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              FOURTH QUARTER 2011

              WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF?

OCEANIA                              EMEA                                  ASIA                                 AMERICAS
AUSTRALIA                            MIDDLE EAST                           CHINA                                CANADA
Adelaide                             Abu Dhabi                             Beijing                              Calgary
Brisbane                             Doha                                  Chengdu
Cairns                               Dubai                                                                      CARIBBEAN
Canberra                             Muscat                                                                     Barbados
Darwin                               Riyadh                                                                     Grand Cayman
Gold Coast                                                                 Guiyang
                                     UK                                                                         USA
Melbourne                                                                  Haikou
                                     Birchwood/Warrington                                                       Boise, ID
Newcastle                                                                  Hangzhou
                                     Birmingham                                                                 Boston, MA
Northern NSW                                                               Hong Kong
                                     Bristol                                                                    Denver, CO
Perth                                                                      Macau
                                     London                                                                     Hagåtña, GU
Sunshine Coast                                                             Nanjing
                                     Manchester                                                                 Hilo, HI
Sydney                                                                     Shanghai
                                     Newcastle                                                                  Honolulu, HI
Townsville                                                                 Shenyang
                                     Sheffield                                                                  Kennewick, WA
Western Sydney                                                             Shenzhen
                                     Welwyn Garden City                                                         Las Vegas, NV
                                                                           Tianjin                              Los Angeles, CA
NEW ZEALAND                          Wokingham
                                                                           Wuhan                                Monroe, WA
                                     EUROPE                                Wuxi                                 New York, NY
                                     RLB|EuroAlliance                      Xian                                 Orlando, FL
                                     Austria                               Zhuhai                               Phoenix, AZ
Palmerston North
Tauranga                             Belgium                                                                    Portland, OR
Wellington                           Bulgaria                                                                   San Francisco, CA
                                     Czech Republic                                                             Seattle, WA
                                     Estonia                               INDONESIA                            Tucson, AZ
                                     France                                Jakarta                              Waikoloa, HI
                                     Germany                                                                    Washington, DC
                                     Greece                                MALAYSIA
                                     Hungary                               Kota Kinabalu
                                     Ireland                               Kuala Lumpur
                                     Netherlands                           SINGAPORE
                                     Norway                                Singapore
                                     Portugal                              SOUTH KOREA
                                     Romania                               Seoul
                                     Spain                                 THAILAND
                                     Sweden                                Bangkok

Cover: City skyline, Dubai

Disclaimer: While the information in this publication is believed to be correct at the time of publishing, no responsibility is accepted for its
accuracy. Persons desiring to utilise any information appearing in the publication should verify its applicability to their specific circumstances.
Cost information in this publication is indicative and for general guidance only and is based on rates as at Fourth Quarter 2011.
RIDER LEVETT                            THE GULF                                 THE ECONOMIST
BUCKNALL                                STATES REPORT                            INTELLIGENCE UNIT

Rider Levett Bucknall are               The Rider Levett Bucknall Gulf           The Gulf States Report exclusively
global property market and              States Report is published twice-        includes “Where to Now for the
construction cost consultants           yearly and provides detailed local       Gulf?” authored by the Economist
with offices located throughout         property and construction market         Intelligence Unit from the
the Gulf Region.                        intelligence and data.                   renowned The Economist Group.

Rider Levett Bucknall, through professional excellence, proven performance and innovation, continues to grow
as one of the world’s most active and advanced construction and property advisors. Major clients rely upon
Rider Levett Bucknall for advice and direction on controlling, monitoring and reducing cost and construction time
– the elements so crucial to successful project completion.

Our strength lies in proven ability to combine local knowledge and expertise with access to the information, technology
and human resources of our global network. At all times we can provide the personnel to handle peak workloads, and
the specialist skills to meet diverse requirements.

Rider Levett Bucknall is the vital link between the building owner, investor, financier, design team and construction
company, providing independent and unbiased advice on all matters of cost significance throughout the life cycle of a
wide variety of projects. We act for the client throughout a project to ensure maximum value for investment.

Rider Levett Bucknall places enormous importance on research and development, and a substantial proportion of our
revenue is devoted to this end. Our clients are guaranteed the benefits of the most advanced and effective technical
methods and procedures. We remain at the forefront of our profession by taking the initiative to introduce new and
improved methods to achieve results.

Our projects in the Gulf States and abroad continue to signify the dramatic pace of technological advancement. They
require the highest level of skill, experience and planning. They contribute to our growth in innovation and research,
new services and techniques, and to our global knowledge bank of experience. A recent example is the Abu Dhabi
National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) Arena. This joint operation between our UK office (pre-contract services) and
Gulf States office (post-contract services) is destined to host spectacular events on the world stage.

We look forward to working with you to respond to new changes in the construction industry with the same
uninterrupted, positive and progressive approach we’ve delivered to our clients for more than 225 years.

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1300 ASK RLB    Global Construction and Property Advisors

     MARKET    Bahrain
INTELLIGENCE   Bahrain's economy continues to reel
               under socio-political unrest dating
                                                           However, the actual deficit will most
                                                           likely end up being less, as authorities
               back to mid-February. Effects include       have prepared the budget using $80
               a drop in economic activity, apart          per barrel of oil. It is widely expected
               from a higher budget deficit.               that oil prices will average just above
                                                           $100 per barrel this year.
               Bahrain’s Chamber of Commerce and
               Industry estimates that the unrest          One additional source of income is
               caused economic damage of up to             the promised economic assistance of
               $2 billion (approximately 750m BHD).        $10 billion by the Gulf Cooperation
               This is a sizable amount, by virtue         Council (GCC) countries. They have
               of equalling 9.5 per cent of gross          promised $10 billion to Bahrain and
               domestic product (GDP). Bahrain has         Oman over ten years to help the
               a nominal GDP of $21 billion.               countries cope with the unrest. On
                                                           a positive note, stronger spending
               Ostensibly, the economic costs relate       should help Bahrain maintain an
               to damage occurring to several              economic growth rate of around four
               economic sectors, notably retail,           per cent. Stronger spending and
               hospitality and events. Reflecting the      hence GDP growth helped convince
               uncertainty, some locals have chosen        Standard & Poor to remove the
               to limit their spending to essentials,      negative outlook from Bahrain's long-
               and where possible delay purchases          and short-term sovereign ratings
               of durable goods.                           one notch to A-/A-2 with a negative
               Also, the hospitality sector is             outlook.
               suffering from an overall drop in           Another victim of the socio-political
               the number of visitors, in particular       unrest relates to raising fresh
               from neighbouring Saudi Arabia,             doubts on the planned causeway
               simply to avoid being caught up in          link with Qatar. This issue came to
               street violence. Thousands of Saudi         light recently following the virtual
               nationals tend to cross the causeway        cancellation of a joint Qatar/Bahrain
               during the weekend, partly to enjoy         insurance firm. Key investors in the
               the liberal lifestyle in Bahrain.           firm attributed the decision to a lack
               Additional losses concern the               of progress on the planned causeway
               cancellation of events, such as the         linking Qatar and Bahrain.
               hosting of Formula One. The ruling          The 40km causeway is to cost
               body of F1 has dropped Bahrain from         more than $3 billion. Yet political
               the 2011 calendar due to the political      differences rather than funding seem
               unrest. The next time Bahrain hosts         to be the primary cause for the lack
               F1 is in a distant November 2012. F1 is     of real progress. Looking back, the
               a contributor to Bahrain's economy          two countries settled a decade-long
               through spending on ticket sales, TV        oil border dispute in 2001 thanks
               coverage, transport, accommodation,         only to a ruling by the International
               food and beverage, merchandise and          Court of Justice. And only recently,
               souvenirs and other leisure activities.     Qatar-based Al Jazeera added to the
               Another casualty relates to the             unease by airing a programme on the
               widening fiscal shortfall. Recently, the    problems in Bahrain.
               authorities added $860 million to the       All told, economic costs related to
               2011 budget to help cover a hike in         political unrest stand to rise further,
               salaries and pensions. This will raise      which is not good for Bahrain.
               total spending to a record $9.1 billion
               in 2011.

               Nevertheless, stronger spending
               increases the deficit to $3.1 billion, or
               one third of total spending. This level
               of shortfall contradicts a condition
               of the Gulf Monetary Union project,
               which restricts the deficit to three

          1    per cent of GDP.

     MARKET    Kuwait
INTELLIGENCE   The IMF forecasts that Kuwait's           The outlook for Kuwait's property
               economy will grow steadily                sector remains reasonable, with
               throughout 2011 as a result of the        the strength of the wider economy
               government implementing its               underpinning the sector. The total
               development plan and the global           volume of real estate transactions
               recovery supporting demand for oil,       in the country rose by 5.3% quarter-
               together with the higher oil prices.      on-quarter in Q2. This result follows
               Real GDP of the world's 4th largest       steady growth in the sector since
               oil exporter is projected to grow by      mid-2009, where the greatest growth
               5.2% this year, slightly down on the      has been in residential property, due
               IMF's April projection of 5.3%.           to government housing distribution.
                                                         Overall transaction volume is forecast
               Analysts polled by Reuters earlier this   to continue to rise throughout 2011.
               year expected economic output to
               grow by up to 4% this year in Kuwait,     The government is attempting
               which has seen only limited public        to direct investment in the non-
               protests in the political unrest that     hydrocarbon sector, targeting a host
               has swept other parts of the Middle       of new infrastructure projects, along
               East.                                     with investment in healthcare and
                                                         education. Plans also include the
               Government expenditure, excluding         construction of the business hub,
               energy subsidies and social security      Silk City, at an estimated cost of
               recapitalisation, is estimated to have    US$77bn, as well as a new railway
               increased by 21.5%. Expenditure           and metro system. In addition to
               increased in the second half of the       this, the government has already
               fiscal year 2010/2011, with a cash-       begun the construction of three more
               for-food social grant accounting for      hospitals and 15 new clinics.
               half of the increase. Moderate fiscal
               stimulus is still appropriate at this

               Kuwait’s economic outlook remains
               robust, with a strong energy sector
               combined with a government willing
               to spend massively on infrastructure
               projects, underpinning our positive
               view on growth potential in 2011.
               This research believes that Kuwait's
               economy will be only minimally
               affected by the political tensions
               that erupted in the start of 2011 and
               forecasts growth to remain robust
               at 3.4%, averaging 4.0% through to


     MARKET    Oman
INTELLIGENCE   GDP growth is forecast to slow to           International uncertainty and
               4.6% this year, from an estimated           market volatility are still affecting
               5.5% in 2010, with a further slowdown       the property market in Oman but
               to 4.2% in 2012. Strong growth in           growth prospects are improving for
               oil and gas production will lift oil        the longer term and the sector is
               GDP by 4.8% this year, while non-           expected to rebound slowly over the
               oil GDP is forecast to increase by a        coming years. Integrated Tourism
               respectable 4.5%. Despite the impact        Complex projects such as The Wave
               of continued protests on business           and Muscat Hills remain in demand
               confidence and tourism, non-oil GDP         due to the quality of housing and
               will benefit from surging oil prices        modern design.
               (up 42%) and a boost from public
               spending, including GCC aid. Despite        Analysts report that there are some
               an additional spending package of           signs of increasing stability in the
               US$2.6bn, the budget is forecast            residential leasing market, but further
               to move into a surplus of some              softening of rental values can be
               6.7% of GDP in 2011 from a deficit          expected in the short to medium
               of 2% of GDP last year. This reflects       term, particularly as the supply of
               an oil price forecast of US$113 per         new apartments comes into the
               barrel compared with the oil price          market. The long term outlook is
               assumption in the budget of US$58           that the market should start to show
               per barrel. Inflation is forecast at just   signs of recovery as the economy
               below 4% both this year and next.           continues to expand.

               With Brent crude prices having              The population of Oman has grown,
               hovered between $92 and $127 per            with approximately 73 per cent of the
               barrel since the beginning of the           population now living in urban areas.
               year, Oman’s government spending            The result has been an increasing
               should rise to 9.2 billion rials ($23.9     need for housing designed for, and
               billion) this year, slightly higher         affordable to, the local population in
               than the expected 8.1 billion rials.        western areas of the city, such as Al
               The Sultanate plans to increase             Khoud and Seeb.
               government spending by a further
                                                           Several developers have picked up on
               9 percent in 2012 to finance
                                                           these trends and there is increasing
               construction projects and create
                                                           development of affordable housing in
               more jobs for nationals.
                                                           these areas.
               The government’s plan to spend
                                                           The pace of development in the
               a massive RO 42.71bn during the
                                                           retail sector had slowed significantly,
               Eighth Five-Year Plan period (2011-
                                                           and according to reports, it would
               2015) will see 37.7 percent of the total
                                                           appear that the appetite for further
               budget funnelled into infrastructure
                                                           large-scale retail space has been
                                                           satiated to a large degree in the
               The continued weakness of the US            short to medium term. Reasons for
               dollar, to which the Omani Rial is          this include the fact that levels of
               pegged, has had an inflationary             per capita disposable income are
               effect on materials, which are mostly       relatively low in comparison to other
               imported. This has further reduced          GCC countries, and that Muscat is
               the margins of developers, who              not seen as a shopping destination,
               continue to absorb the impacts of           unlike Dubai.
               wage increases and transportation


     MARKET    Qatar
INTELLIGENCE   Qatar’s economy is predicted              Qatar’s construction market
               to continue its rapid growth              continues to show favourable signs,
               trend through the rest of 2011,           with clear evidence of new projects
               with increases in GDP per capita          underway in Doha. Below are some
               expected at around 20%. The main          of the major government funded
               drivers for the recent rapid growth       projects currently under design/
               come from the ongoing increase            construction in Qatar:
               in production and exports of LNG,
               oil, petrochemicals and related           • 	 Qatar’s US$14 billion international
               industries. LNG production targets            airport due to open in 2011 with
               are on programme to be met at the             capacity for 24 million passengers.
               end of 2011 and the growth rate is
                                                         • 	 New city areas (Lusail), port and
               then expected to reduce to a more
                                                             road infrastructure with associated
               modest, but steady, increase of 3 to
                                                             utility services.
               4% per annum from 2012 to 2015.
                                                         • 	 Major urban regeneration projects,
               Although Qatar is currently riding on
                                                             such as the Musheireb project.
               a massive hydrocarbons expansion
               boom, which is driving growth             • 	 Rail transport systems, linking
               rates, economic diversity is seen as          Qatar to neighbouring countries.
               fundamental to securing long-term
               stability in the local economy.           • 	 Doha Metro system, a US$ 3
                                                             billion scheme with 85km of track
               General market inflation peaked               connecting Musheireb, West Bay
               in 2008 at 15.5%, subsequently                and Lusail.
               crashing to -5% in 2009 as a
               result of the economic downturn.          • 	 US$ 20 billion on road networks
               Although returning to positive levels         including the new Qatar / Bahrain
               in 2010 the percentage increase               causeway and multi lane road
               remained low at around 1%. Inflation          tunnels linking existing areas of
               is expected to rise and stabilise             Doha.
               between 3 and 4% per annum from
                                                         In addition to the government
               2011 to 2015.
                                                         funded projects, new retail centres,
               Qatar benefited, in the first quarter     healthcare facilities and residential
               of 2011, from higher oil and gas prices   communities have also been released
               adding to the economy growth and          to the market.
               funding the diversification strategy.
                                                         With the announcement of Qatar as
               Qatar allocated QAR 35.5 billion of
                                                         the host nation for the 2022 World
               its 2010/2011 budget to infrastructure
                                                         Cup, it is no surprise that there is a
               projects, which constituted 30% of
                                                         certain optimism being felt within
               the total budget expenditure. Less
                                                         the Qatar construction market. With
               than half way through the 2010/2011
                                                         the associated spend in the sector
               financial year the Qatari budget hit
                                                         expected to be in the region of US$
               a surplus of over 19 billion Riyals,
                                                         50 billion there is a lot to be done in
               predominantly due to increased gas
                                                         a relatively short period of time.
               production and oil prices trading
               significantly above that assumed by       In addition to the 12 stadia,
               the government. First quarter 2011 oil    additional hotels and other World
               prices broke the US$100 per barrel        Cup specific requirements, some
               mark as a result of the widespread        previously planned projects will
               unrest in the Middle East.                be accelerated to be ready for the
                                                         Event, including the new Doha port;
                                                         a US$7 billion project previously due
                                                         for completion in 2023. The new port
                                                         will allow cruise ships to be used to

          5                                              accommodate fans during the games.

     MARKET    UAE
INTELLIGENCE   The UAE's economy, which is the             Tourism, which is one of the UAE's
               second largest in the Middle East,          prime economic sectors, is also
               is in recovery mode, despite the            increasing strongly. The Emirate's
               increasingly uncertain regional             biggest hotel group, Jumeirah, states
               environment. This is primarily due          that occupancy and room rates are
               to the high oil prices and strong           back to 2007 levels as a result of
               demand from traditional trading             a 9% growth in tourist numbers in
               partners, which is boosting growth          2011. This is mainly due to the unrest
               in non-hydrocarbon GDP from 2.1%            in other part of the Middle East and
               in 2010 to 3.3% in 2011. The UAE            Northern Africa where tourists are
               economy is projected to pick up             regarding the UAE as a safe haven,
               sharply by around 5% over the next          free from any uprisings.
               five years, with real GDP rebounding
               to almost 3.6% in 2011, from 2.1% in        The Arab unrest has also boosted
               2010 and 1.6% in 2009.                      the financial services sector, which
                                                           suffered badly in the credit crunch.
               In March 2011, the International            Many banking services have
               Monetary Fund, projected UAE                relocated from Manama in Bahrain to
               growth for 2011 at around 3.3%, but         Dubai. Bahrain was Dubai's closest
               has revised this upwards to to 3.5%         rival in this sector. In addition, new
               citing Dubai's recovery, massive            banks from the BRICSA countries
               spending by Abu Dhabi and high oil          (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South
               prices.                                     Africa) have begun to set up facilities
                                                           in UAE. Bank deposits have climbed
               New figures for the key UAE sectors         to their highest level in more than
               of transport, tourism and trade are         two years.

               In May 2011, Emirates Airline, Dubai's
               best known brand, announced a 52%
               increase in profits to US$1.5 billion for
               the year to 31 March 2011, compared
               to US$964 million in 2010. It also
               recently successfully marketed a
               US$1 billion bond.


INTELLIGENCE   Economic growth has been so strong         Retail malls are still experiencing
               recently that MSCI, the economic           some vacancies, but these are quickly
               index provider, is now examining           snapped up by other retailers.
               whether to re classify the UAE from
               "frontier" to "emerging market" by         Abu Dhabi has been set to
               the end of 2011. An upgrade would          outperform Dubai over the coming
               attract new liquidity to the UAE's         years, given the former's large
               bourses and encourage investment.          scale investment plans targeting
                                                          the infrastructure sector, as well as
               Interestingly, Dubai has been named        the ongoing concerns surrounding
               "Middle East City of the Future            Dubai's lingering debt repayment
               2010-2011" by fD Magazine, based           schedule. However, a number of
               on its popularity as a foreign direct      Dubai's debts are being resolved
               investment destination. This is a          at this time and Abu Dhabi has
               strong testament to its economic           shown signs of slowing down its
               fundamentals and growth potential.         development so that it maintains
               The study looked at 46 cities under        sustainable levels.
               six categories - economic potential,
               human resources, cost effectiveness,
               quality of life, infrastructure and
               business friendliness.

               The property real estate sector
               remains under pressure in Dubai, with
               the over supply situation continuing
               in certain asset classes, especially
               residential apartments and offices.
               The prices have stabilised in certain
               residential sectors and banks are now
               starting to ease lending conditions,
               which is contributing to an increase
               in sales activities. Rentals continue to
               fall in the lower to medium classes. In
               Abu Dhabi, there is still a shortage of
               residential and office space, but there
               is a large amount of supply coming
               onto the market over the next few


     MARKET    Saudi Arabia
INTELLIGENCE   The construction sector in Saudi          Hospitals and healthcare facilities
               Arabia is projected to achieve a 4%       have received SR68.7 billion funding
               growth by the end of the year and         from the Health Ministry to enhance
               the sector’s annual development           medical health facilities throughout
               is expected to be maintained at a         the Kingdom equating to a 12.3 per
               similar rate until 2015. Presently,       cent increase over the previous
               Saudi’s investment in construction        year. Infrastructure pertaining to
               accounts for 31 per cent of the MENA      transportation and municipal services
               region’s total. The top three sectors     for the provision of 23,000 miles
               receiving the most investment are         of additional roads, traffic easing
               construction, infrastructure and          projects and expansion of aviation
               power.                                    networks, have received circa SAR 50
               Saudi Arabia’s construction sector
               recorded a significant leap in            Private sector credit has continued
               the first quarter of 2011, with the       to track higher, albeit gradually, as
               value of contracts awarded by the         the Kingdom’s well-capitalised and
               government increasing by more than        liquid banks respond to increasing
               five times that of the same period of     demand from an expanding private
               last year. In recent years, record high   sector. Official data shows that
               oil prices and large oil revenue have     bank lending to the private sector
               made it possible for the construction     grew by 6.9 per cent in the twelve
               industry to employ extra liquidity for    months to April leading a multitude
               its development.                          of private construction investment
               The impact of the recent Arab
               Spring has been varied throughout         The Construction Contracts Index
               the gulf region. In the Kingdom this      (CCI) reached 225.5 points, an
               has led the government to pledge          increase of 79.02 base points in the
               investment in infrastructure and          first quarter, reflecting the high value
               affordable housing, to which 50           of awarded contracts resulting in a
               per cent of Saudi Arabia’s stimulus       strong start to the year.
               package of SAR 500billion will be
               allocated, providing 500,000 new          Following on from strong
               homes. Saudi Arabia is likely to see      construction growth, consumption
               inflation slow in the medium – to         of iron and steel in the Kingdom
               long term as government spending          reached 16 million tonnes in 2010. The
               provides more homes and increases         Saudi Arabian Steel Industry forecast
               the limit on loans at the Mortgage        that, by 2013, steel consumption
               Development Fund.                         will have significantly increased and
                                                         prices will soar. Presently, the steel
               The country has maintained a strong       industry of Saudi Arabia is highly
               sustainable demand for infrastructure     import-oriented and steel imports
               projects, as a direct result of the       were estimated at 4 million metric
               growing Saudi national population's       tons in 2010. Further, it is anticipated
               demographics, 66 per cent of the          that the share of imported steel
               population being under 25 years old.      will witness an upward trend in the
                                                         coming years.


             CYCLE MODEL

                                              PEAK GROWTH                                                                                    PEAK DECLINE
                                              ZONE                                                          PEAK ZONE                               ZONE

                                              MID GROWTH                                                     MID ZONE                          MID DECLINE
                                              ZONE                                                                                                   ZONE

                                              TROUGH                                                                                      TROUGH DECLINE
                                              GROWTH ZONE                             TROUGH ZONE                                                  ZONE

LOCATION               Houses                 Apartments                Offices    Industrial                       Retail           Hotel              Civil

Abu Dhabi







             Market Sector Movement                                                                                     Number of Instances
                    - GULF Barometer                                                                                            – Gulf Tally
   100%                                                                                                     25


   80%                                                                                                      20

                                                                                      NUMBER OF INSTANCES

   60%                                                                                                      15


   40%                                                                                                      10


   20%                                                                                                       5


    0%                                                                                                      0
                                                                                                                   PEAK ZONE   MID ZONE   TROUGH ZONE
                    PEAK ZONE             MID ZONE        TROUGH ZONE


          MARKET DATA

CONSTRUCTION RATES                              The following data represents estimates of current building costs in the
                                                respective market. Costs may vary as a consequence of factors such as site
                                                conditions, climatic conditions, standards of specification, market conditions
                                                etc. Costs are per square metre of gross floor area.

                      Offices Buildings (incl Fitout)                                              Retail                                   Industrial

 LOCATION                 Premium                 A Grade                            Mall                    Strip Shops                   Warehouse

                   Low          High            Low           High         Low              High            Low          High             Low          High

ABU DHABI   AED   6,700         8,000         5,700           6,900       4,800             6,500       3,500         4,500               1,800        2,700

BAHRAIN     BHD    525           650            425           550          375              475             225          300               125         200

DOHA        QAR   7,000         8,500         6,000           7,200       5,000             6,000       3,500         4,500               2,000        3,200

DUBAI       AED   6,500         7,800         5,500           6,700       4,600             6,300       3,500         4,500               1,800        2,600

Jeddah      SAR   4,650         6,550         3,550           5,375       2,800             4,650       2,650            4,850            1,750        2,400

KUWAIT      KWD    375           475            325           425          275               375            175           225             100           150

OMAN        OMR    605           725            510           625          430              585             325          420               165         240

RIYADH      SAR   4,500         6,400         3,450           5,200        2,670            4,500       2,500            3,750            1,650        2,300

                              Car Parking                                Hotels (incl Fitout)                       Hospital                     Residential

 LOCATION         Multi-Storey            Basement                    5 Star                   3 Star               General                  Multi-Storey

                  Low        High       Low           High       Low        High            Low       High        Low            High        Low        High

ABU DHABI   AED   1,500      3,500      2,750         4,500     9,000      12,000       7,500         9,000       7,500          10,100      4,700      6,500

BAHRAIN     BHD    125        300       250           450         675        850            775        925         775           1,050           350     450

DOHA        QAR   2,000      4,000      3,000         5,000     9,500      11,000       7,500         9,000       8,000         10,500       5,500      7,000

DUBAI       AED   1,500      3,500      2,750         4,500     9,000      12,000       7,300         8,900       7,400          9,800       4,500      6,300

Jeddah      SAR   1,475      1,900      1,950         2,900     5,800       6,800       3,950         4,900       5,800          6,800       3,400      4,700

KUWAIT      KWD   100         250       200           350        500        700             550        675        550             750            300     400

OMAN        OMR    140        325       255           420        835         1,115          680        830        690             910            420     585

RIYADH      SAR   1,350       1,750     1,875         2,800      5,625      6,750       3,950         4,800       5,625          6,750       3,200      4,500


   MARKET DATA      Construction Cost Relativities

                    ABU DHABI                 110

                    DOHA                      110

                    DUBAI                     107

                    JEDDAH                    106

                    RIYADH                    100

                    BAHRAIN                   97

                    OMAN                      93

                    KUWAIT                    82

Construction Cost   Indices           2006          2007    2008     2009    2010    2011 (F)   2012 (F)   2013 (F)

       Movements    Bahrain            86.7         97.9    104.8    106.9   109.0    113.8      119.4      125.2

                    Kuwait             75.0         81.9    88.0     90.2    92.0      96.1      101.4      106.3

                    Oman               77.0         87.9    97.6     101.0   105.0    108.2       111.4     117.0

                    Doha               73.2         96.6    115.9    121.1   122.4    128.9      138.8      147.3

                    Riyadh             93.0         101.1   108.6    111.3   113.6    116.4      119.9      125.9

                    UAE                84.9         101.8    117.1   119.5   120.6    126.1      132.8      139.7

                    % Movement        2006          2007    2008     2009    2010    2011 (F)   2012 (F)   2013 (F)

                    Bahrain            7.0%         13.0%   7.0%     2.0%    2.0%     4.4%       4.9%       4.9%

                    Kuwait             6.5%         9.2%    7.5%     2.5%    2.0%     4.4%       5.5%       4.9%

                    Oman               8.2%         14.1%   11.0%    3.5%    4.0%     3.0%       3.0%       5.0%

                    Doha              21.4%         32.0%   20.0%    4.5%    1.0%     5.3%       7.7%        6.1%

                    Riyadh             4.2%         8.7%    7.5%     2.5%    2.0%     2.5%       3.0%       5.0%

                    UAE               15.0%        20.0%    15.0%    2.0%    1.0%     4.5%       5.3%       5.2%

                    (F) FORECAST

                    1. 	Indexation in this edition of the Gulf Report provides a direct relativity
                        comparison between Locations.

                    2.	 Index numbers have been re-based to align the Gulf Report with the index
                        base of the suite of Rider Levett Bucknall Reports. This process of re-basing
                        has not altered or affected the relativities shown in the current Report.




                         QATAR                        GULF OF OMAN

                                UNITED ARAB
                                   EMIRATES          OMAN
          SAUDI ARABIA


                                                        ARABIAN SEA


                     GULF OF ADEN


BAHRAIN                                                        QATAR
GDP (2010)                               : US$ 22.7 billion    GDP (2010)                               : US$ 129.5 billion
GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +4.1%               GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +16.3%
Inflation (2010)                         : +2.0%               Inflation (2010)                         : -2.4%
Oil Production (2011 Feb, NOGA)          : 40,000 bpd          Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 0.8 million bpd
Population (2010)                        : 1.1 million         Population (2010)                        : 1.7 million
Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +6.5%               Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +3.7%

IRAN                                                           saudi arabia
GDP (2010)                               : US$ 357.2 billion   GDP (2010)                               : US$ 443.7 billion
GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +1.0%               GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +3.7%
Inflation (2010)                         : +12.5%              Inflation (2010)                         : +5.4%
Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 3.7 million bpd     Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 8.9 million bpd
Population (2010)                        : 75.4 million        Population (2010)                        : 26.1 million
Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +1.7%               Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +2.3%

IRAQ                                                           UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
GDP (2010)                               : US$ 82.2 billion    GDP (2010)                               : US$ 301.9 billion
GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +0.8%               GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +3.2%
Inflation (2010)                         : +5.1%               Inflation (2010)                         : +0.9%
Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 2.7 million bpd     Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 2.5 million bpd
Population (2010)                        : 32.0 million        Population (2010)                        : 5.1 million
Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +2.6%               Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +3.0%

KUWAIT                                                         YEMEN
GDP (2010)                               : US$ 131.3 billion   GDP (2010)                               : US$ 31.3 billion
GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +2.0%               GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +8.0%
Inflation (2010)                         : +4.1%               Inflation (2010)                         : +12.1%
Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 2.2 million bpd     Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 0.1 million bpd
Population (2010)                        : 3.6 million         Population (2010)                        : 24.4 million
Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +2.0%               Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +3.0%

                                                               Sources:   	International Monetary Fund (IMF)
OMAN                                                           	           National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA)
GDP (2010)                               : US$ 55.6 billion    	           International Energy Agency (IEA)
                                                               	           - Oil Market Report		
GDP Growth (Year on Year)                : +4.2%
Inflation (2010)                         : +3.3%
Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 0.9 million bpd
Population (2010)                        : 3.0 million
Population Growth (Year on Year)         : +3.4%


       Caution    The political turmoil across the Middle East has had a limited direct impact
                  on the Gulf Arab states, with the important exception of Bahrain. Overall,
  reigns in the   the combination of a continuous political premium on crude oil prices and
 Gulf's former    business perceptions of the Gulf as a relatively safe haven has been beneficial
                  for the region's economic prospects. However, there has been no return to
     hotspots     the boom times of the 2005-08 period, as both business and government are
                  exercising a degree of caution.

                  Abu Dhabi's "hibernation"
                  In the wake of the Dubai debt crisis      Such is the opacity of government
                  at the end of 2009 it was commonly        operations in Abu Dhabi (as in most
                  assumed that Abu Dhabi would take         countries in the Gulf) that it has been
                  advantage of the situation to press       hard to detect any explicit change in
                  ahead with its own development            policy in response to these pressures.
                  plans, which had hitherto been            However, there have been several
                  overshadowed by the headline-             signs pointing to a shift to a more
                  grabbing exploits of its neighbouring     conservative approach.
                  emirate. In 2007 Abu Dhabi released
                                                            One of the more striking was a
                  its “Vision 2030” document, which
                                                            comment in the prospectus issued
                  envisaged rapid growth of the non-oil
                                                            by the Tourism Development &
                  economy based on the promotion of
                                                            Investment Company (TDIC), a 100%
                  manufacturing alongside high-end
                                                            government-owned venture whose
                  tourism and real estate and initiatives
                                                            projects include the Louvre and
                  such as the carbon-free Masdar City.
                                                            Guggenheim museums on Saadiyat
                  Unlike Dubai, Abu Dhabi apparently        Island. The prospectus was part of its
                  faced no financial constraints in         initial approach to the market in June
                  pursuing this vision, based on its        for a US$3bn medium-term note
                  abundant oil export revenue and           borrowing.
                  hundreds of billions of dollars of
                                                            In an apparent effort to reassure
                  external assets. However, over the
                                                            prospective investors in these notes,
                  past 18 months it has become clear
                                                            TDIC said that it had decided to rein
                  that Abu Dhabi has been affected by
                                                            in its capital spending plans through
                  several of the symptoms that caused
                                                            "selectively hibernating, delaying or
                  the Dubai crisis, in particular the
                                                            scaling-back certain projects". This
                  collapse in property prices and the
                                                            would have the effect of reducing its
                  excessive borrowing of government-
                                                            capital expenditure in 2011 by almost
                  related entities (GREs). Having bailed
                                                            one-third to Dh13.4bn (US$3.65bn)
                  out Dubai to the tune of US$20bn,
                                                            from Dh18.6bn. TDIC emphasised that
                  the Abu Dhabi government faced
                                                            this "hibernation" would not affect
                  the prospect of having to perform
                                                            projects that had already started.
                  a similar rescue mission for its own
                  corporations.                             TDIC's debt stood at just below
                                                            US$3bn at end-2010, and the
                  Other worries for the Abu Dhabi
                                                            company has run up increasing
                  government include the stalling
                                                            net losses in the past three years,
                  of the recovery of the global
                                                            with the shortfall in 2010 doubling
                  economy, which will hit its worldwide
                                                            year on year to Dh1.15bn. The
                  investments, and the burden of
                                                            prospectus stated clearly that the
                  supporting the UAE's poorer
                                                            new notes would not be guaranteed
                  northern emirates, which have a
                                                            by the Abu Dhabi government,
                  relatively high proportion of nationals
                                                            but at the same time it made clear
                  among their population.
                                                            that it would continue to receive
                                                            substantial financial support from the
                                                            government. As of September 1st,
                                                            TDIC had not yet issued any of the
                                                            new debt instruments.


                The travails of TDIC pale into          Among the new appointments to
                insignificance compared with those      Mubadala's top table was Abdul-
                of Abu Dhabi's highest-profile real     Hamid Mohammed Saeed, the chief
                estate developer, Aldar Properties,     executive of First Gulf Bank. Some
                which racked up losses of Dh12.5bn      commentators have noted that the
                in 2010, and has been kept afloat       bank is chaired by Sheikh Hazza
                thanks to a massive bailout package     bin Zayed al-Nahyan, a member of
                from the Abu Dhabi government.          the ruling family whose influence
                This included Dh19.4bn in cash          appears to be in the ascendant. It is
                inflows through asset sales to          not clear whether this is in any way
                and reimbursements from the             to the detriment of the Crown Prince,
                government for infrastructure           Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan,
                spending on Yas Island (site of the     who has been the main driver of Abu
                recently opened Ferrari World theme     Dhabi's ambitious development plans
                park). The government has also          over the past few years, or whether
                bought Dh5.5bn worth of houses and      it is a matter of the ruling family
                land from Aldar, and put in a further   deciding collectively on a more
                Dh2.8bn through a bond placement        prudent approach.
                with the 100% government-
                owned Mubadala Development              At the other end of the food chain,
                Company, which is the largest single    the tighter management of Abu
                shareholder in Aldar.                   Dhabi's finances has been felt by
                                                        suppliers and contractors, who
                An IMF study found that Aldar's         have seen a marked slowdown in
                financial performance in terms of       new orders and a deterioration in
                return on equity in 2010 was the        payment conditions. Abu Dhabi
                second-worst among regional real        clients—both governmental and
                estates companies (bottom of the        quasi-governmental—have a
                pile was another UAE developer,         reputation for being slow to honour
                Union Properties), and that the         payments, but the situation is
                aggregate performance of UAE real       said to have got worse in recent
                estate GREs, excluding Dubai-based      months. The most common form
                Emaar Properties, showed a return       of payment guarantee in UAE
                on equity of -5.9% compared with a      business is a post-dated cheque.
                positive return of 3.3% on average      This is regarded as more secure
                for regional peers from Saudi Arabia,   than a letter of guarantee because
                Qatar and Egypt.                        of the stiff legal penalties imposed
                                                        for failing to honour a cheque.
                Other straws in the wind suggesting     However, contractors are becoming
                a more restrained approach to           increasingly reluctant to issue post-
                development projects include            dated cheques to their own sub-
                changes in the boards of these GREs.    contractors and suppliers because
                Ahmed Ali al-Sayegh was replaced in     of their concerns about the risk of
                April as chairman of Aldar by Ali Eid   prolonged delays in getting paid by
                al-Muhairi; Sayegh also subsequently    their own clients.
                lost his place on the Mubadala board.


                Debts in perspective
                The scale of Abu Dhabi's debt              The change of pace in Abu Dhabi
                problems—and indeed of                     does not mean that development
                the slowdown in project and                has ground to a halt. In a sign of the
                development work—should not be             enduring commitment to the broad
                overstated. The nominal value of           goals of "Vision 2030", the Abu
                the debt of Abu Dhabi's GREs is            Dhabi government is preparing for
                US$92.4bn, according to the tally          the official opening of the Sowwah
                included by the IMF in its Article         Island scheme. Sowwah Island had
                IV consultation report issued in           been designed to provide a hub for
                May this year. This is bigger than         financial-sector companies and other
                the US$76.9bn owed by Dubai's              big businesses servicing them on a
                GREs. However, Dubai's total debt          scale to match some of the world’s
                of US$113bn is higher than the             top financial centres.
                US$104bn owed by Abu Dhabi (and
                includes more than US$20bn owed            The migration of companies to
                by the government of Dubai to Abu          Sowwah from other premises started
                Dhabi), and Abu Dhabi's debt as            as soon as the first two buildings in
                a proportion of 2010 GDP is 55%,           Sowwah Square opened earlier this
                compared with 103% for Dubai.              year. One of the downsides of the
                                                           scheme is that the migration to the
                Abu Dhabi's fiscal position is also        new office space on Sowwah will put
                much more secure than that of its          more pressure on already subdued
                neighbour. Its total government            commercial rents in central Abu
                revenue is expected to be about            Dhabi City as well as on rival new
                US$77bn in 2011, thanks to an oil          locations such as Reem Island and
                price likely to average about US$110       Saadiyat Island.
                per barrel of Brent, and the budget
                will be more or less balanced. The
                Dubai government, by contrast, is
                expected to get revenue of only
                US$12.3bn in 2011 and will run a
                deficit of 1.4% of GDP (effectively
                subsidised by Abu Dhabi's
                refinancing of a significant portion of
                its debt).

                UAE: gross public and publicly held debt (US$bn)
                                                                      Maturing in
                                                          2011      2012     Beyond      Total
                 Abu Dhabi government                     0.4        1.3        9.9       11.6
                 Abu Dhabi GREs                           16.6       9.3       66.4       92.4
                 Total Abu Dhabi                          17.1      10.6       76.4       104.0
                 % of Abu Dhabi 2010 GDP                  8.9        5.5                  54.8

                 Dubai government (a)                     5.6        1.6       28.9       36.0
                 Dubai GREs                               10.4      13.6       52.9       76.9
                 Total Dubai                              16.0      15.2       81.7       113.0
                 % of Dubai and N. Emirates 2010 GDP      14.5      13.8                  102.6

                 Other emirates                           0.9        0.3        4.0        5.2
                 Federal government                                                        19.1

                 Total UAE                                33.1      25.8       158.1      236.0
                 % of UAE 2010 GDP                        11.0       8.5                  78.2
                 (a) Including GRE debt guaranteed by Dubai government.
                Source: IMF Article IV report, May 2011


                Whether Sowwah Island can                The chief shortcoming of the new
                realise its ambition to become           business and financial district is
                a new financial centre servicing         the lack of transparent rules on
                the region is also in question. The      jurisdiction and its own courts. It
                Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange            is often pointed out that Sowwah
                (ADX) is the anchor tenant for the       Island should model its legal set up
                development and will be housed           on imperfect, but working solutions
                in a landmark building in Sowwah         adopted by the Dubai International
                Square. The construction of the          Financial Centre (DIFC). While
                new ADX building has already             the DIFC’s legal system had to be
                enticed several banks, including the     adjusted since the centre opened in
                National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Al        2005, especially as the system came
                Hilal Bank, into buying land on the      under stress with debt-restructuring
                island and building offices there.       procedures and the property crash, it
                Several other investment banks, law      has provided an effective framework
                firms, private equity groups and         within which to handle complex
                brokerage companies are also said        issues.
                to be considering setting up their
                headquarters on the island.

                Apart from the new impressive
                headquarters, ADX will also have
                advanced information-transfer
                technology in the new location,
                offering greater speed and security
                for investors. Servers transferring
                data will be placed as close as
                possible to the exchange to minimize
                the time lag and allow almost
                instantaneous trades. The new data
                protection and transfer systems are
                believed to provide an additional pull
                for trading companies choosing to
                settle on Sowwah.


                No clear winners from the Arab Spring
                The plans drawn up by Abu Dhabi          In this respect, Qatar can be seen as
                and Dubai prior to the global            a net gainer from the Arab Spring.
                financial crisis were based on           However, with a national population
                optimistic assumptions for the           of only 240,000 and the highest
                growth in trade and investment flows     per-capita income in the world,
                in the Middle East and in the wider      Qatar has the least cause among
                world economy. The trimming of           its Gulf peers to worry about the
                the two emirates' plans since then       risk of revolutionary contagion.
                has been an inevitable consequence       The UAE has a more complicated
                of the sharp change in sentiment         domestic political scene, with family
                and the growing realisation that the     and tribal rivalries needing to be
                effects of the credit crunch and the     kept under control in seven emirates
                subsequent recession will be long-       and solidarity between the emirates
                lasting. The upheavals around the        having to be preserved.
                Arab world have added a further
                cause for concern.                       The UAE’s rulers also have to take
                                                         into account the grievances of less
                The popular movements against Arab       privileged Emiratis and resentment
                dictators have struck a chord with       among sections of the population at
                the younger generation in the Gulf,      the predominance of expatriates in
                although only in Bahrain and, to a       the population mix (only about one
                much lesser extent, Oman, have there     in seven residents is a national). In
                been any real efforts to emulate the     addition, there is a risk that searching
                Tahrir Square protesters. Political      questions might be put by young
                leaders in the Gulf have shown           radicals about the management
                ambivalence in their responses,          of the UAE's resources and the
                seemingly unsure whether to              reasons for its accumulation of such
                welcome change and line up with          high amounts of debt. This array
                the winning side, or whether to try      of concerns provides part of the
                to turn back a destructive tide that     explanation for Abu Dhabi's decision
                could overwhelm the entire political     to take the pedal off its development
                establishment across the Arab world.     accelerator, and for the efforts being
                                                         made to widen political debate
                The Qatari royal family has adapted      through expanding the electoral
                better than most to the new realities,   college for the Federal National
                in particular through its decision to    Council.
                become heavily involved in the NATO
                operation against the Qadhafi regime     Saudi Arabia's response to the
                in Libya. The UAE also committed         Arab revolutionary movements has
                forces to the Libya operation, but,      been primarily economic, with the
                diplomatically, it was overshadowed      king approving two development
                by its Gulf neighbour. This partly       spending packages worth US$130bn
                reflects the strong emphasis that        in total. A significant portion of this
                Qatar had placed on being heavily        has been allocated to beefing up
                engaged in regional political issues     the internal security forces; much
                as part of its drive to outdo Dubai in   of the remainder has been directed
                projecting its influence and turning     towards addressing socio-economic
                the name of the state into a global      problems, in particular youth
                brand.                                   unemployment among Saudis and
                                                         the chronic shortage of affordable


                                         Nationals-vs-expats in Gulf demographics 2010
                                                                         Saudi Arabia            UAE                Qatar
                                                                          m        %        m           %      m            %
                                         Total population                 27.1   100%      6.7         100%   1.7       100%
                                         Nationals                       18.7     69%      1.0         15%    0.24      14%
                                         Expatriates                      8.4     31%      5.7         85%    1.46      86%
                                         Note: The UAE's National Bureau of Statistics has estimated the total
                                         population to have been 8.26m in mid-2010, of which 11.4% were nationals;
                                         the EIU has a lower total, reflecting doubts about the assumptions
                                         underlying the official estimates.

                                        Source: Economist Intelligence Unit estimates derived from national census data.

                                        The reaction of the Saudi royal family     One of these will be the chemicals
                                        clearly betrays their recognition          and plastics industry. This will be built
                                        of the potential for popular unrest        on the platform of petrochemicals,
                                        in the kingdom. However, at the            a sector in which Saudi Arabia
                                        same time, Saudi Arabia's relatively       already has a commanding global
                                        large national population by Gulf          presence through Saudi Basic
                                        standards—about 19m out of a               Industries Corporation (Sabic),
                                        total regional population of 27m in        newly established affiliates of Saudi
                                        2010—offers it a better opportunity        Aramco, the national oil company,
                                        for nationally focused economic            and a number of smaller, private,
                                        diversification than in the other          ventures.
                                        Gulf Arab states. The ambitious
                                        development plans of Qatar and             In July the industry took a major step
                                        Abu Dhabi, for example, are aimed          forward with the announcement by
                                        ultimately at creating high-value          Dow Chemical and Saudi Aramco
                                        jobs for locals, but would inevitably      that they had taken their final
                                        suck in more expatriate labour and         investment decision for a US$20bn
                                        further distort the demographic            venture to produce petrochemicals
                                        balance towards expatriates.               and a large range of chemicals and
                                        Similar considerations are bound           plastics at a new plant in Jubail.
                                        to apply in Saudi Arabia, but to           This venture, named Sadara, has
                                        a less pronounced extent as the            been under discussion for four years
                                        kinds of jobs that Saudis are already      and has gone through a number of
                                        prepared to accept are much more           permutations. Its launch means that
                                        diversified—even menial—than is the        Saudi Arabia now has the chance to
                                        case for Qataris and Emiratis.             make a major shift to higher value-
                                                                                   added products and more labour-
                                        The Saudi government faces long-           intensive activities fed ultimately by
                                        term issues of fiscal sustainability,      its huge resources of oil and gas.
                                        with one recent projection by a Saudi
                                        bank's research team showing that          Saudi Arabia is vulnerable to similar
                                        on current trends Saudi Arabia would       political upheavals as those that
                                        need an oil price of over US$300/          have occurred elsewhere in the
                                        barrel (in today's dollars) in 2030 to     Arab world. However, its economic
                                        balance its budget. In reality, Saudi      position, bolstered by a large
                                        Arabia is likely to have developed         windfall from higher oil prices and
                                        sufficient alternative revenue             production (as it has boosted output
      This article was contributed by   streams by that time to make such          to compensate for the loss of Libyan
     David Butter, Regional Director,   projections meaningless.                   crude) provides it with a solid buffer
          Middle East & North Africa                                               to protect it from these political risks.
 and ViewsWire Editor, Middle East,
with the Economist Intelligence Unit

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Rlb gulf states_report_october_2011

  • 2. OFFICES AROUND THE WORLD OCEANIA EMEA ASIA AMERICAS AUSTRALIA MIDDLE EAST CHINA CANADA Adelaide Abu Dhabi Beijing Calgary Brisbane Doha Chengdu Cairns Dubai CARIBBEAN Chongqing Canberra Muscat Barbados Dalian Darwin Riyadh Grand Cayman Guangzhou Gold Coast Guiyang UK USA Melbourne Haikou Birchwood/Warrington Boise, ID Newcastle Hangzhou Birmingham Boston, MA Northern NSW Hong Kong Bristol Denver, CO Perth Macau London Hagåtña, GU Sunshine Coast Nanjing Manchester Hilo, HI Sydney Shanghai Newcastle Honolulu, HI Townsville Shenyang Sheffield Kennewick, WA Western Sydney Shenzhen Welwyn Garden City Las Vegas, NV Tianjin Los Angeles, CA NEW ZEALAND Wokingham Wuhan Monroe, WA Auckland EUROPE Wuxi New York, NY Christchurch RLB|EuroAlliance Xian Orlando, FL Otago Austria Zhuhai Phoenix, AZ Palmerston North Tauranga Belgium Portland, OR India Wellington Bulgaria San Francisco, CA Mumbai Czech Republic Seattle, WA Estonia INDONESIA Tucson, AZ France Jakarta Waikoloa, HI Germany Washington, DC Greece MALAYSIA Hungary Kota Kinabalu Ireland Kuala Lumpur Italy PHILIPPINES Kazakhstan Cebu Latvia Davao Luxembourg Manila Malta Netherlands SINGAPORE Norway Singapore Poland Portugal SOUTH KOREA Romania Seoul Russia Spain THAILAND Sweden Bangkok Slovakia VIETNAM Slovenia Switzerland Turkey Ukraine Cover: City skyline, Dubai Disclaimer: While the information in this publication is believed to be correct at the time of publishing, no responsibility is accepted for its accuracy. Persons desiring to utilise any information appearing in the publication should verify its applicability to their specific circumstances. Cost information in this publication is indicative and for general guidance only and is based on rates as at Fourth Quarter 2011.
  • 3. INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS LOCAL KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE GLOBAL NETWORK RIDER LEVETT THE GULF THE ECONOMIST BUCKNALL STATES REPORT INTELLIGENCE UNIT Rider Levett Bucknall are The Rider Levett Bucknall Gulf The Gulf States Report exclusively global property market and States Report is published twice- includes “Where to Now for the construction cost consultants yearly and provides detailed local Gulf?” authored by the Economist with offices located throughout property and construction market Intelligence Unit from the the Gulf Region. intelligence and data. renowned The Economist Group. Rider Levett Bucknall, through professional excellence, proven performance and innovation, continues to grow as one of the world’s most active and advanced construction and property advisors. Major clients rely upon Rider Levett Bucknall for advice and direction on controlling, monitoring and reducing cost and construction time – the elements so crucial to successful project completion. Our strength lies in proven ability to combine local knowledge and expertise with access to the information, technology and human resources of our global network. At all times we can provide the personnel to handle peak workloads, and the specialist skills to meet diverse requirements. Rider Levett Bucknall is the vital link between the building owner, investor, financier, design team and construction company, providing independent and unbiased advice on all matters of cost significance throughout the life cycle of a wide variety of projects. We act for the client throughout a project to ensure maximum value for investment. Rider Levett Bucknall places enormous importance on research and development, and a substantial proportion of our revenue is devoted to this end. Our clients are guaranteed the benefits of the most advanced and effective technical methods and procedures. We remain at the forefront of our profession by taking the initiative to introduce new and improved methods to achieve results. Our projects in the Gulf States and abroad continue to signify the dramatic pace of technological advancement. They require the highest level of skill, experience and planning. They contribute to our growth in innovation and research, new services and techniques, and to our global knowledge bank of experience. A recent example is the Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) Arena. This joint operation between our UK office (pre-contract services) and Gulf States office (post-contract services) is destined to host spectacular events on the world stage. We look forward to working with you to respond to new changes in the construction industry with the same uninterrupted, positive and progressive approach we’ve delivered to our clients for more than 225 years. Visit
  • 4. Instant cost data on the go Rider Levett Bucknall smartphone app The fastest way to get the latest construction cost information right at your fingertips Global cost data is just the beginning… On-the-spot access to construction cost indicator, tender price index analyser, developer guide and construction market commentaries. Download free of charge at your app store by typing RLB or Rider Levett Bucknall. Available on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone 7 and Blackberry Operating Systems. 1300 ASK RLB Global Construction and Property Advisors
  • 5. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET Bahrain INTELLIGENCE Bahrain's economy continues to reel under socio-political unrest dating However, the actual deficit will most likely end up being less, as authorities back to mid-February. Effects include have prepared the budget using $80 a drop in economic activity, apart per barrel of oil. It is widely expected from a higher budget deficit. that oil prices will average just above $100 per barrel this year. Bahrain’s Chamber of Commerce and Industry estimates that the unrest One additional source of income is caused economic damage of up to the promised economic assistance of $2 billion (approximately 750m BHD). $10 billion by the Gulf Cooperation This is a sizable amount, by virtue Council (GCC) countries. They have of equalling 9.5 per cent of gross promised $10 billion to Bahrain and domestic product (GDP). Bahrain has Oman over ten years to help the a nominal GDP of $21 billion. countries cope with the unrest. On a positive note, stronger spending Ostensibly, the economic costs relate should help Bahrain maintain an to damage occurring to several economic growth rate of around four economic sectors, notably retail, per cent. Stronger spending and hospitality and events. Reflecting the hence GDP growth helped convince uncertainty, some locals have chosen Standard & Poor to remove the to limit their spending to essentials, negative outlook from Bahrain's long- and where possible delay purchases and short-term sovereign ratings of durable goods. one notch to A-/A-2 with a negative Also, the hospitality sector is outlook. suffering from an overall drop in Another victim of the socio-political the number of visitors, in particular unrest relates to raising fresh from neighbouring Saudi Arabia, doubts on the planned causeway simply to avoid being caught up in link with Qatar. This issue came to street violence. Thousands of Saudi light recently following the virtual nationals tend to cross the causeway cancellation of a joint Qatar/Bahrain during the weekend, partly to enjoy insurance firm. Key investors in the the liberal lifestyle in Bahrain. firm attributed the decision to a lack Additional losses concern the of progress on the planned causeway cancellation of events, such as the linking Qatar and Bahrain. hosting of Formula One. The ruling The 40km causeway is to cost body of F1 has dropped Bahrain from more than $3 billion. Yet political the 2011 calendar due to the political differences rather than funding seem unrest. The next time Bahrain hosts to be the primary cause for the lack F1 is in a distant November 2012. F1 is of real progress. Looking back, the a contributor to Bahrain's economy two countries settled a decade-long through spending on ticket sales, TV oil border dispute in 2001 thanks coverage, transport, accommodation, only to a ruling by the International food and beverage, merchandise and Court of Justice. And only recently, souvenirs and other leisure activities. Qatar-based Al Jazeera added to the Another casualty relates to the unease by airing a programme on the widening fiscal shortfall. Recently, the problems in Bahrain. authorities added $860 million to the All told, economic costs related to 2011 budget to help cover a hike in political unrest stand to rise further, salaries and pensions. This will raise which is not good for Bahrain. total spending to a record $9.1 billion in 2011. Nevertheless, stronger spending increases the deficit to $3.1 billion, or one third of total spending. This level of shortfall contradicts a condition of the Gulf Monetary Union project, which restricts the deficit to three 1 per cent of GDP.
  • 6. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET Kuwait INTELLIGENCE The IMF forecasts that Kuwait's The outlook for Kuwait's property economy will grow steadily sector remains reasonable, with throughout 2011 as a result of the the strength of the wider economy government implementing its underpinning the sector. The total development plan and the global volume of real estate transactions recovery supporting demand for oil, in the country rose by 5.3% quarter- together with the higher oil prices. on-quarter in Q2. This result follows Real GDP of the world's 4th largest steady growth in the sector since oil exporter is projected to grow by mid-2009, where the greatest growth 5.2% this year, slightly down on the has been in residential property, due IMF's April projection of 5.3%. to government housing distribution. Overall transaction volume is forecast Analysts polled by Reuters earlier this to continue to rise throughout 2011. year expected economic output to grow by up to 4% this year in Kuwait, The government is attempting which has seen only limited public to direct investment in the non- protests in the political unrest that hydrocarbon sector, targeting a host has swept other parts of the Middle of new infrastructure projects, along East. with investment in healthcare and education. Plans also include the Government expenditure, excluding construction of the business hub, energy subsidies and social security Silk City, at an estimated cost of recapitalisation, is estimated to have US$77bn, as well as a new railway increased by 21.5%. Expenditure and metro system. In addition to increased in the second half of the this, the government has already fiscal year 2010/2011, with a cash- begun the construction of three more for-food social grant accounting for hospitals and 15 new clinics. half of the increase. Moderate fiscal stimulus is still appropriate at this time. Kuwait’s economic outlook remains robust, with a strong energy sector combined with a government willing to spend massively on infrastructure projects, underpinning our positive view on growth potential in 2011. This research believes that Kuwait's economy will be only minimally affected by the political tensions that erupted in the start of 2011 and forecasts growth to remain robust at 3.4%, averaging 4.0% through to 2015. 2
  • 7. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET Oman INTELLIGENCE GDP growth is forecast to slow to International uncertainty and 4.6% this year, from an estimated market volatility are still affecting 5.5% in 2010, with a further slowdown the property market in Oman but to 4.2% in 2012. Strong growth in growth prospects are improving for oil and gas production will lift oil the longer term and the sector is GDP by 4.8% this year, while non- expected to rebound slowly over the oil GDP is forecast to increase by a coming years. Integrated Tourism respectable 4.5%. Despite the impact Complex projects such as The Wave of continued protests on business and Muscat Hills remain in demand confidence and tourism, non-oil GDP due to the quality of housing and will benefit from surging oil prices modern design. (up 42%) and a boost from public spending, including GCC aid. Despite Analysts report that there are some an additional spending package of signs of increasing stability in the US$2.6bn, the budget is forecast residential leasing market, but further to move into a surplus of some softening of rental values can be 6.7% of GDP in 2011 from a deficit expected in the short to medium of 2% of GDP last year. This reflects term, particularly as the supply of an oil price forecast of US$113 per new apartments comes into the barrel compared with the oil price market. The long term outlook is assumption in the budget of US$58 that the market should start to show per barrel. Inflation is forecast at just signs of recovery as the economy below 4% both this year and next. continues to expand. With Brent crude prices having The population of Oman has grown, hovered between $92 and $127 per with approximately 73 per cent of the barrel since the beginning of the population now living in urban areas. year, Oman’s government spending The result has been an increasing should rise to 9.2 billion rials ($23.9 need for housing designed for, and billion) this year, slightly higher affordable to, the local population in than the expected 8.1 billion rials. western areas of the city, such as Al The Sultanate plans to increase Khoud and Seeb. government spending by a further Several developers have picked up on 9 percent in 2012 to finance these trends and there is increasing construction projects and create development of affordable housing in more jobs for nationals. these areas. The government’s plan to spend The pace of development in the a massive RO 42.71bn during the retail sector had slowed significantly, Eighth Five-Year Plan period (2011- and according to reports, it would 2015) will see 37.7 percent of the total appear that the appetite for further budget funnelled into infrastructure large-scale retail space has been development. satiated to a large degree in the The continued weakness of the US short to medium term. Reasons for dollar, to which the Omani Rial is this include the fact that levels of pegged, has had an inflationary per capita disposable income are effect on materials, which are mostly relatively low in comparison to other imported. This has further reduced GCC countries, and that Muscat is the margins of developers, who not seen as a shopping destination, continue to absorb the impacts of unlike Dubai. wage increases and transportation costs. 3
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  • 9. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET Qatar INTELLIGENCE Qatar’s economy is predicted Qatar’s construction market to continue its rapid growth continues to show favourable signs, trend through the rest of 2011, with clear evidence of new projects with increases in GDP per capita underway in Doha. Below are some expected at around 20%. The main of the major government funded drivers for the recent rapid growth projects currently under design/ come from the ongoing increase construction in Qatar: in production and exports of LNG, oil, petrochemicals and related • Qatar’s US$14 billion international industries. LNG production targets airport due to open in 2011 with are on programme to be met at the capacity for 24 million passengers. end of 2011 and the growth rate is • New city areas (Lusail), port and then expected to reduce to a more road infrastructure with associated modest, but steady, increase of 3 to utility services. 4% per annum from 2012 to 2015. • Major urban regeneration projects, Although Qatar is currently riding on such as the Musheireb project. a massive hydrocarbons expansion boom, which is driving growth • Rail transport systems, linking rates, economic diversity is seen as Qatar to neighbouring countries. fundamental to securing long-term stability in the local economy. • Doha Metro system, a US$ 3 billion scheme with 85km of track General market inflation peaked connecting Musheireb, West Bay in 2008 at 15.5%, subsequently and Lusail. crashing to -5% in 2009 as a result of the economic downturn. • US$ 20 billion on road networks Although returning to positive levels including the new Qatar / Bahrain in 2010 the percentage increase causeway and multi lane road remained low at around 1%. Inflation tunnels linking existing areas of is expected to rise and stabilise Doha. between 3 and 4% per annum from In addition to the government 2011 to 2015. funded projects, new retail centres, Qatar benefited, in the first quarter healthcare facilities and residential of 2011, from higher oil and gas prices communities have also been released adding to the economy growth and to the market. funding the diversification strategy. With the announcement of Qatar as Qatar allocated QAR 35.5 billion of the host nation for the 2022 World its 2010/2011 budget to infrastructure Cup, it is no surprise that there is a projects, which constituted 30% of certain optimism being felt within the total budget expenditure. Less the Qatar construction market. With than half way through the 2010/2011 the associated spend in the sector financial year the Qatari budget hit expected to be in the region of US$ a surplus of over 19 billion Riyals, 50 billion there is a lot to be done in predominantly due to increased gas a relatively short period of time. production and oil prices trading significantly above that assumed by In addition to the 12 stadia, the government. First quarter 2011 oil additional hotels and other World prices broke the US$100 per barrel Cup specific requirements, some mark as a result of the widespread previously planned projects will unrest in the Middle East. be accelerated to be ready for the Event, including the new Doha port; a US$7 billion project previously due for completion in 2023. The new port will allow cruise ships to be used to 5 accommodate fans during the games.
  • 10. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET UAE INTELLIGENCE The UAE's economy, which is the Tourism, which is one of the UAE's second largest in the Middle East, prime economic sectors, is also is in recovery mode, despite the increasing strongly. The Emirate's increasingly uncertain regional biggest hotel group, Jumeirah, states environment. This is primarily due that occupancy and room rates are to the high oil prices and strong back to 2007 levels as a result of demand from traditional trading a 9% growth in tourist numbers in partners, which is boosting growth 2011. This is mainly due to the unrest in non-hydrocarbon GDP from 2.1% in other part of the Middle East and in 2010 to 3.3% in 2011. The UAE Northern Africa where tourists are economy is projected to pick up regarding the UAE as a safe haven, sharply by around 5% over the next free from any uprisings. five years, with real GDP rebounding to almost 3.6% in 2011, from 2.1% in The Arab unrest has also boosted 2010 and 1.6% in 2009. the financial services sector, which suffered badly in the credit crunch. In March 2011, the International Many banking services have Monetary Fund, projected UAE relocated from Manama in Bahrain to growth for 2011 at around 3.3%, but Dubai. Bahrain was Dubai's closest has revised this upwards to to 3.5% rival in this sector. In addition, new citing Dubai's recovery, massive banks from the BRICSA countries spending by Abu Dhabi and high oil (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South prices. Africa) have begun to set up facilities in UAE. Bank deposits have climbed New figures for the key UAE sectors to their highest level in more than of transport, tourism and trade are two years. encouraging. In May 2011, Emirates Airline, Dubai's best known brand, announced a 52% increase in profits to US$1.5 billion for the year to 31 March 2011, compared to US$964 million in 2010. It also recently successfully marketed a US$1 billion bond. 6
  • 11. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET INTELLIGENCE Economic growth has been so strong Retail malls are still experiencing recently that MSCI, the economic some vacancies, but these are quickly index provider, is now examining snapped up by other retailers. whether to re classify the UAE from "frontier" to "emerging market" by Abu Dhabi has been set to the end of 2011. An upgrade would outperform Dubai over the coming attract new liquidity to the UAE's years, given the former's large bourses and encourage investment. scale investment plans targeting the infrastructure sector, as well as Interestingly, Dubai has been named the ongoing concerns surrounding "Middle East City of the Future Dubai's lingering debt repayment 2010-2011" by fD Magazine, based schedule. However, a number of on its popularity as a foreign direct Dubai's debts are being resolved investment destination. This is a at this time and Abu Dhabi has strong testament to its economic shown signs of slowing down its fundamentals and growth potential. development so that it maintains The study looked at 46 cities under sustainable levels. six categories - economic potential, human resources, cost effectiveness, quality of life, infrastructure and business friendliness. The property real estate sector remains under pressure in Dubai, with the over supply situation continuing in certain asset classes, especially residential apartments and offices. The prices have stabilised in certain residential sectors and banks are now starting to ease lending conditions, which is contributing to an increase in sales activities. Rentals continue to fall in the lower to medium classes. In Abu Dhabi, there is still a shortage of residential and office space, but there is a large amount of supply coming onto the market over the next few years. 7
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  • 13. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET Saudi Arabia INTELLIGENCE The construction sector in Saudi Hospitals and healthcare facilities Arabia is projected to achieve a 4% have received SR68.7 billion funding growth by the end of the year and from the Health Ministry to enhance the sector’s annual development medical health facilities throughout is expected to be maintained at a the Kingdom equating to a 12.3 per similar rate until 2015. Presently, cent increase over the previous Saudi’s investment in construction year. Infrastructure pertaining to accounts for 31 per cent of the MENA transportation and municipal services region’s total. The top three sectors for the provision of 23,000 miles receiving the most investment are of additional roads, traffic easing construction, infrastructure and projects and expansion of aviation power. networks, have received circa SAR 50 billion. Saudi Arabia’s construction sector recorded a significant leap in Private sector credit has continued the first quarter of 2011, with the to track higher, albeit gradually, as value of contracts awarded by the the Kingdom’s well-capitalised and government increasing by more than liquid banks respond to increasing five times that of the same period of demand from an expanding private last year. In recent years, record high sector. Official data shows that oil prices and large oil revenue have bank lending to the private sector made it possible for the construction grew by 6.9 per cent in the twelve industry to employ extra liquidity for months to April leading a multitude its development. of private construction investment opportunities. The impact of the recent Arab Spring has been varied throughout The Construction Contracts Index the gulf region. In the Kingdom this (CCI) reached 225.5 points, an has led the government to pledge increase of 79.02 base points in the investment in infrastructure and first quarter, reflecting the high value affordable housing, to which 50 of awarded contracts resulting in a per cent of Saudi Arabia’s stimulus strong start to the year. package of SAR 500billion will be allocated, providing 500,000 new Following on from strong homes. Saudi Arabia is likely to see construction growth, consumption inflation slow in the medium – to of iron and steel in the Kingdom long term as government spending reached 16 million tonnes in 2010. The provides more homes and increases Saudi Arabian Steel Industry forecast the limit on loans at the Mortgage that, by 2013, steel consumption Development Fund. will have significantly increased and prices will soar. Presently, the steel The country has maintained a strong industry of Saudi Arabia is highly sustainable demand for infrastructure import-oriented and steel imports projects, as a direct result of the were estimated at 4 million metric growing Saudi national population's tons in 2010. Further, it is anticipated demographics, 66 per cent of the that the share of imported steel population being under 25 years old. will witness an upward trend in the coming years. 9
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  • 16. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET DATA CONSTRUCTION RATES The following data represents estimates of current building costs in the respective market. Costs may vary as a consequence of factors such as site conditions, climatic conditions, standards of specification, market conditions etc. Costs are per square metre of gross floor area. Offices Buildings (incl Fitout) Retail Industrial LOCATION Premium A Grade Mall Strip Shops Warehouse Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High ABU DHABI AED 6,700 8,000 5,700 6,900 4,800 6,500 3,500 4,500 1,800 2,700 BAHRAIN BHD 525 650 425 550 375 475 225 300 125 200 DOHA QAR 7,000 8,500 6,000 7,200 5,000 6,000 3,500 4,500 2,000 3,200 DUBAI AED 6,500 7,800 5,500 6,700 4,600 6,300 3,500 4,500 1,800 2,600 Jeddah SAR 4,650 6,550 3,550 5,375 2,800 4,650 2,650 4,850 1,750 2,400 KUWAIT KWD 375 475 325 425 275 375 175 225 100 150 OMAN OMR 605 725 510 625 430 585 325 420 165 240 RIYADH SAR 4,500 6,400 3,450 5,200 2,670 4,500 2,500 3,750 1,650 2,300 Car Parking Hotels (incl Fitout) Hospital Residential LOCATION Multi-Storey Basement 5 Star 3 Star General Multi-Storey Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High Low High ABU DHABI AED 1,500 3,500 2,750 4,500 9,000 12,000 7,500 9,000 7,500 10,100 4,700 6,500 BAHRAIN BHD 125 300 250 450 675 850 775 925 775 1,050 350 450 DOHA QAR 2,000 4,000 3,000 5,000 9,500 11,000 7,500 9,000 8,000 10,500 5,500 7,000 DUBAI AED 1,500 3,500 2,750 4,500 9,000 12,000 7,300 8,900 7,400 9,800 4,500 6,300 Jeddah SAR 1,475 1,900 1,950 2,900 5,800 6,800 3,950 4,900 5,800 6,800 3,400 4,700 KUWAIT KWD 100 250 200 350 500 700 550 675 550 750 300 400 OMAN OMR 140 325 255 420 835 1,115 680 830 690 910 420 585 RIYADH SAR 1,350 1,750 1,875 2,800 5,625 6,750 3,950 4,800 5,625 6,750 3,200 4,500 12
  • 17. GULF STATES REPORT MARKET DATA Construction Cost Relativities ABU DHABI 110 DOHA 110 DUBAI 107 JEDDAH 106 RIYADH 100 BAHRAIN 97 OMAN 93 KUWAIT 82 Construction Cost Indices 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (F) 2012 (F) 2013 (F) Movements Bahrain 86.7 97.9 104.8 106.9 109.0 113.8 119.4 125.2 Kuwait 75.0 81.9 88.0 90.2 92.0 96.1 101.4 106.3 Oman 77.0 87.9 97.6 101.0 105.0 108.2 111.4 117.0 Doha 73.2 96.6 115.9 121.1 122.4 128.9 138.8 147.3 Riyadh 93.0 101.1 108.6 111.3 113.6 116.4 119.9 125.9 UAE 84.9 101.8 117.1 119.5 120.6 126.1 132.8 139.7 % Movement 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 (F) 2012 (F) 2013 (F) Bahrain 7.0% 13.0% 7.0% 2.0% 2.0% 4.4% 4.9% 4.9% Kuwait 6.5% 9.2% 7.5% 2.5% 2.0% 4.4% 5.5% 4.9% Oman 8.2% 14.1% 11.0% 3.5% 4.0% 3.0% 3.0% 5.0% Doha 21.4% 32.0% 20.0% 4.5% 1.0% 5.3% 7.7% 6.1% Riyadh 4.2% 8.7% 7.5% 2.5% 2.0% 2.5% 3.0% 5.0% UAE 15.0% 20.0% 15.0% 2.0% 1.0% 4.5% 5.3% 5.2% (F) FORECAST Notes 1. Indexation in this edition of the Gulf Report provides a direct relativity comparison between Locations. 2. Index numbers have been re-based to align the Gulf Report with the index base of the suite of Rider Levett Bucknall Reports. This process of re-basing has not altered or affected the relativities shown in the current Report. 13
  • 19. GULF STATES REPORT BAHRAIN QATAR GDP (2010) : US$ 22.7 billion GDP (2010) : US$ 129.5 billion GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +4.1% GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +16.3% Inflation (2010) : +2.0% Inflation (2010) : -2.4% Oil Production (2011 Feb, NOGA) : 40,000 bpd Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 0.8 million bpd Population (2010) : 1.1 million Population (2010) : 1.7 million Population Growth (Year on Year) : +6.5% Population Growth (Year on Year) : +3.7% IRAN saudi arabia GDP (2010) : US$ 357.2 billion GDP (2010) : US$ 443.7 billion GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +1.0% GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +3.7% Inflation (2010) : +12.5% Inflation (2010) : +5.4% Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 3.7 million bpd Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 8.9 million bpd Population (2010) : 75.4 million Population (2010) : 26.1 million Population Growth (Year on Year) : +1.7% Population Growth (Year on Year) : +2.3% IRAQ UNITED ARAB EMIRATES GDP (2010) : US$ 82.2 billion GDP (2010) : US$ 301.9 billion GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +0.8% GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +3.2% Inflation (2010) : +5.1% Inflation (2010) : +0.9% Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 2.7 million bpd Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 2.5 million bpd Population (2010) : 32.0 million Population (2010) : 5.1 million Population Growth (Year on Year) : +2.6% Population Growth (Year on Year) : +3.0% KUWAIT YEMEN GDP (2010) : US$ 131.3 billion GDP (2010) : US$ 31.3 billion GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +2.0% GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +8.0% Inflation (2010) : +4.1% Inflation (2010) : +12.1% Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 2.2 million bpd Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 0.1 million bpd Population (2010) : 3.6 million Population (2010) : 24.4 million Population Growth (Year on Year) : +2.0% Population Growth (Year on Year) : +3.0% Sources: International Monetary Fund (IMF) OMAN National Oil and Gas Authority (NOGA) GDP (2010) : US$ 55.6 billion International Energy Agency (IEA) - Oil Market Report GDP Growth (Year on Year) : +4.2% Inflation (2010) : +3.3% Oil Production (2011 2Q, IEA Oil Report) : 0.9 million bpd Population (2010) : 3.0 million Population Growth (Year on Year) : +3.4% 15
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  • 21. WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF? Caution The political turmoil across the Middle East has had a limited direct impact on the Gulf Arab states, with the important exception of Bahrain. Overall, reigns in the the combination of a continuous political premium on crude oil prices and Gulf's former business perceptions of the Gulf as a relatively safe haven has been beneficial for the region's economic prospects. However, there has been no return to hotspots the boom times of the 2005-08 period, as both business and government are exercising a degree of caution. Abu Dhabi's "hibernation" In the wake of the Dubai debt crisis Such is the opacity of government at the end of 2009 it was commonly operations in Abu Dhabi (as in most assumed that Abu Dhabi would take countries in the Gulf) that it has been advantage of the situation to press hard to detect any explicit change in ahead with its own development policy in response to these pressures. plans, which had hitherto been However, there have been several overshadowed by the headline- signs pointing to a shift to a more grabbing exploits of its neighbouring conservative approach. emirate. In 2007 Abu Dhabi released One of the more striking was a its “Vision 2030” document, which comment in the prospectus issued envisaged rapid growth of the non-oil by the Tourism Development & economy based on the promotion of Investment Company (TDIC), a 100% manufacturing alongside high-end government-owned venture whose tourism and real estate and initiatives projects include the Louvre and such as the carbon-free Masdar City. Guggenheim museums on Saadiyat Unlike Dubai, Abu Dhabi apparently Island. The prospectus was part of its faced no financial constraints in initial approach to the market in June pursuing this vision, based on its for a US$3bn medium-term note abundant oil export revenue and borrowing. hundreds of billions of dollars of In an apparent effort to reassure external assets. However, over the prospective investors in these notes, past 18 months it has become clear TDIC said that it had decided to rein that Abu Dhabi has been affected by in its capital spending plans through several of the symptoms that caused "selectively hibernating, delaying or the Dubai crisis, in particular the scaling-back certain projects". This collapse in property prices and the would have the effect of reducing its excessive borrowing of government- capital expenditure in 2011 by almost related entities (GREs). Having bailed one-third to Dh13.4bn (US$3.65bn) out Dubai to the tune of US$20bn, from Dh18.6bn. TDIC emphasised that the Abu Dhabi government faced this "hibernation" would not affect the prospect of having to perform projects that had already started. a similar rescue mission for its own corporations. TDIC's debt stood at just below US$3bn at end-2010, and the Other worries for the Abu Dhabi company has run up increasing government include the stalling net losses in the past three years, of the recovery of the global with the shortfall in 2010 doubling economy, which will hit its worldwide year on year to Dh1.15bn. The investments, and the burden of prospectus stated clearly that the supporting the UAE's poorer new notes would not be guaranteed northern emirates, which have a by the Abu Dhabi government, relatively high proportion of nationals but at the same time it made clear among their population. that it would continue to receive substantial financial support from the government. As of September 1st, TDIC had not yet issued any of the new debt instruments. 17
  • 22. WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF? The travails of TDIC pale into Among the new appointments to insignificance compared with those Mubadala's top table was Abdul- of Abu Dhabi's highest-profile real Hamid Mohammed Saeed, the chief estate developer, Aldar Properties, executive of First Gulf Bank. Some which racked up losses of Dh12.5bn commentators have noted that the in 2010, and has been kept afloat bank is chaired by Sheikh Hazza thanks to a massive bailout package bin Zayed al-Nahyan, a member of from the Abu Dhabi government. the ruling family whose influence This included Dh19.4bn in cash appears to be in the ascendant. It is inflows through asset sales to not clear whether this is in any way and reimbursements from the to the detriment of the Crown Prince, government for infrastructure Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, spending on Yas Island (site of the who has been the main driver of Abu recently opened Ferrari World theme Dhabi's ambitious development plans park). The government has also over the past few years, or whether bought Dh5.5bn worth of houses and it is a matter of the ruling family land from Aldar, and put in a further deciding collectively on a more Dh2.8bn through a bond placement prudent approach. with the 100% government- owned Mubadala Development At the other end of the food chain, Company, which is the largest single the tighter management of Abu shareholder in Aldar. Dhabi's finances has been felt by suppliers and contractors, who An IMF study found that Aldar's have seen a marked slowdown in financial performance in terms of new orders and a deterioration in return on equity in 2010 was the payment conditions. Abu Dhabi second-worst among regional real clients—both governmental and estates companies (bottom of the quasi-governmental—have a pile was another UAE developer, reputation for being slow to honour Union Properties), and that the payments, but the situation is aggregate performance of UAE real said to have got worse in recent estate GREs, excluding Dubai-based months. The most common form Emaar Properties, showed a return of payment guarantee in UAE on equity of -5.9% compared with a business is a post-dated cheque. positive return of 3.3% on average This is regarded as more secure for regional peers from Saudi Arabia, than a letter of guarantee because Qatar and Egypt. of the stiff legal penalties imposed for failing to honour a cheque. Other straws in the wind suggesting However, contractors are becoming a more restrained approach to increasingly reluctant to issue post- development projects include dated cheques to their own sub- changes in the boards of these GREs. contractors and suppliers because Ahmed Ali al-Sayegh was replaced in of their concerns about the risk of April as chairman of Aldar by Ali Eid prolonged delays in getting paid by al-Muhairi; Sayegh also subsequently their own clients. lost his place on the Mubadala board. 18
  • 23. WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF? Debts in perspective The scale of Abu Dhabi's debt The change of pace in Abu Dhabi problems—and indeed of does not mean that development the slowdown in project and has ground to a halt. In a sign of the development work—should not be enduring commitment to the broad overstated. The nominal value of goals of "Vision 2030", the Abu the debt of Abu Dhabi's GREs is Dhabi government is preparing for US$92.4bn, according to the tally the official opening of the Sowwah included by the IMF in its Article Island scheme. Sowwah Island had IV consultation report issued in been designed to provide a hub for May this year. This is bigger than financial-sector companies and other the US$76.9bn owed by Dubai's big businesses servicing them on a GREs. However, Dubai's total debt scale to match some of the world’s of US$113bn is higher than the top financial centres. US$104bn owed by Abu Dhabi (and includes more than US$20bn owed The migration of companies to by the government of Dubai to Abu Sowwah from other premises started Dhabi), and Abu Dhabi's debt as as soon as the first two buildings in a proportion of 2010 GDP is 55%, Sowwah Square opened earlier this compared with 103% for Dubai. year. One of the downsides of the scheme is that the migration to the Abu Dhabi's fiscal position is also new office space on Sowwah will put much more secure than that of its more pressure on already subdued neighbour. Its total government commercial rents in central Abu revenue is expected to be about Dhabi City as well as on rival new US$77bn in 2011, thanks to an oil locations such as Reem Island and price likely to average about US$110 Saadiyat Island. per barrel of Brent, and the budget will be more or less balanced. The Dubai government, by contrast, is expected to get revenue of only US$12.3bn in 2011 and will run a deficit of 1.4% of GDP (effectively subsidised by Abu Dhabi's refinancing of a significant portion of its debt). UAE: gross public and publicly held debt (US$bn) Maturing in 2011 2012 Beyond Total Abu Dhabi government 0.4 1.3 9.9 11.6 Abu Dhabi GREs 16.6 9.3 66.4 92.4 Total Abu Dhabi 17.1 10.6 76.4 104.0 % of Abu Dhabi 2010 GDP 8.9 5.5 54.8 Dubai government (a) 5.6 1.6 28.9 36.0 Dubai GREs 10.4 13.6 52.9 76.9 Total Dubai 16.0 15.2 81.7 113.0 % of Dubai and N. Emirates 2010 GDP 14.5 13.8 102.6 Other emirates 0.9 0.3 4.0 5.2 Federal government 19.1 Total UAE 33.1 25.8 158.1 236.0 % of UAE 2010 GDP 11.0 8.5 78.2 (a) Including GRE debt guaranteed by Dubai government. Source: IMF Article IV report, May 2011 19
  • 24. WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF? Whether Sowwah Island can The chief shortcoming of the new realise its ambition to become business and financial district is a new financial centre servicing the lack of transparent rules on the region is also in question. The jurisdiction and its own courts. It Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange is often pointed out that Sowwah (ADX) is the anchor tenant for the Island should model its legal set up development and will be housed on imperfect, but working solutions in a landmark building in Sowwah adopted by the Dubai International Square. The construction of the Financial Centre (DIFC). While new ADX building has already the DIFC’s legal system had to be enticed several banks, including the adjusted since the centre opened in National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Al 2005, especially as the system came Hilal Bank, into buying land on the under stress with debt-restructuring island and building offices there. procedures and the property crash, it Several other investment banks, law has provided an effective framework firms, private equity groups and within which to handle complex brokerage companies are also said issues. to be considering setting up their headquarters on the island. Apart from the new impressive headquarters, ADX will also have advanced information-transfer technology in the new location, offering greater speed and security for investors. Servers transferring data will be placed as close as possible to the exchange to minimize the time lag and allow almost instantaneous trades. The new data protection and transfer systems are believed to provide an additional pull for trading companies choosing to settle on Sowwah. 20
  • 25. WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF? No clear winners from the Arab Spring fall-out The plans drawn up by Abu Dhabi In this respect, Qatar can be seen as and Dubai prior to the global a net gainer from the Arab Spring. financial crisis were based on However, with a national population optimistic assumptions for the of only 240,000 and the highest growth in trade and investment flows per-capita income in the world, in the Middle East and in the wider Qatar has the least cause among world economy. The trimming of its Gulf peers to worry about the the two emirates' plans since then risk of revolutionary contagion. has been an inevitable consequence The UAE has a more complicated of the sharp change in sentiment domestic political scene, with family and the growing realisation that the and tribal rivalries needing to be effects of the credit crunch and the kept under control in seven emirates subsequent recession will be long- and solidarity between the emirates lasting. The upheavals around the having to be preserved. Arab world have added a further cause for concern. The UAE’s rulers also have to take into account the grievances of less The popular movements against Arab privileged Emiratis and resentment dictators have struck a chord with among sections of the population at the younger generation in the Gulf, the predominance of expatriates in although only in Bahrain and, to a the population mix (only about one much lesser extent, Oman, have there in seven residents is a national). In been any real efforts to emulate the addition, there is a risk that searching Tahrir Square protesters. Political questions might be put by young leaders in the Gulf have shown radicals about the management ambivalence in their responses, of the UAE's resources and the seemingly unsure whether to reasons for its accumulation of such welcome change and line up with high amounts of debt. This array the winning side, or whether to try of concerns provides part of the to turn back a destructive tide that explanation for Abu Dhabi's decision could overwhelm the entire political to take the pedal off its development establishment across the Arab world. accelerator, and for the efforts being made to widen political debate The Qatari royal family has adapted through expanding the electoral better than most to the new realities, college for the Federal National in particular through its decision to Council. become heavily involved in the NATO operation against the Qadhafi regime Saudi Arabia's response to the in Libya. The UAE also committed Arab revolutionary movements has forces to the Libya operation, but, been primarily economic, with the diplomatically, it was overshadowed king approving two development by its Gulf neighbour. This partly spending packages worth US$130bn reflects the strong emphasis that in total. A significant portion of this Qatar had placed on being heavily has been allocated to beefing up engaged in regional political issues the internal security forces; much as part of its drive to outdo Dubai in of the remainder has been directed projecting its influence and turning towards addressing socio-economic the name of the state into a global problems, in particular youth brand. unemployment among Saudis and the chronic shortage of affordable housing. 21
  • 26. WHERE TO NOW FOR THE GULF? Nationals-vs-expats in Gulf demographics 2010 Saudi Arabia UAE Qatar m % m % m % Total population 27.1 100% 6.7 100% 1.7 100% Nationals 18.7 69% 1.0 15% 0.24 14% Expatriates 8.4 31% 5.7 85% 1.46 86% Note: The UAE's National Bureau of Statistics has estimated the total population to have been 8.26m in mid-2010, of which 11.4% were nationals; the EIU has a lower total, reflecting doubts about the assumptions underlying the official estimates. Source: Economist Intelligence Unit estimates derived from national census data. The reaction of the Saudi royal family One of these will be the chemicals clearly betrays their recognition and plastics industry. This will be built of the potential for popular unrest on the platform of petrochemicals, in the kingdom. However, at the a sector in which Saudi Arabia same time, Saudi Arabia's relatively already has a commanding global large national population by Gulf presence through Saudi Basic standards—about 19m out of a Industries Corporation (Sabic), total regional population of 27m in newly established affiliates of Saudi 2010—offers it a better opportunity Aramco, the national oil company, for nationally focused economic and a number of smaller, private, diversification than in the other ventures. Gulf Arab states. The ambitious development plans of Qatar and In July the industry took a major step Abu Dhabi, for example, are aimed forward with the announcement by ultimately at creating high-value Dow Chemical and Saudi Aramco jobs for locals, but would inevitably that they had taken their final suck in more expatriate labour and investment decision for a US$20bn further distort the demographic venture to produce petrochemicals balance towards expatriates. and a large range of chemicals and Similar considerations are bound plastics at a new plant in Jubail. to apply in Saudi Arabia, but to This venture, named Sadara, has a less pronounced extent as the been under discussion for four years kinds of jobs that Saudis are already and has gone through a number of prepared to accept are much more permutations. Its launch means that diversified—even menial—than is the Saudi Arabia now has the chance to case for Qataris and Emiratis. make a major shift to higher value- added products and more labour- The Saudi government faces long- intensive activities fed ultimately by term issues of fiscal sustainability, its huge resources of oil and gas. with one recent projection by a Saudi bank's research team showing that Saudi Arabia is vulnerable to similar on current trends Saudi Arabia would political upheavals as those that need an oil price of over US$300/ have occurred elsewhere in the barrel (in today's dollars) in 2030 to Arab world. However, its economic balance its budget. In reality, Saudi position, bolstered by a large Arabia is likely to have developed windfall from higher oil prices and sufficient alternative revenue production (as it has boosted output This article was contributed by streams by that time to make such to compensate for the loss of Libyan David Butter, Regional Director, projections meaningless. crude) provides it with a solid buffer Middle East & North Africa to protect it from these political risks. and ViewsWire Editor, Middle East, with the Economist Intelligence Unit 22
  • 27. 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