New Delhi Head Office with the objective ‘To re-invent our leadership and sales effectiveness.’            technical and professional
  Confidence in both the company and the country is high and sales are progressing well.                         and the message clearly
                                                                                                                 shows that RS is an expert
                                                                                                                 when it comes to doing business in
                                                                                                                 a globalised world. The ads are the first to be
                                                                                                                 implemented by an
                                                                                                                 OpCo, showing the
                                                                                                                 new RS brand identity.
                                                                                                                 The winning copyline
                                                                                                                 reads: ‘This is your
                                                                                                                 invention. It consists
                                                                                                                 of 257 parts. From

                                                                                                                 31 manufacturers in
                                                                                                                 6 countries. 1 call
                                                                                                                 and you can have
                                                                                                                 them all.’


                                                                                                             INTERESTING FACT

around the World…
                                                                                                                    Each month our network sends out
                                                                                                                    700,000 e-mails and receives over 900,000
                                                                                                                    - that’s a lot of communication!

                                                           RS Italy has winning stand at BIAS
                                                         > BIAS is the most prestigious event for Electronics and Automation and
                                                           takes place every two years. This year, the RS Italy stand was centrally
                                                           located and attracted a great deal of attention. The space was divided up
                                                           to highlight different products and to provide room for customers and
                                                           suppliers to meet our representatives. In pride of place was a red Ducati
                                                           Monster motorbike - our star prize in ‘The Winning Red’ competition
  >                                                        (reflecting both the Ducati and RS corporate colours).
                                                             Martin Pangels was special GEC guest at the Gran Galà Dinner - an event appreciated by
                                                           suppliers, manufacturers and press. Sponsored by RS, it reinforced our brand and market
                                                                                                position. In all, 430 people from the Electronic Community
                                                                                                enjoyed the evening. The most important event activity was
                                                                                                the launch of our production packaging offer which was very

                                                                                                well received. Another mark of our success is that almost 500
                                                                                                catalogues were requested.
                                                                                                 A big thank you to Rossella Zanelli for her End2End planning
                                                                                                and realisation of this highly successful and enjoyable event.

                                                           New growth targeted for Allied
                                                         > To build on our existing success and grow the business further, Allied recently launched a key
                                                                    customer acquisition initiative. Adopting the North American Industry Classification
                                                                                       System (NAICS), we can now identify new customers in markets
                                                                                              where we have been successful in the past. NAICS allows us to
                                                                                              profile our database to gain new leads. It’s simple to use and
                                                                                              easy to segment, with current information relative to industries
                                                                                             today. It also allows us to apply high levels of security while
      TV brings                                                                              accessing key information on demand.
                                                                                              As part of the initiative, Allied segmented existing customers
      EEM to life                                                                           based on NAICS codes. We then worked with research firms
                                                                                           to obtain leads for companies similar to those with whom we
      in Germany                                                                           currently do business. We have already identified over 75,000
                                                                                          leads and sent them direct mail shots. The mailings aim to get

  > RS Germany took the EEM-Strategy flash                                               potential customers to request a catalogue or visit our web site.
      presentation and ran with it. At the Mörfelden                                     The Allied customer acquisition initiative will improve our targeting
      site, monitors placed next to the lift on each                                    and ultimately increase the return on our marketing investment.
                                                                                        Additional markets will be pursued throughout the year.

      floor showed it continuously. That way every
      employee had the opportunity to learn about
      our strategy - without having to go out of their

                                                           RS Benelux celebrates 10 years
      way to see it.

      RS Austria fit for work                            > “Ten years ago, during a job interview, a
  > The health and well-being of all our employees         Frenchman explained to me the potential
      is very important for RS Austria. So, to prevent     of a business about to launch in The
      back pain and to improve general fitness, we         Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.
      now offer staff a fitness training programme
                                                           The RS Company only had five staff at the time,
      for one hour per week. Eva Hemmer from
                                                           and yet this manager said we were going to
      the financial department is encouraging staff
                                                           find thousands of customers, sell over 100,000
      to join her in keeping fit. A qualified fitness
                                                           products and create millions of sales. I signed

      instructor, she supervises each session and
                                                           on for an exciting adventure.”
      employees from many different departments
                                                             So says Martijn Duchatteau, who has been
      are taking this opportunity to ease their aches
                                                           leading RS Benelux since 2004. He joined
      and pains and keep themselves supple.
                                                           the Group under Didier Goguelin, GM of
                                                           Radiospares France, who started RS Benelux
                                                           in 1998. Much has changed and today’s RS
                                                           Benelux customers are served from two
                                                           offices in three different languages, with
                                                           more than 50% of business this year coming
                                                           through e-channels. The one thing that has
                                                           never changed however is the focus on

                                                           customers - who get what they want, and more.
                                                           The potential for RS Benelux is enormous
                                                           and Martijn is already looking forward to
                                                           celebrating their 15th anniversary!

                                                                                                                                                         ...    5

‘The New Way of Working’
 takes off in Asia Pacific
>   Earlier this year, ‘The New Way of Working’ was
    introduced to the Asia Pacific region when delegates                                                ANZ
    from the GEC, the Asia Pacific EMT and the OpCos in Asia                                         > The ANZ business launch was held in the
    Pacific met for a three-day conference in Thailand.                                                 Blue Mountains outside Sydney. Richard
                                                                                                        Huxley, GM, CM Lim, Head of Marketing,
    ‘The New Way of Working’ aims to drive business changes in customer satisfaction,                   and Ho Kah Choy, Head of IS from the
    sales and profitability and is designed to direct employee behaviour to reflect RS values           regional Asia Pacific office all attended.
    and allow the business to build a passionate and engaged workforce. With ‘The New
    Way of Working’ in place, RS can deliver consistently high levels of service to customers,
    with greater efficiencies and stronger growth. This initiative, managed through five
    focused work streams, is now being rolled out across the Asia Pacific region and three
    main events took place in March.
     All events were extremely successful and each attendee has walked away with a
    clear strategy and plan to help our fire of commitment continue to burn brightly as we

    pursue our vision to make us The #1 Choice Catalogue in Asia Pacific. As Richard Huxley
    remarked, “I experienced first hand the passion and commitment from our teams for
    what we are doing.”

    RS North Asia
> The RS North Asia business launch took>                                                               Zeb Shahin, GM of Australasia, kicked
                                         place in Shanghai where the Asia
                                                                                                        off with team-building activities which
  Pacific EMT and North Asia colleagues were joined by Electrocomponents’ CEO                           provided the opportunity to ask questions
  Ian Mason and Chairman, Helmut Mamsch.                                                                and to get to know the EMT better. This
    The launch included updates on the five work                                                        helped create open communication and
    streams and over dinner on the second night                                                         different ways of thinking - and set the
    guests enjoyed Cheering Dance and Gong Fu                                                           stage for the rest of the conference.
    performances from our Shanghai colleagues.                                                          Richard Huxley emphasised how ‘The
    The first RS Hero award was presented which                                                         New Way of Working’ will require us to
    was very touching as, due to Chinese culture,                                                       think differently about our business and
    it was the first time colleagues have been                                                          break free from existing constraints.
    appreciated so openly.                                                                                The first RS Hero for ANZ award was
      The friendliness of our UK top management                                                         presented to Jessica Varas in recognition

    was much appreciated by RS North Asia                                                               of her extraordinary effort and
                                                                                                        commitment - which Jessica has proven

    who are proud they recognise the great leap
    forward they have taken. In return, Ian Mason                                                       time and again in her role as Corporate
    and Helmut Mamsch were impressed by the                                                             Account Manager.
    obvious energy.

                                                                                                     INTERESTING FACT
    RS South Asia                                                                                          Our security processes detect and protect
                                                                                                           the Group from 22,000 viruses each month
> The RS South Asia business launch was attended by staff from Singapore,
  Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines and was held in Singapore.

                                                    Changes in the catalogue and websites were
                                                    demonstrated through a series of presentations
                                                    and fun quizzes. Progress updates of the
                                                    five work streams were included and a
                                                    series of events were planned to initiate
                                                                                                     a day of joy to our friends from Handicaps
                                                                                                     Welfare Association through a trip to “The
                                                                                                     Singapore Flyer” - the latest Singapore icon.     .
                                                    ‘The New Way of Working’. EMT members
                                                    and country managers were invited on
                                                    stage to take questions from the audience
                                                    which demonstrated our open and honest
                                                    communication culture. A community project
                                                    was arranged to allow participants to embrace
                                                    the five RS values at work and within four
                                                    hours, participants, led by Jones Leung, GM
                                                    of South Asia, had painted the premises and
                                                    re-marked the car park bays. They also brought


  RS Japan celebrates
  10 successful years
> This March more than 140 RS Japan employees             Hiro Hamamoto, GM of RS Japan explained,
  attended an energetic and passionate 10th             “The focus of the celebration was to share the
  anniversary party in Yokohama. The evening            joy and success of our 10 years with all our
  began with a traditional Sake Keg Ceremony            employees.” As the events committee leader

  called ‘Kagami-biraki’ (which literally means         said: “We had a great time and there was a
  ‘opening the lid’). Typically performed at            smile on everyone’s face.” The icing on the cake
  celebratory events, the lid of the sake barrel is     was the congratulatory video message received
  broken open with a wooden mallet and the sake         from our colleagues in the UK and APAC.
  served to everyone present.

  Continuous Improvement
                                                                                                            INTERESTING FACT
                                                                                                                  Since 2007, decommissioning by Group IS
                                                                                                                  has saved 26,000 KWh of power consumption

  with a difference in France
                                                                                                                  - this would power Wembley’s floodlights
                                                                                                                  for around 20 matches, including half time.

                                                       > In April, unsuspecting employees of Radiospares were invited to
                                                        attend a meeting on the launch of Continuous Improvement.
                                                        They were expecting a speech by Didier Goguelin, but they were in for a surprise! At the
                                                        beginning of the session Didier talked about Continuous Improvement as expected, but before
                                                        long he introduced a specialist consultant and handed over to him. It soon became obvious that
                                                        this consultant had absolutely no idea about Radiospares, let alone Continuous Improvement.
                                                        Naturally, staff began to feel confused and then to laugh, until finally they realised it was a joke.
                                                          Following this amusing introduction, three humorous sketches delivered the main messages
                                                        of Continuous Improvement: exchange of ideas, creativity and strategy. Our 13 coaches played a

                                                        role in the last sketch which was a hilarious parody of a reward ceremony. The event was a huge
                                                        success and employees thoroughly enjoyed the originality of the presentation. The messages of
                                                        Continuous Improvement were made crystal clear, and everybody is now impatient to share
                                                        their ideas.


       Group IS manages 100 Terabytes of storage
       - that equates to 25 million MP3 files, which
       is a pretty big iPod!

                                                                                                                                                    ...         7
                                                                                                                  RSNEWS] ISSUE 3

    Future News?
    This is your newsletter and we are keen to have your input. So, if you have a story
    or an interesting fact about the Group that you would like featured in a future edition,
    please contact:
    Sophie Macbeth, Group Communications Manager, International Management Centre
    email: or tel: +44 (0)1865 207442
    The deadline for submissions for the next issue is 1st november 2008.

    A ROSIE future for RS
>   ROSIE (Regional Organisation Structure in Europe) is an
    initiative to re-organise Supply Chain in Europe to capitalise
    on the benefits of a single SAP and Manugistics system.
    The benefit of this new system is that it gives     was to create a new structure with new roles,
    visibility to all sales requirements, stocks and    whilst keeping the same headcount. Staff were
    purchasing in one place - so we needed to           given the opportunity to change roles and
    change our existing organisational structure to     develop new skills and we are delighted that
    take advantage of this.                             everyone has been successfully redeployed in
      External benchmarking indicated that              the new organisation.
    regional planning would bring significant             One particular challenge we faced was
    rewards and that we should have one planner         harnessing the power of GIS to change the
    responsible for the supply of one article           data on 1.1 million articles records across
    wherever it was sold in Europe. So, we set up       Europe. Special code was written for this in
    an international, cross-functional project team     India and, having been tested thoroughly,
    which was empowered to define the future            was successfully executed over the ‘go live’
    shape of the organisation. The team included        weekend.
    members from France, Germany, Italy and rest          ROSIE went live in April 2008. Since then,
    of Europe, as well as the UK.                       a series of European roadshows have taken
      We also realised that some processes              place to share the vision and engage with
    were not getting the focus they needed.             the rest of the organisation. We also had the
                              So, we created new        opportunity to gain feedback from the teams.
                              organisational roles      ROSIE has the potential to improve our cost-to-
                              in forecasting, life-     serve ratios. We are now spending time with
                              cycle management          our colleagues in sales, marketing and product
                              and Supply Chain          management to explain the benefits, and are
                              co-ordination. The goal   looking forward to a bright future.

    IS Evolution - an exciting journey of transformation
                                                                                 > The recent roll-out of EBS has facilitated regional
                                                                                    consistency, saving millions of pounds in inventory
                                                                                    costs and enabling Electrocomponents to respond
                                                                                    faster than ever to business needs.
                                                                                    An example of this is the recent launch of production packaging which
                                                                                    was implemented in just 24 weeks - previously such a large project
                                                                                    would have taken over a year of co-ordination and planning.
                                                                                      Now that EBS is complete, the Group’s strategy to become the EEM
                                                                                    distributor of choice while maintaining our strength in MRO poses
                                                                                                                                                              Designed and produced by 2heads.

                                                                                    specific challenges for Group IS. So, we have put in place a three year
                                                                                    evolution strategy to help get us there. This includes increasing our
                                                                                    range of articles and the ways we offer them to customers. Already
                                                                                    we have over 150,000 stocked products in our catalogue, more than
                                                                                    250,000 extended range products, and over 40,000 production packs.
                                                                                      Meanwhile, our customers want to be able to learn about our
                                                                                    products, order them and manage their accounts anywhere, anytime,
                                                                                    using any device - paper, telephone, web, or mobile phone. So, Group
                                                                                    IS is evolving and delivering the systems that will help us become
                                                                                    a global e-centric business, closely integrated with customers and
                                                                                    suppliers - and with our own employees driving innovative business
                                                                                    change. The benefits are already here and we have delivered a big
                                                                                    piece of this strategy with the new websites in Europe and Asia.
                                                                                      As we evolve into a global e-business driving new ideas and centres
                                                                                    of growth, IS will help us have the capacity to drive fast, meaningful
                                                                                    change and become our customers’ EEM distributor of choice.

                                                  …the magazine of global communication

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Rs news

  • 1. RSNEWS] ISSUE 3 the magazine of global communication Group strategy comes ‘perfectly packed’ “Production Packaging is our newest service, further increasing our commitment to support Electronic Design and Production customers. This significant investment is part of an ongoing program of new services we are developing to help our customers bring new products to market quickly.” Ian Mason - Group Chief Executive > The ability to react quickly to new and changing markets helps us remain competitive in a growing global economy. As part of our strategy implementation, we soon realised the need to make items available in industry-standard production packaging for the small-batch production customer. Our production packaging offer allows customers to order the products they need in the quantities they want, packed ready for placement directly into automated production equipment - and all at competitive prices. The speedy delivery of this project shows how effectively the business pulls together to deliver the strategy. Initial concept to final roll-out took just 24 weeks and included project definition, selecting the product range, developing facilities for the bespoke packaging in Corby and logistics design and system support on SAP. The cross-functional project team included product management, marketing, supply chain, e-commerce and IS - from both Group and the MEM OpCos - with everyone working together to get the offer up and running by the April deadline. “Our product range, perfectly packed and priced, clearly sets us up with a strong offer for our Electronic, Design and Production customers,” said Kevin Thompson, GM of Product Management. “And, as well as attracting new business, we have a strong existing customer base that has been waiting for us to provide this service.” We are now proud to offer 40,000 products from over 150 leading manufacturers across our product range. All are in stock and easy-to-order online - with each item packaged and ready to be inserted automatically into the production line. In addition to the new packaging options, we have also added lower price breaks across the range for larger order quantities, and reduced our existing prices. The production packaging offer is available online in France, Germany, Italy and the UK and we are now focused on rolling this out across the rest of the Group.
  • 2. RSNEWS] ISSUE 3 ] IAN MASON GROUP STRATEGY AND UPDATE Following the announcement of the year-end results, Ian Mason, Group Chief Executive of Electrocomponents plc, gives us an update on the Group strategy. >We’ve had a good year - the strategy is INTERESTING FACT working and has delivered growth across the Our e-Commerce websites get nearly Group and a stable and profitable UK business. 4 million visitors per month and 150 million hits - that’s 56 hits per second EBS has been implemented in Europe and Asia Pacific, and we are now reaping the benefits and reaching our targets for cost saving. With a world-class infrastructure, we have a strong platform for growth. We are now focusing on our fast-growing international markets, particularly in Asia Pacific and China. Our global e-Commerce platform means we can introduce new products faster and more cheaply. And our new- By accelerating the development generation web site offers a wide and regularly-updated of our R&D and maintenance offer product range which is actively promoted around the globe - so it’s no surprise that e-Commerce sales are now almost and exploiting the full potential of a third of Group revenue. e-Commerce, we will drive future performance and increase our global By developing our product range and strengthening our customer base relationships with leading world-class suppliers, we are expanding our customer base. We can supply our electronics customers with the products they need in the packaging they want. These packaging options have been introduced in the major markets of Europe and the UK to attract those involved in prototyping and small-batch manufacturing. The initial customer reaction is very encouraging and we are looking forward to rolling out this offer across the Group. There is great potential for expanding into new markets. Let’s share our ideas and go for growth. 2 ...
  • 3. T H E M A G A Z I N E O F G L O B A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N Since RS launched its environmental policy in October 2007, evidence Production packaging of growing greener has been demonstrated across the Group. RS grows - a success story for the Group greener > Our40,000 strong product support range is truly world-class and includes items from over 150 > ISO14001, an internationally leading manufacturers such as Tyco, Vishay, Osram, recognised standard for establishing an environmental management National Semiconductor, Murata and Microchip - process, has been achieved by many of the OpCos. The UK, Japan, with all items held in stock for same-day dispatch. Germany and Austria now hold this standard, whilst Radiospares, Spain, To increase our exposure and help us reach new markets Benelux and the Oxford IMC aim we began extensive marketing activity in May, placing to achieve it in the next couple of advertisements in all the major electronics publications, years. Other initiatives have also including those we have not previously used. The awareness taken place. RS UK has eliminated campaign, which clearly differentiates us from the the use of desk bins for office waste competition, capitalises on our core value of reliability - and and introduced “recycling points” adds that our components are now ‘perfectly packed and throughout their business locations. priced to meet your production needs.’ Further marketing These have been colour coded for includes dynamic online flash graphic campaigns that ease of use - green for paper; blue draw potential customers in with fun games; and we have for aluminium cans and plastics; and increased the number of search terms on Google so we yellow for general waste. now appear when customers are looking for production As companies come under packaged products. increasing pressure to demonstrate In June, we sent out 180,000 special catalogues to their environmental responsibilities our target market explaining the benefits of production and commitments, we have looked packaging and our competitive price structure. In our at the RS paper catalogue. This gives catalogue and on our website, products available in a us a high profile across all markets, production packaging option are now highlighted with a so it’s important that it is produced striking ‘P’ - which makes it easy for customers to order responsibly from sustainable and for us to do a live stock check online. sources. Media Publishing has been Customers are eager to do business with us and have working closely with pulp suppliers proven very responsive to our new product offering. and printers for the last four years In Germany, over 70% of accounts targeted have to reduce the carbon footprint of our expressed an interest in the offer, with the largest order catalogue. to date coming from IPG Laser Gmbh who, based on Amazingly, while the number of a successful trial order, have confirmed a scheduled catalogues printed has increased order commitment worth €44,000. In the UK, Datalink by 8%, refinements in the grades have confirmed a weekly £1,200 order schedule for their of paper used and improvements production requirement. in the bindings have “The early signs of customer interest and take-up are very promising,” commented Nick meant the overall Jefferies, Head of EEM. “This shows that production packaging meets the needs of our small-batch weight has dropped production customers by offering flexible, cost-effective solutions. We have invested significantly in by 11%. This benefits providing this packaging capability and creating a new pricing structure with reductions of up to 35%. the business through We are now focused on delivering this across the rest of the Group as quickly as possible.” greater distribution efficiencies, cost savings and reduced emissions. From October 2008, all our catalogues in Europe and Asia will carry the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (PEFC) certification marks, proving that the pulp has been independently certified as being sourced from responsibly managed forests. ... 3
  • 4. RSNEWS] ISSUE 3 ] The Electrocomponents Group International co-operation is key to success > In today’s changing markets, many of our customers operate on an international basis, with borders and frontiers nothing more than dotted lines on a map. Global sourcing, supply and manufacturing cross these boundaries and it’s critical that each OpCo in the Electrocomponents Group recognises the needs of our major strategic customers. At the recent UK Sales & Marketing Conference, a priority was to raise international awareness. European colleagues from France, Spain, Benelux and beyond joined the UK Sales & Marketing teams in the historic City of York. Topics covered included e-Commerce, facility maintenance and the new visual identity. All were delivered in high energy workshops. The event culminated in an awards dinner when the first international award recognising the growing importance of best practise sharing ThE rUnnErS-UP EIrE, GErMAny AnD SCAnDInAvIA AnD ThE WInnEr, rADIOSPArES, WITh KEvIn ThOMPSOn and support between OpCos across the Group was presented. The award was open to all eight during the EBS implementation and subsequent European OpCos and the criteria included: benefits realisation. Didier Goguelin, GM of the most direct support leading to an increase Radiospares was delighted. “We were very in UK and Group Sales; operating without pleased with this award as it is the evidence geographical boundaries in mind; and of the development of a group culture across sharing best practice in the development of the the borders. It is very clear that today a deep web channel. Runners up included Germany, Scandinavia similarity exists between the two teams and the contracts with EDF and Thales highlight this.” RS Germany creates and Eire and the winners were Radiospares, France. Laurent Telotte, Global and International The feedback from the event has been very positive. “We have exchanged a great deal of prize-winning ads Customers Sales Manager, accepted the information and shared precious insights from award on behalf of the team. The award was our local markets,” said Doug Goodwin, Head > Readers of Germany’s most important . presented by Kevin Thompson, GM of Product of UK Sales. “We are definitely strongest and EEM publication ‘Markt & Technik’ like RS Management, who congratulated the French most successful when we work together. There Germany’s advertisements team for the support they have delivered to the is a true spirit of international co-operation and so much they voted for them UK and other Group companies, in particular we will continue building on this for the future.” in a recent competition. Spotlight on RS India 57 suppliers and distributors submitted their entries and awards were handed out in three categories. RS Germany won the award in the ‘best > The sub-continent is one of the world’s largest emerging markets and presents RS India with a copyline’ category for their phenomenal opportunity for expansion. Our target is to deliver annual growth of 40 to 50% and new “Invention” ad. achieve a sales turnover of 1000 million Indian Rupees (£11.5 million) by the year 2011. This award provides To ensure we can meet demand we have restructured key areas of our operations and are making valuable evidence that the ongoing improvements across the company. When RS India started in 1994 (as a joint venture ads are doing their job. . between RS and the Controls and Switchgear Group of New Delhi) we had 15 staff. Today we have According to the jury the a team of 90 people working across the country. This April we held our annual Sales Conference at language used is simple, our New Delhi Head Office with the objective ‘To re-invent our leadership and sales effectiveness.’ technical and professional Confidence in both the company and the country is high and sales are progressing well. and the message clearly shows that RS is an expert when it comes to doing business in a globalised world. The ads are the first to be implemented by an OpCo, showing the new RS brand identity. The winning copyline reads: ‘This is your invention. It consists of 257 parts. From . 31 manufacturers in 6 countries. 1 call and you can have them all.’ 4 ...
  • 5. T H E M A G A Z I N E O F G L O B A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N INTERESTING FACT around the World… Each month our network sends out 700,000 e-mails and receives over 900,000 - that’s a lot of communication! RS Italy has winning stand at BIAS > BIAS is the most prestigious event for Electronics and Automation and takes place every two years. This year, the RS Italy stand was centrally located and attracted a great deal of attention. The space was divided up to highlight different products and to provide room for customers and suppliers to meet our representatives. In pride of place was a red Ducati Monster motorbike - our star prize in ‘The Winning Red’ competition > (reflecting both the Ducati and RS corporate colours). Martin Pangels was special GEC guest at the Gran Galà Dinner - an event appreciated by suppliers, manufacturers and press. Sponsored by RS, it reinforced our brand and market position. In all, 430 people from the Electronic Community enjoyed the evening. The most important event activity was the launch of our production packaging offer which was very . well received. Another mark of our success is that almost 500 catalogues were requested. A big thank you to Rossella Zanelli for her End2End planning and realisation of this highly successful and enjoyable event. New growth targeted for Allied > To build on our existing success and grow the business further, Allied recently launched a key customer acquisition initiative. Adopting the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), we can now identify new customers in markets where we have been successful in the past. NAICS allows us to profile our database to gain new leads. It’s simple to use and easy to segment, with current information relative to industries today. It also allows us to apply high levels of security while TV brings accessing key information on demand. As part of the initiative, Allied segmented existing customers EEM to life based on NAICS codes. We then worked with research firms to obtain leads for companies similar to those with whom we in Germany currently do business. We have already identified over 75,000 leads and sent them direct mail shots. The mailings aim to get . > RS Germany took the EEM-Strategy flash potential customers to request a catalogue or visit our web site. presentation and ran with it. At the Mörfelden The Allied customer acquisition initiative will improve our targeting site, monitors placed next to the lift on each and ultimately increase the return on our marketing investment. Additional markets will be pursued throughout the year. . floor showed it continuously. That way every employee had the opportunity to learn about our strategy - without having to go out of their RS Benelux celebrates 10 years way to see it. RS Austria fit for work > “Ten years ago, during a job interview, a > The health and well-being of all our employees Frenchman explained to me the potential is very important for RS Austria. So, to prevent of a business about to launch in The back pain and to improve general fitness, we Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. now offer staff a fitness training programme The RS Company only had five staff at the time, for one hour per week. Eva Hemmer from and yet this manager said we were going to the financial department is encouraging staff find thousands of customers, sell over 100,000 to join her in keeping fit. A qualified fitness products and create millions of sales. I signed . instructor, she supervises each session and on for an exciting adventure.” employees from many different departments So says Martijn Duchatteau, who has been are taking this opportunity to ease their aches leading RS Benelux since 2004. He joined and pains and keep themselves supple. the Group under Didier Goguelin, GM of Radiospares France, who started RS Benelux in 1998. Much has changed and today’s RS Benelux customers are served from two offices in three different languages, with more than 50% of business this year coming through e-channels. The one thing that has never changed however is the focus on . customers - who get what they want, and more. The potential for RS Benelux is enormous and Martijn is already looking forward to celebrating their 15th anniversary! ... 5
  • 6. RSNEWS] ISSUE 3 ] ‘The New Way of Working’ takes off in Asia Pacific > Earlier this year, ‘The New Way of Working’ was introduced to the Asia Pacific region when delegates ANZ from the GEC, the Asia Pacific EMT and the OpCos in Asia > The ANZ business launch was held in the Pacific met for a three-day conference in Thailand. Blue Mountains outside Sydney. Richard Huxley, GM, CM Lim, Head of Marketing, ‘The New Way of Working’ aims to drive business changes in customer satisfaction, and Ho Kah Choy, Head of IS from the sales and profitability and is designed to direct employee behaviour to reflect RS values regional Asia Pacific office all attended. and allow the business to build a passionate and engaged workforce. With ‘The New Way of Working’ in place, RS can deliver consistently high levels of service to customers, with greater efficiencies and stronger growth. This initiative, managed through five focused work streams, is now being rolled out across the Asia Pacific region and three main events took place in March. All events were extremely successful and each attendee has walked away with a clear strategy and plan to help our fire of commitment continue to burn brightly as we . pursue our vision to make us The #1 Choice Catalogue in Asia Pacific. As Richard Huxley remarked, “I experienced first hand the passion and commitment from our teams for what we are doing.” RS North Asia > The RS North Asia business launch took> Zeb Shahin, GM of Australasia, kicked place in Shanghai where the Asia off with team-building activities which Pacific EMT and North Asia colleagues were joined by Electrocomponents’ CEO provided the opportunity to ask questions Ian Mason and Chairman, Helmut Mamsch. and to get to know the EMT better. This The launch included updates on the five work helped create open communication and streams and over dinner on the second night different ways of thinking - and set the guests enjoyed Cheering Dance and Gong Fu stage for the rest of the conference. performances from our Shanghai colleagues. Richard Huxley emphasised how ‘The The first RS Hero award was presented which New Way of Working’ will require us to was very touching as, due to Chinese culture, think differently about our business and it was the first time colleagues have been break free from existing constraints. appreciated so openly. The first RS Hero for ANZ award was The friendliness of our UK top management presented to Jessica Varas in recognition . was much appreciated by RS North Asia of her extraordinary effort and commitment - which Jessica has proven . who are proud they recognise the great leap forward they have taken. In return, Ian Mason time and again in her role as Corporate and Helmut Mamsch were impressed by the Account Manager. obvious energy. INTERESTING FACT RS South Asia Our security processes detect and protect the Group from 22,000 viruses each month > The RS South Asia business launch was attended by staff from Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines and was held in Singapore. Changes in the catalogue and websites were demonstrated through a series of presentations and fun quizzes. Progress updates of the five work streams were included and a series of events were planned to initiate a day of joy to our friends from Handicaps Welfare Association through a trip to “The Singapore Flyer” - the latest Singapore icon. . ‘The New Way of Working’. EMT members and country managers were invited on stage to take questions from the audience which demonstrated our open and honest communication culture. A community project was arranged to allow participants to embrace the five RS values at work and within four hours, participants, led by Jones Leung, GM of South Asia, had painted the premises and re-marked the car park bays. They also brought 6 ...
  • 7. T H E M A G A Z I N E O F G L O B A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N RS Japan celebrates 10 successful years > This March more than 140 RS Japan employees Hiro Hamamoto, GM of RS Japan explained, attended an energetic and passionate 10th “The focus of the celebration was to share the anniversary party in Yokohama. The evening joy and success of our 10 years with all our began with a traditional Sake Keg Ceremony employees.” As the events committee leader . called ‘Kagami-biraki’ (which literally means said: “We had a great time and there was a ‘opening the lid’). Typically performed at smile on everyone’s face.” The icing on the cake celebratory events, the lid of the sake barrel is was the congratulatory video message received broken open with a wooden mallet and the sake from our colleagues in the UK and APAC. served to everyone present. Continuous Improvement INTERESTING FACT Since 2007, decommissioning by Group IS has saved 26,000 KWh of power consumption with a difference in France - this would power Wembley’s floodlights for around 20 matches, including half time. > In April, unsuspecting employees of Radiospares were invited to attend a meeting on the launch of Continuous Improvement. They were expecting a speech by Didier Goguelin, but they were in for a surprise! At the beginning of the session Didier talked about Continuous Improvement as expected, but before long he introduced a specialist consultant and handed over to him. It soon became obvious that this consultant had absolutely no idea about Radiospares, let alone Continuous Improvement. Naturally, staff began to feel confused and then to laugh, until finally they realised it was a joke. Following this amusing introduction, three humorous sketches delivered the main messages of Continuous Improvement: exchange of ideas, creativity and strategy. Our 13 coaches played a . role in the last sketch which was a hilarious parody of a reward ceremony. The event was a huge success and employees thoroughly enjoyed the originality of the presentation. The messages of Continuous Improvement were made crystal clear, and everybody is now impatient to share their ideas. INTERESTING FACT Group IS manages 100 Terabytes of storage - that equates to 25 million MP3 files, which is a pretty big iPod! ... 7
  • 8. >>> RSNEWS] ISSUE 3 ] Future News? This is your newsletter and we are keen to have your input. So, if you have a story or an interesting fact about the Group that you would like featured in a future edition, please contact: Sophie Macbeth, Group Communications Manager, International Management Centre email: or tel: +44 (0)1865 207442 The deadline for submissions for the next issue is 1st november 2008. A ROSIE future for RS > ROSIE (Regional Organisation Structure in Europe) is an initiative to re-organise Supply Chain in Europe to capitalise on the benefits of a single SAP and Manugistics system. The benefit of this new system is that it gives was to create a new structure with new roles, visibility to all sales requirements, stocks and whilst keeping the same headcount. Staff were purchasing in one place - so we needed to given the opportunity to change roles and change our existing organisational structure to develop new skills and we are delighted that take advantage of this. everyone has been successfully redeployed in External benchmarking indicated that the new organisation. regional planning would bring significant One particular challenge we faced was rewards and that we should have one planner harnessing the power of GIS to change the responsible for the supply of one article data on 1.1 million articles records across wherever it was sold in Europe. So, we set up Europe. Special code was written for this in an international, cross-functional project team India and, having been tested thoroughly, which was empowered to define the future was successfully executed over the ‘go live’ shape of the organisation. The team included weekend. members from France, Germany, Italy and rest ROSIE went live in April 2008. Since then, of Europe, as well as the UK. a series of European roadshows have taken We also realised that some processes place to share the vision and engage with were not getting the focus they needed. the rest of the organisation. We also had the So, we created new opportunity to gain feedback from the teams. organisational roles ROSIE has the potential to improve our cost-to- in forecasting, life- serve ratios. We are now spending time with cycle management our colleagues in sales, marketing and product and Supply Chain management to explain the benefits, and are co-ordination. The goal looking forward to a bright future. IS Evolution - an exciting journey of transformation > The recent roll-out of EBS has facilitated regional consistency, saving millions of pounds in inventory costs and enabling Electrocomponents to respond faster than ever to business needs. An example of this is the recent launch of production packaging which was implemented in just 24 weeks - previously such a large project would have taken over a year of co-ordination and planning. Now that EBS is complete, the Group’s strategy to become the EEM distributor of choice while maintaining our strength in MRO poses Designed and produced by 2heads. specific challenges for Group IS. So, we have put in place a three year evolution strategy to help get us there. This includes increasing our range of articles and the ways we offer them to customers. Already we have over 150,000 stocked products in our catalogue, more than 250,000 extended range products, and over 40,000 production packs. Meanwhile, our customers want to be able to learn about our products, order them and manage their accounts anywhere, anytime, using any device - paper, telephone, web, or mobile phone. So, Group IS is evolving and delivering the systems that will help us become a global e-centric business, closely integrated with customers and suppliers - and with our own employees driving innovative business change. The benefits are already here and we have delivered a big piece of this strategy with the new websites in Europe and Asia. As we evolve into a global e-business driving new ideas and centres of growth, IS will help us have the capacity to drive fast, meaningful change and become our customers’ EEM distributor of choice. …the magazine of global communication