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rnchat:         One hour until #RNchat - 9pm ET. Consider using during the chat.
                7/30/2010 20:00

rnchat:         Welcome my friends to #RNchat! If you're new, welcome! We'll get started momentarily
                but first: introduce yourselves!
                7/30/2010 21:00

rnchat:         OK, our first topic will be up in a minute. Please add T1, T2, etc. when responding to a
                topic. #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:04

TeriRN:         Hi all. Teri, Travel Hospice Nurse now in DC. So glad to be able to join in again. #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:04

nursingpins:    hi Phil, Pam and all - Vernon, critical care in New Orleans #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:04

rnchat:         T1 Personal Health Records: Do PHR solutions actually lie in open-source iPhone,
                Android, etc. apps versus proprietary platforms? #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:05

nursechenene:   Hey all. Traci from work at Level I center in Southwest Missouri #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:05

rnchat:         T1 Follow-up: that is, once most people have smart devices, will PHRs just be as
                common as, say, Contact info? #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:08

nursingpins:    Should be able to access PHR from any source? #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:08

pamsvulcan:     T1 only if they are accessible & the data can be easily transferred across systems
                7/30/2010 21:09

rnchat:         @nursingpins Yes - being able to access and share via open platforms (securely of
                course). #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:09

TeriRN:         T1: For home health/hospice RN's and MD's it would be great to have instant access to
                the info I'm acquiring so MD can make Dx or Tx #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:11

pamsvulcan:     T1 right now those programs are online if they have smartphone interfaces that are easy
                & secure #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:11

TeriRN:         T1: Most EMR's I've worked with the nite staff & MD would have to wait till I could sync.
                Nite staff @ disadvantage if I can't sync #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:13

jtknowles007:   T1 I think security may be an issue with PHRs on mobile platforms. If (as RN) my device
                goes missing, is private data exposed? !fb #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:14

TeriRN:         T1: Ex: had pt in crisis, got new Rx, fam called nite staff, Had no clue what I had done &
                didn't believe fam Called MD 4 new RX #RNChat
7/30/2010 21:15

nursingpins:    T1 I think it will imp all h. services to have remote access. Will be much easier to get
                more done - will even encourage by conv. #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:15

TeriRN:         @jtknowles007 That's why I always keep my passcoded and change it frequently.
                7/30/2010 21:15

pamsvulcan:     U2 but what if the patient walked in said 'look here on my phone, here's my health
                history' #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:16

rnchat:         @jtknowles007 Good point: there would need to be measures & protocols in place (eg:
                should remote deletion be enabled?) #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:16

nursingpins:    T1 the security will always be an issue - but will be worked out - same questions with
                early e-commerce #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:17

jtknowles007:   @TeriRN Good point, but what about those who are "forced" to use new tech & aren't
                comfortable with it and don't follow protocol !fb #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:18

rnchat:         RT @nursingpins: T1 the security will always be an issue - but will be worked out - same
                questions with early e-commerce #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:18

nursingpins:    T1 can be made secure - when was the last time PayPal security was breached? (can be
                done) #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:18

jtknowles007:   T1 Obviously playing devil's advocate here. I would LOVE to have access to PHRs, as
                well as general med info electronically. #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:21

TeriRN:         @jtknowles007 Def prob. Last job RNs still using passcode IT gave them. IT will need to
                enforce PHR policies to maintain HIPAA Comp #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:21

nursingpins:    T1 seems like authorized identification access may be problem? #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:22

TeriRN:         @jtknowles007 That's how we learn and find the probs. Always good 2 have someone
                play devil's advocate. =) #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:22

TeriRN:         Last job used tokens for auth access. Unfortunately sync was a pain and VERY SLOW.
                Not good if U need info quickly #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:24

jtknowles007:   @pamsvulcan T1 Now that would be a problem. If u only get half the picture from one
                source, something important could be missed !fb #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:25
rnchat:         Next topic coming up in a moment! #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:26

pamsvulcan:     T1 having the data/PHR program linked in with a specific health system could link it in
                when a new chart/encounter is created #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:26

nursingpins:    T1 records could be kept without names - then providers would have to have a code to
                match info with patient names? #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:27

rnchat:         T2 The Art of Dignity: Healthcare is Technology-intensive. But preserving human dignity is
                an Art. Tell us about your "artistry". #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:28

TeriRN:         T1: another prob we had was I could access hosp system, but hosp couldn't access
                hospice system. Prob whem pt went 2 hosp for crisis #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:28

pamsvulcan:     T1 my hospital has a myhealth website & EHR that is used for inpatient & ambulatory
                visits idk if data can be txfr from PHR to EHR #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:29

TeriRN:         T2: My latest was helping 13yo dying pt make her last wish 2 attend MS grad I went as
                her med support & 2take care of "just in case" #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:30

nursechenene:   as an OR nurse I witness daily coworkers who will uncover a pt for whatever purpose and
                not cover them back. Forget there's a person #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:31

TeriRN:         T2: She looked gr8 & dignity upheld as her classmates greeted her & cheered when she
                received her diploma. Hilite of career so far #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:31

TeriRN:         @nursechenene Oh one of my pet peeves. I also get irritated when I hear the pt called by
                disease or rm # than their name. #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:33

nursingpins:    T2 thankfully discretion has been part one of med. longest lasting culture - will cont to
                based on tech prof integrity of provider. #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:33

pamsvulcan:     @TeriRN I hear u - I evenhve to remind family members that patient has a name
                7/30/2010 21:34

TeriRN:         @pamsvulcan Ouch. That's not good when family calls them by room or disease.
                7/30/2010 21:35

jtknowles007:   @TeriRN Wow. That would be heartbreaking to hear someone referred to that way. I'll
                avoid that mistake when clinicals start. !fb #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:37

pamsvulcan:     @TeriRN usually its 'my brother... in room 2 needs such & such' mind u these r 2 bedded
                rooms somebody's brother is in the next bed #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:38
TeriRN:           @jtknowles007 Had a gr8 instructor who instilled respect & dignity in us RNs I've even
                  corrected fellow RNs & LPNs Nicely of course #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:39

jtknowles007:     @TeriRN - You answered my next question...was going to ask if anyone "called out"
                  someone who treated patients that way. !fb #RNchat
                  7/30/2010 21:41

TeriRN:           @pamsvulcan Had that happen lots. That's when I say "& UR brother is?" then I respond
                  w/ I'll B in to see Mr. Jones as soon as I can #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:41

TeriRN:           @jtknowles007 I usually will answer back Ms or Mr So&So needs... If they keep insisting
                  what rm I will say Ms So&So in rm2 #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:42

TeriRN:           @jtknowles007 I always try 2 give report by saying Ms So&So who has dementia..... It
                  helps 2 remind other nurses that they R persons #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:44

rnchat:           Our final topic is coming up! #RNchat
                  7/30/2010 21:46

rnchat:           Innuendo Alert: Our next topic is important, but I can see where it could go on a Friday
                  night ;) Be good, OK? :-) #RNchat
                  7/30/2010 21:47

rnchat:           T3 Sexual Health: SH is as vital as all other kinds. Is Nursing involved in assessing &
                  addressing SH matters as much as it could? #RNchat
                  7/30/2010 21:48

holisticnurses:   Hi #RNChat folks! Can't join in but wishing you all a great weekend! Looks like great
                  topics as always. RT @RNchat: Our final topic...
                  7/30/2010 21:48

TeriRN:           T3: No where near enough. I have seen it totally deferred by nurses & MDs. including
                  myself. #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:49

jtknowles007:     @TeriRN T2 - My prev career (photographer) always learned friends & family names, and
                  used them. Always helped make connections !fb #RNchat
                  7/30/2010 21:49

dorameulman:      #RNchat following the tweets...interesting!
                  7/30/2010 21:50

TeriRN:           T3: My last 2 pts were in their 40's, sexual health should have been addressed even if
                  tho they R on hospice. Still important. #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:50

TeriRN:           @jtknowles007 Pts love it when a nurse remembers their name. Helps make their care
                  seem personal & that someone cares about them #RNChat
                  7/30/2010 21:51

pamsvulcan:       T3 altenately - we have to convince some pts that their sexual behavior is inappropriate at
                  this time & advances unwanted #RNchat
                  7/30/2010 21:54
nursingpins:    T3 SH is imp and nurses could/should be invo but due to present stafg ratios-what nur
                are able to do is VERY limited (priorities #rnchat
                7/30/2010 21:56

pamsvulcan:     T3 the closest I may get to adressing SH is on dc instructions for postop Gyn/GynOnc pts
                detailing vaginal rest #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:56

rnchat:         Time flies: We'll be wrapping up in a moment. #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:57

rnchat:         Before wrapping up, give us your parting thoughts, Super Nurse advice, pearls of wisdom
                or your worst jokes. #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:58

TeriRN:         @rnchat Gr8 topics. So glad 2B able 2 join again. Will check out the transcript 4 new
                nursing friends. #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:58

jtknowles007:   T3 Does gender play a role in SH discussions? Are men able to council women
                effectively and vice versa? !fb #RNchat
                7/30/2010 21:59

DebErupts:      Shit I missed #RNChat
                7/30/2010 21:59

nursingpins:    Nurses need to reclaim control of whats left of the profession before it is too late. #rnchat
                7/30/2010 22:00

pamsvulcan:     T3 though it did come up in convo with two of my new RNs re: postop TAH pts. I
                reassured them sex was still possible & important #RNchat
                7/30/2010 22:00

TeriRN:         @jtknowles007 I think it will depend on the nurse & the pt. But it can be done. #RNChat
                7/30/2010 22:00

TeriRN:         AMEN! RT @nursingpins: Nurses need to reclaim control of whats left of the profession
                before it is too late. #RNChat
                7/30/2010 22:00

dorameulman:    #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pt's, some days we're better than others
                because we're human!
                7/30/2010 22:02

TeriRN:         Gr8 thought! RT @dorameulman: #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pts, some
                days were better than others because were human! #RNChat
                7/30/2010 22:02

TeriRN:         Gr8 chat every1. Looking forward to the next one. #RNChat
                7/30/2010 22:03

nursingpins:    Thanks Phil "GO NURSING" ---@onlinenursing #rnchat
                7/30/2010 22:03

jtknowles007:   Thanks for the opportunity to share & learn from everyone! See you next time. !fb
7/30/2010 22:04

NursingCenter:   RT @dorameulman #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pt's, some days we're
                 better than others because we're human!
                 7/30/2010 22:04

nursingpins:     RT @NursingCenter: RT @dorameulman #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pts,
                 some days were better than others bc we're human! #rnchat
                 7/30/2010 22:06

eggy1024:        @RNchat looks like i missed a good #RNchat. sorry to have missed out. enjoying reading
                 bits n pieces. happy friday my nsg friends!
                 7/30/2010 22:28

dorameulman:     My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of LifeNet 12 Tucson AZ
                 #RNChat #Nursing
                 7/30/2010 23:10

TorontoEmerg:    RT @NursingCenter: RT @dorameulman #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pt's,
                 some days we're better than others because we're human!
                 7/30/2010 23:22

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RNchat Transcript for July 30, 2010

  • 1. rnchat: One hour until #RNchat - 9pm ET. Consider using during the chat. 7/30/2010 20:00 rnchat: Welcome my friends to #RNchat! If you're new, welcome! We'll get started momentarily but first: introduce yourselves! 7/30/2010 21:00 rnchat: OK, our first topic will be up in a minute. Please add T1, T2, etc. when responding to a topic. #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:04 TeriRN: Hi all. Teri, Travel Hospice Nurse now in DC. So glad to be able to join in again. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:04 nursingpins: hi Phil, Pam and all - Vernon, critical care in New Orleans #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:04 rnchat: T1 Personal Health Records: Do PHR solutions actually lie in open-source iPhone, Android, etc. apps versus proprietary platforms? #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:05 nursechenene: Hey all. Traci from work at Level I center in Southwest Missouri #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:05 rnchat: T1 Follow-up: that is, once most people have smart devices, will PHRs just be as common as, say, Contact info? #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:08 nursingpins: Should be able to access PHR from any source? #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:08 pamsvulcan: T1 only if they are accessible & the data can be easily transferred across systems #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:09 rnchat: @nursingpins Yes - being able to access and share via open platforms (securely of course). #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:09 TeriRN: T1: For home health/hospice RN's and MD's it would be great to have instant access to the info I'm acquiring so MD can make Dx or Tx #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:11 pamsvulcan: T1 right now those programs are online if they have smartphone interfaces that are easy & secure #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:11 TeriRN: T1: Most EMR's I've worked with the nite staff & MD would have to wait till I could sync. Nite staff @ disadvantage if I can't sync #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:13 jtknowles007: T1 I think security may be an issue with PHRs on mobile platforms. If (as RN) my device goes missing, is private data exposed? !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:14 TeriRN: T1: Ex: had pt in crisis, got new Rx, fam called nite staff, Had no clue what I had done & didn't believe fam Called MD 4 new RX #RNChat
  • 2. 7/30/2010 21:15 nursingpins: T1 I think it will imp all h. services to have remote access. Will be much easier to get more done - will even encourage by conv. #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:15 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 That's why I always keep my passcoded and change it frequently. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:15 pamsvulcan: U2 but what if the patient walked in said 'look here on my phone, here's my health history' #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:16 rnchat: @jtknowles007 Good point: there would need to be measures & protocols in place (eg: should remote deletion be enabled?) #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:16 nursingpins: T1 the security will always be an issue - but will be worked out - same questions with early e-commerce #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:17 jtknowles007: @TeriRN Good point, but what about those who are "forced" to use new tech & aren't comfortable with it and don't follow protocol !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:18 rnchat: RT @nursingpins: T1 the security will always be an issue - but will be worked out - same questions with early e-commerce #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:18 nursingpins: T1 can be made secure - when was the last time PayPal security was breached? (can be done) #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:18 jtknowles007: T1 Obviously playing devil's advocate here. I would LOVE to have access to PHRs, as well as general med info electronically. #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:21 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 Def prob. Last job RNs still using passcode IT gave them. IT will need to enforce PHR policies to maintain HIPAA Comp #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:21 nursingpins: T1 seems like authorized identification access may be problem? #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:22 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 That's how we learn and find the probs. Always good 2 have someone play devil's advocate. =) #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:22 TeriRN: Last job used tokens for auth access. Unfortunately sync was a pain and VERY SLOW. Not good if U need info quickly #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:24 jtknowles007: @pamsvulcan T1 Now that would be a problem. If u only get half the picture from one source, something important could be missed !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:25
  • 3. rnchat: Next topic coming up in a moment! #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:26 pamsvulcan: T1 having the data/PHR program linked in with a specific health system could link it in when a new chart/encounter is created #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:26 nursingpins: T1 records could be kept without names - then providers would have to have a code to match info with patient names? #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:27 rnchat: T2 The Art of Dignity: Healthcare is Technology-intensive. But preserving human dignity is an Art. Tell us about your "artistry". #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:28 TeriRN: T1: another prob we had was I could access hosp system, but hosp couldn't access hospice system. Prob whem pt went 2 hosp for crisis #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:28 pamsvulcan: T1 my hospital has a myhealth website & EHR that is used for inpatient & ambulatory visits idk if data can be txfr from PHR to EHR #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:29 TeriRN: T2: My latest was helping 13yo dying pt make her last wish 2 attend MS grad I went as her med support & 2take care of "just in case" #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:30 nursechenene: as an OR nurse I witness daily coworkers who will uncover a pt for whatever purpose and not cover them back. Forget there's a person #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:31 TeriRN: T2: She looked gr8 & dignity upheld as her classmates greeted her & cheered when she received her diploma. Hilite of career so far #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:31 TeriRN: @nursechenene Oh one of my pet peeves. I also get irritated when I hear the pt called by disease or rm # than their name. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:33 nursingpins: T2 thankfully discretion has been part one of med. longest lasting culture - will cont to based on tech prof integrity of provider. #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:33 pamsvulcan: @TeriRN I hear u - I evenhve to remind family members that patient has a name #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:34 TeriRN: @pamsvulcan Ouch. That's not good when family calls them by room or disease. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:35 jtknowles007: @TeriRN Wow. That would be heartbreaking to hear someone referred to that way. I'll avoid that mistake when clinicals start. !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:37 pamsvulcan: @TeriRN usually its 'my brother... in room 2 needs such & such' mind u these r 2 bedded rooms somebody's brother is in the next bed #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:38
  • 4. TeriRN: @jtknowles007 Had a gr8 instructor who instilled respect & dignity in us RNs I've even corrected fellow RNs & LPNs Nicely of course #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:39 jtknowles007: @TeriRN - You answered my next question...was going to ask if anyone "called out" someone who treated patients that way. !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:41 TeriRN: @pamsvulcan Had that happen lots. That's when I say "& UR brother is?" then I respond w/ I'll B in to see Mr. Jones as soon as I can #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:41 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 I usually will answer back Ms or Mr So&So needs... If they keep insisting what rm I will say Ms So&So in rm2 #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:42 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 I always try 2 give report by saying Ms So&So who has dementia..... It helps 2 remind other nurses that they R persons #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:44 rnchat: Our final topic is coming up! #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:46 rnchat: Innuendo Alert: Our next topic is important, but I can see where it could go on a Friday night ;) Be good, OK? :-) #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:47 rnchat: T3 Sexual Health: SH is as vital as all other kinds. Is Nursing involved in assessing & addressing SH matters as much as it could? #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:48 holisticnurses: Hi #RNChat folks! Can't join in but wishing you all a great weekend! Looks like great topics as always. RT @RNchat: Our final topic... 7/30/2010 21:48 TeriRN: T3: No where near enough. I have seen it totally deferred by nurses & MDs. including myself. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:49 jtknowles007: @TeriRN T2 - My prev career (photographer) always learned friends & family names, and used them. Always helped make connections !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:49 dorameulman: #RNchat following the tweets...interesting! 7/30/2010 21:50 TeriRN: T3: My last 2 pts were in their 40's, sexual health should have been addressed even if tho they R on hospice. Still important. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:50 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 Pts love it when a nurse remembers their name. Helps make their care seem personal & that someone cares about them #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:51 pamsvulcan: T3 altenately - we have to convince some pts that their sexual behavior is inappropriate at this time & advances unwanted #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:54
  • 5. nursingpins: T3 SH is imp and nurses could/should be invo but due to present stafg ratios-what nur are able to do is VERY limited (priorities #rnchat 7/30/2010 21:56 pamsvulcan: T3 the closest I may get to adressing SH is on dc instructions for postop Gyn/GynOnc pts detailing vaginal rest #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:56 rnchat: Time flies: We'll be wrapping up in a moment. #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:57 rnchat: Before wrapping up, give us your parting thoughts, Super Nurse advice, pearls of wisdom or your worst jokes. #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:58 TeriRN: @rnchat Gr8 topics. So glad 2B able 2 join again. Will check out the transcript 4 new nursing friends. #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:58 jtknowles007: T3 Does gender play a role in SH discussions? Are men able to council women effectively and vice versa? !fb #RNchat 7/30/2010 21:59 DebErupts: Shit I missed #RNChat 7/30/2010 21:59 nursingpins: Nurses need to reclaim control of whats left of the profession before it is too late. #rnchat 7/30/2010 22:00 pamsvulcan: T3 though it did come up in convo with two of my new RNs re: postop TAH pts. I reassured them sex was still possible & important #RNchat 7/30/2010 22:00 TeriRN: @jtknowles007 I think it will depend on the nurse & the pt. But it can be done. #RNChat 7/30/2010 22:00 TeriRN: AMEN! RT @nursingpins: Nurses need to reclaim control of whats left of the profession before it is too late. #RNChat 7/30/2010 22:00 dorameulman: #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pt's, some days we're better than others because we're human! 7/30/2010 22:02 TeriRN: Gr8 thought! RT @dorameulman: #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pts, some days were better than others because were human! #RNChat 7/30/2010 22:02 TeriRN: Gr8 chat every1. Looking forward to the next one. #RNChat 7/30/2010 22:03 nursingpins: Thanks Phil "GO NURSING" ---@onlinenursing #rnchat 7/30/2010 22:03 jtknowles007: Thanks for the opportunity to share & learn from everyone! See you next time. !fb #RNchat
  • 6. 7/30/2010 22:04 NursingCenter: RT @dorameulman #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pt's, some days we're better than others because we're human! 7/30/2010 22:04 nursingpins: RT @NursingCenter: RT @dorameulman #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pts, some days were better than others bc we're human! #rnchat 7/30/2010 22:06 eggy1024: @RNchat looks like i missed a good #RNchat. sorry to have missed out. enjoying reading bits n pieces. happy friday my nsg friends! 7/30/2010 22:28 dorameulman: My thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of LifeNet 12 Tucson AZ #RNChat #Nursing 7/30/2010 23:10 TorontoEmerg: RT @NursingCenter: RT @dorameulman #RNchat all we can do is our best for our pt's, some days we're better than others because we're human! 7/30/2010 23:22