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SHOES (1956-1990) 
Cameron Kippen
Iconiclastic Footwear 
If there was ever an item of 
clothing to epitomise the 
style and fashion of an era it 
would have to be shoes (or 
their absence). 
Pick up a dozen covers of 
compilation hits and a 
significant number will depict 
the age with fashionable 
shoes of the time.
Blue Suede Shoes 
The most famous shoes of the rock and 
roll era were Carl Perkin's Blue Suede 
shoes. Although Elvis Presley had the big 
hit the credit was always given to Perkins. 
The idea for the song came from his 
early days when he and Johnny Cash 
were queuing for some tucker. 
Someone in front cried a warning 
to another in the queue not to tread on 
his foot. 
'Hey don't step on my blue suede shoes". 
Cash was moved to say to his companion 
that would be a good title for a song.
Penny Loafers 
Penny Loafers were much favoured by 
the ‘Preppies’ in the US. Essentially a 
two-piece moccasin with a hard sole 
and a strap or saddle, made of leather, 
over the instep. 
KerrybrookeTeenright Smoothies 
often had a good luck penny stuck in 
the leather saddle. 
At the time suede was a shoe cover 
preferred by effeminate men so the kids 
took to them, to flaunt convention. 
Buddy Holly, by contrast wore brown 
suede shoes.
Brothel Creepers 
In the UK Teddyboys in the 
UK; Halbstarke in Germany; 
and Blousans noirs in 
France wore a more crude 
Suede shoe called Brothel 
These had two inch thick 
crepe soles and were a 
hybrid of the desert shoe. 
Worn originally with drapes and 
drainpipe trousers
The Baby Boomers 
Young American men wore Converse All 
Stars (Chucks), a sneaker designed for 
basketball star Chuck Taylor (Buffalo 
Germans and Akron Firestones). 
Teenage cheerleaders wore tight 
sweaters, short skirts, ankle or 
bobby socks with canvas topped 
shoes called to Keds.
In the mid fifties skiffle enjoyed 
brief popularity in the UK . Similar 
to the 1920s Jugs bands of Chicago 
skiffle groups played makeshift 
instruments and wore non 
conventional clothing including 
sandals (thongs) on stage. 
UK Skiffle was contemporary with 
the hip generation and Bohemian 
Outside the US Lonnie Donnigan 
became one of the first guitar heroes 
of modern music
Hip Sneakers 
In Jailhouse Rock (1957 ) fans 
Caught sight of 'The Pelvis‘ 
sporting sneakers. 
The fashion was officially 
sanctioned when James 
Dean was photographed 
wearing Levi jeans and 
white Converse Jack 
The Barefoot Stomp 
By 1957, Sydney's 
bodgies & widgies 
(Australian Teddyboys 
and Teddygirls) 
abandoned their 
restrictive "St Louis 
Blues" (rhyming slang for 
shoes), and came to dance 
in their bare feet.
The Wild Ones 
'Ton Up Boys' (Rockers) considered themselves 
Outlaws and tougher than the Teds. Their main 
obsession was motor bikes and they wore 
leather jackets (with or without gang 
colours), white Ts, blue jeans, studded belts, and 
engineer's boots. 
The significance of the above the ankle boot 
was very sensible as it protected the lower leg 
from the damaging heat of the bike's exhaust. 
The heavy boots also, by coincidence provided a 
useful offensive weapon to use in the ubiquitous 
rumble with sworn enemies. 
Inspired by 'The Wild One" (Marlon Brando) 
the bikers liked to Rock’n Roll.
Juvenile Delinquents 
Every country had their 
own "Wild man of Rock", 
the original was Jerry Lee 
Lewis and all others paled 
into insignificance.
Hush Puppies 
By the late fifties the anger was taken out of the 
first wave of the rock generation and 
conservative Tin Pan Alley once again produced 
novelty records for teenagers. 
Suede shoes (i.e. Hush Puppies) become 
the preferred fashion of the university 
students with their duffle coats, college scarfs 
and a commitment to the Campaign of 
Nuclear Disarmament (CND) tempered 
with their love for Trad Jazz. 
This thinking generation were the new moderns 
and forerunners of the Mods.
Sneaks kick the loafers 
By the time West Side Story screened in the 
early 60s the sight of freuding Jets and 
Sharks wearing sneakers was art imitating 
Sneakers were cool and just as well because 
the jive was especially energetic dance. Its 
spasmodic body movements interspersed with 
vigorous gyrations meant lightweight durable 
footwear was ideal. 
The shoes encouraged freedom of movement 
as well as offering greater traction on the 
dance floor. 
As fast as you could sing "High Heeled 
Sneakers" canvas topped shoes replaced 
"Blue Suede Shoes" as the symbol of 
youthful rebellion.
Preppy Cool Set 
The Peppermint Lounge meant venues for 
listening and dancing to music changed. 
Restricted space dictatd popular dance took 
place standing in one spot. 
The Twist required shoes to be twisted, circular 
fashion, against the floor in a left and right 
manner, as if flattening a cigarette butt. This 
was combined with swinging the arms and hips 
as if an imaginary towel was drying the back. 
These gyrations were best viewed when the 
dancers wore tighter clothing showing off their 
long legs. Winkle pickers or needlepoint shoes 
replaced the cumbersome crepe soled shoes for 
The pointed toes were a reworking of 
the scandalous poulaines of the Middle 
The Stiletto Heel 
Courtship took place on the dance 
floor and ability 'swing right' was 
The new innovative pantyhose 
meant women's hemlines became 
even shorter. 
During the early sixties the 
instrumental made a popular come 
back. The preferred instrument was 
the electric guitar and the music 
had a strong beat with an obvious 
percussion driving it.
The British Invasion 
When the Beatles arrived, they came wearing boots 
with Cuban heels. Brian Epstien commissioned the 
Mayfair firm of ballet shoes makers, Anello and Davide 
to make the Fab Four, distinctive footwear. 
Beatle boots were high heeled, Chelsea Boots which 
instantly became vogue. Chisel toes soon relaced the 
sharp toe and for the price of one pound, local cobblers 
would oblige you by converting your peaks into the new 
chisel toe fashion. They just chopped off the end. 
Fashionable Beatle Boots often incorporated a French 
seem or central stitch running from ankle to toe on the 
upper. In the convention of symbols this referred to 
female genitalia rather the phallus of long toed or 
winklepicker shoes.
Bad Boy Sneakers 
If the Beatles had the 'boy next door' image 
then their nemesis the Rolling Stones had to 
be different. For a short time the lads wore 
Clarke's dessert boots to counteract the 
Beatles leather Chelsea boots. 
However as anarchy ruled, and the scruffy 
London, five piece appeared on stage 
wearing the clothes they wanted to wear. No 
Saville Row suits for them and the order of 
their day was casual and not necessarily 
Something which did bind them together 
however was their footwear because they all 
sported sneakers. 
Mick Jagger was such a devotee he 
wore his Chucks (Chuck Taylor 
Converse All Star's) to his wedding 
with Bianca.
Pantyhose and Mini Skirts 
Tights and mini skirts meant once again female 
legs became the focus of attention with the 
sixties generation. 
The longer the leg the better and girl singing 
groups like The Shangri Las captured the sultry 
look perfectly. 
The Vietnam War meant many young 
conscripts went into battle with only a pin 
up image of the sexy girls waiting for them at 
The Regency Revival 
Jim Proby (aka PJ Proby) will probably be 
best remembered for his trouser splitting 
performances in 1965. His sartorial style was 
inspired by the film of the season, 'Tom 
Jones', the Henry Fielding classic. Albert 
Finney played the lead role in this raunchy 
tale of an English larrikin. Proby wore his 
hair in a bow and the tight pants and high 
heeled court shoes with silver buckles. 
Similar in style to those worn by 
the Sun King (Louis XIV).
The Mods 
In the UK the nouveaux moderns (or mods), 
followed the black music of Motown and 
wore expensive designer clothing. They 
were the sworn enemies of rockers and took 
every Bank Holiday opportunity, according 
to the popular press, to terrorise coastal 
towns by fighting on the beach. 
Mods wore lightweight dessert boots 
(Chukka Boots) to protect their ankles from 
the exhaust pipes of their Italian scooters. 
The Who were the Mod band and wore 
Italian made bowling shoes.
Barefeet and the Love Generation 
60s Pop Diva Sandie Shaw seldom appeared 
on stage in shoes and preferred to sing 
barefoot. A habit she shared with many 
young idealists now following the road 
to enlightenment and self discovery. 
Perhaps as a reaction to Vietnam and 
rejection of western materialism, 
Hippies symbolically went without 
shoes. Thongs, kaftans, bells, loons and 
Afghan coats were the uniform of the 
love generation.
Going Underground 
The cream of pop culture 
came together for three 
days of love, peace and 
music at Yasgor's Farm. 
Hippies and rockers 
united to show it could be 
Bluebeat and Skinheads 
Towards the end of the sixties as music went 
underground (heavy metal) and grew their hair. 
An alternative sprung up listening to the music 
of Jamaican Ska. Blue beat suited the small 
clubs where the early ravers danced the night 
Robust footwear was the order of fashion and 
Doc Martin became the shoes to wear. 
ervicable yet fashionable the heavy duty boots 
were useful in a rumble and could be worn by 
either sex. Unisex was definitely in fashion. 
Suede heads, then skin heads wore eight eyelet 
1460 Doc Marten (DM) boots 
The counter movement to Hippies 
became the urban bad boys and girls 
who were the remnants of the Mods.
High and Mighty 
By the seventies Glam rock had arrived 
with larger than life groups parading on 
stage wearing platform shoes. 
The androgyny unisex style of the glam 
rockers pop stars such as Bowie, Rod 
Stewart and Elton John made them 
firm fixtures in the charts. 
Tiny Elton John needed the extra 
leverage of his boots to gave him the 
necessary reach to make contact with 
the piano keys on his Steinway during 
live performances.
And then there was Abba 
More sophisticated sounds meant 
nightclubs and lavish clothing. 
During the seventies Abba , from 
Sweden, became the toast 
of the Disco. 
Eagerly followed and lavishly 
copied the outlandish costumes 
they wore soon became the 
elegant sartoria of straights, 
cross dressers and drag queens.
Punks and DMs 
By the mid seventies working 
class kids from the suburbs 
rejected the sophistication of 
studio based music preferring 
home made live music . 
The Punks or Thatcher's no 
Future generation wore 
clothes more suited to 
bondage with the proverbial 
The Quiet Revolution 
In the late 70s mothers of teenagers found a 
new outlet for music and thanks to execise 
innovators, such as Jane Fonda, a new 
aerobic revolution began. Out went the old 
sweatshirts and daks and in came designer 
Ath Fashion including chic designer trainers. 
Keeping fit set to music started a 
movement which affected all ages . Shoes 
needed to match the outfit and to keep 
demand high adidas and Puma regularly 
brought out new ranges of colourful 
trainers with eye catching designer logos. 
The young enjoyed the exclusive, 
designer element and older people 
found the broad based cushioned 
footwear comfortable to wear.
Hip Hop 
Marketing was targeted 
firmly towards inner city 
youths, mainly Afro 
American, Hispanic or 
Asian. No street kid could 
be seen in anything other 
than the latest fashion.
Drug Shoes 
A combination of clever marketing and the 
teenage desire to rebel against conservatism 
assured the sneaker culture endured. 
Some companies were accused of cashing in 
on street drug culture by using street slang 
as names for their latest wears. Trainers were 
often referred to as 'drug shoes' or 'Chronics'. 
Celebrity endorsement extolled the virtues 
of being cool in the latest styles and peer 
pressure ensured parents parted with 
enormous amounts of money to buy the 
latest hip kicks.
The Soccer Casuals 
Despite an economic global down turn, 
the importance to look cool continued 
and when the English Soccer Youths 
savoured the Continental styles during 
their frequent forages to follow their 
national Soccer team, they soon 
discovered Italian designer's shoes and 
trainers which were proudly worn as a 
badge of office. The fashion caught on 
and no self respecting Casual of the 
eighties would be seen in public, unless 
they were wearing expensive designer 
Many of these young people had 
no visible means of income and 
hence association was made with 
criminal activities including illicit 
drug trafficking.
New phase, new wave, dance craze 
How about a pair of pink sidewinders 
And a bright orange pair of pants? 
You could really be a Beau Brummel 
baby, If you just give it half a chance. 
Don't waste your money on a new set of 
speakers, You get more mileage from a 
cheap pair of sneakers. 
Next phase, new wave, dance craze, 
Anyways It's still rock and roll to me. Billy Joel’s Still Rock’n Roll to 
Commonwealth of Australia 
Copyright Regulations 1969 
This material has been copied and communicated to you by 
or on behalf of The Footman © pursuant to Part VB of 
the Copyright Act 1968 (the Act). 
The material in this communication may be subject to 
copyright under the Act. Any further copying or 
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of copyright protection under the Act. 
Do not remove this notice

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Rock shoes:A brief history of Rock Shoes (1956-1990)

  • 1. A BRIEF HISTORY OF ROCK SHOES (1956-1990) Cameron Kippen
  • 2. Iconiclastic Footwear If there was ever an item of clothing to epitomise the style and fashion of an era it would have to be shoes (or their absence). Pick up a dozen covers of compilation hits and a significant number will depict the age with fashionable shoes of the time.
  • 3. Blue Suede Shoes The most famous shoes of the rock and roll era were Carl Perkin's Blue Suede shoes. Although Elvis Presley had the big hit the credit was always given to Perkins. The idea for the song came from his early days when he and Johnny Cash were queuing for some tucker. Someone in front cried a warning to another in the queue not to tread on his foot. 'Hey don't step on my blue suede shoes". Cash was moved to say to his companion that would be a good title for a song.
  • 4. Penny Loafers Penny Loafers were much favoured by the ‘Preppies’ in the US. Essentially a two-piece moccasin with a hard sole and a strap or saddle, made of leather, over the instep. KerrybrookeTeenright Smoothies often had a good luck penny stuck in the leather saddle. At the time suede was a shoe cover preferred by effeminate men so the kids took to them, to flaunt convention. Buddy Holly, by contrast wore brown suede shoes.
  • 5. Brothel Creepers In the UK Teddyboys in the UK; Halbstarke in Germany; and Blousans noirs in France wore a more crude Suede shoe called Brothel Creepers. These had two inch thick crepe soles and were a hybrid of the desert shoe. Worn originally with drapes and drainpipe trousers
  • 6. The Baby Boomers Young American men wore Converse All Stars (Chucks), a sneaker designed for basketball star Chuck Taylor (Buffalo Germans and Akron Firestones). Teenage cheerleaders wore tight sweaters, short skirts, ankle or bobby socks with canvas topped shoes called to Keds.
  • 7. Skiffle In the mid fifties skiffle enjoyed brief popularity in the UK . Similar to the 1920s Jugs bands of Chicago skiffle groups played makeshift instruments and wore non conventional clothing including sandals (thongs) on stage. UK Skiffle was contemporary with the hip generation and Bohemian Beatniks Outside the US Lonnie Donnigan became one of the first guitar heroes of modern music
  • 8. Hip Sneakers In Jailhouse Rock (1957 ) fans Caught sight of 'The Pelvis‘ sporting sneakers. The fashion was officially sanctioned when James Dean was photographed wearing Levi jeans and white Converse Jack Purcell's.
  • 9. The Barefoot Stomp By 1957, Sydney's bodgies & widgies (Australian Teddyboys and Teddygirls) abandoned their restrictive "St Louis Blues" (rhyming slang for shoes), and came to dance in their bare feet.
  • 10. The Wild Ones 'Ton Up Boys' (Rockers) considered themselves Outlaws and tougher than the Teds. Their main obsession was motor bikes and they wore leather jackets (with or without gang colours), white Ts, blue jeans, studded belts, and engineer's boots. The significance of the above the ankle boot was very sensible as it protected the lower leg from the damaging heat of the bike's exhaust. The heavy boots also, by coincidence provided a useful offensive weapon to use in the ubiquitous rumble with sworn enemies. Inspired by 'The Wild One" (Marlon Brando) the bikers liked to Rock’n Roll.
  • 11. Juvenile Delinquents Every country had their own "Wild man of Rock", the original was Jerry Lee Lewis and all others paled into insignificance.
  • 12. Hush Puppies By the late fifties the anger was taken out of the first wave of the rock generation and conservative Tin Pan Alley once again produced novelty records for teenagers. Suede shoes (i.e. Hush Puppies) become the preferred fashion of the university students with their duffle coats, college scarfs and a commitment to the Campaign of Nuclear Disarmament (CND) tempered with their love for Trad Jazz. This thinking generation were the new moderns and forerunners of the Mods.
  • 13. Sneaks kick the loafers By the time West Side Story screened in the early 60s the sight of freuding Jets and Sharks wearing sneakers was art imitating life. Sneakers were cool and just as well because the jive was especially energetic dance. Its spasmodic body movements interspersed with vigorous gyrations meant lightweight durable footwear was ideal. The shoes encouraged freedom of movement as well as offering greater traction on the dance floor. As fast as you could sing "High Heeled Sneakers" canvas topped shoes replaced "Blue Suede Shoes" as the symbol of youthful rebellion.
  • 14. Preppy Cool Set The Peppermint Lounge meant venues for listening and dancing to music changed. Restricted space dictatd popular dance took place standing in one spot. The Twist required shoes to be twisted, circular fashion, against the floor in a left and right manner, as if flattening a cigarette butt. This was combined with swinging the arms and hips as if an imaginary towel was drying the back. These gyrations were best viewed when the dancers wore tighter clothing showing off their long legs. Winkle pickers or needlepoint shoes replaced the cumbersome crepe soled shoes for men. The pointed toes were a reworking of the scandalous poulaines of the Middle Ages.
  • 15. The Stiletto Heel Courtship took place on the dance floor and ability 'swing right' was essential. The new innovative pantyhose meant women's hemlines became even shorter. During the early sixties the instrumental made a popular come back. The preferred instrument was the electric guitar and the music had a strong beat with an obvious percussion driving it.
  • 16. The British Invasion When the Beatles arrived, they came wearing boots with Cuban heels. Brian Epstien commissioned the Mayfair firm of ballet shoes makers, Anello and Davide to make the Fab Four, distinctive footwear. Beatle boots were high heeled, Chelsea Boots which instantly became vogue. Chisel toes soon relaced the sharp toe and for the price of one pound, local cobblers would oblige you by converting your peaks into the new chisel toe fashion. They just chopped off the end. Fashionable Beatle Boots often incorporated a French seem or central stitch running from ankle to toe on the upper. In the convention of symbols this referred to female genitalia rather the phallus of long toed or winklepicker shoes.
  • 17. Bad Boy Sneakers If the Beatles had the 'boy next door' image then their nemesis the Rolling Stones had to be different. For a short time the lads wore Clarke's dessert boots to counteract the Beatles leather Chelsea boots. However as anarchy ruled, and the scruffy London, five piece appeared on stage wearing the clothes they wanted to wear. No Saville Row suits for them and the order of their day was casual and not necessarily smart. Something which did bind them together however was their footwear because they all sported sneakers. Mick Jagger was such a devotee he wore his Chucks (Chuck Taylor Converse All Star's) to his wedding with Bianca.
  • 18. Pantyhose and Mini Skirts Tights and mini skirts meant once again female legs became the focus of attention with the sixties generation. The longer the leg the better and girl singing groups like The Shangri Las captured the sultry look perfectly. The Vietnam War meant many young conscripts went into battle with only a pin up image of the sexy girls waiting for them at Home.
  • 19. The Regency Revival Jim Proby (aka PJ Proby) will probably be best remembered for his trouser splitting performances in 1965. His sartorial style was inspired by the film of the season, 'Tom Jones', the Henry Fielding classic. Albert Finney played the lead role in this raunchy tale of an English larrikin. Proby wore his hair in a bow and the tight pants and high heeled court shoes with silver buckles. Similar in style to those worn by the Sun King (Louis XIV).
  • 20. The Mods In the UK the nouveaux moderns (or mods), followed the black music of Motown and wore expensive designer clothing. They were the sworn enemies of rockers and took every Bank Holiday opportunity, according to the popular press, to terrorise coastal towns by fighting on the beach. Mods wore lightweight dessert boots (Chukka Boots) to protect their ankles from the exhaust pipes of their Italian scooters. The Who were the Mod band and wore Italian made bowling shoes.
  • 21. Barefeet and the Love Generation 60s Pop Diva Sandie Shaw seldom appeared on stage in shoes and preferred to sing barefoot. A habit she shared with many young idealists now following the road to enlightenment and self discovery. Perhaps as a reaction to Vietnam and rejection of western materialism, Hippies symbolically went without shoes. Thongs, kaftans, bells, loons and Afghan coats were the uniform of the love generation.
  • 22. Going Underground The cream of pop culture came together for three days of love, peace and music at Yasgor's Farm. Hippies and rockers united to show it could be done.
  • 23. Bluebeat and Skinheads Towards the end of the sixties as music went underground (heavy metal) and grew their hair. An alternative sprung up listening to the music of Jamaican Ska. Blue beat suited the small clubs where the early ravers danced the night away. Robust footwear was the order of fashion and Doc Martin became the shoes to wear. ervicable yet fashionable the heavy duty boots were useful in a rumble and could be worn by either sex. Unisex was definitely in fashion. Suede heads, then skin heads wore eight eyelet 1460 Doc Marten (DM) boots The counter movement to Hippies became the urban bad boys and girls who were the remnants of the Mods.
  • 24. High and Mighty By the seventies Glam rock had arrived with larger than life groups parading on stage wearing platform shoes. The androgyny unisex style of the glam rockers pop stars such as Bowie, Rod Stewart and Elton John made them firm fixtures in the charts. Tiny Elton John needed the extra leverage of his boots to gave him the necessary reach to make contact with the piano keys on his Steinway during live performances.
  • 25. And then there was Abba More sophisticated sounds meant nightclubs and lavish clothing. During the seventies Abba , from Sweden, became the toast of the Disco. Eagerly followed and lavishly copied the outlandish costumes they wore soon became the elegant sartoria of straights, cross dressers and drag queens.
  • 26. Punks and DMs By the mid seventies working class kids from the suburbs rejected the sophistication of studio based music preferring home made live music . The Punks or Thatcher's no Future generation wore clothes more suited to bondage with the proverbial DMs
  • 27. The Quiet Revolution In the late 70s mothers of teenagers found a new outlet for music and thanks to execise innovators, such as Jane Fonda, a new aerobic revolution began. Out went the old sweatshirts and daks and in came designer Ath Fashion including chic designer trainers. Keeping fit set to music started a movement which affected all ages . Shoes needed to match the outfit and to keep demand high adidas and Puma regularly brought out new ranges of colourful trainers with eye catching designer logos. The young enjoyed the exclusive, designer element and older people found the broad based cushioned footwear comfortable to wear.
  • 28. Hip Hop Marketing was targeted firmly towards inner city youths, mainly Afro American, Hispanic or Asian. No street kid could be seen in anything other than the latest fashion.
  • 29. Drug Shoes A combination of clever marketing and the teenage desire to rebel against conservatism assured the sneaker culture endured. Some companies were accused of cashing in on street drug culture by using street slang as names for their latest wears. Trainers were often referred to as 'drug shoes' or 'Chronics'. Celebrity endorsement extolled the virtues of being cool in the latest styles and peer pressure ensured parents parted with enormous amounts of money to buy the latest hip kicks.
  • 30. The Soccer Casuals Despite an economic global down turn, the importance to look cool continued and when the English Soccer Youths savoured the Continental styles during their frequent forages to follow their national Soccer team, they soon discovered Italian designer's shoes and trainers which were proudly worn as a badge of office. The fashion caught on and no self respecting Casual of the eighties would be seen in public, unless they were wearing expensive designer footwear. Many of these young people had no visible means of income and hence association was made with criminal activities including illicit drug trafficking.
  • 31. New phase, new wave, dance craze How about a pair of pink sidewinders (sandals) And a bright orange pair of pants? You could really be a Beau Brummel baby, If you just give it half a chance. Don't waste your money on a new set of speakers, You get more mileage from a cheap pair of sneakers. Next phase, new wave, dance craze, Anyways It's still rock and roll to me. Billy Joel’s Still Rock’n Roll to me
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